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19 SPEHCER ARMS APARTMENT HOUSE SOLO Tte Big Broadway Structure and White Building in Liberty Street in a Trade Involving About $2,000,000. NEW YORK DENTAL COLLEGE TO BUILD IN 35TH ST. A cuExbcr cf l'-c- real estate transactions VL3 report yesterday. A trade Involving about $2,000,00) was negotiated by tha Cbawtea F. Korw Company. It exchanged tho Spencer Arms apartment house, at the ■ootbMast corner of Broadway and 63tn sjUmrt. for the 'White Building, a twelve ctcry cf3ce bunding at No. 95 to «T lib •rty street. Th« Liberty street property figured In this trade at a price In excess of $500,000. while the apartment house was held at J1.500.000. v Spencer Arms is a twelve story structure on a plot of about fifteen thousand square feet, with a frontage of 112.10 feet on Broadway and 151.9 on €9th street. The ground on which It stands was purchased in 1^33 from the United States Realty and Construction Company. Diagonally oppo sJte is th* Nevada. a similar structure, oc cupying a triangular block facing Sherman EQuare. In the rear is St. Stephen's Church and the College of Pharmacy. A block to the eourh is the home of the r2d Regiment, which the city Is about to offer for sale at an xipset price of 51.4n0.000. The Liberty street building cover* a plot •OxliS.s feet adjoining the northeast cor ner of Church street, and is popular with the engineering and allied professions. This | building overlooks the Hudson River. The ownership of the entire block be tween L.!bertr and Cortlandt streets, from Broadway to Church street, is vested in three ownerships, viz., the Singer Man ufacturing Company, the City Investing Corcpar^end the Spencer Realty Company. The norJzeast corner of Church and Lib erty streets, which ■was formerly the 2d Precinct police etatJon. has recently been remodelled into stores and offices. This piot was oold at auction a short timo ago for 1530.C00. which at that time practically represented ground value. It is understood that the Charles Y. Noyes Company ha* leased Spencer Arms en a net rental basis for twenty-one years for the new owners. Tne White Bullcing was owned by the *I;s*e» Philltpse and Mrs. Mary P. Satter lee. and the Spencer Arms by the Spencer 1 Anct, Realty Company. Another Important transaction reported yesterday was the sale by the H. M. "Weill Company for Fred Mickels. Charles Gacbot and Florence Cahn of the premises No. 134 to 140 West 25th street, four three story and b&Acment buildings, on a plot EL9x9S.3 feet. to Joseph Titner. Plans have been Sled for a four story college to be built on the south side of Ssth rtreet, 72 feet east of Second avenue, op posite Bt. Gabriel's Park, for the New York Dentai College, now at No. 20 TVest 14th etreet. and to be known as the Col iege of Dental and Oral Surgery- The building Trill be fireproof throughout, with fc facade of brick, having a frontage of 73 feet and a depth of 8F.9 feet, with an ex tcnatoe 37 feet by 10 feet. On the first floor will be general offices, examination, fac ul:v and d6an rooms, study and recita tion rooms, and a large auditoriuc with a space for a moving picture machine. On the second floor will be a preparation room, two largo recitation rooms, physi- | ology room. X-ray room, a room for his tology, pathology and bacteriology, and blfo a separaf room for each of these studies, and th"r*» will b« on the t.iird floor threa large rooms given over t* the xneahanlcal laboratory, a chemical labora tory... plaster room, extracting room, fitting room and a room for bridge and crown work. The fourth floor will have a room fnr oral surgery, Us* John I. Hart sepa rating room and an ana?«hetic room, which •will take vp ©n^-half of thi« floor, the oth^r half being devoted to a studio. John B. Snook's Sons, architects!, estimate the cost at f^.Oftt. The came architecui filed plans for an eicht story brick store and loft to be ciy > c ted at No. Sf^ to &*> Fourth avenue for Elbridce T. Qui|. «f Newport, R. I. The new building will take the place of' four gM vtotsja. landmarks of old Hsjsjr York- Th« building -will have a frontage of R6 feet a nd a depth of 75.6 feet, with an ex teiiFl"n. bsj fa;ad« srfß be of Hameateasj at t'i*- first a*! sjeeasji stories, with brick above, a»-;d will ■• fireproof. The cost Is estimated at tUBWI. George Provot. ar^hite'-t. has filed plans for ■ fo^r story brick bakery, stable and dwelling house, to be erected in the rpar of the bakery at No. M BBaJI Kfh street. The ntvr building will face on 63th street et No. 523 East, wiih a front ape "f -j<\ feet and c d^pth of 53.f>. with an extension 50.1 feet by aUI f^t, tn be occ\:pied as a bakery, stable and dwelling house. The facade will be of brick, trimmed with In dlara limestone, and is to^cost $17,'«:«0. Vi vaut Maehin is the owner. Plans have, also been filed for making over the four Ft/>ry and basement dwelling house and shops at No. 1 \\>st 46th street Into a store and loft<=; a rrar extension, one story and mezzanine, is to be built, a rew front carried out to the building line aUid c new nrst floor and new in. zzanine lnstell«»d at a cost of 112.0TA The James TV. Harper estate is the owner. Thorley & Co. are the lessees and Larimore & Co. a*b lessees. G«orpe A. Freeman and Francis G. Hasselman are the architects. The thr^e story brick garage and a stable at iisja 4^l and 453 Park avenue are to be made over into a carage for the Washing ton Irving estate at a cost of $12,000. M. Schulhof and J Bullinger ar*> the lessees of the ■ldine. Otto L. Spannhake is the architect- Plans h»ve also been filed for makin? over tfc? two nve Btorjr dwelling houses at Nos. 60 and 52 East Slth street into a board- Ing house for nurses for the co-operative committee of the Young Women's Chris tian Association, for the Central Club for Nurses, No. ZZ» East 27th atrect, at a nomi nal cost. Guy Lowell is the architect. Urn Xadison Realty Company is thsj owner o£ record. More than a thousand persons attended the lot sale held by Joseph P. Day at Wyc koff Park. Queens, en Memorial L»ay. Eight years ago lots In this section could have been bought for from $200 to $350. Mr. Day procured an ax'erage of $700 for Inside lots and JP7S for corner lots. Many of the pur chasers accepted the offer of the auctioneer to iet MMbbl have the adjoining one knocked down at UM same price, arj in this way twe or oiiji.t were a'-Q:;JreJ by the samo bidders. A SUCCESSFUL MT. VERNON SALE. O?or?:'» V.". Bard, BsjcKtsjßjsjsjf; obtained lor the fiKy-r'-giit lo'.s of the Schuster estate, at Mo-jnt Veraon. 944.1C5 at the auction sale h*'.J on the premises- on Moti'lav. Buyers xrtre from ilount Vernon. Th<- Bronx ar.d MaaLattan. About three hundred were presenL Mr. Hard rill sell the Xai.ier estate lots, lorty-n!ne In «sjsjsjber, on Bs\» urday. The pro:>erty adjoins Chester Hill It iifci? Im« OMTied by the Xavier farni'y lor over one hurdrod years. FOR HEMPSTEAD LOTS $40,000. B::e!s T.cre found for 201 lots at Hfrap n*ea6 on Saturday at the auction ea> ron <it:ctea by Kryan L. Kf r.r«-!!v. A total of about M4.6W was rf&\iz(&. the prices rans: jiye from $100 to J4«> a lot- The ofrVrinir Involved 329 lots, but owlns to darkneßs the pale *a* adjotirned to June 11. when the remslning lots ■' '•!! be offered. LEASE CONEY ISLAND HOTEL. The Jc!m H. Fife Company Iji« leased for Kesry LWPitl an<i Adolph Shar-Jro ifc« Sea. Cl'JI Hcte:. Conr y Islar.l. for r terra of five years, to Tho Roj-sJ Hu'.fl ar.J Ret tauri.^l C-.-..- Louis Pran&ta. roriaeriy proprietor of the HUB*] BMBH; and the Ho t^! Albert, Is president of the company. MffeßOL Lowenthal and Shapiro recently purchased the property from The estate of the late Dr. Wood bury- MANY BUSINESS LEASES Good Demand for Large Build ings, Lofts and Stores. H. L.. Moxley & Co. have- leased for Eugene Gla^nzer. of the Rue Scribe, Paris, France, a plot of ground containing 15.000 square- feet at No. 630 to 640 West 21st rteret. to be Improved with a building for the Owl Motion Picture Company, one of the- largest manufacturers of motion pict ures in the East. Mr. Glaenzer has Just taksn a loni? lease on the Harriman corner parcel at 55th street and Fifth avenue. The United Realty Company has leased a larpp booth for a long term of years in the ronrourse of the Hudson Terminal Building to B. T. Babbitt <Inc) for the Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company. M & I*. Hess have leased for the Twen ty-fifth Construction Company, from the plans, to Kaufman & Oberleder the tenth and eleventh lofts, containing 10,000 square feet of space, 'n the building Nos. 34 and 26 Wpst 25th street, now being built, for a term of years, at a rental aggregating $40,000. Frederick Fox & Co. have leased for the Pocano Company the entire third floor, containing 22/**) square feet of space, in the new twenty story American Woolen Building, Fourth avenue and 18th etxeet. The lessees are Ix>uls Wolf & Co.. toy im porters, for many years located at the cor ner of Broadway and 4th street. The lease Is for a long term of years. Negotiations have been practically con cluded for the sub-leasing of th<- property No. 400 Fifth avenue, adjoining the south west corner of 40th street, by the Whit comb Metallic Bedstead Company to the Mirror Candy Company. Negotiations af fect the unexpired term of the lease, which has fifteen years and seven months to run. obtained from the owners of the property of the Clarke estate in 190&. The factory buildings to the rear of the New Theatre, extending from Nos. 19 and 21 West 62d street to Nos. IS and 20 West 6Sd ctreet, formerly occupied by the R. *M.. Stivers Company, carriage builders. wfß be Th*> home of the W. C. P. Taxicab Com pany. The property, which has a frontage of 50 feet in either street, has been leased Bar a period of ten years from the Chal mers and Detroit Company and will b© used exclusively by the lessees. The lease was negotiated by the Cross & Brown Company. The United Realty Company has leased to Borden's Condensed Milk Company two booths for a term of years in the concourse of the Hudson Terminal Buildings for the Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company. S <">sac>o<i pell & Co. have leased for the summer season to a customer the country hcnv.o of Austin Corhin at Northport. Ixtng Island. The Maxlow Realty Company, repre sented by Louis H. Lowenstein, has leased for a long t^rm qf years the entire 6tore r>.r> r and basement at No. «v> Varick street and Nos. 3*> and 22 Laight street, being the northeast corner of these streets, to the General Fiovision Company, of Amster dam, Holland. The remainder of this build- Ing, consisting of the Fix upper lofts, waa r^ently leased Bar a loot; term to P. Po balski & Co. for a ris:ar factory. RECEIVERS OF RENTS NAMED. .iwstii-e. McCall. of Urn Supreme Court, has appointed John V. t'oggey receiver of the rents of property on the north side of 134 th street. 22,". 1 feet east of Lincoln avenue, a plot 4P.11x100 feet, and at the southwest rnrnrr of St. Ann's avenue snd 15Sth street. ■km feet, in an action brought by Mar garet Marx to foreclose two mortgages amounting to $47,w0 made by Coleman Ebb. Justice Mc<""all, of the Supreme Court, has appointed John J. Tracy receiver of the reins vt No X East 17th street, an eight story- and basement store and loft building. in an action brought by trif M. W. Realty Company against Lida Haines and others, to fure< lose a peeoad mortgage of SIS.OOO. The prior mortgage is $>>.rt"o. it is held by th«> Franklin Savings Bank BERNARDSVILLE RENTALS. EHMrt &- Reese liave rented at Bernards- N". J.. for (Jeorge If. Gaston to Mra. V^xr-y }■! WjncfcoC his residence property. . table, etc.. with extensive grounds on tho Mondham road; for George B. Post to John H. Prentice house, stable, etc, with about five acres on Claremont avenue, and for same owner another improved r<Iao«» nn ("laromor,? ■< venue to Dr. Francis I>elafieH; for Joseph Larocque to Mrs. Charles ETngelhard his improved country e^ixtf. of many acreage, and also at Far Hills. N. .1.. for Clarence B. Mitchell to Mrs. Gfnrce Bis=, his furnished place known ks P< mi brook. BUSINESS CHANGES. Fisher P. Weaver has been elected a mbe.r of the board of directors of tho Ct>arl«s F. Noyea Company. THE PRIVATE SALES MARKET. MANHATTAN. AMSTERDAiI A\"ENUE— The estate of Julius I. Livingston was reported to have sold Nos. 1492 end 14V»4 Amsterdam avenue, a six story apartment nouse. on a plot 40xH>0 feet, adjoin ing th« southwest corner of 134 th street. BROADWAY— The Charles F. Noyes Company exchanged gpencer Arm?, at the southeast cor cer of Broadway and 61<th street, for the twelve story office building Nos 95 and 97 Liberty ftreet. The Liberty street property figured In this trad» at a price in excess of $500,000. while the apartment hou^e was held at $1,600,000. Spacer Arms is a twelve etory apartment houae, on a plot of about 15.000 square feet, with a frontage of 112.10 feet on Broadway and 161.9 f«et on 63th street. The Liberty 6treet building covers a plot 30x118.3 feet, adjoining the north east corner of church street. It la understood that th« Charles F. Noyes Company has leased Spencer Arms on a net rental basis for twenty one years for the new owners. WEST END AVENUK— & Klrby sold for Max Blanck No. 908 West End avenu«. a four etory dwelling house, on a lot I*oxloo feet. Tb« pioperty was held at $50,000. 26TH STRECT— H. M. Welll Company f>old for Fred Mirk«?ls. Charles Gochot and Florence Cohn No. 134 to 140 Went 26th street. fcur three etory and baeement buildings, on a plot 51.9x0«. » feet, to Joseph Tltner. MTH STREET — Pease & EU!man nold for Michael J. and John O'Connor No. 12 East p4lh ptieet. a four story high Stoop house, oa a lot 2£xlOO f«w>t, to a client for occupancy. MTH STREET— Kempe & CY>h<-n and Sheldon & dear sold for Irving L Kempner No. 118 Wust 95th street, n. three story building, on a lo'. 25x1U0.« feet- The buyer Is the Congregation Plncus Elijah, which will remove the present buildinjr and erect a new p:acc of wor»hli>. The ff:,Tt.;ati'>n recently t-oM Its S'-naKOBUe at No. 14U wisat foth street through the same brokers. 144 TH STREET— Charts F.Jelson sold foi the Easter Realty Company Nos. 2^t> and 230 West 144 th street two flva etory douUe flatfaouses. each on a lei 25x100 feet. HKAMiriiST AVENVI>-Kirt{j>atrlck * Urqu hsr*. sold for Uoldstone A: L!£ht The Kinnard. a five Mory «i«rt:nent house, at No. 234 Ilradhur*t a\-f?n!c. sou:b«>ast corner of l.'>4th ftreet. ll oc— cupltj, c j.oi 101.11 x52.5x>'«.11x23 feet. THE URONX. AXDBKWa AVENUE— H. U. Voujrht & Co. sold the duelling house on The eaKt elde of A;.<ir«-«« «\«»nue. .13*j feet north of 193<1 street, on a It 2S»xl00 feet. WASHINGTON 111 Ml ■ n—sf l H. Smith so:d for a client No. ii)«s Washington avenue. .■".<• 21 feet south sf 173 d street, a three stroy d« e'.llne bouse, on a x>lot 60x&5 feet. IN THE AUCTION ROOMS. Th« auction eales h^id yesterday at the Real Estate Exchange Salesrooms. Nos. 14 and 16 Vesey strait, resulted as fol!«iws: By L. J. Phillips & Co. 150 TH ST. 209 and ill. n s. 175 ft w 7th -aye, TSxfe&i: f*o 5 ety rtsi«; M A Palmer ac Bis.'li prt Realty ar.l Coßstru Co •"' a!; action ! V H Ha>-man. atty; Maurice Mejer, ref; am' dye. S'J.ISOS2; uxec. tie. $^0CO4; sub tO four r-. fß*f 8* afsrecaung Jli.OO'J; u> tne plaistlff lor Jil.oX. XEW-YOBK DAILY TRTBUra. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 1, 1910. By J. H. Mayers. FORDHAM Rl'. 124. bs. 240 ft eof Lorlng PI. ■•• 21.8x10i11x13. 4x91.3. 3 sty , brick dvrg: Matilda Landsmann agt Fordham j Construction Co et al: Simon &-, A. attorneys; IC1W« ref; arm due, X.264 «2; taxes, etc. $18 46; sub to a tntg of $7,000; to the plaintiff for $10,1i5. By Samuel Marx. • GOERCK ST. 125. w «. 75 ft n of Stanton st. 21x100 3 sty tenrrnt and store and »i sty iori bide in rear; Max Fine agt Isaac Laltln et al. •Vorri«on & S. attorneys; O W Kirchwey. ref: iVmt due. $6.213 03; taxes, etc. $450; *ub to a orior mtg of $12.00«»: to the plaintiff for $12,750. By Jo«eph P. Day. ODEL.L >VB, c cor SUrling aye. 105x108. rnioriDort- Pet?r Leskie et al agt H R Clarke et al F J Kuerzl. attorney: J W Keller, ref. 2nt due. $2V592 18; taxes, etc. . »1.WO; to the plaintiff for $5,300. t The auction offerlrigs to-day will be as follows: On the premises at noon. By Parish. Fisher & Co. WILLIAM ST. 80 and 82. c s. block front b-t Liberty st and Mhhicn lane. 72.8x25.7x51.11x 32 7- 12 sty Wolfe bldg; special masters Bale, by order of United Slates Circuit Court: Ed wa.r« L Parrls. epedal master. At No. 14 Vesey 4 it. By James L. Wells Co. WASHINGTON AYE. 1306. c s. 95.4 ft n of 169 th 25x105.6; 1 sty frame bldg; vol sale. AVAPHINGTON AYE. 1333, w s. 814.8 ft n of lCOth st. 23.8x139-8, 2 sty frame dwlg; vol S&l6. WASHINGTON AYE. 1377 w s. 190.4 ft c of 170 th st, 60xi:i9. 2 sty frame dwU. vol sa.l6. WASHINGTON AYE, 1667.. s w cor of I<3<l st. 50x95. 2 sty frame dwlg; vol sale. BROOK AYE. 414. c s. 25 ft n of 144 th st. 25x100, 4 sty tenmt. with stores; vol sale. 170 TH ST. 600. s s. 138.8 ft w of Franklin aye. 1&.10X123.6. 2 sty frame dwg; vol sale By Joseph P. Day. EASTCHESTER LANDING RD. s w cor of White Plains turnpike, runs s w 158.10 X n w ,152.5 x c 111.11: also Fischer's Landingrd 8 c cor of White Plains rd, runs s c '*$■}** 269.3 to Boston Post rd. x w 2<V4_.x n 204 x w 190 3x s 178. 1 x n w 422.7 x n 628.5: M J Ha,> lland a«rt L X V Lane et al: Clocke & C. attys; J H Dougherty, ref; partition. BEDFORD AYE. 101&-1022. w s, 237 ft s of DeKalb aye, Brooklyn. 72&xlOO; three 4 st> flats; barkruptcy sale. . EXTERIOR ST. w b. 1170 ft n of 150 th st, runs. w..3.<9.6 ft to Harlem River, x n 112. lie 248.9 x n 75.Gx c 145.8 x s ISS.3. leasehold; Knick erbocker Trust Co. as trustee, agt Flr*prooflne Manufacturing Co et al; Davis. S &O A. attys; Abraham Stern, ref; amt due. $114.95202. 202 D ST. 203. n s. 150 ft c of Anthony ay». 25x100- 2 sty dwlg; G H Phlilips agt F E Davis et al- J M Tully. atty; Maxwell Davidson, rex; amt due. 54.12535; vaxes, etc, $433 05. By Herbert A. Sherman. MADISON ST. 112. s s. 137.2 ft w of Market st. 25 2x100.4x2.'.x10»>.2: 3 sty tenmt and store and 4 sty tenmt in rear: E H Bailey agt Isaac Levlne et al; Roelker. B & S, attys, J R Ely. ref; amt dufi. $23,414 35; taxes, etc. S4S6 58. By Daniel Greenwald. EIGHTH AYE. 750 and 752, n c cor 46th st, 56.5x125x irreg; 6 sty office and store bldg; F-herifTs sale of all right, title, etc. which Metro politan Mercantile and Realty Co had on Dec 15, 1909. or since; J F Forrestex, atty. 175 TH ST. c 6. block front bet Morris and ToppfiK av»s. 190x120x Irreg x 05: 2 Ety dwlg, 1 sty bldg and vacant: sheriffs sal* of all right, title, etc. which W J Levine had on Dec 31. 1910. or since: 'Lamb. O & P. attys. RECORDED LEASES. (With name and address of lessee.) ATTORNEY ST. 146, store. Pincus Malzman and ano to Burkowitz Ravltch & Turkish; 1 yr. 11 mos. from June 1. 1910; S6CO; address, 58 Columbia, 5t- BRAINBRrDGB AYE. c s. 41 ft ■ of 194 th et 3»x75; Maria T Moore to William Cairns; 5 yrs from June 1, 1910: $50; address, 2869 Web ster aye. DELANCEY ST. 110 and 112 West, store, etc; Joseph Alexander to Benjamin- N Lefkowltz; ■* yrs. 11 mos from June 1, 1910; $2,400; address. 2 Arenu<» C. HENRY &T. cor Jefferson st. cor store: Wolf Nadler to Loui3 B Epstein and Jacob Greenspan: 6 yrs fror.i May 1, IPIO, 2 yrs re^ newal; $1.440; address, 178 Henry et- MVDISON AYE. 1732 c w cor 114 th st. store: Dora C Herman to Henry Ferkln; 5 vrs, 4 mos from June 1, 1910; $1,320; address. 1732 Madison aye. MULBERRT ST. 20; John T Gllmartln to Giuseppe C Mlchell: 4 yrs from May 1. 1910. $2,220: address, 20 Mulberry st. PEARL ST. 399 and 401; two stores and basement of 401: Catherine Diwer et al to William R Levy; 3 yrs from May 1, 1910; $1,500; address. 1004 Myrtle aye, Brooklyn. 23D ST. 8 and 7 East, store and basement: James F Button and ano. firm American Art Associations to C Alfred Capen. firm Dorion's Restaurant- 5 yrs from May 1, 1910; address, 6 East 23d st. 11STH ST, 16 East: Mfister & Bache Realty Co to Asher Mitteldcrf; 3 yrs from May 1, 1910; $1,900; address, 16 East 116 th. et. liSTH ST, 79 West, store: William J Frey to James J Fero: 8 jts from May 1. 1910; $3,300; address, 79 West 125 th st. RECORDED TRANSFERS. . fWlth namo an<! address of purchaser.) MAY 31. MANHATTAN. AMSTERDAM AVEv 833; 77.2x25. 5 sty brk: Samuel L Hymen to Herbert H Hazelton (mtj 550.000); May 23; $100: addrees. 31 Nassau st. ATTORNEY ST. 172. 23.11x50, 5 sty brk: Isi <lore Friedman to David Herman (mtg. SIS.4OU); May 27; $100; address. 132 Nassau st. CHARLES STT. c s. 221.7 c of East 4th et; 40x95: Louis Gompper to Anna M H Oompper; all title; March 24, 1908; $1; addrees. 241 Cpn tre et. COLUMBUS AYE, 615 and 617. s c cor 90th Ft; 5<..5x74.6x Irreg. 5 sty brk: the Onset Realty Co to Caroline Cushman: all liens; May 2S; $100; ad'ireEs, 615 Columbus aye. DELANCEY ST. n w cor Tompklns st. 150 x irreg- Jacob Jacobson to Louis Marx (mtg, $SO. oOO>:'May 28; $100: address. 128 Broadway. KINO ST. s s. 477.10 ft c of Varick Bt; 26.6 x 100; also all title to King st, s s, 503.6 ft c of Varick st. 0.6x100; Jacob Jacobson to Louise Marx; H part (mtg $26,000); May 28; $100; ad dress," 236 Delancey st. LEXINGTON AYE. 535: 16.9x70. 8 sty brk; Mart«n H Goodklnd to Ida Margoles (mtg, $S.OO0); May 20; $100. ■ LEXINGTON AVB, 529: 1« ?x7O; came to earn* (mtg, $7,000); May 20; $100; address. 38 West 113 th st. PARK AYE. 6«0: 20.6x75; 1 sty bry: Strauss Building and Realty Co to William F Devine (mtg $40,000); May 31; $100; address. 73 East 90th st. W^DSWORTH AYE. n w cor l«sth st: 60.2x95 x lrree; James L Van Sant to Joseph VuctmeUere; 'Vi part (rats; '--> of $16,5OO): May 26; $100; a«i dreßS. 236 Mount Hope Place. WEST END AYE. 904: 20x78. 4 sty brk; Elsie W Christie and ano to Emanuel Neuman (mtg $21,400); May 31; $30,000; address. 64 East 122 d sL «TH AYE. n if cor 30th st. 30x irreß; Stewart st. n c. 41.5 ft w of 6th aye; 100xt«96; Hen rietta Zlttman et al to Henry Morgenthau and ano; 1-0 part; June 1«. 1909; $70.000{ address, l«sf. Broadway. 4TH ST. n c cor Christopher st, 25x56: Peter | JEiicelhard to Margaret B Hedd»n (mtg $2.«K>O): all title; April 30; J100; address, 230 East 150 th Bt. 22D ST. s p. 325 ft « of Pth aye, 23x99.9; Mary A Furey to Rob*rt 8 Hudsreth. of Jersey City; H right, title, and interest; May 28; $1; ad-ireas. Room 504. 140 Broadway. 47TH ST. 224 and 220 West, s *. 32x — : 2 sty brk; Thomas J Shanley to Martin Beck (mt« $40,000;: May 31; address. 1501 Broadway. 60TH ST. n s, 40 ft c of Park aye. 20x100.5; G Wlllett Van Nest to the Northeast Corner of Park Avenue and 60th Street Realty Co (mtg $24 ,000k May 31: $l'> 0; address, 20 Broad st. 61ST ST. s s, 119 ft w of Ist aye. 28x100.5; Jacob Mercy to Anna Mercy; all title: May 21; $1, address. 245 Grand st. ." AMSTERDAM AYE. c s, from 141 st to 142 d et. 10x30 on 1424 st x Irreg x 35 on 141 st st: Israel Lebowitz to George F Plcken; hi part; May 29; $1; address, 43 West 125 th st. 6&TH ST, 56 Ea«t. 23x Irreg; 4 Bty brk: fviina M Campbell to Maximilian J Jahelka; May 31; $k»0: address. 34 Pine »t. 76TH ST. 213 and 215 East. 33.4x102: 2. 3 and 6 sty brk; Daniel X Seybel. ref. to John Maj cus: May 81: $41.7r0. SAME PROPERTY; John Marcus to Sidney L JoF«phthal et al (mtg $30,000); May 31; $100; address. 43 Cedar st. 66TH ST. 433 East, n s. Interior lot 257. lSx 1008- Jeannette Rockmore to Henry Hahn (mtg $10,000); all liens; May 28; $1; address. 201 East 40th st. 88TH ST. s s. 117 ft w of 3d aye. 17.6x100 August Peiper to Maria S Feyser; correctioa deed (mtg $8,000): $K«o. SSTH ST. s s. 117 ft w of 3d aye. 17.6x100.8; Maria S Peiper to Samuel Grodkineky (mtg $&. 000); May 31; $100; address. 202 East 86th st. 88TH PT. 213 East, 25x100.11; 5 sty brfc: Bertram Realty Co to Isaac Syrop (mtg- $15,000); May 31; $1; address, 52 East ISM et. 9HTH ST, n s, 100 ft c of West End aye. 125 x 100.11: Harney Estate Co to the A C & H M Hal! Realty Co <mtg $105,000;; May 31; $100; ad-irfse, 2?95 Broadway. 109 TH ST. 3 and 6 E»*t. 86.3x100.11; 6 sty brk: I»uls Goldstein to William Kerner; V» part (mtK $50,500): May 23; $100; addre«s. 66 West 22d et. 12-»TH ST. 123 Eant. 16x99.11; 3 sty brk; May Borman to Theo S Twf>ro(ter and ano (mtf $7,— 000); April 28; $100; address, 12S Bleecker •- . 144 TH ST. 22S and 230 West. 50x99.1i; 6 »ty brk: Eastor Realty Co to Edith W Ivps (mtg $■'6,000!. May £b; $100; address. 213 West 79th Bt. THE BRONX. ARTHUR AYE. n c ror 175 th st. jrore, —x-—; Arthur Knox, ref. to l^avflli* Construction Co; May IS: $200; addr»-es. 70.'. East 176 th st. AQITEDfirr AYE, o c. 101.4 ft n of Buchanan pi. 2T..4x»!tx irreß: Laura V Woolley to Marj Oilver; t> and n; $1; addresH. 128 West 102 d st. BROOK AYE. w ■. 230.2 ft s of 108 th Bt. 25x SO. the RocklwJge Construction Co to Charles' Unpanet; May 31; $100; address,. l6s Broadway. CHATTERTON AYE, n i, 2SO ft w of Olm stead aye, 25x108: Cnarlen E Pevwman to John R Da vins (int* $3.Uob>. May 31; $100. address. 2040 Blaekrock aye. CATHERINE ST. a c s. tho • w 24x100 ft of Lot 238. map Washinztonvlll«; James O Coburn tr, iFiUie T Armltaee; April 26; $100. address, BK2 East leoth ft. DEI^ANCEY BT. n • cor Man st, 60x1 00; Louis Marx et al to Marx-Jacobson Realty Co; q c; May 28; $1; adflreas, 338 Delancey St. ELTON AYE. • w cor 156 th' et. 60xl00x lrreg: Augusta M de Pevst«r to William Boe» (mt| 000). May 26. $100; address. 804 East 98th Bt GRANT AVB. w h 60 3 ft n of 164 th st. 45 2x S4 3; Georgp F Pleken »o Isi-»el Lebowitz: Vi part; Miy 27; $1; address, F54 Wegt End aye. HOE AYE. MS7 and 1530. 40xH»f» Henry Bockcr. cf L.-ookl}-n to «'»,th*rin« Botker; all UejMj May 3l; 5100; addreis, 408 East MM it JEROME AYE, w s, 75 ft n of Barnslda aye. 658x03.1: Milton M Sllverman to Clernentlajjg Silver-man; '* part; May 27; $100; address. 3059 Broadway. . LOTS 43 and 44. map Eliza G Ketcham at TTnlonport: Van Nest Wood Workm* ' '^""J/ r Mackenzie On«.sßSS>; May 20; J100: address. 1243 Therlot aye. • - LOT, begins at n 1 land as above at ■ s said 137. rims c 45.11 to c 1 mill brook x s-5 x.w — to e , said M 137 X n — to beginr . ng; Patrick Kerley to Tremont Mliis. a corporation; May 14. $n«>. address. Room 2.004. 151 Nassau st. t/^t 21. man Xo 1.17S of "William H "Wallace. Fort Sch-ivler r,l Frederick Goldman to l.e<> rold-Vath: May 2S- $100; address. 2844 Coddlng ton aye.. "West Chester. XjnT 13 map 370 lots McGraw estate, west Chester; Jame PHP H Dudley to Patrick Kelly; qc; May 28; fl. • PROPERTY: Anna Dudley and ano. by ItdSr to T^mf: May 2; all title; $2,100; address. 626 Westchester aye. MAVIDA ST w b. 275 ft b of Profford aye. 2!W10O John B Dosso to Catharine Baker (mt«r f4 500/: May 26; $100; address. 199 Bast 205 th et. PARK AYE. n c cor 216 th. St. 100x150; Caro- HM M Hills to Josephine A Stewart (mtg $16. 000): May 2S; $100; address. 403 East «Bth st. REISS PL. n w cor White Plains rd. 119.6x100 ,107.1x100.9 (partition. April 28. J»lt»): Con,* lus IV Wickersham, ref. to TVter Ringen; aJI title; May SI; $5,500; address. 901 Park. aye. TELLER AYE, m cor 163 d st, S."xlO0; Wlll lam Simpson to William Simpson Construction Co; part; all title; b and s; May 26; $100. ' PROPERTY; Joseph Mcßrlde to same; H part; b and s; all liens; May 3; $100; address. 64 East 120 th st. WEBSTER AYE. c 8, at line land conveyed to party of the first part by Silas D Gifford. rt-r. runs c 57.6 ft to c s lot 137. map Mount Hope x b 25x w — to aye x n 25 to beginning. BTH AYE. n w s lot 4, map Jones rstata, 25x 07.3xirre ; Curtiss P Byron to Mary Faveettl (mtg $32.0t0); May 31; $1; address. 15 Will iam st. ■ ■• ' , • • . . • 134 TH ST* n c. 100 ft tr of Lincoln aye. 25x lrre* Mary' A Costello and ano to Nicholas V Cantasano '(mtg $16,000); May 28; $100; address, 187 135 TH ST. n s. 544.6 ft c of St Ann's aye. 4Ox 100- Villa Site Realty Co to Ellen Priess (mtg $30,000); May 28, $100; address. 17 East 09th st. 135TK ST, n6. 644 ft eof St Ann's aye. 40x 100 Jacob Levy. ref. to Villa Site Realty Co (mtg $25,000); May 28; $3,000; address. 1 Beek man st. 170 TH ST. s c, 751 ft w from tangent point in s s. 170 th st. 29.7 x lrreg. being: lot 35. map — lots at Clcremont Heights: Valentine Pressler to William F Gleason (mtg $2,400); $100; addresa. 11l sth aye. . • . 17* TH ST. s s. 100 ft tr cf Vyse st. 49xt42-6x lrreg; Charles L Keil to C X Realty Co. a cor poration (mtg $6.O<X»: May 14; $100; address. Room 71S. 150 Nassau st. 187 TH ST 745 East. 25x100; Celia Lindhetm to Curtiss P Byron; May 9; $100; address, 15 Will iam st. IS7TH BT. 743 East. 25x100: l««7th st. 745 East. 2qxHK>; lS7th st. 749 East, 25x100; 187 th el. 749 East. 20x100; Curtiss P Byron to fcJst mund Ernst and Harr>' Cohn (mtg $£>O0); May 27; $100; address. 406 Bast 149 th st. RECORDED MORTGAGES. (With name and address of lender's attorney.) Interest 5 per cent unless otherwise stated. MAT 31. MANHATTAN. AMSTERDAM AYE. 333, 23x77.2; May 31; due as per bond: Herbert H Hazelton to Sam uel L Lyman; $10,000: attorneys. Phillips. Ma honey & Wagner. 51 Chambers st. BOWERY. S3 and 85. 50x112.10; 5 sty brick; all title- May 23; 1 yr: Jennie A and Frederick A Douesey to Almy A Casey; $200: attorney, Howard Thornton, Newburg. N T. ESSEX ST. 134" 6 ety brick; leasehold: May 81: demand. 6 per cent; Joseph Frledland to Goldle Friedland: $2,000; attorney. Jacob Mencher. 41 Great Jones St. GREENWICH ST. 611 to 615. s c cor of Leroy st. 100.4x100; 2 sty brick: 3 vrs; John M Williams to American Mortgage Co. address. 31 Nassau st. LEXINGTON AYE. 529. 16.8x70: 3 sty brick (prior mtg $7,000); May 20: due June 1. 1911: 6 per cent; Ida Margolen to Martin H Good kind; $7,000: attorneys, Kurzman & Franken helmer, 25 Broad st. • LEXINGTON AYE. 535, -16.8x70: 3 sty brick (prior mtg $8,000); May 20; due June 1, 1011; 6 per cent; same to same; $9,000; same attor ney. STANTON ST 160. 2T.x100, 5 sty brk (prior mtg $22,000); May 31; due Juno 1. 1915. ♦> per cent; Pincu3 Benenson to Rebecca Larchan. $8, 000; attorney. Hugo Conn. 19 Aye A. 6TH AYE, w s, SO ft n of 30t t. 30x111.4; Stewart st (closed), n s, 41.5 ft w of 6th aye. 100x99.6; May 31; due as per bond. 6 per cent; Edmund L Mooney to Andrew J Sbipman-. $30, 000: address. 37 Wall st. 8D ST n s. 65.9 ft w of Macdougal st, 23x T8.4 (prior mt* $12,000); May 31; due as per bond; Joseph Fersonenl to Dioniid Guardlneerrl: $3,000; attorneys, Stoddard & Mark, 135 Broad way. • " . 12TH ST. 237 East. 20.6x103.3. 5 sty brk (prior •mtg $— ); May SI; 2 yn-. 6 per cent- Fanny Behrens to Jeannette Monheimer; $5,000; at torney. Hugo Cohn, 19 Avo A. , 31ST 6T. 104 East. 24x98.9. 5 ty brk; May 31; 5 yrs. 5H per cent; Josephine and Thomas Daly to Bank for Savings; $25,000; attorneys. Strong 6 Cadwalader. 40 Wall st. 4GTH ST. 8 s. 325 ft w of 9th aye. 25x100; May 31- Alfred T Hovet to Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank; $4,000; address, 61 Chambers st, 49TH ST. 247 West. 25x100; 4 sty brk: May 21- 1 yr — per cent; Stella F .Edwards to Farmers'' Loan and Trust Co; $1,000; address, 22 William st. - 76TH ST. 213 and 215 Bast, 4x102.2: 3 and « Bty brk; May 31; due, as per bond; John Marcus to Emanuel Moses: $30, 000; address. 43 Cedar st. 80TH ST 165 West, 31x102.2; s.sty. sty brk; May 21- 2 yrs, 6 per cent; Henry Balrd to Henry Spitz- $4,000; attorney. Henry W Baird. 2 Rec tor st. TBTH ST. n s. 210 ft c of 3d aye, 25x100.11 (prior mt« $15,000): May 31; 3 yrs. per cent; Isaak Syrop to Bertram Realty Co; $5,000; at torneys. Strasbourger. Eschwego & Shallek, <4 Broadway. 131 ST ST. 253 West, s s. 25x99.11: 5 sty brk; May SI; due. as per bond; Isaac J Sllbersteln to Greenwich Savinira Bank; $15,000; attorney. George G De Witt. 88 Nassau st. 131 ST ST. ■ s. 100 ft w of Amsterdam aye. 60 x90.1l "(prior mtr $11,500); May 31; 1 yr, 6 per cent; Nestor Holding Co to Leon Tuchmann: J30.000; attorneys. Manheim & Manhelm. 302 Broadway. 135 TH ST. n f> 4<V) ft w of Amsterdam aye, 40x»9.11 (prior mtsr $45,000); May 24; due. as per bond Siegfried Blumenkrohn to Milton J Vogel; $8.333 83; attorneys. Packard & Co. 97 Nassau st. 135 TH ST. n s. 500 ft w of Amsterdam aye. 40x00.11 (prior mtp $45,000): July 2. 1909; due. as per bond; came to William Fishman; $8. 333 33; address. 79 sth aye. 13RTH ST. s b. 100 ft c of Lenox aye, 38.9 x 100.11; May 31; 3 yrs, 414 1 per cent; Julia A Whltfhorne and ano to German Pavings Bank; $27,000; attorneys. Amend & Amend, 119 Nas sau st. BRONX. ARLINGTON aYE, w e, 135 ft f> of 227 th «t. 40x70.5; May 31; 2 yrs. « per cent; George H Leslie to Joseph Atz; $1,437. AP.LINGTON AYE, s w cor 227 th et, 135 x 70.f1; May 31; 2 yrs. 6 per cent; same to same; $1,437; address, 30 Church et. ARTHUR ST, w s, 449 ft n of road from Kingsbrldge to West Farms. 45x125 (prior mtfr, )• May, 2f>- 3 yrs: Giovanni Raggio to Ellz O'Connor; $1,000; attorney, B F Moran, 51 Chtmbers st. CR4TTERTON AYE. n s. 280 ft w of Olm etead aye; 25x108; (prior mt», — ); May 31; 3 jrs. 6 per cent; John R Da vies to Charles E Deverrcann: $1,500; address, 2040 Blaekrock aye. ELMWOOD PLACE, c s. 100 ft w of Prospect aye. 23x120 1: (prior mtu, — ); May 26. 3 yrs; Salvatore Caldara to Elizabeth O'Connor: $I.ICX>; attorney. B V Moran. 51 Chambers st. • LOT 13. map 370 lots. McGraw estate. The Bronx; May 2S. 3 yrs>, 6 per cent; Patrick K»lly to Germalne Rousseau and ano; $4,000; attor ney. George McCauslan. 41 Park Row. LOTS 130 and 130 A. map 426 of lot near Wlll lamsbrldge sttatlon. 60x100 (prior oitg '$— May 20; due Sept »>. 1910; rt per cent; Francesco Cerfcone to Henry <J Silleck. Jr : $1,000; attor ney. Paul M Crandall. 346 Broadway. LOTS 21 and 23. map 26 lots, property David B Cooks: May 31; 3 yrs. 5 and 6 per cent; Ade line Grossmann to Dollar Savings Bank: $2i..i00; attorneys. Lexow, Mackeller & Wells, 43 Cedar bC LOTS 6SB and 659. map Van Nest Park; May 24 due etc as per bond; G PasiuaJe D'Auria to ' Thomas Foy; $6,000; attorney, Grant Squires, 40 "via;] st. • ■ . W -1 SIMPSON ST. w s. 197.6 ft n of Westehester aye. 43.6x100 (prior mtg $25,000) -May 24: due June 1 1912; 6 per cent: Daniel Wolkowlsky to Daniel Wolkoff; $6,000, attorney. Solomon I Se gal I. 132 Nassau st. . TOPPING AYE. w b. part lot 78. map Mount Hope. 02.6x100: May 31; due, as per bond: Adolpht- E Klotz to Henry Walker- 000; at torneys. Herman & Hlrschman. 41 Park Row. SAME PROPERTY (prior mf* $8,000); May 81: due, as per bond; same to same; $2,500; at torneys, same as above. TELLER AYE. n w cor of 163 d st, 85x100; May 20; demand. 6 per cent; William Simpson Construction Co to City Mortgage Co; $60,000; address, 15 Wall st. SAME PROPERTY (prior mtfr $73,000); May 26: 1 yr. 6 per cent; came to John Mcßride: $3. 000; attorney. M J Sullivan, 3d aye and 148tri et. WADSWORTII AYE. s w cor 180 th St. 75x100 <prior mtß $115,000); May 24; 1 yr. 6 per eeftt; Bristol Holding Co to Cornelia W Butler; $37. tidO; attorney. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co, 160 Broadway. WALTON or MOTT AYE. c s, part of Lot 328. map West Morrieanla lOOx— ; May 31: 3 yrp; ■Florence Wllklns to Emigrant Industrial Sav ings liank; $5,000; address, 61 Chambers st. 134 TH ST. n s. 100 ft w of Lincoln aye. 25x Ijt*k <prior mtg: $l«. 000) May 2H; 2 yrs. rt per cent; Nicola v Cantaeano to Mary A «'r>etvll>> and nno; $3,000; attorney, Frank Thorn, 171 Bioadway. ISSTII ST n s M4.S ft c of Et Ann's aye. 40x 100 (prior mt<f $2A.<Mh»i; May 2H; 2 yrs, « pw cent; Villa Flte Realty Oo to Jacob Bchlosser; $3.i)00; attorney, F P Hummel. 1511 3d aye. IS7TH ST. 748 Ea.»t. 25xlOO : May 27: 3 yrs; Curtlßß P Byron to Mary B Ilrady: $s.o(»<j; at torney, James C Brady, 156 Broadway. SATISFIED MORTGAGES. fWlth name and address of lenders attorney.) MAY 31. EMMETT ST. c b. 83 ft n of Pelham aye. 60 X 100; May 12, 1904; J"ames J McClusky to Oeorg-i C IJob«rs and Bella A Jorn. exrn. Christian I.lf-hers; $3,000; attorn<ty. Title Guarantee and Trust Co, 170 Broadway. aMMBTT f.T, t> 8. 63 ft n of Pelham aye. 100 x 60; Nov 16, 1909; Isabella A Jorn to George G Llebers and Bella A Jorn. exrß. Christian L»e bers; $1,M)O; attorney. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 178 Broadway. y L.HXINGTON AYE. Cl. n c cor of isth st. l*a»<s and renewal covering all building and prem ise*; also lease and renewal covering plot an-1 buildings on premiees H3 Lrxlnrton aye, 19.«» x 80; alsn lot snd bulldln? adjoining (Lexington aye, c ■) 4f1.1x30.0x11» &x3ft.ox irr*-K June lrt 190*; Hotel Belrnore »-> Mamuel J. Hiram C anl liviir I Bloominirdaie: J54.570; attorneys. Hays. H»rsh«l«!d A Wolf, 11l Uroadwav. LOT 9. taap property «tate iieors« W Hunt, The Bronx. 2.5.6x147.10x25 6x129.1: Jan 2R 1910; Eliabzeth Beekn e?fer. or Beckmeyer. toJucob J_ Lerlan; $300; attorney, Herbert S Og^en. fc> Beaver st. LOT 172 to 175, Rosa map 226. lots situate In 12th Ward; June 23, 1906: Cornelius J Mannejr to Chelsea Realty Co: $1,704: attorney. Title Guar antee and Trust Co. 176 Broadway. I HERN BOULEVARD, w b, 2W» ft nof 2S7th st. 25x93.3x24.8x102.1: D*c 15. ISM Thomas Phillips to the Harlem gjmngl Bank^. $2.flof>; attorneys. S X & -V B Wlgrhtman. 229 Broadway. SOUTHERN BOULEVARD, w *. 200 ft n of lß7th Bt. 25x98.3x24.8x102.1: April It. 1010: Bella A Jorn to Bella A Jorn and <;oor e <> C Llebers. exr<«: $1,500; attorney. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 176 Broadway. RTH AYE. n c cor 131 st st. 2T.X100; £*»» 1006; Charles E Potter to Etta Potter; $10,000. attorneys. Etsman & Levy, 135 Broadway. 40TH ST. 449 West, n s. 25x93.9; May 27. ISO - Charles and Julia Rauchfuss to John Hardy; $3,000; address. 265 Broadway. 49TH ST. 115 West, n 8. 20.10x100.5; March 15. 1PO&; Olivia M Manley to John Dwyer; $1,500: address. 764 West End aye. 49TH ST. 115 West, n 8, 20.10x100.5: Oct 2?, 1007; Olivia M Manley to John Dwver; $2,o00; attorney, WUson M Powell. 29 Wall st. 49TH ST. 115 West, n s, 20.10x100.5; Jun9 14. 1905; Olivia M Manley to Mary L and Catherine J O'Brien; $3,500; attorney. Wilson M Powell. J9 Wall st. SSTH ST. s s. 479 ft c of o*-h by*, 23xlOO«: June 1. 1905; Jacob Israelson to Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co; $28,000; address. 160 Broadway. 131 ST ST. n s 245 ft c of 7th aye. 20r99.11: O<-t 6. 1902; Alice G and Edward J Markey t6 Carrie and Ralph Gans; $12,000; attorney. United States Title Guaranty and Indemnity Co. 20 Vesey st. . 135 TH ST. n s, 132 ft c of Willis aye. lSxlOO; May 15. 1907; Adolph and Maria Bals^hun to Anna Fallon; $5,000; attorneys, Quackenbush & Adams, 25 Broad st. 147 TH ST. n s. 386 8 ft W of Amsterdam aye. 16.8x99.11; April 1. 1909; Congregation Penl-El of Washington Heights to Samuel and Elkan Deiches: $1,300; attorney. Wilson M Powell. Drexel Building. '• 147 TH ST, n b. 366.8 ft w of Amsternam aye, 16.8x09.11; March 30. 10O.'.; Mary F Stanley to Pennington Whitehead. trustee; $10,000; attorney. Wilson M Powell. 29 Wall st. 147 TH ST. n s. 353.4 ft w of Amsterdam aye. 16.8x99.11: May 19. 1905; Mary F" Stanley to AT fred B Scott, general guardian of Alfred G Scott; $10,000; attorney, Wilson M Powell, 29 Wall st. 162 D ST. a s, 247 ft b e Morris pi. »7x115; Jan 15. 1910; Louis, and Sarah Lese to Rosle D Otto: $3,250; attorney. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co. 160 Broadway. 162 D (formerly Halsey) ST, n s. 247 ft s c Morris pi. «7x115; Dec 30. 190.5; Louis Lesa to the Park Mortgajre Co: $13,500; attorney. Law yers Title [Insurance and Trust Co. 160 Broad way. IS7TH ET. 1013 East, n s, 25x100; Feb 6. 1909; Cella Lindheim (to Title Guarantee and Trust Co) to Addie R Dumont; address. 176 Broadway. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. MAT 31. Flshk!!! Savings Institution to Serial Building Loan and Ravings Institution; $3,500. George F Plcken Construction Co to Israel Lebowitz: 2 a6sts: $1. Bertram Realty Co to Morltz Weiss; $1. Isaac Syrop to Morltz Weiss; $1. Ferdinand Hecht to Augustine Mailer; $700. Caroline Grezzl to Egidio Vltale; $1. • Title Guarantee and Trust Co to National Savlnes Bank of City of Albany; 2 assts; *10<». Same to Walter Mendelson et al. exrs; $«.000. Same to North River Savings Bank: $100. Same to David J King et al. exrs; $24,000. Same to Isabella V James: $5,000. Same to Bankers' Trust Co; 53/00. Same to Henry T Sloane; 53T..000. Charles F Mueller to Charles P W A Muel ler; $1. Jacob Jacob->on to Louis Marx: $1. Albert J Whiteman to Albert J "Whiteman, trustee; $18,000, wv,^ Title Insurance Co to Union Trust Co; $60,000. Same to same; $14,000. /•'«„_ -c George F Johnson's Sons Co to Georg» i Johnson. Jr; 2 assts; $1. • George F Johnson. Jr. to Nina P Lowensteln; 2 La wyers Title'lnsurance and Trust Coto Law<- Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co to Law yers Mortgage Co; 5 assts; total. $285,000. Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Stgmuna M Lehman et al: 2 assts: total. $70,000. Same to David King; $15.000. George W Newgass to Northern Bank. New York: 4 assts $1. „. „_ Hunt's Point Realty Co to George W Newgaae; 4 assts; total. $4..",ni>. John E Alexandre et al. trustees, to John w Cochrane. as trustee; 3 assts: $1. Augusta C Field to State Realty ard Mortgage Co $100 Samuel Flsrher to Sarah Fi«oh>*r: 2 assts: $1. Newburg Savings Bank to Title Guarantee and Trust Co: $12,000. '_ , State Realty and Mortgage Co to Columbia Trust Co; $100. Cogswell- Taylor Improvement Co to naries T North River Insurance Co to Moses Goodman: $°6 000 "Realty Mortgage Co et al to Carrie B Towne; $lo 000 Clara Mayer to Carrl- B Towne: 1-3 part; $1. Robert A Joyce to Title Guarantee and Trust Cefare Razzettl and ano to Dionlgl Guardla "Frederfck Graf to Philip Efch: $100. Salvatore Saracl to Savoy Trust Co; $1. Hattie Jacoby to Frieda Schwarz; $3,500. Robert Frldenberg to Emll Grwnliw; $14,000. Charles Kurzman and ano to Abraham Cohn, Marx to Jacob Jacobson: Mi part; $100. Katz-Polacek Realty and Construction Co to Jacob Levy; $100. i . ■ MECHANICS' LiENS. may n' MAGENTA ST. n5.55 ft w -of C^ar st 25x 100: Unlonoort Lumber and Manufacturing tn agt Raphael and John Pontano. owners; Antonio Oitnano contractor: $53 50. LIBERTY ST. 55: Philip Leserman. ir. W Liberty-Nassau Building <o. owrier: C L, t,-ay Construction Co. contractor: $6,543 S3. I-JSNOX AVB. 544 to 552: Sam Levin ft Co agt H Strauss, owner and contractor; *■>»««. EASTBTTRNE AYE, n c cor 174 th st. 38 3xflP: William Papp agt Irving Construction Co. owner and contractor: $300. ST NICHOLAS AYE. 3«? to 42: Flske & Co. Inc. agt Mica Construction Co. owner and con tractor : $451 50. 107 TH ST. 163 West; Pasquale Ventlmlglla agt the William H Moore Co. owner and contractor: $23. ITOTH ST. 518 to C 24 West: same agt sam«; K2&. SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. MAY 31. BEI.M'iNT AYE. n w ror JPOth St. Esther Hihotzky agt Louis Nosrhbroe et al; March 3, 1910; $31. SAME PROPBRTT: Louis H Leopold agt Frank Martorcl et al; Feb 7. 1910; $18. BAUD PROPERTY; Fordham Cornioe TVorks agt Frank Martocci et al: Feb 3. 1910; $30. NEW BUILDING PLANS. (With owner's name and address.) MAY 31. MANHATTAN*. 4TH AYE. 390 to 3»«: for an H sty st"-* and lofts. B*?x7R.6: John B Snook's Sons. 73 Nassau st. architects; cost. $135,000; owner, Elbridsra T G^rry. Newport. R I. LEXINGTON AYE. c s. 25 ft n of «4th st: for a 2 sty brick store. 77.2x32.8: C X Blrge. 29 West 34th Pt. arrhlfi't; cost. flO.ooO; owner, the Eighty-fourth Street Co. on prem ises. 3.->TH PT, s 8, 72 ft c of 2<l nve: for a 4 sty brick building. 78x88.»; John B Snook's Ponß, 75 Nassau s«, architects; cost.; owner. New York Dental College. 20 West 14th st. SSTH PT, 323 East: for a 4 sty brick bakery, stable and dwelling. 20.1xM».5: G Provost. 104 West 42d Bt, architect; cost, $17,000; owner, V Maohln. 316 East 59th St. 145 TH BT, s s. 100 ft w of Broadway: for a 1 sty ticket office and machine booth; J J Kennedy. Mosliolu aye, architect; cost, $ioo : owner Washington Amusement Co. .V<9 West 145 th st. THE BRONX. 3D AYE, w s. 201.16 ft a of 173 d st ; for a 1 sty brick store. 50.24x62.16; M J Garvln. 3307 3d aye. architect; cost. $5,000; owner, Louisa E L**vy, 1216 Boston rd. 233 D ST, s s. 8051 ft c of Carpenter ay*: for 2 3 sty brick dwellings. 20x50, George P Crnsler. 23r>d st and White Plains aye. archi tect; ccVt, $14,000: owner, William Lechnyr, 546 Brook ay». ALTERAfICMNf PLANS. MANHATTAN. PARK AYE. 4RI and 4R.1; to a 3 str brick garage and stable; M Schuihof ft J Bulllnger, lessees; O L Spannbake. 233 East 7«th st. architect; cost. $12,000; owner, Washington Irving estate, 80 William st. 46TH ST, 1 West : to a 4 sty and basement dwelling and shops; Thorley ft Co. lessee; Larimore & Co, aub-lessee; G A Freeman and F G Hasselman. architects; cost. $12,000; owner, James W Harper estate, on premises. • THE BRONX. WHITE PIJVINS RD. s w cor of 216 th st; to a 3 sty fraflM store and dwelling. 2i>.6x4S, Franz Wolfgang. 535 East 177 th st. architect; cost. $500; owner. James B KlMhelmer. 203 Broadway. 3D AYE. 3397; to a 3 sty frame store and dwelling. 25x30; George Hof. jr. 721 Melrose avf. architect; cost. $.*>00; owuer. Ixiulsa Daub, 1004 Washington aye. WESTC HESTER AYE. n c cor of Sands aye; to a 2Vi sty frame dwelling. 24.2x34.3, and a IS sty frame shed. 18 6x18.6; Otto C Krauss. 231S Newbold ay*>. architect, co^t. $600; owner. 8 B Ajris, 111*3 Broadway. LIS PENDENS. MAY 31. AYE A. * w cor sth St. 105x205. The Hronx; «T*org« ll«nilri n^t Wllllnm G Melros« et al (par tition); attorney, B J Stllwell. ITTH BT. s b. '-TO ft w of I'nlon Square. 25x M M W Heutly Co agt I. l<la et al (for« clusur« of rntK>; attorney. 8 C Stelnhardt. JACKSON AVK. « s. 100 ft s of lfilst «t. 72.7 x 75; Joseph H Ciaffy agt James Reynolds et al (foreclosure of mtKt. attorneys, Phillips & Avery. 1421> ST. n b, 230.7 ft c of Alexander are^ 37.5x100; Mown Seetlg agt Haase Litman Con struction < o et al (foreclosure of mtg); attorney, G W Clune. 121 ST *T. 220 Kait; Charles C. Dacon et «1 agt llernar'l liromberg et al (foreclosure of mtg); attorney. W S Fisher. 118 TH BT. s b. 3^4 ft c of 7th aye, 17xlC0.ll; Charles G Koss agt William J Jones, jr. et al (foreclosure Of mtg); attorney. O V Warren, Jr. FINDLAY AYE. • b. adjoining lands of Will lam H Morris. The Bronx. 245.7 x Irreg; Margaret U Sborowskl agt John Sachs et al (amended fore closure of mtg); attorney. H A Morris. BUILDING LOAN CONTRACT. MAY 31. 1..1.-T ST. St.s t. i"c ft \» of AmattriM ay . 60x.09.11; Leoa TXtch:r.<ioa loaaa Nestor Hoidia* Co JSO.CCO. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. This is Broadway and 59th St. in 1880. ~';£*i In 1890 Lots at the Junction of Broadway and 59th St. • . : were valued at $75,000 to $ 00.000 r r TO-DAY they are valued at $300.00 D to $350,000. In 1890 Lots at the Junction of St. Nicho'as Aye. and 181 st St were valued at $ 0.000 to $ .000 TO-DAY they are valued at $50,000 to $60.0 In 1590 Lots at the Junction of Third Aye- and 149 th St were valued at $5,000 to $8,000 TO-DAY they are valued at $60,000 to $123,003. Increase of adjacent Lots has been in proportion. Thero are Several Lots a» tho Junction of tho Lead ing Avenuosof the West Side of tho Bronx to be soli At the Auction Sale of th<- LEWIS GOUVERNEUR MORRIS EST. N V Life Insurance & Trust Co Trustees, and the Heirs • This Estate Will Be Sold at Auction Tuesday, June 7th, I | A. M.; at Exchange Salesroom, 14-16 Vesey St. Absolutely Without Reservation 175 LOTS At Morris Heights Bet. 176 th and 179 th Sts. Aqueduct Avenue, Sedgwick Avenue, Andrews Avenue, ; Tremont Avenue. . Cedar Avenue. and Morns Avenue. All legally opened avenues, assessments for which have been paid. 70% may remain on mortgage for 3 yea at 5/c Titles Guaranteed by Title Guarantee and Trust Co. free of charge. For maps and particulars apply to BRYAN L. KENNELLY, Auctioneer, 156 Broadway. N. Y. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. Gramercy Park Club House 36 Gramercy Park— East. Co-operative Ownership in its Simplest anJ Most Practical Form. MORTGAGE LOANS. uave P/ | 42 *%, MORTGAGES SINCE JANUARY i«t WHY? COME AND SEE IS. MMORGENTHAU. JR., f^ |J s 95 LIBERTY ST. VyV/l | for a BuiWing or Permanent Loan I (MANHATTAN OR »*ONX) I Cal l.Write or 'Phone. rlmsein DARLING I 170 BROADWAY. I- . Y. fU || TKL CPMOMt I**' COOTIJtOOT -A«W 1 - - — — —^ r ~"^— *^^— ' BUDD, HOLMES & PEARSONS Mortgage Loans 35 NASSAU STRELT. Sums up to 160.000 at « per c«nt; amounts to suit, at 4V» and fi per cent; also, largs 24 mtge. fund. Pnona. 2316 Cort. INViSSTOUS, ATTEKTIO2I ! 6%% Interest on mortgage loans. Principal an<l interest guaranteed. Title Insured by Westehester and Bronx Tlt!« and MortgaK* Guaranty Company. I will Invest for you sums from $300 to $3,000. For particulars. HENRY Y. H ALLEY. I<X» Park Ay» .. N- Y. City. LAKGE Sr.M TO I,KM) ON* DOttVTimN, C ENTRM, PROrKKTV. BELOW 96TH ST. J. G. ZACHR.Y CO. 32 Nassau St. Tel. 130S— John. Est. IS«7 A FEW GOOD. K% MORTGAGES SECTREr» by real estate at from 30% to 60*% vaiu«. ta syms from 52.000. E. J. WAI-JCER. Elrr.hur»*. X. T. CITY HOTELS. Ar hotel, >^ BRISTOL 122-124 West 49th St., NEAR BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Under new management: a most convenient location with all lines of transportation, all theatres and alt the best shops within easy walking distance: beautiful rooms with run ning water: rooms with bath, and two rooms with bath to rent unfurnished on lease. $300 to $900 per year. TRANSIENT RATES. • S'.nsrle rooms Jl PER DAY AND UP: single room and bath. $2 PER DAY AND UP; two rooms and bath. $3 PER DAY AND UP. ■V INSPECTION INVITED. > T. E. TOLSON. y&^ Brooklyn. MANSION HOUSE KKOOkIW IIKII.IITS IMrectly opposite Wall 81.. N. T. Select Family and Transient Hotel. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. Larg«, light Rooms, single ami en'aulte. with private bath; rraaonable rates. i'rr.S VERANDAS front amt rear, overlooking HOTEL GARDENS. Coolest location In vicinity of New York. MEUW A.MSTKKDAM. GRII.I. KOOU oi-kn .11 \r. |. J. C. VAN CLHAK. Proprietor. FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. Country- SEA PHORH COTTAC.ES rvKsnmm FOP. housekeeping, at Watch HM T5 1 «nj nearby beaches. . for rer! O! tale. Tcr fall particu lsr« commualcato mith FRANK W. COY. W«st erly. R. 1. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. 24 Apartments — — unusually attractive in arrangement, appointment, conveniences and location. Sult«a of *. 0 and 10 Rooms — 3 and 4 baths. FOR SALE $8,900 to $12,000 Decorated to Suit. Apartments will be enlarged on request to 1 7. 0r more rooms, made duplex if desired, and isolated quarters provided for servants. S. de Walltearss & Hull, Agents. 18 WEST 34TH ST. Tel. $T .Murray MUL 135 BROADWAY. Tel. 355 Cortlandt. ELEGANT APARTMENT TO RENT. 50i90 ; 1 1 rooms and 2 baths ; $2,750. 784 FIFTH AYE. Apply on premises or your n«rn broker THE BELNORD B"wht. \m»terHam A»e., •«nrj 86tb t*> *7th 9*. W. H. DOLSON * CO.. Agents. 52T Columbus Aye. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO LET LONG ISLA>T>. HALF SOKft ACRE JU ■What ire call a small farm. ■ DOWN. S3 MONTHLY. Bay Shore and Islip Pend letter or postal for free tickets. WM. H.MOFFITT REALTY GO. 193 BROADWAY. >'. Y. WISTCHE^TES COCSTV. LARCHMONT PARK LARCHMOXT-OX-TirE-SOrM>. VILLA PLOTS. Low prices, easy terms. \rt city improvements. N<"^v York's most b«aatt ful suburb. Just a short rl'1» from N— ' Tor's on th* electrined N. T.. N. H. & H Rrf. Boot. let B on request. J. y. GARDNER. 12 Ea«t 42d **♦ . »w Torlp, PHILIPSE MANOR ON THE Hi'DflOll One mile unobstructed river frontajc*; 3O ns©4« crn r*siden'-*s near compleMnn. Address THILIPSE MANOR CO.. * Phlllpse Mar«r. .\--.v York. >EW JERSEY. A REAL BARGAIN My beautiful house, now n»arlnf completion* on commodious lot: beat residential s*ctlo» Oranges, N. J.; built d.»y labor; artistic and ni'i,i. m. can be purchas^i by quick buyer at great sacrifice; either cash or payments: qulcifi action imperatlv*. owner leaving f-r Ettre>7». BARGAIN. Bo* 2<>o. Tribune Ofllc*. COUNTIIY TMOtt. HT\ FOR SALE OR FOR REXT st for rent with option of purchasr-. COUNTRY HOME at LAKE GEORGS of th» late RIIXT MILES GILBERT. Es*. Finest location on Lak^ lieorge. S*»ea Acres. Garage Electric Mfthttnc pLant. FRANK L. POr.K. 32 *T«BSSU St.. or ISAAC S. HEI.I.KR. 71 Nassau St., N. T. Attorneys for Execatrtces. NEAR NORTHAMPTON. MASS.— FRL'IT VRM. 120 acres; 1.400 plevation. W miles station: b»w house. 14 rooms: all improvements; aa;'-» outbuildings; farm house. S rooms half cost buildings. H H. THOMPSON, owner. II Spea cer Plac«. Brooklyn. HOT DAYS COMLNG! COOL CAPE CODt Wychmer* f«i9hor» Cottages 1 Harwich. -Va.<s ); complete appcictments: beautiful country, df-» lightful bathing. KAPE. S«ls W«*t 13*th_s«. FURNISHED HOUSES OR RENT— EDWARD J. CAHILL. Real Estate. Boonton. N. J. BORort.M or <ji EE>a BRICK AVX> STONE DWELLING. ALL IM prt«rement»: 18 rooms. 2 bathrocm»: lar<» '.a«n Washlngrton and Lawrence SSSi. r:u»hln«. L. 1. . $S5.00O; or wtll rent. ELLIOTT A BUSH. »M Brnadwar. New Tork. — '\nr»\ ag»at»- . FLRNISHED COTTAGES TO LET. WATER MILL. LONG ISLAND. Furnished ('ottn««» t->t -> rent. 12 rooms, bath. closets, tubs: •»c*»llent water supply. fln# dr1«e«: N<at!n« an.l N»!h1n«; ood Karaite at-! tniM* ot» premls- convenient to telephone, >»n»ph an.l iteDor. T. ,{ n\l I Owner. >•■■• W>»t ?3il St.. V. V. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSb-S'. STORE, basement, lofts, new 12 story fireproof building. 3 ele vators. 15 & 17 East 32d St., between Madison & sth Avenues. CHESTNUT AND*\VALNUT STREET STORES^ in the he*rt of I'hllad»-lphl»^ he«l retail trs*l». EIXJAR O- CROSS. 1425 Walnut »t.. Phtla^a. "LOFTS — LIGHT ALL SIDES. 44* EAST 102I> ■ 1.. O. J. MILLS. ;»7 I>u»ne »t. i Brooklyn. I.OFTS WITH POWER. f»oxf>o. 30x100 ami up to *»>.«00 iqitw f».*t; LIGHT ALL SIDES: HEAT. ELEVATOR: NEW BUILO1NO: SPRINKLED. LOW INST'KA^CE. NEAR SHIPPING TERMINAL?. Ins. rate less thaw 10c. p«r $100." Im-atton to *••» help. OWNER on pr»m "-.7 rio^^.in »\f.. !>•■%'• I** KwtK mv- .. Brcwihlv*. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET. MORNINGSXDB HEIGHTS, -r 0^ ir^[ lists ••-. Tiiiii^ni i^>— ilor^l=S3jds- ?