Newspaper Page Text
12- i Wtt are distrl^itin? among invest j ors circulars describina; the follow->.' « ingtecurttips. \ Railroad Bonds * ! ' Circular No. 291 ■ Convertible Bonds j if Circular No. C? 3 I? \ Listed Stocks Circular No. 233 ' Public Utility Bonds 5 to *i% i Circular No. -95 ! Spencer Trask & Go. 43 Exchange Place. New York. \t.BXNT— BOSTON— CHICAGO. slpmb*T» »w York Btock Kichangg. CLEVELAND, CINCINN/VTI, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS White Water Valley Division. First 4s. due July 1, 1940. rrtcf to n«t 4.45~. GHISHOLW & CHAPMAN Bankers. . MmiKrr* »n- T«rk Stork TlTchanffts 11 JIBOADWAY. >"EW YQHK. R, L. DAY & CO.. 37 Wall St., 35Concre«8t. NEW TOBK BOSTOS HICH BRADE INVESTMENT BOKBS Municipal and Railroad Member* New Tork anfl Boston Btork Ei^huigM FRED'K F. MARQUAND y« m y,. iof ro".iJa;»sr o".iJa;»s Ptnrk Ex. of ■. T. TeL scso Broad, 59 Broad St., N. Y. STOCKS AND BONDS For InTe*tm^nt or on Margin. FRACTIONAL LOTS securities-Go* "investments^ v 5 Na?sauSt • NewYorfc | WE I; AMER. GfiS. »T» T ELEC. ; but i AWER. IT. i THACTIOH ! sell il DENVER GAS J ELEC. ouote EMPIRE D!ST. ELEC. CO. ' Wililams, McConnell & Coleman , !«0 Wall Ft. 'Phone .'> r --1 John. Ne-«y YorK. , ttiabilshcd ISB4. Telephone 2?i7 Rector. E. S. BAILEY DEALER IN FIRE INSURANCE STOOKS "A snxniTV." <v* Broad w«y. >nr York. Wm.A.Read&Co. Bankers 25 Nassau St, N. Y. IOSTON CHICAGO BALTIMORE W. V COLER & CO. ■ETABUSHBD IS7O. Investment Bankers n CEDAR ST.. NEW YORK CITS'. I em Tork City Bonds. All Issues. 'SONat. Light. Heat & Power, pfd. " fJat. Light. Heat & Power, com. "' Pope Mtg. com. Hal!owell& Henry, Warren W.Erwin & Co. ■ bC K. T Investment Bankers, 26 Beaver Street. New York. FOREIGN FINANCIAL. TVvndon. May o^— Oooanta closed »-X lower et B2*£ for money and 83 U-M for account. Ar.aconda wa* unchai at {$*«. Canadian f*ariflf *ra« U lower at M 2' 3 and Grand Trunk 'iat 30%. Money was li moderate supply and d« mand. Discounts v..'X- easy on yestcrflay's cold pureha by tlie Bank of Knirland. Th«* Stock Ex'chaJUf<>. In tl •■ ai>.--.--ncc of h«y«»r». ruled du'.S and unin*v.eresting. Tho tesidencv ivas downward in most Bectlons. except <"ra?id Trunks and Peruvians. whicil hard-ned on bear roreri Th* markPt for American securities showed only frartional tlianges in the early *-esfion. wall Bti<eel sent lower opening: prices, and thi . ompanied v.ith Ugtit »ellinjr orders, caused the market to drop. Tri«> .-in>-inp »<>s easy. < a^i money in I»ndon. r : v''i-s per cent: dften Ti.ark«-t discount rale for short bills, S^'dj^t rer cent; lonp Vi!'^. "\" \ per cent; Ferlin duccoont rate. r. * per cent : Paris discount rate. Ir k per c*>j)t; Paris hanife «n London. -" francs TP* centimes: Berlin «xcha.npe tm London. '--• marks .V> pfennigs. Bar «old. T7s M. American eagle?, T6s 64. P*rl*. >T»t Si.— Three per rent rente* rlcE^d unchanged at ?S francs 72', .-"ntinies. Trading en the Bourse ras dull and aeoi tatlac PJerta. Mas' T.t.— The Bojbtbc na« active ojaol tfaa tendency of prices was upward. N. Y. AND OTHER GAS SECURITIES. Fid.AFke'l | Bid. Asked. >?r 1. «• T.-t^ 2.^ * v A G 15« r.s 994 I-..) «O pr»f ...104 io« i»N-T &ER 104^ •F'l* G" &*.. »5 J<« i 'do con to.. 99 100 •C V O Ni.-10-l 1«2 (Tat & P ... 93 I<W) CG N J ss. »2 91 "P CG ta ... W 100 l>-ver G«S.ISX 1«3 jEtendarS ...50 — flo 6s .. B4 f<6 I do prrf m — <io ■ I OB NO 1 — I'St J Gas ."■». »3 P5 •Ea lrt c C 5.103 X* I'StPG c m «J.IO| 10T W O*s ■-• '7 » |fLtTh..M P3 •'gxJc G T>* .P5 95 ISt P Gas 5«.. »7 C» •k CGi!." 100 i Syra G Ist6s.l*>4 10 * ■9MWI l*t «b Mi —ISLX & P 5«. .63 70 V-jr«»; 150 — i •And MaM* PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES. <?? v-j'X!«heav -j'X!«hea by TCiniams. McCcsr.e!) & CoJeman. No. 6C Wai BtMSI Fi-5. A?ked- Ar.i Light «- T.acUOB ......... . .38 2*>6 <o •pfefcrrM i'H JiXJ Am Gas Jt Kiectric 45 47 >\-) preferred 414 «34 /5n first fes b3 m Ij-nver Oas i. Elect! IM 156 <}-> cenera! 6s • •• 9Z% ft* IZinpir* Tiistrlct Eiectrie 'M 20 £c preferred • . . 72 IS a* hm ■ — "s IJlfCT>\ Gcs ft Etectztc- 19 21 Paclflc Osb A Eiertric .** r.T £<, prclerred fcT - M» BOSTON STOCKS. Crurr:sV.r<S bj- R; L. Dai & Co.. No. 57 VTa.!! street.) ISiy 27.5ia v r.l. ■ Mtai May SI. y f i jt:t.*i:24 :?2 Kji ft u«c..tisc «075 J»o«;ca U...127M 12J'i;Ceate3nI»l M 17 17 KitcLfp j.f.12» 12"> ;Coj» Itonce M »j«4 <«4 VT V3i* 11. — <-154 Ftaaklio M.. 13 12H nj Or.ior.y. .I*7 I■' IGrenby M 40 }#'-* VT F 'ix tJt. 17 >7»4!lla3« Con* M 7 7 «••-' pi-ef-'.- — tIOC ii-.aaivk M... .*•: tl Mass Vi Ccs I? IC%!So Euf.e 3-*4 ll* di'r*^-- *4 ? » tfc^ !Osceo!a M...137 IS» .A«i I'iisjn.. i : i B 'Old ■a M.. .I? SH >- p/ef... W4 17 !P«rrot M.... 15H IS A-r TAr T..!*i 1S;-*i ICjuin -y J-t 7'i T'Vi N«w Ktis- T-iMM 1a?- iTa-nnrack M.+54 SZV» V>fcj TAT V,K U« 4 'Wolverine- 51. 117 I". 3 co B«f..i SS *.-.-> ■■• -f - « 4^'* 42 t-_ eh««» »i. 6P?4 O'*! do nr»f -t:* 7^ <:« T » ir> pre*... 2^ » IDS 0i1...... 3-V, .V*'. VtSctfc W . 74 7 i Co T>ref.... 90 fe» Kaasea IC. 11 U lUtfin T3 l 4 — tr.:t rru:t..l33^ 193 ! SECURITIES PRICES DECLINE ON HEAVY LIQUID* NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TUESDAY, -MAY. 31. 1910. ;V ; fchrsjKet, lop^isa^i^Sfe ssg]^£t • ; On A lH^^*Flnllßld > JAsk soldJchgeJ fOp.j HI. LowFJnj ißidJAsk sold, chgei ■? . w 't a I a W4| iT" sm>- 1, jAllis-Chalmers Company...) r«4 : B^l 9*ij * K M J, \'?* 2W- '? |lowa <:c "^ ral A' "Vi"Vn j2l . S3»i g,, S3H S3" 2 S3& loot +il Alli«=-<"halmers Co. Pr S3 !33 133 IS3 !S2 | » 2<>l| — J4 Kansas City Southern ..... I S 2r^ «2 Jg ,67 * 56.K20 _ Amalgamated Copbe P r!:::::: | 70i*: 70^- 67% i «?' B Us»i g% K,n H^ Kansas City Southern pr... 67 6. 67 67 _^_, 6^ 500.-I*, American Beet Sugar I 111 if | e3O -- iLarkawanna Steel 10S*4 103% 103*ii103«4 JStS iJmScan Car && P Foundry.': JSfc! 2S S»4 Mi *> i 310'- 54 Mackay Companies ;»U gD 8- 1 z f^ g1"g 1 " ■ion -i^Umerican Car &F. pr...... Illsu.iiis^!llsmis^illo 116 • 300| + ,§ Marine J i*ii"si*li 139 139 « 139 138% 140 s -i 1 American Cotton tf E ffpwwg&a ..Iris f^smilterJl 1 W 1 40»4 40% 40% I.W -2V* American locomotive ' 4»d 4g4| 4S 146 «! «4 UOj- * Nationa l*ad P ■•^■••- •• *** 1 ?V -pi 27 127 I 27^4 ra.(VVl— 3 Ameri-an Smelting j 79V»1 7!»*: 7» 7 75%! 75% 75 f>lii— I s * ' National of -Mexico 2d pr.. g» *!.i r ' , £ __^ *^6nO._. s. American Sm-ltinl pr 'iM? 11041 104V 104 »« »« !104Ji Weo|-« g^"^^£°S ..SSSfS SSS mt 7M4 «! 71 a«0 -I*s I American SnufT pr. 1«> 101 100 101 M 102% „ 200 -2^ New ork Air Brake ; £ ';,; , Z.^Ji^n ljsd-43 -American Steel Foundry...: 54 i 54U. &A B% MH :^ PW v'Xrt ,- i i * »'i w 6fi»l "l « 1 - Hi pi^siSlli II i^Biiiiiiii LMrt-aS (Atlantic Coast Line lUWi 121% 120 120% 119« i 120 200- f* SLS*,,^ *iSf L ' iKHhTPSk m I?V4 20 ta-T? CanadfaS Pacific !]R«I L^lliS[ll96H I^4 W4 „ g^^ViJnT & S& «2 41 41 J if ' fl2 4.fion_2&* Ontral leather 3i»s: 59%; 37**. 3TH' 57a»i 87% 9 'l2?i-3J» igock Island ««» 4*H| « JJ ,«^ ?i4W i-l» s Chesapeake «- Ohio IS7' 87 \ S4S S«4iS4»ii S5 «oUI% jß«ck Island J>r-- — ••■ »■ « « SLJ -US inn-ii^ Chicalo. Mi!. t &'s u t Paui::il3^1 3 JS( lH 155»4 137 E .|^H» |t. Louis Southwestern pr. 75^ gffl 74§ -Tjg 7o i 'ino'li^ Ichicairo. Mil. & St. P. pr..!155«4 lX^i 155-i 155% 155% 157 £'?',-}?* | loS , RR u Shel L S «| c & Iron — Jgf i-*^ iii 2| t ii2 iw' 121^ 1,0-vi -2 jChicaeo & Northwestern... 'ls2 152 150 1^ 150 ISOV4 6 H^riJ? | ou^ crn 5^ flc *V 'ggtt Uhicae;^Union Trac. P r.... 7 7 ! 7 10 fouthern Rail.a>. |J. «9« |% |. SopH ColoVad^Fufl^ifon::::::: sS3 SS Sm i 3«i4 ! «4 36% *l" Tennessee Copper 38 |6g Mj X fgj 28 ir.l,-4 Colorado Fuel & Iron pr... U4«U4?i!ll4»i 13) SOOF-1 Texas & Pacific.....;. 31 1*;1 *; 31% 30^, S0? *BW M si v< aiss! f ea^^ s? % m d g |M,. ?*?■> iFtll^--'-'' i & L i 1i 1 - 1 i*§ afe^Assssiig 11 7f47 f4 : d 7k7 k v s |aka 4/^_ii,r iCon Products Refln<nit ori 755, : W%B 77U1 "fis, 771, |« feS p^ci^:.::::::::::: 107 >1«7 107 107 106"* p 4/ift'_ii.r ro'ii Products Reflnine r>r 7Sli 7S».i 77U 77^! 7G*i 7714 KW| United Dry Goods 107 107 1107 107 106'4 10S _I> D^iaw^o & Hu^on. .S.l^l6S?il67Hl«7Xi!l?7. S .l^l6S?il67Hl«7Xi!l?7' 8 \wt m- V, United. Dry Goods pr 1067 i 106! 106% 106% 105 V, 106% ]m| — Denver & Rio Grande !40! 40 40 I 40! 3$ ! 29^ 100] +*, United Ry. Investment 34 34 J34 34 32 34 SOO'-U DlsUlling Securities I a 31 3ft I» » S3 100-1 U. S. Realty & Imp 73^ 73^ TO4 73W 73% 73^ 1210-l4 Erie..... i2B 128 I 27% 27H 27 ' 2S'« 600— % I*. S. Rubber 41 141 40 40 !S3I 40 m-2 «M"w.::;;..::;:::::::::::t« »• 35 3V sW l i i«>l — - U. s. Rubber Ist pr ....113 112 113 112 111 112% 'Oeneral Chemical Co. pr... 101% 101% 101^ 101%'lCl' 102 % 159.900U2% United States Steel 82* j S2 79% 79T» 79% SO «oi-l»4 General Klectric C 0. ........ 149 143 147 J147 114^147 3.525-1 United States Steel pr..... 118% 118% U7 117 11714117% 4,430:-2U Great Northern pr 1847 i 134W132 133%1132% 132% 3,2f«n!— *| Copper..... 46%: 4«H ; 4;> I 40% 45UUo^ 300<_S4 Great Northern Ore ctfs... 62' J 62%! 63 '621 62 i 62H 10.700:— Virginia-Car. Chemical.... 62% 62% 69% SB%I 59^160 M ! Havana Kifr-tric Railway. 95^; 95Hi 9->m 9f.Ul 95U ! 96% 100 Va.-Car. Chem. Pr, s 6 f.... 124 124 124 124 120 |126 2W-2H Illinois Central 135% 133%j133% 133% 132 " 133% ™- iWabaPli 20J4 20% 20 |20 19% 20!— Rw Ilnter:-Metropolitan 20 ! 20 i 19Ui 15% 19U.' 1?H 4,700 -2' i abash pr • 45U, 45% 43"» i 43% 43* i 1 4<j?i 2.370 i— Ilnter.-Metropolitan pr J 54% 54%! K*.*i &3*^i E3 "I E3% 10} m*ells-Fai Express 175 175 (175 175 ISS 175 &Ayv_:>il llnternational Harvester 101 |101% 97 197 i 97 ! 97% 400J— 1% ("Western Maryland T il 47 45% 45%! 45%' 46% 3no| -Mi 'International Paper 12*fei 12*j 12»il 12% 12% 12% 400—1 Western Maryland pr....... 70% 70% 70 70 69%j 70% cm _s? lint. Steam Pump 47*4,! 47% 46%! 4fi3i' 4654147 400 + % estern Union Telegraph. 65% 65% 65 68 67 168 125!- -U 'Int. Steam Pnmr> pr | S5 | 85 ! ST. I 85 | M%' R5 l.onni-1U lw«»stinghouse Mfg.. g4 I 64 | fiZ% 62% 62 } 62% BANK STOCKS ON STOCK EXCHANGE. _.; , , ... - te<M - Jb M ... _. _^ Total sales for the day, 760,151 shares, comrared trtth 701.57S Sh'rs Net j- j • Actual Sales, j Closing. 6liares for the corresponding day in 1309. 6pld - ich^ e ' ■ . gP -*g • > Sg t w| " nl , w ' it-** Total sales January Ito May 31. Inclusive. $1,001,202 shares, Hdu lFou^^tionaf:::::::::::::^imu^ii^u^ \m compared *^th 80,537,469 har for the same period in 1900. FINANCIAL MARKET Wall Street Upset Over Railroad Rate Situation. Fear pressure and a total lack of support from substantial Interests en couraged moderate declines throughout the list in yesterday's early stock mar ket dealings, while in the afternoon further sHling from the trading element and genuine liquidation brought about acute losses among the active issues. The decline in the second half of the day. -which -was accompanied by a ma terial increase in the volume of busl noes. to based to a large extent on .Supreme Court decisions that did not ap peal to "Wall, Street as favorable to cor porations, though the corporation tax suit -was not among the cases decided by the court, and by the announcement that the administration would proceed against the railroads 1n the West that had sorvrd notice upon the Interstate Com merce Commission of their intention to increase freight rates. It is not a crime for a railroad to advance its rates, but the government argues that the railroads have combined for this purpose, and that this combination is wholly contrary to the law. The financial community believes that the railroad eompanif-s are entitled to higher freight charges owing to th* increased wages they are paying and the general increase in the cost of operating their properties, and that if they are prevented from advancing their rates dividends will have to come down, and in some cases be suspended. Hence the weakness in railroad stocks yester day on the announcement of the gov ernment's action in asking lor an in junction against the putting into effect of propoaed higher freight rates to-day. The prominent shares broke with ex treme violence in the last half hour, de clines running from *• to more than 5 pofnta in many issues, while notwith standing some faint-hearted support in the final operations last prices were at or near the lowest of the day. Reading showed a net decline of 7>\ t ; Union Paci- Oc, .".V. Southern Pacific. 4'V. United States Steel, '1%: Northern Pacific. 3*B. and Atchtson, :','■+. A sharp break in cotton and wheat was ignored on the Stock Exchange, favorable developments being overshadowed by the course of af fairs in "Washington, as far as Stock Exchange sentiment was concerned. No material change in quotations marked the course of the money and • r-- srn exchange markets yesterday, as compared with the final figures last woek. Demand sterling was a trifle easier under the influence of a some what larger offering of bills, but the general character of the dealings did not suggest the development in the im ni'-diate future of a low level of rates, though the weakness in commodity price." and the possibility of further sales of American securities abroad en couraged the idea in many quarters that the market would run more in favor of tli is country in the rest of the year than reported at any time in the last twelve months. If the movement now under way la the price of grain and cotton . ontinues. and If the crops make a large harvst. our export trade doubtless will Fhow marked improvement as the sea son progresses, and from current in dications quotations for both grain and cotton are proceeding toward the level that will attract an active foreign ln for these commodities. While It is too early to figure on the outcome of the rears harvest, it is satisfactory to know that current conditions on the farms are much better than reported a few weeks ago. The demand both for time and call money is light, except a fair Inquiry is noted for the longest maturities, but the banks show no dis position to mak« cojicessions in rates, in ■pita of the Htreugth of local reserves. which now stand for the Clearing House institutions at $23,017,900. The banka at this centr*! are conserving: their re sources and are doing nothing to en courage acti\ e bull speculation Jn stocks, -js having in mind the possibility of developments that might upset th» financial attnatfOß if it should not be i by large money supplies in New Tork. FERRY COMPANIES. Esd. A.Sr.f-5 • BM.Ask*4. rii"=re«..2s t7 |(.v & 2S« 5t 35 45 'i V lrt t!.V f 'i 1 "* ! da bonds... «0 70 VT4.N?'i *» M P7 ICnicn Fen- . 9 S3 •J yj-ERM 23 ■ da lit 6t... 86 B» ti in ti.. to to i NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. "WEDNESDAY. JUNE 1. 1910. BOND MARKET SALES. 1000 f! 48 .1144! 2000 L. S & M So 6<»o do 3b Coup. 1024 1 Deb 45..... J»24 5700<> Japanese 4Vi* 944 SOOO do 4s 1931.. 934 1000 do 2d 944 3000 l> & N Unit 4s 9SU 4«.50 do 4b PO4 4000 do 525 BOOORep of C 65..102»* 2000 Marine 44»-- **>'» 300WU S of Mcx 14000 do 66 4s »7 6000MilLS&"W 10000 Argentina 5«. 96% Ist 6s -U5V* &000 N V City 4^B I 2000 M X & T Rcf Ret» 101U 4s |34 6000 do 1014 i 5000 do -• W«4 27<*i» do 101*4 7000 do S F 44« 88 10000 do 4s 1957. 994 1000 Mr. Pac ._,,, 1000 do 4s 1969. 90% Con 6s 1094 14000 Allls-Chal 5s 7S I 1000 do Col 65.. .1004 6000 Am Ag C G5.1014 1000 do 4s JB4 69000 Am TAT 14000 do Xa- Cvt 4s 100' i! .=><)oo do '8 12000 <j o 101 * 10000 Nat Rya of M MOO do 100»i , 4U S ....... 94*» 5000 Am Tob 6b.. 1054 8000 do »*H 10000 do 105 V 7<X») do Gen 4». . S9«* 20<K) do lus?i; 10000 N V Cen Deb 1000 do Reg. . . .105 ! 1934 »3 2000 da 4s 794 ' 20000 do 1M» litoo Armour 4' s. 91*4 I i^OO do Gw 34»- 88 ' 1000 A T & S F j 1000 do L S Col Adj 4s Stpd PO*»| 34s 2 26000 do Gen 4s. 964 1000 NTC& St L> pono do 9S«* i 4s w JOCK) do Reg. . . . 9* 33000 NYG& EL. MOO do Cvt sb.Hl ! n& P os..lOOJi WiiVt do Cvt 45.108>4 9000 do 4s Sl4 25000 do 1064 GOOONTNH&H rtoon Deb L-. OSU Deb 6s I|o . GOOO do T S L j 4000 do y l|g% 4s 93 24Of*> do Cvt S'.is. 9>>?* 1000 At & Birm 4s 88% 10«0 do 984 14000 At Coast L, A 15000 N V Tel 9.^ N4s 91 1 * 13000 do 9. S 15000 Bait fz Ohio | 5000 do ........... »''» Gold 45.... 97?4 1000 Norf & W Con _ f 3000 do Pr 345. 91 « 4s yS'4 ,VtOO do 34s *9»4lionno do Cvt 4»..102»* 3000 Beth Steel 5s *7 i 2O"J>> do Cvt 4s 2O.y> do 86 3 4) Rets f p. 1024 13CHX) Bkln R T 4s . M liv>oO <\ o 1"-, 3000 do ....... 85 2000 do Gen fis.-l-M 1. 5000 do M«4 COOO do Poc C & 6000 do S4V4| C 45....3. SB!J i«00 d0G0M8«.102% 1000 Nor Pac Gen 5000 Bkln In El 3s O* Ist 100% 4000 do 71 1000 Buffalo Gas ss 66 ! 7000 do Prior 45.101 1 * 1009 Can S.-. Ist 8000 Ore Sh L Gtd Ext 65.... 104 Ref 4s 93 I<vyi cen of Ga Ist ' 2000 Ozark & C C 6, 1134! 5s s> fil 100.-» do Con f.5.1044 '13000 Pac TATSs 9i 360-W do Ist Inc ■ 2000 Perm Cvt 345.100 V* Ctfs .... *6 I31O"<) do 34« 1915 9.1% 500i> do 854' 4200<) do »54 10000 do 3d Inc : 500 do A"',™-, Ctfs . SI 1000 do 4e 11M5.. 102:4 Jo<iO Cen I-«ath 5s 99% 1000 Veo & X Inc.. 57 1000 Cen Pac Gtd \ 300<> J'hilippin.-: Ry 4s 9341 4s 90 5000 do 9<5 I 1000 Poc Cm Col 1000 do 345... SS i 5F68../.. 83 500>>Cen Vt 45.... B« 13000 Reading Gen 1000 Che« & Ohio I 4b 9* Gen 4Vis..lOOS4j 4000 do 9iTs 25000 do Cvt 44s 944 1000 Rio G VT Cl 8000 do 9tH Tr 4s 831* Vkki do "4'«| 1000 St I,' TM & S 7000 do Con 55. 1114 Ref 4s S3^ 2000 C A Alt 3V7S. 70 10000 StIi&SFR- \ 9000 C A Erie Ist R Gen Cs... Si'^t r, s 110 SROOO do Ref 45.. 81 ',« 1000 C A N W G«"n ' 70<X» San An A A 2U.8 S7«i P 4s «> 4000 do Ext 4*. 100 11000 Scab Al> Adj 6000 CR&Q Gen 5b 73 4s . m%\ 1000 do Ref 55.. 99** 4000 rto " 97 i SOOO do 994 r««.n «1o Joint 4s 95»4| r.OOO So Pac Cl Tr 25<*Vl do 95 7 iJ 4s Reg 90 S<<r*\ do Reg.... 9--.» i ' 13000 do Ist Ref r.OOO do 9.> 6 i« ' 4s 944 ia.loo do 95H ' 4000 do 94>4 1000 do HI >'■■• I •'"""' f1 ° p4i » 4S4 S .99 , 1000 do 944 •WtO do ..!!'.-. 9S-4 23000 do Cvt 45..100H 1000 C Ind A l^ou 29000 do 100 1 * " Ref 6s 126 SNOO do 100 10000 CM f. St P 42000 dr. - 99j, 4s 1934.... 92' 8 23000 do 99*4 15000 do Gen 4s '■ 4000 do ... . 99% \ .. 994 2000 So P.v lsr 55.10.»% 3000 &o Gen 34s I 2"<v> do 1054 B ..... S7 i 7000 do Gen 45.. 77% 2000 c R I A p |2o<:>o.'> *''> 7714 Gen 4k... 9<> ! 1000 do 77** 3000 dr, Ref 4s. J=7 il 7000 Und F.I L 4Us M» ,VV»O do R7%|ISOOO do K5 »v^ do ... e7%JSOOOO do Inc 65... 37 35000 do R R 4s. 77'^ 4OnotJn Pac Ist 48.101H 2(V»00 d,, 77 ' 500 do ioi»» 10f^> do . . 7«%jISOW do 101^ 2000 Col &• So Ist : SOOO do Cvt 45.. 1054 4e ... 954125000 do 105, iono do 9"> 155000 do 1044 ©noor-oi Fu-i A I IJSOiioo do 104s, De >6a ... 964140000 do 104 4000 Corn Prod B j 1000 U S Realty A F 1834 .... 95 ! Imp 6s P!Hi ■1000 Del A H Cvt i WW»U S Rub 1024 4, 9S I 1000 do 102H I*inon do Kef 4«. 98% 28000 V 8 Steel S F 5000 Den & Tl G I Ps 1 4 Ref 5<=...- 23000 do 1044 1000 dr. 92 ! 1000 do c.103% lOfio do Imp 55. 102 ' 3OAO do i.W»*« 1000 Diet gee C6a «Ri.i 4000 do Re? 10.1 SO(V> do «> ! 500 do 1O3»4 liv.i do 654 I6O1.K) Va-Car Ch 1«t 6000 Erie Ist ons Ba 954 4s «2V Rooo do 9*"* SOOO ,lo Gen 4«. 73 ! 1000 do fl*°i, jv<K> do Cvt 4b ' 2000 ijo OSS A 76 ! 1000 Va Iron C & 12000 do B 6R*»' C 5, 914 10000 do «X ! «ono\Var, 2d 55...100' i 3f»O0 do 67?4 I aoon do 101 6000 Gen Elec Deb j 3000 do R & Ext fts I^>4' 4s 70>4 fiOOO d# 139 540T,.> do 70% 1000 Gr T.av Deb 814 42000 do 70V* 1000 "Hock Val Ist 10000 do 7^»% 4U.s . 100 16000 do 70 lOOOrt 111 C Ref 4s. 97V f.OOO "lo 6»»i 2O(V> do n%\ 80i»Wiib Pftts T 2fiOOolnt Met 445. 3 -*! • Ist Ctfs. . 39 31000 do *O'-V MOO do 38 a«to do sos. ' 3000 Westlnch S F 20000 do W»*4 l Bs SR4 4ROOO do W> j 2000 West Bh 45...100? i »iOOInt It T 6b.. 1014 1000 do 101 2000 do 5s lOl%| 2000 do 101 6000 Int Pap Cvt 100(1 ,We*t I"n C\-t' • r,s P6 | 4s A 1014 3000 1a C Ist 55. .103 ' JOOOWiB C Gen 4s 90%* r.OOO Kan CSo ss. 1004 1 1000 do 91 100' do Ss 734 ! fiOOrt do J*>4 4090KlnK8 Co El j 6000 do 90 1 4s Stpd . . 544 Total Bales of bondu, J2.1 05,500. NEW YORK CITY BONDS. (Furnished by W. N. Col«r & Co.. No. 43 Cedar street.) (Accrued ini«rest to be- added.) Hid. Aalced. •P.cts.. 4-J. M.h., T,O- # C 0 101 i; 101 '4 •4 4. Novamber. l!* 07 107-* lOS •44. May. 1857 107 4 10S •4V-, Xovanib«-r. 1917 ]02' i IC.I •4 4. May. 1817 102% l«S •4s. May, 1»5» 9ft4 99H •4s. November. 19f>£ 904 99* i •4s. May. 1957 »9 4 99% •4b. May. 1950 U9>4 IOOH |4i. November, 19.VV58 9S*i 'tK T i +4«. November, 1938 984 J*<* •34. November. MM-5S 8S hft*i tau, May. 195J W> : « M»* -:;4 ift&o-'.''4 S7'* fifi t34 November. IS4I ; S7*4 8« #.:'i. Novembsr. IP2S 00'« 91 *» tS'i, Vven-her. I*sß 63. M% |.;4 Nc\errber, IMt . . 9|*» P54 i 24. Novfrnb'r. 1914.. 07. 57"4 •Coupons - lmioßß*Ua ♦F.efHtertd tCca pca». |H.c*is".ere<i acl ecupen. ' w INACTIVE . STOCKS. The following: were the last actual sales and the closing: quotations for stocks in which there were no transactions yesterday on the New Tork Stock Exchange: Last , Closing.- — » i=a!<?. Bid. Asked. Adams Express . . . .' 245 250 — Am Agr Chemical 45' i' 4" . 4-lH Am Agr Chemical pref. .100 inj 103 Am Beet Sugar pref £>S'tJ $>r? 93 V* Am Coal 120 75 150 Am Cotton Oil pref 106 102 107 Am District Tel 20 15 30 ! Am Linseed 14 12?* 13*4 Am Locomotive pref lio 104 1O» Am Malting 6 B% 6 Am Malting pref 364 36 3» Am Smelting pref 8.... £69i s.*. s»7 Am Snuff 2S. 1 ) 2.10 310 Am Tel & Cable 75 71 75 Am -Tobacco- • pref »<? »5V4 »7 Ann Arbor -. 33 2S 36 Ann " Arbor prof. 70 6* 72 Batopllaa'Mlning 2** 2»4 3 1 Bethlehem' 6te«l pref 63 — f'7 Br-OQkl yn -Un Gas 147 145 I 4« Brunp^-lck 11% 11 t2 Buff Roch & Pitts 95 PO 107 Buff Roch & Pitts pref.. I^j 1S» Buff <S- Susci pref : . 2» — 33 • Butterick Co SO 1 ;, 30 SOH Canada Southern «7 fit*4 71 Central & So Am Te1... .115 — UH Central Leather pref IfW 10R -\f*> Central of New Jersey.. 270 2P5 Chic & Alton pref 6S> — 6S ("hie Burl & Qulncy 225 2O'> — Chic Gt Western pref... 60 49?4 50*4 Chtclnd & Lou pref — »jO SO Chic & N'western pref. -204*4 200 210 Chic St P M & 0 150 14.". 150 Chic St P M & O pref:.. lSO 155 165 Chic Union Traction 24 24 3 C C C & St L, nref 1034 100 110 Del Lacka & ■U*eatern...s«s 560 600 Denver & Rio G pref.... 79T» 7!> So Dcs M.* Ft D :..... 9 " ~fi : ' 18 Detroit United R R 5P4 54 «0 Dul So Sh & At prcf 2£>*i 2.'. 30 Krie Ist pref ■ 46V* 45 ' 4f.4 Evans & T H 50 55 «2 Evans & T H pref 824 75 W Federal Mln & 5in...... 41 83 40 Federal Mm & Sm pref.. 70s* 64 «7 Federal Sugar .- fio 4" «o Federal Sugar pref 05 I«1 100 Gen Chemical Co 99 n."> ion Granby Mining 40 . 35 100 Havana Kler Ry pref... jx> 97 Hocking Valley 124 11!> 122 Hocking Valley pref 101 V" 100 Homeetake : . BtH S6 SS Ingersoll-Rand Co 115 100 — Ingprsoli-Rand Co pref.. 544 37 — - Tnter Harvester pref . . . . 123 1224 123 Inter Paper pref 52 ol'4 Msl lowa Central pref •• Sf>?4 ■ .T^ 40 X City Ft S & M pref.. 7S 75 78 Keok & Dcs M R « 1» Keok & Dcs M pref 41 33 50 Kn'c Ice of Chic pref... 77 «7 75 Lafiiede Gas, pref J»5 90 ioi> I^ake Erl« & W 17 Ifi*4 IS Laka Krie & W pref 52 4R 56 Lo7i?r Island » 64 ■ R4 «7 Mftckay Cos' pref 76 7.*. 4 7« Manhattan Beach ...... . 34 $Vt fi Manh&'tan Elev 136 13.1 135 Marine 54 si R Maryland Coal pref IV) s<> Wt Michigan Central — 14. 1«W» Minn &■ St Louis .14% 32 85 Minn &St Louis pref... 6K ' 02 6K4 •Minn Ptr&SSM t>r*Mso 14« 154 MlnTi St P & 3 S M *- L. RSI4 KK>j «t»4 Nashville A Chatt 135 ISO IM Nat Biscuit pref 12* 120»i 12T» Nat Enam & Ptp 20H 1»4 Zo\i Nat Enam & Stp pref... 85% S5 «3 Nat of Mexico pref. ... fifi',4 644 6.-.V4 New Central Coal f>2'i 30 fin . N V C & St L 1" pref.. '100 110 NT O * St L2d pref... <»r. . S^ f»0 N T Dork S5 2f> .'{S N V Dock cref 824 SO W N T N It A- H 1554 - - IS.V, Norfolk *• Western pref. po s« . pr. Ontario Silver 24 24 •_•** Pacific Coast 111 l<1f» 112 Pacific Coast Ist pref. ..105 00 110 Pacific rvigjt 2d pref... 112 110 112 Pacific Tel A; Tel 33 321J 33 Pacific Tel A- Tel pref... {« <v> joo Peoria * Eastern 224 2O 25 Pitts r C * St L- pref -1154 110 118 Fitta Coal pref 71 «n 7O Pitts Ft W A Chic 17.1H Wi — Pressed Btael Car pref.. 90 l>7»i j.» r-jllman Palace Car 1614 161 162 Quicksilver .''4 SU 4 Quicksilver rref ........ f>\ . "4?4 s'^j Ry Fteoi pprlng pref 102' i JOO 105 niadlnK 1« pref 01 01 r»1 «4 Reading 2d pref 1024 ion in; Ren b A Saratoga ; -2no 13A _ Republic Ir A Ste»l pref. B7 i . »7.'i P7S*« Wat A Ogd 121 4 121 123 Rutland R R Co pr*f. • 30 jr. no Ft T, A f F W pref. ... «7 4 «-"» 70 St L.& S F C& E I ctfs .lift 125 iso fJtI<*SPC& F. I ctfspf. . 1164 i;o FtL&SF C & X I ctfs new 6! 52 r. a rs-Rof>buck pref 1214 1234 So R R M A O <-tf« 8«4 SI P5 Tolf-do Rvb A Light f> « ft'i T*n Bag A Par**" . • • • ■ *'•* < » I*n B«g A Paper pr*f... 60 ko , «i Tn(t».l Ry Invest pref . . «2 «2 R5 Tnited i^ifrnr Mfg« 104^ 110 T S cast T P A F — 2." 20 2<« . V B r^»st IP & F pref. 72 l i TO 73 T P F.xprew 10R Wfl lOft T P timuc A Ref 54 s'{ «t,i U S Reduc A Ref pref. 2J Id 2S tt B R-ibb-r 2d pref 7T> 7<S 7S Vairlalia R R K! » . 73« i — Va Iron Co»l A Coke .55 «o Vulcan Dettnnlng 1"» IS ' 2O Vulcan petlnning pref.. 74 «O 70 WfaotM* MfF Ist pref... llO 110 \2.~ Whe«l A T^ F •■■• 44 8H 4H Wheel j(. t_ F. 1»t pr*f... 114 lo 12 Wheel AL E 2.1 tire-f. — 44 : 54 Wisconsin Central ...... 53* 30 63 RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BONDS AND CAR TRUSTC. Maturing 1910-27. (Furr'.Ehed by Swartwout A Appenzellar, No. 40 Pine, it.) " Name. Maturity. Interest jie'.U Atlantic Coaet Line 4 p c. 1910- f 17.. 4»i 4'H Buff. R & P 4 4 4 P C. 1010-27 4S 4"4 Cent of Ga 4 4 ■"> p. c. UHO--17 47i 4\» Cent R It of N J 4 n c. 1812-#7 4% 4 Ches & Ohio 4 p c, 1010-' 17 4%. 4V4 Ch & Alt 4-44-« p c. 1010 19 4 « 4S Ch A E 111 44-5 P C. 1910-'l7 54 4^4 Ch R I & P 44-6 p c. 1810 fS' 4 414 C. HAD 44 pc, 1910-20 s'* 4^ D & H 44 p r. 19i2 4S 44 Krl* 444-."> p c, li>UVl7 64 i% Hock Val 4-4 pc. 1910-'lB 4*i 44 Hud A Man 8 p c. 1010-'l9 fti; 47, X aM M <'* " c. 1010- $ 15 OH -' 4^ X G 80 414 j> c. 1910-'ls 4- r 4H I I^h Val 4-44 p c. 1010-'lB 44 4»4 Mf> Pac 6 p c. 1910-17 .V, 4»/i Mob * O 4 6 p c. 1010-'lO 4% , 4S ,NVCL Bp c, l«6-"28.^ 44 414 Norf * W 4 p c. 1010-'ie. 1 4«i 4«4 Perm 34 4 pc. 1010-'l7 4*. ■' 4 - St L A fi F 4-44-5 P C. 1010-M7 r.i, ' :■ 4% do Guar AfliFJpc, lf»10-'17.. .'. 4S Seaboard A L 4 4-5 P r, li»iO-'17... f4 4>* So Ry 34-4-44 pc. 1010-'2l 4V 4»» Vlrclnlaa Ry 5 P c, IJM« -19 .'.» 44 Wabasli 44-5 pr, l»10 f>»* 4*» Wk ft L 1 44-5 * c. lltlO-'22 6 S ! EXFORTS OF MERCHANDISE. 1010 1900 I9tv Wl end May 51 M1.«2A,T43 $11.^.2,054*1! I ! £ln:» Jaa. 1.. v .2S4,2»ZOCa 2&7.e50,835 2:^000,211 ' OUTSIDE SECURITIES. pig With th« possible exception of o-.o or two of the mininr Issues almost - c 0, m lct « •Wf; nat'on -prevailed in thomarhct for outside eecurltfes. irJth th« general tone weak 1 " nympathvivlth the stock markPt. Ohio Copper developed. activity, but Principally on Inside- purchase;, rnovins: up « ™»" fraction and later casing off to the lowest. Chlno. Greene-Cananea, Butte coalition and Ray Central were f ractl na . v *„,?£ The ajlvcr >tocka were comparatlvelj qu»l and about unchanged. Goldfleld Con soli - ; dated, aft.r an early small gain. case<l off. Ely Central. Consolidated Arizona Sm»u ing- and Union Mines ruled about_ stead >• In the industrial list- American ,J'' na .'" ' r H after early heaviness, steadied Standard Oil was quiet and unchanged. Interconti nental Rubber was lower in the bid in bonds little ingulry .was shown aside from Western Pacific ss. which ruled steady. Detailed operations follow: INDUSTRIAL. Sa'.e«. Open. High. l*m I-a? f 68 Am T0bacc0.... 432', 436 4"O", 4J* ' 69At G 1... lOVi 10% 10,-. 1«* l.«!O0«C»l Nat 0i1... 10 10 « « Cuban Telep. ... M g. . £', *J',, 800 Int Rub T etii. 21 21\ 21', 21 H nno 'January 0i1... 47 • ♦' ♦" 'July Oil 35 3.» Jg Z* 1.800 Maya Oil , 107 110 I*7 110. 600 •Palmer 0i1... 14» I*> VJJ l-^> 12 Standard 01!....«30 «• «C 5 625 210 l.n rigar Mf(r..174 t74 « 2 . <2 1.900 U S Ught &H. lrV 1A 'n 1^» MINING. 100 Boston Copper.. 1« 1« If IS 1.000 'Bovard on. ... I 3#3 # 3 •;, 2.000 Braden Copper. 4U 4\* 4H 44 l * l.ono Bradshaw If 15 l-> a» 625 Brit Col Cop...- s"* t« »J* *» 400 Caledonia ..... I* 1> 1 * JJ* 200CanadUn Mines fi 1 * 6k 6Vi 8U SOO'Carisa SO 60 K> ' 6O 1.200 Chlno Copper ... 12% 12? i 12|» 12« i 2.000 'Cobalt Central 6,* 7 «i . 1.700 •Com FTa<-t!on. 52 62 50 30 1.000 Con Ariz Sm... 2f» • 2r» 2. r a 300 Davis-Daly ... 1% 1 % I** •t ! B..WEIv centra! » it ■]* f* 4,500 'Ely C«n MI4 J*'-i g*V* MU Sno •Eureka Con... 20 22 20 22 RM First Nat as pd 3"i *** •}** s»* 400Giroux 7 » 77.7 7 . J*» '"* 3.200 Goldfleld Con... m fH «* |j? 2,000 Greenwater .... 0;» «'•! f« »•» 400 Greene-Cananea V* *1» ■_ *. 400 Guerrero Mines IT* 171 7 Is 1* Gußgenheim E.ISK 1«> I?j 130 700 Hareuvar Cop. . 32 32 3- 3. 1,000 Husted 74 7S .4 <» 500 Inspiration Cop. 7 i 7*4 7H 7<* 1,000 Kerr Lak« fl'4 S>> » .;,,' 700 La Rose Con... 4*» 4-rV 4* 4H 247 Mason Val new «■ « 8 » POO Miami Copper.. 22 1 22H 21S 21% S.OOO 'Mines Co of A «1 «2 6S 61 200 •MrKinley-Dar. 5}2 . P.> 92 93 200N9V-U . M & 8.. 1 1.. Jr. ,1 1.000 Nlpisslng MCoII a » US MJf 11J* 12.300 Ohio Copper 2S .2H 2^i -H 400 Pacific Smelters -f» '» • r» __S 25,000 Rawhide (*n... 30 80 25 *3H 8.000 Rawhide Qn.. 34 35 80 33 S.iViOßay central.... 2T2 T 2H 2H 2«l 30H Ray C0n....:.. 1» 10, 1*'"» W'-* 200 Red Warrior... 2- 2 l i 2 2 2. .VM) 'Standard Con.. 75 65 »5 » . 400 Stewart H Hot*H o t* .t* 175Tonopah Si S*J "'^ fg 2.0.» •Tramps Con... 414 1 4H 44 4£ 700Tularosa 1A ■ 1*» iff ij fUVi Tuolumn* Cop.. S*» »*» 313 1 3^i 500 Union Mines... 1A 1A " 2™ i" 3.000 »Un Fac Cobalt 5 6 5 R 3.200 United Rico.... I* 10 » » 450 Yukon Gold . M. 4«i 4«4 "*A 4A BONDS. $1,000 A G & W I ss. 68 <W « ■* •*l 6.000 Ring C Ry Bs.. PO «0 90 PO 25.000 West Tac 35... 93T» 03 W>» PoH •Si \s cents per share. tOdd lots. CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE. A heavy volume of selling carried prices down on the Consolidated Exchange In tho filial three lioyrs of business. lth tne n».ws frnm Washington of the administra tion's plan to prevent the railroads from raisin;? freight rates, the market changed from comparative dulness to great activity That much selling was for bear account was evidenced by the way stocks were bid j for at the close of the day. when many of the ' prof essionals who had gone short were satisfied to secure thp large profit? th?t had accrued to th^rn. Reading: closed at 157 i bid. this bcin? 'i a point above the New York Stock Exchange final price, and Tnion Pacific closed X a point above the- other board, at 179 Ti. •" Sales totalled 191, 590 shares, the greatest since April 23 last, when the total was 235.200 shares on a day of activity for the full five hours. Steel common accounted for 76.650 shares. Fifty-seven different stocks were on the list."- i>etai]ed operations follow: . .- - - . , STOCKS. gales. Open. High. Low. Last. 20 Aliis-Chalmers. 9%. \f*+ '.>%. »** 11,150 Anal Cop . . . . 70* 70,* 67'» «*"* 30 Am Beet Sugar 36 3« 06 3b 170 Am Car & Kdry 604 60 ! i f-9 3 , W** .20 Am C0t. 0i1.... 63V* t» l 6-« t>3 10 Am Hide & L.. fi'/» «'a •» •* 360 do pref 41 41 '* T.« 3S 20 Am Ice . -- 24 24 ' 3"i —<% .SO Am Linseed pf. 34 34 m VA ,>i ; 40 Am Locomotive 47 1 47' a 4i> 4«^s : 10,410 Am Smelting... 79'» 7S»'» 7t> .6!i 230 Am Sugar 122* i 122H 120»; 121 ISO Anaconda Cop.. 42?+ 427 i 41»* 41^1 1.160 At Top & S F.103T» 109 106=!% 108% SAt Coast Une.l2J 120',i 120 120^ 330 Bait & 0hi0... 114 114>» 112T» 112Ti 2.520 Brook R ,T 81 *1 79 79 , 5O Can Pac 187 IS>7 U>6U IJ>«V» IV* Cent Leather... S& 1 39 37!* S7>i 290 Ches & 0hi0... 86"i 8<5 * 85 85 10 Ch & Alton 45? i 43* i 45»* **5?4 2,19<t Ch Mil &St r.I3S»» 13ST. 136S 136% , 110 Co! Fuel & 1.. 37 37 35.i 3«»» PBO Consol Gas ...142 142 13S 188% 40 C irn Prod 15 s IMS 11 » l» 20 Den & R G... 39** P9f* 39>i 3t»H 2i*> -Erie : 28 2*» 27" > 27' a 130 Gt Nor pref.... 134 * i 134! i 132-% v 132S 100 Inter-Met 20 20 19"» 19H 190 do pref sSfi 63** . 63V* 63Va 190ffnt Mer Mar... 18 18 18 is 10 Kan City 50... 33 1 33' a 33' i 83!^ 290 Mo X & Tex... 41 1 41H 39 3*3 * . 4«'-» 460 Mo ra< 71 71 69 * ft> 7 n 140 Nat Lead 77U 77 75'? 75H 1.R40 N.V Central... 120 120 IK 117 790 N V Ont & W 46*4 46' i 44 44 H ISO Nor Pac... 12»«i 130 128 128H 10 Tac Mail 26. 26 26 -* 1.620 Pennsylvania... 134 Vt 134 132% 132- * 55.060 Reading 1624 162 T 157% 15T T 10 Rep Steel 33' i 33 : 33* 33 k * 1.020 Hock Island ... 43 • 4314 4t'4 414 6.260 Southern Pac. 128>,» 121*1 122, 10 Southern Ry . . 26 26 26 2« 10 <lo pref ..... tWVi 624 «2'i 62 ' i 10 Term Cop ..... -'«4 264 264 264 30 Tex & Pac 30?4 30*4 3O',i *W4 30,810 Union Pac ...1S3 1 * IS3U 17t»'» 179 » llOi; S Rubber -m» 41' i 40* 40 1 76.650 U S Steel 824 82 1 75>»» 804 40 do pref 117 117 4 1174 1174 20 Utah Cop 454 454 454 434 6S<) Va-Car Chem.. 62* «2'« •'!>»♦ «o 30 Wabash ..20 • 20 lf< * lf»*i» 6W do pref : 4P4 454 4S'i 4"4 SO Wesr Maryland 454 454 454 454 191.890 Total sales. MINING. 4,.V>0 Atlanta .13li .154 .I"4 .18H 100 Beimonr ...... .02*4 .02% .o".'** .02% 600 El Paso »*• .85 .B.*, .S5 200 Florence ...... .0214 .C»2!i .0814 -"* 400 Goldneld Daisy. .07 .07 .07 .07 20f» Goldneld' i0n5.8.624 5.624 5.«24 5.<524 600 Hale &- Nor... .33 .S3 .33 .S3 800 Jim Butler .254 .23 .25% .254 i 200 Mexican ......1.05 1.07^1.0.1 1.<>74 10i> Montana 97 .i>7 . .07 .I>7 Ophlr .1.0.".' 1.05 1.05 I.OS 3<« Tonopah.-Kst... .94 .94 .04 .04 r,i«o West Elnd 47 .47 .47 .47 4.600 Total sales. BOSTON CURB STOCKS. (Furnished by J. Thomas- Reinhardt, N". 3* Broad street. New York, and No. 64 Devon - *htre street, Boston.)-.'--' "- • ' H(j;h. Low. Last. Bay State Gas 27 C* 2« Bego> 22 1 * .' 2 Bohemia .;..-"8 7% 7*4 Bcston Kly 2Vi 2», 2?» Boswycol* ' ::...•■* R & Cactus Development .... .Sfw 1 3^ Calaveras f»t* 5*4 6*i Calumet-Corbin ...:.... 60 60 p<> Champion .....7 « «4 Chief Consolidated 1?t 14 14 Chlno - 18 12V* 12*4 Cortez Mines ; 2T2 T i>^ 2\ Corbln Copper 8»n 7s7 s s Pominion . Syndicate. 11«» 11 nu First .Natlonai Copper... 3H 3»4 3% Gila Copper *S «S 6S Inspiration 74 7'» 7V» T.arawil" II P & P., 8» M gs Mackinaw -» 0 I j» Massachusetts Co«J . ■ . 7.*> 71 71 MrKinley,.Darragh JPS " M n.% Majestic . .6* . 50 «Q National Mining -Explor. 32 . S'> 32 New, Baltic .-••..74 «'4 7U Nevada Douglas 2S 2*. 2S Oneco . ? *% 1 8H Raven Mlninc ..46 44 44 Rawhld" V.lnlnc ••' l > ' I<> io Bhode Island Coal : 7»4 74 7 a « South Lake". s'» 5 5 Southwest . Development., f>4 r>:i . s'.4 Superior and -G10be. ..... T.i SS ss • VuI«UT« .-. 9 s * Ori 9% COBALT STOCKS. (Kurn'.shed by ■n'nrrei:. Grcwskl A Co.. No. S5 Rrcad straet ) • - Bid Asked, i B!d.Asl;e<i. Amalgamat.. 2 44!Kerr Lak«...Sso St>t» Bailey 74 B!ilLa Roie 434 43S Beaver C&ns 30S 31 I Little Nlplss. 2<i4 2O'-i Big Six 2 f> iMt-Kinley . . . SKT v».'i Buffalo .....2M» 2«»> Nan y Helen. 5. « Cbamb-f>rl. 25 S 4 2« ! Mpissing .. 1 1 ir> 1130 Cof Cobalt.' 2.'>»» 2S T Nova Scctla.. 3fl> s 3»4 Cobalf Cent. 7 7*ilOphlr 2<> 4. r . Cohalt ' I-ake 2.'i<i •2C lottssn 4 T i • .%4 Conlagaß . . ..VV> — (Peterson U.: 25«4 25 1 Crown RM..SVI 300 ■ R^hrate- ... 19* 10** Foßter .15 17 Hilver Leaf . . •»»* 7'i Glfford it 4 10 Siher Bar... A 6 Gt Northern' 1> ■ Silver Queen. 10 . 12 1 Ofen M^eh. 2 -3 iTemlKkamlng. 00 . >;>!\ Hargravrs... Vti ifi'.i [ Trethewey ..124'i im Hudson Ra>-.l«»0 HO 'Watts ■ 4 in . ' John Black.. S hVettlaufer. . . 85 trt GOVERNMENT BONDS. The following: shows yesterday's closing ouotationn for government bonds, compa.ed ■^ith F*riday's: . - M* 27.— —May 31.— Mid ABkr<i Bi }. As.R>d. U. S. Us, reR., 1930 lOrt"; ltd ui>\ I'M 1 * 1 1". ft. Si, coupon. lf>3o. ..ltv.\ ■— . l«Hi — jV. a Bs,«re«.; 191.* W9 Mi Ht 10." V. s r,» .-.,,i,^.r H»19...1'C tea we 103 U. S. 4i, re*., 1025 . IMS 115 114*; IS.'. V. S.!4t. couron, 1!>2»..".114 4 I^^ : 114»-j 115* Panama 2s. rtrr- tflfl* MtftH l«l 1l «OH i*»l P»r*-r!« 2«. r»g lO3S-..10A<% !01 I<*\S i->i .Jhlllprme is. 1031.-.. lOO'* — 100» - Executor . - ~ 4 Trustes -:V- Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Nos. 16, 18, 20 k 22 William Street. Brancli Office, 475 Fifth Avenue, 6W York. Lo**>* II S^ With* ? m *> 41 B^~~ taMl Travelara' Letters of Credit. Foreign Eich.ii:^ Administrator Guardian 3 Metropolitan U3 Trust Company" of the Cifyqfjyey* 'l*fe«* 49 WALL STREET . Capital, Surplus and Profit*. $10,000,000 ANTON A. RAVEN. V«-Pr«. i, A^U~>£ .^ t A A V.nPB^v^A^T, pn/CBi v fWFM/ 7J VW-Pim. ■ RUPERT W. IC ANDfcRSO>. Aj*. if- BfcSTRA-M CRiXj£ Tr^ur* FREDERJOi FRIED. A-.Se«t-^ DIRECTORS. saw s:4Sf- g£&& , ?"" ! wn*l? n r**a Ml.'ls. Ja«S»J SWwBSV He fT £:v **•*■«»»■ T.Terry. - Hit-T >"■»*•• _. Riei.rd Mortis*?. G*o. Hsary Wirrs* , J. Hone* H»n?iTif. Jflte p. PlrW ii. , Hor»c* Wilt*. Ersiia* Hewitt. Ch«rl«« M. Pratt. Irving National Exchange Bank StrWly ■ Commercial Bank, R«»onr<-e« Orer Thlrtf Millions. We»t Broadway and CTmmber» St.. Xtw Yorit- GUARANTEED STOCKS. CTumlshed by Edward B. Smith & Co.. Xo. 27 i Pine street. New Tork.) Bid. Asked. 1 Bid.A»h«t Alb A- SUS...2SO 300 M Coal Rpf.. 102 108 Alb & Vt... 70 77 Man ft Law.. 250 — AUegh & W. 138 li« Manhattan ...134 13« Am T&C .71 "6 Maaiaw \r---12S 1W M&CAL.IB3 192 MH&SH..I2O 128 Auff & Fay .108 114 Mobile &Ppf «7 J» AG&M M. « 75 W4O stk t cfs SO » Beech Creek. 98 100 ] Mor C A Bak. j»» •* 854FF..15 22 I do pref.....lw 1*» Bost & Alb. .220 22* Morris 4 Ed.-I^S M Bost & L0w.214 225 do « Xtl UL"'iJ£ 104 Bcßt * Pr0v.290 3»>o Naah & 1>c..184 190 X A 7th Ay.122 ITO Nash * Ix>w.Uls — Bk*n r*itv 158 1M Nfw Lion N. 22< r* &Bc£ " ' 144 154 NT * H C&P.300 t» Canada Vo.: .«4% *7l NTB*M Bpf 10H Itt Cata Ist pf..112 120 »IV.*l.g 1-5 2d pf . . 112 120 V Mut Tel.lOO - ray jt- sbi '•IS 2^7 I Ninth- Ay» MO I<*» C'^.:» 130 I N-rth C ? r H . . 1« Ml CPX&ERSO 60 : North <N H>..135 145 Chat * 102 109 (North rN J>.. *7 97 C*E I Trf. « North P-nn...1»9 Cf>g do rtf. pdT W 11H NorthwTel...lo7 IIS C 10th =ts 75 96 Nort *TV pt.210 220 CS&Opf IJO 140 Old C010ny.... 190 2fiO ClrfleW* M.130 - £T8» • S-*2 P1,,., A- Pit^ 170 176 ac * At T.. 66 »■» a£%s**.«6a £%s**.«6 101 Pat*Hß.lßO »• Col A \ 201 207 Pat ARam...lSs 200 Cone &M.\: l«0 170 Pemlr, Valley. 128 140 rons & P :70 — |P«o* -B-.Vv.. 180 190 CAPRpf-133 142 Phil. G * S.2j» - Conn River. 2«O 2TO P B I. E....33 37 rWvA L. 75 SO ! do pref «2 .2 d" 5 pfef "i : 7S «2!P Ft W*C. . W «■ CTCof NJ. 75 80 I do special... 162 1.2 Dayton & M 60 — P McX & T..12.1 I*> B&Bd^rk.l?s 201 Prov & W0rc.260 270 DetHA-S.. » 101 Rew*Sa»..W 200 p-ast Perm 130 140 R&G Vy 113 — Elehth \ve" 280 — iTlome & C. ... 140 150 Elmlra & V.' 100 120 !RW - A O». . .120 125 " E do pref-^.142 IS3 IR« ft Wh...1« 150 Ka 1..22.'i 245 Sara & Sch. . .1«9 — Erie & Pltts.l4s 155 Second Aye.,. 15 25 Fitchb^B pf..12-*- 130 Sharon Ry....113 125 FWA Jpf.l34 140 I Sixth Aye.. ..105 ISO 4°d PtAGSF 220 270 So &At Tel.. »7 97 Franklin T 35 45 Southw of G..105 115 G BB*B- Co^IS 260 St I> B Ist f.120 13» G A Stk T..108 M« do 2« pref.. 50 85 Gr Rlv V>-..121 129 .IStJ gr So B-. S5 — Hart> 40 4« i do pref 100 112 HereJord .... 85 M 'Ti'i Jt A 5.,170 IT7 111 n,L ... S>s 10»» Tun of St 1*. 125 135 II! &MlssT.«6 Tv '23d St 2PO • 250 Interocean T. J» 105 UN J R R&C.245 250 Jack L. & S. . 84 W Upper Coos . . .123 — KA * G R..140 150 VC * S \yl44 IM KCgL&Mptcs 75 TS TC&B '73 M KCSL&O pf.-130 140 'Vy of N T....121 127 1, M So-335 »7O Vt * Mass...l«o 170 L. AM R pf.!6O 170 IWarren IS* 1» LSNR&C.II2 ,120 IVRftl 140 150 BANK STOCKS. (Reported by Clinton Gilbert, No. 2 "Wall str»et-> Bld.Asked.l Bld.Ask»d. JUMrid ... 620 — (Irving N E. . 203 210 Am Exch... 235 242% | Jeilerson - ... :— 175 Audubon N. 100 105 | Liberty 62". — jEtna Nat . . 176 ISO Lincoln 400 425 Bronx B"r. . 300 — Manhat Co.. 32<> 335 ! Bronx Nat. l»0 205 Mkt a F.;1.. 253 Wk Battery Pk. 120 130 Metropolis .- 30<> 4«v> Bowery ... 375 — Mech &M N 2«5 270 IXitch & 1?- 140 145 Mercantile . 155 I<sO Bryant PK. I.V« l«0 Metropolitan. 2»» — Coal &I N. 150 ISS Mrrchants' . IT.I 17» Centurj- ... 170 175 M-r-fcants' E 16<> 170 ; Chas« ..... 430 4fiS Mour •♦ Morris 250 2S<> ■ Chatham .. 325 535 Mutual 285 235 Chcnilc*) .. 44.". 45.') Nassau" 240 — Cit Cent N. 153 I«2^ Nat Reserve. M 8 US City 3&«Va 595 iNew Norhld 210 3M Chelsea Ex. 200 — IN T N B A. Si 325 Commerce... 22 } 225 N T County. 90»J — Colonial ... 3«> — j 19th Ward... — SM : Columbia .. 332 340 I Night & Pay 225 — Corn Exch.. 322 "20 , Nor Na: .. — MS East River. IJS 125 I pacific 230 240 | Fidelity ... 165 175 Park 42»> 401 First Nat... 900 925 Pf-op!e"& . ... i:7«> 2SO Fifth Nat... 300 350 Phenlx 200 210 Fifth Aye..4200 4500 , plaaa ft 3 — Fourth Nat. 185 190 i Produce Ex. 170 ISO i 14th Street. 150 1«5 Sherman ... 133 • — I Gallatin ... 320 345 I Seaboard ... 390 — | Garfield ... -»»> WIO | Second 4«O — j G-rman-Am 14« 150 State- 275 290 German Ex. 485 — i 12th Ward... — 140 ; Germania .. J»O 665 23d Ward.... 140 — | Gotham Nat IPO — iVnlon Exch. IV) 190 < Greenwich.. 255 265 wa«h Hta. . . 275 — Hanover ... «3O MB I Went Side... «5O — Imp A Tr. . 56t> 675 |Tork\ill« . . 500 TRUST AND SURETY COMPANIES. (Reported by Clinton Gilbert. No. 2 Wall street.) Bid. Asked. i . . Bid. Asked. Aillanc* Ry 115 120 . (Law TI & T 255 29-1 Am Surety. 225 230 : Uncoln ..... M 145 : ABtor 350 3«T> 1 1, Isl 1. *T. M ats Bankers' ■•• ♦ i!>< ) 710 {Manhattan .. *7." 400 BA M G... 24H 250 Mer.anti!^ .. 740 — Broadway .. 145 150 | Metropolitan, i — 6-" Vi Brooklyn .. 425 — iMtce 80nd... 112 117 Carnegie ... 120 130 Mutual .... 130 _ Cas Co of A 125 140 Mut Allianc* — WH Central ....MM 1035 Nassau 175 Hi City invest. «9 72 Nat Surety.. 260 ~ : do pref... 105 115 iX T I, 1&T.1100 ill) Clttanaf ... 140 —NT M * S. 2T>3 '.><»« Columbia .. *>.% 300 NyN y Trust.. 845 «S5 Com' wealth. IM — pie', 285 300 Commarcial 1*» 127H|Qu Co Mt«.. 110 — : Cmptr* Tr. . 3i» 310, iQueens Co.. 115 — K<iultab!» .. 4Jk> .V»> I Realty Asao. 1M 123 FL & T...1750 1775 i Standard ... 4'» 410 Flatbush . . 2«» 23> I sa\ O\ 10>J 11>> Franklin .. 23> 23J Title G & T. 4»> MO Fuitor. ... . 2«> — ,Tlof N V . 143 IN Fidelity ... 200 210 Tr Co ol Am S4t> 350 Guaranty .. SSO *75 t'nlan . . ISM 1375 Guardian .. — IV. Vn St*?^*. . 152.". t^'o Hamilton -. 270 2st> ji; S i*»u*'ty 213 — Home Tr.:et — IIS lU S>l A T. 47^ 4« Hud Realty 110 — |»U STG& lIM 120 Hudson 170 175 ; Van Norden. 225 C 33 Int Bkjr Cor.l«*» 110 IWashinston.. 375 — Klncs Co. . . 505 — |\Vestc!i*-ster.. I.V» — Knlckerbock 320 325 WiBTtMIM 170 Law Mtg... 250 25T | Windsor . . . . ICO 130 •New. COLLATERAL TRUST NOTES. tKurnlshed by awartwout A Aerenscllar. No. 40 Pin* »t.) - . -^. . • Appros. . Matunt;.. Bid. A>ke.l. ylelJ. Am Cigar 4p c. Mch 15. 1911. a-»»; you i. t >» do 4p c. Mch I.V 12 . ... -..7»- ys 5.10 BAO4 pc. Mch R>. U in)!, ww s4s 4 4.10 do 4't uc. ,lun«. 113 »h», v* 1 * 4.l*> B?th St Corp 6 p c. Nov. Ml. »t sm £3 Cb 4 Alt 5v >■ Mrh 15. 10.. «*»s j).,)!^ t.wi <•. H&I)4 pc. July. M 3... 1KJ 1 * »7V» 4.75 C. C. <■> c. June. II |mi>, mO*, 4.10 l> A H eg». 4' pc. July. *22.10rt*» 101 S 4--"5 Krie »i pc. Apr i. Ml M* l»9 T , n.M Gen n»ib4Vs pc. Jul>, "13 . . 9;: {H 5.7" Hud <V.s « p c. u,t 15. 11.. W i.», «UH> do 6 p c. Feb. M 3 irt ' i(ji» «.in) Inter R T H p c. May. M1...10j»i 103 3.tH> X <' nft I, *p <• Sept. M 2.. M^ 6S*i .VM> £0 5 p c. May I.V »13 go s»« •; .*»> Lack Si Co »p c Mrti. M 5 .. lV»'i Oti'» IW««> M*BlJpc, Feb. M 1..!.. o£>*» 00»* 550 N>CL«qj. spe Nov. UM«v i.Si*Qt.3(* o basis N Y. NH .< H 5 pc, i:»11-M2.|HA»i U*'* 1 ? — SI.ASF 5b r. Lan Ml. 10<» too*, • *>i> *.f *-j p o.»Feb. 1012. ....... P.V» Mi *.2T> d^ 5.p c, m h. MS * ■>■: t»7 Xl s » S« Ry Ip c, Feb 13 .. J>* • o* ! j .V?« T»dinatsi- hp c. Tun».. :i3.*r.l**lS? I**f» !kSt v '*t T * T h p r. FeK M 2-. »->'» v P^ ! i Jf. West E M 6 p c Aut 10.. 100 1»S 4.0-3 {piTSfocKS \SP£CMiMO letters J. THOMAS REINHAROT, Best ■tojflMsi tojs Executhi* Or*e»* Offices 33 Broad St., N. Y. Overlook Can*. Boston Offee 54 Denonshlre 9t. P-ivata w'.r— . DIVIDEND NOTICE 3. Winslow, Lanier & Go, 59 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. THE FOLLOWING- COCTONS AKt> CITT DENDS ARE PA TABLE AT OtTR BAZ?KIX& HOUSE ON AND AFTER ji>Ts IST. ma i American Cotton Oil Co. PreferretS Stoc"< Dtrl d-nd Z": Am"ri<-an Cotton OH Co. ComiMß StocSt.EW dend 2Vir?. ■ rva'-kforcl County. Indiana. Court Hoa» Ss. Cembrids* City. Indiana. Impr<r»emeat Baa£s, Cincinnati, nichmond & Ft. \Ta;ii« By. C-y. t»t Mtge. Ts. Cleveland & Pitts. TM On Re*. StosJc Errt dend (quarterly H4"p>. Cleveland & Pitt!». Kd. C« Spl. B»t"t Stx'* (quarterly *"-.'. Grant County.- Indiana. Gravel bM 6». Marton Count;-. Indian*. S'-49 Refun-! r " 'Bonds. , Fendleton. Indiana, School 6s. Pittsburgh. Ft. Wayai & CMcafa Kr. Co. tst Mtß° Is. series -F. ' Fittsbursh, Ft. ffayn- * ChJcaaw P.- Co- loi Mtg». "s, s»ri<»9 "M." Portsmouth. Ohio, Sewer & 9tfMl TrnrroTe ment Bonds. Randolpb County. Indiana. Siaklae *J*un4. jvsh 3iu>. Max.on County. Indiana, Funding SS 1 -?*. Un 7TH. Green fie Indiana, 6% Bonds. Series * - I jrXE 10TH. I Marion County. Indiana. Refjiadtnr 4s. J JI.NE 15TH. Grand Haven, Michigan. Refundms Bo^is. | Jl>E 20TII. i Marion Countj-. Indiana. ateffllMli ."Us. ! Portsmouth. Ohio. &•««• & BHaaasaasal «■> JVXE 30TH. I In<!:anapo! Indiana. Refunding 4*. AMERICAN SMIXTER."* SECCRITrES* CO. 165 Broadway. N. V.. May 4. IPIO. QUAIITEIU.Y DIV . NO. 30, PTU. STOCK. SEF.IES B ! The Boara of Directors of th» Arr.ertcaa Smelters 3hbil:>w »o:,ifMn> hay% this day <to ' clared a dividend of tWU >n Preferred Stock. Series "B." of the Company, payable June Ist. 1910. to stockholders of reeved at 3 oclix-k P. M. i May 2Oth. 1910. The books cf lisa company '■" tranr.'?r of •>• Preferred Stork. Series "B." -will b« elosetl at I P M May 20th. TOio, an>J »B1 r™opea ax 10 a". M. June Ist. 19io. w. E. MEP.RI^.~. St-crefarr- AMERICAN COMPANY. i V quarterly dtrMe>nd of n;,- and ono-qn»rr« 1 p,,.. cent , 1 '■»"- 1 has been d<vlared upnp f?>» f Preferred Strv.-k of tbia Company", payable f»n I July 1«* 1I>1'» to stockholrlers of r»cor>i at »b» i clos» Of business JU»« I«Sth. 19io. Trsnsf-r Books will remain op»n. •'h«K-ks will b* mailed. R- H. ISMON. S»crftary. _ RAILWAY STEEL-SPUING 4'OMP\>T. 50 i>-ir. h Street. New York. May 1.. I9l'>. '' \ ouarterlv ta<*ni of ONE ANr> TTirtEC QI^RTBRS'rEU TENT «1%.%1 h?».» thts .Jar Ib-en declared "n the fr"ffr- SrocU of tw« iCompanv. payabl- June '^Jth. 1910. to *to-krioKi ers of record on June 7»h. ll>lo. at M»M>r>». Har \fv F;sU & Son?.. *XT Cedar Stret'., New Tor'C City- TIBIMfW books of «h» Preferred SK-ck will >• closed on June 7th ar I re-opened oa Juna —M. 1010. — m RAir«XV.%T ifTEEI^-SPRIN". rOMPATT, X McCORMH*K. Trga»t:r»^ * Isecom) AVEXI'B T«.*rTio> c«r«i OF PITTSBI'»«GH. cr. ir .-.r<i >:j- Jurt? l«t. t'."' l from the Firs* Morlgajc? Bonds of the above Company w»U paid on ami after maturity on pres-»nt3ti«» at JS «Sc« of Mc3«rs. Brown i?ro3. & dp 1 .. 3? TTsU Ptreet. \>-.v Torli C. X BK.XVX. »R . Treasur«r. MONET AND EXCHANGE. MONEY MARKET. — Money on caT opened at >s»i P?r crnt: hisbest. ."* 3 r«" cent: towesl S p<»r cent: olostnsr. :;•« per cent; ruling: r»te. UJ\ per rent. Tim* mon*y was csuift end unchanged Rate?. 3'-^* i * per o<?nt. -for sixty and ninety .ia\*. 3%f* for four months, 4fi'4*i for five and 4*» fjr >%v»r »m > tar. Mwvan'i'-' paper was tr» fair demand. Rates »•"*«.> per cent for sixty an.l ninety days, indorsed bills r*.-e!vaSl* and rhoio* foiir to six HllM prfnwaiSlßww names, J@S? a per cent for other?. KOKEIGX .KXCHANT.E. — Th- foreUn ex<-Uan*e- irarket .>;—»»'•] wr-a*. at a^ <t& clln* ot 13 to •-■•> points frem hatunto^ quotations to 4 >"*f? ».*. J » [or <*— g: 4RT2OQ4S7t: fcr demand ?T«r!in- arvj jS" S«C> for sixt : -.lay bills. Short francs *.rr Tioted at K.lS*i !e« l-t* a^ ?hort rctctetnark* at »»• lws l-», AftK dwlininff to 4JT39 for demand st*>rhnp th* market "became ■ s-hade steadier in tb» aft>>r- n Cm**** were quoted l« *{l£ <©1 S7\ demand stTlinsr at I.*. '«{?<!• a** l * an.i' ilxiv-day biUs at 4.SO>4i ».»4:». Short rranos'held iroun.l .■. ■ 1 . less 1-15 and short reichsmarks 33*-* less \-ZZ- Eankcrs' posted rates '■llo«- Sixty U<iv*. Dcnwa>t. Kt-rtUc i« ♦■**'-» S. H<a . M\ »£ Pa-is rr»n •;->; -> ?ii*f Betstu * ' Swlti-rlun ■ : francs •»-•'♦ »*• * Holi^n.l. tvKOm *> «>*» POMCSTH' EXCHANGE: — Boston. *' discount: iTNcago. V discount: San FYan cteco. sight ."«• prersiism. telegraph I'jrt premium; New Orleans, commercial I*e discount, hank $1 premium: »*l:arleston. buying i a. s*!!ins 1-tOc prtntanu* ?' |,,»i:l.i, -v premium bid. 2tV premtiuo ask*«t: Minneapolis. 60c premium: Savan nah.- u-l»>c discount, st-iUng par. RA2HK • i.i- vj:tv;s York, ex ■ Baltic. > r - . exchanges. $*.4R5.1.<2.' t>a» a . n f'* $14^.55*2: »-hkago. exchanges JIS.fS^«I« balances ?2.5.*.!.C2>: Boston, exchanges Jlw iDS. 134. balances 91.13>*.»9t. SIIAXn MARKET.— Commercial bar sil ver. s;;>-c: Mexican Stiver dollar*. 44c. Bar *i:\fr In London closed at -«**d. a decun* of l-i*U. MX»t.l-> PP.£MIUM.-!n M3t!r*3, *.9?; Ua tot*. l*Xsf». - $ M.EXICAN EXCHANGE-— 3tsx!=aa «*X chacii cv Ne-w York U qtxsteS at ICIU-