Newspaper Page Text
' THE RRMSEIS TOTAL DOWESTJC RECEIPTS. «w Ycrk. Mar SL l^o : ■ B&CicS .. - ■ . _irlta iur, r»a». bu» so* ■ \ m >.«■£. toaa jos Oilcake, rkss »$-j lii^&'s •" MiLub Oil. bbis ♦»♦ ;',!^W io;oieo stock, rivss.. ■,«• g^ ::: ;; 1^:::: ?f« K_ - - - ••• ..*««' ?tF?...- «4;. Shelter. elaVs 1.1..' 1 • it?"* ' f ks*. •• • «.«w ; Le«A p^ s - •. lIT 3 ! j'rps «-asc» 2--«.3iy,S\ltis. ba'"B *;-M T.*ve pcultry. cm 00, V, iae tCa;-. bb'.s. . 1. • <••,•« rff»« iFia.). c» 75-.» i EXPORTS. •■.«>- - EXPORTS FOR THE WEEK. MB* I ri* - tS»." • - «-TST ; pork, bb|«. . • ga . - ■ ,i;~:.a bags • C 0 1! Ltri. 7b 2.112 g« "epe ta^V. S€2;Gre«e. » 105.40J Laics • - - OUoSr lb . S.S».7oO:Lard oil. pa.*..- .-^ CASH QUOTATIONS. - _ > .. v. - ; cVd4' ;irS7^'cc«c6. >:o 7 Bio. r 84 i-or ss Ko :.. SBM |S«J«r.C«ort»lM 0-> f:»t! rails SS « Moiaaaefc O X c«,» a-<a c"uti«*. ! 2x . «2?? : . iia ; ce^f . fticy 5» »» lr ... £3 2> Beef bams -^ l 'J ■Ssdansaleaa*.- 4*5 jTa'.)©^. prime. . . ss ! Sv^^;^ *Ccr= No 2. ... 64^ i LardJliSflle V. est 12 .5 Ficur.apla ytrta ■ 5 <'J i •N'c~lEi!. tElerator. fimnestlc ba«:s. • GENERAL MARKET REPORT. Tuesday. May "-. 1910 <JH!rv — WHEAT — New lotv levels J^"* .-rr.s. ■ T^* t >, t eSS tzadins. Hsiiter renewed J'.q-' ■_B4tf *».li-5 t.— s r-.-o-j«r -.-o-j« but tn"r c vas (_cns'-5- 1 - :*Si3e' covering and value* vorkedjup s?f a«^jT i natfl rr*rr« had rejatoea most 01 GH cs T 'y "- 1 "*; ■ «Te & thft flay there was rraerr?'! scliirg. «r>u emtat th» cftt€ r.»r^ S«lie n-t lover, with t.i. v »>i3irtr.z tb* «Tes.*es* lcs«. indicating a total See&J»*rom BW high et ih« F«»fca cf S2a a tuf^.ti T^S ns'tle ?-Jr?'V f^wei a aecrfa;? ci 1 li'thd Ur.ltei States. a^ a iecreass la< •n-e«fc of 542.V00 and a decrease !a?t year cf 2 65S CC? TThhs the <;2rj".:£Ti visible dscreastd 1525'A^ ccrrpan?.^ xrttft an ir.c«2E= ls=t v<--«.: ct 7«9.000 ar>4 r lecreaae cf 800.000 a :■ ear a?-'. «■-(-, «> vtmt *i "* nciritia'., C ! '; No 1 orxharn 51 Ift?» fob. CORN*— Easie-r «iiv t-ut IBM market railed ari advaacoA l%« fo-'active posi'.K-r.s. Ths visible supr'.y aho-jred « *Jeer«are oi LO5L«00. MaJnst ar. few last . ear c: 1.C4T.C0? Xo 2 cam i.^-£, t*-*.; Bomt iis.l. elvsazcr. *eaaeetSe ta«-5; exnort No i gWc r'."M=a'. f o X OATS— Nervrus ar.d ur.setuea. tst s" B r fIMJSJteI car!-- raV.isi and closed st Jh«*«scliaa to aft««aoev; Iho v-.-ib'.e sho-x*v ' c aecrease cf 511.C>00 beshe!«, cc— rami v.ith an ,- crt .««, ia«» -Air of 93 <V|A - C?'h cau iMK«ri natural Vfci-s 26 to 35 tt. *30(Sc: cJippefl , vi-te.' 84 to « A OJMIT^C EKE Mifl BAF- i*tSt — STaauoaL SOEW OHK FEICE* C^ u ,_ '^.•'-Ett- O«r. Kijth. t^*^ Close, car. - - ... f;ptt-bsr. «*4 PT'j ?CH OS's CSH -'?: :r * 1 _ _ — 6s*J 66-a 6--jtt'rr.t;r — — — 6C'-I 66* IXTEEIOn KECEIFtS iAll*fl«Tores f;r tiro £^: ■ I ■^■v««r Ccm Cits. T --*••■ TTO.WO 1.0T6.033 *lT.'-^ : 5 f.f V-<"-i- ST&OO4 &22.000 1.146,0tf0 prABOAKD exsaataxnea Fiear. tVfceat. - Core. •j,,f»- . 2*,<»U<>: !SB,«W 1&OU0 liv.'l-.-wk". '."::*. FiOXi- 2SW® U4.00U V-«t -»«r 09.«W ltrt.yet* 2.C00 tLOUB A>*D MEAL— Flour qu'.st an'l un- BCttled; quotations iarcr'.y Domliial. f?nr.| T'»'-r,ts. Sb2o-3"so ■»?; '-iut'r s-.ri«*l»t«, $45«e - J4CJ- Wtote* paints. ' gi005£.J25: sprins . i«ar?, ii :.'sff ?4 60; extra Ko 1 rioter. .<4 106 ■j "in- No 5 frtxiter, $2 iT-'tS-A: K.*nsa: F''-ei*M«"-f4 f-0 2'Sr.2?. BTB fTOCß— Steady; <»'.r to r-xxi. *•» i''g?4r«: ch-cic* to fan-ey F4<3frf4S3. COHMIEAL — Barely sttac!"; V-i!n ... 30. BAG MEAL — <prf«t; fim «rbtte &cd riilow. si4<'3si4s; coarse, $1 -' C ♦jji U» FEEU — ■n>«i*rn rasy; city quiet: VT«*CK9 ; R>rtaa-. ?2i 25 5? 121 S: ■: star.d?rd rnSd «Ua«. «2J-oiS-'-'fcr.: Coar do. (20 50: red »5 •«:, J2i«. frot a.nd ml!! prices: city bran. s_: lu r ji; t*'" 10 eacks: midilins. <;:; 3 O U J-^: : r-; ,;a( $if>0 J '; Leu-siny chop. $24 50 buik; f^s «'. Skck*: «::rveal. $:i3'i?^4. nomiiiH). rOTTtJX — SetTOU an'] excited, Xrttll price: ' braaJdac :?>- tuth a E»r;sat!on»i manner a« to h.l«;< tlie big sluir.D c>f last. January. During .T"»* *arlier pait of t- h " <3^y the bulls made I «i-e^ort •- holfl the lift by *:rii:ng for May. *"Jt trrcir.s in M^y v-r>.n over z.t midcay uni imn»u:&ttiv afterward J-Jly ce«tracta w-tr.t -«•<? to 14 iSc. or 74 jioints pelow th« closing i'?ure« cr Last T-.-esit ar;u ICI points below trio lac: level cf tUa ircn r b. X«r/ cop months Vroke to a ret loss of about C3GSS poir.t^. hut at thi* dfrline th»re ras « p<^od d'.a^ • f OOCWrIaC aa«l in iirt b-.-yr there ■va* a rally of from I<^22 f'C-i 1 - 5 £roia tho l&wCft^ Thn ci«>f? steady a* a dt<"!ine of frora :." .... for the fluy. Heavy Western ••"U;-,?. course v.irh tt« r^irther vcakness cl'i. revived rumors that Mr. Tk.wv. v -a« Htliine out th* bulk of hie int<?rptrt3 pr^ p.ii*Ltcrr U retiTinff Crera acUve buftnefi* w • T uls* 1. Is«;iv«ri»s an-'Mir.'-T.g 10 n(nr!y 40.00U e>a#- ■ ■wire ttiksn up on Mar oontxactt -nith ,<>ut-any a.-p*r«ut beaitaUda. cv.d whlle_tbe >»-jilr - :J"* tfupjvaefl !•"> liavs sh:npt-d i.Uout ■WSJtWi bales out cf the loeai stock. Uwra are • •«i»- ji'H«to baip<s ber« rrhi-h arc beueveO .<!•> b» lr. the !mt;Jt of Hi- bull loa^ors. This arwatd rexr«rent a trtaneudon* Brreetnxent, *"-i 1 ..»r» er« Bntrf -hn f«el that -jtider the c'.r rtnm>taacei the bull party cannot ver- weU f!,,.!(J5a 1t« portion. X(?ver berotfe' in the history of «h* Jfew York market i;a& *o mocn trottoa O:art'i ban.i» duri:>s a.r,-e one :tior.tli pv i", th<» <-i?« of 'he month now ending. It i« ewtitnated that (ho bulls iiiv« taken np«rer r.^,A «Hi«i t.ucs. sraoantiaaj in value to aboiu i-_'7.of>o,ooo. A dectlae of J4 3. bale 'waa r<? j,,. T -»4 )•» <]i« Iocs! n»' v t utarfcet, wWcli ■"• U*e ■> j 1 tefcinTi I' «iot holdings here •■■•oul-i amount ** r.buut ?»•*.'•. ooo i»cdi contract pricey: Op#n. HiE^,. L"v.-. nose. Friday. j;. rf ■ • *_ — -- ICSV9U.3B 14.W Wi«v " 34.-1 3*63 M.l*» »*Wi4 4i I*.2 v>-iurt.. . 14..V> 14Jrt U.*» ir.>«-^V» t rt 14-58 'S^aAker 33 *7 !?^S7 J2.w. Ti«Sll.<» M.« «-^,,v^r 1"« 12<?.' 32.22 U "7Vfl2"? r-.T't rr^i-«*O*- i;.4'i 11.4* 52 »'> 12J»«fl-5« li« "XWUtILHI l 5!« li:C *^** 12.WJ112.W 12..... qrg&ay..'. 12^4 iS4'» 120s -!•_• u-??i2 JS *■.--• . 5244 \2*i 1217 1?.17|12 12. ;; « any u.&<> 34.i\» :i.d Q J-i-'j C^>* esr; rttS j; r '-t* r> point; ]t,"ver «t 1 ) 90e Sot: u.i>!!i::g iplaad ' a«^ 14 7.- f*>r n>uu::t«; «;.jij. fsie* 2i.V.«0 bal*^. Boitf&m fpot mar- Vi" i:-"*l a*iC u"-'i-ange'i. U>crpool cablee: • c pot. ti!r maiaeca dosve:; sa!.?. KI.OOO bcKs; jftpeetdatloa an 4 exjieet. B<»; ajnettean. O.COc-: ln» jotts. I' i*»"j. al! Anpricar.. Mii-liac -urluii<!. .*. lud. fc"ut»re« cp«p* J ardet. *"?•"• point* lower iMTI ->-e«t«r<S«~; c'o»f3 Vo-.f'- steadr. 2H l;i?i"-er to 10% poteta lover. Juw 7.74VM; . Jaao-JoJy, <«sVr«i: J-Jly-AMfrjit, 7.''j-i's. Auiu^t-6»7't«n *'|>*r 7 30—5; Sr?t«7.-.lx>r-C>cto>f. C.^h'l: Octo^ 't*! -No-.-e:-bcr. t\*&i: Koreaaber-December, "rt ""j^id" Decetiher-Jaaaarr «>r«td- Ja«aar?.-^eV *"j"u»r7 «."24^: r.bruary-iiarca. fc.^lrtd, Ma:ci- I »;tprii.'«.''-' id. ..-VoFr 7^ •BttaypolatSaej cstir* from E • r*P>au I'rVrtiu. TV iKt« 'I 0-^l^' "ii In h*r.vs tas«UaeP •«* i'l«««re aod aVsc^ ; •.' -ttifpcrt eunteaefl to <»:•.■•» l>>« Rarkct.a beary •t^cr*. *r.6 •;. ih«' S'-i r cc-«. r;r2 ad «T— tn» "l^T K-»*r: T!!:h £3l*» «•;! Ji.,jJ btxs. s£a.vr* «*• uachacfei. Barclwfli w«; >* ptesnlx fo*---* to "i pfrnaiK a-5-ar.t". and p.'.o v.a« u- !2toS« Vsil.» *hCB«-3 a dxiir. of sCff 2S»rei»7 *-aVch Wai to indi'-cte coin* v*a.k "■f^r. • belfitnc *>rice« abore » vanty -^-iih our V^" T.W»w «*■»«*»• sptc^i-yr iron W» ir.ta 6*r><«n-.ber al J". i»lr.«. Marehous- i»- I^MCJ of lirasillan orfr-^ at Uwted a t^^^ ««••.* eti-: ' C *"- : XStJJCa i" rears ofo. In ti- <-j»f., - t • -:. 1«t1 «t Vie tor Vila No 7. l*C* cor.lract • rT " ;/^* rr! ;<*«. Hit*. Lc- -C««^ day. it* -- — «i.2s«?<i.So <'.3'J S^eV":«S «.» C 35 <:?;^« «.» WMbeV ■'■•.■.! — -- ts..i?»J.4'» «.*« X^ce-aWr f U CiS ?i', «.4WJ.4» «.4-< Jaiuarr- '=-■:--- -- — « * 3 t2- 4 > 4 !t: M=*-'ii . ttiS 6At SM r),«*<U}.JW '•'•' y-*rii..' .'^u.«.9S en r..r,ri «r.:r.7.vr>:? «-...\< *.'i.v ... tsr.4 cr* «'- r ,i c.r*S3.3i li:O\ISIONS—^:«-'_rt-,- to r.rm «»an>-. l.^t- :n taraar prieea 4*eliiwd '.a :>::<v.v n.o p»?vio-ja «-..«,t». POZUC— 6w*dr: me.'!. fj*er!4 &6: f««« — lie**, ?'.iSJI6. fa^.ly. 51t.C'f2 rt : r-a'-V'"'. H'J^»^*l7: *xtr« ii.d.ii va4»«. $29t*Bf3R* 3<i:T;r • hams— QcUt. i*i4fj2? nitEfiscn !i '."• it. Uh<; I« Ui. ;*■...; Me*. ISt-r. CUT n?::.7S— ru-ki*rt fees?«. cnw>«inc, i* I**:1 **: 10 jb, :T^r:'t2 ib. TO-i.-: li '.!.. l»i- •; r-'-CV'.^a 'i.-ii-.s. ICic"*.".:. T.» r.LOV,'— Dt:;!: CWT- 7«:: <:<u^'.-y. «V?TT<-. L'.r.'u — C:^;-; mtflffia V."«tt*ra. 12.7^1 C32«Oc; r'-ty CaU, i.'Ho; refined :>ite'y Ctiiii.-. Sdirtta AT::ertr«, !i.56c: Coritintrt. -T&-iOc; Er.'Si:. 1-:<MU. 16-SOc; COmpOTUVd ui:n, Ifl CIOV-c. £TKA&.IXn— OUx*. :^J|l4c; city lard. M«l3e. -iayj I*'1 *'— T?lr=s. tat moderately *ct:-e Daa g-- TalE-.accs Soai ■aayaaor. New Orleans, tele graphs Louisiana cro 3 movenjept to <l*t« as toUows: Receipts, rough. M,-^ w^ n l"[ asatast X.IIT.4SJ last year- .«* l »y_g_i_*_ 1.103.534 pock*t«, compared \vlth I *»*•« - * ix-ar ago P Carolina ln % n " t 1 . I to . s d * t o % c ? s ccln;". 70.00S pockets; salts of 01.0-S » SOCK « ts - MJGAK-Ketined steady. »Ith 5.25 c net. lew • 5.14 c net. less 1 per ™V. 1 ; ss than expected oW ■ ■ I ondoa market for Dtei r't-.r Bharply over our ho:M««.»B4 ihS Jiorninp cible reported »S1 P" l "°°? lc *3 June shlpmeat from ■ according to fir*t or *A-ond half shipment. "Ti'IDES-^ad,- to firm, bui quiet. at VOl\^Us e \>t> SYRUrS-Steady and ac •vi» 1 p*-R— Staadard •_* t :, B 2_| and*-deltrerles to the end * *?f£}' {^rJ. 12.CA-. I^cndon quiet: «K^^S-T^ec»Sr^ «VV TIN— ! ilSslilirii j ■■f S___ngA4%| eates *jV.chan«d- *>o "'«■ ,,,. t in^»ed i - OlLS— Beflaed netroleuni r.t«adj. unseeu t'OTTONS 6 • ■ ■ bu £ ;al 4^vn-! ,• th« clow pricea 1 «JJ" "^J - v aaJet « | 4.400 bM». Local contract price?-. Eatur- ' Cp«. HlSh. Sr-ot, — \ ___ 7&0g5.00 f.fio July - s - '1 J 7 •-• fsslgfSs ..- • . ,x 793 J.C2 79 --.-: -■- -T 7.41! October. 741 «7« 67= 7T g<5.79 6>7i November 6..5.6.^S 6.^ £3^6.51 fi.55 ?ar"?ry* r.V.-.-.:r .V.-.-.: CIO- C.50 G^ls.SO 6.53 COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKETS. :: FF o r the weelc led Tuesday, May 31, 1010 j ,BEA3fS ASII PEAS— Receipts fcr . " iars beans; V2b peas; esporia. 8i« - Karf«« wtU - but «»o%^eat £rlln md outside ffljOUXton extreme -Choice 'ed kidney advanced, a. moderate auantlt.- Cl *~cc£ l~k~* tee" taken, partly for export, and v^rs ha\ c " aVked full rates ; . £ome^let. cannot be bought ai rr£sent quotatlens. h »a Mdnev a"d "Illow eg about steady. rurUe d-Ml California' lima have hardened a M^P, Scctcl. r<=as higher ur.d«r stiongr V. est- IVnAiVice* BEAX&— Marroir. choice, buei *uilo r oo": fair r 0 good. !v< . «•-. j5 g«--' :-- pea. $2 Ss©» o< -? , imported re* f 10 5. 52 20; Imported pe?-. $- 15€ ■ =*2; : wfcite* kidney 1. rs3. red kidr.ev . |^^- TCllsw'W SvMS- black turtle ecup, $2 .?a |§gST lf-nL California. ?35 S3 03 FEAb Ecotch bags. busbeL ?2«^«»£Sr ri soqs oq Pk^^^ek? :^7^ e^rt^-tro^ " - £&£» >ia* been i. lit rr«e"nt rate*, and the stock alreaoy in - ;iff ; /_ ,^ fs a *ai- preportioa cf the *£* «e7- ir ?t«-^cU«!nSat^n*. but there crn *§Tice». Factory bme imprered a Ui ■■ ,V d - l3 e BC»rC!ty ef packing ia i^i^^.g a -;-.: L r ., T kft Vr ordinary l«*«£ ?^?JS: SSSS&«feS!I **ti£?Sx%^ 2;.-:;: rigtf^! to' prtme. 26<J27=; Miamon to «r; »»iV25e: process, sawetale, 2«c; ex ••-;-= ;4c; seeondi *^' ds -^rf^ V^eatero factory, firsts, seconds v; (fo 2ic: third?. 20 W 5 21Hc: *(321 c. stock. No SeceiOts Cor the -«-e€>r I*;^^ gS^^fet^ssa site fefe^^e^^ncl^C^f^ " ' h-,_ Sr!toeJer char?- ia «wt».Ucn». State. Thole irV.k n-TV lceis"-ic: -fancy, coiered or S^e y^-V-^rae-- T:r;™<=. i4HCI*Hc; lair to po»i i.l?mc; if^lSc: old. as to aaaj ttv., I«ai7c;»«ldci*. •r*cia!». !2'-*c: nns, 10^v «'.*' fsi - . o e^^» 7:<io?''-»e;7 :< io?''-»e; coramen. o-ff. I*^.1 *^. 1 <An EkM.?! 2««3!*e. rodders et Montreal steady i £.* 11 II ! • C • ... — ■ ECGS Receipts r ?r the week. 119.177 cases. I Arrival* hay* been lasge ar.d pric-s S*n€ra.-r .n I burerr f*ror Cool twathet in rroduc'.np see- I tor?" is lesaentag and adding to t>.-> a. i res^V «?cc»ssiv»> storage acc"jr.iulat<on. vnc»-s. deae weak snivp qwrtatlone are extrerta. « 1 ,V.^" tr~ dirties- and ebecka. v;>.ic:\ nli Bra. Btit*. Feansylrar.ia ard ntarty; " sry ___*ff' ...,-v-,,^. gathered 22H<t£>c; henrery brown*. •a vv. # 2Sff2a l 2C:' satherci. 21 3 .;a'-*2Hc: __* h tXlbtfi selected ejwa* 20 l ie. aunan V a -? < i s; cvtra Jtrsta. 21tiC22c; flms .,.2l'ff 2l * c -SSJr Batherta e-.tra firsts. 21^1"r.'. first* 1&^«? a^c^^secande l»»i©19c: thirds and loarer dadeV. "l7«il*c; d!rtle». •-.% 1. ' IRe: Nrj 2 an.l P-vore^- l««17»ic checks, .i'^iy selected; c^Jr*- I7e- cJ-'-"-» and eraiked. av«rag-» -. Bt, I8i?l&%e; . i 1 rKl'ITs DBfl I> — Rec«tp«e for the : we*. ! o:«-« caea applea aad 578 pkss ori« - i fruit. ; export*. 3.'J>s pkffi dried frurta. - i evapcrateu. apples steady, •HI a. Uttle betie. . JobfetoS ti-s'ie. 'at about th» va.'uea ruMr.s a week a?o. iJuy-rs sho~ little latereai an 1 while it «roufa probably i>« n«c^Ksar?' to pay -I'- for N'^.miVr delivery prtina. it !? dcuttfui-if ;a buy ei <couia be round wllUng to-pay even ! . S c less. t-r>ct c&op* ha"» ft ! svanoe< . under a bettor ■ de aiana. APPLES rrttpflrftteC fancy. Ib. 10c; choice. S9«»»c; crtoe. carlot^Te; -iS^fifiT' I 7.ff7'*--- cotntr.on t^ fair. 6SW«c: IW. rcre? aii<*. skins. 100 n>. StCSQfI 75: chopped, l'.'o-j S^^S£ -. n ftlifornla, M ■ I peeVO. ISS'lSc;' u:.pc«li3, «2SU<:; rRUXES. 3 : KPITT*" rm •: — r.<"-s!ptii for the v --v. I 0.510 bWs apples. AppKa ;!er.ty. trade *£7*l an-2 taartP-t ftecltnlng. Feacfceß inerearlis's . ii 1 ■ Bopplr. Cat qun!ilr rocr. Snull lot* or -.?r- I ! rt«s ariivtes B!a.l;bcrrles ar.d huekltbEn-!»« in- f ! creastus in roppJjC ari-1 dostfli low**. Stutw - . ! berries UTfttag frcolj- End oi:ai!*;« irregular. | I Orarurcs an.] fr*r*U~ilt firn:. S£Os&xnelO&9 «eH ir~ v-=>;T: f.rst car cf California, arrived to— lay. V."ar«»-ir.e!u!is in carload lota and bring l-rj Y-z'n prlc^ Pineapples In i-.--:*\ y supply ana showtajt Irwrula* qunllfv APPLES. Xortbern i Spj", I'M. T::.0^?i:.O; Ualdwui. SSils4: <J'-^n i mc $3SSS; J^cu Dai '.3 an<i Jtusset. |»9«359: ■ • . Tinirticr.. C39^ltSo: Far We*tem. box*.«. JM*] I|S25; PrACHE.".' riori-'a. carrier. JS!:.'.O; fs-:i!l carrier. 52^f?2 7.',: O-ii!l carrier. $2£53.">0;| Gf.rcla. or».Ticr.' ?^sr:: ■ KKRRIE rweet, q-iarl. lOfnSC'. BLACKBftnRIEB. North «-art> 11m. quart, 10012 c: 111 CIvLEBSHRIES, f^ll^; I STEAVTRSBtIp:^ Jen-.. ti*r\Zc: I>: '►aw-^re. Va.-'i3'iJ sad Virsi'ia. C?!<^": ORANGES, Ftor i<i-)."b'..y. Si .v>-3 54 ":.:>: CaJlforala. SlAO^fi; V'.rto Hi'o SI iog^.T; I'ubau. SIOCCC2SO; GRAP™ FROIT. FlorMa: bos, S2-35"'i |; : Cuh«n. 52't' r fs; Porto TUc*. Cffs3 W: Jteniaica, SI W3$Z 12; Nss ea->'. SIZ>O3SSS7: LESIONS, <'alirornia.- b->x. '!'",; j;j-rj; ?.k.-KMF.U"'N>. T'loriJa. « rut',. 51 7.">'< is?,; <';il!'OT.ia. sta;iiiarJ <fai», S&: p"">''J , §si«>''ists; VTATKRUELONS. Fl«»rMa, ir. bulK, I«X'. ?.r.*i/ «ir.: :.t Lbu. ta-h. SC^<Se: carioaa, 9SSOOHSOi rINTAT'FLKi?. Viori'Ja. ,-rate. ?>3sl "j; 1 iba. $I*/Sl SO; Prrto Rice-. $10t2& HOPS — Re^<»;pl> for ti.« week, 702 liai" 1 !. -V Rtfle better tone l>i»s tievelop^d. fitu more ir: voirr trout brewer*. )n CalUomla emif iTtr t-r.. :■ SaaaJnenUM hn*.»> foW fct 11c. an,i prit^ie 'to it-.o:v» Sonoma* »t n<*- CJeatracte ss f5f 5 Klao I heipjr jv.ade at trc Li Sscramsnto. (11 Cr#w it , :^> dlAcoll to buy «o->1 quality uM«T ll«212c. but ttttle buetneEß r«|r^)rted. In N>\v York Siet# Ia f :?•■ rai;» ho.* b«-n made anjuixl 3v Crop ! coodltlcna continue favorable in al! «k?- I t'ci = St^te :00>0. rriJV.e to choice, 24i?2<V; meClum W y'od, 225*23:. Partrir Cosst, 3i*K>. { rv-iii-.e '. 1 cho!--«. U9l7c; m««iit3m ts jrvX?. 145? t •:--: IJWW, prirr.e to choice. -.iVf?llr ; I>'T agioc.a gioc. ! 19^-* ?.firtc:«. IS**. flO<l«sc. HAY ANT> STUATV — A little better tone on j I toy. rrai"S --r t:motay '^a^ . N<*r? 'Trvoice^ hivo ! j v, jK--rj K--r t" flecreaeeti -tnd »H!» nsCt •« still | I <sra<r*v. Cap rr9-7e<»,rn!'» -'»a - On Tni?<!Umi ani 1 ! lory pra<*«?« ther* i« ?t!!l an nocnrjulstion,. irhile ! !ot (crade clover is unsalable at any- price '.m-. ! rr. expf''t Ivu"'.* A wooA d»al of poor c'.orer hu>» ; jhas solj krooad f305?M2 to Borteri Market l«teady.«»n ttra JTAT. tfrnorhr. prinr-. lar^e ■ j boJea. 500 Tn. $1 13: Ko 8 to No 1. «.V*#M 50; 1 nhir,^!! ?. FOe; pedcttMr. -W: ,-\:, er ar.<l cover • listed. GOC041; STRAW, ion? r><*. »-'.vtV--- 1*0:: I ' an.l :nrf.'.'« rye. ftv op anil !Wc. POT'LTftV — ALTVE — R<yelpts for the neck:, ; ! Zr> curs l.v f:«"!gh» r.bout 4 oars by cx ' j:>r'*»» Hith a geM d<*:nan<l and i«rate j i ?vp:;ii*B Ijii« \.\n v «ck the marltet 'leaned up. I I xrith prices f! rmly sustnl^ied. r-sp^cialij' •1:1 j fo-»1» pr,d r<",nster», oa thi» v>a*l» of jftc fir fowls sr.d 12 i i<- for raoetera, A<? v tee« !ndi- j . ca-.s <<-.iii'pa.rat!r«'ij- rnolyrat* «up»li^fl t" j eerae, :<n<l 'irt'i'^ri! 'e#i stead 10 flrn. but i { pri-.rji hay* not i>**n settled rt n la»i» hour •jnn Toe*d*y. Neartry bre!:er# ; «-"» ! . -*r laj I latper tupp'y. an 3 u-ith a flow trad* prices tjhi.-^ rul"d loT-er at.rt irr«>Ku]it. Eipr»»* re- j > I ceiptf i>f n^arb'- ton-lr '.;ai» been ir>o(J»r«te • , P!:d vld'ing out a* W~ 2«r. Pr.ESSEn o -! : : n-ciritb for the -w-ei»k 12 Sl2 pifc". T»<-c«»lpts 1 1 of frf«h l:ill<hl bave ihosn s, Kttte Incr'nx. : 1 I but v.f-.ii fi>r/ drsi ;«!)'« finzeii fowtn available . ttie d^mar..; lias ■ra t)?ttfr f.«r * r"*a : r* . «.*i|ii» el^«iiM4 up pr#ttr i»riiirsi>tsv *n<l ir.-- st*-.■••*!!.-■ «U«t«lafid oil il<»i!!ra:>i* w»sr;htH. '»M 1 ■ ro«si>»r« rnor^- plenty rtn.-i lnw»r. Fr*«li it!!!"'! , j t-jrisvs iz'.-.'y plenty, o'mlity usMtvaettve ■ I aTi-i r>r\ces I«W en,) ?r-»ff«ler. Brf»l>r» if* j klio^^C ?att.* Ic«*r*:C»e I»j Involc**. anil vric^K ij .1 s^fiCe <>.-.*lrr at IKe ?'.«■,«•. Nesrfcy s;;rin^ : rtKcK* nh'M.f •■!?».!;'. Pmal! »nu3»)a '". fair ' .icnvtwi. H ut *«rr» Mret! ulnT and trrr«i:jlnr. T '''.<•- ■'.■"•;r,» f..r Irt.r^-i pou'.rrv tn l*r«t h»«'li ivi»ct jftwtn ehMdM. rvetii kIUeA: XURKCTB. • i "Western »w<" !>*•{. f:^r..< <v<- t/*nrii«. ISc: '*ir Un pv,tl. i:>-21"' < : Phll!nlelnhi;». C*SCT ■=,rvi!> P''^r. '"••"•'! * n i' ; fericy. 4 1H ii> n^ir mul ' >:j do". 1». -»fr: PcanSTlnuil*. BKej •«t*- 1 I zi^V n'.rU<"l. :.'<•.:. V.T; r«cils«>l. :!:.f ; T2^': KOWT.t-% ■WV^t"--"^ b«*W. **'/■ •■'» li> *W«1 over, 'loz»n. IS;: "0 *O 4 - •'"• 17-*; Ivarrc's. l;i»<J. <"l>-V I)".' V '•:. '4 Ib r» 1 1 •. i ov»r. T c i; «r-ia"il. 17c; scnM^J. i<"«<l. ii«<- BOOtt»ern f.r..1 17^-c: otVi^r 1 : tV»-i«t» : 'n '."•'. *<"»1* <I £. »4OiCej OLT> COCK* {| H Me; DVCSZXSQtk miing. Lor.? Ij1i»-.i* >". I i ... la. 2e : IVnnrylvanis.. 2r<?*lc:2 r <?*lc: JSQCABS. prlrsf, lart». , Thire, dozen, 52-502 NEW-YORE DAILY TF.fBrVK. WTIDXESDAV. -H XE 1. IPtO. $4; pocr dark, f2. Frozen: TURKEYS. »oun« toms. iS©'26c; young hens. lS(g2sc. old toms. 23^.c; CHICKENS, broll-r5. milk f*d. 23 # Stc: corn fed. IS 25c: do roastiuß. nnlk fed, 20©2Sc: Irjers. .lS#2oe; corn fed. 18(g21c. fry«rs. 10ai7V»c: FOWLS, dry picked, 13 ly rbTATOES C AM> "VEGETABLES— RMrtßti I*OTATOKS AXD TEtiETABLES— Re<-«ln»» for the week. 81.731 bbls potatoea and -"-•_-■„••' bbls onions; imports. 304 bbls potatoes ana 330 crates and 1.000 bags onions. New potatoes in lier.vy Biipplr. active and prices slightly Iftwer. Old eteadv. Onions dull but steady. Asparagus firra until* to-day, when market declined to 50c _er doaen Beeta and carrots ateady for choJre. C*bbag«s closinif hlKher und.-r li_ntec KUpplies. Cucunribers in heavy supply an_ prices ]o\r Green corn pcarce. Musaroonis higiiei" at the close. I'caa in moderate supply and aellinjr well at steady priccr. String bean» have bteadily declined. Tomatoes In heavy supply and showing irrcgu'-ir quality. POiA.- TOES. Bermuda, bbl, $2®*3 SO; Southern. >o J. $1 7r<o*3- No 2. $1 _:.'..s l 75: culla, $1# $1 25; old. bbl or bag:. Slii SI 50; ASPARAGUS, | doxtn bunches. 75c<353; BEETS, Virginia. ,loo bunches. $2 50ig;$4: North Carolina. $i:»S»:| South Carolina. Sl5O@S2 50: Bermuda, crat*, | 50c??51; CARROTS. Southern, 100 bunches. SI j <351f50- Bermuda, rratr-. 75c©$l: old, bbl <>r ; bac «26$'-'7r CAULIFIX>WERS. Southern. h.lf. bbl basket. 60 #75c:; CABBAGES, Eastern Shore, rratf. 75c $$1; bbl, 60(3900; Virginia, crate, 75c© SI: bbl. 60©85 c: North Carolina, rrat« 60(3 D0c; South Carolina. fiO^7sc; Flor- , ida red. |Is|l 60; CUCUMBERS, South Caro lisa, ba*k->t. 75c@$i 12; Georgia. . 50c $1; i Florida. SOS7SC; hothouse, box. Slos2: OEL- I T.RV. Bermuda. California case. |2v*S 00: EGGPLANTS, riorida. $15Ot7*£M>: GREEN <:OKN. North Carolina, orate, $I©s2; Florida. SI r,oiS.*2 60; GARLIC. New Orleant.. 100 lb. S3 lSf«: HORSERADISH, 100 lb, $2«$8: KALE, n«arby. bbl, 20&C-0C: J^ETTCCE. Southern, ; hask*-t. 150 25c: nearby, bbl. 50c ©$l: LIMA I BEAN-. Florida, basket. S2#s4: Bertruda, box. Jl'aJi'i ICTJSHKOOMS, 4-!b basket, Bo_9 , f2 40; ONIOKS, Bermuda, crate. $I(2TSI 75; : ; Ttxas. yelloti 60c S il 60; '.vhlte. 50c3-?lsi>.| I Egyptian, ba?. $1 7i5%2; New Orleans. 70-lb • bag $125: OKRA. Florida, carrier. $29(4:1 ! OISTER PLANTS, 1)0 bunches. $2@s3; PEAS. Jersey, large, basktt. $1 sf>.@S2: small. $1®! ■$150; Eastern Shore, largre. SI oO^Sl T.; small $li*fsl2s: Baltimore, large, basket, $1 £s®sl 50; email. 0O«0fl 12; Virginia, larpe, half bbl ba«kr'.. 75c}»5150; email. 50cfe$l; i PEEPERS. Florida, larsa box. $_9$S: carrier, |$125(&5175; PARSLEY, New Orieana, curly, j I bbl $2(ps3: plain. $2 50j153; Bermuda, crat'. 255'75c: ROiXAINE. Bermuda, crate. CO ©7sc; ; RADISHES, nearby, 100 bunches, &o@7sc; RHUBARB, Sl<>ssl "•'»■ SCALLIONb*. 505173 c: ' STRING BEANS. Virginia, wax, V 2V 2 bbl basket, $1<35175; creen, $1 SI 75; North Carolina, ' wax, third basket, 00cS$123: ereen, 50cff?l: ! South Carolina, ba-k:', 25cSSl: Florida and Georgia. 25f1i75c: SPINACH, nearby, bbl. S0«?) I 60e : SQUASH, Southern marroir, bbl crate. $2 1 OK3 5O; yellow, box. ?2iSs2 50: basket, $150$ |*2 : white, t-ox. $l®$150: basket, 50c@Sl: TURNIPS, mtaba, bbl, $1 75<fiS2 50: whit«, ! raw, 100 buachea, 50c 52; TOMATOES, Plot> i !da, carrier, 75er<i$2: hothouse, Ib. C^lOc; Vi'ATERCRESS. 100 bunches, $l!g\«l 50 Ml'S — d-!:-. ior top grades cf do rn«t!: pea'i I Medium and low srades quiet. I Offerings cf imported still liberal. PEANUTS, i Virginia, hand picked. Jumbo.- lb, 7^i«u7Hc: farcy, .S'-»«'js-2C. extra. *H©4?ic; shelleil Jumbo, T^3@9c; shelled, No 1. 6?i@7c; No 2, 4tfs=; Spanish, No 1. T_OBc; No 2, 6->i@ C "•% 0 — Quotationa unchanged. ; California, extracted, v.ater white, lb. S i@!>e white, SO Uuc; lisht amber, 7@7Hc: West Indian, ex tracted, a? to ooality, (rallon, <}4565 c. BEI-SWAX — Pure domestic bright colored very firm at 31c per lb. Some business reported . ■up to Sl-ic. Foreicn steady at 20c. M.VPLE SUGAR — Trading light, though firm feeUr.r? continues Little dci^g in syrup. S' •t.aP Ib, ll:-J12o: SYRUP, gallon. 75®s?0c. m ' LIVESTOCK MARKET. Cfew York, May 31, ilO.i lo. BE.r"\ES — SO cars, or 610 head, all to alanaitterere Fe-'ine nominally steady. Dressed beef <2u':l and unchanged. Latest prtvati cables from London a«°ted live cattle at I4\'j> Ih*i2. per It>, dre=£ed weight; Liverpool. IZ'-'* 1-i^e; refrigerator beef, 1_©12%( per It.. Kx ports from Uiis pert to-morrow about 2.C00 quar te's of b<--°f ir. ,*hs Adriatic to London, divided betveeo th 9 Sv.%t antJ Morris Beef companies. CALVK-— Receipts. 113: 77 on _a!^. No trading of Importance. Feeling steady, uraaeed calves more active; city dresaea veals. HiiQ'i*c; countr— dress«'l . It'^l^^c. »H.tEP ASH LAMBS — Receipts, 22 cars, or 5,322 LeaJ inoladir^ 10 cars for tbe naarket; liv cars oa aale Sheer, in fair demand and 25c higher; yearlings steady: lambs. *25c lower. Tr-» per* wvre cleared. Common to ehotoa si^ep io!4 at $3 £s@?o o'j p*r 100 H>; yearlings, $Ti<iJi; conunoa to choice lamt?, JS'Sv-^. Dreased mut tor. s T «ad" at t?6llHc B«r 1b; drrssed yearlin^f. 14gltk- dr^ssei lambs, 16@lSc: country dressed hothouse lambe. f>3Z's* per carcass. Sal*-? — Tob'n <& Snaenoa: 22 Virg'-c'.a lambs, 63 Tt> $9 7^• 2«50. t>J !b, $9 73; 4. 6--' rr. ie>_B; 30 state ysarlir-gs. T ! rt, SS; £3 state sheep and rearlir^s. S4 tt>, SO 50; 135 state Bbeep, 104 Ib, CO- o. 73 Ifc, $3 30; 6 Virglfiie, 120 Ib. $3 00: 28. 11T It, ?.>. T"«rr.s Cto_anlas!e_ •'■■ 25S Virginia iambs, 67 _ $«,?.-. 224. 87 Ib. $»7B: 134, o.* "\ $9M; 20 Virginia, yearlings. 78 rr-. JT st>; 17 Virginia Bheep. 112 n\ ?5: 5, &6 tt. $3uO. . . McPtierson _ Co. : sg tCentttckr i-' 1 -'--r'S 79 Ib, 510- 42 Kentucky -"-esrliTigr. 7a 18. S": GA K«n tucky ibeea. 11l rb. 54 7C. 00. SO rb. JS 23. Ve^ton & O3 : 124 aiarflacd lambs. 59 Ib, ?lo: 210 Virginia, « Ib, f&5&: SS. W tb, f 0 50; 10 Vivrrinia shc^p. 118 Tb, 54. S r iirrers' Commission Co:: 137 Virginia lamb*. 73 !b. '$10; 275, S> H», $9 70; S Vlrgir.ia sh*ep. •Fred I.^Kraiz: 22S Virginia, lambs, €2 Tb, $9 00; : ; Vlrjlcia lambs, 62 ft. 59 00. 25. Jl*J 1 * Ift, 59 IICGS— ReceiT>Tf. 16Vj o:V<. OT _"'..-'>49 V.»-».i. none on sale^ Feelinc nominally nlcner. Prime ard ■:,-e rtate hog" sold lats Monday at 510® $10 n per 100 It. Sales (late ISonday) — G. • Curt»» & Son: 4 st.\t^ heps 133 tn average. per -!0O n - -■ •<C 0 Tt», $10 15. 20. 10<V Ib, $10 lOj 2 roofba, T6"> Vfc. Sd 15'; X 327 Ib. $9-10. . •cr. H.'Hnan.': 23 state boo. l-« J*. 510^; 3. IS7 Tb, (1010; 3 roach, 3O> Ib. (»10;^. 235 Ib. SS-75. :v '"• ' .. _.-.-. --*• mders; i 7 state begs. LSS It. $lfl; 7 ro_«_a. |_2« r> $0, 1 rtajr. S3o ft. $& OTHER CATTLE MARKETS. •-'-.'^6.-. May Si.— CATTLE — Receipts. 2,000; steady; atfters. $825@?560; rovs. $4 So@ StJs<"*, : heifers, $4 23 ' i SO 75: bulls. (4 50 x fiUf calve* >.", •-;.<>■ ;■ ■ ■> stocker* and feed ers. $4 75g56 80. HOGS— SecfilptS. I 1.00&; stsady: ci^cics heavy. $9 ti"sy $0 70; butchers. $&60059 7O: Ue-ht mt:ce3. f9 50 ©59 60: choice light. ?t?a?3 ■•■ packing. SO 50<859 63: Pigs. S»23@s3<so: 'uulk of sales, 55© 59 80. SHEt;P — Receipts. 12,000 steady to lov.-er; 6h*ep,. ?t'JO«SS .- yeartlßsa. SC@s« 75; lumK STfl^?^ 45- spring lam ?S 50itfSV» 3ft. Kantaa City May :;i.— CATTLE— Receipt*. p /vim 'nc!ud':is 3.000 Se^Uherns: steady; choice dressed beef and mxoort steers. 87 25©$S'J5; fair to ■ood. Jiijis7^s; Western, $825©51 70: Ftock«r? ard feeders, /^^s'jos: Southern, 54«?7-*1 Koatliam cots, $S23S?j3O; nativ-->, S' 7r.350; heiler?.. $4 503*7 4'l;. bull*. $!-■".-•? $5 73: Mlve* C-"^! 1 " 75. HOGS— Receipts. 13,000; ptesuly to stror.^; top. .*'.». -7-'-. bUltt of aaie? 5940@1365; her.-. JO 45<g:?0 53 pack era and butchers, $9 45«859C2J4! Ught. $f» 4'i fr> : ; ij pi::*. >• -'">-i?S SIIBEP — Receipts, 6,000: steady: lambs, $7 2."@*S 75; yeftrllnp, $50f8S0;!iprs. $iM©^s&o; «v?s, ?j «jCj S4 40; . toekera and feeder*, $- ,rio@?s., r io@?s. East Buffalo. May SI.— CATTIJE-— Steady; prlrce nteert.. $S©sߣs. VEALiv— Receipts. f25; bi o and steady. fS— Recetpta. 1.800; actlt-e and 5c bleb***: heavy and mixed, SSSS •itS&OO; ■V orlcwa. *9 00-'tSJO 05; pigs. $i'j - «o 0.-; roiijrMs - S 7,-, •;$-!"">; Jalrie.«. ■|9 Go® $a99.j SHEEP ANLi I.AMBS — R«eerßt-j 600; alow: she?!. Stead} ; lanl»V<2So lower at $7 21 -Cincinnati. May SI.— CATTLE— Receipts, srt.H- si<?adv faif •■■ i?ood ehij)p*rs, £•« ooi? $7*o: commsiii s:iVffs4 5«. HOGS— Recaipta, I.s*i; active anil stea.:Js ; butchers ar>a ahtp p«rn. $0 .-,..-.", >.v» ■-. common. SS 7j®s9 (M>. SHEKJP Receipts. SS6; at«ady to strong;. *- -C a S5; laisbs hcU\a and steady ac.s4®ss SO. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Clii?aj?o, May r.T. — Weakness in tne'stodc and • rotton niarV.ets w.-.<i the last straw to-day on tha j backs of ; '-- rtafffferlng bulls i. • ■> wheat r ilt - Ezc«i>tlosaUy bearish foreltn quomtloaa oM tMJ r, ■=: Compared Trtth Baturday** — na J ' Bures. ! rrl c ln»(» •r-a« at a loss o? l if7i*t<-. Corn showed a ' gain Of '.iSl^c. Oa: s ftnisted Uc l»f.-er » '*« i izii-r. a;,J it liors <•,-.< down 2^S»'Joc. i iiln c- idetico of strair w.« viatWa !n ti-5 wheat trade j nt tnt nart; The aetiara brealc tn riici*s h»st •Rf>»!j by ti;- % [Utdatloß rf large lines bad lait ■ the ).,ftrk.^' r«r>«!ideraHy r! >^ioi?i ! arxS on top octbte condition canw nmra this morntat of a <5--! iii» lit Liverpool seldom «-tuaJl_ . except In due of *r.-a* politk-al or ftnaa<_s»l str^s?. Such u!'!al wesknen ali<?<l t» tlio T7nea»ines» here, pml m oetteeQoowe .-.:.-■ were at a f-iil vary*nic ail tK» way lrom 14c to SUc. Cover lea by »bnrti <?«p-.rin!lv som» cf the larg»r oiie«. ca-ufci a ehar^raHy. atrengtn Iti rtw corn ■marV.erhc'v'A. Wit tn •."■.? vas n« nrr inrestrnect demand Tn the ab«ertfl of any f>fil>sta'iiial "XI) port tii- ma'«»t. I'ifflci weak. v«it'-- afttf-rted by I veafenAM on thr New York S*oric Ejchang-e and I in cotton. A'Jegatlo'is of pc**tb'g bat] dan^jio in Kai c as and harr-t from wee«l« , line to ovcr pletittful rain there' served to maJu th« cloy. Klativrly «t*ad*'. pwml er rarae.i ) etwe n 90c cr.d »li»e;.ctosln« <J»wt3. at 01 }4<:- Sange of j Trlce ' : " Sa'.ur-! • Wheat:' Open. Ifi^h. lem now. dajj. juiv'" . MTi ««JS ■■: , " !»3U i. ■'■ \ tscpt^b-r. W I»l« W> '•» :«5i [nay"' 1 • B3 7i B6_ "^ ■••' "St i lvi -V . . f»7»i SC'i RT 1 * BC?4 kept«n.jer. MS ■■'• OTVi r»b'* £.T s t Ul^ at * : ■ S'-4 S7 33** S&V, .SB»i 1 j'fiV':::. .-,4 »ii 85^ z<i** acs, I September. s» : i -'i 3*^i 2 j h :^^* IjuV^* 3 I 2«) 12T.2 12 S7 12 40 12 47 iWte^-«' r - !235 13v> I£ - :i 1223 1252 • tu>- .. 1?4« iiao i2^- i"io 12 - " i eSitiairtf. 123? 1233 «17 12 22 15 27 ij./'y ::2* ttW 2*13 22 22 22 23 i __ ! FOREIGN MARKETS ' rJl«tieot Mar SI.— iTUr.VT— Spot dull: No •» rV.r*We«t»rn" xt later, no siocU. Futures [•Msdy: May nominal; July Os -.1: October, 6s 3-.d c6r.N"— Spat easy; old Aratrtsaa-SUxrt. ■%s .■%' d Futurt-n »ieaoy; .Jnlv, 4» (Vi.d: tsep t«r,-i,."r j'< -lSjii pkas — Canadian, 7* I »LOCB— WU«?r 'sAteo.u. 2i« ud. : hops in London <raci)'.c <5»»t». HW" 3"-. I'EKP i Extra -India n»*»s, 1 1.%«. PORK— _Pri«c »*«, !\V-<»terr.. U'T,: HAMS— i?:iort cut. .BACON — 4 1 nrab?rt3r..i cnt. Tfl«1 sho?f. nt. 7.'.< Od: cl-'ar ihcliifß 74s lo!i«t t'lur ra!diil*». li?ht. 72* t*d; h'.'vv'T-n-she r« rt«»r buoks. 71s fi£ SUOCI. iVt f»!.**a and Ari*r:ran lflined. pslis rtU tt^ CHEBSE-^aaadlan rr ' nest wHitej r-fta; Glared '.7s. TAI.IXJW— PriuVcltr. no »to(«k. Spirit*. «• i.rf. Kp3iK-^-Com^ ! ,.rn ')J'U PF.TO>LEI'«, 7*5.1. I.IKBEED I _L\.puVr 0^ TALI.OV. — AuatralUn In Lon- j i do i";>4di^u' ia 'ii!iv :*«vß'io. i2»l m\f£&&*£l il« v Tun#. 4j& SM. LI.V-j "uh& &PBRU OIL. tC2. PETRO- I Td. aari- I* MM Jsn lentlrres, -' • ■ ■ 'I TWO of the QUALITY ADVERTISEMENTS /TV TO-T>A.yS Km -33 orkii_l_iSl___£s:rtbutte HELP WANTED. Male. j COLLEGE 3CEK preferred to reprwaent tis » • errryirfeeiv; splendid chance laj make bis money for fbe risht man. rnttwi Realty Co., J 150 >"as»an st. V**. ■■ . ... ..•■tt^.T-atß- -"irtir Female. ! GIRX for Renrral work In laboratory essential oil hentse; fiiv* reference, wnifs expected, first letter. Unco, Tribune Ofßce. ©S-READ THE OTHERS AND GO TO WORK^H HELP WANTED. ; Male. AD\*ERTISIN'G — Agricultural tm- ' plement company has excellent ocportunity to , offer, through our serric«. to tliorourbly oonape- , tent advertising nvanager. with experfenco in • sam« oi- similar line: $3.60C>-55.000. Boslness Servlee Co.. SOS Slrger Building. _, ( AGENTS, iuai» ntid female ; Sis to $50 weekly; 1 experience unaecessary. Write or call; T^a.^•*i ers' Identification Co.. 567 Fnlton et>. Brooitlyn. AGEINTS to handle cur tens and ooffew; ex rtrienca not nec^sary; build up a business of ; your tsvm. C»U or v.rite Burns & Reed. 209 , Hudson st. - __^_ | CASHIER, about S» years «* age. "with 1 " vt * ! ©t. perieac*: ecxellant eper_Eg. Mighill iPosttica j Broker). Flatiron Building. ; ' COACHMAN— Experienced; references; in coun try placs, caring lawn and garden; $20. Acker- i ntan. 187 '"»rr«awich st. . . . . j ' COLLEGE MAN preferred, to repr*sent us «vtry - vrh"rf-- Fp'.end^ chance to make big miahey for j the right man. United Realty Co., 150 ya-asan_Bt.- ; COMBINATION bookkeeper and «tenogr&ph«r re- j . quired by ■n-*.U krown local rsanuf*cturtr! ea«M c*rn; 91 ,040-$ 1,300. - Business Service Co., 808. Singer BuUdiag. ; COST CLERK, thoroughly expenetsced manu- ' facturing costs and general aowinting ""fork: ; *1. 040-51, 800. Business Sw-rtse CO.. 305 Sragsr j Euilding. ; ■ ■ i COUPLE— Coachman-useful; wife waitress, as- , sist chambermaid; 'groofi wages; mus^havegood references.- Industrial AaMeMtMK Inc.. 1. West 421 st. , _. CREDIT MAN. rarailiar alang fertUJMT or kin- j dred Hr.« : salary. $1,200. MlghUl (PoatMt j Broker). Flatiron Busl3lr-g. .. . ' ESTIMATOR, familiar with medumi«J layout ' of steam an* po^er work; salary •$! ,200. -.HghiU (Position Broker?, Datlron Building. j VOREMEX (two), with fi " l . class 1 * j ahUitv for ra» or plant upstate; SI.!MO-$2.0C0, 1 :S in^s S---y---^ C- . »-*5 ginger Builfling. . iiE^HANTCAL' DRAFTSMAN, with good general , "■'exDeri«nc« and capable of checking drawings: rJrman*nt posltton: $1,300 to start. Businees Serrioa Co.; SOS- 3ir.ger Euilfiing. j: . , • iVrmxTfAL DR \FTSMEN on en r,^'!^ York: $7SO-?l,3'.y>. Business S«-rtc* Co.. cf New York: 57£0-$1,500. Business Ssrrtca Co.. 806 Singer BulMing- , - . _ j PRIVATE 1 SECRETARY, executive stenographer: li__T $16 uo. acccrding to iv.»n"s «P*rience. MighJH <Posltlen Broker>. Flatlron Banatnir. "i". YESV ES MA.XAGER. asiperienßed in hardware ; ; I,us£«s? able to orsaalre territory: ?4.^0 i?stm (Pos'.Uon Broker;.. Fi-tiron Bu2!d "^ ,°t cg\n\-- Young man. about 2.V with several New York house in C^lcaga territory: $1,000. BaaMM Service. Co.. SOS Singer Building. ______ j SiLEbMEN throughout the I nited States to sell j autorcoWW: necessities: every otraer wants nu: —otector: references required. The O Nel! Tire ■ J." protector Co.. S2O Broadway. '*" *" ' icP^RINTENDENT, able to d«s?£Tn anc tas, " char« of factory producing nightreb«s. bath- , r't°l "and pajwias: $2.<y>.v54.000. Business ?er-,-ice Co.. gOS Singer Building. s__V_T DIGESTANS: largs seller; Eouthern tertltory. Pond Pharmacal Corrtpar.y. \\*ESTERN territory; Tablet Dlgj-swns for *U wraTKRX territory; TabUt Dltfj-swn* »r •" ;>i ills. Poni Fharir.ical CJIUJBIW. N«» rcrk. _ Female. AT MISS HOFMATER-5 EURKATT. S2O sth av ninth floor— Couples, UluiliTl cocks, walt ressea, hmiaeworkera. ■ ___— _UOKJ_BB»'J3K and typewrtt«r.. *l^: st*no« ranher. understanding bookk«ipiag. real estato eOcel good pay; miusy bookk««»er and stenosr raphw- positions. Jupp Baciwa-gt. W Nassau at. for general hcusewcrk; family 5 wo; no ■ wa-hi"g-%'a« SS $22 to $25. Industrial law- ! t'.cn. Inc.. 17 West 42d at. | 1 '4iA'DRf.'S assist chambsrrcald: small private family; wages J25-W0; must have good refer encea. Irdustrial Association. Inc.. 1. *st 42d. NURSE to two children, to travel; must be ex- I perienced; good wage-; must b* v % "*«S" ei^ces. Industrial Association, IBC li *W at 42d. TYFI-T understanding bookkeeping preferred: moat i*> thorouehly competent and '-.ay* good reterenoe: salary $12 to $IS. according tr, aattHtjr- Jupp Eschange. S7 Nassau at. , TTAXTEI>— girl as cook ar.a laundress, tvan American ftinUy cf four; one hour from N«w York- p'.easant bom«: wages S2S. --p;.- ' Room 75. 2 Wall' at.. W«dnaada«r morning, be tween 10 an-i 12. __________———— WANTED— A cook, Protestant. In a private famlltTgooJ wage*. Call at 88 East 79th st.. between 10 ajid 12 o'clock to-^^-> . WORK WANTED._ Male. _ r TVT cr Ki~ t0 $V.V all nationalities: irel!" reV^-.e^-d. aIM second mer useful man coadman aad 'gar.ien^s Waldorf Eureau. 12 W<??t SSa «t. ' Phon« 860 Madison. •?"T ETRICFAN. -Toong man wt«h«a to do re ' pairing at private . hotel* or factors". dare David, 82* E&at S4th at OFFrC£ WORt-In oftce autalda of book neep'rg; good at Rcwaa and can write fina - ? 'T a. 4i Eaat __ at.. Baywa*. >- T WANTBDr-A Use, tp the retail trade. Chicago ana by ' experienced salesman, flnan ct3i;y lesrc-irslbl^. J. P. Bush. 533 Eaat 42d Flacs. Chicago. 111. . _.. — . WAVflTtt.— Translation. Vren.-h German, into English; experienced. P.. Boi'-15, Tribune Of fice. " ; YOUNG iIAN. I*S American, t:. eaonUT, light outdoof work; wouM Hk« s" -» home .in pref wnce ro large salnr: ; can furnish best rf New Y«TJt refwasM. Gcod Home, Box 10, rnbiir.s Office. . _.._ . TOT-NG MAN aecual * ■• t:h making butter; cau churn ar.d r-rerare; sobriety, honesty a spociallj. G. a., CM Boulevard. Eayonn*. Fema:«. GOOD Meiiortiilpblo tn»wrtt»« Koom rea sonable ratps. 03 William el.. Room Slo. •>•;•->■ 4-'fm — I'thn. ; . TvFEwr.TTING. MUT.TIGRAPHISG. Accurate, reasonable. Ray. Rcom «h». Met ropolitai BuUdlng. 2Bd St., l«»aiBe«i ava. Tele phone. £.03(5— Gvamcrcy- JDOMESTiC SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. CHAI'KFECR or frOACHMAX.— 'Scotch: loagr vractioal Orlving ex»«t*uc<; capa'jLo uoing n ran-^- proved satisfactoryi- strictly temperate, useful and obliging; rwona! reference; gu auj xehcre. Mtu-DonaU. -».t W^st_4»th >i. COACHMAN— Can ran r.uto; yo-Jtig swede. Binoothfaced, neat; andcrttaiiA* horaea, nar n»ys, iarriases .thoroughly, good refer-enees. Carpenter's Bureau. TO*- '>th f*. COCPLI>~G«Tnai»; man coci: *rtt* v.tiltress or chambermaid: threa years 1 excellent refsrencae; ?7v»- eltjr or country. induatriai Association. 37 \Vo»t 4: st. Thonn 5210 Bryant. __ COCWXJv— O«rniah; rrjin coarhmar.. chaufTfur. useful- wije waitress t,r p-trlorn^id; five years £S JSwm«l rerereu.-es; ?av.5«3 In Austria I Aviation, 17 West 4'M ft 'Phor.n 5 21» Hr>-Jat- FARMHAND— $23; pocl r^um-ter nnd milker and gen-ia! fa"- worker; ao*« aad Uidußtrious; refatenc*. llatha-vson^ uure^u. Ma flth in. le»., Bryant . FARMHANkV-Scofch: not long tojj^cjmnttjri I Vrkw and ca=ay. v,\ g'ji« cte^*l e r and obUalof. Matheurson Bnreaa, &li tth aye. •I>l.. 37S— Bryant- F IKMHi.NDS ■ful men, married couples, for fan&>< aid pentl^men^ eountrv places; Kc« lish Oawaaa jr.i awedlah a sr«cialtr- Math-jw »on Bgreao^" Bl9 BtH a-re>* -Tet^t 37»-- Mryacj.^"^ GAKDENEH— DauUh: marrte*! JJ o Lng and goo.l ■ p^r-oncs-J lit B reechoc*.v UutAMOMtaa; eU r«c -eeeraMa »wwep; wtfs wt!l b.«nl "■•'■ well rcc omjgend»S._C_arp<nt^r BMT^at^JlJl^hAM- «Aiinv'"ri li?.**. cliauft«ur an<l senerally G h_TdV"nVan; Mi Traytia A Co.; « Tv'wt 26th t. T*l.. Madison Sgaa,re . . h USEF- ;n managinr lar«» istata trnflewanfls care of horaea tlKjma^hij . . . wr— 1 Tsars' r«ftjrenee 7rm T " i*l«*«ataara Bw ■ ployment Rtiivau^ WJ.TJVtTi^W- T-«!EFrtr~MA?.-— GfrmarT; $2^: R"o<i hand on lawns gardens, horses, era:, ohlcKenss, etc.. sober. v!llinsr< i" •ltisfrioua Mathe-naon Ba> rfHU, SI.S C.t); iiv*. Tel, 37!>— Hnant tak* ckafaje of • Iboni K. \ K.»:.ial* CKAMDEnMAID-NCITSE—Kinn young; « Jirl' fond of chlldreu; Rood cUambcrmaii and BtiriV' *•> jr.-full'im'B Bureau. 4th ».■#.. corner SIR t't. T*t RTo«^SJaftf3<»n ; . HAMBfiRM.VID'*nS "WAITRESS -N«»< nice "werfish slrh. very xcod waitraaaj coukl tai* B-ir#au. 71« J-ggltiytOßHv*._jr«»- 1035— Pla» en vll l Pi-oTe.lar.t cirl; J23: aUo Korwej&& ;*«f_r: Birl; «23 al»o Korw.jdnn 522- !7'->».-l reference. -vTaUorf Bureau, 12 W*st D3U ' st. ThcnO 800 Madiaen. . CC^si^Ei"celTent all brancS«. wcwld cotiaMer $03 to hare child 7 rears old with her. ya» dorf ,t«a_ _ V.'«t Md al 'Phon» 300 Mtdt «r.B ■ ; DOMESTjC SITUATIONS WANTED, i Female- | COOK and I,AIJNi)RESS"-An «iee?J*nt wok. j I v/iUi very tx»st references; no objection to coun- 1 - try; «25. McCallum's Bnr»au. com-r 31st at. 1 and 4th ay». Tel. 570S Madison Squarff. I COOK — competent j-oung woman; -wHllntr to ; assist v-!th laundry; _personal city referpnees; city or country. Mrs. Cooper's As«nc7. to« btn | arje.. 88th 5t..... - ■ ' COOK — Jhorou ghly competent: can take full charge of kitchen in hotel, seashore or rnour- . teins; has had first class e«perl»Ti(?e*. Call Mrs. Cooper's Agency. 657 I'.°.. 3Stn s t. ] ; — Ver/ ea«stactory; n«it. peasant; rood manas»r; t«ro years' referenc-; $S(?.. G.. Ml 1 Hofmayer's Bur»au. 820 sth ay?.. Room Wl. 1 4527— Madison Sq. ' COOK.— Neat, ■willing Swedish girl; vpry sood5 ood I cook' n months last place: Best r^fere^ces. ; tv&gci;' $i»- Ostsrberg's Bur«»u. 716 L«*!n«toiv: a^■=>■ Tal. ICss— P!aza,. . .._ .. - COOK — class all branches.; economical. HWCR exce'Hnt references; 5^5-S4O; cHy or, 1 countrj-. industrial Association. 17 West 42d st. , 'Phone 5210 Br>«nt. - . ' 1 COOK— WAITRESS.— German girls: or do entire v-ors private family; r^iva -, pub!!". friend useful man. gocd gar<fener: <"!tyor out. 1 Morroxr's Bureau. 721 Lexington a^ra.. am%& st. j COOK A^D \TAITP±£S. together or separate; cook. $'2b: vraitrsw. $20; city or countn-; very g&od references; r.'iliing ar.cJ obMeins. Flaher ty's Bureau. 455 Colttmfius aye. Xei.. 741 P.iver- j gids. ._ » - _. . I COOKS— Gorman. $3'o-94d, •TrsTJCh, $30-*oo; also ; other natfcnaliiies; gcod r»ferMK--es. V aldorf i B-iroau. 12 .West. S3a si 'Phoite 8t".» Madiaon. j COUl'U:— Gorman; excßHsnr. cook and iaurclress; j coachman, earden*-.-. useful; $<5O; excellant ref- i orencos; country pre«*r?<e.i. Industrial AssaCia- j tioa. 17-Weet 423 ct. 'Phon* 521*»_Bryant. ■ COUPLEv Al.— Wife cook and hous^rorV:; j useful and handy; $45. FVayne. _ Co., S6 WBBt 26th st. Tel.. Madlsoa Square 6030. ; ( DAY'S WORK, or half day work ever;' day. by r«srectab!e colored wcrcan; city or country. : M. Bar;-?--, cars Perkins. 136 V.'t-'sr. satn oi.. , ' GOVEnNES=— Superior North C-errncn; ell JJO- , 1 onnumotd; $»5; aawrtaiat. $50. Waldorf Bu- ; : reau. J2 West 33..1 gt. 'Phow.? S^> Madisqa. ; HOL'SEV. • — By . aiuok, active woman: , total abstainer: good opek and tak«»r; BnMUi family; near city; exe<en«Dt ref?r«»r!i' 1 >!' nionthly. IrwlE's Bur-?a>i^77_JW>Bt_rlth at. . FOUSEKEEPER. atterdant or mother's helpw. "capab'.e woman tPfTJ rake charge of houae. care for invalid m nioltiaHaaa chitarew; good ' seamstress and n»anag»r; best references. F.. Miss ritzGeraUs Bureau. SOS sth a.9.; en trancf. 42<1 «t. . . ____^___ 1 HOUSEWORKSR or cook and lanndr-se. by r.^at woman; excslient family cook; city or country: I late references. Call Mrs. Cooper's Age!: toi j tfth *v*.. 3>»th yt. , - . I HOUSE WORKER— Toung Irish girl; willing: artri ! oiiligin?; !ate!y I»nde4: will do seneral *kga»e- ) -rV- gmall wag«. iTcCallum^s Bureau, 46U 4th ; aw.. corr.»r Slst st. T«l. 5706 Madfson. j INFANT'S NrßSE.— Exp«r!ence«i; friend e»H»t« bermaid, assist washing can s*w; willing an.'. obllsins; a*ry 4l«ance. Morrow's Bureau. »21 L«ringt3^ JW. IQ2«—1 Q 2«— P'.aza : L'-vDT'S M-AID.-Ta'.!. nic* £we<«*h firl; ex- j cellent lady's rj3ia. Tta'.rdresser. eeainstres3; t-n-o .v*ars la« placS; excSllent references. Ostar- , Jvri? - s Bttreau, 716 Lexington ay». T^!. 1055— Plaza. .. LADY'S MAlß— Supertcr person: good seam str«fe»; ff->-a yea**" esc-Pent >«rrr Tor* refsr erc«- •cO. Waldorf Bureau. 13 West 33d 6*. 'Ph^nf 3fifl M»giyoß. LADY'S — flufcjul <3«rrrrar.; experi<«cad; expert dressmaker, geod bairdresar packer; tn first class fa.'.r.!!> : trustworthy; high reiar erces. E.'"j._ l"40 Lexington aye. j LAUNDRESS.— Can <i> e*-.irt», co!lars,ctifffs : Fin nish ri""l" good reference. Jussila Bureaa. *O Lexington aye. Te!.. 4453 Plaea. LAUNDRESS — First, class all braacb«s; -with shirts SSS: without fSO : a>Ct<lcti» references.. Waldorf Burea-o, 12 Weet 33d «♦• 'Phcae 300 iladifon. - - ' , ■ A.XAGING HOU9EKB!BPTrR— ca paN? nreeDMtt references; city or ecHntr;-; $s^^;.. iDdustnsl Aes*-iatlon. 17 West 42d at. I 'Phone *»21<» CtryanL . . ■_ . >;vt>-.K— young woman, with excellent rafeMßca* . rnll tafee aaitfra *harg» of infant or gro^vn chi'.drer. E., Miss FitzG*>raki s Bureau. [ 503 aye., er.trance 42.-: St. . NURSE.— Ensllsh; trained in hospital abroad, win "tak* «ntire Ekkraji of infant or 01-ier cv.U ' dr«r.- esc«ll««t refeiaaoa*. F. 8.. >iiss Fttzbrer aWs Bureau. .503 6th ay». ; entrance «a «t. NURSE— Norwegian Protestant, exc#n*«it refer eiws. ttit child. $25. also ErjiiWi ari ■;•?" an nursst, $25. S3O. $*x Waldorf Bureaj*. 12 A €st ■ S.i <=t. 'Thon» 3<y» MaJlson. - , . . NURSERT GOVERNESS— Win taice etittr« • riarge of one «jt m«jre children; teaca ele i mentary branches, kind«raart«-.. vocal nrasie. ; drawing. needlew-OfK. P.. Miss FitiGerald\- feu- I re&u. DOS sth aye (entranco on 42a at.). i XI RBte— Frahch; chttdYaa owr --3 years:- >"c- CoUemt refsrencee; city or country. _ luoustrtel As«ft<-iat'.»n. \7 West 42d St. 'Phone STIO Br^-ant. NURSE usefu!. >'s helper, by neat young r-ocian: good sew«r; or l ght ftoas«Trork; ref erences; city or country. Mrs. Cooper'a Agency. 657 6th aye.. S?th Bt. , Nt'Riß or MOTHER'S HELPER.— Catholic experle«e«d «very branch househoia ; duties: exc»llet>t searo«U*ss; Uistaiio* no oij^ct; ; highest titstimoniiiis. MorrO-W* Bureau. «>1 ! L*xlngto.i hv". T^l. I^*3— Plaza. , TWO SISTKK3 togrrher or wpara'.*-. c*ok--taiin dress. chati!b*rmald-waiti-«s: S2i ana $25; er i csllent referenc** city or country. Industrial ! Asatw?tatiw». tT W«at 42d *t. •Thnn<» .VM*> Bryant. ' WMTRF:.'.- — «jtfl, «tcrti-nt waltr>« and parlormaid; can taka cnamtwrnwid s p^acc: ex^el'etit. cit* references.. Ost.-rberg's Bureau, 71t". I/^xins-toti aye. Tel. 105S- Plaza. ' WAfi'KEtiS or PARLORMAID.-- ffoun? Scotch ; Proteetaot; $2^-530; v«r>- capable. IT. Miss J Hcfmayer'a Buroa'u. ->» i*h •»•*, F.'.>om W>l. I T.»Ucftona 4B27— Madison gq. "DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY.' A —DRESSMAKER; formerly xrtth sth avw. Ivms-: well ma<fe gOTir.s, e^ual to the fc"t ostablishm^ M-^-. Cully. I"-- tV<?jt 4-»th 3t. LOST 3 A N X BOOKS. BANKBOOK NO. 4t*.'..0«.">. of tiie Union liime Savings Bank-. ft m»i«Jii» Any person huvinß a claim to it is hereby called upon to i>Tea»t the umi within tan days, r«r subnil- to haviuc mia paea took cancalled «nd a new oaa tewMcyj; r. V.VKBOOK XO. 477.53*. <-■> the L'nlon Dime Sav ings Bank, is ial«sUi« Any |)er3on hai->r»sr a claim to It is hereby called upon to present tha same within ten day?, or gutruit to havlr.* *a!<2 i.assiv>-.k ,^iit-i!H and anf one i.*su<?<l. BANK-BOOK No- M4,nA of the Union Dlw Having* Bank is TTilS3inff. Any pmon »--vrlng a claim to it is. hertby called upon to pre«n? the •am* within ten day* or aubmlt to havl&e said passbook oan<r«lie4_ti»i a new_on_e nmM BA"NKBOOK"Xo. M 5.891 of th« Union Dime Sav iiLrs Bauk U mlstlns. Any ptraca having n rlalaj to It Is heri»b<- called upon to pfwwnt thr su»me within t»=ii "lay* or atiba>!r t'.> having sail passbook cancelled and ■ mo or.* ianuta. BANKBOOK No. •441".^1T of tli« fnion l>inw Vavln»» Hank is mtwfg Any er»on havlr.s: .-v craUn to it is b*reby callert upon to pr*»ent t?j« aaoM within t«« <lay» or submit to having aaii I asabortk catic-lled and a n*w ona lawiac. LOST ■•'• rOUE! BanKßook NO. 512.CAS of the cierniau £a.vias* Baxik u\ the Ctty of N«fr York corner 4tii avo. and lift at. Is*unl to Mar-/ A. Hlnehliff*. All i-'rvr.« are c*utton*'l pcair"=t n»notia.tirs Co sair.*. if not returnsa r, Vn« ban'x on the ... <Ja>- of Jure. 1010. a. dnolli-ate -^Hl be_ilsa»d. PROPOSALS. "" SEALE-P FP-OPO^ALS WTt.l BK RECHIVEp ai t!.« o:Tl2* of th# Lißht-House B<>ar<J. Washington. D C until 2 o'clock p. n».. Juris 23 ll»H). and then opened, for furutatttn* tn« materials and labor of all klnda tieo»»»ary for the eaiutrocttan. cnutpm nt and de'.tvary o t the twin-srre«- ste<»l st>*am light -house tender Aster, In accordsflca with f"P«i'tfl<?atton!«. ti^PHa o? which, with blank proposals and oth«r in formation. m*v be had upon application to tn» I,!p-ht-House Board. Wa«h!n«t..n. I». ■" . <^r *t thj of tie Ligiit-Hou» Jr.*2«?'-3r. Tort land. Maine. __„ . VLED PROPOSALS WILL BE HECEIVEO at mo ntHcA of tha . Llght-lCotua Board. Washlncton. D. C . until 2 ociock p. m.. Jnn* na tl)lt> and th*:i op*n«t. for furntahlnic th(» ; mnwrnl!! and labor <*» all »ttt»jt«.n«e«M— for i trxv construct!:*, ami d«l!v*rv of th» tHrd-cl&as sir.slif-scrK» »Wel steani ll;ht-v«s«^i 'No «■• to tfe« rJ«rat-trous«» Inspector at the Ltjtnt-~Hoti2» P^POt. S?. Joseph. • llleh.. or for >t«-Uvcr>- to an oillcer of th# l.i«hr-H.v»a* Es tabltshmer.t il tho place of its construction. m a<-cord»n«* Kh ■pqgf<«ttoi ■ copi.«» «if whtch, with black proposal* and oth«r tnfor raattOlT. nuT f"" tulll upon application to th. Ugftt-HOUM Boartl. Washtncton, D. C. or to ; th<; I.ißi}t-H<ni s _'_J n *^f£l°r- '"htoast*. W~Z- - I SEALED _RSIOPO»Ati \\ U.l/ HI. RECKIVBO I at tbo office of ttv» [.i,-'!t-H0..i0 Board. WasUtnxtoit. I>. C. »n*il 2 oYTorlr p. rr... Jun» "S into ami ihen oi>«jn#d. for turnisfitnsr the material's ari.i labor «f all kinds n»ce»»arv for I th«i eoHstructlort eqalpmcnt and delivery of ! the In acrrw wood ffaaollac-prop.'lled llßht h.via- -n>:«r Palmetto, in accordance wtth ; ■p»Ll»ernioita, c<»p*aa of whtcli. tvittl Manl: pro 1 posals and other intwrmaticn. raar b* had unn application to '••- Lia)tit-Hflua# Board. \Yashtn«.ton. LV C." or Hi th* rtrtio- of tUa Light- Hnu«« Engineer. Ouilem^n. S. d^ PltopOsTikLa FOB MISCKI-LANEOL S n.VlL way *uvpsi«s: Office of Assistant Purcha*lna OflVer Panama. Uail Road Company. 2* s $t*t* Strp*t' N'<»w York. Mw CS!!^ \6lO. s»a!cj Prn potals will b« receive! at tMj cfflca until 2:PO V» M . June 10th. 1910. for fumijMni tn« abovo , mentionisd articles. Blinks an.i full la"\)rniotlon i wav b« obtained at thla oClce. WK.VDSS.It L. SIMPSON*. Major. X3th Infantry. IT. 6. A., Aj 1 iUttntPurcbaeißff l Infaurry. U. S A.. A» fjajajrl Purchaelng Offl^t. T'VE TABLES. A Delightful Trip via ■ Water and Bail) Send for Copy of "One Hundred Golden Hours at Sea 9f YOURS FOR THE ASKING. Southern Pasifis Co. 366 BROADWAY. N. Y. C. Kaiser Wilhehn 11. Sails June 7 tor LONDON— PARIS—BREHEN. ! Wireless and Snhmarins Signals. [ my To I/omlon. rar!». i f% I T_ Brfm«. , \l AI*T H Express lIWII I\l 1 1 BI 8 Ta«3dar». 10 A. 31. ! •*• /UA tJJ K.V.-llhebn U.JniM i | '' ..i" K.Wir.CerGr.Jur.a 14 : 1 Irmonth. KrbT?p.f>cilJ». Jre 21 C'herbours. /^ Kr. Wllhslm. Jun» 2S fc-ailln^. iicroian Thnrs'ys.lOAM ,2^ ,V *-*-*A Prlnr. Allc*..JUs» 2 i G. v ush'ston.June y ! Br»m«n. . Jtine 16 : •Main JU2&23 1 •Bri»m«n <iirec r To Gibraltar. Nspl«« _ and G*noa. 5f — _ Sailings Sat. 11 A.?I fl j _,_ t /-2 Eerlrn (new). .Ju:^ 4 g ■A\/ll FriWh d- G. Jano 11 9 lilW&l K. Albert .June..- S^IXJ 7_^. fNeckar Jun»2s *■'" ' '** J " *» "^ L fOcsits Ganea. ladepnidMrt Armnvl-lh»-W«rtd -Tonra. TraTel«r»' rh«>cfc* srood aH oTer th* worW. OELRTCTIS Jt CO.. Genera! As«Bt% . 5 Broedway, >ew \'ork. | f OGEfiNfi I|3^^ »n 3lo<[»m «af?tT D«!cc» (TTlrelei'9, £c.) LCHDDH, PASSS, HHSBUVS. "• t "h»>:.-<='!>'l R!tr-Carlton a. la Cart* Restaurarst. r ivmnasium. Elec BlrflWi LMvalur. Palm Gax-5* > , r P.L.i™cc!n.Jtv- 1,12 noon Cinc:nt>ati June 11 Orrar.a Jun« 2j 4F«nnsrl\atsw» . . J«rre 15 'Am«rlk» Juns 4] •Clrv*»and ... Jun^ 15« •Prss. Grant.. .Ton* ?' Gr»f Wal(S»r9e^. Jan* ii 3 jHerabnrr direct. 'S*m. i P4 tt> I \NT> GENOA. B Oa tti AND GENOA. ». > TJATAVIA Jan* 14. 2 P- >? >. S. HA^rBrKG... - -Tune >: 9. S. WOtTKi: -v ... : .vi July 12 TRATHLI-FRi** CHECKS Is^CEt>. Tourist l>««pt. for Trip? Ev#rv*'her«. H"ambnrg-American Llae. 45 MMfQ N. T. CUNftRD LINE Piers .>4 an<J 3»*. ItMtt Rlv«r. foot of «tft St. C»J"r"ICES. 21-24 Ststa St., opposite the Eattery. Lusitania— Mauretanla Largest, Fastest. Finest Steaaa«n Afloat flew York to Lonioi Bireci VIA FISHGCAKD Tha rno«t 9xpe<iit!c"js root«. Quickest a-" to PARIS-BERLIN-VIENNA L«ave >*ew York U'edaesJays. 5 A. >T. MONDAY Ifi LOMQGJi TDESOiY IB PABI3 WtrefMM Telesrsrnls, Satanarlne S?»nals. Vlauretanla Tunis ' ■*am-panii.Ju'.';e 13 J> a" 1 [iUsitania . . . . . Jun# Si tt»arets!rta . Jur.^ — "OtroDta.Juße tl. 10 am 1 •Carmania Jar*» is.l'>2'. •Will cail at Quesnstown and Fisbsroard. HrX<iAKIAN-A"»rrRIC.*N *KK\ X V To FIUME. via GIBRALTAR, NAPLES. TRIESTE Panncnia..June 2. nooaitCarpathia July • |t r'lonia.. Jose V>. 8808 Panronia July 10 rCalls at G*noa. |C?TTies '11 and 3-i crass only. Trav«l!^rs' checks Issued — good tiM} nlMld Pa?^t'-\:larr of S«rric?9. Rates. SafTtnsa and other Information ■will be sgPP?tgd en appHcatigft. Chanulns Sliort &<ki * >^)W) W (■ f^ Trip on the Atlantic Com*. STEAMSHIPS . a j ISRTII LAID &NCRTH STAR TO PORTLAND, MAINE j Sailings Toese* Thursday and Saturday, 4p. M.. from Pie* 2t>. Ea3t Klver. N. T. ' For full i' Tt*:at:on anci bookKc apply to JIAIXE ft S- CO.. -'» Bw»y. V V. AMERICAN LOiE Fron» Pier K. m AiVifclvl*~AiN LliiC at 10:00 A. M. K. — I'ljmoath — Southampton. Philadelphia Tim* ■*: New York jiu:^ T< St. I/»uis Jane 11: st Pau:. June 25 RED STAR LINE gXSKS£ XEVV TORK— DOVER — AN'TWEKP. ViiUn-:. .. Jena 4 I.a&Un.i -••>.. Tnr.^ IS Vaderland-. . Jiuw lit Kroonlaiic: Jttrn* 2i> White star line STM r. N. y.. Qur*H»tOTn». I!os.\hcaii, Jjvtrpool. Arable . . ma 4. 5> amiC^ltic Jur.» IS DaJtlf lun* IJ. noon-Odrti? . . Jrn? 23 >'. — Plymouth — Cberbourjr — Southampton. Adriatic .. . June 1. noon : Oceanic .....*... Jnne 13 Tf'itcmic.June *.fl:3ft arr. \ Majestic June 22 X. K. VM) BO«TO.Y— MEIMTERRAVEAN. Onr TraveSerf* 1 Check* Good IWrrrwbere. OSices 3 B'^iray * Pter €2. N R- ''-^d St>. N. T. ' Oliv *?" a\ PS £>!*•«* frum City to ft'll'V I Sit*-! C!t7 All-th^-TVay-by il fcJ W-W 8 W|g M-,:upo:iMn Line. . Ya!e& Harvard Staterooms with or without bath, mnln Uecfc ilininjj room. ate . *tr \i w YOKK TO KOSTOV 54.00. A most fas pinaiinj route. TUver. HnrJv-. Boui and Ocean. Tares the sam* as via. Lons Island i Soun-i LitiC*. TV»?Ic days an-1 Sundays. L*ave Ksw York. Plar a. N. X.. iwar fool Rector St.. 4 P IX. >»me daily sch#dul* from India Wharf. Boston. Due either City S o'« l^ck next morning. Through t. k«-« to alt point*, at Wharf.> TourUt ana N T. Transfer Co. • >!♦: •»» tnronrnour City. * MFTR«»rO| IT \N STEAMSHIP CO. ri»r Vt. North «lv»' THgpfrfH*. QortLflndt 1715. SHORT j _ bEA Tieiiet.. so?-i and R*s- Tt-» iPS. •rvatitms irt'li by a!! i nlrOi lines, including steam- i i * er% t<* BO^ •• ' -A I.- ; B-WY iDa» «n>l Nijht tr»amers>. lIALIPAX. »»T. 4OHN*. >KrAYOI\ND- I.AND. >OVA feCOTIA. etc. Per.,! for d*tstl» of route «i«-s!r?d. MARSTER:? TOfHS. ::1 Wrat ri»th £t.. N>w York. l\, r Xrwbunjh. rn<i(hk<^p<*i«> ami Klng*tcn. From FranUun Street, -wpek tlwy9. «*C©l Sat urday 1 p. M Satcri»y». IP. If. \Te*t 12Stti 5f . '- M P. 11. For NEWBI'ROH and tntfrrrii'if* ism*. ing*, v --k U*y». S P M Sstunlay*. I P. M. West 129 th St.. R:SO P. Xt AiIUIAVC Vtom FrnnSttn s- n>. 31. ANCHOK LlHe ' GLASGOW via LONbOiND^KRY C^!«dor.!a..Jun« 4. •: P«' ', VnTc^fsii . .Jan*l«. Spin California Jun<>tl.lf>;ira'C6!umb!a Jur.<» C 5. »jn FIIM'I > »Bl>. *•;*• aa4 »TS.3«. 6KrONI» r.\!SIN. MS and $}?.50. TIlIi:O CLA**. J3S.7S m 4 «3(>. KEyPgKSON' BnOTTTF.RS. 17- to Broatfway. *sCft **fi" I IMC fler 1 1. Wall St. Ferry. liCll V LlnC Brooklyn, at noon. 1,^,1 sun J!*w*. P. *'■■■ i* Quayra. Pto. Cabala, Cura;a-» jnJ Maraeatbo. vt» Curacao. PMV«rlflpJ>ta. June •*• 19W.«"arftra* . . Jun* I<, 13t* E"or La. •;j*yr», Curasao a«« Maracafbo. rulia Jua* I S. 13!f>. j Marac«ibt> . Jun« 1010 Suwartor Acit»Binu)datlon» for I'assensers. BIJ3S. DAULBTT & CO.. g«t.*"»i M ■ • SB Wan StT .-.,,,1 m [St»»m*r« Uav« Plo-r-IS.: CJiTSKiLL-N. R.. ft. Chrf«ophi-r St.! Phone! lu -., ... \ &Hggl?i F ' * 10«| , iuc ; CatskilUHudson ! aprtny UlilS CoxsAckio ; : COOK'"* TOITR4 TO ROPT ' and. th» PASSIOX PL.AT at Ob«ram:n«rr*»a. ! THOS. COOK Si SON. 243 Broadway. . <4J» Unison Aye.. 2«J4 io<J 553 3th A •* . V T . TIME TAB FALL RIVER LINE (Splendid Steamers — SpJsndid Service) Wh^re to go this summer — a puzzling question. Just as likely as not you'll find the answer at 171 Broad way. Fall Rivsr Line steamer* Feaw» New York. Pier 19, North River, foot of Warren Street, at 5:30 t>. M. Get you co Boston a» early as 7 o'clock next morning — later if you like. **%_!, Fare to Boston S?^ Telspboae 5121 CcrtUndt for informaUiiM City T:ce*t Olfk* Yl\ Broaiway DAY LINE STEAMERS. DAELT, except ?«ir. «lay. leave' Brooklyn. Fulton St. iby Anne* -. »:. DfthrtUW St.. h:4u: W 4M ftj ft; W. l"!>«h 6t 020 A- M- Landin* at Tonsc«r». TV'est Point. Newbtirph. PonKhk««p»i«. King ston Point. Catskil). Hudson, aav Albany. Easy connection* North. EMt. and West- A » ♦Mron?h rail sc«ts between N. T. *«(3 Al bany acc*pt»<:. Most <JNightfu! one-day _!»* inpj to West Point, Ne~bnr,K or P^S^ fce-psie. r»tt»rnlnff on Covrn boat. Xsalf sen.-e<l at a)! honrs. Music. STEfifsSs? POWELl M Leav!n C rwsbroMe* St at 1 4-", P SL. ~T. 421 St.. ■■ P M.. »v l«h ?r. 2 10 P 3a. dail-r. except Sunday, for HighUr.d F»I!s. 'Vrest Point fretumlnar b> b^at or rail >. Cornwall. N*~ bnr»rh N>w Hamburg. Milton. Pokeep»l«. Rondovt and Kingston. OrcneVra. ? tl ? i^iniP P^ fclßtilLalain Modern — *sl* — H^Habfe. PEOPLES lirfo aLB**Y STR ADIRONDACK or C. V 2*OR3S-^-P I.e 32. N. Hi. fact Canal st.^ 6 P. 11. TV. 123 th s?-. 6-SO P. Til. • dafty t9«r;d3r •ncinaedr. ■»w>r_ Alb*Bs; - dail7 (Susdar ec!a2et4.'. A P. St, CIfIZEHS LIME TQ TROY \ ftT Strs. TROJAN, or P.ENSSELAER. *••• 4 * «- t- . ft. TJ>a: 10th st .6 P. JT. «!3ily (9ar u-.'ays- exespted' 1 - FT©_ Tr»v dal'.-- (Satarcar-s .-xc*»t ■'. 7.30 P. -t Sun'lar a*a_m«» tousb«« at Exc«rent culslna and jai »Jira Direct ra!' ronrection at Albacj' ar.d Tror for poir-» Vorttu East and ~ r»st: horses and gotoaobttvs carried »t rea»onat>l» r_t«a KED BANK LIKE. ; Lws Franklin St.. Pl-r 24. North R!"»*. ('ailv <» 30 A. ST.. 2:CO P. 51. Sun. S:3O A. M : Ea'terV S:» a! >r 2:5,-. P. M. S«n. '-» A '"M.. far Highlands. R«<s Bank. etc. Eic . *><>;■* ________________________■ OESKS »itp OFFICE FURNITURE. ROLL TOP DESKS OFFICE FCRNITCRS In if'»at variety of style and pric*. T. G. SET.LK-5". 11l Fulton 91 EXCURSIONS. MX TICKET:- INCLUDE A_».^U!iSlO> '<» DBE.UO.-VD. ;srea!^«t Amusercetrt Errterprlse _ th» XTor!^. r,., v TVest 120 th St.. N\ R.. ajmaj P:4?. 10:30. 11:30 A. 31.; 12:t5. !:<*?. C:00. 2:«. S:Sf». 4:15. S.l-'i. 6:3 W. X:SO. 8:4'"» c. m L#av«» Pier 1. N. R.. 9:4>. lt>:sO. 11:13 A- V. 12:13. 1:00. 1:43. 45. 3 >'. -»:I^. 3:OP. 8:0?. »:40 7:15. S:ls. <>:3O P. M Lear* t-»tj Pt-r. Canej- rsland. 10:53. 11 '.W \. '•t T2 "■ T:2?. 2:10. 2:35. 3:5?. "4:55. 5:2?. ! I'"'. T:1O. 7:V>. 5:25. 9:23. lf»:4O P M. R-turn-inic from Cocer Island tr'.p raar_etl • -to*s not go to 129 th Street. N. Jt. r.—-.. — _,„ -p^v^. JFrom 129t?i 5?..30 Cent». *T____E_ r_TP|9 aaa*n trtps ETEHX DAT f o FISHING B.UK- Leave li.'Orh St., >.\ P ■ 7:20 A. M . : Pier ( nsw) Nr. 1. N. tJ. 5*:2» A- St Bait and tackle on board. Faxe: GentlsEwn. 75c: Ladies. 50c. ■ Chiidrar.. 25c. ________ siliiiie Exctfusioxs West Point, .Newbnrsh & Pcosfekespsie OsUy Snntray') bji Paiaca HTTDSON t::v_r r>\y line steamhr?. SS£ STEAMBOAT ■■.•!.: MX. CA-" " CLF.ANIN6. M, Y. CARPET CLEAHI36. WOEKS Oldest. l.aiajaai'. Moat M'>fcr?». Te!. 4602— 4630— 8r^-ant. Estabiis^efi 15iT. |Fh» Bugs Woven from Gfd Carpets. Prfcss neasonafcle. Send for Circular. 437 and 433 W, 45th St. Garpe! i Rug Cleansing Th * C ala Brown 8s» \ -,7, 7 cvi ____«21t E. 7th -t. t LS4H - i_AKE>'L'l, O,\Xi'KX CLEANIXIi CO- — ClffMlV br, ccnpress<?d ai'. **earr». fcasJ or crt floor. CB4 Breadway. 421 __a 4St_ «t. ecK A CF.AXDT. T«?t- US— SSth. INSTRL? Boys and Yotirg 3len — Country. MAPLBWOOD &_Mr Ariel SVJIXfEPI KOifZ. Jnr? •tSapt. f>. *il» Xear Pr.t!t. 4*t!i rear. ?}«>-'i.-»I car- to litt'» *jey?. T\ Jntsr sas.«i~rt. Sar>t 16» prppare* 4O fcov» tor colVea cr business. J. SHORTLITXJE. A. \f . ] Ya?*. Prin.. C»r 104. Oon^ordv:i:». Pel. »■. fa. Fcr Both Sexes — City. I THE Bi:Ki.ir7 SCHOOL OF i.«>r.r%<»a». i MADISON SQUARE <U2C BHOADWAT*. I Harlem Branch. X 43 Lenox Ay»., near I^7th 3t. ErookljTV Branch. 21*-.*2rt Livinxatoo St. SCHOOL AGENCIES. _^ "_ Amrrtcan and! Korelga Teacbers* AgcacX- Buppli«a pTofe«<!.->r». Teaeli'-rs. Tlllvra. Oo» emesses. etc. to Coileces. Schonls and FaraUl-sk Apply to lira. at. J. TOL'N'G n'LTO* ga Cnton Hqaar* \L LAV/YERST ~* _ WHEN IN TROUBLE a -.', reel Icgai aiJ. consult v* rficfl-ierr^rt. LAWYERS, Room IUC*. lit* Nas*aa st. ■ ' DOGS. BIRDS. ETC. PARKWAY P£t STOCK Dogs boarr!«d ta «r"<:,' ca^»s: Bostans at stud: all lead:c? renigdl-»s. 44 W^sr tlQi»> »: ' I FOR SALE. lil'i BAROAINS — SliKhrlv used octtt* furrslt ir-. desk^. tvpewritor^. cash r-g'st-rs. at.l'.njt m» cntnen. ralmor>«Taph». fllln* •■abin^ts. saf>3. a<l dressing machines, ttui* .lock* c*rt»f>r:*, rtsvx prefer?. book<-3>»s. X.\TU.\N".v ■* VT-.n-i MACHINERY. DIES AND MODELS. FOR SALE— New tenoniniT"anJ mortisinsr out fit. Does copias- Le»* tiuni half ordinary <-Oit. Greatest cauaciiv »rij eOci*n<;y. XC* cbir« d«i_c-strattd. ilechanKai E=s'.aeerl=s Co.. 133 Peada st. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. 43TH STREET. IZZ WEST Bnntl furnish^a room, running water. $7.«'> per week; with private bath. 512.0-V Hstei SltStOl _ & ■ : TjißCii SL'NNT CORNEK ROOM, "runatt* watar. private family: beaiitl'il locattoa. facins tha IIu<J»on: telephone. Harrtsoo. Zm West 101 st •?. •T?"*s°i!"_ K !^3: R: T.^?^" 2 5oT r H~^T! 2n> EA*T— Sm»i» ipastor'-O faml!". light ballroom, for grn::c:iiaa; bath; light, coo. Ho-tarJ. r.K-^-.-^-^w_-___^« : _v2_Jl_____^___. CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTE DISTRIBUTINO card*, circulars, strict p*? sona! supervision; highest references. X-;.' Dlstributtrs S«rv!-.\ 345 West C"d. REMEDIES. THOK.M4.II. P».KM%>E>iT I I RtS -n ctN* ..r .|»M»I> fOIS4»X. >KK\OI OKBfI.IT>. KI.MiIiKK CO3II*I-\INTS anil j£inj'-«d «!!»• eases; reMef at onco ta dtanj?rous case*. r;e?T>* or »I - th^^e tTesirinff only <!r.»t «•!••»» scf^ntlfl' t-«atmeat st»ou!4 c»U. Dr. BONSCHL'R. th« w« J known soccUUst. i'J West SS'^i «t. Hours. 3-3. I » PCTI»t r %NT IO STATLTORY REviUIKK m^nt." notice ta k»r«b» sriv^n tha* an act. Senate B!tf. Prir.t-iJ >'o. it**. In*. X 1?X 1 ?- 300. h:*» been passed by both branclwa of tlie L»s:l»la ture. entitled AN AfT *o an»«nd tha Greater New York charter, O. relation to tha estab iwihmfnt of day nurHri«> and the acquisition Of land ar.d buildicss th«>r?for. Further notic» 13 hrrebr Ktva that * PuSHc . nesrrm* ope" suoh bill wtil b« he!d at •::♦ Marof s Owe*. '• th« City Hal., in the City of New Torlr. e!> Thursday. Jan» 2. 1010. at 11 o'clock A- M t>at?d. City Ha! Ne\r york. May 27. 191?. i'.u.vm j. GAYNOR. ilwror. 13*