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REDUCED RATES STAND Supreme Court Indorses Action. of Commerce Commission. IN THE MISSOURI C/SES Commission Contended That Ex istence of Through Rates Was at Stake in Suits. •^ifh.r^-'-. May SL— Ey c decision of - 4 to S tie Supreme Court of the United Etates to-day decided that th© Interstate Ccmmerce Commission had not exceeded It* power In ordering the reduction of freight rates In the so-called Missouri River rau cases and the Denver rate cases. These orders were held to be valid. The Missouri River rate cases were baseel •us. an order of the commission reducing the freight rate between the Mississippi River and th© Missouri River, as a part of +h» through rate on through shipments crfgln&tlcg In the reaboard territory. The "Denver rate eases were based on an order 'educing the rates on through freight from Chicago and from Bt. Lrfuis to Denver. In both cases certain railroads and Ehlp pers concerned maintained that the com sdMlon waa endeavoring to divide the .country tnto rat- •ones. The Circuit Court for the Northern District of Illinois de cjfied that this contention was correct. The Supreme Court cf th© United States to-day hi a decision announced by Justice Mc kenna declared that it believed the com sJssicn was not attempting to exercise rueh a power, and that th© record showed r-o evidence that Buch power was being ex •rcis©d. • Hence it reversed the decision of the district court tn both cases. Th© cases hay© receive great attention #»uring th© two years they have been th© object of litigation. The government con tended that the existence of through rates ■ocas at stake. After many hearings and several parties v&d intervened, an order was Issued by the oommlsslon directing the railroads doing ■business between the Mississippi River crossing and the Missouri River to reduce their rates as a part of the through rate ea shipments originating In seaboard terrt tary Seaboard territory Is that section of •he country east of Buffalo. Plttsburg and ■Parkersburg and north cf th© Potomac The railroads in the West and shippers. ■♦ebbers and wholesalers in the East, but «atside of the'seaboard territory, went into : ♦he courts. The Circuit Court of the United States for ts© Northern District cf Illinois or.joined the commission from enforcing the rrder en th© ground that it worked an ■unjust discrimination against the inter mediate loc&litl&s and shippers. Th© oom- T.!ssion and business men in Missouri River «-!ties appealed from th© decision cf the Circuit Court- Counsel for the appellants : to-day asked the court to give them thirty days to file •. petition fcr rehearing. Solicitor General Bowers objected en the ground that th© <clay would prevent the rates from going Into effect before the court m6t next Oc tober. Chief Justice Funer directed that -he mandate of the court Issue In thirty <!ay* unless a petition for rehearing was ■5!e3. f The court a^so -uphelfl th© Circuit Court la granting an injunction against the en forcement cf th© statute cf March 19. 1907. -•.La-ting to th© stoppage of tr.e Interstate <»mmerc© trains at Lathrop, Mo. • Th© court afarmed the judgment cf the 'rjwer court tn favor of the Atchison, To t>ekt & Santa. Fe Railroad Company, whose rhsrter also was being threatened because ♦t had removed s puit from c state to a **»«*ral court. . GOVERNMENT WINS TAXCASE " -urtreme Court Decides in Its Favor in War Revenue Litigation "Washington, Jlay £I.— Thai the estate of a testator wio died within one year, lmme ilaiely prior to the taking effect of the set which repealed th© Spanish -American "*Var revenue act, was s-bject to that ta— •oras decided to-day br th© Surrerr.a Court c? th© United States. The decision was announced in the Herts "Woodman case by Justice Lurton. He re ralled the decision of th© court in a for raer cast, which was decided by an clvided court against the government. The tcstice exolained that, as a majority of »h6 court had not approved an opinion on the matter, the former decision did not ftand as an authority to govern other cases. On the merits of the case the court held the government was entitled to th© tax, in all amounts to 6everal million dollars. Justice McKimM delivered a dissenting opinion, In which Chief Justice Fuller and JustlC6 iy concurred. EACETRAGK HEARING "FRIDAY Governor Intends to Devote Only an Hour to Listening to Arguments. •Jbesy. May £I.— the request of th© T ''Ckr-- Club, Governor Hughes will give a i h&arir.c- Fr'.dav at 2 p. B. on the three Agrew-Perkirs bills designed to strengthen the anti-racetrack gambling- laws. The Tcckey C.-:o contends that the legislation '« ambiguous ar-3 desires 10 have It inter rretec the Governor Intends to de -'ote cr.!y ar. hctar to the r.earir.g is evident, s.£ Y.f- 1r.3.s fixed S p. m o? the same day as •-= ho y ir for bMrteg arguments Hi the wittlc Rats ilif lilial employment agency t!U. The Toman taw amendments will nlto have a Friday afternoon. WHY IS THAT LOT VACANT ? This question is often asked about H improved plot of land ir> a sec tfaa otherwise built up Perhaps there is trouble -with the ♦itle^ — forgotten heir has turned . ■-t or some claim not disco*. when Ike title wu searched. If we had guaranteed the title for «bt o-xrer vhen he bought— it vould he our rroubie nou-— not his. TiTIE GUA??ANTeE "AND TRUST C 9 # Capital and Surplus. - $14,000,000 !78 E*WBT, S. Y. 175tmsast, EUyn. iISO Fulton SL. Jamaica. J^carpit/, cleansing |\ ByCo-nprw««JA^ i ' taF«-P.-oof BuUc.r.j IFiRWMOFSIOMfiL Fcr Household Good's m IT.M.STEWART/ 1435-442 WEST SVSI SIS 1 For.T*rry -jvk' fdsnded M I 526 7tXi£ g$ inietsf IPtMCUP£S67COL'J*3USf APPET J. i J. W. WILLIAfdS TeL ue« Coluasbu*. Eat. IS7S. CLEANING *&. w «t 54th St. VENTILATED, KON- RATTLING PATENT TCINT>OW AWNINGS. jomi slulivav & soy. tCB Hndsba «t. T»l. 2177 Striae- T HE'D Ay IJIWASHIWGTOJ* rrreta T*« Tribune Bureau.] Washington, May SI. INSURGENT FOLL.T.— The action of *w«nty-£ve .Western railroads in filing with the Interstate Commerce Commission notification of a general advance in freight rates to take effect to-morrow, together with the suggestion of the Department of Justice that this Is a violation of the in junction against th© Trans-Missouri Traf fic Association, serves strikingly to demon strate the correctness of the position of the President and th© Attorney General in urg ing Congress to authorize traffic agree ments and the folly of the insurgents In opposing those sections of th© interstate commerce bill which contained such author ization. The position of the administration is that the railroads will form trade agree ments whether they ar© authorized by law or not, and that the sale and just policy of dealing with the conditions which render such agreements Inevitable Is to authorize them by law, but to compel their being mad© subject to th© approval of the Inter state Commerce Commission. While there is not legal proof of the existence of such agreements since the Supreme Court de cided the trans-Missouri case, there has all along been an almost moral certainty that some understanding has existed between railroads in the same territory. A careful examination of the conditions attending the disposition of th© railroads seems to indicate that economical administration Is almost impossible of attainment without some form of agreement. Traffic agree ments rubject to the approval of the Inter state Commerce Commission, however, would. In the opinion of th© administra tion, obviate th© danger of exorbitant charges, and would prove another step in the progress toward cane and economical railroad administration under the constant and effective supervision of tta govern ment. THE IN'SURGEXT ATTITUDE. —Of course, ostensibly the insurgents— especially the insurgents in the Senate do not op pose traffic agreements, but in fact they Insist on amendments which would render the provision inoperative, or at least would result in great hardship to shippers. It was pointed out In this column In the Tribune of May 21 that the first effect of euch a proposition as the Insurgents urged would be a general increase of rates by the railroads all along the line, followed by such an appalling demand on the time and energy of the commission that it would be an interminable time before such In justices as such increases might Involve could be rectified. The railroads have ap parently concluded that their safest plan Is to advance rates first and then argue about it later, even without waiting for the action of Congress. Now that the roafis have sought to advance their rates, and that the Attorney General has caused an inves tigation which has given him some ma terial on which to Institute injunction pro ceedings. Senator La Follette has Jumped into the arena with a resolution demanding that the Department of Justice be required to Institute the proposed suit, but those who have followed the developments of the situation will hardly be deceived by this eleventh hour bid for popular approi'al THE FEDERAL BUIT.-Had It not been for the fact that Attorney General Wick ersham has been quietly gathering informa tion regarding railroad rates for some time, it would be practically Impossible for him to have instituted the suit begun in St. Louis to-day. The missing links in the case ■Ueb tie Department of Justice will pre sent in St. Louis were supplied by the rep resentatives cf Western shippers who had a long conference with the Attorney Gen eral yesterdaj afternoon, and the evidence they gave him went bo far to indicate a HOFFSTOT CASE UNCHANGED Counsel for State Officials Fail to Ask Appeal's Dismissal. Washington. May £L—Counsel for the of ficials of Pennsylvania and New York failed to-day to ask tho Supreme Court of the United States to dismiss the appeal of Frank ML Hoffstott, the Pltteburg bank president, who was indicted in connection with the alleged bribery of the Pittsburg c'ty councilaien and who has resisted re moval from Xew York for trial. He ap pealed from the decision of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Xew York, which refused to re lease him on habeas corpus proceedings. Counsel for the officials were to ask the court to dis-niss the appeal, lest Hoffstot's case might be affected by the statute of limitations. It Is said the counsel failed to present their motion because they were absent from the courtroom paying their admittacc3 fees when the time arrived for the making c? motions Pittsburg. May Sl.— The failure cf Dis trict Attorney William A. Blakeley to get his motion asking for the dismissal of the appeal of Frank X. Hoffstot from the de cision of the United States District Court of Xew York denying his application for a writ c? habeas corpus leaves unchanged the case of the banker-manufacturer charged with conspiracy and bribery in connection with Pittsburgh recent council manic bribery scaidal. Although extradition papers have been granted by Governor Hughes cf Xew York. permiMirg the Pennsylvania authorities to bring Hoffstot within the jurisdiction of the courts where the crime is alleged to have been committed. Hoffstot remains without the state under right of appeal granied by Judge Holt in Xew York City. Hoffstofa attorneys took the case to the Supreme Court. Hoffstot will remain at iarge under ball pending the review of the case by the United States Supreme Court next October. Both District Attorney Blakeley and his assistant. Warren X. Seymour . are in Wash- Ir.gtcn, and no one attached to the District Attorney's office was authorized to-night to discuss the case. KEPT TAXICAB ON THE GO Dispute Over Eesulting Charge Ends with Arrest. A man who said h« wa6 David B. John son, of Albany, staying: at the Grand Union Hotel, this city, got the Coney Island fever yesterday, and as a result became Involved in so wordy an argument with the chauf feur of the taxicab which had conveyed h'.m about that the police had to take a hand to straighten out matters. According to the story told to Lieutenant Walsh, of the West 30th street station, last night, Johnson visited Coney Island and early in the afternoon engaged Michael Flanagan, of Xo. 792 Columbus avenue, to take blni back to Xew York in his taxlcab. On arriving at th© Grand Union Johnson came, to the conclusion truK h© would re turn to Coney. After reaching the island Johnson said: "Back to Xew York." And when the car reached Broadway and 41st street on th© second trip from Coney Island th© driver demanded $18. Johnson protested, eaylng he had already paid $11. and that as the fare was S5 each way he owed htm only $4 more. Patrolman Andrews, of the traf fic squad. Etopped the wrangling by taking both men to th© etation house, wher© the chauffeur eald his reason for demanding mere mcr.ey than th© regular fare was be cause he had had to "fix" a pa^olman on account of bhi having run over a sixteen year-old boy. Johnson paid Flanagan $4 by crder of the lieutenant and was allowed to go. Flanagan was held until his story of the accident can be investigated. DATE FOR PANAMA LIBEL HEARING Washington. May Sl.— Suprfem* Court of the United States to-day advanced the so-called government Panama libel suit against the Pre.«.^ Publishing Company, of New York, tor hearlnj on the first T'i<*» day of next October NEW-fORK DAILY TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY. .IT yr 1. I*lo. Joint agreement in violation of the Injunc tion granted in the transmissouri case that ht> determined immediately to recommend an application for an injunction. The Pres ident heartily approved of this course, and accordingly the suit was brought. The rep resentatives of the shippers maintain that the railroads are planning a great coup in Wall Street, but that may be only surmise. Two questions are involved in this situa tion, first, Are the railroads acting under au agreement In violation of the Injunction? and, second, Are they advancing rates to a point which is unreasonable and Unjust? It Is believed that, in either event, the gov ernment will be able to procure an injunc tion which will suspend the proposed ad vance until all the facts can be ascertained. NICAHAGUAN SITUATION.— It Is im possible to escape apprehension regarding the possible developments in Nicaragua, where Madriz appears to be the de facto Executive over 90 per cent of the territory of that unf'-tunate republic, while the United States -efuses to recognize his legal status and does recognize the de facto con trol over certain portions Of the terri tory of Estrada, who is being gradually exterminated as a governing power. In the parlance of the racetrack, the United States eppears to have backed the wrong horse, tut as International relations can not be conducted with the same freedom as the affairs of the betting ring this coun try finds Itself unable to hedge with a few safe bets on the prospective winner. The fact that Mexico and some other powers have recognized the Madriz government still further complicates the situation, the outcome of which it is impossible to fore see. Of course, there Is no Question of the correctness of the position of the United States, for Madriz has never been elected President of Nicaragua in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. In the way of embarrassment which may re sult in the purely ethical position of this country, it merely serves to emphasize the difficulty of dealing with these little, Irre sponsible republics and seems likely to contribute just so much more to make the name of Zelaya, from whom th'f situation is a heritage, anathema ALASKAN RAlLßOADS— Secretary Bal linger has taken the position that federal aid should not be extended to any railroad in Alaska until the routes of such roads have beon recommended by a competent board of federal officers and approved by the President and until bids have been sub mitted for the construction of such roads. The opinion of the Secretary of the In terior was called for by the House Commit tee on Territories on the bill of Representa tive Palmer, of Pennsylvania, providing that the government should aid in the con struction of a railroad, telegraph and tele phone line in Alaska. The President indorses [ the position taken by Judge Ballinger. Lewis iP. Shackleford. the Republican national j committeeman fcr Alaska, declares that i most of the complaints regarding the admip | Istratlon in Alaska have been due to a set of lobbyists who have been imbued with the idea that they could secure federal aid for a railroad they purposed to build, and that ; as poon as such aid was secured they could market the stock at highly profitable prices and retire with an immense profit to them selves. Mr. Shackleford further charges that the delegate from Alaska hag been favorable to this legislation and that he declared before the Committee on Terri tories that he would not object to the Palm er bill. Mr. Shackleford asserts that these men are constantly trying to arouse public sentiment against the officials in Alaska "who will not clcse their eyes while special legislation of a most vicious character ia being urged apoo Ooner c ?= " G. G. H. CHIEF CROKER TO FLY Accepts Curtis s ; p Invitation — Trip to Washington Next. Glean H. Curtiss called on Mayor Gaynor at the City Hall yesterday and there found Rhinelander Waldo, tha Fire Commis sioner, and Chief Croker. After the con versation had touched on wind and water and the difficulties met in flying against and ebove them, naturally enough the talk drifted to fires and how to put them out. Mr. Curti33 suggested the possibility of fighting fire in tall buildings by dropping chemicals on the flames from an aeroplane. He also said that Chief Croker would be a welcome passenger on some early flight, and the chief said he would be a willing one. It was agreed that throwing chem icals at a skyscraper fire would be post poned until Chief Croker had developed an aviator's love for the new and picturesque. Mr. Curtiss delivered to the Mayor the letter he carried from Albany, signed by the chief executive of that city, and re quested a receipt for it, apologizing for having failed to bring a receipt blank along with him. "Such incidents," he said, "have not become sufficiently commonplace to have printed forms on tap." At the Hotel Astor Mr. Curtiss spent the afternoon receiving callers and "Hip. hip, hurrah!" telegraph messages from all over the United States. Ivlany cf tha messages were humorously rampant with enthusi asm. All were sincere expressions of the seeders' delight at the recent achievement and their personal regard for the man who sat between the wings. Mr. Curtis3 was asked about the next step forward in aviation. He seemed to favor a New York-Washington trip. He pointed out that it was a distance of 236 miles, that the flying should be good and that there would be a pretty sentiment in alighting before the White House. If it had not been for his apparatus for use in case of his dropping into the Hudson, Mr. Curtiss said he could have carried twice as much gasolene, and therefore might have liown twice as far. He said his limit on the machine on Sunday, when he made the trip, was eleven gallons. The aviator was not enthusiastic about the prospect that aeroplanes would be fly ing across the Atlantic Ocean soon. But he admitted that be thought It would be impossible to And a man anxious to wager a large sum that such a trip would not be made in a comparatively 6hort time — say, five years. Mr. Curtiss has been experi menting on an aeroplane which he hopes he will be able to .make start from the water. Charles K. Hamilton, an associate aviator with Mr. Curtirs, said yesterday that he ■would be glad to subscribe 42.000 to any $£.000 fund to be offered as a prize for an aeroplane flight from New York to Chi cago, and that he would enter the li c ts himself. HEMPSTEAD FOR AVIATORS Aero Club Decides on Place of International Contests Governors of the Aero Club of America decided yesterday afternoon to hold the International aviation contest at Hemp stead, Lcog Island. There Is a possibility that the original date, October 22. may be changed to some time In September. It is now said by the committee of the Aero Club having the meet !n charge that considerably more than $250,000 will be spent in prizes and in proptrly managing the af fair, which will last about one week and that it will be conducted along lines broader than anything of its ksnd has yet been A representative of the club will 6oon sail for Europe to negotiate with the most fa mous foreign aviators for their appearance to this country. SPECIAL FRANCHISES TAXABLE Justice Chester's Decision Involves Every Railroad in State. Albany, May 81.— Supremo Court Justice Chester, of Albany, decided to-day that th» special franchises of railroads for street crossings and running through streets shall ue subject to taxation. The decision in volves every railroad in the state and ap plies to more than one thousand cases. Railroad companies have been paying euch a tax, but in ISO 3 several of the b<c com panies instituted proceedings to bet it aside. Benjamin 3. Dean, of Jamestown, as ref eree, held that the Jaw did not relate to steam railroad* but to streetcar service only. Justice Chester reversed thf deci nion Th« rate probably will h« appealed. RAILROAD BILL B SAFE Insurgent Senators, It Is Be lieved, Will Vote fnr It Nnw, AMFNDMFNTS DELAY IT Half a Dozen Changes Proposed Which Will Encourage Pro longed Debate. [From The Tribune Bureau.] Washington, May SL— The offering of half a dozen amendments to the railroad bill Just before the Senate adjourned this after noon may delay a final vote for several days. It was believed that most of the oratory would be exhausted to-day, but the amendments offered this afternoon came from Senators who are not noted fcr their lack of words In debate, and it is probable that several more long speeches must be endured before an agreement Is reached for a vote. Although the Senate was surfeited with oratory to-day substantial progress on the bill was made. Before the bill was taken up Senator Owen made a long set speech advocating the popular election of Sen ators, and Senator Beveridge spoke brief ly on the same subject. Senators Cummms, La Follette, Bailey, Stone, Heyburn, Hughes, Borah, Kelson and Burton were among the contributors to the railroad debate to-day. It was ex pected that a vote would be taken late this afternoon on Mr. La Toilette's amend ment providing for a physical valuation of railroads. The yeas and nays were or dered and the rollcall was about to begin when Senator Stone drew a roll of manu script from his desk and began a speech on control of railroad capitalization. When he had been talking ten or fifteen minutes he paused to hold a conference with Senator Elkins. A general smile went over the chamber and several Senators suggested that Mr. Stone speak louder. Mr. Elkins' plea that Mr. Stone suspend and permit the Senate to vote on the La Follette amendment was unavailing and the Missouri Senator resumed the reading of his speech. A little later Mr. Stone con sented to yield for adjournment until 11 o'clock to-morrow on the understanding that he will have th* right to take the floor at that hour. The vote on the La Follette amendment will be close. Senator Bailey spoke for it this Rfternoon and an effort is being made to enlist the solid support of the Democrats on the ground that the Demo cratic platform Indorsed physical valuation. Mr. La Follette made an impassioned plea for his amendment and declared that unt'l an Impartial and thorough valuation was made the Interstate Commerce Commission could not determine whether rates were just and reasonable. He estimated that the cost of the valuation proposed in his amendment would not exceed 52,400,000. As soon as the railroad bill was taken up to-day Senator Brown asked for a vote on his amendment prohibiting Interstate carriers from acquiring any interest in competing lines. Speeches against the amendment were made by Senators Bur ton, Heyburn, Hughes and Nelson. Mr. Nelson suggested that the adoption of the amendment might revive section 12, relat ing to mergers, which was stricken out as the result of an agreement between the friends and critics of the bill. The Brown amendment was defeated, 40 to 2L Eight Democrats voted against It, namely: Senators Bacon, Paaley, Fletcher, Frazler, Paynter. Smith, of Maryland: Stone and Taylor. The following Repub licans voted for the amendment: Senators Eorah, Bourne, Bristow, Brown, Clapp, Crawford, Cummins, "Dlxon, DolliW, Jones and La Follette. After a short debate Senator Elkins ac cepted an amendment by Senator Cummins providing that in all increases of rates since January 1. 1910, the burden of proof to show that the new rates are just and reasonable shall be upon the carriers. This was Mr. Cummins' s last contribution to the debate in which he has been so prominent a figure. He left to-night for lowa to participate in *he campaign, and will be gone a week or ten day? in his speech to-day Mr. Cummins submitted a review of his efforts to amend the rail road bill, and said that he lad not delayed the bill beyond a fair discussion of its provisions. He said that in its present form the bill was a great improvement over the measure as it came from the com mittee, and he favored its passage. This announcement is taken to mean that most of the insurgent* wffl veto for the bill on its final passage. KOHLER TRIAL • BEGINS Allegations of Drunkenness Against "Best Police Chief." Cleveland. May Sl.— Allegations of intoxi cation were the main points touched upon to-day at the trial of Frederick Kohler, suspended Chief of Police, before the Civil Service Commission. Witnesses testified that in their opinion Kohler was intoxi cated last election night, November 3, in the rooms of the Board of Elections and upon the street. Kchler, who has a reputation as th* "best chief ' and is the originator of the Golden Kule !n police matters, is accused of mis conduct In office, intoxication and gross im morality. The charges against the chief were filed last Wednesday and he was suspended by Mayor Baehr on Thursday Both sides have engaged able counsel and the case will be fought hard. Acting Chief of Police Schraunk has for bidden any member of the Police Depart ment from spying upon Kohler or taking any part in the trial unless subpoenaed. Kohler filed with the Civil Service Commis sion to-day a general denial of the twenty three charges against him. CLEW TO MISSING STUDENT Doctor's Son Who Left Groton School Traced to Fall River Boftcn, May 21.— The police of southern Massachusetts Joined In the search to-day for William R. Bullard, the son of Dr. John T. Bullard, of New Bedford, who left the Groton School on May 25 to go to his home, because he dreaded the examina tions. The boy left Groton with 60 cents in his pocket, and to-day his father had traced! him through Northboro. Ayer, Nor ton and as far as Fall River, where the trail was lost. At the last named place the boy sold an opal pin for a 6mall sum, but whether he used the money to go to New York by boat or started off in another direction was a matter of conjecture. District Attorney James M. Swift, of Fall River, is abating Dr. Bullard In the search. FAVOR DIRECT PRIMARIES Republican Party of Maryland Places Itself on Record. [By Tolegrraph to 1 he Tribune. 1 Baltimore. May 81.— The Republican party of Maryland put itself on record to-day as favoring the direct vote of the people in primary elections. This position was taken by the state committee, which met to re ednd its action of April 27 in reference to Congressional elections. Attorney General Straus has given an opinion that the new primary law applies to Congressional elec tions At tIM "'ii- ot the meeting the ComtnlttM was under the impression that me U» did not bo apply and the dates for holding primaries and Congressional dis trict conventions were fixed. Ii fact. Thomas Parran wu bo nominated last week for Congress 1n the 6th Distriot New Hampshire offer you a vacation of unlimited pleasure. Atmosphere redolent with fragrant pine makes your lagging spirits effervesce. Mighty mountains tempt you to climb. Rugged scenery and a profusion of sports create new a vitality — new inspirations. The Old Man of the Mountains is only one of nature's wonderful sculptures. Every mile of the mountain trails unveils new surprises to your eager eyes. Here are hotels sumptuously equipped, with service that anticipates every whim, where you will meet interesting people and find every comfort and luxury. A "White Mountain Summer" is the acme of vacations. WITHIN TEN HOURS OF NEW YORK Service effective o« and after June twenty. 1 Daily except Sunday from Grand Cea- 3^ tral Terminal. 7 : White Mountain Limited — Pullman Serf vice Throughout, 9.50 A. M Coach Train 9.02 A. M Night Express —Standard Sleepers, 9PM. For tickets, literatnra «nd full inform«ticis call. 'pLcne or send to Gty Ticket Orifice . 171 Broadway, New York City <<25f\ Telephone 5121 Ccrtland ' l j^s A^K FOR |> * ■■•--■.. .; ■ '-'■. Wash burn- Crosby's GOLD MEDAL FLOUR THE VERY HIGHEST QUALITY I . ■ ' ■ ; ; . ■■ *■ — - ■ - fj;QPYRISHT-I9fof j;QPYRISHT-l9fo WASHBURN-CROSBY CO. MINNEAPOU^MINN^W BRIBE INQUIRY BROADENS Seek to Know Why Illinois Fish Bill Died Springfield 111., May 31.— The legislative bribery Investigation In which the Sanga mon County Grand Jury Is engaged tooK on a broader aspect to-day At the start of the day's work subpoenas were issued for two Representatives and a state officer who have not heretofore figured In the in vestigation. The day's hearing closed with the testimony of Representative H. D. McCullom. of Louisville. 111. The new sum monses were for Representative A. M. Fos ter, of Rushville, chairman of the Fish and Game Committee; Nathan H. Cohen, State Fish Commissioner, and Representative B. F. Staymates, of Clinton. Representative Staymates is from the dis trict in which Lawrence B. Stringer. Demo cratic candidate for United States Senator. lives. Staymates will be asked why he voted for Senator Lorimer after many of his constituents and the Democratic leader of the district had protested against such action. representative Foster and Fish Commis sion °r Cohen will be questioned on Thurs day concerning the fate of a bill advocated by the State Fish Department. The bill died la committee. The chairman of the Fish and Game Committee was also one of the Democratic members who voted for William Lorimer for United States Senator. Staymates also left the supporters of the regular Democratic nominee for Senator and voted for Lorimer. Representative McCullom, the only As semblyman questioned by the Jurors to day, is a Democrat. He voted for Lorimer. McCullom told the jurors that he voted for Lorimer for political reasons and that he had no knowledge of any monetary trans action either in the Senatorial election or In other ca^es. He denied all knowledge of a legislative • laekpe* ' He be recalled to-morrow. Chicago, May 31. — Governor Deneen to day declared that he does not contemplate calling a special session of the Legislature to Investigate charges of corruption. The Governor said that such a course would give opportunity to certain legislators to raise some eouuter sensation to distract public attention. He thinks that for th« present the investigation !? best )aft in the hands of grand Juries HOCKING RECEIVERSHIP VOID Doep Not Affect Order for Preferred Stock Retirement Columbus, Ohio, May Sl.— By assuming Jurisdiction to-day in the suit brought against the Hocking Valley Railway by dissatisfied minority stockholders, Judge John E Sater, of the United States Court, declared void the recently appointed Hock- Ing receivership. The receivership and other issues will come up on their merits in the federal court. Judge Sater held that all orders of Com mon Pleas Judga Klnkead In connection with the suit, after the latter had been ad vised of the filing of the petition In the federal court, were invalid. Such orders do not include the restraining order against the retirement of the Hocking Valley's Ca. 000.000 preferred stock, and to-morrow at torneys for the Hockin* will file a motion in Judge Sat*r'« court to have this order dissolved. Although receivers were appointed by Judge Kinkead, they were In control only a few hours, a=» the Circuit Court, a state tribunal, granted a stay until it could hear the case. ' . ■ • Because attorneys riled a motion of preju dice against Judge Kinkead. the Kanawha & Michigan case, scheduled for hearing to morrow, will «o before Judge Char! M. Roeers CORPORATION IAX DELAY Chief Justice Fuller Says Cases Will Rp Heard by Full Bpnrh. I\JD SPECIFIC DATF, r.FT Tax Is Collectible on June 30 and Treasury Department Will Act Promptly. Washington. May 2L— Just before ad journing to-day until next October the Su preme Court of the United States restored the fifteen corporation tax cases heard in March to the docke* for reargrument before a full bench No specific date was s«t for the reargu ment. As two cases, touching tha consti tutionality of the law and its applicability to certain organizations, have been set al ready for the first Tuesday of the October term, after a long list of cases previously assigned for hearing on that date. It is be lieved the court will advance the fifteen cases in question tor a hearing Is the same month Chief Justice Fuller made the announce ment of the restoration. "For argument before a full bench," was the only reason assigned for the unexpected action of the court. The cases wer© argued on March 17 and 13 befor© eight justices. When Justice Brewer died shortly afterward it was thought that the cases might be restored to the docket. The Standard Oil and the Tobacco dissolution cases were reassigned shortly afterward, but nothing was said about the corporation tax cases. Inasmuch as the tax must be paid by July 1. It was believed the court would announce a de cision this term. Ths only -eason advanced for th© delay of th© court In reassignment of th© cases was that the court hoped It would reach a satisfactory decision of the matter before the summer recess and thus avoid a re hearing. How the court stands on the case no one pretends to know. The only decision which In any way approached these cases was that in the Income tax cases. Of those who declared th*t law unconstitutional only Chief Justice Fuller remains on th© bench. Justice Harlan and Justice Whlta ar© th© only present members of the court who be lieved the law constitutional. The action to-day will allow Governor Hughes of New York, recently appointed to the court, to participate In th© consid eration of the law. Justice Moody, who ha* been absent from the court this year on account of ill health, will probably nave returned to his *eat on tfte bench by the tlxne the cases are reargned. Secretary MacVeagh said that notwith standing the failure of tha court to pass on the constitutionality of the corporation tax. th© Treasury would proceed to collect it as required by la». Should tha court, after reargument, declare the tax not constitu tional, the money collected will b» refund ed without th© necessity of legislation, the etatutes making ampi* provision for tsa return of taxes paid wrongfully or in error. Th© corporation tax is collectible on June SO. The ■in '.l its on that account have aggregated a trlflf In excess of $27,000,000. while the taxes paid to data amount to *75.£5. ;'»:; '»: VU.- Tha Supreme Court adjourned until Oc tober ii INTERNATIONAL NICKEL "MELON." The International Ntekel Company has 77>»je Farroa? Hotels Cc ybtrr Service ■ Tbe Mount Wathinitsrs * An'lrrtca Jr } rtee. Trenon W'-od,. N. K. C ipicity '..A Crawford Hou»<» fu.-roa. Merrill * hnn C». FrmiKe to C-av.f.--i Notch. N. If. Maplewood Hotel & Cottsiss 1.. H. Ciley. »Ura?r» I»"h!ehcn.. M«!r%e*t / Sta-i-i. N. H. TW W«nmb«fc & CfMf(i «.. V. Muratty. Maui^tr ■ V.ip»;:t7 SJO. New Profile Hoo«e C. M. <.r«r!»i*, /?e*i*»»». ! r ij'lai* Notcf". V •■ Canary SM. SnadWlHoM* Uov. <~% A ll<v .!«• Ca. Hi'!. N. If. C*lA<.:ry 115. Fsbyan HorM , Perron. M»rr!l * Karris Ca. { Fi!>v»a. N. K. I Capacity SCO. Tlie Sinclair Har-.ajpoii * M'-»u.T!r». llrthi«hei>'. N. M. Opacity KjO. Mount Pleasant Hotis- Ar.irr«>n * Prite. Krrttoa w.»d», X . H. C*pac:fy n. Wentwortlt Kail C>a. M. C- W«J*»w;S. ??ocl 7" Tvkim. N. H. ->» C»?icry JU*. TkKtarMrtt A. I. Creair^r. Mb>»*"f North Coo»»y. V H. Cawc-.ty M». btemkHoM H. S. Murfjett. P»p. Tiihi ii." H. Capacity 1». Forest HOI Hotel & Cottama Heocrt B. Wa»rr»e!l. Prep. Fru't H. Dar.fcrti, Maaagar FnaconU. N. H. Op«dry 115. Mctxntaia View Hotne W. F. Dorij« Saa. WWte*e;d. V. S. C*p»ctty MiO. The BalHuoa Di»»ia» Noertl Carp. DixrO NotcX N. H- CipacitylM. T> Mountain Hotne •Urroc. Merrfl! £t Bir— C«. T*f- Moustaia. ■ H. 'JplCltv 130. cut a "melon" for th© stockholders tn thm shape of a 25 p«r cent cash dividend, which has been declared out of th» accumulated surplus of $2.35:.35 L The stockholders. bot*J common and preferred, have also been given the rigat to subscribe pr^ rata, at par. to the extent of 15 per cent at their holdings to C6T0.000 of the $WTS,COO co:=ino3 stock still in th© treasury of th- total aa thorized issue of H2.000.000. As the co=s mon stock is now quoted at 160 bid. l? 0 asked, this also represents a handsome present to the stockholders. Th« rights to subscribe expire on July 1L GOULD BACK TO SCHOOL Says He Got Over His Homesick ness After Seeing Hi 3 Father. Hartford, Conn., Ma> Edwin Gould. Jr.. who tramped th© highways o* Connect* cut and landed In th© station hous* of N*e» Britain as a guest, was taken bade to Poos fret school to-day by his father. Not th» Ml the worse for his experience, except tor blisters on the heels and toes, young 1 Gould merrily departed, saying he would be glad to set back to school. , » __ His father said that h© hoped the youn»« ster would now give close attention to aJ» studies, as he wanted him to pass nisi 15 his college entrance examinations. Th© lad declared h& was homesick when h« left school on Friday, tmi h© added that fee thought he had got over It sine© seeing his father. FIRE FRIGHTENS SCOEE OF GI2IiS Coolness of Men Workers Saves Tfcesi from Injury After Benzine Explosion Twenty-five girls employed m a clear.t^jr house Ii Manhattan street were thiuma into a panic when a fir© occurred the?* early last evening. Th© girls ran to dif ferent directions, and only th© efforts of a number of men wn© were working in tb# place at the time prevented several cf them from being hurt Philip Wenar was doing some drilling ts. the rear of the stor» when th« fl1i:tt»B caused several sparks to strike a beaste* can. An explosion, whfen could he heard for some distance, followed. Tha smote* and ".re. which spread with great rapidirjr. started th© excitement. A passerby turned In an alarm, which brought several fire companies to th» seen* as well as tIM reserves of th© East 125 th street station. The fire was <ju!ckly put out. with a damage estimated at COCO. ViiCHY &LEZV& Gout with Qualities Ovntct by and hotilsd ttndtr Vi* dtrtct control of t\* Frenc.i Covtri.-rxt.-it *