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FITZ HERBERT CROWNED Gallops to Easy Victory in the Broo^yn Handicao. OLAMBALA RUNS SECOND; ■ . With Powers Napping Bashti Beats Housemaid a Head in Criterion. I Vttr Herbert raJloped la ea*y rictsry a : *»flse twenty-third running of the historic Ercoldyti Handicap of J6.000 at Gravesend ' jesterday. No other word so aptly de scribes the all eeeßjacflßS way in ajhlel be defeated Olambala. Prince Imperial. r»<:!-'nr Plate, araaaar of the Metropolitan ; Handicap: Dlnna K^n and Czar. The great ton of Etheib-rt— Morganatic took ap th readying kßßMjal of IST* ppunds, raced right to" the front when the barrier rv as released. ■el ■ 'a.?-* awea pace that carried him to the mile in 1:35 3-3. and. then OBBM along to win eased up. with hJs ears pricked, hi the fast time Bar the Bale and a quarter of r.<«S-S. It was a brilliant performance. »•• dBBBB considered, and stamped him one more as one of the greatest horses ever foaled and raced In this country. As Fitz Herbert swept down through u*e ttreteh ten thousand persona or more raarai their approval, and ailieu B Dugan brought him back to the acahai Ifea *r- TlauF-. hearty and aaaataaaaaMi araba out • fresh, not bo much for th* aaoceaa of a ropular favorite, aa the price quoted by those -,>- w-re wiiUnc to aooaat wager* of the oral kind was too short to prove »ttractiv«*. but tor the victory af • horse er which all those who love the thorough i^red Justly are proud. R. T araaaa. Jr.'s. Olamb-ila was the «nly one of th- others which could keep .• rt mtthta striking distance in th- stretch. The eon of Omus aaja outrun la th- eariy part af the struggle, and Butw-U, who had th- mount, was content to wait untij Fitz "Herbert literally had BaOaael Princ- 6at perial. Fashion Plate and Daaaa Ken off then- feet in carryinfi: them along so fast for the first mil". "When those who had Ve*n eaaabaj Fitjj liiraeri began "to tire CNaiabala moved up atraaajl! aa* shaking ♦>ff Frince Imp-rial -• the head of the •tretch followed the son of Ethelbert ■home, being within a length of him. how ever, only on rofferance. T — Imperial. ariring of his best, Baei c respectable third, while the others trailed in a soundly Olambal* Pulla Up Lame. Olambala pulled up lame behind, bavias v_*=- aaaaSed aaaJaat the rail at tlie turn •- Urn backstretch. when BulaidTa leg also bruised. Th- injury is ! ot consid ered seriou?. but under the circumstances the horse showed rare pameness and cour pc » Mr. T\"ilson was highly pleased at his trood parfacaaaaee. more particularl3 r as he Is .still sadly upset over the poor showing ■f the horse in th« OaaaMMjatttaa Handi cap, for which he held Notter. the Jockey, responsible. The crowd, while small in comparison to "Brooklj-r. Handicap crowds of the aaat, •was entirely patisfying to the officials of the Brooklyn Jockey Chi* under (he con ditions that obtain, and eßtliaalaattc enough to indicate clearly The strong hold the sport *- even under the present SMBeuttr of - aktafj i ' aaer The rrar.dstarvd was well f.lled, and white the absence of a clubhouse •,-. - which proved as attractive to aucfety st Eelmont ' Park, limited the attendance 5n that Inclosarej a goodly crowd was on hand. The track and ir.clorurs at Gravesead a r and confined ccrnpared to Betaont rerk. bat even without the r ' ueuqiM »ar- ToyndinFs the chance •wa= not regretted by r]ot-*. foTloTrrr? of th« — .is the opp«r tnfiity T£s rreptnted of secln? the tiorws Iri action over e^cry foot of a race,- ■whether It w« a rntlr aai a oa«rta or five furlong?. A year apn Kir.e James carri«d the co' rrc of S. C. Hildreth to victory bj the Brooklyn Handicap, so it •was Ml a new eeasaXtan for th«» artut* txalner to s»e nti ■R*rbert rac^ to victory in the turf classic gej,mday. His "confidence as h» s3d<i! I hit horse 1n th* paddoric was infectious, a.Ti •nhile h* shewed littl* or no ---on. as Fitz KeTbert justified it in the v a-- I h!s delight appaiTt. Upon beinjr conj^atulatriJ eft«r th«> race, b» sai 1 !: "I can only say one«» more that, in Bay opinion. Fit: Pfcrt rt h the greatest horse In the country, and the b««st one I evsr ••■wried or trained. At anything like *rer> "■eigrhry he is in a class by himself, and I ism rnichty glad that T o"^*n him once mor*, sr.d e^-»n r*pr»»t that ' parted ■with him f»r three months." Dugan Praises Fitz Herbert. ■m Carroli Sciiillinc. the regular stab"'? jockey, in Canada, riding King James to victory ' n the race for the Toronto Cup. E. T>ujran had the mount on Fitz Herbert, and fn talking after the Ftrucple -«as over jrive wTI credit to the hor«=e by sayirjr: "I ijavr +,\m on« cut Ti-ith the whip at th» post to ro.ase him. but after that h* ran Ua own ra<-«». and n c^er w«a in the slightest trou- I Tt -waji r.ot th* fastesr Brook:>-n Haadi cap «nr run. K-r James holding that h«nor in winninc laM • '-a- ir. 2:04. Fur ther than that, th" track record -^ " :QZ 2-. r .. estabUsbed by Aogizst Belmont'a Fair Plar. " • 1~2 poonda up. in 1905, but it must by remember'- d that Fitz Herbert did rot realJv race for ir.ore than a mile, a*id misM easily haxe run In fajrter time if there had.oe»n any laoree in the race to force him out. Jimmy Ro»» ••ho trains Maskette for .Tern*-? R. Keene, paid Fitz Herbert a hisrr r^rrpliment when h» paid after 'the race; "Perhaps r* is just as wel! that I could ret K°t my mar* r»ady to go to tie post-" IT Bf'.'Jed that Mask«tte and the < ther hor«es n Ida stable -n-hirh ha-ve b*>en 'uffering frotn tr.fluenza w*re ■aaaac al«np ni<-cly. Herman K. Brandt '■ in '.he upp*r tier cf the srand^tand. end ■nitcfaeO Fitz Herbert rac* to virtor>- -with minrled feelings of delight and disappointment. It* it was WiM rerre-gnized the quality of th» son of Etliei b^rt. and purchased him frotn Tack J6> ncr ' a two-:.-'ia.r-old in li">K for ?4.«00. TTr proved a pood investm-r.t t •- Mr. Brandt by ■mi- - ?*,s f< o in his and colorr. The time rw, however, folkmisx th<- jhia «age of tho Agrn»«--Hart law against or ranlz*^ bookmaJiing. wh»»n the outlook for the sport dark and gloomy, a ea aa r>ffer of Jl«.O r 'O proved tempi ing. and ne eeld the jrr«-at hors*. which could hay» won him a fortune, to 8. C Hildreth and John E. Madd'n for that bbbjl lister Mr. Hildreth bought Mr. Madden i »h»r» in th« horse, and BBeat him all la«-T '.••ir. but so!d him during th* winter tn the master of Hamburg Place for |4t.aat a on'r to buy him back once aarc at Belmcr.t Park a few aajra aja for H#. H. Fitz Herbert was bred by Ferry Belmont f>nd racr>d in the early part oi 1908 4n the colors o? Jack Jojner, who in now Training the horses of Harry Payne Whitney tr Enjt iaad. Like Heraaui ftrii^t. Mr. Belmont end Ja-+. Jo\-ner have never ceased regret tint; parttaj with ■ horse aal has made turf history in this count ry. *nd arhaa* \4Llue in tlie j?tud cannot be estimated. Powers Caught Napping. In the opinion of many shrewd critics Vincent Powers, the jockey, was caught Daajpaaj at the- faaab of th*> Criterion Baaaet which served as a curtain raiser for the nrooklyn Handicap, and C. L Har rison's Housemaid, • Tn»r of the Fashion Stake* on Saturday, \«as beaten a aaait haai by the Newcastle Stable* Bashti. Tl:e fiily »as tirir.z. it is true, under her import of 12"j pound* and the fa.- . pare, but t« al! appearances the boy seemed to think the rac t-afeJy ar.d "a- fitting ttlil ar.d looking around when Garrer brr-jerjt E££b'l up witb a belated rush. ■«*'Jien f—ei ■ re2'.i:t!l iis d*;:g«-r tt was FITZ HERBERT BEATING -OL^M BAI. A IN Till. MSOOKI.YN II.VNDU.vr too late, and. wnile he disclaimed respon sibfTity and said the. OTJj was stopping tin fl-r him, i* looked as If h!s overconfidence coet Mr. Harrlso-i C,SSO, the value of the • j Etaie. ' I rieeiill was tn- b»t BTJy in tne race at ' the weights in a'l probability, as she enf- I fered from bein^r piPChed off. on the turn I by Novelty, wl-ich cost her two or three i lengths. She closed arttn a determined rush when straightened out under a smooth, strong finish by Garner, bat th» crowd, in the stand fairly s;asped a.« she made up three lengths bi what appeared to be a ; dozen strides at th« end and pot up to wir by a nod. The fact, however, tnat ' Bashti m»t with Interference and p<*rhaps dcaerred to win did not excuse Powers for i an ill judged rid- In making 50 much oee . of Housemaid under her heavy impost, when be opened up a gap of tTiree- or four lengths rounding the turn. Rnd for being ereoanMant with a tiring filly In the last Arteenth. Mr. Harrison accepted his de feat with good grace, and, no matter bow j I he may hav<» felt, had no unkind words for the- jockey. Other boraemen were le?s char- j | itable and blamed the boy openly. In some reapects Bashti i^ a better look- j ing filly than Housemaid, as the. latter has j 'a ewe reck and in comparison is rather light across tii" loins. It will take, another j meeting, however, to eettla the question I ! between them. i Madcap unseated E. Dugan on the way j to ■ ia post in this race, Housemaid bucke<J j , off Powers at the post, while Horizon acted like one possessed not only in the paddock. but on the track. I Sir John Johnsor came into his own In ■ .t' c opening rac«*. The big sprinter outran sjch speedy horses as Ross Queen and Tim j Pippin and kept. pace with Madman to the! turn for home, when he drew out slight ly to w;n -by asaf« margin. The son of Isidor has been . a bit slow In coming to j hand, but now that he is himself it will take a Jack Atkin to brat, him at an> - I thing like even weight.-. Beeom. which* haa been ailing, looked well, but appea-ed to lie all tangled up at the start, and any chance h" had was ruined. H C. TTlldreth waa disappointed I with Ros» Queen's poor race and expreaaed the fear that she might te on the verge of coming down with the influenza, which has been -troubling ■everal horses in the barn. I She certainly lacked her usual speed. NEW AUTO LAW IN FORCE Governor Hughes Signs Callan Bill, Recently Passed. Albany, M^y 51.— Governor Hughes to-day signed the Callan bill providing for the registration of automobi^- and the licens ing of r i.auff e"u rs. a measure which It i? estimated will yield an annual revenue to the slat- of about 51.500,000. GrciHJesend Tracing Summaries -T-EATHER CLEAK; TKACK FAST. FIK=T RATE.— Handicap: tnr *'.] a^e: *' fu " > added About, s;x furlonga Start peod. """on driving; place <asllr. Tiir.«. 1:1 OS. "Winner, b. h.. by Isidor— Lt Tosca 11. Owner, Bever «- ck Stable. i Foet ' Betting > Hors* • *»>• IT' -• ■-■ ■* ': ?tr - Fin- Jockey. Open.l£lsh.Clo«e. Place. Show. I Sir John ■--irarif 117 '■• 24 I. i» IH Vi Power* \> 4 'z 7-3 r^9 KS^-!^fc SJif S? 2 i : . ?« gr. i| -] m " ! n,; a ~» r ,_'l.',r n .'SI~ JOT x R' •"•♦ «' " a «5« 5 DwertcU..: .'» « ■• - c ! HF^ltffßs T ?' r r i i« k'B': ' i s s 5 s i J nose Q-J*:n.: «f lw| 4 «' "■ 626 2 7 7 I>ugan 2 5-2 11-5 4-5 -5 .lobTi J-iisc and * Madman drew dear of the otlvsrs rounding: t'i» turn anj the former ' proved •"■»* MndKh tat the run througrr the «--*r.\ Reyhouro rloaed peanlutel: and nipped I Proairtor - th" dost, IBCW Qu-*n was outrun frcn th* «tart. TJn Ptppla should improve; I iro*ed a - s .- of.etr'.j* rr>€*!3. Bee^m h« little ci-.ancc from wnere r° got of?. ' e ECO%'D nA r S —^I'm* 1 for three-year-old* and upward: *"■«<• added. On* mi!» ami a slx t-eotfc. Star. '•spod. Won driving: piac* easily. Tim». 1:1TS. Winner, b. s.. by Clifford— Elack Ventisi- Sine; A. <;. Blakely. rioirt '' , ' Betting v liors- rt-s T.t .-=t i* t. »t» t Ptr. Fin. Jockey. Op-.n.Hls;r>.«'»o*». P!ar» Show. Blackfof -» ieS 3 »• :." 2 . <.:»■: ... 1 •< •"• t» 5 • I-* — 1 Biark Maa 11 ' "U n 1 r 1J " [*» 242 4 Archibald., ,H, H ,2 ,2 -" .-5 lr«n£- mx0n....» ii« « V, »J4 & s i;i Butw«ii..;y:3o 15 12 .5 -J 2 Ar*i!oß'ze 7 105 4 7 1 7 » 7 1 B 1 Ramsey W 1- 1 « •• e-o '■a-nah •::::*■ R * 4 *= «; « «* Moore 5 iS : u» 4 3 f> ,. t« p v« irt J»0 r. 2 1 3' S» ♦' 7- stop .-' 31 .>> sts t i «Vc- 3 1«3 11 :;;;:;=; Orr 9 « KO H«» '2 S 2n iTTa>*v'r 5 «4 TO *"' "* V *•* I'avi*!. IS 40 I<> IS s ' K-'H— rankie"""— s I 11 11 s I<> 1°" Gilbert s. s ss ••" 20 i E.j""8a1... *.'.'.".'.'.'.' 2 1"S Iv-ft a - post. r ' " ■-••.•» 8 ..<•.. Kla-vrord >«lt«w«4 the pace rlcs<«!y. *n'l Ttfarinr Plack Mate down in th» «r«tch. »ot : bt. In ■at few strides. Dar Dbton *aved jrround on th' rail mrnin« for hom«> and -a» ' easily beat of the others. I'url Locka an-i •'•;- Hamad hal cpced, bul ttopped l^.l or I LsV:sf.>n broke well, tut «aa pinched >*T st first turn. ! THIRD RACE. -THE CRITERION STAKES of 14.700; for two-year-olds. Five furlong. Btarl I roor. Won «lrtvtn!r: pU easily. Tim* l:«l*a V. inner, b. f.. by Adam— Dtaad a-tag. . j e»n«r, Newcastle £tat><* Fcgt ' — Betting — , IToriie l'oii ■• . Ft H *i >, Etr. Fin. fork*; Ooen.Hl»h.Clfl«B.Place.Sl Sarttti '. 3 •!» 3 A' r»- 4' 2' 1» «,«rr.-r I 6-8 1 :.'-;• — AMlvia ..2 114 2 2- 2H 2', 3» 4» V-- ;2 o 30 20 « .>-. VSS^ ::::.::::? i! 5 t 5' ! | £ v, %»£■■■ $ % 2 »j ' •:::::::: s is ■ 5- a- I! ii H ,;T K^:.-;- s s S '- ! Po^.re appeared Mbe eangbi rap, with H«M«niaM althoi IK ], the fllly was tinn? und^r I the -,«•»■>-• and fa«» par-. BashH. cut off sharrty hi Novelty rounding »h* tun -l"s«d a bis rap Hth-»t "b and r-t 'ir .r f i.; --4. probaWy was r-«t. bat was lucky to win. Aldlvia and i fhriftv had gpe»d. but tired. Anna. Casse wan ruaninc t>n. I FOURTH RACa -THE BBOOKLTS HANDICAP: lor Uiree-year-olda and. upward; raioe. J6«» One mi'» and a quartei Start good. Won eaaily: pla--e samp. lim». _H»"i din ner, br. c. by Etheibert— Morganatic. Own« S. C Hildreth. Pcp c « t . , r."ttine > H0,,. Pcs TTt Pt '* 4 \ Etr. Fin. Jo-key. Opea.H«gh.Clo««.Plac«.Show. Fits H-rber- . •'■-ISO 1 1' I' M I" V Pusran .1V.4-5 4.'. M 1 « Prince ir^ria-..! P7_ 2 2; 2; ;, 3^ 3J O^njjjr. .. ; . 9.- 1 -> Fits Herbert made the t« cult himself and was beinjr ras-d up at the finish. Olam bala"ortrSfor fl< • furionVs. moved up fa»r around th- turn and «3* -asily second be«. i Prl"^ lU^rial tired rhwinl ... pace, b,jt ran a .rood ra- Fashion Plate bad no excuses. . b*>ing; la a good position all the. way. I fifth RA^E — Sellinir: fnr -gear-aldi MM added- About six furlong 3 '«"'"''^, n driving: rVaceiame. Timf. I•- t. by Ogden-OnJuidlß. uwn-r. H. R. Brand. .' * re .. ; — — B«Uin)t , uorit* T'oa IVt . i '» li ■ .-'. rta Jockey. 06«.Hla*.a«B»-PJace Slur*. . ■: ■; ■;. : :. ssr =s ,;: i^c^a,t,-.:.:::ii l.« V =s i» s» 54 -^ ?^ r^*.... « /.» n^ ;■ * :rucT^ief::..::« mi *• 7 -7 i« «• . ««r£; W ••• w r>? . • SST - i> i> 1 IrSnk PurcelV.: 2 |<M 10 P "'i 10 W Sj MoCahey 15 =0 20 H 4 2 103 10 8' 10 M W I >!••< ■«»■••: « » » " « Oalley Slave 1 Ml 4 6» '•• «' B- ■»' King « 1« « : ; £. K-l« ■ 89 ■ 11 11 li II i«' Kamwy.... 3'» ••" '" '- ,« ,« „ |3 is U U » ■*• "» :■-; « Intrinsic .. ....14 HH •'•• 4' 4',, .V J»- 12 <;:a55...... " J« * 3 ,-j I>»r<l Of -h. Ml. 12 M 14 IS 14 14 IS 13 viand.... »• '"" 100 30 1.. I of the Mt..12 irt 14 14 14 14 14 14 Batep 30 100 U * Bt« Stick. Off badly, worked bla way into a contendinc portion in th^ ■tretcb and onUaated IOEm in a hard Icaata «ha^r.i In the i*ccmakin B and hung on wen i.iack Chief ami ! DannVHd tired, Urn latter loatas aiaaad on the turn KoiUe Uevy, pinchej off at the atari had j little chance thereafter. SIXTH KACE.-Ffw —HHa two-year-o'ds; JVH) ad.|-d. Five furlonit? Kiari K ond. Won .Iriv iriK: ;.l«rr easily. Time. 1 i;:i*- Winner, h. c. by Htmi)ronius— Poi t!a h»fii. Owner, W. I H. I^audeirsr.. Betting-—— , Ij ors , j> o> v. -■•♦*»- Fin. Jodtey. Op*n.Ht«li.Cloß«.F^ice.6how. Ser««o '. « UO 4' X» 3', I '.* I 1I 1 1' l|utwf:i.... 4 <} ft .• 1 Trai r.ok » 110 « .*.«, 4" 2" - #1 s 2« I- L>u»«n .. -* 13-3 12-5 J 1-2 Mica Jonah 1 1'" • « 7' 4* .I<, 3M Thomaa.V.. 10 !•• 13 '• Mr. G.-iightly.... 7 JlO , 4., .V» B« « <ji i>,. other » .'■■ •" ■" S Ar«Jv «-hlsholm. •_• 107 1 11 U *> 4' ft' R'l'l "i 1 J" •"» JJJ •> Viriinal i 2 1«7 7 7 S 7- ■ «' = Itamrey. . .15 BO ••': -'.• m Berti? 4 110 11 10 10 P 1 f" 7' M.-<jee _« I. 1. .. .i _ :i<» ,4, 4 - .. •;• - « PWlMpa » ' ■•'. "' Ih/Foi;ie« i« 110 i. t 13 11 ii ii ■ iJina-an.... 1" '•• '•' '• ..■ Bourbon 8eau....» lio ft tt IO 1" 1" 10 R°^f; ,* ^ ij £? » :• i"7 l« 11 14 14 14 Hr, ■ r, 13 IW 12 13 12 IV U I ■ ia«« . W |j • J » Hr. a' E«g!« «■ H« - : 2' tW'w W'i Pawaw... W » n J ,-,,,« -15" "fa at M*atd llSs* - 1 * ..-• '■- "*> 2 T 1» 13 ft t* ArHbaH.. 6 • •-- f-6 "" alwa-s clwe the pace tr^k eans«a«d »he.T Da »orth aed Fwal !;«■■'• £• »" n '; I e.-^.r ,^-f-r h«i». Trap P.etk 'vas mnaiag ea ar.4 thcuH ln=pr--3V.. . Jim Jcrub bung ca r~» »iicl v in 1 * ran < tali rjLCf • NEW-YORK DAILY TWBUNE. WKDMNDAV. .11 \E 1. 1910. S. G. BUWreth giving laurt instructions to E. Dngan aa Fitz Herb«t Is lea Ting the paddock to win tbe Brooklyn Handicap. KING JAMES WINS A CUP Repeats Victory of a Year Ago in Big" Race at Toronto. Toronto May 3L —B. C. Hildreth;? ! Kir.s James, with Shilllncr In the sacHK took up 132 pounds and won the Toronto Cup and a purse of $5,009 on the last day of the spring meeting .of the Ontario j Jockey Club to-day. Fulfill was second i and AVilliam Pitt .third, while Jack Atkin | •b as unplaced. King James ws.- the fa\oritc at 1 to 2. and won easily, running the mile -and a furlong In 133 4-5. The good son of Plaudit , won the similar race h year ago. - . DOG SHOW AT MINEOLA TO-DAY. The annual bench show of the Ladles' Kennel Association of America opens to ; day on the Mineola fair grounds. Long Island, with an entry second only to the i big show- held in Madison Square Garl°n. A number of Judges have come from abroad to act. and from tii° arrangements already made le show should establish a \ new record. Cooper*?fo£&n *Polo Four Fast Wins Van Cortlandt Cup— Beadleston Gets Ugly Gash From Flying Ball. Splendid hitting, combined tvith : n<» rid ing, gave the Oooperstown polo t^am an oasy Ictory for th" Van Cortlandt Cup - eieterday in th«> final match of the tourna ment on tli" Van Cortlandt Park field They defeated the Port Chester t^am by tht 5 net score of i <! sroals to SS r t . and thereby take the third trophy that the Coopers town players |ia.v» v. on this season. An . unfortunate accident was the only untoward fea»ur^ of the match. C. P. Beadlesttn was hit by a swiftly flying ball that pii-iip.! hi? right cheek to th* bone. This happened two minutes aft^r the be ginning of play. Beadleston dismounted, but '•".hi re?umed the match, to the cheers of the crowd. As it was, the ca^'n bled so freely that at thr md Beadleston pre sented a g-oary spectacl* At team play Cooperstotrn surpassed Port Chester, and scored seven goals in the first two period?. Then Port Chester LEMBERG THE FAVORITE t Danny Maher to Ride Neil Gow in the English Derby. London. May 21. — Racing inUrest i- cen- i tred nee more on the Derb: : the class!:- j fixture of the English turf, whirfa will be j run to-morrow at Epsom Downs. Lord J Roaebery's Neil Gh>w Is the sco >nd i holoe «i 1 j 5 to 2. and Danny Malier, Ajnerican j jockey, will have the mount. j Last year tht Derh was ■ . tured by the ! late King Edward's Minoru, and, prior to thf running, excitement was at fever heat ! over the proFpects of a <iri-. Injj finish b> - ! twe<=n Vlnora and the American 'horse fc?ir j Martin, owned by Louis W"irwu<!, which fell I ir. til* 5 race. Thi= >ear. however, the American entries i lool< to have §nu 11 < i nee for Ictor A,)- j gu?t Behnont'a Merry Task, by Octagon, is rated low in Ih^ ttst, while ie.irly all tlie f;ther American horses hay ■• oeen witli drawn. ; The choice in the betting ia Mr. Fairies j Lembers;. a naif brother to Bayardo.' Lern- t bere;, which ahowed good form us a two- | j-ear-old. Is said to have fl«>\ plojvii to the satlbfaction of his trainer, and »a quoted - jr 5 -to t. Th" D»rhy Stakes ar* of fi.oon sovereigns. ' in<! th- di?tarc° is about a rnilf and a half, j GRAVESEND ENTRIES TO-DAY. FIK?t RACE — For two-y*ar-old». non- irlnnen of |»00 |fiOO add?<l. Five rurloasa ' • hl*l . . 114 : Anteti»r .... . 1"9 Pluvious ll*ja< i Witt 1"-- F«ath«r Duater... 113 Dublin Minstrel 105 Whit« Wool 113 Th« >v&r '•■"■ Tnwton FI-14 1"!' H^len* . 108 SECOND RACE — .THE KEN'PINOTON STKEPUECHASE; |H>lllne for fnur-v^r. olda nni) upward; $G'M ad'l»-d. Bnort «wra», aboal two miles. TMst i>dalo 157lilapellan J::7 Grandpa . 142lGol«J Plate IS7 Bla nriJc<» 130 Sparkles - 133 Buabranirer 137| THIRD RACK — s#lHn»: f-"r tlirre-yrar-olds and upward; MOO idrt< I. About niv furlottsa Rialtn WB) Kllzab-th lar» ••■•1 IW R tinlr o 104 •Ctiepontuc P« Twillel.t Qu»en 101 1 'Stargo* an 9 ■ v.irn. imrßnyai ra»th-» !>.•? •Sir v .... - ioo:».i<»Hnii^ d".\r»-- i*t <^^ \v. Lebolt OSlSpindle . »J .«f x tv P s l FOURTH RACE— THE GAZEU-E: £r (llMei thr«>e yeara "Id: gross \alu<> $>o. On mll" ail I ■ slxr^»nth. Or^an Round Ethel D.. 106 Klh»l I.c BnTBB« 111, F1I"T.! RA«rE Handicai for tbreß-yearr-oiaa ami upward; J6OO added. On" mile and a BintFenth. . H«rben 13»; Cohort "- HUarloca 122 SUnley Fay •• Wa«Jt«te 1-- >rdrl 100 Firestone 12<> GlueoM 1 K J H<rke)<-y 108 M. . Kn KM J>. Guv i'ish*-: '"' AI?o -liBiblo: . «ca riiff .105 Arclte .. M •-IXTIC RA«'E Bolilna fcr two-v «ar-olds; $40»» added. Five furlonps. rrana Ruhstaller. 113 »Whlt< Wool ■• Hlu»- Mou« lffl Maromara W pi,,,i, too w Mn ■ P-rinvr y.I .V. - 102 M««« WJtt g lla'i. i ' '.' '■"•' j ••-•'■ Lewll • ... »7 »ApprPn'l<«* ! WALSH OUTPOINTS PAL MOORE. Boston. May 31; -limm-. Wai.«h. of B->s toon. e^FneU tUe ■ laton over Pal Moor-, of Philadelphia, at the Armory Atliletie As welation to-nl«h1 i< tli»* en I " f twelve rounds of fast fighting. I Moor- r«fu*ed "• w«l«Ji in. m 4 I demanded and secured twelve, rounds of two I nlnut*? each, in pa c * ct tßr| rounds of three minute* e»r:h V^*t»lsh -tvon th- bo'J* by occasional rta^;»s ■' spc» 1. drawtai blood in the fifth- : nraced up as the Cooper rn"n had ra--°<i their ponies off their feet.. Th» fourth, fifth and pixth periods were a «Taud-ofT. Then Port Chester" came at thin?- with a rush, and hit the ball ft; intj between the posts for five goals in ths seventh and eighth. The line-up follows: COOPERS"! W! I PORT CHESTER. H'p. •■ Hp. No. I— -X. S. R^ynal. 4! No. I— J. 11. Hunt . 2 No. 2— C. P. Beadle- I N~o. 2— L. Neilaon .1 'ton •-' No. ?.— T. J. Hunt . 3 No. 3— M. StereßßOn. 4ißack— H. M. Earl-... 3 Back— X. S. Yon stade 31 Total handicap 13i Tctal handicap 11 Goals yror»d by <"*oop«?rstow-n — y. > Rojna!. 4; ■■'. P. B"ad!«>ston. -. M. Revenaoti 2 F. P. Yon Ftad<\ 2. By Port ■eater— Louis Nei!.«on. 3; .lospph H. If'int. 2: I. J. Hunt. 1; H. M. Earie. I. Penalized — Coop»r.«town. none; Pert < hester, "■» for safety. Not «corp— Coop*rsto-nn, 10 goa^s: Port (-hester (by handicap allowanc-. 2 K->al«». SS 3*3 * peals. Tim° of mateh — night t>eriod3 of 7\t minutes ezrfi. Refer"" — I>:ril!ard PERMIT FOR BIG FIGHT Supervisors Rush Vote, Giving No Chance for a Protest. Sar. Frar.ri^fo. May "With only ttre disaeni its votes and without preliminary discussion- the permit for the forty-flve round battle on July i between Jeflriee an<l Johnson was sranted to-dny Ky the Board of Bupervisors. The board room was crowded with repre sentatti of clmrcli an>l civic arsaniaa tlons, v.-ho did no< gel a chance to voice therr pi >test The permit wa.-» advanced on the board's calendar and paaeed before the objectors knew It. AVhen they learned that th« permit liad been granted, the pro te«tatits ir.iJitrnantly left the room in a body. By thrir tion to-day the Board at Su pervisors removed the la<?t ofTli-ial preliml nary ob'staple in the way of the prpesotera of the battl<\ who will now proceed with the erection o' the imt District Attor ney FicXert an<l th*> Chief of Police have announced that they will noi seek to pre vent the contest. When the board naserabted. John L. Hcr get. chairman of the Police Committre. moved that "on accoonl of the large num ber of lids which were To be opened by th«» board, the matter ol the permit be ad vnn«-f«i- on tlie calendar and taken up im mediately." In niakins: the motion, h- laid be vm ted to take this st-p for the coavenienca of the larce number of peraoM who had srath eied to dtecuea the subject. In the buzz of comment that followed hi 3 motfon this perl of his utterance seems to have been lost on the protestants. Th« mo tion was put and carried before the daaed objectors realized that they had leal their chance to be heard. WELCH HAS HAD QUITE ENOUGH rhicago, May "I.— John McFarland. broth er of "Tackey" McFarlan!. the pasitiat, r Ce iverl ■ cable meaaace from th*» latter from London to-day utatlag that the Won derlacd Club, ot I^ondon. had off^re«l a t.'urse of $10,000. winner to take aB, for another match between McFarlabJ and EVeddy Welct The message added tnat Welch hacl deettaed the offer. I.c* Angeles. May 31.— Jim Flynn cr.d Billy Papke were metrned today te fisht twenty rooada at the Vernon arena en the afternoon of Ju:te IS. They wiß meet at catch .vciglits. which m ii! ajre Fljna an advantage of Btteea bi twenty pounds. _ . JIM SMITH OUTPOINTS SCHMIDT Jim Bntltli outpointed Connie Schmidt, ot Hoboken. In a tame ten-round baat *i Brown's pyinnaaluni last night. Smith rv-as tli« BBSrrssor throusbout, a»d <"i the bet ter of what real work wai d^ne. Smith showed to th» fore i«» the first. third, fourth, seventh and tenth round:'. Ua sent? Schmidi to the boards tor the full count in the fLrsi round, but '-•■k'-i the sc ene- to «<ore .1 knockout. Jchw Couion. of Chicajro, *ho " the rtrnen i-«rl bjntam^rJght i i-<<^non of Am , r j r3 -in tne«t Frank'.e B'jrrtJ. of J«r sey Cit. . In the main bout of j«b raoada el the En-pira Athletic Club to-night. WOMEN GOLFERS IN HE Miss Hyde Holes Out with a Mashie on Home Green. MISS MIX ON HER GAME Keen Fight to Qualify Testing Round for Metropoli tan Title. • - Mus Julia R. Mix. th» title holder, had to share - lor score heaeaaj .with Mi« L B- Hyde, a n»w a.«pi-ant for fan>» in 'he •Ight-en-hol" testlns round rf th» eleventh (mrttja! championship tr>»irnam»nt «»f t>i» Women's Metropolitan OoH Association, which h*a;an yesterday on the Montclair itnk?. They recaaraad scor»» ->f 30 each. As a r«"«ult of a bray* effort on the part ef the association te k?er» at the heaal *>,* the procession, it? followers must-red more than forty -tronjt. and practically all the favorites did well in th» medal round, an exacting test considering tliat only the first ei^ht were entitled te coathraa on for the championship. So fast was th* r»d -• -»■ by th- aaaara that Trhen the last card had been returned only those with scores of *» or b»tt»r had made th*» flr««t division. The keenness on the part, of the player? was dv* lajraaly le the efforts of the officials, aeon particu larly to Mrs. M D Pater?on. rh« president, and Mrs. E. K. Sanford. the secretary. In writing personal appeals for a strong rep resentation. . . That the honors do nor always belong to the young- was shown b] Mrs. W. K. Mor gan. the BaltusroT woman, who only mlseed by the narrow m*ryin of a stroke s«?ttins; into a triple tie for the medal. Interest in the early hours was rnlivenetl throuejli the fine work of MhM Hyde T' »r*> had be°n rumors of her sood golf while tn the South last winter, and ntp ri had it al=o th*t she could drive I Ions? ball. Any one who sa,»- the Bay Shore grri play the home hole will be willing to testify in favor of h«>r Ion? Sam». Tlie hole Is 410 yard,*. rot Mis 3 Hyde got cadi len^ti. of the t»« that an iron S':ffi'-««d for rh<» gecond shot. This left the ball hole hizh to the risht of the jjr"en and then Mis* Hyde did the spec tacular by holing out with her mashte for a 3. Poor putting- jroins: out. wa3 responsij;» for her taking 43 to the turn, but thera after she. n,ad» fow n:«tak- - until the Ion? seventeenth, where the T.onn Island p!a sot bunkered and took 7. Ev»n «n. the in play was 41. tli» card reading as follows: Miaa I*. B. H}<>. r.» aaarc O>it •>.-.■.-».-, 4 • a • ♦— ej in 4 .-. 3 • • 3 4 7 — 11-flO Miss Hyde plays ir> enn,i form with a full, craceful swin? and the BranHja ltn?th of her tee shots wouM do it -• i;t to a profes sional. Mlsa Mix, who established ih» -» nm»n 3 record for the links in a uwinelltln there Ja?t season, had two atrakea the L«»tr»r ot Miss Hyde up to ihe honic hjoie, «bn tne 'l-.ampion took a 3 Gotnz OW Mhje Mki had an Sat the Ion? sixth. Her ird read as faaaaara: Maa Julia. R Mix. Ensl»wnrwl — ' Out •« . 4 5 7-5 « .-• 9 .T — »S Ir 95444*43 0—42—000 — 42—00 Although the pi laißiajine cai!*-! for fr><ir eiehts. an «*xtra one -'•a^ decided upon, Be that nearly an of th<» original starters will bare a chance to continue .-it match play. Those who withdrew arere Mra, Sanford. who has had little or no practice thl3 sea son, and .Mr?. J. A. Moor<\ The latter, con aider Ins her lack of experience In tourna ment golf, did excaedtast] aeß, p»tttns: around in 100. but *h* inadvertently -vio lated .i rale in tak ; nsr the «e>lcia of ethevm Upon findin? out her mistake Mrs. Moor° • • Irew. • . There was a ri» at t'-» bottom of th«» fifth divijion berarean Mrs. T. Nielson. of Hack "nsack. and Miss T L.indenn-.»>- er. of R ••• ■- moad County. On the play-off Mrs. Niel son won. Tbaa wee the only tie that oc cmied hi any of the divisions. FIRST EIGHT. NTama and club. Out. Tn Total. Miss Ju!ia R. Mix. Eng-I-Trocl 4% «3 3O Mi»9 L. B. h- la, South aawra FleM Ctßb «r» »• 9O Mr*. W. F'llowis M«r»a.r., Bal tnaroi 43 42 »t lira M. n Pat»r«cn. Battoarr 1* »7 M Mr«. 1.. S-xlft. En»l<»w«Hl. . ...... al «] f5 Mr?, p. F. UrOrrta, Enii«r«*l. . . -v» 4-» <>" Jlr« -'• J r»tth, Wyka:r.: 13 *T r«5 Mrs. T. 11. ro!h-mu«. ■'rmond County .*>.-. 43 ")* SECOND nej atra R. H. Sfx-ktnn. Piainfi»M... r»4 45 r» llrv I. H Ilornblo'W'r. pill County ... *:» IS l" ! Mrs. N. P. Roaara Baltusml .Si .V> l^i Mlaa I. Graham, Nortb J<?r«y M 49 ior» Miss GcuH. SlwaOSjr 90 M 10.* Mrs. J. F. Ha' -5. Hhßaad Golf ( lub .V» M tn« Mrs. F. R. T>outr!aa. Xontclalr . . 93 .'.*. \> * Mrs. n. O. Smith. Montclair. .... 90 52 Ml THIRI> EIGHT. 9fn C. W. Raadbja, Basiawosd .»T SI 1-iS Mrs. S. O. Pirkman. Montclair... •*> «r> 1C» M:«>! A. K. Robinioa. Rlcbmoni Courty R 54. lit Mr«. fr. R. Salmon. rareoi BUI.. 5T 54 lit Mr*. 5. A. <--:nninshani. &-:gle xrnod . ac H Itl Mr< J C Barclar. Haok»r.»a<-U. . Bl K4 11^ Mrs. H. B. Brenner ilontolaLlr. . . "■ M 113 M • G. F. Brcphv. Rl.-hni^n.i County BJ ■ U" FOURTH EIGHT. Mr«. TV. D Moffai riMlawne r-Jr -J ■"•» IIS Mr*. R. R Mortarty. Emrlewood. 57 s!> IIS Mn r.. H 'Uarn^r. 'Ks--- County «2 5S It 7 Mrs. H. 1.. Patterson, Baltusrol.. *S •■W 11<* Mra Fred Harri.«on. Montrlalr. . . ai 57 Us Mm. H. fJ PI impti - Montclair.. K2 .>7 11» Mr?, r. P r>urj-p«. Enarl*wood. .. «4 S3 11^ Mrs. E. W. 1-^r. Ba«kenaa a »>4 .Vi I9J KIFTH EIGItT. Mr«. XV. C. Johaann. OaWland.... •>'- f!> t;i Mim Julia Brett. Baaej Ounty «» 54 trj Mrs. J. C. >a*». Hack-nsark <W .*.« 122 Mi«« H. Lindeßme>«r Richmond CV>untj- *•* *1 127 Miss .R" Graham. Nortli J«r«»T... «rt «.» iCi Mra W I. Peaman. Rh-hTiond Countj- er> «* tl»? M r E. Fab»r, Rlchnioi I County -■- ?l t^T Mr. T. Nielsen. Hacfcensaek -' *» 129 OTHER SOX)RE?. Mi*s 7 I.tndenmever, Richman-t Cmjnty M *7 »2« Mr« J. *A. PMTbrlea Matflatr .«• *« 137 Mn J. A. Moo**, gtaraoaK and Mn E. F. hanford. Eszrs County, r.ithd"-"-^-. WOMEN HOLD THE COURTS Mi3s Wagner Beats Miss Handy After Three Hard Sets. Women lawn tennis players b-*an their matches in the Jong e^taWished tournament on the turf eaajrta ef the Staten l«!and T>ailivs' "'lub at livtngston yesterday. As It happened, the draw brought toaathir Miss Marie ITaMjner, raaaet^-aai hi the national championship, as;;tin-t Miss Kdith B. Handy, a former New Jcraey cbampion, in the lonaaal and beat match of the day. it went the limit of three eeti before >!•«* Wagner won at 7—3. ♦-$. B—3. turn Elizabeth H. Moore. who«e record as a title holder in this eaaatrj and abroad has never been equalled by bi American woman, gained her bracket in the aeial tlnal round. In coming through Miss Moore overwhelmed Mhai Laura Fischer, of the West Side Club. s— love. «5— lo\«. Ibbb Fischer bail previously defeated Mrs. Frank Gan non at S— 3. *— 2. Thednvln^nf Mhai Moore was a feature, an 1 the chilling wind that bothered the other contestants and caused their slower shots to float over the net and outside bounds ha<i no effect upon her game. The ■aaHßary follows: Women' • c«v rtaalai «rirst roundi — Miss Emily H<-ott IHca4«d Miss Edtta Baeta, *-<». «— O: 1 Mlsa Slarl* Wa*n»r «aeaa*« Mira Kdtth H ! llaj«d>. 7--V *— *• *— 3: Mla» B»aa»eai ■ l>jtu-e , >\f. Mlsa <'!ara Kuttroff defaata Mrs. «;v>..r«*> d- O-raJonT. .".—6. *--. *— 3. Sil»« Kll'abeth H. Mi»r.- « bye: Miaa laan Klsi-h*r ' drf<-ate.l Mrs Krap!. lUnnon. «— 3. *— ■-". Mr*. Kr»d*rt(-k Scbmttx eataated Mrs. fB.f 8 . F. »•«*•• H._ t_ tt— l; stra Oliver T Johnsrn defenteti Mrs I •''" Blan<rhar«l 2 -<i. 7 — .'• 7— 3 * round— Miv Ktimheth tr. Moor- <!e- M^itil Mis* Laara Fi>rt»r. *— 1«. «— «. w m»n'» '"P 'loiif>le« Ml»« KUxabatn H \fi-ere and Mi» JMiitam 11. Peu-h leftaft Ml*» ! KmUv <volt . jr Miss Erflrh H. Itardy. *— 4. I H~* ' anas Mar»» '^ a*! -r and Mi.«» flara Ku» i frwl t'4«'«at«d Mrs 3. W. Weaver and Mrs rr-t ZMMatit »—H «-a «_2 ; miv v-irh L«- a *!-« 1-4 M-. . .1.- *r T. J-!hn«O!» 4»t*a'~l Mrs Frank" Cxxs.m and Miss JesklM S-* I ir-i. s-a- AUTO BILL DISPLEASES Trade Association P-r.--*- i^ MAYOR WILL GIVE HEARING Historic Clirnh Up Dead Hor3i Hill at Worcester Fixed for End of the Week. .Mayor Garner had «t Th^May V.'l o'clock as tn- time for ■ pub!!? heartrrs on the Cull-n-Gnod-ST^^d «'jt'?rrjct>tl» ttn. but when informfd that th- da«« had b-en j»l«c?ed f?r orphans* da;- be '%iar»3 V.'9 date to Kridav. ar the ,«am» h«nr. Th% Ne-»r York .Vitrrrrtebile Tra-** A»sorlatlnn has sent a is t-t out Irs lerarewca to t>.9 M".l. •• In In part a* f^Ho-jr*; "Th* Cullen-'J^od^ee'l biT!. poryojruu to empower th» Par'^ ■■aaaaff el Brooklj n to rtstitet ' •H<« traSe o» the Ocean Boulevard ro th» e.»-lrj«i"Ts ot motor vehicles', havtn* passed tli* Le:rr.»l.* ture by an oTerw!ie!rn:ns majority, is ncrv b»fcr<* Ma- - ',a nor for hl« apprtrra! *>♦* far*! final ee«|rtaaean a? this Bad af rJo- emor uaghi Tne letter then r«citM tliat at a spertal meetln? of the drrectar* of th» New York Aut^mobV.e Tra4e X3 sociation. called by Pr-s»d-nt Haradon tO€ that purry?? *. resolutiori!* were passed. pr«v trstinc aaaaaai fit* Mayor's approval ef the --a«-,r» A "omrnttte* eeaaaaaaj of tM» a?so''ta r»'»— Vtt l>e. an<l C. Andn jr.: W. p. Tlm-lburt. Ctneral Joha T. Cuttin?. X a Partr*d?». W P a*Bini and John F. Flummer. win -^ait upon t?ia Slayor and presenr th» resomtiotxa The letter 'a^s. "Of the ■»».-*- In? o-r-r th!«i parkway autorr?obt>3 are no^ tn a lar?«« majority, -^hlch can be prrr.-^i t>- actual count, and a» the Ocsan Part way »s tUe natnraT and \orfi\ ar-nn» t-> Coney Island, the penp'« I » p!*a?ur<? jrrstina. any efforT tc* r^^tr^^t rn rt tori*tM t*>'^ nar row twentv-fosr foot /i-ivewav fc traCc. s'insr both pnrrh a-!'l y-outh. and to ai.<r» trotting >->iM iiiw a d'irrrar iw feet »'•■». we belike is dansr*-roT2.«. sdJo9! ann> sjn fair ■ ■ Th<" folicwin? raraz-aph of t!i» rea'sVJ tion -«p«»k!» of th» uaaeual pow»r a^Ten to th«> Park Commissioner, "which *eern« r»marluiM* Just now. rnnstdertnr the yeat srrowth of the automobil'* tn<iu-«tr:. and sr>»>rt j. shorr^r by the number of mt»tnr v»liic T »!» recister-d" and »b« taxable \-alue that the automobile tn<!n«rr alon? Anto> mobl> Row ha« added to tif? tax li3t ef New York City.' General John T. Cutting, of the O!i> moblle Company, of N'rw York, atav* a luncheon yesterday to his prelfmizary coa mittee. which In charge the sport 3 a^ th.^ fourth annual Olfiaßßaatla roan- to be beM at the Empire City track ea valar day. June tt. Tli«»re wi!l be several »xbi bitlori* by fast earn ar.d races for Olds mfklMl'' OW7I»T» (>n reJ Oittins is erraaajaaa srt a-r-» pl«ne fliaht by T^<» S»ym«ur and there wU aioo »-.<> sport? of all kinds. ft Is thf» peneral'9 plan to Invite all owners o? auto mobilA^ who wish tn Join th- party -•> coin^ and brins* their J'in--h»!» and m^ke a cix family picnic out of tne a.Talr. Ptil! the cry '-' ? or "more cars" at th 9 rooms af the orphans' aotomoWl* day cottx mit»r". Th- rid" f> Coney Island rriM b9 h?ld ea TheaaaßßQ . laal M t3 necessary to obtatrr a few more machines. In spit* rf ih- fart tl-At or>» cf the irritfrutior's- has b^fn tftvvl trt wit!idraw Us children frtfwi rh<* rl<le on a- rounr of tlie mease?. The disea? 1 has lnvad«M th- ir..«tttTition. On>» on» -riM iias i*. bur the other ::«•> maar •Kir ar horn» and there t3 weepinc ar.d wamnz. .-■ . . GAME FOR MEADOW BROOK Great Neck Polo Team Beaten in Hard Fonght Match Th- Meadow Brook po!" rean No. t "ds featM the (jnzit N«»rk Paa* b'- l>*ymwfa O *, jert*rday. in the t9i;mani»nf f9* th*- ■Jr»ar Neck chalien*-* «"Tip on the fl~M"a? Grfit N»rk. L/>ns: Island. Tlarrv Tiyne "W'Mtn*' and J. M. Waterbary. Jr.. of r*a-lnfena tional team, worked well and -"de th?tr ponies to th» limit for the wn.uinsr. sid 1*:1 *: Ijwivac* TTaterbary. also of the int*.* national four. «>ame«l thr»<» :t the CSmi JGeel bjh a Hi 3 fammar". P. Miltrun. did wctl. but the r»sr .-.f t!*e Great Ne-'« p!ayrr3 failed to hans: t"S<"Th»r. an-i th?/ frore penalized t i ««-v?ral fo-il?. Th" Itne-up follow* : MEADOW BKO«>K L| GHEL\T ÜBUK ri'ray. Wr*? Xt* 1 — .T. g FTtrPS- ♦ » I— "W. TT. -, -. . 3 No' Z— J. Bt ■rt'ar-r- [JCff.2— l* TVa?erburr. » >yary, tr 9\ N«. S — f> MKbnm . . » Xo .%—H." P. \Vhit- ' nacW— <J»«tk» M 11. - n«T- 9 bum 3 Fack— H. C Fhipps. 3' Total 9 Total j'33 <;oa!s scor«^l bj> Grear JC«ck. 3. »:tew»-j br harflicap. 4: p-nalize-i. l i S^al tor- rrr>ss rtaaaaw '* *oal each for tyro safeties; net scor-. 3 coals. StP»<i->w Prook No. 1. 12: p«Ta!lz~1 f«r f™rr!a. 1-» ral< r.»t scor». 10' a joals. Refere* — H. H. Holmes. CRAGIN DEFEATS DIONNE Reaches Semi- Round in Play for Felipe Cup. Hard hittins lawn tennis was In -rte» at the continuation of tlie Manhattan c*tam ptoaship toarnagfnt on th* clay courts el th» New Tea* U»n Tennis Clui> yester day. William F. Craslrt, Jr.. recent -winner of the Harlem east bbJbbJ h!3 piac» in ih* semi-final round cf the Fe!!p« cup 3fn?!ss. defeating G. A. I. Dlonne. *— «. 6-L Dtorm» had cr»m*» up Io the fourth round by lefeat ins S. Howard Voshell. th« younaj Brookl;a expert. S—2. 6—4. By h!3 victor;.- -=»»tn Is coupled wlrh the metropolitan, champior. Frederick C Inman. tn the upp*r ha* f,\t^ m cha'.ionje <nri> <»taij!»« is^cmi ryas'f*— TVyli* «•. Grant def^ate^ ajaaaj Ha.". 6-^-. «^-3. «— S. _ TTjir-i roand-G A. r. Di«?rr.» v««t«* 9. ■■*■» • r»i V"»h-!I. «— 2. S— 4; Pr. PSt'.lp B H»*» 4-f«at<M I- H. ntch. «— 2. *-- 2; Wrlh C. Orairt • ,',.'»'. Tinh-r* T. Rr-.»r. a— a *— 2. Frurth roun.l—WH!iam R Cr^.n. Jr.. <tsf««»<* O. A. T- P»onn». «— *. *— 1 Marha'fan rh^rrirtonshtp 4aaMaa • 9r* •eua«> r^rTrrori R. <'^.rln»r ar<i aaan • T T>wch«-1 -f^f»at-<l H»irv M. Hobarr nrA T* E. I>t?ts. i— T. »-Si 6— *■ F«r »aall m»* »thrr — » — abrth pa«^. AUTOMOBILES. Gmmmmi?^ A< lir|* Ii v.z: «nd as fcigfci i= pn*er as many ntotorists need. with &tnJl^ar&-Sairtca •■-" - r • Md resources bick of its exna fact ■ Runabouts $1050 • and Touring Cars $1200 A few uted ©IllJaaui-fcgff** cirs. overhaalsd. rspiintsd tr.d gairjateed, at notnini! prices. 'PboiM Cohiaibtw aSSS. ATLAXnC MOTCR CAR. en v|^ AUTO3IOBILK BAKGAIJfS. ; we are ASKING BIDS ON % SPB- IciAU LOT OF OONSIGXED U%TB MODEL HKIH GRADE fSED CAM . OF STANDARD MAKES. BT IN" VESTtaATIStJ PROMPTLY TOO CAN SEtTRE THE .. J<M , IW:>T BARtiAIN"* OF THE SE.\.*O>. - Pon't fail ti> s^ntl tor >ur Bulletin. TIME** MJ. AirO (0.. Z1.V17 *»at «*^ ». »l«f. PhiU.. »'rilcaKf>. St. Loots. Kansas City. ~ THE TURF. RACING TO-DAY BROOKLYN JOCKEY CLUB =F~!»! tr»i« t»ir«« r -.4^ ??. at 12 .*• P- If. Trslna fr"Tn *' T *:4i vt B--"?k!yn -»- -.«. r\% > j»m at* Cur»«f "V Head Stt^'w*'■ ps.«»«=csr» •-•"if*- a» %'Usrt- Ai c. *'•".-- frj- "V -^ae. t ! f M- tss-t •ha latt 3trt*t F«rry. 1