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GOiNN'S TRIPLE TIMELY Br'ngs in Two for Yankees When Score Is Tied. SECTORS DEFEATED 5 TO 1 Kew York Team Pails Itself a Little Nearer to Leaders for First Place. Tc<s New Tork Yinkccs rcaflr: it three *>of Bf fo-r •with th« "WjisJ.'.rctor Soraiors *t American L«aj?a« Park yesterday affr isoon. drf«-i. the vijlters by a Mat* of I to 1. While th«» Athletics were brcakins *yen on * double-tieader Tri*.!i tfce Ecston Red Scr the Yankee* edffrd -n a -itle »Q tfaa -d«n« ar.d pulled themselves a Uttte rearer to ral pJao*. It was th« last patne on taw hilltrp bo lore the long- ttip through tha TT«st. -Rhich tneant so much to tbe home nine. Although It seemed as thourh the "fans** had had sufficient baseball with the two games on "Monday, nevertheless a pood a« Teas rut to see the final performance and ras* jud^^nent on the work of the team. No re versal of form was displayed: the Yankees continued their steady. consistent came ■tvhich has won so tnary victories in the 1«« few weeks, and when "Wolter drew down CSessler s hi?rh "v fcr the out which rr.ded the contest it was the. fervent hope cf the loyal supporters that New York would \iffp up the srood work durirsr the critical rc*"-o3 which is rap'dly approach- A!:hou|rh TTa,lter Johnson held the heavy hitting Detroit Tigers to two bfta Io th*" Ust same which he. pitched, the- Yankees 1 »d liad no difficulty with him when they faced him in T\ T ashir.gioti. and ■• like v ire heia uo terrors far them yesterday f.-teraoon. They connected safely ripht i;m^?. two rf the hits being triples. Error* r f ornlsslor. and cemmission on the part of Kimfer mad* tljp I h3rd for him. Js?k Q-sinn, who "was on th« mo^nd for tb» Tankeer, I out<-la^?ed his rival. J"our scattered tingle" was tho mm total c.f the efforts cf the visitor*, v.hile In the lest fceven innings ther MttMi in order. Only two player? pot Tree transportation to Sr6t, while- five Btrocfc out. Hia apit tall rgs worfdsc alcely. and with the rood support which he received •■-• Senators were eh eiisj proposition. lie practically wnn Ills orm frame, tripling In tbe seventh •nh*n the score wis tied. brin£ir,g in two rur«. was some, time jrettirig h!s ?rit ball jorkir.g- well, a:. a the. visitor! pot after itrn iv the first icnir.?. With two out Killi f^r drew s par?, and veat to third on Ge?«- Jfrr'F single into left field. ■ *BrMfl ■■avalaed n hot onft over first base. Hal Chafe •steppeti the ball. Lut Mrßridc b«at him to the bag. Although Chare whipped th* bell TG Bwecaer tike a flash when ho paw Kelii- Xer ieadin? for tb< plate. th» latter was «sfe on a cicfe Cccisvjn. Conroy £r.->u',iil*d out. Lapcrte ;o Cha*e. rctjrlne T!i<» : id* In the second frnir.g: ViiElaub fueled to cen tre, and rtole recon-J '-•••■. ba?e » w?s pilfered on Streeney. Srr*"* popp*^3 up «n ea. c y infield fly to La port*. «nd Quir.n ftruck out both JchnfOn and *??"!an. rttJrlnj: Th»» ajie Thereafter ni> TSireft batsn^ea faced Quir.n to an inrjnj Crd no one ?rot beyond flrft base. - Sweeney was the only naaa to p»* a hit efT Johnson up to ihe fifth irnine. Bui UdajTS beean to pick up dlrectlv. Creo *mas!:ed a terriflc liner to centre field for Thr*c baaaa. Au?tin fouled out to Kraal ■but Sweeney sent a scratch hit through the pitcher's, box. Tlie ball bounded to Kll 3!fer, who held it. not kno^inc where to Throw— to th* plate or first base: H" finally codded on Th* latter rpot, but Sweeney •H raf<\ Cree hoidir.g third. Quinn grounded to Mcßride a:id Cree w»« canajbt "*»U the pla:e. Qulrsr. reaching first on the T-lay. TTrmplilils - over second base fm'OUStit Sweeney home, with the run which lied tlic score. Although a passed ball sent Qniaa to thirC and Hemphiil to cecond. "\Vcltcr rtruck ou; and retired the "side. <"ree. opened the eighth with a single «B-hich was hit too hard for Conroy to handle. Austin sacrificed, and the raaner took second. Sweeney grounded to Killifer. the lattPi- fumbling the ball, aud Sweeney cot a life on first. Qulnn sent out a smashing triple cvr Milan* head, and ■cored both rcaaers. On an attempted rr.-j^eze play Quinn wa? out for going out ef the base line while Street was running him down, and Ilemphili's foul fly ended t";e inning. VTolter «ru an ea?y but at ihe opening of Ibe nir.tli itwitny Chase, however, smaslied •-single through short, stole second an went to third on Laporte's scratch hit. K^lif^r fumbjed Roach's eronoder. and Cl:ase scored, while Laporte crossed tiit juatc or. Cree's facriflce fly. Tre 6core fol'ows: NEV.- VOHK. ! ■TASHIX ahrlb|.oa«- al.rlbpoae Sicmpfai!l.«f *<)1 1 (mi Miiar.. rt... 400 2 OO V.oUer. rf. :«(« 3 ««i Browne. !f.. 4V9 'Z 0 0 «hn«e, lb.. 4 1 1 13 «>0 Killifr ib 310 2 r. 2 3jJ7crt«,2b 411 1 TO'OmW. rf.. 4<« 1 «i 00 n?a:i:. tr... 4 00 s SVMrrtrid-. i=s. .10 1 » 40 cam vi — 312 o OOjooaroy. St.. noo 110 Anttin. Sb. :;<>(i 1 t«> fn^iaub. lb"O2 7 10 H'tOfr. C.T"2 B I O stWI <• ;ilO 7 00 Qslna. p.. .30 1 0 2 o,Johnson,, Johnson, p- 300 1 -5 0 Tctaif . ..395527 IS 1| Total* 2» 1424 13 2 7N>« Vrrrk (I ,-i <i o i o 2 2 x— s V , ashing ion 1 o o y o c 0 • c—ie — i ~>.r?*-b»*. hfta— Oer,. <juir.r. Bacrlllee hit— Austin. Sacrifice fly — Cre». Stolen bj*e«—Cng ;«j!i. .-"re*n<-y. <n,a?w. Ijirrt*". Left oa l«i.s»-5— Vi^hirrifn. Z: New Tork. 5 First t-as*> on ♦ rrtrs— "»\'a«i-,in?ion. 1; S«w Ycrk. 1 Doable ].«'>-:j!;«iii . !;<>ar)i and «"has«-; KUlifer, Mc l;.rid» end rn;;ajb. Btradi out— Rv Jofaßaaa. 4: 1 v i».::nn. 7-. Vju*~ oa caiU— Off Jottoaan. 2- off Cuirm. 2 Wi!.i jittclios— Jo'in^jt, U. Tin-.» of **;nr— 1:10. Vwpire»— Cf Lough: in acd Tenne. YANKEES SELL JOE DOYLE Pitcher Changes Leagues. Going to Cincinnati Reds. .7<?» 1*15; i". the pitc!i*r wfen ha? v>*>«mi * ?th th* N>ti York Tankers * Aujust, 3XI tvw toM yesterday to tbe Cincinnati C. :b cf tkM National Lrag-uo. and ■will join She R»ds in thi* city tOr-momm. Doyl« bsa pitched t»o K^ni«-F f (J r tlip Yankees th;K year and lo»t both. DETROIT. 3: ST. LOUIS. 1. St. i.cuis. 2.i*y :i.-r> rrO t in lf%:s , hari one .an<l s h-lf hoars to-day v.on th« fourth ► Trsisht cam* ani th«r ?»-ri»!« from St Lfttla. th« tcore bfing z to l. »n tl,<,iows: ' DUTnorr. St. j/h-jk abr'.^jvj **l Bbrlbpo n - liuMW»<»... 1 1«» 2 4ti:H/mx*l!. k. 4«, «t 2 jo « ot^. <%. . . . 40 3 1 (lll iU«!iirf. «». 4o it :i 40 <rawlor>J.rf 4«• 2 2 OO|Crt(SB. 2h.. 299 * K| J^lrh'U .2T. 4«r 3 SOiNVnmin. Ib4lui 2 -, sicii*m-.Sh 3 0«« <» ««';Srlitr«'ir7.r.rf :;o 1 0 00 T. 3w»». It •i<">!l « liHofntn, .-f. 30 s 1 o<i H-tirni'lt, r. 3o 1 >■ 2«;Ki:jifcr. c... TitiO f, 2 '» JVnwjlJ. p.. ivt) 1 fe«;F»-Ilv. p Si»l 1 t,., j *Oiaa 1 0<» o o l| 1 Tcui« . . .Sk 3»27*3 J| Totals 81 1627 20 1 'BaUfd foi UofTa-^n in riiKth inning. iw.r'iii i a 2 • • ■> I 0 fl — 3 tt. ixsu > «> « 0 <» t> „ o 0 i— i Ttm tmii bit — Sion^. Thrr^-tas* tit—New nan. c^Tifl"' hits — iJa«h. Prmoil. Moriarty. 3'iaUi^ risy«— Orfxc*. N«-a-inan a.n'l KlUggrj iimxftl, •Zi-zFt- an-3 Xewniaa; <;r;fes, X'wman. »<j>n lane f*itM>. «. la»r« OB balls — Ofl I'»-Hv. 3: o£ Wrr->:i. 2. ".c out -By Vt'Ay. :i. !>'• <n fcaEPs— :*-ro>i, 4: St. Ixuly. 0. Tirrf—l ■'■>■ l'mjuTct--Vtr>»rr. ar.i Connol!**-. CONNECTICUT LEAGUE RESULTS. JNcrthrinpt on \s. I*T art ford fr.ct grounds). Bridgeport. 5; New Britain, 1. XVatc-rL'.ry. fi: N>v/ Hnven. 4. Hitri!!j;!>ld. 9: Hol>oke, 1. m — STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. "K3S*ri3 T wttKi^ 2; Utlcau *• 'AKati;. v«. WiiLrs-n.-irrf irainj. v*. ElirJni (rain). Tmy v*. K'rantrt!! <ra;.nt. NEW fcKGLANO LEAGUE RESULTS. - - --i* a -. ej jisM i; tt"orce«ter. 1. •* Croclf'^ "5 L^«*r<:'v« iriUnt. -r»'l riv»r ■>?. l^wjell 'r-ir! 2jriet«H. f ' ~ '- Tf u:.(J» ••:--«*-. 4 p. zi — &:&£'.£ i«. CtfiCtasatl a4st*:zzi3D 50c. *€Z)hote Series for the Giants Raymond, with Good Support, Beats the Quakers in Last Game. [Ey Teierrmph ■-"«■■ • 1 , Philadelphia. May Sl.-The Giants made it four straight from Philadelphia to-day by a scort of 4 to 2. They Just won the game by dint of pegging away every time there was any sort of a chance to make a run. and by holding: off the home warriors on the riiary occasions when there seemed tc fcsj a good chance for runs to accrue to them. "Bugs" Raymond pitched fcr M-"6raWs men. and pitched a pretty good game. He had fair control and, with the really praise worthy support his team gave him, he relatively easy to put th© Quakers (town* when they became obstreperous. .He couldn"t subdue the sharp faced Grant. however, in the eighth innlnr, and in that riotous period th«> home men kicked over ihe bucket of whitewash from which the eccentric twirlcr had been liberally deco rating: them. Klahertj. in the penultimate frame, had smashed a ball that took Raymond off hiß feet. Knabe forced him. and thf-n young Mr. Grant whacked the ball savagely tow ard centre field The fence being in the •nay. the ball stayed in the park, but that Rta about c ' It •■"untci for a home run ■Jti made the score 4 to :. Maffee followed with a two-baggrr, his third hit. and Ray mond was grieved. But all was to be well. Brans laid the ball down to Raymond. wtt% p»ein£ Majce« break for third, threw the ball to Pevlui. d:.-j'laymc an Intelligence that has ■M than once deserted him In puch a pinch. Magee hesitated on the way, and was lost, Devlin prgjring him between the bases. Bransfl^ld didn't hesitate, and he was lr-ct. too. Devlin getting him as he steamed Into uecond bas«\ Thus was a promising rally cut off in the fair bloom ot it:- youth. The Giants b*;ran stnrrnirig the citadel In the leesjaji ir.Ti;;-,c. Snodgraps punched a single to left, with one out. and "Wilson fol toMl put. Raymond fanned wildly, and •■ th* third strike "Wilson and Snodsras* tried a double at nail Doom pepged the bail on a lively line, to Doolan, but the throw was muffed arid Snodprass breezed home. As Devcre fanned, it wae well . that it was so. Standings in Hasehatl Kace AMERICAN TJIAr.t.T. GAMES TO-DAY. rhUadrlpbia at Detroit. Washington at Cleveland. HRU| OK (AMES YESTERDAY. , New York. 5: tVat>hlnston. 1. B"*ton. 1; Philadelphia. 0 <tirr* s;*met I hi!«ie!phia. 4: B«*t«>n. I (fteeond game). Detroit. 3; H. LoniK 1. Cleveland v». Chicago <r»ln>. A3IERIC.VN raTitrßTT luamfs. \T. rr «r. 1.. P.C. Tinladelphia id 9 .743 Cleveland. .. 14 18 .43* N>w 1«»rk . 23 10 .6»" Wa«Wnston 16 22 .421 Detroft » 1« -£90 Chi«-a*o 11 20 .855 Bo«4on . 19 16 -M 3 St. Louis . .. 7 28 .200 EVEN BREAK IN BOSTON Athletics Lose First Game, but Turn Tables in Second. Bottom. Ma- —Philadelphia wen the j ! rrie<<»f- | Boston, three games to two, i getting an even break to-day by winning \ j the teond game of a double header by a j i fcorc- of 4 to 2 after Boston had been vie ! torious in th* first game by a score of l toO. j i The first contest was a pitchers* battle j | between Morgan and Collins, and waa , terminated when Barry made a wild throw : to first, letttqg in I run. Errora by Gardner and Lewis were re ■ sponsible for all the visitors' runs in the, ! second contest, while Stahl scored twice j i for Boston. Thomas had his thumb broken, and is i the fourtl. Philadelphia player to be injured i iin the series here. The others were Baker, ' Oldring and Murphy. The score follows: raurr GAME STOX. I PHILADELPHIA. . abrlbpo abrlbpoa* H^cper rf. aii a i Harteai tf.; -"• 0 «• 0 Ixrcl St>... 400 1 I'Oißath. 8b . *«1 0 10 Btahl lb . 400 10 0 oiE.CollinS.2b 400 0 BO Speaker cf.'.OO 4 imi Davis, 18... 30011 10 Wagner. m 3 1 1 I 3 OiHettm' 40 0 .*. v 0 , •Gardner 2b •£ 00 2 ■'• " Murphy, rr.. 301 1 00' I>>wis If.. • •</ 3 lo;Barry. SS... .'! © 1 * 01] .iirn-un. c 100 .'. oO'Lapp, c 3O<» B 1" ; E. Cyllins.p a 0 1 0 •.''•Morgan, p.. 01 1 CO Total*... 2<J 1 27 10 Oj Toia;* . ..28 0 4»'J3 14 1 j •On<» out when wlnr.lnK run »«« ncored. ! Breton | o <> <• I. 0 O 0 ]— 1 I Philadelphia . ..-• o • • ■ 0 0 0 o— Sacrifice hits— Hart Ml. Rath. qariajiri, Left ion b»». Philadelphia. 5: Br*tOT.. S. Fi?Jt ba<-e ten — Off Morgar.. 7: off Collint 2. First I has* on error-B'iston. Struck out — By Colllnt, | ! «; by Morgan, j. Time — I 4." BEOOXD GAME. j PiULADELPHIA. BOSTON. abrU>«« abrlbi^ a ' Karts<»l If r. OO <• 00 Hooper, rf. . 300 8 0 0 Rath. 3b...' 201 ■00 Lord, 3b. . . . 300 -10 Collins. 2b! T. 02 2 4 0 ftaJU. 1b.... i»2 5 0 0 !I.a.i«. lb.. IKI t ©0 Bpealwr. cf.. 30 1 1 00 H^itmr. rf S : l : Oo ( WaKner. as.. 2«1 I 2O i iJjrphv. rf 30« 3 OOlOardner. 2b. -i 0 1 ■ 11 I^ro.'s*- ait o "©Lewis. if.. 200 1 30 Thornaa. c. 1«1 2 L'OlCarrigan, c. 101 1 SO iUiPP. c... TOO 1 OCArellancs, p 100 O 30 ■*■ p • 301 ° 2O JhWp.:::::_oSS jjo T0ta15.. ..23 47 19 t«i Total* ... 222619102 •Batted fcr avanaaea in fifth inning. T»-Ua<V!rkia. O © : O j 2—4 7cL\%T^. :.::::...:. o o o i o i-2 : Gam- .• ai b> a^reenwnt io ailow Phllad'l- , I pb TV£bw bits— Wtptr. Stahl. Home run— ! ■rafswr. BtaW. Home run • Piahi Hlw— Off Arcllan«s. «in "; off ; HaU. 1 m 1 inning. Ka.r,ft.» . hit - Carr.aan^ Double play-AreJlan-.Tjora and Stahl. L«ft nn i!a^ 9 _Philaclrlr>hi*. l\ Boriy. 0. First haw on I«<.:*-Off r;^r,?<-r 2; Off Ar^llan^s. 3; off Hall. • base oa wrare-- PMlailelphta, £. Bmiek • out— By Braver 3: by Are!lan€S, I. WtM \mr Ha; T — -1 Ml ' mpirff - i Kerln »n<i Sk«ri4an. YALE CUBS IN A FROLIC Bat Out Easy Victory Over the Freshmen from Harvard. New Haven. May 21.— Tal« frer-hmen *hut out the Harvard cubs at baiwtwtl here to-day by a ■core or 6 to 0. Fourteen hits, four of whirh r^Tfi by McCreery. toil th<> ftory of Tmltt'B victory In few words. The •cere '"oil'iwr: TALE '13. i HARVAIXD '13. rlbp«M : r lb po » p Mrr,k~ If O <i 0 OOi Brown, rt -••••* OO M ; .TrMrv-b« 4 I • CW». If •■■2 O? 12 lh 0 1W i.oT>m»* -Tb O 2 1 OO Oi"n ,f i i 1 "01 Watson. Jb,..0 ft 602 . 0 000 M'K.p-. IH . « « 1 JJ> RcSSd rf , 2 a <«0'Holllft»-r. rf..O ft 0 00 Oslllrn rf "A O o OOlHnibrook. 2b.0 O O »l» in.r V.. ::i 2ft guMivan. .... 10 10 urkWr. ».l ■ i so (Have, r a n .t oo Boctt, p. 1= « SOiHartJy. r 0 ■ O^fil •Totals IMS ■• To(«;» .-• 3 -■♦ ii ■ r«i- ••iiv« oiooooos x— 6 Harvard <-ab*' ■■.■.■.".■.<• 00000000-O Ttifct IMM hlt-Dyrr. aacrtae* hit— Hardy. Ftot.n l*«-s- Scott. 5; Stariwtatber. Bennett, ICcGtaee, Totne«. 2. Doabi" play— B*nrw-tt (uli aaaiatcd. First ( M on ha»l»— Hardy. 2. S*truck cut— Ey Hanlr. -: by Scott, 7. Tim*— 1:JO Umpires— Becchw and McLoufhuo. MANHATTAN CHESS CLUB WINS After a protract»»«l session of play, lasting: until close upon mWnlglit on Memorial Day. ba annual team match on aixteen hoards between the Manhattan Chess Club and tli* Franklin •'lieaa Club, of Phila delphia, contested at th« rooms of the Mrtn«r, resulted In a victory for Manhattan by a *core of «--_, to <S St.! t. TYilliam M aa Vlaaer and P. B. Driver were tht reap«ct!ve captains. K. Mlchelsen, of Chicago, bed as tha referee. .1. K. Capa*?l*nca<i A 8. iodg^». A. i. Keyar, ll h. M'ver. O. R<ythlnx. I. Tlo»enthal. H. Ro9«*ufW m-.'l M Srnttb won their ERTnt* lor th»- ulnnins tid*. J. M. lla-i harr. F. J Marshal) ar,.i l, Roe*n flrew tj»;n-t their opponents. amehican: association results. _>_.. » _ . x«*««do Kaiuas aty '.rain;. NT2W-YORK DAILY TRIBUTE, WEDNESDAY, JUKE 1. 1910. Two hits did the Quakers no rood in the fourth Inning, for Raymond put on steam and high flies ended the next two batters. Devlin walked, with two out. In . th« sixth Inning, and stola second. Snodgrass waiked, too. and "Wilson drove in a run with a crashing drive to left. The next inning, the seventh, yielded a run. too. In peculiar fashion. Devoro got a lucky hit. and took, second on a wild heave by Doolan. He went to third legitimately enoug" on Doyle's sacrifice. Doolan got rid of Murray, and Seymour walked. Cy promptly broke for second, and Devore. dashed for the plate. Doom dropped Doolan's return of a short throw, and Derore scored. With Brennen pitching instead of Moore in the eighth Inning. Devlin walked, one man being ont. and scored on a three bagger by Snodgraw Followed the eighth inning and Philadel phia's rally, providing the greatest excite ment of a game that was far from hectic. It gave the Giants their seventh 6tral£ht vlctcJry. and an even break at ten gamofi won and ten lost since, they last played at th« Polo Grounds, to which they will return to-morrow. Therefore, It was a notable game, and the score is appended: NEW TORK. i PHILADELPHIA. ab r Ibpo a •! ! ab r Jbpo a c Devore. rf. 4 I 1 3 no Bates, rf.. 10 I 0 0 0 DorM 2b. 20 1 22 0. Flaherty. 2O 1 J OO etrher 2b 00 0 0 OlKnabe, - 2b.- 4 1 1 U 1 0 Murray, If .TO 0 3 OOiGrant. Sb.. 412 1 *• f-eymour.ef a 0 0 x oOJMAree. rf.. 4 0 8 O 0) Rridweil.M 4<> 0 B 401 Bram>r< 4 0 1 l» 10 Devlin 3b 2 2 O 3 OOiWaWi. if. . 4 0 1 t 0f» S'j;ra*s, lb si 2 3 SOfDeolan. ss. 4« 1 3 §a WUMn. C. 3 0 2 4 OOiDooin. r... 4 0 0 f> 4- Ravmcrti'i.p ♦ 0 0 1 lOlßrennan. p 00 0 0 10 | Moore, p. . . 10 O 1 2 0 ! *Wart l o O 0 00 JtMoran.... 10 0 0 00 Total*. .28 *~627~» 0| Totals. • .24 21027 IT 0 'Batted fcr Bate* In third Inning, fßatted for Moore in seventh inning. N«ir Ycrk .• 1 • • 0 i I 1 H Philadelphia 0 0 O o 0 0 0 2 0-2 Two-bM* hit— Majr»». Three hit—Sno<l *n». Horn* run-Grant. Hits-Off Moor- » In 7 inning.; off Brennan. 1 in 2 inning-. fr»cr - « cc E»oyle. Stolen bae* — DwvHn. Donnl* r -. a _. M--rr. Doata. otaat and BrftnsfWd; Bar mond tno rwvlln: Doolan and Bran*fleld:Br!d *ve»r Doyle and skodsrass. Lett on ba*e»-New Tork f.;* Philadelphia. 6. Firjt has* on balls- Oft Raymond. 1: off Moor*. S; cn [ Bwnnan 1. Hi: by pitcher— Br Brennan. 1. Stru-k out-Bj iuvmond. ♦. By Moor*. I; b>- Brennan. 2. Time —tm. Umpires — Johnston* and Moran. VATIOXAI. LTCAGTDB GAMES TO-DAY. Cincinnati a>t New York. ntt^burg »t Brooklxu. St. I.oni» at rinl*«i*lprita Chicago at Boston. IUBBtrr.TB OF GA3IES YESTERDAY. >>» York. 4; rhlladclphia. 2. Brm>klrn, 4: Boston. I. Cincinnati v«. Mttebarg; <>. y*Tio>*AX L.EAGrT. standing. W. I- P.C! W. T,. P.C. Chlcßir« "1 12 ,«47,5t. Ix>uU... l» 20 ■*'*■ >>w York 23 14 .822 Brooklyn ... 1« 22 .421 rttT.burK ... 18 15 .5« Philadelphia- 13 20 .594 Cincinnati.. 18 16 .528 Boston -- 14 S4 .J.S BROOKLYN CLIMBS A PE ! Wins Fourth Straight Game in Beating Boston Doves. The Brooklyn Euperbas won their fourth straight game in defeating the Boston Doves by a score of 4 to 1 at Washington Park yesterday. Incidentally' they climbed up a peg or two and reached sixth place on the pennant ladder. Knetzer, a new pitcher, made a favorable imprwsion by holding the Doves to six hit?". He pave only two bases on balle, but one of these, followed by Beck's two-bagger, led up to Boston's only run. The Suprrbas bunched hits off Maitern s delivery In the third and fifth inning?. Wheat's batting again being a feature. Two fast double plays marked the work of Brooklyn In the field. Bill Dahlen, who is under suspension, watched the game from the sUnd. The score follow? BROOKLYN. ! BOSTON. abrlDpo a«; abrlUpoa* Burch. If.. SOO 0 0 0 Collins. 1f... 400 O 00 3 2 115 10'H»rzog. 5b.. 4tU I 10 Wheat. If.. 31 1 lOiSharpe. lb.. 40113 0 0 Hummel,2b 30 1 1 SliMlller. rf... 300 0 0 0 Lennox. 3>> 4'» 1 1 30;Fhean, 2b. . . 310 2 4 0 Dav'son, cf, 400 3 0 o;Beck,; Beck, cf 401 - 0 1 T.Smlth. ss2o 1 SOiSweeney. h 40 1 3 2O Erxvin, c. . . 301 5 OOjH. Smith, c. t0 1 3 50 Knetzer. p. 3 1 0 0 4 oiMattern. p.. 20 1 o 4 0 IGraham, ... 1 OO 0 00 I Parsons, p.. 0(»0 0 0 0 TMahf. . Jt 4;2715 1 ! Total*. . . .32 1624 18 1 •Eatted for Kattara la eighth inninf Brooklyn O • 2 • I 0 • 0 i— 4 Baatoa .»• I 0 o • 0 0 O •— L«ft on iieaae Boston, 3: Prooklyn, 5. Ttto fcase Back. Ths<»e-base hi;.— Wheat. Sacri fl P<> i,it — ■;!:. Flrat base en error— Bo«ton. Double plars— WT.^at. T. Smith and Daubert: Lennox. Daubert and L«nnox. Pirst base on bails — Off Slattern. I; off Knetaer. 2 Struck out— By Mattcrn. 3; by Knetzer. 4. Hits— Off Mattern 0 In 7 innings; off Parsons. 1 In 1 in ning\ Tbn« — Umpires — O"Day and Bren nan. NEWARK AGAIN JN THE LEAD Indians Soundly Trounce Jersey City on Their Home Grounds. EASTERN rXAGL'E GAMES TO-DAY. Jersey City at »wark. Montreal at BufTalo. Baltimore at Provnirn-f. Toronto at Ro«*bMt*r. RESULTS OF GA3IES \ESTKRIJAY. Newark. 9: Xefaaf City. 2. , RorhrMrr. 3: Toronto, 1 (first caw). Toronto. 4j RoHienter. 0 (second (t.imcl. Montreal. 3; Buffalo. 0. EASTERN' KaVCnrS STANDING. W. L. p.c; W. t.. r.c. Newark.... 58 \!i .M3!RuiTalo 17 17 .SOO Toronto.... 2t 15 .SOSJBaltimofe. . . l« 1« .471 rrorldwure . 1« 14 .533 Montreal . . . 13 1* .419 Rochester... 18 17 .514|Jer*ey City. 10 Ti .313 Joe McGinnltyg Indians jumped back into first place in the Eastern T^caguc race yesterday aVternooa^ after walloping the Jersey City player* on their home grounds 1\ a score of 9 to 2. The game was loosely played, errora being plentiful Mc- Ginnlty, for the second time in two days, was In lIM bos for the visitor?, and he suc ceeded in keeping the Skceters* hits •uell ■f IKraal save for the third inning, when they gathered in two runs. Tlie Indians had no difficulty In finding Sitton. who was in the box for the locals, when hits meant runs, espcciallyin tho rightli, when five of this N'cwaxk players crossed the plate. The score follows: NDWAHK. I JEfIEEV CITT. abrlhpo a <• alirlnpo I* I ouJti as •*> - 3 o 3 2!Cl«»nient. if 4 1 i 2 21 Ganley.' rf 3 2 1 3 ° O!D«lnlngr,cf 3 O 1 2 00 Js"hlafly 3 1 t 4 1 2 "Ranford. if 4 0 O 0 10 Ketly If ■ 4 1 2 3 0 0 Johnson, « 4 0«O 1 0 0 Oettni'n.ef 4O o 4 0 0 Crcokn, lb.. 4 0 115 11 Zlman 8b 4 1 2 0 2 0 .Han'fan, 2b 4 0 0 4 3 0 AKler 'lb. 4 1 211 lOiJemond. 8b 4 0 .t O tl CtSm c. ai 0 1 10 Criat. c... 40 0 2"10 ItcOln'y. P4O 0 1 2 0 Slttfln. ... 4 1 1 1 40 Total!"... 34 9 1127 lO4| Totali ... .35 2 72720 3 Xrwark 0 ° ! ° 2 ° ° ■ °- 9 jersey City 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 o—2 Flr»t b«s« r.n error*— NVwark. 2; Jersey City, 2 Left on baeaa sTsaiii 3; Jersey City, 8. J*!r»t Wa»a on ball»— OfT Sltlon. 4. Btruck out By filtton 1. Thr*f-ba»e hits — Louden, Clement. Racrince. Jiita— M»;-r. tlanlcy. Delningpr. KoWn l,«»es A*i«r. JUmmernv»n. Double play — John •on. Ilanlfaa and • Toolta. Time— l : so. L'mplres — Byron ar.d Murray. TORONTO WINS AND LOSES. Atltocheiter-FlrstEtinie: n -" n rc-h'st-r ...20000010 x- 34 1 Toronto .'." o 000000 1-0-184 Px:ur)es T^fit'e anil B'air; N>«'<»n. an.le erltt, and g'attery. fce^ond (t*m«: „ , , . „ H.H F Toioma 0 O 2-1 0 0 « 1 0--4 M O ntSSSiii •• • *> • ° " ° ° °-° - i Eaitenea-M.Gtnlej «n-l Baitts r.»tr>n unt Bt*rn«6lc- laatise lUllissn ami Kfllr. MONTREAL. 3; BUFFALO. 0. »■ r..iff»: — h m. k • Isn't real • ." «> O rt i o t 1 o O- .-, ft 0 ,^ a .. ■ a 0 4 .1 "Wcr.'s- K«"t* tna KriChsn! tub« £ and M-- Afllitir. Unuir«-£oy!e an 4 ilurst. _. KELIHER CASE RESUMED Coleman Admits Testimony Be fore Grand Jury Was False. SWEETHEART ON THE STAND Miss Hightower Denies She Planted Any Money of Con victed Bookkeeper. Boston. May H-— The government con tinued its efforts to-day to establish rela tions between Oeorge W. Coleman. the con fessed looter'bf th«» National City Bank, of Oambrld^o, and "Bie Biii" Keliher. whose trial In the United States Circuit Court for aiding: Coleman in lifting more than half the bank's deposits was resumed- Two witnesses said that Keliher spoke repeated ly of Coleman. and at one time expressed the hope that h* would not ">co back on him." Another witness knew that Kelihur and Coleman were friendly, and the government made some progress in its effort to sub stantiate the assertion that much of the money went into the gamblers* pockets with Kelihors aid. * -~V: Yet Coleman was forced to admit that an important part of his testimony before the Suffolk County Grand Jury, which also investigated tho matter, was false, espe cially hi* statement that he lent or pave Kellher $150. or $2<v>,i*ifl, *nd that Kelthet had urged him to stop playing faro. The afternoon proc«»«»i3ir.^3 were made in teresting by the presence of eoleman's lat est eweetheart, Mi«! Mamie Hightower. of Kansas Cltjr, on th«» stand. The young woman became Coleman'a companion a copple of months before the bank failed, was his travelling mat* In that swift journey to Kansas City, just as th» crash came P!h« denied that she had "planted" any of Coleman's money, and Colemari" de nied it also earlier ir. the day. Srw» did Ba y that she had some property in Kansas City which R. J. -Holmes willed to her. Coleman sai'i under the i iwifiniiXi cross cxam4natlon that be was positive he stole nothing from the bank js eariy as 1905, but «raa not sur<» r.-hether he began hi 3 peculations in 1906 or 1."i7. Joat be fore he went away. Coleman said, h» de stroyed his personal aocounta. contain ins records of his various Investments and speculations. In regard to his direct evidence that Keli her had offered him $100,000 to keep on u,c quiet about his alleged connection with Keliher, Mr. Coakley. attorney for Keliher, tried to show that Coleman hao sought an interview with Kelih'-r after his return to Boston and fried to get some mon»y from Keliher. CoUman .^ai'i taht he did want to obtain mone/ from Keliher in or der to pay the depositors of the banX. He paid that Mifs Lora Atwood, \*ho made ar rangements for his interview vlth Keliher at that time, told him that Keliher had ar ranged with her by telephone to meet him downtown, and that when rtw went to ths place he named she found that it was Mr. Coakley's ofilce. After he hs-d two inter views with Keliher, Coleman said that ha told his "Ounsel. 'Mr. Morse, (hat Ke.]th«r had off«r<=d him ?10C>,000 to keep still. Coleman denied that he Mad "rjlanfd ' an;- of the money obtained from the bank. * "Has your friend. Mies Hi^htower, 'plar.t ed' any?"' asked Mr. Coakley. "Not that I know of," repICM Coleman. He admitted that Miss Hiyntower had a number of hank books when a*M came to Boston. Tie rer>e?t-rl his statement that Keliher offered him $100,000 to keep r:i£ mouth shut regarding the case. A messenger from District Attorney Pel letier brought Coleman's testimony before the Suffolk Count j- Grand Jury 'nto court. STROSNUIDER ARRAIGNED Examination of Prisoner Deferred Un til Saturday — Bail Reduction Asked. John H. Strosneidcr who is bains held in $25,000 'jail by the federal authorities of Erooklyn on the charge of aiding in the theft of money from the National City Bank of Cambridge. Mass.. was arraigned before commissioner Morle in the federal buildinjt yesterday afternoon. The examination of the prisoner was deferred until Saturday. He tried to get the amount of bciil reduced, and Assistant District Attorney Alien toiti him to see how much ball he could obtain and that he would then decide what be would do. Strcsneider operated, it i.« charged, in connection wit! 1 "Big Bill" Keli her to eret from George "VV. Coieman part of the JSOO.O'O which he had robbed the bank while employed by It a.« a bookkeeper. FISCHER-HANSEN ENTERS PLEA Lawyer, Recently Out of Jail. Would Stop Suit Against Annuity Trustees. Carl Fischer-Hansen. the lawyer who recently finished ;• year's sentence on Blackwe!l> Island for subornation of per jury, applied yesterday through counsel to Justice Krlangr for permission to discon tinue a suit that he ha.= brought against hia wife, Anson McCook Beard and George Gordon Battle, as trustees, to recover $!-j.- M for failure to pay him an annuity, which payment waa arranged by agree ment with his wife and father-in-law, Isaac Brokaw. Th* agreement made prior to the separation of Fiecher-Hansen and his wife stipulated that In case he was convicted he should get out of the country on his re lease from priaosj and never return. Mr. Beard argued ir. favor of having the suit trl^d, so that the plaintiff could not "harass them again." It appeared that the defendants had set tled all of Fischer-Hansen's debts and had paid him $1,250 toward hia annuity. An other payment became due on January I last, but "as the lawyer tailed to keep his part of the agreement, the defendants re fused to make a second payment Then Fischer-Hansen sued. Justice Erlanger re served decision. • HARROVIAN MIGHT BE ALIVE" Needed More Exercise, James A. Patten Tells Collegians. Chicago, May Sl.-James A. ratten, the Board of Trade operator, was made an honorary nieinr.*>r of the track tram of Northwestern University last night. He was invested with a sweater bearing the "N" of athletic distinction by" President A W. Harri*. of the univer!«Hv, at the first annual dinner cf the athletic association. The wheat operator gave the collejlans the benefit of his ideas on physical exercise. "If K. 11. Harrlman had taken more ex ercise be would have been alive to-day," tail Patten. "Get the habit of taking e.\ ercUc." The occasion waa the housewarmln* of the newly completed gymnasium given to the university by Patten and which cost J20.000. STEVENS, 1: SYRACUSE, 0. • The baseball team of Stevens Institute j defeated the nine from Syracuse University i yesterday at Iloboken. in a close and well i played game by a ieore of 1 to 0, as fol- J loWS: n h E. ' Btewana '» • • • 1 0 <> n ■— 1 '» 0 flyracurt ....O o 0 »i 0 O 0 0 O-O .' 1 j Batteriea — Coleman aril i r- «•. . Thottai and Holmes. '.- '-•-' -' SAN FRANCISCO MINING STOCKS San Francisco, May 31.— The ••alaj clos ing quotations for mining ataeka to-day were as follows: ana . l«v.lustl<» |S » n d«," 13 K«ntuoliy Con 15 "loh'r .' Ml Mexican t.OS fj,jjl,, ln , 161 Oertdtntal con 25 «-«!<Hi<-nta . • Ophn f*7 i -hollar 12 Overman -«5 t v»nflrt»r,.-f ■.70(sav«*« -■« •-on i.-8l » va. *MH*s Belcher 19 Cm-n Taint .. «ft RUrra N*vni]a 8 • ;; o uM £ lurry .t*;l"n>on i fin '.' 1141* it >»s. . . . .S'J| Vttli Cca ....... -r.. •"* rfuli* ... <2< ARMY AND NAVY NOTES I Sensation Expected in the Court Martial of Coione! Cooke. i . [From Ttia Tribune Bureau. 1 ■W'ashinston. May 31. COLONEL COOKE'S COURT MARTIAL. — Thero Is more than ordinary interest fn the outcome of the trial by couit niartia! of Colonel George F.,Cooke. U. S. A. (retired). ! As has been Ftated In the di*patchee. that ' officer Is to be brought before a military i court, probably at Vancouver Barracks, WaaliliiMTnn on charges whleh'allese that r< dtd not exercise propfr preciution acainst tbe lo?s of $11,000 which wts taken from I th- safe a» the army post ol Fort qtbboii, j in Alaska, where Colonel Cooxe was In com icand of the military force In tliat territory. jAn enlisted man disappeared at the time '■ the mon»v was missed, and a social reward I of $1,000 has been offered f-^r bis appre i hension, without rrsult. There ts much ! more in this case. It la now learned, than ! appears on tli« surface. ' Much mystery h»s ' attended the developments. Colonel Cooke ! would have been brought to trial before ! had it not b«?n that there were very good j chances that more of a sensation would j have been created than the military author ities r^narded as desirable. elements have now been eliminated «o as to confine the triai to the question of the loss of the ' moiioy. All sorts of stories liav« bocn in I circulation, and considerable* criticism h43 been expressed by army officer* that Colonel • Cooke should have been retired as a coione 1 I while he was a lieutenant colonel. Just B»e» vious to retirement. tt Is considered th-it , he has been unduly favored, ajid. in view of i his approaching: trial. th# situation ha» at- I tracted much attention. i ORDERS ISSUED.— following- orders ; have been Issued: .VRMT. Major Abraham S. BICKHAM. quart*rmasUr. i to Washington; «\aniinar:»n for retirement. I Major TJMOTHV D KEL.EHER. paymaat#r. to the Walter Reed General Hospital, District Of Columbia. Major CONRAD E. CQERPOOIt, tn«iilcal con>«. ! from Fort Slocum to Fort Parattl G»n«"r%l ; H>"!>pltal. vice Major CHARLES N. B-*R- i NEV. m»<li.-»l rnrp», to Fort ■Wa4«»rorth. Major JOHN F. MORRIFON, G»ner*t StafT; ! Captains JAME3 JUSTICE. l?tb Infar.'r> ; TIOBERT H. WE6TCOTT. 11th Infantr'. »n<J ; I^AURANCB AN*OEI>. Porto Rico Re«lm«nt of infantry, detailed for duty witn orsar.ii^d militia of. Wlaconain at annual encampment at Otmp Douflaa. Jv.'.y 9 to 29, Captain WILiJAM H. PATNE. "th Ca>-alrr. to r»«*rtiitins; a*rvic«». Fort McDow*ll. Captain FRANK U GRAHAM. Perto Rico, regiment of Infan'.n-. from th« Watter R»<"<l General Hospital. Dlitrt.'t of Columbia. July 1. to home, preparatory to retlrament from active service. Captain WILUAM "W. HAMILTON, coast ar tillery, to Governor** laland. examination for retirement. Captain JOHN A. CLARK, tn»<lical corps, upon relief rmm Fort LJecum, to *eattl«. Captain ULYSSES G. WORRILOW (Major Fhll ippin* S<?"utsi. from 29th to 15th lnrantrr- Captaln FRANK 11. BURTON, from 15tH to »h Infantry. Captain DANIEL. W. HAND, quartermaster, re li»^c-d from detail in aaarurmaater depart ment. _ Fir« I lantaaynl "WILLIAM R. M'CLEART. coast artiltery. to aaaum« temporary charje '-onstruction -worfe a.t Fort Caswell, during- ! the ab«enc« on l«ave of Firtt Lteuteoant ROBERT O. EDWARDS, coast artillery. Th« fo;io«-ing chants In the roast amllerr hav<> been ordered: Major ALFRED M. HUN- ; TF.R to command Fort Barry July 1; Major EDMUND M. BLAKE, to command Fort Dade and artillery district of Tampa, July 1; Captain WILLIAM FORSE. from »<st!i < "nmpany to unftesigtisd Hat: Captain HENRY M. MERRIAM, from »th to »2A Company: , CapUln FREDERICIC L. BUCK. from *H to »6th Company; Ftret Lieutensr.t CHARLES R- ALLEY* fta»i«ti«ti to ll«th : Company, to tak# efTe<-t Aopust 13: First! t,i»uf«nan? CHaUNCEY L. FEN'TO*-:. *s »irn«l to 125 th Company, to take efl>-t , Aujri»». 13; First Ueuteaant KARL T. i BALDWIN, upon departure, ©f 424 Company j from Fort Mott, report to commanding: of ficer, artillery district of the Delaware, for temporary duty; thence- to San Francisco, tn ' rime to take transport sailing December 5, for Maniia. where, upon arrival, he will join hia company at Fort Mllla. CorreKMor I«las<J. The following Crit lieutenants, medical rea«rv« . corps, from the Army Medical School, Wash ington, to tb« atationa specified: WILLIAM H. ALLEN*. Fort Plocum; GLENN 1. JONES, Fort McDowell; MARK X). WEED. Walter need General Hospital. District ot Colum bla: LARRY B. M'AFEE. Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs: EDWARD M. WELLES, Jr.. and WARD L. NA PIER. General Hospital. Trestdlo of Saa Franet3co: ROYAL nETNOLPS and THOMAS C. AUSTIN, to duty with Company R hos pital corps. General Hospital. Presidio of San rraaciseo: JOSEPH E. BASTION and ADAM E. SCHLANSER. medical i istw corps, to Walter R*e«l General Hospital, Dis trlct or Columbia, for duty with Company C hospital corps. I Tbe following- first lieutenants, medical reserve corps, from Army Medical School. Waanln« ton, to the stations specified: JOSEPH CAS PER. Fort Dupont: WILLIAM L. SHEEP and WILLIAM C. PAVIS, Fort Ethan Allen; HOWARD A. KNOX. Fort Hancock; HENRY BEEUWKES. Fort Jay; WAYNE H. ORUM. Madison BarracKs: WILLIAM B CARJt. Fort Monroe: ROBERT W. HOLME 3. Platt»burs Barracks: TAYLOR E. DARBY. Fort McPherson; ARTHUR O. DAVIS, Fort Ogelthorpe; HARRY R. BEERY. Fort Ben ■ iamin Harrison: JAMES R. MOUNT, Fort Sheridan; CHARLES C. DEMMER, Fort Thomas: ALBERT S. BOWE.N* and HARRY H ETTER. Fort Snelllnif: OWEN C. FISK, Fort Crook; JOHN P. FLETCHER. Fort D. A. Rusaell; THOMAS L. FERRENHAUGH. Fort Dcs Molne*; JOHN A. EURKET. Fort lllley: FLOYD KRAMER- Fort Robinson: .TAMES 9 FOX. Fort gam Houston; JOHN" T AYDELOTTE, Fort Sam Houston, reliev ln« First Lieutenant ALBION M"D. COF FERY; GEORGE W. COOK, Fort Douglas; THOMAS H. JOHNSON. Fort Baker: Next Picture of the Tribune Series READY NOW "An American Beauty" THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE announces that the sixth sub ject in its distribution of beautiful hand colored Photogravures will be ready on Monday. May 30. and may be secured after that date. The demand for the various pictures has been unprecedented, but THE TRIBUNE has been fortunate in securing a sufficient quan tity of each title to supply all demands. It would be well, however, to place orders early, for the stock on hand will rapidly diminish. How to Secure a Tribune Picture THE TRIBUNE prints I coupon each day (daily and Sunday) at the top of the Sec ond Page. Seven coupons (6 daily and 1 Sunday), if present ed with 10 cents at the offices of THE TRIBUNE, will en title the bearer to one picture. IF THE PICTURE IS TO BE MAILED. 2 cents additional — 12 CENTS IN ALI- — should be sent to the main office of THE TRIBUNE, No. 154 Nassau street. Address "Pict ure Dept." Coupons for any date will be accepted for any picture. If you call in person for the picture, present the coupons and 10 cents at the mam oitke. No. 154 Nassau street, or to our branch office. No. 1364 Broadway. It the picture ato I !>« mailed send 2 cents additional— l 2 cents in all—to THE NEA-YORK TRIb- UNE. No 154 Nassau street. COUPONS NEED NOT BE OF CONSECUTIVE DATES. IMPORTANT NOTICE It had been planned to end THE TRIBUNES distribution of hand colored Photogravures with the sixth subject. An Amer;> Beauty, but because of the creat demand for a landscape the seventh and final picture will be the best of that description. The title will be announced next Sunday. ' nfGLN to SAVE couroys TODAy CHARLES T. aggo^yraaiy Montetey; f CAP.I. K. lIO^MBERO »m«J BOtV.vßp D. KREMERS. Pi SSHI» ot «SJi Ftaneins©; I PEI.IX r. box, rort G*or*e Vrrt?6t; ! | THOMAS D. WOODSON and CONDON (. » JIc'CORNACK. Vancouver Barracks: RAUPH A liß\*OE. Fort V.'orden; BDOAB C JONE?. Kert Mscum. Alaska, reltavlng Cap lain JOHN A. CUAKK. ra-£lei}eww. First IJ*nt»nants TVIRB E. COOPER and CHARLES W. HAVERK.VMPF. medical re »erve cwrpa. frem Army M»dl«»! Reboot. | ■Washinnton: to Fort D. A. R'iy » • for duty ; Trith Company A. hospital rorB«. First UeuMnant GDORGB M. EDWARD?. JFf 3 - Ical re»erve eorpa, from Artnr Me«Jcai I St-hool. V,*asfcin?ton. to West Potnt. First Lifutfnant ALBION MD. COFFET. medi^ j oal r«aerv* corp». frow P«»1 Sam llawiaa t>» Fort St. Phtllo. rlc» Fln«t*n»nt f AMIBI> A. SPRINGWATER. medical rt ' aerr* corps: to h»# home. ; First I-rutenant OOCRTI..\NDT W. PA*A E. ; me«lir«! re*i»rv*i eorp". from Plattstmrs Ear racks: to bis home. ;_ '' T^ea- of abwn<-» — Captain FTtANK I. Cr.Ai TIAM. Porto Ri'n RextrreM »<f Irfarjin-. •■•»!> j 1 t© October 21; Captafn FRANK T lIlNp. reast artJJt«ry. June 18 to v.:fu« » Fir«t TJeutenart Ja.MES '£. AOBOTT, Cd Caralrr. ' fifteen da;s. , VAVT Capriin B. B. LLOTD t» ismmer cjaferttMe : Naval War Co! lece. Coxroander A. IT. SCAI-K.?. rfei*. -,M Mylro- { craphic OSce. to rommand llartf ?r>l anu j Olympia aa4 in ch4rse shiM. Na-m >< t a'i- | eras, vice Cominan4>r J. HOOD, tn Wasft- Irctoo. examination for proniotSjn an>l vi.on completion wait order*. Lieutenant D. A. WEAVER, deta^he,! Xaval i Aeadcmr. to Fore River Sh!pbu;M!n« Com pany, eona'ctlcn ftttkuc cut Salmon, and duty in •-nmrruwid titien cammhwl'Siwl. IJeatenant C A. BL.*KELT. detached ta* Thornton; to command th<» Mx>d»no<ia;h. j Enslf» T A. THOMSON, istacbad tb» Dolphin; j to navy yard. Boston, connection na^y riSe taatr.. Ensim H. J. FRENCH, placed npnn retired lia^. ' E=s!?n B. A. STRAIT, istacSM tae Porter; to •'omrraad th« Stiin^ham. lTnsifn TV W. M-\.TIieWSON. detached tft«, ShabricH: to <^>o»manil the Bail»r. „ Midshipman 11. W. BOYNTON. detached com- , mand th* Stoc'nton; to rhe Strtnsnam. ; Midshipman A. M R. ALLEN, detacned cea- ! tran<l the Du,Pont: to the Bailey. | MOVEMENTS OF WARSHTrS.— Th« fol lOTiin^ movements of vessels have besn re ported to th« Navy Department: AF.niVET>. May 3a— Th« F!ua»ar at D^'aware Hreakwater. I May 27— Tf>9 Dnbn«jti*> af Cristo&al: th* Pre»toa | at Boston; th 4 I.»onidas at Charleston: th* Paul Jones, the PrebU and th« Stewart at Bant* Barbara. i Ma.y 2£— Th# P.»!d at D«!awar* Breakwa- til* ! Hector at Kio d« Janetrw: th« Vestal »t Newport; th<» Wnipple, the Hull ar-1 th* Tru.rtun at Ban^a Cn«. the New Orleans at Shanghai. May 2d— Tbe Sraltb. the Dlxi- aai the Mi«-hl«s«n at De'awar* Breakwater: As TsssaJ *' Bradford; the Perry at M^terr . the Eir mlaghaxn at Hamptrn Roa4*> aAILEB>. May 3T— Th« R*i4 froso P»t»vtnr'«»tts'grn for I>'a- | ■B!«re Br«a>cwater: the Preston from rrov ln«-«town for Boston. Ma> 28 — Tte. ooilth and the Pixi* frora Pror- , Ineetotvn for T>»!*»are preahwater th^ Vestal frr?rn Prtrrineetofrn far N»«-vr*. the. Perry from *an Die?-> tpr Monterey. May 29-^-Th* Preston frem Boston for Delaware Breakwater; th« t)'ib«Tie from CtKobal Ms j B'.uefleiat; th« Veatal frota Newport for Bradford; the Now Orleans from Snansba! for Narklnr; the Prairie, from Prii'.adelpiia | for Cristobal. May CO— fTheeHna; from Br»m<Tton for San i Franolsco, tha X«w Tork from Spezia for j ■sagasa Th« Torktown. now at San Francisco, ordered to Monterey, to talt« part In ceremonies in con nection with dedication of tnonumeat to lat? Commander Sloat, Jun« 14. Trip of th* Prairie from Philadelphia, tn New Orieana ard return, aa »nnounc«l in "Move menta of vessels" list cf 2*>th inst.. has be»-n postponed for th« ttme b»hit. Th« Lebanon, ordered . .>mrria»i'W*s<l st nary , yard. Norfolk, on June IS. and aaanane* to , duty with Atlantic fleet, as rar«» »htp i Th« AMrenda, place-l to service at navy jar«l. f Norfolk. i JUVENILES GET LAW'S LESSON Many Little Offenders Supply Big Buai ness for Children's Court. Tn» Children's Coert had th« sec«n4 busi est day In Its Mstorj' y<»st*r«JaT -when more ! than one hundred and fifty edaaa. were ■ l>rouajht before It. All the prisoners «M I under sixteen years old, and rtea: «bt hundred persons, more or less directly in 1 tereeted. crowded the din?y little building !at Third avenue and 11th street. The charg-es against the Jovenil© offenders mi i eluded pocket picking, illet%l entry, throw < ing atones, rowdyism In the aass^MQr and elevated trains and tall playin? in the atr««ts i One of the more serious cases considered ! was that of Lewis Mlddleton. a ne^ro boy. ! fifteen rears old. of No. SO West 4tst street, ! who had been arrested for taking *> cents : from a ten-year-old newsboy. Justice Hoyt I sent the younc»ter to tbe 7lot:se of Refuee. ' Eleven Italian youths were al^o arraigned ! on the charse of having- created a disturb artc* on a Broadway express train •■ Mon day ni^ht. They were severely lectured by the justice and fined $3 each. FREE DENTISTRY FOR CHILDREN. A froe dental clinic for public school chil dren has just been opened at So. 44. 1 East last street, through the genpro»!ty of Mag istrate Peter F. Barlow and Ms friends. The need of denta! treatment for children too poor to pay for it was called to the attention of Magistrate Barlow by Miss Marjorie Clark, a nurse attached to tha airlsion of child hygiene of the Board of Health, and by Dr. S. Josephine Baker, chief of the division of child hyffien*. In side of ten days -noujh moner %aa re ceived to assure the maintenance of such a clinic in Harlem, the expanse of which will be about «.<»> a year. Pictures Now Ready Ut— Baby Stuart — The Storm 3<j — The Breakers 4th — Mother and Child sth— The Holy Family 6th— American Beauty "An American Beauty" is a head oi a typical American rid an aboriginal maiden. T he subject is one that will contrast well with the titles that have already been announced. Ar tists and art critics believe "An American Beauty" will form one of the most popular of THE TRIBUNES 3ub;e:: s . WHEN SENDING FOR A PICTURE MENTION THE SUBJECT DESIRED. GRAFTS LEGS OH DOGS Rsm3rK3bi6 D'scov6'*> Anne edby Chrcagc °~ JOINS SEVERED ARTERIES Uses Magnesium Couplers ia Place of Sewing Expects Great Resets. C&leaso. May —Vr Victor D. Le« pinasse. of the Northwestern TJiUverstt/ Medical Sc(to«i. told an »mm cadisnee ot pbyxlctans y«aßS»#sj| tnat h« had di*«;o^ ervd a surgical SMtM which rr.igiit <ka mu«.a to save life and modify suJTertn;. In «• broad mm* he said that it wa.» • success ful method of reuniting bluotl veaaelsi ami arteries an<l rtghtirg arterial dsSMssas. T^♦■ doctor caused »r»i do?a to M brought forth for Inapectioa. Cacs ww assaal as an example of a peculiar opera tion. The liver- liad b€«n" removed and ra uniied to some of th« do^«. L«S3 ha<f ft«BS cut off and rearafted to others. T - secret. Dr. I.ibblbsssi •xr»aJ»c,: con slated 'n Mi successful r*unitmaj of fevered arteries. H^r»tofore Dr. I.esptria**^ says, physt cians have been forced to resort to sewins tt> obtain the end desired. The stitchtns method was asiaajeveasful. because It t«9 often reaul:e«l in th« formation *f asaa** clots, the constriction of the rtaatsj or the »riUr««npnt and breaklna; o« them. Tor five rears Dr. Lettpmaus a»'.. tr» fin'l a suostltuts for tae needle and tftreaxt. AVhat as claimed to be the solution con sists of the use of ring 3 of masneslurn. The severed vessels -.. joined br tll«JS* rings or i-t»'jplers. Macne3ium la u?ed b» cau«e it readily dissolves tchen th« com plete union of tte severed ends ©f th-* »rterirs ha» taVrn place. GIRL CALLS HIM "SLAVER Youth Named by Fifteen -Year- Old Caught in Odd Way. \Vhen DtlMdi • rx»rmoty was paaainf by the corner of Mai iouga.l and Kfnaj street-* on Mon<ia' ntght h« »* a y«ur gtrt bendin? over a yo^ne ma- who wj« \y\ns tn the urutter. TTie Injured man saM h* had been set upon by thre# -^najers. wtio h**i robbed him cf VZ. Me was arrests*!, a-> 4 then th« gi' started to rnn aw^v. 9hm W soon .-aualit, and whllo D»rrnotr waa QTzea tionfn? h»r Mr« L/>ulsal Trlpsagssa. of No. IS Downlnff street, i-am* ':p aid aaltf tl»» girl was her danshrer Mir'-. f.ftesn raar* old. who had been misstrs; from home sine* Sunday. Ufary told th<9 detective that h*r com pardon was Lorenzo Bem*<!W!<r fxenfr two y^ars "i'l. of Sf. TOT Hi«*-k3 straat. Brooklyn. • She said she had <^»nf!d*«J sa him that fc*r mo'her kept S» nnd*r h*r pftlow. «n<J that Lorenzo ha<l persiiaded &R to steal M and run away with him. t« renzo. according 1 M th* |W sterr. *•* showing her "how to mak? som* mwsay" on the streets -when thr*e taen. wtunn Tilarr accosted aceordln? Tv nis tnstructlan*, •!» tacked him. Tn tfc« Jefferson Marlcst c«arf yesterfl^y Jlaristrate Kernocrjan placed Mar" ta fs>» oharg^ of the children's society *n<l ri»M Berna«Jello In 13.0W Tsail for trtaT. SURROGATE'S NOTICES. IV pt»>fA>'cs or AN OBDaTi* or nON. \baer < '• Thomas, a. Surro^af* ot tti« Const of' New Tor Not»c« l» her«Sy rlv«a t» al saiaona havinip claltna ajaisrt EU-a St Pike. 'ai« of the Counrr of New T^rlc. deceawtJ,. In r*e«ent t^# mki« «tth voucher* immrmm to ti>m «ii&9cnb«r. at her pUc- ef transactmr <-uain<»». fie sole* «f G'lthrie. Ban<s A Va^ i;r?Aer-n No. 44 "CTall Str«-f. m tn* City of N " #w Tork. on or be£or» th* 24th day ef Ji r r> t at»d New Tor». th» I3t*i <i«r of January. IS 10 ''--» GtrTHRIE. B\yGfl * XX& S7QCOBJUCX At torner* for Executrix. *« Wai! #tra#*. Xew Tork Ctry. , in rcMCAjici OF AN ORDER OF HON. * \bner C. Thomas, a Surr-igratfi of fh« Cour.:r ot' New York, notice • hereby s»v»n '* *'l oe:r»oi!» havtns claims •*atn«t Charles Mara<-. late of th<? County of New Torte. le»-«aa«<I. t » present the- aame with voucher* thereof t» the subscriber, at her plac* of tranmettns; business, at the .•>*■ of Pratt. KiWll * Tlunsf 11 No. 47 Cedar «•-•■ in th« Clry «f Stw Tork. on or before ta« 23rd «lay or Sep tember next. Dated New York, tha HtM day of March. i«a CAROLINE MATNC. Executrix. Pratt. Koehler & Rusasll. Artonsers for Ex •<-utrix. No. 47 Cedar sTtrajat. Boroaja of Manhattan. City of New Tork. Of PCBSVANCB OF AN ORDE7I <">f IION*. Abn«r C Tt.orr>*». * Surro^at* of th« Couat-r o* N%--. Tork, Notica is hereby *'■■ JBI '•-> ail persons having 'iaitns ajratnat JAMCS WTLi>. lit- of th*» County of Ncr» Yorlt. <t«c«as«(l. t<+ present th« <<aTce with vouchers thereof to tb sub'^cribeT. at his place of trangactJny ftnsisw* at the offlce of •urdy * TanJ. No fMt Broad war. tn the City of N«w York, en cr befara tti» 10th day of I>cetnb*r nert. Dated New York, the J»th dar <»f Jtar. t*H>. WILIJAM CRINKEHHOFF. Executor. M'CT"RI>Y & TARD. Attorneys tnr Execnrw. f>\ Broadway. nni'tnajti of Xanhacao. N«w Tor* Ctty. _ -»..-- IN Pi RSUA.vr'K OP AN ORDER OT HOY C. ThomM. a Surrogate ol th« Crmnz-r ' nf y*vr Tork. notic>* la hereby iftv-n tn a"! I persons havinff iim* aj.*lrnt n::^»n» NaMT. ! deceased, tate of th» County of N«w York. M ' present •" - »3T- with voucher* thereof to th» j aubscrlhern. at their p!ac<» of tranaactlns t>u»> : nea« at th" offlce of WhttrtcJiT*. But>r * R!«"». Xo. C 9 Wai! Street, in Th- C!tr of New T-t*. j on or before fh<» first day of December aiaai. Dated N»w York, the 25tS day of May. 1910. ADRIAN HELTQtV .ir . SAMUEt. •JVOOOVER TON. Execatnm. I WHITBiroE. BUTLETt * RICE. Att«ra*y» for Ex«?cuTora. 3» Wai! •tract, X 1 I IS PfMl-J " OF AN ORDEH OP HON. Abner C. Thomas, a -■iurro^a.t^ of ta» County of New Tork. notice '* hereby a-tren to •;■ r«r«or.j bavin? e'.miTZ.* *«a!nat AanNk H«aw»i! *tebbtns. lata of the Couasy of New Tark. «• c*»ased. ta present th* »am*. with voucher* thereof, to the sabucrtber. •• his pl».-» of transacting business. No. 12S Brnadwav. Man hattan Borough. In th» riry of -•w York, wi or befor* lh«» f.nt day of D»«m»#r n**t. Dated N-« Tor* th» 14th da» of May. 19t(X CHARLES EDWARD SOCTHEHI. Executor. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF TffO*- Abner C Thorns.*, a Surrosa> of th« Count--' !of New T.ttl notice Is hereby SJren to at! jy*r ■ons bavins; .-laims air.Unst \:»xi. 1 i«*r McTJonalct. la»o of tho «-.->unty of New York. l»c»«J«il. f-» I pr«aent the aam- with, voneher* thereof t<» th« s»jtseriber. at hk) place of transacting bnrtn**?. Ne. H» Broa-Iwaj. in in* «f N«w Tork. « I er b«fcr« th* ntaeti^enf h <la» of NovemSer nn* ' P«t«d N«w York. th# s*r«nt< <lav *f May. 131' V CDStt NO K. 9iTAt.L4>. AdS>inlaU^t«r. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. IIPRIMC '.CM RT STATE AND COCSTT tif New T.>rk.— JXary A. U*D<mi. putat'ff Kmm» ST. tJnajllaai »n>l Isaac . ir»l«if»--j. £>*- feMaata.— #aeaa*eaa Tri»i <wtr*i tr» ?*•■*■ Torlc County. — T^ th» ak«v» nam#4 <i«f*n3 ants: Tou are hereby ntimrn*n»<t «o an**<» fh« .'<»nipia:- tn this action, mn,* •■» «^r<* a or-v «f your answer «n t:-.- • amtif? «ttern#« within tw»nty <l«ya aft*r the a»rvlr» cf th»« •ummona. e»c!uatf<» «f th» day «f »«rv|<*»: «ni tn «am «f your fai!«ra to sspcar, «r •-<•-«•*-. ju4«m«nt wiil b* tak*n a«slnat • o-i »>r e>na>t to* th« r«li*f .i--^»n-'.- tn th« cotnptalnt. Dated. ilarc?» 29. l^ift ROBKRT J. 3IAHOX. PUlntifTs Attorn**. Oftr" »f»' Teutonic* Ad'lriw. 134 TZiU»»il Str»»t. ManliattaD Boroush. M«w Turk Cltr. !C Y. T<> Isaac «T«!db#r«: Th* f«»r»<nisar •urntnon* I, aarved upon you '•:' pub!t<'»tlon. puravan: to an ortler of Hon. Edwani H. \V"Ulta»r. Ju«ti<--» of thf Jmpremfl Court of Kt»rc of X*w Yr>r-«. New York •'ounty. datM th« 10th .*;■ of Ma 1910, an<s filed the same day in th» Of3t«» "f th« Clerk of N>w York County, at ?>•* T«rli County Court House, in Manhattan Doroush. N«w lorS City. nOCERT J. MAIION. Plaintiff** Attorn^T. X 34 M»«'i Street. Manhattan Bor<>ua New Ttrk City. SUPREME COURT. KINGS rOCXTT.— JT> i.r:i C. Caiiaaa 1 PiatntiiT. aap'.nat Hn%«rt U CatUaa r«f«mlaat.— Summtma.— To tho abov» aaaaed P»ftiiaatit: You ar» h<»n»h» nimmanl to answer t*io complaint in t.*sl» action, and «> aar** m copy of »>ur aaswrr jn ■>.■■ PljilßttJTs Attor ney wlthm twenty daya after th» aervtoe of iMat suamona. «jtclu*lv« •* thn day ot aenrfe.*. and Ui cut of your failur* to wdv. or tonnr. Juilsment win N> taken a«aiMt yoa by lalfcali. for tn* r»i:«f ilwminl la tt>« eeaaaaeaat. t)a.t«Kl Vprtl Wth. lUIO. CH^KUES Si ARONSTASI. PlaintifTa Attomrr. OCem and I'oar cm* AtWwois. .<»©. 215 Mo» imau* atr^t. Brookljn. N T To I'obert I- Cutting: TH« forecoSn^r airmmoiw la arnrad ov«n you by publication. p«T*i»nt i<» aja *»rcl«r ew Honorable Jasn»» A. rrancharit. - ii--.ti,-» of th» SupnsnM* Court of th«» -■«■■ f>; taTHk. <kat-d the a*»h day «f April. 1!tt». ati'i HIM with th# rtmipUlnt in t«e oCI-,-9 «»f th« rirrk l th« County *»> X* 1 " > ••»■. ■• ARO>?TAaL Offlc<» an<l T?*»r Offlc* .*<Mrefs. ils Montasu* j5t T »,^. ftrook!vn. N. T. TYPEWRITING AND TYPEWR»Te.9sI VICTOR VISIBLE, VJ Kama St.: e»UiV5«n« *»»•■ all TBa'sTa *»*««n part pavnt?i»»: b<r?*:s» la L'adarwcsdJ. Baanastvaa. OUvwe, SmitiA. 9