ELECTION NOTICE. . -"-^)TII ASSEMBLY DIFTRICT— II T iiUn E. fait, «t. Dm Rl«r. K. 7«tli st and ir ve Tettth Electien District la bounded by and ,rilhta & WtTs*.. Ist s*. B. 77U. at and 3d •The Eleventh Elcrtion District Is bounded by 5 «Uhlr B »■»> *t.T*Sd aye.. t. Wtn St.. M arKi w ' in ~ th rt . an .j l^xingtoa are. bvc. fc i." lftn Flection lisirict to bounded by • ' m -- - < -nth Rl<*tlcn District is bounded by J8%2T«5J 8 %2T«5 " East Kiver. E. 7Sth st. • od lE V^Vcnth Election District Is bounded by The £^_ r *B. Kd «.- East River. E. 79th st and «!t««n » *»« A% SV"Jenth FJectloa District Is bounded by Th« ..•.•ITS 80th St.. Avenue A. B. 791h st. «* d »*.*;^ oln E'ection District Is bounded by Tt* ~ * a <2i«Eonal line from the, corner of "^^ «' isalSd aye. to the comer -' U. Slst S^S av«~ Ut avc, E. 7*h *- and 2d j «»*• cvrntee-.th Election DistrlLt is .. —luea by T " ;,i,r iT %t.. 3d * v *-. U. »>ib at.. 2d *nd «*%fcit and Lexinjrton avc MV SZ. rslbtecnth Electloa .rid is bounded by g?££Tu* S ti avc. C 81« st. and LUUBIt Election District Is bounded by tflSl E- «Ut ■*- Avenue A, E. Bv,Uj sL **•?»- r--i- Tfc* Tr.inJ Election EH6trirt IP bounded by and »;isin V/. IDCta et.. Sth avc. VV. 127 th Bt and Orient avc The Tourth Election District is rH:ua^eth *v. Bth avc to the ccrr.cr -' TV. ianh st.. rn-nce a diagonal laic to the corner c: W. j;:t»th si., and 7th aye. The f:fth E.ecXicn District Is l>oun(3e;h ft.; thence a diagonal tine to the ccr of c: TV. 129 th si and t-th eve., and Nh aye. . The Hieventh Election District Is bounded by «=a v.;tr:in U". ISSd St.. 6th avc. TV. ICOth st. «ad £t_ Nicho".a« avc . The Twelfth E'ectJon District Is bounded by ■ «na within V. I3od St.. Itl avc. TV. 131 st st. *si BA aye TV Thin^enth Ejection District Is bounded by j end within TV. !SSd Bt.. L«rcx avc. TV. IS Ist st. «r.d 7th a\«. Th* Fourteenth Eleetlcc District is bounded V. «t« within W\ 132 d et. 6th tie., to the cor ner or W. l^Oth St.; thence a dfaponal line to ts* co-rer cf Lenox aye. and TV m t et. and lezez sve. Tie Fifteenth Election District is bounded by M 2& « thin TV. ~iT,3i mt.. ith aye.. TV. 13Cd Bt. tr.i Ler.-s aye. m Pixteenth Election D'«trict lc bounded by cad «:thjn TV. 134 th st.. Mh ■<■•><. TV. U3d st- i «s1 Lrnox IV« I Th? Seventeenth Election District Is bounded j tr as.i v. thin TV. l3^th St.. Dth avc. TV. 134 th i c tr.z Lean aye. Th<= CisSdleeiith trioction District Is bounded ; Tj- sr within a diaronai line from the corner of , «^.-th Bt and 7th aye. to the corner of TV. ! *3tth Bt and Lenox avc. Lenox a\-«.. 134 th st i «rd . : r ave The Nineteenth Flectton District Is hounded by t-a «it^m TV. lC4th Ft.. Lenox avc. TV. ISM et. I sat TO- n\e. Tfce TK«BtMa ni°<:tlcn District is bounded by ! X* within TV. 134 th st.. 7th aw., TV. lC3d at j Bt J ft. Niohola« five. The Tw\v ar.d within TV. 141 st st to the corner of 7th »■•'.; thence a liasortal line to the corner of Sth s' c:id TV. T4oth rt.. *.V. l«0ili ct. and Ed^e t?r>e aye. • The Twe^tr-ecvenlh Election District 1» boun-3 •i by anj r.ithin TV. 141 st st.. Edsccorabe a\-a.. \ «". 140 th s:.. ttjj aye.. v. . lSCth at. and St. ' ?>i~ho;as a\e, :i.e- Twcnty-eJrhth Flection District Is bounded ! by and within TV 14Ut St.. St. Nicholas eve.. i TV. li'th St.. Amstercara v . TV. l*Oth. Bt and H -nil ion rjlaoa. The Twentv-n'nth election District is bounded j br end within V»". isr.th tt.. fct. Nicholas aye.. ' W. i"Oth «.. kxagherOan aye.. TV. 133 dst and Ocrrvst avc The Trtirti«>th Election District is boundea by *r.t within TV. V3SK3X ft.. Convor.t aye.. TV. UM •'. Broadway. TV. 134 th st, ar.d Amsterdam a>- . Tlie Thii-tv-flrst Election District is bounded by »■:. i wlihln V.". IGT.th rt.. Amsterdam a.a '. ( . . TV. ':::tli I_. BroacVay. TV. ISSd tt. and Hudson "l^e Thirty-te^ond Electicn District is bounded ? • ar:d tvithin TV. |S(jtt et.. Amrterdam aye.. TV. ! V;Vh rt. arid Hoe'son River. Tie Thirty-third Election District Is bounded ! I • and within TV. f . Hamilton place rr«aflv.-s\, TV. lSfith *t. and lludsrn niver. T"ue Tnii-ty-fourth Klection District Is bOU"JO><3 1~. and within TV. 14Oth ss.. Anist«rcam avc. W. Zyth ft.. Proadway and-Hamilton ri^ce.- I"he Triny-f.fth Ele-tion District Is bounded j T-- st-.3 with.n tv. urn Et., Hamilton tee. TV. *r^-th r'~ ar.2 Hudson Tiiver. TWENTY-SECOND 4SSQZBX.T DISTRICT. The First Election District Is bounded Bf and K. bSJ ct- let *« K. KSi tt. and 2d ■ <*. Tht Second Election District 1? bcanded by red within E. feSd St.. Avenue A. E. S2d st. and Ist a\e Th>, Third Election District Is biuaded by and ■within 1^- SGd St.. Eatl EUver. E. 8»3 Bt and . A. The Fourth Election District is bounded by *r<3 v.lihin E. Mlh et.. Ea»t River. E. *££ et.. AMtte A. E. 84:h rt. anJ Earl Eud nvc. The riftli E!ettion District is bounded by and wltr.ia E. J4th Bt.. Avenue A. E. 631 st. to 2(3 ■ •c.. a o'iap.'jnal line from the corner or 2d avc ••Jij IZ. fr3J St.. to the corner of E. bith st. and Ist a-.c. T'n r - ilxth Election District Is bounded by and '••Ithlri E. *tith tt.. Ist avc, to E. Mth st.. a t ; :UE'jiia! line from the rtirrier of U. S4th Et. and "t aye. to the corrx-r of E. BM £ i and S3 avc. Ba4 2a avc The Beventli Election District is bounded by tr.J v.lthiu U. tZih et.. 2i avc. E. 63d Bt and Z.J aye. H» n:«bth Etectfaa District Is bounded hy er.c within K. s«;th et.. -d avc. E. fe&th St.. 3d •-•'-.. iz. Ft. and Ltxinjrton SVC The X!rt!i Election District is boun<3*4 by and v-.u.i:; }~. *0::, tt.. Avcau« A, IZ. t>Zth bt. and Sd iVC. Th<_- Tenth Election District is bounded by and v.thin E. *-«th Bt. to Avenue A. a diagonal lino rrom the corner of Avenue A ar.d E. ST»th t-t., <■■ IJn CORMT d( B. Mth Bt. ai:J Uast End avc. E. e»- l i 6t. ar.d l*t avc. The I*)«-venth Kioctlon IJistrict Ik bounced fey • nrj wliWn C fOth *t.. Ka« Knd avc. to E. ''ith rt.. a <*ia«roral line f!X>m t!if corner of E. f4tr st. ana East r.r.d avc. to the corner of Avenue A ftrni K. P*>th pt. anfl Avenue A. 7~/ie tVnlfla Kle-tlon nistrict is bounded by *»:d within V. »!7th rt.. Eart Hnd aye.. n. S?th n.. Ei^t Hivrr. E. Wth *t. and let avc TT-e TMvi»-enih Tlertion itrici i« botmded Tv «r>d within E- *7th ft.. Ist nve.. E. S«a.h st. •SB 2fl ftve. The Jrurlrer.th nation Cirtrlct is VK>uni!eJ V;- a-.d w-lthln E- t>'ty St., r<« aye.. B. MUi st. •• : - The V-'.f'crrAY, KHrtlon Difctrict is i«d«>d by »M v!;h)i *l f*tii *'.. 2<^ f>'-e.. E. on St.. sj aye... K. Wth ft. pud Lexirirton avc The S'-tof'th r-<<-cJion DiFtrict is bounded by Win r.itl In n ft.. ASVIH A. K. f7th bt. en- Sfl ■«•• T>'» f'*v»-r:teen*h Klection TH^rict Is bounded ' . t,r, i -x-t»>«T! K. B*tl st. Vii»t 1.! . axe, E. f7?> W. or.* »v»m^ ». The r.i-Mee»-th Flection DlFtrir-t I* hotmtfed *r *t,i E. fCI St.. East Rlvtr. B. «»-th ft. ar.-i »vr»-««trict *.* W.^rid-d \\- m-r* »i(Vin E. 92il si.. Avenue A. E. BRUi et. an*" i«t i.«-c- T»>e TV-eTit'eth Flr~tt«r. t>l»trlr^ hi t*»-r.d«J X g«!1 w'C-in r; K'tv> #t.. iFt eve., E. *■>■!>! t-u IT' ?A »'-*. Tv« --«.».*■<•-«•-* • *?lftrlct 1« T-"--«-.Vl«trl<>t I« J»oii»frVBLT district. Tha First Flection District It hoarded h? tf. t3*th wt. nn4 Tth are t- '"-«• corn*-- of W. :STnh Xt! KTifl l>-nox aye.. Lenox avc. TV. ISTth K. 8«fl 7th are. TT-e TriJrrt RVtlon District Is bounded l.v ni»J BrttMa V* l«Oth «• '/i)f.< ••*.. '•> the comer •>f W. IRflth rt_ t».er of TV. 13*1*1 »' ted 7r h -i- . and Tth aye T?.e l^ourt*. ITie^ion District ir bounded by • nfl witMn W. 14!»t tt.. Lenox *vc. TV. 140tb •t tr.d "»h aye. The Firth PiitT'U DlrtricT is bounded hv ar.d f-itVm TV. 14&J «t.. Lenox aye., W. I4!*t t>i. fen« 7th aye. The Sixth riertica District it bounded r>v end t.ithin TV. H4th *t— UeMMt «vt.. V%*. 143 d «l. •n«* "th «*«• Th* Seventh Election District Is bounded by ferd v.-Ith'n Harit-ni River. Lenox *ye.. W. 144 th *'-• nnfl Tth «••• 7W tT|»bth Kl»rt!on District Is bounded by 'M WtWn -v T>:.t!i St.. 7th aye., V.'. ir.2d St. cri« "s «ye. *" "!>•• ■^■JntS FWi'iun r<|ptrl-t la bounded by and •Itta, Ulrica: River. W. lKtb »t.. tU» »ve^ W. ON NOTICE. ELECTI 27.D ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— CONTD. 112J rt.. Diadhurst avc. TV. I^sth St.. St. Nich olas place and Speedway. . , , „ The Tenth Election District Is hounded i'> : and within TV. MM St.. 7lh aye.. TV. l«i )tn ■'• and Uradhurst aye. . . The Eleventh Election nistiict Is bounded by and within TV. HBUi «t., tth aye.. TV. Ms» si. and Bradhurst aye. The Twelfth Election District Is bounded by and within TV. 14^ih Bt.. 7th avc, W. HMh st. and Mil avc ;- v.' ; The Thirteenth Flection District 1* bounded by and within W. I46th sL. 7th aye.. T\'. 14Gth st. and Sth avc. The Fourteenth Election District is bounties by and within TV. l.'.r.th st . Bradhurst aye.. TV. I4ia.h «.. feth aye.. TV. 14;. th st. and Oifrecombo am. The Fifteenth Election District Is bounded by and within TV. 140 th St.. 7th aye.. TV. 144 th st. and Stn aye. The Sixteenth Election District Is bounded by and within TV. 144 th St.. 7th aye.. TV. MM st. and 6th ay». The Seventeenth Election District is bounded by and within W. 143 d St., "th aye.. W. H-u ft. and I? ad hurst aye. The ElKhtwnth Election District Is bounded by and within TV. 142 d st. Tth ove., TV. l* l9t st, and Edgecombe aye. The Nineteenth Election District Is bounded by and within TV. 14,' th ut.. Bth aye.. TV. 14od st. and Ldsecombe avc The Twentieth Election District Is bounded by and within W. li.'.th st.. Ec"gecombe aye.. TV. 141 st st. and St. Nicholas aye. The Twenty-first Ejection District is bounded by and within W. !45th Bt.. St. Nicholas aye., TV. 141 st st. and Amsterdam aye. The Tw«;rl.v-6ccon River. Thp ThhTr-flftb FClecUoa District is bounded ba r.d •within W. ISBd St.. Anistercam aye.. V.*. i:ir ex. anl Broadway. The Thirty-eixth Election District is bounded by p.nd within \V. 15? th Bt.. Amsterdam aye.. W. IBM et.. Broadway. W. lMst st. and Hudson Tm'TsJilJ tilllHl Election District is bounded by and within W. \VPh ft.. Arrsterdam aye , W. ISffth st -•»fo".-^ - W. *?*** Ft an' Eroadwav. The Thirty-elpbth Election District Is bounded by and wit m U". 158 th tt.. Amsterdam aye. '»\ . troth si . Broadway. W. IBBtb ft. and Hudson RiVi:* 1 The' Thirty-ninth FT'ect'on Dirtrict la bounded h* and wi'hfn W. 15Pth St.. Amsterdam aye,. W. lfa<3 j-t ?j)*>edway. W. WSth ft. and Broad-way. The Fortieth Election District is bounded v >v ara within W. itt>th st.. Amsterdam aye.. TV. '."Jilt st and Broadway. Tr Forty-first gleet District Is bounded by ar.d w ;>-!n'AV 161 st i=t.. Broadway. W. 162 d Bt.. *rr.£terth st. to Lex ltißion v« . and a dia?o>ial line, from the comer of E !-yUi st. ar.d Lexirgton aye. to the corner of 3d ay«. and E. BOth St. The Fourth Election District Is bounded bT and w!-hin E. ffil st.. 3d aye.. E. P2d st.. Ist aye.. C. Oltt St.. I'd ay«.. E. trOth st. to 3d aye.. a diagonal lire from '■• corner of E. 90th Ft. and "d evr-. to Cbß corner of B. fßth ft. and Lexington aye., Lexington avc. B. Cist st. and 3d avc-. The Fifth Election District it- bounded by and within B. 93d St.. Ist ;..-. <■ .. E. Ulth St.. East River. E. P2d st. and 20 a\-. The Sixth Election District la bounded by and within E. 94th St.. Ist aye.. li 83d et. and 3d aye. The Seventh Election District Is bounded by ard vithin E. 95th st.. :M" aye.. B. OGth tt.. East River. E. 94th st and 3d avo. Th- Elg-htl Election District is bounded by and within ■; ?7th St.. Cd aye.. K. 05th st. and Id aye. Tfc<-; Ninth Election District Is bounded by and within E. JOth st . East River. K. tNitli ex.. I'd aye.. E. v' h st end 3d aye. The Tenth Election District Is bounded by arid within E. Wist st. East River. K. tOlh st. and Dd aye. !■• Th*> Elovor.'h Election District is hounded by and within E. 101 st St.. Id avc. 15. 09th Et. and Lexington aye. The Twelfth Klection District la hounded by am.'i ■nihin E. :• _■ i it.. 3d a . ■ .. E. lolst st. and L*xinsrton a\e. The Thirteenth Election District is bcunded by and within E. 104 th st. L<=sinston avc. EL MOtfa Bt and Park aye. The Four eenth Election District Is bounded by aiid Kttbta EL 100 th si., "d a\>., E. lO4th at, Park a^• . E. Iflßfh st. bji l>xinKton ay«. The Fifteenth Election District is bounded try mvA wtthla E. 104 th *:.. Sd avc. E. 102 d Bt and Lexinrrton aye. Tl;e Sixteenth Election District Is bounded by s".l within E. ■"!:..-; !■•■•. E. MOd st. and ""—I . Veventecnth Election Distrlpt Is bounded by ar>WMiMni«T DISTRICT. Ti • First Election District Is loundV-d by and within Charles St. W. 4th St.. Christopher st. an-1 BMCctor St. The second Election District Is boundf-d by and within TV. nth at. TV. 4;:, Et.. Charles ■*. arid U!e»'Cker St. The Third Elation District la bounded by and within TV. 4th St.. TV. 11th St.. Bleecktr at and Mb a ye . The Fourth BhsCtloti District is bounded by and within Jane rt-. Greenwich aye.. Bank fct.. TYav erl«y place W. lit*- st an- 1 TV. '»<*. B. 14th St., 4th aye.. B {*th st . Bi-oadnay. ri. 6th Bt. W. ith *t- and l «th »>►. The Twelfth Election District i* bounded hy auenth Election District Is bounded by nnd within V. r . 2."d St.. HtBJ »•• TV. !'") ■t. nnd 7ti. a\e. T 1 ♦-.-,.. •■... .. n ,i . „. ;,, „ District Is bounded by aw" within TV. 234 •«_. Oth •> v «'.. W. Xitll at. and OUi a.*. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, MONDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1010. ELECTION NOTICE. =-TH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— COI.'TD. The Eighteenth F.i ->■'■>"" District Is bounded by and within E. -'Ist st. to Lexington avc. <*•»<* a |!n" from l' £?£ »ye, Md E - 21,, ■I through Gramercy Park to Irving place ?nth aye The Nineteenth Election District is bounded by and within E. tOth ft.. ..d avc. E. 10th si. and Irvine 1,1 -ic-* "he Twentieth" Election District is bounded bjr and within B 2"d s! - 3d aVe> X - 1SI » Ft Irving pia.-,. to K. - <)tn Bt. ence a line from ' r v!nß: place and E. -Hh ft through Oramfrcy Park to Lexington aye. and B. list t. and Lexington uve Th. Twcntv-flrst Election District is bounded by and within TV -•"d St.. th aye. The Twenty-ninth Election District is bounded by and within W. 4th st., Lafayette St.. Great Jones et. and Broadway. TWENTY-SIXTH 46SElfBLT DISTRICT. The First Election District Is bounded by acd within E. i»4th St.. 3d a>c. E. 91st ft. ar.J Lex- inpton aye. The Second Election District Is bounded by and within E. «7th St.. 3d avc. E. 04th st and Lexington aye. The Third Election District Is bounded by and within E. Pith st., Madison aye.. E. 07th st., Lexington avc. E. With st and sth aye. The Fourth Election Pt.stri. t is bounded by ' and within E. lOOth St.. Lexington avc, E. 99th St.. 3.1 aye. E. 97th st. and Park aye The Fifth' Election District Is hounded by and within E. 100 th ft.. Park avt.. E. 97th st. and M.i Jison aye. The Sixth Election District Is bounded by and within E. 1024 St.. Madison aye,, E. 101 st St.. Park avc. E. 100 th St.. Madison aye.. E. OSth 6t. and f.th a.-c. The Seventh Election District Is bounded by and within E. 103 d ft.. Madison avc, E. 104 th et.. Park aye. B. 101 st Bt, Madison aye.. E. lo2d st and sih avc Tne Eighth Election District is bounded by and within E. li'sth St.. Park aye.. E. 104 th St.. Madison aye... E. 103 d st. and sth avc Tne Ninth Erection District is bounded by and within E. 106 th St.. Madison avo.. E. 105tb st. and sth aye. The Tenth Election District Is bounded by and within iv lOoUj si.. Paik aye.. r.. 10Hh St.. Lexington avc. E. 105 th st. and Madison aye. The Eleventh Election District is bounded by and within E. 107 th St.. Park axe. E. 106 th st. and sth aye. The Twelfth Election District is bounded by and within E. tOlkh st., Madison aye.. E. lOSth St., Park iv i. E. 107 th st and Sth aye. The Thirteenth Election District is bounded by and within E. llit.i st.. Park aye.. E. loisth St.. Madison aye.. E. 109 th st. and sth avc The Fourteenth Election District Is bounded by and within E. 112 th St.. Madison aye. E. llHh st.. Park avc. C 110 th st and oth a.c. The Fifteenth Election District is bounded by and within E. 113 th St.. Park aye.. E. .lllth St., Madison aye.. E. 112 th st. and Sth avc The Sixteenth Election District is bounded by and within E. 115 th St., Park avc. E. U3th st. and Madison aye. The Seventeenth Election District Is bounded by and within E. 115 th at., Madison avc. E. 113 th st. and sth a%e. ' The Eighteenth Election District Is bounded by and within E. 116 th st. Park avc. E. 113 th st. and Sth aye. The Nineteenth Election District is bounded by and within E. ll&th St.. Park avc. E. 110 th st, and Madison aye. L"l'\. The Twentieth Election District la bounded by and within E. USth Bt.. Madison aye., E. llOui ct. and sth aye. The Twenty-first Election District Is bounded by and within E 119 th St.. Park aye.. E. llfeth st. and sth a\>. . . m The Twenty-second Election District is bounded by and within E. 120 th St., Park aye., E. ll'Jth st. and Sth aye. TWENTY-SEVENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. | The First Election District is bounded by and within W. 40th St.. 7th avc. TV. :;S:h et. and Sth aye. ... The Second Election District IB bounded by and within TV. 43d St.. 7ih aye.. TV. 40th Et. and M!i aye. The Third Election District Is bounded by and within TV. 46th St., 7ih avc, TV. 43d Bt. and Sth aye. ... The Fourth Election District Is bounded by and wit! hi TV. i'.tth. St., 7th aye.. TV. 4'id within TV. 36th Ft.. E. r.6t!i st, Madi- on aye.. E. 33d St., sth aye.. TV. 20ili at am? Cth avc. '■. ' The Sixteenth Election District Is bounded by and within E. SU at Madison aye., E. 84th St.. Lexlnrton avc, C 31st St., 4th avc. E. I 30th st and Btb eve. The Seventeenth Election District Is bounded by and within E. T.ftth Bt., 3d a-.e.. E. 34th et. and Lexington aye. The E'shtefnth Flection District Is bounded by anil within E. 40th rt.. 3d aye.. E. 39th st. ahrl L*x'n»-'ort "ye The Nineteenth Election District Is bounded by and within VV. 38th eu. E. 881 h st . M «.t son avc, E. 40th st, Lexington ay... E V.c h st . Madison aye., L" S6tn et-, TV. 36tii st. and 6th aye. The Twentieth Election District i? bounded by and within E. 40th St.. Madison aye., E. 3*th et.. TV. ' Bth st Cth aye. and TV. 40th it. Th« Twenty-first E'ectlon District is bounded by an* wiUilii W. 161 Et.. 6th aye., W. 40th st. and 6th aye. The Twenty-second Election District is bound ed by and within E. 4©th St.. Park aye., E. 4Cth st-. Lfcxinßton aye., E. 40th Ft. and sth aye. Thi Twenty-third Election District Is bounded by and within TV. BOth St.. Bth avc, TV. 4r,th st. to tl ■ corner of 7th aye.; thence a diagonal line to the corner of TV. «7th st. and Cth aye., and Cth a\ c. The Twenty fourth Election District Is bound ed b- an' withhi TV '" ■' Bt. Bth a" , E. S4th et., I'ark avc. E. 49th St., Tith avc. TV. Mtta st. an>? •■■ , E. 111 th St.. Harlem River. E 11O»h st. and 2.1 aye. The Tenth E'ectlon r>l?tr!ct la bourn by and within E. 115 th si . Pleasant »ye., E. ll^th St.. Harlf-m River. Randall's ■<>■) W.-iim Is"and 3, U. , tilth St.. Ist avr-.. E. 114 th »i ar.d 2d aye. The Eleventh Election Difltrlot la bounded by bti.l within K. 114 th St.. Levlncton aye.. EL 113 th 6t to M aye a dlaconal line from the corner of B. 1 131 It ft and Sd aye. to the corner Of i; IlSta Bt. and I^xington ay«.. E. ' '-'-'i st. and Park nve. The Twelfth KV'-tlon District is bounded by and within I. l«th si . M aye.. E. li:Uh it . Lextnrton aye.. i: 114 th Ft and Park av< Th* Thirteenth Flection District It b»ui>:led by nnd within E. 115 th Bt. 2d Bye., B Hit) it. and "'"Th*" Fourteenth riectlon District Is bounded by end wlt y in m diagonal line from the con f-r of ft 117". m and Lexington aye. to the corner of E. llHth i".. and 3d ay... M aye.. E. H7th it.; M aye , i. llßta St., Id »■■■.'. ll«th st. an.l LexinKtoi: aye. . . The Fifteenth E'ection Dlatiw is bounded by and within i". mth •• ■ L.«xlneton aye.. i. llt'tli rt . :'.-i aye., E. 115«h t* and Park »v . The SlTteenth Election DUtrlrt l» b.v.nri>a by en-1 within i: Ufith »t.. ".I aye to B. I 181 et.. a dia»-..!ini lie from the corner r.f 3d aye. mj E UNtli at to th» f-o-ner or Lexlntton »ye. arid E. 117 th tt.. I. 117 th si and Pat It a\e. TT/EXTY-NINTH A6SEMBLT DISTRICT. The First Election District IB bounded by and within TV. «7tli St.. Ctntral Park TVcut, TV. Cm «. and Columbus avc The Bacond Election Plßtrict Is bounded by and within W. OSth et.. Central Park West. VV. COlh et. and ColuinhUH aye. T - c Thin' KUrtion rj^irlci Is bounded by and within TV. GOth St.. Central Park Weit, TV. tilth «t. acd Columbia avt-, Th (! Fourth Elction District Is bounded by and win, H, TV 59th St.. Stli avc, TV. 68th el. and Cth aye. Thi Fifth Flection Dlr trirt Is bound vd by and within TV. r,«-tli st . fit*« avc. TV. B9th »t.. 7th aye.. \» ..7th « ■■<■• Of- aye. I Th« eixtb Electloa Dlttrict is boan'Jfcd by ELECTION NOTICE. ->»TH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— and within TV. Sana ■*•• « th aye ' TV. 57th st. an Th; lh Se a V V fc nth Election EgJ**J" bounded by and witftln VV. 50th St.. . W. JVTtb st. and st Hadlson avc. E. t«th St.. VV. O.tb Bt. and Oth aV 'ihe Flehth Election District is bounded by and within K. Cist St. Lexington avc. B. Bath *&iSSB&2Sm wssL'iJtr'fJa. «? d SSftJt d^on'a^ C *' lh 8t - Th^TemhEl^.on Distnct 'pounded by and within E. 59th St., ad avc. E. s^th sL and Lex '"^h" ,"»t,th Flection District is bounded by and^itnin^^n !°3d —•• E. H. «• and Le Tne 6t , O we a ftb Election District Is bounded by andwit^n E Jth Lt ? tl " gt (l OI i,n V . e -'e^- 61 ' 1 Rl Midmnn IVL- E ti^O St. a.iQ Oth EVC and within E. oath Bt. 3d District 'founded by and within E. OUth St.. &i avc. E. 04th st. and Election District la bounded by and within E. Sth St.. Lexington aye.. E. 65th 6t The d Flf?ee a Election District is bounded by and with Transverse road, from Central Park west and VV. ".Shh st. tooth aye., 6th avc. E. St.. Lexington aye., B. «»u, st.. Oth aye.. TV liUih >-t and < pniml Park west. ■ihe Sixuenth X, ction District Is hounded by and within E. 72d St.. 3d avc. E. .Oth st. and Sl °e n venteeiith Election District is bounded by and within E. 74th st.. Sd avc. E. 7i>d st. an The 6 t^mteenth Election District Is bounded by and within E. »■ at... Lexington aye.. E. The Nineteenth Election District Is bounded by and within E. 7Sth St., Lexington avc. E. 75th The Twentieth Election District Is bounded by and within Transverse road, trom Central Park West and VV. S6tn el to sth avc. uth avc, E. M)th St.. MadlsLU aye.. E. Slst St., Lexington aye.," E. 7Sth St.. sth aye. to E. "Oth St.. Trans verse road to Central Park West and Central Park West. . :--*: --*- . . The Twenty-first Election District Is bounded by anl within E. S3d St.. Lexington avc. E. Slst 6t.. Madison avc. E. 80th st. and sth aye. The Twenty-second Election District is bounded by and within E. 86tn St., Park avc-.. E. 8M st. and sth aye. The Tirentv-thlrd Election District Is bounded by and within E. S6tc st. Lexington aye. E. hiiri st. and Park aye. The Twenty-fourth Election District Is bounded by and within E. 87th st.. Lexington avc. E. 86th st. and Madison aye. The Twenty-fifth Election District is bounded by and within E. 88t* St.. Park avc. E. 37th St., Madison avc, E. Si th st. and ."th aye. The Twenty-sixth Election District Is bounded by and within B. POth St.. Lexington aye., E. S7th st. and Park aye. The Twenty-seventh Election District is bounded b and within E. 90th St.. Park aye.. E. 88ih st. and Bth aye. The Tv.enty-eip'-th Election District is bounded by and within E. 01st et. Lexington aye.. E. £3th st. and Park aye. The Twenty-ninth Election District is bounded by and within E. »3d St.. Park aye.. E. 00th st. and sth avc The Thirtieth Election District Is bounded by and within E. 96th st., Lexington avc, E. 01st st. and Park aye. The Thirty-first Election District Is bounded hv and within F. Kith St.. Park avc. E. 03d St.. fith avc, E. 04th st. and Madison aye. The Thirty-sec nd Election District Is bounded by and within Transverse road, across Centra! Park at VV. 97th St.. sth avc. E. 9*"th St.. Park sve.. E. $>sth rt.. >'a«ll<=on avc. .E. 04th st.. sth avc. Transverse road, across Central Park at SC-th st. and Central Park West, THIRTIETH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT (SOUTH). The First Election District Is bounded by and within E. 119 th St.. 2 ard within E. 123 d St.. M avc. E. 121 st st. and -. The Fifteenth Election District is bounded by an« within E. 121 st Bt. 2d avc. E. 119 th st. and 'The Sixteenth Election District Is bounded hv a] ,,. within E 122 d St.. Lexington avc. E. 119 th St The d Seventeenth Election District is bounded by snd within a Oiiconat line from the corner of Marilyn aye and V. 124 th St. to the corner of Park a"c ana E. 123 d st.. Perk avc. H. 120 th st and Madison aye. ... The Eighteenth Election District is bounded hy and within E. 12T>th st. Lexington aye.. E. 122 d Et and Park a- > . The Nineteenth Election District is bounded by and within E. 129 th St.. Lexington aye., hi 12. th S Th" Twentieth Election District is bounded by Thf Twentieth Election Diftrict la bounced by and within E. 127 th fit.. Park avc to the cor ner of E. 11'.">.l st.: thence a diagonal line from El 123 d st. to P.. 124 th st. and Malison aye. Th« Twenty-tirst Election District is bounded by and within E. 129 th Ft.. Park avc. E. 12ith st. and Modlsot. aye. 5 The Twenty-second Election District is bounded by and within E. 131 st St.. Lexington aye.. E. 129tl et. and r>th aye. , . , . The Twentv-thirr" Election District Is bounded by and within B. 133 d St.. Madison avc. E. 13^.1 st Lexlnsrton avc. E. Wist st. and sth aye. The Twenty-fourth Election District la bounded by and within E. 141--' St.. Harlem River. Lex ington ay... E. 132J st., Madison aye., Et 133 d 5 The Twenty-fifth Election District r ls bounded by and within W. 130 th St.. sth aye.. TV. 135 th St n3 TwVn ty--i % Election District Is bounded by and witVn W l?rth St.. sth aye.. TV. 131 th st and Lenox aye. The Twentv-wventh Election District is bound ed hy and wlUtln W. 138 th st.. sth avc. V%'. 137 th 6 Tn" Twenty-eUfhth Election District is bounded by and within a diagonal line from th« corner of. T> nox O ve and TV. 130!h st. to the corner of TV. 140 th st. and ;.th avc. sth aye.. TV. 13Sth st and The Twenty-ninth Election District is bounded hv and within TV. H'-tb St.. Harlem River. W. 14lFt -i 6th aye. to the corner of TV. 140 th St., a diagonal line from the corner of W. 140 th st and f»th aye. to the corner of W. 139 th Ft. and Lenox aye.. and Lenox me. THIRTY-FIRST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The First Election District Is bounded by and within TV. 112 th St.. Lenox aw., W. 110 th W The Second Election District" is bounded by ana within TV. Il2th St.. Btli avc. TV. 110 th 8 The Third Election District Is bounded by an.l within a diagonal line from the corner of Lenox aye. and VV. ll2th at. to the corner of TV. ,i:tll, i:tll £t. and sth avc. sth aye. and TV. Th".- Fourth Election District Is bounded by and within TV. 114 th at, sth aye. a diagonal Hat from th« corner of stli nve. an.l TV. llath st. to the corner of W. 112 th st. and Lenox a\e.. and Lenox aye. ... The FUth Election District Is bounded by and within W. 114 th St.. Lenox avc. W. 112 th st. ".ml St Nicholas aye. The Sixth Election District Is bounded by and within St. Nicholas avc. TV. 112 th st. and ': Tho Seventh Election District Is bounded by and within TV. ll">th St.. Lenox avc, TV. 114 th si ard St. Nicholas aye. The Eighth Election District Is bounded by and within TV. 115 th at. r.»'.i avc, TV. 114 th bt "The Nlmh E'ection District !b bounded by and within a diagonal line from the corner of Lonox, avc and TV. IlCin st to the corner of f,th arc. and W. UTth St.. Cth a-.. . TV. 115 th Bt "Th" d Tenth* Election District 1.-; bounded by and within a diagonal line from the corner of W 117 th st. and 7th aye to the corner of Lenox aye. and TV. Hit* st. Lenox uve.. TV. 11 The Eleventh Election District is bounded by and within TV. HS:h st Lenox avo. to W. lirtth Bt . a dlaironal line' from the corner of VV IT>tl) st and (x-tiox aye. to the corner of \\ 117 th M f»nd Tth aye. and 7th avc. The Twelfth Election District Is bounded by an.' within a diagonal line from th.> corner of i.novavt an.l IN HMh Bt to the corner S? s'th°a\. and VV. 117 th st. a diagonal line ( 1 ,| 1( j corner of sth live, an.l W Ilith st. \o M,« wrner "of Lenox uvt. an.l Vv". llCth st. ar Tl 11 pp < Thi'rteonth Election District Is bounded by and within a diagonal line from the corner of \v. 118tl. St. and Lenox aye. to the corner of v/ ll'.'th ut. and .".th aye, sth a -. to TT . 117 th' *t.. thence a diagoaal line to ihe corner or TV ilSth st. end Lenox i VMMr:c, Abound,., Tlie Koui-t.enth El -ction District is bounded r.v and nit .in W. ll'Jth ft. to the earner of Lin aye.. thence a diagonal tine to the corner of W. list* Bt and Lenox aye.. W. lIHB st ""rhi'Fl'ttVenth Election District Is bounded by and within TV. 110 th st. 7th aye.. TV. ll. th St.. St Nicholas aye.. TV. 118 th st. and SHh avc b Tl:e sixti-enth Election Dls.rlct is bounded by and ithin TV. 120 th at.. Bta a-..-. W. USth st. "'^""sevenfe'enth'- Election District I. bounded by and within TV. 120 th St.. rth avc. TV. 119 th "Th.'-Vu-':. '■•. Election District is bounded b£ and within W. mat at. 7th avc. TV. 120 th STneWtteenthVl^Uoi District '-bounded st, ti,A Srtfhlß Vf l-M tt.. fith avc. TV. I21«t tt.. M^nha'ttan aye.. TV. 120 th st. an; Mornlng.Me ■ pSentleth Election District Is ' funded by and within VV. 122J st:. Ttß axe.. TT . I.lst St. a % l ht tl V«rntv-flrst Rlectlon District la bounds by .n.l^u"'« W. 132 d at. Lenor aye.. W. lluth "'T^e'VwVnU^erond Emotion ptstrki I. bounded l i iiin \\ i- .1 st. Mount Morris Bye., W ",'•'.',, ft tr Pth ay.. a line throve!, Mount MorrW P."k to the rorr,.r of TV i-oth st. and Morri* i rth aye TV IH'th s'. and Txnox aye B Twent "-third wetlon Plrtrlct i K., n V« l tVn TV. tasd st. Lenos aw. w. ma "fourth Flection Dlstrl«-t hi hounded i „, , .i, w v'4'i, -t . Vmum «vc w. V?n,h ... ".h .... i" -■•>■> m . Mount Morris aV Tb.^Twerty-«th n i:iJctlon X District v bounded ELECTION NOTICE. 31ST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT — CONTD. ***** *it>Ui W. 134 th St.. 7th avc. W. 123 d st. ana «th aye. The Twenty-sixth .Election District Is bounded by and within TV. 127 th st. 7th avc. W. 124 th 8t - and tn ave ice Twenty -seventh Election District is bounded t>% and within TV. 127 th St.. Lenox aye.. TV. Th 5: and * > av '- . Tno Twenty-eighth Election District is bounded by and within TV. 127 th St.. sth avc. W. 125 th st- and Lenox aye. The Twenty-ninth Election District Is bounded i".«? nd wl< hln E. 129 th St., Madison aye.. E. .C i?K to the corner of sth aye., a line „17 Mount Morris Park to the corner of B, I_4th st. and sth are., and sth aye. nonOL'GH OF THE BRONX. THIRTIETH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. - Si in. i. location. Occupied as Si' }"? «"i»in aye Barber shop in SL £ itrn *** aye Candy store a? a-\ 5" 1X;<1 l Restaurant qt ii« %th et Candy store *%■ 1-- I '".* aye Tailor store m *;" ISCth Rt Tailor store V- vii, 5" Ann " ay « Tailor store "«' I-)*- £ 1 ' , Anns av ° Barber shop s» ».to E. 134 th st Bakery THIRTY-SECOND "ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. E . D -.,-. n 'Station. Occupied as l. 4J» 3d aye Auction Rooms T 2P*d aye.. Harness store 7 tr* V 1 " 1 * aye - Plumber shoP :• r^?s A !«xanJer aye Tailor store : .■ tl* Ili * aye Shoe store b. 1 .> Wlllli aye.... Barber shop T. 496 L. 13oth St..' Bar shop 0 XiV ,? l ok aye; Upholstery »• »1 \Vil!i aye Barber shot) ;?• 5U 4 Willis * v «- Barber shop 11. 404 E. 143 dst Barber shoo U. 400 E. 144 th st Upholstery 13. 411 E. 145 th st Awnings 14. 4o« Willis aye Tailor store 10. 470 Willis aye Barber shop lb. 540 E. 148 th st Candy store 11. 311 St Anns aye Ta.lor store 15. 540 E. ISSth st Barber shop IV. 605 E. Ulst st Bakery 20. 570 E. 13»th st Candy store 21. 62S B. lasth Bt Stationery store 22. «13 B. 13Sth st Barbershop _:;. 457 Robblns aye Bakery 24. 747 Southern boulevard Vacant store 2... Ss>o E. ISCUi st garter shop 23. 811 Dawson st Ciitar store 27. &»7 Lonrwootl avt- Tailor store ; 25. 10(17 Southern boulevard Cieir store 29. 1020 E. U3d st Tailor store ! SO. 1143 Lcr.g wood aye Grocery store' 31. 177 th st. and Rosedale aye. ...Engine house 32. 2150 Westchester aye Harness store . S3. 2204 Westchester aye Barber shop 34. 1118 Fort Schuyler road Feed store: SB. 1521 Pel ham ayr Grocery store i 36. 1418 WH!la.'!isbr!dr» road Barber shop . 37. 1603 Parker aye Vacant store 35. 1418 T_*nlont>ort road .. Vacant store 39. 1700 Walker aye Vacant store 40. ISO Van Nest aye Stationery store I 41. 173S Unionport road Cigar store 42. Cruder avc. GO feet north of Morris ' Park aye Tailor store . 4.". 845 Morris Park aye Grocery store j 44. Southeast corner of White Plains aye. and Bartholdi st Hall 1 45. 3543 White Plains aye Vacant store 46. ; 4i' White Plains aye Barber shop 47. 3514 Barnes aye Vacant store 45. " SIS4O White Plains aye Office 49. 652 E. TBU st Candy store' 50. 4508 White Plains eve Vacant store 51. Orchard st. and City Island aye.Candy store THIRTY-THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. E.D. Location. Occupied as 1. 477 College aye Barter shop 1 2. 500 Courtlandt aye Barber shop 3. 3ri'j E. 148'h st Tailor store 4. B2>s E. With ft Tailor store ' 0. 517 E. 14J»th st Barb-r shop 8. ♦•,".! Robblns aye v Junk store 7. 650 Robbing aye Shoe store 5. 644 E. 155 th 6t Laundry '.'. 7V> Union aye Tailor store ' 10. 7-". Tinton aye Laundry I 11. COD E. 15»ith st Tailor store ! 12. 741 Fores; aye Plumter shop , 13. 613 Westchester aye Barl«r shop 14. IT.'SO od aye Barber shop | 15. 703 Elton aye Vacant store , 16. 718 Courtian«it aye Shoe store 17. 675 Courtlandt aye. Clothing store : 18. 715 Courtlandt avo Tailor store j 19. 76.1 Courtlandt aye Real estate office 20. 897 Teller aye Barber shoo 21. 627 Ifelreaa aye Vacant store' 22. 824 El ten aye Vacant; 23. 776 Melrose aye Tailor »tore : 24. 750 Jleircse avc Barber shop 25. C 054 M aye Candy store j 26. 3216 M aye Rarcer shoo 27. 360 E. H»2d st Barber shop 25. 413 E. 104 th ft Vacant store 29. 810 E. 162tl st Barber shop 30. 1025 Boston road Tailor store THIRTY-FOURTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. E.D. Location. Occupied as 1. 700 E. l«1st st Tailor .store •2. 983 E. 181*1 st ...Barber shop 3. M I E. l«3d st Candy store 4. 026 Forest aye Tailor store 5. 7»7 E. 161« st Barbershop 6. 1021 Stebblas aye Vacant store 7. £!>4 Prospect aye Upholstery K. 1051 Hall place Barbershop ■'. 757 E. 165 th st Barber *hop 10. 1162 Boston road Tailor store 11. 1147 Tinton ay* Barber shop 12. 1332 Prospect aye Laundry 13. 7!»6 Home st Tailor store. 14. 1209 Southern boulevard Stationery 1".. 1013 Fox st Bakery 16. »SO Freeman st Tailor store 17. 1322 Southern boulevard Tailor Store 15. 12!><> Intervale aye Vacant store 19. 1412 Boston road Tailor store 20. 1376 Prospect aye Cleaners 21. 1425 Prospect aye Cigar store 22. 635 E. l«if»th st Trunk store 23. West sid» Franklin aye., 150 feet north of 170 th st Booth 24. 1307 Fulton aye Plumber shop '_'.*>. 541 TVendover aye Tailor store 26. 1437 Boston road Barber shop 27. 941 E. 172-1 st Barbershop 25. 1534 Bryant aye Dwelling! 2». 1004 E. 17Sth st Vacant store 30. 702 Tremont aye..... Barber 31. IS6I Bathsrato aye Barber shoo 32- 511 E. 174 th et Hall ?,?,. 447 Tremont aye Cisrar store 34. 443 E. isotli st V->r->nt store SI. 2110 La Fontaine aye Vacant store SO. "42 Arthur aye Tailor store 37. 731 Tremont aye Barber shdp 38. 734 E. ISOth st Candy etore "i. 2111 Southern boulevard Candy store 40.' 703 K. ISM st Barber 41. 613 E. 183 dst Barber shop THIRTY -FIFTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. E.D. Location. Occupied as 1. C 6 K. 161 st at Florist 2. IOCS OgfJen aye Vacant store 3. 158 Union place Vacant store 4. 255 E. r it}, st Candy store ... !••">:> Morris Are Candy store 6. 1080 Washington aye Upholstery 7. SS4l> 3d aye Bicycle store 1 M 8 E. 170 th st Shoe store 0. 1311 Washington aye Barber shop s 10. IIS E. 160 th Bt Barbershop 11. SSI E. 169 th It Tailor stora 12. 1485 Brook aye Barber shop 15. 1523 Crook aye Barber shop 11. 505 E. 171 st st Storage IS. 510 E. 173 dst Machine shop 16. 41!> E. 17od st Bakery 17. ISSI Morris nve Hall IX. 1777 Weeks aye Stationery store 10. 1272 Shakespeare aye...-. ... .Barber shop 20. 5 TV. Burnslde aye Undertakers 21. 2427 Jerome aye Real estate office 22. 108 E. IS3d st Grocery store 23. 4221 Park avo Undertaker 24. Ryer avc. and ISOth st Butcher shop ■ •_'.".. 471 E. 184 th st Barber *!•).. p i 2«, 2".'3 Webster aye Barber shop] 27. 47X0 Ml aye Barber shop ' :.s. .'5063 Webster aye Vacant store 20. 8126 Jerome aye Club House 30. 235 E. 2. :'9 F. lOSth st r.rocery store 33. 26.12 Jerome aye ButcHer shop 34. South side TV. 230 th st. and Putnam Railroad Candy store 35. 8582 Broadway Barber shop 88. Ktng-sbrldge avc. and 230 th st Barber shop S7. Rlverdaln avc, between 250 th and 9fHMn sts Tailor store 3?. r.09 E. 237 th st Barber shop BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. THIRTIETH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT (NORTH). The Thirtieth Elect.on District is bounded by and within 13. 13»th Bt. Alexander avc. El l3Sth st., Lincoln m . E. 136 th St., 3d aye. and Harlem River. 'Hie Thirty- Election District Is bounded by and within K. 130 th St.. Lincoln aye.. E. lX'.tli st.. Willis rvu.. E. 134 th St.. Alexander aye.. Harlem River and 3d aye. The Thirty-second Election District is bounded by and within K. 134 th st., St. Anns aye.. E. 132 d St.. Lewis place, Bronx Kills, Harlem River and Alexander aye. The Thirty-third Election District Is bounded by and within E. 13Stii St.. Brock are., E. 134 th si. and Willis aye. The Thirty-fourth Election District Is bounded by and within E. 136 th St.. Brown place. E. IS'.tii bt. and Willis aye. The Thirty-fifth election District Is bounOe.l by and wlth.n E. 137 th St.. Brown place. B. 186 th st. an.l Willis aye. The Thirty-sixth Election District Is bounded by and within E. 187tli St.. St. Anns aye., B. 135 th st. and Brown DBMS. The Thirty-seventh Election District Is bounded by and within E. 135 th St.. Cypress aye.. IS. MM »'■ East River. Bronx Kills. Lew.s place. B. 132 d st. St. Anns aye., E. 13lth *t. an! Brock aye. The Thrrtv-elghth Election District Is bounded by and within E. With Bt.. East River. E. lfiSd St.. Cypress aye.. E. 135 th s-t. and St. Anns aye. THIRTY-SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The First B'.ectlon District Is bounded by anJ within E. l4Mh St.. Park avo. n I4>.tn St.. Col lege aye., Moii.b *ye., 3d aye.. E. ICath st. and Harlem River. Th© Second Elretlon District ta bounded by and within E. 14Uth at, 3d aye.. Morris aye. and Collegi aye. The Third Election strict la bounded by and within 8. 142 d sU. Willis aye,. E. HOth St.. Alesani- 1 aye.. 1: ISOth st. and 3d aye. The Fourth Election District Is bounded by and w t»- in E. 13ttth at. VT i..U aye.. K. l;teth et. and 3d aye. The Fifth Election District is bounded by and within E. 13!« th it.. Willis avt., E. 13tilh st and Alexander aye. The Sixth Elect on DlMrlct is bounded by and within I-: 13«: th st.. TVUiis aye.. K. 133 th st. and Alexander a\e. The Seventh Election District Is boun.lej by and »lilin E. 13Mh Bt. Brook avc. E. 131 th st. and Wil Ii avc. The Eighth Election District is bounded hy an.l within E. •■'» ) at.. Brook avc. ■ ISSth st. and w:uu avo. Th« Ninth E'ection District Is bounded by and within B. 140 th St., ■ ■■'*■ aye.. E. 139 th st. and Alexander nv<-. The Tenth Election District Is bounded by and within K. HUt Bt. Brook ay*.. E. 140 th Bt and WIHIs by*. Tlie Eleventh Election District Is bounded by and within B. U3J.st.. Brook itve.. U 141 st st. and WI"U aye. The Twelfth FJeetlon District Is bounded by an I w"*»tn R 145 th St.. Brook uvc. E. MSd st and WO'ls uve. The T l ' l-''- nth Kl«>.-;'on DHtrlrt •» »x»aad*d in- and wii'.i'i B. 141 th st., St. Anna ay*.. E. 143 th at and WIIIU ava. ELECTION NOTICE. 32D ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— CONTD. Tho Fourteenth Election District is bounded by and within E. 14Slt> Bt, Willis aye.. E. 142 d St Tho Fifteenth Election Dlatrirt Is bounded by and within E. MSth at.. Brook aye.. E. 14rtth st. and TVHUs ove. The Sixteenth Election District I* bounded by and wltMn E. 14Sth si.. Bt. Anns aye.. E. 146 th st. and Brook avc The Seventeenth Election District Is bounded by and within E. 143 th at.. St. Anna aye., E. 141*1 st. and Brook aye The Eighteenth Election District ts bounded by and within E. 141*t st.. St. Anns avc. E. 137 th st. and Brook ay*. The Nineteenth Election District Is bounded by and within si. Marys at.. Cypress avc. E. I I list st. and St. Anns aye. The Twentieth Election District is bounded ' by and wilMn E. 141 st St.. Cypress aye.. fc.. ) ISOth st. and St. Anns ••». The Twenty-first Election District Is \ bounded by and within E. 13Sth at., cypress up., E. 136 th at. and St. Anns aye. The Twenty-second Election District '.n bounded by and within E. U;9th St.. Cypress ; ay«.. E. 141 st St.. Locust aye.. E. I4i;h St.. St. Anna aye.. and also North and South 1 Brother Islands. T^•• Twenty-third Election District Is ! bounded by and within E. 149 th at.. East River, E. 140 th ft.. Locust aye.. E. 141 st *t.. i C] press aye.. St. Marys st and St. Anns aye. The Twenty-fourth Election District Is bounded by and within Longwood avc, Watt- ) lock aye., E. lluth at., Prospect ate. and 1 Kelly St. The Twenty-fifth Election District Is bounded by and within Macy place. Hewitt dace. Lonsrwocd aw., Kelly st. and Prospect place. The Twtn'y-sixth Election D.str Is bounded by and within Stebbins aye.. Daw*on I St., I»nirwood aye., Hewitt place. Macy place. Prospect aye. and TVestchester aye. Th* Twenty-seventh Election District I* '■ bounded by and within Kelly st.. Longwood ' avc. Dawson St., Stebbins aye. and TVestehes- ! ter aye. The Twertv-ei^-' Election District Is bounded by and within the Bronx River.. Gar rison av-.. Bryant aye.. TWMocic art., Hants , Point road. Dongan st., Kelly st. and West- ! Chester ai>. ; The Twenty-ninth Election District Is 1 bounded by and within Dor.fran st.. Southern boulevard, Longwood aye. and Kell7 st. The Thirtieth Election District is bounded I by and within Hunts Point road. TVhltlock aye.. Bryant aye.. Garrison aye., Bronx River. : East River. E. I4»tn St.. TVhitlcck avc, Long «■-• -I 3 ' •-. and " »• *"■»» h |}levard ' The Thirty-first Election District Is bounded by ! and wit-i n Walker avc. aaaaaala aye., Tremont I avc. Beach aye., TVestchester aye.. TVilklns Creek. Pug«leyß Cre»k. East River, or the Long Island Sound, end the Bronx River. The Thirty-second Election District Is bounded ; by and within Westrhester aye.. Castle Hill aye.. ! Pullets Creek and TVilklns Creek. The Thirty-third Election District Is bounded by end within Westche iter avc. c-eabrey Creek. TVestchester Creek and Castle Hill aye. The Thirty-fourth Election District Is bounded j by and within the Causeway. Fort Schuy!«r road. \ Coddlrjrton avc. Eastern boulevard. Town Cock ' road. East River, or Long Island Sound, and ! TVestchester Creek. The Thirty-fifth Election District Is bounded by and within Givens Creek. Hutchlnsons River. .Eastchester Bay, East Rier. cr Long Island Sound. Town Dock road. Eastern boulevard. Cod dlngton avc. Fort Schuyler road, the Causeway ! and Westchester Cream. The Thirty-sixth Election District l» bounded , by and within Pelham Parkway. Westchester Creek. Seabrey Creek. Chester «ye.. Zerega avc. Glebe aye.. >t Peters aye.. Walker aye.. Sliver st. and Willlamsbrl<2ge road. The Thirty-seventh Election District is bounce* by and within Walker aye.. St Peters aye.. Glebe avc, Zerega avc, TVestchester avc. and Castle j Hill aye. The Thirty-eighth Election District la bounded by and within Walker are., Castle Hill avc. Wester.ester aye. and Beach ay*. Th* Thirty ninth Election District Is bounded by and within Walker avc. Beach aye.. Tremont aye. and Roseola !e aye The Fortieth Election District Is bounded by ard within Boston Pest road. White Plain* road, Unionport road. Morris Park avc., Garueld sf . Walker ?.ve. and the Bronx River. The Forty- first Election District is bounded by sn.l within Morris Park avc. Bear Swamp road. Walker aye. and Garf*e!d st. The Forty-second Election District Is bounded by and within Bear* Swamp road, Barnes avc. Morris Park aye. ard I'nicnprrt road. The Forty-third Election District Is bounded by and within Bronx and Pelham Parkway. Wlß iamsbridste road, Olivet St., Walker aye.. Bear Swamp road. Morris Park aye., Barnes av#.. Bear Swamp road and White Plains road. - The Forty-fourth Elation District is bounded by and within nun Hi!! r«=id. Tllden St.. E 21 Sth St.. Boston pr-st toad. E. 222 d St.. Bruner avc. Black Dog Brook. Glvens Creek. l Westchestfcr Cr'-ek. Bronx and Pelham park ' way and the Bronx River. The Forty-fifth Election District i« bounded by an' 1 within E. - Ji:»th si., White Plains ruad. Gun Hill road and the Bronx River. The Forty-Mxth Election District Is bounded by and within E. tiattl r t . Bronxwood arc. Tilden at., Gun Hill road and TVhlte Plains ■ road. Th* Forty-seventh Election District Is bounded by and within E. :'-'!>th St.. Gunther aye.. Boston Post road, E. 213 th ft.. TWden St.. PlsaiamK ay* . E. 21?>th st. and Barnes aye The rty-els;»lth Election District U bounded by and aitnin E. 229 th BL, Barnes are.. E. 2i!Mh St. and the Brorx River. The Foity-r.lnth Election District I* bounded by and within E. 237 th St. Disney ay*.. Bus sins aye.. th* northern ur.iarv of The City of New York, TTutchinson's River, Glv*ns Creek. Black Dog Brook. Bruner aye.. E. ?2-_'th st. and Mori aye. Tlie Third Election District is bounded by and within E. I.iis' St., Melrose aye.. K. 151"d St.. Sd aye.. E. 146 th st.. College aye, E. 14£lb ft. and Courtlandt a\>->. The Fourth Election District Is bounded by and within E. 149 th St.. St. Ann's aye.. E. 14Mh si. and 3d aTe. The Fifth Election District Is bounded by and within E. i-V-'d st Brcok avc. TVestches ter aye., St. Anns avc. E. 149 th St. and 3d ava. The. Sixth Election District is bounded by and within TVestchester avc. Robbins avc. E. 149 th st. and St. Anns aye. The Seventh Election District 1* bounded by and within Weatchester avc. E. 125 th at.. Tin ton aye.. K. 149 th st. and Robbies av> The Eighth Election District is bounded by and within E. 135 th et.. Prospect avc, E. 143 th st. and Tinton aye. The Ninth Election District is bounded by and within VVestchester aye.. Prospect a*e. and EL lidih st. The Tent Election District Is bounded by and within E. 158 th at.. Westchester aye.. E. 15eth Bt. and Forest ava. The Eleventh Election District is bounded by and within E. ISSth St., Forest a«*X, E. 156 th St. an«l Cauldwell aye. The Twelfth Election District Is bounded by and within K. l.V.th St.. TVestchester aye. and Cauldwell aye. The Thirteenth Election District is bounded by and within B. lit) St.. Cauldwell avc. West chester aye. and St. Anns avc The Fourteenth Election District is bounded by and within E. lS6th st., St. Anns avc. Wcst chester aye.. Brook are., K. 1324 st. and 3d aye. The Fifteenth Election District Is bounded by an.l within E. l".th St.. 3d avc. E. Baal st. and Melrose aye. The Sixteenth Election District is bounded hy and within K. l.'.6th St.. still BBS, avc, E. 101 st st. and Courtlandt aye. The Seventeenth Election District Is bounded by and wi'hin B. 154 th St.. Courtlandt aye.. E. lS2d at and Morris aye. The Eighteenth Mectlon District Is bounded hr and within K. 1 6th .-t., Courtlar.dt aye.. E. 154 th st. and Morris aw. The Nineteenth Election District la bounded by and within E. 1»-0th St.. Courtlandt aye., E. lr.Cth st. and Park avc The Twentieth Election District Is Sour by and within K. 161 st st., Morris aye.. E. l«2d st.. Perk. avc. M^rri-i aye.. E. toOth St., Park avc, K. 149 th 5' an i Molt ive. The T*'enty-nrft E'ection District in bounded by an.l within E. 161 st st.. Melrose aye.. E. ISatk at., Courtlandt aye.. E. ltXHh st. and Park at* The Twenty-second Election District is bounded by and within E. MEM St.. 3d aye.. EL UCth st. and Melrosc aye. The Twenty-Hiird Election District Is bounded 1 v and within E. 15^'th St.. 3d avc. E. 157 th st. ar ■'. Melrose aye. •[->-„-> T«r*ntv-fnartTl Election District Is bounded by and within E. l"th st.. 3d aye.. E. 155 th st. anr 1 Metros? nve. The Twejrty-flfth Election District la bounded b- and within E. lS*th «t.. Eagle at*.. ■ MM •t. r».'|iUu-ll aye.. E. I."6th st. and 3d avo. The Tv. slsth Election District t3 bounded by and v.itMn K. 162 i! i' . M aye.. E. IBM St.. Eagle .... E. I". V St.. 3d air. and Washington :> V. The Twenty-seventh Election District Is bound ei by and wit! Brcok aye.. Washington arc, E. 161*1 st. anu' Park aye. The Twentv-elsfcth Flection District Is bounded hy a -id within E. fStll «.. 3d ay€.. E. 164 th St.. Washington avc. and Brook aye. The Twertv-ninth Flection District fs tiounii*d by and within E. 16Uh 5t.. 3d ■*». V. tc»l st. tin* 1 Washington aye. - The Thirtieth Election District Is bounded by end within E. i«i ri si Boston rond. Caaatawd aye.. E 163 dst , CJ r.vc and Franklin aye. THIRTY-FOURTH AS^FStELT DISTRICT. The First Election District Is bourded by and within E. lWth St.. Trinity aye K. 161 st «.. I»roßpect avc. Westchester aye.. Ev l-«th St. and Cauluweil aye. Tlie S<^ond Election District Is bounded by and within B, »•■■ St.. Forest aye ■ ICti »t.. Trinity aye. E. lf"Oth tt.. Ciiuiawell avc. E. 161 st st and Eagle ayr The Third Klection District is bounded by »nd within E. I6«ith St.. Trinity avc. E. i.-'tb St. Forest aye.. E. ifM at.. Caudwell avc and Bo» t0Th**Fourth Election District is boun.l*.! by and within E •.-.. •>, at., Union ay*.. El 183.1 St.. Tla tun aye.. E. .... Kortst avn. The Klftb Election District ts bounded by and within E. 163J «t.. l*rosp«ct aye.. n. 101 st st. and Th°# blxth P;iectU>n Dtstrlrl Is bounded by and within E> ir;th st.. Stebbina aye.. E. IC3J st, ami Union aye. _ The Seventh Fleet! n Pmtrlct '• bounded »v ar.d wit) In Fl t«VI «t.. StebMtw avc. E. Uoth fct.. Intervale ay*.. Westchester aye. an: lToa p«*v.*t av# The Bickth Elation I>l»tr«ct la houn.!.M by and within fX l»*6th St.. Prd or and within K. MMa St.. Union uve.. E. 1601H St., Home st. ant) lit ton avc The Thirteenth Election District Di bounded BT an.) n-Jtnla Home «L. Tiffany st, IX Istttn st_ Stebbina aye., Proapect »v... li. 188 th st. an* Tinton aye. The Fourteenth Election District is bounded by and witaln iloa>e st . Simpson at.. fTniaw »-. lice ay*. E. i«7th st. and Tiffany st The Fifteenth Klection District to boonded or and within E. lK7th St.. V.'estchester aye. an* Tiffany »t. The Sixteenth Election District Is bounded by an.l within Kratman st.. Longfellow »««.. Jen nine* «.. E BBMaoas} by and within Jennings st.. Longfellow aye.. Freeman st. and Intervals aye. The Elsrhteentn Election District is totjndeiJ by and within Freeman at. Chtshoina at.. Junnlß— St.. Stebbins avc. K. 170 th »L. Charlott» st. jennln*j as.. Interval* ava.. Freeman at., Sims son in., aasasa »».. E. ia»th »t. and Lyiaaa place. The Nineteenth Election District Is boundol by and within Ctotona Park South. Prospect aye.. Boston road, Steoblns aye., Jennings St. i'rospect aye., IX 170 th st and Crotona aye. The Twent.»th E-ectlon Diatrl-t Is bounded *• an.' within Jennln*!* «t.. CHiafioUn St.. rresaaasj St.. Lyman p.ac». K. iHOth st.. Union ay- IC. i«Hth at.. Tinton anna. Si leattt at. aad Btwtan road. The Twenty-first Election District t» bsookseal by and w.thin Croton» Park *nth. Crotcaa »v<>.. E. 170 th et.. Prospect aye.. Jennings st.. Bostos rear!. l»th st. and Cltntcn are. The Twenty-9»oond Election District is hounds by ar.d within Jefferson place. Clinton are.. K. lOth gt.. Tinton ir».. E. l«St!x st. and Franklin aye. The Tw»nty-thirt Elertion restrict is NMMdsii by and within Crotona Park Santa. Cltoton aye. erTerson place. FranUHn aye.. E. I7oth st mm Fulton aye. The Twesty-fonrth Election District f» bounded by and witMn St. Pauls place. Fulton m*:. K. 170 th St.. Franklin a>re.. E. MStb st. Fulton aye.. E. 167 th st. and .":•: aye. Th« Twe«ty-flft»i Election District la bound*-! by and tritfclrs E. 174 th St.. Fulton avi>., nt 73«?»n t73«?» St.. Arthur ay»... Crctona Park North. CroScna. ■v» . Crotona Park ;out:i. St. Pauls place anal 3d aye. Tho Twentr-sltra election District is ksaavla* by and within Crotona Park .Vorth. JUnnins. aye.. K. 176 th "it.. Southern bcnlevarf. E. MM rt.. Boston road. Seaburr place. EL 170tb s*.. Stebbins aye.. Br->!^cn road. Prospect awe.. Cr» tona Park South and Crotona aye The Twentv-sevent*> flection District is OSBJB4 ed by ar.d within E. 17Gth at.. Vys« aye J«n ninsrs Ft.. Charlotte »t . Seabury p!-w<*. Boston roa*2d St.. Arthur avc. E. XB4ta st. ami TJuW— n St. THIRTY-FIFTH ASSE3IBL.T DISTRICT. The First Election District is bounded by and within TV. 161 st St.. Summit aye., W. lMtb St.. Nelson ay«.. TV. l»»th st.. Jerome aye.. MaClet lan St., Grand Boulevard and Concourse, 3fott avr.. E. 14»th »t. and Harlem River. The Second Election District is bounded by and within W. 167 th st.. Llnd ay«.. TV. 188 th »*.. I Jerome aye.. TV. lGith at.. Nelaoa ay*.. W. 184 th St.. Summit aye.. TV. 161 st st. and Harlem | River. . Th* TMr.I Election District is bounded by and within TV. l«sth st.. Boscofccl aye., W. 188tB St.. Jerome avc. K. truth st.. Grand Boulevard and Concourse, McClellan St.. Jerome aye.. W. l&Jth St.. I. in-; avc and TV. 167 th st. The Fourth Election District Is bounded by and within K. l«>th "t.. Webster av#.. E. 16Tth St.. Clay ayr E. 164 th St., Sheridan ■*•.. E. 164 th st. aud >Jp*n piace and Washington avc The Fifteenth Klectlon District »9 bowndsd hr i and within E. 174 th St.. 3d aye.. E. 172 d st. and The Sixteenth Election District i* branded bt and within Tremcnt aye.. Park ay«.. E. 1721 9*-. 1 Vv afhir.srtor arr*t, \T»ndov«>r ay*.. TVebstw ar»« . Clay avc, C 170 th »t.. Teller aye., Morrts aw*.. Imont St.. Clay a.:-, and Anthony art. The Seventeenth Election District Is bound-t by and within Burnaade arc. Anthony are.. K 173th St.. Weeks av#.. Grand Btml•• course. Mount Hop* place and Jerome aye. The Eighteenth Election District Is botindtl V? and within Mount Hope place. Grand Boulsrar* and Concourse. Weeks aye.. E. 173 th »t., An thony aye.. Clay aye.. Belmont St.. Morris art* . Teller •-. -.. R. 170 th .<■ and Jerome ay*. The Nineteenth Election District Is bounded hr and within TV. 177 th St. Tremont ay»... J. !77th St.. Jerome BS*, W. 169ta at.. Possskrt rv*.. TV. l»»th Bt, W. 167t1» st. and tb« Har le^Th«* Twentieth Klection District Is bounded bj- Th<» Twentieth KJection District ls bonn«»'T ay f..,i within TV. lMd it . rnvtdaon aye. Cltston i Plac*. J»rome are.. W. L.th st.. Tremont av-.. TV 177 th -' . Harlem K!vr. TV. 179tn St.. Cedar rye. W. l«l»t st ami Andrews aye. The Twenty- first Election District is boVBBaVM Ty an* within TV. Fordham rood. J«rom» aye.. W. kMBk St.. Davidson •re.. "W. 133 d a*., An drews avc. W. l«lst St. Cedar arc.. TV. 179thi »t. and Harlem f!'vr. -^ The Twenty-second Election Distrtct Is potX2*a by an.l within E. Fordham read. Valentin* •**■ . i-: tMth st.. Grand Boulevard and CtiiisusjS*. Anthony avc. BunsjMs avc. Jerorr.* aye.. Cn» ton place. Davilson a.».. W. lS«th st. and Jt The e T^enty-thlrd ElectietJ Distrtet Is bounded by and within Uurn»ia> ay« . Ry*r aye.. E. ISOta st Webster ay- . K. I<lu Parkway North. Bain brl.lire avc. E. 209 th st. and Perry avw. The Twenty-ninth Election Dlstrtc? is bound* by and within Gun Hill read. Perry »»•.. ■ JtXJth St.. Batakrtdßjß avc. Mosholu Par*-»«;- North TVebster aye.. Mosoohi Parkway South. E 2rr£?Tt!St*-~c*aa ElecUcn District Is *°™S£ br and within D. 200 th St.. Baicbridffe ay*. & District i, boundel bv^nd^with-.n'E. l*«th,.t . Marloo £•£» liV.th >t. Decatnr aye.. B. 15Mtn it. \aien.m* 3*>th »t . Kin«**rt«f» tsrrsrj. J?rom* »"v* TV Fordßatn road Harlem River. i>i IPs hv and w't^ln TV. 23« th St. Ton«er» arc. V .. »T-th , »t KonTten D«»tv11 oarkwar. **?**}* »Vr TV • -«,k »t.. TVa'do a»c. TV. MJS at-. nroadwVy. Spurten D«yvl! Creek. Markmi River "l%Mtma Election District I* kß—J* Cttv "f New y.irK Bronx niver. Gun H!H foaa. Van Curtlandt Park Southland, Bg»gjJ^ CII»RT.E3 B. PAQE. JAMES K.AXB. JOHT« K. SMITH. Co"j-^!ss;jau» a£ S»'tlor> Oct. », WO. J 13