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V" IX \ >" - : ''- ;i: SU ASSAILS DIX ANO GRAOY Candidate Speaks at Rousing Ratification Meeting in Carnegie Hall. OPPONENT'S TARIFF RECORD Attacks Tammany Rule and the Turning' Down of Justice Whitney — Low on Roose velt's Views j- frrv l. Stimson delighted an audi ence v.fcich filled even-" seat and stand ing place in Carnegie Hall last night by f ggfitftlg speech, in which he accepted fVery challenge held out to him and rarr^d the war Into th* enemy's camp hv showing up various serious incon r:strnries between the professions and ♦•■<? a*~ts of hi? opponent. John A. Dtac rrid the men ropoMible forth* choice o* nis or>ponent Th>- big audionc** punctuated every FTr<~r.c point "with enthusiastic applause,^ci with derisive laughter as the speaker of the evening referred to "Tom" Grafly as Dixs idea of a champion to run down the "Black Horse Cavalry" gad trade similar sallies. Before the hour t or the meeting the ir.ain fJr>or v. as well crowded, while there were only a few boxes vacant, and the upper galleries held large crowds. Just before Seth Low. president of the Republican Club, opened the meeting, tee "7th Assembly District organization rnsrehed in ivith a band ar.d brought the rr<->*rd to the cheering point once more. Th e hall Ti-iis profusely decorated with the Star and Stripes and party emblems, wfcfle a number of women were in the boxes, on the main floor, and even on the platform. Applause Lasts Several Minutes. As Henry L.. Siims'"'n came out on the platform, accompanied by Seth Low and Otto T. Bannard. he was greeted with , fc**?rs and applause which lasted several minutes. Again, when he was intro duced after a parac* had interrupted the "•roceedir.frs by i:= Titrance, th^re was a further outburst, which -was renewed as V.*- arose and broke out afresh as he started to address the audience for the first time. On the rJ at * nrrn " n ' ere representatives of bH the Assembly districts throughout the city and the speakers. Representa tive William S- :■•••..■ Job E. Hedges. Conspicuous in one of the boxes •das s-jnator Depew. who was warmly cheered when his presence was nnt^d by Sfc Eefiges in the course of his address. jTt. Stimson spoke in a voice loud enourh to reach every part of the hall, £^iJ even while a hand was playing as it, cam** into th.s hail he could be heard «as:!y. Th<s only untoward incident of th? evening was the attempt of Maud Ma lone, a Harlem puffragette. to put some question. Just as she arose a band approached and her voice was drowned cur. The polic* made a move to expel her from the hall, but the ushers, at the request of the chairman und the candidate, allowed her to remain. Mr. Lrtr informed her when the cries of the crctpd to "sit down" ar.d "put her out" had been quelled, that she was invited to and listen and not to speak. When she still insisted, although her question could cot be heard on the plat iorm, Mr. Stisnson courteously .informed her that she had an opportunity to learn how citizens received information upon the issues of the day and she was €x pected to act as those citizens did. When this did, not pacify her. he added That there was a proper time and place to put such questions, arid he asked her to take her seat, as she had chosen rieither the place nor the time to put such q'j«:-stior.s. Persists Until Ejected. Still the militant suffragette stood her £reur;d. bareheaded and defiant, and then Mr. Stimson said: "If you cannot tai° a suggestion there is no other al ternative but to you to remove your t€lf." As even this hint did not suf^ce. three policemen gently but firmly forced the protesting young woman fr<->m the hall. When Stth I>-iw introduced the cajidi «iate for <iovcrnor the whole audience broke force in ari'lause which lasted for feme minutes. Representative • nn*-t. "who entered at that moment, also came lr, for seme of the approval, while a r^archir.g company from the 12th and 34th Assembly districts, with their lanis. caught the crowds with their cry, "Stimson, our next Governor!** As the candidate arose the cheering broke fnrth more and continued for about three minutes before he could speak. Mr. Stirr.son began his speech by pninftng out that In the changes and development of political thought in the last decade the Republican party had taken the position cf icad^r in constitu tional progress in both the state and the sejUotl Under its great l^ad^rs, he said, the clearheaded citizens who compose Sta rank and file had tak^n the l^ad in regressive social legislation and had Thrust their Democratic opponents into the position of mere obstruction and re action. Continuing, he said: Furthermore, thi? has bwri progress and ret revolution. It has involved no change :u the form of our government. It fias iii ■■. oivt-d no impairment of our Const nation fcisd r.o liisarrariyemtnt of our tyetem of « iieck* and baiaii^»->- N>t w *-r-n the «-o-ordi n*te Branches cf frovcrnment. !i lia.i b*-*n iu-Cumpiifcr.**! by lecislation and cot execu tive usurijation. Th«-re has b.;-en no <m- P«L:rnj*rt of t_he functions of the courts. On tta contrary, Rsbßtastislly every pieoe of grH*t Btrut'f-re of «:onstr-jrtive leglsla gy_ygjCh repr^sfnt.- this crc.wth has b~in ,'v, y thl? WBt* an-1 Kubsrantiaily ev*ry -iwoi ir *•** kwn approved as constitu ;i;S'n v , 4U '' <1 ( .' 1 * a Proper devel"pment of our Mr. stinaon insisted that the party's progressive purpose was sure to prevail m spite O f the obstruction caused by Republican minorities uniting with Democratic majority. The issue of th* limpaign, h- add^d. whether th. state should go forward or back, and a* proof of where he and his associates on the Republican ticket stood he came out CatJy for a continuance u f the policies >■ ' t^' > v%'* q^n ' - * ■"^^^^^b^^x^^^^^h^^bjS^- 1 " v^^ To-rlar fair. T. m. rr.. u r.r..t.,u.|» 'i" TAFT WITH STIMSOM Otto T. Bannard Says He Is "Heart and Soul in Fight."' Otto T. Bannard. who was one of the last speakers at the Stimson meeting in Carnegie Hall last night, aroused great enthusiasm when he said: 'I state this with personal knowledge and authority, that President Taft is with us heart and soul in this fight for ■and government and for th- election of a man whom he greatly admires and respects. Henry L. Ptimson. for Gov ernor, and the entire ticket. Let there be no misunderstanding about this. President Taft is for good government. "There are Republicans in this com munity who suffer from hysteria when the name of Theodore Roosevelt Is men tioned. One of them lives in Westches ter County. "They are fearful that if we succeed in this fight for good government in this state that the just glory which will be due to Roosevelt will make him Presi dent in 1912 instead of Taft. "These victims of Rooseveltphobia. ■while fancying that they are loyal to Taft. are planning to do what little they can to prevent his having a second term in the "White House, and if in their Infinite wisdom they think they are helping Taft they are assuming a re sponsibility and a guardianship and a foresight which almost suggest mental disorder. Such farseeing affection pas seth all understanding." LEBLANC SETS A RECORD Covers Mile on Measured Course in 53 Seconds. St. Louis. Oct. 14. — Alfred Leblanc. who is to pilot the French balloon He de. France in the international race next week, established to-day what is said to be a world's record for aeroplane speed over a measured course. With a Blfriot monoplane, Leblanc made a mile in fifty-three seconds. OLD WOMAN BADLY BEATEN Brutally Assaulted in Her Home by Italian, Who Escapes. Mrs. Jen McCarthy, eighty years old. the well-to-do widow of a Bronx contractor, was brutally attacked in her own home. No. 002 Baker avenue. West Chester, late yesterday afternoon. An unidentified Italian took her off her guard by asking for a monkey wrench and then felled • -.- - to the floor. When the woman was found she was lying in a pool of blood. Dr. Grossman. of the Fordham Hospital, who was called, said that her lower Jaw was broken, her scalp lacerated and that her skull was probably fractured. When restored to consciousness she declined to go to the hospital. The assailant made his escape. De tectives from The Bronx bureau be gan a search for the Italian, but they ware puzzled to find a motive for the attack. Apparently Mrs. McCarthy's rooms had not been disturbed. When the officers learned that Mrs. McCarthy had dispossessed an Italian family for non-payment of rent about two months ago they intimated that revenge might be at the bottom of the attack. The woman's condition is said to be serlcus. EFFORT TO RESTORE KING Members of Portuguese Royal Family Meet at Lisbon. Gibraltar. Oct. 14.— King Manuel of Portugal, the Queen Mother Amelie. the Duke of Oporto, the Count of Sabugosa, grand master of the Portu guese court, and the Count of Figueiro. master of ceremonies of the court, held a conference here to-day concerning the course to be taken by the King ani the other members of the royal household. It was decided that King Manuel should Wd a quiet life until his Health was fully restored, and that meanwhile his friends in Portugal wou'.d undertake a vigorous political campaign, in which the supporters of Duke Michael of Bra ganza. the pretender, will co-operate, to return as many monarchist candidate as possible at the elections. It is probable that after his arrival <n England and the publication of his man ifesto King Manuel will take a sea voy age or travel abroad, so as to avoid em barrassing Enrland by carrying on a political propaganda. It has been ar ranged that the Duke of Oporto shall accompany the King to England, in stead of going to Italy with the Queen Dowager Maria Pi.i. London. Oct. 14.— There is no truth in the statement in last night's patch from Lisbon to a news agency here, that Great Britain had recognized the republic of Por tugal. PORTUGAL NO LONGER KINGDOM. While the government of the United States has r.ot ?o far officially recognized the newly created Republic of Portugal, the head of the naturalization bureau at the federal building. John Donovan, has done n. In receiving the papers of Manuel Theago S;>!nol&. a jeweller, who lives at No. 143 West 12CTh street. Mr. Donovan re corded in his book a renunciation by Spin ola of his citlzenshijj in the Republic of Portugal. Sr' no a was born In Funchal. the capital of Madeira, and on his arrival n the United States In ... recorded as a subject of the kingdom of Portugal. "MUTINY" FACES WELLMAN 1 Navigator and Mechanics Disgruntled at Anchorage of the America. {By T>l»Ri-aph to The Tribune] Atlantic City. Oct. 14. — "Sail within twenty-four hours or I quit." was the ulti matum fcened upon Walter Weilman to r.ight by Murray Simon. Junior officer of the steamship Oceanic engaged as navi gator of Wellman's airship America.. Jf-an .!■' on. motor expert, brouKht here from France by Mr. Vaniman. Bought legal advice to-night to secure a -Jalm of C3>, which he says is due him for his services George Rifflard. a awehaatcaa. who came from Paris with Jacon. haa also made a claim that 515 is due him. Simon. Jacon and Rifilard were call^ into conference to-night by Weilman and Vaniman. but they V ft the place without nuking any compromise except on a promise to ray U V and salL N ° itemeat as to the probability of sailing has been mad*. Great Day Line Str. ' #Hen *^ v Hu*.«n 1 to West Point ,nd return To-da> Timed exactly for Inspection Parade and - West Point Football Gam:-, see a-la.-Ad.t. M:\V-YOHK, SATURDAY, OCTOBEB 15, 1910.-SIXTKKN PAGES. F. j. GARDNER INDICTED ON FOELKER'S WORD Held in $10,000 Bail in Scran ton, Where Bruce and Whit man Try to Keep Him. CONGRESSMAN THE WITMES Says Later That Offer of $10, 000 Cash Bribe Was Made to Him to Vote Against Agnew-Kart Bills. with the indictment yesterday for at tempted bribery of Frank J. Gardner, of Brooklyn, former state Senator and an acknowledged lobbj agent at Albany in the days of the anti-racetrack gambling legislation. In 190? • ■ » ores of rumors and rtoriea of bribery of legislators in that connection appeared to be in the way of b<"iiier Investigated officially for the first time since they became current. Congressman <> f tn <;. Fc«=]kf-r. who ac knowledges that he was approached by Gardner with a bribe offer, and Robert H. Klder. Assistant District Attorney of Kines County, who is said to have heard The story of the proffered bribe from <;ardr.<=-r himself, were the two principal witnesses before od jury of this county yesterday, and it was on 1 testimony that the Indictment Gard ner was found. Mr. Foelker rterday that he welcomed an ' on. The Con gressman, who was a <t;<i<-> Senator in when he rose from his sick - cast the vote that passed the anti-gam bling bills, ' 'T h re had been stor ies floating around both in Albany and New Fork :• lative to his connection with the attempt d bribery, and the indictment of Gardner with his subsequent trial, offered the best and. Indeed, the oniy means, of layinsr bare all the facts in the case aw! putting them ri n record. The congressman's story , it is under thai Gardner approached him <n a railway train bound from Albany to Sew York Just ■ the special ses sion of the Legislature In ISMW and of ; • against the Ag-new-Hart bills. Ten thousand dollars in cash, it is said, was proffered to Foel ker at that time, and the balance of S -vvas to be paid over to him after the vote n n The hills Further, it is un derstood that Foelker quoted Gardner as saying: "I have seen other legia - might as wen S ft yours." Concerning -his meeting in the train three separate stories were being r ,i y»- - which original ng ' 'ills were passed, when • J '->" IU with appendicitis, w Senate chamber on a stretcher his vote for th^ anti-gambling biils. Stories of the Bribe Offer. The three stori<--s — one that Foelker bad absolutely refwsed the proffered $10,090; the second, that h<= had taken the $10j000, but returned it the next day. and the third, that he has accepted the sin.nno and voted for the bills and against the interests which were sup . handing out the money— were put up to Congressman Foelker yester day, with the explanation that they were the substance of all the various m about the affair. Mr. Foelker answered that the first story was true; the others false. "I will say this." said Congressman Foelker; "at no time and at no place during my four years at Albany did any one ever give me a cent to Influence any legislation -whatever." Meanwhile, li the offices of the legis lative investigating committee and in the District Attorney's office messages were being prepared and sent out to Governor While, in Albany; Governor Stuart, in Harrisburg, Perm., and to District Attorney Whitman, who left New York at 2 o'clock yesterday morn- Ing for Scranton, Perm.. where Gardner hail frcn arrested. Foelker didn't appear on the scene un til about 12:30 o'clock yesterday, and with the grand jury about to end its session at l o'clock. Governor White leaving Albany for Syracuse to register at the gam" hour and Governor Stuart's message that he would not be In the Pennsylvania Capitol this morning, the District Attorney's force was afraid that it would so miss connections all around tnat Gardner might escape. Mr. Whitman sent over word in the morning that unless an indictment was found immediately there was grave cangt-r that he would be unable to have Gardner held in Scranton. Just before the grand jury was ready to adjourn for the day, however, Foelker arrived, and when it adjourned the in dictment of Gardner was an accom plished fact. Word of it was sent im mediately to Mr. Whitman and to Gov ernors White and Stuart. Detective Flood, of the District Attorney's office, started for Syracuse, with a certified copy of the Indictment, to get the extra dition papers from Governor White, and Detective Thomas, of the same staff, went to Scranton, with a bench warrant. Governor Stjart to Help. Ex-Judge M. Linn Bruce, counsel for the legislative committee, arranged for a meeting between Governor Stuart, at Harrisburg, and Detective Thomas this morning, as soon as the officer could reach the Pennsylvania capital with the order from Governor White. Further advices from Mr. Whitman said that Gardner had been held in bail of $10,000 for twenty-four hours, await ing requisition papers, but with matters in that condition there was still danger that Gardner, getting the bail, would leave the state. He was released last night on a bond furnished by the Title Guarantee and Security Company, of Serai.ton. The District Attorney, of >>>*' York, appear ing before the Lackawanna County court in Fcranton. in opposition to Gard ner's 'application tor release on a writ of habeas corpus. urged Judge Newcomb to consider that the detention of the prisoner was of tremendous Importance to the people of New York. -This man." he said, 'has disposed of a half a million dollars illegally. In con neetlun with graft in the New York Leg- toa'.laufl tia Oflb pnjs. THE ISSUE IN NEW YORK. "There never was a clearer issue than that involved in this contest in New York. It is in no sense a mere party fight, and we have a right to appeal to every man who prizes the honor of the State of New York and the nood name of America to help us. We stand squarely for the elimination of special privileges, for the separa tion of business and politics, for hon esty in public life: we stand for the rule of the people and for the pre vention of the prostitution of politics to money getting. "Our opponents call themselves the Democracy of the State of New York, but they have no claim to uss the name of any historic national party; and it is a libel on such Democrats of the past as Andrew Jackson to asso ciate with the party to which he be longed this conscienceless alliance between Wall Street and Tammany Hall. They have a right to the sup port of every crcoked politician and every crooked money getter, but they have no right to the support of a single honest business man, a single honest farmer or a single honest wage worker."— From Mr. Roosevelt's speech at Dunkirk. E WINTHROP SARGENT CLASSY NAVAL RECRUIT Breezes Up to Office in Taxi and Flips Chauffeur $29 Note. SAYS HE IS HARVARD WAN Also Member of Prominent New- York Family and Former Guardsman — Statements Not Verified. [By Telegraph to The Tribune | Chicago, < let 14. — Eppes Winthmp Sareent. who says h^ was graduated from Harvard in 19^1 and claims to be a mpm ber of a prominent New Ycrk family. enlisted yesterday at a Chicago United States naval recruiting station. To-day, aftf-r an all nigtit ride to Philadelphia, hf bpgan his duties as an ordinary sea man in the navy Sargent, who is thirty-four years old. breezed up before the recruiting station at No. 260 South Clark street yesterday in a chugging' taxicab, flipped the driver a yellow $20 bill, tipped him liberally and entffed the building. He mounted to the office of Captain W. Brackett. who gave out the story to-day. Sergeant L. E. Reesor met him at the captain's door. "Morning, sergeant," said Sargent. "I wish to enlist." Reesor looked at the applicant, attired in a faultlessly fitting, ultra fashionable suit of clothes, gray silk gloves and beaver hat. In his hand he carried a gold-topped walking stick and also held a leather leash, at the end of which struggled two dogs, one a Boston terrier, the other a French bull. For a moment the sergeant was staggered. "All right, sir." said Reesor at last. "Strip:" Th" applicant disrobed, went through a rigorous physical examination and passed well above the average. Then he went before the captain, filled out the necessary papers <tti<! told his story. "Captain Brackett." he began, 'I wish t" enlist as an ordinary seaman, that I may eventually get a commission in the navy. I have a letter of recommenda tion from Srnat<r Hal-, of Maine." and he exhibited a letter, "but before I can take the examination for a commission I muet be enlisted in the navy as an ordinary seaman. Tell me, frankly, do you think I can pass the examination? I am v Harvard graduate and have worked a? a < Ivil engineer ••! think you'll pass, all right." snid < aptain Bra< kt-tt. looking the r.ary" over. "His <ase is unique," declared Captain Brackett to-daj 'H< has money and appan rything a young I could wish. But he has the naval "bee." 'And here's another unique feature." the captain continued. "He took eight cents which we give the enlisted nun as ar fare and transfer money when they arrive in Philadelphia. It will pay his" way from the station to the bar no ks. but he paid bis own Pullman fare and paid to have his dogs taken care of in the baggage car. H- also paid the Pullman fare for two other men who enlisted yesterday. While in Chicago he was put up* at the University Club. "If he flies while he is still an ordinary seaman his 'next of kin' beneficiary will rPre ive ?I."> a month for six months, less the funeral expenses. 'I don't think my lister will particularly ne^-d the money,' he laughed to me a.s he filled that part Of his record slip, "but she may as well r< tit as any one. 1 H« said that he had New York Regiment as an adjutant and that he had received DU honorable discharge from Governor • B." graph to Th« Trihun» ' Boston, Ocl 14. — Harvard catalogues give r.o such name as Eppes Wtnthrop . t . nor does "The Harvard i'rirn sofT know nim - if: was — ertoq< to " night ♦ •aptain Carletoo Greene, adjutant ot the 71st Regiment. N >l N Y. who was one of the officer- present at the b. ard of officers 1 meeting last night at the armory. *aid. after passing the name "Eppes Wtnthrop Bergeant" to the otfl'-ers present tor identification that they all agreed not only that no man of :hat name had e\ er been adjutant, but that had never even been a member of the regiment HIGHER THAN MOUNT M'KINLEY Engineer Reports Finding Loftiest Peak on American Continent. Seattle, Oct. 14.— Thomas J. Rlggs, Jr.. a government engineer, who has been at work on the Alaskan boundary survey, reports the discovery, far north of the Arctic circle, of what he believes to be th* highest mountain on the American con tinent, exceeding Mount McKlnley by nearly 2.000 feet. SUNDAY DAY TRAIN TO MONTREAL. Through Parlor Car via Rutland Lin*, leaves ,;,„:,.! Central Terminal dally 3:Sa A. M Phone CCIO Mad.— Advt. LOEB SAYS DUVEEN CASE RIVALS SUGAR FRAUDS May Be Greater. Running Into Millions. Collector Thinks, as Investigation Develops. ONE CASE FOUND LAST WEEK Appraiser's Stores Ms.v Come Within Scope of Probe — Wei Known Collectors to Testify. Several wealthy patrons of art are to be called as witnesses before the federal grand jury which is investigatlnar the charges against Duveen Brothers of un^ dervaluing art importations into this country, while others, according: to Col lectCT Loeb, will themselves come under scrutiny. The total amount of the un dervaluations, the Collector says, will ex ceed the sums revealed by the investi gations of the Suarar Trust frauds. "How many millionaire? are you *oin* to suhprpna"" Mr. Loeb was asked yes terday afternoon. "We haven't come to that yet.' h«» re plied, "but we .re only at the begrinnln? Of this affair. The news that has been published s<-> far is only of minor im portance The big disclosures are still to come, and when the bottom is reached the sums involved will probably exceed by a vast amount the Sugar Tru^t frauds." -Their- are some big things being pulled off here." the Collector said earlier in the day. "and we'\e got the "dead wood" on these fellows." Limits of Investigation. When he got to talking about the pos sibilities of the investigation. Mr. Loeb quoted from an opinion given to him by Mark P. Andrews, solicitor to the «"ol lector. •' "In the case of smuggled goods the property can be >.e; Z «d in the hands of purchaser? for value or other innocent third persons.' Mr. Loeb quoted, "but in th^» case of entered goods, when the gov ernment has a dual remedy, title passes to innocent purchasers and other Inno cent third persons with regard to SOCfl entered goods and the government can only proceed under its election for the forfeiture of the goods betor* such transfer to an innocent third person or for a suit for values against the original importer.' "But if there is collusion, it is differ ent," Mr. Loeb continued. "If we can show collusion between the purchasers and Duveen Brothers in the undervalua tion of importations, we can go into private houses or galleries or any place where the goods are and seize them. "We believe the books will produce the trMeilcs w p n<**>d. and if we find evidence that will justify us. we will pro ceed against millionaires or others, who ever i* guilty, criminally and civilly, to the full extent of the law. There is a f ,-, r rp of liquidators working on the books now. but It will take several days for them to mak" tiwlr report." "These frauds are gigantic." Mr. Loeb said emphatically, "and have continued right up to the present time." Until the Collector said that it had been understood that the undervalua tions had been committed only under the old Dingley tariff law. which put a duty of U"> per cent on paintings and from 45 to 50 per cent on vases, while furniture carried a 35 per cent duty. But Mr. Loeb explained the situation- One Case Last Week, Says Loeb. The new law admits paintings and antiques free." he said, "but the Duveen brothers import many things which are dutiable. We have one instance against them within the last week. When I got the letter on Monday that brought immediate action in the affair. I called up the Appraiser's Stores and asked them if they had anything there for Duveen Brothers. They said that they had some rugs, and I told them to hold the rugs. •Then I investigated and we now have specific information in our hands that there was undervaluation in the impor tation of these rugs. I have 50 many cases of undervaluation before me that I , ant recall the exact figure in this case, but my impression is that the invoice put the valuation of the rug* at $rt.<lfN) or $18,000. I think it was fM4Oa M Then Mr. Loeb sprung another surprise by saying that the investigation was being carried right into the Appraiser's Srores. He was asked if the lengTh of time over which the unden nluations had extended did not indicate that there was collusion between the importers and the government appraisers. "I will tell you that later." he re plied "Th<? investigation will show that." When <leorge W Wanmaker. fie United States Appraiser, was asked about this he said: "I have no personal knowledge of the case. It is now under investigation, and I cant talk about it." When he was asked if it would be 1..-, essary for there to be collusion in order for there to be a long BOTJ undervaluations, he said "Sot at all. While I don't know. I don't believe th»re has beea in this case. I understand that the undervaluations are not more re cent than two years ago. and that was before my time. But undervaluations may be made perfectly innocently by an appraiser The price of art objects fre quently depends in a large measur* on sentiment — something that I can't un derstand. Winmaksr on Sentiment. "As an illustration, an art object might be valued by the appraiser at $100. but the importer might put a value on it of M»tat on account of sentiment — Its having been the property of a king or prince — and it might very well be that 't would in fact have $18,000 worth more of sentimental value and the ap praiser know nothing about it. "You can't blame him for that. Per sonally. I can't understand the attitude Of mind of a man who would pay $18,000 out of sentiment for a vase that I wouldn't take home as a gift." Duvten Brothers' store was open for Cofltlaued on seecaj puso. • phk <1; om: <t:nt In Cltj- of Tork. Clt-r and Hobohrn. OFFERS TAFT SUMMER HOME Mrs. L. Z. Letter Suggests New "Villa as Summer White House. [By Telegraph to The Tribune.] Beverly. Mass.. Oct. 14.— President and Mrs. Taft s:»ent the entire afternoon ; to-day in house hunting They made a tour of the houses that have been sug gested to them for occupancy next year. Mrs. Levi Z. L*-iter. of Chicago, has of fered them her new house at Beverly Farms. The house at present Is -uncom pleted, but will be ready for occupancy early next spring, and it would not be a surprise if the President and his family j were the first to occupy this handsome j home, as Mrs. Leila* expects to be 1 abroad the greater part of next summer. 1 Other houses which the President and Mrs. Taft looked at were the William Endicott homestead, just below them, on j the shore line, and the home of Mrs. Henry W. Peabody, in Corning street. Rents are very high in Beveriy. and even at the highest prices it is difficult to get a house near the shore, where the President wishes to be. John Hays Hammond want 3 Mr. Taft to take a house in Magnolia or Gloucester. TO DEVELOP AUSTRALIA American Experts Named Through Embassy in England. IB': to Tho Tribune. 1 London, Oct. 1." — American expert ad vice is wanted for the improvement of the broad districts of Australia like that traversed by the River Murray, which drains a basin of five hundred thousand square miles. An agent of South Aus tralia made through Ins American Em bassy, not. long ago. a request for co operation in the direction of various I development schemes. The names of two American experts from San Fran cisco and Portland were submitted by the State Department and communi cated to-day through the embassy to ' the agent of South Australia. These experts are familiar with the de tails of the Irrigation works which have changed the face of the arid districts in the Western states. The conditions are similar in the broad belts of Australia, and the redemption of a large section of arid plains in the interior is hoped for from the adoption of systematic irriga- ; tion on the American plan. The prob lems in the Soudan are essentially dif ferent. CHILD PARALYSIS GERM Similar to Sleeping Sickness Protozoan, Says Scientist. Philadelphia, Oct. 14.— The discovery- of a germ which probably causes infantile paralysis was announced to-night at a special meeting of the College of Physi cians held here to discuss that disease. Dr. Allen J. Smith, dean of the medical department of the University of Penn sylvania and director of the school of tropical diseases recently founded in . I that institution, declared that in the blood of sufferers from the disease had been found a protozoan, or a low form of animal life, which be thinks may prove , to be the germ which causes the dis ease. It resembles the germ which causes sleeping sickness, and. In his opinion, is . carried from one victim to another by insects. Dr. Charles K. Mills and other well known physic corroborated Dr. \ Smith in his opinion. HUNDREDS OF LIVES LOST Wrecks in the Baltic— three Drowned on French Ship. St Petersburg. Oct. 14.-A hurricane swept the eastern coast of the Bait Sea last nirht. causing many wrecks and the loss of hundreds of lives among the sailors. Throughout the night the signal lights of distressed vessels could be made out. Three sailing vessels foundered off the Gulf of Riga. Some of their men were rescued. The tide cast up quantities of wreck age to-day, Including timber, naphtha cans and boxes of merchandise. At Mltatl the wind tore down rows of nouses, trees and all telegraph wires. Saint Nazaire. France. Oct. 14.— The French steamer Ville de Rochefort. bound from Bordeaux, was rammed by "tr" British steamer Peveril. bound for Bilbao, and sank in three minutes. Twenty-three of her crew were drowned. The Peveril arrived here to-night. She : picked up the first and second mates and the chief steward of the French craft. London. Oct. 14— The English coast is strewn with wreckage, following a storm which has lasted two days. The casu alty list is a long one. The bodies of five seamen from the coasting steamer Cranford were picked up this morning off Hartlepoot. It is be lieved that the vessel, which carried a crew of twenty, foundered, and that the men were attempting to reach shore in a small boat when they were lost. Some of the wr*ckagf coming ashore indicates that a sailing ship met a sim ilar fate. Lifeboats from many points were out all last night and In some in stances rescued vrsons, but in other cas*>s were unab. • to reach distressed craft. NORWICH HUNTER DROWNED Wealthy Connecticut Druggist and Companion Lose Life in Alaska. Seward. Alaska. Oct. L— H. B. Smith, a wealthy druggist, of Norwich. Conn., who came to Alaska to hunt big game, and Alfred Lowell, eldest son si one of the founders of Seward. were drowned la Lake Kenal on October 11. while returning from a moose hunt in the mountains. With William Walker, a guide, they were crossing th© lake in a small dory, and en countered a storm. The waves swamped the boat and threw the occupants Into th« water. Th«v were only M feet from shore, but Smith and Lowell could not swim. The body of Smith will be sent to Norwich for burial. Norwich. Oct. I*.— H. B Smith, who was drowned In Lake Kenal. Alaska, on October 11. had been in the drag busi ness in this city for the last twenty four years, and previous to coming here in Willlmantic and Hartford. For th« last few years he had annually taken a lon* hunting trip He left here for Alaska on August 3S, and was expected to return with in a short time. He was rifty-three years old and leaves a wife and one daughter. Princeton-Lafayette Football gam: at Easton to-day. New Jersey Central trains leave Liberty St. 900 and 10:2) A. M.; W. ZU\ St. 8:30 and 10:05 A. M. Fare for two day round my ticket |Ma— MURPHY CALLS YOU: WILL YOU OBEY? -No!" Shout the Upstate Voters Ex-President Roosevelt Addresses. HARD BLOWS AT TAWMAW Dix, the Figurehead, and Stim son, the Fearless Foe of Crooks, Contrasted — Story of Rochester Convention. [Br Telegraph to 'ki TrHnxn* l Elraira, M Y. Oct. 14. - To- re wanted in Room 212." That is the mes sage of Murphy, acting as agent for Tammany Hall, to the people of the State of New York. -You're wante-1 in Room 212. Will you nnT This is the keynote of the campaign which Theo dore Roosevelt has sounded all down th* southern tier from Dunkirk to Elrnira to-day, and every time he ha* asked th© question his hearers have answered "No!" with one voice. -It is in no sense a mere party fight. We have a right to appeal to e>-<?ry ma a who prizes the honor of the state and the good name of America. -It Is the unholy alliance of Wall Street and Tammany Hall, of bis; busi ness and corrupt politics, against honor and decency. "It is a contest between the man who prosecuted the Sugar Trust and made it di-gorge its ill gotten gains and the re spectable and unimportant figurehead nominated in Room 212 of a Rochester hotel." These are the propositions which Mr. Roosevelt, with characteristic vehe mence, has been thundering at the voters of the state ever since be reached Dun kirk, at 11 o'clock this forenoon, and from the enthusiasm which his words have aroused it is a reasonable assump tion that they have touched a responsive chord. Dix and Stimson Contrasted. r>ix. the unknown, the respectable but unimportant puppet, daring to do only the will of his masters, and Stimson. the man who has done things, the fearless and capable attorney who is dreaded, not only by the Sugar Trust, which ha 3 suf fered at his hands, but by others -xho realize that it is of vital consequence to their purses, and perhaps even to their personal safety, and whom Wail Street and Tammany insist "shall not be X" as the power to do exact Justice on a larger scale as Governor of New York." have been depicted by the ex-President with a force and picturesqueness such a3 few ethers can command. "I ask support for Harry Stim3cn be cause of the character of tho»« poli ticians and those from the- great busi ness interests which are rabid in their hostility to him." said Mr Roosevelt to more than one audience to-day, adding: "When you see that group of politicians and business men all going one « ay it U pretty safe for the average decent citi zen to go the other way." Mr. Roosevelt has told his audiences the story of the Rochester convention a3 related in the news columns of what he terms "the Wall Street papers." and ha has offered to name them M any one wmted him to. He has told them that the so-called convention at Rochester was no convention at all; that the dele gates represented no one. not even them selves, but meekly took their orders from "Boss" Murphy si Tammany Hall when they received the peremptory summons. "You're wanted in Room 212." that hav ing -en the number of the room whicix Murphy occupied in the Seneca Hotel at Rochester. Tammany and Wall Street Alliance. Mr. Roosevelt has scored OH Wall Street papers" in no uncertain terms. He asserts that these newspapers differ only in non-essentials, but are a3 en© whenever the interests of "Wall Street are in real danger; that they stand for the interests of the whole people when. and only when, those interests happen to be the same as those of the whole peo ple, but that where the interests of Wall Street and the people are at variance th^se newspapers may always be found standing by Wall Street, and that in this campaign these newspapers "have all sunk their minor prejudices and followed. Wall Street into the camp of Tammany Hall. "Without regard to the fact that they have all been against Tammany in th* past whenever only Tammany inter ests were Involved." he continued, "they are now supporting Tammany with tha heartiest enthusiasm- And why? Be cause Wall Street and Tammany have struck hands. "And what does this mean? It means that the politicians who want favors from big business, either for their own personal advancement or to keep their political control, have joined in whole souled alliance with those so-called business men who in their turn wish to control politics. Business men who seek to rise by their own industry do not want to control politics. There is but one reason that moves business men to ccntrol politics, and that is to mafcJ money. not by serving the public, but by swindling the public. "We have been nghtics for the rule of the people even within our own party, and we have gained it. and now we are fighting for the rule of the people in the state as a whole." said Mr, Roosevelt at Dunkirk. We are fighting against th •» most shameless, crooked politicians that our state has seen since Twee-! was driven from power. We are not only flghtlnK for the rights of the peop>. but we are actually fighting for the inter-Jt of men of great Wai who in tVir rapaciousness wish to purchase absolute power for themselves In the present at the cost of untold damage to themselves Bnd to all of us m the future." He then described how delegates were ordered to and from Murphy room at Rochester, and how they carried out their orders. He referred to the abase ment the candidates displayed, and added: "Mr. Shepard. a man of educa tion and position, has actually usued a card of thanks, expressing fervent grati tude to his supporters for the support they had given him. "Where did they support him? Before