OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 27, 1910, Image 6

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1910-10-27/ed-1/seq-6/

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A must "
extanaxr— *»;!.'• K«r*n*f «r Appearances.
AL.HAMBRA— 2-N— VjuKtcv}"*.
HEi.ASCI. ;:2»-*:*' "!'- .on.ort
HUOVj— -:15— »* York.
<-RlTKßjnX— *:»• rcaunui^rs.
I>Al.'^.<— *^»— Baby Mine.
£jJir^J '^-*-S^SStmeh Q«i<-k Walllntrford.
GAKI"»EN— *•:!*— T*ie mtv
«**HRirK— V>i-Th» S<a»4al.
!'CtiHE-^-^-Tbf <;irl in the Train.
■wa\ ■,
...... \ anrtP^:>
SmMOM • v - . !-;.. nati !:aJ Cup
""fciTrf N»a«ar««-Th* Kurthquake.
I»tT»PON—^^»— Tin- I>-«ert< > n' ;
* WlJTOff^li-Aliaa. Whew Do Too
KNICKERBOCKER— S:IS— Th* Scarlet rimptr-
UI'.KRTY- Th* Country Roy.
i yrn'S- «-l"ft— l.vcorattne * Iwwntlnr.
;vr|C- MS Mxium* Troubadour.
'. • _
MAXPCK EL3LJOTT?— S:3O— Th* Inferior Sex.
S *ZIMOVAK-*:»*-The Little Danuwrt.
xnv AMsTKRI»AM—^:IS— Jlndani^ fchcrry.
NEW THKATXai—^:W^— Tho Elm* Bird.
%TW YORK— k:l.%— Th«» Dollar Prtao— p^
Rrri'BU «"—*«• 15 — Rp^ccai tt Sunny broolc Farm,
WAU-ArK> > l»- Alia* Jimtnv Valentine.
WFST C3TP fill -l"|i anil Down !»roadway.
Index to Advcrtiscvicnts.
Pace. Col. I Pa««. Col.
Amusement* ...14 <*-' 1 Miscellaneous ...M •
Af.'UDCBt .HotetaJW « Mortgage L*«nf..l" ♦>
Automobile* ... H 4-7|lY.po»als 11 4
B«nk-r» Jind IKeal -IK *»
isrokem 12 I.li-al EHiti" for _
Hoard A.- Roomi.i: 5 1 i?al* or to Let.lo 4 .
J too** an« Pub- llteal E«- WantedlO I
aaattoDi- 11 6|Rooeiv*«' No
Bn*iii««Characesll 7) tices 11 £
dm*"* aeartns.ll 7JKcxne<lle» 11 «
I*ncii« A^Cl*- . Re*orU 11 *-»
uiic*> II 7. School A««ic*e«..ll '
Dividend Notiw*l2 liPpecJul Nolle**.- " 7
X>ome«J<! Situ*- (Storage Notice*. .ll 4
tions Wanted. H »-4 Surrogates' Xo-
T'inaaclal 12 0-7 ticee 11 «»
s"in4ir«ri«.l Meat- Tim* Tfcbleß 11 €-.
ins* 12 1 To L«"t for Bus!-
Tor Sal*' 11 *> ness rurj.oi*<-5..10 2-4
>"urn'd Kooa»..ll a Tribune Sul<scrli>
j"ura'd Boom*-.1" 6 tion Rates 7 7
J'.dV \ anted... 11 liTnw-wriUnt; 11 *
Insiruttlon II IIUBABB'd Apart
jj»jvi> 11 7 minis 1° 6-«
"I^oft liiuikb«>»tsJl t VThrrf t« r>i'i». . . » 1
U»rrla*c» aaC i Work Wanted ...11 3
IHiTlis -- 7 71
IVctu-?)DTi; JTribune.
This ncvr*paper is owned and pub
livhcd by TJic Tribune Association, a
>>«• York corporation; office and prin
cipal place of business. Tribune Build
inc. Xo. Hi Nassau street, Xcic Fay*;
Ogdcn Mills, president; Ogdcn It. Eeid,
*.ccTTtant; James M. Barrett, treasurer.
The address of the officers is the office
of this newspaper.
FOREIGN*.— King Victor Emmanuel
viewed the destruction wrought by the
recent hurricane in the Island of Ischia;
the loss of We is estimated at two hun
dred; thousands are homeless. =====
British consols fell to 7S*i, the lowest
price Bine* IST; investors arc showing
concern. .■ M. Blanchard. the aero
naut. Mi from a height of one hundred
feet at lssy-les-Moulineaux and was
tolled. :— — — The dirigible Morning Post
made a trip from atsiaseai to Aldershot
in five hours and fifteen minutes. = A
rising has occurred in Southwest Min
danao and an American planter has been
lvilled; troops have, been sent. — An
explosion on board the Haytian gunboat
Lfberte caused the loss of seventy lives.
- An appeal to the Home Secretary
.•i, brhalf of Dr. Ilawley li. Crippen will
be made in England. ===== Advices from
OoßSUQßtisopfe indicated that Turkey
might send troops into Persia in order
i.. prevent the division of Persia by
<;rvai Britain and Russia. —=— "L *
Marionettes." a bright play by Pierre
"Wolff, was brought out at the ComGdie
Franca Ist:
T>OMESTir".— President Taft decided
te appoint William H. Lewis, a nei;ro. an
A j-*ifciant. Attorney General of the United
Stiile*. the highest office In the executive
branch of the government over occupied
l>v a member of the race. - Alan R.
Hay.ley and Augustus Post. of Hie bal
loon America 11. in messages from St.
Ambr<>!so. Canada, announced their safe
landing on Wednesday, October 19. at a
point on the Peril iika River: by flying
r-ome 1.2"0 miles they have established a
new -world's record. ■■ - Ex-President
Hoosrve.lt continued his attack on John
A. Dix Democratic candidate for Gov
ernor, reiterating his charges that Mr.
Dix had been Interested In the Wallpaper
Trust, ]<-sj,,t •• letter's denials. -
Secretaries Knox and MacVeagh. it was
announced in Washington, will make
Fpeeches ■• Ohio in support of the Re
publican Ft ate ticket. . -- Henry L.
4>tlm«m fcpok«* in Niagara, Orleans and
Monroe counties. = — Ex-Judge Alton
B. Parker spoke at Oswego, N. Y.
> score of indictments against Dento
irratlr election officials were returned in
the county court at Albany. —_. The
Jvational Lumber Association announced
a rift of JlftO.ooo to th*» Yale Forestry
School. - . . ,— Ex-Governor Daniel «'arid
]<-»,- Georgia died at his h"me. in At-
— Stocks were lower. John
■tone and Horsey stayed up until after
dark at Belmont Park. the Wright ma
chines showed remarkable ? j •d. and
I-atham v.'a a twenty-mile 'cross-coun
try flight, the American elimination trials
being postponed, r — • The State Water
OttnsniEsion approved the deep tunnel
plan in connection with the Catskill
aqueduct for distribution of the water
IO the other boroughs from Manhattan.
t_ '..- Arthur P. Keinze. convicted a year
ceo of obstructing justice in the United
States court, was committed to the Tomb?
3>rison for ten days. :: — ~— : Suit for ?:.".<>.>..
damages against President Butler of
Columbia University was entered for
trial by Barry Thurston P«*ck. who was
rwently dismissed by the university.
THE WEATHER-— lndications for to
day: Cloudy and warmer. The tem
!ratut>- yesterday: Highest, ."•■ dc
pri-S lowest. S3.
Mr. Dixs attitude toward the Public
F*;rvie<s commissions is a good deal
Jlk<» Mr. {^hauler's attitude two years
ago toward the anti-taoctrack gambling
Jaws. Mr. Chanler started out in IMS
with a word of nape for those who
wanted the special privilege of gambling
■I the racetracks restored. The gamblers
ail looked to him as their deliverer
from the "persecutions"' of Governor
Hughes. When he got <<v t li« - stump up
the state In- found that the odium of
liis racetrack support was 100 heavy a
handicap to carry, and after dodging
the question for a week or two lie came
out wit!» a statement that, if elected,
he would not sign a new Percy -< .1 a\
Mr. Dix lia^ similarly travelled all
round the circle on the issue of ;iix»l
ishins the Public Service commissions.
He ran for UsSaBBBtSJI Governor in '/.)■*<
«•! a platform denouncing these com
missions aud demanding ill*' repejil «;f
Hi*- law creating ilj«m The Democratic
tarty in this state is still loasfttad '<>
thai programme, for the Democratic
platform adopt «*d at Bochcster last
month «lid not retract or annul the dec
laration of urns, It merely said that
It favored 4 "reasonable"* regulation of
public service corporation- as it
•lias always favored— without Indicating
ih3t it had in any way become recon
ciled to tlie commission in which it
vehemently denounced two years before.
Mr. { .\ -aid :;ftcr his nomination for
Governor that as regards the Public S -r
■*i'*e commissions he blood ou Ibe Demo
cratic platform, and Ik* repeated the
f:tatem*>t on Tuesday night at Buffalo.
But he coupled with it the eß * il *Hj
inconsistent assurance that he favored
"the continuance and enforcement of
these laws.- presumably the laws creat
ing the' commissions and establishing
their control over public ■«*■■■ cor
jwa t ions.
Mr. Dix therefore demonstrated that
he stood on the Democratic platform (lV
hurriedly petting off of it. just as he had
previously demonstrated his concern for
a downward revision of tariff duties all
along the line by appealing through
"WiMiCd Partner" Hupjnjcb to tbe Ways
and Means* Committee of the House of
Representatives for an increase in the
duties on the particular product which
he and Mr. HuppuHi manufacture.
Theoretically. Mr. Dix always stands an
the Democratic platform as heroically as
the boy. stood on the "burning. deck, but
practically, when his private interests
on touched or when the flame of public
criticism gets too hot, he reserves to
himself the convenient liberty of step
ping off.
So the Rochester convention did have
a boss after all! We hare been assured
over and over again by the editorial
pages of our contemporaries who usually
shout themselves black in the face about
the bossing of the Democratic conven
tions of Tammany Hall that this con
vention was an exception, and had no
Ik>ss! Editorial pages, we say, for the
news eaaaananl of the same papers at the
time of the convention with singular
unanimity declared that Murphy had the
delegates "in the hollow of his baud."
Now it Iff— that both the news col
umns of those papers and their editorial
pages were mistake!:, a remarkable situa
tion considering that between them they
appeared to occupy both sides of the
question! The convention did have a
K»ss: And that bass wss not Murphy!
The Ik'ss was our good friend Mayor
Gaynor. It appeal that It was not
Murphy but Gaynor who held the con
vention -in the hollow of his hand."
Nobody discovered it at the time, and
there is nothing for our contemporaries
to do but to discipline their correspond
ents for failure to learn that Gaynor
was the boss of The Rochester gather
ing and that he. not Murphy, held it "in
the hollow of Ms band.? The confer
ences In "Boom 212" were only an
empty form. Nothing was determined
there. The convention did not wait
until the last message, "You are wanted
in Baom -I--" had been heeded and
every one was cognizaut of the plans
formed there. It waited solely until the
boss at St. lames could be heard from
finally, and when Man Friday Creelman
appeared with the orders the nomination
of Dix took place. That Boss Gaynor
chose the man whom Murphy had made
state chairman, and who in that ca
pacity was supposed to have helped
Murphy get the convention "in the hol
low of his hand." was purely a coinci
dence. Or perhaps the boss wanted to
shew that he was not merely Indulging
his sardonic humor when he asked the
public to "say ■ good word for Murphy/
"The New York World" said yester
day, commenting on Mr. Dixs Buffalo
speech :
For this reason Mr. Dix i 1i 1 his address
las' night at Buffalo very appropriately
renewed the solemn words of his speech
of acceptance that Mr. Roosevelt him
self, his record, his ambitions, his char
a«^v, his methods, arc th<s most vital
ii-siio ever presented to Hie people of
New York.
But if this be true, why does our
Mend and neighbor continue to accuse
Colonel Roosevelt and Mr. Stimson of
"running away from the cost, of living,**
as if that were the real question in
this campaign? If the snuffing out of
Republican institutions impends, as "The
World" thinks it does, and can be pre
vented only by tlie election of Mr. Dix
as Governor of this state, every intelli
gent person will agree that the strength
ening of Mr. EHx*B good right arm for
"king killing" purposes is "the most
"vital issue ever presented to the people
'•of New' York."
The subversion of the Constitution,
which, we are told, Mr. Dtx's election
alone can forestall, would certainly rank
higher la our calendar of political
calamities even than the "Crime of
'73." The patriots who condemned
that crime also made it ■ "vital." not to
say "paramount,*' Issue both in New
York and over the entire country. The
Democratic party set out in 1886 to re
pair the consequence's of the tragedy
and stuck to the fob of repairing them
for several years. It kept its eye fixed
on the crime and the criminals and d'd
not allow itself to be diverted by side
issues of any sort. Those who have
rallied behind Mr. Dix as the sole hope
of republican Institutions at thai critical
Juncture should treat their paramount
issue with the same solemnity and single
mindedaess with which their predeces
sors treated the "Crime of "7:?." What dif
ference does it make whether cakes
nud ale are ■ little dearer or a little
cheaper, if we are to be obliged to
consume them in dejection and servility
under the folds <>f an odious royal Hag?
Isn't the "king" issue— "the most vital
"ever presented to the people of New
"York"'-- enough to hold the centre
of the. stage of •jiolitics for at least six
Judgments come quickly at The
Hague, annulling the old practice under
which an arbitral case was BMnetimea
taken under advisement for months
after Use bearings before the verdict
was rendered. Only the other day a
highly satisfactory determination was
reached in short order of ii case which
had been matter of contention for
nearly a century and which was pecul
iarly complicated and controversial.
Following that the court look up another '
vexatious dispute, tin's tune between ■
Venezuela and the United States, and
now the verdict is made public. The \
whole period of the adjudication has J
been shorter than has been occupied here
in obtaining ■ jury hi a murder trial, to
say nothing of the trial itself.
The award which Its made by the court
in Ibis case is much less than the
amount which was originally claimed by
the American plaintiffs. Also, it is a
great deal more than the sum named by
an umpire iii ■ former personal arbitra
tion, which the United States declined to
accept The presumption is that it is a
just award, or an nearly just as a com
pany of intelligent and impartial jurists
could make, in such ■ ease, involving
the repudiation of a contract and the
suffering of both actual and speculative
losses, it is not easy to determine with
convincing accuracy precisely what sum
tbould be granted to the plaintiffs. But
this verdict will probably he accepted
without hesitation by both parties.
The case i- noteworthy for a reason
already suggested, namely, that a
former determination of it was rejected
•by (his country <»n .the ptMand of its
manifest violation of the principles of
international law. The fact that it was
accepted by the court at The Hague for
readjudieiition without criticism of that
action may be regarded as ■ vindication
of the course of the United States. Ob
viously it would be most unfortunate to
have such judgments commonly or fre
quently, repudiated, and happily theM is
very seldom any valid ground for that.
It is gratifying to km.*' that the
raited States [cannot be charged with
error in taking that extraordinary
course. It is also gratifying to have a
controversy between this country and a
country- which is much weaker and
which has at times affected fear of
American oppression disposed of In a
way which marks the strong and the
weak as equals before the law, and
which will doubtless serve to dispel
whatever suspicions or animosities some
Venezuelans may have felt toward the
United States.
It is a source of regret to observe that
my opponent has seen fit to make this
largely a "campaign of personalities in
stead of a temperate and reasoned dis
cussion of the issues before the people.
—Mr. Dixs Buffalo speech.
"Huppuchrisy"! -. Who pitched the
campaign on I personal note? Before
Mr. Stimson took the stump aud before
Colonel Roosevelt began to speak Mr.
Dix had called a farmer president of
the United States an "apostle of discord
and dissension" and "an agent of de
struction." and "a public enemy"!
And true to this beginning this dep
recator of personalities devotes four
lifihs of his Buffalo speech to pesaanal
abuse! Kven Judge Parker's fantastic
statements about Mr. Stimson's fees
serve the purpose of Mr. Kix. Judge
Parker appears to have been ashamed
to repeat his charges after they were
promptly met by the Republican candi
date. Not so Mr. Dix. 3ln his desperate
desire to escape the necessity of break
ing the silence regarding the rea 1 issues
of the campaign imposed by Murphy be
tries to create the impression that the
great and genuine public service per
formed by the prosecutor of the Sugar
Trust was .1 mere piece of fee grabbing;
and be does bo In face of the facts clear
ly known to him and to every one else.
Mr. l»ix's desire to conduct the cam
paign on a high plane is equalled only
by his desire to see the tariff on wall
paper reduced.
SMOKE i\tf OIT, 7.V 77/ K STREETS.
From at least two major points of
view earnest commendation is to be
piven to the Health Commissioner's cam
paign apainst the automobile emoke
nuisance in <ity streets and also to the
movement to compel the operators of
y\u-h vehicles to stop spilling oD on
the pavement. Both these practices are
indisputably unpleasant and offensive,
and probably Injurious and dangerous,
and both are susceptible of abatement.
There can be no question of the right
and power of tlie Health and Police de
partments to deal with such matters.
and there Is urgent need that the power
shall now be exercised.
The occasional emission of smoke
from automobiles is probably unavoid
able and excusable. But for a oar to
run mile after mile with a dense trail
of acrid smoke pouring from it i> not
excusable. It Is not necessary, aud if
it were it would constitute a pretty
Btrong argument for excluding the car
from the highways altogether. The
smoke is certainly exceedingly unpleas
ant to the senses, and in many cases it
may be positively Injurious to the visual
and respiratory orpans of th<>s<> who are
exposed to It.
Tno spilling and stopping at ofl on
the streets, until they are saturated with
it and doited with puddles of it. is also
an inexcusable nuisance. It fills the
air with a bad smell, if makes the
streets dangerously slippery to walk
on. and it often Is a cause of soiling
and practically raining clothing Rnd
other articles. Now and then, as in the
< ,i<e of smoke, a little oil will of course
get spilled on tbe street But there
i> no reason for any such wholesale ef
fusion of it as is to be observed In this
city. Either a little more care or the
lirovision of drip pans t«> catch it Is all
thai is needed to abate the nuisance.
The other point ..f view from which
both these practices are to be regarded
is that of the selfish Interest «>f those
wh<> are guilty <'f them. It is a well
known fact thai a smoking motor Is a
motor which is being improperly used
and is therefore being Injured. The
ver\ conditions which cause the smoke
cause injury to the mechanism. Thus
the chauffeur who permits his car t<<
Kmoke is Injuring th<- car as well as
afflicting the public Of course, in tbe
other case, the oil which is poured on
the street is oil Masted, and that means
Increased expense of operating the <:ir.
]< the abatement of these nuisances
meant Increased expense to the owners
t.r drivers «'f cars, it should be In
sisted upon <"" r the welfare of the pub
lic. But since, on the contrary, it will
mean a decrease ««f their expenses and
therefore the promotion of their own
good, there can be do reasonable r(>sist
;<n<-.. or objection to it.
Attention was called in these columns
not l"u;r ago to the decision of the
United states circuit Court in Colorado
which forbade the spoiling of a lovely
piece of scenery for business purposes.
Through the courtesy of the American
Scenic and Historic Preservation s<»
ciety we have now received a copy of
tbe full decision and find it of even
greater import than the original news
dispatch indicated.
lv the Colorado case the canyon and
falls of a stream flowing from Pike's
Peak and tin- luxuriant arboreal and
Bora! growth promoted by the moisture
of the spray from the falls constitute
one of the chief charms of the adjacent
town, a commercial company posed
to take for its uses the stream above
the fulls, making the latter dry, and
transforming, consequently, the now
verdurcjjus canyon into an arid and
sterile, waste. The town brought suit
to prevent this and won. Three sepa
rate points were raised, which are
worthy of rehearsal. The lirst was that
the town bad riparian rights in the
stream which would be Infringed by the
proposed diversion of water. On that
the decision was against the town; on
the ground that the common law right.
in question had been expressly abro
gated by the constitution of Colorado.
The implication was, however, that
where such Bneciflc abrogation had not
been made the common law right was
valid. The second point involved the
question whether the purposed act of the
defendant company would constitute a
valid appropriation of the water under
Hie States law, and'this was nnsworod
iii Dm ■niiaallhll B« ft« as "'" two
points wi'nt. therefore, ' Hie decision was
against the lowa ami would have per
mitted the destruction of tbe fulls.
But the pith of the whole matter wjis
In the third point. "The town argued ,
that while the defendant company had
itnder the state constitution "the right
•'to divert the unappropriated waters of
"any natural stream to beneficial uses."
it could not divert the waters of this
stream because they had already been
appropriated to beneficial uses by the
town, and were therefore no I6hgejr '"im
nppropriated waters." The question was
whether the use of the stream to main
tain the falls, the verdure and the beau-,
tiful scenery was a '.'beneficial use" in
the intent of the constitution, and this,
happily, the court answered in the af
iirmative. It held that "beneficial use"
Mas not necessarily agricultural, indus
trial or commercial use. Said. the judder
Public health is a beneficial use. Rest
and recreation is a beneficial use. ana
for that purpose water is used to make
beautiful lawns, shady avenues, attrac
tive homes and public parks with lake
lets and streams and artificial scenic
beauty. Parks and playgrounds and
grass' are benefits and their uses bene
ficial although there is no profit derived
from them. The world delights in scenic
beauty, but must scenic beauty disap
pear because it has no appraised cash
value? It Is therefore held that the
maintenance of the vegetation . in Cas
cade Creek, by the flow and seepage and
mist and spray of the stream and its
falls as it passes through the canyon, is
a beneficial use of such waters within
the meaning of the constitution.
Accordingly, the waters of the stream
were adjudged to have been already
fully appropriated for beneficial uses,
and an injunction was issued against the
intended diversion of them for industrial
purposes. That enlightened view of the
subject is to be commended as a prece
dent wherever a spot of scenic beauty
is threatened with destruction for sordid
purposes. The United States Circuit
Court In Colorado has adjudged beauty
to be useful and lovely scenery to be
beneficial, and, therefore, to be en
titled to the full protection of the
law, the same as any other valuable as
set. In that, judgment there is cause for
lovers of the beautiful to "thank God
and take courage."
Thnc,* tiewspapers which are trying to
make an issue of "Vive le rol" might be
excused for printing it "Vive le rot."
If Secretary Meyer has been correctly
reported he favors a. reduction in the
number of naval stations maintained by
the government. Fy deferring a de
cision in this matter for nearly two years
he gives evidence of a desire to act with
out prejudice and only after a thorough
study of the questions involved. This
hns now been rendered possible by a
series of personal visits to the yards
themselves. In so many other ways has
Mr. Meyer sought to promote efficiency
and economy In his management of the
navy that the report of his purpose re
garding the less important stations has
an air of credibility. Moreover, where
local influences are not allowed to oh-
S4 lire the vision, the policy itself is likely
tr. meet with general approval.
Only three aviators have been killed
in tho last four days. I'nless the m^r
laHty rate shall sensibly Increase, a few
bird-men will remain alive at the end of
the current year.
John J. Fitzgerald, now running for
re-election as Representative in Con
gress from the 7th District of this state,
said in a speech Tuesday night to Bomoof
his constituents that he had never as
sisted in prolonging the life of "Cannon
ism" in the House. Mr. Fitzgerald's re
marks, as published in "Th* Brooklyn
Eagle," would certainly open the eyes of
the Hon. Champ Clark, the Democratic
House leader, who has had some per
sonal experience with Mr. Fitzgerald in
th<' litter's capacity as a political equil
The second dirigible balloon which has
crossed the English Channel was built
at a different factory from the first, and
the two arc probably dissimilar in many
details. A comparison of their designs
should, therefore, prove instructive to
aeronautic experts in the country to
which the airships have been presented
by popular subscription.
The "automobile face" Is being hard
pushed these days by the "aeroplane
If th' dismissal of the (Jr^ek National
Assembly and the ordering of elections
for a new one mean that Mr. Venezclos
lias begun to rule that kingdom with a
Btrong hand, there is rminci for gratifica
tion. In no land is a strong hand more
needed, especially in dealing with Mich ;i
body as the National Assembly. Our
dispatches the other day told that that
precious conclave persistently declined to
vote either confidence or lack of eonfl
<l< n<e in the ministry, but dodged the
question by breaking a quorum When
ever it < ..me up. Mr. VeneaeJos at first
thought of resigning, but th<» King
would not listen to that, and so he Wisely
and patriotically decided to remain and
fight the matter out. The new As
sembly will probably prove more mind
ful of its duties, but If not. we can ex
pecl Mr. Venezclos t<< apply an effective
reminder thereof.
At Waukegan, 111., a workiiißman having
been informed that a sixth baby had ar
rived at his home, exclaimed: "Sufficient,"
and his neighbors, referring to his having
given that name — sufficient— to the new ar
rival, credited him with originality. The
incident res imblea a case nearer home. A
New York family was blessed with nine
daughters, when the stork brought a tenth
one. It was In the days when the slang
mi for an oft told story was "a chest
nut." an as the baby certainly came under
that heaJ she received the name, but for
euphony's sake the French for the word
was employed; nnd she was called ''Mar-
Teacher— Can any little girl tell ma why
our heads are covered with hair
Mttie (Jlrl To have something to pin
more hair to.--?^ife.
A Canadian government dredge while at
work recently at St. John's, P. Q., clear-
Ing away th« remains of the Royal Sau
rage, funk during the Revolution, brought
up savers! Interesting relics. Among them
were a cannon, two odd looking axes and
.-(.m* coma and buttons. The scow or tv«
dredge ought to be a great field for curio
"That second assistant superintendent
doesn't Impress me as having accomplished
-Nor me We .-Mil him \\>lter Wnllman
in Inn works."— Buffalo Express.
A •Hutltnt nays ho has discovered Tal
mudle pirtise for the baseball enthusiast In
rat of th« "Hayings of the fathers." which
runs: "There are four eaMBSS among the
(HsclpiaS of the wise: sponges, funnels,
alevca and faun; saasNjss picking up all
things, funnels allowing all that SI received
111 the one end to fall out at Hi' other;
■Is VIS letting the wine ruu through and ie
lamtag the dresrsTand fan?, blowing ofT the
bran and keeping th« flour."
Bacon— Did you see that streetcar scene
In the New York play? ■ ,' *"■%
Kerbert— Yes; very amusing: wasn t it.
"Whit was so amustnK?"
"Why, everybody In the car had a scat.
— Yonkera Statesman.
A recent Tendon police court case. feraui
to Reneral notice a new phase of the SUB
door advertising evil. A constable found a
man painting "ads" on a pavement, and
charged him with "wilfully depositing paint
upon the footway." The culprit was dis
"Beauty is only skin deep." quoted th«
"Huh!" the Simple Mug. "'' c»n
erally manages to get a seat in a crowded
car."— Pr Ilafielphia Record.
To the Kdltor of The Tribune.
Sir: As all thoughtful persons must h*VI
noted, with the same pleasure as [ did, the
general display of our national flag on the
occasion of the consecration of St. Pat
rick's Cathedral, permit me to call especial
attention to it. In the hope that church
members of all other denominations will
follow the example of the Catholic Church
in similar cases.
Mnrr particularly would T urK© this for
the reason that the congress* at The HajM
has quietly an«i unostentatiously proved to
the world that serious differences BltWlM
antagonistic countries can be amicably set
tled and the unspeakable horrors of war
averted. In the days to come Mr. Roose
velt will be fur more remembered for his
successful cfTorts in establishing good feel-
Ins between Russia and Japan than for his
costly and unnecessary parade of our naval
forces throughout the Atlantic and Pacific
oceans. Surely. America, one of the most
powerful nations In the world, can well
afford in the future to make our flag the
symbol of peace on earth and good will to
T-et us fervently hope that the dawn of a
new era Is at hand, when every one-not
only holy prelates and churchmen, but all
of us, laymen or otherwise— will unite in
banishing from the records of future his
tory that relic of barbarism, the adjustment
of international quarrels solely through the
medium of war, a custom which has en
tailed more misery, wretchedness and suf
fering than all the other evils we have
been unnecessarily forced to endure since
the birth of man.
The Bronx, Oct. 1910.
To the Editor of The Tribune.
Sir: The central council of UM Charity
Organization Society has by resolution di
rected me- to convey to you an expression
of its very sincere appreciation of the sub
stantial assistance you have rendered in
our care of families, in publishing from
time to time appeals for money needed foe
pensions and other forms of relief. A con
siderable sum of money has been realized
from these appeals, all of which has l>e"n
us"d without deduction of any kind for the
benefit of tho families concerned. I thank
you on behalf of this society for > our co
operation in this way
Superintendent Charity Organization So
New York, Oct. a* 1910.
To the Editor of The Tribune.
Sir: I have just seen several of the re
ceipted tax bills which are now being
issued by the Controller's office in this city.
They are dirty, and when two or three are
put together the carbon strips on the back
rub so that the names and amounts be
com*» blurred and almost illegible. Unless
these bills are handled with exceeding care
the smudge comes off on ones fingers.
The memorandum notices sent out in an
swer to a request for tax bills were of the
same general type us the receipted bill and
could scarcely be read. This work was con
tracted out to a private company. It would
bo interesting- to know tho exact net savins:
to the city through this probably patented
There may he some saving in issuing tax
bills of this kind, but there is such a thing
as paying too much attention to'cheapness
and too little to the rights of the Individ
uals with whoa the city deals. A business
concern which would send its customers
such looking bills as these would be consid
ered so parsimonious as not to merit fur
ther patronage.
In another and important respect these
tax hills are a decided step backward. The
old bill* showed on the back the tax rates
and tho budget appropriations itemized by
departments. This information is omitted
from the present bills. o:li«>r localities are
by denrer-s adopting: the policy of printing
budget and ta* rates on the tax bills. I
have on fll« bills from little towns and
country districts that Rive this Information.
and. besides, aro clean and legible It Is a
curious *«>rt of reform to lisve this city
abandon that method of pivingj publicity to
its budget just at a time when it lias spent
$25,000 on a budget exhibit, largely In the
natum of a museum, and in which the hard
facts of rity finances received little atten
tion - A. r. PLBTDKLLt
Becretary New York Tax Reform As-
New York, Oct. 2s, VjIO.
To the Editor of The Tribune.
Sir: Apropos of Judge Parkers criticism
of Mr. Stimson's f««s nnd general court*
of personal conduct with reference, to the
United States government rasas I ask. If
Judge Parker met Mr. Stimson. .s H y, at
the Lawyers' Club, and waa invited into
a discussion of this matter, would he not
take precisely the opposite position? And.
furthermore, as a man experieno-d in large
lesal matters, if he were in the position
of Attorney General Wickersham. is it
possible that he could have or would have
offered anything less?
Well, then, is a political campaign an ex
cuse for patting aside that sense of candor
which obtains between man ami rn;in. law
yer and lawyer, on other occasions?
New York, < >et_ is pin. » \ p
To the Editor of The Tribune.
Sir: In the speech of Mr. Dix at Buffalo
we tlnd the following: "i recognize that
every man is influenced by his envlron
I'ut this sentence with thf> old adage. "A
man is known by the company he keeps."
Voters can well afford v. keep theae two
expressions in mind. VBTTUAN.
Brooklyn. Oct. "ft 1910.
Brussels. Oct. 26.— Emperor of Ger
many, accompanied by the Kmpre»s and a
large suite, visited the City Hall this after
noon, where a reception watt held. The vis
itor* signed their names in tho Golden
Book, j^atcr the BsjaOfwf and Km press
dined with the Countess of Plunders and
attended a performance at the Theatre
Royal de la Monnala
From The Chicago <rd Herald.
Each of th© Cub players will g*t 51.375 is
jib iilH shur« of the receipts of th« world's
championship series of game*. This nhould
help th« boys to bear up bravely under tho
sting of defeat.
From The Minneapolis Journal.
They are building a great memorial at
Prince tou to Grovtr Cleveland') memory.
Dark] It. Hill was forgotten long before nt
i> iiiv died. There must be .i difference ho«
tweet] statesmen and politicians after all.
People and Social Incident*
{From Th^ Tribune Burnt
WashinKton. Oct. 25. -The President is
expected to aJiounce within a short time
the appointment of William H. Lewis*, now
Assistant United States . Attorney at Bo*
ton. as Assistant Attorney General of the
United States,. to fill a vacancy In the De
partment of Justice. The appointment. If
made, will bo the highest honor ever given
to the negro race in the United States.
Charles A. 'Cottrill. a prominent negro
lawyer of Toledo, is slated for appointment
as Collector, of Customs at Honolulu.
In view of the large number of govern
ment buildings to be. erected In Washington
within the next few years, the President
to-day issued the following executive
ord»>r: .
•It Is hereby ordered that the plan for
no public building to be erected in the
District of Columbia for the general gov
ernment shall be hereafter finally approved
by the officer duly authorized until after
such officer shall have submitted the plan
to the Commission of Fine Arts created
under the act of Congress of May 17. 1310.
for its comment and advice."
- It was made known at the Whit© House
that the Secretary of State and the Secre
tary of the Treasury will deliver campaign
speeches in Ohio. Secretary Knox will
11( , a in Cincinnati on November 1 and In
Columbus on November 2. No dates have
been set for Secretary MacVea*h, who will
visit Northern Ohio. The Secretary of
Agriculture is also expected V speak; la
Ohl«. *—'««-
The Secretary of ti. . Interior. aMOmpaT
nied by Brigadier General William L. Mar
shall, consulting engineer of the Reclama
tion Service, and Lieutenant Colon- John
Biddle, of the Engineer Irrigation Board,
submitted a report of the progress made
on the inspection of reclamation projects
which it is proposed to complete or extend j
with the funds provided by the issue .of
certificates to the extent of S».000,000 au
thorized at the last session of Congress.
Senator Cullom was in conference with
the President to-day discussing the person
nel of the new Commerce Court.
The President discussed economy with
James C. Courts, clerk of the House Comm
ittee on Appropriations.
When leaving the executive offices Bishop
Cranston, of the Methodist Church. said
that the President will carry out the policy
of following the recommendations of lead
ers of various denominations In appointing
chaplains of the army.
President Taft will attend the annual din
ner of tho Society of Mayflower Descend
ants, of which he is a member, at the New
Wiliard, on November 28. having accepted
the invitation of Associate Justice Brown.
Krnest W. Bradford and Thomas S. Hop
kins. Th* committee also presented a beau
tifully framed engrossed certificate of
membership to Mr. Taft.
The President will deliver the opening
address at the convention of the American
Society for the Settlement of International
Disputes, to be held in Washington from
December 15 to IT. Theodore Marbury. sec
retary of the society, extended the Invita
Among the White House callers were th«
Secretary of Commerce and Labor, Beek
man Winthrop. Assistant Secretary of the
►Navy. Commissioner Prouty. Commissioner
Clements and Secretary Mosely of the In
terstate Commerce Commission.
(FromTli* Tribun* B"ir»au
Washington. Oct. 2*.— The German Am
bassador and Countess yon .Bernstorff and
their daughter. Countess I>uL«e Alexandra
yon Bernstorff. returned to UN embassy
this afternoon, after spending th© summer
Mr. Obnor?ky. th* retiring Russian sec
end secretary, who has been appointed first
s-ecretary in Montenegro, will return to
■Washington to-morrow from a sightseeing
trip to Niagara. Falls and New York, and
will sail for Europe on Tuesday.
Jonkhe^r H. M. van TK>ede, Netherlands
Charge d' Affaire.*, has grone to New York
to remain for several days.
[From The Tribune Bureau. 1
Washington. Oct. 56.-Mrs. Churchill Can
dee \vas hostess at a small and informal tea
this afternoon in honor of Miss Eleanor
Terry and Lieutenant Filippo Camperio, of
the Italian navy, whose marriage will take
place next month. The Italian Ambassador
and Mr.". John W. White, of New York.
were among the other guests.
Rear Admiral and Mrs. alias W. Terry
will announce the date for the marriage of
their daughter. Miss Eleanor Terry, and
Lieutenant Camperio as soon as they learn
the date of sailing of several relatives of
Lieutenant Camperio who are coming from
Italy for the wedding. In the mean time a
number of small luncheons, dinner parties
and teas are being given for the young
Mr. and Mrs. John Jay White, of New
York and Washington, have opened their
house, in N street, for the winter.
Admiral Garcia and Captain Enrique
Flless, of the Argentine training ship Presi
dente Sarmlento. entertained a number of
guests informally at dinner on board the
vessel to-night.
The acting Secretary of the Navy an<l
Mrs. Beekinan Winthrop entertained guests
informally at luncheon to-day.
Mm Sus.an Elliott Tomkins. daughter
of the late Key. Klliott D. "loniUms. of
this city, will be married to-. lay to Henry
Lloyd A.-pinwall in Holy Trinity Cliurch.
Philadelphia, of which her un«-le. the Uev.
Dr. Lloyd W. Tomkins. i-s the rector. The
wedding v^ill t«* vny <iniet on account of
mourning for the bride's mother, who died
last April. Mr. Aspmwall is a. son of the
Rev. John A. Aspinwall. of Washington-
Miss Margaret Kutherfurd. who has
bcca in the. I're.sbyterian Hospital since
la.st Saturday. is progressing favor
ably. It was learned yesterday that bar
condition is not serious and that she ex
pecfta to be out again in a few days, and
with her mother. Mrs. William K. Vun
derbilt. will g« to tlie Vanderbllt country
A 5100.000 GIFT TO YALE
Lumber Association Completes For
estry School Project.
Chicago. Oct. 26.— The RaMsnsi Lumber
Association has given *NX>,COO to th» Yale
University forestry school. Announcement
of the gift was made by the, board of gov
ernors last night. The fund was raised by
subscription, the final $7,000 being -obtained
Just rlor to the announcement. %
The sift marks the completion of the
project begun about two yearn ago for the
establishment of a chair of lumbering la the
school. The raisins of JtCO.uO was pledged
through the efforts of Glfford Ptncbot and
11. S. Grave?, head of tho school.
Rochester. Minn. Oct. ».-S«nator and
Mrs. Robert I.a Follette left Rochester to
day for Madison, Wls.. their home. Sen
ator \j* Follette has recovered from his
recent operation for gall Stones, performed
at a hospital here.
[Hy Teh>grm|>h to Th* Tribune.]
Sacramento. Cal.. Oct. ».— ror coining a
new word as a synonynie for "movins pict
lit-.- entertainment." Kdsar Strakoacb. of
this • iiy. hus received s $!«»> cash prize from
a New York iilni concern. The word which
won the prize «aa "photoplay."
place. Idle Hour, at Onfcdaie. Lorn; Islawf.
William Sampson Sloan, whose Marrlens
to Miss Janet Craven «to Kay will raba
place on Tuesday in Grac- Church. wl p^
Hive a dinner at Delrr.onlco'« on Monday
for Miss de Kay's bridesmaids and hti
Mr. aifd Mrs. Charles de [.. • '«>r'cha.
who recently returned to town from \>^.'
port, have taken an apartment on Pa.-<
■avenue for the winter. : ■:*
Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto G. Fabhri smfj
Alessandro Fabbrl. who will sail ftp
Europe) on November I*. ar* at ÜbJ Plaza,
where they will remain until they depart
for the other side. Mr. and Mr- Fabbrt
have leased their house. No. II East «3f
street, to Alfred G. Vanderbilt. who l* t% .
pee ted to take possession of it next wee"*.
Mr. Vand«rbllt. however, will k»»<> ■;;,
apartments at the Plaza until December.
Mrs. Reginald Ronalds has arrived tt
town from Erie. Pcnn.. and is a: t-.e Plaza
for the winter.
Mr. and Mr*. William 11. Falconer. Sfi 3 »
Louise Falconer and Bruce Falconer fcav*
returned to town from their country \>\ac 9
at Lake Mohonk. N. V.. and are at" their
house. In Madison avenue, for the n-er.
Mrs. Adolph I.adenhurjt. who r<f»ntly
returned from Hot Spring*. Va., and 13
now at her country place on Long: Island,
is booked to sail for Europe next w#ej(
— — — .
Mr. and Mrs. Caslmlr da Rham Moor*
have taken possession of their house la
Kast SHth street far the winter. They had
been at the Belmcnt for several .la; a.
Mrs. Smith HolUas McKim. who arrives
in town from Baltimore on Tuesday, is at
the O>lony Club.
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence < '. R!cc. nf th!t
city, have announce! aba engas;eaie!H of
their daughter. Miss Gladys Durant Ric*.
to John .1. Saltonstall, of Boston. Miss
Rice made her debut four years *»©. an!
has lived several years in Paris. Her
nance is a graduate of Harvard, class »•
*00. makes his home in Boston an I has 9
country place at Beverly, JIa«».
[By Telegraph IS Th» Trihu^» J
Lenox. Oct. 2S.— There were $23,W worth
of flowers on exhibition at the, Lenox
Flower Show to-day. Including a rare
orchid from Sir John Sloane's rolVcrtca
which is valued at J3.' v )°. '"iraud -Foster
exhibited a tine variety of ro.-p as -xeVl »s
many chrysanthemums, on whlrh he won
awards, and Charles I*ni«»r won prize* far
palms and plants. In th* vegetables de*
partment were exhibits by Mr?. Frank K.
Sturgis. Mrs. M. K. Jesnp. Mra. Robert
Winthrop. Mr?. John SJeene, George H.
Morgan, Carlos de Heredia. Mrs John E.
Parsons and Glraud Foster. Jlrr. Joha
Sloane,"^ chrysanthemums and orchids ar»
the best in Lenox, according ' •■> the J*:d?es,
who gave her th© award for Ha fc<«t grots;*
of orchids and the National Chrysanthe
mum Society's cup for the best ten chrys
anthemums of any one variety. Her ex
hibit in the chrysanthemum cora^etitioa
'arranged by the Lenox Horticultural So
ciety was th« rose po«"k«?t. a du!J gold
flower. Mrs. John E. Pardons. ;row«r, ex
hibited the. Mr?. Norman Davi.-«. a. wMt>
flower, and was a^ardf>d second prizes
There was a fine display of plants arranged
for effect, and the silver cup was awarded
to the group from William, D. Sloanes con
servatories at Elm Court. Glraud Foster's
exhibit was second, and Spencer P. plot
ter s third.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Sloan-. air.
James R. Jesap. Mr. and Mrs. Ham*
Fahnestock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Wna>>
tier, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Winthrop Fol
som. Mrs. Shouer. Miss Emily Shotter,
Newboid Morris, Mr. and Mrs. S. Parbmaai
Shaw, Mr. and Mr«. 11. T. Procter. I J.
Lawrence Lee. Mr?. M. Dwtght Collier. Or.
Richard C. Greenleaf. Miss Clementlni
Furniss. Chandler Robins and Mrs. D.
Percy Morgan were among those who at
tended the flower show.
Baron Henselmuller. In ' iTI inisilaa]
Ambassador, has gone to New York after
the late season at the Hour— villa, anil
Baroness HengelmiiUer will go tr> "Wasa
ington to-morrow. Count Felix 6ruaaaa%
of the embassy, will accompany trie bap*
ones?, who is convalescing from a recent
Mrs. James R. ."»sup and Mrs. C A La»
mont, who have been at OH Curtt3 Hotel
since early In the summer. wi:i return to
town to-morrow. ; "•
Chandler Rohbin?. who has been s guess
at the Curtis Hotel, will Wre for Phila
delphia to-morrow.
Mrs. J. Lawrence Lee win close her tilts
about November 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ivtson Parsons closed
their villa m Stockbridse to-day. Tfiey
will sail on November 1!' for a trip around
th-» world.
Dr. and Mr?. -Lemtier B. B<ir;=s clcsfrX
Monotuck. Farm, in Stockl-ridg". to-ctar-
Mrs. F. at WnitehousA and Mrs. 6. St.
Ackley have arrived at the Curtis Hotel.
Mr- and Mrs. Miguel ■ ;tartiner. M- 3 *
Carmen R. Martinez. Mr. and Mrs. V.". C.
Humstonc, Miss Mary Humstorte and Hiss
Margaret Btake. who have been at to*
Mapl»wood. Pitufleld. for the sea^un. *•»
turned to Now York to-day.
Mr. and. Mrs. C. H. Frazier and anal J*.
J. Frasier have arrived at the Curtis- Hotel.
I By Telegraph to ■»• Tribune. 7
Newport. Oct. Mrs. «'!ermrnt L. Best.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Clark and Mr. ami
Mrs. William G. RMM BJ closed their sea
sons to-day.
Mrs. C C. Pomeroy is to remain at be 2
Newport estate until Thankssivinsr.
Mrs. Charles M. Oelrlchs is a pue?t si heS
daughter. Mr-. Leonard M. Thomas.
Miss Fanny Foster has returned '•-<*» •
New York visit.
Mrs- Reginald C. Vanderbilt. *»» -•**
been visiting friend* on I-ons Island, ha*
returned to Sandy Point Farm.
Mr?. J. J. Tost has decided to close Tier ,
Newport house on November S.
Commodore ElbrM^e T. «erry and MM
Gerry arrived this afternoon and are g'^U
at the- Muenchinger King cottage.
New York co-rejyesiJstii-f Baltimore SsnJ
• l>rm >. .
■Without patronAge enough to «>«afy ta
leaders there would be K> |»C«2S*« .££
work. Hence. Tammany i- Teschir.- en.
upstate in the "enemy* country with tn»
view of making ur> for what has W. 1*
cibly taken away from it ■ tno city.
From The Rochester Port Kxpre>»
Mr s*titus.»n is an able lawyer who M»
performed important legal s.-rvU es on C£
half of the people Criticism of *" v Th ltl»
satton. some &.m, even le» than tW.»
simply ridiculous. What lawyer would"
cover S3LtX».CC4 for a client tor any su< h s-n
as Mr. Mbdsoq received from t ie govern
From The I'tica BwawM -Dispatch. J
Mr. Dtx. do yon favor the rublto Hcujg
ron mission.^ You ran m <* pUi:«rnt «T
posed to them iW years* ago. rtii* >£•
your platform f lev tires for "reasonable r*j
elation" of public service corpoptiot*.
What does this mean: Where di) )«*
From The Troy Time*.
If successful this year the DemocraUJ
party will have th* power n> reappersaan
the. state into Congress districts*. Anybody
who recalls the way In which reapportion
mmt has been eouthirtei! by the Democrat I**1 **
party m the p*st will see that it would c*
done upon a Democratic baaid that ni ** *
result in a Democratic majority In * °°*
areas for ten years to come.

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