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VolV o1 lA\....N° - : '. : '" <: - if HIGH EXPLOSIVE PARTLY SIS MONITOR jhe Puritan Subjected to Movd Test en Historic Spot in Hampton Roads. CAT 111 THE TURRET UNHURT Captain Knight and Four Sailors Remained on Board — Extent of Damage Will Be Ascer tained in Drydock Fort Monroe. Va.. Nov. IT,.— High ex fjoslve tests on the monitor Puritan. snehored •:. Hampton Roads, to-day <*a:naged the ... so seriously that it was necessary to send a hurry call to the Norfolk Navy Yard for tups to tow The battered warship to drydock. The tests wore required by a provision in ;I?e ordnance appropriation bill passed by tho last ses n of Congress. Two explosions wore made, each with two huudrod pounds of nitro-grlycerine gelatine, unoonfined except as to a thin covering of sheet iron. In the ilrst teflt the high explosive was placed cgainst th»- side of the after turret of the monitor: in the second, against '• Fide of the vessel just above th water- J;ne. Xaval offi cor? and eaq rts present ac- j kTuuvledged that more damage was done than tho. had expected. The first explosion cracked the side plate of the turret, which was ei?ht inches thick, and I need it inward about eight inches. A cat and two chicken?. placed inside .... positions that tlio gunners and sisrhter would occupy. w^re not killed. Big Hole Below Waterline. The socond explosion ent in so badly the l<>-inch side plate of the vessel. thereby opening a big: hole below the v.atorlino. that the rear end of tho ship sank to tho bottom in less than two minutes after the explosion. As the Puritan draws .t-rr. feet end was only In nineteen feet of water she did not disappear below tho surface. but in a. few minutes at Joast one of the big compartments was almost Jilled and ■uator was pouring up from below deck and over the stern of tho monitor. Until the vessel is drydocked it will be Impossible to determine the exact ex tont of the damage below the v.-ater Hne or how much of the lower part of the vessel is flooded. It was not believed. however, that the armor plate was < racked, although it was bent and stove In. The water entered, it was thought, through holes below the armor belt, which ■ •• nded th:- and one-half feet under v.-ater, or throutrh seams causod by the tt-arlne apart of the pitrn At the : olnt where the second topt was ir:ade the plate was ton inches thick. 1 'f the two explosions the second was ;the.v-inore severe, the hydroglycerine <i: using tho monitor to shake ay if she had boor, struck ': v a small earthquako, a:?d it was even felt slightly nn other •\-ssols Jyinifr five hundred yards away. Captain Austin M. Knight, president of tho special naval ordnance board, who remained on the Puritan to discharge Xhf t-xrJosivo, said the shocks wore se vere. First Ironclad Recalled. Alr.:ost on tho spot whore the suj>e rioriiy of a new form of fighting vessel, t,V- ironclad, was dotormined forty-eight y-ars a?:o. there was discovered to-day a IKJssible new destructive force in war 2*rv. While it was not shown positively that tho now explosive — tho invention of XTiHaxd S. Isham — is more destructive than the present form of explosive which does its work from the inside rather I'r^.n from tho outside, nevertheless R practically acknowledged that seri ous consideration must be given to the lion- outside explosive. Mr. Isham himself was presont to wit n~£s tho tosts. "With tho first test be "«ras not satisfied, claiming that if it had b^t-n agrainst a flat nstead of a rounded - it would have worked much frtator havoc The second explosion Eowimpllshed nearly as much as ho ex r^ttd. Tho resistance of the frames tni \h*- effoct below tho armor belt wore vhat he wanted to h.ivo dotorminod by th*- test, and he paid afterward that h« felt sur<- examination in drydock would prove him rig-Jit. On the- Puritan with Captain Knight *t th* ti^ie of tho explosions was a black cat. which Mr. Isham brou«hl alon? to Place to tiie turret, the chickens and four saiior*. lion of th*- navy and army officials end ponder <-xj crts who went down to *&*?» the tests wore aboard th- tvs Amons them wore Rear Ad- iiasor.. Chief of tho Bureau of Ord *?*«: Chief Constructor Watt, of the 5*?T ; ■ O'Horn, of tho Ordnance £*?nmeni. and General Arthur Murray. ""^ of the coast artillory. As won ag the pu rltan is drydocked c special board on naval ordnance, <«nj>ois«-d of Captain Knight, . •• - .• nt; "eEUaiant Comm^ndt-r Richard H. Jack «m. «ad Philip R. Alger, j rofossor of *rath«aatics at Annapolis, will examine «" injuries carefully and make a re- Port Xt. lf.ia.rns explosive is composed of r:r *'y-t«o jjarts nitroglycerine, seven J«-.s guncotton and one part marble Ii forms a gelatinous substance. - >* assorts that it is far more powerful njore destructive than tho present *'-£* " f explosive. Tbf ntval exjxrts who were present '»' said, howtvor, in spito o f the dam *Z* '-T:- thai a modern ll'-inch shcli l '-'j »iav*- don*- ,Tl(,re, Tl( , re harm. Th«=-y lc:.^t..j to u^, s on lhe FJorida a few ! rs " aß'>a B'> v " proof. Fi!.-th«-rmoro, it was ra&feil out t!:at the Puritan is an old " M * i< tsla t h< r armor j)lait- is not as ,l''T". as lhiit «f modern batlleshipa. l^ L t2!tT< - was no lockins and that !«jth IZ7 v/ r * niado uKiiinst perpendicular surfEc'e* ?M!? M!t * ad ol against a slanting C U?LT 18-MfL.E ROAD IN A DAY. ir.iry, : , Af ., ue Kan.. Nov. IS.-lTaokally '*«">• aW»- b.,ii«l tnan in thH equiitj- lo «*» 'Tit a hund t., building s iv v rouri !i^ ft . a: . d coff«yvll!^ .-: :!;i< en vVr,' ■V" :<i J . A1 -<J-'i JiJietn hi:::-Jrtd men JrJnJS load Ua * 'Vmirieted. With the ♦>*- — ■ ' ' ' '" - ■ I ' ' ' • . J To-t]|i T an .j to-morriiw, C«'iirrHll\ fair. GORST MAY LEAVE CAIRO British Agent in Egypt May Pos sibly Succeed Mr. Bryce. FBy Cabl<> to The Tribune.] London, Nov. i;,.-Rumors are paining strength In Cairo concerning the possi ble departure of Sir Eldon Gorst, owing to an imrKndinp change In Egyptian policy on the part of the British g-ovcm- BH nt. It is asserted, says "The Standard" correspondent, that the British agent .will receive a peerage and go in a dipl" matic capacity either to Brussels or to Washington. DEATH HALTS DIVORCE Rutland Woman Ends Proceed ings by Taking Her Life. Boston. \nv. is. — Divorce proceedings recently Instituted by M. A. Winslow, a Worcester restaurant m;i:uig->r. came to v sudden end to-night, wiun his wif< ooounitted suicide in a hotel in this city Mrs Winslow was forty years old She cam* i.. Boston from her home in Etatland. Mass., last Sunday, hringrine her daughter, Elmira, eleven years old, • r, and r«^isterinpr at a hoteL This - Mrs. Winslow was found lyins •■ ith her throat cut and carving knife by her side. CHINESE _ANGRY_ PROTEST Ears and Thumbs Cut in San Francisco Hookworm Tests. [Bj " - pgrapti to Ihe Tribune.] Pan Francisco, Nov. 15. — Indignation in Chinatown has reached a white h« . t over the most recent form of examina lafred by the immigration author ities. It is a test for bookworm, and th«- Chin- s ■ tt as so humiliating that have telegraphed protests to theii minister In Washington, and arc threat ening reprisals in the form of a genera] boycott ;i.srainpi American poods. examinai i i sists <-f thorough 1". ■■■ ears arc jijf r<-. d and the thum': c the purpose. The Chi nese ii thai they are required to strip for ill-- physicians like pr> and i.<r< subjected t.« other humiliations PROTESTS STATUE FLIGHT ! English Club Asks Delay in Pay ; ment to Moisant. John P.. Moisant. the rican who Hew from Belmont Park to the Statue of Liberty and return in a r>o-horser>owor Bleriot forty-three seconds faster than i the Englishman, Claude Grahame-YVhite. | who used a Bit-riot of I<HJ horsepower, j will not rea i the Thomas F. Ryan | (10,000 pnzo if the Royal Aero Club of I the United Kingdom can prevent. A cal message was received from the ; English c!;;: by the Aero Club of Amer ica yesterday DUStroctißg the latter not Ito pay the $10.000 to Mr. Uoisant, await- I ing action by the International Aero nautic Federation. Mr. Grahame-White protested during iht- international tour nament that he should be permitted t( fly again on Monday, October 31, the actual last day of the meet. The statue race was flown on Sunday, October 30. which vraa the day first advertised to cla«e the tournament. Monday was add ed after the meet began because on one > of the early days there was no flying by reason of adverse weather. Mr. Ifoisant Insisted that the man agement must stand by the closing hour officially named in the first place and was upheld Mr. Grahame-White says the meet was open until it closed, and hr should n"t have i>--<;n prevented from trying again on October 31. He will Boon sail for London, to be present at a dinner to be held in his honor by the Royal Aero Club of the United King dom. Mr. .Mojsanr i.-ft th" city last night for Cuba, presumably to see about exhibi tion eiigapemeiits for the Moisant Fly ing <"irous. He Is expected to return in vk. CANT CHARGE THE DEAD Court Rules Executor Must Pay for Flowers He Bought. [By Telegraph to The Tribune.! Poughkecpsie. X. V., Nov. in.— That a woman should not be expected tc pay for flowers for her own funeral was the de cision of Surrogate Hopkins here to-day. The Surrogate handed down this de cision when he struck out of a bill of expenses against the estate of Eli.-n LJeattie, of Fishkill Landing, a charge o' $v! made by Michael Cavanaugh, the executor of the estate, who said the charge was for flowers he had sent to lira Beattie's funeral. .-. i.auph was a cousin of Mrs. Beat tie, v ).•• when she made her will, t-.vo yean aed him executor of h<-r >_• --• estate When Cavanaugfa buo aceounts before Surrogate relatives objected to oer taii "Mrs. Beattie was fond of flowers,*' explained Lnaugh. "and I thought Jt no more than right that I send a bou quet to her funeral." . had a perfect right to send the bouquet, bn ■ I Mr* Beattie to pay the bill." replied the Sur r igate, :m he di . . the MIL H. WALTER WEBES WEDDTITG Admits Marriage to Miss Eastman Took Place on November 3. H Walter H/ebb announced la« nignt that the report that he had married Miss Constance Eastman, the actress, wa^ tn.- He said that the ceremony took phtce in Stamford, Conn., on November 3, and w« perforated by a Justice of the peace. Tne marriage, he add*], had not been pla< d on record, as he did not wish this done until it couM be Eupplemented by a religious ceremony. .Mr. W ■••'■ is twenty-four years old an.i a son of the late Henry Walter Webb, who was a brother of Major G. Crolshton Webb and Dr. Seward \V*-bb. Hj H mother wa* Ali-s l^iia. Howard (Jriswold. daughter of John A. Griswold. who wa s connected with the iron industry at Troy. .\ Y. He is a kins man of the Vandtrbilts. Jlis norrie is st No- 1* Eai-t 51st Mrett. Hiss Eastman lived « ith lier mother at No. ;*-' River>l«i<t Drive. She baa v- on tht * Ia «* J IiV *" > ei:r s, her appearance bavins been ultt! Montgomery urd Stone in -The 01.l Town." <*""*£ !££'^— "o «-.,0 i lun,i •■"*" -'■-••: ... jj Maiden Luie. m:vv.Y(>kk. wkdxksdav. JUDGING PAIRS TO PHAETONS AT THE HORSE SHOW YESTERDAY. MRS. BELLE BEACH BAIN. MRS. <". W. WATSON. WHO AVON THE RED ROSETTE IN 'LASS 68, FOR FAIRS To LADIES' PHAETONS. FAJdCAB OWNERS 10 DEFY STRIKERS TO-DAY ' Mayor Promises Policeman for Every Vehicle Going Out, if Necessary. SETTLEMENT HOPE VANISHES No Escape in Sight for Patrons of the Horse Shew and the Opera — Closed Shop Censured. Instead of the taxicab strike being set- I yesterday and thus pr< from ning further Into the opera season and horse show week, with all the im- i plied inconveniences in it:-- train. The > .—trie entered upon an even more se s stage then, following a five-hour pence between the opposing sides. Not only did the men refuse u> go back, ■ th>- companies decided to resume ! i.usinesp to-day ii; yr^ite. of the strik< rs Mayor Gaynor urp^r chauffeurs to return td their work ;<nd promised tht.m police protection, but it was not thought that j the timidity of the public would b« : greaxly relieved thereby. Th<- Motor Cab Owners' Association, which announced last night, after the .ill day conference at the Imperal Hotel, th. y would resume business to-day and send out thi-ir taxicabs. Includes the seven lartce companies affected by the strike. Not a wheel has stirred from the garages ("!::rii;^ the last few days, while the owners and representatives of trtkers hav< been dickering for a settlement of the strike. The Issue hinged upon recognition of th-- union. Other matters could have been amicably adjusted. The strike ]< aders remained obdurate yesterday in th,-ir position that the strike would con tinue until the companies granted full . nition of the union. They declared that th mpanies could not gel a suf ficient numi ■ ■ . . ■: ■ 3 to resume service with any material showing. They said that, reports to the contrary, prac tically none of the old chauffeurs would return to work, but would stick to the strik<-. An order was Issued from Poli ■•■ Head quarters shortly before midnight last | night, assigning eleven hundred men to j <?p» cial duty in connection with the strike. Most of the men assigned to the : work will be taken from th«- Traffic i Squad. They will ride in the taxicabs until the strike is discontinued. Th< main thoroughfares, from 14th street to 90th street, will be thoroughly policed, according to the new order. Mayer Against Closed Shop. Mayor Gaynor issued a statement last ni^ht censuring the attitude of the rep resentatives of the strikers in holding out for a. strictly closed shop, lie prom ised ample police protection to the em ployes of the Wecott Express Company and the Connecticut Cab Company, two of the companies Involved. Committees of Htrikers from these two companies called upon the Mayor on Monday and told him that the men were remaining on striki against their will and were anxious to return to work The Mayor advised these men to go back to work at once, and said he would send a j.oli'-eiiian out on each cab If th« chauffeurs were in danger of attack, It is onderstood that the Mayor's promise of police protection will extend to the employes of any " the other companies who desire to return to work. Allan L,exow. president of the I ab and i Taxi ('••rui'i'.n.v. the largest company af ted by the strik< - sai( J last nignl mat t!#- companies expected to draw upon' many ot ll " o!<1 c ! ia ufl*urs ■>■'■• had j rojnts & '" '"' '" : to work to man their ! cabs to-day. He said that then- were j many rtpu lariy !iCt ' nKttl chuufTeurs vtiu I had not been Involved In the strike ready ■ tje° to vol!: I<;: ' LL * iV '"-'Panits to- j * c Perkins, president or the local Cbauffeurt and Cab Drivers' Union, de elarcd tbct.thf Mayor was laboring fuutiuued ou octouU imge. * XOVJLAiBER 16, 1910 -^T\tken PAGES. •• I>R ICE ONE CENT "■ " M °LZZ^?™ti l^" ob1 in ' . : ... WILLUiI !1. M<» >}::■:. \\ :io l.;;Al»S TUB BLUE RIBBON WINNERS IKE m CifOWDS RIVAL BEST IN YEARS Naiicnai Association Provides Entertaining and Thrilling Programme. JUDGE MOORE WINS BLUES j His Biggest Victory Is in Contest for Park Four-in-Hands, in Which He Defeats the ; Watson Entry. < It's either the wings of Pegasus at the opera or his body at the Horse Show j these days, and opinions are ev< nly i divided as to which contains the more j poetry. As the opera took a night off j terday, the Horse Show benefited to i Ihe extent of the fullest and most i brilliant house this year, rivalling the best in former years. To entertain and thrill it the national association offered two classes of neat 1 little polo ponies, which tripped and | danced about the fragrant tanbark under their owners or the members of polo J clubs; a class of big saddle horses rid j den by men and women, and then, in or ! der, five pairs of horses shown to vic torias, six tandems and thirty-odd women's qualified hunters, ridden by : women, sides, of course, the audience I itself. i Of all these drawing cards the hunters proved the grt;itcst. since everybody longed to 1" in at the death or ne:ir d< ath, hiche^ it might happen to be. But neither happened, and this per ! haps constituted the only disappoint ment of the evening. To offsei it. how : t ver. the ■ ager audience saw a better exhibition than during the officers 1 jumping contest on Monday night All the women rode sid< sadd except Miss Lucy Cherbonniere. of Baltimore, who took Reggy Comer. Blenheim Farm's bay ; gelding overhurdle. stonewall and both sets of bars twic« in a clean perform- . ance and won the first prize of ?200 and j I $50 in plate. Mrs. Belle Beach-Bain rod- E. H. : Weatherbee's Taconite, Iso a bay geld ing, to ond place amon ■ winners, : | and Mrs. Adam Beck, of London, | Ont., took third priz with Sir Thomaa | So it remained for the women riders to | : win back for America t.. | impin j laurels carried away by the English offi- Jeers ' cers th. night bel ire. . There was not a spill, though Bally- | hooly, Miss Bhoti brown eldlnj ai j tacked the barriers so savagely that he almost shook Mrs. T( ssie V\»n Klein, his rider, from the eaddl< . The list fence ; ... aa knock* .i over ntirelj by John .1 ; O'Don'.hue's Merry Widow, by Frederic Hull's Sunday Morning. H. Bti arl Hoi- ; lis's Confederate, Mrs. Adam Beck's Blackbird end .- Misa V< n Morris's \ era. la 6raham«-White Interested. •; •>.,. P menadini ceased noticeably as the pink coated ring grooms half Huoded j tli ■ arena to put the jumps in place, and j the r.til liinis pressed closer than ever, gently but Impelled from behind by would-be feathers-d ones. b< •■• was even' enough ol the ueriul in the show to interest Claude Grahame-Whlte, the English aviator, who contributed that lai touch of r;i'«* al l' needed lor the utter Cuiiliuued *>v eJcicnth paije- BRYAN ADVISES ROOSEVELT Suggests He Back Some "Real Progressive Like La Follette." [n>- T< ri?i-aph to The Tribune.] Muskoge< .Nov. William J. Bryan passed through here to-day on his way to his Texas farm. "If I can make trees prow ; the place -J will spend -much time- there in th«- ; future," be said.. . . . - .. - ■• • Jlr. Bry«rn much pleased with the defeat of Dahlmari in Nebraska. When askod his opinion of the New National ism he laughed and declared there was nothing to it. With reference to Mr. Roosevelt being a possibility for a third term Mr. Bryan said: "Mr. Roos?vi-!t lean yet do his country much good if he Tgets back of some real Progressive, like 1... Follette, tor President. His defect eliminated him as a possible third i termer." CUBA ORDERS WARSHIPS Cramps to Build a Cruiser and a Training- Ship. ; Havana. Nov. 15. — President Gomea I sent tn Congress to-day the budget for 1!»11-'12. This amounts to $34,024,582, j including the fixed budget of $7JZ32,VA)6. The total is less by $750,00(i than the j budget of th.- current year. : The President has also issued a | awarding the contract for the construc tion of a 2,<MM>-ton cruiser and a 1.200 ton training ship to the Cramp Ship building Company, of Philadelphia, the cost to be $r»lU,000 and $338,000 re srectlvely. and two LMK(-ton gunboats to White & Co.. of East Cowes, England. THE SLAUGHTER GOES Oi\J , i List of Victims in Hunting Acci dents Grows. ; ny Telegraph to The Trilmne. ] Louisville, Ky., Nov. i"». — Two deaths i resulted from hunting to-d:iy in Kcn j tueky by accidental discbarge of guns, i The first death was that of Orville Wat , kins, sixteen years old. His death was caus lij the ins- harge of hi« gun when he jumped a ravine. Oris A\ r orst, of i Pottsville, was killed by the accidental | discharge of his gun. [By Telegraph to Th*> Tribune.] I Sturgeon Bay, Wls., Nov. 15.— A. A. Button was accidentally killed on Mon : day by a hunter, who mistook him for a wolf, Frank Lallemont did the shoot i ing, and is nearly crazed with grief, the |vi rtim being a personal friend. Lalle- Imont carried the \\..;iii..' man a rnilo. [!:.• Telp^raph to Tho Tribune. ! Hawkins. Wls., Nov. l."i. — Ernest I Thomild, a deer hunter, of Vanceburg. I \\"is.. was shot and instantly killed on ! Monday. He was tnistak n for a deer | by his friend, Albert Chickering. [D> Telesraph to V.-o Trtbur;*.] Cambria, Wis . Nov. 15.— Joseph San- j | derscn, while crossing a swamp with i j Burt Emory and A. X Gordon, who j ■-•.. re hunting, had his right arm slutt- U red by the accidental discharge of a ritk- In the bands of one of his com- ! panions. [llv Ti '• P 'I ■■ iv The TrliVneJ Ladysmith, Wis.. Nov. l"i.— August Bohmill, while hunting twenty mil< ttist of this city, "•■• - mistaken fui v u««er and shot through the head and instantly kllkd. 'i. •. « laiui, Ni" I" 1 - Two men were i killed and six seriously injured to-day a the openinf of the rabbit shooting BSCID IIW of ti'«-- 'leiiol untl t\\ Ccf the j wounded were accidentally chot by comradea. ' asm H AUTO hurt IN crash WITH TROLLEY All of Party Taken to Harlem Hcspital, Two of Them Unconscious. SOME BURIED UNDER WRECK Group Returning from Boxing- Bouts in The Bronx When Collision Occurs. An automobile containing seven men besides the chauffeur crashed into ■ northbound Madison avenue surfs shortly after midnight rt night, with th.- result that all the occupants taken t«i the Harlem Hospital, two of them bad!-.- bruised and in an uncon scious condition. Th" party had attended a boxing con . tf-st at the Fairmount Athletic Club, : i:;7th street and Third avenue. The | Bronx, and consisted of George Stivers. |oft\Vest I2th street; J.-irr.fs Buchanan, i a saloonkeeper, of No. 2* Bowery: Charles Larkin, of Xa 114 East llth street; Micha I Ilines. former Port War den and for manj years Republican, leader of the 2d Assembly District, of Xo. I 516 Pearl street; Thou - Lee, of No. 214 East llth street; Thomas Floeco, of Xo. 163 Leonard streel ; John < 'ollins, the | owner of the car, who maintains an auto mobile prara;_^e at Xo. H*l Broadway, und | Bernard Geissler, th< hauffeur, oJ Xo. t>2o Eiprhth .i > • nue. The hospital surgeons said early this morning that the condition of Stivers and Larkin was critical, but that none of the others was seriously hurt. It : was sai.l that Stivers had a fractured spine, and that Larkin had received in ternal injuries. The car had just crossed the -Madison : avenue bridge, and startod through l.'.oth street at an unusual speed, ac cording to witnesses, when it crashed into the trolley, which had not been no [ ticed by th«- men who were laughing and I talking over the bouts they had wit n<ssed. The motormao on his part also failed to cat' h sight of the machine until it too late. The trolley plunged into the ! front wheel of the aui with a crash th;it could be beard fur several blocks and which brought persona tc tbi scene from every direction. The force of the blow was so great that the machine wa*; j lifted from the ground and tossi i sev eral feet.f c et. Ail of those in the autonvobile were hurled to the itr< I Stivers and Larkin '."ii p:irt i. 1! . buried beneath the wreck- ' age. Patrolman Meenagh. of •:.■ Bast ]"6th street station, was early on the scene, and Immedlati ■•. telephoned for ai: ambulance. I>r. Langrocki of the Har l.m Hospital, responded, but In the mean time a pa&sin> automobile bad b*i b chartereiJ to take the more seriously in jurt-d t.. tl.. hospital. The surgeon thereupon devoted his at t.riti.iii to those who had been l>:; be hind, and then removed tht-nv in HI ambulance. .TCHN BROWN JUKOPw WEDS Fredertekiburs. \'.: Nov. ii— Wnittun .\' inn. eighty •, • .ir old, said to be th,- . t Utest .surviving niembtr o? i'.je Jurj- ihat convicted John Rrowri ut' treuson at Har ,,,iV Kerry, before tut- Civ:! vx'ar. mariieu Mr». Belfl* Ferguson tt»-day at Legato, ETairfex Ctiunty. fh.- bride It htt hus k^nd's »'■ i' wr by one year. (i( i BE OF MEAT DROPS kl OVER IHE COUNTRY Bumper Corn Crop Gets th§ Credit — Other Foodstuffs Ais- Fail. THIS CITY AN EXCEPTION Retailers Her? Ascribe Tumble in Other Places to Overstock ing — Views of Big P<~. />L-arc; A tenors! find substantial decline In rarat and otrt«>r food prices throughout ••..:;•■ hn«? Vet ir. vrlthiyi the kMI forty-eisnt N*"W York City stands prominently as the lone •»■ cepMoa to ihii lowering of price?, whole sale dealer*! in this city declaring thaC tho •■;;•; ■ is temporary and is du^ to th" fact that the retail merchants are overloaded and ar*» seeking to dispose of their p.rc^fs s'.jprly. Chicago. Pittsburg. Washington. Omaha. St. Louis and other lurge markets all report substantial cv.ts la food price?, the reason for Urn lower prices belnff ascribed to a bumrer corn crop and the consequent flooding: of the cattle market by tho farm'-r?. Of course, other re?«ons are b"ln^ art vanced by divers Interests. For In stance, the Democrats, who BHMh their battli ry in the last campaign. "Lower the cost of living!" have «'*n their op portunity In tho lower cost of foodstuff* and ire savins "I told j-ou so!" with monotonous regularity. They cite, «a the cause of ■•■■ jamming down of prices, not the extra yield in the corn crop. bi!t a bumper political crop. Other reasons derived from clourlv sources are put forward by some, but alt that interests the housekeeper and th« man who has to foot the bills Is that things arf> cheaper. let the credit hm given to whomsoever deserves it. Corn Ha-ve-t Said To Be Caiise. The large meat packers In Chicago ss* th.y have been receiving unusually larg » shipm* nt? <>f ittle at the stockyards. o'Ting to the gr»at harvest of corn, anl that thi>- accounts for tbi reduction la the price of meats. Commission m-i predict still lower prices on everything except *gcs. which they sey are hic^i and will go higher. -[■■-:• following quotationa show somf •■ th^ reductions in Chicago In the last week: Sugar, ftoi one-half a rent to ■ ceni a icund; flour, by the barrel. 13 cents; pork] M cents a pound; lamb. 3 cents; chickens. 2U cents; beef. 2% to 3 cents. The decline from the first of October varies from Tt> to T."> cents on cattle on, the hoof, and th- market in general U 50 cents lower than it was a week asco. Hosts have »-xi'»ricn- th*- greatest de cline, the price tein^ almost $2 ■ hun dn 1 lower. Dealers in this city— is. the r— tailers— can ste no joy in the alleged general reduction. They say that the *' are the persooa most affected, becausi the public, hearing of the lower price?, elamora and insists 'iion cheap meat an pcultrr. "Turkey, f->r Instance." said »•• Wash ington Market dealer, "is '.' cents a t oond, and it was five conts better las< your ai this rim- . But I think prices are up. .1- spite what rumor says, ami I believe thai by Christmas tho price -ill be advanced two to five cents a pcund.*" P'.cke-s Here Offer No Comfort. Swift A Co.. tho Armour Packing Company. SchwarzschtUi & Sulzberg'er and other big wholesale dealers sail yesterday th::t they could see no reduc tion. S< dm of their representatlvos *ou!d speak in mono«Trllable» and gava the imrreaslori that thi cow '.'.aa still jumping over the inm-n. A t-.mvtps of tho wholesale beef mar ket. whPo infli"nf!ns that tho price on potiltrv and cram" is temporarily low ered. stT>w? that T>eof and tho sub stantial nrats. ujw^n which the country at* largo subsists, are still at prohibitive) prices, despite the btimr-er crop of errain. • cross tho East Kivr. in Brwklyi some of tb^ retail dealera lowered tha jrico of pork two or four cents a pnurd. Th- retail price of poultry also took I bii Tn the nation's capital. "^Vash-netori. wholesale dealers stated yesterday tbat prices of m^ats were taking a decldej tumble, with indications that othfr food stuffs would fol!<uv in the decline. In tho wholesale iistr-.-t it was said that the price of beef has b*>«?n reduce J betvrei four and ttve a nts a pound. It is expectf-d th;:t otlier meats will taka a downward trend The retailers had .-| ■ I continued to quote tho hifch prices. A reduction of one ct nt a pound ■ th-> price of lard at retail, ami of from one tr» two cents a po'ind In tho retail price of the cheaper grades of b»-ef. was an nounced at Kansas City yesterday. "Tou may look for cheaper prices ia all kinds of meat soon." a Hi dealer said. Fancy beef will b«- the next ta come down." Consumer* Getting the Benefit. In St. liDVli retail markets bought fresh —ti from two to three cents a pound cheaper than a week ago. B*?Z carcasses ■old at from 11 to U i nts. •ad mutton from T to 'j conts lower. Ths consnmcT has derive*! dM benefit, ■ - cording to retail dealers. The recent hlsh prices of moat br.iuirht about a demand for tho cheaper cuts, and those have advanced, while the choice steaJca am? portions have declined. Meat pricrs« dropped sharply in Cincinnati, bacon Iteing from four to five cents a p«>und ami live nogs selling at SI -o a hundred loss than th<- pricegp QOOted .• wt«k ago. Co.Toe. butter and t'Ksr.^. howevt r. show a steady rise. •'.»\>ian.i reporti very positive drops In the prices of it- ■ IS. hotrs boms 1 quot ed a: .t rcdnctloa of $130 a hundred. Othtr meats have dot-lined in a Iwsarr tUgref. Rttail prices blm are affected by the s*neral drop, and it is expected, that turfce: will Lo so'.lins at 11 cents a pound for tho T!uink.sgi\nnc trade. Komi prices in Milwaukee show ■ <■ n era! reduction • ( fr..M 10 t<* L'O per cent below the prices uf lust fall. Potatoei