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Jury in Murder Trial Deliber?tes
Only Ninety Minutes.
Judge Refuses to Hold Girl to
Testify Before Grand Jury *
Against Mrs. Glover.
Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 14.— Hattle Iy
blanc's pathetic plea that she be allowed
to go back to her old home in West Arlch&t,
C. 8.. with her father was granted to
day when • a Jury after deliberating an
hour and a half decided that she was not
guilty of the murder of Clarence F. Glover,
at Waltham, on the night of November 20,
",:*•'' ' The verdict was a popular one— so (
popular. In fact, that the traditional de- .
corum of a Massachusetts court -was swept
aside while men and women cheered*
shouted and wept for sheer joy. The dem
onstration continued for fifteen or twenty
minutes and the court officials were utterly
powerless to stem the tide of . enthusiasm.
The crowd in the corridors took up the
cheers of the throng which packed the court
room, and there came answering cheers
from a company of more than two thou
sand men and women who had assembled
on the quadrangle '■ In front of the court
house and in the surrounding streets of
East Cambridge.
Immediately after the verdict had been
announced and the diminutive, fair-haired
French-Canadian girl had been discharged
from custody. Assistant District Attorney
TVler tried to persuade Judge Daniel W.
Bond, the presiding justice at the trial, to
hold Miss Leblanc as a witness to give evi
dence before the grand jury which would
warrant the indictment of Mrs. Lillian M.
Glover, the widow of the murdered man,
who had been accused by counsel for the
defence of being the real culprit in the case.
I Judge Bond declined to grant the request,
! saving that the evidence presented against
Mr« Glover in the present trial was In
sufficient to convict and that if a jury in
his court should convict on such evidence
the judg* would set aside the verdict. Last
spring Mrs. Clover was acquitted, of •
! charge of being an accessory after the fact.
Statement from District Attorney.
District Attorney Higgins Issued a state,
ment after the trial In which M «•£•■
to Judge Bond's refusal to hold Miss
Leblan- as a witness before the • gr and
jury. The statement also said that the
ruling of the judge ' to exclude from the
c**« all reference to the legation that
Glover said before his death that Hattle
had shot him had weakened the govern
ment's case against the girl. '
Mrs Glover was not In court when the
verdict of the jury was returned. When
i Informed at her Waltham home of the
i result she received the news coldly.
•Does it surprise you?" she was asked.
I "Well, no." she replied. "I can't say that
iit does. This has been a very funny trial ,
right through, Hattle was accused of the
crime, but in reality I was tried for it.' '
■When Miss Leblanc . was brought Into .
court this morning she was pale and |
trembling, and she -showed , plainly the
I strain under which she was laboring. After ,
: Judge Bond. had finished his charge to the ;
' Jury the. prisoner was informed by the j
j clerk of the court that if she desired to j
make any statement to the jury the op
portunity would be given her.
Defendant Declares Innocence.
Nervously the girl rose to her feet, faced
the Jury box and in a voice so faint that it
could be heard only a few feet away said:
"I did not do it; I want to go home with
my father." .
At 9:45 a. m. the Jury retired. At 11:15
I the 1 bell ran?. indicating that the jury was
J about to return to. the courtroom. Miss
I Leblanc. seated beside the matron of the
Cambridge jail, who has been the prison
er's constant attendant since the trial be
gan, shuddered as the jurors filed into the
jury box. Then she rested her head on the
matron's shoulder and began to weep. The
matron was also overcome with emotion
and wept.
When the foreman pronounced the words
"Not guilty" the little prisoner stood mo
tionless for a brief second. - Then, as the
crowd In the courtroom burst Into cheers
she sank into her seat and. again resting]
her head upon the matron's shoulder, she
wept for joy.
Miss Leblanc later received the news
paper men who had attended her triaL She
told them that she was delighted at the
verdict and had expected a favorable out
come. She said that she was going to re
main with friends In Massachusetts for a
few days, and then would go back to West
Arichat with her father, arriving there in
time for the Christmas festivities.
After the newspaper men had ' left the
jail, the members of the jury filed into the
Sheriffs office and each of them shook
hands with Miss Leblanc. and all congratu
lated her on her acquittal. She tried to
express in her broken English her grati
tude to them, but her feelings overcame
her and she broke down. Several of the
Jurymen also wept.
Preparations for the girl's departure
were then made, and at 12:55 p. m. she left
in a taxicab, accompanied by Mr. Johnson
and Larry Smith, the detective who had
assisted in collecting evidence for the de
fence. :;'.■;.
The crime .of which Hattle Leblanc was
accused "was. the murder of Clarence F.
Glover, a laundryman, of Waltham. Mass.,.
in whose home she was -employed. Glover
was shot on the night of November 20,
1909. After being wounded he crawled to a
private hospital and said that Miss Le
blanc had shot him. ■ -; •
The girl could not be found for three
days, and then, when the police were tcld
to make another , search ■ of the. Glover
home she was found asleep under a bed
m the -guest room. • She had been practical
ly without food all that time and had
spent most of the days in sleep, she said.
At the police station, when questioned
as- to the shooting, she insisted that she
had not fired the shot that killed Glover.
and said that when she had left the laun
dry after Glover had t assaulted her she
heard the sound of the explosion. w This
statement could not be shaken by any
amount of questioning, and it was on cir
cumstantial evidence alone that the prose
cution based its charge of murder against
Soon after Glover's death there was a
contest on the part of a number of Glover
brothers over the laundryman's will, and
while the hearing was held in the Probate
Court it was virtually a trial of Mrs.
Glover for the responsibility of her hus
band's death. The will case is still pend-
Ing in the courts. Last spring Mrs. Glover
was acquitted of being an accessory after
the fact.
New Haven. Conn.. Dec. 14.— George S.
! Hutchinson. alias Hatch, was arrested here
this afternoon charged with defrauding the
public It was said he was at one time a
member of the Chamber of Commerce in
Boston. His scheme is described as a
plan to start a chain of twenty-five-cent
stores, and it is alleged ere were made
that all who contributed J-.250 were to re
ceive positions as managers in the various
stores. He had, it v.a« said, received a
number of £10 subscriptions.
Golden Gate, Wash.. Dec. 14.— Louis R.
Glavis, principal witness in the Pinchot-
BaUt&gcr hearing, was acquitted to-day on
j the cliarse of having started. a forest -fire
near ,• White Salmon, The. jurjr.'waj. f«*
f ■g-fi'-if y J p-ilnnteA. . . ', — *— ~ r p - *
Najeb Fahmi Sold Spurious
[By Telegraph to The Tribune]
Middletown, N. V., Dec 14.— Najeb FahmJ,
said to be an Egyptian prince and carrying
with film recommendations from prominent
churchmen, Including the Rev. C. H. Park
hurst, of Xew York, is travelling through
Orange County giving lectures in churches
and trying to raise mency ostensibly to pay
for a medical course in the University of
Pennsylvania. As a side line Prince Najeb
Fahmi sells jewelry whin not lecturing, and
in his capacity of salesman he has lost
some of his reputation.
Last Sunday night Prince Najeb spoke to
a large congregation in the Presbyterian
church at Goahen, talking entertainingly of
the East. Monday the prince busied him
self selling 1 Jewelry and, It Is said, disposed
of about $30 worth. One. of his customers
became suspicious as to th.c value of the
Jewlryt for the prince had told him that a
pin he offered for %\ 50 was worth $12. ex
plaining that he did not have to pay duty
en his ware*. The auspicious customer took
the pin to a Jeweller and ">vas told that it
■was worth less than 10 cents.
The princo left the place the next morn
ing, and the good church people are sadly
wrought up over the matter, fearing that
they have entertained an impostor. How
ever, others believe that Prince Xaieb
might himself have been taken in OH the
jewelry and suspend judgment on him until
they learn more about him.
The Rev. Dr. Charles 11. Parkh irst ?a^<l
at his home in this city yesterday: "I gavo
the man an open letter some tUfic ago be
cause I thought him all right. I don't know
anything about his antecedent 1 :, but in my
personal dealings with TCaje-b Fahmi I
found him honest. My wife bought some
thing from him about a year ago."
Every Member of Olympia
(Wash. ) Panel Had an Excuse.
Olympia. Wash.. De^. 14. — Washington
v.'omen who received the right to vote at
the recent election probably didn't figure
on having to do jury duty. Sitting in the
jury box without removing their hats, five
prominent Olympia women listened all the
afternoon and until late last night to testi
mony and arguments of lawyers in the case
of a milkman who claimed that a blast set
nff by a firm of contractors caused hi.»
t?am to run away and do damage to the
extent of $10 03.
Six women were called, but sTrs. K. B.
Graves, president of the Humane Society,
sent a physician's certificate that she was
i!l. The court excused her, and by stipula
tion the other five were selected to try the
case. The jurors were Miss Jean McLeod,
stenographer of Governor M. E. Hay; Miss
Bernice Sapp, Supreme Court senographer;
Mrs. J. W. Mowel!, wife of a prominent
physician; Mrs. Frank Blakeslee. wife of
the Domocratic candidate for the Legisla
ture last November, and the Rev. Geneva
Lake, one of the few ordained female min
isters in Washington.
With the exception of Mrs. Graves, the
court refused to excuse any of the women
called, although each offered an excuse
varying from not being a taxpayer or a
resident of Olympia to the simple "just be
cause" of a woman.
After being out an hour, the women re
turned a verdict In favor of the plaintiff,
awarding the full amount of damages
This is said to be the first time in the
■United States that a female jury, drawn
from a venire of women only, has been se
lected to try a case. Judge Giles, of the
Justice Court, who presided, declared that
the Jury of women is far superior in every
way to any jury that evei before sat in his
Claim, if Sustained, Will Increase
Vastly Canal's Cost.
Albany, Dec. 14.— A n action which will
have an important bearing on the final cost
of the barge canal project, was argued in
the Court of Appeals to-day. It was an
appeal by the state from a judgment ren
dered by the State Court of Claims for
$356,000 in favor of the Fulton Light. Heat
and Power Company for property and
water lights taken for the barge canal at
The state is contesting the contention of
the Court of Claims that the company's
title extended to the bed of the Oswego
River, instead of the bank of the river,
and that it was entitled to an award for
water rights. The Attorney General argued
that irrespective of the ownership of the
hed of the river the state was entitled to
use the bed and water for th* 1 Improvement
of navigation without compensation by
virtue of the paramount right to control
Mr. O'Malley declare-! that if the court
holds that certain privileges had ripened
into vested rights the cost of construction
of the barge canal would be enormously
Talk of Second Strike Because
of Delay of Overtime Pay.
Talk of a second strike was heard yes
terday among the drivers and helpers of
the Adams Express Company, who had been
told that the payment of overtime would
not etart on December 16, but would be put
off until the pay day on January 16. The
men had looked forward to being paid
overtime on December 16, so they could
have some extra money to tide them over
the Christmas holidays.
- Charles W. Forster, general organizer of
the International Brotherhood of Team
sters, said the men .confidently expected
overtime on the coming pay day.
After putting himself in touch with the
officials of the Adams Express Company, a
representative of all the express companies
issued the following statement:
"There is no desire on the part of the
company not to live up to its agreement,
but the "men will have to be patient When
the committee of the men met our commit
tee after the strike they understood that
there would be delay in making up the
overtime schedules, as there are four differ
ent kinds of overtime rates, and it Is tak
ing a lot of bookkeeping in preparing the
schedules. No matter how impatient the
men are. it will not hurry matters, as the
clerical force is working at top speed and
the overtime will be paid as soon as the
schedules can be prepared."
Mayor Gaynor sent the following letter
yesterday to Vice-President Callaghan of
the New York Taxicab Company In refer
ence to the recent taxicab strike:
-Dear Sir: 1 beg to inclose to you a list
nf chauffeurs who were arrested by the po
°ice and e'Ser held for trial or found guilty
of violence during the cab drivers' strike.
Win you be good enough to communicate
Sis list to an of the cab companies? Very
tru!y yo^. UjIAM J- GAYNO R. Mayor."
A list of the names was Inclosed in the
letter. _^_____—
_ hfl c oc iety for Ethical Culture Is to give
♦>? mSSc an opportunity of listening to
t0 the /MrPBEt- 0O O» present subway eltu-
B orne addre iecs on *
fought to knew about it. At a meet i
\o be hefd in the assembly room of the r:ew
f< !!, house 64th street and Central
p n iTwet!o n December 17 at 8:15 p. m..
fh? fo^wng men will speak: William A.
ScAdtrprJsi.lent of the Hudson & Man
nSta^ Railroad; I* »• Out,rbridge chair
man of the Chamtcr of Commerce Commit-
Tee on Transit; Frank J. S,.ra S ue, past
..rLident of the American Institute of Kle,c
tr^U "jiuinnaer* «vi li M. BUM*. o$ Ua>
£iibjia g#rrfc» Comnuseloa, - . >-'
Would Dictate City's Policy of
Education, Says Winthrop.
President of Education Board
Adds That Any Inquiry Will
Be Welcomed.
The methods of the Board of Estimate
and Apportionment were sharply criticised
by Egtrton L>. Winthrop. president of tha
Board of Education, in his annual report
read to the Education Board at its meet
ing yesterday. He held that the Estimate
Board had shown an unerring tendency, to
infringe upon the rights and powers of
the Board of Education. The attack upon
the Board of Estimate wtls upheld by all
the members of the Education Board pres
ent, many of whom seemed to think that
Mr. Winthrop had let the Board of Esti
mate off easy.
"I take this opportunity," said Mr. Win
hrop in his report, "of calling attention to
Qm fact that the Board of Estimate and
.•v . ortionment, the duties of which
prescribed in Section 228 of the Charter,
has for some years shown an increasing
tendency to infringe upon the rights and
[W wit of tha Board of Education, and
thus dictate the educational policy of the
city." The report goes on:
The first step was the refusal to grant
funds to this board to enablo it to furnish
light for school buildings, although gas
and electricity is as important a "supply'
as coal, and the plain provision of the
charter is that the Board of Education
shall furnish all necessary supplies.
The next step was taken two years ago,
when the appropriation for "rents" was
taken away from this department, notwith
standing the charter provision that "the
special school fund shall contain and em
brace all moneys raised for educational
purposes not contained in the general school
fund" and that "the Board of Education
shall have the power to administer and
shall administer all moneys appropriated
or available for educational purposes in
the city of New York." Another section of
the charter gives the Board of Education
power to lease property required for the
purpose of furnishing school accommoda
tions, yet no funds are given to it for the
payment of rentals:
More Usurpation Charged.
The Board of Estimate and Apportion
ment, which in previous years had recom
mended the manner in which the general
school fund should be apportioned, has this
year gone still further, and, contrary to
the provision of Section VS», has appor
tioned said fund, conditioning the extra
allowance therefore (in excess of the three
mill tax> upon the acceptance of the Board
of Education of the segregation indicated
Again, the" powers of the Board of Esti
mate and Apportionment as respects the
Special School Fund are distinctly hmi ted
by the Charter to Indicating in the budget
in raising the Special School Fund the re
spective amounts thereof, which shall be
available for use in the several boroughs.
In spite of this, since 1909 the Board of
E=timate and Apportionment has under
taken to fix the salary of every o nicer ana
employe of the Board of Education. I am
of the opinion that in co doing that the
board" has exceeded its powers.
Another instance is to be found in th<?
resolution of the Board of Estimate and
Apportionment requiring the submission to
it of plans for new school buildings, etc.,
whereas the Charter, Section 1073. provides
that the action of the Board of Education
upon all plans shall be final.
The more I consider the problems which
the Board of Education is called upon i to
solve, the more I am convinced tnat this
hoard should determine its own policy ana
administer its own affairs There can^ In
my judgment, be no settled educational
policy, and no proper development of the
public school system, if charges have to
be made at short intervals as the result o.
action by another body, the membership of
which is completely changed from time to
Would Welcome Inquiry. .
In view of the numerous statements that
have been made regarding an. investigation
of this department, so far as I can-speak
for the Board of Education. I say £*«£«*•
notation that we have not the slightest
objection to. and will welcome any investi
gation which may be instituted » the.
Board of Estimate and Apportionment, the
Board of .Aldermen or the Legislature Any
assistance which this board or < Its offload
can render in any such Investigation will.
I am confident, be cheerfully given, and T
sincerely hope that it may result in the
benefit of the school system.
John Greene, the vice-president, seemed
in favor of all that h#d been said in the
report, but expressed himself as believing
that the Boattf of Estimate had got off
easy, as did Patrick F. McGowan. who in
troduced a resolution approving of the re
port. So many wanted to speak at once
that the president had to rap for order.
Gives Up Stolen Suit and Dons
Baxter Street Bargain.
A problem confronted Judge Malone, fa
General Sessions, yesterday when Giuseppi
Palmi, of No. 204 West 41st street, de
manded, the return cf a suit of clothes
stolen from his hrme by Nicolo Strsda.
Strada pleaded guilty to the larceny, and
had been sentenced to Elm'.ra Reformatory
when Palmi made his demand.
"Give this man his suit of clothes," said
Judge Malone to the clerk of the court
"I haven't got it, your honor," replied
the clerk.
"That fellow has it on him there at the
bar," interjected Palmi, pointing to Strada.
"Mr. Delehanty. can you suggest some
way out of this?" asked the judge.
"Yes, sir," promptly responded the As
sistant District Attorney.
Delehanty forthwith handed a process
server a £5 bill. Sizing up the prisoner,
the process server left the courtroom, re
turning in ten minutes with a coat and
trousers and $1 51 in change. The coat was
too large and the trousers somewhat tight,
but Strada squeezed into them in an ante
"They talk about the high cost of living,"
remarked Delehanty. "Where did you get
that suit?"
"In Baxter street," replied his aid. "It
was in the window marked 'Nobby,
marked down from $15.' "
Salesman Despondent Because
He Couldn't Get Well.
Despondent because he could not cure a
severe cold which he contracted a week
ago, Joseph Xewbauer, a clerk, employed
by the United Cigar Stores Company, com
mitted suicide last night by cutting his
throat and turning on the gas at his home,
No. 275 West 117 th street.
In the forenoon yesterday Newbauer's
wife went to visit friends in Jersey City.
On her way home she stopped at the cigar
store at Broadway and Fulton street,
where her husband worked. She waa told
that he had left an hour earlier than usual.
Before Mrs. Newbauer reached her hom#
several tenants in the house had 6melled
gas. It was traced to the Newhauer apart
ment. A patrolman was cailed tn and the
door was forced open. In the bathroom
they found Newbauer with hia throat cut
and the gas Jet turned on fulL Mr». New
bauer, who arrived home soon afterward.
declared she was unahle to explain her hus
band' 3 act She said, however, that since
he got a bad cold a week ago he had not
Leen the same.
On the dresaer the police found a note
which was signed by Newbauer. It read:
■•We are insured Every cent I have
honestly sivved and earned. "
Te executive committee of the National
Council of the Boy Scouts of America has
appointed a subcommittee to organize a
New York council of the body which will
be exclusive of Brooklyn and Queens. A
meeting of the committee .will be held in
iU* AutomobUa Club 9t Ajneric* to-raorrawv
.BdJjßJa art; io vxftwqqr "„ "
Caught Waiting for Delivery of
$3,500 to "Bet on Ponies."
John Peterson, of nowhere in particular,
obtained a temporary dwelling place when
he was arrested at the Grand Central Sta
tion yesterday morning by Lieutenant
David Wilbur, of the Central Office De
tective Bureau, on the charge of trying to
separate Henry Allan, a farmer, of Ham
mond, N. V-, from a £5,500 bank roll. Mag
istrate Herrman. In tho Yorkville court,
held him in $2,000 bail for examination this
Allan was sitting in the lobby of the
Grand Union Hotel on December 5, ac
cording to his story, when a man who
called himself John Walsh asked after %he
folks in Hammond, naming them over one
by one. It was a long time since he liad
been in the old town, said Walsh, and he
wanted to know how all his friends were
g-etting on. Allan recalled that he had
overflowed with information, and had
finally followed his new found friend up
Broadway to look over a $5,000 automobile
which he was going to purchase.
Then. Allan went on. Mr. Peterson came
into the story. Walsh didn't recall l.im at
first, Allan remembered, but he finally
turned out to be a Buffalo cashier, who said
that he had cashed a $*S,O<X) check for
Walsh some years ago. Allan was suf
ficiently impressed, lie confessed he was
';- 'I; persuaded to put up all he had
with him at the time on a "sure thing
with the ponies" and promi?<"l Io bring
the rest of his share to the city in a few
days. He said he put up J6«. He went
home after $3,500.
But the good folk of Hammond couldn't
recollect this Walsh. Allan began to g^t
a little worried over his $t>o, he said, and
coniided the story to Constable Smith.
Smith Informed the Police Department
here. Lieutenant Wilbur arrayed himself
as a farmer and accompanied Allan to this
city when he came to pay his $3,50n. He
found Peterson waiting in the station and
arrested him.
Investigation of Board of Elec
tions Worries Them.
The heads of the Republican and Demo- i
cratic organizations in New York and
Kings counties are placed in an embar
rassing position by the investigation of the
Board of Elections, which was begun yes
terday by men from the office of the Com
missioner of Accounts. Under the law
they must recommend to the Mayor a man
for appointment as Commissioner five days
before the first day of January every four
years. The terms of all the present com
missioners expire on January 1.
If the leaders do not recommend the
men at present, holding the places it may
be construed as a reflection on them. On
the other hand, if the present men are
recommended for reappointment by the
leaders and the Commissioner of Accounts
should discover any irregularities in tne
actions of any of them, the leaders will
have laid themselves open to a charg-e of
recommending men who hav<» not been
faithful in their duties.
The Republican organization in Kings
County has already decided to recommend
John E. Smith for reappointment, but has
not sent the formal recommendation to the
Mayor. Other organizations have reached
no decision. The matter will probably be
discussed at the meeting- of the executive
committee of the Republican County Com
mittee to-day. Tammany Hall will take up
the matter at a meeting on Saturday night.
The Democratic organization in Kings
County is anxious for the reappointment
of James Kane, the leader of the 3d Dis
trict. But the Mayor Is said to have de
clared that under no circumstances would
John Brown; A Biography Fifty Years After
Philadelphia PUBLIC LEDGER* "A tremendous book;
more thrilling than any hook of fiction, powerful In Its
™r-Vnl and which while It is written soberly, as beflta
hWorly, by the very nature of the narrative, often rises
to the highest dramatic ' level.
say after readme: from first to last it- more than .00
naep" that I have never encountered anythin? this side
of Gibbon's 'Rome' which has made me feel more the
personal power of a single work."
TOHN T. MORSE. Editor American Statesmen Series,
in ATLANTIC MONTHLY. 'Perhaps In thusdramat
icallv fashioning his volume, Mr. Villard obeyed an in
stinct rather than acted upon a preconceived plan; ; that
is often the case with pi eat work, where a writer feel
inrs are deeply enlisted. Be this as it may. the merit
anil charm are none the less; he has seized well a splen
did opportunity and has written one of the great
biographies of our literature."
HORACE WHITE. "In my judgment a contribution to
American literature to take rank with the very best
historical writing of our time or any time. The only
impartial history of the Kansas war."
ST CLAIR McKELWAY in the Brooklyn EAGLE.
"A biography replete with facts and marked by courage
and candor, learning and justice."
Portland OREGONIAN. "The most valuable and com
prehensive biography issued this season, and the best
and most candid estimate of John Brown."
W E. CONNELLEY in the Topeka CAPITAL. "The
unprejudiced student and seeker for truth will herald the
book as a great contribution to American history."
F Ihi illustrated icith portraits, and other illustrations. With copious not<*3 and bibliography. $5.00 r.rt. Posta?* ::•> cntts.
theTbest new books for boys and girls I
E. V. Lucas's The Slowcoach
Quite the most amusing of Mr. Lucas's **%£*'
many books. It is devoted to the adven- jn^
tures of a group of children, caravan ing ' an d '
through England. It is capitally illus- a ££ff g3t
trated, and as far above the average in Sl-oO^et,
literary as it is in entertaining quality. §i.6Q.
Jacob A. Riis's
Hero Tales of the Far North
It is a fascinating notion that an immi
grant should be asked, "What heroes do <$£,
you bring with you?" These from Mr. 01 /™ £^
Riis's home land, at least, will, as he etc.
says, "go very well together" with *lf>Js*
Washington and Lincoln, in point of in- SI ft
Games for the Playground,
Home, School and Gymnasium
Miss Jessie Bancroft not only describes '» u *;; ss ' c ,
some 400 games, but most conveniently *by mail'
classifies them. SlllJ
M .6 6 «?n?V.. by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY F B^.fe,j
Cartridge Pipe FiH«r and Starling
Silver Tobacco Cam
Reed 6- Barton Co. show a Pipe Filler and Sterling Silver
Case that is a real innovation. Tobacco Cartridges with
the tobacco shreds lying like the filler in a cigar. Many
other uncommon gifts for men.
Fifth Avenue at 32 d Street
also 4 Maiden Lane New York
he consent to a district leader's serving on
the Board of Elections.
Number of Coasting Places May
Be Increased, Bradstreet Says.
Park Commissioner Stover and Howard;
Bradstreet. - the Supervisor of Recreation,
believe that if children were attracted to
the playgrounds to do their coasting in
stead of sledding there would be fewer
Snow from the sidewalks around Hamil
ton Fish, De Witt Clinton and East River
parks has been thrown over the fences to
form an embankment from which the
youngsters can coast. It has increased
greatly the attendance In the last few days.
There are the usual number of coasting
places In Central Park this year, but never
before were so many coasters in evidence.
This Is true also of Riverside Drive Park,
the upper part of which has been appro
priated almost entirely by children with
bob-sleds in the last two days.
Mr. Bradstreet said yesterday that to
draw the coasters to the playgrounds and
parks good sliding would have to be pro
vided, and the effort to make .such i pro
vision in the parka named had be^n so
well rewarded that It m ght be « x^^
to many other grounds during the winter.
Stover to Renew Request for Money j
to Enlarge Central Park Cages.
There jriß bo wailing: and gnashing of
teeth in the Central Park menagerie if
th« Board of Estimate does not act favor
ably this time on a request from Park
Commissioner Stover that $14,000 be appro
priated to provide for a much needed en
largement of many of the animal houses
or cages. The request was made by Mr.
Stover last year, but no money was forth
coming. In the meantime the Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to A::imals de
cided that it was criminal to keep the
wolves and the hyena in such small cages.
It Is for the same $14,000 that Park Com
missioner Stover intends to ask again. Ac
cording to the plans prepared by the Fark
Department, the enlargement would cost
that much.
Some of the keepers ar» in favor of
taking a number df the animals down to the
Board of Estimate as an exhibit, to show
that they have not prospered under the
limited roofs. The hyena and ins wolves,
respectively, are in cages that are about
four feet square. The camel is said to be
growing another hump because of the
cramped condition of his house.
Pome officials of the Society for the Pre
vention of Cruelty to Animals have said
recently that they would protest a?ain
about the inadequate space in most of the
Dcs Moines CAPITAL, "More powerful In Its appeal,
more dramatic than any book of fiction, is this won
derful biography of John Brown."
The North Carolina REVIEW. : 'in this biography Mr.
Vlllard has touched hish-water mark. The book is a
delight to the reader for many reasons. Full of Ufa
and movement, . . . written in an attractive ana
scholarly style, full of sympathy and yet without any
loss in accurate presentation, it sets a new standard
for biographical efforts."
Baltimore AMERICAN. "While th* book has popular
features in that it is entranclnply Interesting, its schol
arship Is of the highest order and Its style reminds one
a little of Anthony Froude. . . . Mr. Villard has
illustrated in this book the finest Ideals of literary
conception and execution.**
London TIMES, "It Is scarcely likely that any later
writer will be able either to add anything of importance
to Mr. Villard's collection of material or to better his
interpretation of the whole story. ... It at once
becomes the standard, and probably tho final authority
on its theme."
Washington (D. C.) STAR. "Mr. Villard draws a com
pact, vivid, historic picture of t e terrible focussing- of
this period upon our Civil War. Straight and clear
in its literary way, this biography Is a marvel of re
search and fair-mindedness."
JOURNAL. -No fault may Justly be found with Mr.
Villard's telHntr of the story. It is minute and lucid,
altogether fair and unvarnished."
Burlington (Iowa) HAWKEYE. "it is a book which
will take a place in the library of every well estab
lished home in this part of the country.**
Joseph A. Altsheler's
The Horsemen of the Plains
The most desirable of the new boys*
books to be had, because, while it is ex- i^ color,
citing as a story of hunting adventures ckariea
and Indian warfare should be, it docs L. Bull,
not create false Ideas as to either. Sl-50-
E. H. Figyelmessy's
Two Boys in the Tropics
A capitally told story of two boys on a pr O € jy
sailing adventure to British Guiana; as illustrated.
entertaining as any one could wish, dis- $/ ,<j n et,
tinctly fresh In its interest and at the b^ 11 r2r 2s xl
i same time true.
Alice Wilson Fox's
Hearts and Coronets
- There Is not a dull moment in this
story, which a well-known critic pro; ot %
nounces "one of the prettiest stories for tf-M
i schoolgirls we have read In years."
A new Christmas gift for a
man, that is as useful in
practice as in theory, is so
unusual as to be a rarity.
Retained in Charlton Extradition
Fight, It Is Understood.
Pierre Gar..'--., Prosecutor of the P\e*a
of Hudson County, >.* J., •• ■■ ' represent th%
Italian government in the legal struggle
over the extradition or Porter <~harUon.
who killed his wife in a villa on th« ban*
of Lake Como. Mr. Garven was snmmonei*
to the office of the Italian Cohst:! in Man
hattan and »-- retained to fight to th»
last ditch for the extradition.
The warrant surrendering irlton to th«
Italian authorities has keen Issued by th»
Secretary of State, Ml It has. been stayed
by the proceedings Instituted In the federal
District Court at Trenton by Charlton'a
counsel, who expect by legal technicalities
to defeat bis removal to Italy for trial for
his crime.
Mr. Garven declined to =- •.-=" last even
ins the object of the conference with th«
Italian Consul, but it was reported from a,
trustworthy source that he has been re
tained as the legal representative of Paly.
Prosecutor Garven conducted the cas«
for the state in the proceeding befor«
County Judge Blair, at Jersey City. an>l
thwarted the counsel for Charlton to Intro
ducing a defence, as he contended that It
was not a trial of the cause, that the court
was sitting as a committing magistrate and
all that It was necessary to show was a
prima facie case, a contention that was
sustained by Judge Blair. It was th* ex
cellent fight made by the Prosecutor "■ this
proceeding that influenced the Italian gov
ernment to retain him.
Old and Large Finn Pleads Guilty to
Charge and Pays Fine.
J. I. Hopkins & Co., one of th» olde«t
and largest drug firms in the country,
pleaded guilty in the United States Circuit
Court yesterday to a charge of adulterating .
drugs. Judge Hough Imposed a fin* of $400,
which was immediately paid.
Tha indictment charged tie adulteration
of belladonna root with powdered olive pits,
powdered gentian root with an unknown
fibre, and powdered clove* with stems. In.
imposing the fie*. Judge Hough said that
some of the excuses offered by the firm for
the adulteration were pretty far-fetched.
O'Connor. Lawrence & Ellison hay»
leased half of the thirteenth floor in the
new Putman Building, Nos. 2. 4 and 8
West 45th street, to the Fencers* Club,
now located in the Windsor Arcade, for a
long term of years. The officers of th<s
club are Xewbold Morris. president;
Charles Tatham. treasurer, and Marshall
R. Kernochan, secretary.