OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 21, 1910, Image 15

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1910-12-21/ed-1/seq-15/

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Coai Roads Restrained from Fur
" ther Control of Company.
Double Appeal to United States
Supreme Court to Settle
Curious Situation.
P v,;adelphia. D«- 3. -The United States
ro^t of tie Eastern District of Pcnnsyl
roiJ .'" whirli liandcd down its decision in
™ c & atiir3CJte coal etas* weeks ago de
'arirfT the Temple Iron Company a combi
- tion la restraint of trade and dismissing
government's coatcntion as to other
.-ers in tbr s> " t " issued its decree to-
Trv'ihich conforms with the opinion de
otmsjS two weeks apo. The decree is an
"'^.ij.j.j instrument and restrains the. rail-
T '■*' corporations that orrn its stock from
*i»ther exerrisin?r control ov<r the Temple
1-nn Coispanj". bnt the . decree docs not
*",.. Jrie government's request that the
- Tvii"t? to i he cape be dismissed with
cut prejudice-
Tre court simply dismissed the other ron
■tenUor." of **« -ov-mment. and it is a
««frJ<n whether the government can ever
■ie O a? 3 * 11 rtBjRJI alleged combinations
v n«jtioned in its bill of coinplaint
~ne decree states that the Reading com
-^tr, the Central Railroad Company of
'■^g^r' Jersey, the Delaware. La cka. wanna.
ICegti ' Railroad Company, the Lehign
Valley Railroad Company, the Erie Rail
rozd Csapsa ■■' and the New York. Susque^
bbiaai <c "^'estcrn Railroad Company en
-?yed ir.io a combination in restraint of
tysde through the instrumentality of the
Teirspte Iron Company. Each of the de
fendants their arents. «tc, are enjoined
tnm hereafter acquiring: any shares of the
"Temple Iron ■-nany, from voting or at
•HTTsptinj: ta vote any such* shares, from coi
j^tmg cr recrfving di\idends and from ox
rrcisiiyr any control over any cf the acts
cl the Temple Iron Company. The officers
of tie Temple Iron Ossapsasj are enjoined
Irora exercising any control over the nu
merous subsidiary companies mentioned in
the jrovemrnent's complaint.
The decree • rther states that nothicf: in.
the aerre* shall prevent fn« Temple Iron
annpaay from s»lUnp or BSBBMMBBC Of its
shares cf the capital stock to any mjsj f-de
rcrefcaser not in privity with any cf the
deSesdasts mentioned in the decree and r>ot
.-rstaininr any relation in interest, direct
«T indirect, by trust or otherwise, to -or with
»ny 0* the said defendants.
Tii? Temple Ircn ->mpan^ is chartered
under the =-■■ of Pennsylvania. Under this
rhart-r It can — - •;«, to mine and sail
Ap th* defendant? who earn all the stock
iixe been enjoined from esastcMßfj hrtlwr
----- over the corporation, it is BOtaJM^u
>-,- trhat ... J they Will comply with *-"■•=
«S*ti«e c f the court. It is understxhsd here
tJiat the Temple Iron •■■.■.ar." will appeal
t*M cafe *n tie Supreme Court of the United
f^pTtfl'w-tßg the handing — of the decree
j — rj. - - ■ ..- .r.s^. for the sovern-
Tr>ent, in conformity - •-" notice he ?3'""' s
TaVt weei Bled formal notice cf an appeal
?!} is* h*£h.er ccirt.
iONf, AND SH^rt HAii;
Commerce Gommissiou Gives
' Views on Application of Clause.
-t_ c -.- H>ec. 20. — Vlstts -f the Inter
r^ate Commerce — .ssict! on the applica
tion cf the lens and short tSKSi provision ct
the ccm?n£rc*> act sre riven in I statement
'mac* to-day by the commission. They re
'l¥<* particularly ro the appliciticn ef tfc
,jjrT«i£icn tcr export and pttt freight
♦•:•<=- In vieTV of --c facts elicited at the
en Nov«3iber 2S • -- commission
- ■
i Tfcat led expert and import, rates %x*
subject to th^ nrovisions of the act ani
<ritido fhe I'irisdiction n f the commission.
That the "fourth section of the amended
-act icrtneis carTT?rs Fibiect thereto, Ttitli
oat authority from the commission, in ac
'ccrdacee -with said Eection, to charge more
■for the transportation of a like kind of ei
rcn or import traflle for a shorter than fcr
a icnger haul over the same line bb the
saTH^ d'rection — that is. as -we understand
►the latv. the validity of a. rate under this
Fecticn ts determined by comparison of an
expert rate- with an cport rate or an tin
put rate v.ith an import rate.
-' So far as the fourth section is concerned.
aoarrtei ax* not required in the rlrst in
istarrse to esta.i>lish export and import rates
■n-riicn Bfcaii be measured and limited by
•Jornestic interstate rates between t'-. same
'vcistsi cf or.gin and destination in the
ItnltwJ Sta r c«: bur as export and import
-ra-cs as ■**-=!! as demeptic interstate rates
are s^b-iect to the provtEicns of the act and
pdw jurisdiction of the commission, it is
ctear Thst the reasonableness of any of
T heE? rat°s inder the provlsioris of section
1 sr.d questions of discrimination under tbc
Tr.:rd section may all t>e consider' Mi. and the
•'cmmgsion may condemn any discrimina
lOS in export *and import rates on com-
Taraon -^ith those applicable on domestic
ffl**rerat« trafSc to the extent that the
ant may h» found 'lr.vi?'' o» bbimsimUi
■>■ er. particular eas e upon investlsration
ard !-a:;'hearin?.
'. Otter questions discussed at the hearing
ere rpser-.e'i by the commission £or deter-
in th* fyttir*.
Secretary of War, Edison and Cnr«y
Visit the Cement Show.
Jscob 11. Dickinson, FecreUry of VVar,
»*p was cr.<- of a number of distinsruishej
* Gators •■ Th» '-»ni«»nt fiior.- at Madison
. R ..:-. •Osr<3-r> lart evrJr.c. said the sky
r-jipfr of the rear future mtD b« built -of
' r w»r. - Hp exprenied arnazem^rti at what
: ** saw at th<= *xpr«=:tirin. yho'winsr particu
i interest ia a demonstration at the us^
I c - t«ai»nt for th«»* construction Bt fortifica- '
iyrrs, Before his eyes workmen moulded
* su?3<?s fon out of cement.
Swrctary Dirltfnson insited the Gardon
*2l!i3Tußiife*: A. Edison. W.'-E. Corey, pr*sl-
* r **rPt.*J>« United States St-cl Corporation.
« r -d Major Chatham, U. S. A. Mr. Edison
| locked. ever a model of the cement hou^e
I ki* Ittiss tvoived. His presence ajr the ;
wott <2r?w a crowd there, and the inventor i
*"»« fotved t«> shake hands with raany of
\"? sp«rutor>-.
|fi«a.*i Band, of one hundred pieces. will
J^v this afternoon and to-nisrht. and this
be the feat chance Americans viill have
"«" scotter year to hear tliis orsranizatlon,
41 the band vri\\ sail for a year's tour of
turop*. a; ier l}ie close of the cement sho^v. j
S«ion. r>c. "o.— At the organization
to-< Say of the oirectors of th« Unit-
Trait Company the old sAsjSSBj wer*
J^:rr . re-elected, and the — UlUtfm
•jBBa- uas increased to seven member*
*•»»« w Org . who was recently elected
• cirect'or, was .-.oe^n a* the new mem
*■•■ comrrittee
i Th« frtlotrtns . tltions in bankruptcy
filed ye^ierday:
*vSf zv « i nue and K'th street, involuntary.
fflg«: Toihurßt Machine W ork?-. 1^:
fM^Cfae Co., Sl7; Godfrey Keeler <•■• S7.
ifTf.-r^-"^; liainlities. j«4.flao.
*»Atßl(-E A. i-XJX. <lothln« dealer. No.
cd street. Jnvoluntary. Creditor?:
jj'-ejjui-CLarlcs i!l»O 5.-- Barneti
SftMbgrg. $:/.«•; Lrfjuis N. Cohen, S3&J
gWoa Knox BeiJ. receiver. UabilHieg.
iw« 1 • manufacturer of embroideries ana
*">M*t> at N" IS V^>f«t 26th street, invol-
SSS Creditors: r-rae* B. NimrnoriP.
" Angelo Co.. .Uf; E. L. Brady.
g "** «<j street, involuntary. Creditorp:
f**ara Pea** Co *--• '■" R Moon, $10;
ifif HoCman, IS. LiabiUtics arc said to
and assets S3.'/-0- r; _,
iTr WALLACE McCRtA. architect. No; 3
a£H IStb etr~*%, ' voluntary. Liat)iliu«s
••i a«tu «eu. .^ s- «
President Gould Tells of Road's
- Increasing 1 Expenses.
In his' remarks to stockholders in th<=
annual report of the Missouri Pacific Ttail
■^a - i>n-gf. .r Gould, tliß president of the
road, amonsf oth^r things; saj^s:
"The Ftcadilj- increasing Pxp<=>ns«»F, which
to an extent are beyond the power of the
management to control, have bf»com« a
v»ry serious factor in railway operationF-
Materials and Fupplies entering into the
or>^ration and maintenance arp obtainable
only at a constantly increasing cost. De
mands for higher v/ag-es or. account of
the Increased cost of living have been
made by the railway employes' labor
Tinionp. and after being submitted to arbi
tration under the federal statutes governing
such Dia:ter= increases ha.ye been awarded.
Other very large expenses are required in
oomplj'ing with federal' and state regula
tions. «nacted within recent >»-ar>-. The.
■"'■■ way ■--.: increases in expenses can
be mot, with a proper maintenance of
the property and a fair return to . the
stockholders," is by an advance in transpor
tation charges, and this is difficult of ac
complishment by reason of adverse senti
ment of the public and unfavorable action
of constituted authorities tending to. the
st:!l further reduction of the rates now
"As stated in former report?, it is only
by fair and reasonable treatment by pub
lic authorities that the railways will be
enabled to subserve the public interests.
There is no gainsaying the statement that
if the railway carriers are not allowed for
services rendered adequate compensation
•- f. able them to properly operate and
maintain their properties and to establish
and sustain a basis of credit for financial
transactions that w:il enable the owners
to improve and enlarge their facilities and
thus nice* the development of the coun
try's business resources, the public will in
the end be the greatest sufferer."
The company's statement for the year
ended June 30. 1910, which is the first since
the nierginsr of the various subsidiary com
panies in the new Missouri Pacific Rail
■na;- and the St. Louis. Iron Mountain &
Southern Railway, gives the combined re
solts of the two latter roads, and compares
as follows with the combined results of all
lines in the y ear before.
13i<V IMP.
Average milfajre operated <j.77."» *»,4SS
G'-r.Ff- oarninr? .-, $53.019. Ma.388.54S
Expenses . :...... .TT.547.372 33.928.513
Npt --.-ninss -J15,471.7<W $12,459,029
Other income . ... . 1.5"?3,731 1.684.043
To»«i ineam* $17.355,4P& *H. 153.073
Fixed chr?.. Taxes & rts. 12-<W2.725 11.Q56.050
Surplus ../. . $4,872,771- 53.0i.7.008
Hire of '". x. oth?r chsra. 1.M3.55S 1.902.4f1S
Surplus .'. . 759.411 $1. 064.509
*E<?ubJ la 3.3 per cent or. th% $53.251,C'00 M<=-
SBBXi D arlfic Fai'w-ay Company stock.
The total expenditures for iMjUinniiiiits
and additions to the property- were 012,135.
a>:n ap.eoh:
1510. _ 130S ' * l?0f
2* waafc m D-r • r4-" 006 $56.4*9 554,745
July 1-D«c. 14 093,277 " 9"7,26* iSi.l'H
2d wamt in Dec. 5533.060 $323,703 5326.500
July 1-Dec 14. .£,235.539 7.BBT^BsB 7.310,965
22 aa* la Itec 5137.000 4168 SKW.OOO
July 1-Eec. 14. 4.556.000 4.0© 000 5.5T6,«3
22 "-esk Ir. r>ec 5L092.950 $1,041,220 595a,120
T;>- 1-D»c I^. 25,252,731 25.557.79* 21,-554,807
rrrssouHi ficihc.
23 -"k Is Dec $1,034,00-'> 18Z3.668 S?51,000
T-:- ■• 1-Dec. 14. 25.114.173 24,670.207 21.704.755
W*lECBd r>~. 15 542 454 539.264 $36,598
Tan. 1-I>ec. 1?. 2.C50.405 1,945,462 1.530,6?0
4th «<aak Is Nov. 545.510 $42,651 $40,358
July 1-Xov. 88 S3S.SS6 702.717 741. 537
Ist we»k ,r, D»c. : 535.044 537.31S
July 1-I2*c. 10. 756.435 - 704,312
Menlii et -Csv/— ' "■■
Gross eartsings . 57.470.KS 524,610 $6,306,422
Oper. espesaaau 5.645.725 5.014,671 4,215,578
Se< earr.ir«s $1.%23.351 $2,509,939^ $2,057.544
Jn\y 1-N'ov. SO —
B*qps -arr-.-.r.gs .SftO.ISOSO $3«,043,200 532.941,375
I C«per. r>nser: S «£.. 2«. 317.096 24,736,374 20.763.822 ;
Net »ami-KS..f 11.837.494 $13,246,526 $12,177,553
Slor.th of Oct.— 1210. 1909. bMßasaa.
! Number cf rr.iJ*s 350 350 '
Total cp-.-r r-v-. $758.56% 5752,293 -$22,728
Eatal oper. 'xp. 445.550 440,544. 2.756
Total net rev. $315,967 $341,454 *$25,466
Taxes 31.290 25,12S 6,161
Or-r incorc?. $254,637 $31-?.32S *$31,62S
July 1-Oct. "52,94, ! 5.969 52,774 562 5171 407
Tctal oper. r-v. $2,945,963 $2,774562 5171.407
; Total oper. -xp. 1.654.14S 1.5»6.65? 64,514
TotaJ nst rev. $1,261,520 $1,174,025 5?6.582
Tai-s 119,5W0 P4.753 25,206
Op-r. income. 51.141,860 J1.050.174 $61.656
Month of Sot —
Gross aiialnn . 5644,41 ft $607,167 537.349
Expenses . 351.401 352.219 29.182
HM e2r-.v--.p-5 $263,014 $254,948 $5,066
Ctzs. and taxes IfflljUTl 171.429 17.21t
■osbsbb $74,371 mjna *$?,147
Jun» 1-Xov. Z0 —
Onaa -arnlngs.. $3>2P.2<-^ $3,551,648 $277
r xrtKs .3 ...... 2,2^,4»<> 2.01«,«34 264.562
X-t «arnlrißF. $1,545,710 $1,533,014 $12.6f»*
CShaa. sa4 taxes 1.132.175 1.037.05 a »5,116
Sarplaf $413,555 MBM64 '$«2,419
CLoninr. t*nite<l TrarnTayp .)
srfc«Bd Dae 17 £5.4?7 £5.054 *413
Jan." 'l-Dfc 17. 311,518 209,501 12.015
OtßtapaUtsn District.).
-sF'k «>Pd D»C. 17 €11.791 f 11.17R £553
July 1-V-- 17. 256.564 240.14H W.7IS
I Tubes, i
■P"k«nd D-- 17 £14,435 £13.955 f450
t,,,;. 1-Dec.'l7. 301,035 297.050 ISB ,
<R€pcrted by C'.ir.ter. Gilbert. No. 2 Wall etreet.)
Asked ' Eid.Asked.
Alliance Xt 117H 122H LTUT.. 252* 2574
ia °nJ£ 230 — Lincoln 12S ISO
rr^-s s: LIL&T..3OS 815
r*,£*^- 625 «S-> Madison .... 105 205
«5 MO'"??* 257U Manhattan .. 37S 400
Broad*'*''"- 1« 148 Mercantile .. 700 740
Tt^k'^ 415 42^; I Metropolitan. — SOS
r»-er4" ": 110 112*4 Mtire Bond.. n»mi»V4
V 135 14^ Mutual 130 —
CentS . . 10^5 10» Mat Allianc* 125 130
««. i-reMt 5S «2 Nassau 1«5 lW
S^": 1 1 Nat Surety.. 190 197
ri?£e?£"" 1^ ISS NTH* T. 1120 113<>
S 1 ™hia'" 2^ X TM 4 fi. M 21)5
iif,;i I S T Tras:.. StO 1
r^mm'ii I^> 130 Peoples . . . 300
EwSTS- 300 1W Qu Co Mtjr*. t{o 125
Em^tTb!- 4«l 472*! ° ' ens C 0... 115 —
r^T* a T I«KW * tHt( Realty Abso. — US
Flatbuab •• -^ 2» :c ta^ ard ...4.W 410
|?fi!*! ia ■ " 2flft — Tit! g& T . &or. r.lO
£?"?£_. 217 ii Tlof N V.. 135 140
m«^- v ' ' W>> "HO Tr Co of An, 320 HSO
■■Si.;; ?s 1 l^li g
ll ud Beany- fi' 5 u«*t G& I — 92^
Ijud^n Tr l«o I. a 375 _^
iA «'co S«S - Weitchester.. JSO l*i
l^w MilS! itt gIS-lWlaflior..... 120 130
( Furnl Sh ed by TVilliam*. McConncl! & C leinan
No. 60 Wall street.)
Bid. Asked.
Aro UfM ATrarfon --.''"::::::::'.'.!^ S3
*O preferred ■ .^ v ,
Am Gas 4t Electric " 41 43
do prelerred • J, S4
•Cities Service 5f w
•do preferred -• i? g
Denver Gas & El If n 3a «« J
tTnpire Wat Elec pref ?« •»
,jo bonds • • _1 « 4
Uncoln G«b & Eleoric :; ::::::::::|, r*,
SC rscrVed 00
•E* i*»*ieaji
"" * T4!d Acted ) Bid. Asked. \
•«•■ "I L : : „'; -.. l 2 v' .T.-.i !>4 W
•C IJ G /t.-\?r - SLandard W 70
Ind O»». -••■it j» .c, j Gait 6«.. «>■'• S3
lio^*U'ss" M 100 lyraGm^.lOOhlO^;
?SY &Eli fi V.lOl 105 SU. * P Bt- H■■ nH,
•«jo coo as iw i
FOREIGN TRADING.— Foreign bouses
«<"■<. not active in the local stock market,
isaMnaj in Ipps than 2.000 shares on both
sides of th<» account.
DlVipElfflM DECLARED. — Dividends
have been declared as follows: The East
Pennsylvania Railroad regular semi-anual
3 per cent on tli«* common, payable January
17. The United Merchants Realty and Im
provement regular quarterly 6 per cent on
the common, payable December 31. The
.Mines Company of America quarterly 2^
per cent, payable January 24. The Dolores
Company 4V- per cent, payable January 24-
The El Rav'o Company 7^ per cent, pay
able January 24. The Kansas City South
ern rosrular" quarterly 1 per cent on the
preferred. . The National Bank of Com
merce regular quarterly - per cent, payable
January 3. The United States Smelting.
Refining and Mining- Company regular quar
terly 1 p<>r cent on the common and regu
lar quarterly ll a 4.a 4. per cent on the preferred.
both payable January 16. The Empire Trust
Company regular quarterly ££ per cent,
payable December 28. The Sen Sen Chiclet
Company regular monthly 1 per cent, pay
able D«-:-itih»r 31. The American Telephone
and Telegraph Company regular quarterly
2 per cent, payable January 16. Corn Prod
ucts Refining Company regular quarterly 1
per cent on the preferred.
Brokers In the loan crowd devoting them
selves almost entirely to the loaning of
stocks for various houses state that there
have hppn steady returns of borrowed stock
for over a week, reducing the outstanding
short account materially, especially that
portion of it that represents the active trad
ing interest. There is still a good demand
lor Pnion Pacific and Reading, and there
may be a large short account that has been
standing for som^ time and is not reflected
tn the day to day borrowings on the ex
LEHIGH VALLKY.- The executive com
mittee of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Com
pany held a protracted meeting yesterday
•without announcing at the close whether or
not a decision had been reached as to the
dividend, action upon whicn will be taken
at the meeting of the directors in Phila
delphia to-day. It was rumored in the
Street that strong differences of opinion
had developed at the meeting of the execu
tive committee and that the prospect of an
increased rate or an extra distribution was
not so well defined as reported a few days
—A public offering is made by Hallgarten &
Co., No. 5 Nassau street, and William Salo
mon & Co., No. 25 Broad street, of 53.3K>.000
7 per cent cumulative preferred stock of
Sulzbereer & Sons Company, the successor
by merger to Schwarzschild & Sulzberger
Company. The subscription price is M 4& per
cent and accrued dividends, but a very
large amount of the issue has already been
placed here and in Europe. Simultaneous
issue ■will b« made by Adalph Boissevain <<•
Co.. of Amsterdam, Holland. The subscrip
tion here will be closed at Sp. m. next Fri
day or earlier at the option of the bankers.
The oompaii'-, whose business was estab
lished in 1553. la now one of the. four larzest
packing companies in the United States.
SEY —The directors of the Central Railroad
of New Jersey have declared the regular
quarterly dividend of 2 per cent and an
extra 2 per cent, the latter payable out of
the earnings of the Lehis-h and Wilkes-Barre
Coal Company. The regular dividend is
payable on February 1 and the extra on
December 29. Hovud W. HaxweH has
e «=r elected a director of the company, to
succeed his father, the late J. Rogers Bfax
well. : » 7
T%£\;n —The directors of the American Ccm-
SRt Company have passed the semi-annual
dividend. In July a" dividend of 1 per cent
was declared and in 1909 there were two
semi-annual dividends of S per cent. Aa
ve«e conditions te the. cemer. 1 " industry
ar* elver!" as tba reason for the action c?
the directors in placing- the stock in the
ncn-dividend paying class.
i P'>tTTTED TO THE LIST.— The-Niagara.
FaPs Vo-wer Company. 54.197,500 capital
stack, has been admitted to the Stock Ex-
Changs list.
MONET MARKET.— Money on call opened
at 333 3 per cent highest, 3*3 * per cent; low
est, 2^ t>er cent: closing, 2^s per cent; ruling
rate. sH p«r cent. Time money wm easy
Bates i'3 V-i per cent for thirty and sixty
days, 4 per cent for ninety days and^four
months, ' 4'§4 I.i1 .i per cent for five and sin
months "Mercantile pape<- was not active.
but was bought in fair relume, here and
elsewhere. Rates, 5@5H: per cent for sixty
to ninety days' indorsed bills receivable and
choice four to six months' single names;
S?iSS per cent for others.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE-.— foreign ex
change "rrarket opened firm, with cables
auoted at [email protected], demand sterling at
[email protected] and sixty-day bills at iS2Vf
4 5260. Short francs were quoted at 5.20 less
3-64 and short reichsmarks at 95 l-ISgSo 1-16
plus 1-32. The market was easier_ in the
afternoon, showing a decline of 15 points
from the morning's high level. Cables were
auoted at 4.5550^4.5555, demand sterling at
*55«@4.85^ and 60-day bills at 4.53*. Short
francs held around 5.20 less 1-1S and bhort
reichsmarks X 1-16.
Bankers' posted rates follow:
Sixty darrs. Demand.
Sterling- . t», " 4 -*'^
Germany, reichemarks 94|= -»8»» 8 »
Belginxn, francs , - 5-22 i* k 10
Paris, francs : 5.21% £19S
Bwftssria&a. francs - .21 * a.-o
Holland, ffuilders 39 7 40.4
Chicago. 15c premium; San Francisco, sight
'c- telegraph sc: New Orleans, commercial
IL discount, bank $1 premium; Charleston,
buying par, selling 3c premium; St. Loui^,
iOc premium bid. 20c premium asked; Sa
vannah, buying 3-lSc discount, selling par.
PiVK CLEARINGS— New York, ex
changes $310,440,617, balances Sl4 938,057; Bal
timore, exchanges $6,341,488. balances $660
506- Philadelphia, exchanges $20,2b3,443._ bal
ances $1772.092; Boston, exchanges . $-<•♦>. 4-
.705 balances $1,231,749: Chicago, exehaßges
$IB,«&218. balances $3,220,513.
SIL.VER MARKET.— bar sil
v .r liur >?exican Bttver dollars. 45c: bar
silver closed in London at 25 3-l«d, a d*>
cline of Hd.
GOLP FREMTUM -In Madrid, 7JB; Lis
bon. ?.
-MEXICAN EXCHANGE. — Mexican -ex
change on New York is quoted at _.'U
from customs yesterday were $1,310,553; in
ternal revenue, including corporation tax.
S*>lS6Ss6 and miscellaneous. 5227.053, a total
of $3,734,574, against total expenditures on
ordinary account of R.3«r,m For th«
month to date ordinary receipts have been
J35.544.153 and ordinary expenditures $32,563.
695 For the fiscal year to datp. ordinary re
ceipts ha-»e been $319,052,555. against $303.00..-
Tgs'in the same period of 1909, and ordinary
expenditUTes 5325,133.350, against $332,967,224
in 1909 the excess of expenditures this year
amounting, to 56.080,765 compared with an
excess of expenditures last year of $29,90!*.
435. Including Panama Canal account and
publi<- debt, the excess of all expenditures
ov»r receipts since July 1 amounted to
515.500.733. against an excess in the corre
sponding period a year ago of $4. .236,329.
SUB-TREASURY. - The Bub-Trea««nr
was debtor to the ClearJns Hous* $900,244.
A syndicate headed by Hornblower &
Week." has underwritten K.0C0.000 7 per cent
cumulative preferred stock of the Sealshipt
Oyster System, part of which will probably
he offpred to the public later on at 95.
Besides Hornblower & Weeks, the syndi
cate Includes interests identified with the
United Fruit Company and four or five
other hnnkine firms of Boston and New
York. This financial operation follows the
recent entrance of the new financial inter
ests to the directorate of the corporation,
fiie new members of the board ar^ Andrew
W Preeton president of the Lnited Fruir
company; H. O. Underwood, a director of
the United Fruit Company and president
of the William Underwood. Company; N.
W. Rice, Henry Hornblower and Alvah
Crocker, who. together with T. F. Man y
Edward Thompson, D. K. Cole, O. L.
Brooks F. S Beardsley and I*. C Brooks
constitute the directorate. Mr. Xnderwood
will take a prominent part in the active
management of the corporation. The com
nany r^centlv increased its preferred stock
from $1500.000 to $2,500,000 and its common
sto^k frornSl.soo.Coo to $2,000,000
The S«alahipt Oyster System is said to be
the laraest owner, purchaser and shipper
of outers in the world. It controls 30.000
acres "of ovater beds estimated to be worth
more than $3,000,000. The concern also has
™ SystemS ystem for the atheringr and. packing of
t»*» oj'sters and shipping them in patented
refrigerator containers.. 1-ast year the
company earned more tnan 13 per cent on
its then outatandlnß preferred stock. It
L been operaune since L 902 The new
capital is now being raised to extend the
scope of its op«rations.
London Dec. 20.— Consols c!o«r<i i L« high
er at 79* for money, and TH'-n for account.
Anaconda was 'i-Ji'Sher at fb'i. Canadian
Parihc % highcr^at 306%. Gramd Trunk
''jloneV *' as In fair deman-i and htipply.
Discount rates were easier.
Th*» stock market maintains it.- firmness
on dealers absorbing gilt-odged j-ecurities
and good yielding foreign shares in ant ci
nation of a broadening demand developing
after the n«w year, when money, 11 is *>s
nrcted will be cheap. Copper shares
drooped and Kaffire were neglecteo
Vn^rican secarlties opened a fraction
higher, but declined dur;ns the forenoon c^.
light i realizing. Pric»»s continued to - shz;
after Wall Street n<"l, but the mark
hanWmnfl in the late trading, and etoaen
stendy." ■-•'■' "-■:..-.. ■^.-.-v.
Call noney in I^ondon, Z%OB per cent:
open market discount rate for short bills,
S(jeoß 9-16 per cent: long bOte, J*4 per cent;
Berlin discount rate, 9fk per cent. Paris dis
count rate. 22 343 4 per cent; Paris exchange on
London, 25 francs 23% centimes: Berlin ex
change on London. 2." marks 4.3 pfennigs.
Bar gold. 77s S^id, and American eagles,
7Ss 5Ud.-; -
Paris, . Dec 20. — Three per cent rente?
closed. . 212 1 ■ ' centimes hieher ;at 97 francs 15
centimes." Prices'were firm nn the Bourse.
Berlin. Doc. 20— Domestic securities were
dull, but Americans ruled firm and higher
on the Boer=e._
(Furnished by Efflngham L«-wr«nce & Co., No.
, ■ 111 Bromdway.)
* BjKjjkshsi.l IWii Issai
Alb & SUS...2SO SBB Manhattan .. .137 140
Alb & Vt.... 65 '.75 » Slassaw Vy...128 140
Allefrh & W.ISB 143 MH & S H..116 125
Am T & C. 78 83 Mobile &Bpf 68 79
At &C A L..170. — M&O stk t rfs 73 83
Auk- & 5av..105 110. I Mor C & Bak. 55 —
A G & M M. 65 75 do pref 160 —
Beech Creek. 93 98 Morris & Ex. 17.". 180
Host i Alb. 22fi . do extn »8 104
Bo«t & Uiw.2lo 215 iNash & D€C..151 130-
Bost & Pr0v.298 299 | Nash & L0w. 215 —
B & 7th Ay.120 125 I New Lon .20-5 220
iiklyn City..l«s 170 [NT«H cSp.3OO 315
C & B C 0.. .135 140 NYB&-M B pf.105 115
Canada 50... 62 70 NY L & W..119 —
Cata Ist pf..107 12i> JN T Mut Tei.loo —
do 2d pf...112 120 j Ninth Aye 140 190
Cay «t Sus..2l« 223 North Car....iriO 160
G '"rosetown. — 75 (North < X H>M4O 141
Chat & G...102 .108 I Xorttu iX .li.. SO 90
C*EIT'-f.«.">o «0 Ixcrth Perm... 104 195
do ctfs pd.HD 116 Northw Te1... 105 110
CS & C pf.125 — Norf & V,' pf.205 21. 1
Clrfield & 31.130 — Old Colony.. .lSS 190
Clev & Pitts. 165 16» jOswego & 5..212 220
do spl bet. Ofi 3<>«> Fac & At T.. 68 -TS
Coi & X 200 210 I Pat & H R...135 " —
Cone & M...l<3<> 170 ! Pat & Ram.. —
Cons & P.. -170 — Pemig Valley. 129 144
C& P R pf-140 142 Peo & B Vy..1(55 ISO
Conn River.. 269 271 Phila G & N. 295 296
CRy & L... 73 78 PB»&• I. E.. fiO 70
doprrf.... 78 «2 I do pref 120 140
Daytoa &M. 58 — PFt W & C.165 170
T) &Bd Brk.lSs 195 i do special.. l.>o 165
Det H & S.. 94 i>B P JlcK & V..120 125
East Perm. . .12S 138 PY& AP pf.163 170
Eighth AveV.26o — Prov & Wore. »
Elmira & W.IOO 110 ' Rens & Sara. 135
do pref.... 142 152 JR & G Vy...U3 —
Erie & Kal.\2oo 2.-J0 | Rome & C...12.> i4O
Erie & Pitts. l.'v-> 145 !R W & 0g...1» 123<i
Fitrhb'K pf. .12S 130 I Rut & Wh...135 145
FW& J P r!l3o IBS Sara & Sen.. 160 —
42d St&GSF 270 Second Aye.. 7 2")
Franklin T.. 33 45 Sharon Ry..-105 115
GRR&8C0.255 260 | Sixth Aye.. -.105 110
<; &'Ptk T..110 120 So &At Tel., S. 9.
Gr Rlv Vy..118 125 Southw of G.lO-> 110
H»rt &CW 40 46 St L B Ist pf.120 130
Hereford ... 85 92 do 2d pref . .50 68
lit CL. T-- ■ ■ !«. r '" l! St -T &SoB. .S5 —
Tli it Miss TB6 W j do pref 100 112
IntefoceanT. 93 W0 T& G R A 5.163 17fi
Jack L&S. 83 88 Tun o? St L..M5 2S
Joliet &Ch .HW 170 2MSt 200 250
KA * G R:133 160 T-NJ RR & C.ZH 242
KCSL&Mptcs 75 78 Lpper C005...1_3 —
KCSL&C'pf.I3O 140 I-&BRiv.."-< ITO
L. S II 50. 320 330 UC&S\y..I4S 150
L& M R PI.ISO 170 UC & B ... .3 .4
LSKR& C.112 120 Vy cf NY. . . 11 . 123
M Coal 101 109 IVt & Ma 55...107 160
Man & 3La-7--.215 225 f Warren .--■ l*>- 173
(Fur'M-hed by J. Thomas Reinhardt. r^o. GS
' o-. ; cad l street. N'-v York, 3n<l No. 54 Devon
shire Ftreet. Eostoii.)
Shanes. Op-n. Hirh. Ixnr cio^.
l.tflHJ ACUI^ / ;^?r Ifli . i-c» it£
1 ; S 3S m
51... A-izcna Mm?« ■ ■•- « »% »
5.975 Bay State Qa*. S g j» 2
lisOO Boston -Ely «,. »? ?4 S9
Eoswyclo '*■} ♦- nn, «i .
600 Cactus Copper ... -3 23£ -- »«,
SlO Calaveras r rr |J ** |2
4.600 Champion JJJ 3 2 „ ; "2
100 Chief Cras „. -. 1H lja 1^ |^
sCortei Mtoes -.-• l.t« 1;* I** |*
100 Crown R«»«rv« . 2* -;* - * - >
Corbin Copper .-• i.- 4S4 S *2 •?
400 Davis-Daly --•• 1A lg if* *V<
I. TOO Firs': N** Cop*>er. S : s 9% ?K 8^
1 700 First Nat Copper. 1-a IN 1^ irt
"l2oGold3eld Con .... gjj |Ji |H |*
sSOHumboldt Emelt.- |H 2H 2H 2*
370 Tr.sßira.tior. Srt «ts »A *tt
MO Laramie HP4F.SO. 9» 80 . B»
sol* Bow ** _i; a ♦* 4-,=
270 Live Oak 27 2.-3 S 26^,
4.10 C' Maddnaw 3* 2i 20 .1
=00 Mass Coal ... ;., ' 'j. '«,
1 2,423 Mexican Mst&ls... 2-.» 2h 2H 3^
90 McKinley-Dar ..- Irs :1A w*''OT
100 MoUia Gltson . .- . 2. 27 - 27 2i
100 do pr=f •!% I s Js s !■*
050 Majestic ■ 3b 40 3S 3»
aDONat Mln E:cp - ? 5 2. C 2C 2
220 Vevada Douglas.. ST 9»J j S' 5<
100 Ohio Coppor . . •■• Irs ir* ir» ., T1?
oft One<"o •••• 2 2 & *
7io Haven Mlnlns .•• 4| 49 *S 4|
5 441 Rhode MaodCoal 6Jj 6H 5^ 5*
mo Boom I^sfca J** kZ «a U
50T^toH'.:"-"---; ' * s * 37i 39
50Tukcn__ J " -' ' = • '
(Reported by Clinton Gilbert. No. 2 'Wail street.)
T?id Asksd Eid.Aske4.
America . . . ILfe ' ' £SS2 i^ fi
ffl^H no » |U SS ; .. ;; g
pill fell
Hi! I 1
Chatham 310 — Mutual 2!55 295
Cher -S ' 42 427 Nassau 240 —
,->„., w lso 157H Nat Reserv». 115 —
cuv W0 3S7ii New X«thTd 210 220
r>h«lc;;"p-x IQO 200 NTNBA..BS 325
Ccmmfrce 1 ; 195 198 X V County. .Mo „
: rn'nnlal 400 — - 19th Vlard.. -s<> -W
■Crlumbta"! - 405 Night & Day. 223 230
CcrnExci:- 30S 315 North Nat... - 105
S£t River 1W 125 Pacific 230 240
Fia-lity .... 165 175 Park 856 «5
Fi-st Nat.. 640 — People's.... — 255
Fifth Nat.. 300 350 PbentX 300 —
ttj,,., lye .4000 4250 Plaza. 625 —
Fotirth 195 197^ Producfl Ex.. 160 —
14th Street. 150 155 I Sherman 135 .— ..
Callatin ...325 335 I Seabcard .... 40t> —
Garfeld .... 200 300 | Se«ond 400 425
German-Am 140 168 i State ....... 2.5 —
German Ex. 455 — X2th -Ward... — 140
Germania ..550 565 23d Ward.... 140 —
G-eenwich . 255 265 Union Esch. I^2^ IS2VS
Gotham Nat 150 — Wash Hts ... 275 —
'Hanover ... 610 620 West Side... 650 —
Inip & Tr.. 555 565 Yorkvllle .-.«B> —
New York. December 20. 1910.
BEEVES— Receipt?. 35 rars. or 596 head,
all for slaughter except a few head. *o trad
ing in live cattle. Feeling: steady for all sorts
and grades. London cattle markets higher at
ia§l4\c per lb, dressed weight; refrigerator
be»f steady at O^fiO'ic per lb. , _
CAJLVEJ>— 538; 443 on pale. Good
veals steady: Western calves slow but not
lower. The few sales of veals wer» .at |Tostl
per 100 ib. common and medium "Western
calv-s sold at S4 25@55; n*> barnyard calves
sold. Dressed calves quiet but steady at l-'j
r.flr>'-.c for city dressed veals and o@l4c for
country dressed calves.
Sales— Nelson & McCabe: «1 Western calves.
32* lb average, $5 per 100 lb; 60, 283 lb $4 2."i.
S Sanders: "l veal. 150 lb. $11: 1, 100 lb. $•.
" SHEEP A>'D lA3EBS — Receipts, » cars, or
1 S?3 head. Including 4 cars -for the market;
1° cars on sale. Almost tin demand, and only
1 carload had changed hands at a late hour.
Bell«ra holding desirable grade 6 and welznts
at about steady prices. A lew ordinary sheep
sold at 83 50 pir 100 H>; medium to gocd
lambs »t S6'fst>2s. Dressed mutton sluggish
at 6%@8%c; dressed lambs at JMillc; a tew
hor (Ir^eeii *t ll%c; country dressed hot
house lambs steady at $SSsll per carcass.
t;,],., s f-"and"r=- IS staff lambs. 62 lb
average, at $B p>r 100 lb; M», 85 it\ $«. 17
state sh""p. 1 12 lb. $3 50. „»--»,
HOTiS — Receipt.", 33% cars, o» 6>182 head.
Including about a carload for thf> market.
Ptpadv tn strong: for live hogs. Quotations
88 JO $8 25 for heavy to light weights; a
bunch 'of Haiti pizs sold at $R 50. Country
dressed boss steady at 8@ll&c per lb tor
heavy to lipbt weights. - ■ -J*
gajps — Tobin & Shannon: 64 state pi^s. 1>«
lb average. 8830 per 100 In. -■_ _
S. Sanders: 4.". state hogs, lnO lh. 552": 1
rough. 060 lb, $7.
CbJcaxo. Dec 20. — CATTI W ■Traipta, 5.000;
stronjr: beeves. 548805736; T*-xa» at^era.
14 f5 30. Western. $4 10^?0ltf.; stoekera
and t>**<lerg. |3 40®$5 SO; cows and heifers.
52 f615; calves, 252?5025. HOGS—
Receipts 25,000; ai-tive at early prices, about
veaterday'a »v*rm»e; lljrht. STBS99TTO: tnix-d.
ST 40<a$7 75; hpav>". $7ns@s7 7.V. rough. $»^35
<f?s7 4"- good to choice heavy, $T43Ost»3;
pi"s |fi»©s7 75: bulk of Bales. $700«57 7t».
SHEEP— Receipts. 20,000: strong; native.
506*4 30; Western, V-65Q:54 30: yearlings.
$4 40«J$5 7.1; lambs, native, $4 23®56 6.T.; Wcst
er aaclW»tl. Per 20. — «-ATTT — Receipt*
233- aieady; fair to good sliippert.. ?4 75®
20: common. $2 i>o«j 65. HOGS— Receipt*,
4.283; »J*w s@loc lower; butchers and ship
pers. ' $7 T.'i'-i >>": common, J.i T.'ift?" T.I.
EHEEP -Raoeiptß. 123: steady to strong, 5-'®
tS«S; lambs steady. t3TS«>«£»O.
East Buffalo. Dec. CATTLE — Kecelpts.
260: aciive and steady; prime steers, $6 300
.<•; 75 VHVAX.fi — Receipts, 200; slow and 50c
lower, SeSSOflOSft. HOGS — Receipts, 7,000;
fairly aetlv«; heavy, r.^lOc higher: pigs. 10
SJISC lower; ll— IJ. imxcrl and Yorkers.
$SIO®SSIS: piKS, $S lSeJSi'3; rousrhs. 57 211
.S7;.r, .ialrie^. *S««8 15. SHEEP A.YD
I aMB: - R«o«ip*». rt,CH»O; slow; . yearllnKS
st'eadv, others 15^38c lower, heavy lambs,
j.:. /i «.".; handy lamb", %x*r t<~> :'.."»: yeartinss,
j4;Siiss; trethera, J:!^.iil4 10; ewes, $3itofi*
*.'; 75; sbi-.p mixed, $2^.*''. 86
Kansar' City. Mo., Dei -" <ATTT.B — U»*
c'ipts. >!.0"0. including I" 11 Boathenw: steady
in io<- Mghtr; dr»-»s»"<i h«.f and export slmi,
tsßsose7S: fan- to good. §4 7." ij.*."» »il>; Weat
frn J4 r."W?-" 70; stock^ra an.t feeders, $3 7B
>-, |j Southern, ?■* 4"'its«. .^nhfni .own, J.i
e5423: natlvr. $2 7.'.*fs.'». ln-iffrsj, M9sli;
bulls. *r. ioiif»7i. calvM, |4eSS.Sa. HOGS—
fleceipia 10.000; Ktcady to BtroiiK: hulk <>f
,|».- $7 55 '.j. $7 »V, . heavy. S7 «}O«i!,«7 H7 ' ;
packer" ' and i.ut.hers. $7 .V. vr 57 <::. . light*.
$7 .V»-a $7 «-'**• KHEEP — Receipt*. 6,000;
•tror.l IO 18c hißher: lambs, *.". 2S'ff>« 40;
viarlinirs, $4:r.©fs 50 -vrhrr:., |40t4SS;
ew»>s. $n 2.*.*ffs:; 78 dockers «r.d feeders, ISM
Toledo. .... 20. .ri..OVKn?EEL>- Cash. D'
camber, January, February iod JUrch, $9 1".
ipril $S00; ' Ocl b*T, *775 ALSIKE-
prime md December. $9 25 TIMOTHY—
Pride and December. $4 65.
" New York. P«cerP »r 20. 1910.
B-ans, bnes 1.137 Oranges <Fla). ca-: 2.730
Flour, bbte. -.:■:.. »,K» Oran ? ps (Ca 1, cs. K»0
Flour sacks.... 2»,4W lemons iC*n. cs. «l
Cornmral. bbk=.. SCO Prunes .•■•• pto. 'l'^,'
Cornmeal. bags.. X.089 Raisins iChll t*« £•*»
Oatmeal, bbl*- - J.*«o Appl-P. >«»••••• .- 52
Wheat, bush W.3W» Pnt»to*s. bbls •■ I^fg
Com, bush 188.500 Onions, bbls...--- ••»■
Oats bu5h...... .91.500 Cranbcrri-s. pkgs JM
Rre. bush -• 1.150 Dried fruit. «*»i Mg
P»i burh l.^vO Rosin, bbiv.... • +^2
BuckwhP«t. b-ish 4.800 Spirit* turp, bbls.
Barley, bush.... 2,SsO}Tar. bbls w *
Malt, bush ; 13.-%00 Sugar. bbU. . ■ ■ =^ss
Rioe. pkts -. -9.030 Oilcake. »*«• ♦•i>£
Hay. tons 740;Ollm»al. bap..-. :; 00
,-ra-.v. t0n5..... 1 Oil. iub. bbl?..-- 780
Millfeed. trms. ... • 200 Oleo stock.- pkgs. f»fl
Omai poe.l. bag>? I.W>O Pecans, pkgs 1.1->0
Hops bales.. 1 ... 342 Tobacco, IMS.. HJI
b«.f.' bbls l"0 i Tobacco, pkgs .... Jnj
Beef (c*d>. cases. 719 Whiskey, bbls ;0; 0
Pork, bbls r«>}Wool. bales ■•
Hams, pk?s 50 Wool, sacks „ •»«
F^ron. pkga . .. 173 Ist!<=. ba1e5...... .-™
CM lausita. r kgs. «34 Cotton, bales....- ■ KWm
Ijird. tierces.... 742 CWMSed oil, bbl«. ' -,*^>
l^ard. kegs 8.675 Quicksilver, flasks 450
Tallow. tt kg;s 20 Cbrper, piece?.--- -!.' ,\J
Snap stock, pkai M Copper matte.bags -..l- :
Butter, pkgs 8371 Lead, pigs - J.J2
Cheese. pkgs.... 2.110 Hides, No I.OTO
Est!r=. cases 8.882 Hides, bdls..-.-.- £>.323
r>r poultrr. pkgs ir'.!>2S ; Mustard seed.baga floo
Livepoultry. Crts 762 . Wine <OU). bbls.. SSO
Corn. bush.... 129,5391 Pork. bbU " *J
Peas, bush 68 Beef, bbls -g
Beans, bush ... 705 Beef, tieroes ... ,_» -*»
Flour, bbls. . . . 410 Hacon. tb .V?nri
Flour, sack?... 7,3'J6|Ham», rt> asfSK
Grass seed, bags 21)0 Lard. lb *'Io!
Hops, bales.... 10" Butter, tb...... i-«"
Whiskey, gals. 300 Cofs-d oil. gals S£.f«s
Otlm-al. n».... 1 4.25<-)iLubcil. gals.... BMtl
OUesißt, tb....2,517.900!
Iron. Nor, No 1 1 Flour. Mpis pnts $3 43
foundry $15 73 I Cotton, miadling la.lo
: Iron. So *No 1.. 15 SO Coffee. No 7 Rio. 13
Steel rails 1.25 • Sugar. granulated 4.?0
.Stand cop. spot. 12.27*4 Molasses. OK ptna 40
Tin .......... 33.05 [Eeef, family.. IS 2o
Exchange lead. 4..V) | Beef hams ...... --> '2 T .
Spelter 5.65 Tallow, prime... • *
Wheat. No 2 red »7% Pork, mesß . . . -■ -1 »> ,
•Corn No 3.... 32% Hogs. (irs^. l«0 R> 11 *
I Oats, strd white 3S j Lard. Mdle West 10.9u
•Fob aflcat.
Veiw York. December 20, 1910.
'■ <.KAI> — WHEAT — Firmer, and prices at th«
! close vt-r" =i©-ic net higher. The advance
vms due largely to an absence of selling and
to some apprehension regarding the condi
tion of the winter wheat crop owing to^the
continued drouth over the southwestern part
of th<» bPlt. Wverpool ■"■•a* weak early, but
rallied on th^ decrease of 2.550.000 bushels In
the Euroneaii visible supply, compared wltn
a "decrease of 1.300 000 bushels Ust /ear.
No 2 re.l, Bg%c In elevator udWHe f o b
afloat- No 1 Northern Duluth. SIISH. fob
afloat. CORN'— Firm with wheat, and on an
absence of selling pressure closing at -*<-
net advance. A private caole from Argentina
said lhat th» crop promises xrel» and tnar
9.C00.000 acres have be»»n aanns, N>'" >o -
corn. s»«tc, fob afloat. OATS— lnactive,
with sma!l price changes, but the undertone
•*-as steady in sympathy with wheat and corn.
Cash oats steady: natural white .->Sc; No -.
351..C- No 8, 37%« and No 4. Sic. RYE—
Steady: No 2 W-stern. 82H«> f o b New York.
BA.P.LT=:Y — Barel- st°ady. malting. 86if92c.
c"i f Buffalo. BUCKWHEAT-Quiet: Ameri
can 6°iac c 1 f New- York: Canadian, 9t)e
bid.' c i f Nen- York, for export.
>> HfIMT YOFS PBICE?. - o5 t-,_
TTh-saf: Open High. Lw. Clo«» ; da.y^
SS e aa cc y emfc .: r .v: simH5 imH ,i^umHSigsi|^
July. ...-»-•
Com: ?% s^^
May •■
Mcambar.. - -
Wbaat Corn- Osis.
Tv^i,- 643,000 1,249,000 72a,000
£3,;%™.*"' . . . . .1 . 615,000 1.167.000 J5§.?W
iS^ yeVr'.l!""--. 521:000 881.000 325,000
Ta, 2<MO "WTi»at. Ccm.
-j. 11000 130 000
:B^r^^a¥r luschaI uscha^ B r; h
Satenta 55 23!|55 60; winter straights. $4 oO
P g"i4To: winter paten-. M »#•*»»• "«g«
se«* *tSO0»4»; extra NolJ?^. I 3I 3 =°
OuW ffi- to sooi S4 20@$4 35 . choi=« _to
ntill • S° 's per 100 lb. CORMU-aij
aSStr kiln dried. S2 95. BAG MEAI—Flne
white" and yellow. $120©*1^5: coarsa $1 15
@Sl 20. FEED— Western spring. *2* .3®s2?.
™«,\1 535 he 6 Veport of the Cenrua Bureau
rOTTOy— The "port of tke Census Bureau
eivln? the amount of cotton ginned to D«
rlrrber 13 as 10,693 4?7 bales, proved rather
above ' extremely bullish expectations based
upon private reports previously published, and
caused soml scatterlnff nq'Jtldation ' but »-her«
was nothing in- the day-a trading to indicate
, hat t° " figur-s disturbed the confidence of
le'adne long? and the marker closed steady
itTnVlMiof 6 to 11 pomts. Tha opening
was st-ady at unchanged a decline of b
points irT response to lower Liverpool cables
Than eip-ct-d The impression made upon
t"saverk I 9 trader by the government figures
was that the big falling off In ginning sug
gested that no mor- cotton remained to be
finned after December 13 this year than la«.
and that the report consequently contaned
the government's estimate of the S^th.
Southern spot markets were unchanged to H«
higher. Local contract prices: Tester-
Preh 1 ?:. 15.20 !5.» 15.13 15^1T M
&F:.:1 it iIB i
ju?y ." 15 39 13.45 15.38 15 3fi®15.37 15.45
Ansnst .'.. 15 05 M.lSf 15.00 15.03®15.05 15.11
October... 1370 13.7» 13-68 13.68013.71 13. a
Spot ivaß qui»t and 10 points lower at IS.loc
tot middling- upland. Sales. 1300 balsa r»'-^ -
-red on contract. 400 bales. Liverpool cables-
Spot quieter: sales, 7.000 bales, speculation and
export 300: American. 6.000; imports. 07^00;
American. 77,000; middling upland. S.l2d. Fut
ures opened steady and unchanged; deeed steady.
net unchanged to 2H points higher. December.
7.97 d: December-January. 7.o6Vid; January-Feb
ruary, 7.06Hd; February -March, 7.95 d March-
April. 7.96'^'i: April-May. Sd; May -June. 8.01 d;
June-July. 7.99Vad: July-August, 7»7 »d, Au
pust-September. 7.77 d: September-Ootober. i.*S&.
October-November, 7.23 d.
COFFEE Barely steady both at the open
ing and the close, and final prices wera net un
changed to 12 points lower. The decline was doe
to a liquidating movement, both here and abroaa.
Havre closed at a net decline of 181 -2 franc.
Hamburg was \ a to 1 pfs lower. Kio tvas firm :
and unchanged, and Santos quiet at 50 reis de
cline. Rio exchange was l-32d higher at
1« R-lSd. Santos 4e to 7s, cost and freight,
were quoted at l3Hc, but there was a rumor
fairly well substantiated that a sale of 5.000
bags al 'h**** grad»s had been made lata on
Monday at 13^. Stocks at Santos are larg».
amounting to 2.1535.000, against 943,000 last y-ar.
and while Santos can s'tll ship about 3,600,00i>
ba??. some little, apprehension has b»er> expr»33<?d
recrariir.? the ability of Santos merchants to
carry su<*h a large amount of coffee, the value
"f which amounts to about $48,000,000. Fp<-t
quiet and ur.chanst'd at 13 T 3'' for Rio No 7. Lo
cal contract prices:
• Open. High. Low. f'loee day.
December. 11.00 11.05 11.00 11.00-g11.03 11.00
January... 10.P3 10.97 10.93 10,{>5<f 10.9»> 11-00
February. — — -r- 10.93<g 10.9^ 11.
March . 10.95 11.00 10.95 10.97«10.9« 11,08
April -. 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.90'S10.f>l H\tt>
May 10.82 lO.BS 10.83 10.84^1i>..«5 10.{>2
tune . .— 10.7» 10.W 10.79 lO.7BeiO.Tft l<XHg
juK- . 10.74 10.73 10.73 10.72#1» 73 10.«4
August... 10.67 10 «7 10.67 10.63®10.6« 10.76
September. 10.62 10. 10.«0 10.55>©10.60 10.71
October... — — — 10.49ig>H>.50 10.»il
November. — — — 10.43#1t>.46 10.36
PROVISIONS — Active and firm during the
greater part of the day. influenced by miwl
cratf receipts of hogs and flrTnness at the
yard?, as eil as buying by atron^ interest.
PORK — Firm: mess. $21 5O; family, 52:1'^
$24 CO: family, ?;r»I!!?24 30: short .-If>ar. $20#
532. BEEF— Steady: mess. $13©513 50; fam
ily. $IS@slS ."0: packet. $lfi<g;sls 50; extra
India m»"s. $C« sOr7?s2n. BEEF HAM? — Quiet;
$24 500 »li 7. DRESSED HOGS — Easy: bacons,
lie: l«i0 lb lie: 100 Ib.-lllic: 140 tb, 11 'ic;
p; s. 11 V. T 'T MEATS — Pickled bellies,
barely steady: 10 !b. fj:ir>V:: 12 lb. 13»;
B14e; 14 Ib. 13^c. Pickled hams qui^t; 12tic
TALLOVv' — Steady: city. 7'ic; country. 7Vi@
7?ic. LARD — Strong: middle West. 10.90®
lie; city. lOUc; refined firm; South America.
11.73 c; "Continent, 11.30 c; Brazil ke^s, 12.75 c.
Compound firm: S*i«'.tr. STEARINE — Oleo.
9»i (3U>Uc; city lard. imc
KICE — In good demand at firm prices here
and at primary points. Dan Ta!mafr»''s fons
Company. NM Orlenns. telegraDhed Louisiana
crop movement to <iat« *a follows: Receipts
rough. 841.000 sacks, afrainst I.<>O!».7'J."> last
year; »Rlei< cleaned. «W?9.500 pockets, compared
with 7.".«.27» a year ago.
SrOAR — Refined steady but quiet on the
basis of 4. «0c net, less 1 per cent cash, for
«r;tndar<i granulated. In Cuba 14 centrals are
grinding, against \ last week. 56 a year ago
and 33 two years agro In London beet sim-ar
was *»d lower, with buyers at quotations.
December and January. Us. anil Majr. '»s rVi.
r..i» here was qui<*t. centrifugal. fifi test,
n.»«' 3 c: muscovado. Si* test, 3.4»<V. and mo
lasses sugar, s;) test. 2.23 He.
METALS — COPPER — Standar.l dull: spot.
1 2.20*1 12.3."c: December. 12.25© 12.40 c; Janu
ary, 1-Vi.r>iai' and March. 12,30© 12.40 c. Lon
ilnii quiet: spot t."i7 2s (Id; futures. £57 17s ftd.
Ijike coppf-r, 13fftf13.250: electrolytic. • 12.75©
13c: casting. 12.501g-12.7ric. TIN — Weak; spot.
39938.10 c; December, 37.90fe-3S.I2Hc; Janu
uiv. FeHraary «nd March. .17.85 C?35.25c. Lon
ri. •ii weak: ipot and futures. £173 tSI fid
l.t- \l> Dull. 4.45»4.55e - New York. 4.3r>«s
4 4<>c \l.akx M Louie. London »pm, £13 R s .
SPELTER— Weak. i.4OSJCTDe New York, .V*J!js
.V4Sc Kast Bl l,.iuli, London «pnt £24. l!'X>v
— Cleveland M'arrants, 30s In London. Lo
rail'' nominal. Xo 1 foundry Northern. %\7, 23
9fl«2S; No 2 foun.irv Northern $14 7.V**l', 79
No 1 Southern an! Ma 1 Southern *oiu $I.'. SJfJ
$13 75.
LKATIIEB — D*man<i «•«• for comparatively
umali lots, but th*re » is •• ftrm holding of
hemlo.-K sole, while union was steady, with
demand moderate. '
NAVAI. STORES— Spirits turpentine firm,
with a, ellKhf n»e in values, nwlng to »ra«.Uer
rffrrln^s b» a result of light receipts. Roam
and tar et»adr but qul»t and unch*ns<*d.
•SPIRITS TURPEXTIN'E. machine bbls. 7t<@
70He. TAB. T.25c. ROSIN — Common " good
strailn-d. 6c; B, 6.15 c; D. 6.23 c: E. *?.3<h:. -.
MOLASSES A>n RTRl'l'Sv— Prices un
1 'ang--»'l and tone steady. ._>
HIDES — Qtjist but *■-■, as - - utij,. ' s-:p
r>'i«s of common dry hides ar» ll?ht and h"id
for full prices- Other kinds xteady but quiet.
I>T{( GS— Gen^rsU mark«t was firm and
fairly sCttre. Ess-nMal afla firm, with *ood
i^bbirij? demand. Boots »r.->ad; . with busln-ss
moderate. '■-"
01l> — l.:r.'- oil uncaan??d. ' -rlti'd p»tro
leum st»a<iy at r»r»nt prices.
COTTONSEED "IL— Ftrm»r. witn corerUMl
h" speculative shorts, •:•■ to reports of.Srmer
crude markets in th« South and the strength in
lard. I>r:at contra<-t prices:
' <■
Open. Hl?h. Iy>w. _ Clo«^. '• day.
D^em'bVr" V.'. ".".17.2S 7.2«5 \ 7.2S 7i32f 7liW 7.W
Deoea «i "^8 T. 31 72S 7.32f7.-V> T.M
January 7.=K : -j:» 7.CU 7.2757.2^ J-
February .* — ' — — 7.25>©7.53 I '■»
March 7.35 7.37 7.35 7.C.i7.:
April .. — — — f.3«M¥7.4- •-■»*
Ma- 741 7.45 7.41 7.42#7.4* 7.3J
July .....7.01 ■;-.: 7.50 . 7.40g7.51 i.» 3
For the week ende«j Tuesday. '■-•-■••- 20, 1310.
. BEANS .V>f» Ph-VS — Receipts for the week.
24.011 bags f"aii". 3.400 bags p^as: "'" ' 1.*<64
beans. 1,:r72 p^as; unj-orts. -7 bean*. Market
has remained dull ana declining throusho^it the
wetk, with an ea?y feeling at the close. CTieifeW
marrow have fallen to *•_'■-">. ana wh°re the siie
is small and color saifsi llm Jess ha» to
be accepted. Best rr.--ri;um offering at ♦- 20, aad
62 IT. is now th* top jobbmsr pri--« for pea.
round lots might be bought for less; off Krad»s
harj to cell. Exporters took s fair quantity of
red kidney mainly ar $2 7.>: leellnir is steadier at
th.9 clcse. with n dis-jositicn in sc.Tif quarters to
ask a little more. White kidney quieter. Turtle
soup scarce and firm. Yellow eye steady. Cali
fornia lima about r.c higher. Scotch o-ca lean a.
Hrtle in f*ller3* fa\-or. BEJVXS. marr«rw, choice,
bushel. 35: fair to good. *2 25@52 3O: medium,
choice. .*'.' 20- pea. f- 25: fair to cood. %2 I'"?;
f 2 20: imported i-ea. $2 05@?2 II); medium. i?%
Ji<iS r°<i kidney. $2 7.">: white kidney. $3 1«"»
•:: l."> yellow eye, ?2 15©«2 20: black "■-■ soup.
*3!gs3 03: lima. California, $3 230J3 30; PEAS.
tcotrh. bags, bushel. $2 i."
BlTTEß— Receipts for the week. SG.7SS
pkss; last sjeilrr. 33.030; exports to tropical cotin
tries, 60S. Stock, baa cooie to hand trretrularly,
and constant changes In values have made if. al
most impossible for buyers to know how to
operate. Demand fairly good for a <lay or two j
following: our last report, after which a go«',i ;
■i»ai of the delayed stock arrived, and the lack
of response caused a break on Saturday, fol- 1
lowed by a fur. her decline on Monday. • To-<iay ;
there was a slight tseswsn on the MbJmb grains,
tut the market is still liberally supplied wtth
other quai:ti.-9 and has an unsettled tone. Most
of the bi:sln«>.s* in fresh creamery specials was at
31c. with extras at i9VSC:3Oc. There Is a liberal
offering of fr-sh and held fresh creajnery at frum j
25c to 2S<*. Holders of storage creamery are ac
cepting 2D*4e3Qc for fancy, W..-U k"Pt lots, and j
ar« unable to attract much Interest In other j
qualities which comprt-'-" so larsre a part of th«
holdings." Process, factory and paelcin* stock are
all Vieic lower than last week, an-1 movement
is not "satisfactory. Creamery specials. lb. 31c:
extras. 2!>4®3or: firsts, 2tHi©2S;ic: s««-onds. 25
@26c; thirds. 23fg24c: h»l.i specials. 2J>^i4 : W v -
HEtiaft 2!>c; firsts. 26*4@2Sc; seconds. 2t»o2G£j
siate dairj- tubs, finest. JS-: Rood to prime. 193
2Sc: common to fair. 22fJ5c: process specials,
25Hc: extras. 25c: firsts, 23 1 3#24'-ic; seconds.
22'g2oc; imitation creamery, firsts. 23*T4f24Hc;
factor}-. June make. 23 523'-jc; -urr-nt make.
firsts 22c: awoods, 21c: thirds. l!^(t-2».'. nai'kinsr
sto. June make. 206-0!-ie; current mak-. No 2.
Ulc; No 3. lS@l«Hc.
CHEESE — Receipts for th<» week. 3..*4'
boxes : exports to tropical countries. 833. No I
further .-Uange in the situation on hifh grades
•f whole milk cheese. Trade has b^eti
moderate, hut ffr.=« T foods an held firrr.iv.
Medium and low srradss ha.ye accumulated i
hero and there is little trade. No export out
let, although some prospect of busin»-«s after
thc> holidays State, whole- milk. S-ptemb-r
quality, sp>?cials, 15*4 @17i<ic; fancy eolor^d or
white. 15* 2 c. eholce. 14?4©15 4c: October
quality, fine. 14@14^jc; common to fair, 12
■5-l3o; frosted and very po«r, lie; skims. Au
gust-Soptsniber quality, 12@12*-ic; fr-sh.
avera?<» fjnev. lO^^llc: fin^. &@10c: Cafr
te good. 6*£@SVic; common. 3hf s^'". hard
skiras, 2@2^ic -•'..
EGGS Receipts for the week. 40.795 cases-
Under bwtnsr snpplies ct frssh gathered" and a
quiet trade prices ha.va iallen considerably.
and wa have had an accumulation is "-■
hands. Qi lata sales of Western and South
■ern ha.-"? been chiefiy at 323 35 c. scma under j
grades ransrin? lower. At th-» dwillHH som* j
rooJ? have been ordered off the market wi
der shippers' limits, ar.d to-day bids on
'change, wore stronger, but demand quiet. !
and cr. private sale holders are r«r.er»!!
willing to accept 'jnchai ged prteea Fefrl?era
tors have declined a little under dull trada
and pr-rrsure to sell, closing weak. XearSy !
esgs beeomios * .tle mors plenty, and prices
ten-3 dc-vnward. State, rwiiisijTtßiifs and
nearby, iianner-.- whites, fancy. 50c; uiiMbtt
co flaSb 42/g4Sc; gathered. 4O@4Sc: h«ld. 26©
2Ha: h»nrer> browaa, fancy, 33@4i,-c; satbered
33£:33 c; fair to j?ood, 34@'r5c: VCestem gath
ered whites. 33©40e; fresh gathered selscrsi
extras. 36S3Sc; exira firsts. i>4@3sc; firsts. 32
@-33c; seconds. 25 Sic; held fresh, poor to
prime, 24530 c: refrigerate-, special marks,
fancy. In local ntcrage. 25©25 1 «c: £rst3. 23 1 j
•!t.24 ; 2; seconds. 22^ g- 23c;. sacomis to Brats
en dock. _':is24c; thirds and poorer, 20,522 c;
dirties, 1;5,21c.
FRUITS — DP.IHD — P.ecetpts fcr the -"-ask. ;
20,838 cases evaporatsd apples and 3^031
pkgs other dried trultf: exports, 92.720 pkg3
dried fruits Market has ruled quieter, with
s. sliyht decline In values. A- the close- hold
ers are asking 10?ic for prirae evaporated
apples, with 10^c bid Cold storage good 3
sell fairly v.-ell when good. Isa dried scares
and firm. Some llttl* activity in wasta a'
the closa. on 4-^-. luuda delivered, here. Chops
quiet at 4^ 2 c for barrels in carload lots.
Raspberries firm and higher. Cherries scarce,
and stov •^■■irajicis.g tendency. Prunes scare ,
with prices sometimes exceeded. Apricots
scarce and firm. Peaches have fair »ale
AFFIXES, evaporated, fancy, lb. 12V-.£i3c :
choice, ll'Sll^.c: prime. 10^ 2 10?ic; "prime,
jobbing sales, lie: prime. .1909. 9>-c; sun
dried prim- Southern, quarters, bass." lb 6c
rennsyl-.ania, 6%eTe; Ohio, choice. T«.©Be:
slices, sc: RASPBERRIES lb, CStT 30c- CKZIi-
WES. 17c; APRICOTS. OCit m ia. Moorparks
143:17 c; Royals. 12® 14c; PEACHES, pe^l-di
FBCIXS— FKESH— Receipts 'tor thl^^ek
43,i6i bbls apples. 4.130 bbls and 1,0 crates
cranberries. Apples have been fairly plenty
but selling well at steady to ftrni price?
Pears in good demand and firm Craaberrlsa
duli. -a-eak and lower. Strawberries in li=-ht
supply tram Florida and California, and sell
lng promptly. Oranges and grapefruit plenty
and movini? rather slowly, with prices com
paratively low. Pineapples dull. AP"LE=
York Imperial and King, double, head bbl,
5300©54»0; Greening- and Xorthem Spi- ,
S3 30OI5; Baldtrln, S3 25@54 50; Ben DavlV
$.s&s4; Russet, $2 255|3; far Weste-n. bcxe?'
Sl@s3 25; PEARS Kieffer bbl. SI 50053 SO :
bamper. .Soc©sHs: CRAX3ERRIES." Capa
Cod, bbl. SS3O@SIO: New Tork crat- S2 25-
Lonsr Island, bbl. $S 50@$9; Jersey, bb! $7
$. .V>: standard crate. $2 23; New or k $170
®S1 00: STRAWBERRIES. Florida, 'qua-t
iSc: California, pint, 25545 c; ORANGES.
Florida box, $l@s3 50; Porto Rico, ZllsSs2
California, na\-el. «1«OOS3SO: Arisona. navel.
$2S_S3 13: half box, $113@52 7A. TA.VGEP
INEa. Florida, strap. $2 50@?4 30; Porto Rico.
half box, $1@$1I3; GRAPEFRUIT. Florida^
boat, $l2oa»4: Jamaica. 7icg»sii2' FTNE
AIPt.ES. crate. 75c -g $2 25.
HOPS — Receipts for the w-ek. 2.291 ba>s
"xports, 2.290. The failur- of r. lar^e sp»-
ulator on the Paci9c Coast, reported short
0.000 bales, caused a general advan<-» of from ;
l@3c per pound. Heavy buying- is reported in i
all sections of the Coast, with 14@14U C paid
in Sonoma County. Cal.. and 13c in Oregon
In -New York State lots ta growers' hands
are the smallest at this time, or j-,,,, and
gradually being, picked up. Here'th-ri ha«
been more inquiry, but business limited by Urn
small supplies. English market higher, and
narkQts &a\-» an upward tendency. State
l«e; prime to choice, lb. 24«25c; 1900 me
dium to good 21 22 c; Pacific <-oa»t "lolt>
prirrie to choice, 17 ISc ; medium to good. 13
fe^ a ns 190 ll 9DIO9 DlO. 10 4f.fe ° lder growths i
Germans. 1010. 43a)45--
HAT A>T> STRAW— No rhang- in th- am.
-ral situation. Market steady on top grad-s
of timothy; medium and iow gnd»s ttlt*
under heavie- supplies here and tn s<*h<-
Poor clover and mixed hay dull. Top srades
100 lb. $1 10: Z to No 1. Ssc@sl 07U- «hi-.
55 n n /bJ s@sOc: ai =kin . «« SOc": elov«r. a mixM.
.0 95c; pure 65S 33c : clover and miW
poor. MffSfte. STRAW— T-ns: rje. Bj.>:B j.>:
oat and wheat. lO#sHi ** Al
POCLTRy-AUVE- Receipts for the ■*— k
104 cars by fr»i|rht an<i about 7 "ara b\- «sr-«
buppii-s rnr.* h-avy. By Th.ir*lav of lutwk
the tradu had pretty nearly supplied tli»»F wants
a breaker T^} inS (Jevelop^.3. ar,l 3 cars unlo«de.i
Friday morr.ing were offered at reduced prW*.
but jobb«rs withdraw ail bids, and by the, clow
of th* w«*k some 7 cars had accumulated on
rh« tracks. whi!»» fully | t.-, 4 cars h arf to b*
carried ov»r unsold. This w»*-k opened -a-ith a 1
vices of much heavier supplies ro come and
prires rtilM lower on all de»crlpfton.<i. *>xceptln*
turkej's. ffuinea fo^vls and live ptgeens. Trad
ing in chickens and fo»l3 moderate. Turkey*
not plenty, and one car In on Tuesday sold at !
"JOc. Ducks and geese morn plenty, -especially i
geese, and prices easier. CHICKENS, express
m. 11%Q12d; prime, freight, ll\-c FOWLS, ea
press, 13H©14.;: prime, freight. 1.1 V,- ROOST
ERS. »r; TURKEYS. prime. 20c: poor. 14ai6c-
DUCKS. 15c; OEE.«D. 12@13c; GUINEA FOWLS.'
pair, <50c; PIGEONS, pair. 20c. DRESSED—
Receipts for the week. (U.4A4 pkjrs. Supplies
very heavy, especially chickens and fowls. Tur
keys developed a little stronger fueling toward
the close of last week, in view of so much stock
coming und*>r limits, and available "frerinsTS
moderate. This -week opened with advices indi
cating liberal supplies, but the bulk of the finest
grad«s of Western were under limits of 25c. in
ir.stancea 'j®lc more, which prices were pn
tirely out of the question. Holders wero witling
to sell freely on Monday at 2lc for finest tur
keys, but buyers uere <liHp.>iw>«i to size up the
•situation fairly before beginning to ataak up for
the holiday. On Tuesday, with no improvement
In the demand, holders showed more saaseaSdaa
to soli, and. whil« much of the.stock here wan
limit*"!, few hesitated to sha'J« whenever that
wculd prov* attractive, and c!«»<» buyers had n>>
trouble in securing finest Western at 234 c. while
really good lot* of Tennessee. ; Kentucky and
Southern Illinois and Southern Indiana wer«
freely offered at 23e. an.l that prl<» »haded tn
instance*. Thr alight reduction, howwver. did
not app«ar attractive, and movement up to th<*
clcse has been moderate. Chickens and fowls tn
heavy supply, ■lemantl slow and prices lower and
irrt-«uiar. with larjs<* quantities going Into frtes
ers. Duakß in moderate supply and tlrm. but
dtmand- limited. Oee^e pl«>nt> and «aslrr. Squabs
about steady. TURKEYS, dry picked, boxes.
Western, It>. lP€>23%e; '>hU. Jersey. Maryland
and Delaware. 2H«27c: VlrKlnia. Z»»25.'; Perm.
22524 He: Western, ilrv picked. »el<>i-ted. youns;
h<?na or toms. 234 c: Ohio an.! Michigan. sraldeii.
31 l je; oth»"r sfsatem, lSS2,t'- e; eM hens or
toms. IH<h;22p: • T«nnesse»". Kentucky. Houth*rn
Illinois. Southern Indian*. et, 224323 c; Texan.
iMM^a; BROILEnS. diy pa.-k«1, Ph:!.«. fanry
miuab "pair. .VXJ**-. fancy, s sa 4 I* "> pair,
n> 23r<j25e: Perm. 20#22e: W>*tern. dry picked,
milk f*d '♦:-' selected, under \ tT» to pair,
l-frl?-:- "hio and Mlchlnn. scald«sa. I to **» la
tooalr' 15c: CHICKENS 1 aatina small bo«»a.
Western, milk fed. 5 n». »ach. I«JTIS4>: •» «••
l«»i«17c: in ' 7<J>l5 1 corn fed snv each.
5Uc 4 rb 14--' . 3 n>. 134e: dry pa.-k^J bbl.i
and" lirge boxen, Phtla. over S rt> to pair, 2t>c;
ay"race ir.«l7r: Perm. over S n> to pair. tr»
1-c- a»»raiw. l?«Uc: Western, dry ptelced. milk
,'|. t to 10 tb to pair. 16c; 5 to 7 tb. UfiUHc;
.•i#rteH large 4H " aa4'ov»r e<ich. Uc; m*,
a«m gr'ait? 122ir4c: Ohio urf JUchUan. «-J
lected. iVi rt> an<l or*r. I+c; scaM;<J. «v*rae?
r."01.->c; .■.--•-■ s»i«-;t-d. +*» C> aort <n-er e»«;a.
13»c; Wesrern. y«Id«i r i^l2V»c; <•-.••.
.xcmhern. K-'ftllc: *OWI^, ary p«ck«d. ™ff *;;
era, , ,_. ... It. and over t«> *jz»ti. Is*tc; *> to
{>5 n> Uhc; '40 n> and under, Uc: drr plc«-«.
bijls«. av-rasc» t»st. U4e; 2b w ■.*,:'-• ■■
ISSIC^c; Onto ana Mtcmian. scaidol. 131fl*-3f;
ctcir vv»itera. Southern *ial - • ■;-:*"■ Me:
COGKS. Old. dry- „-...-•! lici' liCCXS. •■Prtof:
■■--■.. ia»l9c; GKE^tr. ? P Tt2*. itarytind, v
3i;c: W|»«,wln. *r.iC«d. l.«we; Ohio =»rd
large, wtlte; dozen. SO9»tA. dark. fl .*S«-.
BA.»it—Kab&tts nave b««n mOT* pl-atr M«J
prices easlar. Gasr* blr<J» 9 *' <rv v .ji" le s .' r^' n £ ( "',:
pair. «S; foreign. »1 S#sl J-; -YSF^SSH'
wiback. pair. *2 25«*.'.: r«lb**£ J^Zjzgi
i. .;■ - - •'::•- *.•. •- 1 -. ';/ **•*
'or t&» w»-k M'-H bW* potaUie-.aDil I3>*».
hbls <mlon»: impnrta. 4.011> bMa BSSSWsy «*
10 017 -at^» onions. I-otaio-* BISMT « •
eraily of cnllaur Quality, and prtcw * oi r_*f? l
irr-eular. HraiuiU • more plenty *B<l lowt..
fistit. Onions have «>W falriy at ««*y l^^
bu: clo^ft ««»««•. Cabbaz*. firm -^and -ii*^
a^d demand- Old arm ■ * : **^ l , <g ' f l ?b
€ral supply. ,f* alino T*l" -"'''**- —";_?*;
1 CajHftMTiiia ot»*r reretpca _gs^"- ''•."'JTJ-SZ^*..
nadlsbf sc«rc«. 3*««*" ■?»- .?< ■->- • •;*
I >>->'■■- 3->~\£ ;'
Southern. Tare ere». II JS^i«._i"ij __ ■££
IETCCCE. Flortda. basket. $1 vUGS-l -O.
. . |j in
■ -'--- ■ ! - v '^Mjt
to 13 feet, bt^dls cf = '^iSc. $4
?• " 1.-.--7-1 -••■*-.V .^>-?5
j.,5 \?i i^T.lor-. -ir.i-T i----* = -- " '
j| Ths outlook for mnAnt and sbbhH >» nci
alt'ogetHcr &« rab^, ar^ii gterli : saßtfc.ni and
dar*::::*- «« soo
Skunk. ha«£ «rtP^- 1« *|* X 5 " 5
Skunk, str.^ed ?0g i^ •*
&^^ jI iI fit ?i
Ot:O3s--- . ISJESB ... •»• •» Y^
Opossum, tnediuns-. jo£ « «3g _
OBJSSBSm small 2Q@ — « ct
■■ : •» »| »3 *2
v -at. Timer. *J ,
Muskrat. fall 30© (^ 1^ <5
Mnsktat. kits.-....- — € C 6 w
M-krat. black, -:- 43f « IS £i
Muskrat. fall, black 3Sg — 3 *? A *
! wlri m all d'lr^tlona ttur to-day *M» aivv*
w taiv »h-at tor a rally How much
tts manoeuvre had was • qnaatioE. »r W*
k iTTho-«-ed an upward fcta tree tto JWt
houses in particular did a F££
dSlo* purchasing, eapectaily In th- July. cpUcf-
N^th^-at sold Ui« May deltvsrr ■»» '
considerable aaaocnts. Scattarea c-^-~~l™c -^-~~l™
aer -wm sn2-r a. srtsl asstai Rang? Cf
Pric« : Ye*i*r-
XVhear Open- Hi^- I--r. Ooja, d*l>
i|' :sr g': S! 5S bS
KI S' 5 t-. f4f 4 i S
nor*>mher 31 *• 31* 31 l J 31^* **.*
?g™..:: sh* *Z »> g», - f?^
jnlv 53% 3* S3 T » S3 j 83I«
«« $ 5^
£#^:: J 'SI? '311 V"S-.*:S
3sff.--.gS •:;: gS-3g-:BS
Boston D~* **»>. — More tmmmmm rnanlfeate*
in fleVee'than tn terrltorr -tvools tn th- Bo»-otj
ni*rK«t and whll« th- d-mand Is no* ac:>\*
-Am* *i-d sa* s or -- c delala* and OiW fr.e
qnarKr Wood »r# reported. A fatr t>iisin^» .*
also beln? dnn« in t»rrttory »to.-k. -but set!*
ar<» nt'l to b« inclined to m»i<« c«»nces»«ons.
1 On- of th" Urprt of th« more re«eat sale»
wa In Texas woo!, s-v«>ra: h.ia-ir«d thwosjJßl*
pounds chanplns h*rvfs. tne!u<Jtn« Unon-hv
and .onsvi«r*h'-» -prtnn w«»ol. Sr«nJ-» XMSiiaan
♦hree-»-i«hrha blood ha.-» al»o «on« to the mills.
Pulled wool la d«U. but th»r- !« a ■little «f
mand for tb« f->— pr«»do<rt. t^«din« eWSaesV
ll< bnio ta ai»3** Penn«ylvanU fleeces—r- I
washe.l. .-.*•: XX. T2r: ftn» unmerchantab^.
"4ftCsc: one-half bloo<! com Mac 20531^:
three-eighths. U9e3oc: one-quar»er ; 2T#»c;
delaine, unwashed. 2*me27c: fln» • ivaiafean,
"••«2^c. Michigan. Wl»i«ss» and >*w \i>r*
« reces — i^in* unwashad. 20Q21.C. delair C 6©
-TVsc- half blood unwashed. 2*#2»e. Kentucky.
Indiana and Missouri— Thre«-«l»htha &SOOO.
SOfeSOc: on»-quamr. 27@2Sc .
Scoured basis: T*xas — F"!n* IT caontis.
60c: fine « to « months. »2#53c: nns !*•♦;.■»''
»50c. California — Northern. 53©5* c; ■««•
county. 30«52c; southern. 4«®4*c: fall iJT?;
1 4r.C43c. Oregon — Eastern No 1 •»■«■• •••»
«5c- eastern clothliuf. «o«*lc; ; raUjr >o 1- 34 tf
BCe. Territory— Fine staple. *•••»«: «■• n>»
dium. 38»00c. fine clothinx. sH@*">c: Cn« m»
dlum. »9ft6c: one-h*lf blood combine. 419
C2c: ■ -«e-Hs;!-.th< 53®55c: one-quarter. Sl«?
" J Fttllad— 63c; fln» A. ,V-i'#«oe: A
: snp«r«. 53 S Me
Il%»rpool. D«c. 20. — VTKEAT — Spot firm:
No •_' red Western winter . Ts 2d: ftitur««
strailr: D*<tnlwr 9s IKJ: Mirch. «s IXH<J:
May "fis ll»«.<l CORN* — Spot .jul»« : Asv?ric<ir»
! mtx»-d. r.a '-<!. futur«ts dull January. *s
.-»Hd; February. is SH<l. — Canadian.
7» »Ui. FLOUR— Winter it->nt«. 25s •«
HOPS In Ix>nilon (Paciflc Coast). £3 13a#i4
•lea. BEEF — Estra India, mass, 132» att.
PORK — ITime mess> Waetern. VJ2m 6d. IIAiIS
—Short eu«. «3» «d- BAOO.V— t^imberlaaa
cut .*7s ttd: short rib. «Ost: claar b»lll«». «•»
M* lons cl<-ar mtd"dl»». li«ht. «1« M: h-a*y.
6-»- shcrt cl«ar baclia. «• M. SHOCLDKK>
— Souare. •*•*?• I.AJRX> — Prttn» Western. tlerc«».
Tk?s Sil: Anorlnn refined, pails. si» 3d
rilEESE — Canadian fln*»t whit*. ten Msi Hrf;
rolcrotU «W«. TURPOTTIXE— Spirit*. 54s ■>•!
KOflN'— Common. •»* o<l. PSTBOLBI'M—
Reflnt^l. «V»<l MNiSMD OIL- Us. CQT
TONSEPD OIL^-Hull reilnei -.--• .-» l(Ht<S.
T \l.l.O\V— Australian in London. 3Ts *'
"London. Deo 2a — St'OAB — Raw. -*n?-.#>
veal IPs Ijgd rTniswiweidx. a«; b-?t. r>«« rra
b*r l*s- I.IN'^EEf — Calcutta. Aprtl-Jmv». 5J>»
3d' LlN'^ESt* • Sf>» Sd. . i??ERiI CTt
£31. PETROLEUM — Am-rlcan --'.n*J. J4(!
spirits. *?id. TmPUNTLN'E— Spirits. Ha
lfvU(» ROSIN* — Arc»rlsan strained. ■,«•-.
fin*. 17* HJ4.
.Antwerp. t»ec . 20.— PETBOLTOJ. '.» f-wssjfc

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