' ! ' ! . l -._ — — j»_>^_. .„. .. . ■a. 1 -;;— .. ;- ■ ;,-••., „ - ■'■'■■-:• "7 ~^*~~ ' ■■ . ' ' " " V" LAX •••>" 23.412. SCORE KILLED IN QUAKER CITY FIRE V^'alis Fall. Burying Thirty-five Firemen and Fifteen Policemen. IES TAKEN OUT BUT SIX BO Man? More Pinioned in Ice- Coated Wreckage of Morocco — Dying- Men Talk as Rescuers Work. j fßr 7e':c?raph to The Tribune.) --• leiphia, Dec. 21. — Twenty firemen «ad -policemen lost their lives to-night, w j HS two wails fell in a, fire which Be 5—5 — ; the five story brick building of D. Fricdlander. leather dealer, No. 1116 11-0 North Bodine street. More than a ,—, — of others have been taken to hos rJtalF. 'VVt Six dftaud have been taken from the ruins. Of those taken to the hospitals hslf a dozen have fractured skulls and art internally injured. Their chances of recovery a*e slight- When Bis second wall fell six uottoc rrjpn ?rd Bremen were killed. At the «im? the wall collapsed there were about thirty policemen and firemen working close to the tottering pile of bricks. Fifteen of this number were able to rush from dassjer. bat the r«maind . r iverc caught- It is not thought that any of the men •*ho are yet beneath .the mass of debris •will b*> rescued alive unless it can be cone within an hour or so, as the weath er is bitter cold, and in their injured condition they will probably be frozen to iieuih before the rescuers can reach them. While the firemen v ere fighting the f\?m«=-3 from the roofs of adjoining duelling houses the south wall of the big Bttftdtas; crashed down upon them. At th time there were at least thirty five mem on these buildings, and all were earned down. Six of the unfortunate men were later taken out dead. Twelve v <•,«=. able to extricate themselves from thr - us of bricks and twisted iron. Chief Baxter had entered the burning building to call his men out. as he feared that the walls were doomed. Just as he stepped within the fire gutted structure v.ith the order of "All men come out!" the ■rrhnle building crumpled and fell. The men who also are thought to have met iretsnt death were mounted on an ex tension dkler. and ten were seen by hnndreds «f horrified spectators as they vrr bulled into the ruins. While tlie llaines had only a moment v^fore lit up the sky. the scene was left in complete darkness. The electric light .■■"-• «■ were cut by/the flying debris. Hospital ambulances and patrols from al! parts of the city were called and.the ■work of rescue i»/*.- 44 '' Scores who were „:- the outskirts of the building were taken to hospitals. It was st first Thought that Chief Bax ter had met instant death, but soon afterward the chief, bleeding from a as frozen stiff. vniile tb*? injured were being removed from one sid«i of the building the groans •of other firemen could be heard at the <-'th«r cf the burned structure. Will- Isn.- Glazier, ■■' Engine Company 6, and Harry BertoKt. «f Chemical Engine 2, v Vj.. f. pinioned by heavy girders, -»r T (i abl° ••> talk with the rescuers -i"'d Cir€<-t their vork.- T\*h^n Glazier was finally rescued frotn beneath the debris be was almost Iroz^:-:. BTidIISMTTH whose body was be- r <-. ; t5- Glazier, was frozen stiff. The i'.f had caked on We fat«\ formins a perfect mask. In tl.p meantime a greater disaster *ss -threatening tl»e ,';) who were biaSed in the ruins. The north wall, had remained standing began to tetter and fears were •ntertained that it b-ouW crafh down upon the unfortun *i»e'nrcnv-ii at my moment. Assistance K-is a^k«d .»f •..,. Police Department and Ptperfotendent Tayl«.-r hurried 300 po hv» Orleans. Dec. a.— After swallowing '• larpf dose of carbolic acid it her home here s>j-day. Mrs. Mary Kadolich Jay down «m thp btd with hor Fitzgerald will piay the part of Santa Olaus si the Salva 'son Army h^adiu^rtprs Christmas Day. *v«en Lio9 Christmas baskets will be given •tray to i»oor familiar. Finch ba-K't will contain food enaoigh for Jen. To ess 1 pgrj K*u who receive? * short ftddn ■ • New drink Christmas dinners. Dole's Puw Hawaiian Pirn-apple .lvi"- Serve cold. — A'Jvt Tn-da.r and »o-m»»rro»v. TAFT TO PLAY SANTA CLAUS Will Give 102 Turkeys to Mar ried White House Employes. Washington, Dec. 21.— President Taft "will play Santa Claus as usual this year in giving away Christmas turkeys to all the ' married employes of the ■ White House and the executive offices, includ ing the policemen on duty in the- White House grounds. It will require 102 birds to nil j all the baskets, and the expense will be In the neighborhood of $350? It Is a time honored custom of Presi dents to distribute turkeys at Christ mas. EVERY HORSE INVITED Novel Christmas Dinner Planned in Kansas City. [By TeJegTaph to The Tribune.] Kansas City, Mo., Dec 21.— An inno vation in Kansas City this year will be a Christmas dinner for horses. Through their owners all the horses in the city have been invited to call around at No. 1311 Baltimore avenue some time Sun day. Tbt feasi -is being arranged by the Humane Society. Each sue*', will be allowed to get on the outpidr of a large sack of oats and all the hay it want.=. There should be much whinnying and many hor^e laughs in tbe neighborhood of Baltimore avenue. FORTUNE FOR DISHWASHER Mother of Dead Wife Leaves $25,000 to Wanderer. '"leveland. Dec 21.— William Sturnpf. a dishwasher in a local restaurant, is mak insr plane for a "•grand" Christmas cele bration. He was notified yesterday that his mother-in-law had died at Pinckney ville. 111., leaving him $25.(X>0. Ptumpf has been a widower ten 3~ears. After his wife died h<^ became a wan derer, finally coining to Cleveland. Hl3 prospects for the holidays were not any too bright until late yesterday, when William Cowen. his brother-in-law, who had come from Pinckneyville, entered the kitchen of the. restaurant and ap prised him bC hl< good luck. Stumpf was found through the publication in a newspaper of a letter to Mayor Baehr. PLIGHTS TROTH WITH BOOKS New Jersey Physician Calls Ring "Symbol of Inferiority." rrty Telegraph to Th» Tribune.] F'assai<\ N. J.. Dec. 21.— The engage ment of Miss Gertrude Siskin to Dr. Morris Korshet. one of Passaie's leading physicians and Socialists, was announced to-day at a reception. at the home of the bride. Dr. Korshet surprised the guests by giving Miss Riskin books by Victor Hugo, Balzac, George Bernard Shaw, Ibsen, Tolstoy, Zangwill and others in stead of an engagement ring. Speaking; of his departure from the time honored custom, he said: "In times long gone by man either captured his female partner or purchased her.. from her parents with present?. When she was" his he- : p]aced r a crude ring, upon her finger. It was regarded as a symbol of Inferiority, and made the wearer appear in the light of personal property. Miss Riskin will not be my chattel, but my equal, my companion and helpmate." CONFESSED SLAYER FREE Judge Sends Him Home to Eat Christmas Dinner. Pittsburc:, Dec 21. — Bent with his sev enty years and crippled from the beat ing by th«» man whom he later shot to death. John Bennett, a veteran of the Civil War. who pleaded guilty of murder. was freed on parole to-day by Judge Robert B. Fraser, and to-night his oft- > expressed wish that he mig'.it be at home with his family before Christmas is real ized. Carl Peterson attacked Bennett in Oc tober, beating him until he was barely abl^ to crawl home. -Peterson followed him and the old man tottered to a cor ner of the room, reached for his old army musket, which was loaded with shot, and fired at Ms assailant, killing him Instantly. WEALTH ON 6!RL PRISONER More than $1,000 and Diamonds Revealed by Police Search. Giving her ago as eight years older than she looked— which was about twen ty-two—a woman was locked up in the Adams Street police station, Brooklyn, last night on the charge of grand lar ceny. She said her name was Lydia Hill, her native city Quebec. Canada, and her present home, No. 701 Dawson street. The Bronx. While Detective Downs as in a d*> partment store in Pulton street, Brook lyn, yesterday afternoon, he noticed the young woman leave one elevator that had just descended and step into an other that was about to ascend. He fol lowed her and saw Miss Hill's hand, he declared, steal into the bag of Mrs. Charles O'Connor, of No. L 56 Washington avenue, Brooklyn. At the station house her bag was found to contain a gold watch, twenty five subway tickets and $172 02 in money, according to the police. She was st-arched by the matron, and. according to her report. 5000. two unset diamonds and a diamond ring were found in Miss Hill's stocking. NO CONCESSION BY ENGINEERS Western Railroads Will Make Their Answer to Demands To-day. ■ Chicago, Dee. 21.— The managers of the Bixty-one Western railroads will pive their final Will to-morrow to the demands or their engin«:men for a. wage increase. Com missioner • Neil!, who ?ias been acting as mediator in the wage dispute, to-night in formed the railroad managers' committee that the eßffaeera refused to concede a sJnKl'; point In their demands. ' Commissioner Nelll held an all day consul tation with representatives of the Brother ],„,„] of locomotive Engineers. MAY CUT 200,000,000 QUEUES. Victoria,. H. C Dec. 21.— The date set for t|M removal of the qufii<-s from th« heads of male Chinese w*m December v and when the itesjnshlp Aymeric left China, a few days before! th* edict was being generally observed. Assuming thai nearly two hundred mill ion queues will be cut "ff. the human hair njsrkft may Bf «luHsi NEW-YORK. THURSDAY DECEMBER 22, 1910.-FOI RTKEN PACES. **• PRICE ONE CENT - <"• t.'BWVffliiTg.^'rff."-'** DUVEEN PURCHASES IN GOeNINT'S CUSTODY P. A. B. Widener. of Philadelphia. and Benjamin Altman Return Objects of Art. OTHERS EXPECTED TO DO Nine Actions for Forfeitn Begun — More Will Follow, Total Invoh-ed Being 5600,000. P. A. H. Widener. the traction magnate of Philadelphia, and Benjamin Altman. the New York merchant, have handed over to the customs authorities art objects smuggled over by Duveen Bros., according to the statements of the government agents. Other smuggled articles will be sought for in the homes of wealth}- patrons of the international art dealers. ThLs information was obtained at the offices of Henry A- Wise, United States Attorney, when it was announced that nine libels had been filed against Duveen Bros, for the forfeiture of rare art ob jects, either smuggled or undervalued by the fimly Among the customers of Du veen Bros, in this country were John D. Rockefeller. J. P. Morgan. Mrs. Collis P. Huntiagton. Cftazies P. Taft, Henry C. Frick and Grorge J. Gould. It was said sonit . of the art objects sold to these customers were smuggled over, and the?- will be called on to hand them over to the government. Purchasers May Sue Firm. "We will go after smuggled goods, no matter where they are,"' explained Will iam L. Wemple. Assistant United States Attorney, who has charge of the prosecu tion in the Duveen case. "There is no intimation that those in whose posses sion these valuable articles are found had any knowledge they were smuggled, but the government will confiscate them, and tbe purchasers have their recourse against the firm from whom they were purchased. As .soon as the attention of llessrs. Widener and Airman was called to the fact that articles in their pos session had been smuggled, they cent them to the customs authorities. It is expected fiat the other patrons of the firm will follow the example thus set-" The government will not seek to re cover from innocent purchasers articles that have been undervalued, but only those that have been smuggled. In the case of goods entered at figures lower than the real value, the government will peek to recover the withheld duties and the value of the articles as well from Duve^n Bros. More Libels* Expected. The total value of the goods which the government asks. the court to declare forfeited at "tho ' present time -'•".vin amount to *GOO.OOO. Nine libels in for feiture were filed yesterday, and four more .will be entered to-day. The nine complaints entered yesterday covered good.s of which the foreign value. In England or France, was $404,015 19. the duty 5?n,845 28, making- the home value £450.7<50 47. Claims on the goods by any person who has any proprietary rights In them must be filed by January 10. Among th*» articles mentioned In the various schedules were: A settee and ten arm chairs. ?14.032; old Italian bronze figures, $15,556: old Italian bronze group, 51 7.828: Limoges enamel coupe, $10,050; two square China vases. £1 1,283, and $13, 223; one sofa, and eight chairs, $42,137 55; large sofa, $ 1 1,942; ten tapestry chairs, $16,135, besides a number of cabinets containing Wedgwood ware and chess men. In the four libels to be filed to-day will be scheduled a lot of valuable nigs which are held at the Appraiser's stores for undervaluation. SAYS BOOKS WERE ALTERED Serious Charges in Suit Over Milling" Company Merger. Camden, N. J.. Dec. . 21.— Serious charges are contained in an affidavit fUod with Vice-chancellor Learning here to-day by counsel for the stockholders' protective committee, which is applying for the appointment of a receiver for the American Milling Company. Frederick Maurer, formerly private secretary to W. W Glbbs, of the Marsdon Company. which was taken over by the American Milling Company, a ?3.506,000 corpora tion, alleged that he was "instructed to alter the bool:s of the concern so that a profit could be shown," and avers that ■when he "refused the books were altered by a bookkeeper, under orders .of the board of directors." The hearing on .the petition for a re ceiver will I»p heard by .the vice-chan cellor on Tuesday. Thp stockholders' pe tition alleges that "there has been a loss occasioned by waste or niismange ment of 81.848,601 to the stockholders." COLLEGE REFUSES 540,000 Acceptance of Endowment Would Im poverish Donor's Family. "Washington, Perm., Dec. 21." — "Washington an f th*» Board of Aldermen, with six votes in the Hoard of Estimate, ar« opposed to the Interborougu's plan. Three additional votes would insure the rejection of the proposition. GEORGE CROMWELL, President of Borough of Richmond. (Photograph by Fach Brothers.) " "COUNT'S" WIFE SCORES DUCHESS OF CHOISEUL Former Miss Lunt Calls Accuser of Husband and Self "Viper" and "Shameless Woman." ALMOST A RIOT IN COURT Letter Signed 'Duke of Choiseul.' Denying Right of Former Mrs. Paine's Husband to Title, Shown. Tours. France. Dec. 21. — Sensational incidents occurred to-day at the trial of the self-styled '"Count" d'Aulby de Gat igny and his American wife, formerly Miss Francesea Lunt, of Boston, who are charged with having swindled the Duchess of Choiseul-Praelin in the sale of spurious pictures during the lifo of her former husband. Charles Hamilton Paine, of Boston. The closing moments of the trial this evening almost devel oped a riot. "Countess d'Aulby. who was ca.lled to the witness stand after her husband, bitterly attacked the Duchess of Chois eul, designating her "that vioer. that shameless woman, who tried to wreck my home." D'Aulby's lawyer. M. Bernard, attack ed the counsel for the duchess for allow ing her business agent to sit beside them at -the bar and practically direct the case for . the prosecution. i~ This . unpardonable breach of etiquette of 'the French bar, he -declared, wag an insult ; to the dignity of the profession. \ Cries of sympathy broke out, and soon the whole courtroom was bn its feet cheering and j hooting. ' Judje \ Roberta pounded helplessly, but was forced to- de clare a recess, to 1 preserve order. After the recess M. Bernard sprang another surprise. He read a letter,' pur porting to be signed by the "Duke of Choiseul," claiming that Choiseul, the husband, of the former Mrs. Paine, had no right to the title of "Duke of Choi seul"; that he was merely the Duke of Praslin's representative, a junior branch of the house of Choiseul, and a. grand son of the Duke of Praslin "of bloody memory." "Countess" Confuses the Court. "Countess" d'Aulby. unlike her hus band, speaks French with wonderful rapidity, but nearly drove the aged judge to despair by nervous lapses into foreign words, sometimes English, especially when the nams of the duchess was men tioned. She exclaimed in anger, speak ing with reference to the plaintiff: "I didn't know her relations with my husband until later, but if I had known T would have driven her out like the shameless viper she was." The witness said that, she had met d'Aulby in New York, and had married him for love, being especially drawn to him by reason of his musical abilities. She never mixed in her husband's busi ness affairs, and only knew as a fact that he had Fold pictures to Mrs. Paine. The witness refused to answer ques tions of the opposing counsel which were calculated to show that she had con- | spired to heighten the plaintiff's interest j in the pictures, saying that persons so alleging were "liars In the first degree." To complete the day a Parisian ex pert who examined the, paintings pur- ! chased by Mrs. Paine testified that some I of them 'were desirable i copies, others ! passable, but that none was what the catalogue pretended. He admitted, how ever, that they might deceive the ordi nary amateur. D'Aulfay Asserts Good Faith. D'Aulby's defence so far as Indicated is that in filling the galleries of .Mrs. Paine'B .home in ; the Avenue Bois de Boulogne with .works of art and stock ing the cellar with wines he acted in good faith as the confidential agent of Mrs. Paine, an office which came to him as the result of personal friendship. . The defendant to-day . was asked re garding his ■ financial resources at ■ the time that he met his companion. He' admitted that .when he married Miss Francesca Lunt," of Boston, his bride brought him approximately |1t>4,000. D'Aulby declared that he had never said that the pictures sold to the Paines were genuine masterpieces, but had al lowed them to- be authenticated, by American experts and by American newspapers which had suggested that the works in question be exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum,' in New York City. He added that even the late E. H. Harriman had been Interested in his offerings and had manifested' a desire to deal with him! The accused insisted that ho had re ceived a letter from Paine Just > before lie sailed tor America, and shortly prior to his cleat* in .Boston,, "following the ■Hiss I Ions! letter incident," reaffirming the writer's option 'to buy TVAulby's pictures for $200.000 l CYRUS C. MILLER; President of Borough of The Bronx. MORE THAN 300 MEN KILLED IN A MINE Explosion in English Colliery Occurred Soon After Men Had Gone to Work. HUNDREDS ENTOMBED ALIVE Rescue Work Delayed by Dam age to Machinery, Which Pre vented Lowering of Cages — Cause of Disaster Unknown. Bolton, England. Dec. 21.— More than three hundred colliers lost their lives to day in an explosion in the Little Hulton colitfry of *he TTulton Colliery Company, which is located a little distance outside this city. The. explosion occurred early in the morning, soon aft<=>r the miners had entered the pit to begin work. Its force was terrific, and later investigation showed that the lower passages had been blocked. Heroic efforts were made by rescue parties all day long, but a fierce fire which followed the explosion pre vented the rescuers from penetrating be yond four hundred yards Int" the work ings. The explosion to-day resulted In the temporary disablement of the machin ery whereby the cages are lowered and drawn to the surface, and it "was con siderable time before the first rescue party reached the bottom of the pit. In all, they brought out eight men still living, but the majority of these were in a serious condition from the noxious gases. Ten bodies also were removed and twenty additional bodies were found, partly covered by heavy falls of coal. Rescuers Return to Work. The colliery fans were started again late to-night, and the air was found to be fairly good. Arrangements were then made for relays of rescuers to go into the mine every three hours throughout the night. Toward midnight two more miners "were found alive. They were ter ribly burned, and are in a critical con dition. It ma announced that forty bodies had been collected at the bottom of the shaft, and they will be brought up as soon as possible A flicker of hope still animates the leacucrß that more men may be found alive. Doctors, nurses and ambulances are still on the scene, and relatives, mostly women, are linger ing in the vicinity. Among the incidents was the death of a rescuer, who. anxious to reach his two sons who were entombed, got in advance of his comrades, and forfeited his life from afterdamp. The King has sent a touching message of sympathy. Bolton is a manufacturing and colliery centra, about fifteen miles from Man chester- Its population ie about 2UMIW TO CONTROL WORK IN MINES Latest Tragedy in England Causes Demand for Regulation. [By Cable to The Tribune. 1 I,i>ndon, Dec. 2L — Th« terrible colliery disaster in Lancashire, following .«,, HusHy upon the tragedy at Whltehaven, is almost certain to cau.se a new demand for better regulation of tbe WOrti in mines. During the last ten or fifteen years the methods of production, in the coal mining industry have changed. The dou ble shift Is commoner, the" use of ma chinery is more widespread and electric power is being largely employed. In brief, there has been greater intensity in the exploitation of mines and the coal owner has manifested much zeal in ap plying science to the increase of profits. "This is. of course," says "The Daily News," "entirely legitimate, but have the precautions for safeguarding the lives of workers been • correspondingly de veloped? The evidence of the death rate suggest.- that they have not, and scat tered about various reports there Is other confirmatory evidence." . "The Kxpress" says the whole sub ject of coal mining will have to be re viewed la the light of recent experience. 6rSOBGE MA.NKNV. President of Borough al Manhattan HOE TOUTS HUNDREDS INTO STREET IN COLO Flames in Williamsburg Tene ment District Do $100. 000 Damage. FACTORY ORIGIN OF BLAZE Several Buildings Still Ablaze at an Early Hour This Morning — Schoolhouse in Danger. More than one hundred families were driven out in the cold late last night by a fire which started in the wood turn ing factory of Greene & Sons, at Nos. 43 and 50 Boerum street, Williamsburg-. and threatened to destroy completely several nearby tenement houses. Adjoining the factory is Public School 41. Two com panies who were "washing down" the school building had a narrow escape from death when the wall of the factory toppled over into the courtyard. With the thermometer hovering- only a few degrees above zero and a bone chilling wind blowing, the half clad ten ants suffered great hardship. They were forced to race out into the night with hardly any warning, and most of them I had- no time to get clothes to protect themselves. For more : . than two hours , they, had to remain out in the cold, as [ the firemen found the wind would carry ' the flying sparks to the roof s'of the tehe-" i ments. ■ ~ '-'. . ■"/ r y^" T: "'\ '-„,/ ' f'■ So' rapidly did the flames . spread that by the time the first company arrived the' factory building was enveloped in flames. There was a strong northwest wind blowing and a second alarm was turned in at once. Even with the addi tional lire fighters working desperately the fire raged on unchecked so that two more alarms were quickly sent in. The high wind carried the sparks to the tenement buildings across the street, setting them on fire. • .... . The reserves of four station houses soon were on the scene and helped to get the men. women and children out of the burning buildings. The blaze spread to Nos. 49 and 83 Boerum street, and it was with much difficulty that the oc cupants were taken to safety. Not a few of the tenants greatly ham pered the work of the firemen as well as of the police by trying to save their household goods. Trunks, suit- i cases and wearing apparel filled the halls i and, stairways, and it was some time be fore the police could get these out of the way and clear the passages for the people. The flames at Irngth gained such head way on the firemen that Chief Lally or dered a fourth alarm sent in. This brought out several more companies as well as Chief Oroker, Commissioner Waldo and Deputy Commissioner Dris coll. In addition to battling with the tene ment houses to say" them from being burned to the gTound the firemen al?o had to look after the school. Twe easa janies \v*»ro playing several lines of boss on it wnea the wall of the burning fac tory fell within a few feet of them. "Were it not for fifty feet of space afcsad the courtyard, thus affording the men plenty of room in -which to pet out el danger, several of them must hfen '•••■ ■ seriously injured, If not killed. The flames illuminated Urn sky for miles around, attracting thousands of persons to the pcene. Chief Oroker took charge of the fire, and at a late hour this morning several of the buildings were still burning. It was said that the damage probably would reach $l<>o,ooo. BUTTER RECORD BROKEN A Holstein-Friesian Produces 37.28 Pounds in Seven Days. Syracuse, Dec. '21. — Pontlac Clotilde De Kol. 2d, a Holstein-Friesian- cow, owned by Stevens Brothers, of Liverpool, has broken the world's seven day butter record, .producing 9GU9I pounds. Since lDQS'the record has been o.">.">. held by Grace Fayna 2d's -Homestead. ■ * EARTHQUAKES IN PANAMA Several Shocks, but No Loss of Life or Property Reported. Panama. Dec. 21.— Telegraphic advices re ceived here report severe earthquake shocks In the district from David to Nai David is 205 miles west of Panama, whilo N'ata Is sixty-four miles southwest of this city. No personal or property losses are reported. The Assembly has approved the lay de voting JBO.OOO yearly to promote Immigra tion. ONLY 3 HOURS FROM BROADWAY to Atlantic City. P^nna. R. R. through train from new Pcnna. Station. Special returning train D«c. 2f- leave- Atlantic City 5.30 P. M — Advt. :--'/-■ SUBWAY PROBLEM NOT YET SOLVED Majority of Board of Estimate Not Ready to Act Without Further Details. GAYNOR WRITES SWANSTROW Cromwell Favors Competition; McAneny and Miller Want Mora Light : Steers and Greaser Non- Committal. From developments yesterday It' iu«itf appear that the city Is still 'some 1 wajr from the solution of : the transit ' prob lem and the autual beginning of work on new subways. -^Attention wa* fo cussed yesterday *by * the letter of . th» Public Service Commislon' to the Board of Estimate, which said that In general! it favored the latest proposition of * "* Inter borough Rapid Transit Company., and asked tLe views of the board. It was made clear that a majority erf* the Board of Estimate were not in favor of passing on the Interborr ,z ■> -•>- position without getting a. clearer idea, of the exact details, which the commis sion said it wished to work out with ih» company. Borough President Cromwell cany. out in favor of competition in subways, and Borough Presidents McAneny and Miller said they would not care to vote on" th» "proposition as it stood, and the former declared he would not be in favor of passing on any modified or more detailed proposition without considering at th» same time the comparative merits of the triborough system and the proposition that the Hudson and Manhattan Rail road Company made and then withdrew. Mayor Gaynor in a long letter to J. Edward Swanstrom, former Borough President of Brooklyn, reiterated his preference for a subway monopoly, and. by inference, commended the offer of. •-!-• Interborough. j Borough President Steers of Brooklyn and Borough President Gresser of Queens, both refused to commit them selves, but. were understood to favor the monopoly idea, In subways. s From statements made by various members of the Public Service .Commis sion it was evident that there would be a considerable difference of opinion when it came to making more definite , some features of the Interboroush offer and changing: some of the other features. It was doubted that the Interboroug! would be willing to give such generous financial terms as some of the commis sioners felt should be made by the com pany if allowed to have a monopoly. , May Be Considered To-day. i Although the communication of tlie Public Service" Commission dl.l not reach, the secretary of the Board of Estimate in time to go on the calendar for the • meeting to-day. Joseph Haag. the sec retary, will take it to the meeting, and it j may be considered, by a unanimous vote. Ordinarily it would be referred to th© transit committee, but those members of the board who favor the Interborough do not wish it to go to that committee, as Controller Prendergast and President 3litchel of the Board of Aldermen, two of the three members of the commit 1^ are outspoken in opposition to the In terborough's proposition. It is likely that some one will, offer a resolution asking the Public Service Commission to give the board mor^> '• '■ mite information as to what th* Inter borough is willing: to do before- the ha - i 1i 1 is asked to act. Borough President j Miller intimated his Inclination to tak^ this course last night. If there should I be a motion to send th-> communication to the transit committee it might result j in a clear-cut line-up for and against the proposition as a whole According to an opinion of the Cor poration Counsel received by Controller Prehdergast. the city will have more money available for subway construction than had been anticipated. He held that the money released from the debt limit by the exclusion of self sustaining dock bonds might be used for subways, and inversely that money released by the ex clusion of self-sustaining subway bonds might be used for docks. It was estimated that the money re leased from dock bonds would amount 111 1 from. 560.000,000 to $70,000,000. This would almost equal the amount that the Interborough offered to add to the 553. 000,000 that the city now has available for the construction of a new system. • Gaynor to Sw^nstrom. . , In his letter to .Mr. Swanatrom, Mayor Gaynor said: • On account of the limited credit of th«. city I have therefore been most anxious all along to have the subways built in t»art at least by private • ipltaJ. so that they enn be >>i'ilt at once, and simultane ously Ik all of the boroughs. ', instead #*f being strung out duriusr many years wKi.'*» city funds become slowly available. The Mayor went on to say that th-» city owned the subways, whether they were built by private or public capital. and added: In other word*, we hare reached full an nicipal ownership of our subway railroads. But we have not yet reached, the period of municipal ■■•:••!- ■•:■.. We let the- equip ment and operation out to companies. The people of this city will not be prepared tor municipal operation until the] become suf ficiently educated and honest themselves to elect competent and honest officials, anil thus have honest government all the time*. When we look about and see the dishonesty and graft which exist now we cannot wish to add thereto by pitting the operation- of our railroads in official hands. The city having the ownership of sub ways, the Mayor continued to say. it would seem plain that we should have only one system of subways, with, a single ."-cent fare over the whole sys tem. lie asked why any one should now advocate an Independent system, and answered : They say that th« people want an hp dependent system built in •:■-: ■-- to have it operated by a "good" company— a sort of Utopian company, which will not look out for Its* own interests at all. -but only f■• th» "independent" "vslppi Is built, tr:-? r%t^