\ OXj IjAA. • •-> — 0.-HI. To-morrow, unncttl^. HOXSEY, TWO MILES UP, BREAKS RECORD Reaches 11.474 Foot Level in a Forty-Mile Gale at Los Angeles. REMARKABLE SPIRAL GLIDES petermined to Defeat Legag neans or Keep Going Until Car buretor Froze — Latham's Monoplane Wrecked. HIGH ALTITUDE RECORDS. Ar^h H«'i*pt < world's r«*ord). %*** A« ff v« Pfrmbfr 26. 1910. 11.474 fert. M. (■ Itxasneui (world** record). Pau. France. i««- rn'hrr 9. 1910, 10.499 feet. .7. Armctrons; J>rex record). rh!lad««!pbia. November 23, 1910. 9.8:0 feet. Ralph Johnston* 1 Wdght, also, dared the .wind and at tained an altitude of .6.625 feet. He astounded the crowd by a series or whirling dips, and- then Walter Brook ins. originator of the spiral glide, went up. At this time the wind had attained a velocity cf forty miles an. hour, but in- Wright man went through . spec-. Continued «■ •*«•«»<* »■*•- "~< W . *~ ~^^^r f V^^' -^—^M^^^ff^jlß^MJP^Bl^^^^B^t. ■*^^"r^^fcPfM^£a^^K^^iH m^K^B^^wr^lriwW^^^^^^W'^^^* *'~,-.». "■*..-[--- -."' '■ » i^^^^F^^SEy^^Bl^^^^B^x^^uHH^^^^^^j^y%^^ w g^sßSßß^jffsMSßsl^^sjJi***— ARCTIC PICTURE OFF HOOK Bull Seal on Cake of Ice Seen from Supervisor's Cutter. A big bull seal crouched upon a cake of ice -was seen floating off Sandy Hook In the forenoon yesterday hy the Scout, one of the cutters in the department of the Supervisor of the Harbor. All sorts of ya-rns regarding the furry visitor came in from the Hook shortly after he was sighted. The marine ob servers, who said they had a long look at the creature and the chilly pedestal it occupied, were at odds about its size and sex. One of the men, wh« is abie to call the name of a ship when her fun nels are barely visible to the naked eye, declared yesterday that the seal was 1 bull and was gix feet long. The creature, according to the ob servers, was resting peacefully on his ke float for a half hour, until a small tag came by and opened fire upon him. It was said that three shots were fired and n\\ Avcnt wide of the mark. Disgusted with such jxior shooting, the seal dived into the water and made for the open sea. BANK OFFICIALS ARRESTED Former Premier of Portugal and 1 2 Others Held in Heavy Bail. UalMB, De<"-. :_'<*•. — Former Premier J. Luciano de Castro, twelve former gov ernors and directors of the Portuguese Credit Foneier Bank, all of thom'ex- Cabinet ministers, and the chief ac countants, treasurer and cashier of the bank were arrested to-day . This was furnished by four capitalist friends. FLYER HITSJEARTH HARD Belgian's Aeroplane Got Only 20 Feet High When It Dropped. Another human comet came from the sky yesterday. Charles I^rank Morok, a Belgian, started from the Gutter, burg track about 10:o«J o'clock in the morning:, intending: to cross th^ big river, fly around Columbus Circle and up to the Hotel Empire. Everything appeared 10 be in good working order when Morok started out in his machine, which is a biplane of the Curtiss type. He had not flown more than three blocks, however, when something happened to his sup ply of gasolene and his motor stopped. He came down with a thud, falling about twenty feet. He was unhurt except for several cuts and bruises, but the aero plane -was badly wrecked. Morok was taken to the North Hudson Hospital — indeed, he came very near en tering its doors in his downward flight, and so did not have far to go. It was found that he had a scalp wound about five inches lung on the right sid« of his Ticad and s* lacerated right knee." There were plenty of other bruises, but no seri ous injuries, and he will go to his own homo to-day, determined to get out in a day or two and get up into the air again. Morok. who is thirty-three years old and a former six-day bicycle racer at Madison Square Garden, uses a machine that was built by Fred P. Schneider. It has a two-cycle motor with four cylin ders, said to develop 40-60 horsepower. BOMB WRECKS STAIRWAY Outrage in Tenement House Alarms Twenty-Four Families. Twenty-four families living at No. 502 East 104 th street were routed from their beds shortly after midnight this morning: when a dynamite bomb ex ploded under the stairway leading to the Beat floor. The bomb ripped loose the lower part of the stairs and left the remainder dangling. By the time the tenants came rushing from their rooms the police had arrived. They told the terror-stricken men and women that they were in no danger and warned them not to attempt to descend the dilapidated stairway. The building was owned by Fimon Ca talanio. of No. 10 Union Square. He was unable to give any reason for the setting off of the bomb. It was his opinion, however, that some one liv ing in the tenement had incurred the disp'easure of the perpetrators of the outrage. The tenement was occupied en tirely by Italians. COLD PLUNGE CURED HIM Forty Foot Jump Through Ice Into River — Out Via Airhole. Chippewa Falls. Wis.. Dec. 26.,-John Christiansen jumped forty feet from a bridge into the Chippewa River to-day with suicidal intent. He went under the ice and came up two hundred feet down stream at an air hole. He grabbed the ice and crawled out. He went home and said that the cold water had taken away the desire to die and made him feel hap pier than he did before the plunge. THINK HE SWALLOWED RING Jersey City Police Will Apply X- Ray Tests to Prisoner. Suspecting that he swallowed ■ stolen diamond ring, the Jersey City police will have X-ray tests applied to John Miller. of SCO 419 Monmouth street, who was ar rested for the theft. The ring, valued at $150, was received as a Christmas Rift by George W. Main, of No. 139 Fremont street. Main was proudly showing the ring in a saloon, when it suddenly van ished. A policeman who was called in arrested Miller. The ring: was not found on him. and it m decided that as his articulation was obstructed for a few mjnutes while being interrogated he had swallowed the pine:. SAY CUDAHYS ARE RECONCILED Divorced Wife of "Jack" Cndahy at • Pasadena Home. Pasadena. Cal.. Dec. » Mrs Edna Cud ai v divorced wife of "Jack" rudahy. son of the late Michael Cudahy. the millionaire meat packer, arrived in Pasadena yester day and Is domiciled at the Cudahy home, where her former husband has been stay in* since hie arrival last .Wednesday. It is *aid on good authority that a reconcilia tion has ■•« ' effected. •■■-*. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1910-TWELYE PAGLS. » *■ PRICE ONE tfcNT "» «"» THRONG WAITING TO GET CHRISTMAS DINNERS FROM SALVATION ARMY. BABY ON ONE ARM AND CHRIST MAS BASKET ON OTHER. SALVATION ARMY FEEDS THE HUNGRY THOUSANDS Commander Booth Presides as Big Baskets with Dinners for Five Are Distributed. SEVEN SANTA CLAUSES BUSY Entertainment and Christmas Tree for Children Follow, and 7,000 Toys Find New Owners. Dazzled by the fitful flare of a dozen flashlights, bewildered by the pulsing rhythm of a military band, atremble at the anticipation of a real, true < 'hrist mas dinner and past the power of mar velling at the sipht of a hug? roomful of dainties, four thousand of New York's very poorest received each a basket of good things from the Salvation Army at the Grand Central Palace, Lexington avenue and 43d street, yesterday morn ing. At S o'clock the line began to form outside the guarded door, and it was after 1 o'clock before the last straggler hurried homeward with his prize. For more than six weeks the names of those who needed Christmas cheer have been pouring into the Salvation Army's hands, and for nearly that time a corps oi' ten or fifteen Army girls has been making a personal inspection of each and every case. Many were the pitiful sights which these Salvation lassies saw. and wherever the need seemed great they handed out a little scrap of paste board entitling the bearer to one of the Christmas baskets. Yesterday was ihe time for the redemption of these precious scraps. They were redeemed with a will. At 10 o'clock, the hour set for opening the doors, a line of faces that smiled, even though some of the smiles were a trifle wan. circled the jcreat hall inside and extended for more than four blocks,, sometimes two, sometimes three deep, along the streets without. In the hall itself one hundred men had been work ing the night through filling thousands of baskets, until they covered two solid squares of tables extending from wall to wail and rose in a towering pyramid toward the balcony, where the National Staff Band, under the Leadership of Pro fessor Griffith," intermingled popular with patriotic airs. On either side of the pyramid two brightly decorated Christmas trees rose to within a few inches of the lofty ceiling. Even when one was told that each was made up of some eighty small trees, it was difficult to believe that they, were not giant speci mens from the forests of the North. Commander Booth Arrives. At the arrival of _ Comma ndei Kvan gelinc Booth, about a quarter of an hour later, the line of smiling faces began '■• move. The band struck up, the lights flashed on, and 'a score of "cooks," re cruited from the Army's industrial homes whore fallen men are given a chance to rise, headed the procession down the central aisle between the tables. The cooks took up their stations at the base of th« pyramid, ready to hand out the baskets as 'need was. Commander Booth stood at the focal point, where all the hungry brood must pass, hull' v Continued on third page. * SPEAKERS AND SINGERS c « c Brown's • Bronchial Troches for the voice. Advt. ;f.-y MISS EVA BOOTH DISTRIBUTING BASKETS AT GRAND CENTKAL PALACE. NEW YORKERS^ DROWNED Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Die When Launch Sink 3. Key West. Fla., Dec. 26.— A forty-five fnot. launch uith six j-assengers. bound from Fort Meyer to Havana. Cuba, struck the north jetties near her*-, and sank shortly before midnight Sunday A. J. Vincent, C. O. Goehring and Mat thew Baum, passengers, were rescued in the cabin boat after being out all night. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Stuart Bennett, of New York, and Herman Parker were last seen clinging to the m?ist. A searching party has found no trace of the missing persons. It is considered certain that all were drowned. JOHN D/S GIFTS IN ASH CAN Servants Angered at Mr. Rocke feller's Presents of Aprons. [By Telegraph to The Tribunal Cleveland, Dec. 26.— Hortense find Mary, two maids left in charge of the Rockefeller home at Forest . Hills, re ceived two large packages in the mail Christmas Day. Eagerly they opened them and found in each a gingham apron, with the best wishes of the richest man in the world. The maids wei t and then they became angry. -Just as if the master couldn't have given us something different than those cheap aprons." commented Mary. Then a ripping sound was heard and the remains of the dainty gingham aprons were deposited In the ash can. CRANK AI^OREST HILL Revolver Duel with Officers at Rockefeller Home. [By Tclfgntpll io The Tribune 1 Cleveland, Dec. 20.— A stranger seek ing to make his way to Forest Hill, the summer home of John D. Rockefeller, engaged in a revolver due! with Mar shal Stamberger. of Cleveland, and Mr. Knapp, keeper in charge of the estate, enrly this evening. Fully a dozen shots were fired, no cne being injured. The intruder escaped. It is believed that the man was demented, and thought to reach the Rockefeller house and assassinate Mr. Rockefeller, who he probably sup posed was still there. TOLSTOY DEVOTEE CRAZY Grief Over Death of Novelist Cause of Violent Insanity. Paul Lanzner, of Nn. 274 Division ave nue, Willianvsburg, a firm believer in the doctrines of Tolstoy. th«= Russian novelist, became violently insane while visiting at the home of a cousin, at No. 352 Wall about street, yesterday. He had to be removed to the Kings County Hospital. where he was placed la the observation ward. The recent death of Tolstoy grieved Lansner, who continually talked of th" dead man and the great good he had done for the cuise of humanity. A week ago Lanzner began to show symptoms of :i deranged mind, and yesterday mornlns he attacked his wife and child. They managed to quiet him and then took Lanzner to th<- ivnie of his cousin, where the young man had another violent at tack, and tried tv throw his relatives out of a window. It took three policemen to hold down the demented mmi until Dr. Levine came from the Eastern District Hospital. Be fore Laiizner was i»ul m a Mraitjnrket and taken tp the hospil ii he attacked the ambulance doctor. DEWEY'S WINES FOR NEW YEAR'S 1 < 'hainpapfn-'f. Wines or Grape Juice. H.-T. DEWEY & SONS CO., 188 I-ullon fat.. N. Y.— Advt. , ?;*%■;. . . SMITH GIVES LIE TO WOODROW WILSON Denies Flatly He Ever Promised Governor-Elect He Wouldn't Enter Senate Race. DEMANDS PROOF BE SHOWN Ex-Senator Declares Wilson Himself Said It Would Be a Disgrace to Elect James E. Martine. Former Senator James Smith, jr., of New Jersey, placed Wood row Wilson in the Ananias Club last night. In a re ply to the recent statement of the Gov ernor-elect, he said that Mr. Wilson had askod him to agree to a compromise candidate for United States Senator to succeed Mr. Kean, and that Mr. Wilson added: "It would be a disgrace to the state to send James E. Martine to Wash ington." Mr. Smith asserts that no spokesman of his was ever authorized to promise Mr. Wilson that he (Smith) would not be a candidate, and no one representing him ever did. and he challenges the Gov ernor-elect to name the man. or "by his silence stand convicted before the public of attempted trickery and deceit." Mr. Smith's statement opens wider tban ever the wounds which have result ed from what is perhaps the most sensa tional battle for a seat in the United States Senate that has ever appeared on the political stage in New Jersey. Mr. Wils.m was "n his way to St. Louis \% hen Mr. Smith's statement was given to the press. He is not expected at Princeton until Friday. He will speak in Jersey City early in January, and it was said at Princeton yesterday that if Mr. Smith's reply required a rejoinder he probably will make one in the course of his address--. Accuses Wilson of Malice. "Dr. Wilsons statement is as I ex pected it would be." said Mr. Smith. "It appears over his signature, but the rea soning is not familiar. The charges and insinuations suggest a harassed mind. Uninfluenced, Dr. Wilson would have been above misrepresentations. 'He would have considered it dishonorable to treat unwarranted assumptions aa facts, to make reflections that are ma lujous." He continues: But certain public -applause has proved fatal to calm judgment. In the recent re sult he reads a commission "to go teach all nations "' In fancy he is occupying a. i.lnnacle, I with an admiring public below him. He has been swept to the heights with such suddenness that his judgment hast' not accompanied him. ■ He. has my. sympathy 1 urged him to take ■ rest after his hard campaign. I am sure it would have - calmed his nerves and ripened his His excited state has led him into many excesses He stands it»r party organiza tion but lie would disrupt his own party. He writes earnestly' of' the constitution, but he would head a movement to evade it. ii. seeks to influence, the ueawatur*. and his method carries to every member of that body grossest insult. Mr. Smith says there are three points in the Governor-elect's letter which call for a reply; that "the remainder of the article may be treated as adornment." He says: • Mr Wilson asserts that i am pledged to special interests. He ''was charged with being Wall Street's candidate. I say that neither statement i- true, and Dr. Wilson should have been the last man to assert th« contrary. My attitude on the tariff may offend Dr. Wilson.. but I am sure It is lunliuurd oil aecoaii :>«itr. SAYS HYDE DOESN'T KNOW HE IS WANTED Friend Explains That He Is in / the Florida Everglades on His New Houseboat. CERTAIN HE WOULD TESTIFY Counsel for Committee Wanted Him as Last Witness, and Thought He Could Be Reached at Any Time. Joseph Carroll, of the firm of horse dealers, Has, Doerr & Carroll, at his country home, in Teaneck. N. J.. declared positively yesterday that City Chamber lain Charles H. Hyde bad not been there in several months. Furthermore. Mr. Carroll | said, though he was careful to qualify the statement with the assertion that "he did not pretend to speak officially for Mr. Hyde, the City Chamberlain was in absolute ignorance of the fact that the legislative investigating committee want ed him as a witness. ■ "I believe that the counsel to that com i mittee." said Mr. Carroll, "have seen anil talked to if"*. Hyde since his name vtas mentioned in the testimony, and tfcey i gave.him no Intimation that they might I want him later as a witness. If they I haven't seen him or talked with him, j they should have, because he was right | there in the City Hall for week? after his. name was mentioned, and they could very easily have notified him that they ! would want him later. ' But they didn't, and now the man has gone away legiti j mately on a houseboat cruise that I j happen to know he had been contemplat , ins for at least six months." Mr. Carroll said that Mr. Hyde had re cently completed the building of a new houseboat, which he had expected to have ready for use last summer. The building: of it was delayed, however, and as it had just been completed Mr. Hyde ; went to take his first cruise in it. "If they had so much as sent hjm word three months ago, when his name was I mentioned, that they would want him to testify later, he'd have waited for them, even if he did want to go away for a vacation," said Mr. Carroll. On His New Houseboat. So far as he knew. Mr. Hyde had left no mail or telegraphic address, and he thought that probably the City Chat:? berlain. with his new houseboat, was somewher* in the Florida Everglades shooting. M. Linn Bruce, chief counsel to the committee, was not in the city yesterday, but Isidor Kresel. his assist ant, declared that, so far as he knew, Mr. Bruce had never talked to Mr. Hyde. Mr. Kresel explained that the reason the City Chamberlain had not been called before was because it had been decided, directly after the testimony of Robert H. Elder. 1 implicating Hyde with others la the subscription and collection of the alleged $500,000 lobby fund of the racing interests to defeat the Agnew-Hart anti racetrack gambling bills, to pile up every possible shred of evidence on the matter that could be gleaned from other wit nesses before calling Mr. Hyde. "We planned to have Mr. Hyde as the last witness on the racing investigation," said Mr. Kresel yesterday, "and if he re turns to the city any time before Janu ary- 15, when we are to report to the Legislature/ we will still- have him, as we planned, for the last witness." No one connected with the committee, however, has yet explained why Mr. Hyde, was not informed that ho would be wanted later. Judge Bruce, when Hyiie'3 name was first mentioned, replied to all i inquirers as to when Hyde would be I summoned :to the 'stand, that he could get the City Chamberlain any time and that, he' would be requested to appear later on in th« inquiry. No subpoena was ever issued for Mr. Hyde, because, las Judge Bruce explained it, It wouldn't be necessary to subpoena, a city official who would undoubtedly come to the stand on the simple request of the com mittee. . t. : S.iv-i T h e ,- lnittee will ISBJM its pgMfti hearings to-morrow moiuu <. with th ftre insurance end of the investigation under consideration, and they expect to finish the public hearings with this veek'a sessions. If Mr. Hyde returns to the city, however, at any time before j amul ry 1"» the committee will be re called to a BBjSCSaI nmMan hearing to hear his testimony. A HOLIDAY BY THE SEA. Take Pennsylvania Railroad three-hour trains from Pennsylvania Station, the only service from the heart of [*•*• York to At iantic City. • Special returning service Jan uary t- A'ivt. TAFT AND ROOSEVELT IN HEAR!'/ ACCORD Carry on Active C : and Exchange C: ~'a! Christ mas F* ! !' : ons. •> EX-PRESIDENT GIVES ADVICE Whatever the Lice -Up in 1912 Taft and Predecessor Expect- - ed to Fight Democrats Shoulder to Shoulder. [From The Tr'bus* Bureau.] 'Washington, Dec. 20.— The facts that President Taft and ex-President Roose velt are carrying on an active "corre spondence, that the President has solic ited and received th*» advice and as sistance of his predecessor on important international affair. and that they "•■ changed Christmas felicitations of a cord ial nature were learned with consider-.,; able surprise by politicians in Washing ton to-day, although these facts had been known to those in the confidence of the two statesmen for some time. Ts. • a few insurgents who have hoped to profit from a break between President . Taft and ex-President Roosevelt the news came as a disappointment, but by - most of the progressive?, as well as by many of the regular?, it was Avelcomed as an augury of success in 101-. Although those close to these two statesmen have been aware si 'nail waa going on for several v/eeks, they had been informed under a i ! rise of confi dence, and it is doubtful if the facti would have become pu!>t : -- now bad ;it • not been for a story printed here under a New York date line this morning, which asserted that William Loeb. jr.. was in a decidedly embarrasing position be cause he had been requested to take charge of the interests of the President in New York and. having consented, had been obliged to break with Colonel ■ Roosevelt. It was asserted thai both I President Taft and Colonel Roosevelt; were seeking to control the New Tork j delegation and that Mr. Loeb had been, j obliged to take sides against his life- j long friend and former chief. The pub- j lication of this report led to a denial I of the story, coupled with an explana- i tion c" the pleasant relations which ex- Ist between the President in 1 bis pxede* ' ccssor. '. j Stories Had No Foundation. > Of course, many of the stories of % « break between Mr. Taft and Mr. Roose- ; velt which found their way into the pub- j lie prints during the campaign had no ' foundation. Then, when Colonel Roose- { velt visited "Washington, during - Presi- '» dent Taf t's absence in Panama, he took - ! occasion to ca'.f at the "White House and ' leave a pleasant message for Mr. Taft. a courtesy which pleased the • -President and led him to -write to his old fri<»n* will not !•■- in advocate of swapping horses in the middle of the 3tream. Ther* ■