Newspaper Page Text
Y"' IAN V 23.?VK?. T*-4tS . (?ir m I ?.; .?,. I. >.?,.??,.,? i Hin-, s.,i?i!, ,r|?rtK NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, MARCH rospffdaM. mi. by "?***,. Tit*?i AssselaMss 1 2G. I'.m.-I'lVi; P?RTB-SIXT? PAGES. ** PRICE ITVi: (TATS. MORE THAN 140 DIE AS FLAMES SWEEP THROUGH THREE STORIES OF FACTORY BUILDING IN WASHINGTON PLACE DIAGRAMMATIC SKETCH OF THE SURROlTXDIXtiS OF VF.STERDAVS FIHK IIOHKOU ????of?.mf II... isrfartoml - ?so jumped n.the ?iiid??-?. lying ?l?-n- .ystruck il., ??..?cinn.i. _ .^??rain ?"***.II. l***f'rll*..tMl?illflff^'********"^""Hi MEXICAN REBELS 10 LAY DOWN ARMS Understanding Reached Between Diaz Government and Insur? gents Headed by Madero. RADICAL REFORMS PROMISED franchise To Be Made Free and General Amnesty Granted? De la Barra and Liman tour in New Cabinet. rftom *.?:??? ktexi ''" " ? Upon Infor? ? - ? ??'??' roi flclal i?n?i .ui ?'-.-?? i ? ? i night tl. Trib* ? - - ..'.'? to announce ? v ? ? rat Una ? .->? ? n n y ? . ? riment and th? r- ? if-<i ?.\ i ? , I. Mad?*-i ? | sis will la] do*? '. th? ir r-? i t tl meelvea to feder< ? - ' i*i .' thai ti??? ? - ? ? ? - Cabinet ... ?r*gignnl gtei rovides foi -. ?.itera ? th ihe exo . r,' ? y i - ' ? ? ? - ? ???'.. .' ? ? ? ? i ..... ? Th? - ? ? . . .. ? thai ? ? ? far a ?salbt? ? ????.??, l-n -' ' ft ? i to 1 .rii *? ri although . that tl . ? , ? ? - ?. ?? v ?fin hat ? c ? . ? ? - ? ? : th* militai ? -? - -. ', ? ? ? - ? ? ? ii ,.-.., .,] r, ,| ? ? m ? Itnm? t it? Tip misa nd of th? ? ??.-. | _- ? . ? ? ? ..... . . . ? th? Cabinet bui tl ? > ? . . -ohnbiiit- that i??? *? ?1 foT ?'?-''-.-? it. t?i 8UP- ' - n ? 'on*--! ? . - i ? ? ' . that p-.irpos? ? ? - ... ..,.(, r ' - ' Un? vario i ??;.'.?? f-df : ? ? ? | to a?1 '?','? to ? ? th? Mad rist ?a; ?b-? Ing t ?.. ntf* -,_ Thaa? Whs Yield. n will I ?? 1er the term? ? ? -? ? pui ? ? ? ".'M ? i : ?' right? on - ondltlon ? ..... . . . . ... y . ? . _, . . ... . ? III,7.. ? ? government ser*?*! n. < ?. 11 i that the national gt ?erv? ,???.. ? , ? ? . ? ,??>ii .... ....,.,... , -,, ., . ? ? i ?.??.?- it In the ro p)ltve de! nina ; r.--. -r ... ? . ? ..... . , .... .- relsti? n? w hi? h ha*< ? ? ! r - ;'?'? ' .i hat 1 - - ' ij it -, i . t m ) . . naintainlng i ??' - ; ... . ? ? -. ... ,, \ ? pil " ' ? ?ngi \ ? i corrnl ... ... ,,... ?r the purpose ?*?f to undergo treat ilad? slilch ? ? fall. ? thai ' ' ?rral ? 111 , . gident. Should ? i Pi ? ? tah lae, the Mln ? | tomat ? ? denl until Pr? ni , g| al general ? ? fact??! .,! resigna! Ion of . ~. ? | .......... at ,,,i, ,,! th? m a h ? ???? ited ? i ? ?.?i? ment There la n as 1 Ths belief ia that the nt v I select ?ungei n a than ? mi] gtera D =?-- Seek? Country's Best Interests. ?? ? ! grhat '!'!,? Ti il un? la ???>?* to-night win bs fav? ?>? aun :?? nm ?-' a Ith gen? ral The substantial elements ; opulation are anxloua to have ?, -r ?? at aiiii'iHt am prit**, it Ii gii n, x . aaatime 11 al the ?*regi mmanaaly strength? n ins poal* told on t'.. i- ?pi? ! " de? og n theaa changea, thua ?i- mon* ila good faith and ins deain. ?. ? :i!umoon in conversation Ti Ibunrj ? tarn apond? nt to do , st for Hi" - "Uiiti : . do . ? ? -i ting ?.- ?4tt? n dla th what ii-*.*= been ?? ? I to him aa the < one* natta ??? -.,i ?>?- n car is a* ? ? i.u- gon? fai i" ?"? ' ut< the of ?ndifl ? tl ? Ifar? of .'.???? . recent . r the i i i ? ?? ,i . ? ?_.", r .?? "i tl " '? Preaident I ?i;?x . t ... and it litno i ,. . ? i. lantout wll Ulnfa tei ? ? !?.!' "ii.? ? . . ? - ?- . ? Foreign Retel ">l . ? , d| ..f th? ?-'?, ' ' ' ni 'mi?iI on fi/lli piifi? ?T ?*. Was h dvg" t otst. \ A?tCH Wm ill BREAKS Weight o? Fugitives Ocssinq Over ?Von'?; Bod.o> Too C-roai. CENTRE MAN'S BACK BREAKS Tb?-' Othor Two Men Loir Their Grip on Window Sills and All Fall to Death. Pauline -f?roaaman, i '?r?.t?^?-*?> ythrt ^U). a tuck? Injun I iptng ! ? ? i : ? ? ? , I '????? . ? ? | in ad??? ?n th? ? - 'I *'? nlfchl that ? ' re ...... . . ... ... humai i ? ? - md ? ???>??, aJlei ?? -i. the build ' i ??'.., i?. i? . \ ? .? 1 . 1 ,. .!???? ! , ? . i n* b linar I . imite. Th. .? ? ?? ? ' . ? ? ? - ro ."?i ? ... upon ti f ti . ? ? ?. ... ? ?ram?? i i back was brnk? .-? . . - ?i." " otlw-r 1,?. ? ........ na ? ? ? ? " ? I their hold? ?;???>?? the | ? ? i I n ? ? ? ? ri ? ? ? ? ? 111 ?,.? : ? ' I d that a number of .m il ?: il the time ? .- ? ? ? llea hurtling ? i?. ihe . ? - ?. ? I ? .. i - ? i.. n< tl ??? ? . , i . ? ? ? ? ; ? ' n r the win-1 t ?...-...?. from ? <\ ;i l;i..?f righi ankl? and prohuhli IntiTi i rlea -' ? \ ?- .-?i ? ? ? - . . ? n. ills ? :? r !?y i ,-s ? ? i ? ? ? '?'?- ?ami Ri :? nolda. of ? ;??ii\ i rm m H ipil KNOCKS OUT HEAD WAITER Waldorf Attendait. Lands on Jaw of Man Abo??'o Him Th? usual decoruni ?i ihe main dining In th? ?W ildoi ?' ??'.a ? ?? .1 for .t momenta earlj laal < v* ning . bile i???. ? one of the -traitera, ?ara - I d In knocking ?Lou ? KnuttI, t he I head waiter, flat on the Boor. It is ?-raid the t ' ? il began ?vl en Plni daud re Bed < ral lh< ol the i, who ;.>ik?ii i?.t ?i menu card. The diner complained and the h-ead waiter deman.i explanations from ?Plnedaud. The latter k'??1? offenalve and KnuttI ged him Plnedaud, Instead ?>? ?raiaini hia ?rolci rai-aed i?..t!i ?Asta aiid landed three blowa In quick auoceaaten on Knuttl'a Jaw. The bead ?waiter ?r?ent do?*i*n like an ox. Pine? ?daud Ht out iur ?the laundry room, where :, i,? kt r co t ?in? i !...-? atr? ??? ? lothea? I H. Smith ?and A F i'?'M i.*?ni. two ?house detectives, went mur ?alia. With bli -back up aualnal lus lock?er, ?Plnedaud i, 11 both detectlvea at baj and land d a blow "it Bmlth'a Jaw. r.iii?? Moon was ? ?ailed In ind v. itti the aid of the obit ? tiv? i ?placed pint daud undi ? arrest BROADWAY BUILDING SOLD Washington Life Structure Bought for About $4,500,000. ?i , ?Waahlngton Life Building, ?an ,i . ?. i..i ? office mi???? ; ire al No . Hi and 11'- Uroadwaj and ?i three ?story ? ?. . \?,. 130, . Ijolnlng ??? t. Nutlonal ?Bank the P ttaburg Ufa Th? i i ?. ? la ? urni ? . ? th? ? ' ?i i 1 h? price a ren " i , ., i It undei .i to have ? ?? ram ?y\o .ii old."?' clear, , ? . lena n ta, 1 n ? t National -?"ik i? ?? . W^SHIJVGTON - r\ ELS STORY OF FI Samuel Lavine. on Hospital Coi. Describes Hormr. SLID DOWN ELEVATOR ROPE Spv?^v?i1 Girls Wbn Lrrrtorl Tpto Sha^t After Him Me. In s'nnt D-eath. ? . ? ' ? ' . ? '. > , 1 i ? ? i i r | ?" ? ? ? ? S'ini'i? ' I lini ? .- ? - from ?'?''? h sIMlnc' do ? .? ?!-?- ' i?-?- i tor ?rab? fr? 0?-ior 1.-. lue m hl? ? .?i In Ihe > ? ? Vork )'? pliai, v -'li '. - tanda ? hi? ' I? I '. ?btin ? ?t ??? th? i???r,?. by the n his i? ..?.??. rapped '. bandaje? stiffei Inn .'?.?i1 from otbeT aev?re bun mn tu ?dons nf bla i?.??l? Lavhv ga? ll follov Ing account ??r hi? <-?,,- ? ' 1 \ :?'? :< 1 ' ?nk .??? ir\\- t?? l??' Im ?". Mi'1 ninth ?l. ?.?- ??f tiv building." i- ?;<i?!. , ?? i.. ?., i gnu am-nk? ?mina through Ihe I ?nu ka t>f Ih? d.- i nd almos! ? ' stantl; I ard th? ? ry of t-.r- i ?rush? d j ?i ih? stalrv, aj. l?'?)t rnlumpi of 1 ? ??? ;?' tiring up .? and ! r ? ' In the ?levai rs. bill Ihe do >ra ?? ? i ? ' ? ?1 ? hammei ???i ?n them In va i . "The hundreda ?of i/irls and women In id? room were rushing around -it.?l g* ?reaming ??? lldlj and many ot * ? m ?.?.??r.- jumping from the nindowa The imoke wa? by thla time <-??. thick thai I ?are ?could breathe onl? a Ith dlffl? ult: I took a ?pail Hlled with water and ?poured ? ?i <.\?r myself and called : ? ?aomi o? ?the (Irla i?? ?in the name ? I th? ii put Ihe i?iiii ov? m., h? ad. I which made it easier foi me to breathe, :.?! then attack? i one of th? ?I.??.is an?! Anally u."t II open The eh ,?;?.i waa down .it t'n? ?. ? > t t ? ? 11 j ?.'' the haft, and i fell ?thai m* onl? boj ?? waa in s!i?i<- down the ?cable, l m ?z?-?? it. and ; slid down a ?itt!?- waj. when .?? ?girl jumped ?ii my ?back and loosened m* hold, ao thsi i ahol down t?. the bottom ol :)?? ahafl ??t a t? i rit.? ?apt ?ad, and : ?? di?<! <?n my ?back ? i the ?top of the i I >?';? \ .it"i. "The gii i v. i, bad Jumped on me ?'? 11 ! and waa killed ?and ?several other girls who ? ? ; - ? i also luaaped down the abaft | . i.? ?i, ?ui ..n ?top ol the elevator. Al thuugfa i waa haul) ahaken up and -. .i i a a s abl t ? ?make mi wa; out? ? here i i ollap* ?i and ??? aa mk? n to th?? h ispital. "1 .m, man I? d and llvi at No. IMC! Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, 'Pu* umde ? ih? thlr i Br? that haa broki n oui In the Triangle ??Shirtwaist ?Factor) since 1 have been ? "?: loj ?"I th< i ? ;i mstti r of ?six _._ ?WALDO EXPECTS NEW LAW Bill Concerning Fire Escapes Now Bciore Legislature. ii,.-1 ... ?Mai ' ?? - ? Fire < 'ommlaloner Rhl n landi r Waldo ?.f Nea Fork, a ho i ?i, Boi ;?'ii to-ii ?'.'. ?said of Ihi \? ?? fork ' r"n ? ?capes ?i . ?i ? : I 1.1? i j,i the ?Bulldln) - De| ? in ? i?i I 1 no i i n icisn, !..??" .? ? o th is; ? ' . are taktui ? ol .'; ? ? ... , ? III ?. ? i . ir< 1.1 ?. ?\ III gO .!??; i : ? i ?, ?. | . . i lona : bul Id | no . i-.i :,i rh al uld h n , Um m i ? apt ? t Ihe i filiation ??t in ? , ... |, - n ... i. oughi undei t i? of th? ru? i >? i i im? at," Kl UK ? nu:! < KOK Hfl DOOR CLOSED. CROKER SAYS Thinks Acres.*? to Stairway Mpv Hnvr Rpor) Barred. ? "n? f ? 'r.'k, r ?aid last i Ighl Im l ? door In i tuition t .-?.i i ? i c ??> th? b ?? ; -i ? m??? i? ? th? ninth fl or had ? ? n ? i.? d h ild he -' i" -, !"!?? of bo?li?'g Ig . .? higl agnlnst l hat ?iooi HADN'T ENOUGH STAIRWAYS Bu il run s; H?h? Two, Should Have Had Three, S?-ys Official. Alfred I, I i Ig, \ istnnl Superin? tendent Bn Idlnga, *:?i?i List night thai the but iu'ii i-M'n?'.! should have had Ihre? atairwayi Instead nf two An ? ? -' g it I? h of the **?"****orda ,.;" th? Build? ing 11 pat .i"!.t ihowi .? him that on Julj !?"? IOiiO, the plana of tha atrucjure arere approved hj Thomaa .i Brady, Bu? perintendcnt of Bull? iii;* at that time. Mr. Ludwig s.ii'i the floor apace ?>f the ' ding was !'ii thouerand tquara feet, and thai It had ont lire ea a ?? "il. .-?> !ar ..? the atairwaya wert con cerned, there sraa ;i violation of Mi" Building ? ode," aaid Mr. Ludwig, "Tha atairwayg were protect?**! bj n four-Inch terra cotta wall. ?*hlch was thick enough to teal until the tenants could past out, bul then ??? ere no ?I.? walla " Although four thouaand complaints which hud been turned in bj tin Fire Department following recent Inveet ga tiens were examined. Mr. Ludwig .??;ii,l he f..'in I ii,.'i> regarding in? structure i? ?Abich t:..- Mr occurred last ninlit. li ? ,ii in- un.'' added Mi. Luda ig, "that* t h? r. arill !?? , ,-? 11 Ion of the Buildlngi Code ao that more pr? 'autlona ., a be taken in t,i<- ful un It te a ?..i, il-, t teachea th? Inadequacy ?,f i?t tiiin .??iiiur a of ill.d< regulations. TT/h matt? ? "i ? greaa and Ingresa .\ 111 t., i? ? onsid? red from ?? point of from a hlch n haa not been ? bn* sid? i- ?i !>? fore. There ire d? feet m the regulations, and non th? will b* mon .i? part al tiiHii ever."* Mr. Luda Ig aa Id lu to eg? plain a hi Mi I lr idy waived th? 11 ??? rogatlv? of impelling ., third atairway in i!,,- building. QUEEN A ?CRESCENT STRIKE OFF. ? m, innat ''??| '? 8 Th? It Ik ? af tl ? white (Iremei i ? - Innatl M#a Or? ? h .-. i v.. Parti ?: , ? d "j'.' ? n I '.-. lared it i ? nlgl1 \n ,, ,.. .i.t s ? aignsd i rapn n?a t i vea I . r i . trot -i.i ?>' i..., .m,..ii., riren en < un.i Biiginemstt and Bora, !<.ik i general ? ??! f ?? i.: ?-r DIWEV't PURE CLARRT WINCri \ great aid i?j ?tie? tton ?rtth i | H ,!.?. .?-'.-?''. ? :? Pulton it tf.Y 1 W*$r-*-~ttR.It~Y TZ. * Wash rirQ t.oftFl CROKER &??S UUX OF ISC Fir? Department Official Says Building I? One of Seven Thousand in Like Peril. DISASTER EASY TO REPEAT Former State Labor Official Sayi Report Qave Warning Against Jntl Sncfc a Dis Mter Weeki Ago. "This calamity ?a just wi*?t I ii?v? ? ?-?sun prfHi'tinq. Th-sr?? wir?, ni outside fir? ?s?*,?-,?,,-??*? an Ihi? building, I h?v?* h??n ?Hvoratinq ar\<i ?pjioalifsq that fir? ?*s-flp?s"4 b?s p'.it on b'iildinq* j?j?it ?ucH ?i tl-ii?. Thi? larq? Int? ni lif?, is du? ? to ihj? i-t?*q:?*rt." T'v. uta! mehl give? chief Croker'i , ?'?j.itii.?i? ,>f ?i?- r*au?e? of \ ?i^*? rdsv'a en? 1 * iatri phi. 1 ? ter. i hi n asked If ihs '?ii?!?'. ... ? flrepr-x f, the phief replied: , ?PartI) fin proof ?so es lied Chief froker -?-i'.! thai ?there raa only ?.no tir . .???.. ?? ?n- th? building, an old? lime, p* rpcndlcular affair, he -.i',-?, load ' ing to th? courtyard In ih? centra of the hlork of buildlnga, which would allov : ni? ..i?., i?? raon'a e* ape n ? time Whsn ' he ?examined this ????rape, KIm Chief ' ? i| r aid thai he found on tit upper door? thai II ii-??i b?e?rome ver} loos??, and j tliat II a 1a 1 dangeroua ?matter t?? at I tempt ;" eaeape by that ?route, \ repetition of this dieaster ?.- likely i ;?. ?happen al an? time In :?imii,:. build? I inns." ?Mild ? 'r?'k?%r. The .1 ? :.? is? s m *h? buiidh -.? laid ? .ni?, ?. ????.? of tii? ordin?r? three? fest, ?lx-lnch a'ide type, i?ui he sai.? i.e be? litvi 1 lhai If ?**a ape ?had ?besn ?sought by ?i m ?route ??". di at h liai "."til I not ?have i.? ? ?i ??i appalling. The building ha : no ?sprinklers, ?said th? ?.:?..:. .' as ? ?ri.;,.? d w 1th atand? 1 if a. Klre Marshal Be? r* -,,?,1.iUld cun ducl rigid Investigation to ?Ha ?the ?rs? ponalbilit?. He aaid ?he would 1 i\ ?? Hin.?i .m ??n ill ih? survivors to help ih invi itigation. Fire ? 'ommlseioi ? 1 IVaMo Ix Ing ?"it ?'!" town, the Are v.^ In charge ?u? Deput) t'ommtaaloner Arthur J 0'K?*?fe, |ordlparl*3 in cbargi of Brooklyn and Queena, arho is? ?taking the Commission? ' ? ft place. I The building, Il a aa ?said bj ofll< ' loi the department who atanda irerj near i., th? Commlssl?oner, but who i*efu ?sd Ito !>? quoi d, ans ..r.. ? ,' ??even thoussnd othera ?'hich liad been ?recommended by : th? Kir? 11 pa 1 tm? ni I r ad lltlonal ?lira ? ?. ipes. ? Thai bulldlni. ui?l Hie ?'!. ? al, " (?m?? ?.f ?aevei thousand otben a*hlch bad ?been i*e?commended to the Buildlnga and [ Tenement House ?Departments foi - ?. i ? i -. - 1 Hon 1 : re ? i spea Recon.mer.ded Weeks Ago. 11 ? 1 ? ? omm<endattoi 1 a < r?e m i?le ? ?, ,v. eka ?ago aft? i i thorough In? veatigation bj members of th? ?Fin i?. pi r: ... m ol all "tii? e, manufa? lurln 1 ! bulluinga In ihi B? ?? .??.? ug The?? Igatloni -? e?re mada i> th? I'n ? 1 >? ?psrtmenl ??t the 1 oqis .-1 ol ? 'om? m loner Waldo, although iccording to thla I 1 ai t,-i? m ?has no control ???? er 1 ? ronatructlon ind m<*ana of escsp ?"i m mai I ?'???, fa? lorl? i In the ell ? tu :. a.:?- n ?t n? building In Ih? ? ..nimm I ?ni fourth pagr GXAC2 CHVJt?J? x'carl one hundred and fifty lives were lost in i fire thai swept through the *V.-.? upper stories ol a ten stop faet?n lofi building it the northwest corner of Washington Place and Greene itreel it ?* o'clock yesterdai afternoon, occupied bv the Triangle ^v aisl Cotnpan? ind a clothing house. \\ mignighl 142 bodies had been taken to the morgue, ! irr C hief Croker said : 'This calamity is jusi what 1 have been predicting, fhcre wert no outside fire escapes on this building. I \i.c.c been advocating *in?1 s?ritating that fire escapes h?*- put <-.n buildings just ?.ucli as this \Thii large loss of life is 'lue to this neglect.' ?Thirteen of the victims '.ore men; \29 "eye women and girts. ["he ciiu-c of the fire is unknown. So one has tried r" do mort than guess at it. Scenes of almost indescribable horror attended the catastrophe Score? of girls leaped from windows eight, nine and ten stories above the street to their <1f3?n. In one place so many bodies fell thai the glass and iron deadlights in the pavement were broken. \ fir? escape in <? light shaft proved a veritable death trap. More than fifty girls were found dead at the bottom of the ?had Heroic ele*- ator operators saved hundreds of lives. When one man abandoned his rar one of the horrorstricken crowd hi the street bfol * through the police lines, reached the elevator .in<1 ran the car for ten more trips, saving nearly five hundred more lives. It ?.as .us* 14** p i", when the a! <-f ?Ir* ta* first ral-???.! In the Mg ?...rv ion building Tha? *a? Bye ' ';'??* befor** closing time, and man] the girla ?lupin',er] ? ?-, the boltdlng ? purling on their i?a'<? an-l eoeta. I not known who Ural dlacovered the 01 rhat ' ?"i??7'! ti ? outbreak, bol wli *hirt; esconda after the crj of "Fl hc"i been raleeri the r".*-1? nearl? all th<*m Italiana, V'^iran a mad rush the two passenger and two freight ? iltnrv When the; found that thet eonld au rei'up.- by way of the elevators nsnirstricken women turned : daghed for the wlndowa <>n the "*cva Ington r?a.??* aide of Ihe building ?a in.I.,??.? were raised or 'i>r<^k?%n ??> with frenzied hlowe and the west riltnbed out ''i the narrow i?'lc??^ In fr of ea?*h a*ltidoa". Thai happened tw nnv firemen had reaehed the scene, ?? although <??"????- In the atreet rrled to maddened girla not to Jump their **?? j ins:? > ere not heeded. Within three minutes, more than fl I won .?i leaped from tha ninth Boor, ot iin have their llveg crushed oui on I , gidewalk below. Th? eight of ao n?a human beInge being dashed to plot sickened the crowd, and Ihe ahrieka the rlctlma and of hyatarlcal ontoolu made th?? acene on? ot Indeacrlbal i horror. m midnight 14: bodlea had beentak ! out of the building or ;,i??ko'i up In t I atreet Chi?tf Croker, however, thoug ? more were hidden Inatd* The building, according t?> every of rial i?t th<? conflagration, was fearful deficient aa to meana of rxit in '?us?? . fir?' While H hhs siii>i"?s?-'i i?. be fir proof and had one lire encapa on i ?kI ahaft, the only way ?.f encape th; I seemed to be available to the unforti nate Itundreda who worked on tha thr< upper floors, where the flr-1 was cot fined, a*aa by the elevators. For Hmr I reason the stalra*ay waa not uaad it I tat ? to iay that all those who aunrlva i the holocauet have the elevatora and th elevator operatora t.i thank for thai I Ilvea Tht lone fir?? eacape, instea?! ? being ;? way to aafety, proved just th n varan. In that one spot alone mor than Bfty women lost their lives, t???in I caught aa though In a trap. juat after midnight Chief ?'r"k"r ga?i ;i rough estimate of tha damage to th building ,i probabl) between 1100,00 and $130.0uu) Battalion Chief Langtoci made a tour of tht building", bul founi I no more bodlea it" aald i hat the arate In the aub-cellar waa probabl) tea fee deep and thai there I n a atrong poaal : luiit; that more bodli would be fount when the water waa drained off, Th-- cordon of police around the fir? ta waa kept buaj di Ivtng the erowdt ' ? Xotwlthatandlng che late bo?i th? crowd showed no algn of dlmlnlahlng h ?' In fad Hi.- Broa I i ?< can froo ,l theatn diatrlcl wen croa led arltl p< ra ?..- ?. I o h d I eard of the dlaast? r. \.i ur.uaual scene waa th? numb r ot autoi bll - ?? 'th ??. i! .'.-' - ,i aromet - " ... nta. th ?t arerc In the rldnlt) ai und "-i .' ? outald? of Um eroM da .'h? '?? must I .<-. been tart ? 1 hundred of tht m Slack Season ReducH Workers. The building, arhkh, th?? police aa; la owned bj John C Aach, of South Nor? I ?Milk Conn., iront* .< hundred (*r\ ..*? Washington Ptgct and th? gagM on Scores of Girls Leap to Death In Streets Ten Stories Below Them. HAD NO CHANCE FOR LIFE Unable to Reach Elevators or Stairways. Employes Rush to Windows. CROKER BLAMES ESCAPES None on Outside )f Building, Says Fire Cbief. Saving That Is Reason for Fearful Los? of Lives in Disaster ELEVATORS SAVE HUNDREDS r-i4-htful Panic a* Trapped Workert Fight Furies for Placen in Cars. Almost the Only Mean? of Escape, as Flame* SrecD Through th? Workrooms. Qreene itf?Mi Ths thr?<>e uppsr ?oort ir ?T.-'ipi???i !?? the Trlangl? tva'ai ' >mi pany ?and the Me yarn, Cn n it il? lach Company msnufacturff/a -of cloth? m? Thesa 'n ? Arms emplo? 11 prsl* ai-,;- beta'?e?ra elghl hundred and nil ? I lundred romsn There wort 1.800 ma? chines ?'i the Triangle Waial Compai ? pl.nt, bul because II la ? alack ?Mason . ,;!? about hall the mach?n?*? ?are? n ,..,,? ?hen th?? (Ire i"??!??1 ?-?ut ?East of th? fsctory building, and ?rltk II ralla adjoining, i th? Son T?srk i *ui- f.r.sii- ?building alao ten atortsa Is height ''?n its top ?Jl "?r la ?the Son Vnri? L'nlversit; ?Lsa Bch-ool, ?stud?-ants 4 ?jrhlch ?saved man] lives, Wh? n ?aons at the Triangle e?ompsny*a ?mpki* ? a a Ith clearer h?eada tha?. th?Mr unfortunate W? Un a'orkera, gained ?the ?roof of the ?burning building they msnared to mal - th?ir aa) t?? th? ?roof of th? 4M rt? ?Booh Company*! b'illd'ng ?and thus n? ?ra|.?'- In aafet?, t., the atreel No living person ?has ?so iar been "?vinrt a*ho saa In th?" cutting room ?of tin Tii? HtiRi'^ Walel Company, on ?the ??dghth ftoor, t?? t?!i of the rror of thosa Aral f? ?seconda after th lam ?ad ?Ara sras ?sounded. Th?- t.rri.r of th>> huadrsdl ,->? h?-';ii?"*s giii?? ?>n thflt floor can Ml) ?be Imagined, it is ?certain that man) of th?- unfortunate eresturea wort kiii???! ii..t b) lire, i?u in the ?mad tramplim; of many i""in,iroii?? ??f feet Borne ?if ?the elevator :'i??n t.?i<i la las which ?seem ?beyond belief in th?>ir ?tr?-1- - ?orne .I tstla They t"i?i of lt-iv, young Italian ?sir! ??. th? lr ? yes st.irtin?*. ?ftoi v ?their heada in ?terror, ?fought ?aith in*ar ? strength an?i aav?agery lo guio th?* als? vatoes. Woman threw thsmsehrea "against the Iron i arriera surrounding ?the ?als? votor ?hilft an?t ?aereamed for help. Th?* ?sei nea ?rhen ?sa? h elevator r?>3?" t?> the ? i ?i? h t h fl?t*or again, aftsr ?arrylns uuYtr? a ?prssiom load of human fr.'hfht. tvsrs frightful. ?Women arould cling t" the wir?? nsttlng with ?hands and ov? n i<?. thoir te?Hh, ?de?? I terminad ?aol ?to ?glw "ay for tboaa ?bs? hind. Their clothing wa? t??rn ?from their ?bodies, yel thai would nol kiv. ?ap their ?positions until i-orced t?> i?y thoot w* Ight "t r.:!-!ih??r.-4 ?behind them ?Bar? ; ? ",ii dead and mutllatsd ?bodl-sa v-tr* ! ?stretcbe? ab..ut ?the entrance t?> ih?? .?le? ? ral * sii."11>. gin .i ?by ?Urs, i?ut ?tora I Co pieces, almost, by frensted human i ?hands it ?? ?as ?? mad n-' I I i , jvi I some ol th ?se a*ho ?u?i manage t.? ?anal.? ! their a > t?? the ? leva?tora ?asvei l|?red '?> r? ;???'i th flrst floor Fe-i?-t!..l Cruih m Elevator?. The .' ?tii ''"- atora bad m oui ld< : - parity, ?probably, of fifteen oi twenty ?person? si ???????. Y t on ? ?- >?rj i p they m id? i.'i they must haie ni * ?? I dosen ?.?omen and young -2. li ? io the 1 number ? ?" ? lammed In Ih Iplea . aaaea i Ui m ?!i ? ire. In man) - ? ? ? ths acrsamlng a omen ?mads lying leaps j .n th -.n entra?e?. land ni on ihe h ? ??Js if those airas? n ? pass? nger . i??.?,..! * ?? .?-,? ?run ?by Josoph Zltto and J.?-?i>." G?asper. They ?continued t?? mske theti 111 ; ? .-* until it v.?il -....i oskibl i? rui ?? 11?-1 Ihi \?.?U ol : ?rs tvhli b bun t throu ? ? ?t??r ? ? ? laapsi continued until th? ? <t?.??s at ae i lo i i? ". nu ?. r ih? un? i ??? i.? n Zltto, aftei n | I ? ? ?,. iaas forced to leav? h Aral .i""t I .i- ? ? isi I'll? uni -i fsa !;? j* -, i,?. ? ? ?. \ fn^fj