Newspaper Page Text
J .V*'"" ?mi? I Y Y \? 2.^.507. NEW-YORK, MONDAY _V___^?? . ara. Jeraas/J-Hw??\ Itohoke?. MARCH 27. 1!nl._,AVl?:t.Vi; PAGES, a* l'ltlCK OSE CKNT *^^^?gg - OSBORNE SEES PLOT F." Savs "Boss" Plans to Get Insur gents Into Caucus and Spring His Own Man. i SHEEHAN STANDS BY GUNS In Letter Savs He Wort Decline Nomination, bel Will Abide by Decision of Nev. Caucus. ? Auburn S ? March -'?? -Thomaa Mott Oiborr:' Stat ?'*?' tribh and Oamt Commis* r, h?? bare lo-nlghi what be declared to ta ? ptol b? whlcl rharlea ?P M irpl - hit? i ?'?? i Il. Albnl ' naurf-iiti nt Itvmorroa i, .rrled , -. . t tal ' ' Tui adaj, and ? ? ? m i.l the tr. * - In to . ? _ ?. eater-til ? ? ? ? the fo? ? s ? '. ? . ntei ?? , . le b; ? ??? ? - ? ? - ? ' ? Ute.'.- ' - ... (j if ? ? ' ?Drum? not here, ti - m< - ? : i alnce tl mai ? - - ? attend thi an ...?-. . - ? ? _ Ife he H petltlonet ? hat-a*i _ ?' " ?vade 1 rat ion ? ? ?. .-..?. ti ? - ?? . _ucua - ? . . Mr. O? .-' ? ?? ? . - - ? \jf i?heel . ? . ? . ,- ? ?. - ? - > let 1 i | | ? But the i '.?:?-? ......... - Cr-- he se?. ?be partie? i eau? Put I ?????. T eveaii ? i r - * - ? - | t that i f the vote?. 1 under? ' -? ? . ? ? ??' ... ? ? - ? ? ? . ? - r .- . ? i be h< ? ?-.,??.., i..- .' j ? Mr ?; .- | -< ?? V, ho Mr Murpl ? : . . . ? ,, i - i ? ? - ? ? e whole r a If we are to ? - ?? ? . ip lal in- j ,??- p m !? ? t hai ..??.:..i. ti ? - ? - . ,- ? fCoa let ? ? - ? if th? ?D-ernoeratle Tamman* Hall. Tamman; Hall. if the g foi " ? ? ? ? lal In? -.---. ? . han he api |al In . . ? ? ? right tl ' have tl wroni .... ..... ? - ,-, ve the ti ... the Di ratio pan ..?-:..'- if New Yorh atai ;? - ntei eata " SHEEHAN CONDESCENDING Willing: for Legislature to Sup? port Hin*, il They Desire. 'A ntta - ? i m dat? o? th? ? ?? ? -, another a* ate nent h to the .-.?? . ? ? In ?1 ? thai not declli ? i ? ? . Mr. .-. - ' ; - lion ' ti ? ? ters bound t g of lanuary ltj. ,. . - ' ' ' ;.....?... det ????-:? t ' I ' liOII 1 it ?lc\ I I...I at? ? ?. an Infl ? . i? g ? ? : ntinu? ? ? - ould ? that Mr. .?the? ? ? i. .i a ??-..- _ ? ? . ? ... . ? , , ? i ? .i In aft i... i ? | " ?. ? - ?? ? ? .?o favtih i'.i??*-. 30ELET AUTO KILLS CHILD luns Down Three-Year-Old Oirl ?Exonerated by Coroner. ' B] r? Ira-paps, la Tha Tribame.] Mlddletown, \. v.. March 36.?Robart ?...?lit. of tin- millionaire Qoelet family, ?f Sen Y,Tk. ?\hr,< driving through "h< st.-r in his automobile thli aftreTnaxm ?itii ;i chauffaUr, ran down uni?- Mark "Otter, tin.. -,,.,..-, old, who whlaked m r?'iit ,-r th? machine sn.. iii,-?i a tew nlnut? after Mr. Qoalei had i?i?*k??l her i? and i'ia?.?i her in bis car ;?n<i driven .??r t?. her parents' home. Mr. Qoelel drove his 70-horaepow-er Uetrich , ar from Manhattan t?, his ken? lela, which are four miles fr??'.n Went 'heater, tins morning, and late tiiii? ifternoon was returning tu Sew York, v be --as paasing through Cheater sev? rer ware returning from Sun i?: rra !?.? ol s,,in.- one called Marie, an?] the ?lan..(i int?. the street directly ,n roni ??t Mr. Ooelet'a ,-ar. Tha chauffeur the automobile abruptly, but both rheefj ai -.,i over ih, child's body. *h? ?? was quickly stopped and Mr. Goelet ? " ? ". ??? th? Injun .1 child. He * '? " ? rrlval ol ? 'oroner H".?*'.n, ? ?? r hi arlng ?he stoi i s ''?"" - 'Xonetated Mr. ? ;,y?W. ' . hauff? ui an they t ontlr.ued 1 i trip ? . Sen York ? ? . ? A NEWSDEALERS* STRIKE i1-;-;-.1! Organization Cansad Yes tr "day's Trouble. -?????- parti ' upper Manhattan wai newspapers y? sterda). ?? ? lar nev sdeali -- ? en ' ? ? rn d Th? i ? aeon for tin shortage d< m ' .' : ? s ? - nil iif wedeal? '. "ii tin? N ISSU and Harl?-in N ? ? - id Ih. K?. York i< v spa pers foi a reduction In th? whole? ....... -., n?.?.?ri from \ to :i ?-.iit?. .in,i for ? restoration of the I f rel in ng II unsold copl?; ' "? ? ? ? ? ij'sl m , ; slreadj s^'d '? - ,-1 r?rjt')ri?e(], Tb? 'i i ? ? ?it limit stoppt ?i ? ids 1er s alt asked for an alio** - - ?half "f . enl a >pj on al' ,. ??. rt'-,.? r ?> rds, th.?? sou; ' < ih? . pen dell*? ered at their stands for nts each snd bought ? ? . hen t 4 cents "??? itteni -c ; Id to Hies? ?'? y by the Publishers* Aa la t loi '? fork CM a*hlch In ? Brooklyn Eagle ' ' TI t Jar? t .: Th. \>?. Vork Timas." -*. ' Th? Evening World " ?. -. , ? . . i ? Th? Ei en ? -. Morning T? '? grai h " ? T' ? Sea Torker HOT ?It , i ??! irgeti lournal." ' Th.? ??Th* Brooklyn Times The - ? Union ' "Th?! Brookl) ?ni? ; }''?*< " "T"1'' ? The Journal of ^r .i ? 'on m?**Tclal Bulletin," Tb- v. . v,,r-K fomm rcial The Bun" snd The Evening Sun." "The rrf??." a non-member, took Ihe same att??'"1? The ... ' i ? . rg air? sdy . ,-, ., it -''i. v, ? York \ ? ? . ? . ,f ?-,. ,? nrst at* Thr ttkm* laaeaakara ??'" that a aso? or d of 11 "' "' ' m? ' s irf! ... .- ; . ? phi [,.?i t ? The ?? ? pupply IrK1 -?' deal? ? I-, ? . ?- f t er irons fit ? ? ? " ' ' .,..?? .????; for nil Th? dealer? wh< ... ?. ? ??? I? ng " ? '" ? rg ? - ' It is exi ' -ha! m< ? dltl . giai during U laai t, an . . ,. ' . i . securing . ,. ds should pati ??? ' I - - -t Ward <*? ' km ai r i ,..'?. ? ibwa; ' ' l*es ??>? i... ' ' Tim ... N? a Jei -? -, ?r Brookl AT CAUSES BURGLAR SCARE Knocks Platter of Chicken Off Shelf and Police Are Called. An ? \ it?! man ? ailing ov< r the tele? phone .n th? ?Veal Ikul btr?*el station ? nlghi ? ? i . '? ;. in! Austin . : ? ? ; rglar. ?I am Jonathan Dwlght," ihe man said, "and i ha*?.? b irglai It , ; . se here, X?. 134 \V< at 71-t street .i... him ? th? pantry and 1 ? n him. I . m -' nd i ii"- .' ,,. -. ? ii Hal? Mc? took and Dev ii ? ? tha? door bj ?? servant .... m? d agitated . be ? ? n shoa ?, ... ? . th? panti and Ibe threa r. ? |r gum and i all? d th? burguu del ii .. ... no attention. hurried con ultatlon Mr . , ? thi ????? ? Ihe -i..". ...... ; . -. ... maeh ? . ? ., and turned Hi Ir hat? ... t h < ? ' 1i? i ; i > . \ opon Inatead of th? : ? : . had experte? g angora I ?? ding oi if.\ ui ., . hi? k< i?. The ? hlckei ... -, hh'h the cai .- ,,. d to th? flooi und th? craal * ' .... ,:-....i ? ? ? th? - ,, in th? j ..nti . s HEARD BRIDGE HAD FALLEI\ Thd Saxonia's Passengers Wildh Excited Over Rumor. ? .. liai on board th? ? rd< r Saxon .? ?trail ed - : "i? lh< ? -.,:. ??sterda i th? steam p the bay. ? : ther? ?? marked on? "Thank it ? ?. .?? i t." observe? ? ,,. ,. . think ul those ? ',)??< ki :?;.. am foi ? Ir? ulath g sud i too , um, ked anothei 1 h< ? ommen' .i,.-,i int', ;? bal bl< and i? all bad u do wit Bi Brldg 11m? ?between Mar? h I.*, and 17 i 1 run,. ? - ? I i ent ths H ? ?? . ? lern nd 1.50! .,.i i ? i. \- II? ,1 . -. m ? iarlan?! I I kl was i srd 'li" r? ? |,| I Ml' ? ---IB. \ || .. \ ?,. ,.,".. th? I ? Brooklyn Bridge ha I L ? i... .-. nd para? n* . . . nhn goes t< Mai 1 ? ? ? . ? and ? s ,?? . ;ii|i,l >> h. , th? .-..,..?' i. .. ? ?, . ol esterda Ih for :? ? OJ1 , .). ,.??. i , i ? ! . ?.,? I , I -, 11 .'.,.. I h. .1 i . , ? i , ,11, ? Ill,,ii I Ullgl ? I II. 11 . IIIE PB 100,11 CUM 10 SEE AT M ! Police Try to Keep Back Morbid? ly Curious. While Mourners Seek Their Dead. RINGS SERVE TO IDENTIFY | Physician?? and Nurses Carp for Fifty or More, Overcome by Horrors of the Scene - 2?r) Bodies Unrecognizable, More 'hai- one hundred thousand i?en had I'.'!?*? il down the Charltlea Dock t look ..-er the broken md i???rn???? ? bodies lying In their rude r,.len cofflna and t" ir? lo Identlfj them, the ?pollct estimated ?it '? "'?-i?.? k last night An?) this eatlmate did not Include th< thou? .-.mi- on thouaunda a*ho a'ere lurn?ed ;?'.;i . From the lime the ?flrat ?bodies | were *nV;? i. i?? th< temporary morgue I early ? ati ?rd i. .?mini ui iII nearly n Idnight Inat night long lit.I ???? , stood ?patiently un the aidewalka, ?wait? ing i?? get In. ?One young ?girl wepl bit terly, but behind hei was another In a brown motor ???it and a flael ' it, who : laughed and ?giggled ? a ?boj it? ? ? I gla?saea. "Hey. Juliua!" called on? boy to another, and ?waved bl hand In glee? raahli : An "i'1 ' '? lian "... n am* limp ? g out, ?supported by tw? othei women, Her , ', j wrinkled fan wm ftxed in a weird j grimai ?. and Ihe teat - ran down h?er cheeka. ?She ? : ? d ai ? id, ?and non and then Ihren hei arms In tl ?? air And a ui. at, ;?..).-'? roua toi d follov ?-?1 li??r ' 'Idown !).? avenue, ?pointing and peering! 1 it I '- . until Ihe i?.?lie? drove thi m bai k The long lln-ea i uahed and ahoved up o ? ?.- corner ??f UHtli -n?. ; and Avi nue _, ? ?ni ill? police I? i them through I? , bat? ti???- ui t .i ?it ? ?i -? ? Tlu croa ded I p? ? ?in undertake! - ahop, i aal a group , ? . i?? ?? ?sea ? t. ndlng at : he entr inci t<? ib? pier, and tl? r- they wen held up b: ? hit? -' oat? ?I Charit] <; part- ? i h -m attendante, doctors, polk-e officers,! ipapermen and nurses. -H-ometlmes I [ , It took but ?'. m il< ?: glana ?? ?? ?thoa? In . authorltj to -*???? that I h? man or ?-.??.n? n had -i ? relativ?.- ? n the pi? i. and bufim 11 th?-i ?? "Here, you! Uel it ul that! ? ried I i a ?patrolman to a Vlddii ?. ?girl rlth a air, as he : anked "You ?-'? t on bai k up in the b ranti . .?ii'l d< n't : top then ." Turn Back the Sightseers. Th< ;:iii turn? ?i t?. ?saw <- him, b H i.? gavi hei ?? look, and she wllt?ed. s?.ni? ! woman tried to i ik? little ? hlldren, ?hard ? jlj largi ?enough ?to toddle, down on the ' ? pli r. Thi i oil? ? ? inn d the? I a? k .quickly, ihov-ed awaj boyi ?/Itii cigar? i . m.?? hanging looi ? to tl elr lips and ... ni , do -.? n or o re< ognlaed pickpi ? k greal i ??m of fa ? ? ? out ".' ?Ui In . i, huBtling away. Question - were asked ever; bod' In ihi ' ng Him Metitenant : n iton found oui fr?om them al thi cor |ner of '!'??? ivenue If the? had buslne - ,,,,, ti . pier, and olfl? la la at th< p|< i ? n tranei talked to thorn ?v ho got bj the ' '. ;. ,.,.-? ? ?? ? Deputy Pollc? Com? ?mil loi ? i i ?i'-- " ? sm< down to thi pi? r i m bout ?*? o'clock, ""i begun lo ?iiieetior, ... ;...,. ii. i.. ? ? red >? ? ? i umbi ' ol ?peopl? n ?ai h bat? i. al.I . in ten ' ite sftei i ? had . ? hllr.1 ? ?i strk*i i u lugs ill? lord had , . .j back al?n g thi lin? ind h un il , ? ?: I? r* turnt? r ? . , i ., .. Bul . crowd kept ci na ng .. n . Ing the | Ile? illo ?i ,,, t?, gu do ni *??? '?? i but kept ih< m i.n In ? ?? hll ?' ? ? rh ? a ?i? i t ..fni..,i.-I ,?n lliifl |?i<_? O?) LTT OF A "SAFE" FACTORY WHAT CROKER AND WHITMAN SAY. __ _ Rv niaTRir.T ? rTOf7NF\ WH 3Y riRF CHIEF CROKEH Tn^re may be Si say kirna ? reef?. tien of this disaster sritk ?ti sppalling loss of life in any of the -*r<?at -? buildings amplayirifl .Hou-?*?**i ?f p'" sens, mostly girl* There --re no fir? escaoes o?-- ?hose buildings ?nd no m?ns ef ?:*-"" ?" case of fire. It ?e imponible to fight s fire lvv?n?y or s*or?es in th- *""? and the if? rets ?W rtX hold ? b?s??y -Hooting down |2? fee*. , _ a-a | ..e^mmenri?*-' to R-muali Pr-^ide It M-Arer-v B?d a committee of ?irebi* Kt.TK escaoes on all off.,., build? ings, but I **"*? to'rl ?t wo,ld Spail the ,-ify beautiful ev district ATTORNEY WHIT? m?\n Tliis may be * matter for an inves? tifjStion by the -?r^nd jury ?nto the conduct of th? publie der>-*-tm'?-'it5 -.or1, the p'.'Mir office-?< responsible far *!i? cendit-on? thai !=.d to the terrible lew of lif?. The orand jury ?vav be ?- a 11 e d ?moo to inveetigate the conditions in ail th,? ?-???e-.t office and oft buildings m the I agre* with C.'- ,?f Croke- that this catastrophe may be repeated at any ??mn with the collections of fire pro? tection that ,ve havi in our large |f '.he cause of depth ca? be pieced immediately to a violation of the lav. a chargi of manslaughtsr ?a/ill lis agamst whoever is rasponsibls for the ? ?o1 =t 4|-ir>. ENGLISH SHOPPING Wt Movement to Stimulate Int?? in British Manufactures. , . . ? - ?.. -| rtt ?,,,, don, March ?-''?? All Britlah i line *'? ?K, which I as be? n organla? th? >'t Ion Ja? I? Induatrtea* Leagu order to nIm ilat? Int? rea? In Bi manufi ei ir? ",;t '"? formal.) oi i ? ? ,. Lord Maj ' : s! th? Mai n,.'.?> io-morr? . morning in an ? norm? - numbei of estafe ments in London and throughom cities and loa ns ol Engli nd display ?*lll i- made of British |. 1 th? publi? s bal Bi ?t lah Indu . .h. ,),, Th? i ,. ,\ ? ... - : ? eired .??-,-,: and s. p ?? 1 from the King and ?)u Their majesties oi .. tion r.* In made of Brtttah Cabi I? i i nd Q Mai baa, In addition, gl? ? i. on t, ,.ii British silks si all la ut* <l In m ? ? roronatl? n dre ses ? 'om Idernbl? inter?s! ) as been ai o In ib? ? rcpertm? ??t. nnd n?? su? ? ?> - . ell?fv? 'l to b? assured A WIDE OPEN SUNDAY Corrigan's Charges Backed by Facts Seen by Every One Kigrhtl avenue, nn?! In facl all itreets areel of Broad*? o rrom Loi acre t.> th? ? Irvle, run ?<i ? : ? nigh! ;ii th? matter a ? rt< ise. it n it|,i'i.i.-iit thai th? ordei t.. tak? ofl i do . ii?tiis had gone roi ih and i> been olieyed. Except In on? or i ? us. s fn a. ceas to ih? bi i ?< rooms saloons ? ould b? iia,i by an) one a I . nougfe )?' n? : t.. buj drinks In some ?", the saloons u se? tion ol I end "i t he bar ? as pai I ly sen en? ?1 m ?ii front, and drinking ar? ni <>n the sai tu || n aren ;? * ??? k da) " i us M..^i I rat i Corriga n'l assertions aren back ni' bj ' ? So attempt*ws mad? ? pi ???. eni tl noise of trash register bells ?>i- blbuloi . ustom? rs from r? aching ihe streei fact, the district seem? ?! to tab on ti 11. ? and ? as) ? Ir "t s mining es m p ?a ZEMSTVO BILL UKASE Stoiypin's Bold Move Cause Gravf Constitutional Crisis. -? p, i, ratMirg, M ?-. h ?.'?'- At, n - rial iik.-??" pr.iiigatlng the Zemstt hill und? \ri'.;. ??: ,,i th? Pundsm? ni I ;,\> '..,? ,., ? , ? si ''i ? II i ' i"' ? ? i M. -?'?,.'?, i mptlon ol ? ? an - Irtu ill? dicta im i funciIons has -i, i. u the poll ? ? ins ? ? - ms " ?ii i,t snd has t ? ? ? ' ? it la f? gard. ? g.?.?i littst irai i ? i lid.I M i .i n ? . ib? 'li? li ? : ? Mln si? ' "i i h? Int? rl .? ha l.m? ' '? I ; " ??' ' i'"1";. si ?? oh i |? h n ? oughi i? un i i".i' i ? Ii ml,. ? i nrl n ,, | all ' HI ! . I ?!?? ... ? I Hi,' I,I. 'M MES ? DENI .ays Plans for His Building W. Never Rejected. RECEIVED m COMPLAIN Owner of Factory Iniittl Would Have Made Changes if Asked. Josepli J, Auch, owner of the hulldl made ar ?emphatic denial laei nlghi tl J any .,? th? pi ins f?or t ie b dli g I ever )?. .?n rejected ??. 11.? Bull ? - ? ; ! artm ml He ?said ?that th ? suggi stion ol .< ih otuirwu] had nevi ? ?been nta-tV ?to h and that th i ??' d ol ? -? ond ? I ,,,i d? ei .. ? i it -? ? h to his alt? ntl? ? i would ha gladl adoptad ans su suggi -' .i.??:? .?i i Improi em? ?? i.- kit ?i t'.iat might ha ??? been ? t mandi ?? b th? B Idinga Dei artn i? h sal ?. ' i am In I ill ? harge of I building, u demands 1 . ver i?? en ni ??i? ii"-.v wo d lia? ? - re ?been brought to m att ntlon." The .?:?? . ? stai m< ni ?? ??v made la : Ighl al the Hotel Bel noiit; Mr. Aa? I arrived from Si lui stine, Pia., on late train and did not r? lish tt ? i?1? ;? being Interviewed, il was only a er !? ng in??..- a .i ?in t.? htm explainlt tl ? situation that hi.; i nted to gl? hii aid? of tii? storj <? . Mi a ich," h? wat aaked ? ti., owner of the building, don't y? think tii ?' It ? ? m j our Intel I I ?uni ?"it hot* many i.pie workej] In ti different lofts and ? hn\ provisions wei ?mad? for tl ?? ?safet > both ol thi ; ? opl and thi building?" I knew thai ihe bul Ulli - ?? i iba? lut i-- ?fin pi ??? " ?said mi. Aa? h ' ?.m ?... rai ? ?that th Bulldln 11- i?.i l ?? ? lever notified me ol an ? ? - r ? ii mgea ??r addil onal mear ? ..? I ?. v.i: ?red to ?? ? to tiiin th? l ? ? sa Id t ha l ? ? kn y peopli i ? vari ??-, ? r? i .?ni:-, mu h? add? ?! that hi ha .? i tl -rough th? building h montl agi When ?aaked whether th? Newark Hi ' ??? i ?I ii .I upoi hli th? dangi hlcl hli "?? n building il the i ? in '?! ' ? ? pi i? ? ?., Mi it ' th ?. i ? ? ?. i ... 1 ... h< ?tild hav? lo ntt? it i ? ni?? ?-? -?i ??' ? t.? ? ? -? GALE Df tfNGI.?S?i OHAKKEL Mat!- Disorguii-d T? 1?piotu uM Takgrapli Uaei Down. 1.... i -.,. Mareh 91-A futi? ..... now bil? in pi e t el y ?1 r gan I I?'.? I ? I \ I? - ?? ?i ? 1 , ?- I .. , : !? | ,,| > . I ' ? ?I I ? . llllpt . ; . ' I. the ti ? i i i . . ' ? ? .m, ? formai , ?? on t i '.-, of illy. CH3ARETTE CAUSED THE FACTORY FIRE Croker Finds Stumps and Package That Ex? plains Immediate Origin of the Holocaust. TRY TO FIX THE RESPONSIBILITY Disaster Might Be Repeated Today in Any On? of Thousands of Buildings in City, Says Fire Chief, Urging Need of Reforms. The death list of the factory fir? in V ashington Plac? on >at?ir I dav stands at 142. These figure? will be revised only if more ?le.vhs I occur in the hospitals. A cigarette or a match dropped by a smoker started the fire, b? '? *he opinion of * hief Croker. Chief Croker said thai Saturday'? disaster might he repeated tr> day ? ? iny other day in any ?-?ne <?? thousands of buildings in the city. 11;?- grand jury will probably investigate the ?whole situation ai to fire danger in office and lofi buildings. The opinion is general that - !.. | ,M ?tself is deficient Mayor Gaynot asked the Red Cross to collect tun'!*? fot the relief i mfl?er? i s from the fire, and Jacob H. Schiff will receive ??ub??eription$. I? seph f. *?sch. ?v ner of the building, denied that a third stairway had ever been demanded by the City Department of Buildings. Mel ' suggestion thai the building was improperly equipped was ev?tf mad? ' to him, Ik said, ? ?grand Jurj l!i' *itn?-*ii'on ol lepartmenti and ofRctali ?raspo h' conditions that led to 'i"- 1 ? gie waist factory i'1 ?Bai to 1 i ? ?gun within the lays ? rordtn* tA Dlstrl' I Mr Whitman bell-eves tha* ? ? roph?! || u\m ?? t,, t? ?-?!- *t In an? one of thi other thon hxygt ifllce and l?ft buildings in md !in will recommend that th h* ?he grand Jury be extend? ?:. i eral t ndli oni if bustn.M I ;, ?? r?. r - ported to th? i 'ij' ? ? ?-. . '].. ? set erde) thai tl ? i. ol thi r'In Department l ; t,-. the la? k ? I ?pi oper ?lire In th?~ I nilding "? cupled In pai Trlang 'v'.-".-* Company ?vi ?'? '.?? ? ; th< ?Bureau of l h . i -?'.!?.->'??(':? ntl? pa?ssed the bu f i District Attorn? requet i oroner ? ? - ?? rd i? to it??ik<- ni"? a ? , . mtH ,: ?? ? a moi Ih I . tigatlon h id been mad? Fire i hi"f ? 'roke ?Fire ?Comn Waldo, Borough ?President McAn ither public officials anil th< I o??_t?i_i ti" I '. mee ' -mi guiei ? ith Diatrl I Attornej Whltma ngei ? f .* i? ; et?ti,>n 0f the and '?'f n< ?' f ir b reviaion of ib ? |e ?? ?; tl ? ? langing ??? i over Ing flre pi ot< etion snd tht '. Isli n ol buildings In regard to ?Ai Ing fa? littles it wag th< i onae ? n thai ?thi v\ro ?Department pg -a charge of th? flr? regulation . - to ? ? tructl aafeguardi Wav to Rooi Biorked. An -haustP e exan ?"??, ' irn? ?. building ? ? il ?rd?, * rhoe c ??? th< op? ntngs to the stalrwayi s ? - escape had n ?I lw ? n bl?ock< >l ? thi rool could not be ?reached IMrobable thai uo loss of llf? oui? resulted "v>>. M DiatrkM Attornej Whitma informed ol this ; ? -.'ii?i thai i of ?'? ??h could ?be pla-ced In at? ly to the ? lolation of the law ? ? of mansli ught? r w "'ii?i i- madi ?? id? -person r is onsfble foi I In tl? i.. Th? Pira i ?? pai tment rx ????.<i> that an Insp? ctlon of the buttdlni made on October 15. 1910. i>\ I-:? p. O'Connor, foreman of Engine panj T'J. In which h? ?reported the I Ing ;.-- In th? llrej ?roof class and tha eral condition ?good The ?""I.? s of t ? lore t omen nd n th? subcellar of th? bul y? s: '-nay b} t; ? l:i?'ii? ,,. bl lti-if.s ?total ol '>;?'. t i 112. I.ati r In in?? i noon thi laat ol the water '*-as pui out ol thi sub? ellar ?and thi sear? th? !ir<?iii'?i? for 'i tad endi ?1. Tha ;,? i. wer? then withdrawn and th? i at ? .'. " as left in charge. ?-.n offi? lai of the Pire I>< imrti ?said yesterday thai s list of ?seven t sand kmlldlngs in thi city which not ad?eqiiately aafeguarded agatnat ?had been pn ? ? d ?by thai depart? ... the Bureau of Building , ?Pire ?Chief < ok? r : ; ? i ? i th? aus? <?? fin t" the dropping ol s lighted clgai or match bj ? clgaretti smok< r. Wliitman Di-ectr Proli.nG Work I?latrl t At1 >rni Wl Itma , aho ; ,,i thi j? ? ??? ? '' thi ?fir until lat? ?Sa ,; ij night, 11." ??<! l" ti!' ' Atton I -...-' h ? '?. Manly and Rubin In ?'liar.,. ; the In? ?eetlgatlon for hli ?affloi ? ?eatei ? Mr. ?Boatwlck ^'.i*1 the direct reprei .f Mr. Wl It man, ? hli ? Mr. R : ? ., on ? ? gi - ind for the homicide [ -, au of th? Dlsti 11 Attornej 'a ??Hi? ? Mr. Whitman went to t1 ? i ? i ? n ? ?-i rdaj morning and direct ?i how ??? ork was to ?? doi ? I. itt In t he aft i. tost wick mad report il m _t thi Bar Association, and In ttlni fiar i long ????tit. i i his assistant Mr, Whitman said ti : i? ?grand I i ? would -be ?naked t?? ?mi ?. ? .- .t f the fin 1er th? n* ?'- ?r> |uesl I ha . th? coronal not to ? ' i ?i . ???.-. mtH ?fti ? thorou ? -' ? ..). h? -.-? th? i. - lm? my assists iking ? ? -, ? xaminntl ??> into letallB ??? the catastroph Tl? . ...... i? . ? . .. , | | , " ling ind ; srlti : th? norli - .? --? - ? in? ???? ' ni to?mo ?TO ? ??i:?1 In tl i -. ? i , . ,,t ?il Courts Bu Uni the plat tilldlni i ' i' : irtrn? n ind th? Hur? rill ? ? ? itln i ??? deternth | ?": i olatlon ??f th? laa h been it portad ini ?rhat action *^as takaa ^?t tbs report* W.nti Faet?n*?? Saf?? a*- THestrs?. "1 am fotni '- maiV a UsOVOUgjtl in* vratlfatton to shoa what tha ? ondltions sre thai "-'iii permit gtsch s taniMs lav pmttrt tr, taha J'Ih'. Ow theatres an?*? smueemcnt places ??'??-??. para***!? go toe ire -"i?i from which th-ey can >'?v away if tlstj a*anl t'--. ara rlioro'iarh'v prot**?**ted '-?? tha fir* and polies r.-ur'i'a?' *i'->n*- and the r'ii?-"? of tha BulMlngs Da? partmant It ssotng to sas m?n*h mor?. T.* Hrarj thtt .,? le*****] equal prote-tl^n -' ? ill 1 be chen t" ?liojio arho ar?-- firr*?*?*, to z<-> ir. ri-.??.. >",?,'?? structures to work for their dallj i,i-f?H?i ? i have heard ? lilef ? broker ? ?' ?? meu< that m ihei racb dlaaet?* Is iik?4iv i ? happen ?i '-i- uni" M, ??n* one ol tha many |ofi or ??!?i? r bulidlnaa m the city, : ;?n?l f agre? wlttl Hm |l, pJ id | | i,. ,, i,, knoa ti, i,-.. . :..??? r thai ;. *h<-. man m th? cltj He toM me i. ?i- el> lasl nigh! thai this thing ? is likel; to b? r. . ,.i.. . ??? '. ?' ?-n:- . ondftion '. ? ? ,r ig prnbabl thai an Ii stigatl n of | ?'??-, ,i. tm Hits snd ; h? offl? la' ? --; oral f? Il ? il! bs undertak? n l 1i?, ?r--?. " |U1 , 1 .-' ?" ... ' thorough ? Bureau of Bu Idlngs ?i"" th? ? ondltlon -?f all I ? ! loft and oil i in th? ? Itj . ind i thin*, thai i shall rrrvommend a'> ira? . - sstlgation bj the grand Jun ss a ? 11 MainlawnM-'r C^arai? Di*icu*?3ed. 'i hav< i.??>??? told thai ?i"- Km? Da? parttneni ??? -. I .-, -.???.??-*? two months [.,?." thai i h bullding ? as s Ithotit i prop? r fire prot??ctlon, .?ml i an told ?;r i that an Inspector "f the Miir.^u of Build? lings after? ard reportUd th? buiMIng U ? ' '?ni' nli rr t., th? law. Without ? fuH report from mj assistants ir i? imp??**? I si hi? for m< i ' mak? si ?? poatttva stata? , turni aboul what th? conditionna in tha factor: oi tu? Triangle Walel Coajuants ware, but If th? cauae of <l?'.)ih ?an ba : ?mu?' dtately t.. s \ lo?latloa <?f tha law, ? ?liare?? ?u manslaughter srfll h? agalnat th? person r-eaponalble fot tha ' violation "A- the "building has bean daranraharl t. m< acstjn i.-, tha tit?'" secape ?.?.?ih rut: oil '?? the trnn -?liiirt.'r?? t?? ti ? a mdnu-a thai opened outward ati.1 MiHdtad th? narroa paaaage 11 the firs sacrapa, I?* this Is t:-',? th?r? arms ,i violation of th* ' m the conatni?"*tton of tha fin? ea? cape and the placing of tha shuttan "ir has been told to m . also, that tha >;.".r?- t the stairways ? pened inward. T am undei ti-.?- Impraaslon thai thai wag latlon of the law. 1 think *Jm law requires thai su? doors should aaajsj [outward, it ?.>..?> this \rery rnodtttoa that caused the temiblt loas ??( Ufa it? ,t!io Iroquois Theatre fin la ?'h!,ai-;i ! seven - ears ago. ?what i? Tin.)-?-, i am told that th?-.??*? doorrs "..r-- closed at tha tita, th?? ftm ried This, i am quite sura, la a vio. latlon if tl ? law. i am distinctly un tier th?* Impressita thai the i.?v. r,-'iuir'?ra doors t.. stairways providing means (or .-..,,, from fire t.. be '-?pen. Long List of Unsafe Buildings. I --if ti,- regulation of the* mattaTfd aas m ?ii. hands ol th? Fire DasasfS* . it i .i,, i oi think su? i? roradMagaj would i oasibl . i i.ii?i'??????.ii.'i thai the Fire Department has ?? ?ntlj pea? -. : ?. d to tl '? Bun au of H ?' tigs .? Ivat ; 0f m? . ral thousand ? ?:. ? nd ltd Ings m ihe . it i * bich an nss oas i m. fightar's potnl ol view, i tinnk thai >? laa should '?? paaaed r**-*qulrlng m building i tans lo be para? d upon iii. Kn" Departmei ; - ai as saf? ?.,,.-- fi : ri and i roper mi ana --i are < on* ? rn? d st an? ? at? ' ? . , |. . ?? . m Is the prop? ? bi , , , :>v fo\ ,i ,n it ??? i ? ti.?\. ?nlrol ?) .- . h n liters " ? hi-t" <'r,,k. r si -nt s H t jaatard ? m? n II g goll g?? ,.f th? fire and making .? th? ? gh i un? ? ,.,, ??, riet? rmln? th? i ?? H? ??? .. , , ? irt of th*; tin -,,. ir\re ? 'ommii slon? Wg kio, : ???? ough ;?,. ,,i. ,,? \? \" e? \. ting > n- ? in? ? ? | g of tha? Bureau I n*-fl , | .'!? -?..m th? I efitn t A* - , ,, ,, . | i ?; i ? stl : ' ? " ? ' hi n '"??," ' < Adi rna?Mi ? ? il m ? . ,. ... ; ing a part ? ?' . , - , ? i ? n . ?? Ida; tr , ' ,v I,. ? After his lns| ? '?? tkar . ? ? I ? ?',? ? tl Hi had b g ?,i?i;'l by s ?? . ' i itch di oppad th? ? m| ' , i t i ! ,v ? ? ? [gg. , ?. n boa a mind on I ih la i i i h "?? t.m. d, ?'?! - i k- r on th? ?