OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, March 28, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1911-03-28/ed-1/seq-2/

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??-,.-... in*<*?__ttgations of th" hurn^d build
irc he would ?ta>? the caae batora the
gegwA vu-? H?- ? ir.?.-? ; two ?aufttjeanrtto
hell his ofllc?? '.h Ita Inveattgatloi
i r,-r,i?r H-oitghauaar hM ?thai c,> '?*'
n*? >-'? ?examination hsd C'-n?^ th? ?ra?
gporaatbillfy ????????ni?-???! to Us ?ruh th?
i ."???-?i off BuUdingf
p-,-1 v*r?,fro on?5 of t*?? operators who
?Juri i?*i frani th?* nmth floor of the
burn-ed building, diad reatertaj in the
? . . Yr'rk Hnsri?ii This briaga the
f-i' of <-)'?<] t?-> I?48
nttot ?having i ? i ? t irtful ei n
Ikig ol the hulld ng .cting Buperln?
tandent Ludwig ?-f th< ? I Build?
?--.-. | [ -.- ; .; ?aai Is to d *uti
in ?total ,Ut .-???;-??:.? ? 1 th?-- mear??
p-.---?l-?d fot ere. protection, and the
aacapn - * i nat ei
? . | ? ? . ? ??on i hav?
mad? of the t ? i 1 Mf T udwlg
??--?- re ?"is ei th? bureau ib?**
that ther ?"taa bean no Ir -??? i " ?'-1 '*?
?i was fintghed, Il 19M Thatt a Mild b?
rr, racord how? ilesa a viol?t ? '
.- , . ..... .
??>.. t. ? - |b? ' ' 5 "" the *
t>-_ >--;rci ..... . - rnada the In?
f r,...... , ? ?nature of i he violai
?*?v ? wai
Tha j - off the Inapt :tors At ?
?what t . - ?. ? " dall?
roundi I I have 1 I ?w
f - ? .-,.....
-, - ? if ? i i ble to
i- . ?' .? .va that
t- - plaint ?iboul th?* fir?
"We have on oui i "?i** compl - -
??->*ir.M another ling In ,h-a b
I .? 11-M against i i| 11
Is ?v r ? ?'? i .hat learn
rf . itior f th? ... linga thai
v ...... . -.,_ Jp f .) -f ?? 'I
only by a ... . .
?(,-,..._. not
act 1er con i
i hi not < --"ich ,
? ? - ? ?.,-?.???
fort --.sp-ectors while t]
ap.r- - ? ? ?? thousand
In M i n hi
la more tf II ? ? - ?.
t- -. |oi ir. all of which ii
With l tremer .T *' ?new
?vi ?. ? ? , ......
f i our ted number off
aperton t examinai
? of i
} igse-d ruling t terms off the la**
? <? .? ? ??-,,, r]o ????. t?-? look Into apt
, - that ? to iia
Fifa D"p-srtinpisi'5 r?rr-.p!a.r?t.
? off this year the Fire
P ? ? ? ; , lipf r*
I > ? r t.. ? ? f the fir
- Isnhattan We
I ? ? r six inspectors 1 ? ???rk at
? Ther?
have b* t\ I 51 os.? ? ;
I r ?. ,- | ? voiced into
* ? i ' that Are et . ? I - -
bai i fifty-two off th?
Tfolal ?ions hav?=
*-,_. i filed i 1?
"On March 22 we i - I i ?Hem
f th? Joint
??ontrol of * ? ? tk, Suit
n-"*l ?Skirt Industry, n report <">f thirty
x | that we had al?
? ? ? rdera on thre? ol
' !
?. luded
th? 11 ?at i ? ?
1 ? Its "
? ? - ? lion of the
E ? ? Ire." Mr
uld have h?><?n ?re?
had * to th?
i ? either by our ?
II ?
' Th? ? ?jreat f
tien as 1 ? he doors I
i it
it I on after 1
?.- - doors
I ? and the lint?
destroy? .... - -,r.fx ,r,
. ? . .. ted or not al
But 1 . ??d
that i
I ? ? - ?part
I ' I
-? t factor?
\? ould I
? I ' ? Bui :- .?
< I ? <-? ?hat
the next !
I that I
? ? ? rrlang
"If the I thai
f -.
iws . ? ? ? .
t i. That
that in th?
of fan
pre But if the
led off a
this ci ?
-, ( it ral
t tha tin
' ? : ? >
aae ?off th i res
t'-< ? - ? That that th re
I i :
: -
.11 bll - '' | ?? ?i"^?
? ?
r for use at all
? . . . f. and 1 tatrv
i ? - ? ts being better
? -
? .
? ?
. - ?
? .
I ? * ? - n
1 ; ? ? ? ? ? ?
? - -
. i ? . ? .
I the ] f th? i
I La:vafive ffiJftki
by Phyfic-lii.3
F.f'js- 8ubatitutea
B( 't rmn*e*t*a for
la pirasen! administration to raaulra
aaxlmura numhsr of atalrwaya Am
h?ty are f,t?-?pi-,.of an?i nrntAeftai bv a?
losli ?? fireproof door? we t? a i a ??
Lgh! i" require Urs escapes, We e?
tJrSsr an Interior atalrway ?n i ftrepr
owst as a far better n-.eans of aarei
han an outside Bra f?rape
Stairway Doors NX Fireproof.
?]- the ess? of <b? Aseh Building
?tair-.?a\s were fireproof and wem
?I towera Por that t-ayon
rould h'-tvo waived itr ranulramam
m outald? Are escape But as n r
.- - required self*closing flreproof doc
then a ra not on these v'a
? ?,-?? Th.- doora en the upper floors w
lot fireproof We require no** ma
loors ?? ? " reglaai panela ~^'n ?i-? i
r? |uire the ?i^t? to b? kept opea, l
- ? . - - ?- -. pro? ided - tth bi
thai operate when I
loon -??-o opened Th? ?aindowa ar? t
r,r-? jhc ? mpy ?-3V.-. burglar pi?
and for that resson we jo ?
'c-Ot'Y.re t em ' " \r L-/-.p? npfn as } m?M
? ? rr?.?si
"Hf llmenalona ol the atalrwaya hi
lx pen ?? i great "lesl of queitli
T " ? ? ?- -> -)-?? Of ri|l?e ff tn? POT?
lovera ng th? .- a? of th? stair?? aya *l
them t r?? built of a ?*??* tl
- in |m suffl<*len? f^r th? ui
by || T e-p;,-?:.-. (hat 1
>i - the )\sch P'n:i'n* wn
deemed of sufflcteni =i.-,9 bv th? bure
3? tv-? .ime the building wan construct?
grea! ?^?- f?^?- ? in that section
, || ??ha? the numbei ol t*tair-?,'a
li in r-. -?-3y tff?rtaq by the height
the buildl - T*? o atalrwaya er?? i
quired In i building rovering flve the
- ' f.tr" ???<?* ft makea no differen
hi building la t"'A stories all
? - nty and ! la manifeetly it.eu
? ? ? stairs that "r,'r>,.i1i be auffiel?
for a bu Sing half ?*? d^z*? atorlea hti
would accommodate the erowdj th
w?uld rush rlo*s n them from a fk
i ? ??? ? ? ??? <-..-??? or moi a atoi I !
Tt i? T]i?a ?r.je ,)-.-,. this hUlldll
conformed to the law a? the Hmc fi?
i built tnri that there are mat
- - that would bA demanded at tl
present time It la also true that tl
??? haa the power to ord?rr at
langea *h?* it nee? fl( to mak? a bull,
nform f.? 'he law ta II la a? pr?
ent oi * ? *v-- requirements of th? *r>?
reau; pni it la also true that ?*? do n<
hear of violation? o?* the ln*s in <->
bulldlnga unleaa ? ley are particular
callea to oui tteni ?\nd again,
would often work a great hardship r
\\c owner? of *,?<? building to require ?,
tensive chsngea
"This || espe? lally true In th? case i
fire e? ape? Ther? an men*) old bull?.
? ? -.? Fn- Ride that do not eoi
to tb? present law In the mstter ?
? , ssca? i They hav? ? ?old fa a?
? I eacapea.a ion?? ago ? or
ned I the hureau At th?-? r- aei
time we require thai a'; Are escspi
Itnga ?hall In? Hi e a* a
"f lesa than slxt*? degree? Moi
of th<? eacspea on East s?..* tensmer
f th? ' i ' ?-)?',?? ridlculer etyl?
? |f -..- order? I the ownera to l'unir
to conform to th? presen!
iary to return aca"i nei
? ? and order another change becaua
? him of .-?? | itor had dect?Se
n ? ?
"In f the Aech Building th
?Vf? escapes wer? undoubted!) of th
? . rdered by th* hui*eau a
ti?.-> time 'h? | ?? a? pul up, .?i
.h they would nol b? passed to-daj
v . reqi lr< nos Are escspe? to be a
? tuent; Inches nrld? snd to hav?
tread of ?:\ Inches On the Aech Build
in:- th? eecspea ware not more thai
eighteen i! I - and had onlj a four
Inch fr-.
"Another requirement *?e make to-da:
? - from three and one hal
feel i" four feet virio, r\in;.? on in
\- Building the bal-fonj "ay enl;
. Th? ee? -ll??,? "i, th
Building e'er? nearl? parpen
f'.lculat, and thla would gut N allowe?
tn-da?.-. hut If wa had consktsred th?
rrtalrwaya to b?> Br?r*proof t<*W?ara wi
Id have waived the question of th?
A,-*- eat tpe<
? The drop la?1rior at the bottom of t'n?
escape >?ai? In compliance with th? Isa
Th<? la*-, aaya that ther* must ha ?? dnn
hing to tl ?? ground, whicl
ns? the cas? in the Asch Building. Th?
worst feature wsa that the oF'-ar?? endet!
in an Itrictosed eourt There la nothlni
? i las to prevent thla but if it ha?'
beer ealtod to the sttentlon of tb?
bureau we would have ordered a change
Firroroof Passaqe Rcquireci.
"11 || th? practice of the bureau n
a' asea whera a Are escapa e^ris in ar
open eourt to require ?*? fireproof pas?
court to th?* atreel Th:.?
paasage w v Ihn igt! anoth??r build?
ing, or H ma? be through th? cellar o1
the building on which th? escspa ti
i ?. but w? alwa? i requlr? a Breproot
.-, iaga to th? ?tree! and thla would
hav? been don? In the ess? of ?ltn Ar-?h
...? < ?-,. iituatlon - "1 ho*n '?ji,-"i
to our attention
"II ma? b? that at |b.<? Um? th? build?
ng was pul pi ter? " i ,*r' opening
?... . iri to th? -' peel through
oth??r but ding or ? a of an
. . i have heard that there ?sa ?orne
. pro? ?ion at the! time, and I ?
i-?? ? ? n ? ni that if ?i,-. oM
Inga tl -' inding In ?1i?t bio k
? ????-? , ... m onr-ning
, ?-,,,, t ... r.?...] b? provl |? .i ]
? ? er? I ?si i?ich igr? ement
of th? ? . ? ? ?
?..':?? id featu tl Are
?... ,". that
? : , ?? ? i ahuttera
._i. ronatructed to fold bach againat
I lie flat, lea
I ? ... ,....,i the ladder
to the one to th?
-? ? , tical effect, th ugh,
to 1 luttera oi partly
? i ? ned a ni t' . ? bl ' - ??}
? t ,-].. ? I . I ? , , . .,,,],!?.,,. . 9U| j
? ? ? ? edied except by ia nt
?pec? rning to b? aur?
il buttera era propeily "pene-i
1 .-'... . ( . ?ni i?
? - i ib? butler, to th? a lqd> ?? ?
.-?. -.. ... ,. f'Uin?
nural ?hin-'
- ? - ? ?.
? ti ??'.., ? it the I 'J"*-. r
f? ,, ,. ... |.?., k tfa Bi i
? ? i -i ! -
? ? . ??.? .....
i panel rbia ? ??'>wi b* I " ? pi
?. ? n and at the earn tim? th? ? a oui 1
? - ? pa ii- ? h?--'p?T
In - ??? ? lach E lildlni i
rio anything Th?
j ?.,,'!?iintr |s 1 ? ? i!--- ? Ithlfl th- llnttl
lav and yet it la ary dangerou?
? ,.'-1 i .' I have be? 1?
tUtf tot moni i ref ?rt to the
) ? igh 1 aldenl en I Ij -ng vs$ \ ras i
??f ih?* ?'hang"?: need-d In ?
hin1-! f?*?r or-?*? ih'tiR that th*
P.uild'ngF Fh?siild ha- I ?poltet
-nfnrce remedtag of vlolaUom
it pr?^nt ^ o ran ?only ?IMa a ? U
if the r*m?*dv W- rail for is
? ? ran only go to th- ?Corpora
lei ?for a c\\\) sun for datV
?rlmlnal arti?-?n ?Hag ngr^inst
c?iiit> of a vlotaUon of th? lai
rulas of ?tha bureau
i *?"uid raootnm-aad, a'1**. tl
??f outside Pre e-s'-ar** th*r?
iQCloaed fAtairtiays In fir-^pr?^
in??] tha? all do'^rs op?n'Tn
?tatrsiay?? ?ho.?]. b? of thr s?
F>rer,rr>of kind "
Julius Frank*, of (CO -.*? 1
itr__t M-hr, T.-J5 the ?_-_umlt.ni
Iff the Aja* h fitUldhif, said
hal go far as h? know no viol
:vcT h'on ;->__<. ed en tha b'iildl
i s Df- not th* ort?inat grch
laid, but trag ?*a.H*d in bj Ml
??tnsultlag a.rrhit?'"t to ???* tilt
i propet |Ob from the ?contra? b
Jie building ii? ^r("?rrot II 5h'*'r'
fact that ?the ??'?Us gad floors ?a
'ically unirv'ired by th* firs c
Tlsr??* Pir?? 3V?l*l a Fig
Ther? h ive been three o?b*?
hr. factor! nf tha Triangle i
-.-, .i? ?? b'^h swapi ctu floor -
H?5j not reach to :>r'" oth?er fl?*"
????-.-.jbii-. ,-,ri ^it.irdi:' wag that ?tl
CTCk? 3 ?)! ,f t*?? f b_dCS ?5 1?nd
,. . - g dooi?a abo? ? That la i
-,?-...? fu -, ?reglass "?ndo*^ ?. en'
that the law should ?pt-^rl-de t?
lian ??-. i i lofi and office bulldl
foi met il '? Indo*? fframea
' Th- h'iUdios ?wat put Up I
*?mpli?ance with the law. There
?pro'vision for any particular *^
Bt-jirs and th* eta?T?< were read
jat? whai waa supposed i
?i-,?- traffic of ?h* building Wltm
?pul up H ?vas not kn-own nrh
?vould ho ,)c.^ f,-,r nrianuffacturlm
whai pur pos? It waa only ,n,-e?r
I soner'i* lofft and bUSUt-ft I
?n?i Mr ?.geh hi? always said
waa read) to d?-? anything thai i
r? iu ol Bull lings ?nd the law ?re*
wh^n tho building waa put u
*.< aa an opening ?from the court ii
th? fire escape ended through ft
ai ? ?? fifteen feet wide Blnce tl
old buildings In that block hav
torn down and new ones put u
?have Inclosed the ooo.r, ??r, all fid*
a? that, the ?Aach Building is tk
one in th? bioi k aith ? Are eaca]
? ? ? rould hi'-" been no loaa
there on -?at unlay If II had not b*
, ?.i?? among the work?era, tin
ts something thai no forealghl pi
il !'i?;' except by fir*? drills
t m an id, ocate of regular fir.
in ?v,i buildings ?hat are used for
facturlng purposes. Where th*? n
,f workers exceeds two hundr-ed
should always be fi*"'1 drills t?-> p
apain?? |ust such p?nica ?i? tr.?-?k pi
the factor) off tha Triangle Compi
Joseph .' Aach. the owner a
building, visited the ?scene off in
yesterday and mad? an Inspectl
the burned floors, after which he
home to ?S? nth Norwalk, saying fr
would return whenever th?* rustri?
torney wanted him. Mr Aach wan
th. building aith Isaa? Si'rn, th
???Off coursa i an* dlstraaaed n*
?connected with a building in ?vhi?'h
a dlaaster ocenrrad." he ?mid; "I
mus? say. In fairnees t.-, myself,
every regulation off the law v.as
plied with, if any ?ralggeatloa had
ma?lr i?? in?-- that more (Ire ??s?ap??i?
n? eded, I should hav*? been only too
Ing to nut thorn up. Bul i do no
how any number of Are eacapaa <
.< ?? ?prevented a*ha! ??Happened P?
?'ay. As ?Chief Croker sal?!: "t ?-an
a tir*?, but i cannot f??ht a panic'
was th*-- pa?i?' which did th?* dai
Paturda; it seems to me thai i
vn? sufficient m-eana off egre? I
glria had only kepi cool."
Mr. Aach went to the roof and
condition off th*- fir*- ?sai .'.p? -waa pel
out to him.
"it must have been th?* h-eat m
?lid that." he said, looking at th?
..nd tWtgtgd Iron
"And ?look." he added ir'aii.'inc:
th* light well, "non?? of th-eae o
buildings have any tir? rs? apea at al
in that point he s as ? orrt t. Not
. ??? r one wa? to be .?-ocn.
One off th*? other visitors deacrl
hims? it i- Thomaa F. Freel, a for
fire marghal off the city. H* pointed
the fait thai if th? ?doer t?i the ?jr*
-.f.?? stairway on the eighth floor, r
which Ihe fir?- ?started, ?bad been M?>
the p? iple on thr- floor?, ah??-,-? ?,
have bean able to ?make tivir aae
? ??? ? th? stalrwa?. without ?any troi
'a hat-^> er. Th* people <>n Ihe ? i_
floor could hav? been saved by
Washington Place ?stairway, ai moal
? , m a? tuallj* wert.
?.ir . ai aal ed iff It* ?*>p-^rt*=--.-?? i?d i
t?-. ad?r" a'p tlr?- dnl!? in f ??-lo?-?* . g y. \\
? i nti\o at? nothing bul ?good hot
i?- ssld.
Coodii'on of the Mo??.
At examination off th? t?os? ihoa
i ial it ? il 'inlinod and that at. ?many
th? linding* ii '-?ds unattached ?to I
iu iplp? ?Chi thi eighth floor, appi
entl; sr attempt bad been mad? ,r> i
th? hose, but 1? had bean I ial as appc
itly unsuccesafful
i v" Skerratt, chial ?lagp-C-W of l
El?ctrica] Bureau, h<-?d that It wgj b
. ?- ? ,. th?? fire sh?"iii have be?
ii'ii?-?! ?In ?any ?a> b) the rie tri?*al a
I .. itua There v* ere onl ?"? o moi ?
?m, th*- ficht h flo??r. of* 1" b?OTMposi
-?, -otb on the oppoalta ?sida "f tl
h-nidinc: from th?* cutting tabla ? h
eye?w1taeiaea My the fira originated,
r-. , repreaentatlvaa off in Inauran?
impan! rho ? ant o* si the buildli
placed the l?oaa to ",a building itaelf ?
.. oui Y ? i - ' i ent ?-?f i??s ?,*alue ? hi?
, estimate at between .?'.'."?ii ?-???. .-_.??
7.??..--s. xbe contenta of the upp?
Igoora ol ' ')r?e w?tpra a total i*-s>, an
?ht- l< car floors * *-'?> damaged to -i i n
ltderabli extant the? ?i:?i t? -.? i??r
*?.-, the hearing *.* the Fire Hi
?i- ihal ?Beara a*em to tha butldln
. i. ?ith ? oronar Holtghauaat an
\ ..??int [Matrt-ei ?Vttonwyi F'-?st?*.??,.-1<
Manl ' and Rubin who *? era continu ni
Il ??-? i ?i eettgatlofl foi Diatrtct Attorn?
I Whitman Jam-ei p ?^'hiakemati ???
? - ?i- m ti?'? ureau of Build
.?o lohn D ?Moore n metnbat ?ol
th: "ulldlng ,v?d- Pe* i??-*?n t-otnmlsakm
i -n>i'. ?!?*?-i ?uta party %? conaulttni
1 ? ngiaaan I * the Diatrtct Attorna? m i
? . nuQiorous meaaurmenta of the fir?
? <-? it- s. it lira 4 i ?p.j athei parta o!
th b >'!ding
i ."- Mai thai Pa ri a -? ??? am tu u n i?
?? : i ? * - 1rs ??>? gpa ?? tha ? -,, in,j
'??? i " ?*?? ira il ua tha d p i idder
? n tha i.? bal on?, to ?th? I<?? m &t the
Aftai kia examlnaUoa be pla?cad t
nan on ?*'jir?i ? ? ?>-?> (add.th la?
?' ICtiong < | M III i? :? ? i.- n t r? ? .-1 ?.
d'.-"irh?d ay rut] SB? Aft-- hll ?rip ?
th?? b'llldliis ha .sld:
? Ti?, alevatora wsre aattrely biadeqsi
i found that tha ci?vatara arauM hold a
tara peraona aach They rrJssuM havu b
nad? larger. Th-i ft'?? cs^ar?? **'*>"s ?
? Th? loaa ai Ufa ????as gua l?f?**ti w *i
attot? r.v ior-- bulldtagi ?'?'? l*it b'r
mga ahould be bum IHM public achoi
ahlch ha.-?? wkla halla and large rateeedai
-ri'l a r-.| tigh? 0">r sach SSlt Lof I
fa-tory b'ji!din$? arpero a mixed race
people ar? empieysd should ha*?*e plica
in their t.T?rt'ia?Jt?5 sJaeed ?bout the Io
telling then haw to --?? gut in ca?? af I
There IhOUld alr-o ba a BW drill t?
every asonth
? oror,?'- HoltabsuSSf ?aid he had 1
cirjvesed ibat the atandplyaa or the vaiir.
floors had BOl b??n use?!, tsA :a:'?1 ,'"
ik>n to th- hoM lying on the floor eutsl
et the ?tatrway doora H? .-aid that
'-?imb-d ')?.? OS tfee 'ink t the r^of ;
?-?---?) to supph '?'a'?* to th? p1.!"-?. ?
found It -?at- empty Coansrasting an I
responalbilit: ba said Alth<mgh i hi
not =? yajt t**Mnpieted mv ??"?Vial ln**e?*?|
M?*?., it -"-sacha to ba tha ? MaaeagiM
opinion that tha matter resta aattrely w\
thS Eitldin?.? I>par'*r??m'
Tha ClsU Bstnrlee la ro???n Any rtrrgoa
elsrk or any ens alts ? aa pa?? tha i
aatfnatfea and they ara appointed in?**'
?o?? Hird!"- ens of thaaa ha. any tato?1
test of building? ^'"v it ahould be dor.?
to appoint m?n wbo know something ar'*
ihn, ^njfri).-???-?!-. ->f h'l'?'tlS?F ?tld bOW th
sh.o-ii-] h? o-j'iipn?!
'A' ? nur? / r)afar?d? Mill"?",.
i !j i? jr-j tha afternoon Bor^'irh Tret
dent M?-..Anr-nv ?a? ? otft a ?'arment
which he warmly dsfendsd rtapadrlntent
rnt Miller of the Bureau of Bulldlm
and the aahalnlstratlon of th? btti ;
His atatemeat tollos;??
Th* attsmpt to place tha b'am? '',,? tl
rlleester or an) pan ol it upon th? Suj
lotenden? o? Butldtnga la outras?
fair in my opinion no fair minded pers<
r-*bo r?s^:- th? facts will lv l?tate I rsoirei
In ?*or?.ing to th? asm? conclualor I ha*
ro disposition myself to blsme an" 01
until a thoro'igh Inquiry baa been ma'
und unMi tbs facts have been omen!
eetaMtshs] in vfrew, however, of public
tiona ?ba? have been msda I wsnt to .?a
? and I . inr.i,? put It tt>0 strongly?-th 11 tl
present orttc??::-3 of t.io Bulldings Buren
hi?? no responsibility in the matter whs
? ever
Th? d?tt?srmlnstioa -?f th? Bupertatendei
of Building? aa to whetner ?? building coi
tali pi ?;.??!" ft'? ?scapes, atairway?
other '-?leans of egresa la made r tl
tim? tha plan? arc Bled The plan* ?Ar ti
a.?- h Building were m??-! m VRs, and a
parently -??r?? irriter] th?--n a? compl
Im fully with th? las The cod? i ?? ?r
po?-??rs th?; Superintendent to "direct Bi
escapes and other means of *er(???. ,,,,,
any building of the typa In qu? itlo ? ei
they ar? found lacking Th? bureau. ?o f,
aa i esa i?arn. ba? never throughout I
history, attempted to go ba,?i< of the orl(
ina! approval ol plena ?,i ?o order an
'?hint;?.* except upon e? Idence that, in pa'
tlcular !r'.- compilan ?? ?- Ith the Ian w?
Tha bttrsst! ha. never ma?i?? periodical ir
apectiona to get such evidence for its?
and h.r? n?\??r b??n expected 'to For thl
It bns t?iii*d entirely upon th? Fire Popan
m?rt. 'ind?i iKr.-<*-m?ni between the la
authorities Th? rules of the Fire Depart
ment df-finim? ,; ? duties of eomi an! ? - "
mander? ln?*l'id? the following ern^-,\ ?r
?trustions 'ind'.r this h<r*ad
' Section W -F^n?|it:ar!z?? th?tn.s?!'-'pa ?rl!
a" t-'n!ding.? in t!>ir company dlatrt? l
and hsv? :n Qusrters fto b? the property c
th? depertmenti a ho,->k containing a wri<
ten ?! print?,! description of all su h build
inp* which book ?Mil ]e kno?? n aa th
i'liLd!-.-; R??-?ir'1 .T'-''irnal ' and nrak?? p?*"
orllcal ?nspi'-i-'ion of all ??hur^h???. hotel!
faet?n??? warehouses, thestrcs (when x*
formar.-"??- ar?" not in progress), atorea an
nth?'- buildings '??ed for p'iipotAf: of bu;'.
neaa, Inatructlon. amuaemenl etc.
'*Pe>?fion 10a- In making lnspeniops o
company dlatii<**t# they ".il report i
writing all h'ilMin?? found tin?r??in whlcl
may be c?*?nsldered unsafe from an>- ? i ?
Th? rpp<-,rts in ?ach ra.? will b? aepai '
;>?vi stat?> i?ri?fi'- th? causes af ih?
condition of each building or th? ??
la-.v vioiafp^i
'Section '^ r.-Tott a:i buildinga tha
ar? fron, ,in\ cana? in violation of las 0
??jso-tir.. |i*m) ??*,'.r inspecti?ms in the!
respectiva districts as provided below, am
forward reports fhowing the name and '??
cation of such pierre Inap-actod. an.) statini
In each oa*? wneth?*c the provision? of il
lar?.- ha--? er hav<? not b?<.ii eoutptled with
If t'orr- ere no pla?*es In tliod- district
coming undei ?h?? la? th-?y ?s-lll forr\aa,
r> p,,ri> stating t'a? fir ?
'mmetion ua On Ih? Uth da-- of Apr!
an?] IM1 day of October of i?a??ii rear, the?
will f?'i ?.a"i '?? tl " Bureau of Vlolatlom
und Auxlllsrj Fir? l.ppilsn<*e? througi
the regule.' chsnuels. reports ??!' InspecHoi
of every building in their cotnpeny Els
trlot? wherein Are appliance? of ?? ? '?? ?
are Installed, or r?*>qulred. ?rrhethei ????
ha\? b?i-n previously reported on or n,?'
and !?"???'-;?> proper r??cord up to data <->r a!
f.-) inspection* ?->'? relnapectlona In Th?
Buildlna Record lournal.'
"B- In all cases wherein any Are apph
anee? ?r? r.?mm*?nd*id th? existing equip
ment, condition of urn?, tot-fiiier witl
other ne?*es?ary InforrnStlrMI coverlni
th? u?n?r.-il snr\?--\ "f Hi-? prensase? hih
?bowing t;"* Dosaibllii "f fire, and eenaa
quauu dangst to o i ipants, muai ! ? not*
-,.;..,-?. rorward??d
'-if no additional Are appllanees an
conaidtn'fd n? cesssrj. such fsd ?\ Il ba a
itatod on the r? p"i : forwarded '
Ir |i t<> b" aaaumed thst. ?niiior thee?
? .'? the rompan) c mmander coverlni
th? dl trie! m ? t". h th? Asch Bulldlm
.?-i ui?ls bar mad? perlodlcsl 'r,*p?ri|,,n
i'fr, and report?ad th? result? to hla *:i
p.?:,,i Th? lat?**sl ?-??)>??i? on the \?<-i
!;. fling m?') t" the commender -*f in?
,i-rii,-t, Foremsn O'?imnor, on bctobei i
lai ' read at folios -
: . ? ? to 29 *tv a.
. . ? ? , Brick ?-i . ??? - ?n .torta?. B
, ,.. ? r**pmof
1 ?a ? ?- of r^ I loi 1*>a|
., .1 t \ -Ir - ? .' ' " ? i ' .
? . I-. ? ? : ? i. . a thMi
?,,i !
yttr <?? ar* ! ' ' ? ,: res
dlttoai. s ?t.
?lalrwar? ; ? ??. I?? ?'???. ?? '??? ???? .n ?
I ?? 1 ? ? litl*J1 f SI. ? - - !
;"! at' .-- foul
I".-* appll it *? rel?*pl n* ? -??"? -,
fl'f,,r'ii eni ' ? ? I ? - pn-Miraatl? ?
,-. . fou. ' ? . .1? : ?I| . ..iii>'--' -1 ? ut.l '.*
i,1-r.?.<- ,.i:m'?.-'1 ? uutfl? ?'? -??? ti-'
?>. lank ??" root *\1" t?#? .-,-??,'. .?..<?>
aal -i?, nicksts on all Botir? tea.
Thl app il ? ' ' gav? th? ? ulldli | ? falrlj
??i??Hii ?-.ill ol aalil Such reporta ndct
? , ., pa ihi ougli the band? ol tl e. chlel
... m? de| irtmenl Where the? indicate ?
,, lit| ? demandini tl e attenttoi I I
Bur? ? . ol R tiding, the; an is a mall?
r.f riiMonri, forwatided to th--- Buperlnten
,'..-,? i ' ? r?'i, ei int? riden? ol Bui dlnga
i -, r>v. ; i : acelved froi the I " i v*
,.,. ? i .-.,,t nelthci this noi an? otl er r? |?ort
milk r- latlon '?? lb? Aach Bulldll |
I .,hv i1- ead ? "?" I ?' i? ' ?- Superin
t?ndenl r,f BuUdlnss ,o '? d of neglecting
lui In anv pertlculai. is aiding i ? In
a ni"?? ?. ??i'l'?)"* *???? In preparing ro p?"
i,..:??? improvements bath In the ? d<
n the n "'!"' > of enforcing It Prt??f
io last fa" ,'<y" hureat! for >*esra ba. i had
.? ;.. ndlnc upon the routine report
?-.f the Fire l ??['??'?'!'? ml ? upoi outalda
complaint? f-"" Ha Informstl i ab? t fac
eoi Hi
I,, (ton - ? ;?ct ?ommi ?"-??,- \Tslde
lod I had man? ? nferenc? In relation to
plans ii' the ??",ir- it waa
p,..,j -...' --it ,? *. untleriak? i s?r*nersl
... \i\pp up of buildings of ever? type
.. ,-j, .r? sacapes ?v otl ?-- ? ?? ??\tt:
I?-,.' H", r partment continuing loi
n for ? i ? i '-?? of 1 ilgatlon and
M .. Build! . ? on ill ?? t
,-.,-,. H pre? ?n.ed 0 ' '? ?
. i- ??.'?? ,i " . . f|
n follow?
ru? Bur? ?'i ? Bul dina: eat bet
. : ?? i- . i.... i i o|
.;,." pr..., ,.?;. ? gectlon :i''' "t the r-. ;.i
,.,?j . od? '' ? ->," proposln? in th? Borough
? ? ? .? ittan to make ?a thorough ?
ilnatlor a i ?sell '? with relation to com
11,-,., ? ?. ? In the .?
? ?' .?:? . -i -' llHd ?- ?. ? ? |? ? ? ? ?? i
.>, . ..n,., | .nfor? ?men? ? ere? -i | ??
,. ,..?. ,>- |i .? ?.,~?.,-, '.-.., ?.4.? |,*#n
*,|?m- ;'i t.. in, p., - .. ,-. ,|... , . . .
? .. , ,. ? L'-pai'ii""'.'? In - 1 I'?
ll ??? ? ill throoi '? tl - use of ? out
men ascertain and repon ?? Mr Rudolph
p ?ir.!???-. gup?rtntei dent t?l B?i|ldlnn all
.Iliu ? " Uhtn th? ' 'i?, in wl 11
ment. ? ? code pr?*> Islnna era rlo.
- 1 that s ould asH .? o*n in ? it 1
ti ? ?? material*!! ",1 hen I ?> ?.Its of
.,,.. preliminar* -x >,:r:? ulon .?- compute
1 m? |,i| 1 f. it ihi 01 ??> ? ontli ?led <
....... ? . .. ? ,
?? ' ?esna of makln I - 1.1 snforc?
. ...? ,1 iod ei rette na < ? pttaa ?
. ,., j,,..., ..? .,?-... th mem ol dangei
?h? ; .'-?'? ? - ?,?- 'ii ?? i-i- .i- ? i?
-, ould aid : ??' If th? ???? r loi
. -. reportH ma? b? rlawlllad 1? ? ? ?
?- ??.? w?,. 11 ? t at ?f bulldtni
lion .*i ? " ?*
j , ihsequen?! detailed
hu Ired ? ? to do this wor?
On Ft br ist ?? - ata a? aki tgo ih? ? 1
rri.a.'i ' forward? 1 ? ihs hi i ?
? uiti ? r th? -? tloni ? Ith '.
Ina let???r
' r.,1?: m direction ?t?? "otnm-in line of
f! :. ,,; rir?. rompants? have mad? in In
spectlon of huildln ? h th?li espective du
trie?? sith reference to Ar? ? ? i| ,: The?
ha * reported ?i-h butldtnga aa In tb u
From the Fire Department's
Official Report on Saturday's
"There were two enclosed fireproof stairs
w-th wooden doors and jambs.
These doors were consumed by the fire
and left the stairs open to the flames."
Fire Chief Croker in his forci?
ble expressions following the
fire states:
"Everv building should have straight,
broad stairways, of fireproof constata?
tion, and every partition, no matter
how small or how temporary, should
be fireproof. Doors should all be
I fireproof and should open outward."
Ihr. roT fr^1 principle of fireproof construction il only beginning to
be fullv realized by the publie as we\i M by architects, owners and employers.
And that principle is? that however fireproof a building mav he in other
, Vts'it ran only be as fireproof as its doors, trim and partitions.
Unless all the doors, trim and partitions are fireproof?and this means
hollow steel so constructed that it cannot warp or burst?the building is no
safer as regards occupants and contents than the oldest non-fireproof
Yo better demonstration of the importance of this feature of fireproof
infl could eve,- occur than the Singer Building fire last fall. \o example
could be more pertinent at this time. The Singer Building fire completely
consumed the contents of the room in which it started, but muid not spread
hevond being effectually checked by the Dahlstrom steel doors and trim, with
which the building is equipped throughout its 41 floors. This is one of the
most notable fires in history, not for disastrous consequences, but for the dis?
astrous consequences that were averted - and its tremendous lesson in
complete fireproofing. ,,.,,. _? tl _l- i u
There is no modern class of building in which this lesson can be
Every architect and every owner contemplating the erection or
alteration of 8 fireproof building to house large numbers of people, whether
for office, factory or living purposes, should write or telephone to us for liter?
ature and information regarding
including the book "Buildings as They
Should Be" illustrating and describing
many of the noted buildings built with
this fireproof feature.
And every employer, also, who is directly responsible for the
conditions of safety surrounding his premises, should secure and digest now
this vital information, with a view of learning the differenceb-tween the
fireproof building in name and the fireproof building in reality.
9QQ HmnAwBv Works and Executive Offices Offices in All
New York JAMESTOWN, N. Y. Principal Cities
opinion ?regutra a_dlU?otigl means ol etrem
to protect H'"?? in cam of ?fir* "
there ?a*?-.- 13 HO ' ? i -? - - r? port? I mi
ntbly requiring attention gunartntendeni
Mill.M a?Mtign?-d the. work of Inspecting
iiifin to i ?-fMclal ?'??rps ??f m\ men, unaer
Insp? "tor i.'i?.he, sna ?on March i ttil* work
??ominenced. Two thousand and ?Slfty-on?
.? ? ..lroa.lv i?? ?-H examined and ?report?ed
,i i i..i nre In ;??.???>-- ?>t' examination
?on? of th?*>ae reyerte have ?any ?relation
whatsoever to Hi?* Aach Building.
?riti.a! referen-ces hava alao ?bean mad?
to ?Superintendent Millar*! pres?enl absence
ir??m lown Hf went t.? Panama with i'"?
American ?Society of ?'ivii Engineers, choos
in? to take leave of abtanca for thli pur*
? ??-? rather than a summer iracatton ?Satar
Mi? absent- i- not onlj In even way
pro?per. but exceedingly well earned Kor
thi last fourteen months he has worked
literati? day and nlghi for the city, end I
n?,i only approved of hi* taking this ?rest,
?i? en?" iraged him to take h.
Mr Miller wan ??elected for the ottlee of
guperintendenl of Buildings i>? ?..;-?' I he.
leved him the boti quallfled man In the
\y .?f New Vnrk for th? placa, i am
quite wlllini to l?eave the rnrrectness o!
my Ju?*lgment in this respect t.. tha srchl
tacts ;?nl builders Ills service In the very
??irk now undar dlaeusslon, ai wall a-? In
tha preparation of th?- new theatre cod??,
whl. :? Is about io be ret>ort>ed to ma. entitle
I nil,i i>? ?i1- grataful thanks of the ????'??? .
I munttv and n?'t ta the Ignorant and avan
i inde<*ent anuas ha hai racal? ?ed from tome i
? quarters
i Chairman of Building Trade?
Committee Urges Fire Drills.
The eommtttas ?n municipal department!
? f iho ?Building Tr.i'1--- Emplo.*?-**' Associa
tloa a short time ?ago bagan an Invaatlgg?
tlon ?i- to tii- .-?xit? m factories at the re-:
,?ir??? of B??i?-?'i<-ii Prasldenl McAneu*
Roberi D Kohn sn architect, rhalrmaa
of H... cotnmittae, ?said laal evening
I ?.in ??ni- si-o nv i??r>?-nil Meat ?-n
'!,?-? subject of lire protactl?t*?n, which art
I robabl) tha name m many ^-?p?.-?. as
?hnf?? of the o?h??r msmbari et the commit? '
tor ?H gee ?-..,?, nr,i _, mads our i??;?>??>??
l ho\\e- o th?y should 1"* ? i)*at?am of n.?
drttls to teach tha p?"-?i>i?* ??> r?n?i thatr wa
out of bultdtngi without rani?
i irga numbers of ?the workars ??? tha'
riot hing s_?rt?oi I?js ?aavei ware *n ,i building I
n,???.-' >:...n t?_?. .??? three itorlas high until
ihe?. ...un?-? to work in ?C?aw rerk ?Ther ?go
? .? m tbs -lavgtort ta thatr ?work, ind ra
??im the ?Mme wav do- -if?.?-'- <)??? and ynar
sfter ?ynar In ?-???- ?-?f traafgaajr.y they are
unfamiliar wtth lbs ather rr_tran<*es .? i
,r ? r'-iiii* *ini tha doers leading to tha
.? ,.r.
Th* preeent ?ryatet* ??f ??Ira - ? .?.
bi?i i boit??* m ths Ph.la.Mpli . ? item
-f flr?? ????'?'p?- ?rhleh COg Igt! of :? ?..c?
-tatrwayi hi th? mssonn ??f tha buildings
T?" outaMa di* ?"-di?. _??? in????. .., j .,
ecun becaiM? ?f the? ??"t? nibstantta
aflMlri they ?rmid t?,,<\ ?.-, p%a*tb ????.? iu?h?
ind psapls.ara atrnid at than i bettev?
Hi?? ldndin?jra Of "? 'i'-\?i | ?n-.??!? t'i?
building ihoqtd ?h? ?wtd-si than tkav sra n
that the doors eouJd open to ?n? eutstds
gfhUe -.p-.c-.i . m? ,?k.? fa?, ,??? . ijj
? ? M sf tl fuo ol itmi "?- -???n.-?... ?.
lloeum ?tunivors iaoo* < .?? ??? -j? A
... ta| ?n.M?,,,s >v.-),j i.T?. ,,._..,, ,, v, ,
-?? Mirk? P'a?-?? ?dop? i raaorution urg
m_ t?ha< ?"? und im r..-? ,r??. _ ,-,,,,?,., ?v,^
. ' ' '?" *r ha? ?i?!i? ?? ti ?ttipii )
full! (n- T".?."--?'l M ".?i?.
? -i ?in tli ; ? :. ?? ?antttU : ?
? icd !* wai p ?tats i mil that fol ? ?
I ??:?> ||| ,.,,. ,?l?,, ,,-.,(ll,.: ,..,
f**rred -irAn ?aargani wiv. ??-?r?? not entitled
to th??rn.
"The Business
Man's Route
T?f Cx'Caea [,!>?[-,?
Tar Biac. Oiarao*?
Tat ClCIG? T?l?.t?
?MUI. . .
T.i ?Hm o ran?
6 00PM
Ti'nr at??--? 1j trfim Colt
Lad? atr*t<H. aad Ps.bri ?*.
S>ir?*t. mi p*nni r?MT ?i
??rom Proal ?.iv mal M
b>? , I? ?o jo minuta?. ?ar'.;-r
t:nm '."itlinS' and Church
S?a.. I m'niir??, t?ter, ?.'?
n,|.|. .o R,. ,-r t?;h*a
i.ehiih ?'altar tratea laa? ?
r-iim f,rnn?yl*?n>a r'anon
la Jotsj ' 'v
T" KR OK F It V?
Msatiattas Nos lato mt m
irrt U" Br'ul?. .> Huda-M
P.- -?? i in* iutiona, Cort
la-??!! k l'hur, h Su., aatl
"1 bi t Bnaatway
: ?srabsae, t?toi ft isiras,
i" t la'tnub taramas
relasaam ?" Hals
in ''?-k*' atrae?
I .l-p! on? ?? ? \>?- ?rtf.
Sli.'kr' ?t? ?t auiua.
A night trip to Buffalo
over the Le high is
different. You breathe
pure air from the moun?
tains, laden with the
balm of trees.
You don't get "travel
stained;" the Lehigh is
an anthracite road, with?
out soot or cinders.
You rest comfortably be?
cause you ride smoothly
on heavy steel rails,
stone ballasted. You
find every comfort of
home, club or hotel
careful service, unobtru?
sively attentive.
And so you walk into
your client's office next
morning, clear eyed,
dear brained, clear
lunged-?a business man
ready for business.
Served in bottles that have been thoroughly
cleaned and sterilized.

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