OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, May 09, 1911, Image 14

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1911-05-09/ed-1/seq-14/

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Seized by Detectives on the East
Side, and Merchandise Worth
$20,000 Recovered.
Lnv in Wait for Days and Fol
lowrd the Stolon Wagon to
(BD Ailrv Ncar Chrvstie
| . . , ng 10 thO dntor
il daya a_n
. . In'trri St.lK-f. I x.ns? Com
.... -1
... - I**" ?"??'in',h ,
h;.n- I
? 130.000
ak ago 1 nt Va
rhrin .mvi wai KrAn*
tn he rv*r]p hy ?? ? I " -? * l0 rnt' !
f , ?..- ,. of the 1 nlted Btata? KNpr^s j
. No ro v. atreet ;
. bf"n I
ll tln- 1
? I ,
?...,' ? - - ' ?'
*-' ? ",0 ?ame
, ... vaohrla and Maj
? on to Insped i ' "
? ? tiv. '
"? ' . ,
? ? ? '
.. ? p
nho?r ? ? I *>rhood i ?'
. - the m!tk"-up of the
ln the
.- - 1 themselve* nt
? ? ? I pnnK roa
. t ? ? ? ? ' ' ? ?
... ?
? ' ?
about glven
. taki '
. - (hay i ?
*>an upon whl ' '
r.,] drlve >.p to tha
. |'at,
Th'- '
. eonjutlc
rith the Vnited 8tal
...... . ? llstant pi ?? The
learned that Us Inili ? ' i
? ? Libertj Btreet ferry.
-. ? , , ? i ii<>**.n Waal Broad*
way 1 Det ectl
?? ufon." loaded
:.'?? enl
Ber am]
\an lun eaal Into sprinK
th-n t" the Bo* 1 Anally '
? into Rlvlnrrton Btreel
??. thi Bo*a i r\ an.i Chl
illy by
iablea the
. .,i. Tha lectivea hoverlng
? .1 until the van had been par
? B*Ar,opri, down
- r r\. it rai
takei r
larceny. They khv?> thelr iiami-d
..-..?,? ? \ 234 '
J24th Btreet; Mlehael Palanaky.
> - . : .-. Hermaon Oreei
?. .- . I a Roat
.! s->-ith lai ' ? iklyn;
: E " Ui rtraei
, ? No *4i Sh<
Miller. no uddresa
Th*- laat tw, tali l hai * ?
lang. 1
. mployi <i Pl4 Btablemen.
y th" driver ?-f the vai .
, c fi. . rlei I
t!T*m|.<-r? r.f ;i,, ,,r
. bj ????t,< ?
, ? i told that |f he droi
? ? ?
of the i ' '? d on the
? ?
m Her 1 who
. ...-.?? ? ? , nti I ?'"
? , wlth tli
I for
:?. ? . 4 ?
. . ?. ll , ? q ),.
! ? ? ? ...
Two Attempts to Burn St. Paul's
Parorhial School in a Day.
?? . ? ? > I .,rl ? onvened f?r
affei-n, ? BB M--fltAriiay Slstrr- M;irv
.4. il of St. Paul'i parochlal
Btreet, between i.**x
i'ark avenusa, dli
^ric-K ? . ? . -an to tha
. rm lt, thi i. i ta aa
' -
ll, 1 th?*1r
- "
? . ,rtn hnii 1 ? ? tt ; Ui <-' "?? fli 8 -li 1'.
.1 th*
? B 1 I ?
Tn?v ' ? drill ln the,
ng When I ' l ?
? ? teaed mothi rs 1 ??? I
? l thalr ehtldri n i fi
OoQulrck, r? im of .--?
iTnun h. rn HTtB ?' lhar Bra
eet statlon and
o Man - '
Ooarhes Go Down Embankment
Threo May Die.
S i .'???- i 'i ? i sraon ?*- iii
-, ? taro i
and about ? ? .i
? ? . . iilment of Lsthlali paasanfar train
; II , ? ' I .
.,. I fi* B-'..ru' dl v. n nn unbanK
? t thraa mllen
r.r,rt), . I II ? ? Bds N I . nt 12 18 o'rloi k
,1,14: .,".-? '?f ?!ie forty p'-ople ln
red. al i i .adleal at*
Mrs T'p\'f> Hoi N v , had
, t-Afif Bmahad ta aad aai terna
. ? Hbp la rh'r.fl* ln a ;'-'ni l ospttal
;?? H*-iv Dlckioson, of Oortland, N v. auri
Thomai Linderman I rood, N v.
have coneusalon of tha brsli snd hoth mnv
_i? Harvey P. Dl<
has - oi ?? iaak
c.xr,'ect(.ri to racovei Wftei i ? ln th*
hoapitaJ *.4!?h hrnker, bonea at<) othi
hr-lsed l<onr nt 1. Iy ln*
i i.o aa
Court May Alao Free L J Field
on Larceny Indictment.
Tho wdl-'tmerit r*h;irgins pei 'JfaTf "?*!
*.vh1oh l.i-onnrd J. Fleld, n broker, WBB ''i*"1
laai month, waa dlaplaaaii yeaterda** ha
Juatlot ICcCall ta tha < rtminai Brancfc c*
the Bupreme i low I
in recornmendtna *hiB action Dtatrlct At
toraey wrhltmaa aald a tjtajorlty of irie
WhO rllBaifrpprl In Pleld'a 'rlfll fa
vorad acqutttal, that no addlttonal evldanca
- ouiri he preaantad at n naw trlal nnd that
... ., bv i . ? uld ?'?- hP naw
it is probaTBla thai another liTBitetnienl
? ? PlaM, ? I SI ftna arnnrl lar*
ceny, arlll also ba dtoaiJaaad Ha ia st ???>*
ertjr under HS.OOfl ball.
?an alleged tr. hare be< n
eommlttsd in eonnectton irttli thi* "Alndaor
? Company tUXOK Hetnsa eoppei
? sadal ol August, I08B. Tha Indlctmenl
???i:.. i that Pleld hmi aworn
? ? before tln grand |?ry thal Invesi
gated lha transaction regardlng tha
<? | ??? deposlted ta I la paraonal
N'atlona! Bank
.,.. . | ? that
prnflta from
.... ;.,??? '?? I
lanad, and
i. n ? aold ? pi.OBO wil
? ?:, conaen1 of 11
To Inspecl Work on New Sys
tem, Roturning Here To-morrow.
li n tl a ? Ity Hall l '*'r*'
aften - lour of inspe* Hon of
-v ' 'atskiii watei aystem
Presldent 8ti
i .-. :-. i B ip| ?'?. J. Waldo
of thi D 'partmeat ol
...-. ? 01 ?-? 01 IWO oi
traln wlth tha ?
latloi t the hoi
? M - ? in t!^ a atersl ad To?d iy
l li
? a - mu ?h of the worl w rtble
? Thej do not Intend to
? . ? ? .... until to -,-...-? ? ?
? |
toini Ifsyor Oayaor, a ho n
Fridaj -i idi I tour ol the Croton water
?. for hlmaelf hoa low the
a ? c sald he would r.ot make a
thi ? latlon until
. from ? ha i 'stskilli
Painting Bronghi In hy "Count"
Oopy of Louvre Pictn.re.
Thfl judgment of federal appraisera ^i'-0
ted bb ropt<>? the ? ? ald masters"
broug.eountrj aurreptltloualt by
"Count" Carlo <)1 Telloplo waa born, out
? ? orlg
f on, f the pa ntinga la the pr
ivre Q illery, In Parii
? Holy Famlly." bj Ar
to, Mti'l it may be aeen in tha E
Rogi r A. i Mark. \ -?
Blatanl L'nlted Btatea ,t1 rney, who arlll
? ? ? .- ? Pei*
... ? ' al oui t sl Tran
N ,i . on Thursd tj to er tha
iggling. I
e cata ogui s ac
In hla i n tha prlnclpal plctui
ln London, de*
? . ?? < palnting in detall
? ...in. ed th.it ha had docu
? mtary proofn that Batl
. wlll flnd lt hard lo eonvlnee
Louvi fi pl "X un ; .; y.
? tlng br >ufhl in bj di P?
ppraiai 'i ; \ Im idlni I ami
? ?...? |< pl, tur? hera
and In - ? ' - I
B Of I
- '
Itallaa, ilao appraiaed sa a copy, waa at*
. d by i Im ? Velaaquea T
..,,., to flnd any
authoi ll ? tasertion that tha 8]
.... ? t, i i 'Viel m "f Bt. Hu
? ? ?
Fnro 4rre8l in Newburg for Do
ing What, Railroad Forhids.
? i '..???;?' to Tha Ttlbui ? I
w., i May 8 i - ity Man
Joaeph J, Klumti ol W< i v j k, ai -1 two
? ,- ? ?? . hers
md for a ' l ? Bpread rtla
, ,-. , ong 1 . ? making
all Investinenta The
... R tiiroad "'omnany Isi
? ? ll< ki '. |.i foi thlrty-ona
. , and from
Naw '? ?
2.. if-ntHa trif Bome Newburg peopie have
-..,.. ii, keta lo flll < omi ra st 11
I charged |1 ?_". one
? ., ? nger.
? i geta restricl ?- i to thelr
. ... ,,. rsoi all) "t to mei ot ?
. . tnother elasr, of ? -t I
tickei per any m< famlly t >
? irlp ll ket, goi -
? |40 foi ? ?? ard
pi. Bumed thera are oi ? hundred
lb, cltj where ticketi ma; be
i Bome of Ihe church Boclatlas making
.- fund fi r thi li ? harltlea bj i ?
, . i. . mbsta XA ? n lha detaotlvea
... . two weeka sgo, thej bagan
the tlcketa Inddentall] they pinr,-d
? ? |a of the rallroad i ompany
f,,r pbotographlng
Tha paraoaa aocuaad have been Bum*
- bafore I rdtad Btatea Com
mlsaloner Bhlelda ta New Votk 'ity on
ftfonda; low ?'-. to glve an ?.unl ol
their reaaona for vtolatlng th* laa govern*
Ing t1 a use ot - ommutatlon tlcketa The
??,. ...r. ti at tha rallroad aill try to
... tO | 0 ' ni-s
? o
Exprefises Surprise That First Protost
Is After Thrr-o Yearfl.
Ftollowlng 'i".0 complatata mada on Bua*
rtay ra| Brooklyn Rapid Tran:-it
('ompany'fl handiinK of Consj laland traf
. Btatemeat was lasued .,t th?
I'utilir Bervice r*ommlsslon yester*
. thal H 18 o-id |] it aftiT tlirop
. ? laland la now m.-tklnK hh flrft
? - ii ;.,.,. f aaa nsl thi ? ompany*a ^er
ahtcl haa been In i mnv t uas Blnca
impai ' ontenda lhal the \\ ? .-t
j-n?i tarailaal, to whi^h trninH of t-.fl Baa
and Weal Kn<i rautaa an n->\4 run,
lha Culver Btatloa. Into arhleh t >.?i n -
mi tha Brlghton Beach nn-i Culvai Uaea
? ,i, ara i,oth of ?., ? m to nii thfl
t,rir,ri;..ii entertalnmenU --f tba laland, it
4 n ? tha company ih
Btiivlng tn givf ihe beal Bervlci ta
, .. i ?? ?- ? i
thal runnlnK an ?\|,rrh,i
^ rv!. ?? to t:..- IVeol l.r.d r.-milriHl WOUU
bs U'ttpr for Coney laland us a whele,
? d this could ba doaa; bul li uas
-. i hi t>,< BtHeaa thal thla would in*
BBtbla until grada 'rn?Hlngfl lnv.- - . . fl
? lhntna'e.1 OB tha Hnuth Broakljrfl HaaO
ruanina to thfl i?iar,d
Aithinif*ii thn Braoklya Rapid Trag i,
Compaay aaya tt.-it ? h Is odd" tiiat thsa
ruld be haard at tha i-rer-Ant
tim<. thera la n-> further Intlmatloa ihhi
ndiplalnu mlghl p aalbty ba ragarded
aarlaf lha aartaarka of ihal fona of
a'tivit.s now known unlveraally under th,
? _ Itil n."
Tunnel at 14th Street the Chief
Feature of Modified Plan.
Subway from Union Sqnare to
59th Street and Over Queens
boro Bridge, It Is .Said.
He oAclal Bt_t4mt**nta arera rnad* >et?ter
r)~\- hut unofllctally H w_a Bal I that the
t.iodified -mbway offar, whlch th? laterbor
ouajn Tranall Company ^i5 piuuilaail to
preaent tr, the r*-bllc Borvle* Comn
tixlax, would provlde fr.r th? b*?p*ih1
"i. the part -if tbe .-..?... m; ??' I
,....,-. than tha oriarlnal offar Th* origlnal
nfter prorMad lhal tht pai wooH fur
n-h ?:?/?.... ifl ? | :..100
Mnat nf the r*| ... it thi ln
terborough would -mrrt;' -? apendlng "'"c'
? Idltl nai moni i bulldlng a l in
t-r.| -ir.. . ? . , . ? | ? th atraat, I
i. . v?? ? ? throua;h Br? *;|vn '."
nr. t with the Lafayette avenue lln* nt
Broadway \* armM ? ' ' ?
aald, elevated extt .' "ad
Wood hai ep
\- for th* II ?? hat! - ?
tha rei on araa that tb* Interborouah would
augaTaal thal li mn a Buba from Ihi lun
nel throuajh llth pir<-?.t m i nlon Square,
ih.il." up Broadway t" reet, and
acroaa thal thoroughfare to l ajQueenaboro
Brldire Buch a line would, 1 rourae, ihul
the Brooklya Rapiri Tranall Company oul
of tho rout* for whlch u Brai mad* i
propoaltlon- tbal ip. up Bi ? to BBtlj
? ? and acroaa thai atr**
tha Queensboro Bridg*. Th* Bi
company haa made u cleai lhal H *
? his rout.. ln ordei to u)
i-Mti'in tn thi? Doroush to traflk orlgina
ln Brooklyn
Inatead of acceding to l ? l ? ?? on of
th" dty'a repr* entatlvi ?? lish*
tramfei of tb* fram Ma etween th*
?? ent uptown lln* above 1 d rtreei and
the new lln* to ho propoaed for thi
glde, it ^ ?ai<l that tlie Intort.nro'ich wlll
propoa* an arraneemr-nt whereh
i an ref.iin the fram hipe whlch it might
hpp.i to got a complet* an ;
down lin.' lr puggeeta thal ty aak
the Leglalature for a law pcrmltting li lo
pay tn the Interborough the eatli
? al'ie of thi franchiM to ndered.
In other worda an ectlmati v\.?.;!?! ha
i.f tpa.ie of th* aarning eapaclty of tho
fianchla* f^r the term th i i ned t'i
\? to grhethar or noi tl I l rtrough
would rnnko nnv eort of a toi pro
. . ? ? -
reporta dlffeied The r was,
er, th.it th* ? on pan] i pi s n
would be f;i r removed from the division
??? . which i.-i'i rx en a orked oul by
t i "omn ' ? '.? laaett aa on*
?? ouid he agret ible to . ? lt
also aald thal th* Inti rl
siill lns:>t upon ?. guan. ? i
tlon "f ih'; Foui nu* auba n
Ma ipoki
i ughly famlllar wlth ihe tei . "f the new
Intei borough offer, bui Ind I thal b*
. ould not < ? am
t nlghl t the In
terborough offi
i . that al the la il n Inuti l ?
would aend word to ( ?
tlvea thal there had i?>ii .?? ...in *v.> .me
ln authority, however, would aay thal
tlng aboul
The arrangemenl had beei i ?? tha
flnal i onfen m ? ? ll ? Kapld
nsll i 'ompany to-morroa bui thli * III
probably be postponed In ca
iffar doea noi g*i in i
Cheney Has $2,000,000 to Ap
ply to Tnir,t Oompany'i D^bts.
Juatlca H? ndrlck gr ini ?d thi
of 'irinn H Cheney, Buperlntendeni
Banklng I ?? irti nt, | . t
nn . rder lo iho i rauae d!r< ?
? ? ' ? rrual ''???
.i dl* Idei d o paid on part <
?-laltn- t havi
Tl ? 'i.i ' l* on
Mav 1$, and Mi ? ,,\ all
peraoi ? Inti reated to
Mr ?'lier; wll
,',.i... whlcl ? lalma
thi negle Trual ? 'ompany
amounted 'o $10 178,71 .?'? i moiiol
'? ...
?,.?.?! . rlorlty ove
other ? ' ? ? ?? | tO |
aorth of clal ? ? |
i depoaltora inakii x thi lehl
? ? ?? ? uai ompany, Tl ere were i I
for alleged
?> '.". ?'.. and *-!-.-"..?: worth on a
..... ,.; en taken
?-iiith pending agalnsl tha farnegle
iny in whlch thi
K'ouM amount lo ' but in whl
? of ctairn ha I ? en l ? I i are ua ?
no proof eh | ? ? i
! -,,?? l ????'.? ' I ? ?
; !t,f... tn, il and 1 ? ? llex led
ieta would be eufllclenl to ;?.. .." r?
..??.,] clali ? ngi nl llabllll
'plan la lo pay a dividend thal wlll pay off
Bomethlng more than 12,000,00* | tl r.
Btltutli n'a Indel u li *?<?
DiRj7iiBtrd by Failurc to Agree on
Guilt of Youths.
When n jnrv in Part V | ? .? il Be*
? li t. Bnnounci ?! reBti rda .
houra' dellberatlon, lhal II atood II to l
fOr Bl .')!;!".i| .'il,il l ' >-re ..
agreetng i rardlct n-= tn the guilt or
Innocem of ? ? ? ? ..?? \ v i\
? ? j *n the thlrd degri e, ludg* Bwann
dlachargad the J
The ml f aoma mi
Jury hava baan lnflamad I thi rklli ilo 11
tatementa iboul i i ?? he p iW
? Ther* ;.- on< ? . ? ?
wbo la a baro, ? ? i .-? | ? ? ?
ii.. -? young - ampa
'You I i*r* refu ?< d to bellevi . i
dn, < ol reput ible buatnaa mei
b ?? polli amei ? ilfiad ? Do
1 - u inink evei.I) Is a ?
d4*f?*_d_nta7 Tr I Ib what elevei
hava aald bj ., ?
ciiuid not agrei i . . ,, u i ?
b* trii ) again, , ? r ? ? an Igi . :m<i
thai * III ba i oni Icted. Thi
1 ? wari . i ?i t h a,
limmy In theli
er> grocei . it No h\o.
? ". i m i" I beei
I el you would aet tl
(< lltllllK I ? ' .. I ., .. ??? , . |
B0041 ! ' ? ' ?':..
.Iu'Ik'- Bwann ] ? . ' n manded the I
defeatdanl \ ? - ,, Noi kln, John H ini .
hHn in i llei ",!. i c r, ,,-:. ,
laaa yt-Atr ,,t _ar, i, t\.--oo hall aarh, to
awall anothai trlal, and calllni
Dataetlvaa vVlckn m and Qulck, arho ai
tente<i th^ priaonen comrnaadad them :or
II . ii .iieiine.i. and rara
The Bideltt] rrual Caanpaai aJ Ni
foi k. haa laa 11 for a ??-..I tu?-et
mn ol "v Bt*> kboktara t" ba baM on Ma
;t to vot* U| proj l reaia*
. . . apltal Bto k from tltfl"?? ??. f ??? ?-,
....1 :?? i.j. : ? n l/'lu , Ii ..Mi |. ?" "ii (,,
Kxtcmivc Displays of Misses* Drcsscs
For Party Wear?
Of chiffon, daint.ly trimmed with crystal or lace
Sjj and $45
For Graduation and Commenccment?
Of net lingerie, chiffon, voile and marquisette, hand-embroidered and
real lace-tr.mmed- *22% fej. *35 & $45
Hitch Over Moore's Bnncl Makes
Officjal Pnssinq Impossible.
Tok<*n of Esteem from Employes
of Offirn--When He Saw
Some Real Money.
. h Hyde Is Btlll Clty <hnmN*r
? ?. Bad expei ted to rn- re*
- ? ii irduoua dutiaa .-,nd renrn-mBl
? fi terda: Ha mal Bobarl R
otnted b) Mayor
taki hla puv s. ta thp omr? of
- . . ml ??;'.,in al noon and a aa aboul to
go through th? (ormallti of inrnlna r,vt','
, Bseta tn his handa <*? hen n hltch
..._,? y\v Moore'fl [000,000 bond
... been atralgl tened oul up to
r-ioalna ',<-1 nlght bul Mi Hyde
il thi? morntna
"I don't eare how long thej i,"M ma rs*
n M|0 wlth B latlgh before
,. .x ? -.. offl ?<?. i - i am gettlnf * i
' it."
n th? bond dld not prevei I
the rtiamberlaln'a offl ra
formal fai ewell ' thslr
ng , hlef, ind tl ??'? gaya hlm 1 allver
cup in a| "f thelr ? -
th< theduli
Th* hltch over tha bond waa becauafl It
? ?. n prepared in a a I h Con*
Prenderga il a iBt approva I
i to he -n accordani a wltl
Whei M Hj le il i Mi M ?
I . rlain'B offli ? ihe I .-' ??> ??
isked wsb ' WThera Ifl thi bond \
ge to the Nal il Surety < 'om*
irhli ' Mr Moore had ai i ?
... i, -.- -, ghi ? ?> Informatton lhal
? - , 'r. :? | . imi ? ? rlgned by
full amoui ...
? ? Controllei id ' ed I i
? . ? ? ? ter required four
i- . ihorl ti-iii by lha Na
- . ? ? for I
,,,,, i, . .'? co pany ol Maryland
ntla G rantee nnd -;
. -? ? , ? foi 188.009 Bl ri thfl
?chuaetta Bondina and Inauranea
rt] th<? i 'ontroller
r-; i |i hecause,
ihe four bi rnei
noi onl) Jolntly hul aei
? ?-?- atnount.
ri ? niatter ^?< ,t nnca raferred I I *
? i . i i
Importanl a m ittei until to-1
nal Burel
, ? ng t.> , hange r!,<> doeu
? ? ... a? to makfl th,
arlal .
not ai rlved
even gone ao far In tak
? ? i to lign i recelpt I
rhe - Itj and ? otiri I that were to be
to i im bj Mr Hyde hut he
. , r.. - :?? kei -.4 - -i o lefl
| Ofl .... ;.,? ,,,
i -. .'? na? io.i\ Ing II ? bulldii ?:
lf hi : na
, mone) Iti hand i il
? ? replled Tl i on Ime 1
, - i| i ln thi*
. . ? ? . ? ?
i ank
,,/; ?,. .. ? hoke a |>lg, ai ri t u
tlled me oul lo
???????- I o Mi
;. . ai erlal
Im lhal moi b n forma ;n book
li tltutsd li '
mberlstn lhan for t*n
. , When : ??'! are vlnd iti Bfl
? ! tld Mi '?'
?.ii ? '' i
ii, this offli ? "
i ti mh you 1 klndlj
- ,i,i Mi Hyds in replj "1
lhal ..... ive i
ehatevei ? ? I r?me "
Mr, n> de aald red ll I I ' ? ald
- i,v i he glft of I ivlns
kIndI! ?.' '
(. . rould noi - .,!,,.
im mai I -? had .'
. - | learned tn be auiprteed almosl
nothli r '
Jnsticfl Aspinall Appniut:; Commissinn
to Inquir-t Into H^r Sanity.
Th? qttesl ' ' ' of Mlss Jei
? || he da Idi -i '.- a
and luiTi "? 'tna undi
ptfi e l 'onrt Tl.?
.? ? - ? nlleged
ifore Jusl tapii tll ? ? I
Kinga Pa i loa
? ,
Bt Ni
?. b rlfl Bgi -' i Inata
' H
, | |m ? ? ilil woQtr Im
aell ted hi ? , ?
? -
i nie, hul lanoi., ? ? .
?.,. i ? ifter n
Ijiin'linm.in, Adivn ln LoTinai Elcr
tion. .Sou-rlit in Towinj- Inqiiiry.
May I Bdward Hlnss, ,
dam ,.f b inmher eompaay brarlng hi
name, \4iirmr. setlvitlea in connectlon wlth
? US tlon of Willl.un iz-rimii |o th#*
' l nltfld Ht.it*.-, -fli-neti- hava l-'-n i ? ?
Renate Inveatlgal oughl
, ? -i . li t ,...i-- ,i in |u|
. Into Ihi fffl of tha Orest Lai
? ompsni Hi wlll t* iaked to tell tha ,-?
itlona betaeen lumbermen aad tha towlni
Mi Hlnea rould nol ha found lo-da: and
' iptaln U.iit?.r |i M-imlit'-n of the Hin. i
I' "n-i anj, nij tha chlel witiier,fl
Better value at 2 for 25 cents
in fit and wear than any other
make?all shapes.
i Palmwood for dress.
Edgewood?a new shape.
.-. iai 4 $0; mneet, IM; m aa *?'?? 3 17.
age, ii
\ M
-. .1
Band) k-. '-.
? 5 laland. ? ''
IU,.., ??? .1:20
r M
a v
Tba Balrer wilheln n r*fK?rt?d aa $8$ mil**
?A'- ot dandj H""- 4' 4 ">r> .. m. yeaterday, i?
...-??:?? thla aftarno a.
? . . From
? ? . Bre nea May 2
? i. . i Hai an* M ? ?'
?P Hlg i'o|oi May 2
Kr? nli antwerp. A| ***.-..Ret| Btar
Barbad - M II " Booth
Ua Kla re *.P"tl _
, ? . Vprl 20 Lloyd-Ita
alflen Ipi II _$..... Ita ?
....... Mar 8
N i) uiivd
Ila'i-.h Am
i lalvcati n. Itsy .1
' : SE8DA1. MAT Ift
K i-??.,, m ?. $..
King ?? Mi
? i i Ma'
Mal ?
..... ,
r $1 a p
H.i-'ih Am
, .Tr ' ? I
v i . i N 'i :. ..? 1
? . a i . . ? v-r 28 Auattlan
Kirma Ubau, A; ni 2* .. H iselan
V ? ? ?; \; ; ' J'l PI l->ntX
11 rtl ***** Bpanli
i Cardenaa. Ma< 4
,,, . ? ? t ...8o Pai
? tdrlatl 8 lhai pl n Maj .". B $1 n
May 4 ? I I
--.. May 4 ....L* F C"o
.N'aplei aprll BB ... rabre
Psfri Iprl --t knrhi r
II ir'i", \r>r li JT P
1 ? . Kew urli ir"5. Mrf. ? 8 Pa*
.- malL
i . DA1
Ve***l i"" l*1aa rl*a*a
? ? .' Brei ? \ ?; i, >"? $0 a m
? . Rol l< \
? ,. ? i ra Naplea, [tai
\ra he. Ja Clvde
C of I.????'- I I
? D.VK8DAT, MAV 1"
?. |a [jveri i*unard I 80 a rri
... ithampi 1.11:80 b
ida. .,...?? g :00 a n
. ; ? k. R D 8:80ai
\ ? \". ,i :
i ?ei .uBtrlan...
? lyde
, .,? .... ? ? Malloi
H i re Pr*i ch. 7 00 i
( Hamburf, Ham A ? 80 i tn
ll i ina, Brard 8 00 n in
. ?. M ?. '' i" ?'" 8:80? m
Paaa B ?? 12 '?'
* -; v
i Rranii .*? ?; I.
? ?? - - . ,i
\ aaal
10 mi i .n
10 ... .
IJ "" m
|j ... ?
$ 08 p rn
f> Oia tn
. 00 . ??
!n '?> ^ ??!
U ihi m
|J iA\ ,?
? ...
1 .., p ".
1 isi p I'l
10 o?\ a tn
|0 0.1 .4 ..i
13:00 m
12 00 "i
3 -no p tt*
3 4.1 p li
M noa
1 00 r> m
? ... p rn
r m
..???.. ' . i ',.<.. in v y
: , , 't< c ina. Phll
Mar 11. ,; '
'.. . . I" I IpplfMfl l '. \A
May 11, H.30
' i ? Australla
? May 14. 8*88
Marqiii Ia Ban Fran
May li5, H 3',
11 ,'.? i ' - '-lil!t;.
pinra i\ la .-an I.!r...
liaiu. .... Mj) li, 8J8
Port nf Maa Vork, Monday, May B,
I " i.Nrtri port a
.... frull
! ' r at 4 a m
ii ? i ih) i, i
I A f*
..... .. .. |3
-'? ll N ., I ta Mav
11, Port Marla 'i ? md V Bal
.. . . - a .
and fruli l ? ? I . ? ? 8 a m
si.-hii ar . . .i .. 1 J9, v .
r ,. i Ban luan :i. ??> ? rk .-.?. i P ?< <
. ? ? ? . ? 12:4181
28 hi I
ir at 7:48 |
? ? la ? I -
.; ?' ? ?
- - ina la M najeto
I fl
I | at tlie Rar al
.. ? ? ? . , ?? . .
I]:*fl p m
leami , M i' '? IT. I Imnl
? ? t 1 tlgiers tii. to
..? li
it 1 |
? .
' ? \. . Y
I ?
' .
I Havana Vav 4, to i
. ? ? -. i
I* Ihe R#r fl
?? ' ?
? ? .
..... .? ?.
?? | rrlvi
? ? \l, ???>?.
" ? ' i Ith -i i-aai nsera ami
the ftar i 10 I ?
... ... r .
M . I
M . i ti
. , wll |iaaaetia*>ra
I Har ?
Mfl .*. nnt
r i
? - Kri i ? ? ?. ? i foi Perl i
? ? i ..; ,, ..,
'. - 'i . ie lha
.? ?
? ?
All ' D
\ n r i?. BD
Mi ^ Mli neharta IBri N< i \ rh
? '?' *. 2.
.k Ma
*3 10:86 a m-Vfl krrtaad iBelai
' ? .i pro. eededi
' v '. ?,46 a m Kronprtnaaailn ? a
ni" ''i'r. Ka, v?rk fl>, , (,#r,
I'" ! ??..'" I'rs.,1..,, ,?H?, *,?*?
>..,' I__ a .' '?"''-??'b -?' H*n burg ..ni
Stern Brofhers ,
are showin**; a targe and carefiilly ftelected Itocfc of
Imported and Domestlc
Untr.mrned Hals
top-ether with
New JmportatJons of Flowers and Feathers
consistino; of Rose*;, Frtlitt, Foliapf*. Oatricli Feithera, WJQgi, F.*c
And havr preparerl for To-day a Spedtl Sale of
Mikn Hattfl in black or white only, v Lo5
Domestic Hemp Ifats,
with velvei fltnge, in h!ark or b lii*c. .1* I ,(
Wistaria Bunches, in natural colors, at -MJC
IS mr-h 1? inrf-,
Willou- Plumet, SiSe i r>Q
in Mark. white and color'*. -3*4.0 4.y()
Ster.m Birotfers
Hireot attention to thHr farilities fof the
in arcordanre with the mo^t modern and approved methf '; and
instlring the ^mr aj*ain?r rbmagr 1,-. Moth an-l Fire,
ai Very Moderate Charges, also
.Special Conressions in Pricea for .M^rinn; or Mppainn;**'
Furs during the Spring and Sumoner months.
Articles called for promptly upon reques! by mail 01 telcph fte.
West 23d and 22d Street*
There's really no basis for
A man who hands over $60,
*7<) or $80 tn his pet tailor buys
nn an entirely different baaM
from tin- man who cnmes to ns.
With tlie tailor it's all a
matter of faith.
Willi us you see exactly what
vou rrc\ before vnu rret it ?
style. fit and ?_;eneial eft'eet of
the fabric made up,
Hesides which you benetit by
all tlie eeonomies of an oroan
ization and Buying power e<|ual
to hundred. nf pet tailors.
Spring suits $18 to S4H.
Spring overooats $18 to $45.
Tlie luxury t^i' silk liuin^s iu
many of tlie more expensive
suits and ovei-oata.
Straws in our stores!
Thousanda of 'em.
Waiting for the inagic word
of nobody knowa who.
Some of the Spring overooats
reduced to $12.50 and $10 are
still waiting for men of anv
where from 3_ f<> M. ehest.
Roukis Pf__T & Company.
Three Broadway Storcs
at at at
Warren st. 13th st. 34th st
? ? ? ? h luraj, M i ? .; ? sj p i It elaa I lOeri
N- ? I w < for Hamburg ian.1
Rl ) Kronpi i>
Hla .i;.-r. N*? \ ork i-la ;' ith '"'
l;r-. i
(llbraltar, Ma- $ k i"? tlberi lOeri
Ne* rork fr>r i
.. ... ||
Mfl I ?-,-?.. iRn \. a \ rl
?>t mi. hael s \ii a ii . ?!>?. Sam
- ' ? rokohfl
i'i $ i' . , -'1 iltal) Nee rert ' ?
Oeni i Tth. li ,i n MoMke uOeri, N*?
rork via illbraliai i
May .". Brotttah .'nn e ?Bn Nea \ -
i , i . . .??;??
Indtan Vrin.-r iBr), Ne? 1 rk ? ., Rlo A*
anl ? ' Ma] f Bti itheek i Bri K*t*
Y-rk for RI II s,
arl, i Ma; I rr_j*? '<? N*? Xtttk
Monti ? t |e r ini i \rt >- i ra
, .?
rhrlatlam u Ma f. 8 ,. n ;?.
\au roi '*. for '' ipenhseen
Plaheuairl Ma, B, R 1'i \l inll . Ur,
? ? v..riv f. i l.lven ? '
? ;.i p iii,
S'-'ur. N S \\ \ll s Rtai f Austi
Kaa > '??... la 8t 1 In -ent, i* 1 M
? atraa
K ta Ma? ' Ka* ??''??? "Bri S'ea ,> ?? ,
v 1 ., -I- a-.i ara Manll <
Malta, 11*, s ' '. ? - i.
. t,, for Boaton ai i '??? ? 1
. ,. ' M |) - | ' : :.,. ? "??. s>a | ,
Malta for vrikoh,-... Rulyaaea iRri \--?
\ orh f?i i ?
M? ! i Imrelie iKori, t* ?? , .,
-? \ ii, lli
M ' ??..-,- a . Kr ? ,\a-. ^ ,? ?
M . ?'? M i ..im. \..,v ^
? bot ra
bura Ma i irneM imata >> n;ar, \.?
i rU tl 11 *si a . , ? , |
\ ?>
May 0, o o rri Ha ?? ????, ??. \ -.
\ ?
Rouloane May ? ? p ?? Rotterd im ? '?
Rotti ?. t . \...',
Na|ii?? M*) $ "aa i;i >vann ii'.. N*?
r , K f .>..,
i. ? i ?,?..? ii '. ' < iltali N ? > "rk nn i r? ? .
'!?';. ' ?
Phtel i? Ma ?*> " ? ? v , \
.?> May fl afiiian Prln e IRri. N
i, Mfl I. 7 a rn i lul ? . Ve?
V tk
Kn ?--'"i Maj '? ' ? le i>> ifrtaa s?? Vnrki
Ha ithampiori i ia Weai ln llan p art*
Menterldee, Ma< fl i~}<tn-n ll,'rn? -f-r' ifr..m
va? \ irki Bui noa 4. i.?
, ? ? M ? W artnitn tOet i Kee x "iu
...?.?'. Ma ??? ?: I iRri ifi "I" ? ali ii11.i
? mri N. ? \ rfc
Paullll Mfl I tli.'IS'.ii . K. . Nt. 1 ..rk
M i I- r**i n.i. ne il -. ?
Mgtei? f . v. tknhai '.i $ >? n? b ll
atr far aj .i.,n and Nea , ork
Ij;ii.i May v Iraqu la iBr>, \-? . *_ Bn i
la BflRM
ll ii^imi Ma\ ii araa im> ih.-i Kaa rortal
for Capa foarii, eic.
*** *-?.*? IORK> i?\nivfi THFATftF'
CfllT;.RION '"??
1R1NCI3 WILS'lN M..r,.'{^
MRS. FISKE -gjgg_.
*\\l( Kl'!it'i( KFR
?'??'?' i.i
? ?? ?' ? .
T ? UfliLl 1 Mata
(00th Performnnce
?in \ i
LITTI.I -,><
LAST J ?fS"***W"B tln?-,?.!> I? i.-n -
\4 1-il_ ''"" ''"'?rnntinn.il l up Hi -
WCCI.9 ?f M.ig.|rii? II H _ I ir ? t 4
?THI ?il Sll XI Kl \ I I ui
VtatiBflt. "i "
Tn dn
.-..,., IoS.'mi ' -"'* ?'?" N>? - ?
l-VRIC, ' ? - j- m
'ihe Jgiitso' London
l? W *i s
v. rv Mi. MiNT_LL 4i.t.,..,,? ... \.?*
i.,. i
i,iiiii? < raar
? i>:mi, l < ??
..:;',::;,_ TdePalkanPrinwM i
iilliini Colliir T^ :*:ir
::oiii ?.t rli n.rrTr.ti tt < ??
- . JlblilSH
!'.?'" .M'.\ i .
Law FkMa li..- riea-Pa-ai
-' isine l i .'? 11< .
V " v , The Deep hirple
- i
RsM'l aa]. ft r.n
I : i _'?"?'<*.? ,lr ... . ? . U
r ?- le. Mn- tno?l iiiil.;-,.- imi ,,... ?? i
.?> Mrnad ?;,? >
Ma ;? atlr,
TH: 3Nt.il St(
mi \ i rr
' I
1*, \ m\s llll ??"**'
I !rt t . ,; . n> ' II-. , I. M lll
P, *. L.
& E N E FIT |
i ui
nl IIM
rfSfflAJS ?'???'?'"?:?"?
_^^flflfl^rY?: *nr;;y*;:r?.; ]??&
maiame x.
Karamerstein's ?? ???"."? ,:AV '
; , ,' ? ...
kLH^m^[|::J,l r:r::'^
J-l -- .. MM -. rd.
VAIUM'3 -^
WAIUI M1T1 N1 v Lcrtaia Kan?
POMiNB-rl llll
' v ??IHE CONCg
rnr_*_ woki.u in ih\ l"'";lr0.iflfl*
tUcH ?.MM tn..-....ii '-';?*%
Ml>ii >>,, Iii-.i, .1 t.,u?rrifl llier"" ? |
Mii.if ?;'?:"-.",s... w"'***1

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