Newspaper Page Text
*n Nem^fltfc -t?t l \\I V 23*568 To-dar and to-morr-m. fa?r. *inn*r 'e ?norreaa ItajfM moderate. a-ar)able -ctaflav, NFU-YOHK. SATURDAY, MAY 27. 1911.-SKTEEN PAGES. ** PMCE ONE CENT lo ctte nf ve-a- **?* iT-m^a^aoaiBfll ll BB HEBj m nw ffaff Afjminis^ratiOP Wins a 'rgnt^hlp DiDlnmatir Vir.tnrv in Thpir Behalf. PASSPORTS ARE ISSUED |UiH of Secrptarv Knox'? Earp. -ecentation? to Baror Rosen fnr+her Russian Re fo-rn? Expected - . -- .. -. t ... MM = - aftei ata- ? Tha rafi ai _ . -?- - 8 notable lirlo f 4*4f thfl Unec ?,-,.-,-- i - na* nea ^?'-e ....-?' i la ? - - oa neei ru-Tva?*? ..?ne-?*- * ' " _ Ittg 88 HB** 4-,. rh* I . .- _? ? f.rat thlfl - j- t0 jea-s of ?.<? .- rh ln the eonrai ii ttine i I that 1 thor her paflav ?-.. to ..,.-- ra 'nar aa-itatera nay h* ex - - n df>ne in .v. ?_ ri r-ortaln ? . ? - - - pos-, . v ..,-??? i the pa .,_ - - the laal ob - al mg aa the ? -rmair. ..1' th? r-irdift - nf Ame-ricar lewfl reaai ? -? . ? -** the ? made h ? l - - tha* Baron R )eer ? - ? Still rpted ln F. ' - X the I ' !-1 ' ' ' the ' ? ' ' - ? ? ? llplO - ? I ri flrtvi - a to have Rua ? , . an Jeu s. ran -I.A.H ?-.<????? Inte 0M v . _. ? - . _-- -. the al - ' ? that she lotolerar I 8 l hnpe ??- - ina :arb:naer ... \taoEl -.-.. ? ? bor C SlttOB had - | na ' . _. - . - -eet_ ? - '? i*r- good rrue" FUhbi 81 * ? ? ? heard me amj ?*? "* ... - - i ' " .' ON --jQUIRY IN DOUMA. | '-?-- -c ? ? ii Den ? ? ? f tha | e *?^4 ? . loverament ef ??--.* I.wl.r lOSES RACE WITH DEATH aaaMffetir V-p-yv RupiVs B^V Hl<= r -- Hi* lo Hf>iprlal ?.t - --. - ? -_ ? u taehB ??*- ? Laraai aa-rer. ? ? '" I " ?? - J ?ar ... . . ? -TOUfM ? - . . I 'he bar*k *??-???. . . . . ?,3 a a ??'--. | .a Yiti* ? ? . . tbe ?aBaaaar?-1- | the -ase he r' ?'"4:-.? 4> fut-thflfl. ? -. aai aai >wn BABES IN CHURCH PEW Appdr^t Tvi.n; j, .. Tripr,, bv ? S'viifH'v Drraaised Won-.pi all ' " " were abtu - - - flfl ? . ? ? ? **'*? tahca t "' ? about >men ea.-h i n ' ? ind n*4-?r _7_, . ' " ' Btll I'* 1 ' fl- aave th? 8 Itll !rlrge (aa X?T OKE VOTT ELECTION DAY ^?aafj Citizena af Lima Peru. Quite hi-tlliai m to Con-rreasmen -?t.l m T ' ?* ?~r' .*'"'* " ' *r ?" ? *ba p7,?' *??-?." ajar!1,r* ' ' ??*- ar' flflM | u liW The Busy Man Doe< *h?*? i*tJ_*i rf buaaflgas provent vou fr"**rn read'HC \'o<ir rjg_fy oaD*?r a< ca**e fiijlv a<- you would wish} Ar' itnrortant i*etn you ovrjrlooked wi!i reacpcar in trxe rpview of the weel<'l npws which is a rcgula* r"ea?ijr*? rf fh*-* Sunday Tribune T. F. RYAN SLIGHTLY ILL Boil on Leg. Which Gavp Hiin Mnrh Pain. Is Lanced A rdtgbl PB*4*atkMl 'm. r><?r*'or~,*r*, ?n iaa f R4-an <m ToBsda: bi Mi s^?-* v. ;,? B*tffji avaaraa, bv P I G*?onr* P ?te*A-art For some time Mr K'.-ar har] b?en BIlffaiiBg f***on a bOll 041 | hls leg and the pair herame ao tr'a* thal he caJled io ''.'? Btaarart arhc - e<J H Mr r. raa naocfc raltovad last night. ??a rtecrstgl** sa'd tha* Um ?' '?' J araa rapldly haamng G. P. SHELDON DIVORCED Wifg OdJal Decree on Grounds of Habitual Intemperance Pv Tba Aafleetated Ptoot lg*e-port. ronn.. Mai 2fi-Ma-y Joaaphtna RMMeo, **r*fp of Qaorga F Bheldcna of \'?n- York. ohtalned a dl yrct **--?-. her huaband in the Puperlor -- hen te-4a: or rhe grovndi of h^bttua' infemperani-e 'reorsre Lauder. ? nephen- of Andr*?*.v <^arne?a. wa? rr*s -nt in cotan raaady to he a*Ua*J as a wit bul Mi aervlcea were not neoea ?; J;d?e Burpao grranred the de. -rr '. ... -.. ?? an-e ttmo tor Mr '.auder's teatttnoni M* wma i araya aoafcad.** said john ? launs, a n-.agazlne illustrator. ?:. ?p^akirc of gheldon. *'ther wttaaSBBB .Ull UUrst] hablte of bj a son of the former Phents F'-e Insurancl Com! 181 TAKEN IN DOCTOR'S OFFICE Police Sav Man Used Affiiction in Thieving" Operations. I ? ii ild he ?-is John R. Smlth. iraa arraitad laataaiij. on the gr ? d larceny ln the hnm- of S ffll! West 173d Dr Arthur Haverstrau of N'o. " -. " - I87i Btreei 'ia* tha int uar saya that or, M i; fl Bar 4 '>;:*ed hls offl re and aflked f.eitmer.r for an afflivtion of eota ,v*e medlcal pmfes- j affll.'tion was of a natur? that j a pho! graph **f lt a . d hr a s. ientinc : ing*nMata arara made. the | the patlent and hlmself lo have g - ???- Bttl al famt this polnt > a hli offl. ? to attend a Whi!*> he was abaent. ? rh*.**lclar.. Smirft de ? ?Jjtvi arattn of hooia, ~ l and a m.i'*'ope. .-?-??*? mformed all pl thfl neighborhood to be on watrh -.rTfl UM 88808 *3*tCB ld It OB Dr Sai'lne. thfl NUDEBODYFOUNDINCHAPEL Facultr and Students at. Alfred University Greatly Upset illtad N T Ma- M.- Th- plaring of - J h ;mar bod" ^n a piano stool, ln af AJfred Unlr*aT8lty last night haa ara upait rhe faealty and ?* .,.;. txgjgA .\? -rogramme p**epa**ed . . ? -.? - ? rn. rnlletr^. b?n poatpoi -*.:?-? in rraBpsctad ' ? i deed. BUI as * et th<* faculty has - rir.abie to g-t an* awrflnlta claawi v. - rea-veral days the gtudentii hara ?i BttUen mtXHj "?r 'he s'ljspens" r ?ahall team. a htcti playad , ... -r. . ? ? u Wai -??' ? b ? j: nbtalned p*MTnlMton. The ath eata teand manj lympaUilaen g thi ' "'-'' 4 rr, d -as made last mght t an jjj - . - --the toarn. Bnd a ?-4i 1 Lker "*rrr ^ne of the * ? altl s p^ature on 'li* Prof*t488*)r Annaa ol l 'he !-^'J. .- d1? " MAY ASK OIL REHEARING Morton gaUfhl MatfttHgly Dela*7 Dissolution of Standard lahrBg******, Mfl* 4a5.*-*Thi r'oa!rg . .-* r'.sent l8fV*J n' UM ?';' j rar.,r initl ' UM T'r.i***d 5?flrae 11*8 ! . ij.*aad _u*8fally tetr aoma ? ? . ? kj baa Bf ttN ?"?anda-d ,..,,.. of vr a -^.*. ,n a*)**<ord . .v-A covn ? SoyeAtiom *ha* 11 .ta* iaa f " ITaai bafoM tha -ar? a m-ior ter ? "? . ,* ha? b-er mad* by tha al ? that " Cbmpanjr arlll puraua tha oaual ctnirai U tha r*oiiri arlll nd .'^b,ir' Tb* **? u.? ? ? ? ? .. ? ,!',r. ?'. ? i-eci K'l? | _ WALKED SM MILES TO ENLIST So Government Payi a Mirh |U Lumbennan $1^ ^ -a. Itei dr ' 1884 . ? ? raai do*4" Ma a** '* ,,'1*0- for volunteeri and walkei and *no-* to aaaaat m tha A g0ver- aei ' r* m pa*r*ma for Btfl hardslnps **a, ?<J. bt Him *? A prarloi - M ot th- fraaaur ..- ?- ' -.i-? rgAiLLAfio_ VAN,LLA,Kc.H?c,?flL.A.TE - .gttgftea tht Btaa fl '? ,ha- i ea;es n z FROM CITY IN SECRET Pilnf Train Attacked on Wav to Vera Cruz. Where He Ar* nves Unharmed. MAOPID HIS FUTURE HOME Ex Pr*sident, Leave? His Palaee in Disfi-uiae. and Accom pamed Onlv by a Few Faithful Fnends. DE LA BARRA TAKES OFFICE Inanamration Ceremonies Brief md Simple?Netr Be-fime Arrepted "nth Confldence and TranquiJIit-*. M-x<<-n dty, |fai N ? Pnrflrir. Dlaa, af ta-horr for thi rtr years al! Mexlc BtOflal !-> p4to. |af1 the 'aplta! serretly ?ar!- to.da4 Onlj n fe*e da*e*Olad frtandfl whon* ae dared te truat fol lowed him te the statjrn at 2 n>]ork this rnrirnina. snnn after tbe ,-eir>hraMnn over his resiarnatinr had suhsided. He 4?-as bound fnr Vera,i'niz to Ball fnr Spatn. In the diataaea he ,-nuld hear the vol'-es nf a tor* ot th.e more enthust astio rltizens nh" aa-ere -r| , elaltnlnS the new Prnvisinnai Prealdent Franris or> Laaal de la Barra. and flho Itll e "Vivu Madero!" Si carefally were the arrnr'B-en.ents m.-irle thr- abdi'-ated President's se. rr?t ea* ape thnt the news did nnt be 4-ome publie untll late to-day Becrecy araa dtM lea* to apprehensinn of a popu lar nuthurst than a desire lo reacfa Vera '"'ruz before marauders al-nt- th.e routa rouid learfa of the trip Travrl berr.eon Mexice Clty and Vera Crua uaually \a over the Mexleaa Rai - road. a standard srauire Une with modern erjiiifrment. Ralis on this routa hoararar, hfl4-e freq-ientiv be*n removod of late h" bandlts. arho reera detenulnad that Diaz. for reasons beat knn-an tn themselves, Bhould nol leave the raplta'. They are reported to ha4-e be'.leved that Dlaz would follow the rxampie of some other Latin-Amenran Preaidents and - arry the aal b i funda aeray with him CHoce the Snfe' Route. There is a!sn a r.a-rr-,44 s;ai]|-e rallroad to the roaat. Taklns H for arranted thar Dlaz woulil take th? mnre luxunoua route. the band.ta did not molest the narrow go-ig* rnad. Prjr thla reason lt was ehoaea H'-' Diaz fnr his tnp p.iV.-,tp teirgrama reeetved here to nlght rrport the arr-h-a'. of 'ieneral Dlaz at Vera ?'r';z ar | o'clock this afternnnn Aixordlng to these advlreg Genera Diaz b^ardr-d the Tplransa. a Haml,-:-a Amerl'-an llner to-night The Ypiran,*i ll dtM to sail south lo < 'natzaroal'-on rn. merT -. gin n???; rai :-? 1 \ er? and Ball for Europe on Wednesday. Railmad reports ra**flri*/ad to-nlght say tnat the DirLZ pllol rram was ctopped bv trsuraents beloa* Jalapa V'-- learnln-j Its purrose they permit'ed tt to pro ' rpet\ One repo-* ls that ?*-?r ?.oldlers u.r. killed and four wounded In a neh* arhaa *h.e "-ain was stopped N^n* of Tr?e three tra'.ns fluffered OthaV dr-la4-s Correapondentfl at Vera Crua long i slnne trave up Bttemptfl tn -ransmlt In formation over th* federa! Ilnefl parl ...... . ? -.-? 4- rj had to do ?..,,, mnttera aiuch *he go-rernmant -.a t- rarnatn tjnpuhltahed Preaum j Bbry, D? ia Par'a and tha hlgher gov ! ?rnmer*a! offlctalfl ha4-e peer, ? ? ia'a movereenta bu* their lips are ' sea led ra every ttotall Dren Arnerleana . _, - ?- ? -??? a I thfl road ha??* Ibeen Impretfetd orftli lh? ne-*4*eeitj - tainlng Blictnea f-T?r..-..^ Dlaa atni feeb'e fron -??s -'? bla hom? under d*ear- e - ?_ ? tarro- Pain had fallen *&r lai - | ? and ky the tlme the ax-Pre-jtdenl amergad frora his hn.jse th- -dr a <a ctifllv H? araa eloaah mufSed Te ald ? -? aiflgralaa * borTowed autom -*-c? uaad Tha trip 1 laa Laaaro ptatlon araa made over anfra Btreeta r. , prearra zr I "- - ii '.,a laa* i wera ittered along *h.* i. ^rtaln pc tu mm fnends ef ... ? - n? alaf Esaeut n ludlng . _ M arh tn " bt ompan: him acrosa 5.... ? .. | tha Dlai ? mobilc TH'? Tra ina I aad T4-^?e tralna a*ere 'j*ed th. -.c- , _ . .. TWe Dlaa BpeeloJ train followfl . ,v,.,ri trarn seeupled b: ? dflitflvehmant -,. tb4 ^."??h Infantr brought np the r.-.r "rw? cara of the ??-?"' ? ?? ~ -.?rr? uttupiai* aa follr>-a*a r.r.. -.- Traaaral aad Mra r"*' "'r POTuan Rubk de "r*r*'a. Coloiiel Por - . ? ?- n Ann !.!?'l"r,1'" *. i and 1 aalr fau-fllUefl a ,. fjanara :"-M-napdinn ,'"'r,r! ?lanuel 'rnnzaW CohNM Ignta Maj ? Eeplni ^a Rimtlart i . || ..... . r-44 r|.n, .- ? 'tilOUt orr\*r* for feflr 8 | ? mlgbt 1 . in,l zet aea b of the fi-. ? ??-.. 4t thfl "..?nt renten King Alfonao < "nferre,) , ? | r.iade him an hoi ??? f ...... Bltlag 1 lha Bi ? ? lan , .-: ? ^rwinlsh, ai<1 ? ' - ? ' *. v4i-.Did Bad ihe ">?-? : "" Infl4i-jur"t,0n of Oa Ifl Bflrrr. Tbe mauguration to-daj of Bef rrj as pr?>4 Islonal Prealdent 4'.aa a '* -rrpylng anhr ten mlnutaa ,. ...,..e? 10 the spertat . nv,,..,i do4an Av. da Cla ? bla -riend. 1-- ? bafora ba ? ? ihe Nai rai* *' ' CoatiBU-,1 cn aeeood pafle \f\r OF thf PARIS-MADRID -*EROPLANl RACE AND rHI WIN. ' ? WIATOB ^Sg*-*-v"* =4jrit rYaa*a*aBB*B*2-**-aTk_? M ANO MAMED BY ELIZA8ETH TROLLEY HI Boy Dead and Six Men Are jured in Queer Series of Accidents. FIRST RUNS DOWN TAXI Lad Fleeing from Irate Man Meets Death?Other? in Reg? ular Cab Hurt. Hurrv. in? to Rescue. B Telagrj - TTa* Trtl ? te EUst-heth. N J. Ma-. N A trol i ran Through the ?tr*- I t ter* e-entng <-3nslnt: ha' ? " ? r' ?V,-e (tl 1' '.-*-?-' t .'"??-.' ' pleted lt a ' tha WHlag ,-,f one bo* ar^ * II B' " . ? .-. -,*? ati men - ni of .,-.,- ' ? | ? ? i gad that 1 ar wa eedmg ai ln order I - :? Bchedul" C iBralBd ... . . totratax t th* ear Tp>. ..-. 8j> =-,-r^! otrt thr? even n -line mto ! ? ' an^ . .? V.. T-c-r 1 on Rriei- ir ? and r '??3'ii*r of 1 - Rheli aith threa that i runnlng aii laal tb at ? - ? ? |.?? ? - '' " Into Easr Jer-e- Btreei I lr rharga f *U . ?? Rhelnold W .UrthurT ' ? ? ? I .->a?* *4C***or4lng i e.c. grtHdent. V i laaicah an ? tha alde b! Um tr I - . 5. .. ?- .- ? ahlelea ? i--'""4 .tion The for eolll , a . rrraat that ' . -ar--^ arare 1 .( itreet htal ? I ' ' ? i car ~ ....... ? -- ? --?.. z atAtro aad thara patehad ridM TrafR( b tha trolli i ? ? - Iftafl rgathlfl atartad hla ?- Ir **,-aa more thar I " of 'h* bo* ' ? u algh! - . >ntra ='r?' aaa t**i Rom4| Th.? tln boftot ra* ? ... t. ?? .c >-..-? tt la aa that ..--..-- Bg ' If tpaed wtttaj to tha 1 rBt ? <i i .,.,, ., |nfl. te re**** ? -??.*?- th* d , nMri ?????: thaatr gtreat ? -*" th** doorbaepat - ,ha?ed -.< ? gjAd ta tha Btreei boys ra ond th* bat m ? ? dari .,,?.? ?,lSt -I* '**e -- ,-a ti--. bael bb 1 ' ' "" ? ? ?- ? ..... ; . ? n loi ^' on* of Ing him ?--?? \ larga rrroard gatherad lt *h<* ?*r?*? fron gry I ?At tha ' '" i ,,niv after tha rrtva f 1 poll "men .... rei ? ? | ||g ii-". -.;?-?' aad t*i.'phoneii t?> hla atal ., ? ifcl him and his ?'???? ! ? ?'.-?-?' af 01 ?! lam?? ... ? inft 44?r? in tha rBJTiag ' ... . ? it ,he acena of Von Rh* ? i klng pla in th* <? i ? igl and the horse b?rinr. fllghl H-* started to r-ir iway, ind afoa paararlatM lo hoid him bi liftg a;oina* ? blo. k and i hilf. 11*081 anl Kl I ?\?re ihroarn lo th* atraei ?i.jured Th< Bwraa ? bloek i furl l 04*. |. ' ... .ry l ? ..--;. Aegcifjra B'tteri b'f . - n .? \: ' II. PMELE'S WiDOW KILLED IN AN fflDENI Struck by Motorcyclc. Not a Bone Is Broken, but Shock Proves Fatal. AUTHOR OF MANY BOOKS WriB Returnin-* Home After Visit to Mrs Bravt.on Ives?Rider of Machine Arrested. hut Paroled. Retun a 1 her li - l * : ? '? ' i-i-v. itreet ?-? night Mr Parn lonel Theod ?re : . ? . ? - - - - ? ? 9 rta avenue and Wa I ?" Atreet, ._.-.. - Mn Pannelee! j ?. u Btruck B glanclng blow bj thi china ard thr' f Ita aheela, but her ?.-??? tra and th iddli ..... r. made ? fatal one for her I ( rid-r of the rnacl a i Vt -.- ? -v | ' t IXal atreet H< ted at ob ? ? ? .... - . ? - ? | ? ?treet poll ui to Mra ? byatandera wb ting for af Dr Baer. of P tal. Tha bai .- | number of thi a al rf*orta to real to ... r ... . thai ? ? ? ? . . ? . - ,. r - - ?._--~ araaarreal ? - - | T . c - .-. a | ? .?-? ...... .... ,. . a n htfl rmelee . j . ? car 11 Mr red for - ? ? I* x I ? ?' ..- i ?? treet. a ? , - VI - . ? , - . putl ? ; '? M ' | er ol , ?? ? State '? - ' ! : ? Rua ' - ? ig ? i ?'.... - . il?Ke _?-' DUEL? WHY. CERTAINLY! Oritic GYir\\\cr\sr<*<\ hv Bartmami Ifamai Darninp; affeatH r aa ; * - ' 0f An ' Uie m'T | ' BT from. fl Ich tbe erlt . . Iffuelli lenK" - . ? ? ,. ? i r HflUi it i bi - Mlehli ? ? ; .'?'' Lppfl r the damlni ? :-?her Itgtl ' l inl to I . PIKRRK VEPRINE ?'?* .ier mountains and fourh* ef a .avage *agie ln his long rlight. French Aviator. Worn by Hard Mnuntain Flight. Arrives in the Spanish Capita!. CASH AND KISSES ALL HIS H13 Rivals Do Not Finish. Hence He Gets $30,000 in Prizes? Kin*? of Spain Confers on Him High Decoration. afadrlrt tfai -'" Plerra Vfedrfna * - French avlal - 'ompleted r-? -?;.*- the mtain flight in ' ??? ? i ? 'mm Parls ro Ma nid ? r-nfght la ? of th*? Spaniah capltar. <~m th* are; of hls 'oat hang- th- CroOO of the '"lrder 'if \ '' Esaiaad for par* IgV ? : tl-.emseh'es !n the aJtB aad I* wam pl thi hand of *he gpanlsb mon an aud'-*- e fanted ? arm': shook hls and r*OTJ4*T8tulflLt8d hln' on his brav iad Bfterward engaajsal him ln aa? \er?anon for an hour. N'?*drln? <*ompl*ted the laat ata?*' of ?he .. *f 140 miles from EhMgOO tn the avlation fleld at G-tgfe. in -' hours and 4*> minutes. The honors and amolumenta of the great nterna fmna. *' ghl E * Big t^ btm ' - .... aithhl thi fasrn^s? of rhe Pyi'iuiaa M near Andoatn, ar.d ?? ? -. - ? otJker eetnpeUtor aban doned the rar-e thla afterno-m at Btirgoa trong a bai a ? mpanlad ?-1 - -??? - fjHharl ma': -? "ff.-irt to im?h '??'- uagiitla, arheta hc ut nlghl it 7 28 i** k this lnornin-r and fl |8V8 ttg rhe race .-.r ?_ " i^fternoon Th-- dlatanca i-ov.r.-. ?-'.'?.? ' 1 - .* one ? The offl' . ? - ? Vedrine'fl ":ght of .. ? . .~-e,'T(,s ,72i mllaa) betaraan m 27 ? nutei ?;- : thi nuim :- 11 . -g repatra . -- ' ???-?: et,' HlS a'-"ia' tim* - ' 12 itb 18. 1 Bt a rat ilxty * jn_. . -.???? --- t over thi letafa ind ?rc ighi tge to thi grandii l \rVo-*? b> Perjlnus Fl>gt*t ... irrlTad 8t tha --par.' ? from ' 1 ' " "? 0 elock thli ra ... . . ? ? Irome --?'?-?' -? hard; 1 Ig* that be t'lmr*"! '" " ? and .. . | .... the gr ' ? reat 1 raahad aav hoarever ? ?>??? ? . . . | ti ra ilng ?* -? 1 araa a ared .. | ?*)?] kl88**d r?p* ita ' - ? i - 1 ? ii* n aa 1 flight aaa ara *e r?. ...... . . , .. ,. . ... ,-. raar*p**artng 11 th? Prencli ?red rhe mi888g8l ? ?? - had broug * '? : '*"? rratulal ? " ? -?"-*?- T 1 Ufttd . .... ' BurgOB IB - ? ? I ' - ... . . ? . - ? - ' I .. . .. n , I.OrtO feel - Rlg ..?<.,??.? ?? 1 ? - ontll iu ter i" ? " ?' ... . ,. gtited 4viti, 1 | ? ' ': Forttad to Outwit an Eagla. B large eagi Thla ..... , ? ? ? .......... .' iBMwntalni ta >astiie. one af tha r-eakB ' I " -????.'? .-., ? .-? BBgJ ? B 'iaa a ? BBg m Bnd agam ti ' - 1 Hi Ita po*??! 4, ."ilauad ?***. thlr* pag?. ' EXTRA 3:30 A. M. Or IN RU1NS BY FK 1 rlmm Startmq at OOOT End of Resort Sween Thrmir-h the Park. THEIR RUSH OVERPOWERING F-ve Alarms Bnn?7 All the Fire Fighting Apparatns With in Reach of the Island TNCUBATOR BABIES PERISrt Wild Animala Die in Their Ca*jaa? Water Played on Lnna Park and Snrf Avenne Buildings in Ef fort tn Save. Them D-earrlar.rl UM largaarl ? *EEEm ? parka al Ccaiey WBvaA *oa aeraaal ith ? itarted about 2 15 i rrorntng aad "rtaaalily dened tha ?'? fort? of the entire COBBI ?' : Bffl> fltrhtinsr. fea*C? aad Baaa* ' "mranie- ' x.rr* WOtti ? ll fTOBB P"n' I Th- naunaa had 1 ??? pomea boaaa, nr-.,! t **r ? id araa io rapid Btader fh. brapetua of b brftflB ...... ai frara -*a x"?an. n ftfteen or tarenty mlnutes H BO> apparaat tha ""?", r',;,r* n 1S Bd _ ..,-.. - . ? - *a me I tinv, that P ;n Baa groap j aaere ? - . ? | b-a?r -rtatbta .--??? t at aea aa It waa [aland j ra trual todoeurei Thraa j the flames. but erogA B*e4 aahga med.'-a! j heip Btrlvfl-a, ??? hiie the other thr-- aaaa burne 1 lr the tdlng a ro houae them lo far ' '' ? v" .... . JV.-. . -red anaong l ployes of thr pa - ra a auri - th? nlghl Thr ?--.-?? ?" ar end of the park ne-ci to tba ocaa ?ald to ha ... .. . i gt ifl Fo. I E .... .... , ? .v... ? as turnfl : ..-...-;, aalwra ... aad i ten tha fleetng 1 . - -he firemei I - B uaea - . ? rl tled tha tiaa lg parat - ? ' i aaal ..,....?? ' ? -un ?-?nf, ,.? -ave ha-k a rudd! -' ? ?* f'???" ? ,; ' ? .... - ? i hea .......... lo-ar, ?aaa ..-.. to raad Bbb . . - . 1 ght | ri aerj ? ' . the park frant _??- ja ?- thi Fl- ?-*?. Aa?,'C Te ? * ? ? tea-af ... bi tha t. . ?- at rted aal -tttbre paai ......... , ruflhad to thfl " '? ' ' le of tha p . - FTytni ' '" ":<H land, fl I ? fctnd ad ...... ? Ma r,c bava . . ... | ... ... 4 v. htch ? i rate, aoeaj a ? -ide ...... I t Biflflj i a ii ra> tta botar this niorii ?.. I. \ Tliompaon'a ?ceate rallara the p< aei I aaaa the row. ? i freea hataat li n Incubater Bcbe* Penah. The ajrai akana ?? ta turaad la kp James Lil 4B, arho aa-* ting 1 ? ? " er baaaaa Shed l Berond. then a thlrd i:d fourtb ar*-"*1 ' brlnglng ?"hief LaRy, of Breehlyn, iad Deputj O'Kaafa ? i. ?"h.i-ae Captain Rabtnaori ef the ? ona folaad poHefl -? i . ?-, |B I B ill ?'!