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Matter*s p Furthcr Notes on the Great :1 Fxposiiion at Rome. Roaaa, May & . ter I have siK.kcn of jn** ?' . . the work ahown in *<??*'?'", [tallan and Britlah pa a*'**'1', ...t expoeltion here. (A~ ttx* ~V,nt fr?m th" "*' .*theae la *',,% P*bwe of Oerman P eaje bulhltag hi Imareaaava in ter. of auch amplc . ,'-.:U ,| turoa hang in a Bln .paced. l.iko moat of n tha fair rrrounda, r1'1''^,..., rtaff. The cntrancc por ted by a ******?, dark I? ** ,',r..r.-. rtuadrlga, and athea ,-? ,ta tha structure. moat Impreaatve , gh. white doeae orna- ! MJJ^, ... i Iu BrtenctlUna;. Bc-j a***r0 J * handsomc opon rai ade on its -?? . y poric columna The baaea of er part of the court Brasta on black the columns. of varlegated ?" le a baata of run mtra of 4\nich nses Greek equeatrian 1?i* I Itiofl at the Metro i : ? en so rracant that : rall very elearbjr ita i^erlatica. Many of the same plct" arrfarid there are here dls r trospoctlve rooms, fifait l ini ? th **?* Rrcrn F,lk t " te a I i h ls a very effective gold , have gathered an ng of thelr deeeaaed Thc Acbanhacbet Von Dicz. CVLilbl Von Lenhach. I-offtx and fi!-o -.prescnted, and there ls Menael. including "T?er ^Oarten dea Prlnaen Albreohf landseaca, with houaaa 1 lylng on the the trees. --as ahown ir. ?.., Muaeum aoUeetlon, though painted in 1846, , . ri;s as a maaterpleca of open ,. 14 ? a-een ent la of _/!rt rnintcd historicnl piofire. On the alde v.alis. flpacod, nre xvorks bv LailO, Munkacay an.i othen. in the wttiea of ! followlng gallarlaa is one contalnlng only launllt pictures. Tbe WaRfl are eovopd ivitii light cilmson brocade, whlla the j floor has a FiiMiiaiiv Unted rng. it is j nstonishing. the feellng of brililant light ! "tio haa In thla interi.-r. line thlng no tJcaable ln many at these gallarlaa is tho varud eoh'ratinn of thg backgrounds. and almost avary tint can be found ameng the different cnuntrlce. The building o**poalta is that of Scr via. This Ifl ir.d.ed a xvonder house'. lt ?Nrg be .\rt. but nona like It have I ever B4 "ii or dr. amt of* Txvclve caryatidos M.pjort the l"w roof of tiie cntrance | hall, heada <>f men and women with bodies of birds nnd aniinals. A sculptor by tbe nnmo of Ivan Mestrovic floods the galierles arlth his extraordinary lvork. Ono colossal group consists of two nude xvomen. unattractive in con ceptlon and execution. There are some large arall decorations hcro by Raeki, rcprcsenting Servlan legends in Hat tintg. The room containing modern palntingw is quitc beneath notlce. There is indeed much xvork at this Italian expositlon of such vulgar and obvious sensationalism and so extrctnely low ii. the scale of art that I l.ave not considrrcd !t xvorthy of mention. AT THE BATHS OF DIOCLETIAN. The Raths of DtOCtetJai), ln Rome, are fllmply a aplendid towering mass of anclent brick and mortar. those ancient Roman bricks, tinllke cjrs ]n that they are long flat elabs of bakod clay, over a foot ln length, eix or seven inches broad by an inch and a half in thickness. Pilcd one upon another, with a heavy layer of comont between, they tower in great vaults. covering acres of land and lm prcsslng the modern mind with the 1m mensity and vastness of Roman luxury in the first century. Thcrc are no signs of tbe ri-ohness or splend"r of the past, save in ar. a and height. \V? think that we ahould find the rulns of Imperial Rome pilBfl ol marble glistenlr.g in tbe Italian ght, and great ta our disappoint mer.t xvhen we eee but dull black and TIIE OERMAN" PAVILT0X AT TTTE ROMAN* J*"*" POSITION. # (From a pbotograph.) the miianlBlim of the Emperor Hadrlan, [ now known as the Oastle of Bt Angelo. j which stands on the brink of the Tlber as the guardian fortress to tho great shrine of St. Fl ter. From childh'.od we j hava BD known thia round **tlfl of an clent masonry with its bastion block lowar on top aunnountad by the atatna of the winged Bt Michael shrathlng his ; ...word. Long was it known as the splendid tomb of Hadrlan until in DOO, v hlle Pope Qreefirj was lcading a proces sbn to Bt. Patai*! to pray for the crs flBtlcn of the plague, h? eaw a vision on the top ot the eastle of the Destro.ting Angcl sheathlng his sword to signify that j the peartllanca would eease. In com-j n.emoration the statue of the archangt 1 j was crected on top of tho pagan Em- ? rerr.r'e tomb ar.d Its name has gradually , rhang**-* untll we think of it only as thfl ' praperty of '.hc Avenglng Angel :? maaalva circuiufcrence of pond l r->asonry einbrac4 3 nll the Btylea cf Ro THE HTNGARIAN PAVILION AT TUF. BOMAH BXPO?lTION. (From a photOgraph.) :pe:r.?ir.c. Frar.z sf; k ha? a small reMbely to I Ima* If, In which oev i m H | ta are dhq layed, ar vtth a ?:? nf hla brtmaea. Cor Ita kaagtnatlon of Btuck mi;*t m ': o] hon t he is an ? | :-?:- whoae "(Jlrld" 4i?s rr .. h admired ln New . hasa mai - showing the interlor thatre boa, with light again com an t<:"'w. Mbaeden l of tho grtat vtgot of eodern Oerman gehnal. it haa 2| Ur gway from its period of ro t ar.i :: ? I tOMlltit I 4vhJch : 4-ith the early Ifunlch *ve. It? roalism to-day ll *. aaatem Taate ar.d detteavey ai ao v.. Beflnement gggaj ? g, but there is no *?' tt? ann ? ms to bava . ? ? vr- .-:? : Vto bbbj . jgrht and Wltb MaMot an equally ' ' - on thr< ? i ?v*d . .with Btatuary. I as white 88 " ? ? vteri< r. rht 1 - Many of the ? ? ? bfy i? nttnga of Mn | evldeni held In ? ? . ? ? ? n'airis tor - - ' .... * ??'-?? - ? ? , ?? ? :- '?<??. the enl ? ?' ? *? tti. The ? ?? ? Md mabogany fun .n over , v *ef r. Q Wi '%*f''r SaXary i v ,.? ^**Am\t* ? art Aueti aome greai "a J , ;""i dlmen - ' ?rall opp. . "*b) 8 large, fl, hrownlsh tnaaaea of piled up brlck ar.d mortar. In the daya of their magnifi bathfl ac-omodated 1 it is statcd that forty thou i wi ra . ii.;!- yd ln thelr arera ome entlraly cov cred wlth a venaer of wlorad marble.1 a i of n. tant Rome was a clty a ti.ii, ? ? m ..- ? " ? irbl of whlch has long alne< been torn off and , ,t t , ? ther .,- laavlng but the rulnfl "f ii" :r Bkeletona it ta ? rtunatfl thi tth ? ? "P ""* Uon haa hit upon thi Idea of utlUalng thla i place in whlch i" hou? ??? portlon "f its .hoa Thi cramhllng ?ai!s hava been fortlfled, the IntaHow I -? I ea ri soed of rubbl h and a <-.ti and ordorl of the influencfl ol .., H,,me on its nun ?????? wlonlea has been InoUltad under tha able direc Profi mi : Lam lanl. Mueh las 1-:. |?thai "1 trOtE th- COl onleaon Umgoutharn -d-oreof the M terranean-ptaflter modela of ffl aa, amall ra***mducUona of templea and pai >,,lM, gnd fraginenta. Boma f? rn-d photoflrraphfl lln? tha walla rapra aenUna tha rulna of Tlmgnd Many of neal modeta ol modorn r.-production ,.t from th.- atelien In Prance and ? ,heyaret"-da,skilfully manufactured for aale to m-iaet-ma and .... - . over. Thla is par tlcularl) noticeabta In the caaea contaln . . ;,, reproductionfl of anclent krtaa, ." ln gold and allvar ;..,,, ,..?,1Z.. Greek helmett of axqulalta dals Of whi.-h WB t "f marble gladlatora orlginata ttom whlch theaa are , r-ratterad thmughout the nw ; ne and ?"".- far tOO i. .. "i" .. ? to ix aven to ao lm* ponant an exhlbltlon aa thla Q ilta tha . uon nl tt, Batl - - ? ra the Oreek -fov-jnimant of raproductlona In fuU rla* *" , .. .... - . ? med .-. Commenclng wlth. ,-rfthatttthcen.tury I , . , ,,,,. human BgUTfl BBM niad to reaembta raora - ' ' ,,:" "' , , - lon m .. tviathi - * ?xampleaol tha beal Graok ?r1 down to ? nd the tn ' ' \ ? <? nndeapn ln th. ? ? ? ald thaaubl ..." re motefl Niof Phldta t" :"- nt and r< I PU) of i">";"' f?*,taJ . | , Khlbtted al tha Bathr. la larga one, though rajatterod ovat .i it ahoi .... recenl an I i I . ... an Idaa of tha vaat ..,,, mlhi. !."? A'",x I thi objecta ahown, hoa e gi nd. ir <>f the : and ii,. ii ck-aBifli ln l ' i ihe,r mafnlflceni und i ro* "?? ' than eould aver b< tulned before or ta m.tK. a.,i.- ln vlaltlng tbe bathfl of CBt*-at-alla on the oth v.:..' ii an n ")? BTtBtki ln ? ?_ THE CASTLE OF ST. ANGELO. , . | , emorlal on< of tha . ;., man attra< Uoua h^ BBBB Iman building from the beglnnlng of tbe ' 1 chrlatlan era down to mod< rn aho' and ticket s' '.llng ofltcea. Tl ? Ingepulty Of thc Italian mind ta | utlllxii feature of its h bi d evi rv monument avallable ta ? a [bance the attractlona of thla flral Bo man expoaltlon haa nol ovcrlooked tho t attai b< d I ' thla old forti v.hi.h haa been everythlng from tomb tn fort and prlaon, from fort to pa] ? racka, general Bl ? mi Onally mua* um?Ind* ed, it coi i.. taki n awaj ll i*1 far too ponderoua, whleh to fortunati Fbr the modi rn luilan la bul a allghl reepei t< r of hle tory., menl i '?'? ? H aa tradli nmvt i. m ng the I ii dli apa this d Bome haa I tend agalnat, and about everythlng I ? been irried off. that could ho uaed a real fllght of stalrs ln mountlrg to thc top. HOfflOl and vehlc'.es could go to the roof, ns lonjr Inclines lead wlndlng through the Varloua shells of the vaat BtrUCtUra, Jiere nre gathefed as in ? irrandmother's attlc, all kinds Of deeply IntenBtMng Old curlositlos and trlnkr-ts? from ponderoua itatlonary eioaehowo that hnrled stonrs and were worked hy great wlnches, to delhate Etrusean JOW (iiy. A room of ccstumes dlspl.-iys. not over, well, some beautiful dreaaei of the six b . nth <?? ntury. b* ald< i *naa*totratee* rOhea and papal garmenta of aurpaaalng ajtlen dor in anclent velvete, the raaiiherry and vlolet ttata >f which aeera unchangi ' II..-.V thoaa Venetlan and Genoese vel-j '. eta 4> t re ma.!" s.. . ndurlng In q is marvelloua! Well up in tho caatle are galli ;i- s of ahoi s n iton I ;l>' "?";, poaalble t" thi ir period An 8] "<!; g black gown and i road whlti lar, arlth a aultable flfteenth century . ? t< nam ? Burrounded l ?? cruclbl mortars, araa soiiinir pomatui ia and plllaj ond amall vaaea contalnlng sweet smoii-j Ing liquid st .i rr Near I r n?aa a barl i - ahi p, with aii i's uti nalto of the M Agos, a-hli h wa parior aa well, P.n.i 4\i' ?. i ? "i l< v rrel I and onerated Up i! ;-.-? -'.. II as ah. At tha t'.p ari the apa i i hen tha fn i ?- and ''n luaur f the i iut. < . geous to the e; ??. the body muai . . on v. Inter d i) - in thoi ?...-.. i mw oaly one . -i ? nork of greatei I rt : ? ' ':' bat ? ? ? . eval arxor, ? - . hibltion of 1 l,an en roducl . ?' . ? . i of i . and to B the hial practlcally thi h I :? ' tb* otber, all cleai -1" l forth. C \KK' '1.1. BECKWITH. A GARDEN IN A CAGE. From Th* Mam to at< r Oui rdl in. The ,,..., ,- garden which Ihe m ml* I naiity -I Tokl ? gave to London ai l . . i the exhlbltlon har be* n put on riew ln thc corner ol Batter ea Park ., the AH'.it Bridge, when noa the wonder ol i . n from tha d wky hlnt. rland to ? ., th. II ba i I I -""?" o - I, ,,, which it is wh?x led ln bad w? il ? dthough one would think thal weathi r would nol much harm ita tough lon The mlnlatu ' now, i : ln wanl - - :' ' '- ll Uttie "tired" after IU ai i ? atat< n ? a . rd? Buah; Ita d tinl banka of ;..,.k Ri b bltti ii. Ita ur.- tak< rar p i; ,, j,|. Bul the bi inted treea, Hke ,--. |ni * .,. t aatoniahini rather than lovi ly have nol turni d a li af. P< ?* ?>f them an leaa tl in ba a cei.Id, ar.d on* doll'fl hou* llttle th ni ? ? elghl -flvi Bprli g haa noi touchi d thi tre* ra '":* I Japan* ahowfl 1 among I tiny 1 ' . ' iould ?? I ' I 0f tr. .-h glldlna on l roof and f, r a ia ? eplng In IU hand hlgh rooma Tho garden on Ita wh< ed tai Incloaed ta cage and ml round with -Mn: *-i:i:viax payii.ion at thi: iioman exposition. (From a photograph.) <n any way. In the aprlng cf 1?*.m> nll Europe united In urglng thal thi , ,, ? ,r of Wlcholaa v, faclng ,,n th- ii'-". ntdghl ba apared, bul all . .... ia valn, ao tha atreel Bl ,. . ,-di ol Uw Tii... waa drlven ,_ fronl ,,:? st. Ang.-i" and much of tha ?,,.,,,, and beauty of thal great pila ... ,?..i foraver. j ike the Bathaof Dlca-.letiau and Cara , ,, hai ^g been fltrtppad ef Iti ?'/_',, oi Mia.i.i'. arhlch bava gonfl to lir;(. -jaa interlor of churahea and palacefl . th- greal nu ? of dark atone. r.k am. cemenl blackened bf tlma ,. .11 ,,i ,,ii" Bubetance, aui "":;::;:? b anom -?*?? towen ,.... ;;;?;;; .,.,????...-. Th. tothetlmeofda, and Ita crachad .ndqaartei ,"1" -, nn ol .- -wrl paved Bq-rara. ""i",; intn "'' and gel "" ' ' "? ??? i ? "' " a0 from om ;;,.;:,.''..:'???? ? . i ? ,?-,- dwarfa in pota, one of th* m now I f,,r the Bixth th time or ao p ittlng n ? appli llke blosaoma. II to all a pn tl Bhow, bul lt doea oot llluatrata properly the .!? ? ? ? of th da irt gai .... ,[.,| an Tb ae gai l< na are alwa - ?? ... i in n latli n to a palntad mln landacape baokground completlng the plcture and gtving tha dealn d III talon of dlstan. ? . in the i ark thla afti i no?>B the i i ,;.. ? :t? i prolonged ? irprtolng line of almond tn 11 along tha rn, r ajid<. in a ly plnk and gl n loua In the aunahlne, among thi 1 ial oi hawthorna. Thi*. t-iuht gave one tha . , i ,. i.... .1 ahoi k ol .1 Ing and In tbe i half-bare bram to ? ol tn ea b< bi Bat I us) In i and t thell fluffj i. ' GLASS THAT WILL NOT BREAK. Ki.iin The Lond m <;!"1" i-.j,,, arat Frani a, I ta the honor of , roducing th- tii ? |laaa tl al la ur bn ak ,, ... | "f cceot i h. ii.--.'. |.. kaa i.,. n Bucreaefull) appla >i to tho ol tomp ? hlmro i f*u uaa In ,..| Ul.|i - . ontainlni > ? ilamp, ? B ? lt have ai i ln Incn aalni lha ? lastd Ity <>f , . Kiufi This t . mpllah by magni la nnd oahte t-. thc or 1 olnarJ ?!, Slul t'l-"1.*-. ART_]N_r\ARIS The French Artlsts and Some Other Bc-dies. Paris. May 2. The ll'Oth cnntial Falon af the French Artlsts contalns o\4R2 numbera in Itfl .-.talogtie. There are more than three thouaand patattnga ar.d draarlngfl and nine hnndrad worka of M-iipturo. lf ona beais in mind that just now, exclu shc of tiie exhiblt|r,ns of Ingrcs and the Dutch aevantaanth eenturf rna*rteri an>i of amaller ahowa thera are more than nrt.en thouaand ixtcturea on vlew in tbe tWO great sal'.ns. and ln those of the humorists nnd Independenta, the prodlg loufl Bprlng Bli "*"*"*dU*?tlon may be ap r, ,1. Tn- beal waf t" deal wlth th,- Balon of tho french Artlsts. a is tho official art falr "f tha year?a sort "f Baatllfl of academic palntlng and r ire?is to tak" a brisk hand gal lop ihr.,ug!i its fortf-two larga rooma Bnd around itr a, re ar.d a half Of stati . ?-. architectural dealgna tr-ravings a- ,i .1.- oratli. ecta in pcrrcelaln, : ?.,'.-.- ood and textiics. t Impoalng an.i perhapa th" Dneat work is thal "f M. t'"tm.-n, who has palnted for th- Petlt Palata thr. - celllnga and t.-n larga panele, praaenUng ,,., Bubdued t< Bra '?:' blue and oranga the hi tlcal hlatory of France the Gallo-Roman perlod to the preaent day. m coi on haa developed wlth wonder ini j.. ? ? r aad barmony bta conci ptlon of a . ky, "'he , louda of ?? t,. borrow the palnter'a own de. s' ripl lon, "reaolvi I i Into ele i and of eventa " This i, i.i" is masterfully carrted out ol htatory ta thua alm : it< ,1 x\ith t ifl happleat t. Th" flgun s form pro ?: n rai la through tha ng ta 1 t of thfl Ui ii. in the i entre la I oath ln tl '''? nn i Co irt Nai . ; \- -. ml ly and Con ?? people, draj ,. .. i ? ro the !? ft ? the RevoluU. n." ln I :,. . r ipd, Chai tta < "orday, llmo. Talllen, Mme. rU amlar, Thdrolgna ,]. y. i, "T, n .'ome ,. e v wlth 1 hawtte aad La r la uelln. On hlgh i | ? Bon tparte and ? ? \ maller ted to 1 exploli ;, : '; .. ? Un, Jeanne d'Al Louta XI, Hi nrl IV, Rlcl XIV, ' tc. Ct lllng N ? 3 '!? ,,,,?!, i -. progn m. Human Intelllgi ni ?? , the Mlrror of Truth. Thi re I gun a of Ingi -. Corot, Balxac, Victor Hugo, C [d< i I tatioi ' m, ? li ctrlclty, t--'1 g raphy, t lephones, a itomobllea and aero ..,..-_ is. Ten panela i i ; ' - II .i ea Gi ? thi Pi rlalan Tlnto retto. Then fl. 'han a hundred Prida* at the 8ali o." It la the a ,,, thi Uon Noti 'l men and v ,m. . gatl ered togethei The < en? trai flgureja thal of M k i- ? ' ? ll1" ... tr. o. N' ar ;it hand, atanding or ? . b , i ial ri r mlntati - Bf. I >u 'ardiB-B4 I'.ni' ta Undi u r nt Flna An ? and the palnt. ra Karplgi - Caro : i iran, I '? ? ;-;" ? Bonnat, Flan Bai ii. t. Paul Chabaa, Mlta. Dufau and othera Promlni al among b group of theatrlcal celebrltlea ar.' Ifmea Jeanne Oranl. r, R'J ' ?" Oullbert. IfM. ii- nrl Rocheforl D nd Uonta, llaurlce Donnay, Gabrlel F n I Ar? thur Mi y, :? in-- a en. T Uon la elaverlj worked o l ao ?? - to i ki admlrablfl .!? ratlvi picture, n plate xx i'1 llfe and n I M Oi Un baa ?ucceeded 1 ; ? - en thal ta in? ter. Btii g to i""i' at Among lh i ? -' ' ' tho aaion ara the King fjeorgi V I y M. Geoi ge S. portralta by MM. Bonn it, Baai net, Gabrlel Ferrler, Plameng, Patrtcot, Mile. Delaaaalle, Loulse AbMma, D Lauth, Hubl ell i1 ?? i ? fau, Alme Iforot, i "I,,- ? e, i 'ayron, Paul A I Laun na and IVatti U i Tl e t > n< rabta Harptgniei h traea wlth ii!..- iIgor. Thi '?? an aai ? lli nl acapea by Rldgway Knlght, Aatoa Knlght, Alezta Vollon, Maurlce Chabafl and Gulllemet. Thera ara atrlkingly ...... riBi Bpanlah i alntlnga bf '/.??. ,?! flnd Hi!"'!'a. Tl;. I ntlng hy Bandor Landcau. rann lng "Daa b," la full of charm I ,? frv *-*he view ol N- v. i*i rk froi i , ?,r gardi n, by Hofl auer; th. I i Gcorg H ' ! I: Two I I I ! bi ir T i|lett< " by Rl. hard Mllli r; tha ?gaa bj by Wa h n; lha !? . . . grln." bj Laa ton< Parkor; the "Relli ? ''? ' ''?'?' ttan)." by II irt n I the "Brlae," bi in. hi s of a ln i. by Anna Klumpki ,j, ni e thal I ? ?? amei I an palntera i , ,, ,, ;..,. mo t rank :-, tli. galon im n< i Artlata i . aectlon < ontalna t ? mai kably good founl iln bj Mlaa Janci exhlblta a raptli atlng ? Diarui ' and a gro ip ol Btnall h,.\> Paul Bartlet! aandi i bronaa Btgtuetta ., aoman Tha llgun i ol huBtera, ,, ,.., and ??? ""'iu.' n fot tin fountaia ai li. rivi i bf fnit rk M afi among th< xm"' '" ' ptor"a aorkfl Thi I tatuetti I i:i- h _f_ in,. - , . full <,f laoxi-i.i? nt and ?rai > I > rufl Dallln i largi bronai t . trlgn groupi "Th" i;, rj IndjAft'l Prayor." I.elor.ging to the ?ity of Boa? ton, ls gn a'lniirable work. Tii" "M"n of the Gongo," by Hi rtr*irt Wai I, is ttuthful and Unpreealve The frollc ?*Ome llcurii!'.'- of the "classi.- <ian. . ." hv Jacquee Loyarri, make an axqulalte oen tn pi. ? e for a dlnlng table, Perbai i nnaal arork among tha aeulptura to tha large, Unpreaalve monument in granlte! commemoratlng the rictlmo <>f tbe cataa t**Oflbe ? I tbe army l.alloon Bipubllque, by Henry Bonehard. Thera are grace and str'tigth in VlggO Jarl'r. flgUTe, th "Adolrsccnt." Among tho most amusing and clever groupa of artleta orbo each yaar eahlbft their patntlngSi paatela. ?ketcbag or works of BCUlpture ls tbal ktrnwn as "I.i Parislonno," 4\h>>so "salutmct" ia nOW open at tho Allard Gallery, In th-* Rna dos capu'ines. Th" catalogue comoriaea 133 4v,,rks. Tho <-haractr risti.* feature nf thi.s aoclety of young artleta to the portrayal of Parlalan women of every typo, ranging from the great lady of thi |*aubourg Batat-Oermatfl to tho frtaky, hatleas ,' mldinette" or tho l.ew it'-hlng profeaalona] boauty of tho musio ball or racecourae. *\moog tho leadora of this movement nre MM. Abol Truchot, L.'-vy Dhurni' r, TaacrMa Bynava, Paul-Alhort Laurers, Ix.uis I.. er.ind, Hochard and Charlea r?lr. "no finds here dar.rg BOveltlea fn tccLinlo,u? slde by slde with ?trictly acadeinle fonnvlaa and <onvon ttonal matboda The Parisionne arttota without ox'-option have developed thelr fa.ultlos for flecorntlofl to a very high dogror. A panol for a lady's boudolr repnteentlng a nude femalo ropo-lng. is remarkahlo for harmonious compooltloo and soft. delicate rotinomor.t of its color schornc. It ls a arork which placea Its author, M. TancrCde Bynave, among tho na\o already been prodaead in the daiiy Pflpera 'mr- of th*- most i 1 armingl'' jdrawn of theae le ? pteture of two old ladios bef ?? a .!? I i, 0H0 saying to the other, "After you, madama i am the youngerl" Parhapa tb n * interest itiK feature in the axhtbitlon le the mus ...rk by M. Mlguel Zanmobaa, i draflaattc i o*:. who, ion of a i; tar, la aa BdmlraMe draftamaa and .(.l'.rist. H. .'. rdtlbtta m wai I of forty aketchea in giiaallla to aoeoin li poem "The Noi i ?\rk." Each BBlmal or btrd emerglng fr-.m the ark is ' ..'.-.i with humor and deacrtbad by blghly amualng coupleta. Tl.e ptnk pif "taika back" to the parrot, tho ir.ib ? itb the glraffa end bum ?ther Bnlmato do atrange and fur.ny deeds, and dellght not onlj chfldran hut their < Idera. if. F ? naad Bae haa ana* ceeded ta earl u Voltalra in ten pictures, ea. h ?,f \shi. h i.;. baaed upon ?K'tne ironlc Interpn trrtim, < ( ' from Voltalre'a writings. The san.- i r ? ? aa Ironleal pi rtralta of Baltae, and o ii'pictB Oabtiele d'Annunalo v th ? reaplendont fJoaree ta hla buttonhole and PadereweW playing brldge. M. Job createo an amusing etfnet wnu his pl* t uree wltb eleetrta licrht Maurprtoes,M For Inatanoe, there i? a eanvae arlth a gron ailler of UQ9 dolng sontry duty befOfg |a cottaga. The ggactator pnaaee b but? ton. iih' renpofl a Wtadow files <.pt. and one ieea XnpoKon etudylng maps by | candlellght. M. Juleg Orfin cxhlhlts a daoomttva j panel to be placed above tbe doors of i an American barroom In the casino of Monto f'arlo. A procossion of Clodlon ' llke cheruba Come along, each beariag for the customers? I one has cl?ars, another cocktalls, a third A FOUXTAlTf. fFrom tha i ilptura by lf ; Janel gcudder.) 1 foremoal group of leeeratlve palntera , The portralu I :? U. Paul-Albert Lau rena are full <>f charaeter and ha ? | tinctlon of motive. There to tru.- plc ti rial .haiiri in "Oavroi hette," the llttle I alnted by lf. Qaatoa Hochgrd. If, 1 chari* - i Ur exhlblta a ci ntr<. ?? oa In bto cult for i dlnlng Inble, i ompoei I ? .. amall Ri rea of danclng sirls ting i ? ball* t of "Copttell i," as -..,,, ,..: ih.- >!.;t;i of the Grand ?v ra i- ii .. arork of exqulslte grace and ? .. . r-.. mpraaoion of n< iplrited i i v,- aay champagnellka- iparkle and a. tlvity, paril ' ta/O exhU'itl'-ns "f alr* .-iv deacril i fl, in th" Palala dea Modea, gad the other more I'rilais de C.iaoe. This dlvorca haa Imbued bath groupa nith a apirlt "i emulatlon that haa ir,i to hai i ? rei ilte. in tha aalon flral nn ?? d ., ipirll "f Irony, at tim ? almost cruel, prevalto* *" ,nt- oaton of the PbUIi le Olaci the huraor la genlal and t.l ? ? Here on- flndi watar ? - i ;mtint;.s, drawiag : ira by MM. Abel raivre, Bam, Capb Ilo, Job, Mlguel iSamai ? -- Cndi '. julea Oriin, !'- wompa, Jean Rajfi ... Bridge, Umberta B i ... . Bac Caatelno, R i biiie, a ? Oulltoume, ??-'?? dt, Fer ar.d Otto :? 1 I ..!.t. ? ir I ? ? I ouml ? the catalogue, bul as many ,.-? theae numl ? ? BPria doaen . ? |a iaf0 t.. . itlmate \ pOgTBB POB THB HUMOrl s \l.'i.\ i ' '?? ? ' . , .. . ;? '.; BMM I' "i '? I -., ..r B i. h .i il humo* t ?.n ?!? .-t BPI Blllflg, ? ? gbotind, Thi.- I'..-.! ? arlll remaln "i" n afld Ol JUB* U v.... i'., ? Khlblta ?-? me thirty Bk< ti ti- ? and wfltai > okara, aome "i * M< h ? ampagne, and so on. A d >g purs'ies ... eal in the fon grauad The eanvaa ia brlght In and OOnvefB an imprc si-m of splrited acti"n and dflfl iltry. Realier-Dumafl flhowa an -arlglaal aer I -s. cats. parrots, rats. donk-\s. cameta, reataurant waltera, gtraCda ani monkeya carved groteaquely in wooi ar- 1 brlghtly colored. M. Gaorgaa Palaa a faaclful xxat.r eojoi af ex-Prrs'.i at Rooocvelt flhi "tiiit wild anlntata ln Africa. M. Dfl-acompa exhlblta aome ba reliafa ln xxax of ni"dorn r .--r? ? rn 1 ? enea, verf miich in the same style a; th.- xx? ii known waa baaa-rellefi bf C*o (iion in th-- i.'.ux.??. He has daveloired .1 .-pe, |g| featura of h-imor bf pmmm o* thla delleata medium. Boina af tba humorifta have remarkablfl .'e.-nrative. talent. Foramoat among these are M. RoubUle, w it li his I./on Qubhotto . i; if. Albert Oulllauma a ith his huntlng panels for tiie Rotal dU <irand at Banlta; M. T.,rn.--E-quius, wlth hlfl groupa <?!" bfl"~*eleggad ebJld*-***, and m. rltiincllaarhl. xvith his -aarrota apd harlequlna nf, Setn makcs a modest rontrlbutlon t" tt,. -aUon xxith hla "Ba pronlos ar.d "simple line" por tr.ilt . The rotrospectix.? eections aro devoti l (?) Alfrad la Potlt, wtoai *atirl cai Imagea bad i onal lerabla Bta*? iaa dur? ing tha earlf dayi af Um Thlrd Repub? li. -. ar.i to Jacquea \v .'?:.. **rhoaa deii cately tom l ptcturea of tha "human eomedy*1 aa aea n from tha boutavarda and wl ? e">i* aodi i ara at once buinoroua and senti ni? i.tal. C I- B. a PR0F2SS0R AND FIREFLIES. From Tha D indi i Advettlw r. Prafeoaor Mr J. J Thofnaon. In eem* tlnuing hla lacturea "n "Radiant Bnargy and Matter" ;it t;;- Royal Inatltutton, exhlbii ,i a diagram ahowlng tha --xir.ti.r ., i ,? amount ,,r radlatlna anerg ? x pended In produclng a comparatlvely amall amounl of light Hi ramarked OUr ? l< tn- a. ' :?.'.:?-? rfl had BOl bflflflB to aupply ua wlth Un iiualit) of th tt of tn-- flrefi). Httl animal had aolved the prol ? m for Itfli |f. Thi Brafly waa th. moat i Rl li nt llghl leer ibitt exlat< d The rt latlon . ; i ? .. : al engin. ei ? and tha i". ra at pr.*., ni "it- t1 . t tlv con - .? anti -i a ? p and ? aeera n.-\" them nothlng eaa than a ohaop. liii.t to p;t\ i .r a h|i ii pi' ? ,i quantltx. of light. Everj btt nt th.- energ) expt ndi d by tha Brafly m Ight wenl i" th ? right pl ? - 4. llou. it did nol waate anythlng In heat. He tbought '..Ini "i ..i.t be in findlng some :- ,-tti:'" 'i Bome method ol i \ ih. aubetam > ? a hl< h produced i ,.. llghl like the Brafly or tho He add. -! thal tha faet th it it roqulrad llghl t" tha Bonaation don B*aa aoi lm i>n ilst< ht a ;iii the v i- u lhal ? kliaa fmm " ? , ti-ml' al pi.s. _-_-a ? ?? HELPING HAN08. "Whal ara you ,l,.ing for the upltft, I am tea lo pl iy brldge \i, oll tini ' I "ff anromoblles ii, ,i ? ?? imong worthy per-ong."? 1 \\ aal Ingtoa lit-robi