Troops Will Enforce Orders on
Balking Legislatures.
Leader Concedes to President the
Final Decisions?Deprecates
Attack on Diaz's Train.
juarez Mea Maj ? Tho chlef taeh
w-afroatlnfl i ", |ate<*era, ,i-. al
nre-,- ? red in a statement to-day
M ? ndpal "Meet of his futurc con
fertncea -..tth s.A..,r de ia Barra, was the
f th< ~a*t*~*l*fl*onal governorfl "t
fbuiteea 1 on in tte
Inan peace negottetl na
-. ? imbtlng biot k appaared ? rl i
M waa n orted tha! the Leglfltetera ef
Bonoi ed Ai ellno Eap rr"s-> for
? Befl. - Madero'a rhoice ie
? M Maytorei - ? t**overa >r and Bu
flei r for \"l"e-'"-7i.vernor.
... thoae taken whea tbe
-. recently balked
- - ua arlll b? fld
? ajghl to hoar ob
late Lco H thi I "Ment de
la Barra and 'nsurgenl troopa around Her
. niie, capital of fl elv? or
. - ? ' | ln re.-.dir- M "?'* the
. rde ?
Bei ; Madero'* r-tatement outllning hla
II of ihe now gov.
flaea I exact relatlon to Preai
i hit ha baMevea I i -
n',t l ? ''\ laierprei
ll | n aaid gefloi Jladero'a
- ?? ? . ri- a pihate rltizen and BB
amanatlag 'r^rr
am I ? ? . ? an 1m
... Icatlon of thfl coun
... i reduced merely to
... ? pubUc opin
i gevernon "r the atatea, aa arafl
irt, ? ri Imlnary B*?-orotlatlon?
Eaen - - ?? bb 1 - ng to col
? ln no
?? ' ?
rtanl Ineaa of
, ,, noM rr.o
for the rea?"ti why
? . ai aei rtea gnated Proeldeni of tte
laao parrles la I ? auflfl we
ence in h.c ? - l honor
rrecti ??? i make this
? ? i -? , Mexican i wi?h
? iuar" ilga f the i epi tath ?
? ? ae equally -'4
:., I'arra 0 bom
. .- . lugb i ? o nol know
? ... | ir 'i
M\e of thfl
?? H leflor de ia Barra j
. ??? ? tlon whlch he
.... tbe a*
Ifl him- ,
I ? ?
I on the train
Qeneral l>:a/. to \ >ra t
i . red thai Baalteata
aa.-re -V 1 ?? \ ..UtlOOUl - I :
n*\r-r bad ??een afflliated ? Bflurrec
Futiie Demonstration Against
Ex-President m the Evening.
\ era i*n;/ Ma. "4 General Iiia7 spent
Bunday m qulet ii- reated moal of the
rtav. denylng hlmaelf to lialtora, arlth the
r his immedi.ite
pan ra the wii ? l oon
the Gull \ .- a i -,? . ?
. r i" tha ~4-*~d*teuU of
A demonsl ? - M derc for th,.
.. d ;r
? tha Plaaa turlona
? ?
? ed m ? the plaaa
.i I i me atarted I i
the ho-.** where Geaerel Di /. ., 4
b .' 44,-1 > art'-tad bj ' ? ? hl I -
other 1 rai lo a Btnaller plaaa.
Ker> rli t Waa te paid
- t, m irdei I I Im ihat th.- peo?
ple 44. -. | | Oi
'1 1 orat"r deelared ihat bui M a denion
Btratloi ?
fltatamem v .-??? i'.k,-> eacaplng Bteam,
Tho people did noi he thi blm thai - a*
fe*r, ...
; ? .1 ? r
? . ? l untll the ezcll
? ?
? ? ? ' ? e demon
"flci rried from the
? . bed him
? ? ? newapaper, ln Ite
ll l] Piax
i" livfl hen "Porflrlo Diax, aae repeat, has
aot i ?'? ? ,. ? v<? th"
"Thfl M< - ...-'" noblfl and
genflroUl and kivw h'.aa t<> meaaUTfl \4hat
thay nav \h? Porflrian admlntetratloaa
-? ?ry w.n in Mme n tr- juei balaaco
.-I the bad flnd l thr paopla <>we
. . 1 ? . that Qi neral
J'ia/.. ? example to otbei Bpanteb
Amei ? na, would paaa his remaln
.?^. - - ? '. ?.- tn Vera
? ? Bfl in thla
port tht- pi ? ? ? ? whole counti v."
Cabinet Criticised as Too Much
of 8 Famiiv Affair.
Mex: ?citj v ' raaclflco Yai
0 Mfl Qomei ' '. , iez .p.rne/.,
?. ' . the Da Ifl Barra 1
n\..l te-algl ?? | bfl m
omen. the COB UVg "1 ' ? ??'. Uc
marked tl
to th<
-? ? : ? .
I | la* flfl ? I
The aea at m. tra were a med
i ?? road *-';4
? ta **reel tl i ara
was Alfn , - ? a, liadi i lei
r and t f of ifvoiu
i ng.
. i rei led
41r< ? ? ...... ?.,
.. |?] -o
tldr. nf ne
Brill hnd 'he
European Columna
rf the
New-York Tribune
a reliable guidc to the best
shups, hotels and rcsorls.
Coosulf These Columm
Before Sailing
and much valuahle time will
be savc-d for sightseeing.
potJera Fty-by-niRht ghaota, arlth aalcb
the capltal has been flnoded durlng UMi
last few .lav?. appearcd to-day. pOinUng I
out the "famllV nature of the bcdj aaa I
aaklng arbether the aonatry had been eaveo
rraei oaa r-*ien of nepotlsai oaly to ba oaf
livered over to another
The cntiiisni. which is pressntsO* at sreai
laagth and with much vlrulence. is beeed (
on tho relattoashlp betweeB tha Mlaiste*
of iMtroeUoa and the Mirdeter of Oobaraa* <
clon. who arrlved to-nisht. nnd between
Francis,-,, 1 Madero an.i Hafel Hernarab-z..
Illnleter of Juattoo, tha latter beiai a
ccuain of Madero.
The first instalment ef the war dobt wafl !
provlde*! for in a bttl prflflflntoi to COBgrBBfl
yeeterday by Braeeto Madero, the now
Klnance Minister. It asked an approprla- ,
,.t ftjaMflfl pe.oa to .over the rtJCeiptB
lAflued durtng tha revolatiea for munitiona. i
eatl - ind auppHea ceesaaaadoered
ami for other flSpensOfl of the war.
An approprlation of laMOO PBOOB was HkO*
wtea asked f-.r. te ba appi'.ed tO the pa' -
ment of ettorneys1 feefl and general ea
peneea connected with the 'hamisal grbi*
Refugees Report Reign of Terror
in Weatern Mexico.
|Bj Tetogr*** :?> la Tttfl TH****** 1
gan Praactece May 2$ -The Paciae Mai;
steamer Newport grrivad lo-nighl frora
Pai una and Mexleaa port* foui dsys over
due ani CTOWded with refugeofl from the
Mesicaa coaat All these refueee? unite ln
aayiag that baadfl of freebooterfl who eall
- ? lelvea rJneurgeatfl ara pluaderlag and
burnlag, and that there is no aafety for
Ufi nnd property tn Weatern Mexico
ro arl J gaaale, an American pianter in
iru killed by ? band of robels,
- la ranch house burned and hlfl wife prob
abl) taken by Bflauraudefa, as flbfl dlaap
nlgbl of her husbaad's murder.
Mclntyre, an **anericen rnhjer, wss
held up and robbed by a hand of Mexirana
near Ahui--idla. After they had riecured
aboul S2O0 from Mclntyre they declded to
kill him ar.d promptly fllled him lead
1--- lieorgA D, Rich. an American i nyai i
a- Collma, recelved word ol Mclntyre a
fati Many atortea ol wsntoi - utiagi -
and burnlng of property were broughl bv
the refugi ea. fea oi rl ived sn* ol
tl elr posaeasiona_ _
Reign of Terror in State of Du
rango and Southern Chihuahua.
Parral, Mexico May 9 (vls El Paso, Tex.,
.., Many federal offlclsls, Includ
I | afa pollticoa, hava ;*een killed, a.
ara hava been placed In Jail, Bl rei
ted anl burned. snd hundre.lo
? the \orrre of starvation
? ? ralga of ternu v*.*Re.i in
th* atate of Durango ard Bouthern Chihua
;a;a i,- ndita and InaurgenU pho heard
. ? ? _ r th* | ? - ? agreemenl
The entlre itata of Durango, arlth its
B -ity of thlriy-two thousand peo
ni the mercy of the roving band-.
who have uaeeated all the regularly coneti
uthoritlea Refugeea from Southern
Chihuahua also report the towna in d
Th- worsl feature ls thnt all ra
ition haa been cul for weeks an-i
the interior. belnc a BOa-SgriculturSl r*>
fion, is without fo.,<l.
The mralng camp of Ouanace*/!, atata of
Durango, Is in chaoa The nrsl an ? ? ?
insurg nts sfter capturing lha town wafl
to placa a)l the g'>\ernm?*nt oftVlalfl :n Jail.
gtorea srere then locted and government
enta burned Tomaa frblna, who
clslma to ba the Inaurgent commander of
the "southern sone,' waa Inforrned that
M ?? a u perfi ' n| peace plana He
.i r ?? would dlctate th* peace termt
for hlfl lerritory, and th*- lootlng conttnued.
There i>. greal acanclty of food ere, lt.
li llkely thal tha three hundred I ? rnen
nei oa, a 111 lea* e ln a body j
overland ln wagpna Tho federal troopa
ar* prepariafl to evacuate,
Peopli who rome in from tha Bmall towi i
report that the jefe p*)Htlcoo genera
hava i.een killed. na thej wera regarded I
Utogethei the altuation In th* Interior
loua, and wlll becoma wora* unleaa
lOtm MWa ot an ofTUial nn'! lleflnlte ,)iar-;
acter la broughl ln that wlll effectually
Btops hoatilH - -
Madero Protests Against Proposrd Snp
pression of Newspaper.
Juarea Mex., May ii On repn
? ? . to hlm thal efl I ?? ? belng
. .. -. ; ? . ? lon of "El
Pale," a newapai. Mch City, I rai -
! Ma lero, |r.. laal ? li i
. ? ? ?? arant to Prealdenl de Is I
at.itlnK that hereafter be would oppoat Sl
limitatlon ff the freedom of the preaa In
L'nder lha nea reglme, Beftor Madero aaid
. Mexico n
teal ? im* ?? Beftor Madero direct Mexlc. Clt) The Inaurgenl le
? . - |.? t,. i,.- h Barra folli ? -
??; hav. heard a newapaper la to be
.-,).,] pleai beal lo aee
? .-r<' be ne flei ??? ona of the preaa
?i< it arould be Injurl. is to th.
tii* new reglma
in ar. Ihterview Befloi Madero p
? a' li v a- one of the roi dltlona of
? ? pen**e acreement thal I ra ild be
. - ?. ol lha preaa
: Visits Owner of Boat Sttnk by
the Dolphin
Waehlngtoti Maj Sl ln tha hope of r*n
] dermif r-onif aai to ..... ,;
aueii in thfl Potom ie Rlvi
:'.- Dolphin, tha f'.rn tai yachl ol the Bec
rei of thi Savy. or to th. relatlvea of
a || uua -,- Vellowli , whi ? .?
t Taft n K>nal trlp loday
i , ? , '.,ni<- oi John G Undaay, owner of
th?* i ow.-r boal wl mnb The
pri aid* nl waa Infoi mt d that
mn ? dlatfl relai ?
The nccidenl happened wlthln l oi
n'aahiagton, when Mlai Tefi waa , .
on tha naval yacht. Tiie Pr? dei I n
ad le**day to ba notlfled peraonall)
tiie r.,,d\' of Ve - ? ? aai recover. I
Mlaa Taft waa ;i membei ol .. part* ol
.- a omen i Bp< on< d bj M ra, ? ,
V'ea L Meyer, arlfi ol lha ?*?? reta >.f the
Naw. H'lkmmi Wr'inthrop I .<? -
nf ihe Navy, snd Mra Whu irop.
State Department Has Many Rcqucsts
for Copies of Arbitratlon Pact.
Pi ? ? Ingti n Ma - a Oth< aatl. i
Prance and Qreal Britain ara awaltina
w -r tereal tha dei alopmi n of the
pegotlationa looklnf to ? general a bltra
snd slreadi I reh Knoa
ad a number ol appllcationa from
diplomntic repreeentatlvea ln Waehington
foi , np;i s of thi drafi "i the treal Amons
them la >.n- from the Net hei .- the
Iratii rr i ?.- ?
'i ba Becreter) hav .;. llned to gi
BB! Hi-pirtu io n ? ? | i- )?;,..
?? known I hal an ? i lon p fi
^n'e into n- goi
arbitratlon ?ui i* furnlahed a copj
Warm Weather, Followed by Unsettl^d
Conditioas. Indicated.
Waahington, Maj .- Thoui *.
war^n weathei la especti . -,. prevail ln
th* Ba '? ? Bl .'? -I Mondsj Bnd
lha Weather Bureau predl l
ate tr ? ?' the <-..iir
.Ding week
uled wea ? wlll
i. .ii. ? thward ovi thi
i ihe Laki I the Eaal
Itatea djrin*; the lamr pait ot the
? ...
Club's Annual Show Provcs
Racketing Jubilee.
Minstrels* Olio of Broadway
Favorites and Playlet Give
Huge Entertainment.
The ClUb'fl annual freWe proved to
be R ti'ket'n" JubtlOfl af th" New Amster
,i-..n TObatre laal nlghl 11 araii ? tnaat.
.Uon, waka an.i fleld daj comblne.1
Then were di"ll Kinvra.kM rnOCk hero
Icfl rrlpperj tomfoolery and wil Many
Bun gtltterod Tha theatre waa . n.w.i.-'i
and lt la n "i too nni'h tO Bay that in thfl
oplnion of the audlence, compoood torgel:
r.f frlenda of the actors, the performan.e
av.? a toceeea. For rneel of the three
hours th" BUdlonefl CTOWfld its appmdailon
\ minstrel first ra" wlth ihr'e relief-.
,-,- bone*. Umboa and interlocutore, exhib
lUns fluch cotnedtena as Baymond Hltcti
eo i< Kmm-n Corrlgan. Bichard i arie.
Oeorga M '"han. Jerry ' Cehnn, Dave
Moniponier-. Fred Klbl ?, Tom l*e*r*a ??
Harrj Kelly. included i' kee. oM ond new,
bv tha burni ertrk fa-ed pert*w*inerB, ani
the ataglng of aeveral duleei dltttea r*ftr'
rtag to aonaatlotu iMjared hv l?-"king npon
? pretty ciri "up-pon a flummer'a ava
The ih'.rnses wer.- BOl-fa'd anl hummed
in the old-fMhkmed mlnatral mannei >'??
perlallv did a Bon* named "WblppoorwlU,
flUtlg in an e,-,-entrlf wav hy Froi Kt'-wn.
catcb tha fancy of the audlence Al ti
large ?."l"ls's had thin tanOT VOtCCfl. and tha
little aingera cr.,ppied wltii the ??Ro ked ln
ti,., Cradle "f tha Deep" larietv of aeiec
iion. .i'.ist as the4 dtd 4% hen ."'i wera a h-y.
And the yodler was there too. Tom 1 nnR-1
.,- | -iiotli * ImprBBalon **ith a dance
The "ii" Included George (Honej Bo i
Evane, Jullan Bltlnge, whoae danc? with
,-? nTco cohan 44-'- teudly appteuded; a
? iiied -The pullman Portera' Ball. te
which wm;.:- Colller aa a lough ceon
made his flral appearanca of the
the Piat.n Buga. Bhowlai ta ilmultaneoua
..... ? llttl popular
aong wrltera ol tte daj . Oeorga M Cohan
?nd Willlam Colller in a teugh ^ ^
and dan. -' '-? ' wJ,,, l^r.*ollaJ i
aeidee whlla ? ?' *o\tti, ihere betag alflo
nodclaya worth mentloning; "Veber and
Kields - ? ? r death'"- con
si^tintr in poklnfl each other in th" e>e. tne
enl endlng aftei mldnlghl
wlth ? T'!" 'i'??'' 9agt
tton wlll leave Nea rork
,.,,., ,,-,.,,,,4 on ;, ipeclal train of len ' ' ?
on whlch thej wlll llye for ten d*>'|,-.|L,?"*
,., vtlantlc City, Philadelphia BallImore,
? ? ura rievelagd, Clndnnatl -
.,. .. , _ ,-f, Ri '- and
Eight Freshmen Held for Seizing
Revolutionary Relics. _
Com Maj 28 !'?
,1 ?ff a numher of Revolution
,,,,,,.,. balli bu< ked ln froni oi tha
local llbrarj and bowli d Ihem floa n Col
.... itreethlll ? Igbl "rVeeleyan freehmen
were aireated al on earl: houi this
morning and kepl In the clty lock-ui
? ? -t ten howro.
The Btudenta a*ere rei irnlng from
dinner, and on | bm i tack of
cannon balla each member of tha party
?elz< d one. The: climbed to the top oi
the hlll, and had JubI rommenced rolllng
them d >iiu "I. thi Bldewalka when th?
pollce .'.pi" ?'!?? d Th. - irreoted w< re re
leaaed on ball a1 noon to-day ar.d wlll "i?
pea, |n the pollce ; ourl to-m.-rrow.
Officcrs Have Pleasure-Filled
Day?50,000 Visit Warships.
Copehhacen, M?'- '* Tha Mavj Dapart
ment to-day entertelnad four I andred
petty oficera of tii" Amerlean aquadron
with motor trlpe and a dinner at Um Tivoll
Oarden. Each ol the gueota waa preai * I d
wlth B cigai laoned arlth the n?n
Ish and American armfl
?i , ,.;>.., rg of th< - adron ittende l a
race meel < ? ? it tte '?' i
?-, . vmeri' in aarahlpfl wen *T'ti lo tna
to-day a I ty 1 ind , cted Ihe veflB. ?
'i ? .- Klnn it no feal
. , ?:?:? ol ; ie leath
un< ir-. p ini " i hn
Turkish and Bulgarian Guards
Have Fatal Frontier Clash.
i..,; don, Mai *4 All ? ugh aeveral of tbo
... a refuaed to aupporl Ruaala'a
n-'te to Turkey with reference to tha mobt
H ta tion of Turklah treepa on tha Monte
'!.- Near Baatern altuatloa
? ? ? nta diaquleting aspecta.
Another aarloua frontlei Incldanl occurred
.,- the KoBtendil dlatrict, in Bul
laria Turklah a ' Bulgarian frontier
euarda come Into ? olltelon, and Inb i
nrlng continued thi oughoul the daj
One Turklah offlcei and two aoldiera ?th
killed, and oni Bulgarian hhs wounded
Plnalli ? ? - > " Mlnlater ol u ar
... ? ? ? -..; flr ii Thi
rrnment* thi ??? ,1 ", appi ?
mixed i lo inveatigate thi affair
r., The '' ' onlcle'i Con
?. p indi ? ? llontenegra i ? -l
i ? :-.? i i: ii . . li ?
. :, antl Turklal i o*Htlo*i
Aviator's Nechsnic Narrowly
Escapes Death at Mineola.
Mineote, i."n- laland Ma H |gpe<rlal)
? tnic for St. Croia
: ? i fliea fl Bl.t monoplana,
. . . .; .;? Bth here to-nlghl A
crowd wai on I ? the II) hik
ided th< fleld and
... , ,-. thi BVtetot After
. ? na broughi out 11 - mai: tefl by
take 1 ? waa turn* d on
-., thal 44 hen l'.? sMi.-r atarted I" prlme
. motor H flhol o l of i li hand
?. .,-.,. m .
Ko\ expectlni thi. ^tn, t, the
aai himaell ln tlme
. nd n '- fltrucb i n ihi rtghl ald? i y the
|i ? ' iiil-'l IW4 ntj feel and rendi red
nacloua Ht *.-.- ? ..r, led ln an ? i
inga where he flnall] re?
a number of ?horl flighti were made hi
ihe dlfferenl ???.,,., |,.nt ,,..P".
vei u d -' ? from golni up A Ial
froni controi,
? !"? rd I'.irk io
nlghl, aa d d thi lol ni rother of San
For the First Timo lg t,h*- History of
the Service.
tVaahlngton, M. ? a i , ? . , .... ,|m,^
bi tl -? htol.' tha aen Ice, ll ta -ald. IN
iti ihe Pi itofflt .? bepartmi nl haa
been antlrelj a : ,,.,, r\,.- ooe ?ur
plufl foi i rent flflcal yt ar. ei
.1 m? M neal te In i
, ? ? Lpient'i .-.".iii
tmaater - ? ? i.,-t nlghl
i i warranl returalni le ibe l
' ' ? ' .,., tt,'" 1.1 .-I "f
lb? amounl aei ,,,,;,., f|1?r ,hr. ,,,1,1,.
efraj lng the e>;.
il aei foi thi preaenl ?
l aar Befonai ln tha flnan. Ial n atom, II
1 flteti ?! ii ? , ..,,, ,, f,<!:., | oBBlbte
ln mi ? ? ,.,.) 1 , th? Troa
Mi ii.','.- ?" a 1 tiflftad thai
. l t.e i,i-re than
' laal to defraj -,, ? . , ,,.,,.,, ti u
Ing ih-- I'm tn-,'.', i of tte Ri .,1 -..'?! .md
lhal Jul i woul ,-4 a aumlufl i r-aflkl
rabl; over "l.OOi
Chanccllor Emeritus of N. Y- ".
Tclls of Sights on World Tour.
Contrasts Echicational Work in
Philippines and India, and
Praiscs Filipinos.
Ah.v,t a year ae,. Henry M MeeCraeaen,
now ehaaeellor eraerttii of New irork
Tnlverf-ity. left ?an Kranelr o wltb BO ln
\-aiid wife <>n hlfl wey *?> tba Orient sfra.
Ma-'.'rarken for the three yoarfl precedlBg
ber dapartura for Japan had apent sl leaal
i third of the time in bed. Bha returned
to thifl dty ia?t n'.cht with the ehanceOor
on the N'orta i.crman I.loy.l llner ..*"rse
WaFhlncton. from Hrem*n. a't.r a ysar'fl
trip around ihe world, snd both were rn*
.r, ' insr aacelleal health.
?i feel like a BChooiboy,'' aaM Dr. Mac?
Cracken irhea the reportera met lnm on
the derk Of the Washlncton .-n* tjuarati
tine. Mv health was never better. My
wife, 44 ho was an invaUd when 44- weat
away, li now enjdytni axceileni health. Bbi
Improved aooo after wa atarted on om
journej and la thoroughly well to-day. Noi
a thinsr happeaad durtag our lonx Journey
to mar a thoroutthly enjoyablo ami 1natru<*
tae trlp I dld not expect to eom* ba.-k ao
ao,,n. bul yOO BSS three new uraini luMr-n
baaa appeared slace i lefl Mew Fork, na*
i hurrled home to ?eo them. WTe o/era ln
Egypi when lha third ona irafl born, and
v. o hurrled to Bnglaad .making th.e trlp in
ih* days), where wa boarded this ship."
Dr. Ma. < rackea an-i hia aife weal lo
n-.ina an-i Japan from san Francisco.
After three months in the?e countrtea they
went to tha Phlltpptoes and the strai's
gettlement, where they Bpeni -i month Thay
44, ie two monthfl in CeylOO and India, and
from thera weni to India and Bgypl
He aaid h* waa latoreeted In most all
that eame ie bla notlca In tha
atranga land? be vlelted, bul thni he nat
Urallj gav*3 more time to th* Btudy of ed
m ttional methoda ami progreaa, which he
taid wen more bi bla own partlculai line.
??I waa gn uMj Imi r lh the wa
,.,,.. itates a indllng
the educatlon of the Philippines," -aid the
educatoi i ala i* - bad th* Idee thal 'be
average Flliplno waa an Indolenl fellow,
? lea - ? haaged a bea i * lalU d the
of Agriculture, some thlrty-fl *
mllea up tba Paelg River. 11
llghtful experlence. i mada the trip with
v ,;... \ . ,.;,. nn old Nen Forkei who la
intenaely Intereated in foreatry, and la now
empio .-i b* Ibfl govarameal In Ibfl Phll
Ipplnea i mel htm in Chlna aad travelled
arlth hlm aoma taro thousand milefl In thal
MUp near this - ollege I aa floiw of
well-to-do natitea ploughlag adth s <arinou
nnd rolUvatlnj] their gardena adth boa sad
Tl ??? plend'.d bungalon i wen
by then- <.\4ti hands, and sltheugh oaly
erected aome righteen month*. the grounda
;,!,..- tncm ibounded in apleadldly bnd out
"They lune th" rleht IdOS SbOUl edUCaV
tion ln thi i hlllpplnea. Thej know tha
i of elementnry educatlon. That i*
ihe ? tl ' f< itura aad it ahould .?
i,, i the ' olk C' i . omfl lab r '.'"hi*
la arhen tbe Britisb made th* mi-'ak- ln
inriia Thej bagaa al tha top, buiidme
unlveraltlea, Inatead ol beglaalag al tha
bottom with the elementnry acbttola They
encouraged th* foundlng of what wa mighl
call collagea of lha ar---. sad they hava
r irned oui ->n overproduction of men 4\ho
f,?(\ tha- rh*v wanl governmenl aad other
htah .-la-*. Johs
"i mlgh! aafely m thai between l and
I p*r ,*ent of the rhildren ,?f in-lia between
th* M8P-- "f seven -in.! twelve, have p
portunitiea of laai'iilng i" read or write,
COnditktna ur* Jual tbe oppoaite in Japan,
where elementar. educatlon between th-^e
ages la compulsory. The f>>tk of India
know whal they sre doing m Japan snd
they aaal Btmilar advantagea al home.
There la greal ur!r>ar ln India <.'r*at Brit
li hould gli a the i hlldren a rham ? lo
atari with the thr** Re, and If the colleges
musl ? ome, lel ; ? egln e Ith a , <>iiege
-,t agriculture and other practical li ? i
ti--n-; "f thla BOri
Th* George Waahl gton madi ? re,-or.i
run from Bremen to New v..rk. covering
ihe dlstnnca of l.llfl mllea m l dajra S1
. nd ? rr Lnutea lal uic ala minutea
,,?? ii,. prevloui record Bhi ileo bral her
: for thfl beal day'a run, which wna
4*2 mllea, from noon Fridaj to noon Bat*
Her averag* spead for th* entlre
trip wai 18.71 ki ?
- -
| U. S. Supreme Court Expected to
!Hand Down Opinion in Afternoon.
Five Unlawful Combinations Are
Found by Lower Court?
37 Other Cases.
l\'aahlngton, Ma I -After i '""r ,rn'"
|eontea1 tii? BO-ealted t., acce ""trual
probabl] wlll ba Biapeeei nf tt^nterrn* by
, tha iupreaio ('oui i af the t: i? I "
lt wlll h* tha tesl day of tha preaenl term.
?ad unteefl ihe eaae la raached then Ita ,!"
; .-islon aill ba poflrtponod untll n"s' Ctetober
;.? lr.n.*l
Maaj regard lha caaa a. tho oaool ""T|
pllcated buIi that hai ovei raached the iu
Ipreme Courl ee a roauh of the Bberma*i
inti-ti i ? a ? Ineteed ot only ono combl
?.- uon to be daali wlth, <<. in the Btaadard
Oll . ><-?. declded by the r0urt taro ***eek?
ago, ih? lower courl held thal thera w*'*
flve ualnwful <*r,mhinatinn-.. Theae were ihe
Amerlean TObacco Company, ,,1W Ameri?
can BnuflJ Company, the Anterlean Clgar
Company. tha American stoRto Company
and the MacAndrOWfl "? F.irhea rotnpany,
l the las- hemar concerned in ihe raaau
faeture of Wcorlco paate. Theae weie re
; Btralned *rom "ngagini- in teteratata eeaa*
I raerce.
ln addl'lon t" tbOOfl BVfl rnnihlnatl"""
[the lower COUrt fonnd that there were
?even corporatlona whlch beld atock in
some thlrty or forty other *?""p*oratlona
whlch called fnr attentlon Th<- lew-er rourt
1 forbedfl the seveti c-orporati'.n* from ar
quiririr- ti." p'.an'- of the laoadng corpora
tlona OT from r-ontrolllng them. The srven
.?orp"ration8 were thfl Amerlean Ta*-baeco
Company, 'he Amerlean gnuff Company.
the AiiKil'-ar. Clgar 1 'ompan-.. P. Loiillard
<\> fn.. the H .1 Reynolds Toha, > 8 Cotn
pany, Blaekarell'fl Dorhaai TOlMceo Com
pani and ni* Conley roll Company.
Still f-;rther, the cOUIi mufll POea ~n Ihfl
chargei lhal aome of the a.ts nf the ?o
called Brltlflh Tobacco Truat, the Imperial
Tobacco Company and ef the Brttlah
Am":;,-iri Toha"," .'ompany. a r.iriioratlon
organlsed by the two so-callad "tmaUf
\n handlO the world'" tohaf " bUBUMBfl OUt
side Great Btitaln and AUMTtca, ha"" v i *>
lated the law. Another queotlon 114 whether
I the individuai dafondanta. haaded bj
| Jamea H rmke. eheuld have heen held to
, have vlolnted the law.
S?mr r-xpect -ha? the Standard 0*1 d?
ctelon may naain coma to 'he attentlon of
courl through an attempt of the oll
? ayfl t" procuro -mother heartng I
: it application mlghl deia- teauance of
;:.indal? for the dteOOlUtlon of the
Btandard Oll Company of New Jerooy 'inMi
pm' October.
Beatdea tho tobacco caafl tMrty-seven
:riher caeaa under oonalderatlon '?" the
? COUIi i-emairi under-ided It ls e.xpemed tbal
ina ln m >el of theat wlll be announced
rrow. Among theae are Uie f< ;
llablllty eaae, the hours of
I aervlce lan caee, the Oklah*mia capital
eaai and ihe ease. tnvelvlttg thfl
interpretari.-." of the p'ire food and dmgB
Cincinnati Friends Will Go to the
Capital to Celebrate.
[tt] Telegrapti lo Th- Trtbiwe.l
1 cmcinnati, May ~s. Plfty of 'he old
! friendfl of l*Te-ridea< Tafl are a-,ina to
1 Waahlngton im Juna i" to help thfl Preal
i dAnt and Mra Tafl eelebrate their Bllver
v.eddi-isr atiniversar.v. i >ri tha afternoon of
that day they arlll he the ho?t? at a lunch
aea al tha Chevy Chaaa ('iub and will
have the Preaideni aa thelr gueal ef honor.
Tho Preaideni latec te the daj wlll glvfl
a garden party al tha ""Chlte Houae to hi*
'?? titi.tti frlenda al whlch the membera
of ? ? dlplomatlc eorpa and promlnenl of
ln Waahlngton 44:11 be lntroduced
to them. That even-na- thev wlll go un a
warahlp 'o Tanaier Bound to aee the Mlchl?
gan practlaa wlth hei ^in? on tha Ban
Mar, ?..
Prederick Bf, l~*hltrldga, aa recelver "f
the rni'?n Ralliray Company, waa author
'ze.i on Baturday by Judga Laeomba, "f the
IUnited state-. ClrcuH Court, te .ntet- inio
la contracl wlth tbe clty t"i operatlng cara
acn -s the Madlaon avenue hritiRo, to con
I nerl the compan - llnea between Baat
1138th and Baal 118th Btreel a contracl
was alao autborlaed for a d.-iihie track ea
tenaion along Broadway, heivaee- cc."th and
-'re-t i, tn r-inii'-.-i the (Jnlon Rail
l-aay Company wlth tha "lUngflbrldga Ratl-l
wa: Company.
Order Prevails, but Republic
Was Ready for Trouble.
i.tabon. May ? Porto* rt order prevalled
t.--fta4' at the electlona for the Caaatltueat
aaeembly, arhleh wera held throtfgh*iui the
country. in thlrti oui of lftr**oafl eoa
atituendea the aeata wera dlsputed bj caa?
rlidatea of th* dlrectory of the RepuMlcan
,Hrt4. tii* independeni Republican and tne
Ho.-jaiiat partlea in the other eoootltu
an. th* regular ItepXiblleaaa trers uaop
'i" * Monarchlstfl abetalned from putting
forarard candldateo, deetarlng -hat the ei*<
tloaa preaented ne gaaraataea of liberty or
aincerity. Instead they clreuiated all aorta
oi i umora of .1 coonter revotuUoa, an m nn <
Invnsion by way of tha QaUtctda fr,.nti*r
iM,d almllar attempta sgaiasi lha sovern
-i'he auUtoritlea took ratreordinary pre
eautlona nol only to preeerva order bul ta
nntlcipate any revolutlOBarj movemeat;
Almoei the entlre fleel was coneentrated >n
th* north, bul th* Intervention of nrnK-i
force haa not I *en ne* eeeary up to the pr* -
ent in anv part of thfl repuhlh-.
The paUiag throughoul wafl beavy, ami
tbe Bret reaultfl ladlc tte thet n majortty of i
the 231 Deputleg arifl be regular R,
earn*. a few Independent n*p'iniiraPiH>k!
Boclallsta are llkely to win their -1*1,*'
but th? general oplnion la that. ahju??
government may have to saeet ear***aaa
varganclea of oftihion in the -Tsamth _!
44-in i.<- nothlng llke ayatematlc opoo,it[ '
ln Uabon pollee patrolled th? atreet
night, hut there wer.- no dlaturtMaeaa t"
rnillotin*,' lontlnued throughr,,t i ., fili? '
44111 eontlnue to-inorrow. The regaiar **
r?d tha*. day raalb In tblfl dty. tjpo J**
an, I)r. |!*atnx AttgelO, r"
am!d tnunders of applai-ae. ?1,
Af Oporto all waa peaeeful, thfl R
llcans keeplng cloae wai ?t~*4lkL
It I-. snnoi ti. *<1 lhal the dl?. ;- -.*"
th?4 f'onatltuent Aaaemhlv vi|| >,?, ronf1
Biwt, t.. a law a**eflnlng tha polRiea mZ!!
or tha repubUo; sseoad, to organlc law, r'
latlni to sacb of th. ....: ,,j,r *
Bla**ctoral la**; third. to acta "f dlc ?_,-,..,.^
on tha part of tha provlalonal g0
and, fourth, to tbe rru<ig*f
geverel ef tha II govi
Amoy. Chlna Mr -v A c? it<i*rah|?|
of life an-i m ich ttawrtie to properti
ae.-ount of the heavj tttotla ar? rap^,.
from Changchowfu, Puklen ***ro*daoa mm
thr- r,.rH, r,y -.r '?'"ag?-_ ' "?
(iUl^evillorv Freres
rouMOCo ir/3
Store Furs and Textiles
Our Dry CoH 4Storage service takes care
not only of furs, but ofOriental Rugs, Hang
ings and other valuable textiles. Thorough
cleaning and the dry, dustless air of the cold
rooms restore the freshness of the goods
and absolute. y prevent moth. In many
cases the cleaning alone is worth the moder
ate cost of storage with insurance.
Call 37(51 Murray Hill.
/., lf. tfb Street, Wm Ywk
Our Unparalleled ?
Remington Typewriter
Rental Offer
Fnr S5.00 we will rent you, in good
condition.nrnodel 6,7of o Remington
Typewriter fi r Three Month.*".
Then you can buy the machine, if
you like, and we will credit this $5.00 on the purchase.
Remington Tvpewriter Company
' Intornoratedi
325-327 Broadway. New York. Telephone, 4444 Worth.
Andrew Alexander
Shoes for the Holiday
Can be quickly chossn from the immense variety
and eornplete stock in this store. Many inexpen
sive lines for both men and women, as wellas the
finest footwear to be had, and the salespeople are
uniformly courteous and competent.
What the interborough Plan Doesforlarealer New York
r?T1?-?? ? ?- ?.ivv.'r'^.ov.v \-v. ?- - . *-?-?* v. ? ? Tj
, '''V # '?" -.?- ' ??"A;i - 'J- ' ' - **?'"? '; '' ?',-*V*ff ' **-*M
17 - '-*<?,'? \ ' ? ?;.0^*--^^''J'^'^^-'*-'.* /fiS
" r , ? wif ^'vl'ii*.'^ V>>Va*/ v<J
We understand that on July lst, 1910, the city had $78,000,000 if
subways and that on July l?t, 1911, it will have $30,000,000 more, makgj
a total of $108,000,000. This map represents the Interborough's idea of wW
the city should do with that money.
$110,000,000 of the city's money, plus $140,000,000 to be contribut**
by the Interborough, will construct and equip this entire svstem Thi? *
$58,000,000 less city money than ealled for by the Brooklvn Rapid Trai*1
proposition. y