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iffiT flf IHE MME >0$\ i:Rea! Evplanation" Says Amencan Caused Explosion. - WHO AND WOOLLY TALE Cgptair BojBtM Thou-rh jjc Wa? Then in Venezue'i. Ssv* a Detectivi? -v. ,r?-a '? raj *4aVaai a-a1-***aaa of rhe r,'^rer4 *< >** Mo-a-ln-j np of the Mal-ae. mK,^K .. .-rr--**-" to follo-*- aa a 'ejr. ? - ?-. v-?-k 0f the Katt1?h,r (fer* - ->--,-.? ?--? BtUfl 1 '^. "..aa n' tale. ,.- a-c a,nr. the rl(H. rej iv, i-..- advaaeod le "xpiain ho** ? -^rr-re-l Th* hateei fl r,-,?4! _? ...., ? - i Baaiiag Befeea ibe af. ,., ' - Inall*- pot a rjutal r. -? ' ? rh ble** the m ,?, t* '? - -?' "" bj tba nce unrler ? ?--,. -.. ' -""anlard<= rdlag i tbe Americaa ,-- ' ? than ! ., - M fello-*- roimtry-men m ta ? 'ripta r ' - H.^l ln N"e\4 Yn-lc I ia afh-entu ed tel rticutar trp* ' . -a ae Ho Ua of ma ? ' . . n na - ? M - - rt ?p* - ? ?upi I nake l . ? ? , lolng - th? th thia i nd :n tale. a 1 ?,'ti a : i th? ad of th* t teei frof l . - ---as'. Ung 1 i - ! Tha A ?- Vatae-'" Appeara. ? - r , I id at ?tonai Th? - ?>' JUBt ? the - . ? - ' ... - : ? asurrectofl Thev a < ?clty iking ' tba i ? ? ? - .... , . - ... ... , . Bjr 8 1 ? ' , ? .-??-. | | | a < _y thfl aaa t - ? gh! - ia ----- - ? naaet -;- rei ........... ? - - *.'aine ] neiuelg nt Crfl H , ar for - - *45TO*l PLACE AND FO'JPTH AVEM-E SrVt surprise new tomen when -, theyvisttcwirrtore ? [tt the *rreat ?*! -?riety of Mcr'a J j u i I 5 we offer li Half 1 thouaand - ? rent patterns. emK. . in? aH tbe desir lb!t* I'^ht -^-??iirbf- ma tena1-. '** c?*"rn<:nt- tbat 6l kcvonr*l qijestr n lli ta M3 - . -. lverco*te-Blt l Ml TdiB 0VE8 KAl^ACENTUKV FRANCIS BACON PIANOS : - ?-* md rfpairf-d . . ? '.-?-? - at ' /ing . ? fT\CT '? -ii'naie. Given T> Bacon Piano co. :' -. | rjc* ' *rx*h St. Lake Hopatcong AKo NE/T rUMOAV 5" \je , - | a 11 .. a m. Mbiuoh Chunk $!*5o CflCpeT , j j w WILLIiMS CUANINC '353 West Sith St. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF SIGHTSEERS OAZE I PON CONKV ISLAND? FIRE ?"""?""ar r-rht han-] rr-.. hann erner of m. P.- - "" !?* **""*#ora*-' bti litea* pteee ' le i,a. ri, , . ?'?' ? 11 n ? If ? .. i taci gm South r ? galna ernme at 1 genera ? ? i v ? -. | - r thi a - f the M .in* I a g f a the fell ow i - ? j ... ler the ahli - . , - ? ? . ? Car' ? I - - - ? - ? ' ? . ? ? ? . .- ? - ? ? - - - ' ' ' ihe a troyi 4 ? , ' alief the 1 "leultlei aa ol ? - r the 1 iter i I -tareign ageni ? ?? SHOT 7 1 IM^S AND LIVES Victin* Wai in Oard Ganu ->f Mi -?? N -**Timentt? ton uv thtt 1 ith Btreel I - inothi - . .r. - - .... ie laai . time wli ? ' ? ? ? ? . . . _ WOMAN ASSAULTS BOARDER Then Triei tr, Die bv Oaa Wai jfl-Uons, Ho Bayi - - ? ' ?? ? - -/iti m f ? aairl. ai ? i ? - - . no attei ?)? la - - ? ? ? ? ' ? ha" heen afra c i ? -.-?. ? t tm ' - CONEY'S GREAT S ' oai -nnr.i fn m Bnfl poa* the furtheal - ... 1 he ? . ? lund amonid iai 'tha - ? m ?? perti tght 1 the remalr ?? ? ?'. - rf rl th ... , . ? ~g ?. Sftinll B I'irlinqg ta Go Up. I. Thoi rfl Rlda : r. . > ? 11 d t ha t he . ? i I pu 1 -"' ?' r 1 ? - ? for ? ? ? ? ? - .... . . . ? ght 1 ' ? . : ting <t. sl : ? ? ? ? .... I ?COP" HUR1 CHASING AUTO p- rrjpfl Into Srrorwi Oar M Tha* FMrsuf-ri Vanl ln K Ifhl : Milll ng Ini ... ni Dr. I te atreel ;iml I ? '? - ' ? Thi ? tatei - \i ? a anl ' ? < HIS FIRST TRIP EXCITING Onductor Held Up bv Two - ?One Caught bv Policr . ? ? . | ? ? of N 911 tr. ? ? I from thi ? .... ... 3. The s1 I . . - . So. 4 m got \ g ? ippti ? ? ? their ? ? ? MAILEO MONEY TO HIMSELF That's Whv "Lakewood Ton - Wagei Left Moi ? - 1 iboul ? ? ? ? ' . pttfng Toi ? <uke . . - . the 1 ? ig- gn 1 that H . ?? ? ' ' ? ? ? ? C for a - ' ' ? M- p' ? rnastei bb ln 1 taeociai re In 1 TWO DIE !N CITY*-. IrVATERS i iown Man Bi ' " i froni Drowning ? - ? ? ? ? id tried to ras- I " ' ' - ' ' ay untll a lai ' ? ? t River . - - RFAT AND fiOr. iVOMAN -/iciin [dentiflei Men ' I ? ? ? ? ? eamlni the rlght ' ' ? - - A ? - ? ?-*? YELLOW FEVER REPORT DEMEO ' ' ' ?' > A ' 3URGLAR-S ROUT FAMILY )nv-> Thf-m frnm Then Benin Plunderinq Plar.e. ME SHOT BY THE POLICE [wn Other Hen, One W'*nnd?,d Liter An*->sted?"Ca** Ban 6a ig, Bayi Vietim. ? i ? - r. t)l?. irtmenl ... ... intll they found | . . ? i ? -ire ? ? --> - ? ? .4 en ca t for moi l - I 11 S - r :- . ind Ol ? - - ... . . . ? - ' I ? ? ? ' ' J 1 id been pul ' ' I - ... ? .... - 11 " I tn capi ? r ?? . ? ? 115th atr 4 ' - ? - iet an<1 ? ! wall ? : ' v t -ea ?. a dtal - . ? ? man aaa I ? - - pini Ie aaya ... ? . - .??????? . ? ? n te . ? - . REJOICBfl WITH COKNELL _\Oi ' Bhait ]_\ Jiibilatinn of Bf-Qdentl Ov-r Many VirtorjeQ. , ? ? - ? ? ' ? ia the gueat ol - ? ? ? >fl|ehr ' ' ' ? - ' de Chiid Thon Dresses HerscH and Goes to Grandmnther's. IGNORANT 'OF CALAMITY Othen Soon Di&covnr That Man Has Shot His Wife aad K?. self?Jealousy the OMie. ? .. ? nlni ... ? .n? riid oo*. know , .-v .. - ... ,( -. feet arocnd l; ? -rw,r ajna " ad aralked Ba I ati ' - - _ ? Iher ed to tln ' ? in-i ha : then ? ? H " rer In hia ham tne daya a| ? ' * lt, but hi . Mra. 1 ' a arlf me on Monda i Pridajr < ? ' ? aaee offei r .-? ?' - . rent II ( tfl RM ' Ir.g a I - ? ? - 1 ., . .... a ? ? Mra Vora ' ~ R ? .,-.,-?.,' ta-aa -rtna-btg .-??-"-- ?"*-?. --*"* Jjj r. .. ? ;- , ber .f ? aiae Oace he aaai , , ? * to 4r.-ne en* * I * ' r .4. ? ! I MBfl -**!* "i it * ?kiiil ' r ahowa aa *" *art** * " r t TAKE BARRitRS A.S HURDLES sri in Riverr" P i H 'ore CJo*^ "a ' the hrid'epn i "i " '* ? 1 - "-8 .,' i - -i * * ** 1 4 I ' LASTING GIFTS A Great Variety, Bui Only Oae QjuLy STEIUJNG SiLVEP, GCLD, JEWELS, STATIOtNERY, ETC. The Weddirg Gift r.rtx!ei found ia our di*V plays are more th-Ul app.opriate. Fulljr ^s ?mporlar.t, they are lasting. They endura not for a day or B week, fcut for a lifelime, thus forming a permanent rcmerribrancc. REED & BARTON CO. Fifth Avenue nt \>2<1 Street and 4 Maiden Lune ?1 1.1 1 j |. . .,** , ? ?;.?? IAKES.;,W09DS INLAND RESORTS F^ORE^T-*. lake?,ra nl itT ' "* ro M- -- Tran.? jun or ca nen*- fish r ;se ;U-.-( coirj u canoe on ayetal That's Maino?answer her cafl. Hotel-Ca.npa Like No Qthers .,,? mt hotels each with unaa arhere </eg ....... - . - i play roII ninglr with tae |?y fluma ? ? ? ~ - - ??? THROUGH EXPtES9 TR*. ' I/*j? ? ? ,v r> M fl . ? M g/ofnf ll r ,..-nt.,r* z... .-,? -.- -194 ? -? ? - " -V . . ... -.-j la that 41 - - c.jns. _. \rt\ fr*-w*-'. pt ; f 41 - - - citt **::?" orTTcr 1:1 Br"?-??a.- Pewtet 1 J H UA The Tclcphonc Jnitcs the Famlly i \ von. Mother?" " y^s; baby i-i ju-t beauiifu] r.. ', j*. i js had his nap and ig pla-fing here on the floor be side me no%v,"_ v! comeovpr-ndbnn** jrour -.fwincj. We can ait and t* itch Kibv and lew and talk. And 1*11 teiephonc Fathef to go to the office and com-* home Wlth John. !t will be iust fine for us to have dinner toj-ether." "Yee, I will nnd comc early, Mother. Good-by*s." Sona and dtughten grow up ind make homes of their own, bul the tdephoae keeps {li?'m in intimate touch with irptreotS. The teiephonc keeps the family together. Have \nu a Tclephonr in \ntir hnme T NEW VORK TELEPHONE CO