Newspaper Page Text
> -oi* T\\I v 23eW?. iw-mnrnS^^ NEW-VORK. FRID.VV, -JULY 7, ? -.a-aT^Tf-- /?aX'T,"' / 'l/VT I" ClBj of New*9nP*M*M*L*********t HHI.?I4<)xJRTEEN PAGES. ** PRICE ONg < IA l ggt-WRj two a? MUCEO IN COURT lvpp-2 Taken from Miss Graham's >orns by Anscnia Employes ifow in Prosecutor's Hands. SOME ARE STILL MISSING Oomplamant R.peats His Story, DecisringYom-tT Women Had Planned to Kill Him and Dispose of His Body. - 8*8881 ?l'."" 0*1 bj Bf8f!8. .. Um v.t> ??! ? ., of tha ? . knaonli of tha - ... . it came with th.* , .lon. and of a boinb, ? ... . ? ? ?:... V ? pro ... ? ? - ? ? ??:?. \t tO II.' i for I I i'.rn", ' I ?? ? i! !? ' l*| ? ' tfiaa i han'- . . F* lel ...... mmtng. i ' An jajrc*. aai found fcVaptti ? aghlta three ??ker by C n i!i ? Mi ?aaalu l Maaa for ? ?rjga * ' ? ? ng thai Mr. .-? - rltnatN .... ? .4->ting in a manner - and deolami 'tlng . . .... . . . ...... ?YMnaai '- - ?ma** Exeita 1*888* '" ' to | ? " '" - - Mr McMa nua *rirrj ... . proai ... aooM i p ta bi igl I ont i i ? ? ? ? rlnar I tha Ora '" " ' r he arould c?!l for I he rould ? all On M aa - onrad on it an unknoirn oountaaa ***? OT?r mi of I ? ? .-? fc'ls"i Qrttbajn'a rovolrar ' ' ?igl *** '- - thai in a at*** ? d him for 8d told him if ? re*M?-i to glvi ? efaack for 1*1.000 I - i Torkara naaitk** and pr< i you hav*? ?-ar*-* and neven boen heard of. **rrutu***8m8i ta to dla? ***f af J Jfcdaelared thal ln a > ?.i.w?---*ti rn b. b*^*r- ?" ? - O-rahatn, ^ *r. tl. hyj ot] murdoring Grrahann ?aid bar dafi Wl be Inaanity, bul Ifiaa Conrad aat ?*?*? '?'*?? lt 4'.,,,r, -,w- ayiii r-ay ba j/*ckf'1 ,J! her*. and ara kllle.i hlm in rM'd"'' aald Mlaa Con lo **?" | ... r?- naarirb-r '^A't I ? mlghl noad 'r< Ulilng ^" >' tbe ?ti'.vBter ? . . ..1,. !, '" ??? " id bi did nol knoa bar 8888 t- abo .t hi r . io pf J ' ?arn hlm of Mlaa i in .- aV J h"ra Uui Bbi had baan a Btalu-aor ^PfcSio,, ?, nIKm OimlMUB, an.l ** aaaw! h'"' t"M f"r ?** h:i'1 ?a*000 "tckt'^'' *"'"' "f M glV'" to '" ' ?? and araa going ai-road to "ha*.. . ? ' ? Bha told hlm, h.- aald, *?!Uj ** ''r;tn4'irn ama saaav la Pfcrla *h? moft di?iiipat.-il Kur-Mai,-, r?R*l Fri-nrhnif-r, Ujj Wlt|)*M f-atlfhd lliat h. /M-'-'i"! ,-j, Conv?r*i*tlon m Magg ilraha'ii, an.l *hM h>l'f'j **"**' thc ?'''un,~'ss Wi,fi atiKiy 'r 'J'-'HUfv- >,t j, \,,nni.* min * - d?rf ori( ? rn;J(j,. ,U() u,\ Mr BK*i ? .;, ,liuiu |o State Secrets! Sh-h! Aimost every department of the Federal Govem? ment has a batch of them. which must never. never be disclosed. Photographs of men who know them. hit w>n't tell. in next Sunday s Tribune S AXE Haad of Dctective Bureau. Ap pcinted by Baker. Reduced to Rank of Captain. EDWARD HUGHES GETS POST Commissioncr Says False Re ports Were Responsible for Hic rf*Vction?Hayes Promoted. .-. im ? w ald ? announ. ed j eati r? t tern.-..!' that ."? had ri-li.-vi-.l lli ?i 11 Ruaa ill ol i!" command ..: tha l ?? '? i?"? B reau, and i>h,i daalg* tor 1 ? ard Hughea aa his 11 ... nnounced thi pn>a in . ?..! .1. ;?,., r; Haj ea to ??? an inapector, Inapector Ruaeell is re I to thi rauak of captaln and aan! to tnni.ii .) ,.f th.- Tottenvllle, Btati n ' ,. preclnct. Inapector Ha^s suc Inapector Hughea ** inspi'ctor "f th.. l s.1 [nap. ? lon I rletrlct. . t Uie . 'ommlBBloner in l- theee changea cama ..* .. com pria ?? ? ? ? one aiound Head who takes i ..i.-.-tiv ? Bun .;". la ? de . -, . only Moai ? I thla time : J I j I r ?? i .t,nK At,<\ -.)-,, Detectlvt Bur. iu mniis ? ?', ii -!?? ? >V',ilr],>. who put ?. ? he Publlc Offlee Snuad . ? th., rJutj. ? faw ien1 to tbi Inapai T"i ? Inapi ctlon ' >latrl4*l ,. Hayes haa baan ? *? aL-oiit tarenty ra, bul ppoini I a holl; ? d record in tha gnoi '' u ? ' aquare" m d h*?( of racelred ?har dc raiaaloaar Ba"k0r, and has t for -suceoedinsr the i*ti ? tor McCaffert] Ruaaal) ? th hlfl supeiiors about zr arhan ha waa rpriur-rrj f ln*] ? ? ?. ptatn by ? '.- 'vornectlon aaal to dui j ai raa broi ghl dowalown bj Commlaaionar Baker and piaced at the b4B8d tactlra Bureau He haa foroa about taranty-ffc -1 anation of th* fomrnif ? ? aterday tha folloa ire : ? ; '? was out f an laveatlgatlon Dcputv J'. I.ce ? ' \\'a'?h. you sjtated utenanta Klnaler I l ? i*e Veiei ian .1 141 B*ad bv >ou to knaakera* atrtka ne 1 ng i t Patr ms.n ' ' .'Farrell, former ?'..hai not ? atrlka duty m connectioa er i ??--/ Fion ' me. ?1gri'd by Valerlan J, -"'Tarre!!. William Duggan, Willitri H Klnaler and is-aa,- a Silver man, lt appears that Kinsler, Duggan and tven aat Igned to i ti Ike duty ln tlon vvith thli strike I also have he algned bv thi ae* ratary of Bkii t lfi nufac i 'iiera' ? -i ttea r^-ouegting ih. at> f tbeae men for strlkr. dui ten rn the fa^e nf it. rlting, the nama and al ( ' A Bilverman. io whom t)\*s*, dttecilvfa s-tated that you direr-ted them to ? ii th-v did report theae t a ll j-ri-ear* tuai ycu nl to the Thlrd Dep rjoni i. .'ind later rtn ? n arntJng to the eona ? ? In v ? long service in th* ? -I believe >. ? Interents if dla 'v:ii he BUfflcteatly 3erved by re a you from the command of th-a De Bureau ?nii rei' you to tne ? rf Captaln 1 have arrord'.ngly C\ r.rti<\ tlii.- actlon. Tn*' making of falii- reports rannot le . ns a moai aerloua offenr-e, m arhlch al no time ran be allnwed ? t hi Btrongeat . oadenana-. The copj of the lettar given oul araa 1 riut siKn.'il it was Btau-.i al Headquartara thut the A. Silvr-rman named in the k-ttrr runa a privata dataetlre agen.-v ln Qrand s.tir-rt, <li the ,..wer BldC \ promlnant oflcial of tJie Police Oa. rjartmant atated that Commtnatoner i WaJdo whh ii.ii.rin. <l that tha dati?<rtlvaa ! had made thi atatemenl timt liispector ' Ruascll had aent tham cra*g lo th. pai* Ivate .i.t.-.tiv<- agency, and than irhan I Inapector Ruasall dentad .t rommin aloner lv*aJdo p4u*onally Inra .atJgatsd tha matter, faaling that R.-ini-thiria; ^.-.s Th. .'..mirilssiiiii. r COUld BOl ! Bnd ii eaay i" undarntaad arhy Iraapectoi Ruaaall danled thal the thr.-e m<n had beaa Bawignad lo atrla* duty. Tlta Uarna n.< n involvad baaa Batooa bat n tinnnfi'tn-d , rroan tha DafaeUra Buromu. <yWovro.\ Ip | dolng patrol duty. - a ENGLAND HAS HEAT WAVE Temperature in London 83 Degrees? Hottest ln Two Years. Loadka. July fi Kngim.ii i? ?^?'?, ?>?i,er" ancing a beal arare. arhlch, ?'"vv<V,'m1'.' rordlnf to ?,.t.?,-oh.irl?.H, baa BO -'?"';' tlon aith tba *??^t*?!, ?? ? U temperature In Laaidan lo -oay !..... ..I, .,,. lha li.ilt.-Bl fi r tV4<> V.'" ., i. mi^raliit. m i/'?" '" -'?????? V,?,N, ?n-i tha rhade. the hotteat for two ya* |lth* hlgh temperature Ih d^ ii.a i ; L,y tba a-holaaala to tha aaaaawa PRESIDtTnT A rROUGH RIDER. ' ' "' ""r^ \ .Ii been ; '"Jl,y ^SthTonS ? a " I " : "'? "'' """lUr ,,/.-? i Camp or Bough RliUra ot cuiiioinia. SGENE \T KING GEORGE'S GARDEN PARTY AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE. 10INSPECT OLD MAINE Experts in Explosives to Exam jne the Hull of the Sunken Battleship. REPORT MAY BE DELAYED Naval Oirclei in Washington Bp lipvr Examination Will BhOff Vfssel Wap Blown XTp from Onifide Waahlngton July B?A board o| i offlcerr. etnert*i ln 8XPlOSlv88, la being s<,|prte-i by the N"a4 ? Departmenl to atudy ih." hull of tba battleship afalne in Havana harbor aa t**** watj I pump'd from tiie coffardam now bui rounding the wtreck. BacB'iae of t^r ,. iiily Blow prog r?*s ot tha arorl weefc. probably arlll elapsa before tha experta arlll ne Bbla to lni-pe-.i the. kaafii oi Uu former wat | fehip. but the board arlll proceed *o lHa , vana a.? ?oon aa Ita pe***aonaa*al la ? knern* and arlll remaln with thi nrortt untll 11 16 flnished The Navy Department ofllcera arr vinced UMl tha" ' '"? r* ?' 6 the correctness of thg findlnga of *1""" ! Mmpgon board arhlch deelded tb I eTpiosi^n whlcl bui k the lialha a ia ' r*aus?d bjr a totrpedo oi mlne, and I the axploafon ef the ahlp'a magaalnea followed j.-, ?i8w of tl d Intereal at taching to tbe actual cauae nt rhe da i 8t**uctlon of tha v-ror ... iitlng from | the unoorarlng of the arreek b! army eng*l***ae**e, General W H I cblef of enarlneera, arho haa hial rei frorn Havana, to-daj lasued thi folloa Ing rdgned atatement The work of <*m"""ate*ina Ihe Malaa so. fa- provai n^'h't-g as to tne origin of thfl ax] rl .n r,f tbe mai i nea bui alreadyl i abowa auch astenalve deatnictlon of the for | . ,r. ot 'bo boat tl at ?? ,e qulta i roba Bt f>iller nnwaterlng arlll fa" to pi"1 I <- i.y proofa, elther wa Bueti expl' arloi i I ha 11 bo r t ? |porta or Btatementa ni to th< origin .flxplcardt***] fjeneral Blxb* la quotod aa aajrlng that I his BOUndlngfl ahowed that ar loa?t t4*-" thlrda of the boa ware atterly arrecked Thf aldea had been practlcally bloa n away and wera hori^d in tba mud Phlladalphla, July 8 Rear .\rirniral ! 'oexrrta W. Melvllle (reUrad), D. B. n aald toda\ thnt it is hla belM that the ' hattleehlp Main. W88 blown up by "n? . ,,t ha/-. ofrtx r**af*afaurineo. "i have alwaya matntalned that the afalne war- de*ert**o***ec* from aithln nnd not from nithout," declared ><1mirai Melvllle. "I have Ba'd that the e-camlna tion ot the ahlp in Havana I aurbor arould prove that thr- raptoslon o.-.urr. .1 wltl ln her. One of her poarder niaunzin.-s jama altuated bertwaen two ironl bunker he-ada, and one of thf abell ittatHma alao , w; j near by. Th* coal, takins fire, prob ably heated tbe ahella In the abell land eauaed th" tucploaion of otu of the magraslnaa "Naval and < riKlneiTiiiK 8***P8rtg In thla country nnd Europc have been Incllned ti. belleve thal the Malne araa nol de fltrroyod by ext'-rnal tneans. In a letter whirh I wrote on Jannary 20, 1002, to Thomaa B. Reed, tbe Bpeaker ef the I Houae of Itopreeentatlvea al "*?*.'.-.* ninK I ton. t eontended thal the Matoi de8ti*o**ed bj an Internal ezploadon." NEW YORKERS IN BIG DEAL Finance Electric Light and Power CompanieB in Pennsylvania. [Uy *Tfl*flfl*l*a*aa to Thr* *f***t*MBfl 1 Pittsburg, July 8 A -qrnellcate c*on eaetlng <.t BnwB Brotbera, Newberg, Het*4**rrson & Loeb and H. B. Holllna ?v (,,, ol New rork, baa und**rwrltten the bonda to Itaanoe one ..f tbe blggeefl deala thal baa lnm ti traiiNuct.1.! in W.-ti rn PH nnnylvaiila ln man) yiars. Il ln the puretoaa Of hII th* .1.4.111 llghtlng aad power r-ompanlea In Wiiynrsix.r.i, Waahlnfton, Canonsbuig, <iiik.i.i>. llcDo6uUd, Olemfleld, \s',...,i lawn aad h<-\<rai ?>th< r tonrna ln tbe (iiiio iti\er tenltory aisquired i>> J. B. fr W S Kuhn, Iiirni|>..iul. .1. from tbe Bl) ayndk*ate. Tha d>-ui bavolTag naarlf 1 >rt ? NNI* M H ?. r...iniK of the Western Pennaylvanla Tractlon Company ^iii be u*->'i In flnan .in** tii> put*chase of theet propertiea and for extenstve Improvaanenta therel A COI.ORADO VACATION LOW PARBI i land'a ane nlghl trali morning . bi ina from ' 'lilcagu aml Hl Louli romhln. ;-<.i at..] coniforl IJuuKlt-ia and l4Uaj8-. I . .'.'l I'loat.Usuy. ? AO.L _, -'. ,_~.-.?..< J Mfl tND MRS LLOTD QBOBOl LEAVING TfJE PARTT . r-i -.,,.. k.. >f.,i,->;. p,?aa taaoc." ' WOFS OF A BR1PEGROOM blothes, Saringf. and Licenif Bnrned Jtwl Before Weddhig - luded th? burnii I I ? ,|ar m arhlch ' ?-?' t moat of hla clothi nd 1 ? ? W Johnal - Bd hta . -? . . Knoll. to i iBtponi ? i ,ir ??? eddlng ti,.- ? Fourth of juiy exploalon fohnatoo n-aa uiiablfl ??? buy mora clothea becauae 11 araa h holl dav. nnd had tO ? "? ' hi? tarldfl tO '. eiad In over*llfl Q,'p wa'"! embarraaamenl by tx i i ,: " * > , ving .,. .... anothei marrlago! )\,-<;ns,' to-daj CALL BOY COCAINE FIEND Arm Exhibited in Ooiirl Wai Covered with "lfeedle Wcki.'' , ? - * 228 Becond av? . - ' . .. ? .i.rc (,],}. v.'l * ..... . rtarda! ??<?< n.i'? ? Chlldran'fl i ourl Ha araa chargad .. |th tw Ing a cocalne fl'nd Jtaatlce Rui ?eli sent hlm to the House of ?' erhere b< arlll remaln untll ' -. gjorltj When ht araa Mked ta :,,r. rtia arm h? exhlbtted ? ma ? ot hypodermlc -vt . needla piicka ?;,. ?.,.,. ,n. ated ' arlier In th* d a,i. di !?? tl' ? " '' mptalnt ol I tl t 8he had aal n thi boy hanging around u.e countara for , , daya and Buapi eted 1 Im of - liftlng Aganl Coagrova, of the Chll rjren'fl Bociety, aald Upr4*ri had been ar reated n BeveraJ 04?aji1otui for mlnor often. ? Hi i- >t physlcal arrech an I adraltted, ir la aald, thal ha uaed oocaina almo il ln< i aaantly. .-?a CASTRO IN VENEZUELA? Ex President Said to Have Land ed from a Motor Boat. . ,-ua.-..-. Julv >'. K-l'-rt* a | tMureal tj Bl thentli aature are la i ln ul Moa tbat , N i-i. ? ? ? > i itro landi d from h motor ,i;,-. ,1 ., porl aeai tha waeti rn ,,,, ,,- ,. n. /,!.,. ii. >f ai d to ba without rn inltlona Th.- governmenl Bhoara bo alarm, bul ia naaktng arrangementa to |...v.-..t bla get lUui a i...un,,i,i, and to eaptura him, if po? alble _ -??a? SEEK OAMBLERS; AIIREBT TEN Men Who Interfere with Police at Door Are Taken into Custody. lOflBMBelOl v\.,l>l, s. i4tl* re.l 18*881) of liln detectlvi through Waal 8Mh atraat, bi Broadway Bnd llxth avanna yaster. rternoon to gatiaar a*-taeaci agaloat ajambllng rtaoria. wi,.-. ih. -i. t. ? tiv.s atarted to ei . ,.,, ?,..? oo tha Btoop taterfered The .i.-t.-iiv.e ajraatad all ><t them aad t.?.k ibetn to tha \v.< i.'.', '."? BUtion lhe, w.-.. .l....K.d with dlaordarly .duel and Interfarlng with the pol a Inapectoi vTalah bad aahod i hli t M ig i .,,,., UeAdoe fo* warranla bul for Boma reaaon lb* warraata arara noi taauad l? ,,,,, i ii,.- ariadowa ??f the houaa v?...i ,i .alaai ' araalne BiictaJ Club Thi laapoc r "earnad Ibal the club haa a aelecl ....... erahlp and n.?t Bdmlaalon ls bj ineinber card ,,.,iv whlch probablj explaina -.,;,?,- Sfi.kHectlvea to Kev< a look ,,i iha Iniajaa^_^_ , , ?,,, Bj aumbel Ji fferaoa N II , ?,,?., th. .x,.- live heal they a.c ,|r>.1,ii.t imd'. thara noa Adv l. $1,500,000 [fl GRATITUDI Agor] Woman Leavei Hei ?r Fortnnp to FaithfuJ attendant ? ?.- - ' ' F? tmai I 1 ???? ., Im ? ' ? ?? hai ina ter (1 for Mra Burke "K"d eight] ol On i1 Caatlfl Pa t a month ago Wl I , ., Ward agedl flftj ati ot thlfl ad her enttra ?'i'c ? al niiiion ind a half . ,. eara Ward tool ar? ' i ., u iband ? -: -'; ? an M.s Burki ... i.i- hi a h< eled her a m ho hv all I ? halr Mra Burke i | ?""?'' ? ? tgti the death r,f her f-nher ' luabl prop rt: ,i, phtl idi Ip] ja ERB'S K1LLING AN ACCI0ENT PentlaTjrlvania Court Hands Down Decision in Sensational Case. ladelphia, July 1 - The Pennsyla - nla Buprem. Court here to-day fuled thit rhe kllllng of ,i Clayton Erb, a wfde Ij knoa n '?? pub I in polltl. inn. ol a ho araa Bhot bj hli Btab r li la* during a quarral al hla hoaae, was an a. - ,. and In orderini ti rurance - - t.t.... Brb'a s-~t.-r ;i $i,00fl I laauranei claim, holda that Erb Ib engagtng In the fight dld no! ?? pate bi r- -':*: reaulta to hlm araa Bhot by Mra, Belael, hla wifi - ,.,, October ?">. L80B during ? quar r.-i uith tha wtarnen Wtth h revolver In hia hand ha ordered lha atater-fa-lan from bla homa and In a Btruggle for tha of the weapon h* araa k'Hed. Tb* Couri holda that Erb'a ,i. .-ii arould not bave been acctd4mtal if bt bad etagagad Ib h duel or if II bad baen the resuit of an bsshhii coirimenced by hlm where ba had reaaon t" axpecl ? deadly defem e. Th.- tw., aromen were tried on a chaarge r.f murder, bul vv re acquttti d WOMEN SAVE TWO BATHERS Take Teacher and Would-Be Rescuer from Lake. mv Telagra h ta Tb, ' PoirfighkeepBle, \\ Y . July ?> Mt*-*- Mll* dred Plaa* Bixtaen yeara ald, daughter ..f Mr. and atra John W. Plaaa, of Ca ,,,?, gtraat, gnd llla* Vllla Otnidy, of Vtrartnia arenue, aaved th* in.s of Mra. Plasa and Mlaa Margarel Welch, of Brooklyn, ? achool ti ai her, w hen ...,.,. thn ati .1 -<i arlth droa nlng ui lha lar..- near here yeaterday eiantngv Mlaa w.-ich aradad out Into the lake and afr* Plasa and her daughter atood , un tba Bhora raraparing t,. folloa when | thalr attontlon araa attracted by ? acrrai nnd Mlaa Welch dlsappeared beneath thi ? aurffl.f Ihe lake Mra, Plaaa b* m ,,nt t.i whera Mkaa Welch bad gone down,: catchlng lha glrl as Bhe cami up tl ? ,,ii,i time. Whea Mis.-s Welch arenl downl for iii" thlrd tlaaa aha bora Mra Plaa with her ii..ii. <um,' to ih. iiiri.,. ,,1,'aiii aii.t Mildred Plasa and Mm* fjoudj then pnt out In a boat nnd reached tho taro w.'.n.'ii hiat <?* tha acaaaol teachei arsnl 1,'vvn t.?r Ih.- lllth ii.,..- >liK*> li.-iidy Bteadtcd th* baat, whlle .\n?s Plaaa juini'- ,i in th* arater and pulled her raolb. i and mihn Welch t" *...>> ty. a CiREAT DEAR SPFtlNG WATER Ui purll> ha? niaulo 11 laUivHia AUvl. YFSTERDAYS TEMPERATURES. 4..,hiirn, v v. lea K?4tnn. ,0:t I Imlrn. N. V.... *t I'.irtli.i.rl Ma .? BIJ I'r.n Maawe . 68JJ *?? ruiiton. IVnn . 68 I in-'inn'-M . tt rtillnilnlgkla . ** ntlabiirf- . ...... N lnt?-r!-.l.. ii. V *? . M Syr?< .1" . '*" llrlroll ** 1 t?i rland il DEATHS n8lt..>.r.rr . I'll'll-i'lpllhl. Pr.M Igfltaefl . ' Ptttabarg ....?? M -I .,,, ;,. fltflfl \ l| . * Mo.ri.,,,?r>. S. .' . "*? i;. .i.i. ... ? . l>nn . b. * ; |.r,-r--<-tl Mat.-- . tfattoH. .- ,.-. inpafl Wottaatar, Maaa . In;, B.B........ ' lltaaay . Maa* Keadtag, Penn. . *-> I <-uia , ni, .ifv- la l'rnn <lr-.";.. I ?, .,, l,..r. ?,.-.l..irn. > \ 1 1 I ,. ...? ?4cheat? ' raatae ** I ' |....|,.,-r1 V \ fltl-iali i.?ir.n. > ? ' rieieland ? '1 .:.. li.i.l 4(94.? MR. HAWLETS N[ECE HURT. MIbb 0am*eTOB Chrothed by Horse Bhe Was Biding - -. >, ta Tha 1 , , | u; md !?? ? r. ?1 hlle ., k rldlng arttb hei ? v. the . ,tllt' Mic, Rollle Cameron thrown to the fi ' i ? .- cniahed I er Th*-. Cameroi ? l ted up and i ,n thr naotof ' IHlam May ? ?? ti tha v7eei lallp country r.f her uncli ? ' ? ?? ie at '?' ? .? Her condlUon la "i'-> to be aei - Bha red Internall: and ? ?? MISSING WOMAN STRICKF.N Mrs. J. S. Butler. of New Or leans, Leaves Hotel; in Hospital. Mra Jamea B. Butl ? f New < rrieauia, ? 1,, nvw Toi N Hoai 11 -' Bufferlng j from a atroke of, apoplexj and la expected to live Bhe waa atrlcken t. rdai whlli ailghtlng from -. I ;;4th Btreel car al Park a*. *,ir< Butler, who la slxty yeara old, . ,i iti ti,i? clty from New Orleana and ri glati n I ?* the Hot I Manhattan where ahe araa to meal Biati i '? law, Mra Jamea Albi tt Hani Bon, wldow ..I Profeeeor Harrison; nf the Unlveralty of Vlrglnla il ? o'cloek Mra Harrlaon called at the hotel, and i/aa aatonlahed arben Informed thal Mra Butli r had left, Bhe i" came alartni d, ,i,i gfter maklng many Inquirlea li irn.'.i ; thal her aged frlend had been t'.k-'ii to thi hoepltal. Mrs. Harrlaon co i!.l not i Icarn why Mrs. Butler had left the hotel. Jamea B. Butler la a cotton planter, aa la father, Pleroi Butli r, befon ,i aald thai landa are among th. most extenalve In th. MlaeJastppI V i i . ui.? aon, Jamea Pfc n ?? Butler, in pn rd ,|. t:t of th** ?;? i iniiti Atn< ri. an Bank, >>t \, u Orleana, and another, Plajrce Butler, , prof, aaot in the Unlverattj of New . '? l. il ? RODMAN WANAMAKER TOAID Agrecs to Help His Brother-in Law'l Firm with $950,000. Philadelphia, July 8 liodman W ,,, ikei .ii "i John *a anamaki i and hrnthi r-ln-laa >.f Nortnan Nel.i. I i ad ,,; tha ato i. bn ki rafi ilrra ol Norman McLeod I i " arhlch recently went Into voluntan bankruptcy, haa agreed to mme t.. the aaalatam'e of the ilrm and advanre $900,000 for the purpoe* of pay? Ing thi ? i edltora ol the firm. rtiis announcemenl araa made to-day and the <i.'t<.ii? n"4\ are being worked oui bj the attorpeya for the credltora, ln lonJutK'tlon wrth tbe attorneya for the M.,.1,...,! flrm. Rodraan Wanamaker,n lO .lls.llH-4 tha ._ ? DEWEY S PURE CLARET WINES. \ .i al.1 '" .I"" tl. i. 4i ith 'i" ale ii i I? \m-> a tkMiaCo., IM Fulton Bt., N.T. JUlvt HEAT'S SCY7HE S DOWN 56 ON FIFTH DAY tfortality Exceeds That of Any Previous 24 Hours, Making Total 158. >HOWER GIVES SOME RELIEF Permanent Drop in Temperature Assvred by Washington Dis patch. Rains Being Main Cause. CITY HOTTER THAN BEFORE 'rostrations Run Up Close to 300, i-Jub way Passengers Swelter and Hos pitaJ Attendants Suffer- Rich mond Fire Marshal Dies. THE OFFICIAL TEMPERATURE. H??r. aealrr.l;... \1 ?<tiir4rl.-i, IV 9 M. nt.. II ii. ni. ?4<?>n I p. BB, B p. m. ', X |>. m.8* I b> aa.... .W ? p. m. . . :" 8 t?. bb. 81 ? 11 [.. m. XI 81 HlgliMl !.Mii|>?* t?r i.,,/-n|*T, 9* ? I 2:10 p. m.: In4*??f. "4. at ?% ... rr. TOTAL DEATHS IN CITY TROM HEAT ??IHl.lrtT Mnnrfaa . M Tl.^arflf,. Bl 14e<lne?rf1ii.T i aaaadaa >????< ? T..i8i ..... m Piftj mt adklltiataal rittrma ra r-iainip.i in thla etty and Immadl*-"*" nelghborhood reeterday *? .. re ? ? ? ? ., ,v ..' i * beat Tl . .. .... .? ,\. .-I, { ,- tn-. r e frtghi nlght* o1 nnusual aufl I ' L58 But a ahori hower ear -, ., . foreruni rr of greal ti,. informatlon r> ?"??? ad frorti thi : .- Dgton lai i ig ? ? il nea all abaorblng 1 r,?rior) !s-->? tB 01 I- I '" I ? ? ? -?. r ? i - ta la itrong ? bo* fre? .-???'? nn r,~' - ? . belng ? ? ' io. th< ig reltef ? . . raa ord for tha Miles CI1 llonl rhere audd ,,.-.' Bul i ,; orin-'-t., raused " ? ' degree-? ln BottOt T '*- " ' ' ' .\ throughtaut ' Englai Y-r\, |- ..-.. ? Bttd I '.. moderata temneral ,'-c sqmr Btatefl I ta/aahlngto.I ' ? '" * torrid '? m| ? r itura of BB i I ? ? eter ???*' thi ; ? meni of Igri- ' 0t 100 and 1 "? "-''' " ?' to th h< I v,.-. v,|| ' ? ' ? 111 ib higher and tha wtnd i trtfla The temperature at 8 a ? '-s r,n ... , , ,d thi h imldltj 81 i er cornpared to W tha precei - uad , . | . - miles fl hi ur Inatead i l th* foiirtaan rntl v.. dm - i Mercurv to K. xt ip m thatiaarrnajeneterhadreaidtad araea but Mr. Retd, forecsster, belped by promlslng rellef BJa Bsld tha baromater reading meant lhal pparently InvtiKlMa *na orer th -* utha i iti rn Btatea and tha id ... i wu gli Ing a a* 1 ? . talty Btubborn ? trffree able low pressura whlch had ho*si**d orer tha great plali * I ' ' ' moarlng eaurtward. In th'> morning Mi R ?' I romlsed ahowera In the aranlrig. and ha himaelf ? trua prophet an i mosl b?? paaglng n ai Proatratlona .'.ius-.i I,-- tha ii -I' ran up eloaa i" thi.hauao^adL Thera wera ,,r ,,,ii, k Inaanlty, an.l tha Biaffarlng af nli maini'T of raanklnd and ai geren. Among the long llal ??' ?'" r?t> b d--ad ,. Ifl the i*aae ..t James Leatrange, Def* uty Plra Marahal of tha i-ity of New v,,,-k. Btatloned ln Rlchmoml R.raaars. i), ,i?,i ;,t hlfl home. N?. RO B. i. ii atraa t. .-..,, , ton, Btatt i. laland, I ial i >ght, a victtm of the bx at Mr [rfeatrange reported in Seaa York foi work ycaterdaj morning ml <.*om plalned i.f feeting ill Ile returi ?-. t" BUS l,,,,?... w.-nt t,> hi> roaim ?n?l l^v duwn. ?j ;, ,.. ni hta s-'i. J"hn v\. ni !?> t>." .,. .,n,i , nmplalned t,. hla I tl ar that II rA-aa too h,,t th. n f?r hlm .Mr. I.i - atrange aald !,?? would get up mit g-i 88*) m .i ahort tlma ',> iak.- a walk. Bhortl) after 8 o'clo. k the famly a-re ?tartled t.> hear hlm ai'ream, ..'.d wh.-.i thej reached hlm the marshal ?u gacp inK f.,r breath. Dr Lucy * .* biiui but when hc arrlved Mi. l..' Btra>T4ga was daad. Subway Passengers Ovarcome. i .ne of the manj frlghtfnl >-\periences f,.it b) the naultltudea > .>ini?-lled to bo |actlra ln >>*rterda>Jfl heal occufred In a s.iihw..v aaprass train of th*? Broadway dtarlslon thal lefl tb* a*aa1aa*j s^Moaa, flkaaaal north, sl 8:23 a ... It required ftarti ata mtnutea lo ??" frorn Brooklyn I'tidg.* to i)r*nd Central stii...n, ..i aboul ihirt* ?|g mlnntea lorisjer achedule in t\,* ,ii<aii tliti, I-., ??'?nf ' *> wore uvorcOBJ th, luat Two ei Uaa pi> ..Uationa BTflgaj