Newspaper Page Text
II ? I raaaal for Utaa Fi*J Hard at C P. s. C. Heannci. AS,S S1X^0NTHS- DELAY .r Sivs He Needs That Tells of Bankruptc*> j-*, r>f tr* etr*. ra r.r90n? !****_ *JZ LB teaa --teec-hea. rfsotaf ?*??/"TL pai le - rvlcfl -ared before _ artsatoa y*'wa . , . ? versal a H*a aa ew **. tranafera jn aia ? ^ of .,? (.?m. at*****? " Iduany tha. ^ller hand. tl-ev ad-pl rnoat ba ???,, linea baartaa*. ???<* - . '..'-.- ? ? - ta Byatam, ?hell when ha r-iar ffaraal UJj - * ?i: ur "? tha 1 art el tatlaf for :i ensjt <Mfv. "' fnr "?*?* rar ot the -upted to mak . njzs hat* I - of the and ifl,not ortgli ita fTcraa i eoarolaJart Mr -n-ed one tranafar pomts ar.d -lxty-seven dead rasrg and Davls beth .red pr?s ... - - . . - tho Ca-a md the TJattad r?b1 Estat " ' Associa - |i auaa ? ota <~'ha!r -?r >Tam. - h** ab. "and I hope ngdal* j. Bloomer, for lha ? Aa larlem B-ard of irnmlaalon could Mr. temporai y ' tranafer Walter J. Salomon. j tk*4*C1 8tl r.. - ' - - ? vea fror.i dep-artmetit ruores, , ame the small boy ln Ives ln 106th 91 ?"**?'? Mat*M***80B ?arl. ?? - ? ; and tha' '.. -ox B IB orderly ? -ntha - j -ion had be*n a d* a-tag ? tlon ..I ' ' ? ? ? ? i f tha i ? ? iN FAVOR OF SEASIDE PARK Kayg -ion Urge?; al,000,000. - ' ? - ? - - ,un * ? i the . . .. -"? i Rockatva - ?Baaa. t-T-c ???*? -vners no**.- pktt - an ~* ;-~"- I on their ; ? I IgglJ ?? v??***' "*'ork to-dav. I :r ahall ?*ho aa J(!*'K ' rfaathar it shaii m)** pas.s to ohoose one ,_M'" {jroprtaUon la mad*. the - a >*?ar, and by that g^* Ihlrd r even h half more may ba arty, if. tnalaail. ir ? *. Jr**ldent Mlt<*t-.e* ?*?*_/ ? rtaaaa 3nd Bor 9jw, Appnrt!onm-?nt, are I**** of p<]r"hasini- the former Blta t-w' ' "?"? ?">- p.jrr.h?e*d at a c ? ?*%, Btaara of Brool ? r Pi^BdH ? Pres t.f^. , p the t coaa *en>. tlmate and Ap BBaae r tn** r ad tiie *ara>. o*flBittt*88a are n.rtlng ln aktx,. araaayt Premdr-nt ?n ba mad* 1 ??aaaa ad tJaa proia ^ C0NVILLE BREWEfrTsOLD. ?.^l""!'' M ?" ? md John CottTlUa, -n banaruptty of the Thomaa ^ *8 P, lr;ln|5 ''.mi.any. of Nos. ? aai E2a ? 1 ,,tily one ; **? ***sal?fli? *A tiuaUatX AHEARN RETIRED ON PAY Deputy Chief Had Served in Fire Department 3 3 Years. After a ronlinuou.s aarrlc* of *h!i-i, raara in ta* Ksaa Tarfe ITtr* iv-urtment. Deputy Chlef Thomaa .1 Ahearn was re Ured yesterdav mo.: Commissloner Johnson. Th-1 arder l Ahearn went Into BflBBCt .it S lYl.-.'k. Q*ajrs>ar aad Prealdenl ? reohnaB, of tho Mimlr-ipiil Berelee i ommlaaloii, hoth a*:-',-.i wa the retirement .,f tha Deputy Chief. .""ommisFloner Johnson BaUsrea that ln thus paylng trifl Dt* fa I arork and Bpeetaeular darlns; of Ahearn an excallent lneenttve will bo c,.f far taa ' Othar men ln tho department. Hla I ment la Btrectty rauaed hv dafloiaal the reaolt of bedaaj barrt na a " April. 188*, ln ?rfltch ba nearly lost hla Bf* : Thomaa J. Ahearn was 8| la flre- , man on Ma;- A, ISR, an,l Braa i-r-moted t>> , he an asslstant Mrfman m 1881 Ti ; itsed to a oaptalnov *ancl in IM promoted to the place of chW of battallon | A few Baara later ba araa appolnted deputy chief. On six distinct occat-i.'ns hla BBBBfl baa been i .1 tha roii of mertt, aiatnlfyin*. harok .-onduct at fires In apeaklng of hlm last nlght Artlng ; Chief Kenlon BBld BTOlaabl] BO "the offlcer ln the di . waa BB well ho ; krrad or raa ?'i deputj Commlssioner Jobiaaon ro-e boad Bvaaloa'a ser.Uments and BBld his retlren l aaaa to tha EDUCATORS OPPOSE MAYOR Object to Small, Highly Paid Board of Education. Ifayor 0*iraior opened a batch ? thfl ' "? Hall J-e?terr> . flttara fi ahy they fln.l no faror arlth the afayor1 s:..a'l BBd I I ' B4J8Sd : ;catlon, whlch ho wam- to pvovlde, for :n tha ne-.v ? "'*f I Lnrence 1 *i Tr-. f -'. Carraralty. i \\ r nr i pli' la a oali take, and Tha oonduei tlonal its Bdnalnii I ? Inae and w not iiable to retnova reaaoi ? to bave -1 arith othei him. Theae prof.-sslonal men oushr I under the control ol .. non-pi prr-tend t - time to the work. ar.,1 bualni aa la 1 a" rn?n Murray ButlBT, BaaaaMei is aure a pal.1 ? pe "those d4?plorsbla eoa I i rork ad ?? to 188 .? ? ? i would. ln ? .. md about could be ? ' ' It would a "<> ho ;gh to . .. Into ? . " ae, -1 m"' ... . ? kea Ii r dl ? - kea 14 amall ' -, row ita' time. rs who oppose.l the lf*yor bf ? iperiotendent of i rr.issl,. " ?? X. G. Btumba ...... fohools. rflbraha ?? i Tork ?a* Coaaaanla*4<n?er of Education Thom ? ? ol of ? WARNS STREET CLEANERS Mayor Says Night Removal of. Garbage Must Continue. I ? ... .? mdod i ' I mployea of the deparl - ? -?? ? ??.. nacK. ? ? ? ? - ' ' ? ' " ' .I that th ' ? l ' : ' ' nal appro] ?' mmis- | ' ? tba driv ... ...... , ...or for ?r do .n tho i '_ PASS QUARTERLY DIVIDEND American Foundries Directors Say Railway Orders Are Scaree. The ' Foundries d 5?8*d >??'?:- ' .-,., dlvldend of lai PS* -ant on rhe . | . darty atoea BBO?t .,,-?, the aaeel ag lt waa il ???*? i a-aa doa t* lha amaU n r*e*tr*d from the railrcada. "Wh.n dJ ' I ?** '"3*':n- h" "* ." ment said, tb* r.oard of directors hoped and 8B| ' o'lstneo* and earn1nK? 8f ta ararraaf ,-ontinued ,:.d unlnten*Opied Vnym*ot,. h^ as .rery ona kaa. >'*r the ralln,!.'! Mtry have pur- haaed v.-ry 111 ' ??? 5? T e . o after fllltol > "n ***,** "/' ^ ,h. year lha ?**?*? Man M ??*?** iirJ* *o curtall Ita ,-P-r.ui,..^. As ??eon -^"?-: :,!ri::? Ita orgar.uuno.i aaal all tt, pluntaJt*8 ? 8P,endi.i condltlon to take advantaa* of ar.v improvement ln huslnees. The company b?8 *>- B Mliori., m.184.888 i t Btoek, ail al 8M ???? * ^ and all of whlch 18 out.tandinK. Tl na ?toc? art. la-ued 18 -lune. VM, tM?"*1* fldopttaa hy the stockhoidera of a pl*n readJUBtmenl of - apital provldlng f .^ cencaUation of the atock l ' ? .moh o.,n.,isred of W.WOXW. emmon $17.24I?."m of preferr.-.i at*>ca. ?\ b< ;:"" 1 , ' ", ,,-k folloa**d w Bl el roundrlea atoca .^ao^J1^ ? J ,4rfv* -.higafl, ^?*? ~^ Court Denies Application for In corporation of League. AN ERROR IN THE PAPERS Dr. Pease, Dr. Wiley and Davld Starr Jordan Among Those in National Movement. T8 rustli-e l>onard A. Oieg*rirh. of th* ? **?upr*me Court. ie due the thanka of h1! men arho smok* far atandlng" at l*asr | t*mporarilv betw?r-n th*m and a rroup of well known p*rsons who have, organtzM la Ofht tha ?*\ii' in avery poaaTlila wray Most of th* m*n that r-onatittu* th* group ! ai? <-.!uoat.->ra, a:),i som* <-<f them alr?adv ! hav*, attra.'frd nnuh attention hy thfr rauwpalajn aajatast the tohacco habit. For*- J BtrOSt la Dr. Hiarles G P?aa*. who has eaaaatl tba B****ast raf mor? than one man for *aaok*aa in placaa e**he**a h* .ahould not have smok*d Tba atban ;ir.. Dr Rurt <i. Wilder of CorneD Unl4*rs!ty; Dr Harvr-y W. TVii**-. prealdaat or th?> Amr-riran Therapeutlcal ' BotBaty', th* R?v Dr. J*nktn Llovd Jones, pastor of All Souls' I'hurr-h. ''hloasro; Dr I Man p*f8aBa*H8al of faaanfl (Manford (Jntrvaratty; CBaaaaaBag James R Dajr, .if Byractisa I ulfaratty; Prof*?so. Thomaa B. Btoa-eU, of tba I*a*g****an****F of Southern California. aad Prof*saor Wln fiald ." Hall, ot" Nortawestern University. Al! the f..r*going* have united ta make n '1 'Mmpalirn agrunst th* wooers of the DlCOtlne. Ther ar* th* Incorporators of th* Xnn-Smokr-r",' Protecttva T.*Hcrui* of Amorica. Th*y applied for a cerU'loat* of , ir.oorporatlon. That, ls wh*r? the ald of a I'lieg^ri-:!! rame in for the amokera. | ? . htti offl~lal duty that ba did ao, bul anyway, tt giv?s th' :'mok"i* a r*apit*. juat ? ? ? ?? h danlad tha applleatlon hr*oaii?w- the inrorp"ratnrs did not pbp*rv? Rtfle 8 r*latini-T to iin*orporation3. whlcn provtdea that i' * 3tated that no pre **ioua appTdcatfoa l id baan rr*i* ta anoth*r ? Tha N'r-n-fmok^r-s m-an 'o ?vnoouraa an,i i: ? ? ' - aaaaal of aU r''bit. 18*88, >rdin:in.*r-s. rul-\" or r*gulatlor.s pro- I hlbltlni ar reatrlcttna to**a*aeo smoklng la md* p*8a*8a ' Thev mea:; , ?li, ia co-oporata aitb th" Beard et . poliea ar.d other paaaa oitirrrs in f*a*rrylns our all theaa lawa and iea*ilatiotne, and tO prOHIOte th<* maklng of stlll orh*r-. - frum ttnaa to tlma be ' raad to | . In thr- ?-.r.'-nr.d elanafl of fh*!r pap*r? oi Incorporation, th* Not*>Sino**ara aay rh*' njaaii to worb Is aa b a aray that oniv tba -anok" teqalrad te Inhale tn* to? aa Thla la wha* thay aay: ' To peratlon of all . ilnaa, balla, hotels, raataa ranta, alaaplai cara, p-re-rtdad for th* ! I . ta prahlM a; er to ?o ltmlt and re*atrtc1 it that enly theaa whe raay Indnlga the baMI w:il t.* i->Ttlr*d to inhal* tha tobaccj f'lmos," Woa*. toohera meana te pretset the ,.- fh.. --aaaanral pablli to th* fnlteal the Conal ' itJea and To rraarantaa th*m ' ray, they ****** ** <*1 Uab bran.*h*s throughout tha .-ountry. oa i Mah I ooka, md magn 4>-"? COURT HOLDS BAD CHECK "COP" ?? ? ? wHhoot courl yaai I !!:* nn ?** Loula Laarta. ol No. 09 Mth >tr?et who waa c*ptured -.mplaint., had "'1 :i* . that lai 4*18*1 *-.-aF g*ttinc mei ri arho ? ? CORONER FAILS TO 80LVE CRIME ? ..??'. Bad ln _ i ?aon un ? e woman a reaaa ? '"-*? EMPLOYMENT agencies. ?'?'?. i Plaaa v-f i i Da 2224 ' a? ? ? - ' " I i***" , I .? i. AU HELP WANTEO. ? ?? " BO rhll- | ..,.88 II..fll, . i aa 801 WOKK WANTED ' _ mpklna ? - . bnn.l P'4\ ? DOMESTiC SITUATI0NS_ WANTED. Ma. . r ae aecond ... .in ? - .. ? ald - 4 ? Foi: ft ? ? ::igron ? N*?at ? ' ^ ?-ial.1 lann<4*i-**8. ??? ? ara ? t-aaaey. tm 1085 1 -i*a._ k woman, ea ?? .. ? taa Hei 1 Tele ? ar*. .,-rniar. e* :elleni eoott, ^ak^r ti, aai ? f'.r?n.-.-? 883 . ... t- -v ;\<\ Laateatoa ? ? 4* U_,_ ing 3wa^lah. ??''*l!*nt r-oo'a, . ?\r.-ir-/\ with oi irltnottt kltohen - ancea: 188 oat*ri*-rir' At?-.-4v t;.j T *xini-'_(>n -v*^"! I0B8 Plflflfl | -n..V(. -Ifl .]?.!*tnr<3a h*r work. retry tarllllna l.*a? rel er*neei |80 ? ?? ?"??? rea ak?"^ "'>** Laataa ton ?4?- . t*l. 1"BB Plaxa_ EKEEPER -'tijtit 4?ora' ?r^ar'anfa, de ?lr*a rt-maagttOt I r*fer*n. *a - ? 4 |i .? .- oountry Induatrlfll Aa?,?*la'|r>n Fm ? Ilayme i i 17 Waai iti et 'Fbaaa tBkt _. il, '?-! ?'.? FtKi.P. Erik.u Prot*atant no wa?h imall famllr: $25 ??. Mlafl Botmoyafa ? and 121 Bth ava ?.-: 8 i * atti . <? K.*': ? H ' ?: M k ID or aicond ' ? '* ,-*r'il niaifl airr.n? younfl :i?<*rt!"f, a'rl. B?ri.! work rrr*r:.?.< Oaterbarg'fl Al'n , ? .... 1088 i'laj.-i. ' UAID Enillah; >. allani rafai. '- .ti T.>lK:an.l and watB Jfark; **oad lalpi.^aaar, ara!narr?-.? | l - . ?:!ar TaT.. Mlaa Flt-4'ar ? in< -, 42,t ar ? ampar waahlna at ,.,,,, .. Baaaa rr'rr ,, ?.- . ?*. fh al k ra* i farnl BfllBl amall .vaa'a. b] tha waak. N* . . . - _ . . . hooaauaapat larga axparl n 11 y hlgh*at r*f*r*n.4ea. | .??- Btate par'i'-Mlata to Tinlm-r? imi Aaaoota ' ?n*u.:>. 17 Wist 4.1 af I'liuna ailO Ur anr _ AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION. \\ i >i -nn. YiiTi C A ahop i.,?a*a . 1VI. V-. /A. Rooklei SitO Wafll 87th 81 _ FOR 8AL_. II.'.; HAH'. -,-l.lly U-.--.I nfOra fuml rt^tkt. typewiitara .-in.-r* add Il ? , I'.ln.ra. ???. par ih,i,m. . ... it yiotacioia. flaeataaaaa Batuam, a*J*V****A*h_ RESORTS. .4ESORTS. GET THESE TWO BOOKS "Marthaa Vineyard" & "Nantucket" They picturc ard describe the surnmer pleasure*? at these quaint XJaQ Islands in the Ocean um Where Summer is Five MaUtiPu Septembers Lon^" ufflttfiBII - They'refree. Write Advertising Bureau. J*SR A^ii^BAfiCQ. Poom 766, South Station, Boston. wMfag CQt The New England Lines 171 Broadway, New York PENNSYTVANIA. BICKWOOD INN (Flreproof) SHAWNEE-ON-DEUWARE, PA THK >F1V F1REPBOOF HOTEI. v | \ R OFIA11 IRE IV 4 T E It <.M\ Bl II.T 4>I) lOVDIITED armi a fl Ear or entertain ing % msf HiMivvriNi; mi E>TEIE. CHA.MPIONSHIP fiOLF. GARAOE. i vdi-.r rFR*?o>*\r niRErTiox op HARRINGTOtN MILLS. j. .- Ts?r ;, v>l Ifl.; !"?? ihe mointxin rvKini^r. WATER GAP HOUSE DELAW \RF. WATER OAP BA, ?"--?.. altitud orarto - ther hotala ?n'l Borreundlni eo eooleat IocbHob ickaowladged to b* anijaaatlonably the Bneei tiot'i ifl erarj reopect i;i thla regfon. Enter r?.!na *,<.'> c.|. 'Bta latereettng Ial! -in'l BOaeO* ratea VTrtte for haadaorae beokiei and into ?nana_JOHN* rrRPY ' ' nn wi \Hh n \ rkit oap, pa THE KITTATINNY DELAWAftB VTATflTB Q-A8, Pl [rfaawlng hote'. Capaeli 800 Oreaeatra. fteela | ,>?? ei ilona. ' and Auto %t_-i_r>a_Caf4 and _J~_f F ! HIGHLAXD rSN. STROlrl>??BrR4., PA. M lern h'gh rlaa. Ti.,'intain reaort. NOTEP FOR THK T4.BI.E. I L <. M ? KBS, NEW HtMPSMIRE. BQN -THE WHITE rr^UrTTAIriV? './f.*Bim%*% ** ^a.JErrE/rsoN. yv. new ope.v ahtfal re^., rt In a mo.t r.'rtu resejue aeci for 808 or ewa fana aad I Bl ?>, icnnls. saddle he,*--. . Bry, 08. PSJIOfJl "(IM. \l r.) HOI TE8. ? \i uataln tiiaateer ? l| CThamploa ahir. 114 -i -'' -',; ? "' ,- ?-!< Coaraa. rHABl.EB v Miui'HV. Managfr IIPLEKOII HOTEL ?":"?"? ??' . ? ta Mta 18-Hole <_;??!? P Dt for Motorlata. - Broa tway. to>>FiTirtr. Tiie Griswold E.\-i :.:-(n 1**MS i. New London, Conn. j.-t\ E8 f SEASHC ' HIICA * v PKN Dnequalled Ball Ing, Bethtna*, \,it-.nvbiitna. ? -m : D Btaaea Bea ? ?:ii darden prodncta from I fai ' ? inford nea" - H. p - \ sr. tB Up ? r iv. lEav ;-f.t.t r.\<n. fu m vs*-' \i HlSETra, rui rf.rk'-ht:,f JULU of ^l \?<*? ,=. . ra the coi ... - ? THE COLLINS INN, GREAT BARRINGTON. . B. A. KEBXER. \ vkmc*s r VERMONT ' SST" tBoiji ttrm ??-??, " , I I _ ?? itan rs t* ?JXCURSIONS. .? io wi:dnksdays - | ..... i tj ? SPEC1AL TRAIN 1.18 A. M : 88 \ "i - .- 88 P at , ? PennsvlvaniaR.R. YELLQWSTQNE ALASKA. CANADIAN ROCKIES, YOSEM1TE, COLORADO, GRAND CANYON. : : : : : AUTO TOliRS TStrhTh WHITE MOUNTAINS. RAYMO^Dr^WHITCOMBGO., Hta Blith I .- **< m a < rU Phone ai7i> Mad BLOCK ISUNO, talrr, EVERY SUNDAY. Ol.QU Vta trfona laland I "*'? ? , Bl. ? irtleolara - ?? ing .and .T'a papen LOST BANKBOOKS. BANKS. OlT - ' ' 1*4 ' th. L'nlon rftiA l. mtaaira. \n ? per* inc a ^".lTi t., it i? iierei..- eai lad upon I . .i ? - ia a rabn aa; aa efleel, end a aea* ???i.j_ __ UDffr- 414.48 D<vk nga instltul Beraon havina r-Ialm. ??por. BBld book '* eall*d upon Ie pro t..: . .?,? ,?ma to tha 1 ' 'hlri ' d?ya ,,r the'.Hid book aill b? declared eanralled an-l ei11ngttlab*d and b n?'i "n? i.aue.i tn IbBB _ i . ht OR BTOLEN.?Baakaaali N'n 887.881 af tha 0 tha Clty ol Ve-v Vr.rk eorner 4t), .. ? BBd 1*"' 81 ?.,,??. ? Nathan R*la bo 1 * ?""" ?*? ? || ... i ,.-?ln.-' i'4;..,ia.lnii 'h? a?n,? reiurnci to th? bank en IS* -rt'h ' ? ll] be tsa'K-! BUSINESS CHANCES. hayp 8a?B aSI/TT flrbl a ren.**. artm? oaaav ''r .-hanr". i > A , ? ? : >? . lea ther .4,-rk ln rall-iav ,.iirlage?. t'lrnlMite, auto a UBCd ln ''rlnr-liirf' tnlaa in Bnglend Mew her* v. n: -'.sp<.a? r,f tarrttorlal rightB ". reapooall > !*'?: ? ( ' '*-* ?' ,'"''''r ?, -t%l. at , Ne" 1 n _CARPET CLEANING. CAREPl'I. CARPET CI.EaMN,*. CO?Cleana bv .;c,inprHMe.l .1.. ..e?m, hand or on floor. J6f,ft Br?-dway. 481 Eaat latli il euK 8 BRAWDT [a NEW V'lMlv i Al PET CLBANlNrj WOBK8 , ,1.1a... L.rfr... M...I M^d.rn. r.M* Rt'Qfl WOVEN FH"M "If I ARPKTi rr'r^. n- ,.?.,- .t - Band t'.r rireular T?. <n\>2 4.V.,:: f:.irf.,t 4iT i:i., t?'>.. i.,-> flt TYPEWRITING AND TYPEWRITER3. H '. IBIBI K. TO N ">??'i Bl f... iii rnalt a ,?k?.i p.n P">":*'"1 i,*i**,qm |B '^.i.miitfda, tUJrf-rf^>"?.*>'IH-*!* SnUUia, >EW YOBK Adirondacks SARANAC INN AND COTTAGES On UPPER Saranac Lake 9obt Llnka, T*nnla. BnaMn-r. Flahtng. 41 R. MARSH*iI.L. Manafc*r. l'pp*r *<;ir3nai'. >*-*? York._ 0 \ LAKE GEORGE The Sagamore Hotel ,l\ir\*-Ortohrr T?ti> Rrsnrt Beoattfnt T. V.. Rnimbhola. ingamor*. X. T. VI?o llotal Monri-lolr, Montrlalr "#. .1 LAKE MEACHAM HOTEL .ip?n*d 'r-ra J in* 28 to ?^.?robar 18: flneat plac* lerneea fr bcaMng, <1i.iing, hnr'fna*. ba-tntng end a:i aporta. Fcr fccokl-ra and r*r tleulara orlta GEO. W. CLSHMAN, Man*i**er, HOTEL GrtA r^PUiV ^0 GOTTilGES I ak* fliamplaiti. I linton l nnnty. ff. T. ? Opan Conducted on A and E. plan. ? . , - ..,..,???,? Ireproot ho*e'.a. FORT WILLIAM HtHRY HOTEL'^T^ ? ytj Opaa C radttCtad M Europaan plan. '-?-n'' for .??-,?'! bookleta and mforma Uon. _MOS HVKR M. KEI.LY, Mtrr. Ttxr^ "STAMFORD r?XA\EREcat'skills - Ipea. F:n**a' H<->?ei ln ?h* ';a*akllls. Bott r*nnia. B'-arlna *-?*???. 8wt***U-*ing PooL Oarua-. ? on Rooma 4.. ??,- iroorn Sultea piok'r..- Iiao T? . ttnd Bq 4T4- C. v*." 7**- CiUBO r*51 v v nprAar-! poatofl - ? ?"* '"im rallroad ? llnlng roonj ? pnrtlculara md rv?a 4-1 HEMRT CHADDBRDOI*. Boa _ THr" NATUBAL BEAT-TT OF OTSEOO LAKH ?nd ttae alatorta tntaaeal oi tha L*ar!,?r -atoctt fng country cimblna to .nau* C -*p*ratown. jjg, y . oata . f r'-a m"st liar-'iiiv- of Am*n^aa ?suir.m*! liwr-^r'a. nirouah PnMmafla from Oraad t"en V' iral ^44 le 1 1KF "l.M TB. 8:88 ,...- 1 41 .,,.1 ii in p. M. JJ-1" iiKinnur x HU'-'iN H, R a aocta.1 ttfe et - \U ? *"? " ? 4 BP1 ilwayfl tha i,IMM) I'SION HOTTT.. v . | . | IiiMi ISLAND. PROSPECT HOUSE -,111 i rpp i*-r 'M> Hur.HT"). L. I. th t. l*fitghtfn! Woek - Eada. Oelf. rennla immorttoua SE*"*1' rEKSt \ IllarllTOToagb - j&lenbciai t mmi irv uoo, Xna leadlng raaeri maa ?' Unerlea. I'lrtinilnrlr ntrrartlv* ilnrlnir Atlantlc I if? a i.rcat "iiinm.'r -4*n-.on. HNF,. .ll'I.Y. \l i,t *?r l\'i REPT. MM ' ? rtth hot and d aea wa tei i -.- it nre " .. - aei ? a h* - ? -? ? : H->ntns. . ? - - ? M - ? "eEIM HOUSE," Sea Girt, Wew Jersey Ullltai dlrectly on Befleh. . Ita belBj m.xl r-f.?^trH. Electric ?larhtfl ? -:*' Ti^t V--. *Q C. BOLX'T.JI.i' HOTEL DENNIS et***- aa rh* n.-^An I l aaid offers an on rion of :omforl and ^n-*n * ? ? E ; B'ZB-, EXCURSIONS. ' oo w r m. LEA ' - **. , .. fl ??? 1:15. 8 !' \ E P.P.K. : - - *4 .*.:?. 10:40 P v rrlr. irnrVi-l * Aooa not ?.? to I*!?rli -tr**t -?.. :? i - . . i, l(, Im? \.lini??ion (o -ti-*pli-i*lt:l?r P :rk h-him Rt4K-*. *4tk.*i*>if::*. TAi'Bl'S ...... ?-..?kl? on noard Rockaway Beach Steamer "Graici fiepubiic" - ? ? : . | ? r B * M. - pubilc i r,li) tiekatfl. . le '*., ROCKAWAY BLACH MK RO-4EDAI** ^'? '<>?** >.'\VIII< ? - Lake Hopatconji:, $1.0O EVERY SUNDAY and HOUDAY Laav I "' Atlantlc City, $2..50 .NEXT SUNDAY J .VI B Tl. 2-1 Dclightful Afternoon Excursion to West Point, Steamer Mary Powell. I .,. -?-4 Bl 1 18 F '?! 2 P M . *"?' 128th Ri -' -'? P *?! DflHjr *%? *pt gund ? ' oat or rali. ?;?'-* Parade. p-ibi.. Bultd _ , " ?. * B8CRIPTIONS ? iffl ra. , ? , ind 87tb ata ? ?' ?> ra>*a k p m , Hi ? ivfl.. a a. ?ar. 2"A ar tt* I'.'h i <? ???, 1'.' ?? at. PROPOS/?L3 ? ai - Btreei and Earry ' -*? L8>11 - ? ? te. i .... uau ,. --'* on' > u 1913 1 than irntflbtng and >-' >' ikla .i*po? 18 .?..? '4; '? du K ."'j' 18 OUnCe; aub . ??,i ?.,.'?. increaaa In .juantit.' lf deatreO hy thla I ? ? ' Th* r'.atu lare ? .- ? r all | iioaa'1 ? pan th*r*of Preferei ? ? - ? [i laa of ! iBiefli - mai il ? dltlona illty a l ? ? ? ? inufi tl .iaa -h* i,f ? iua Itai lard -ninpl* .-an ^* ,...., a , blanha for ? ? . I l ill m 111 ti* furnlahad up.4n apr>i: ,,..,??? ? alnlrtfl pr..poaa.a ... ,.? ,,,.,...???! | .. - ir ''.it-.k. to ba . July 10, 1011 M .'"' . II \l N'EY P BA '? ? ? -a.* f.?r K'i*l mi and .;<ia..iln.4 Wlmrf. an.l ? iu intan imo > 111 ba ra it t'i? nur-ij ef 1 .i.ia anil Docka ?s, ? <- ? araahlngi " untll l - a m . Auaoflt i-'. 1811, and tbea and tkere publtely opem 1 fai fual ill and gaaoliii uharf. anl rrcatk- aad lre.lalnf at the I i in ? ? >'ur>.? .,, i ?.!?-- irl ???: an ba obiain*.l .411 appltcatlon ta rhe Bureau oi i i 'H.> Ceaamai linr or rfia na4 al Btatlon n.nn?* R 11 ?? t ?. t ?? r ?" ? t t 11.1. aau Imi?* "?" toi i I^NSTRUCTION. _ 1 or Botli Baaaa ? TiiK iRun acaooL or i.?M.r\<;ra MU.!.*?..??? -'J' 4HE (1128 BROADWAY). Hariam Iiii:.. h. 848 Lonofl Aaaa., near tSTtaBL Brooklyn Branch. -'i* -'-'" Llvlngel Krhonla all itio v*ar_ SCHOOL AGENCIES. \iiirii.,., anil l,""ir*lBo Ica.hria \?*n. ?> Fuppliaa I'rofaeaora Taachora, Tntora, .jnvarn AflTB gaa a*la ind famiiiea. Apply U Uia. il. J. lUUNU KI LTON. 21 LpUll Ji"ua T!ME TABLES. TIME TABLES. CRUiSES di LUXF. REGULAR SERVICES CKUIS.NG 'Round ,n? World On ar\ Ocean Ltner Tar? erand eroleea b^' tbe Un. n.w - intle f-feamsh-p CLEVE1.ANO (17.000 ton.). the flrst (?? laava N'e-w Tork on Ortober ?!. lan. aad the aeceaal from tun on PebmarT ?. 1818. SfiSO BBdlBaelttdtBB all muiaaary aoa-ll 10 Oa?a ???"J up pense. .board .nd ??hore Our'tlen 4\>t'lL EVENT ' Viound tha World Crulaaa" trtpe in october. 1818. ead Bflflra err. I9i:i. by tb. Ur*. r'nilalnc 5t>am.htp \ ii'tnria l.iilae. LONDON-PARIS-HAMBURG ' PEBBSILS V**! I 1MF.R1KA ?PBE?. (IRINT ?I'llF* UN'.H.V Bflty A. O A. M Jul/ 11. lt A M ?!. \ P. M , !?:;>? 21, IP M . naxcelled Blta Carltea ? la Carta Rea Oynanarfilaai, El?"ftn.j Batha Ele vitor palr.i ...irden ?Se. ond -?bln only flne. ?*nii rsii ai Plyaa outh ? ''rt MMUalTAaa, rttPLES, lEHOA a | MOI.TKE ,,l!" ?? l" A *** B - IIAMHI RL Al* t; g. B. MOI.TU **? *? r, .,,. pB If.verVWha'-e. ? ,., - - *__=." 0 ? ' U**'***"**! Vlr.le for Booklet pf Ifl OraBBBB HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE. 41-45 Broadway. VY. $10 up Round Trip. loBatmiAdCa Tour. Tn,-. Hot-le. BBOTB Creurslona Lowe.t Rate.. Twin 6-rew S. B. 'Bermudlan," 5 H-'IO ton.. bbii. July ?'tb, tath. aath, aa*. S tn .nd BO. Di'ae keela; aieetrte fane. wlralaaa .ei?<r.p.i\ Fa.t-ar. n-'veit ?nd oaly Btaataer laadlns nns aanflera al tha tteek tn rw-n-id , MIDHI MMFR TKIPS if ?:,* iv. V S., most .1 rnl.e of 1888 mllea Maaaaineeat aeenear: r4"erthttm**r :.-md Stralt. Qulf aad Bl**' **? aaawryBoe aad far-fame.1 **.;|iienar Rl*.er. S. S T?"Jn-4**? from Naw York July 8th, 88*4. AUf 81 kJSta. and Sepi Sad. 18 A.M BefurnlBg frorn Qu-aboc 14th -ir.* 18th, .?'.r 11th. 8Bth. sepr Ith For lll'j.trnte.t pimph>'s .pply to .%. F. OfTERMRinr.E a CO., Aflent., Quebec *4 S. to.. Lt*.. '? Broadway. >err Vork; THOS IOOK * SON, 84B Broadwar. 049 Maaliaon A?e , Wl and 888 Mh Are.. N. V.. nr aay 1'ii-ket *.renf. or QrTTtKC 1. S. Cf> . Ltd., Quehec._ American Llne^^V Plymcuth?Chorbourg?Southampton Phlladetpbla . r'<i" ** ?v-"*v Tork. j-iiv 22 -. L . fuly 19 Bt PflOl.... lalr 88 Pler HI. N R. 1.) A. II London?Paris via Dover?Antwera ii aa* Oaear) JBly 18 Ftiiand.July 2* rufy 22 'v.-eonland . Aif. 8 Ptarfl '!. ? .*,,.. N. n. Red Star Line White Star Line Plymouth?Chorbourg?Scuthamptora Largast, F nest, ftswest Steamer OLTMPIC Sails July 26 in the World. *s,3U Ton* iUg. 19 ' ? 01 VMPU J'llv 29 ? il) 18, -i pn Ualeatlfl .....i New York?Queenstown?Liverpool rui ? 22 rtttj 10. lt a m T-i!" 88 New York and Boaton & MEDITERRANEAN The Azorei, Ma.lelra. I'lhraltar. AJfleri, Naplea, .,.-.i,,:i. ? inoplc I :e 18 noon R^inanl-: !4epr. 13 Pn.aenfler Otfti-ee, U B way 'Tel. ?JUW) Re< tor) and Pler fl?. N. R. (Weat ;*ld St.. BJ. Y.). RED "0"LINE ?r :i. *A-?:: Bt r?ri7. B'klvi, at Noon. Poi San r i.m. P. ] La Oaayra pto >'abello. ,,, . ! %I , ? ,. ? > Ibo ' ? ''-jracao. tBi ta ??T,''T..irsi.pntA vir 3 8*1 M ? P. B l ? '.'ia: ra. C*rac** and ? ... .Jaly 12 MARAr-AiBO ..Tnhj 2* t'lp.. imodatlona for Pa.g.nsers BUSS, DAlXETt * 1 Q . r,mn*ri', MflBaaere. IS '?'- lii St. AMCHOR LINE CIASGOW via LONDONDERRY ita ruly - s im r^iadonla.July 22, I pm . ,- 15, io *.M EFurnaaala luly 28 u am FIKH1 l.\RIN, *t,7 I.i Wl) 878.88. 8EIOND I ABIN. *!.. Mi 847.88. i JllKD i r A-".. *:;,. and ?;ii :s. New ? Bo. a a| Toura n-a- ?d t*r?e. REKDEB80N BRuTHERi. 17-19 Brnjdwar. Puria?I.nn.lon?Rof terdam -? |U z. T-i -a , 10 a. M ? f ?? 4N-H Amaterdam 'il"". rd mi ?via BOtJL. QNB a M ? . ? v ? - ! Mfl*Blfleaa4 H -' " -a-ea leh 1 ? 8888 01 Ina ihora - ?nchaatlBB daya Bl ? prtvtlea l Roun.l 4V-.rl.| " ' untll lanaary, Frank i . i lurK r mea Btd ? ILARK'S ORIENT G^iSE FALL RIVER LINE Qtlld ?tr--ani,,r?i .<p!-;n,li'i Barrloa) Cape Cod's different from the averaije 9U?T?mer ref uge ? see for yourself. Go by the Fall River Line. Fill River line atefmer. leave New \,,rk. 1'ler 18, North Rlv-r. font ?f llirr.-n *?treef. it :>-.n p BJ i.ei > ,.ii t<> Beat.... aa early bb ; o ? loek n-vt oi.iruii.L*?later if >ea laa Fare to Boston .. $4 8<|tic!(8tDine.-l7l B'aiy-nsa.SltlSart. vi. mi \ w bi b -, er aorra ? - wiassachusetta & Bunker Kii! !?:>,!. P \| i ' . anah li.-kei. ,..,i Baaga-ra fheeked I.. IU Ihe Popular I- i-lern *>i||iini^r Re. aerl ? [hl. A M\:* ? - - ? ? -, I. I t Vaa \,>rk. iTEAMSHll S NORTH LAMO 4 MORTH SHS FORTLA.ND. MAINL n Moi T. iraday tad Batarday IF M.. ti->m P'.er 10. Ea.t Blver N 1 Poi f*ll in fnrm ittOfl Ifl 1 boe ' ? ' , ' M\|\| -> ?- in ."... Ilronl.i-ay. N. X CATSKILL MOUNTAINS raa > it.uiu Meeuataaa. Otla .nd < n ..hi ani Tminer-.. ille Batta i" ... ... f?a- 'na Keai V.m . I 84 \ , -ah., an i i 'alroi md UT1 A. M. ( ta daiiv ?-% ?, ? ' Bd * "i I' M dl V'.-al Bhora tr?in? e?\.r,f \V?v 4J I ;'. at 7 15 I 30 A M Ih. ' !*-.-,;.:- I " ' PT*r. m:? via fflJEBBSui bc*.t,"i. v, , and Trolley. 12 Providante Oire..t, 11.50 Wo. ltally. Im-luillnt * . i.i P. BL Kroin l'..-r 10, ??r M .?,?-,,,. il Inipr,?r,l *?er4l. e Clty Tlrko, OIBe. !90 Hii,!,.,* N Y gNTlUYiHilDsoN Mewbiirgb. Pwughkeepala aiul Klngataa, ?rek .l.i>a. 4 BB 1' M tr n.i ft Kranklln Ut. i or UifllilanU l aila. MeadMra* ipd latanaadlala ur.duirfs. ?.-n. daya I 88 I' M Minday.. I ut) A M.. Wmi l.'ii.i. st . .i .in \ M. T,-l ni*, F> inklln BBD nasR I.INF. I.eavea Fr?nklin f . Plot .'4. Nortt, Rlv.r datly, *i< 'i" 8 inda *. -' '?" . na Mrfttecv 4 ,*,.a ? ? lundaya le.iea Batterj I 88 l a tn.. for HtflBlBBd*, K^d B.,lk et-. Ex;. Ouu. XrOrfli',* coar-actlons at all Uaiinga. CUNARD Lara-*8t. Faat* Piara. foe? W'ft jar>i ^ii-4?*t.N B. ORketa 2t taata ?tr??t. c, poaiie But'*" y. P1n?at q.i-.dr'ipla Scra-r T*ia htn<--:'*4ir*^"44ir>? TVlrat-aa T*!**-*** ' ??.-r..?r!na 9lgoaU MOST EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE. LONDON PARIS SERLIN VJENNA OIPECT via FI3HGUARD Q.i^-natown?F'-'-^-ia't ?'. 1 ar-fltaatd CARMANIA CAMPANIA IX 18 A. M 4 I' "?? CARONIA 181 2f> II a. M ?"tahguar* BBi Ll-erpoo. LU9ITANIA MAIJRETANIA j.nv 1" ? a. M Aaa*aat : I a ** MONTREAL QUEBEC LONDON Rtgular sa;!in?a of ='?arri*ra r*arryir.g Ona Claefl Cai'in ,Ili anl Th!:1 'laaa I iaa?ng*ra only ?MADEIRA GIBRALTAR *GENOA NAPLES TRIESTE FI'JME Bflaf 8888 rwon. Pannonia 2? taa* I 'Carpathia * ??Saxonia * ?< *?* WINTER CRUISES ITALV, RIVIERA. EGYPT >' sptMiti Tour VtatiBUon i" BERMUDA An Idc-il BaaB Trly to th* Moat l*-*llghtf*il -.iiniincr Kcaort in tho **, orlil, Ev.rv outdooi recraatleaa. Be-a, Bathlng l? tae *'ear*at of tnrqnol-M war?ra Etr.'-ellen* fiarnng. wf-^k^-fW. S3? r*Jr\V-Be\\at*t Transatlantic Liner "OCEANA" ? 4 000 Tom * remeni .88 J, ,????**??? Iara**a" Fait.-t. Moat Lu****r*toua and Only r.xcla ,i-*lv Ftrat-i '*a* PflAwenger Btaarawtfl B-.rtr.uda. \o cattle or -arrl*d on tli*^ O FIRST ' KD TRIP ln cludtng atat*r*4om b*r*h and nealfl. ** lha aartraordlnary rata of E*sr -.llsln* on th* AHantlc. -. .. ;.i avory nrnn. Many atatarooma lUXe irtrh Ptivata batha ftneat promenajda 4*-k ln thfl world. Orchea . -.a.l* Danr?a. Gymnaal'im. ?*"'.-*.*?. Only R?rm'ida 6i*amer wl'.h aubmarlna ilgna ? T/MIDC ln. Iniltnif 3b>>ra Kiruraluue. I UUK9 f|....... tr.. ar I..,-r?.r Rat*a. Iful beeklat, ??i.i-rary. Tlcketa. etc. of li.-rniml.t Irl-mrl.- tin*. 190 BVvra.T. >*w \irk he "iVeaua '' $10 up London- Par is-Bremen EXPRESS STEAMERS SAIL TLESDAYS, 10 A. M Kaiser Wilhclra II * * - JLLY II Oeorge Washingtoa ? ? ? JLLY IJ kaiser Wilhclra derdrosse ? JLLY M Krooprinzessio Cecilie ? ? JULY Z.S North German Lloyd i.inRM.TAO?NAPLE3?r.F.NOV FrleatrieB ,ier Grosae. Julr iO Kocnlu *i]r>*i"* ... Vntr *" B< rlin . n*n l *,i*pt. 14 n.iltimor^. Rr*mcn Plr*cf. "T*iln*adav? OFIHK 11? .V <<> r,*n I Aeta.. 8 U iriij- > v COOK*- TO TOl'RS TO Kt ROPK. I i ndad Book!?ta TH08 ' OOK * BON, 2t' R-oa'way. *<?4 an8 -,-.*! rifth a - .?ur* Madtaon 4v*.. N 7 "TaUVCI" CBCCA Beoklet fovaraMS i n t f _ l rni c < . ..? ,n ? ? r>?.v,.... * When Rob art Kulton ran iiie Clcrmont uo the Hudson m 1"*07 a* II I'Olli "t wis r* i-atded aa. a notnble aciu?. ** irer.t. [ da** jroo can *.ove: th?, Clarmont'a course *t Hv* timaa the speed tn the swift est, noai palatial rtrai stearr, rrs iHo<*t And the Hudson today ia no lasa bcautdfal than ? i t i -,aw it Ii is tlie moat chati.iing t '.ind water journey in the world?The way *o enjoy K ; tMM (ki 'he luxuriou*. ers of rh-^ Hudson - Day Line T*** tima ,y K "4 DOH - I : . ? ? i . ? ? ? fr,r Yr.nlt*ra. . ? - :??:-?? nn< - Hudson River Day Linf Steamer Mary Powell IftflR l ? - " *?* *~*"n' ? ? I ?4-1 ? ! -> r *l ' "' ?;'lra m 14 Sawdy Hook ROUTE roa NOtaTM atutsav. ? COAST RES0RTS f.'-l.*,* tt .tor'.r- 4*!Si .?a?lcday4??. ' *4. 4 14.4 1$, ?< ;?. 74,1. ., ?' V M t.rt*. I f. * ,4 ?-?ora.,. ?, ia)*) P M ' ********* lt St . wr*]f ntvt iaii ita ?? ' 45. ?45 ?< ? I.IBF M N 4 vi ' a. 4?. 8'**. 11 IU ? A ..: o .T iuo Jaly4aaJSe...i 4, The Hi^h Grade SailS ".???? 4, ?< 1,4 4 I ATSKILfc^wtlNES 4f ,l,t, II 8aallk'a i.'U'g I,. , ,!,?,,f.HI II I I"-UlU ?Hii,!.i.ii IJ V '.-\ - \fli*n. ii ,< ki>i rt I ii\?ai'kla ?galur 1.1% ap*rl? l?nda vi at ?? taU * M.igp.'.*.. ?r.t ataal atea*u ?rs Cl.l-'.RMONT N'TEORA laava I n*r i.i. H R .ia;!v aa> ,' ?-?pt Sunday. ft Chr'e ta-atlMr M tt sn p m < B ' ttttt Sr . T P M - .??. i .1 - il 'ir I ,- Irtp 1 P M . ,"..r 18, 4 t ?**) P. M . W Huth St. : ii k*ta for aai* at a.l ag <n. lea and at Pier Pboaa umg- sprtng a?nd 2 eanta la' Bl unaa for >>" I a.mtmar hotala anfl H h.,,jae*. BLOCK ISI.AN0. 0KIENT. GH ? ENPORT. 8NELTE ISLAN0 * SAG HARBOR Str Srilnna-irk'- of Mnn'auk Stetunboat CflC I ;ne II \"?44.Pl*r S. E R.. Ttiafl. flfl) Iliura., 3 80 P. M.i Ba'a 1 00 a\ kt.