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Fonndetl iBfJ Tobcy & Kirk WILL SELL: Burrouflh. Addinc Maelilne Horn >a||\er aiinini; Kutland Hv I t. Pouer -.,.,:> Car lltc A Ml ?>e<-iiritle. Co. N 1 4 ona. BB TOBEY & KIRK, 2> Broad St., New York I'lv.neBf 18*111 :*>-!- T-.rnHd Hollister, Fish & Co. BANKrRS Members N. Y. Stock ExcHange Investment Srcurities Intereit Allowed on Nassau and Pinc Street* T_Ij.--Tu.iu tehn ".Orf mi J. G. WHITE & COMPANY, Inc. I njrtneer-*1 aa Contractora Invcstiatation of Public Service IVopcrties, Stcain Railroads, Industrial Plants, Ete. 88-88 i \. h.i-ice Plare. Sfea V*rh i hiraa-.. in B** "r%raaelare, (bi. FRED'K F. MARQUANO V?, | : of Conaolldated Stock ).<: ?*' S ta*. ?0RO Bronn 5*4 Mroiltl 'St., V V. STOCKSAND BONDS For lBTef*4j,?.T?? nr nn M.r*ln. FRACTIONAL LOTS CHARLES HEAD & CO. 1. RRIIAII -T. MAI VOKK ? N Y Btoek B*i fiange n -Boaton Btoek Fx>*h ?-.?-? Ichteas* Po.rd of Trade Private wlre rr.nie,-tiona lo ,.,ir In j!-.afr,r. rrovldenea ar.d principal Canadlan eltlaa Cenatll.n and Boawi etoeka . .p.etaitv Wm.A.Read4S.Co. Bankers 25 Nas?au St., N. Y. BOSTON LONDON CHiCAGO W.N.COLERt&CO. Investment Bankers 1 . FD4R >T . NEU lORK (ITI f ?? V' :', ' - . p.-.r ':a, A.: laauo SAVINGS BANK3. The Bowery Savings Bank i-c a Mrrj |88 P.ntTFRy nbtw tork, -':ne ta i&n . .. ?? *??.,s>l <?.?? IdflBd a? tha r.te nf 1IIRFF ?nd OVF-HAI.F Per (ent. -.- -,-r un *??. >-.e?r) .lerlared ar.d flrlll adtted Ie depeett**fl aa aii I'i'ni ? ? pg and arpwei* and not eaeaaS inf 8*880 whieb aheU I ar* neen. de r.ntttnr] ?> ????,?. three aaoathi "n tha ?... ? ?' | aeat, and erltl h* pay . | a ,'?. v r.di lal] ITth. m,-., dapeetted oa o? befora -Tulv 18 .'"i J-a- Intrreei 'ff lall 1. IS11 HENRT A BaTHDNC*:, Pro.iden*. *. - 1AM E RNOR Camplrollei JOBRPH rr t It?D1 v -<??-??? , New York Savings Bank ' N. W. Cor. 14th St. and 8th Irtnia FOUR"TOR CENT. T.. nnmf , . imi from |8 tc $4,000 ... ...... | the b* '.?**?. DEPOMT*. MAilt l? OK BKFORK JI1V !" Wlll DRIAI IMI.RIST IRO>I ,11 I . \* [TLIAM PELSIN'iTEB PreilJ , 411 - ? -. - '01 | ? -, TreaBurei ? , H1BALP '?', !TN" Z B< ' ??ra- _ _ _ Union DimeSavingsBank 40th Street and 6th Avenue tntereet at ". aat per aaaam. Cr*d?ed a -. , ? ?r, or l.t'r Mitl?v d? . iRtereaa from '*? CHARLE8 I BPRAQUE Prealdenl PRANCI8 M LEAKF. Treai rer irrLIrflAM 0 B - Be retan _ 4tna>rf8^**4i>*>*****?8******?>a**^*t THE FRANKLIN X SAVINGS BANKI Corner 5i^ Avenue & 423 Street T 181*1 ooaaarafli a 8***l-4taaa4^ rimd'nd ** aaa beea deelort ' ai f*i rali of """^ee ? cn,\ One-nalf Per nr,,- per n,t?i'/.n on *> cil aaata entitled thr,?to from 88 fo ? ,-rr- > ' ..'?/ \'th, T 1811 fl Denoalta mi'.e on <,r brf-forr Ihe Tenth of e> ?lulT 44ill dr?44 Int^re.l fr,,m the lai ^ LI v:' lan ??, Ki *> ????*?????? ?????4**>8**<^ JVletropolitan gavings fjank i aal ' -T;'-:r, ?...-; (opa C**V? ? H ? liTF.RED |l 2 ilbtia U.Vl4jr-.>D N.w Tork, I ine I U 1*11 tVTEP.lC?^ F 'R THE );a:.[ fBAR ENDINO ?? \ - ? ta of Four Per Cent per Anrivim arl:i bfl ra aatli ad ,vier?t^ ui ? tha y-iawi f thi on n ?? fiom |5 f. 88.000 IXTEREf PATABI.E JUL.T 18th, ifl' MONKY DEP< BITFD on er hefore July 18th *BBi ? JONATHAN H Cl'RRET, Pra.lrlenf. ): BHBR1 I . _P ? I GREEnWJGH SAV1I8| BANK 8 I 4 >,r. t.lli \\f i?,| K'tli street. mO-RATK INTEKE81 lUMDFND SIX MOXTHS KMHM, .11 NK 88. 1811. (in * v I posltora er' tled - ;,t the rei ' I Ol l; I'll! 'IM rfnnum. on .o much n! aa i-hall not exceed %\.<t,o 1HRFF and ONF. 1141 1' I'l K IMI ao miirh of ever\ B4*eoun1 ? '. ll 800 ; 4 PapeBllB ina.l^ on or hefore .11 I\ 10 14III draw Intereat froin .11 l *? J j \ v len. CHARI.ES M DI T-".HER, Tr.;,- . - 8*BAN ,arlc. j \\ ___ HIR'-EM SAW'NGS BA1K ItSTH -TR * IIMM.ION AVF. DUI y/i l-EK C8.NI PKIt ANNUM aa all depoalts entItled tbarei ? 10 | i . ? Moai - ? ' 10. 1811, I) l, r?ii ' THOI IRVING SAVIir* ISTITUTn. 118 I l.j.lllx-r. -I . N a - ? 1 t.- natl ea hi ?d a dh Idei I - ,1 . | s I THKEE I ?IrfP PEB 1 ENT I'l led t hei r thi and aftai Moi lu '"' ! . lOtll Wlll I 101 1 H 1: TRNEB ' Ji Thomas Reinhardt BtBt fJCiltttes for ffcutmg P 0 Rorders. Latest informitton _ jtimsoid. ?M<irg n , > ? l accounts I rivatr W I , tdt Ufrr-a (<,n U D meettag offices ?t **? Hfrr-a fV.JJ "Tfre?> nt ~ m~ _ ? N y . 1 1 y 84 1 & IC CURB stocis E PRICES FOR IflSI SECURITIES MOVE Ifl HIGHER LEVELS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES THURSDAY, -JULY 6. 1911. i-iPTr* sol.l rhge "41. -1 1,001 -1 1I4-. . Actual Sal*s Qp. iu. LowlFlnl 100 1.801 a ?IV . i.. 4 -Ha '> I1* * 4 u ? -', v*. 800 - u 10 1.680- 24 J 8,445 - 100 800- i, 80 - ',. . \ ? 100 17 " 4.4, 200 4 IOO ioo ? ' ? 4,000 10 ?M 1,11 ioo ? ? 8,100 2/"V. 28 ?*t liYi IV ?r-a ???4 ll Amalgamate.! fopper. Ann tiian A8T. t'liemlcal.. AniPil.-an Rt*-1 BugBr. Am?-ri(an (an . f.-\ i&\ .?-", 51 88 BTfl ? ?\ m\ *jty% W4 1>IL 101, *"* .il'-. llll.. . (ostn - Btd A^k ajr. ns 11 Amerlcan Can i>r. Am*ti,*an Car A Fnnndry. Amerlran < "oal . AmerlcHti "'ntton Oil. Ajnerlcan HM* & i>*a. pr. Amrrirnn too S*f*nritlea. .. Amerli an Llnaee | pr. Amertean Sm" Itlog Amerlcan Bteel rTbundr**.. 4 car Tel rt Tel Amertean Tel A- T*i rta \- ? ? !'nn Tobacco pr , , Atnerlrnii Wnolort pr. Amerlcan *A*rlt, Paper pr. Atrhlaon . Atchlaon pr Atl.mth* C08e1 T.lne Baltlmore A- Ohlo . Bethlehem Bteel pr . BrooklVn Rapld Trnnsll .. Canadlan Paclfic ? tral l/eather ,1 Leather pr. Cheaapeakfl A- Ohlo Chlno ? oppar ? Chlcago Great \\fst*m ? go, Mll A- St Prnil . r 'olorado F'l.-I A- Ir >n |.r i 'oneollda'ed ' aaa. ? Pt-od rt- Reflnlna - i 'orn Producta Ri rlntns i-' D '.. ?'???- A- Hudfloi llent ? .\ Rlo iIraitdi i .<*... . i A- Rl,. ' Imi ?? n rustiilitnf Securltle Brti Krir 1st pr. Erle M pi. . ;? neral Ktrectric ?'... Qoldfteld '"..n. . *,r*at N'i-'rlli*ni pr . Illlnolfl ' '? ntral . Int*i -Metropolltan . Inter -Metropolltan pr. International Harveater.. tntei natli nal Paper. International 1'aperpr.. . intr-r Bteam Putnp. Int*r. Bteam Pumji pr. Kanaae ( Ity Poiitii*rn. Laclede ' ias. l^high Valley. LouIbvII!. A- N'aahvlll*. May i ?*!>t Btoraa. May Dapt. Storaa pr. M*4 ,41, 84*41 MV H || 52*1, II 2214. ''4 2* 21 .Wi, MV 24 *4 22 104 M4 *.". B***a **4 71 sm \ 244 244 221. 51, 80V -"*4 IO** ''. *.. " 40 tl ITH ?4 '.:r\ ias .... a\ sfi m MV MV *?4\ MV r,]-.. ',].*, '01. *n*| mu 30 " 80U. 1114 ll**kj mu 1117a ! . [< 128 " 128 " 12* " 12" " 107% 10*4 107V IOS'j 1 4 -':-. r,24 ***4 5 . ? - - 1 i";!- 238' . .'.""? .r. 301, 304 ?.l " .!', 81 a 23 2,1 *fl 22V -. , . "'. IP , 12''. lln 110 ItO 110 14.".'., 145% lt;-!, ;4;,4. 14V 14V 14\ 14V M1-. *!'.. 'I1, *-l i:r, 1714 1 jgi ?: ISTta ' H MVi M on, 91-, mv, ?? . 1 ? - . 1JS I28"tj 1 ,4. 11.4.1 . .?; ? . .'.. Sflt, Kl.\ - * - irn 111. *- V-'4 ">l.. ^1 :::? ' ia**, 108 11*. - Net ?olil 'lin* 800 '. 10 "J.- -''44 I.TOO ", 100 *? iC 10 - s 101 ? ?. ', 200 1... I'* -]-. '71 ? \ -.T'v :ai, rsi. .A--, :::-S mi, ??'*'4 :<:,iv itv 1* i:\ *t\ in.. i-p., mn n*,i 1.. -... *>t, :,':. , 13.-4 !;':'"? 14-. 143 142 142 1;'.. i;u iti.. 17V r<\ s . K!-1, i^r-412H, lav 1:'.. it.. 11 19% <9V 4f'"-, 49V 4! 41?4 11 11-4 ?. , ajivi ?<i ?, * ,' ;:. " :;: :::? " v*>\ wnt iot*v ; r7: ?Tli, I7B 174'a 174', 150V 151 ISOV 151 s:i.. 824 "2 K ,li:i't 1184 113*4 n:i', ?2?4 pi lt. Marlno pr . Mlntni t'oppfi" . Mlnn * Bt. I.'.nia Mlnn * Bt Ixinla pr M . Bt P ? B .** M Mo . Kanaaa B T*xa*i Mlaaourl Padllc .. Natlonal Enam A- Btp. N'! Enam. A- ftp Natlonal L*t*ad . N'evada Con Cfijrpar. Near fo\ k Air Rmkr "*?>??? fork "'*nirnl N. m Vcik. N H. & Nmfoik * W'eetem Norfolk!i*rn North Atn-nnin No E*ai Ifl' ea <i-v l%*4 p iclilc Tel A T*l Pennaytranla Ralirr>.ir* P? C-, C ft it L. rirtabfir-,- 1 -n;,l pr.... R;i4 I r.11 . Rnl!4\;i4 f*t**l Sprlni.. ItOHilttlf.-. RepiihUc Ir.m a- Bteel.. R,,rk lalaad. Rork lslnnrl pr Ht Ixrula X- P F Baara Roehuck Blnai Bb< ff Btee Bouthern Padflc. .rn Rallwav Bouthern Rall*e.->i:. Texfla Ce . . 'opper. I. m Westrrn. I ,v We?1 pr Rapld 2ri pr. . A- Irnn pr Tenneaeee T..!*,l.- Sl T..l*.l". Bt T\4il, I 14 I'nderwood 1 nderwood pr I'nlon PacJ/lc . L'nlon Paclfic pr. ["njted Dr* Oooda. 1 nlted l>rv Oooda pr I'nlted Rj Inveattnent.. rnitr-.l Btatea Rubber. Cnlt*rl Btatea Bteel . I'nlted Stiitra Bteel pr .. ITtah .'opp.'i Vlrginla-far. Chemlcal... Vlrflnla imn, C A C... Wflbaan . Wat.aal, pr... Welle*Faiac Expraaa. V\'*?tern Marj'land. Weetlnghouae Mfc *A'heellBR A- f..ikr. i;h*... Actiiaf Pa'' i ! Op1 Hi t^'4v Flnl 174 174 ITH I71* '.IS 21S 214 21'4 31 .1! "I "t 48V 1'>**4 l*\ JriA4 141L. 142'? 1414 l*2 ::,'; M M4 ;,",. 184 l^'a 48*4l lsTa II || 19 19 **54 9* 964 :>1 554 'u4 B*H 564 194 18H lr41*- 1*H | 75 75 7;. 7.. '. <- -oa |(V*V 108 I404I404I4O4 1404 . . rr34 'lj|i-s-. 1,r' 47 17 47 17 72s, 7**l "-* "?1' 130*, 132S '??'?"l4 ,:;'T* r, j:< 1'. !:? m 1244, W4 124', . ..;,iv r.i, 954 954 v|\ M4 MV MV 171, 174 174 174 354 3*4 :''- :'" 1584 159V 158 '''*'* ?I". 804 " 31?. 32 MV 31H 84V MV 8*V MV I3VI 41 WV '* 141 141 Mi 141 ,, 4s4 1*4 W4 ''"^ 1...1' 122V '-?"'.? 122 :.?,,; 314 304 "1 714 71'. 714 714 1184 1194 H7 117 411-; 41 l"74 ?' 224 M4 2-?4 224 174 174 174 474 1*4 IIO04 100 V IUV112 111*4112 IKV IK7V !y'''? ,>7' .1-. '.!' "41. 944 |i?41fl7 1064107 |07 107 '"7 107 384 "*?' ? :'kl.- :;4s'-' . 1: I 42 I 41 414 7^ 7*#4 7" 7-\ 114. M8V1II8 1!?', |84 48V 4S'^ 4f,r,,4 584 574 "8V 57 74 M 74 N . 114 lfi'? Itj'. 184 I . S6V 34V 36V |g4)V 1884 I'W*-,, l?64 ," i-,"'.. ?>2 | *>* 7;. 754 7." 754 m ,?4 14; ni, Total -alr-s for the r)a>. *f*t*,4*lt*i sli;.r*?. .-r.-nparrrl with fAo.9tt' *.ali'* January 1 tr. July r,. Inelualva, M.r>*w>. 1^4 aliares, ro ahar*a for th* roi res-pon.llng day in W" mparerj with lO&fl&WI Bharea for the mme p*no.| ,n una 1 Stocks Helped by More Favor able Reports from Grain and Cotton Belts. I'niformly favorablc wrathor rrporta the c.ittnn and a-rain brlts and an raslT foellngr abroad over th. M<ir,"'oan situatinn were affaettva factora Ib halp ing BtOCb tnarket prtr-es toward a higher levol \o.torda'- Trnders tvtio went home on Wodnosdaj with commltita*nta r-n the short slde of spooulatinn **xperi enr-od dlfRrultv ln onverlnr their eon trar-tB. exr*opt at n Iobs. and ap a r-one?? Tn?nre tiie ahnrt Interest araa n<">t ma terially rMuoed. tho laraer number c-f hear operators malntaining then poai tlon 'n the hnpo that th" rallv would bo nf short duratinn Sent>m*nt ln prnfe. alonal r-lrr-lea In large part Is h*?arlsh. al though there ia nothing tanarihlo upon i?hi'*h in harte: hear a-xper-tntinns The or,,pis hav*. not heen ruined. mnnev ia *r.R\. th*5 Iron and steel tra/i* Ib expand .1,1/ tho rr-ilroads nr* hm-ing innre freep of ^.qnlpment the suhstantia) finannal Interests ar* the chlef holders nf stor-ks which thpv evldentlv Bre not diflposed tn sr-1! at provalMng ouotat'on levHs. our foreitrn trade oontinues to impmve and a'l slgns point to R-radua' eypansinn ln our general Ifldustliea Prnfessional traders. hotw'fr, he!i<-v?-> thaT stncks Tr* hlgh enough and ?hat Irrespectiv* nf sound fundamental r-ondltlons no im? portant rlse rati br ?netneered from the r-irrfnt rane;0 Thev mm he righ*. but the big men noVerth',Ws hav the monev and tb* storks. and thev appar entlj do not intend tr, enoourajre anv thing ln the nature of a bear market Erie was well houtrht in tho mornlne. and the Strert setfied down *n th? opln lon that tho tto-r-a'ied Erie myatery araa BO mvstrr- at all, and that tho .to. k was aoo.irriuiater) wholly on its growing merits Among tho othor a<*tive |4-?,,fc the ,-h\*f festurra were T'nion Pn ciflr. Refldin? T'nited States Ste?i. Bouthern Pacific Northern Patffk nnd St Paul Th' St Paul compam ha<* Jolned the rankr. of th* railroads that. ? hrougb aelentlflc naatiagsancnt, are abi? tr, r. .j .. <? operating coat* to meet tho in creaaed vr\r^ ?f labor and Btipplle* and iaed groaa recelpta, Ita aal earninjjs for May Bhowlng an Incraaaa ln not re turna Of $207,501, ln the fac- ,,f a loss in arroaa of .<'_?.;.} 171 Among the apeclal* tlea trflaclede Oaa was taken h.v a good o]ne?. of btiyera. who hr-lio\-,i that tbe priro of tha 1*8118 aa a 7 per >ent str.r-k is entlrel] too lon M its preaeaal quota ttoo tiiis BtOCk returns a ilttlf- more than 8 p. r cent. Paastng "f the dlvldend on tha atock of th^ American Bteel Foundrlea Company caueed .?. aharp break ln the conapany'fl abarea, but waa aithout effect elaewhere In th.- indua tria! Hat. Th, absaaca of an actlv4 demand f.,i rnone* - ???'? lad In ?-.?'.v.-nim.-Tit flgurea Bhowlng th.- amount of Ratlonal bank Botea aenl to trYaahlngtofl for rt 'i"mp tif.ti ln th> month of JUB*, tha totsl movement beini ktrajei than In any pr* redlna June in tho iist.,r\ r,f thr- na? tional bankinfr system Currency has baen plllRl up?l reaarvi 1 Itleapind banka at ti,084 ? Iraa hav.- been forwardlng to tha faderal Treaaurj lha notaa <-f oth<-r i,atiks in haaary voluni". tl,. |, ceipta of theae notea in Waahlngton In June smountlng to $&iJ821.4AO, makinsr for the tlsoal year a total <>f |551 .?"??> 1 .',!..'.. th. latt?-r bt-inet uparard of S50.000, .Mi,. in exreaa of tha Bum reported Ib tha preceding twelve montha In thi laat m,,nt)i th- amouni of mon*) In actuaj rlreulatlon decreased M.'T. l**'.i'j.*..".. bul tha total ? n on July 1 waa ?'*'iov ^I'.i.7-M. larp.-r than ..ii th. aame ,i;it< in ii?i<i Tl ara la an ample aupply of I in thi.intrj for Ih* need* ol expan si,,n in the niercantlle an-i tinHiuia1 mar? ket*, arhlla ? furthar elamanl of atratigth ln tha Raotaalar) sltuatlon is found In our p'.sition Ib tha Intematlonal mone) markn. which wlll enabli Nea V"rk to drau gol-1 from ESurope whenaver the re qulrementa hara ra*] demand su.-h an operatlon tlold ma: r*ana ln whollj In r.-s.|?.ii<.. to axchangi BMrttH rondltloria, Irreapectl a of naoni ratea .<r tins ren tr?-. bnt from .-urr.-nt iiMltratii.nH .1 will l.e ? long tim>' before \s.- wlll acttially ner-,1 th<- tn.'if.l. NotwithstandinB lb' fa. t that th* I'.r-a] < learlni: HoilBB bBflb* lost BSera than .*^7.4MM).4MM? ln , asli hol-l incfs last w.-.-k. aml s.. far in thr- preeenl week ha\. I.,st more than .??'_'?'..?HH.i?ai ,,n their operatlonfl ?ith th* Bub-Traaaury, ouotatlona r.n ...llatoral loana ahow, If aoythlriK. an eealer tenden.'y. . _ BOND MARKET SALES. ? .v.a?i rhineai n> 1000 L * N uea 8a lUta Ba ? i 88 18000 Man '?"" ** **'. S..M.I rj. 8880 8a i B ? tr,' an po?. anm jap 4 s . wii laooo do Jf% r,n,, jo . I'-'N 8000 Mll 0*8 ?'?? |HI** ? ?..?, ,]? 844) ..rf... Mlnn 8 Pt '? 2<ai.l do Bd "4? Hef 4a '<??, BOOO do 4a .. M'A 101100 M K * T lat Baaon Rei. of t' Be.103 4a.JIVi 1000 N V ''an 4*.Ii* ! f-"0" '1" B > 4%? B7% 3000 . B of M ?",- 85* '-iX10 'if> k''4 IllVai N V <' 4*48 i 1880 do Pt LW? ! 1887 ..10?\ ?* ? . S! ? BIOOO ri" 4 4- 102?. 0000 Mo 1' <vt Bfl. 88 8700Q do !;,!?. 1<,4?. 1000 do Tr oe 100% leoo do 4^ 1867.100 1000 Nea 88 B B 2000 ?!?. 1868 .11*48 *?. *'^ BJOO r]r. 1860 I,"1- :i600 N Rya ot B ??.-, MR. n Bfl ',-"- 41:- ?*?r. 88% 3000 do ... H ">f>? N i ' G*" ?, I 8000 Am A C Bfl 108 ?'"?.? ??;?!? fjjj 1000 4m C 0 4?h fjT** inOO do D*b 1884 88% 2000 do .. 88 "SOOn do i. s ' ?l )..,, 4,P s a fia 108% 8%a 18% imai A.p T * 1 , 4*000 do Cof 4a (-2 moi do ? '?*'? I *0n>> d" ai** 1. N 1 C * Bl L I4?.a. do 88 r>*h 4? 88% .?sfin-i rlo ,.vt 4..10l?-?4 oo/ai N i' 11 A E I. 98080 >m Tor. 8a m\, H *? r f>?..104'-, 4f'?a-| do 1..87. >'J"a>i do 4e B8% 8000 ri-. 4? ?>*.'. (14000 N V N II * H GOVERNMFNT BONDS The f.iil.ialnK aliea eai. quotatlona foi aovi i nni. nj bond pared *a1ii, Wedneaday'. INACTIVE STOCKS. Th* roUowiaa "era ,hp la"t n.-tual <-~.l*"-. nd the cloalnf niir.tntlons for str>rk? tn whicli thr.f. w*r* no tranBii'-tli-ns yeater ,1r\ .n ih* Nerar York ftock Bxchanae Ctofltea*' i.,4. tmla. Bid. Aaked. 141 ttt 24ft I* M *t* . ai 4 4 1174 1184 jiav "7 ii" 88 114 83 Adama Bapraaa.. Allia . ?hfllmera (*e . \ ?- Chalmere Oa pr.. Kt Agt r*k*-*nk**Bl pr IJKJ* 1"} Am Beel Bugar pr B8"*t aa An, Brake ih <* 8 Fdry ... -81 884 Am Rrakr. ahoa a PMry pr. .184 ?' Am Cat * Poundr* pr H. iw ? An.? an rotlon OII pr , MJ fg 4- ? .,,. Bxpraaa .. *?* -? -mv -i.,i.. Kld? *'? Ueather ?? "j ? \n,.,|.4.u, l.ii..-*.l ... ? >" - ?' \. . :|, Btl I/"' iriOlU* . *" 4 "' 4 Ani.rl.Hi, 1/4.* pr .. .110 ***, Americar, Ma H . ?' J amt rteflti Hn eltlna rr B... ? 88 ? ' n Hnutl .** "J, -- 4 . Bnuft pr -?TJJ .?*;,? ** Ametrl. an Bugar ? }??"* ifl .-iigai pr."lv* ttme*ii*a-i relegrap*" *? "'a1-'* g rlcan ***ee*en ? g - 'ni' artor . 1 fg c? ti ***bor Pr. ',, .., | ,.,i . .... ..1 t Baiilmor* 8 Ohle rr '?*", Bai i llaa Mlnlaa 1 ? B*tnl*h*i i Bteel ?"??'? ["nloti 'iaa .... I** -????<. .,*? a BiifT. R< h 8 Plt'a 116 Bufl Boeh A Pltta pr.. 127 Butterl. k Com**a*n* 88 > r anala >r.uth*rn ? ?? .?r..trai el N>** Jert**- -" .??., *? ga ttmer Telea*r?ph. uv\ (?hlCflge A Alt?n ???H *"-! 2 Chieage 8 aiteai tr ? JJ, 2 , i;, ,;r#ar \V*-.t*rn pr. . . . 44 , 44 4 88 Chlc, Ind 8 Lo'il?4' rr 88 **? ... . bi Paul r* ,.W ? nt 4 Bertl.tern - MJ 48 M8 Chle A Nerthweatern pr W 88 -' Chlc. 81 P, M a- 0 -IM M 44 Cbl Bl P M * O praf. M8 188 1fv.; . hi tf I'nlon "?"'?a-ri"- -4 : ,-h- I*nler, Ttacllon nr . 84 J , . r; -. Bt Ii ? ? ? ? ?*? C r*. C 8 8t L pref ?* > 1 aa : I Pltwl ara 1 ? Puel 8 II ??* M < ** --.;.. A <^i'h*rn H H . ?.. ,<- gairtherri '?r pr J- J] "? Coi 8 Be .- ??: - prf* ;"' |5 ? He. klng C ?*> * MH Jg ' r' "' ' rtafl --* t.. 1..-'. t. -veetern s*'5 rv, Melne* 8 Kt Daatae ***) ? .- ? .4 Maekltuc M ?B * *?*? r* -;?:. g ? ** *-*T *? , SH 5 ? , .? .vllla 8 T H BTBl M g g Mlntna 8 5n.*ir pe m\ it - BT* G*n*ral ?-h?nil-*a' 'o 1"-** Mg }??, r>neral Chemlcal Oa pr Mt, *** *** .;r?a* .*? - et*a *?* lU'ana Elfl trl R- W*! Havana Blectrte p- Pr /?":* g Vatli ?-.?;.? 14 'iV*. 102 V if> 88 Hrtn eetaki 884 M ai tral Leaaed ' M " li geraoll Band Co 106 0.. >H RandCopr MH M? ,? i^^h Central ',. J| ' Hj iowa ret-rlral pr g ? !?? & sriurh pr 88 *_** *?? ,., .,. ..... n ? a m pr ra . g Keokuk * U*? Molnea pr 4. IJ M ? , . ,-i inna st*rl *? '? ;** * . Bae Brle 8 a'eati n lf*i ' L?ke Brk *? Weflteni pr 8S8 138 4.v.i Lake Bhor? i, , i.iand panlaB *? ?*! Mackfl! ? ?' lee pr '?.? 18TB ' r.* ' M Mfli 11 MI higan < *ntra ... m g| P .'. B B M pr l?Ji Y Bt P v Mll I^T*-' L 81 4 BTS Mn Kan A Tera praf e?*a *'T \ ia!r llle 8 < itta 188 158 !2i Jsli* v iti na BIbcuII pr*f |*J" -' * UaA pr 1n- V MJ4 ' Mexlco rr 84 ? Mezl, 21 rr 81 ? ?<"?? mtral t*oa1 W4 "? '.? Sr LAUte "'? ? ? ' . ?. |S| p, irn**. 103 . . ,. 1. ga r,. 88 88 Tork Doek JJ*** ...-. i.rx-k pr. . ... 4 Ont 4 WMta tl ' ? k f. Western pr*f 914 1' . . . . .. 108 88 :-? : 108 . 24 pr 88V '???'? ? Mall -;r *y% n- Baatarn loav loa 111 108 tav ia** 178 I Ifn Uteel Car '????.52 1 ?*? ? ,'"-' || I | 102 |Oi . .? ' II pr ;,l '??' .? - l Pl .- ,..? ,\ .-arar (fl. . - " '**?? ? ? -'?*! pr ''?'" ?? . lenatrurs 121 ,I:" .1, F* in pref 81 ? 88 I 1: ill etb 148 186 ? -? 1. f, - | ? \ B III rtfi pr I .'?' ... j ...., n Si 1 - ithw*at*rn pr "" II8V llt-a -.4 . . - 101 -t I :. M A ?? ^ ?' ..... W *?*a) ? ... ?? 18 ... ,, p |8V 1" ?<? - ??> '?'-' ! ??.. 14* I ; . ?. | aper . r pr ilfa_pi '? J 4 loa . . || . lf\ 18 ."?". 4 ???.', 88 - i . -, . 8 :.??.. . . ... . ? ! 1'? 1.4. ir-r 114 1 114 1 ! pr- I >7- ? 77'? Iral pl 1244 124 ' - ? 18 "' M I pr 7'i 80 ," ? k-trrapk 7- v 7*' ?.? | I.i pr 1H? 114 | . '" "' Wha. llng 8 I. E -?! t" ' ' ? ? < , 4,* - NEW YORK CITY BONDS. ... -?,.'. Na 48 1 tasar nn'-. ?' v 1 ... '... BM | *4't iaM m . MtM 'Co lf?V ., -. . I8A1 l'i- 1 ?1 Ma l?M ?.. 1811 ?< '?" "": an ; *4f M , ?|? N.,w,?i,.., 1808 -, Ma 1811 ?? .,. M? ipjfl aaa 1 ? " S2I .1- \.1.1 1888 881 N,, , ., 1804 '.* *?N 184, Mai 1884 **J , I!,;,.. .".4 ?;.,n|,n 1841 ...... i -..t.i lata ??-? .1 ia*a aj ?gi" Nl k-?4mt>*r. 1818. ? -..,. .,i,l-r 1814 ?" .-anafl ini'r.*r?*ah> tR'glaierad. aona. IRegtaterad aad coufoa, ^ OUTSIDE SECURITIES. Tra4fjag m tha BtaartBi/f"?***? JJ| eurltlaa deveUped V*g**^Z't!E prtce*. with fev* exccptiona. ma". iras !,??,', falna in aympatny.arlththe ww reellnga in the loaide aatritat. ?" ,heP,f.' ? iteallnga Intereat ceatred Ib rt^Sg. ,,,i.e laauea, sevi-rai of whlcli *&rf?J>'lM Btantlal calns on rather h*aa*> -r*d'"?; Subaequently. howeVer, the naartet. ? Juleter. but prlcea seaaerel\y held flrm r*,reone-Cannnr i and OH >u* were '" '?,' demand. bott. of them advanrlna ??*''"_ allv Kerr I.ake aold Bt the loweal nrlc*'rded in a long time. but Bubaaqueiatb .:: v'red IB the fnclu.trial der,,rtrn;m . Btandard Oil loat ? tfnta on Ight *-?gg: i ,if kmerican Tobacco riiien mron* roi.Khout The bend .lepartmen. v as ie.a artlve than on the earlfer dayii of the U.k, but i rlce* ahowed Pf?ttc8lly ^ ie.a artlve than on the earlfer daya oi rt. reek but prlcea ahowed practlcally n? ,-hance from thta*. irr-.iii' previoufl cloae DetaJled e**>a*atloafl INDUSTRIAL f.-,l BSIefl Qpj Iflgti I** Uat ?S, -Sf. a?* :'"t', |O0 Ini Bub Tt .-'a l'.'. 87 I 17 ? -; ?? 1,000 Manbai a ?? ?' , latandardOil .848 648 888 8tt 4-.C - ,,i4p1 nlrer fr, 82 IBl* *54 '? '-' 100 :',' reVf 108*1 I**?. ?*?? ,0 100 ' . Li d : t | ' ? MINING. .i, ??'-? 84 j,inrt Braden - t" ?"? 4 . 41 .V. Brll ?'?>! -'op. ? ?'? BB ** .: * 4..'. ?Butti * \'lr 84 88 84 bb i .-rf. ?>? .i.nii central 8 - !, I.BOOroni \-(/ Bra la 1" J * I" 280 Ti: (Vntral 8 ?'? B, 808 89] '"ii .A '* -fj r,i rmoiroua Mlnlna 8jj 8% BM B* l..*(?, irreene iSinanea 7*4 1% ? ? '. Hao inapir ' Wrr **'? ''" ,5 ' .2" .-,,-, ' K\t'n 18 IJ l? ia 8.204! K-n Lak* ?' *'? -.' R088 . 4', l4o 4 I I:-:, MaBOfl V.ll.-i . '?'? 8*!| 8 B 1.70., Pacific Bmi II '. ft . _ ? I bjm) 'Porcui i'i- '-fi 80 88 88 ;*| .-, s-nn ?peronrin* Nor 71 78 nal.por ToavPBltfl U IS -?ri4*Ni l-i'.t V. 1>.,rue. 40 4.1 ?" 4.! ? ':.,. ontral '?? *'? ? tl '*? ..?ini Bo rtiiM .-: ? -. . ?* Ji W.1 (Tonoi ih M VA . ;-' S SOO Tatareaa ? 4..*a*, B'ettlaufei - M ' '- ' ?'- ' ?' ?''-' ?'' BONDS. aiaiataoniic ei n. i 8a aa't 8*4 p*J '''?'. 2000i:rl? v; Note..100?i lOOl i"''7- l"" > ? OOtl \ V 'lu- 4'?a I04< - '"?'? I- ' :?:.'.m... v y st 4s a l .i"i * l04Ta I' ?'- !"'.' 12.00011 \v U11AN 48 02H 82 ? '?'-'?? 88% Bta r*r nhgrr [Dlvldend. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. MONEY markft Mooeyon call opened Bt f% per o,.nt; hlKbest. 2t.t pPr rent. low [eat, z% r*r eantj clo*ing, 2% par cent; rui int; rate. 2% per cent Tim* money waa | slUhtlv less Inactlve, and l.roker^ "ffored H with Bllghtly more frerdom. Ratea. j.? per eenl for sixtv daya, 2%tJ8 '.,r'' eenl for ninetv daya, :' per een! f<>r four montlia, :Ai':.\ per oent for flve montha, and |2 for six months Mereantll* paper .-..ntinued in rather itmited demand. and araj not Iwued freely Ratea. %yjQK per ront for alxty aad nltaety dav?- indorned bllls receivaiilo, .1l4^4 per ,-etn for choloe four t?, six monthfl' finKie name*, ?12 )?'?> ceni for other*. PORBION BXCHANOK. The forelgai exohHiiKo market opened aiendy. with eeblea quoted al 1 ?>l.v?4 s*".'2. demand sterl (tiK at 18815494.8620. slxty-aay bllla at 4 84% nnd nlnety day billa al 4.83%04.8335 Bhori fran<-,< were quoted nt :. 2>. Teaa 1-32 and alxty-day fran.-s at B.*a%, ahort reicha marks ;,t 18% lewrf |-83 and alxty-day re|rh-i rnarkfl al B48-H The market held atea.l> in the day wlthoul any declded ciiange in ratrs from the openliiK Cablea were quoted nt I M% bld and ,i:-ked. detnand flterlina fll 4.881 $.714.8820 and fllxts day bllls at ?.M'4 Bhori franrm held around :> :i |aea i-"2 and ahort reirhstuarks Hl'll pI'IS l-H Baakera1 po^red rate... foiiow. Slxtv 1a- a f.'iri.f.d WertlBB ???? *H Oarmany relchetnarlifl ?4 ? .23 Belfitirn, ?*> ~2- '-'f!! v Parli. france^. ... >'-..? ,' [JJ BwltaerUnd. franea . ? s 21 4 '?J lloiund. falldera ?** 40^ DOME8TIC FX- HAMir. r4**tOfl. 1^' dlacount; .'hi.-aero. i^o premium: San Fran oisro siphr z%c premium, to|e?traph 5c; n*at4- Orleana, commercial 2."-* dlaeount, hnnk *; premium; Bt. r.ouis. 1? nremium bld 20n asked. Savannah. buylng 3-l*>c dla? count ?e|11nc par: Mlnneapolls. 80c pre? mium n-\NK CXBsARINCha. ? N*w Tork, ?x .?har.ges t338.?i?.000. halances 12o.e46.ViO, Philadelphia. eXohanaes 08,4X18,618, balancea $2 .^^. Boaton, ex<-hange? $31,983 927, ha^ a"ticee U,oi4.678; ? ailcago, earchangaa Misg lOi halancc- |4.Mt.'?/' SILVKK MARKKT-t'ommeroial har ail ver, r.2&4c Mexlran sl'v.-r dollars, I8C Rar aiiver ln Liondoa cloaed at MAAA, a dectlne of 1-16d C,OL,D PRBMI1 M ln atadiid, I 'rt. Ma ben, I IfEXICAN BXCHrfArfNOE ? Mazlean aa rhanee on New York la quoted at 8.01% , hxecutor Chartered 1822 Trusteo' Tlie Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue, New York, ,~?T-.n*- 18 r<**'W*!: PAP.I3. 41 B-rtkllli Han-an-a, LODON 26 Or Broad Stree*. Travelers' Letters of Odit. Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardi*** $250,000 Central Pacific Railway Company First Refunding (nov/ First' Mortgage 4% Bonds due 1943 Guaranteed principa ard lnterest by the Southftn Ptr.V.z Co by endo'tem-nt Thi; ssue is now a legal investmerit for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in New York State Secured by Bfl undcrlyi'i closci first morlgnj-e on | 347 mllaf of raUroaci, inciudin^ the transcontnental main line of the Union Pacific System between Ogden. Utah, and San Francisco. Underlie $14,603,000 *,#% bonds and followed by $2") 000,000 new i% bsnds, 117,000.000 preferred stock pay'ing A% dividends and $67,275,<)00 commofl stock r ,v ing 6% dividends. Price 97!4 and lnterest, pay ing about 4.15* IRndmondaCo. 33 Pine Street, New York BOSTON CURB STOCKS. ifeiirntBhe.i i v I, Thoma. Relnlvirdt. No 18 I Hroad .treet. S'v. Vork. No, 64 I'evonalur. . ..- kJostOO, sind No 16 Klna stieet We.t, i ront. Canada ) PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITlES. 'Furnlahel b| ?riBlaaaa McOBemell 4t '"'o'?n.a.n. \o 80 Wali atreet > Fid lak-d Am tjght * Ttaettaa.... -i*'? 301 do pref ? . *'* 1"" Am Oai * Eleetrte. ,1o pref . 88H I4W Am t'ovs?' A- l.tght -??. 78 7K do pref . ; ntiea- Scrvlc* . "'? do rref :? . T8 i Denver Oaa * F.l.o .,?.!! :.. rvi >\ En plra Dtat Elao Ba ~>~> It* F-ieral Ufhl <v Tr*c 88 I' - rref .... . *" i ?? Oa. 8 Ela tric. .... '.* ? .,;."? * Fle.-trlc..*.?* Sl a0 praf . ?.*. ?? i de r*<* ?* bj DIVIDEND NOTICES. afmerican Telephone & TelegrapTk \ ... ideed of t-4o Dellara r?r ahara atin paid oa Batrfflrdar. T"' 1'" "''-' t* ??*? i.oid?r? ef reeerd al *'?' r '?' '' ' ? aaa* i .ii ae oi). ipii WM R hRl\ Y.W T .... . $30,000,000 Chicago Elevated Railways Three -Year Five Per Cent. Gold Notes Authorizcd, $30,000,000 Issued, $30,000,000 Dated July t, 1911 Dtie Julr I, 1P14 INTFREsST PAYABLE JANUARY 1 AND JULY 1 IN THE CITY OF CHICAGO OR THE CITY OF NEW YORK( Notes wlll be In coupon form of $1,000 each THIS TSSIIE IS CAIXARLE AS A WHOl.F ON .10 DAYS' NOTICF AT 100 AND ACCRUED INTEREST Iijltnois Trust and Saviisigs Bank. Chicago, Trustee From a. letter of HENRY A. RLAIR, Esq., Chairrnan of the RoaH of Di'ecto^. copie*. af f^.-Ch m.av be obt.-iim*.' *:pon request, we suinmarize as follow? : The Chicago Elevated Railways controls all the elevated systems in Chicago. owning and operating approximately 17.^ miles of single track. Through the ownership of 210 acres of real estate, the various lines operate. to a great extent. on private right-of-way. The Metropolitan West Side Elevated Railroad Company alone owns a strip of land 20 miles long and 45 feet wide thrcugh the City of Chicago. the duplication of which would bc impossible except at a large cost. The above notes are secured by all these properties. subject to $.^2^^46.750 prior liens. They are a collateral first mortgage on the Northwestern Elevatt-d not including the Union Loop. The estimated value of the Elevated properties, exclusive cf franchise value", exceeds $90,000,000, leaving an equity of over $5730,000 fer the notes. The franchises of the compamcr-. are all of long duration and provide for B five cent fare. The earnings of the companies are now ample to meet fixed charges, including these notes, while economies to be eftected by unific-ition of managemert. consequent reduetion of operating ratio, rerouting of trains and more favorable power contracts are estimated to amount to over $1,000,000 per annum. The growth of traffic on the vanous elevated lines from 1905 to 1910 has been about 40 per cent., or at the average rate of 8 per cent. per annum. The Citv of Chicago now has a population of 2,500.000, which shows an increase in 20 years of more than 100 per cent. The large population. and the fact that as a central distnbuting point Chicago will maintain a steadv growth, well assures the permanency of the traffic for the elevated lines. The undersigned wlll recelve Subscriptions for the above Notes at 98'* and accrued interest to date of delivery, at which price they yteld |H%, Subf^ratKmi will hc ctosed .1 j P. M. Jul, lo. IOIIi or p;irl!t.t f)lf ri?ht ^ng rr me?J to rejed any appHcation and to aavard ., irnaller trnount thin applied for. The** .lorsigm,! reaenre. th. riRht to ,I(1M. tht- ^n,vUn^ ^ am ^ Jg* ^ Pending the engraving nf the .Irhmtive ?***?, lemtmrarv ncfOtM* t*BB* B* be .lel.vcreil against payment at thc nftke of the un,lc,?gnrd. July ,;. ,o?. The National City Bank of New York. julv i. rou.