Newspaper Page Text
Mayor Doesn't Favor Court house in City Hall Park. RECOMiVIENDS AMENDMENT Would Allow Estimate Board Six j Months in Which to Sc lect Suitablc Site. M-. ? rr (e*yno4 ' a IthlieM in* j f to ti.. illlari II blll provaatJiif that . -. be bulH ln Clty Hall i';" 8 After h. armu' tl ma of liiitvternu*-: ieaaraa*Bitail*4a ef darl. and i?iitri..ti.- or?| aanlTBtlT-rifl ,.. thi Cltj Hall ln the after noon thr Mayr MTOte ;< 111, nmr.iniliini ' 10 a.-.N.niDnti, BrBBtti Blll No 1** "?' act 10 i,r,i\i,i- for thi ? ?'?>" i."f "' ?' houafl la the Countj of Near York, and MiithoiI - ? iltlon <>f ;i alte th. ra* - ? ?* ? neata that the blll l> arttb draar* and I ao aa to adare Um nd Apportlonaaaent Bta ,,n.i ??ii lt fall to do t oaae laoai I The May : l W .,s ;,-. follO ' 1 la 1803 paaai d ai .. ? ' ? ? ? I rt Mt. '? intj of New Vork ii alluavud theen t<> take n.e alta of tl ae ln Clty Hall If inej ea t left thena tr.-. .-. hi ra iti the . ountj. 1,.. site aele ted I : : ? - <i Utltli ap f ? : nt ? | ? B . a aned. and ? i ? ,.v. no -.,... -.. ?hl yeara naya In ! th. i Board ot ?? , ? . ! taa.11 Pai i I uaed Mur.t Select Site Soon. the rlt) offl ?? wlthln r ?. . ? i oa to -? ? ? .. ? . | ii lo. c I I,.,-. ,. drawn and ? ., t ? alvi ? ? Board ? - . ( it rall to do ao ????'? ,..?,- I . i understand ,,f the Board ol Kfltlmate and lionnaent, as li alwa _.. : |o, k ? ? ? ? i I he an a t the aanae time ? The only 8,-hy i not I een ' b. ? Uie . But the ea ' ? . ? t <lr>r.s p Mt* 1 ? ? ',. | fura eleel a -Ho !? , llmate an. \. ortionmenj t the Board \ i i ahould he ? te B. ard thi ? bj peared lo for oppoatni the stll . tlbert I of 1 Bar Al ior ..- ??? . rjohrrt ?*. Blnkerd, aeeretarj of ti-e , j..- Club; ileorge MeAneny, Prealdent of tl.e Horo'ich ? ? Manhatt ? John VYInneld Reott, Dr . '?4\..iiri Haa*ainaa Han, pi*4**a*8*aai1 pf thr Aniprlr-fln .*Wni. nnd Hlatori PN 81 '? Btl08 s.'.-i'tv. n.i Albarl E Hanachal. tl. :,iii fo,in,i ;, ph*f*ak*ally ataall boi Tflfl-all) pr^.t anti. r. nr ln llu- pCf**80?l "I Ira 3. i:.i.ii> iit.iti. ..f tli- n.'.ii Eatata Own******* Prota. ; . v - . ? ... a I ? aaW Clty Hall waa no parl excep f? ;: ***** Mayor Impatiertt at Speakera. Thfl Mayor Wafl lnriltir^l tO b8 Impatl8lll with B4**4"l rnl <>f thfl apoi.k, rs. s.ivtna: to Mr Hfir.i. 44 h., MBtSd lli.- M:iv,,i 18 >*>tn tha blll "1 h'14-on'f il,'- power ,,f veto ln tl If imt fr-r Thrro ls ua.>TtiItiic iMtW btti t.,ik. la'k. tnik i tltonght i woaM hear a IH1 ? I K>>n tn-rlnv And (.. Mr Blnkerd, who objected tn tho m*?aanrp <>n tho fl*round lt waa a lea*lslatl**e attrtnpi io Interfere arlth homa mia, tha Mhv, r a.iid, apieat} '?There |j j, i-.,;,t miflu**al**i*ataridlng T'lla ? ?? nn affalr of th- Clty of New Yovk ar itll. lf |fl no part of thf . .rnnniit or tho ,lty. Thr- Le4**lalatt****? linn KiNon ua *-otno .--H4- h) araoe thal 44. did nol hi a b] rl-ght." !'?? -??!. r.f |fC \".>n'. - r| ? ''WhCT* \oH rotne to tha propoaltlon, jroui honor, to t.iko anj parl af 1 Ity Hall Parl for any pui*poae 1 rhink you *.*. 1 ] 1 tin.l public rei I mant, whlch la Hvely, blttorly opt*a*a>ed. Th- Hr,nr,i of Eattmatf la qultfl prei to appsjoprtate the neceaaary monci >** :- on .is b BUltabla atta haa been found." W an l'r Hall bea-aa the Mayor Inter? rupted blm by atattng thal he had already mended thal the blll be ?"rtthdrawn. ii. added thal the hunl for ., courthouaa sito i,.,,i *-,, en golng on for aboul -rai" and ? Ma;. 1 1 nor an) pf tha cltj offlciala, ...- far as he km-w, ted to ? Ii 1*1 " ii\ Hall Pai k ed to do *?>. BANK EXAMINERS GATHEH Oppose Idea of Promoters Doing Reorganization Work. 'P.r- ?: 1 loinl of aatloi al and ataf.- bank examlnern were hald yeaterday iti thr. dlfferenl natlonal i.ank ili^tri. ts throughoul the .ntry. Thfl meeting In thla diatrict, whlch Ineludea New v..rk ***oi thi r n Ni * Jei ? ? 4. a- hald . ifltom Houa. . Moa1 of th< foi tl stat. taank examlnan of thi dlatrlcl wer* preaeni 1 harlea A. Hanna, formei 1 chlel examlner o1 thi New v?.rk dlatrlcl and recently appolnt**d ' examlner for the New fork latlon, led. Reaol ? ona were ? ?? .mtn'.ndinu b general plan for thi Interchange ,.f for th< ? id van taa of all banka and ind n ... tion of tha Controllei ..f tha Currency and the bank im; offldala ..f thla Btate " leraey ln determlnlng tq no longer per mll thr- r*> organlxatlon ol Inatttutlona by promotera. Thla waa ln tn duci d by 1.. H. Boul in llne with the flral n ??? I waa n mended that thi ? 1 lopted ? rurlng of Infor tnatlon Bhoaing the Itabllltle of borrowera Btate and 1 "ii a1 ? ? ? pai ' '? ? ? ' lt waa Blao ? 11 taIr ? ? ? ? fiized or Inai ructed to ej nformatlon rela r-vo to borroweri a commlttee nt. 1 . , :,r n nge for fui l . <? i,,r the pui !"?"?" of foi mulatltig lh?> p an outllned ln < ? n'Hii.' > Ign I ? and J A ? Btate ? . ; . r**d 01 ithet . . - minera 1 ? - ? I petlng ai 1 Who Was Belle Carillon That i? what [ohn Fenton, ? - oi tb?* thr** names .... A New York Arabian Ni^ht's Knteftainment hv OELETT BUROESS goeg through mani i hapteri of thrilling adventure ing him self "Por rhe warp ol hia strange, ad ertfui ous .irr-.>r lovaj and beauty, and diainondi I 01 tii?* some few cross current of 1 1;; r and 1 ii Dollars and Sense of Humor hy LEW FIELDS j Phe famous funmaker tella ail about hia work, frankly itting that "it. is a business proposition fron start lo finish," aiTi show*. how fiumoi depends on lot ality. Penelope of the Mill by NATHAN HASKELL DOLE \ fine Atory, by a famous novelist, of the ?>?? - ? i ? I 1 rat'i in New Hnrrlan.l and of how two lovera outwitted ihe \illage powers. Entered in our Prixe Storj l prtition. Dagobert's Chwdren by L. J. BEESTON Second in the series of Kranco-Prussian v\ar tales, by a writi-r who has been compared with Dumas. Ihe title <>i thia story is "'I he Poisoned Chalici AKr, "\\ alled 1 iity Life," an amrle aboul < hinese cities hv K. F. Junor, am! the lul instalnient of MThe Serre lary of Frivotous AfTair*-," by Mrs. Jacquea Futrelle, io the ncxl Sunday Magazine of the New-York Tribune SUNDAY'S NEW-YOKK TRIBUNK Mailed .inywhere in the United States for $2.00 a yea; ?BBBBBIflflflflfll Members Unablc to Agrec on a New Landscape Architect. PLACE VACANT FCR WEEKS Commissioncr Stover Favors R. A. Popc; Mr. Higgins Would Name J. V. Burgevin. ill ?>. iaunuel Pai anna, li aaa r? I moared u lamlacap* arrhttecl by lha Parl" Board r-i?,ri:t areeka hk... hta fluceeaaor haa I nr.t yr-t been choeen, it ???< learned Iyeaterday that |f tlw preeenl rrondltlon obtalna n maj be naanj weeki more be f..r>- tn. place ba Slled \ ?! noa fltaada, tha board '? prac tlcalrj d4r8dlocked Part ' ? nmlaaloner MiB-cli.a of The Brona la om Bnd for afl in faroi ',i Jullua V Bui gi *? In I - jierlnten.ieni ,.f parts, n1- the *u. * to Mi Paraona romnahwloner Btoarer of Manhattan haa been most favorablj dla poatd toward the candidaca of Robeii An deraon Pope Conanalaalonei Kennedy of Brooklyn, however hw ... cholce In the miiltrr. aml it ls hia deriBtori to >\t tlarhl arhlch haa e?u.s?..i the !>:,U In the i,.;.,.).-. proceedlna*. mlafltoner Kennedy baa given hla col leaaruea t<> underatand that he do4 i I ivi.rit to k-et into any eontroareray orar lha appohatnaent, ao he aoaareata thal -ifi..- on Bonae on.-. un,i that auch ??, arlll ln that avenl i,. to hla iikiii< lt ?a? aald yoftfniay thal tha Brooklyn 111*01 ai of > <? board had Intltaaated that, aa Com ? ? Btov. r and iiitfelnr. had : Mr. Paraona, they ahould n.,\\ aam ?? on eonai om 1 \Ve.>k after week th<- reaailar hoard in.-et nga hare been held, bul noi om*e haa the ..,.. naattei 1 tmai up for eonsideratlon publlc!) There l.?"?'-?? beea I .-\. euflre eonfi renci n of 1 'onim luloaaer Btover. Before the board .tlna yeaterday Com ner 81 - - aald Im i- llen d ? thlna would come out all rlght '?rr 1 ? - * -. i-^ ,..' the department, however, amlte c. ? ? ? ? ? nd, for, wlthoul bbj den the board la about 1 ewed ti . landacape Brel Iti ra" q a ;:"'- aa i? laaa ,v-r been -,n bbj* deo^fllon nf Importanc Commlaslonera Hlgaina ;.t:<i Kennedy .,, ,. ,..,-?? onea who attem ? d day'a meetlna After the meetlni Crom . . .. aflk. ,1 ho ? thi mat? ter fltood ", onamlBBloner Kennedj l I ' '"tn ., |aal< n4' Btovi r .'.n,i myai If thal ohOlce | ' n\:rr<* on tvn.ild 1" BUltBe ? hlm," aald the Brona ' o -. ?' .,.1 amuaed eapri i ' i Ire you 8888 out for Mi ' nT' h* 'U4 -| "1 am, nn.l t expe. ' fo .-niitinne l.itnk Ing tl .* waj." hi added "Ho* aboul Mi I ?Mr Pope haa aald ? - ettei to I r hoard that 1 i tlrely a P Intereat li y \ ni v ho wlll devote all hla "r-' "? ' When told ? i Mr. Btover had Btrued Mr Pope' ,r" . \9 -. 1 h< BTOUld BOl ' . urely hla r tj plannlng - ' ??' . loner Hlggti ? ' 1 r;n I help ' ' "''?"' s"' ?"r ? n| ibout the letter M . t- || -. . meam that ini l ? to 1 Btover ail not < oBtt deflnltel: and aay th ?* ' tam ? ?i. Pope. but ll ' ? a eei ite 1 la *\'T?- al ? baaa ? Bj-d in aa | he thoaifhl ? - sM architect ahould bi ? i l .., ,. era *i ' avaiti^f th? lacl'a c<>8*ldar*tlo* TT** li ItB BO '?' t ? n '" I ? . indldfl ' " ral ? that he dld aot ..... he parka A ROMR ItVRECKS BEDROOM guriff,-, gioiliifj Orocer Under r><-> hns. bvil ri> Tp Unhwi ^ peralatent attempt to wlpe out i c t of a fi i nd thi - , the ateeplBf .... . . . . iiij of the - i ? ? Ir, the ad rali ? r aaembei i ol arlth ? ? ? Hy |nud one ? d r tr*ei ? itreet ata i thi ; ? ? -?-? - l.UCILE EMPLOYF ARRMCNFD . .... ; I | I . reaamaklng eata . .i. i imlted of No 11 ' - -. 11tr> IH ' | ?' On Of ? ??"? M> '"''I naod. la, | l?*ded not buI " be| ihe I'i I Btati . *ourt, iried f ??' . lon, ?,.- ii and wlfi ol Duff < lordon I* undi i ato. -i lo l- prei Id. i I of i< Ie Un ,,i,.| ? of a dreasmakli ? the -,?-. NCW IN DR. DRAPER8 PLACE Central Park Weat her Station Passes Un.ler tiovernmont Control. rnlogtca tal " '. r ' T-.rk paaaed Into the hand ol I ? '? eral iterdaj, when On Llndaren, >f thi to il '>'?-. tooh the | ' 'ban I ? . ? ? i Mt Irfind ? aorl fi. i ? | ? . ' ? ? lloore, chlef ol < ? VW ath. r Burefl I ngton, would -.i i ona* bi n to th. Arai nal obaenratorj l(,,l? ii Bcfai.. thi -I..- ??''". "' thi W ? Bureau ofl In 1 ? ? ' ?' . ni. nta i"i the i hange 1**1 14.. k Mr Bcarr eald l rould havi been u n . , 1 1 , -,. . I.-.,. r.e-l tbal bj ia talk of ;< llshlng ll . onimlB.lo. ? , --..-.. Baa moi ,1 h ; 1, , .inn,: - ? ? ' .v '''? to . , |t ,,w r ... Ihe federal govemment and Ini ir. future ealatenc. |M tt.e I,..-.-, .-? fi'-m Ihe I It] Of Mr Bcarr Mr Beed, ln ?'??,. I* of thi lo. il bureau, am I ntmetit of Mr UndgTen __ REDUCES FARE TO FIVE CENTS. Then ??? 1 '??' hearlni '? before C'omi ,-,-?ni on Ihi complalnl of Ihi '? .. r*.tl? ora^nlaaUon ol t'" Ti ? i 1 .. .- .1 Uaaaablj t.iMrir. ,.r aUagi ? " "' ,. . , t thi Leang laland Rallroad C*on foi ' harglng ?? lei cent f.,'- bi * ?. ' "?' nd Rallroad avenu ' matti . . attled qul. i<l\ ahen Joai ph P" Kea . i f.,i tha ? ?...,. - ., ? .1 ii, .t , | deelded to reduiv thi , ,,, | ? . ? 1 ,,.? new ral ? I I - ?? 11,ly . IU' l I" II 'I >'* CHURCH DECLINED $100,000' Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Ob jected to Smith Ely'e Condition. Tha death of fhnttb f.u . a ta************ ra*ajror . t * u rork, whlch otc-roired oa Saturday J ... Mvlngaton. N t . Hfhl s'"* , rtory of aaeot-drtbotlam pro-fferad ... |.lacllned ?>4 thr- Plffji Aveawe Prtrn- \ .... ? fhurch, "f arhksa Mr. Bty waa ? . ? i .in juae l Mr Ely made a ftormal ... 11OO.0O8 10 tha Hnir.-h. B*"a**dtVtl** thai ii ahould be ua< d aa a parl ef aa ?" ; drrwmenl fund foi m|s-|..n-. ??d lhat tho rhutrrh at-B-NiM raiot 1408,. by tha and nf ihlfl year. to be pai win. hla glfl Into a . | (iilfaoai rlollar ..ndowmmt for tho home na which tba Flfth .Veeue Pwaby terian Chureh dtaai ln whole "r '" '"'irl j Bupckorta One week iter tha Benaloa ?r the rhurrn -., Ml Ely Wtth a l-rmnl reaoluUon ,i., itnins Ihe glfl Nieauafl th ? ehurch ''ifl ... ... midertalae to raaiel iho i-ondl ? , bul al b BUba?quenl <***?fa*rence tho ? , iteemen practlcally arranged **ith Mi i;i' that hla otTer Bhouid ba reneared m thi tr.11i rri Ihli ?<? <r ndwln .: OHUaa BaM j-aaterday lhal ihe ? of tho chureh had deemed i' ** ,r> ... ,...,,, go into the arorti "f rale Ing 1400.008 N< 44 ,. ..|.i* were e-omlnc tel the rhurch becauae of the poti-ulaxlty of Dr.| .i?whi\ pt-4>?chlng, and old nrtawnhe*t*fl who had nol beea lo ntt*-*adance were beglnnlng to co ma r-agularly again, eald Mr. Ollla-***. ;,,,.l II ?hs .lo. thal tO .inl.ark on BUCh .-, moiiey raialni renture al thal particulai time would took too much lik. tnrtng '?? capltallae Dr J-wrett'a *>opularlty. 4> BI.MD AND GAG A WOMAN Burglars, Surprised at Work, Tie Visitor and Escape. a Ith a gag 'ti '???'" n outh and her banda gi i t,. r tled arlth ? rope, t h*? work "f two burglara, Mrs Anna Hecbt, of No. '-'-?> i.i'onard atreet, Wllliamabur*g, waa found 4*.eflterda) afternoon in the bjoma ,,f llr-rman n, whoaa famllj Bha bad K'.no t., vlalt, al No, 106 Manhattan avenue. Aftar . . .i bei b attended bj ?? dcactor Bhe re . ,i i? ?- . \,.. rli;... bJIm i the 4* Ifi <.f knton ifo.-ht. a contractlng Blgn palnttrr v ? la the manager of ." I milk eoncetrn. and ? miptefl r ? .. . over thi atore arlth hla ?? If* ? ?., r . i ;?? md ? '? ntral Station ? ,,..,,,. ? , ? . - jr ti -.ii e frlenda ??-, hour later Mra. Hechl arrived at ii? hou e and I I ' dooi "!"" Ei lerlng Ibe houae and rloslng th.. <l.".r bi i.uid her, Bhe walked up thr- .tilra. atnl ? ? . ? mghi araa met hv a ,, ,? -,., ara iti I ? d Ir dld not ll*e lt. ? , . bulldlng and 44.,* about t.. retnu ,:.,, arben ahi dedded to aak If the Nachl ,!,. w.r. .-.' hofne Tin maa replied tn M. negatlve, and. apiinging forward, aelaad ,? her ihmal and pulled her ui> '-> tha .,.,. ,.,- .... landing v* he began tn rhnk* .. . Biied hli rompanlon a ho ? n carryli | hei li to a i Mrs. Hechl fell heraelf loalng ronacloue ,, ti,. burgli r -' iffed ha idki n hlefa aer mouth and no.i hor arlth ropea. ^-, r i,,,,-,| ,?. tell the othei that thej had ... nd then an eecaped D ,,.. t/hlle tho other got oui nf a n n?' ifterward bai ho . . ? ough the ???? rd of a 1 I - ? n a m... m. >hi |a* helpleai for mora than aa .,'-.... .,,,1 hla 4\ if. m .,.,.,,) Tha rccognlsed hei el -"rr u ' after releaeing her, examlnad tl '.-.-? reryl ng li i ' ? ?"? a"'1 ?" I ln piiloa ,. -, ,-? . rtli or-r-iro family m, and riotMng In tha houae Noth ,,,_ i .,j beea atolen Hra Hech! had ot '"rr dr? ? her ono laweirr, ral . | ...... -> ? ATTACK LEPEBLE'S COURSE Mavor Henrs H> Donr- Not F itntin Blanfhter Houses. t t Bureau of Munlf '? i aareh mada . eaterda: Iti rei? to M ?nr Commiaaioner i ederlfl of thi Depart man* ol Health and Borough **Tealdenl of the Board ol pii-teo .,.-, Heal**i *?? Incjulry ln -. ... rta li Eaal Slda .. ang itatemeuta mada ... .- that ' tha ^)ot..1^?'r;,J-., ? v. (,?j nol onlj "^, rtopped vtola .,, |ta ai long 1 -*-?' Wd? alaughter . ? all permlted them ln -..,.- i. iaa ?rf>, aport fuii - mlaed thor Inquln and r?r.orf on the* hy CommlaaleneT Lederla far as ar ahowa an-l thal Ifl "'' ;. " *** ' \ tli g Mi- or Mll 'h?l ... October. 1 ?'" ?,,<" "?2''** Novemffja** u d .i.- ;... Knl I ?' bun au de tha. I araa ., i , , pour '? to tha Eaat Rl' ? ? ? ?? that the pn ...i niegal Bhui a at ipped the Depart r*ei I ?l "?" dtl . . that it wlll no l"neor i i aaya lt hu ..... ? ? inghti ? top " *** ...... ? olved , ,.., . ,,i Health prohlblta Iheai otrei it li rab maklng i r tn Mi? ' ? ? ind that H ? WITNESS WOULD BE IMMUNE To)U of Tromise. but Pro*-**nitor Say? Ho Mibimdorfitood Him. Mlchaal Oarltck, manaaer ol th? Kgal ? .... j... itrj I.. aleri Aa ociattoa " i - day at tho trlal of imembetra of . -,,M.,| Uve F'onltr*- Trual tn Urtioral ,: ,f iiaalatani Dl ?? I \;' . i ad proml* d hlm Immunlty If he ., ... a the I ected. O ii ., itnear for 1 ? utlon Mr Klllaon i- aaalathBa la the prooi il m, and . ne prenrloufl (?? tho openlni .>t thi trlal aeveral arei \< --?< ? mraln* d Qar ong .-.ti.oi aitai i .i.I,,,?, oflninael foi thi d< I ha .nd nol belleve Mr I -... I. promlae Mi Elllaon .. r . iak: thal la esamlnlng " ? :... trlal ha i ad, a i la ? uatom ? at anythlng he mlghl iiaad agalnsl hlm ln ado> ,,,,'?, hfl -n'l ! ? K**'' ** ,'"1 ,l'1*1 Bn* ' " arould h. in.ii.Mi.. from ? t? .. -1ni..1 ..: ihe trlal. aad thla, . ? ,..,) OarUok had -ntaundersf-ood. ed the Inckth nt, ind the trtal pro ,- it arlll lu t un ? ? mlddle of Augual_ HOLD S FOR BOMB EXPLOSION Treasurrr of Firework*, Co. Among TfcOM Who Must Explain Death. v , ,, .,,n ..f tho death ..f Joaeph Baa* ,,.? riateen ??"- **, ot Na 1888 Brook i n avenui I latbuah who was blo-wa to .?, jul) .. -?? lha .x,.i.,-.,.,, ... al I ,,, ? ,,,. arorki bomb aeai bla home, .. mea wera beM ha |l.*tM ball .... b ,,,> ln the i latbueh r**-*art for mam j u atlon ob Ja arari Joba rja-rdoo, Btephen vi ntlno and Anteale Naaala i.f J< i ? i ln i '"'' ??' "'? lutorna , ., i i u. a arl ?' ' "' ' ""'''' . . ? .to II a New *1 >rh I ln Depart ., | . i if he ta r-eavlcted nd wlll '" forfelled. lt FOSOICK OF 6RAFT Commissioner Hears Fireworks Contract Was Offercd for Cash. COST $500, VALUED AT $50 j Alderman Curran Declares Dis play for Hi.s District Lasted 22 Minntes at :>23 50 a Minutr. ommlaaloner Foedlck'a InveatlgalKw. ho aa'fe and aan* flreworka wa Bdvamred ,.,r enough veeterday f? dlred rbargea <* ??? l ? maala bafore l im '"", ' ' Int] ? -.? i haa be. Inveetla itlBi ll r tlreworka roniraeta th*1 ? -oel ".'" -. ? .... for 4% |ch |15.8De worth of nn ,? ..,,-,1 .,, hav, heen reeelved, toW ihe rommlaaloBi f thal a Br**rorlu manui i i ,-rer ln Nea Jerfl*J .ald ' "' :"' prOached by ? rn. mba r of ths ' oa i and told thal he cooW hav? tlw eontroci it he would paj th. commltteeman a c. Balaslon of M ior < om ln advance t iidernaaa Henry H. L'urraa, on* I membera >,f the fourth of July rommlttee. told Commlaalonei Poadlch thal tor ? month there ha.i been rumora .>f sraf* In the tlreworkfl braneh ?,f th* e*tebraUon "Bverybody araa *>>.?-." ia|d Curran, "and half n,.. membera of tm board arara aaklng who waa gatUtag Ih* grafl I araa bup poaed to hav* 1888 worth of Breworka ln Waahlngton Bquare foi mj dlatrtet, a|"' ... reral l louaand i eraon - wer* gathsrsd' there to aee tlw eahlblUon, II waa aii ow-r ln tweaty-two mlnutea, though. Th.- flro aorlta arara all ahoi >>(f befora I o'clock. i nm aura lhal rou caB'l aat off Breworka .,, u . rate of *?-??" ? .nlnute Mv aatlmate .. i .,- tha tlreworka auppHad for my dla trii-t .-..Mt ;il?,i.t |88 ??Th.- aldermen'a committee dld aoi a* rery deeply Into tho plaaa for tha colabra Uon HernaaB Rldder, chalrnaafl of ths cltlaena1 committee, rsportsd to ua lha gen? eral plaaa for ti,.- celebratlon, aad wa dld n,,t ask fer thi detalla of rhe oontracta. \\e thotighl that with Mr. Rldder ?*< ehalr n,;tn -,r tha rommlttee an.t Oontrollsr ; Prondsrgaal watchlng the etantracta every tl ing wo ild i?> all righl " Conamlaaloner Poadlch had before hlm yeetsrdaj aftsrn.i Thomaa Uoyd, treaa iii or of . a Lloyda Plraworka Comrawiy. thal aupplled moel <>r ths tlreworka for Manhattan and Tha BrOOfl Mr. Uoyd liarl ;i un i. .or memory, the Commlaalonsr aalrj, an.l ' ' ? ' b*cl tO Mfl offl'*** f,.r hlfl booka and corr4MHaonde?ee. The eon? tra.-ta ncrr let bj rorreapondsnce, Mi i na II. i ald, an.l he wanted the lettera t>. .how the methoda uaad to obtaln raon* tracta Mr. Uoyd haa i"rn aubpeeaaed again for thla morning A.1I tha roatra4Ha, eccordlng to Mi Foedlck, wera Blgnsd by Alderrnan Bamuel Mara and Johi I* Walah Mara a ? chalrman of the aub rommlttsi on tl eworka of th* dtlaena romni ? Walah na' chalrman of ti-e aldennanic commlttei on tbe celi ? \fter th, | I " I < .?=-*-!i? Vc ,,i,i .-, I that thi dty gol full ralue foi ? ? monej ipent for fir?**'orkf*. tn Queena end Rlchmond Only &008 araa i. ? . i -f . ???.. borough* howeier, ... Th* Broni aod Brooklyn, where tti.tM waa apent for Bre? worka Mr Foed'ck'i I i ????--? bave re? ? | tr. ? ini ihat the valua of tha ei , , . .- ? '?? . . J || i nS> ,;*A H, eoel prlc, wltb no allowance for proflt, (.vrj^ris.el 0f men to handle thi! aahlbltlon? ,r irttng cl rgei Bomt of alr tT6*dick'a arltneaaea hava teattfted that fti*avorki ahould ? - proflt of u ' Igh a* ;? per -ent. but even ?? ? * J- ? ? ' - :'~ 980 , mn mueh rrofir or, j., ooo Tho flreworki for Mai itla -? ' n**-. Bjrona* and Brooklyn -were p-irpiiei by tha i .-,? ,\ Fi>-eT. oriv,- Compaay and the Unlted E*irai '-1 '*?"' Coraml8alon?*r r"' ilak hga baen tr \ 1 tarva auBpoanaa on tuarey Lovi rnt of *h* Unlted toxti i , ,,v iieo of the Unlted ? lejt- off*-*?>- .r Tvr?? -.-.?-. that poti .....- .P i. x ?-? T ?- ' nited c< ? is a Trentor, corpoi fltlon r?nc of the thi . iioui to leam abo il la tha ooat of ths boi put ? ftre* oi ka comra*ualea , - ? ... loaa of 111 the exhlbH oat of mapanle* \r et [MBid fOr rhe r?|r bratlona ,n ,,",i arlaoa aith ,-j.;3. ..,- of flre* - ' 7v? fir^ti r.ri<a celebrat ?? Uanhattan -ri ? Brona bj d Bi okl n wen e edolad at 1588, lt-'" and ; -? '- h ? ommlaaloner Poa Bxperi ? ? ? to hlm thal lot .,.<.,? ? rac claaaei of celebratloa l i i .'o\-.i Flre* ork* Ci | r-: ad t,rr rorks to ths value of H*". 2... nun < ... ? whlle th* ilue of the' Broworka ... -. ? . .- i ??,-... Flreworka ... n the 1 ?' ? ii'T". 81810 and ta v. Mioheie Nanna -. Breworka manufarturer of Durham, N. J . l,a> nia-le -ip arfld^vir that be cont ? ted rlth the i nited Plre workf .'ompanv to aupply the n lUrrtal twenty-four cslabratloni ti 1100 aael Ha .... that ba mad. ??-,.? -.., ;.-;- ,. ? . r,'fi the contra. i ' meat of all th* hhi t ? ... .-?*, ,.ri>si itlona haa i.*e.i held up by Conti Prendergaal pand I ? ? t the In ? itton by i ommb i ?? Fo dlck i | -. ...,, ! ? ? ,..??., N '.I: .'? tvubi - | ... - . [u| VI K< ....... poax ,i,? | . irka Company, denlsd to-daj thnt .- ? kne* ? rrafl ln eonnectlon with ? 1 dlaplaj ? .-n tho 1 th of July, i r haa ? ? ? ? ? di.) ... Mich. N*anna, .i.e B*ea ro Br. worki n >nul ictui ei. Kelly and i ? ?? ?? ., thej -.>??. ..... ,i t., declln. ,. qui *=t.'i of ? ompl il. h a ald.,.n. \> ho .(hl to have dlatrtct exhl Itloni aplll Into aeveral pai. , on ln .111 rerenl ? of the .11-' - renn ^. nted ildi rm in kf, ? riaon, they i ,\. the dlaplaj f...- his ,u.strl.-i , ut Into aboul fom parl . ind thla thej ra to <i,,. Thi i. Btatt mi nt i ij ? ' ? o'.iplalnt of th. playa ws v.u.\ - in Tl ? Bronx, and w. oeen given t. i tand ln New v.,, k bj , ? ' i?na wl.ui ? to b. fa l|| ,r wltli ,'?,?,' .1 Hoi - ' len. i bai Ih, n laa i- ii?. ,, ,, growth of .. iMjlltiral dtfl -rence l? tween i.kl i.ii rmi ii .i?i the Manhattan aldermen, the latter of a hom, we ? !.. \>. preiiomlnati >i | lul) , ommlttee. CHILDREN HANG VICIOUS DOG Animal Lynched in East Nnw York Attcr Biting Small Boy. v- j ? :' "?? ? boj and gtrla ln *?aai Ni * i ":^ Bllleo ., b illdofl ?. -,. rda , ?n, ,n.?,n Btiirrgtng II up bj thi neeh with ? aklpping r"i" *'hl ' "' ovei the Itmb of a low cherrj trea In an Rttu atreel rard The dog \4., romplag witi, the rhUdren at play, ? ddenly turned on ita ,,?. , '??'. JaBM Kearn aevea reara old BBd I htl hlm vi.ilj .... the acaip and ,.,, bla Thi ehlklreii acrombled to aeparata dog 03. aad in doinj ao the aklppini rope whlch thej had broughl into piej i? , tartated around lha doa/a n.-.-i, -, draggsd tha yetptag lalnaal Into th. u. ?,",,'. 4 ,ii-,i and ',. i.i < lym hlag i,.. Tlw .i. ? ?*?? ??? '?? ' *-'?'?'' ?h*a Patrolman Walah, af tha Utm i .\ aveaue latton, Bhot 11 ih,,,M4r, n . bead roong Kearna waa titki .1 ... Bradford Btrei. HeepRal u, M ?mbulaa. e Th. i"'1" e lool tha d. ? ? i'.?.i.' Bf Maaltb foi axamim tloU ,Ut CLOSINIG HOURS: 5 P. M.; M NOON SATURDAY5 ? I r ^4-566 ano 568 yifth^Ui^tUC.^' 46? "*<o 4-7*^ WILL HOLD, TO-DAY AND SATURDAY (UNTIL NOON,, A Sale of White Linen Dresses at PZZ Wi Bcautiful.y Inmmed with hand-enil*ra;d-*ry and tad *-***<**? |.,,e -\l>0 French Dimity and Voile Dresscs at '12.50 F< rrr-ri' $2% BANK WRECKER EXAMINED Edward L. Harper Says Hc Is Without Any Income To-day. |*d***ard l- Harper, who a*-rv?*i ?u yaaea ln rarlaon ter wrp.-kin*-' tho "rtdelltj "*?*? tlonal Hotik of .'iti.'iiin.ifi taranty-four yeara ago, arbaa he araa its rlc?8.p*>88ldenl ln hl? effort to corm*r th?* wh?>ur tnarfcet aml then araa fliff.1 t,\- th- rpfi-lvi-r of th* imiik in Near fork, rho oMalned ?i ??? ;iK:i!tint hlm for 8".,O"ir'j00. is now wlthont tanglble aaaata an?i h;udiy abtd to pay the reni of h!i hotne. at No. Tii vYaat ?treet Tha latter fad came oui im :?" aaaialna tj.,11 ,.r Harper la -nippletfrrentanr procaed* Inga ."i a Judgmenl for I-.774 oMafned bj Herpaan Cohea, In Novamber, for tnonej that h*. i<-nt. to Harper. Harper waa onee n man who pivmoted i* ent^t*p**l**ea, In .ui" ..r arhlch he Intereetod Bugene S51m rnerman. Attor h'.* Imprtarmaaent no flled -t petltloa in baiibnipte*/ tn Vlrtgtnla and araa dlechargad of llabHIUea tamountlng l" *8BO,880 Harpr-r is now rho aenloT tnemher of the Iron and Bteai wmnUaalon Brm of Harpei & Soii. a.t No. 2ft ChUtrch streH. !!?* calil ..n the HtHtid that &?? harl no VoOBAJ and that 1.1m bhlrt atuds anr! CUff bttttaaa areWi in paam. \\e arid**ri that h? never bad had any In.'imo frotn thfl hijfin??a.a In whi'h h" Is now i?nxaa'-rl .. ,-, MARINE INTELLIGENCF MIN1AT1 Rl *i.M.\ *? ??? - ?-iar. 1:83: iineai. 7 ci, mooa ?-?- 1*88 - Bga 18 HIOH WATTfiB A M Hooh . *??'"? . -,n- arner - i ilan i ?' " Hrii .'.it* : " I WIRELESS REPORTS r*ia ? . iru - . ??? '??' ?..,?:,. ? r. ? ? 0'| Th.- Am?r1ka t?d ?? ?'?-, mllefl eaat w .-,,.-. h K>k at 8:15 a ? i lai * nn Returdaj "-n"nri Tr>? Columbia reported a? i ?i"*o Bandy Ho k at 8 a ? ? ???? r la<, li ?*>;? dOCfc INCOMING STEAMERS ? DA1 \ ... ?? i* . - ipolti i.o-fdor. Juna Kt ? Istoclea l'arra?. .lune -v' ? -.?:,? oio-ranttl Maafllna, 'urn '.'i .... - uraa [Biand, '?;!' 2 Maraoalbo Juna 28 Bad r> I ..,,,-?--? ... . u ?? ?-.,.;. r---? 28 - ? Hude*1 bux, Juna 25 , F ei h ? ?? ' :'?? !. . : ia -1 BBI - '?:'.- 4 . -i- jn':V. \ n RDAT. J'-LT 8. ?Amertka Hamt irg, Jan* .'? Ha-r . lai] ! . *St Leulfl Boutharapten, July I.Amerlcan *Prtna Maurita Haytl Jul* I R V W i ?Mararaf Damarara luna 28 Trinldad Na- iaraior Bura-oa. july 2 vj .-,-.- Oalvefltae Jutj ? Ctyaa ? s - , r. rtiLT a i ; d?f->- lol] i v>'.-.rro Ctf * .Havana, July i* ITar ?'.avla**' Antwarp, fulj l Rad Sti iv AroBtaMam t^ulo-rn* Jul ' Holland-Al C of?a4an-?h Bavannah '-'? 8 i-i,-"^ 'Brlnaa mall OIITGOINT, STPAMFRt; Ti-i.r. ?. , Mall " <??*. j ? Bsael r-- Ltna c;o?-j ?g..4 Clamani Pra. Booth 1-00an ?/?la-r Prir.i Biglarxutd, Jam, H A 8:00 orn lJrOO .." ef Gran*r?a. Trlnd. Tnn'.l lrt(?i?m 188081 | .;'i*r:ii?';?;., Tamplco 4>-lr,4 .. . 1C'.a5 pi -'? 'lyahc*. Ja^!r4l!!? ? '? '.' 1 00 p rn BAT1 RDAT, J1 LI * pm'j*!*^!-.!!. aoutham'n Am. *>,v* a m 8:88aai| Caltlc Llvarpaol, ***" 8 ; ?' ?> m tl POaml Sin Jaan. i3an Juat n*i*PR "? '" a n 12*00 n Barmudlan Barmuda, Quatiec 8*00am ll*00am Havana Havana vTard lOOOam I r,o p -r r!4d?, Ja:**.ai--i P M I p . 10:80ara 2"00ptn o--ar.a. Btarmnda Bar-Atl . 11:80ara 2*00pit* Barnla Hflytl Han- \*" n >"?? a >v. ZrOOpm Mlnnaepolli Londtw, Al Tr 8-30a . Harabora ?l \ 9 00 a n California Glaagcrai Ancher 800am Ita - *~*v\>. Ar. -hor .. . ? ? Oothland Antwarp, R I i"?v*am toata Naplat Ita ? 11 ,V| a n* . | Marsalflai F ? - <v, p ~, Rottardam F'lf'iar i . itaana, B Pae - 1" ? R.o liranrla Jaek'vllla Mfl ? ot Columbua, Sivanr.ah. B. .' 'V? p rr, Concho, ...????? .--i y.A'!' 1 "n p m ? -I-, Tampa, Mallory .pm \r s r., y ? . t ? fO ? rlfltebel, Panenaa 8 Wa n i2**n, TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Deatinatlea and at^amer ( aaetnM I ' M Japan, Corta i hln*. Phllippinet ,,. i , lay, 9:80 ?.. , ? raa Chlna (vla ,? |' Sippon Mai Te -184, ? 80 lapan Corea Chlna ? 'i I attle) . To-da FtJI Iflan; Ial I 4 ????.? 7.?fliar. 1 X.iatraila '4<a Makura . . ."??:-. 8.8:801 ? ? a Baa Fran Haei i Lor 'Ina . July 10 !, ,n ,-m-?A chlna ? ki Baettlal Maru iiawa'i ? ' ? - 4 . r-rra.July 1 SHirPINO NF.W8 Port. of New York. ThurRday. July I 1911. -?? i ?? b (It*l), Phllfldelptatfl Jailj I ! ro Hflrtflald Souun \ Co, -rttjh 2? .ai,|., a ?'???.?. paaaangara aa.! t ii-", ,;l tranall Wl amtoark paaflBngara for Sflplaa i*ft Quaran ,.,..-. ^? |0 |0 ftteamer Sorthwafltaan Cardenaa Jalj i. ta tha Teaai atih naolaaaiB Arrtvad <*< thfl Rfll :< ? I" n IM Bt?*4?m< io ?iibaiu OII,. a ? Suevltaa 2't aad Rlpa n-<4 Juij ? . *.? . Ki i Ina. arlth .14 pH??4.r,fl.r- and mdi I I'.nr bi l.l a m "ttaamef Rta <;????'.?. Jaekaonvillfl Juna .i.1 Rninan i.*k Jul] l and i , i tha Ba ' o \> tr. i aaaai aara and Quartuitlna at i; t.i ., ,,, ?: .n i 'htarli rton Itarttor i .- Raati .i .,. ri f ...r?. .! '.Br?, Caidetraaa June 21 M iflton aa I.i- ? 4' red at tha Bar at 8 88 i -?-.,?! ar Mlnna .;. , .>?.,. p .. , lt, Rfll i. 18 !?? rnambucn 17 Cttra lu ' 11 ' tt an ! PUxtba loa '-*?.. 1.. tha I.loyd Btra ?it|. l'i paaa?ng?ra nmlla an.l Ai 1 Ive I ?t r >.. Bfll 1' ." ,? ? ' *-''-? ? ? ?. ... ? aa, alr arhlch ?i I '?1) ?' '? * I '??.'?? a ? *. fur tuia ? mnraa 1 ????? R Baltl \ , I ? rrantaportailun i.n.. -a-ith ?'?"'?- .? .-. a '. San Olaaina Juli 1 n Ha ni Co, wiiu ptaaaw-naara ,11, 1 ' In Quarantlna bi 8 tw , '?4 -? ? 1 .ii. . . , . a,.i ItoUntma Jalj I, to tha Munaon . . . rndaa Arrtvad al tt,?- Hai at 4 t?, ,, ,? ' ? ?' ' ? ? Vortolk an*. Nawixiri v .. , tha Old [iomlnloi Ba.ith ,,?.g< , I'aaotA ?? Bandj Hooh at *; ? ,. ?, ri Harald iNori. *4a?urt jun#' a M? I 1 U 1 Aiitiilu luly 1 to tha Mu l. ,. -? irRh lagar. irrtvad ai th. iu, ? ; ,, p 11, 1 ? 1 MaUpan .Hi.. SHina Matt* Im ? 8B a..1 KI..?-,,.?, Jol, L to th. I nltVd trnili ... 4,1.1, ki paaawnaara, maiia ?nt ,m.V? I at tha Rfll ,? 10 4.*, ? ?, " ' Sli-ainar Madlaon Kawport \. ?, ,,.,, v.,rf,,'V ? ' Old ....,.,.,1..., H. r... -rith pa?......, ?. , Paaaed li rta lj h,.,k ?, | S " "'"? *?**??'-*'>! ,, Bouthfl,nMon aml , ?' ' ' * ?' '' '. ?n*t..*Mf a? u, iha \\i.,t, , 1 ln. a-ltti i?... ,.?wn and $9 ?,. l^ ^ma.U and 14. Vll>,.., ,. ,* htr?mer Alltem-a, 1 i*}etaaal Jaaa ;? ,., .,? ,4,,.,?.,,a Railroad B. Una, wl;? .-, "".1*' v ???>?-?'?- *t the -aai at 1 10 "I'"'' , S '? ,:h rt 8 :.> ,. ai v\lri-i c,lnri, il.Mid* . ha/.v on ahora aniooih ... KAILED ..lainiats ii..,;., ?i > ., n?M., 1 ?avaaaah. Rtrathy. ,-. . .u..^'""^,; Torriders dotlii ? foi Torrid Zone. Tropical suits I nen, .iT.'isli. rnohair, naturil i ii u n s c I u 1 li *?>. fratht nn Iworsteds, poroii Rajgj rBrightotr iloth. Panama hats. (rauzy iinderwi u Thin, sofl shirts .iih] rnllars. I ,(>\\ sli'M'V I I)' yotlVi *_:'?' 11 l< jiwny fo j cool Swiiiiiuin^ suibi Thermos bottli - '"I cavti Bags, wardrofii lninki| suit cases. Rooi u j'i i i ,\ i oytHJH Threa Broa -"nea WatTCTI 81 ": AMUSFVENT*. NbW AVSTtRJaM THE PInK '? Jl oin oe pwis ^T ZIEGFELD FOLLKS Foii.s j BtRGERE GL06. AD] :h84?*Jj ? ? T.-r I VAIESK. JiUr.AT. I fill! r . : IHI FO BWI ' M COHAVS! - | |1 GET-RTH-QUKl WAI.I.INGFOUI Brighlon Bsac.i Ti Daily. 1:48 and l:3< \ i. I'.p MOOR1 I ' ???> 'n ! ImJB**9*^^^ ll filirr;-. ' ' r BR - La*. 8 t Btar Berl. Pi afor Icasim WlntT Pa'dei GFRTRUDE HUrTNUNN LA SAISON Di< BALLET3 mtw} Laat 1 CEXTCflT. 1 ? pk *.\ Evi 11 R0C1 RTHIV. a*7 j,_ -. v ? m * ? HIMMEKM U** ' -T.C -r?Kflt? ' 17 ll.( t>flt?W.fc^j sh B'-ULSJ ?? Havana v . I ? . re - i ? > Manehe.l r ? ? erann. ' - . STEAMERS AT FORElGN 9& ' s I , ,n >Rr>. ?* ariie. ' .