Newspaper Page Text
r Baarloua, and occu****ed on tiie B**oadway train. Ono younK woman, nineteen yeara old, vns taken unoonseious to n drttg atore opposlte th.* :t.iti.>n by Patrolman Bheehan. Dr. Ha. r. ol Floarer H.spiini. attended her. In atrlklTig confjaal ?hp the oomfort ablf situati-.n in whlch workmen in the Hudson tubes found themselve*- yeater? day. Thrso men wore in winter unl forms. the temperature under the Hud? son River at noon being Just 04. or "M deftrees lower than that of the Weather Burenu f>>r Manhattan. Teter Hoffmnn. of No. r.-'i East 7.">th atreet. araa arrested last niKht by Pa trolman Arthur Davlg And l.ieked up in the East 07th street Btatlon <harged with fglonloua aasaull and Intoxlcatton. Hoffman. accordlng t.i the Btory Davla told, was rraddenly partly craaed try the heat nn.i ran from his horne carrylng a adeaver In hla haurrd. Almost Severs "Cop's" Fingers. Pavis aald lv* trled to get the kntfe, bul Hoffman realeted, and in the en? ar.lnp rrtniggM Davtafa ri>.:ht lian.l W88 cut ar.d t4\n (,f hla Bngora paurtly aev er< .1. HolTman, *4h.. i- a driver In the Street Cleaning Department and ? pow? grfully bulll man, had nearly g.-t Davla on his back when aastetanca arrived. The pntr.ilmnn called a ptlflrg taxi cab. and ln tin* flqht t.i g- t llnffmnn into the cab tha driver got free an.i stumbled into an Iron ralttng, cuttlng his haad. He was first taken to the Hoopltal where Dr. Bmlth dreaaed the wound. John Miller, whe la a baker by ? t:on. Uvlng al N" 228 "Eaal 87th atreet, Long Island Clty, was a vtctlm of the heat featearday, cauaed chiefly, it is l .* lleved, b] carrylng his money on his per? aon H;s m..ney, in grcenbacka, waa placed insiri.4 a cloth. whlch was wrapped ln many folda 88 8 k:i.'l of b around his body. Miller is employed at No. TW Btemway avenue. Long Ia u I Itj Hi waa af work, when he BUddenly lt 11. An amhu lanre araa caJlad fr(.m Bt John'a Hoe pitai. Aa the attendanta at the hospital were tmdreeslnf blm, preparatory to civ lrg hlm u cool bath. they came upon the band.ige. It waa quickly remo- d, and then the attendant.-. were surprised to find th.-.t Inetea-d of an oi andage lt was a uvlnga bank. When the bllla were countod they were found to amounl to $7.r?o. Mlaa Margaret Brlght -v 06 An? drew street, Bayonne, N .i . i"-1 ame In aane yeate .1 and was locked up. Ji '. M Carthy, nn or derly at 1 C11 ittended so : m<in>- heal vlctima that he waa hlmaelf over omi . ia1 nlghl Water Supply Heid Up. it waa " need at the off.ce r.f Water Commiaaioner Hf*nry P. Thompaon yesterda afternoon that in ? apite of the Inti , the water aupply had nol been lowared any more i * r da* tb ig tha araek of June 20. The Water offl have been exerois:ng thi- utmoal < ar,- in the use of watei . ? and water waete. Nearly all th.-* publU fountaipa bava been shut off until tl tlpped ln ar! Iltlon to this 125 I ra have been aent ..'a' to aeek for water " and b aka The inapi ? l their wr.i,. ,.n,l 80 far ln that aeci reported K), 000 haika' The arerk of ti la Water Was;. Bureau. lt 1 ? aJ n saved the rll l? .> | daily. Howi ver, In apli arciaed the Water Department thero r- malna t the ? ? t. <,n!y ? 000 of 44 atei i'i the :? .*-? i ?? ? l 56, 000,000.000 | time last ytar I'n f his ; ? ,. nine yeais r>;d, <->f .Nn. 777 through tl alr shaft to the bai and \\ as taki lt. ..' th* Weat 47th. velt i'. re lt wa eufferlng from ??jirirs, l 8 rham.e t Long Rran<*h. N. J., enjoyi I the < 6 per;r- a re of al? most in Inute, be glnnlng at no.-ir. ). Bterda* 11 ?; ort re <?? ? : at tha local Weather Bureau from Wllllam D Martin, thr- ofnclal ari o*****e**ver at that reaort, He u-lephonrd that 81 IL' -52 P m. the temperaMre imi rjcgreea an.i thal at 1:30 o'clock it had failen to 7^. FOUR SAVED FROM WATER Three Men and Girl Rescucd at Hudson Park, New Rochelle. ' ? ,:?-.- \vn lnr* ln abchc V.-\\. off Hudaon I'ark, New Roebella, afwnnon Jacob 8tr)**e, <^f Near Roeballa, araa trying to ?wlm rn 8 COI*b Uffl preoerror, when he flhpr-'d off anrl rai.k PflTTy HortOB, a llfesaser. rowed out t blm and tiie drown ir.K mi ? i ? Im by the neck and The 144.. fought un? tll thej . hath ers Qaorgfl I.uhtnan. an atl late ot Dartraouth ??n, reacuad Antbony Farr, r.f Went New Ro bai . who ;. :mp?*<i oft thf Boat not notJcli | i-'irr ? ? flarlm and nearl* dragged Luh Luhmai i ? m a Mom r,n t1 ; ' waa taken a-v4'4t4 loua aad **evtved. A faw mlnutea aftei I irr araa r<*.?cu(?<i, join Sarinf, ef Tonkerfl, alipped <>ff the float ?? -t aaa i.*ini* roeked by a 4 of ho4s ;.n'l Kfrl-. \l" rarm up iir,,l, r tba a:.. -.. 1 i.v John Mcrgan, of th*- Maa 1. Mary M01 i -? ?- ab yeara old, ..f Tho I ? ? ? .- aith m..:*''? raaar I fall 1 -, r.f the "? Rowing - ? ? , ? . RELIEVIS SO THIRSTY BOYS Lieuter.a:.t MtCann " >:. the Job" When Formtail Gjcs Dry. | ' ? aad ?-???. t- ? .i T ? -nt ? ? moo boya whi hri.l I.. I .-m. thi: -(?? on* <ic ' .1 t ,- to tha H2.1 Btreel poll a -;at><>n. Tb< Into thi ted tbe 1 onditlona to I.i. tenant noa on tba .. The Ua it" eaat, 44 h ? bo).-. 1 f bla o\'.n. a b 1.4 fuii <.f aympathy. He r. , ? da to tbe bath room an.i Thi '- Bl ? V .1 '? . rri'it tha ? t < alk .1 ap 1*81* Coarunlaaloner Bte ai and told hlm that thr v ..i.i :n the 1 . . ? ' time leilli ? then . on i ln f< 11 ? ? thal tha ...,o i ^..uiiiai *b.uu b, thla imun lng. heats wk mm East and West Again Report Prostrations and Deaths. RAIN FALLS IN MANY PARTS Chicago Practically Only Point to Get Definitive Breaking of Wave. HKTt TO Kl'M-__-. Chlcag* ls tho l Bly point fr^m whtcn rniriM r report of a deflnitlve hreaklng of tho heat ar*** WhlCh haa held prai'llcally gll tba country in a deadlg graep for flve dajra, Hain fell ln New England. aa hereahouts ard elfctrkal storms rf nnexamplod fury I in many plareB raared ln n wide area ln tho i Baat bttt they hrotipht no nppreriahle re j lief from the death deBllr.g heat and rui naldity. Kxcept in I'hiraKo. moreover, tho rain r.m" at the end of the day, whtCh hatt been as hot and h.imld practloally 8fl aay Of Itfl four prede'ressors nf the artdlBpread 'heat wave, and death;. and prostrations cptiniif-,1 t,. ho as generally. oiitsido of thm city tho number of futal- | Itlon d ;e to tho heat wa? greatesl in H.'il tUnora and Phlladalpbl*, both of whieh , iti. s reported slxte?-n. 1'rnvlden, <? ara* a c)oea pp.ond. with flfteen, fnlloweil by ?? '. ire vvith fourteen. N. vv Knadand, Wher* lha F'lfTering has traaacended any atarllar aaparleaca thoro, aaw practlcally no abatement eithor of the tomperature or Its off.-, rt* of tho pr* daya, and not a few of Ita .ities reported four. tlvo and six death* each. while fac toriefl vvoro closed and othor extraoidmary measurefl wera takon against tha estraor riii.nrv . , ndmons. Aubum, N. Y , as on tho preoedlnR day, reported the hie-hest tanaperature, tha ther-j Daometar thara repistering lii Boston was | thr- only other city 18 loport a temperature ln excess of io.. the menury in tha Naw Knsland metropolls touching IM Reporta of rain wero rec*lved alao from Kansas, MUaOUrl and Oklaboma At plaoaa . to New York, a? la thla clty, lt waa eaplalned that the rain thai fell hiought no appreclable rellef from the atlfling atmoa . ondltlona of tho week, I reaultlng fall in temperaturea waa olT*el bl humidity, an agenl of almoei equal cSpaclty with heal for caualni dlaeomfiigi t" ' - WAVE BROKEN IN CHICAGO Rain Brings Drop of Nearly 27 Degrees in Temperature. 8.??Two hundred and ono deal .-: and .Tii proatratlona make up the -..I'-tod by Chlcago* record breaking ive, wl Ich insted for Ba** daya One (rr* hafants, who tUi d fron the heat, are Incloded In tbe llal of dead. The hoi wave waa broken Bhortly a I ,-,,-: rk thli m. rnlng by rain, whl< h hi with it a cool bn ae and a drop >.n the temperature of s-ix dagre**- L*t*r tho vi i ,.; ahlfted from th.- waal to I and th" naefcury gradually dropped, bi : ,, clock it Btood at 88 dei ? ? - than at tha taerreai -ndmu; ? ?? rday. Ai I o ,-:,? k th" temper? ature waa "s. compared with 18 for the reatei ? mlnlmum tem] arature ofl o k thla afternoon waa ~: ? hlch waa Ml lower than the an at th. I :-, ? a-1?' INFANT MORTALITY LESS Health Conimissioner Says City Has Beat Plan for Its Reduetion. li aioner L. d. i Ie aald terda; n babiea a*ere under tho ire of the nui Haall ment, and that 10.188 Infanta wera undei contla ? itnaenl Bince April .-'. when ? at of the thirt.-t.-i! m 8ta1 ? - -? . ' mllh hav. ? ' i 8 deleyed ba oj't-nirt.;. ? "mmls ...:.. .-?-?? ? alecti . and that t that legal reatrictloaa preventod their earller o; ? According to tbe Commlaaioner, th. eai haa nevai bef. ra had ?o compre ? f'.r i ha " ductloa of bafaal m rtality aa tii? year. Every poaaible ef? -?ii and ls belng 1 ? ? ?? ' i ? ate. ?; montha of 1811 thera war* frf.m n!l ra'-isr-s under 8488 ye.?,!? of ai/- ir, the Clty of N*W York, as compared aith T.34T for th.-- same perlod of .-:?.'. al reduetion of ton d< with b red tlon of tha death rate from :.i a ihouaand under ona year of ago ., to 117 a thousand In lei! Duriag of Juna there w. ra 222 d. from dlarrhoaal dlaeaaea In Naw Tark Clty, mpared vlth 878 fr,r the same pariod 18T0. A ., | --? -,f ita ro-itpie arork tiio diviaion oi child hyglena, through Ita laapactora aad distributiu lai ga quanti ? literal ire Instruotim; mothera la the and ' arrlea on ei n fereacee for mothors at varioua polnta throughout tii.- city. Moreover, lecturea ara dellvi red to a ? ? ? i ? ? oid in ; ie publlc achooli and little mothera* formed for the purp. aa of aid Ing ln the preventlOB ,,f Infani mortality. RECLUSE DIES FROM HEAT .Tamcs McGovern round Dead in Room of House He Civned. Jaaaea Mttfovern, ol So. 181 Eaal IOM who haa ri know n ? 1' . M.i mlt, .'!? i j eater. dajr morning, a rictlm of tha heit. Thomaa Addj lanltor . f tne aparimeni io wlil. h tha need man llred, had I .-en wor : lac* IVedn**4lay nlghi arhen Mi i ;.<??? . rn, iv o * ? rea - I, had path etlcall aald t - hlm It'a awful tin- way I a iffera 1 rom l he heat.1 A1 lo. k .-. < Kti rday moi nlng Addy ? . al ui to hli ."?'?" ati I f,,iiiiii hlm dead, hi -1 ., .. -n the to, ii .,.-i m ittreaa ol l h Hl ipldate 1 vv,,..,!.--! i.. .1 'i ?; ? ? owned th. houi if. whlch ho nd ni-o a houae ln Ea*l I I atreel He waa fi u<t,.?? oua aaii Itad aaan, v. as Beven v\ an I - tananta promi tljr Bo he n i :> did not Ife ol mll and I ad titl hlnaaelf lt wu ? ? nce t,. remaln alone ... hla tum m n Uttle r,",m, t>, threa .-;<>thi' . ? ? ? ? Ifl ??? o I o : ? aaactl] aeven mrj morning, to aever ? ? ? ,.. ...i Ol ? ?? ?? No .?ne ki, ?? - ? -i thai ha ha I ? . \..! t b al i. ? ? HEAT KILLS TWO IN YONKERS. ii | . auaed i .v-I d< Hth> aad ? itlona in "i onau la Tha .... Mra Robi ri Jtun ah Do .. and i' ???,, r. < .iiroll, alxty-flve reara old. nfii. i.iii.v th.- naaxl mniii temperature vvas M al * pAm., bul ? tberasoBieter In a abaded alao l . (Jeti l |M HEAVY RAIN LN OKLAHOMA. .t M*.. Ju I Th ? ? ? humidltj and hlgh t< mpei u ui ?? ? hli h revaiied u i ..i I, ok ? - - - ? i >:n r.iai haa fall. In recenl .,i.- Rain alao f.-ll m Kanaaa Mia ts^uil to-day. Tribune's Towns & Cities Contest r"nTS~| $15,000 in Prizes f Jgft i _I I-? My anawera to the Towna and Cities Contest Pictures of this date and number are: 34. 35. 36. Name. P. O. Address, Conteatanta ta the Towna aad Cltlea centeat muat arrlta tbe* ********* "?"?? thla COUpon. whl.h wlll apr-ear en Page I of The Trlhiin*. evory day durlng the conf.'Bt. Llat Of prizes and rules governlng the contest appear wltn TO-DAY'S PICTURES ON PAGE 4. MERCURY DROPS 29 DEGREES; Electric Storm Upstatc Playa; Havoc with Orchards, However. Albany, July I ---Foliowing a heavy eier trirai atorm. <iui<nR whlcb onr- man araa killeil. here to-day. two others arere proe trated by the heat and died aoon after a-ard. Four other ?proatratlona were re? ported. Th* atonn waa rMcompaided by ? terriflc wlnd, whlch played hav.* whh ane, telegrapb and electric light wirea, and pul le al Btreetcar aervlca oui ef commiaalon for nearh forty-ftva mln? utea durlng the ruah houra Only 6 ??' dropa of raw fall, but the atmoephera eonaldarably. Joba Wlckert, a maker, loat hla llfa on the roof of his home, when a bolt of llghtnlna Btruck him ,,n thr- head. I| C-ma out through the heel of hir. Bhoe. Interlaken, N. T.. July ft The *-e*-*e*reet Btorm ln yeara vlalted thla aectlon thla afteraoon, laatlng nearly an hour. j The llghtnlng araa terrlfic an.l the wlnd \10l nt Treos were blewn dOWH and up> Bnd many were Btrl ? f thelr frult At Tewnt-endvftle, -da mllea from h< large barn belonglng to Frederlek v ti by llghtnlng, ar..'.. arlth Ita con ta. deatroyad by fire Tha hall arai Mvere. Born ' nea were lha alsa ef walnuta, and bi many placea covered ihe -ground nearly nn Inch da P. mercury drrepped from !U tn aj riurinR the r-torm. .,;. i ralla, S i July ? The T**?ckbona of the heat wave ln Northern New Voi k araa broken thla afternoon by aevere elec u-lcal fltorma at nrhltahall. Llghtnlng i Btruck an.l klllerl NtchOlaa Seymom, twi eara oM, and rrtunned two felloa laborera ? o were worklng on tbe DeUware & B Railroad. Th" l88l weeb ha:. been! | the hottest in the blatOry of the ? .,. tba therninmeter readlng from IA9 to 166 evory ,rn, N- v ? July 1 Hmrald i , m . lower temi ? itun i rable than tne higher ten perature ol day, and the f? ? ' mltha' iof tha ii ' ? Compan* cloaed dowi . - 0f workmen fo I 1 , , ,,. . worit. nne addlUonal ? rflcoi-ded thal of John Z owflkl, a ? ?,.. x e thi rmomater reached Mi B ...,',dv. N. T.. July ? tbe Intenae heat RlogUng ? omltted Ita pe i are to-da i oui draft horaei and oo. died thla tm-.rnl.o-* Of h gl P??ti jemant atated that atj ??? i ..... k the laal week ? ;... .. ._ aater. J < ? ? ? " .. ? n'-c ar,i there wen i erai 1 . Lockport, n v, July ?' Mra < smith. aged alghty-two, dropped d. id fron the heat Troy N v July a*-?Tha ? . to esact Ita t<. nity m Troy and -rlctnlty l .,...,, ? reported A thunderai ? : ? r ? ,,? this aftei 'i' ???? bul i ? , .,,,?,... and to-nlgtat tha . ***prewtve_ PHILADELPHIA^ DEAD 18 Thermometer Goes a Degrcc Higher Than on Previous Day. Philadelphia July. ? The hot wave whlch baa ovarwhelraed thla j:,,. paat foui daya i ontln ted with tad rlgor glxteen more deatha wera reported t the Coroner to-day. maklng a tou trizty-aeven for the heal term Tbe temperaturi l * aa li, m ? _ graatar thai yeaterday'a hlghest mark Thr- arerag< lo Uw rotta k I the Barn* aa y**at**T??ay. *"?- .,n above normal At I o'cloi k to-nlgbi tha temperaturi i . .,.,; Btonn ? are reported throuajh* '. ,,,, tli-- -atate lo-nlghl accemnanled by marked decreaeea iti temperature. At I Beranton the iherm men i diopp. d fn m ??? ; .in houi Lan iat< i reported ? aevere atorm. The Intenae heal aaa reflpon?ible ror many deaihs ln Penm . Ivan.4'. ? ,1 , \t Readlna two men .?ni.- whlle loadlna haj an.l are dead M . kln r atrl died rrom and al 1 deatha ira ?? tad from w iii-m _ plttal urg, July I Fourteen deatha ?"'': -rixteea proatratlona .l'i'' te the ? 1 . . . fora mldnlgbt. Tha ofBdal tem? . . . ....... ? wa?n ach d ai .: 11. m a llg ? ? ?? '" ? ni| l t - ? tbi ? iMtten Brdtlrttore, Julj I Tba hot wav? Btruck arlth Increaalng force al Baltlmore to-day, an<- |he rea ? a ateen deatha, Includ-I Ina tl al of b heal craaad woman who flwallowed . irbollc acld, Bnd mor? than a .,.,,,. of proatratlona Tha maxlmum af-1 ficlal lemi ? ratura 44 u aj degreea . land, Jul ? I ' ' ? . folloarlni a t rl k lake breee Mef to-day lo the people of Cleveland from i tt .? heal wave ti . m ixltnum ten* 1 de| 1? Bnlte i' illng ? 11 loflphei ?. hoa 1 1 r, ona de il ?? and eral proati ttlona wi ted to the . a eathei. i,. trewi .1 iiy .; Although th.- rn laln- im temperature lo-day aaa **ily 18 dogri proatratlofi \?.-i?- aumerou owlag lo the; .?? idli Thi totaj numbi 1 of ? ? ? due to h- twenty, . f nhi. i, five wen dro** nln* ? I ? rloui '? ? numben At I 1 cloch lo nlghl tha mi rcurj bad dropi 1 to ,..'.?? SIX DIE IN MOHRISTOWN Paticnts in Btgftg Hospital Among the Day's Heat Victiws. 1*1 Tfllagi .***- !?. 'i be | .-.. EM ? Iforrlstoarn, N .1. j,,i. ., 1,,,..., v Nn n. it. vard ..1 th.- Mo-rrla County Aln ? '!l"' le #1" ia ,,P.. aiuia ?" ? ' ' UtUl 08 I ? '? ? " t of tbe'lail laya I belleved ., , , . ,, ,, rceyonsible tui hia Umui, tbougb Bligbl . diseai-e Ifl plven.a-. the CSUSB by Dr Fran- . da Olaabrook, tha BtteatMag phyMclaa Pa rick McOa*dla, a toborar, w,,s fataltj ?tricken whlle al work on Charlea r. Poa - irm, Joha Mt itor, a m. hanle, died from heal pro tratlon to-day al Evergreen 'ini v\iioro he boarded Another victlm of the heal ?*** John McG: ine. of Parelp pany, who died in Memot ,1 HoapHal to* ?fhe heat waa Inatrumental ln cauatag tha denth of three patlenta at tha Morrla Plalna ^la.e Hoapltal. They weri FraBCUi Cook, old, of Hackenoack; Du? i t'wenl s ? ,?- old. of \\. st Hoboken, and Mlaa Bertha L'lrtch. of Kliz ahoth. Several othera wera overeom* to day. VICTIMS OF THE HEAT Ahe-jrn, .Iimra. liflv. iin*.tnfflre < lerk. Nn. 8*8 n>ai m.i- atreel. BBBBee, Bruahtaa. atatj three. No. 414 Meal ITIh alie*t, eveeeeaaa aa an aaareee | n. nn i> Iti. ll he li.-lper. at ( ?B r*ii 8Teet, near lifith Btieetj .He.1 iefnre nl a-?>i?tan<e B* 8888* m.tnerl. Bailev. .Inhn. Nr.. 217 ?f>' 18th atr.-et. died In amltnl.inie on ??.r !" haaBk*****, Pelll?1l*l. V" Hel.n. ?>4lT lliree. of N<>. ?i Headaa Btreel, Bajwaae, !*". 9. I?.-.i!e. taaa, t*trty-lw*, N-1 IS1 F.i t T8i atreet, hlri. Um .it a**B* Berritran. .Imne... thiilr ris!n. Ni>. 120 l.ln erir llt**t, atrlfken ui Imme. < anninic. ll.t'.;. .1 . fortv-one. n .leraev flty real aaanhaBl sirl.ken ln his aaara aml die,| al hia horr r. fi.hill.'.p. thirl.. of \o. I'l Pr.....,.-. t a'reet. >ei4..rk. ..verronie in F.nst Kiiinn.v ^(r^ri; iii^.i in ?i .i.i,>ir?'? BJaeaalaal. fanlfielij, -liimae fift.v-riie. nf Nn. |g Maple alr.-rl. KenniT. V -I : "lie.l in 88. Ml<r>uel'? Hoariltnl. .Newark fl.n.-. Inn-.fs .1 atatr, pria'er. ovrn nme ?HrfW in Ihe (?l.nmnr. Ifatefl, No. .'I fhat haaa flaaaaa, and died ii..-re. li.., I..-. k. r. .I.d-.n. flflv. N... IU Iliamon.l atreel. BrnnkWn; aii?-?8 ut home. Egry, Mlehael, afartr'fcar, North street. DreehUa i ?iia-<j u. ii-,me. I mlhalx-r. I 8*4*488, forty, Nn. .?.7:> XprlnK fiel.l uveiiiie, illr-l la I Ity lln.'.ital. Iiii?-:i. Blta, Mnn. of No. 21 >prin- .u- I, Ni-H Brk. Garvry, Patrfrk, nf Nn. ns fitrgaaaa ataael, Kewark. nirherdt, Mary, aii aaawtha, ,,f No. r.i.; ?.,?,? ..mi avewee. I.riu^s,. thlrtj n'n?-. of No. ,-?fli Ie\lnnt?>n Hmnkl.n: <U".I at bnBBB l,r>. VII. Bflari E . ('.'. ?f Nnrlli Mll ? Ir.-ct. Ilr.xkl.n. tmmiajoA ?>?. a UI.or.-r ii I'aaag I a>*r**wr*a lawfry, ha geraea n..i. Lea* lataaJ im. arere aaaa an.l ni.-il 1 !.*? i ??. Il.irl.n. .I..!in. HiirMtiT... No. Bgg 4?lli -.11,. t. Breel lyai .i."i al h" Bedley, <.;,.- tn'- atrarbaa nt hi. aaarhtar ahag Ib Jeeeea I kyi rmmved t.? Bt, iinni is He*B*tal. where he rtlei. n,.< k.i.-in Cari, ferfj f.,nr. ,-f l.ln.l.... n. ,i ; ,iie,i iii ih.- i ii\ n..s|,ii ,i. gewark. k?ii>. Mary, atrtrkea at beaae, N>>. 888 U.-t l.'il -.Irrt-I. dled ln I'lnuer Ilomil tal KfaaMager, Cari, nt N... |g llrringe atreet. Nearar k. laBliawge Janae* depatj nre ninr4iai of Ihe <ilv ot ^.?^^ a ..'1. alalionerl ln KI. h m,.ml Beaaaajh. iii.*.! nt haa home. >n .ao H'.-ih s-'re.-t BtaalataaV Stnten lslanrl. ii?i nichi. ii rtrtlaa of the h'.i1. .Maier. .Iiiliua. tlf.-.->.ne. a mn-in. No. 401 >|,rii-|il'-l.l Bl ini". s.trl,k,-n late In Ihe afteranea whOe bi narki .n.-d ia*t niuht nt beaa Matahan. Ifenrr \X.. forti. No SI88 Seron.l im cmie. Maeleraaa, ( hariea. ai\ month.. No. 818 1\ ,??: 888 BtffWt, .tri.-Krn nt home. Mornn. ghaaaaa, f?r1.v-r1ve. No. Khf, Thlrd aveaae, avercoaaa Bl N" .'.-'4 ihir.i a\^ BBBei tlir-rl ill .uiil.,ilrin, r nn nar t? hoa Bjtal Miirpln. Mlehael, tl.irtv-tnn. No. 117 lirliltf,- vlrc-t. Ilrookl.n; nvrrrnmi' nt the Irtiarhla B*ga' ReSaaij. in ivuri mre.-t; di'.l ln the llrnnkli n llnapllal. Mr(,.nprn. Jimr.,>-. real e?t?te Bgeag, No lfl| t.ii-.t 1888 atre.-l. MeCorry. -. ferty, <>f n.?. 1.14 \\..t i*tg h.r.-rt, |||, 11 in rin|.l,,vr,l In Ihe *ifiitnal Il:ilr4 ( nnipiiiiv. nt Nn. 111 Faat 2." 1 atrr.-t; overrome In anb-rellar there. MeKeva, Jamea. addreea BahaMrwai over mine nt N.i. Bg I nli,,11 ?.rH.-t.; dled >,n aray t.> n.r itr..,.!,i.n MeeBattaL NI. Nnniirii. -. thirt.i -fl\.-. Nn. ||| IVeat Bath atreel. (I I onnr-ll. Ph.. l.e. Inrnli hio mnnllia, ?aal 8Sd atreet nnil Aienne V.. Ilrnoklrn. .trlrkt-n al her hont.'; dle.I in nintl-.t-r'a -irnii in pii> aVtea'a aaaVe. 411 nnnor. I'nlri.k. Ihlrl> (h .-. V.i 2' Mnc^ ritie Btreet, eveacaeae nt haaaei .lie.i in ntj 11. spitiii. O'BHen, iinnnr, tmealr-etght, Bf* i*n ir\ini{ aveaae, Braahlrai .ii^.l ut home. rf.lli.r. Irn.-Nl. foiH elitht. Nn fllft lirat btian, ?.vrreaaae ... h hahetar at No i..h l*arh Bvrniir. Itrooklin: a j i?-rt in ('nmliiT lllllll -ir .-t H.iapillll. ipiinn. Margaret) Nn. io,, 'i, 'mii, alieet, 811II aaaa ni I?..ii'*; .lleil in 84. Ml. hiTT'a HeagHaJ, gahlaar. Ilahli faai. Nn. nn iiir.. Ile atreel, .tri.-ki-n al home; tlii-d ln,ir ll?a|.ltal. littinani. EHaabeth.' feelj fl.e. \., 2r\r> Irnnl alr.-r|. Il.nrkl.n; .lir.i at Imme. K.-k.ii, 1.. garah, ?? reatj Bva, Xe Ml vi.M,r^ atreet, Braahljai aaad Bl Imme. i;.-..i ;ii?. I'a.ri k. iwewtr**a*i ?f No. II l\,-?t .'H.'i .tr.rt 11.; niine. N. .1 |;.,ii.Ii. Mllllii... gftj ll>>-. Nn. 125 Heat .11.1 atrret. airnkrii al h?>ni>\ tii, Ini. akl. Ollier. ai>\ enl i -..n.-. slinrniker. n<>. 72 Maaarea .treri. feaad drud iu hia ah*a 8c*aeeaa*g*r, Marry. f*4rty*gae, n?. ii; Meara atreati dieii ut hla i,.,,,. S< hn? l.rlr, ( ;ir,.lln?. fnrt. >o. 737 lan \r>? avriiiu-. I hr BjbbBB, airlrken nt li. in S. InilUr. I.rnrc-*. H.IrM fmir. No ?2B \\e*t 184th alrr.-l. atrl.l.en at home. gchwaeta. aJheai. aet*?tj i??, Nn. .in'l U.-.I M.1,1 alrerl ii.,| ill llrtrlrni lal BaaMh, .ini.n iweaty ihree. ef Ra 181 \?? .mr-, llninnne, N .1 '-i.kl.-r. I hrla.lun. af Nn. 8841 10th ?trert. dM III the I IIv II..-i ,i ,1 V,-H.irk >u.l.rr. laa**, ?f Nn 70? Knat 18th atreet. .ii.-.i in Paffn aa n.>.i>iini. I iirl.nfski. -, fnt.rlren ,l?,a. Nn. B;|3 r-iat 12th atreel. atrl.krn .,? Imme. t nlil, iitllle.l man. fnrl.. dle.I In llnnrr II,,?. Dltiil. I ni nli. Irfiula, nf No 117 I >?>! aith atreel. lilerl in Krll^i ie lloapllal. l.i...ell,'e Jl^nrlflli. No 177 I .uouer Slreel, (ir, nkllll; illr.l Bt hnmr lla'rri, tlilllain. "f N... 881 Mrllhurter , i r?-rl, N, >\ Bl*. V J. Storm Follows Day of Nearly Record-Breaking Heat. Boslon. li:,v >*. ?Th'indor BbOWflrB in varl ona part* of New England to-day r*etrvad to relieve for a time at lea:.t thr* trufferlng r-aniaod by fhrfl daya of eaeeaalve h< at. ln thla clty tha rtorm brbka at the and of a .lav of almoat the same temporature aa tba reeerd J*a**eaktng heal of Jul) t. To-day'a maxlmum waa IM, i Bly half a degree less than tha' of tho FOuith, l>-**->a*-tnient Btorea In tho .-lt4- cloaed e?rly la the afternooai, and ?n over New Kn-jiand faetorl ??? were shnt down on account of the torrid et ndltlona. Th<* day addod largely to the number .f deatha pf the hottost ojgot ln tho hletory "f N'ew Knrzland, and tho llet of proatratlrr.a from heat araa artaln l.oavy. Provldonre experleneed tho bcttest 'lay in its bltrtory, the offloiai thei*mometar rrirl.atorinir M-6. Ftfteen draths arere re pOTted for tho l88t twenty-four hours. In P->rtl?nd, Me , tli** hoat rea.-hed a max lmnm of BA, ar.d the htimldltv was hlsrh. Peven doaths from heat <? <*urred to-day in aatancheeter, N H. "-"ix deatha and thirty proatratlona were the human toll exaeted In this ******* by the hent tO-day. Added tn the terrors of the .;nrre.*edonted iioat **as a shortapo \n l<-o "and mllk. the demand for IMI eommodl Uae m tne laat few daya navin* beea far gfoater than the BUPply. RfltHWU from nearly avery aectjon tell tha -a*.io rrtory of tei-rlfk heat leavtog ln ?ta wake aeoree Of deatha and eases of prostrations. la .everal Ma^aehusot.s JJtlaa %nd towna mdin-triai eeiabHahmenta ?nd manufa. turinf planta were *doaed f?r th** romafn->r of tho work en arrount of tho into'erahlo weather CI ndltions. Tho hoat was folt terrihly (n 1/owell, arhere there wera ?ve ieatha and Bfty caaea Of prostratlon. owlng to a threatenlnK wntor famin? the authorltles had to put a rrtop to tho flushlnK of the streets In the tenemont difltri^ts by the flremen. Worr-eritor reported four deatha from heat to-day. At Lynn tbatre were two denths and flfty prrstratlons, and all of the shoo faetorlefl woro fon ed t<> suspend nperntlons. one death wns reported from Wakefleld. Mauichoerter, Maaa, July ?..-?Sufferinjr frem tha effecta of tho h<-at. .lamo* F. Curtla Aaaietaat ?ecretary of the Twaenry, la re* cuperatlng nt hls hr>mo hero trt-nlKht. Mr Curtla waa p-*08trated on Monday. Slnr* that time he has bOM in bad Hnd to-day lie sat np f..r tho flrst time. Tt ls exper-t-d that h? wlll ho ahlo to return to Washlni* ton I.*- nest Ounday. -a WARNS AGAINST DRINK VENDERS. Health Cf**a*anl*artoBey Lederle auamented hiE iist of not areather '?doa'te** treatepday i by remlndlng tho puhitr* that the promla-1 f-UOUB drlnklner of quosttonahle streot hev-> ggggJtA mlKht havo had effor-tv Whtu Comniiaal-mer bellet/aa that s.-rne 0? ** \, -t<<r* of lemonade k.ap fh*|r ,. I clean, the hot spell has brought oyt J** ,,i ?.|?: abe aell tt-oir hevoraap-- frr,rn?V' ot.s tbal are lefl open to duat and m,, I which nr- roo|??d to a froozina; teurajflnaiw ; i>fi,artment Btapactora aro rn thfl j!9| for vioiations of the aaaftary **oda hut hitr-ket hrlKade has ber ome g proi, itrdf. m Reduced Rates Atlantlc City ?VIA? New Jersey Central JULY 5 TO *o In Iddition to Regular Serue* SI'F.HAI. TRAIV, aa *r ?. -rnj \H W. ttA M , I ''. U artj. *N . I 4; A j!* vla All Ra!! Llne. Alen fltr "1*-J r.f Sandv Honk Routfl *lll ieara faaTg 6M M . fc tt; Cedar M , 9 MI A fc, aaj ftir?.-t tiwiaecthiw fir Atiaatla c*f? Ttebet Ag-^nta for Da* 1 fek-J mt A^mimmf^m (.??..j ^n-iTi^iTr<T<4j-l**rrr-. ?? flil-ajl."!-^ YORK V ?-*S t 2v TO St. Louis ?and intermcdiate cities of the Middle West?is not a matter of days, but of hours via the outhwestern Limited ?the luxuriouslv appointed 24-hour train toSt. Louis, over the k'Water Level Route." 4.00 p i.ii Leaves New York Arrives Dayton Arrives Cincinnati o.^v/ M Arrives Indianapolis 9.10 (jr 4"\rrives St. Louis 3.00 m. M. ') A. 8.50 A " A\ New'York Central Lines Railroad and Pullman tickets will be delivered upon requesthy Special Mess**ngerwitho.*t extra charge. New York 'Phone Brooklyn Phono 6310 Madiaon 167 Main B. J. O'HAYER, General Ea?tern Passenger Agent r^^ajB\ 121b Broadway, New Vork NEW YORK (entral *? LINES '1 ?>*>k*?***aaaa*8Jaa8Bj^^ ? Old mao, why don't YOU uae the telephona aad keep cool ? ? Use the Telephone and Keep Cool THgE?V" ?' WEATHE* BUREAU reported a temperature of 92 degrees in the shade at 3 P. M. yesterday. On the street it was more than 10 degrees hotter. As a resuit of the intense heat during the past four davs the great city has rclied more than ever upon the telephone tor carrying on its business and social affairs, and the tele? phone traffic has been much heavier than usual Most business men abandoned all idea of tramping around .?liy i a ?,fflces "rf used the telephone. Thev sold goods *nH ?Lan n^rfT8' a"dukePlitheir appointments by telephone, f ?v yf?Und,.thlVheycould *mm*a their affairs in this way quite as well as by a personal interview ln the home, the telephone was eauallv 'oonular lt thaeStennrSy '? t? *f markc,in* ^ ?321 S SU p?tt^ or/.VTP,etC.thc Vac*tion aVrangements. Kll^ ?"??* heat-they just used By the way, have vOU g Telephone f NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. Every Dcll Telephone fj tfw Centre o/ the System