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?fiffll 1 tM Secretary Knox and Ambassador Bryce Sign First Schcdule. TREATY ALMOST FINISHED Anglo-Amcrican Peace Pact May B-? Submitt-ed to Senate at, Iti Present Session. Magm ,olya-The rrlnrlple of ar rnatlonal dlapatea, bi bo Ib* . ?<, ualted Btatea aad atred a p**o ' I ' Becwta** Kww ? Bryce Blgned tha rtatn p-jcunlary elalma i Btatea and Oreat 'sslnn .. ,. , .... ? the Bpe> H n laal -rlth thla ?nd ambaaaa . aneraiea m the paaofl by .?onferrlnc , .. rraneral arhi ? ?* lo aupi nt, by . -. -v ronrentlon M arll ba .. deeoted te quei i , ,iaa-] I la ad that the treaity la nd th- admlnlfltratlon ?, time for ita foi rattfieatlea at lon. p ma to ho arbitrated af . . ? ?? datlng ., . .?? 081 of n the 1 pptae* Othera rel m ., - ? ? ? nn.i tbe , r elalma arlll noa br- aubrolttod ? .. -| > . BpeHal ,_ emenl on i ? -ra-rernnr-enta lalma. and pro- ( lha arbltral trl lalma be legltlmate and weetbj of tlon. II aaderatood il oa arlll n- artdtratad by a ?? : ?.4f wprfla-entntlYea ol gtate and Great Brltaln nnd a ? wii1 ho the .a??rond under itleai traaly of lf-aa be the first BUb ? lertMkea undi c4*rn*/entlon .-, v ? .? ? BpUtO, ri b\ the HaaitM trlbunal a, ?-. ? rltlah r**ovarnrni i I la i a ' the prograaa of the - - arMtratlOfl tr****t** tl nt ;.?. thr- Beatretai*] ol I' to ai aeanicej 1*4 tbe Houae r. herei "ae ervary ? ?-? yoxr-c. ca\ei arould bo ? ? ---A i*ntt?d Btatea -rovern no*a tantlal ? a datalla of Ihe . : ? c- % t, , rt HOUSE COMMITTEE ANGRY Monison Fails to Produce Voncheri Deraanded in S*ibpa?Ti-i - - .. r luly I Tha dlgnity and of tbe a.]h-r-oTTimltt?*-* of --???.. e ti,^ 8 - - again tramrlr-d upon Moailaou, Itabnralng ' ?? ,- -. ?-? /ienartme**r. failed ;o prorji-ro ? - ?? b "hlankef , tead Mr afo**T*80fi pr-" Kr?\ saymg the i ?aj r?ed>- to a-ipply i* II ?. -? t ->;> 4eorerlna pa. m->nte . . ? ar anaergency f'tnd. *xhir**i tself ha* ordered -hM\ not -. 1 acTutlay rhe ********* ?'*". dlareajardlna tba faet that <? a subordma**. actlrg under 1 ehiaf, aeaplrayed Itaelf for la an att-*mpt tc ' pump ' - >he disburair.g orTVer By - * irtual ae*et*e*atien* tbe rn*~n ivorfld tr. make it a^p-^ar that ? dal.' t ? -? 1 had dellberetely Ignored th? ? \i- LleS preduee the John "W. I ? - rannilttae ! --.gatorp ha\e h?=,rd that ? er fl ? ?.: ? ' fter lea laf adJ ad tbe paymant >f a ? Atnldon c'.alm agamst the rnant, tbe pavments being *84di Bdrxer ladeiaalty fund Five **ned by Mr Fo?ter <-:id Robert ? for JameB Rufua I glanna Amldon, arere n^nt ? -day Four of the | 06 rach. and tbe other | . ;.. - at* aa'.d to have j ... whlch is more ?- o]d ar.d **i-as originated ae of H 0 WardL a ihe Chlneee ? ? "/''? , paar before the *ora . *:-.orrc."\- H? was told to _ . f0r v^;. v-4 chen >-o rating ?. 1 ? - r any ow i - ?'? BIG FIRE AT RIVERHEAD : r?t m ' 1 ? - . , 1 ? !n a ':ama"' ? ' f the *fM*4*erbead 1 .-.*'-ar ,. r p. \... in.oke ar.d war rrean a 1 ? 1 Rivei head m tbe last th?-ee ?*d. :- b bakary rui ??. n Bernltc trked with ? ? ? Have The Tribune Foilow ^ . When You Go to the Country If the rural news agent will not supply you, frend your name and address direct to The Tribune office. We can send by mail in time for breakfast. New -York Tribune, Circulation Department, 15*1 Nasiau St, Now York Dafly only, two weeks.25c Daily and Sunday, two weeks, 35c Daily only, one montb,.50c Daily and Sunday.70c .1 THE DA V /A *? frron* Thr- Trlh.ine Bureau. 1 " "U'ashlnBton. July ?? "THIXKS HE'S BOSS."-Even ln thej ooeana nf nonsonse being talked ln oppo- j eitlon to t'anadlan reciprocity, lt la OC?aV eionally BOaelbla to find n f-entleman. To- | day. for lnstance. that erudlte statesman I from North Dakota, Senator Gronna. who j ie reputed to hold the Bcandanavlan vote j of hi? atati ln the hollow of hls hand. ea> plalned rv. Ith ch.arming naivete hta **f>PO eltion to the Canadian pact. "Wh**, Taft thinks he's our D088T' hr exr-laimed Witb j ! a vehemeni e almost dangerous for thla j I hot weather And in thla frank, 181*88 i stat-rient Mr. I'.rorma eet forth as com- j plrtely as if he had used a thousand WOTdB tbe real reason for tbe opposltion of rerta!n ? Penatora to Canadlan reoiprority. "Taft and Knox think they're tho whole blamed i governnirnt." reniarked a Repnblioan Sen- j ator arben tl.e reclpror-ity agreem'nt araa Brat Bubtnltted to Ce~*4**reaa, although he ?aid it prtvately. And although tho rrtatea-j naaa wbo mada thal assertion baa since j ,,.' e to aro tho handwrltlng on the war, aad is now "an ardent champacm** ef ro dproclty on the floor of the Fenate, he managea witb rxmaJderabla adrottnesa 1<> conceal hla ardor when dlsnif?sinB the . .;. n ln prlvate com ersntlon. And there la, of co trse. an **latnent of truth tn aaaertlona Pwaldeail Taft does not think ; ?? but if la ?'boaa*' both of j the attaatlen in this in-' and fOl the solo reason ihat he has . i whole people hehind hlm. An Amerlcan Prealdenl la never a "?boae'' unleaa be has tha people arlth him. but when he has he is so eompletel) '?boara" tbal u proeaa, per hapa no; unnatnrally. most galilng to tha dignifted and erudlte geatleman r>n Capltol Hlii eapecially theaa af the Qroaaa-La l",.:iotte ea THE MONF.TARY COMMISSION.--Sena ...,-.. raplylna to an Inqulry of sen ? ? aald to-riay thal ? report oa ? na resolutlon proYtdlna for the lon of tho Nntionai llonetary Com mlftfllon mlghl bt expected aoon, a? the Flnance Commltteo would take tho mattr-r nP no\r week. He added that rx-Senator Aldrlcb, chalrman ot tbe commtsBton. araa ed in Waablnajton any day, and the romniitteo thoufhl it proper to hear the chalrman befora takinc BCtlon. Those familiar with Mr. AMrlch'a vlewa know thal lt is hla desiro that the commission make a **epor1 Immedlately, eoncludlaa wiili a reC8enn"*e*ndatlon lhat II be <Hs rgi l al once. it has been charged, and with .-ome degree of truth, that the o0m mlflalon I as been made "a cyclone rellar for lame duclu." Mr. Aldrlch has never drawn a cenl of pay for hi*-- aerricea on tho rommlsslon. and he iias. moreover, pald all hla own tr.avellfn'* eapen?fl, -with the eaceptlon of ? alngla vourher for some j'7 wbicb was pald by mlatake aad eon trary t<> hla Inatructlona. Of eours*, an immediate report wlll mean a report em ng the pcheme of finandal reorgant aallon propoeed aome months aro by Mr. Aldrloh. but it Is a safe armertlo** lhat if the rommlec1on were to remaln in ron Hitchcock and Hilles Said To Be Interested in Alabama Affairs. PRESIDENT TAFT TO DECIDE Secretary Accused ^f Acting fls Head of Politiral Newi Bureau Whicli Buppresftf Factf. "Aashlnsrton. July (.?Most Of the proml aamt federal oftaceheldera r.f tha Btata of ina Invaded the TThlte Houae to-day and laid hefere Preatdent Tafr S'.rh a ta'e Of Repi*hll-*an f?rf<onal t\ o* thnt polltlclana IfeCted ?r. 688 thr beslnn'np ol a llvely '-''?* between r^st rn^ster General Frank H Hltehcoeh and Q D HUles, ?he Fr^sid^r.t'a aecretary, the two l*adir.* politlcal ad*".=er? of t^m ed atloe ^ecordtng te t>? AJabamiana, Mr Hltch r-n-> ir behlnd thA <-and.daev of r V Long for Republlean P*ar* .-halrman. L^ng has the baeklni alae of P D narke Repubiiran r^r*.,ra' commltteeman and poatmaatei al Moblle. >.** acknowledged fr end ^f '?-" rr.^tmasrer l>r,,r3l Mr Hlllea ,c ?'-'?', te '? aupportlng the .-ind; of t O Thompsor. Collector ot t trri^1 Revenue for Alabama and for mar.v v?ar!> Republlean =>tate rhalrman Preeldent Taft told the de'egation thit | t pxper-fe-l fr, ?errja T >,*=? -)'ie-tlon tn-mnr roa it is underatood that fr.- purpoaee i rlbutJng pat**4trnaaje the c?ate wlll be -'i-ided '."'o two aecttona, r,,:e to v? een tr^lled by efleV. farlton Both Mr Hitchcock and Mr Hlllea tO raied tha! there had v?en any troubla aa th*m ovar the Alabama altuatlon 4f-- Hitchcock rejterated the etatement that, he '=> OUt Of poHtlea for yood. and Mr Hlllea deeiared ha bad bad no fight arlth anv or* aboul appolntmenta ln thal atate Fv.iitinans here are 1r*terest?d, however. c ? ^w the atate rhalrmanshlp arlll be se"'ed. The Preeldent may take no hand ln th* fsht o*4*er rhe chalrmanablp. but lt - nowifdcf-d thal RepubHcani I I - .. -. an antltled to know "who is 4\ho ?? Waablagtai wban i' comea to conductlng the next Preaidentla] r?mpa!i?n. Mr lilllf-s has taken a strong Intereal ln politlcal affairs ever sinr-e he awumed ofllce, laal ai 9 te da i ?- ' >pmenta wera nol .r<r:\ .\n open claah between tha aldent'a aec ? -A.r\e\ ic 'n.nv.r.ent, Chargea tha. B**><-retary Hilles la aotir.g . ;.eB.i of ? "politlcal newa bureau" w! ich "a ' nd iaauaa gro.nded and falae' raporl ? ern'! .... ? g Preaidi r:tiai candi -ararc mada to-day In a letter by Repre Horria r'f Webraaka Inaurgenl leader ln the Ho.js-, addre??ed to the Ne , Pn*agTeaat**e Republlean LeaaTue Representatlre Norrta cbarajed that the eaaed" faeta reiate to *a*mtnTaeal f-? ? candldacy of FenatAf i ? .. i ? . I -r.B'deneV letter waa m anawer to teiegrams ... ^ebraaka piuaiaa8l*re8 deelarlng tfajaj, repudlatlon of Praah a Bhotwell, ? tay aald, had* repreaantad hlmaelf as Bj igent of the league and as flueh bad -.. -?veral statementp favorlnp the ?nation nf Prealdenl Taft. Mr. Hor rla ohargad tbal tba Bt*Ca**f-*8aalT8a ? wronged by * "oonaplracy **f -rreet pewa paperfl" m mjppreaalng ****9 relatlng to ... preajraaslTe morement. After referrna t0 a aerlea of artlclea printed, Mr. Neerira letter Ia*a8ed aa fo Iowa: rarloufl artlclea ??*^Jtfi*S,rlS ronaly Indlcate ^."J-f^fftaa ' ' ll" ' ?u ,? dlctated . f wrot. them oi 'i.? ??" " nol know that he haa an eSge or them but II I ?"'-" '\.' , REPORT REAPPORTIONMENT BILL. WBsh.riaion. July 6 The Cae****ratji| re apportionment b,H. provldln- J *??* memhershlpof l.a wasfa-ra^. to tbe Hena.e le-day by?**?*?? ?t lha of Indlana. Chalrman '?*',?? that he Cenaua Commhtee aiino ,n^'nned by iBV arould file a mlnorlty rm*n?.i?*n eral membera of the commlttefl. 'ASHIjSGTOJ* i tinuous aeBBlon fnr the next stx montha lt could formulate no other so'.em* and there would be no galn to Congrese from OOntf*Utac the salarles of the varloua mem? bers. Thls doea not mean, of course. that membera other than Mr. Aldrlch have not done good work. Excellent work hae been done by rarloua members, notably by Mr. Teller, the former Democratlc Senator from ColOTSdb But lt is a fact that all avho have taken their responsihllitles eertously are ln entlre acrord with Mr. Aldrlch and would be wholly unlikelv to evolve a dlf ferent BebeaM as the resuit of further de. HbeiBtlons. A number of pertlnent sug K<-..?t|ons Ib connertlon with the Aldrlch schem? have teen niado and may be adopt ed, but there nppears to be no reason why tl.e . ointnlssion could not promptly em rndy iti. vlews of these suggeatlons In Its report. for, after all, the perfectlng of f!;,- f-rhr-m* wlll have to h* done by <"*on H-ress as the resuit of a full and fair dls CIMBBOa Bul lf Mr Alrlrlr-h has his way there wlll be, nn nre,| of arlnptlng the Cum BlBfl raSOtUtJoa, unlcss It ba ln sueh inodl taed form as wlll amoiint merely tn a-* ceptinic tho report rf the ,-ommlsslon that lt* w.<rk is done. HILLEa THK .'l*I,PniT.-'",nrles D. Hllle.rf, secrotary to the President. hSS manae-ed to es.-apo tne glara of publlclty quite lonc aBOUgb, accordlnK to the vlew r.f RepreeeatatJre Norrla, of Nebraska. Mr lljlles has ilis.-liarg.-.1 his nrduous nnd reaponaibla dutlea with be4Mnnlna mode.sty. and has never even flUggeeted that he was an "assistant President." !,,it 8*88 hlfl ?teady aiaplfcation te ihe husinoss of his oflir-r will not save hlni. .'oroner N'orrls, called upon by telearaaaa from his own Btate to explaln tiie iintimely death of the T.a Pollotta PreaMeatlal bnomiet, alpped off in the Imd of Ita im Ipient yonth, has held an in.jucst, nnd has declded that Se, retary HlUea 1? tho murderer of thls Inno r-nt. aad that Preeideaal Taft. whilo not BCtually fulltjr of strangling the puny in fant. Is an 84S494NB8ory befOT* tliA fact Mr Norris tooh occaalon t,, mahe publlc to-day a letter he had sent t<, eertaln lost and bewihlered members of the Republican T'rot;reFsive f.aa*UC, In which he asserted that Mr llillcs WBB COnduCttBBJ a BOWB bureau arhlch auppraaaed tba truth regard ing the great pojuilariiy of the lnsiirg<-ritH, Bnd espeelailv ..f Sniatoi Lal Folle.te, and Iss'ird "iinderRTonnd aad false statenients" >.s to the popularity of William Howard Taft, the Caaadian redpnaetta- agicement an.l other thlngs little belored hy the m snrgentf- Mr. N'orrls- |a < onsiderate enough to say that he doep not. believe the l'r,-si rient "aetually writes or dtetatea" these r-lsp Btatement*, bul he ls quite sure Mr. Httlea is the jrullty man All thls means many bad quaftera of an hour for Mr. Hlllefl Al a aroduiier of news of any BOli r has not provrd a iroader, hut If 1,? has had a "polltlcal news bureau" at his dlapeeal aad has atlll proiiuceo" so Uttle n<\*.s the pewspaper men ln \\ nsh inKton want to know about if, for tt is known to each and <-\<--rv one of them that hr l,a= not had his share. r}. Q, ||, AUDACIOUS. SAYS CLAYTOiM Stanley Also Shocked at "Golden Rule" Steel Agreement f rm-. T? . ...... r,?..?,, , vTaahlngton, Juljr * "An Bud*ctooi pro eeadlng" i- <he characterisatlon sdven by ftepreaentatlre Clarton, ehairaaaa oi tha Conanaittee nn Judltrlary, to th" rntrrn-. BteeJ Asaoclation Jual peife^teri at Repreaentatlva Btanley, rhalr man of th" sp..r|a| rnrnni|ftAC nnV \nr9t tlgatlng rhe i'nlted states S'eei Corpora tlon, a-aa ??i|?-o ..ho-ke.-i when 'ie read t.. day thal Judge Fjlbart H Oarj ;-> ateri ?-,,.-.., ,,f rountiie* haa** reached ? ..f "Golden Ru'e flgreenaenl ai th? InternatloniaJ s?eei induBtrl** "I be!ie\e that *re e*n pro<*eed BgaJnfll flnjr A'nerjra" rorporqtjon Ol per-On who *r**rp into ,-n, agreement to appo-tion ter rftorj*, reatraln ?-ade o>- ,,A,fe,-t H nao nopola*." c"'d Representathe ,'!-^^ton "W? m'^^' be unable to r-edch the forelaai parti^-: to an aeieement such as that said to have h'en mude at Rrusself. bnt we <*an nrc-er.^ , r-esinst the stee] rn*n of thls ro.jntrv i ! h#ii?v? t^e pberman laT?- is adequat* |f ; not. we rsin ?nifnl 11 and make it flt thla -^ce ? Tsn't tt an Bodaetoua pT4945eedlng? F'tr^t whlle we are i^-.-ea'.eat.ngf theae fanoara here n* hr.t'-ie the- co abroad BBd 'n *f"r> .a- "Wa control th? Unlted ^'"tes. now rhe world * in ba our tarrttorr ' V.*r,'-*!'*rttit':e- BtanllTJI sees !n th.e in'er natlonal agraanaenl a pi"" ro forectaii eom pet|r|on ha the open market <n rhe *,v*nt a ? ir,,, o? rhe T'nlted P'St?. P'?^-l Cor* poratlorf ls broU*h1 about ? jr- r*-" ?reel eomhlne tn t>*ls eOUBtrj 1* djaaorred,'' snH Mr. ?faniev. ? if lt ia ci own thgt prlcea hara been mo high for rv:A ro?t nf prod'-otlon. \* tr.e tariff .s low ered. tVien th? naturnl thlng would ba te ,..r.n-.-,r tr. eeoiire an agreement that wl" pva^ent foreipn competltloji ^Y.*v. the tariff j I. raken off I do not charge tha> Judsje Garv t-a? thls ln vlew. but to ma 1' seem? t, ,, thlfl .c s ra'ural mothe hehlnd tha .- leela p^r, a arorld-arld* conamualtr of interest. Wtth * dlvlslon of terrimr;-. would prevent open market competltlon ir Baorra the trust at home. and 11 see-nc, . ne that thta 1s In mir-.d at Bruaaala GAB-Y HEADS HOMMITTEF. Internationa.1 Steel Organization Planned at Brussels Meeting. Brnsse's. Belplum. Jttly 1-Tla* Bteel men ooacludcd thr- buatneaa whir-h had called them together from r.ine strel-rroducir.g trtea, ln a brief sesslon to-day, ."'nd Bdjouraed Most Of the Amerieans 1-ft for I'^rKs lata in th- afi'-rnoon. Th- coBfaarenee appolnted a ommtttee of tblrty, mada up '' memben propoeed by e^,-h aatloaal group, to work out a plan -, internatlonal ataal i>r8*aisstloi submit the plsna to tba full C4?tif4n^nce ll!'-d The Amerlcan memberf of the C4>Bimltte? al? .1 ,dge B. H i-an, r-hainnan of Ihl board of dlrectora of the Unlted lUtoa Ste. l r-orporatlon, President Jamea A. Far ' tl,.- tame r-orporatlon, Charles M Bchwab, rjreeldenl of the Hethlehem Bteal Corporatlon; k. A h Oarka, pr-sident of the Uir-kawanna Pteel -"ompany, and \*. illls I. KlriS. vlre-r,re>.!dent of the Jones * Laughhn Steel Comrsinv The rr.mmtttee orgonlaed forthwlth by making Judge Gary chalrman and W. B Peat, nf England. i-ecretary. and adjo irned ..-/meet ngal.i when summoned bv the , , ,mnn FollOWlng tbelr dellherntlons the flele ^ ,..s vs. ra racel**d 81 ' ?? psla a by Kini? Albert, and later they visited the battie B*ld nt vVatarloo, ntaa Dsuaa outi-Me the B*lgian < ipltal. ... ?,ary feela that dutln, t progress hSS been niBde toward a common world ,ode ?f reellng and praetlce In steel af* faln H" la aatlsfisd aitii the reaulu thua liU aeeoropltahed thioutb th* mt.n.ationai ex'-ham--' "f "!? .nloii. ARMOR PLATE FOR ITALY Carnegie Steel Company to Snpply a Portion for New Warships. Rome. Jnly 1 The Itallan govemment haa awajrded the ,-ontra . tor ?. portion ot th* armored plateB of the new dren?1 i oughtfl io the Tarnegle Steel rompanv. ,,ne of the operallng <oinpanl> s of the I'nlted P.ales Kte?l r'r,r|,.,rai iBO I'nglls!', l-'.eii'fh ?n<l QerBiaa .r.inpanies ,.!.,, mada blds, afa*n this eompotttlOB aas opened t?j forelaaa rr.mpanies hy ihe aov ernmeni. who lahed to Inn ry (he > i.iii'.le Uon of the dreadnoualiU, _ . Senators Listen to Strange Story By Works, of California. TALE OF DRUNKARD'S CURE Senator Oronna Unable to Finish Attaek on Reciprocity Be? cauae of the Heat. rPVo-n Th? Trlhune Fnreau 1 Washington. July 6.?The tedium of the debate on reciprocity and the tarlfT waa Interrupted to-day by one of the Btrangest -forlea ever told on tlie floor of the Senat* -a defence of Oiristian Rrlenre by Senator Works ln the course of a **f*a*a**Ch fiKilnst the cstabllshment of n federal depnrtment of pubilc health. The Senator from Cali? fornia. takltiK the nrtihio*,, of thoae who look on such a step aa the creatlon of a "doctorB' trust" and an InMngetBemt on lndlvldual lil.erty and fraadon of he|ief, narn-.ted hls own asperlaaea and tha eX perlences of hls family ln tho aeanli for health Wtth a frankness that Btartled Sen? ators out of the romplacenrw of mind to Whleb the academio and politiial d'hate on the tarlfl ha.i liro.jj-lit thotn. He dtfld hlfl o4vn rcovery from an illness whlch physl Hans had failed to relieve, the rocO*/et*y of hla wife, who had been an Iniralld for llf tean years, and, as the -rr-atrsi trlumph nf j t'hristian SHenro, thr r.-Haltuine of hls BOO from the Olutcbea of the drink habit. "It was thla that appealcl t.i U8 08881 " he said. "The fact that dir 80fl W8S healed of the drink after he had ar? rived at the uge of maiihood aml after 88 had bocome ao addlr-ted to It that wei nuraed him iike a ebUd-*' Senator Works declared tbal the Amerl-; ran Ifedtcal Society araa .?ondui'ling a cam- i palga agalnst ?'hrlstlan Scienoe. and that I this object would be aoeorni'llslied by h , federal department of health. Whlch would i ho domlnater] hy physlcians of thr ol.l BChOO] of tnedli'lne, although no effort at , auch dlaerlmlaatlea was apperent in the. bill under discusslin. it was evldenl that the delivory of the Bpeach hy tba Senator fioni <'a!;',,rni,i W8S r'tarded as an otjt a.-ion ,,f uniM lai mtcrest i by thoae of bla beiie-, for the gaiieries, de Bplte the stifiins heat, wer*. oecupled by an audienen unuaually large fo. auch < nndl- i tlona, whicli promptly dlaperaed when tba dehate on t e. y was i e^iimod. This laiter phasfl of Seriate acttvll day aasumed lha asped "f an ??n.iuran.e tr-st under the trylng conditions produced by the hol i.hvp, whlch ahowed no algna r,r abatlng Benator Oronna, "f North Da k<->ta. ooouplejd ihe floear for four houra, but waa nnaMe to flnlah a long apeccb agalnat the re-dproclty blll, whlcb, for the moei par'. rahearsed the. objecthwifl ihat t ha\e al ready beetn toirj in the debate He , ciitldaed tbe.Prealdenl as ha\ltik: exceedi i his conatltuttonal authortty ln negotlatlng the agreetnent and relteratad the di-mai pre.ii.-tion ..f diaaater lo thp Amerlcan farmer. Bonator Oronna bad a croaa fire ..f quea tlons from Dainocrata durlng bla apo< Benator Reed. of Ifiaaourl. a Democrat, a?;ke.i hlm whethei he belleved the Preel | dent WOUM *If"ii the reetproelt* blll if the Houae and Benate paaaed lawwlth a tnr]ff revlfllofl amendmenl .T'ri<-hed t" it >?*** i -. don'l 4.-.U addre--. your quorli the F'resldent. under wimse h.inrier |"OU are operaftne:??? demandel Senarnr tfolaon, ol Mlnneaota, arlth aome heat. "You know M t> tni? agreement paaaed tha Houae i" a rnajorlty of Pemoerata, and thal If i? pasj-os here II arfll br by the aameatratngth boa'1 aai aa, who ara Aghttng the ineaa ,ire. what the prealdenl wlll flo." The Fenate l-,eCnt) tr, dav the new order of ,-,.n%enlnK ar |1 O'clock. and the |onp houra and the heat had an eppreolable I effad on ihe energlea of Ihe fea who r?* | malned ln thelr aeata Tbe ae deaertlng tha Democratlc alde entirely. coi regated ln r .... the Republlean alde, wheratbel ! debate, shorn of all formalttlea, became rather a free-for-all conversation. The I Vlce-Pres1dent, despalrlng of keeplng the Senate to ttg own rules, allowed lt to take whatevcr courae lt chose. BOOMING WOODROW WILSON Philadelphia Democratic City Committee Favors Him. [Pv Te'?t;ra;', tn Tha Trtbuna ] Philadelphia. July rt.?The Wooflrow Wflson boom for the Prealdency was for warded at the meetlng of the commit? tee on organizatlon Of the Democratlc Clty Committee, when -"harlea H. D<-n nelly moved for the Hppointmcnt of a committee of twenty-flve for the pnr pose of organlzlng the stafe on behalf of New Jersev's Governor "It. ha* COOM to my attentlon," said Mr. Donnelly, "that Pennsylvania Is one of the flrst states under the exlstlng primary law to ele,-t Ita delegates to th, aaatlona] eonrentlon. This fa.-t gives to us an opportualty to lead the country ln the movement for the electlon ,,f Wooilrow WllsOfl " Tiie motion was eaurlsd unanlmotisly. Chnlrman John F. ClOBBUB will name tl." committee arlthln a few rjara LIKE THE CAMORRIST TRIAL Prof. Elliott and Commissioner Bovvers Call Each Other Perjurer U .l.-hhidtun. Julj 8 A Bcea* suggestlntr some thal 1 ave taken place in the Canaor* rlsta* trlal in Italy lo-day cnllv.-ned the; ra*oc4NNtlnga <.f tha Houae Ciataanlttoe on ! Expendlturea in th., Departaieat of Com> Biercfl and \. ihor. investieatlng the charge. that tiie ooca great goal herd of the Prib ylov Islands Is belng wantonly ataUghtered B] BSamtfl of the T'nlt'd St.-iles govem? ment. Profeaaor Haary W F.lltott, fur aeal .-xpert, and I'nlted States Flsh <'om misrloner Rowers, win", have heen ln rnn troarerajr aboul the seais. coa fron ted ea,-h other before rhe eommluee., flhOOh their tists and ex.-l.anced a seiiea nf liveljr epl? theta i'r,>f.-s;.s.or Kiitott. concludlng the reading of a Btatemeat, declared that r.-i'ted Btatea Flsh ? 'ommlisloner Bowefc had "perjured himseif before this committee " "To* are a aalf*confee*4>d perjurer jraftji aelf," retorted .'omnrssioner Bowers, add* lllg Ihat he CI Uld prove the rharg*. "Thal i- a rubblflblng, rottra eharga that no man eeer dared put his name fo. Profeeeor ffluotl reapoaded, aha king his Bai in the dlrectlon of atr, Bowera "i n act yoij ofi tho Witneflfl Mand for |l it siatem. nt ' >'???. aad Ml prove the charge, too, when you do,** Ifr, Bowera rerdtad hementlj. Pri Idlng Repreaeatativa Rothernael, of Iranla, a Quaker, Buapended th POLICE GET ' JIMMY ? KEEGAN Arrested After Firing Shot in a Sev enth Avenue Cafe. The police goi Jlmmjr" Eeegan laat' Keerran Ifl BBld hv the rleteotl'ea to ba a Biembar of iha Oopher gang that In festa a part or tha Weat Blde, aad ordlnar il- hla arr^st would noi bave rlgntned much Rut he ia a merabei of tha Bulll v,-,ii , lan and ir- accuBed bv the O'Brlen ta. t.on of ahooting their leader, "Buck" HVBrlen, In ? figl | il Ljrrle Hall aomo time ..LO Patrolman Sr-irr, nf xh.n \Ve.--t J7lh Btreel st.tion. waa itandlng In fron! of ., aaloon at Seventi, | . ??-. ,.>->,| 4!,, Btreel BbOUt 18 o'clock when he heard a revolvei Inatde Ha weal 111 and fe-md Keegan and another man Bghtlng on the Aoor Keega" had a ,82-callbr* e"r> ln h|n hand t'ta.r made him .. prlaoner, h-.I Partoinnn ,; l son. of tha VTeal "7th atreel atatlon, rap tured hta opponent, Oeorga Calltaa, of No. w Weat ajth itreel t.iin.n Roger*. of v, na VTeal ""flth Btreet, had falnted from t'rleht and lav on Boor Dr t!ov5. r.f >\, Vork Hofl ;,-?-,' broug : around AFTER IHE COAL ROADS Government Renews Its Fight to Separate and Mining SUIT AGAINST THE LEHIGH Action to Vitalize Commodities Clause of Interstate Law Filed Yesterday. Waabtngton, July *--The jnvonim?nt win renew the fitrht to dlsso.late thr- areat roa! . oarryinsr railroad* from thelr vlrftial r-on- I Irol of mlnei. and thus vltnllze the .oni modltlea claaaa nf n,e interstite commerce law That. the *>hlRh Vallev foal fompsnv, i <'oyo "EtTotbera, lncc***poratod; the N'ew' Vork & MiddlefleM Railroad and Coal Com-] f.;,nv and the LCBBIiat KOUntaJn ''oal and i Iron Company are not bona fhle coal com- | panlea, but marely adjuncta to the i^hifch j \'.illcv Rallroad and are "devlcos for ovad- J int- the cornmodltlea clauae" is the g,,vern-, ment's principal complalnt it la alao alleged that the i^htgh Valtey Rallroad. with the object of removlng com- | r.etition. has canse.i the Lablgfa Valleyj Coal CcAnpany to eoatrael at a loss r>r tha output of othrr antbradte ope**atora; haa transported the ooal over iti own lines and through the coal company flxed the price In N'ew Vork and other markers. The covernnient eharges that although tho buylng of coal from other operators ha* been done at a loss to tli.' coal r-on, panv, it has enabled the T^hlxh Valley j F:.,ilroad to tratisport the eoal over ItS llnr-s with pront from the frelght chargea. i To support its elatan that the coal com pany is mereiv the "dummy" through Whleh the rallroad en*-a*-ed ln nilnlng, J tranaporttng and Belllng coal ln vlolatlon ] of the -cornmodltlea clause, ihe gwetrnment j cites that the ofBcera of the rallroad and | the .-oai eompaay are the same. and tbal | certaln mambera of the dlreotorate and the ezecutlve commlttee of tbe railroad are membera of the fliractorate and aseeutbre ccmmltte,-' of the coal company. Autoag those so named are F.hen R. Thomaa, Oeorge F. Baker, B. T. Btotee bury and .James A Mlddleton Each ef them, II la eharged, haa been name.i to hla poaitlon ln the coal company becauae of hla poaitlon arltb the railroad. thereby enabllng a!' of them ?o ad on be llf |n the lntere?t and at tne directlon ,.f ihe railroad company. it is aet forth that the oal company 8888 the rallroad t*otnpany*a oflleea and <icc? i>s business ,>ver ihe rallroad companv'o deaka Aa a further allegptlon that the Laeblgh Valley 'oai Company is an adjuaet .4' the Leshlgb Valley lUtlrroad Ihe govcrnment'. .?r>rnplalnt B8ya t':at atnce the capitnl Btoek of the coal company baa been oarned by the railroad it hir- pald no dl-iidends, that mllllons of dollars have been edvaaced b] the lailroad to the. cal company which ha-. e ne\er been reitlttdod, and that the rallroad has pati *be Intereal UP88 tli" roai eompaay'a br.nds. being compeneated, the governmenl olaims, by the carnlii-a; froni transportarion of coal erec irs lln's By proving that the I,*hl*-h Valley Ratl rond Is Bctuallj the ,egal oemei of th.e t.chlgh X'alley Coal .ompany's anthra *?. or has a pecunlary Intereal ln it. the gov arnment bopea tn hnng it? case into iine with the recent flecfaJou of the S'lpren,. Court In the cornmodltlea clauM caae, atrike down dummy coal compantee a.-ri force '!'? coal cdrrylng rallroada frono l , ,,f,tro| ef m|| e? Whlle, In effect the gorernment'a a-'tiop la ? blo*a al the bo called coal truat, the ? arate from th>ir s'dt. wbtch la noa cr appeal to the Bupreme Court in the government'a origtnal commoditiee .-. agalnat the anthraHte roaela arhlch waa Irafguu la IMB the courta heid n*at a rallroad company might Oim sto.-k ln a coal company and not -rlolatfl rhe comniodt tlafl rlauae if It did oot otrn er ha-.e any jT,tpract id the tranaported coal ef that iny Wltll tll8t rtc e|gfOfl |V. ,-AW?"-dttl4>c. Cl8088 I was conetdered by many a dead l*ttar, but Attornay General Wtekeraham ?arrled tbe case to the Supreme Court. where It araa derree.1 that th# govemment mlght anaetad Ha i-omplalnt and Involve the queation of fort as to whether the rallroad haa any lu t?rest ln the coal whlch it. transported. .Tudse Gray. of the I'nlted States C.reuit ."ourt of th* Kast*-rn Dlafrler of Pennayl vanla. Mgnerj an ordar at Wllmlngton. Del., this morning, permlttlng the flllng of tla* am?nded complalnt. The govemment ia rep resented in the actlon by the Attorney Oen? eral, James A. Fowler. hla aaslatant, and Kdwtn P. Orosvenor. special ABSistaJU At? tornay i.eneral. Philadelphia, July 6.?The amended blll i>f complaint agalnft the Lehigh Valley Rall? road rompany, whlch has for Its oojeot tne s.paration of coal mlnlng from the rall? road transpoftaflon buslness under th* .ommodltlea clauea prohlbltlng rallroad .?oinpanien fron. transportlng commodlflea In whl. h they ur* interested, was fll.-d m ihe r'riit.-?i S-ates Clrcult Court thla after? noon bj F.dwin P Gro.ivenor, BpSaCSal ?B ?Istgni to the Attorney Oaneral The raiiroad COOiMUiy has a mont . ro make anewer and the , ase wlll not eome b'.forr. the court for a tion untll :-,,me ilme in the fall. MOTHER WITNESS FOR SEE Mrs. Bridges Tells About Daugh? ter and 'Absolute Life' Leader. ?"hfcaR-o. July fi ?Mr?. Felicla Rees oon cluded her test.mony to-day In the tnal of Kvelyn Aiti.ur See, founder of the "abeo lute life" r-ult, and Mrs. Stephen BrldgeB, mother of Mildred Brldgc?., with whoee abduction Kee is charged, took the wltnesa stand. Mra. Rees. in concludlng her testimony, declared that Btophan Brldge.*-, who ao Baaaa Se.-, was at one time appolnred ? d*Bl Of tli" "ahso! ita life" cu'.t, hla dutlea i,e>ng of a bajatBaaa nature. Mr ''anrwell, attorney for the defen^a, a-k.-d If Brldges had not made two con tributlons of 11*81 and 8JB8, ..specUvely. to the <-ult, b :t Mra Kees was not allowed to answer She waj? allowed to stata, boararar, that Rridges had madf about nfry dtfferaai ciaatillMrtlocui Mrs Prldees t88tlB*d tiiat she was re sponsihle for Mildred. whe ls i-eventeen years old, but that the girl was left at See's BBt with the consent of her father. Mildred beard th>e "book ?,f truth" read pubiiciy. tha wltaaaa aa;d Conaiderabla tefltinaony was heard ln an endeavor to , lear up rh>- mystery sur ruundltig 'Haael Danner. who the de fence aaaerteil, ta a raa/th Tbere i? peoding BSSinal Be* al*,, a suit m whlch George. Danner aaka 110,880 for ti.* alleged abduc? tion and mism-atment of ht* daughter, Haael. Mra. Bridgee said i ia bad beaa a eonverl to "abaolute hfr'' for tux yeara. but hHd never known "Haael Dinner,'' v. ho ie ai!.-Ke.i to ba a nayth. BROOKLYN PROTEST HEARD Mail Delivery Reductions Subject of Complaint Sent to Capital. ? [ l-'re - n-a Ti'h-n-a rvjrasu | Wsshlnzton, Julv I -Brooklvn had st lanlDg before th? MHBmlttee -.nvestluatipg the Poetofllc* Depai tnu-nt when Renr* -;entati-e Redtleld. of New Vork, depoalted I* the lap of the .-ommltt-e an armful of prot*r<ts from Brook'ynltes, who ?ay the tnall deliverles In that dt* BTfl UB88tl8 factar] Tiie F'ostoffl.-e Department. lt appen-a, has recntiy ted'iced the number ol de? liverles in Breottyit, aad Mr Red^e'd roid the romuiit'ee it w?? WOritdaUJ 4*'?at h4rd ihlp la both th? bualneea and restdeotlal senlonp. Hl read from one petttkHB de mandlng thal th- Houaa Committee al reaaady "thla rank latti*ttea and gros? dla. crtminatlen." Mr. Redfleld aald thal alaca r?.A .*r, i.-? I as been curtalled manv out of-town patrone of Bruokl>n atorea aie UBlng tha lon* distan-o telephone i ?? than the mails ln forwardlng ordera .'harl^s P Orandfleld, rarst Aaslatant Postmaater Oeneral, waa preaent, and told tha committee that the curtalled aervlc* ha-i been neceB^ry becauae the Brookhn te.-eipts did noi sliow up along with other citlea of almllai als* St- G-andfleld d? clared thai the departnaenl Iteelf had ra ,-ri-, e,j no complainta, and he aaaured ihe ii,. ... . rnmlttee thal if complainta wera reglatered thej would racalre e\ery < ?n aideratlon from tha denartmeut Ftepreaentative Redtleid. who is a mern her ,.- . .- mittee. araa fairly loaded down with '?omplaint-. however, aad bta po-k-tc bu'.ged with wntten prorests arnen h? began to plead lha cauaa of rh? Brook i.-n patrons of the r?<>BtofBce thetitle"KING"0FALL bottled beers has been earned by Anheuser-Busch for "The Old Reliable" Budweiser If, impoasible to improve upon iu Qualtty and PurUy, becau.e it i. brewed only from the beat materiala and thoroughly aged in the largeat atorage cellara m the world. Ita rmldne.. and low percentage of alcohol makea it frienda EVERVWHERE. w, ... j i .,-,. i The Anheu?er-Busch Agency, New York. Bottled only ot the S Bugch ^ Qq ^^ AnYi-uuser-Busch Brewery Distnbutors s ft?d St Uui?, Mo, ' Anheuser-Busch Newark Agency.