Newspaper Page Text
FRANCO-MOROCCAN DEAL? ASQUITH MAKES STATEMENT ... , ,ntcrcsts May Be More ?ft Wced Than Ever ^ ,' c,vs Premier. Before, Says i-i? ,.__A aew sltuatlon has ?^Morocco Foraomeda: :;:^dfr,,^- ^Kuropean the new. , preiaartng ^^ir^Hou^ofCommonsto. Prtna Mlntater Aaaulth. J.',, ? ,s added that ln his ordnlon .J Lovernmenfa future develWn<* ,n,evestS more ,1, ?? . . therto has been the case Z - Ot the turn event* have ?ed. - Mr lequith'fl elaed upon . , to Brltlah na with France waa al and loud cheers broke rh<- chamber. tbe unltlna ln tha minlaterlal tlec larafion Mr ? gtrii c expression to laalon wlll ? . ref.ectcd ? bo heard him. I ??? ? rumora of a 8 and 51 * ?i - luence tf arai - ,,:Ht tv, iu rjern warship to ? WUhelmatraaae hav ? ?occan M ? 1 i ritli goren ? ? "' ? ' ? ? ? - ' ? ?will - ? a ' ' ln the ? _ PARTITIONING OF MOROCCO Germany Desires to Ncgotiate . France Alone. ceaveraa ioroccan " ??'.-? many ? ake knoaarn a ? ? at. nea m ? lei arlth taveen iin, bul l f ? ? ? ' \ ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? l-'.-.l i-ign.Mii ? . - tO tiie ; , ? ? ? m for tlon of the .- the supervlslon of ? MISSDAVISWEDSIN LONDON Sister of Richard Harding Davis Marriei Kinef*s Chaplain. ari. k Per rlval l nd do ? mi ? '?' Nor? ? r's. Weel ' ? rlde I af tb< Iphia, rdlag i pj ?'?? arai u pjhep ? ? ? ? ? ..'? . vlear ' Mra nd M -? . ?? ? ti ket - ?? ' ? ? ? iValea Princeaa Vlc Mn Reld, t Sandringham, fl &ELAY IN OAMORRIST TRIAL AttA";' to Take Plaee of ' . 'or Informer. ? 4? .'.-d oarlng t the Ini : d. mt on . ited, ? * ? . Ma . Ina. st Mp- DRUMMOND AS HOSTESS *'?-' Mi M ? ?') Field Jr. En B ' LondOfl Home. - -. -ari ? v . .| COH ' I ' w?nt ? .ii j ' : ?' ? il .- rland, ? m pass ciH iwo Committee Stage of Veto Bill Concluded in Upper House. AMENDMENTS REJECTED Lords Reluctant to Yield Control of Money Bill-New Clause by Lord Comer Adopted. I/Ondon. July 6. The eommlttee stage of th, Parllament blll, otherwls. known an the veto Mll, for the curtailment of the powers of the Lords waa OOncluded in the Hr.iise of U.rda to-nlpht. AtthOUgh manv amendments and new rlaupi-s s^ekina to modlfy Ita prnvislnn-i were pronoB?>d by indeiiendent member*., these arere nll arltb dra4\n or re1e,-te.| The debate throtiglioot dlaplayed irreat rest|\ener-a nn the part of the peera a-j-alnet th-'ir leadera, and ther*- \4-....- MKnifloant dlfferencae of oplnion. Liord Pt Aidwyn, who as Mlehael Edward IIIcka-Baach waa Chanoellor ..f the ESsclx |uer ln IMI and a-tram In 1*X-l!a<2. the flnaneial anthority on th.. Conaervatlve side. rnore than ome de cUned t.. \*ote with his party. Houae of i..>rds ahowa the greateat reluctance t.. yleld its eontrol ot money bllls. Aa the blll leave-s the f.otds it com ?-. ., Jolnl commlttee .4?' -lx inembcr-5 of the two honses the power >.f deddlng r or not any i.iii is a mone) blll -a ? the p,,vernment hiii repoeea ln th- Bpeaker of the Houae ot Commona alone ther, the aame commlttee arlll have rtual powor of referrlna any tm pr.-t mt Mll to a reterendum of the -,eopie Ti ? reporl ataga bai I ??? n dxed by the. for July 13. and When the blll goes ba< k to the House ot Commona lt 1? certaln thal ' ? a ? ? 4\ clauaea and amendment* ?arlll ?? .- blo What rourse th" 4vi'i then adopt la uneer taln, but thi ngeal Influencea are i."in< 1 brought to baai from the atrongeat n tlon ! of the t'nionlat party to perauade tbi '? ? l -- igalnal forctng the lovernmenl to in \oke thr- creatlon r.f five hundred peera Afti r iriiament Mll, re? | latlng to bllla mher than money bllls. 44 n? r.?s?'-4'i thi d<??? on tl ?-? new ? ividing tment immlttee of the ta ? termlne th- 1 haracter of bllla and to declde whether the;. come ' within thi . . i mone*; bllla 1 - ? ? House of "ora m ns alo> ? tbe latti ae ol 4 4 I rromer fello** '"nionist to fl .... - with iey de nol 1 aiil menl of the quesl ?er Lort aald when he prevtouely . Jolnt com ? waa men ? wyn' Mlni ? ommltt ? f flla tand how mei 1 who ft ra ...i ThU clauae, he declared, would deati .. ?? thi Pai rtrayal of 11 Therefore, thi fovernmenl would ? .. ?. rr;,! j.rers had spok- I n." clauae lt 4s rpted and ?..,?-<, to tha Mll. CUBA FEARS UPRISING President Gomez Charged with Accumulating Large Fortune. Havana, July I Attacka recently made on PreaMeJ ? ?; mei by a n< wapaper " 1 hown much oppoi tlon to the ad . . ? -rjnnlna to . ?? ; ortance. Uongr< Bn ai ?. . ,1 of the ra wspaper ' El Wa. ' rged the Pi*eerldenl with the accumula tion of a huf-e fortune durlng tl ?? two 1 admlnlatratloa . Isflued ? dtati ! inventory of hla eatate, BhowB it to be ot 01 ' ? modei it< . red prlor to hli ealdeni lenda as w< ah and undlgnlfled and denoui ? emlea aa an atti mpl ,,, covei ? ulpal llltj Thi ? ' ol the ln a boal iletlng rumora. -j-t,,, ... . roaimlttee of 1 ne ' '01 a< 1 aatlvea dli - ' * matter laal ntaht -ed that tt did nol 1 ? ? , actlon aaainflt the P ? - lt ia noa rumored thal ? rld* n< ? . oi proji cted ',1 ? .... Oriente an Rlo Thi !'?? aldai ? la n pr< m nted aa mu h . .?,, He u aald to have declared ai the first atgn of d arould .. the fleld at the head of the Rural ,-?.?., and rruah the i-evoluttonary move? menl ln the i.'ai ,, waj learned to-nl?ht on *ood author It, that there exleta much ureaalneaa of whom ? . . :,i |n Havana a? parl ol ' >e P*i ?^ ;'.:" ' ., ot theli belna auddenlj cal. Into ' S'r *? A? Report. from the ? u ?"""?" ?* ** ,m" ? but tha run-ntlnua . . . ,, ln a atro 1 under rrenl ?'v ? _ READY TO WELCOME KING Dublin Preparing for the State Entry on Saturday. Duwm, July t-Th? ??"???? ** ..u, v,si..?. read lo welcome *********' ?\;V.:. ?? ? bua:?*??.? _ lha deooratlona aloni '?*?? 11 ni . figl ;:".?..* * ij**" mexican strikers riot Two KlUed and Five Woiinded in OaTkirga by Poliea. M#1 ? two r***?"*". k,ned ' Il .:.? r: 'S .:.'.:,-.:";:'";;;:, ? ? ' .ir.liri' ni" ?"' ''"'"? of nere ,,,,ii. uatronlfled the cara_ ? A'/ETS" WIN IN MOBILE ? ? " "; rtS/opuc. M-'"i' Ala.. Juh ? l" " ,,?,?, ,? . . ? ,, heid hen b " ?; ?',. ti.. fl rated the eeU t0. . ?'" ?"l,Ji ? Sphere of Fresh Air Fund's Ac tivities Increased. STILL NEED FOR MONEY Report of Society Shows Cost of Only $4 73 Each for 11,044 Vacations in 1910. Year hv venr the places interested ln the work of the Tribune Fresh Alr Fund In rreasp in n'imher N'ot a year eoes by bnt some new rcRlon extends a cordlat Invitation to some of the p?nr children of Now Torh Moreover. those places whl<h onre write weleenie over the|r Ratea mmn n!l\' repeal their InvHation senson after aeaaon Thla venr North Rennimrton. VI . Is one of the newtjr mt4B*e8ted plaees A small party of twehre bojra was sent thither jres terday, and if the ahadea of Motly stark are n..t dlsturbed* dnrlne the next twe weeka it wlll be l.erause the dozen small mchlns who Invaded Vermont |T8Bterdajr are overawed hy the hlpness of the moun talna or becauB* thal faatoue lady grew ? rmed to "hlp nolsrs" when hei townapeople heat haok the redcoats ln that - t.attl" of Benn'ngton whl>*h dldn f make her a wldow. At anv rate. Mvrv one of the do7.^r, boy waa not only a Maj noise bul a glad ne|*.> featerday morninsr And w-ho would not be nt t)-e tho.icht of a rhanee from the New York of ihe last week to the rool r*. treats ard rrvsta! streams and lakes ef tiie Oreen Mountalna? Then, too. thea* rtattora arere eoint- to he entertained tn j state Their hosfears. Mr? BjajtB von B i McCullough, ls the danR-hter-ln-law- of a former ."".overnor of Vermont. so that the had no fear of the rereptjon that wo?ild ba ircorded them Cambridge, N v. la another of this n<->w- Fresh Alr rentres. There nvist ' h.ive heen what the harometrle expert" r would rall a Fresh Air " hiarh'- in the ? ? .i of F,than Allen's old r?nde7. thli aeaiaon, for <*amhiidge. tor. 's the foothills of the Green Moun i tains. < ambrldge waa better off hy twenty i of New Vork- fifire eftajr fathers taal nieht. Whlle, 'ons>derlns* the name nf the pln<-e. jt has an imposslble sound, r'am hr'.lcr and Its people wlll prohahly learn BOmethlng from them ln the next fortm.Kht, bul it w-ll h* as nothinc comrared with the ea of ioformat|on about eo-in'rv ltfe rtattora irlll earrv away with ? resuit of their atar. marked tha openine of the \ir aeaaon, art lea at some of th>? inged Flfty H ap ? omi from Tenafly, N. . mor? W4?re sent to tak. ? ? ?i , 'onv.i ? ... .. ond parl 9 of forl :? Uttle 1 from hoapitala and -' h ? r ? , mdred ? ? ? :o tha ird Hlll Home ? thin fourtl annual iepori ..f the I Tribun. Fund Bociety, covering the work of i'k- aeaaon oi ???:,,. .-am.- from tha preaa ? ??.,-. tccording to its figurea, during ti, perlod of the fund'a exiatence, children have h..-! vacatlona of two weeka, ;,t ;, ? ? ? ndltura ol 8781,18881 <'f these totala, ll.r-44 ehiidren wer* sent out ? na 1810 at an expendlture of 8aa%2907, ,.r aboul il 72 a pei s?,n. Thla per caplta ? \ ,r.- waa ? ? nlgheat ln tha htatory , : ? . fund'a acUriUea end Indlcat. , -.,,?! on th, parl "f the naanafi mi al to i w,,rk better each year. Tha iwo , - rtclpal Item - >.: eai ? nea for last year ? ? | . ;?> ;i paid ior the traaaportatlon of childrei I . rta, and 04.11 I ? p, : di t Coi thi maintenaai ? "' th* rarlaoa ... hom, ? , optaa "i' ti"' repun may . ? !.,,.i ipon , ? |ui ?--'. a compartaoa of tha for tb* cur i-iit aeaaon iu dati ahowi tbat^about^wo ...-.,1 children i.j-.c_ th ?*? tarj-y1._:.'j-j i., to* country and \?? ?? aboul FUt.ouu na . ntrlbuted to tbi work 11 la evi a.iit frOm lh? ? l - ? laUng thoa. :?. i |...ii ,,- ., baala foi ? omputatloi fai n ? eipta u ? ? turei ava ? k> pi pace. The manag. mi n1 ol tha i.ii.i ii greatl) hamrmrod bj thla atat. o1 aftalta, aa the worli hai to tn planoed far < an. ?, aad greal plaaa caaaol ba inleaa recelpta warrant ll t. KNOWLEIKJatENTa i ? ? .- - ii . Kutti 6. ti and Margarel <? 8. I hureh .,f Newtown, Bh L, M Ha'haw;. . n ia Vt., ? IV. H .il.l: ' ' ? ' ? \ n lan, ? . aodi i M L R , atharlne .1 BobWni n fll Brida*. \ i . jian i ran, li aad Mabel .? : . 11 H . Mrlar. llff .? j--. g, \v tibanjr, N v . \..:i . i nami ,.... Inltli - mi-- ,\..., M;,t. i. Mouni Vernon, N ", \ i- rj and i' M ?? . \ U Bmitii . E R M??* . H. I, '. M.a A Sa-kfit ? Kr,.,it rlahea to aand two li. tl,. \,,\^ to .'??? country" I E. W. D. .1 A-Diiir Harra.t i ? - i ' ' ? . N Y i ... .,? my mother, ' H A < ? - | j pei Ment, lalr, N 1." T. 1. M Oeer, ha?t (>ran?r>". N I ., 'annon, Maw M?' an, <'-.nn E. lOf . ory at A l H and a f h Patteaon, Philadelphia P. B. 8 . "81 Regia I'Bbln" ? r* 8 aama I ? D M s Detnareai R Baal M --? ??-,: S '-letv nf . ? 1,-i.s , ? iini>e| "Klndlj Minii name." a i. B . . na offertna ' ? i '?' ?' ' clalr friend" v c i, \v im Mo im Vernon, N v rribuai T K H ,: ? .?? n N'- 8 R a?he1le, N v ,. iha donor i nama Mlaa i lo noi arkn '??? ledaje, .1 / I i- i, M N'? -. V-.ik lltj , . .. i., n ' publlsh name, .. T I. M,, julla i: kelaey, K, oklyri ? ,\ friend ot theaa hitla ehlldren [... ||. nrj r M'-h?> n, Inaal. reatn, N. V I. .if ,' K , . i. \ '. .1 A I ? . J \\ g . ? 1 Bn Hh .* . H \ F. .. fl, rg< II . ihe donor*a name, Mra < 11 '? s- , i aara k C? ? ' "K .-!.-?.'?.' .\ n B I "?' ' ' ' la Mi k ' ),,,K, 4. .41 :? oo i .mi in ,>o :?*. | .,!, 'ir.-.. ii M,i?a \\ rv| \. '.. . fi IH. 1.1 IM* 1 00 ] i n r,... h-r,.. l. B phtlllpa. BprtnBneld Maaa . ? ""';"? . \,! p ... .,,... ! I' 188 I ti H Ml lii 1 ,. | . , . Y,? ',-. ra. K .. . ,- -' H M"'* . . Harti lal*. N 1 'u- loaepl ' i reeman Bi - 300O 241 ,?, r, 00 1 00 r. i? 1 ,sn 2 00 11 ... r, ae 1 ,,,1 ?? .0 1 ,ai 1 ," V K H \". KI' v Hihlni -te f |, Il.l-" Btar ? n' V 8 00* 8*80 v di ,?it the donor'a nam,- ara 0 e. * .,.,;.. nama, v. tt. a ? ? ,52 " ' " BM hallr , H ' ' ! ?.I ? I '?? ? I I.,' ? ? ?"? I .,.,-.,.,- , ? r ti , r Ha, .?"-? a N J - .h \|,l,,,l ""' Ml ii''-."n ' ' l,Awa ,. \>, Be. -i l-""*- ""* B v 1 ,.. ? 11 name, m 1. 18 00 If. "SO rtudaon, B w 1. Rubber ''" ? tl I Mn l 1 U t:" " ' I ' 11 -\ rlamlyn, Old K-.ri!.. N a -. , . . ? ? nf 1 ? ... 1 BB 88 00 2 ,,?? in 00 1 aa .'. ,?i :,,, h , ?..,., ,\,?, IS 11 I ' ll, -I ? t ': II 11. ?i?.i n HILLS MEMORY HONORED Ex-Senator's Life Work Re viewed by Judge Parker. GOVERNOR ALSO SPEAKS Ex-Judge Says Cleveland Dis claimed Any Idea of Treachery on Ex-Governor's Part. Alhnnv. July. ?.?A dl*fIneulahed -srather inj- ln tbe Aaaenabiy Chamber to nii-ht mok part ln a memorl.-.l Bervlcfl arrnnirzed by the leKislntnre ln honor of Pa4ld Penn'tf HIII. totmer Qo*t*e*raor nnd f. rmer United stat.i s?nntr,r Oovernor Ma praalded nnd the m.'iin eiilosy W88 ?1> Il\er>d hy Alton B. Parker, former <hief jtodgt <>f thf Court ?,f Appeala, an tothrnate Mead aad i" Utl* ea] aeaoctate of the dead Btateeman. The Asaembly Chamber waa taetefully draped 4vith ambtema ..f mouralng r,n a |empr>rary platform, ere.-ted over the spe.-iker's dr-k. 881 QovernOf Hlx. s'lr rounded bjr hla ataff, a'atr nffl<-i*fis, mem bara f the Court of Appeala an.i many politlcal taaaodatea nnd friends of t'ie dead rran, 4-hiie the rnembera of the i^c-" i.-iatnre. who attended ho a body, ecupled aeata ln rhe well ->f the chamber Although tbe. heat ln th.' i.iiildinK ?a? oppreaol fl, tbe floor and r*aJ*-e**iea wer.- 4*..-u fllled Tinere wen s--i.-. ti<-n-d by an **ccbe8tra aad cbolr Qovarnot r>\x in a hrief addreaa . ai^d attentlon te th.- great w.,rk of Ifr. HIII in ? ,,f the tjoaamonwealth, wblla ludg* Parker re.'lt?d at langtfa 'he larger Of blfl dead friend'B lon-,* pubilc -'rvir-\ Mr Parker revlawad the frietton imwoen Oovernor mn and Prealdenl Cleveland and gn\* aome ijnpubllaned data m ahow that although thr- rlvalry betarean theaa 1444. leadera waa Intenae, Mr. Cleveland had ex* preaaly dlaclalmed anv idea of twachenr on Mr Hlll'a part Judge Parker aald that Mr Clevaland imdeeatood the Bltuation. .md thus aapreaacd blaaaell rrabaa*a*p*ently: 1 wani * du aome tlma to correci tha falsi- impreaalon abroad that 1 elther have, or had, an. Idea 01 impri lalon li U tne Preaidentlal ttckel 44a.- tha vtcttm 0 treacher* in Nen Xnrh ln tl.lon 01 ...x * .!,..). could underatand i.-tter tnan i how that fleemlngly contradlctory reeuu wai i.4.i. hed My 1 ampalgn f?>r re-electlon v..i?.. of neceaalty, made upon a alngie na? tlonal i.??- ie ao forced to the fron' that, aa 1 hrA foreaeen, there waa no auch .,.. evadlng it, even lf my party or mysei bad ao desired ., n.ind. 'he atnte campalgn ': tr to Itaelf, arlth tl eti own aupporters men ?ri *vh<im the ??? from 1 lelneflfl ?nd polltl. al itrolnt "? vlew, only tha remoteat Intereal Th? hr.d thelr own organlaatlon foi th< pur . ? 1 1 .pertj nndei nelr ? aud lurli llrtloi ey had tne er for thi ?' . . . ,1 thai they exerclacd l power In tl ... . Ihe 1 f thi ? ' I ? ? - had a . . fj,-.)., ,,, ,!.. go i ' ... ? . ,1 the rmltted my* r nla " f:,r ;|S | . r- e.l 1 (,,,. ... Imire and pr Blfl Klll 1 ' ' '?- ; " ?? ,;.?. ,f t| ? ?? ? . . ,. ? v ..-:, ii kept down laaa nl in enrrvlno* out tne ? ,,. ,; i.i. 11 ol hla partj an I our m r>tn tiona "Kevertheleea." Judaa Parker contlnued, those wirhin the party who, . tr. auppoii It, and agatnsi tho overwhelmtng welghl nf evldeni e to the eontrary, rhnrt-'ed dlaloyalty en , in-. ernor Hlll'a part The injuatlce of II "*?> hard to hear, i';' II waa horne allentl* aaid plalningly, aa waa hta aronl ' He roptlnued. lt waa hla rule aevai lo anawer ?n at tack, however unjuit The wneclotj thnt li-' had done ntht for right'a ?;,!..? waa anfflrlenl foi 'i''1 '??' othei faltM I* aa ajg-n a 1 ad re aboi for a lae bi tlon ? tlon when he had, ln fact, acted, If tbe: would anawer he would not ? iltltude ? ? thlnga accom ..i bj legialatlve actlon, bul due to hla Inti iti ? ind recommendatlon. a The auhatltutlon ot electrocutlon for . ng h titul on of Labor Day and thr Batur !t holiday. li ran. >? of <? e richt of llberty p ibll Inatltutlonfl. ,, .,;r 1 . th< Baeoutlve >.f power to ap . >? f,.,,.,. ,,, tak- teatlmon) on appll for pardon* Creatlon of l ?? Btatutor* RevUlon Com lon ? rlltlna of the flnal dlapoaltlon of murder caae bj permlttlng dlrecl appeal to the Ci url of Appeala . . ? Ol 1 ' '?" ? ? ' ' ? ^n.l rt<atlon ol a rommlaalon to hav general ;. ? thereof i: ? -.-,-. arblfrallon for dla piitee 1 ? '. ? ei and ei Llmlti ? ? 1 ferencea und. nen .,,,... . .... third of entate , . ? auperaedi d I 1 ?? ? 1 al in I . 1I1..I1 .! ? n iy,. organlaatlon, aupervlalon I ...1 adtnli letratlon of U u?l .p inlea Inauguratlon of Induatrial tralnli. la m hooli Creatton ot Commlaalon for I'mmotion r.f fnlformlty of l^glsl?tlon In the United ? i-^tai.Hsiiment r,f rounty roadn, the pred - o' , stat.- ? Amendment ?f the rh-u Bervl**' law t.v r\\ itu- a preference to ireteranfl of the (*f**t| orlglnfltlna nf leglalatlon neamat .?lild laboi In thla al iti Prohibltlon ot atectloneerlng within Ifl ?,.. of the polla and ti..- ln tltutlon of rot Ing 1.ti a \>n. ndmenl to Penal rode requlting can ?.? to nie atatemenl of expetiaea ten daya after .-lertjon Btatutor) dlrectlon to rertatn .-lasses or corporatlona t.> make areekl) paymenl of w iikcs and aalai' Xhlfl was n tn in, nf hlphe-t i?|enl? anrt elean life, fearlea?, Incorruptlble, aealoua m nolltlca, loyal lo the coundla and piinclplea ,.f hla I'.-if ? t iit; ful t.. every public n iat, ronsclentlo iely de' oted to 'he arelfare ol ,.,. people, endurlng calumn) patlently. eaaer to help all dlntreaa never rauntlng hia rertltude or benen>enre?. and 1 rlng ,.. nal qtialltlea thal made nis fn.-ndsiitp a thinp to he cherliihed with nothtag leaa itear and Bacred than tlea of home and . 11. -f klndird Hv (,. death I la profeaalon 'o^-e^ an rihie, logiral :in<i Bcholarly advocate, hla party a notent, enthuiilaatli and pre-emlnenl lead ,.r ..,,,,! 1 intry ??> great, far aeerlng ^nd hr'oad-mlnded atateaman -]-,, |ha amallei rompany of hls frlenda the losa i" '?' ?'" ''"'? tor ni-- frlendflhlp f,>r othera, once glven, knew not rhange or dlmlnutlon through clrcumatance or time Ti.,. ronaolatlon thal remalna reata ln tne truat thai hla frlendahlp knowa no el inge I through eternltyl .--4> WEDDINGS. n *r< ?? araph ta Ttaa Trltwne 1 rtrl.lirrf..rt <*.mn . .Tnlv * Wllllam f>arl H- pi-dmp Jr and Mlaa Blanca Ludfl rie Moultn *rVeat were raarrled thi* evenins ;,r st Mary*a-by-tbe? 8ea, near thi^ cttj* I The aitnr waa banked 44ith Baater II k Inrkspnr and blue bachelef huttnna The' ntiiia i-arrtred a prmyet h^<u and a bea*a*fael of llllea Mlaa Loulae lla.ilnnl. 8 flnwet *rlrl. .ar ,,.,1 |.ok<- bnnnef fll'rd with Idne hirhelor] l.iiftot:"- The u?herv. who 18888 Bll elaaa- j [nafe-. nf the -rrnnrf" at ^'nle. wr,r?- hloe ,-orn n&wera tn ha**nor "f OM Sl They were Cdward F Sherman. '>t AII.Htn Wllfred A Hnr,l?1e\, ..f Wfiterl.iirv . i'harh?, A Battlg. 't New Hevea and n-nr' E E N- |,,,nii.i of WTIIkea Barra Pann Dr W li i, aria, rector of Bl John'a Epl*M*opalI , ?,,,,,,' i,. pai foi mad Ihi . > '?? n oni Mr and *Mi? Blahop plan t<> mK-' a Buropeaa tour [Bl Tel?-flraph te Th?- Trlt.imr ( . hamton, N f . Joly l The weddlng of Ralph Orirtlle W*llgua, ..f Rad I inh v i a ii" i** i onnei led with lha lan Ih m ,' f n'Brlen Boardman, Ptatt | Llttleton. ,,' saa Tork. lo MI m Bt asla 1 \i ,,f n,.nt.i. whlch looh placi ,t the home of thi brld - mother, Mra w N Moah. i ? araa one of the faehlonahle eoclal nffHlr- of i.i,,. ,,;..nt aeaaon Pollowlng an auto ' ?,. blfe honeymoon tour Mr. and Mra u ,i Bua uin llvi ln Red B infc -*? N. Y. NEWSPAPER MAN KILLED. i?anonaburg, |,,nn ?lll,v ,; Oeeegja ,,, . .1 thirt\ Hv.-. 8 t\-v.-1, i,., , ,naM II Maw *i"tk. "a- kllled, aad <'aii Pai .'.,.,' H Bporting edltor of Waahlngton, Penn ami ?' Outhrli.lolfeui 44. r|?,iBii Injured lo ???<? wh? a theli t itotrno nil, turned Mirtje near htie Browaa 1 ?, k 4. , broki n t AN INSUFFERrfABLE NUISANCE. . .IV.ill. ,fil llJIllllhlhllllll.. III. The person who asks ii it's "hot enough for you'*' OBITUARY. JAMES RODGERS. Short Hlll* N J. Julf '"' '>peclal). jamea Rodgera. sdverUBtajj manager for Harper A Brothers of New York. la dead ai his, horn* here. a rlctim of 'he hoi weath tt of the laat few Aaya Ha had been UI from a aervoua bre.ikdown whlch fan into' ,.i:)in favei nd yeatarday bta temporatura mounted to 187 Mr Rodgera had llved ln Bhorl Hllla Bloca laat , ictober He waa with the publl aan Ha waa a men the Atdlae .\--...-ii,ion .-.nd tke Bpblna* club of New rogk- Ha was also a paal grand regeat of the Royal Arcanum la N-,.w jeraej Ha waa bora in N?w York Ijft, .,.?< ago ne leavaa a wife and foar rhlldren I OBITUARY NOTES. ttaBl KT TERRY, one of the pioreers I -.,,. ?,. naai - alon* the Hud aon Klvei, dled at Klngaton yaati ajjed -? rrty-< Ight >ears. Ha was Ui Aral maaufacturer lo uaa sathractta cosl ha burnlng brteh CHARLEA T OOODRICH, n natl,-nal riuure in lha Order of the Knlghtfl of Pvthtaa and a prominent buataeefl ? - dled ar Newburg, N Y. yesterday agad ilxty-flve reara H? waa grand chancellor ... tha N>" York state pythlan order ln intl was a past supreme representar i\ e oi the fraternlty if, ?;.\RT QREENWOOD BX>UTHACK died yeaterday al hta home in Montclair He tearea a wlfe, Joaephtaa Ward Bouth ;,, k Ha was born in 1888, a son of AUgUBta .. arpod Bouthach and K.ank Tllden Smitha k Notlce of the funeral wlll be announced later HENRV I 'l.AY VAIIa a natlve of Dutcheaa County, and f.-r many years a real eatat* operator In Benaophurat, Brook imi. dled yeaterilay al the home ,.f bla Boa, Cari M Vall, of Paaaalr*. N. J Mr Vall waa ln hla etaThty-flrsI year. The fu neral will b* hi I I al Paaaalc tii-raorraw, ill 11 ?. I.i DR P N BINOHAM dled Bl hta home lu New Brlghton, Staten Island. on Wedneaday nlghl, at th* ageof aeveatj two \rai< Th* cauM of his death waa glven ?a the excea Ive heal and worri over bla recenl dtamlMal from the llahili .uaa ae* vh-e He was an army aurgeon In tna ,'ivii War. and for thlrty-Ava }'?n waa ln L-harae oj the purchaa* of medical auppllea for tne Ea i rn ' I -'on of the llghthouae ?era k?.'? FUNERAL OF MARIA PIA Qucen Dowager of Portugal Will Be Buried Saturday Near Turin. Turla, lulj I The body or Marla Pla, Queei l ?o?ak'.-r oi I'ortuaal, aill t* I rled Baturday eft4rrnoon la the bastllea nt tha royal burtal church, teaeraja, whlch atanAa . aat of Turln. Km? Vlctor Bmmanual ..nd Queen Heiena wlll attend the funeral Bervlcea, uhile J, M Lambertlnl Plnto, thi Portugueea fclnvoj nt R< me, haa been ordered t,, Turin to , r'l'i ??*-??''' th* Pottuajueaa govemment and people STIMSON OFF FOR CANAL ZONE Secretary of War to Attend flonfer cnce of Fortifications Board. Henrv l. snir.a..n. Becretary of War, ac companlad t,\ Mra BUrnaoa, saiied for uaa .'anai /.ui.- yeaterday on tl.e Ualted Pruit ,n\ i ateamahtp Baata Marla Th* ratarj aald tba trlp aaa p irstj oeM "r i ifltaeaa, tha principal objecl ,,f whlch waa I., ittend a coafarei.f lha board ol forti i itlona With Mi Btlmaon waa Brlgadlei Oeneral 4 in.. ii.** R Edward*, . l.ief of th.- Bureau ,,f iii-.ii.-i. Affalra Bhortly before tha rea ...-i aailad Major Oeneral Predertch Denl On in l arrivad from fJovernor*a lalaad In hla motor yachl ind bad* Mi Btlmaon and irty K"odhy_ EDWARD M. SHEPARD IMPROVING I ,,k> ''.''" >'" N I . lulv .'?'i 01, bm ui araa rapld to-da; la th.adltlon ol Bdward M Bbepsrd, arho hai aen III hara f,? ioaa* tlma paat Mi Bbapard la Ira provtna bj the houi hta aecretary. I*. C. .:-a\ Bfl . itiiiiu',.,, > d tO'Blfht MAKES PUBLIC BEQUESTS Mrs. Dodge's Will Shows $80, 000 for Various Institutions. Bpecific b4Batie8ta amoi nUng to ??n.<v?. for half a doz^n publlc Inatitutlona and con tingent bequeata ?,? much more for the aame beneficlarlea ara mada ln tba win "f Mra May C< aaitl Dodg -. flled y* '? n the Burrogate'fl ..tii,.-. Mra ,Dodga wan t ? aidow .t Oeorga Egleatbn Dodge, a son >,f William EarlSlSodge Bhi dled on al hei ? ?..untrjr home ;>: Tuaedo. The Inatitutlona whlch benefll hy the wlll ol Mra D dga ara Lincoln H oa .*.!. Pb.888; Sai.t.i Clara Branch r,f tb* Wijrklng Olrl'fll Vacatlon Bociety, 810,008; Chiidren'a Ald B. ? li iv. 110,000; Bt John'a Qui ?'. ?' 1.000 Nea v.irk Blbta Bociety, - ? tdlron dacka Cottagi Banltarium, Baranai Lake, 110,000, and Vaasar College, 810,008 Mra Dodge lefl to her daughter, atm.' . *thi rln* Andi ua i aaitl Rog ra, rll B Roggra, 1100,000 outrtght; also her <it\ ho. ae, No tl Weat 57th atreet, hei m.-r home ind tiie rei er larga ee for Ufe. At the death of Mr- i it ta to go to hei aad if not the reaidue of the es,,t. li . ? i e dlrlded among the laatltuUoi read] I ln one-fifth and one-tenth I arts To her slster. Mrs Helen ."ossitt Jul Mra Dodge lefl <?????'. and to her broth er-in-law. Auguatua l> Jullliard, finn.iwi John Bhllllto Rotfors. aon-ln-law, also r* ? ? - 1100,000, Mra Lillan Btoke* Olllea* ple, a nlece, and Mra Ellaabeth Coaattt Btoke* Vatable, recelve $:?'.??*. e;.<h Kati Kennedy, long a falthful aervant (n tl.e employ of Mrs Dodge, recelvea i 000 Each aervant In her empl reara al tha time of her death rea ? from .he eetate of Mra Doolge, -*r.i - , | -,..rVant .fi her employ more than three yeara and leaa than ten ?? i ara recelvea IOT THEATRICAL NOTES. Mtaa Valeska Buratl aill preeeat every chorua glrl In her company with .. weeks va.-..ii,..i ...i full aatary nnd ail hotel *x - paid at Atlant.r Clty, atseordlBg to an enn >ui.ment mada nlght nt the Qloba Thaatre, arbera aha is plajiag in The Uo,\ Roee." The girlfl Wlll have the muing in relaya of two aeel week Heary W Bavage cloaed negotlattoaa yeeterdaj with Frederlch Ward* for his appearancc In the part <u' Noiaody ln the spe^iai "Everywoman" company, which win beRin the regutai aeaBon al the Audl torium Theatre, ln Chlcago, ba 11 toher. Mr Warda haa played Bhakeapearian rotaa for twenty-flve ve.irs. William Hammarataln baa ordered a thousand linen ooata foi tba uaa -f the men patrona ot Hammeratel ' Roe Gai den during the toVrtd Bpeil A checkroom wlll i>o aatabltahed on 'he .<>,?.. where linen . dlfferenl ateea w-.ii be gta*en ... thoae who M.-k for tham Tha man'a atrei l ,-,,,-u wlll be checked until he leperte, whea | .. will return the lm."i BOBl Bad re.elve his OWB I" return. DIED. Be, ? gtaau ? ??'?, ? ;, 1 ' , ; , ,. ' ' ' '. ., ..f WH ' '? ? '. ' V..i- ? o* ."IvBl of ? i a from tha itiea ii ii \ r.i.r lt 8 ?*?**. B J ? I*ll ?'? '? "?'? , M 8 Blauvatt ol - i, , ? , ? I 7*> r*-? ? ?- ll ' h, iBuahfr, Mn ? ? a (AS Kiih ava feoaetla, Balurday, Julj ? ?t io M" . .. ,- Befon I 8 .-'? ,, ?. ,? D ? >".?? ra i ?.- eaan RRiaua Ob lalj ? Ba11 Daaa wldaa al . ' ,? ,.. bi %*? I" h. , BHth rea. run. i ,i aVrvlrea I ???? "" ' >"'"' "f '*?? Ho"*# '"'', ., ., . , . . -I. - .i.i*-i . I il ' i- ?,, , ondk i tt Dovai N I ruead ir, Juh ? , , wrinda - oBdlei M D ln lha 04?h ? "'. a ii ba tila it. '"?">? Bo . I Proapael at. *rlda>. Julj .. ?' J l' ?' DIED. FRENCH Tn N**** ror* latj *?. MU, Fran r^i. Boarea, "-Idovv of 'i^rj? ii Fr?nch. Funeral Bervl ea ai i ' 'irl Mexico, S \ HARRIS'iv-A|n*i W., audder.l;-. lul] t, 1011. ?r lar* realdenee So TOS Ka'.rmounr, Plaoe. Paaaral aenrtceB "Wday, July ". a 0, 11.. HERRMAS? NEW y.iRK BOTANICAL .JARPEN-Tha H.^r.; ol Haaagera ot tr.' Sew y< rk Be'ant ...x Park leam **irri ?nef of ol atra Eathar H-*rrman. a patroa r.f th.- Oarden Thre-ig-liout th.* d?v'l.,pm?nt ? ?> a inatltuttofl Mra Herrraan haa been ???r*at?d ln Itfl ?'? H .iMnnai .ind recreatlonal **ork. whleh Bha iraa on-- of tha fusr to make poaeibl*. N. u BaeretaiT' HORTOS?garah A?n?- Colllaa artfa of Oeorga I- **v Horton. en Tueaday, Jul) * Funeral 1,-r late realdenee, So 810 L*xington ave., BrnokK!,, an Frtdey, Jaly t, at t ? k p. in. I bj j<, i\_on Wdneaday. Ju'.\ V at Stelton, N J. Pet.r H Lerjon. la hia 72J yaar. Puni ral Prldai afternoon, Jul) T ?' l *n- *t n,pri-t Chureh. Take tr.iln 1?*''Ing v Fenr-aylvania Railroad, rta Hud j,.,n Teriunal. ar 12 BtMO. Return rratn . 88 p m. -? kTHAK?Ofl W.-rineaday. July 8, IB1L Cath beioved at-lfe of i'm" Sathaa. nativa 9 irirf Count; .].-". Ireland ReUtt**eo ;nl,i' frlende are Invlted 'o *rr*r.d th* funeral from ii'r lare reflidence No 234 Soeneat ?* ? aa Frid* f, Jaly T, at I :;?> a m. SORTl .V ? la.ibel Ncrton. af*d r}8 Fun*ral ' -The runerai Chureh." So 241 waat :3d et. i Frank F ( an pbel Bulldlag), Frlday morn? ing ;i ., eloek. PHCLPI -gt iA-irel Run. Penn. en Thuraday. 1811 F*"t***ete Al*xand?r Pb.elpe. flf "*,Vllk*B-Rarr*. Pean. Funeral a* f-turel Batarday, Jttlr a, at ft p m ry\n oa Tuaaaaj. Jaly *> frttS, John T. hua ?t Annle M R^?n inee alcpmnelt). Ta r<-ral fr. m hta lat* r*aid?n-?. No ltM Cal4?r ?i Brooklyn, PHday, tba Ith trat . $> V* a m. BCHEREB -Oa Jaly 4. i?*i, m hia Mth aaaa, ai hta realdenee. So 227 D*an bi Brooklyn. 1 hlllp ?rh?r*r Fun*ral aervtr*B Frlday, Jul) I It tTf) m BMITH Oa Waafraeaday. "uiv *> 1811, ??anl*y Bmlth Fuaeral aervleee *?ii! be h?id at hla lati realdenee. S? 3*>n 4?'h a> . Brookbn. on Frlday, July I, at 2 88 e'etraeb r Bt aol rHACK Oa Jaly 9, 1911. a' Montrlalr, aj i Bogart Qiaeraercfld S"u*hark MttraB r.f funeral hereafter BTADLMAtB Oa luly 5, 1911. Anna Btadl malr "ride*** "f W.lllam Stadlmatr. afl**d ??? Funeral ? rvleea a' h*r lata r?a!d"pea. fio 1418 **.**? i'. Fia'buah. Friday awaataflj ai I 88 THOMBOS- Maaon Thrrm-n. M r> . aen ot th* lata Maaen ar.d Marv Anna Thomaeo. I'uneral ar So 181 Leitngton a\*, Pa'ur th-a 8th, ai i" a m Pleeaa eml* ? retri Phllfldelphla papera r>a*<* <-opjr. \ \i| \t PaeaaiC, \ J. on Thuradav. July 1811, rJanrjr .? i. Fall ?a*d an roaaa, t tha, .' 'i.i\* formarljr o* Fia'buah Leag l'li-id F'ineral fr-m the reflMenefl ef blfl Bia, Mr Carl M Vaallj Sfl 9'.? t.afay*'f* ava, Bflturda) Jull 8, en arrl\a' of ttalfl I?a*r ina lerae) Clty lO-M a m vla Erla Prea ,,., i a' Btatiool Poughfcflopete, K. T. I ,. .. | ...,,. , ,.p\ VAt.ENTISI Baddealy, Jul] a, a' Byraeaaa, i . atulford Da) Valentlna, ie hla n*'h eervleaa wttl he heid a> ina fate r. .,....? v\ nodbildge, N I . on Frlday, Jnlr " il wrrlaaaa v. || rn" | , , ? \ r, FLEET \t Toiifcirfl, N V. en Jati ?. 101 -| \\.if..--.i Van Fleei formerl) a raatdeat ,.f l'...H,kl4n. aa-d 88 ? ? - \\'\i.i. Buddenlj on ru-eadaj lul] 1, iftli. ,?, h \\ ?? I nel '44'1 huahaad ef FannU WaM in<s'' M?rkel>, a-ii aon ot Will I* , Clara 8 u I, I i hla .'lat >?ar. t* at hta la So. 2*7 tnuilnaaa J., nr.. itlyn. oi Frlday, Jul) I, at - p m. j?t. itn*nt at fjnhataa Caaaaiarj v,,,,,\ it hei hom?- Bouth Sorwalk. Coaa., *** i .. .< 811 Eat*) Rllasheih Mooca>, -?!fe o( Edwln v ? and daughter ot t*** lata l h Moora Burial al Sorwalk Coaa. nrisaOR ' ordella a. di*d a' otiumwa, iiiiaa B*r*.-lcea al ceaaelery, Bound Brook, a- j on Batui I, at ? ??" *. Bt CF.MF.TKRIK-l. THF WOODI \\\N (FMFTFRT la readlly BC4*4*eell 1* tv Harl*m traln frow Orand Ontral btatlon. Webflter and "eroraa avenue troll*? and bv earriaga Lota 8188 up. TaUphona 4*>^.^ .Jiamercy for Book of Vleare Jr ? 4-i i tOl ntaiiv * un,*. 20 Baal ?sd pi . Nflw farta citr. IS1)FRT\KFK?1. FK*NK F fAMl'BKI 1.. '.'41 S *iT*at 51d 8t. rhapi-la Prt4ai* RoOflBa, Prlvata Anibulancaa T?l n"*4 i^haljaa SPECIAL NOTICE8. IIIKIIK". UA1M OFFICE N'> IM NaaatM atr*at WALL BTREBT uFFICE ? No. lft Wlillara atreet tTTOWS OFFICE No na? Brnad4vav. ie anv Amerlcan Dlatrkl Telaaraph Ofnee. HMd 1AI OFFICEd So 151 Fnat I'-'ftth a>r**t, S? 283 Weat 128th atreet. and No **|?* Wael l2.Mh itn ei WABU1NOTOK UL'REAL'?Waatory lulldlng.