Professional League Baseball
Lawn Tennis *J* Automobiling ?* Golf
Rowing ai* Chess S> Yachtirig
Giants Find the Cubs and the
Heat a Bad Combination.
Zimmerman Plays Strong Part
with Home Run, Two-Bag
ger and Single.
Flve thouaand fagged out "fana" saw
el**hteen fagced out players ro throush tha
mottons of a baseball game at the Folo
Grounda yeaterdsy afternoon. with the re
ault that th* Chlcago Cuba declslvely
ti-unced the GlantB by a acore of 8 to 2
and Jumped to tim front In the raee for a
pennant. George Wlltse waa drlven from
the box ln the mlddle of the aeventh in
j.lng. and Crandall's advent was too late to
save the day. Rl*hle. pltched well for the
Cuba for seven innings. and then Chance
flrieety removed him on account of the heat,
iMtlns M-.rdri ai Frnwn p'.teh the last two,
,\ - a the two teama r-ame on the field lt
anal ? toas-up as to which apprared the
most Bjaieaa Tl.e aaa beal doaara merci
lesai.v. aad lt a ia torrii aaovajfc te take the
far'-h out of the most peppery*Indlrlduala .
Tha Cubfl looked i .??: al the atart RleBdel
? Doyle making ;>
ns they atarted hlttlag the]
B b with I
tha *1 tory. The Otaata aaeai*d t., drag'
gama hy dint of
t'e c-e -. ? v || power, and to aii appear.
? ? gn itly mtereflted la the
? r.lnRS.
much better than Rtchle. '/Am
I -j: however, -.;ened tbe sixth arl h a
; atra. k tha fem ? at the
tof. of the lefl ReM I taa tbla
, r,_. | | f tl - Ni u V.-rk
Mlraculoua AekUna by Fletcher.
? ?
? ., agled and Archer
i doul Ie orrar M m ty'a head,
- run.
Ior Wlftaa in the
? franae, ;<r,d wbea Biiacksrd aad
s. ... . ? ? Bcratch b
arkrd t<> b* excua.d A ? gava
, ;.. ?. I nlne hlta. The
reUeved WUtae, . red a
rin. |g part well, on the ;
The Giants several opportunities to j
early ln the came arhlch wert l '
luiilzed to the full aal Bt D von and
Doyle hoth wfilked ln thfl first Inning, but ;
Fnodgraea llned a hot one at Joe Doyle and (
Devore a*'"-* douhlcl up Bt sccor.d. Al- |
thouah Murray sinpled through Bbort, Har- ,
ki? fited aut to ajheekard Wtth one out in
the BBoaofl. )">-!? i-i aad afeyara ringiad,
but tha faraaar was blocked ofl! Becoad by
Tlnker ar.d put out on Rlchle'a qjalck throw, ;
while Wlltse popped te DoytJ
New Tork aeored its first run ln the
thlrd frame. Devore draw his BBC4md pass. ;
but was forred nt Bfloond wbea I-arry :
Dovie'a lnfieid fly feii aafely betweea J.
Doyta aml Tlnker. Boodgraaa la'.d down
g saf* bunt akmg the thlrd ba** line, and
J. Doyle heaved hjrat. to Hofmaa, !
so that Larry Doyi* BCOTBd and Sr.odg.ass '
took third. Murray hli te Zlraaaerraaa and
Pnodprass was mn dowa between the baga
play for the plati, wbHS ati rttle waa
aaay, Ttokar to Hofman.
Thereupon Kiehie set out under full ?ail.
dld aol al ? "er hit
Although lv- paaaed Brtdwell at the opea
int af the fourth inntnjr. aud Devor* for
th* ihird tim* in the fifth. both of them
Bteallag, Archer making pe>fe, t
throarfl to Tlakei Devor* bouaded a hit
oft Browa'a gloee la the etghth 1 ne pur
and one OUt in tb* ninth a
n< rally only reeulted ln one run.
laerkb atagtad I ? i ? atr .
at aecond : ?- U ai
untaaoleated '.nd tor,k third on Kletcher's
M. era raaaped or.e at that W8B ? > a*"'1
lh?n 1
chaaoa to ave 1 . ??? ? by Btrlklng out,
- anxlety to UI I ?
? '
. er to Mei'
II fman, howevi
idat*. a hea Tlnki i
to lefl
attaarm f mai ? itngle i
i ive the Cuba two In
Ihe aii lot a acrateh alagle
,,t the orx ?
, ? ? ? .- t. ? attemi tlng to
?'. ;,,. up , fij whlch Merkle nauffed, J
wert '? Hofmaji
vi, BIlli | tl a bag*.
? imed oul .i
g flh.
1 gehull ? ? fandall ap
for ihe
Brat oul l rtaker alaa boot
,, ? ? t to atey.
? k. f a* .sier,.||il
a ? rf. I 1
*' - - , 't 4 l 1 ? 10 1100
fchu ie. rf 81 1 8 08|l 8 01
i a i . . ? 4. > i j . ? ? ?
, . 4 (1 1 " " 1
? ?? ,, 4 .". 1 * 4 " 1 18 00
. . ? 81 ' 10 1 4 ?'
. . ) | ovh ? ? ' 8b 40 2 a ee
i . 402 8*
> i .-,.,,,i . ? ?y ,., 00.
1 ?,. ?,. . 2 0 " .
r . 20 0 ? 10
18887 18 3 i
i , . .r tha eigata laatag Maa ?
te. Maj"? ln '?-? i nth h i
. l o 2 "? a 0 a
s'.-A To
Nea Tort 0 " I 8 8 '. 12
? Brman.
reao. 8. hl and
Tetr\,i I. '..,*.' ?
-rf ,fT W| ?-? f.'-l.. -' leh ent By
hle. Ui n, 1 Hit ' ?
i,,.? her- By Wlll
Rl, l.le. 4 In 7 ll ?
1n*? off pr- ? ? 4 ln -' Im Ingi t'
..i Tim* -
T.von. 11. I.
' ? I i k.on. 7.
I/ ? . I
<??'?' *>
l*i.,ii, OUf se, k we ,-an
furnlah i aaeball uni
forma, tennla .-."'I golf
iltig atlll - '
auppH. - I - BO** :
,,.! thing foi
? man lf unai.le
losuc No -J6T
?.iiiT\'' laat, large ?
, ,. ? ith ? omfort, i om
- lolated po!e and e?rr>jnf
5 end 17 WAKK--N ST.. nrar Broidway
tcucball Fight
in Three Leagues
f hlcag-n n \rw Vork.
I'ltl4.hiirg al Ilrookljn.
(Inrlnnatl at Boaton.
St. Ixiula ?t Phllatlrlphla.
riflrago. fl: Kaai York. 2.
I*)t t-l>iiri?. 10; Hr.xiUI.4n. 1.
**t. loula. 13; Philadelphia. fl.
I ni. i. 12; It -i.>n. II.
W. 1- P.C. W. I- VC.
Chlrago . . 43 2? .888 St. Loula . 40 81 .*>?:'
Phlla. 44 2* .811 llnrlnnafl 30 **fl .488
New York 43 ?? .59* Brooklya. 2? 41 871
Itttabura 40 30 gtl Boaton.... 16 H 9MB
N'ew York at Chleaao.
Boaton al St. I "nl-.
I*hi!.i.i.-l|.l.ln at ( I*>T*land.
".Vaehln-fton at Detroit.
fleveland. 4; Philadelphia. 0.
r3t. I-otila, 8; ChliaR-o, 1.
W. L.P.C. W.L.F.C.
Petroit . 48 23 .?*? Boaton . *)fl ."4 .514
Phlla ... 47 21 Mi (iereland. 35 40 .481
New York 37 32 .538 IVaah'ton . 2fi 46 .Hfll
Chlcago 34 82 .815 St. Loula 10 51 .271
F.ASTF.RN Ii;tr,VE OAMES to-day.
Baltlmore at Newark.
Providence at .Tereey Clty.
Motitrenl at Rorlieater.
Toronto at BufTaJo.
,l*r-.*T I ity, || Newnrk, 0.
Bultimnrc, B; Pruvlrlcnre, 1.
Ilochceter. fl; Montreal, 9.
Toronto va. HiifTalo (ralnl.
\\. L. ii w. i- rr.
Rorli*4.t<-r 4? *:t .i>7'- Btiffulo 30 X3 .47?
BahltflMtre 18 27 .8M JereeyCTty 88 3fl .455
Toraata 88 88 348 Newarfc . 28 40 .sk".
Montreiil tl :<1 177 Provtd'ncfl 29 4* .342
Overvvorked Pitchers Go Down
Before the Cardinals.
!': iladelphla. July 6?Pt, Lamilfl pnlled the
M.Illles out Ot Bnil plnce ln the N.-itlonaj
l.eaK'.ie pennant race to-day hy wlnning a
f: e hit tin**- gam<; by a acore of 13 to 9.
Charley Dnoln called on hla ovenrorhed
pltcfcem, Eail Moore and Alexander. to hold
tha lead, but nelthPr proved effective, Moore
I ? ? ? free ||88888 Bad ..ll'.wed elght
hltfl l:i six laaJaata, **-blle Alexander gave
Bva Bfaaaaa and allowed six hlta in three.
The score tvas S to 7 in favor of the;
rhillics when Alexander *vent i:i, but the
Cardlnala batted out five runs in short er?
red, t>. tha dlaajuat of the "fnn!-" arho I
the he; t tO .-<-. another vlctory
There waa plenty of free hittli.p on both]
Laderua hnrnmere-d out two home!
run? and two PlnRleB, whlle Ellls did quite. i
a." w*Il for the Cardlnale. with a home run,
two trlplea aad a f-in-A)r
The aeora foUoa
ouia I I'iin Ai.Ki.rm\
ix i [ 11. pi a e -. ;,., ,?> ? .
IluB'na.21. 4 2 1 1 BOlKriabe, lb..S01 I 11
? B 1 2 2 8 1 la?*ert. . f.. 4 1 "> I 1 0
Bllla. i* . ? 2 4 2 oi Ubert, 3t.. 4 22 l 10
Kon'y, lh .' l 212 l 0 Maa*. ,11 - 20 i 00
:f 8X21 00| I lei ib, lr> :. 2 4 n 00
b 8 2 1 .? 3 ?' ri om ta, if. 120 1 18
. takea, el 4 ?. <. 3 00M - .". 0 2 4 ?>
i Itaa ?? 18 14 10 Uotran, c... 801 I 00
i;. Idi ..4. |. 2 o ,, 2 . OlDi n, c ?'? 00 2 I 0
Harm'a.p 0 0 0 0 10 Moore, p ... 200 0 80
p. 1 0 0 0 1 0.4 .1
??? . p i o l " l n
?Smith 0 I 8 0 80
Tetala M II u n n i Tottla .. 32 :? I 27II1
I 1 ' Ifl tha **''??ith Innlng.
Bl Loula ."i <> 4 1 2 0 I 1 O 'S
Mphta .0101810 81 :?
Tara-baaa hlti liowrey, Bllsa, Meran, Hauaer,
Three i ? hli Bllla (2), Konetchy Ha
runa I I rt. Luderua (2) Bacrll
?Thomaa Doolan Btolen baae*?K< *
?? .?? ? Btruck oui -Uy Golden,
2 hy .Alexander, 2 by Bteele, 1
' ra, i 'oiau and l>ud*rua; Bteele,
. and Kcn?rcida flrst baae ... errora -
i L?eft "tfMar'f- Bt '/?::.- 8 ?
?? Plral l>;-*f* en ha lt Ofl ?'
?? Hai aaa, 2; 08 Moore. 8: off tlexander, ?'..
?f Bteele, 1 I itrhera' record?Ofl Qoldei
i ia tlmea at hat ln i
flfth); on*.Haraon. 2 hltfl anri 2 llmea a< pa*
la l a iniung. ofl Ballea -
Innini ofl Btei le, 2 hlti aad l"
t hat ln 8 fnnlnaa; ofl M - '"an.l
? - ? al bat iti ?'> lai - A ea inOer, fl
hita and i ? at hat ln S Innlnat
pltcl "' ' ?" ? '" I' Umylrei ' hnatonfl
Error Costs Boston an Extra
Inning Game with Reds.
? .-. jtji- ,-. r*i,4,rinnnti defeated Boa
. -.. da] bj 8 *-coie of II to it ln
rae Tl ere 4. ns much
ng bj d i?"->r pttchlnf. Piaherty,
hi me run in the nlnth Innlng Beni
KHng around ahead of hlm, mlaj idgi I ai ?'?
th< n 'i uffi i Bever Wa By In the tarelfth
i m\.> men roa ed lh< plate
on ?! one run In it half of the
bul a .ible i''-'"- 4\itl, the
full, followed by an oui al
team from al leaal Iti Ina
n ?
?h r ihpo a a 11 r*o ^ *
? ., i ., _? o 1 Bwaen ? 2b 8 1 i ?*? 2 1
I , , , .... ; . .... |b 4 1 1 i*- 20 I
..-,,??>'.. . 171
. _ l 1 ? ,. -? ? 7 " J 7 .">
,7 12 4 42!** ? rf. ft 1 ? 2 00
. t 8 12 121
... .-, ?_? - 2 1H - fl 2 11 " '! .; 1 i 7 20 I lah'ty, ef ? 1 4 0 I I
, i n ,, 'j l i ..,.??? rn, p 9 1 1 I
-. 1 . 11" ? .? .
p ?_? 0 11 " ' ? ?' ? p. 0 0 " .
ri-nith p 0 " 0 0 .' ? ? p t 1 O 0
'?? ? ? n 1 ,, .
U - .17 :? Teaa i M II ia 8021 B
? n ,?-. ,i r .. Wea. er la
? tn f'.r
.I I 8 0 0 0 9 .< :? 12
., ?. .. <i | l 'i ) .1 .. 1 li
i | i j)
... Hom. runa K llna I iheri
. ,, ne, 7 i>. ? nai
? ? ? ih. 1 .-. -' -' > Im
n In 4 Innlnaa ? f i ? ?.
. -.1 nlna. "ff li: >*a n, .". li
nff Weaver. T In 1 ? ? rifl. e hlta
Hoblli ? - Brolll 'I ??<?: ?
' 1(21
I I *fi
f.4 an Bmlth, 3
. ? ra Boal i 2. ? 'Inch i
1; bj We er. 1 ? I
? l ir,,- t 22 ' mpln ? i .
Novel Contest Through the East
River Attracts the Bambino.
? '-md Bound yaehtamea ara begin
n!ng to t.du 8 Il4*ly Interest ln the i., ,
? tha Baal Rlver th* *jaaac*a
4. .i,-i.t Cluh haa i:. .*ir>?-.i f..r Baada
I ... rlalaal obje< l >.r thn rai a
wi s to provlde ;. i oatoai foi
niochabouti aa thalr wuy to raca ara k
hmonl "rai hl Cftah
ii.* piia n ? Ided by Commodore \v 11
? . in :, ii ai ber faeht Ci ih
!, ..!,.-! te ba -.. 4?i i i.h ihai al ?
< t:, Long lalaad - lor arlll >-??> Aoam
t >;i raaaed Ba] io aall in n, ...f,t.-t
Ino, th* property of k <j Drap
ti '? [adlaa Harbor v.v in Clob,
Bouad rrsfl th?t arlll try Ita apaad agalnat
tba Laarar Bay boata la lha uauaual eon
te-.! throtiflTh tha Baal Blvar In all proba
MIU) aaa ar aaon eetber L***ag lalaad Bound
i. parl In tha Bli uggli
Ilaarball. Polo Ctraunda le ^a . 4 t
Olanta ? ' ? igo Adm , iJ^ and "?ijc.
Trounce Superbas and Run Up
Total of 19 Safeties.
? Star Twirler of Brooklyn Driven
from Mound Early in
the Game.
Smashlr.p the hall to all CCTBOrfl of the
i lot. Fred t'larke and hlfl BlUgglBg buncb
of Plratea aaowed nadai tke alnjdi
perhasjn a slow, uninierestln^' and thor
oughly one-sldcl ?vame at Waahlngton
Tark yesterday afternoon. The score waa
10 to 1. As many as flve hundred epecta
tors were on hand, and they showed a lot
I of enthuslasm. Oa* fan" In dlstant rrn
| tre tried to eheer wbea Brooklyn BCOTed
In the second Inning. but ba was Bup
rressed by hls quiet-lovin? fellOW sufferers
Cjr ParKer, of the BupertMuv waa on the
mound, but he retired aith droopintr head
at tho aad of the third InalBf Bfter a
'merry fusillade of fllnglefl BBd d<
whlch accouatad for aeren Bmoky Clty
rms, had patterod over the fi-ld. Cy bnd
DOthlng on the ball and aeem4>d
able to loh lt up to the plate. He "as
replacad by .h'k Ragan,-who was ln bet
t.f- form. All told, tiie cohorta of i
poied out nlnetaea blta gc<>d for a total
of tarenty-tbrea baaea Of theae, nlne wera
off Barger.
The Dodgera aren ibl* to raske basd
or mi! oui of ti a ai i tmi nl of
whlch Camnlts Berred up. In flve of the
Innlnga be a*1 them down In Indlai
nnd mlght have fleorad ? ahut-out I
I ? .- ?-? ' a Bn :.- -1 ui Ie * ' B
Laach fell dn*.\n la fleldiag bla hlgh Hy to
short centre The aafety **as followed by
a hit by Daub4rrt, aad "niondy" Biaired his
team'a Bole run, A lotsl of flva blta wera
"-ad.-- off Howard aat bo atrong wt
Bjh .'o-iis... lb* aarenth
- with a triple to left the aeat ?
arere easy, and Bobbj pawed the
paths ln vii'.n.
After s.-orinT two mns ln the - ?
inning. tha Plratea a*at al Bargar f?
keepa tn tke third round, aod tha ?
side faced hlm, and all Jaut Wsgasr and
Hunter, who aacriflc. d, mada I
opened with a hit over Daubert'fl head,
jake making a ' i1 "f thr
drlve. Caray took thlrd wh blt to
Bhtari rantra Held. atd eroaatd tba p
Byrne'a hli to t1.. aama placa Tba ruBaera
rnoved up a baae when Hai
buuted a aa
came homa on a long fly to WIm
Hunter. Mlller blt psst aiumermaj
Byrna aeored the third run of the Inning.
.lark BtOle sfcond ai, ? '? ' on a hit
f?r two baaea by Wllaon, who n m\ ? i
the plate when Nmon laced tl
centre. Cammta alao hli aafely,
ended the Inning ea bla a* ond tim.
bnt by popptBg oul to Hui
Runa wera Bciared off Ragan In tha flfth,
alghth bb i ninth Innlnga oa hard
but ihey arere noi needed Bla o
, ttlng hero of the day and : 'i'a
in flve tlmea al l
The, acore foll
.-,'. i Ibpoa e
?.' \'?io;.'?
. i......... i
4 11110 Vheal If 4.-,. 4 .'?> 2 1 1 100 ei. 2b 400 1 80
I 10 1 I. pli ?' ? rf- ?* " -
?? . 2b 5 2 3 30 12 l OO Z OO
, rf 5 2 2 1 0. J>1 4 0
Plmon, e. 8 1 4 700 Irwln. ?'??? ?; -''
C*amnlta.p B 0 2 00. | irger. i '?. 1?
800 o ej
Totali 41 10 io -7 8 i 'i ? ,:- ' '? i ' '-? 11 -
Pttiabara ... 8 8 I 8 1 8 8 1
.. 0 I .I " " I
L.ft on baaea Plttaburg, 1" '
Two-baae, :h. Mll - ?-??
fllea?av I . te?1
Waan* a*. 1;
... > i mtar
Baaea , r, 1; oB
I ||
gl ,-. i - i . mnltr. A Hlta?Off
Bargar, 8 ln 8 Innlnga Unap ? ? '' '
Emalte. Tim. : I!
Go Down Before Cleveland for
the First Time This Year.
("hveland. July r' ? l.-ve'.ifid, here to
d;,v aeored ita rirat vtettary ovat Philadel?
phia thb aeaaeia, wlnnlng hv 4 to 8. It
ivaj Oregg* fourteeath rlct'ory and th*
? ra? I ?? h '-I pltched again I thi tth
letlo. Cleveland bunched Mts "ff Mor
gaa, whlle Phll idi Ipl errora wen
ly. lt was tb* I t Ui '' ,l|r
tthli llca bare i- en Bhul o it
The aoore foll*
V i LAND PHII M'lr.l PH1 i.
lbi abrl
, ? ,2 j j ,,?,..,,,'
bb. 8 1 i 6 ?? i .B. ?' ??" ' ' ' "
,., ] |., , ,, i oo
, l o 8 00|M<*Ii f*. 1 4oi 0 U<
I.. 2 ..;.,>? 4
I) 1 1 00,1 J,. 1 1 4 1
? 202410 f;.i.
.'. ..? -. - "
p . "?'.
? 1.
- , -. M i IS 81 101 f. , I 10413
? Bai
?1 I ,- ,< '< x 4
,. ,, ,, ,, ,, ?, ?, <.
hlti ofl
Off Ore, ?
ln >;?? ?
I bv 1 '
.' 1 . ' wi
found '?? lo-d
,-,nd Bt. aon by a a ol
on 1 alla
ptllng up thi
.'hi- ? of two
errora 1
BT I. < III'
?.,l 1
I 2 2 2 0 1! M
< 00 1 80
? - .. . ? , 0 10.
Uport, 2k 12 4 4 0|| - 104
I'.man il . :. " 2 1 " " lb 4 - ? -
1 . *... a 4 on 11. ?.',?111 1 "
1 :. 1 ,. 1<, 2 1 10 13
aa 4 " 1 2 11 2 011
20)1 .
n ,. 8 1
. ?? >,,.
1 ,,,,,.l ]
? n 1 .
:., i?
, I ', 87 18
28 1 8 Zt 14 4
...... ...
tBatt. >i for 4
:-? 1. ? iti . ,, 1 ,, 2 -
,, .. ,1 ,. ,, 0 " ,' ' '
'I inn
1. roiumi 1
Bl Paul 8;
I ll '.Hle, 4.
, ni..n. 15: Hai ;
*i ,,i b, I; W ih
ti ,
1 idlng, 1.
Kclley, of Harvard, Strains Ankle
on Eve of Games Abroad.
rhtOB, Knjrland. July <! -The Harvard
atiihti.- t am met with mlsfortune
II W". Kafley, ,,f Har.vard, Amcr
.'- c.-s.-t ,|ii,,rier-.iiil.-r. Tell on the stalra
ln the draaaanC quarters at Preston Park
trnln-d bla ankle. It Ib stated that he
v.ill not t-e ahle to 08888*88 In the inter
. || gtate rfi.-rt arlth Oxf rd and Cambrtolga
Bl the Que.n's Club irroiinds on July U,
and loss will bo a severe blow to the
The Amerlcans put ln a hard day'a work,
devottng two houra both In the morning
and the afternoon to fcncral I ractlse and
time trtala. Wotk wlll ba taken at the
Queea'a i-ronn.!.. to-raorrow lastaad nf at
Preatoa i'ark.
Captaln l'oster, of Harvard, and Captaln
Kllpatriek. of Yale, vlslted the Queens
"--day. and lnspected the grounds
Where arrangrment.* have reen completed
for the aaaaea The Amerlcans found
aareiTthlag to their liklng.
Loughrey Floored, but Gets a
"Shadc" Over "Kid" Henry.
ActlOB of the fastest and most furlo.;*
deacriptloB marked the flalah of the ten
round bout 1-tween "Young" liOUgkrey
and "Kid" HeBfT. the nerro welterwetsht
nf Ti.--.- .-,.r tha Wattoaal Bportlag Clab of
Ameri a laal nicht. Optekai araa dlvided
at the -nd. bul ?'. einajorlty thoucht that
Loughrey was entitled to a Bhade, nlthouph
floored th" v.hite man aith 8
righl tii the jaw. To ighrey was tmhurt
mped righl up to conflnue the bat
Tha iast round nas like the ending of the
tamoua battie between Jaeli OfBnw aml
tb* late Stanb-v Ketrhel at the old N<
Uonal Club 'two yeara ago Tbroughout
the flrst two minutes Henry t-v,k a terrtfic
la. nc. bai eaaaa in fo try to put one tell
uaeb over. He was met wtth a storm
Of amUoaa te the toc* and head and was
drlven bark with a rlght on th* law. He
Btalled nnd COVerad and as his opponent
I ia, ha Baaashed over a adld rlght ,0
the i.iin Doara ?n his knee? grashed
Loughrey, but gam* as a pehhle, h" BJOl
Up raady for more. It was the ne
tui* hOW. He rushed ln nnd beat
? the ring wtth both hands.
ilthough Louf-hrey reelad. be fought
bach aad al the aad was as atroag aa bla
opponenl nnd landlng th? cttaajMR blowa
with areater frcquency.
The BO] ' be?nn at a lively pare, and for
the flrat rolaut* thara ar*a no lack ef ae
tlon They exclaiu?gad hard left hooks to
. . ....... ahot over a hard
righl to tha face Haan ? '? m klTVl
tba bosera aatttad down to a Bar*.
san- and < onservatlve pare. nelther dolng
much untll the aareath round The Jeers
Of ihe erowd atung Loiighn y and he WOkB
up flrat and rained a rotley 8f eolid
M ,,, tha body of the Troy aagro
and had him in B had way. His wallops
I ,.,.. power, however. and although
tired, Hanry aad Itttla trouble ha l
, ., tha round._
Team Shuts Out Waseda Uni
versity Ninc.
? Wtth thp Aai ot the rffeetlve pltehinn* of
Olll the baaaball team of the Kew York
i:ie Department easily triumphed over the
, ,,j. . i.-ii-y niue. of Japan, Bl
il ? eaterday bv a i -or* af i te 8
It was a fast battie, bnmful of good field'
intr and sp.irklinir with six rarid double
each team behag eredi'ed with three
had tiie Japa af bla BtMirey, alloarlaf
Mly two a-aitered blt* The pr* fiehtr-r.>' j
iv Irler also jhowed promlnenflv at the bat,
l. hlta McMaaus. sl eeatr* for
' Btaa. S.opped several attempted
.-- lUOOai ratehe? ln th* dee;>
ter ga deta.
Tan amoto, the Jap plteher. faiied to fur
deceptlve offejlmrs te rivals. who
Mni for ten safeti-s. or.e of Wblch
,,,,,,,,., Bueceaalve ainglea bv om
Bnd Bptllane. pr"<*eded by a free pasa and j
.,.,..,.- net-ed a eoupla of ruaa in the i
Jl?tb inning for the firem-n.
.,-. ,...:. follows:
? v vn-i Ml '-? '?'? ?SBDA ' V!V
N Y Hl.i.Mi- a. r lhp^> a ?
,\,\:l\ r.wau if. see "i oo
V. , iio io MlkBml. rt 100 1 1
, j'! 4 i ,, - lb ..... 8 00 I 1 0
MeM'iia.ct 4 1 1 4 ?"? , 8 00 8 8 0
;:: . " ij? - ?i
4 , .. 3 i omi hl. ai 301 0 21
? ' ?? .7 -Jl 00 8 82
?..':,;,, ,, y.-m*nao4o.p 800 | a-j .Mio^Ti::. 1 -,i. - >*** '? ? 5 ? ?
I ,- | in ninth Innlnf.
.^oVaVeVeVe1 ??"
Bacrines hli Vams
. ,3i !??" an - I
_-_j p.* -
Jersey City Pvallies to Defeat
Newark Indians. .
, ,,. p|.. ,.,i arrorli aa baH, aad In
:i | .n, tooh ;? victory that aeenaed elb
I i , >i. ? Unnlt:'- indlana from tha atart
, ..,, Tha aror* was I ba I
. ptayad raggad baii.
?i . -. on foHoa i
Bbr Ibpoai ; Pf ae
| J 0 8 4 I
. . -. r. 1 4 1 1 17 10
. rt i ! ? n Mi -f. aa ?'? l i n ?J
!" '\ ? V.'i
ll t ? ? ' ? rf .''
A o 4 ?'<"1 .
Jl 2 4 oo;ii ? ?? 1 -y.
, . .. , 20 'VowlnUa.. 1.1 ""
. i a
- ? ? 888 "?" T*4*18 81 188*8*8
i> itmea 't1 the alehfh h?l*g
i e e i s e . .
., - al< Jaajai.
? Hama mn
i ? on balla -< >B Halmaa i ??tt
B ania 3 eiruek oul Bi
b. 7 l nta 1 Hli
I,. pK ,,-'!,. Bai,,..,
Butler nn. OB
I li inga " nonti I la I
I '
... mi ? irk ii Ji ra*y Cl<
. .- ay i mpiraa Keriai aad Hart 11
0 '
-? a
M R ,??r B B B
4 i .1 a a o o o o i .i ii i
? ?-? a ?-?.?-? i a?8 u i
iio aa. - aad B8H I
.. i . aad Keenan
tt Balllmora It H r
| i ,, | | | Mj I r, l
.1 i. 8. l ". 1 'i l
. > ? . i i;l
i n plraa Batllaan aad Wrteht.
,., 1,1 . . ll n ii,.rd. l
S. v. Brltaln. 7. Hride.-poit. :
\\ .ii.. ljury. ??? ;s,"'*w ll.i'-en, 4.
? ? a
I,, | ,...'? R 4
:'"" '' Afl' '.['),, " .,
,. luu, i. wuk. Barra
Troy v. Klmlra (rain).
Mi*ss Holmes ft
With Touchivrd 3ls a
Partner Some Spirited
Lawrv Tennis Is
BpfrlttM* malehea In the mtxod aaraflriaa, tr
arhh h tho women lawn tennis players per
foinied well. provided the, f.atura yester
dny In tho continuation of the UronxvW'
Athletic Aflaoelatlon tournament. One ol
tho most daehln-ar of tho matches was that
in arfeteh MISB Ifolm*". who waa a hrlde?
mald nt the re-er.t Gonld weddltif-. part
nered hy Ountave V. Touchard, 8a**feeted
Ifra Henry H. Burdlch and A. I*'. Lattl
mr.r. &_.?-,_ i*_i. misb Holm*s proved nim
blo and her BhotB came off crieply ln {BA
rallles. Throughout her playir-* was free
from faults. so that Touchard did not
have to make up for dcficW-nrlee.
M15B Klssr/ll palred with Morr!- B. Hark,
and the two won a llvely mat. h !n arhleh
they defeated Miss Hunter and Dr. R F.
Drake, r*?3, ** -2. In this -rom* etltlon there
were also many proIona*ed rn iiles whlcn
broua;ht out the atreni-th of Ml:s Klssell's
Rame. her BhOTt drlvlnp ehots alwaya hc
llif? frue fo court
Tha men'.a slncles produred a BUrprlsa, as
Oeorge M. Chureh, tiio PrtiMeton latar*
schol.istlc champion. defeated Charlea Ia
Johnston. Jr., ar.d won hls plaee ln the
flnal round by the score K -4, *>-S. Hoth
men work?<i laal for pla^atnanl and
emashos ln thr- ? ? Chareh bad a
Bhade tha better alm, ao that he sTie*ze<",
throurrli over tho Amherat Champion after
two 0*88888 on pames at 8-A Johnston was
fBtlaued by hls affort and nlmost over
Engineers Discuss the Cost Sys
tem of Commercial Vehicles.
At the last niOOllng of |4-e tnetropolltnn
dlvlalon of the Beclaty of AutomoMIe P:ns;l
neeis the aovernln;* commlttee, conststlnjr
of the chalrman. flOUIOlai J and Joseph
Tracy, BaaetnMad the eler-tlon of slxty
eiehr matnbera.
Tii*. rhief topic of dlautiaalon eoata
ayatema for eominerolal vehtelea. wniiam
H. Paimer. jr., Introdiieed the aubject, aay*
InK that lt was too hia: a 088 to COVOT ln
detail. He stron-rty urced that tha g*J4*a>
tlon be gone Into carefuUjr, ln oider to
hi inir ahout a sy-temarlc and unlform ac?
count aystem and rellal la tl II I "n the cost
of operatlon, parttcularly of taxlcaba
Mr. Claydaa atated that In i.ondon a
taxlcah can be had anjrwhera ln a few
BOCOnda by wa'.klng flfty yards, 8X08] t la
tho huey t!m<* of thi day. Tl.e charge |l
*s for the first mlle, aad four eanta
for rvery BUbaequent quarter mlle. Thare
Bed ..'hargo of vi ceata for addltloual
paaaengera for any dlatance. Thla araa
baaad entlrely on v..o botrtaa cab system, ln
,.-e of whlch the charge for the flrst
niilo was 8 centa
W. r'. Poertner araa hv.*-- ? ? : ijr re
ceivini* eongratulatlona of hia rrmirrous
frimds on tha performancea of tha Nn**
tionai t ara at thi blll cllmb ?and
the Brighton Beacb racea, At o.ssining
tha Natlonal \4r.n flrat .nd fourth
i ln tha IM claaa, flrst in tba ?-?
.?: taa Bral la i lub nMmbei I flr-t
ln free for aii, defeatlng cara of higher
price and borsapoarer
Judge Moore"s Horses Win Many
Honors in England.
.1 :?]-?* Williim H Moore, who has been
exhihtritip a sttinj? of boraea at the oiyrn
pia. ln London. arrived here yesterday, ac
companlad k.y hls wlf*. ..n ihe Whlte Star
liner Adriatie, from Boutnampton
Moore aron aii > banirieanhlps,
righteen flrate, four seronds, two thirds,
? ? fourtbSj atl ttfths and three rea
for r! i | ?-. Hls most piullfic wln?
ner waa Lord Boaton, whose r-.-cord ls fir-ft
ln -slngle harn-ss, flrst in tand.-m, flrst ln
team. Brat in viotorla palr, flrst ln lady's
ph leton pair. champion cup sini*i-. cham
pton ? UP |B palr and 18881V8 for fall .'h.ini
Judga Moore alao aron the coachins Mnra
thon from Hampton Court into the arena ln
the otjrmpta. He mada tha dtstance. aleven
. in -to mlnutaa i Becond, the horses
breaUng from a atrong, awtnglng
ti.,t Judga Moora arlll r*e al oaca to itock
piargei bla eatati I E*rlde'a Croaalng, Hev
arljfi Maaa, vhera he win t.e for tae re
roainder of the rniauner. il* i? 8 golf en
thualaat and looha forarard to plajrlng arlth
Preeldent Taft
Bascball Writers Will Award
Automobile Prizes.
i:-ti Mulford, jr, of Cinclnnatl, forntarl**
a 4\eii icaoarn baaeball arrlter, arho **.i< -
"f tha CTbalinara Trophy
? llOB, has C 1*0888 l ? tr. | entatlvfl
ba ..... ,,f fi^ paajor le*aa*ua ? tli
arho arlll a anal I Ira 'n awardlng a Cnalmera
car to th> ' 'in-i pi.i>er in each of
' r 1> ..L-'ir-.-i.
Mulford baa aaleeted one man from *a.'h
lUng .-. . omml llon ? f
eleven aetlve baaeball arrltera ih.,-.. arhom]
pi< ri i ara a folloa -
? ?
? ?? Ry". iiilrar
' ?
; Power ?
; .' ? . . . .
. ?
of thei-e eleven men \4iii eaal ?
votfl for th? elshl inen bi lha leaaraa of
hla '-it'.- is a memtaar wrhom ha eon
? ' ill around plaj ? 11 Mena
of the .4.>mini.--l"n ln l>.tr,,|t. Cleve
laa I, Clm Innatl, Plttaburg; Broohl) n
. ? ?, aill rota oaly for playai i la
oae league; m.-mi,. i? of 4ha comr
Naw v..ik. Boaton, Phlladelpl |
Chlcago ?...[. fbr ,.;,.,,, Iri, ?
Amertcan I^'rif-ue an.i alghl tneti ln
the Natlonal
i:.i. ii commlaatoTier 4vili he provided with
a printed balloj havlng ? -?. .. ;.,. , ?. n,
nam< ?. Tl ?? flnal dei .. lon arlll !.. acenrd
Ina ' ? the firsl man on eai h halloi
ond leven
i ** After ..II bailoia
are In tha point arlth wl l.->, ,,,,?!, ,
redlted wlll be | the two men
one in rhe An,. i;. ,t, and ona ln t>..- m>
tlonal i - ?.. ? avlna the i.-,.?;,,,.., numlvr
Of point- wlll be awarderl rhalmers cara
I ? 4>- _
Bermuda Crickoters Begin Two Day
Match aj Philadelphia.
n,il.irl.-lp!;i.. Jul) The Il.-tmu.i;, ,...,,.k.
atelra ta-elay began a two-day match
4\uh tim Oannaatowa Crtohai Club Tha
local -lul. t,'..r*d l-l imii : I,, ||,r lllM ,lin
|8g, 44i,ii- ti.,-; wer- diparilaaod for
rn; ia tii- aaaoad laalag Oermantown
?-'?.i H'. for ii total ?>r thrae wicketa
lumpa wert .ii..v\n for tha dar
,i ii Conyer, ?11-? aeaared II runa, aad ii
1 i' ? red '?'?'?. 4\.... (?,. I||(|V
\im11'i._- b <i in- ii 'i.i.' t ? make ? :i ,,.,,
igaln t tha local bowlera ii ^ llurned
in.ui- thi big**a*a*r| Bcora i"i Uermantown
m:. i ni arag u.
Umble on Court*
?eomo hy the heat. ao that Church aeored
the match set Bt 6?3.
! XX C Allen rearhrd the seml-flnals BB
'tho lower half hy dofeatin* Alfred D.
Il.-.rnmett. the New York rnlveralty plaver.
.;. 8-4, 6-4. At all stages Allen blocked
ll.-.irimett'a returna and volleyed back for
ai aa
Tho summary follows:
BreaUPrUI* challenfle cip alnelfe ifourth
,v c. Altafl aSfeeted "Tlaaaaaaaa i ?
rinh round'--Ch'arieB L John?ton, Jr.. dafaat
ed l>o Laaraatattt, 8?1. 8-8; W.,C AUaa ae
featad Alfred p. Hammett, 3-fl, 0?3, U?-4.
Seml-final round?Oeorga M. Church ae
feated Charlea I* Jol.naon. ir . 8?6. 0?3.
tfaa'a douhlea (flrat round) ?XV. M. Oranger
and f,. Beokman Aotoatai A. Dutlley lirltton ant
A f I?attlm*r. 7 8, rWaulted; S. Howarl
Voeaell and Frederirk C. iiagga defeated C. A.
n and paxtner, by default
Mtx?d doublea .flret round)---Mtaa Ho'.mea and
Guetaie F. Touchard dt-lutld Mra. H?nry H.
Burdlck and A. P. S?H. 6?1; Mra.
Edward Raymond ar.d partrer defeated Mln
Blank and A. J. Oitendo.f, hy default; Mjaa
W.i.-idletrm ar.d Ar raham Basiford Jr , 8e
faatad MHa Wood ar.d W. QUlett, hy defBolt:
MUa Ruater and Dr. Il F. Prake defea'?d
Misi White aa: w. H CooaelL by ???'
?? m Klssall and M rrla p Clark defeat-d Mlafl
ronekla and J. Doubleday, by default. Mtaa
H, baon ar.d Alfred L. Hammett defeated MUa
IDd partner. hy default.
Baeead round?ML-? Klaae.ll and Morrla S.
Clark defeat'-1 Mlaa Hnatar ar.d Dr. D F.
Diake 8?8 8?8i Btr. ar>d Mra. A. Dudley Brlt
ton defaatsd Btlee Hotaoa an.l Alfred I.. BJaaa
? ?-, | ::. 0 I.
The drawlng tOff the Hudson River men'8
ehamplonshlp ainglea waa made last nlght
nt fhe Iwnwoodle Country Club. Yonkera,
whera tba tournament wlil begin to-mor
, row. West Point has entered eight rom
:..'. th* Near York Athletio Club,
Brotaxvthe, Nyack and other orpranlzations
! nre repraaentad. Hanry H nurdb-k and J.
| .\li?:?'..[,der Dsl Mar mad? the draw, whlch
r.,:ifalns sixfy piayers for thls event. _
Makes Low Scorc and Wins
Medal in Newburg Tourney.
.ne i
Kewburg X. Y, July li.-Golfera stru'Tgled
through two rounds and aeartT melted
away ln their efforts to make a good show. j
ing in tha invitation tournament whlch be- j
gan to-day on the linka of the PoweltO* ,
Club. Cllman P. Tiffany !ed the fleld ln
ti.e aigi teea-hola qtwltfylag round aita ;
a ",',.
Parorltea did well ataough in the stroke
teat, BB -S I. Connolly, of BocktBBlt runner
up tn tha Hu.Uon River < hamplonshlp ?
tournament; Qardaar W. Whlta, of Oak- '
laad, the Ardaley ainnar; if. a. Btetaer, of
Inwood, and H. K. Kerr. of Lkwanok. all
Ontabed near tbe top. Tlffaaa/a fias card
of 75 was mado 88 follows:
Out..-.. 0 .1 i 4 *> 4 .1 4 4?38
m . 18488488 4?37?..a
r if. Wheelar, of Potahaaa, was over
coma with th* heat al the elghth hole, but
l-eviv.-d nnd manaK.-d to tinlsii the round.
At mat-'h play the upset eama wh.-n Con?
nolly. the RocUaad 'Boy Wotider," met j
dafaal al tke h lada of Wet-lerau. a Rougn
keppsi^ stolfer, who also belonnfs to the
boma ?' " ? tlersu playad bta baat -
; Connolly on the aereni
Kie.n VVblte beat K. Btedder bandlly, the j
Brat i. raya drtrlag a i^ng hall. At ,
tha foirth hole he drove ,.v--r a bfinker :9"
yards from tha te*
TllTaay and Ffdner won aastly in the
rouad, Btettior m partleular hartag a
: rai Tb.araa waa baked eat
::uiith and the greer.s were
... fa t thal aixurata putting was aaalleatt
Th- Bumaaary foiiows:
Out. la Total.
0. P. 1 reltaa. K
- d i .nn< uad.....
H K Kerr 1 . 41
G w Whlt. I . *n
H a. Bt. ln. -. I:. i ??! .
W T. Hllton Powelton. 42
? ? '. . i . . . 4 '
.1 N waiiace. |r.< Rockland.. 48
A Bte, kler, Inw? I . 17
w Wttterean, Powalton. 47
I l; sfar.d. 4 s
n... ... M
-. ?? Btra. hbara*, Powelten .. 44
eaa. 4S
H TI8 .47
B J. Trevarrow, Poweltea.... 88
W. B .48
H s J, mlngB, T lalfaklll. . . 81
R. N. Wheeli I ia..... 4S
. Pom .-hon. 47
B. HIri ton...... ? >'.
.i .-? i fsklll
' - ? , ?? ? . 81
,'. Ta- . powelton. 4.'.
T ii m ?."'. Dutcheaa. a*
H. H Vail Dutcheaa . M
R. D. 8n '. 83
' ' "
?'. k ? ga. ?'?
w ii ten..... 83
\ ir Val i . :
?? ro-ii: |] K- rr b<?8t Wlls-^n.
I up; Rlilett I | ;ip; H. Tlf
P Bl i 4 tO pl ,
O. P an | up aad 8 l
I l t, i
IHlt.-n .? il * -. n up nn'. H lo play
- 4 up and :< to play.
? ? ?
? ? '.Taylor beat T
II M> . 11 , '. .
g. *.!? i . ? ? ?
? II.,'
? - ..-..,. ."l
14 1
I to pl r beal i H li I .. l up
it H H Vall, 4 up aad " i i
afortfmer M Blnger, of Uon!
i.i a remlntacenl mood recently, told .f an
mbinatlon of good hick aad
play 1 ? iti I ta la a round
Oolf <!ut'i linka so fast
dld ha travel that, had It not h.>en f.->r -4
rriah, he mlght a ' ? round
n or etter, 1 l It waa he rei i ? I
8 at tha three slmrt
? i nlntl arhlch la }1 rdi
? yard i aad tha foun
rarda Ha I ild I la t- ?? i .ta pra tl i
.1 th.e puta no* 'i for t* 11
a. orlag threa tw? i ln -.. n-hole
? it a fi... ia gettlng a
ll< !e ln l.
Dr. Tarrtuch and Schlcchtcr
Still on Even Terms.
Cotaaaa*. Qeraaaaay, July ?* i,t-. s Tar
rarch, of Kuremberg, and <\tri Bchla
? \ '.iiiia. met for the B4>C4Bnd tinie ln th,-lr
naat. h ganaea up :.t the rasaaa of
tbe < '? ' Cbeee < 'lub bera tT dai
aithougb tha game raaohad a eaaetaaalaa
"ll,r vr"p-'- aaa, as. nko the
reaulted la a firaw, r.i,ier the
rulea, drawn flamea do aot eanat la tti^
totala ? l atthar >.f rhe eeataataata Taa
r.d ' ? ?: ite, tbi tefoi*, la ftirauasb, I;
Schlei later, 0 ; drawn, I
Lcads by Stroke for Open Oolf
Title of Massachusetts.
" -M " ? ?"?'' I n-nahi J Robb
lonal golfer al the Baaa, county
Country Club of Ifaneheater, led the ti?M
arlth Ui in Ihe atata,, touraaineat m
a*y at the Couatry club, Broakllaa Tha
tinai thirty-A aolea arlll bfl playad to.
morrow. Oaa atroka t?vhm,i ??,,, Was T
lleNamara, ruaaecap ln th* VCeatera op.-n
, hamplotaablp
atlchaal J fc-iady, rum,,, ,?, m tlu> l-Illt(.i,
si,.. open champtoaahlp, nU|l aixth with
"" "" "' :!""1 ;i ?? ''? tke afternoon tbe
., | indlvldual card for atgkteea holaa'dur.
bag lha daj
-a- .
Parla Julj I ta tke Prta Fnato raa u
Mai on Lalfltta te-day, w. k Vaaderblir.
Moillrose 11 filliilied bicoiid.
Defeats Miss Florence Sutton jq
Lawn Tennis Tourney.
Women Play Fast Game j,
Spitc of Condi.
tions onponrts.
A-*aln It was the women lawa t"*,
playera Mlaa llazei Hoi bklsa, the natte*-a*
'champlon. nnd Mlaa Florence .-?'"?ro-,
"*8*ang sleter of tho Invtndble Ma-/ Suttoa,
that provdded tho excltement on th? tiaf
courta of the Mlddle States rhiarnp:ona4
tournament at Mountaln Btatlon, N, ?
yeaterday. Apparcntly the forrlnc haa
whieh seems to have aapp*d a of tba ara,
and vl?-or from the Eaatern ; ?ayeri, t,
:i*-hriy regarded by the falr * mi-ju
Pertainly lt dld not rrevent them from ^
ercl-ln? ln racb a vlolent m.-r.ner that tv
host of fashior.ahle worr.*n who eat a!ca*
the Md*. Ma-*** Blmply peraplred fn m abaa
sympalhy Bot Mlaa Hol 4, a^
vlnclble as of old, aad she .: ?:<.itf\ jj^
.Sutton. I l. *? ;. and came ? >?: -aaa,
Mlss Kdlfh M. Reteh in th- ?
Perhapa lt was !,..? knaw **aa
rtniteKv as mueh ss athletl* p-ow-aj
would he necesaary fo def. ra^j,
that rvuised Mlaa H I i'Piaat
tlie tiroclfin br-. leau of 1 ?**???
by a wonderfi.I h^nd of Ja| ? ;?? ta>
? ' '?'>'(%
aly laara r/ trfcka, - &$.
the artist . baad
whleh ? ln h 1 ber head.
There v gaeg jj
rhe frame as the nationsl t - plavej
it aajainat Ml.<s lutton. H< "an-?
Iackii*," in power, Far from :r Bat nr*)
Mtaa Hoti w thai ? ?? -nar,
than l.i.rv.n und maa 4^, ;,
4\?-:i aqaajg ? d. wera 1 j< th?
it of ha* adveraary ; rovej
n ? .
? llrrctfon. ' iften bhe obrasne-: opeaaflg** a
Mlaa I j'ton's court. hy , ? g^
that appoared ahr.oit fanlaat t: Tiat
th*re waa a flashlnar drive and tne potat
wh" won
From bar r-Ide of the r,*r " -? ?
plaved strafKhf. bfrd lawn ter tla TThHa
lha dld not romp bllndly lnro t-.. traga of
poeltlon whlch Mlaa Hotehklflfl aat 'nr *?,??.
stlll she was not alwaya eq :?.: to mai-hlc
the pjrjll of hfr adversarv when ett ??-*?
th*m. The match was well ;Azyaa, aa*
now Mlaa Hotchki?.- atanda - taa rh^.
lenger of Mrs Robert R 1 . 'ormen?
Miss Lo ilse Hammond, f^.e !? ~- 0j 8jj
titl*. Mrs. Raymond haa heen ?,r*..?tia'"
for the match, whleh arlll again be a meet.
Ing of the L'ast ar.d *.'.'? ??.-. then*,
tlonal tournament last H
In the men'B slngles Raubea A Ho'.dei,
jr.. lha 'j lon, and > iltar Mer.
rlll Hall arrived lu the fln 1 KaatB
t Bdartn P. Lai ia acor?
ot 4??', 6?1, r*? 2: the tall)
12 and 83 polnts to S.**. Hall raced Math**
all ubont in.s court '$ ta
wore him out, d ' n boj
at .V->>. S?*>, 6? lo\e. It was I - .tr.tlr-c
- 1 ag Bhata of HoteSen 1 1 ?'?-.ttuti
;.arn.-d. Holden .-- -rt?-1 ? Bf rtro
love games. That ca i> : to b*
Aa the Tale 1 ed up tii
putled 1 ' ' -?-*. *co:
lnu the set af ??1 Ha 44 I <-tineel
in the oth*re, Hold-i- 1 Ma
OttO H Htack ar.d Hi:rv T01 -.r.ce woi
" of the doubles hv -:? ?t'nr the
C'reeeent Athletic Club ; Ir irl? H
Btill. Jr.. and Henr*- -I, <-',
The eummary foUoajra
IIMdlfl Btatea -"'a
Blaglaa merond **ooad>--->-**flM Hasel H'^ictidii
.. :??,-.'.?: .'1 ?>?l
MI : 11* Btatea han plonshti - * ~t 9
? r-i-il-finaJ ro.ind .? H a |ru 4?
: 1 ? ?
?' J-a.
'. ..
Mlddle s*at*a charapiona 4 '*.-?;'*!*.
fthlrd rov.ndi?>'. M. I >"i H. C
Mifin d*f(*?'ed I.. M : - : Psymoil
D Uttlfl, g?4, ?>?4
BflflBa-a-afll ro-ind?C. M B11II, )r, fi H. t
Martln d-feare.i R- A H aaa Pata
Kma! round?-Ha in4 Ottt
H H.r. .. . te .'??( ' 4' tad H. C
1 ri 1, .. 1
- t
Defeats Belgian Eight in Fine
Race on Thai
HenJey-on-T!: !??-? I, ***8jg :. July l'?
in the thlrd heat I 1 taaap
cup to-d?iy th' c??
defeated th" te,;,- . ,*rew tt
?Ihent, whlch won the 1
1' ,n id nn* 44.>n .1 I 8888
wera on pra ?? , ' r :r. *'?
of t .e dlatani a, I I were a*
,1 '- to mi . r r1 ? sp'irt of ? bBBI
The tlma wai l U,
Heat AflFects Marksmanship B
New England Shoot.
U'ak- *? . .1 ?* ??*
I * :!*.-> e\..n! 1 co 'h* ?***
I Ba*a#
... a*8jl
jrii ***?
flra .ui i ? 1 st***
???? m 44 u ..,? ond, ?? ? : ?- *r'
tha Rhode 1*: md te ur 1 "'"
?? ?.'. tition, ba Lata ?>
I 44'th IB
?hootlng at 1. ??' > irdi ? ?B'*
in the 8U*>An*a*8**eaa ml,('*
8 hleh was run 81 I ^ndlti**1
.. ? ? . Brst a*^
alOO ag th* days hootli tal ef !-*?
T!,.? baat iraa exc< aa ?^'*T '
... li r*l"
? ? bansanahlp
Tho leuditia Beoree fdl >a
> ? ?
. 1.1
kfaaaa ? - ? *** **
1 ? ' .4 tlrtt ,fl|
? ?*. a
Tblrd aa**- l ,..."-"?"'
team . MI i**1
Maln? teai 1 ?*?
t o tu.. Ina corpi .. id
Ma l" lalaad tean* .. 4 ? 4-* ^__
The Beat Golfer. U?e !t