Newspaper Page Text
ffi r .1 Fffort HumitJity Helps More Lives. HORSES S^RAIN_AND FALL Health Department Unable to Xe^hSituation.Mortal. ityHavi^ Been More than 100 Animals a Day. i-4-rATHS IN CITY FRCM TOTAL DEATHS ?_" * THE HEAT 10 fVBBAar - tjg M***-"' S5 ?*Tt-*a44-*r , | g eiii**''*'a? \r. Tharadar ^ Frlday T l ... Twr *M-F1CIAL TEMPERATURE. Hei-' ? a. ***? a a ro 11 a. m \OOD 1 p. ? t p. Bl 5 P- tr, 4 P ? I n m w p ? 11 D \ aierda- Thuradar 81 ao ? aa <U 88 -n Hiari***' temperatur* for T-ftferda* 88 . ?i *.i at 11 o m -?->rday?out ... ro tl whare 1 that baf*-J*-e-til ?- | ? maa - * ' * ur B4-T088 Manhattan Pa - ? lay to be I that had ?? burning ? | n: wfrtavn tha tem . - nlld and ? - *ntr:ng to hlm ind obaerv*d the mer I h - lerlng aa or to 1 caori -?- - -. hta - . ? . Irea ?"nks. ? in a? dank trada - w;'t--d c ? dav :eac**> 90 - - ? rea i -di: on, and . 8 th --??"? maximum . -r In an hour after 1 empara an 10 "? - ::!v. " ? tura and a s - torma i mplainta UngB a - ? kers aaar .dred - ta ? - ? - ?-. an a l il i - . -cages dead ? '-> . ? _ - ia a*"*j ?-. ?ri gad effoai ?nt. ?tr-i May Come To --norro\*? ? ' re and falr aad un- ! mea* ? -8" bai a ".o-mor ? ? ? - ? ? i I t OT ? I I ? ?? ? iarj died ? _ V'.. ?. ? ? --?ra atV -4 ! 9-1- . ,? ni' ' if)):z? i * n*an, **-*-*> r v ?afn . H ma IL-*. ? ?. - ' - * - BAD DREAMS FOR THE SMOKERS a NoD-Smokers of Ametioa" ippiiwi to Ji*a*dce Olegerlcb Tbi***edaj for p?pers of inoorporarion Thp p*~***~roaea of rh*? orennization w*ai*p hci ttfrth ta 'the enforoement of law?. ordmancp*- nmi ragtfiJatioiia acmst amoUng in p'lb* Dd spmi-ntihlir placo*." KIPKilAN" WUlla-fl ? ? toox yoara t ? Dl I fin a Hearplta i ~'T" B8 ? .? ?-.-? KAOLOWBICT - Blfl m^r.rh. aM Ne 24" ? Btraat Bl fld 81 **."me B*iw***iARa ... Mt-.T-. *?? Ehs* ***aji "-?** ? ar? - 1. * 18 ..?rl ar hnme ?-? ftmra AA, ... *-HAXVr.v -,-r-.,. atat** r-ra ? -a- M Wfl 202 - - 4 - < - N 1112 Pultcn atrai *-""TTl-: Eaar 83 ?-. . r- ?-. -.-? Kni.-K? ? -? - - - overcoma -? - - leraBaii Hcatatlt ? .... ?'?? n-1 Brooklyn. aaaa "? Otaatomi . -? ?? w.ia ? .. TVRI.. Sfti v?-ar? 81 Bt. -?? -?? ?* Ba, 1*8 ar ? ? haa 1 ?? , Ith etraat - BROADWAY YIELDS TO HEAT Casino. Winter Garden and Folies Bergere Close To-nigbt. * ia aii-?ur ?? GUbari ? ninnlng al Tbaati * dta oal . the | Misa Aima ? Ida Adams. c-otnbl tct a real v'Aa eranr ? - lat a ? ?? tog i rde has dacldad to t ? ? nlghl i v i raaaa Baiiet, arltb - - ' ' 81 ........ :. t. r-na Tha 1 ---.-, . - ? - -ir.agiitr'rr - . - - -, | ~ a-aathar la roo rr ' t of both audlence ?8*1 | tfl give ?*? a brtaf raca tion It la HFAT KILLS'TWENTY-ONE Philadelphia Ha** 89 rgtslHiei Due to Hot Wa***= j -Twaat* i ?. rlngtag thi tota oumber of ..... -_fc- ~ | -.- rought aftera? ratura aaa ai ;k to 77 . - -rr.perature la 07 tb ? u daya rred in the - ? --.- ? a*"'av .-, - * thfl . lllla ? itiparfattara oe i treei , " ? HEAT DELAYfl ApTTLLEPY r ? Battalion, Marching to F?-fik?kiil Camp. Moves Slowly The Isr Batl the - * Bat .... | ] ..._ -?? Sarrn York yeater .. . "?" Ita . . at 5 Boon en rou U ...... la araa ai ??-? - BWI I - 888 and -t.h.3, one o! ? ' BB8 died from I ? . there ? The :? . Htr--*r ? ? ? _ UB] lt I . pro - - ? ? ra:iK attery. i _ NEW ENGLAND DEATK TOTAL 207 Se "i.iteen Eoported at Eoston. AJ thougn Heat Wave Had Disappeared M waa 008 ? - ? *t0" 1 ??< ? ? ,,r Bor-f.-n m,n.iMr TWO KILLED IN STORM Motor Boats Wrecked-Steamer Blown A.shore at Wheeling VTheettng, M Va July 7 t*vo ,).., the wrerkm- oi Irei rniatorbeata on tne River Hnri n aarrow ??rap? fn ? tftsa of :he ??-, .-s indnnatlpanrkai Qi.een Clty W4BT Bl ; :. -?'?" - rtl that DroKo over thls ...e insr Terrtflr -w-in,) ^.-. ^ eccoanpenfc aJmoat a rinudh n I The Qu?en Cltj indsr the lUspenBtnr, *4r-.d?*e. wa? torn fi ?? ? ortng* and am aabore, whi e craahed IdsaBroyed Sve ajasolen. mn hea an-nored ; at rhe , ihlo VaUcy Tachl ? The hiK sreaml-iat na? flot <,i?re<: ''n tha Ohlo atda of tba rtarer, near Mnm? porl aYedertck Toung, h nall! worker araa feedmi? Ua | ntll over ? .- ? Toung r... Bla ptga in h vteieBt I - ? down tne btllaitle Into Biidsjwporl a era odgad Hiider i stone eurrert. Toung Waa dead when B paga arars , ?? Dorothy Maara thtrteen yean whlle ba % wa wi t fan mlriatre-im by the wind and i efora HEAT AFFECTS THE CABTNET So Pr-fsident Order* Session Held in Hia Ica-Gooled Office Waa*.la*gton, Jaly " '*? "har lha abtnet meTioera eaaae BtaBaggltng ato t ? Ea* offleea to-riav thay Ca md thfl tenaperaJ ire af rhe '"amn?r room - tha inatlous dorsrk?ep?ra and flleetli I Beaa tf cow*- well ii n the IB*a They i"> m inco!E?ortahi? leather c i -- pen treelv and - re or less vel anaent raanarka at aatbei vrhan tha P**esiden' entered ae rmieli rj-ar lae ta exacutlvs that ths aaaalofl a Ma pri vata ofSea Thla "*? iraaa? *- ? ? ?--. of lea Btored beneacl refr'.geraung aprarat;g ke*p? | a met .-? Benra - aaark aad a ?as;?r tor 1 PrealdaBt 1 i foi ? ??-?*. pjtam * ad -? - BBt vr\T nrATrT? DI BAJiTIMCRE Vinminn T?rnner**4vnre ot 9i?BtOT1D Rednepr Heat BalfJBiora 11 ? " ' I wa ?* I -? "-."Te reHsf fl - ?-? a eooltag braeaa I it pre aded ra - ?frftara T p. ifl Ths *nax:*r.'::r. offl. ..-.--.?,- -, -. -j ?.- ^eertsvt- gad dur !nc Tre rain '.ie Baarcuri drof ? ?' - deatha trom th* baat ar.. ? ber of ptaaatrarfttoita arara reported to-daay T^*.e h*^* has cb ifled thlr**-* **-c Bta sa laat Baturd rTTTCA i^H TTAP 215 DBATR8 Perrniti f.nx BurisJ of 14 5a^*???r-_An? other Heaf Wave Fred'.eted I. ? ? A return c' * h *? beat ..-:??' Biflaed aome 2". ?r. Chf-agr-j ?<- prt.^,^t?n tO-nlght "" thfl local wflaather f0f*)ea84*r Alta agb tba . - - - - - ... ?/ frfjajrsai * I tavenl ? dea'h? w?> reported as aBBli ? ths bsai ' ar ol ?- lasnad for ba ...... ed in PBBBOBJPTION8 fot? \rp Sp^nzfield. Ohio Ha?- ? Fimine and Dealers Refuse to Make Delivenes. Bpringi i ? Tha lea tamtne r lera are refuetaag i thai doing they * ? ifceTh ropply on haad ? Baturda allver for Btn ? hutchera aion.- . .: --- ? ? r peo? loctora DIES AFTER WRITING TELEGRAM Danbury, ,- nn Jury 7?Bamuel L '?? . with bta ? ? n- ? '? rk laad from riear* diseaa*- Bl I ? ' I ? HeW I . ? i :. ? I , . ?? ? rl *s n>- ... the train wa* wai aot Inforaaed of haa ? stu the . ra i n reached Bra .- ? ? ? ? ? ICVEN DEATHS IN PITTSBURG ii'i: July J ReMel l n tke cx ? , imling -'.,,rii. . ai.J .. TWO HEATOEATHS IN CLEVELAND Clean i Bvetaa 1 ? ither to daj. tba ..., -.r '44., naefl thla afternoon wera >' ted dlractly ??? i ? aal 1 ? mum ? tba da ? i - | gre. NINE SlOffi* lOIDS Al S1U MISS Only Half of These Wntten to Miss Graham Have Been Produced in Court. HOTEL DETECTIVE'S STORY Testifies That He Thought He Was Furthering the Ends of Justice by Having Em* ployer Censor Them. .*am>*s Cummlng. 88*888 aa*rt8a****h*a related under oath rart he played bl that abasrtgag Idrauna antltled "The M.?*?r> of tha [ ing I^etters " The play had a BBB8I ar rhe start. Wlt* \V E. D Stok?f*. ' writer snd hotel prr*a*-*hM? ** aanonf the | - B-jt aa the intrlcacies of the plot ! ar? raiaalad. aa 1* giaafuaUr Ita unknown denouemen*. CaaatraJ ''ffi**? 'ieiitena.i'a. !a*vvera. a-.*?]<?? .--.?-.? diatrict 8t* ?or*4.eys nnd o-ners aopear ??- *" I 8 f OOt i:irht?. addtng raueh to th< ? aduet**an Ir la rrne rhat Mr l ununlng '.3.U""-' m hbl l!r,e6 badly rrom time ' <1er rhe prom.ptlnc" of Rober* M lloore, r*o***asal for Mtaa Qrahaui ind MI be g, ? Uirougb I - alinaaa sa;d tbal A. H B, of r-ounsel for tbe :- ta bn autananta * aad Moi !ort*Bai k. of tbi ??? gtrlaf .lparTm-.r.t in Baarcb that tn tba Bttttai room, i f-trai, aaaa tor the gittinsr roota* of a typt eal Saw V -*k f.a-. ne found the bunri.-- al r-fokes a i-tfers ar.d ghowai rh?m 18 Mr fJlnaari ? al Weaaon aai.i glli them taa jrour pe-chet. ara arlB eaxry theaa l -- * A'tomey iat?r' tbal ? . d ao, ar.rl rhat. to the beet of hls know-'prlf-re. non.- ! | of the iJatea lliea aiuptoyed an.i pald \dty saw him flnd or --.???? ? rrttera m- i un** ng told Un ? . ? - . ? that thr?i i fflcera ot the liepartment of prof.-' trerratlng and noi - ? ? ? er to 1 ' tectlvi ad Mr. Bl hav* aa ..???? thoughl that that, i I l enda Haif the LetterB Stnl Mhaaiwg. ??'-'?-?- tearl rnon* the edlng ? , j i-aeerrer etgbteei ? ? ? ? fart thal ? - ?- ?. Diai ?? me 1 He manife?t^ri a lively eurl ernlng . ..... t wha .- . t waa them H? . tJOftad M- -? -? t Mr reeall a 1 ilng ***44-rtfla*tl***a M '*orml'*k w-m pat ? ?.=?-? that ho ha ? 8a ?., kase ol atti ra ? t go ta ettera Thfl at tbi tattera a . eea* of Mr Li'*.' ton, Hli I at waa enoug for ma ..... ? ... n ..?....- ... ,.-n---o.i that ? ? n ?" *?**"' ' ,-.?,-. runtng thea ' rrtm J At* , aa for Mr. Btokea i - md Judgi rnada of them. and b .- - '--.'na Teren rlae* ? .rneya oftVe - te Trfbuae told e* lune 11 ? ? pearaa. a ol tbe- :. wlr- -? oneal - ^?.-. :. ? of tbe Varuna gpart ~-<.-.5. ? - ? - parl - . ? ng ? Btataenanta mada ? ? a* - -.-,-.. pa thai ttorna***! 0 lr-g ndnatttaaee tha r<"-;.? r- exhl . ? ? . ' - -- ? ? ari^ a pbllaatbi thia eoux.aai ' f tba aa ? Mlaa rr' :-~ ??-?-? bi ry ef Mtaa I b tt to hta* he ~- ... f tho i ? ?" prtnee ' -- -- aai *** md ? '? - acrttce a . t-jc raferrei to, l thi -.. aata informatlor I the Ruaaaar aoble i ? mlgbl wall fill arlth a ra ol 18 ' Hgygr Mad* Lc - ha Qir Mr Moore aranted ta tro? lf tba 4 . - - ti M:s? Ir -? - ? .- - - ? - - tralghl ? -" I ? ?. -? ? iar alleged attei iiaa Coarad < \ haav ?? ' * ' - ighad -., . . gh! ? . ? r thai ? . -?_ re teal i year ai , . ? . g aa - - rn -' : n u ib ---...- a bad gbi ? tbal trrota 1 ? ??- : ? ag ? ????:? . : l ? ? . | ? . - . ? ? . 1 told | ? gj - gi \4 ..-ti taa I ? * ? ' M !t. I ? amberlni ??..,, returned md fonnd I ?> a*andh of to tba .i Qra I fiahed into Lllltan b room. tound her lv tng on tho bad, her face badly rurned from caj-bolic? acid. and that ahe telephoned the doctcr, who managed to sav? Mft8B ham. although the latter was 111 Mi38 Oonrad went en 8* add tfe* r*aii rhe letteri and found tnat Miss ?".raham was not a peraon flhe. a respe.ft ? --'rl. should aaBociate arltk Bha thaa told me ihat aha had no monev. had lost her paatBkBB fhmugh her former friend and asked me if I would not send Miss -Iraham to a hoBpital. I told her I ?rovld nor gjvi- one rent for Miss Grana.m but flnally agreed to BJtWJ her 1200 to pa* Miss Graham s paseage abroad and for sperding money on tne trlp. but did not want Bty name to appear ln the matter.' M'ae Conrad'a Life 8to?*y. Thia la the atory of Mias Conrad'a life as tha wtnesB said she told N to him ' M- father was a Russian prtnee. BtAa> taaa y*aia ago he ,:ame from Venezuela ro Lc-iisvlllc, where he eloced Wli BBOtrfVaflr I was bora bl Bluefields. Venez uela. Mv father. the prlnce, owned a mlne worth flflaaJn, Hc was kiiled in a riot. and mr-ther sold the mine for VaJBt and invested in real estate. Revolutlon and bloodahed caused the burnlng up of the real estate, ar.d mother ar.d I came to New V rk. where mother collected CO.-X"' insur an Ofl M?ther UMBB UIBJllSd an ,.g'-v man. c ? >?,. tn4Miey, and I bad "-? go to a rk Mr Btokaa said he fatt Berry for M!sb Conrad and said to har ?*Te4flBg flreeaaa ?.?ini ifapraaa mr- sa a bard-a?orklBg, artl*tlc - - B-:r there is oaa t-hsng I don't '".'<?* about you?when you talk to me you look ? ? th* aiadow you shou'.d look me ln rhe faea He ?.ild sh.e explained this on the BTOUfld of emharrassment. The arttBMB* ?ddad ba illai naaail lha Bbl with his wife M asara r ef introductlon tr the erjltor of 'Tie Evening Mai'.. ' SUg |esl ig thar he give her a fOb ar iu> a araeh Tba "sented. \t tj ? re Now thaca, whal ao*a thlB naeaz I aaw aaal krva or ragard for Mlaa I'aham* What does this mean when vou write her, The moat cruahlng . - - rr letter la for me to ajtaa your love * ? MEiwnes I aever neard of Bflaah 8 ? Id ln rn*-- If T/ke eoaart Biiatalned o-;er--.-..4 t* thia m, ind Mr BtOkSfl -4?serr?d that he only tried I ?- T th* a'.rl?not.'-.incr ting 8p ihe Laa8*gtOB episode. me 44 ? ? ' Bfl i not rS-flOMUDl BT -aham'a vkgi kusiad Uama ?a- ? or . bi n. tchx ttad fha* when she a-..- ad she waa - woman on the place, ? . - dMfl I tnsult her .he night of r- Bnd that that ne- leavmg tha next mornlna; Mr Moora "DI - - Mr* ?1*1" gleton'a sdoptad I ara M ? irabam'B ? i Alr Bt .kflfl Bi? ? ? ln the afternoon Mr ?.- . anifllng aad Detaetlvi r?.. ij -. anl the ata n to reii whal the* knew ' ?? ? Mr Bt kea waa .. ... :.,, ;.-. . - antly. ? prtt ? thi -?? ?' bla, and I ? . ? d ln yaaterday'a v& I - -? to the a ?? ind tell whal knew Th a CQURTHOUSE BILL RECALLED To Bo Amended in Accordance with Gaynor's Suggestiona. Tatawmah ta Taa II laaaats ind i - ? ? adopted concurrent raaoluttona ? ?- Btllwell BTew v rk ' ount The to h* am?-nded so i to ?'"' | nfi Ua and .'.rportmnment to aa . taa tha coaarthouaa, and ... that time th* mlMtofl aaa alact any i la l ra b? rarseent sieaa tba tawrt Ita and ap U eithin a la " ''?'? Pa"k The anae ? ... ' - '? ? 0*T. .... aaraad FIGHTFR ASKS P1X FOP 10B Ex ppq'-h^rwpierht ChAnpiofl Want? Tn He Coramissioner. - - Jaek" 5ke:!- Of Vonk fonnar faai ? ? ' ' ? :- I I "??1! ***? Oo* c i ' ' late 1 ' ' - Bt*ta ' ' laaator 1 ad by boi isa* varflor. a t a rnada b li . . . rner prtaadghtei I aeri h - ---*?.?-? ln i teaa rra .. ... rT~..c^nr 4Jd ? ?-' wa: whethst - r noi WICKSMEAM WVBSTrfWATTJfO Attorn^v Oeneral Look'.ns !nr', HldfOB T?;,Te- Tmnr,,'r",rr!*:'r'.t Qnestion. .. question is to ,v" ._ . aantl ? " " ' *' ? ' ' ar M .... b the H .... j . ,-..- a.?ney ? ' ? .. .- .. Brf itimson ol partmenl ? - uudoua ta eerhraent eonton* lha ever. ?? o.-^r tba " t : j at MRS. JENKINS BEFORE JURY Federal Investigation of Alleged Jeve! Smuggling Begins. An - ' -'"'* *:'n;:*:" ' ?* l*ed to Mra M bt-g-in ? ? - - er r.>t .-n rro ? | m Jur ? I " " ' IU*1 . ? f Bkaaap ?' ? *raeii, ? i ? ? a ft*a ? I Baa a- Um . rd*d 18 .-ald. Kept bfl n the wiy from herap*rt V'e', Broa.lw t 77th atreet, and Baw that - ? ,. i inonymoua letters thraal i - .-. AB.rl TELEPHONE MERGER CERTIFIED \ ? . .. : :iv 7 Th, Nea 1 arfc Ti laflahaaia . >onai i aat ttflaad lo thi -? ? floraad me h.-ii r?ai ..f guffalo Tha. ad bi r- .um h u.-.h-". , - OR. 11 UMB ESKNS Vcluntarily Gives Up Superin tpnrtenrv nf Matteawan Hospital. MANY CHARGES REFUTED Clean MO of Health Perently Given by Osborn and Van Ken nen. Dix's Commissionerr*. i Albany- Julv I -Dr Pober* B Umh medical superlnten.lenr af 'he Maftaawaa St.a-e H.-.spral. tn daj *~*aa*a*aB**a*d Bla nation to the Superinfendenf of Ba Pnsons. Joseph ? 18 tak*** t*nm? gfatta effect. Dr Lamb reaiKned voluntartM- Dui the las' vear the Instirution which he nad ln onarge has been under f.rr. but hia 8dadl*tat**8tt0a re, eiv*-d prar-u.-aKv ?? blll of BeaWtb aftar an in*. estigatlor ducied by rimiiniaaliniaia Oaaava aad Xennen. who wara appolnte.i ov ."jovemor Dta te "aroba tba affatra af *he vanou* in- j StltUUor.a -;r.rler tba lOTtl tb* iTifion Deoanmer. Dr Lamb entered rhe BtJ -e ir 1S91, when ho was appointed to a posltlon tt aaaata mtnata -,* *-. :burr. Prtson He b>*.*ame gapi tendent of Dannem.ora Btate Hi tha Orlmmal Insane ln 1808, and four larer -vas appcdnl ? ""Ia* taaaraa n* .f Dr Aiiison. A promotion etri *a******i8g examlnation arfll be. he|d on *hTB*>****ga** ta fl'.l the va Oaly r*j**a*a*tant Bupe**tBta*an*a*ev*a af Btate fl'Tttf*"**' at* eJIgfMa to t.ry for the posltlon. whl paya MJM a rear and naahitananna BTt ?'..-?? .- Sra*? ?""on tcroUer*a oaTBca i aa*aja*ped ta mvesturating tba rinar . affatra of thfl mora Star,- Hospital Mattaaaraa, S v. July 7.?Dr Itoherl h Lamb aald ro-nikrh*. when aske.l | ??eaaon of his reaagnatton aa teadent of tbe 1 -. T itranted a **a sation, and rhis w-ia 'ha only W8] " ^i-tf.r.z lt Tht> ? e ? - ina, jnd ni t r\, ?? ?.??? t ? ? ] needed a rent and thla i tli my actlon. Thi - ?e admlnlatratlon of i rtal ha.i ? - - ? ? . tlon. rlng on eatgnatJoi my father, bj 'arally relatlonat Tl.-'' <f? tlon oerweer * kaow ? ?- Scotl are to m . ? knoar ot . ? Dr Larr1- l tr 8 8 Matteaama j^efran *4*t**tually *arltta l e releaee laat Svratnnar of Norman A. L--?-h. ef We l*** Dougiass *rt*****et, Br aad eea eeaBaUtted to me rj*- am the pt***-4-a>t*tag april Mr r>?e!i brnna maa I ?*?*? onamplonshin of ma forme- fellow inmatee and made man- chtargea of crir-atty and in -ompeten . | ut ol raent In thla caTpa.iT*-. i* araa battera ?ha* ae 'm- the ?>? r. ng ef Harry K. Thaw, whi ia Inmaf of Mattea war, Thie !>>e? ?? ?- ...... v how? ever. tha* Mtreral Inmatea ln arhoaa behalf '"'im 'he a.----. im. ind 1n the .-use of 8 ? Thaw took a p?reonai Intereal. a-<= d*?<:lar?d hy Mrs Mi" X ,-? ar ln a ? | -"a'?*r.<*rf. It becaaaa 44 ? .. ? that an attan * a - oetna made by rhe Tha**. - I ' ' .? The tbtai ?i?r1.n"? Btta k **..)?? B*a8de B I Haifa ? foll-owtng ? ta leatb af John Nugaat ?.--.?? ebargad that Mugaag rra? k:' ->?: by raugh Uaatment, and Danie! A Relllv. an 8t**8Ba*U**Bti waa dtatUTgad Wttfc mansla-;gh'-' - r*a**t*tJ08 Witb " c 188 Expert te?*:mor - - wad fha* ---.-.. , -? ammaaaa The eji'+t* aimeaa aja ippaar aad . .? -,?<> x .--???; - .. trlal Pei:'--- - rmmael of.r-1-**. te --.-?_ "?>. Thaw was ba."k cf tha *8*088 teii where be get 1 rnooe* ba aaad taa - e osa rataaae %ji wo-ked ,?: ? v.irTo-K aa* ?avpa frota laal ?? . - -** \ Btmr ? ? ? - ? ' ' , ... M1 -;Jr-?0 ?? van gattag commiaaloa for tha rnattar r-.-.- aa*perta Drs. Carios MacDonald and g*ast**a F'.:**-., ??-ar-tr.M all ^xcep* "2 <*' ' mwf*f. and repor'ed ? c ggag ?: 8i ?? heid ary' I bTBgrroper .._-? | ._ r. rndlaaa in tba sourea ? !' Dr Lamb ->.-..-???? ' -.-..?? . 1 a aa Harry K io*a*e***ei la *********** ? sn::s?.?'i '-/.ems-i. Uon cf ? Tbi] re rt, mi taTaj falla a 4-pf, ? put aa and troubla lelaan ; ? itagaaa 1 patteat, dwrgad that Dr latamb bad Btgaa " ; igraina Cottrt ' :?"' 8 tadrarwa I a co'-*:-.r. for a itrrtt of babsaa ? - bad ra. f ' latrroaa 'he Bdoaa. aad ser.* It back p-rtOf I '" ' tadOT ?,- Qd bb gi atad by tha ad cn Dr ald the prf-t^n waa aent ro hl*X ' - taaurt, Bad 18 - Dr. Lamb d tt ba ***j ata on r.i un ? - ? dea Tonrq and tha iped r ? a - ? aa aarnad 'hai1 20,000 Mother* and Babies in th** Tenement Distriets ' will he entertained ar S^a ?>ree2e j for it l*>asr on* da< this summer. This Big Day Ig the Only Summer Vacation , . ... ? t'Tcr babtcg get After rhe fierce heat the relief is --pecialh* urire-nt We need vour help to meet .i-,, ^mereency. Hundred* ot familie* are. applyinj, It cogts onli l ents to aend and entertam ea<*h mother or < hild tor a da* 1"" ra will make a family '?our . ? ? ? gt Sea Brerze * i I week. Hov.. rnaot raa^rajoft* arill yoaa tr:* e va.w fcfalg year* Sen-i ron'nbution to R S MIN ; TURX, Trea*.. Room 212, 105 East 22d St, N. Y . Association tor Imprr\ing j the C'.r.dition ot fhe Poor P FULTON CUTTING. President. 1 J L Scott. State {luperlr.tender.t of Frta ! ons. had called a e0mp?tit!v? examtr.atlon l - head of Mfltlaawii following %n tn ratltan of the laaatutlofl by nia chief clerk. Chirlafl P, Eaker lt was rumored ? r. Lamt *??>*<,? id get .,.-? r'r Lamr :ins ong ted a parole ; BVRtata ter Marreawan. In his lasr repoit i to the State Supertnieniient of P'-son* \im ;''a'led attention ?rowded eondl tlon of Mafteaw-ar ar.d admitted that ld<a<\| atteadanta arere bard bb pa*. EXTRADITION DELAYEO Dix Given Second Heanng on Curphey-Kirkbride Case rsjg Taiflaraei ? ?*?-. iifaaaa | a. nany Jaly " ?-Tflvamor Dix 11 la flflW B*jet*d, wtu fl** aari i atoa r -mor rOW tn th? caaa of Alfred taaiarga ' "iirphev I i B I W Klrkb'tde. for ahorr. * IttBB has been mada bv taonrnmaW Tener ef Pernaylvania on an indtrtmant I growing aad f taa flaeei* prooaedinge - Ig lt hy Ardretv D Mellcn. of Pltta | bnrg. <~*urpr.*r and K'rkhride <-ame froflB , Eng;ard to reatifv for pjjaj MsilOfl 1*8*8 wera lflait*8ad tor esBBtaBBBBt for Rttabarg fo- New Torn after betng sub po?nae<i bv Mr Meiion to acpear before a ; notary to glva frt?umony rtafore, the rJlv*re* tnal The Governor to-day gai? a hearing *n a supplemomal appfica'ien. making a new oharge of consplrary aaamst tie 'wo men 1 This appiitation wu< made ataaea a hearina* glven raro we^Ks ago by thfl 'rnv?--.yr 88 extradltion pro^eedlngs Eoi-Judge Alton B Parke--. flrb* argiied against the appllcatior,. cor.rended that i* w .-, an BtBaenpt tfl an-.?>nd tha '.ndletmen*. I *anlch. he said. <-r,i;ld cnly be rhanged h" i th? grand hflry ta* BB d ? a' th* trd'.rt menr d:d nor charge ronsntra-'v. and that the rhanire <-o,,,d r.ot ? herefor? h? --onsld arad " - B*W -vharae ?? rr.a..{* \r, >n ifl davti rr -? - aaa ar, erh* ?s aaa nluve/i |n rhe dlvorce prooedlngs ' ?;ler BJSBflJ** that tha men eonanired ba leave t - itmta Uaioaaj other UtaasgB aa tl At Bfl BBW thfl '*x ?> BBflfl . - I stBrftao* ta a ? | M*41ea ' l Tork, a ba ar ? p-are,: ..--.?? ? ||aat ? lecoti ?? i- j ?-.-. ofl h r.ot thal ? - BBtaBtVrfttow* l 1 ba ??? er He <-ontend~1 that It hai .w ijho4T-r, con,-l'ialveiv ? ?-? ?-Red i art aaa ?"d that taaa* waa ir-!-- ? Braaaf by their -ivr. eoafei -.--?j ?- Bave Penaayi for N ? frm never waa 4 mor* deear* BBd ? -? -* ? traai tha aearrtj -,,,k* ; rao*tatnp< ba Qtaelarad ba deafsg l Say trftiardofl af FlallacaMBaM*, ar . p??r^.ri wtth Ti;''?t? Parke** f*r *he i,.-^-:*-. : m?r._ GOOD RnAO-s POR HENS9ELAEB Ba* Jflly " ?Oo*^nor D'r tf-da** i slgned th* Mll Of 5er.ator Allen appre g e:o..v> for good roads --r.struct*r**a .** P-^r.s?e.3.e** County Oxford Club OR.Y G!N DISTIT.I.FD IN iftrfWrfOUCA LIMITED space rn railway buffet car* r.ecessitates a very caretul selec tion of liquor*. The leading rail? way aysteras of America serve Oxford Qub Gm. Baird-Dariielft Ca MaBBSBI P4HKEK'4 uUik BAlLfUy O.eanaaa and b?aatlfl*a iha ha:r --???? ? n-jnoua sroarth N'evar Falla to Ha atore Gray H ilr to lt* Youth ful Tolor. Caraa kup 88888*88 ? na hair fa.liaa You See More Than Yellowstone In the Scenic Northwest The Yellowstone Park tour ta incentive enough to rr.akr thia thp, but jrou aee a'.ao the fertile farms, thrifty orchaxda and prcgreaaive dtiea of the great "Pm-rpeTity Statee of America*': Wiacor.ain, Minneaota, North Dakota, Montana. Idaho, Wasiungton and Otrgon. Low Fares for Homeseekers and Si-ghtseers Why not combine pleaaure and proftt in your 1911 vacation? Here is a part of our country you ought aurely to viait. for your own eniight enmcnt. Through daily elertric-lighted sleeping car traina from both Chtcago and St Louis, via Bvirlit-gton Northern Pacific lines. CLet me aend you our booklrta ? free. Bapaxiaily "Thrtxiah the Fermle Northweat.'* "Land ol Geyaera" ard ??Summer Tnpa to Puget Sound." Atk for them. Send rv m atampa for de luxe book **Thi*ouch Wotader ?arul W F WBBMBOff. Oea A<jrnt Paaa. Depf ? | groada a t, Baat York. Phonr lV,jrtA 319. Northern Pacific Ry