Newspaper Page Text
PART II. EIGHT PAGES. Xton^rtfe MISCELLANY, BOOKS AND ART. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, JULY 23. 1911. I Sometimes It's a Real Horror That the Film Presents for Your Gaze Light Hearted Mimicry Gives Way at Times to Tragedy Caused by Perilt That Moving Picture Actors Confront in the Gaze of the Camera's Single, Staring Eye. 1<iO-f,,f,f rilff whlla rnrrvinir nn uml.rplla abovs hia dome <>t thought, <?'<> h.-inKinir Harlem BHdge, f4) dlvlng f^rtv f. .t thri.tiirb IRS ."'ir Into tlnrty feet <>t watar. <?"> allghtlng frora thlrty-mlla *n hour asprcaB tralna .ind *?'.? kldnapplng, followed by srreal and Incarueratloa in n local baattle. Tho stur. of this <>\ magister artlum la Btich .'i" atitar tBlnltlg document thal it Is r-' produoed hfro: ?Mv father wsa a bsef eontractor to t' ,? Bngllali army, so Bticcessful in busN throtlgtl aeveral mllea of film-taklnK nnd flnally lo th*' *"Ik" ef a horrendoiis rilff. over wbleh we wera gupposed to leap rather than Btay nnd ba tomahawhsd l>> *.nr pursuers. ?At tha bottom of the cllft, out of rsnge nf the picture machlne'a ?:??<?. waa ;, nfenet held up by Blxteen Bupera. Each of ua want over tho <sifY Hke a ar.d th?- problena WM for oar-h man t<> got Bgfely OUl of tho net before th<? n*xt one tumbled Into it. 'For Ood'a aafa, hurry up!' I yellad to the man f ballet glrll flying through the alr ahovs '< tha gtage, pretendlng to danoe, and all ! that sort of thlng? Well. tho prtneiple I was th?- s:im>'. The trlrk was worked Indoors arlth an outdoor stage settlng. 1 I woro a stout belt around my body, and attached to the back of the belt, where I tho vlslon of tho caraera dldnt get lt, was a .-nble suspended from the fllea. AJ tho flymen lowered the cable the fool Bdentlat dropped Into the yawnlng chaam, apparontly, retarded only by that joke iiararhute.' Just tho aame, I was glad to get to tho bottom. Suppose Ibs rope had broken! "N'*xt, by way of novelty, I ati/feTsd arrcst and endnrod detention ln J*f ferson Market prlson. As you Amerl enns would aay, we were too 'blaraed reallstir-.' We oertainly 'put lt over* on that pollreman. though ln the next breath I must arknowledgo he had the last laugh and the best. ('lad aa a ' r . . Riunlniorenc)!" 9 thi apeaker ' ;;. . ? ? ,: .... that -i long ' s ? you, Syl . I aay? ? ' ' ? ' K, , _M,. ? \ ent to the a "rd: ? ng or other on j 81 I S-S-l . unceai Ingly. Th<-> doomi '1 * I ol thi MhataM Btayi I undt r watar an um ?n aclonably kmg Umi, "G.1 God! to I -;. ,i the man on the bank. Bven Bylveater Arraltage aeomed t'> nale aarneath hla artlfldal ollva eomplexlon. Ar,,i th- ?;. arlth horrlble gurgilng Bounda and amld clrellng waves and rlp plas, thr- Htnrk body of llontmoramcy thc erms and legs cramped reappeared a dosao yarda fxotn tha bcat ln a choked Tclea bf> faably Bhouted: "Heip! Belp! I'm drownlngr' an*i boob aank asjaln. "He'a all rieht," cailed oui thr- man on thr bank, raaaaurlngly. "Dolng it ex ft.-tiv ;.s I toi.i him. But you, th< ra. Armitae. . why in thr- l.lanki?iv-l.larik biank. dldnt >"u Btand by? Tha aec? ond tlme up, you K<t him surr. and then he can s?im out of tba plctura and rnako the sborc." But Arnrltaga dJdn*! look n<>r ad as lf ho could "fat- anybody. A Bpacta tr.r oloaa anough arould hava noted ha was BhaJdng wlth taarror as ba gased Hk< a palsled wratch on tho apot where a momaait ago his dlatraaaed ?vn*my BhOWad. Not a ripplo. at last fllsturb.-d tha Purfar o. Tha man r,n tho bank was tearlng hia lonp balr an*l rgclng back and Cblth lmpntK-ntly Thrre WBa a Mg mmmotjon en tho lakc-slde. The br-r-lng and whlSS-S-Ing thlng had atopped- A r-'<rtv headed by tho br-Rs grabhi-d a boat drawn up OB tho bank and put fi.nh hurricdly. Thoy v.vre too late. Before th*y had made half the dl.-tanre to the drowninsr man his body carae up the last timc. but no Botnad lassmd from his Mpa As ho final ly Bank, tho llttla fn-sh water pond?a iak.-i.-t aaaaB awoajgh f*>r "ki*is" to eauaoa in?waa his death trap. That (or aomo-thlng qulte like lt) hnp mmal a *ew day8 ago on BttBft Pond. i.rasmcro, Staton Iflund. Wh8B tho n el.fldrama mnsquerado of a company of rn* tlon pi'turo players waa convcrt'd lr.t?.- tcrriblo nality. You that have 4-n jc-yi-d tha aaeoad hand thrills or audden death nnd cJeedB that the plct? ure fllrns Irnpart, havo J09 <vtr before isatlarl tha diiaparata chaajeaa tttm of thaaa aaotloai ptctura aotora takal ''It'B BDflSra tri. k work," you aay. No, not all of tt. llluslon plays tho major part ?t ta trua; yat in thc graat out of, partlrularly. the camera actor hads a btrcnuous Hfc and faecs a*:tual dangers. Llves a man on Washington Ildghta ?afhaaa buBincss lt la, ln front of that camera eye. to leap from a doorway onto he back of a galloplng horse, aans Bttr rup or bridle. A Bronx tntbuslast has dlved a hun ilr* d ? ' ' ''"' Fallsadi -; Into ll Hudsoi An* ll ' ,!' "'" ? arl* i... it a . rd< r, A thlrd I it per ed to th* ? ? tra ? appr achlng i.tnol Ol h* I ... ? . . ngine would be dul topp* d in tim<-: Btlll. Bom* how he i ouldn l r. ralllni m.fortal ;-. thal i nd a f* rai bacB when an engine drlvt-r gol the ..... and '.-iti "??' r th* body of a rn- ? tlon plcture actor tii >i to thi ?Ai cldei ta.' W< nev* hav* dlri. tor ol on* of the ? i iur |... . ple don't run any moro * hancea Ih in regular bi lora We tell '< m Bafel th*- first conalderatlon, and it' they don't vrtsh to undertake anythlng thal looki well hasardouB, thes don'l have la Bealdea that, we take all aorta <f pre cautlons." When thla aame man learned thal hia atudio wasn't ta !'<? named n<>i- tha pcrlla of the bualneaa exaggerated In "yellcnt Journallsm" Btyle he took a dlffereni tona and reii l* I aome tru atorlea "f rsot nl Halrbn adth * aoap* a "Witt ln the laat ali n onti b," hi aald, "I hava been wlth mj company In Maine, In Cuba and In the Canadian Rockiea Off the Twln Lights, nesi Portland, we ataged tii- drama of a Bhlpwre* ked aallor. II waa an excltlng affnir. Flrst, we had '?< VOBBel 81 .-'.'i which waa auppoaed to ba wrecked; l a ?allor, despaiting of rescue and absn donimr the ahlp lashed hlmaelf t*> a spar and drlfted arlth the waves. Further more. ^^..? i.ind the government llfe aavlng crew and their boat. Among tha reajular tlfasavsra aome <-f our own sxtorg were gaadwiched In al tha oara. "\Noii, alr, a aojuall thal aprang ap during the plcture taklng gave me a bad quarter of nn hour. Tha poor fellow nn tha apar, though n*?t in mortal danger, Bwailorwsd more salt water than I ? i meant to, and was well battered by tha ccanbara, The ajovarnment craw and ihe aetor lif-'.savers didti't bit it off well at all. The CTSW was slmrf nn 'biislnesV and the artorai too V'ulti' to SSV8 llves, Portunatety. we sojuessed through; she lashed man was pulled aboard. Bparand all. gnd the boat, after tWO <t three un aurressfui triais. mastered tha hsavy hreakera and broughl all handa aahors. "Down in Cuba," continued tha di re.-tor, "whlthcr we wenl to g"t trop*'I orajsn s*-enes, our plcture outfit waa twi*e wrecked. and BBveral *>f 'is had doaa eaiis. ?m one occaafcm tho ma ehlne and its OfWrator w. ra hnrle*! (J'lst think ef it:> bv tha Bhaar foree of ihe wind Into tho gaa from g proJSOtlng K* h on which they w< w Matlom d. The otii-r mcldent makaa ma laugh to raeallaol it. although it waa no laughlng matter al tho tlme. Wa wero Working tO wind wurd ln a Behooner, with the plcturo machino whlrrlng away on the dc-ek and my astlstant and myeclf closo by it. "Of a auddon tho ropes parted that held the maln booifl in placs. CTnghl went tho bo*>m as lt ewept clrnr arrors the dtck, tmpcllcd by the tremcr.dous^ ?i^amJmm>***** ?* ? -?, .... i.a. NET TOO MOM, THE NBT C0U.A88B8 UNDER THE UNUSUAL ITBAIH. LEAPING INTO THE LIFE NBT TOO ^^ ^^ ""ET".T..''o.tTth^ Wllo^o? ano "tuallV run, over th. boov or a motion ,N ENGINE DRIVER GETS THE WRONG OBBB- ^^ ^ T|(f RA|L^ f,r!,, (,f tha wind on Ihi i atl above. An*i i radhl wanl tha moving plcture out nt. gnd s few mlles, more <>r less, ?if liims. as the hurrylng boom ireanorse lessly Bwspl them Into th?' ocean. Too oughl to hava aasn us duckl Aa it was. tha boom carrlsd ofT our eapa and nesrly Bcalped ns. it would hava baan goodby, Mr. Btage Director, gnd gooby, Mr. As aiatant, If if had really Jammed ua oa/er. The aea was full of man oatlng aharka, gnd tha vasssl waa aklmming along al auch ? apesd that H would hava taken fnily ftfteen mlnuteg to pui back, even st tha aharka had klndly refralned maklng ita the placa <!'? rtelatanca of their iiiiin* r. "in tha Rocklea," rambled on thepict tire man, "i almosl Btumbled Into death, as it wara. Leavlng th*' hotel ona morn Ing, my man and I thought we'.I ggjoy B little glacler holl*lay Of our own before huckl'.ng down to the serious work of photographing Alplne rescuea, landslldes and moving rlvers of lee. As v.e found the footlng good, W8 eonttaUSd over '.he l-.ard, hammocky gurfgca of the glader .until. without warnlnj_ i ia_.k to t_y %v;,i!t I,, .-. amsll heap of Bnow. M) companloB Belied ma and draggad ma back to lha aolld Burfaca 11 waan'l untll two daya Iater tbal i thought it worth whlle to ralata tha lm *-'*??* lo an Aipirn-t. Ha * Bamlned lha pta< * .. .|4r / ii.. gald, < ?!* neetli. il ls ., mlrarle tbal you im sllve t*> tall thla Thal fraali anoa .* aled ;? cravlca iwo hundred feet deep, and Ifa ;. wonder lf ,..,?!, ri, ol ? BPlorei i Hka rourself ara nol 1(iii,.,i in travi i ilna ? ''u daBgeroua ?rround!' Bure - nough, on my raaurn 1 read i" b Bewaimpet lhal a party ?< ?Ightaeelng glrla bad been engulfed In th;it v?ry crevaaBe. Two wera killed, im,i two others. I belleve, wara nearly sUrvad and frosen lo death ln the awftil ftbysa bafcra Ihei *?* rescued M r,, nt tha atudk) ruled hy this plcture man when ha la boI tralpalng around tba country buotlng now "ihriiiers works at. oxfiinl Mast.r of Arts, who has tbara BaaBterad nmro arts than the oxford facutty arar Uught him. Aroong tho stranK" a* M'li'^monts l.o has Kalnod in Tho BrotU BW (1? Jumptng Ofl a 00-Ioot pictipicc, U; ualkiuh' off a ii, Bfl thal he aenl me t.> ;) publlc achnnl Bnd sfterward to tho unlveraity Ifter , ,,i,ii.i. tlng my f_u< Btlon i found thal my dadd] snd i dlasgreed; im had a code of conducl In his buslnesa whlch i. \?nii my unlverslly notlons, fell ' could not )i|i|.ii.\.' of tolerate; so ??" parted. I drlfted en th.' stanc ami rame to Amerl. a. B here l gol fairly importunt parta In Boana of thg playa. Remember i played Murphy In 'Th- Collega \Vul?.\\ '.'" They had B iTUll di.adl'tll tlme of it. i recall, trylng to adapl my Bngliah enundatlon to Ifurphya brogue. Finally I w.-nt <m tha moving pictUTC sliiKe becaUSe 1 aSSded the money. "NoW, I am ? MI ef ? eow ard, I must oonfess, and therefora, aa a matter of prlda and .si-lf-ris|i. i l, I ha\e tnaile tl B rula aevar to balk danger nor decllne any hazard that came in Ihe line "'" duty. Parhnng that habtt *if mlna vnt mo in line for most of the Yrazy atunts,* gg they oall 'rm h're. One of my flrst unpleasant oxperiinccs which I riMtrad with a dozen other men was Juinping I ti> death' *>ff a practplca, YVe WBTfl whltaa puranad i>y totnahawk*carrytag< acaloiiifl; lndlans. They dlMOd ua ahead of me, who aaa evldentlj taklni in tlma, i had t" follow qutckly, and kerplunk! I came down slmoal on t"t> I of him. Tha llfenet |ave way under the comblned welghta, ami though tha ! fall was partls broken i bfl Bith greal force "ii a Btony hit "f giottad. m.v ca* n-'-r as ;i motlon ptctura actor almost ended then and there. "M\ nexl, though i?"t ao hasartf. '?us. looked even more daJigaroua i araa an abaentmlnded profeaaor, holdlng i*i : ona hand a book i dlllgently read and tho otbar ii'imi Bupportlag an unbralla j tn ko*'p ofl the bub's raya in this prac* j tlcally aomnambullatlc Btata i waa tol walk nii' -i preclplee. Th*' horror af ti t plcture theatre asaa mblaga would ba .sincci-ded by uproarioua laughtar aa tho j Bunpla profaaaor, apparently Buprjorted by his umi.roihi aiting as a parachute, gttded slnwly and jrrai cfully to earth? atlll int.nt on bla book. "Now, even aboul thla tri<k i araa nervouSi although i Bbouldn't bava baaa ut aii. llavy you avat bccn the ucij'j.1 Black llandor, I stole a ehild from Its mothera arma ha tha open doorway of a ti gemont 1 footad lt down the atreet gfl last as 1 could go, pursned by fhe othi r actora In their hright Italian garba and b) no amall n"mber ct real "sons of tuntiaucd ou acvcuth