Newspaper Page Text
Y"' TAXI. N? 23,672. T?>-<la. Btti ?o wamrrmw, iinsrlllrd nnil , ..nfiniicil raoli ni,"i.-i:ii.- ri?? winds, NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 191J rTWELVE PAGES. **PRICE ONE < KNT ,nn,v ^^^ KINS ED WITHOUT BAIL Costabile. Minus His Bravado, a Wild Looking Specimen in Court, SWIFT ACTION IS PROMISED Whitman to Take Case to Grand Jury To-day and Proceed to Trial at Once Upon Indictment. i sr? i? througl B Ith ? 'iii - ? stabile It I? Bill K-*t him, and ; never ?-? ?**i may ?as .. * '1 V- .nanti? ?? utii? h | s Is saM . made shorl wort ? '"i .ni?l ? ? tent Ion? of hi? ? ? ? sil? g I leader of the Bla? . ? ? ! ?ras held without ball. - rooi nlnff, und ob may And himself on e the v hoc-)? of ? ? volve, Bras th?- har th< i. ? i ? ? ?r- ; nd the 1 >is Mton t? i ton t oui t. i m> for examination y* ? nor, r< pressing quibbles, Thi in I'rin? " rrao for ? irrylng ?c in?- ? maj be ? \ i rj - . ? ? ? ? ? i mu. but In ? Kiest looking manlty ei ? - d ot a t a) hen he ? I his h;i ir ? as pomaded, tied u| " to perf? that I like ?i "little dandy." Tombs n usl ha*?, t taken th?-? ; t of both H ir and ? haracter. \ v ? ? ?I Of -. and of mouth, furtivo, 1 d with ? il i nba | iwth <"*f ? as he - ind held m falllrig, ? istlfled ir th< ' the good ? i- hitrli haav? rat" at lust - Happy H- ; BehinH Tars. ? - . Carrao are I thai he is th< re, nn?l that the lamp? n _ ? ? Ital term ..f ? | nest : . i ? ? ? nta < !oatab11e fee militar: ? era, and that if tlio ? term to ? ? . ? ? theii case - ; : ? ngtb? * ? i ? t that i he ol Italian \ Ic? tu nd ice -: ? ? i eai i old, i ? po I? e, perat Ion of M ? t ho ask -'1 ? ? ? ; ,t ? | to Ma I thai i who, . ? ? ' * The -. Machelll, tu be < ?, Ma ? I*.?*-!' . ? m de to ? . it | ?? ? ,;i dlf ? d that Delano street ? ? ? . . the !>r..|.i-r - i labile ? ? ? ? l"?.r Cr ? His Bravado. ng of the .VI ? ? ei I ?,/.-.i , ; '. Mgp I i || M . ; ? tead of ffort to g?i .nd th< . g illli .m law, b ;t v hen dldn'1 thick ihnt s ttai ii ? i . th< ? ? h A I m ?;!" '?. " ' rat? . follow? I ?i and i??l?i about the of the bomb all?god t" I ? ,i the um' of !? aaid thai he thing hlghl ? ? spl ?alve |< rabia nd i rnlted." ted fi el m< ??t ..h... timitting m tor \ Ibi wlth 1..I.? m I. i , OV< i it ?? Whitman and ? m< i ;?t un? e. Mr. them CoHtablle's n.?1 Jury this ..,,, r i m In i i' MOTHER BOMB FOR ITALIANS Lmlf D, DUfi by Explosion at o'clock This Morning. Ilk? I ?I , 131 h i a ..i brought ? , ? . tor) ten? ,..,.?, runulBg doa n? . Ildlng iludini ? '?ll 'n ??*' i Bat * . . .i?, i tPnat. Statesmen Hunting Bear Members of Congress will relate iheir personal ex? p?riences while gunning for big ??ame, some of them hair-raising, some of them humorous, in next Sunday's Tribune THE U. S. TO TAKE A HAND? The "Daily Mail'1 Puts Us in the Morocco Convention. London, Sept. 8, Tho Kr;i]!.-?.-<;.?rmnn Ba*re*ment, according t.. 'Tha Dally Hall." win take th?- fi.rm of a conven? tion bmjtaei i>y the Europ?"*an powera and tha United i-?t.?t<->s. it trill acknowledge that Fratn-f? h:?s l? political nn?l mlll t;?rv Interaata In Morocco, and thai any dlapute regarding tha Interpretation of tlip treat*/ troold have to be referred t<> Europe nmi tha Unlti d TWO WOMEN HOLD BURGLAR ?Both Severely Beaten Before Patrolman Arrives. wnii tec s ind urn.s acratched and Ing, ?lothing torn and hata wrecked. two women rlacklly hung on to a burg? lar in fonkera yeaterdaj until a police? man relieve them of their charge. They were dragg >i i block through th ? Btn eta I" fore a i?i < .-> 'ii?-. Mn Patri? k MeManua of \". 23 Fern brook Btreet, ko? away when her daugh t< i-, lira Charlea I ?'Brien, and the lat? iera Blater-in-law, allai Nellie O'Brien, ? ? lied i?i li :? apartmi nta. They knew thai ehe wan nol a I home, .?ml were Ratoniahed, just ?is they reached the door "t" the apartmenta, !?? Bee a man walk out with ;? big bundle under one arm Airs. O'Brien demanded to know what ha was doing there, but without answering he tried to push past the two women. Both seised him, and ?i desperate light ensued. The i- ? 11 > j ?<?'--??? ! thief held on to the bundle with one hand, while he ?-?ruck savagely al the ? ? v. ith ' Th? ' still ? lung ?i, however, and he dragged them to th" ?tre ' beating them all the while. A block away b patrolman came up ??rested the man, a powerfully bull? fellow >>f twenty-nine. He gave his name as '."ills i ?initt>:.<I An ? m ti"ii of th" bundle to which the prison? r had clung throughout the fight showed that it contained two nuits of clothing, ;.n overeo t ;? od .i > lolln, valued In nil ?? "'. Diamond was arraigned before t'itj Judge Beall on rhargea of burglary and gran'] larceny and held for further ? iinatloi . BROKER REPORTED MISSING Said To Be Shortage of $750,000 ?Trouble Denied. TI en .'. ta .i report laal i I ta member <f a prominent Wall Street firm and broken had diaapp? ired simultaneous]* with the startli | ol "ii the Arm's i.ka b; expert account? anta It was a Iso aa :?l tha t the exam ?ed hal $750,. ii ?: ? b? en u tinted for, the ? ? '"i" rs of the firm ? ? - Rot! H- would ii? ? t Biy whethei om ? mployed by the Arm had dlaappeared, or whether its i*, i,- b? Ing ? aa mined. The other member if th Hi m waa ! home. it was said then that . . gone out? ? ? At Police Headquarters no h . irmation the detective bu ? fus? a i" make publi? "? onfld? ntlal -? SOUL MATES NOW HAVE HEIR Boy Born to Mrs. Galvi.i, Miss Antoi? nette Gazzam That Was. I Ry " ' . ? Tli<? Trillin?- 1 Kewburg, N ^ . Bept. 7. Joy i.-iL-n- in ??'/?: ? Storm K:r>g Mountain, i". ?i child haa been born i?. Mr. and Mra Charlea Galvln. I.? two mont! ago tl ouni ?ro ,- ? returned lo Ti aumerel, ?? I Qaxzam home is known, and Blmt with the ii ? of futui e Joj to the nd ? i ? In i w .-' < ||? taon, ?>f Net? i?)' ??, \? aa ? >:i? ?i ?-..'|y Wed] lo the house, and ?>n hi?- i? ' mi !"? told hit frlenda 11 heir, a ? ? i orn to ? ? Antoinette ? I baby will be ?rhri it? ned In Bt. i horn ia'1 ?? Re*, Patl ? i i.",- nan, a ho join? d ( o a ? ?? ? ? ?? - ? ' ' SUMMONS FOR G. F. BAEP. Reading Railroad Head Accused of Selling Bad Egg*? Phi lad? Iphla, Sept. 7 AI the in ? of Han' r < ?- ' ' nl of t be r " Kood I '? partmenl of l'uni aylvanla, G< ? i ?' Bet r. preaident of the R? adinaj Railroad < .'ompan,. a ho ti ? turned from Euro].ti rday, was s,., \ ,.,| with s summons to-da to ap , ore a maglsl rate and am i the cale of bad mniona is usuallj s? rved * h.n Baer will be i , ;,, i ?,, ilagiatrate !'- aton on St l< bei il i).- appi ared 11 o? k d and sur , ,| v. h? n the <!'" uni- it a as read to 'I'h,. gtate Pure f.I Department al ti .,i thi railroad < ompan. , utrid ? gga Ii it "ii Ita hands b) ? on . ? .i , Id? 'i upon and the Buromona ior Mr. Biier ara _ MADE $500.000 IN CHOP SUEY. Bo ton, Sept ? W " ?' '"' ' ?' "! * '' . through .'-ri'.. Bo Ionian? with , bop Bui j and other Chin? -? dell? a ? r>>, proprli I.I ? '? " H rat Chi nese .? ta irai ? a II ' ?" Canton i earli a? tl week, to mai the i t of hi lif? ?n affl ? ne? f ? r? Mm h ??< hl mo mid t., i.. Inv? led . ..i offered i hop i ?? I to Bob? _ EOY RUN DOWN BY AEROPLANE. H;,i Harboi Mi ?? pt 1. While makina a (andina ft? r b Bhort lllghl In a biplane , . , i Nelson ? in '''"' ''," , i \ii und Mi i ?' , i ' i: .i Hail or. Iir? ?kin '"? '.'' " it : i day, iv... MISSIONARIES IN CUM Formidable International Naval Display Near Scene of Trou? ble Impending. THE SITUATION CRITICAL Precautions Taken by United States, Great Britain, France and Germany? American Warships on Watch. Washington, Sept. 7 a ctUlt has ?risen In the turbulent province of - Chuen, In China, and the United Btates nil other countries have taken pm-au tlonan steps '??r the safety ?if theli rltl ?"us i.i that region. American warahips , will be employed t?. guard American rltl? rens, and a formidable international naval display in ChlBeae waters is Im? pending. Mr. Williams, the charg? d'affaire? in Peking, who is acting in the ahsen?-? <?f William .T Calhoun, th?? American Min? ist? -i* to China, who Is ;?t hon.n leave ?f absence, sent 1 cable dispatch to the Rtate Department to-day saj ?ne that the situation In Bse-Chuen bait? tasc?me critlcaL Public meetings In rarious ?-it:?-;-. accompanied by th?? closing of shops and schools and refusal t?? pay tases, culminatad In serious disorders. American Methodist missionaries at Chung King and Cheng-Tu have In? formed Mr. Wlfliams that none of th?*m has yel i?-ft his post, except that American nmi British woman have lafl Cheng-Tu for Chung Kin?:. Thtrty-?tm? districts are sai?l t?> tw affected by the prest ni agitation. Tax <?fli?*"s have been destroyed and several officials have re signed, hut resistance to the government has in general been passive rather than active. China Promises Protection. Tho Chinese Foreign ? Hfl? e has assured til?- legation thai protection will be given to ail foreigners and their property, and has offered escorts to ?i'I who d?"*sire t?i leave the disturbed districts. The Vice? roy ??f Bse-Chuen la mid t?> be with energy. A British gunboat is nos proceeding to Chlating, while threeother gunboats, "ii?-' British, one French and one German, are al ?'inmir King. Rear Admiral Murdock'a rlr/gahlp the ?? Saratoga, is ai Woosung; the \. w Orl? - ai Shanghai, and two or three American gunboats are cruising In the Tangtse Rlvi r. On n 1 ell ? "f to? day's disquieting reports the State De partmenl ?n struct? d the legation at !'<? . to ash Admiral Munlock to dispose the American gunboats In the manner best 1 al? ?1 to forestall any possible danger to Am? rlcan 1 Itlsens. The de? partmenl ilso aenl telegraphic Instruc tioi 1 to Mr Pontius, of th?.isular aervlce, to proceed .?i once from Hang? I ... i? Chung King. The distance from Chengtu to ? hung King, where th-r<- are gunboat 1 now, 1 ? quln s b ??'?i ?lays' Journey, vhili Chengtu 1-- f"ur days' |oumey fr??m Collating, to which place a British gunboat Is noa proceeding. Causes of the Trouble. Ai Imperial edlcl recently placed un? der thi Ministry of CommuntcataOits ?>f the central governmenl th.? t bust ruction of ail trunk Unas throughout th?- empira ind cane? kd all ? oncesslons for the prl? \at<- constru? lion of trunk iin?^s previous t.. mi, Thli measure affected th? line which was !>elng built by Chlneae pri? vate 'ii? 1 pi te in th- province of 1 1.11. n and, aci ording 1 the State Department, has doubtless brought about th?' present manifestations in s province always considered muro than ordinarily turbulent. In the view <>f the govern? ? officials, reactionary tendencies, m? cry <>f "China for the Chlneae" and s ???Man: amount of anti-foreign tendency have m ??) ? the 11 onomlc ;?iai progressive mr-asurei ol reform and Industrial devel opmenl Introduced by th*? central gov ?ii menl In thai province more slow to t.? apprecl il ?i snd understood 1 ban In ? ; her parts of Cl State I?'-. u Imei I officials say there Is to attribute the presenl up rlalng i" tu?- rece?? railway projects In B'hirh the l/nlted Btates Is Interested I i't, those railways, .is now planned and iind?*r 1 i? s? ut concession??, art who])* outsidi Bse-Chuen, the questltwi of ultimate extension int?> that province having been sel aside i"t' futur" con? ratl? MISSIONARIES WARNED Sze-Chuen Viceroy Direct- Them to Assemble in Large Towns. 1 Peklngi Eepl ? MI?a?rionarlss In the outlying districts of Bse-Chuen Province h.i\?? b? en ordi red bj the VI? er ij to as semble In the larger towns, In cons? quena of the genei >i unresl among tii? natives arising from the government's luilrond poll? ah foreigners In Cheng-Tu, th? capital ,,i Bse-Chuen l-*rovlnce, are taking refuge in ih" compound >?f ihr? Missionary Bo He. of I he Methodist 1 'inr. it of 1 '.mi? s'? rhi.? 11' i-i ?i\ ni. <? <?f 1 'hlna, boid?tins "ii Thibet it bai an ares "f ? ? than - "" ?" .-'i ???!?? nul. s The region mount si 1 ?? s me "f t he rang) 1 reach? Ing s gres lion The population Is . dm it? ?i si abn H M ???.'?", fai ? 1 ? ling ii,..! of .?'.' ??til? r ?'hlneae pn 1 Amei 'M' mi.-- lonarles ere stationed in t the pro* in. ?? .i c in. the capital, ml - lonai i? - era maintain? ?i by it??- M? nnonlte Qeneral ? .,ii. ,, ,.,r North Am rica, and M is etao the station of th" M lonsrj Bo? I? 1, ?,r u,.. ..]. ? ? 'i.m? h ? ? Canada Kiatlni 1 .1 station ??f ih? Am? 11? an Baptist Ml ?lonai s 1 'nlon .:,. of tii" ? 'anadian Mis knuu 1 s?., i? i> ?,r the ?'? ?i" dial ? 'hureh, a hile th? Mi 1. 1,1.mi" ?;? iw ral ' 'oBfen rti ?? ?.f North Arm ? 1?., ha - ml -i"i'. 1 ?voi k? rs al ? 'bung* MEN AND WOMEN IN PERIL Stations of Missionaries in Dis? turbed Region of China. Boston, Bept. 7 The Ainerlcan Baptlsi j 1 ,,,, in 1 M . s " lety ha? al oui ' tw? 111 > -five Am? rl sa m kmai I? ? tall?.1 ? |? \\, ?.i China, ?f whom foui tha Ite, joaeph Taylor, "f Nea fork Stale; Mi u 1 . on In; ihs R? 1 ?.mi? 1 g 1 l iiiiliiini ?I <>u ei'itinii !????.?? ImuN im dois n Chicago mm Divorcee Wounds Robert B. Wat son When Refused Admis? sion to His Home. IS GLAD HE WILL NOT OIE Affray in Street Led Police tc Believe It Was BiVgUtf Hunt, as Wounded Man Ran for Blocks. <?hi.-i.8-... Bept 7. Robert Bruce Wal p?n. member of moat of Ihe leading eluta I here, a wealthy architect and activa it tii?1 Republican party, waa shot an? i twice ?wounded to-daj by Mra H. B Coney. The ?--'...*.ti11s-r took place in fi""1 lof Mr. Watson's home, to which the ar? chitect had refuaed Mra Coney adm sion. She was arwated after having goni BeveraJ blocks and admitted having shol him. Mrs. Cone) called ai Mr. Wataoi ! ivmc earlier in the day and la Bald t< baye been ordered away Bhe waited 01 the sidewalk, however, and when he lei home an ho'ir later dree a small revolve fr? m ber handbag and ahot him. On* bullet struck ov?a* his right ear am glanced off and one entered his thigh in the hoepltal it was said Wataon'a In Juries were not dangeroua When the first bullel graxed th? archl tect'a head he ran towara the wbmait Hi made no attempt to grapple with her however, thi only eye wltneaa John B Richie, m. t-npioye of the Weal Part Board, says. Mr. Watson turned rod denly and ran toward Jackaon Boule? irard. The woman with the revolvei I leaned over th? fence, aimed and fire? twice. The rust bullel lodged In Mi Wataon'a thigh, it did not cripple him but urged Him to greater speed In hli retreat. The other bdllel wenl wild Mrs. ? .oney puraue-d, the revolver ' Bei hand ,\s Mrs ' lone ran up the al ej lloui lahing her weapon, Jamea O'Brien, a po? (iceinan, of the Plllmore street station Joined the cbauae. When he heard rt>? volver reporta he thought Mra. Conej waa :.n Indignant houaeholder on th? trail >.f a burglar. The ?has.- proceed* In Central Park avenue toward Adami street. At this point the fugitive loan hit pursui ra I j Jumping Into a deliver* wagon "I'm s?h<>t. man!" he ahouted at Joha Conway, the ?iii\?-r. "Take me t" th? drug Ft?>r?? at Monroe atrae! and Central Park a vein,?'. There's a woman aft?r m< with a pun. ' Conwai followed ordera fearing a bul? let bimaelf. Mra. Coney, the pollcemaii and Richie ware left hopeleaal) <,ut oi tiio running. 0*Briea pauaed for ex? plana tiona "Tve shot a man, that's all." Mrs < 'oney sai?l. At Uif policeman's request sin fumbled in he* hag a?il produced the revolver, "I have known Mr. Watson ? long time, and i loiitiin't stand it when ha turnad me down." Mrs. Coney told the polir-,-. "H?' t.ii.i ni" to get away from his hem1 becauae his m?>thor was there If was moro than I could Stand, and I Bhot him." When told Mr. Wataon'a injuries were n>>t s.rious Mrs Coney expreaaed relief, Baying Fh?. had not iiit??n<J? .J t?i kill him. Mrs coney hied suit for divorce from her husband, s manufacturer here, last 1 . bruary. It was dlamiaaed and a coun? ter suit filed by him was Buatained. Although Mi Wataon'a r?.i not ??i?!?? ar in Mr Cone) 'a suit, the woman's former husband to-day said the archl? '? '' name had i? n i oupled with that ol his- aif? >\.i> ?before the separation. Neither Mr. Wataon nor tha woman would make any further statement as to the catuM of th?-- shooting Watson waa city architect for t-v?> years under Mayor Bwift, and later waa f-tat.' jir?iiit??t niift?r the adralnlatra tlona of Govenwra Tanner and rates. He la h atockhoMer In the Henrj Brtcc? aon Company, gettrral contractor?! of which th? i*lty Bi Ming Commlaaioner, Henry Erlccson, i? pn aident. n<- ??i forty-two reara old, unmarried and wealthy. He is ?aid t?. be engaged to the daughter of a hotelkeeper of Wesi Baden, Ind. Mra ? oney has two i hiidn n, who ar. II? ing a ith t!i? ir father. ? _ MURPHY'S AUTO BREAKS i Tammany Boss and Donohue Ma? rooned in Middletown, N. Y. !'? '?'"?> ' ???.-? , Middletown, N. v.. Bept ; Owing t.. a broken spring un.i.-r his seven-pai foreign built touring car, on which appears n. big 'brass letters, "Buili expressly for A','H.a.' Litarles F. Murphy, Tammany leader, and 1'. T, Donohue, treasurer <>f Tamm my Hall, ara mai ""t:' .i bei ?? to? nljrht. Mr Murph]. with M ? Donohue aa ins ? was driving from New ?<.>rk this afternbon, when, Bpeedlng along the atat? '"?"i -it ESaai Ooaben, tin big > u bounded iiitn a <i?'i'i? asion made b recent raina breaking four riba ?>f a frort spring. Th? jounce nearly pitched tha Tammany lead? ? : i fi "m i be < ir, but if Ither was h ii.. part) drove slowly i" min <?tv, and m. ? n i im s a/era put at work on the api Ina, i hi the a " ?ge me? toM Mi Murphj thai i. would hardlj be able t?> continue ins .in?..' before to-inorroa n.i Mi Murphy Bra at Brat disgruntled, bul after dinner v, ,ni Hi i ?onohue ac? ept? >i tha situ ilion -1 USED FIRE TO UNDRE,**S Woman Couldn't U:itic Knot in Skirt - Dying of Her Bums. ? hit sgo, s? i't 1 ???? Ina unable lo untie a ... ?. i >**acurina her underaklrt, Mra Grace u aber, egad aiatj Bv? reai ?. sal Bra t" n? m, i. idlaa ki I t" day ''ii-J was ,,. ,., 11. ,i .i ing ol her burna at Bt Lug? a Uosptlal Neighbor* who beard her aereama ruahed .,, and ?-??!>-i?> n 'I tha fl iniea wbleh had .,,,,, ,i the grenier port "f her ehtth? 1_ * (.ui.M BKAf) M?RIMO water. [il purilj bas maat u taasoeai AArX TWO ACTORS IN' A'TRAGEDY WHO WOULD GO ON THE STAGE BBULAH BINFORD. \\ ho, after her release from th? Rlchmo jail, came to this dty Is I night with "eaterprislng manag? r." ii'h"i.pyrighl American Preaa aaaaclatlcM 'ORIGINAL POTATO IN PERU ?Tubercle from Which All Come Said to Have Been Found. [Bj Cabla to the Trfbttne. | London, Bept v A potato said to be I impervious In disease and the original tulverele from which 'ill potatoes laki their oriRiii is reported l< have be? n discovert d In P< ru ARABS FIND LOST CITY ' Natives of Mesopotamia Discover Old Chaldean Town. [By Cabla to Taa n* aaa I i.oinlon, Bept 8.?Arahs in Mesopota? mia have accidentally discovered one of the ancient Chaldean ?iths. I'mma, of the olden tima, at the site known t ? > - < l ; ? ?. its v?i'ikiia. Poe* twelve months past clay iai?i?'*s have been offered for sate from mounds at Jfoukha, an?l recently four hundred specimens ha v.' arrived in Lan ?lon. inn proof thai the) avskMfi to ?h?* ion? lost city ?if ['mm.?. rival <>f th famous oi?i Babylonian city ol Lagash, has n??t been derived from them, be? cause thej have nol ? et been read, but from s marble tablet, b? irlng r i f r ? - ? - ? : lines of arrow-he id *?? ritii ^ now I l 'a ? i - ARRESTED AS AUTO THIEVES Police Say They Found Men Scraping Paint from Car. In a lone!) barn on the Grassy Bprain Road, Just rutrlde at Tonkers, Lieuten? ant Bushy, of the New fork police, and a -"iiiad of Yorkers police under Chief Wolff lanl night surrounded and capt? ured two men on s charge of stealing an automobile. The police sa) the men were scraping th?? paint off the ? ar when th<->y enter i th? i u ir. The men said the) were Samuel s Richards, of Na ti Baal 9*M street, and Charles Roas, ???? chauffeur, of the Hotel Navarre .'be ear found In the bam was a 1911 model Cadillac, which was .-t? len fron Its owner, Oeorge Taylor, of No. :u: i"i:?.i avenue, si the Brighton Motordrome, on L?abor Day. Both men admitted their guilt, iho police said, but denied knowledge "f other thefts of au? tomoblles. Richards said his father was John B. Richards, s director in the Peal ? *or) ?-U Lumber ? 'ompany. The polio say that many automobil? - have been stoltr from In * i? ? i ? t of hotels ;?ini resld-iiirea In this cit) and Brooklyn In the last s!x months and taken to the suburbs, v her? the) were scraped and i? painted an I sold TWO HURT IN AUTO CRASH ! Chauffeurs Blame Each Other for Collision Uptown. A man and s woman were badly bruised in s collision between two auto? moblles shortly after midnight this morning at ISlsl streel and Amsterdam avenue. One of th? cars ?vas passing through th?' ?i?'s street, while) the other wn - going along the avenue. The chauf blai.I ? a? h other for the accident The most seriousl) injured was Miss TiHii- Han. who b'bs tiding In a ma? chine owned b) Louis Bchilt, s whole? i i" clothing men :ant. of No i;;i| Broadway. In the machine alfh her i??.?i another woman and David Bchilt, i .-on of the owner. The car was driven ; by Edward C. Purd). oi No. U3 VVest '. 11*11, street, who also was hurt? .\H the o? cupants ol i hli car wen thrown out by the crash. The ma? nine thai smash? ?i Into I ?? Bchilt . it- ua owned by the Plttaburxh Contracting Company, of Na ..T*?."? Broadway, and was driven bj Luther E i ?? nniaofl -? ASTORS COUNSEL SILENT I Will Not Diseurs Qui-stiun of Obtain? ing a Minif-ttr. I Bj Ti :???:?. ?i.?? i " il.- 1 ? 'i um 1 St n port, it i . s? !?' 7 Colonel M i i Bbeflleld, Colonel Jaba Jacob Aetoi i . Si v. [an : legal repi ? ? eat itlve i- nol ; < 11 -.-? 111 ?^ whet bei or noi ti?- hs ye\ been - ful in .?ni.m m. .? rolnlsti i i., pel I f'-i m i !,?? m na i tgs earemon) 'tiw Ri x i>.- i: a JohnsoB, of the Plrsl iDaptl i Church, who refuse?! i" marrj Colo? 1 nel \ itor and Ipi f? re? aid to da) thai i n had bt i *ni? kriown thai I ? had re? j in?? ?i tu mai i ) tl ? ' suple he hs received man-, congratulation? from i??-? -<? i i u n.? not m? mbei s ol hi - ? tun' ii ind fi om m ma ?it hi.. ,i\? i, rongl rgi ""i? I weigh? d ih.?ret? I In in) mirai, h? uald in.l ?.? ? |<1 a i roulci (Toni in marrj ? ? ton? i Vi loi intl Ml | FlaTVe, ?iu lAattCi ?v liai Un. fat va. PAUL BEATTIE. Who also declares hli Intention of gcajag ?m the al , i'(;, -. , ,?? " ml 'ni"inrsnn.i "MONA LISA" SUSPECTS HELD Two Men Arrested in Spain with Picture Like Stolen Gem. Madrid, Bept 7. The "Espa?a Libre" says that two foreign? era have been arrested al Leon. They a/ere carrying a haaket containing a "Mona Lia? " Th? men proti at? d against their detention, agaertlng that I the picture was only ? copy of Leonardo Ida Vinci's Btoien maaterplece, which they | were takliiR to ?'oimhra, whf re they live. The two men were obeerved taking 'baggage from an automobil? pt th? ?loor ! Of .tu inn on th?' outskirts of th? city. ?V ? large picture attracted the attention of j th?^ observer, who, peering through an opening In the covering, thought be rec? I Ognised th?-? painting "Mona Lisa." He I immediatelj*1 Informed the authorities*, who lost no time In ?rrestlng th? naen ? and seizing the picture. Th? detained persona gave the name? of Henri Bar buss - and Letellier. The i>oii'-e ai>s<> lutely refus? all further inform?t;' n. WIDOWER OF^HOUR ELOPES Both Bride and Bridegroom Scon in> Custody. Minneapolis Bept, 7 The elopement ol I. W. Ploiner, farmer Sheriff of Da? \i'is"n County B. I?, with Mrs Qulnn within ?m hour "f the death of his wif? ?caused relatives of Peter Albert Qulnn, formerl* >f Minneapolis to leav? this city for Mit. h? !i. B. D., with th? inten? tion of pUein?; a murder charge against Plotncr in connection with the ? i ? --* 111 of Qulnn, ?ho ?litct in Mitchell on August 81, l'.M III. I'lotn. r ?' "i M' Qui were sri m Omaha on Tueada* night on ;? siatu tory ? barge. Relativ a of Qulnn i hai ge thai Plot* ner, with thi assistance ol Mrs. peter Albert Qulnn and a mysterious person whose ' une la being l?*-i?f secret, mur >?- . i Qulnn In su, h ?a manner as to | make his death appear suicide it |g (?harged tl it Mrs Piotner, who was an Ini iii'i. vai ?it i? en to nul? Ide be? ause ut piotn r's attention, t" Mrs Qulnn. ? s - MOSQUITOES ROUT MR. MORGAN Financier Flees Up River in Yacht Be? fore New Jersey Horde. n b-n'l oft? n thai .1 plerponl M ? ! runa away, but on Wednesday aighl the .;. r>. >? mosquitera mane him quit N? ?s l'ork Harbor. Mr. Morgan w;i? tpandlng the ' Ighl on ;? tha i '< i air, > ft ? m :.i >. et, but the moaqulti ? inta ao ?| ? <r? t? red the i i plain t" n up the Hudson t?> ardaley, where ? ?r.'i t i t; ?? night Mr. Morgan ent ashore al ? ?>. n? k yea la? na for th? P?e** Vori i ? ? und Bfhen the messenger came back with n,- Corsair ateotned bach t> New York NAVY AVIATORS NOVEL START i Hides Down Wire Cible from Platform Only Twenty Feet High. (?.?inn.Isport N i . s. i>t : Lieu? tenant Rllyson the aavy'a Ural aviator, iwn i S f< at on ,? a Ira rabia bare U> ,:,.. la bis hydro aeroplane from b platform iwent) feet high, and leaving tha adra ... if. is. flew over Um lake Tha apparatua bag been de* Isa I to ? ta ti"- i m rtMlltj of Bytng the m.,, h Ines fi?"" ?i ship unaaalated bj any i-. l han ih"-' m hl? h ma) readily ; i, ? improvtai ?! .ard s - ,i i- i RI IH PRESSED GRAPE JUICE \\> |.i.s n ii;!,i in ??m- tight. II i' |.|.w i:\ ?v Sij.N.J Co., la Fultou ?at.. [k. ? ?***?*? SEMI FAVORED IN JUDGE'S CHARGE Emphasizes That No Doubt Must Exist in M-rfl of a Singlo Juror. CASE TURMS ON PAUL'S STORY Hi'= T^rtiriony Fiercely Assailed by Counsel for the Prisoner Trer--.ict 7?av Be Reached To-day. ??he'trrfie'd ????>irth<vi?e. Vi . tnjUt " ?* y\vo honra '"in' In ?? lUH lad murky courtrrtom, Hill Carter. wtth a r;-,fl ?"?f both pathos end arf^ia-etit, totntbi the? hearts of twelve jurvmen in an effort It ??cure ?'??? sct-ralttal "t Hmrv nay Beat? tie, ???.. Indi? ted ror thr? murder ? I i?ls ?srife ob Midlothian Tu*raplh? '?^ *T re,.i |fr, Carter ? on' lltded. ?ad t?-m..rrv th? great battle of ??," tr-??? the clash betweeo Harry M. Smith, j-.. defence, aad L. ?-. IVenil nburg, of the commonwealth, close frteg?as god .. ?aw? ?th. is acbedated, ? ^r''* t expect<ed sotne time d i - night From the depth of sn arfrumanl in which he instaurlngly d?m<tmBced Paul ?..??..? dusIb of tin a? ' ist d man sad principal rttn?eas anaim-t hta.? nc a weakllng end fell Bti Hi*. Carter at t m. ? fairly sh?..;ted to th?*? .in ?? u ha !. aned ovt r the bar, bul win n tit?? day was drawing to ? ck*** his voir? ttmn ti ? tvhlsner ? f lmi*as?loned ?ppeaL ??if you, gentlemen of tl <? 1 ir: " he ?aid ,m measured tones, "can within th*? aan?* tity of your oath preveat th? |Mr?aBlBsi of the polaoB? ?1 ? battes t<? the lips <?f thu aged rather, bis heart already i.i?"?-??i i t-i???-: from the stab of the dagajrr which took away a life, if you cun, I ?ay, spare hin i'r..' ion whom ho Uyvet no dearly, i ?sk you within mercy t?> br'm-r In a venir t q| il,?? guilty." The lesfl man of wrtnaJed brow ami sink? n cheeks who l>? snl?- his t*> cused son dropped his eyas and ral?ed his fan t?. conceal the trembling ?I his lips and the quick gulps of sBSOtloB that followed. Young Beattie stared bard at, the Jurymen, his face .?..ixiiWe an?i st }?'?'!? s moment then wi silence In the courtroot i. Then J dge ??VBtBon kicked at his watch, gtenced through the wla? dows at the long sha?l??ws on the Kr< n. and without further coremsnl ?^jjournad court until '.? o'clock to-Bsorroa rnon?rig. when the final lap in the ra? <? for the life i : . lea i ; e a ill be run. Paul's Teit.mony Frail. Th?> day begin with the readlhg by ? Judga Watson Of th? instru-tions t?> the Jury. HOTS \ it;il than LlBUal ?B re they? ! partitrularly as attention was drsara to ihi- frailty of th?1 allegad i oalaasaloa of Henry t?? Paul an?i the msnnar in which it came?Ib jail from an incarc?r?t??.l v itn? si to the ??ommon'iraalth'i ?ttorar*. Other points In the story <>f Paul which related to the ??"?onversaUona of Paul or meatlngi of the two couainfl ?Ion?, na? aupportad by arttaaaaaa, atare held up sa requiring a careful scrutin) j. If. Gregory, who opeaed the argu? ment f'*r the praaacuttoa, laid partl?cular stress on the Rwfi'inass ??f th?-' crime, th? admissions of. \ho a?Ctiaed r>'m??--lf on the witness stand as to his ralatlott? W?#h Beulab Blnford and bis continuance of them not*?rtthstandltig his marriage and the birth of s child. The prosei utor sp? realod t ? ? the moral and rBttgtOUS sen-*?-')? of th-*? Jurymen sad bespoke In bitter t? rm? the avenios of society and the nati.n to the life of dis?d|>Btlon de?p?cted by young Beattie, his chum? Bami >. and numerous other wltnesaea Quoting from the Bcripture and point? i ne out wherein the character of B< ? ? s had been most revolting in it.? departure from the accepted staadas-da of tnoralH , Mr. Qrtajorj ravtawad the detalla of the d.iiihle life ailntlt t?^?i by I he gCCUBSd While ?>n the wiiiuss stand, an?! bald forth Benlah Hinf??r?t. the Bin of th.? ua? ?l?rworld. BS the motive for t!ie < rim??. n?> ceacluded with tha emasHoa of bow the gun bought by Paul Baattle on one day mat July for his eoitatsi happened t?< be the identical weapon, hy the pris? oner's BWB admission, that was used In killing Mr?. Heaitie. Mr. <ii?'i;or\'s spee.-h oi-?mp4ed barely an hour and a half, but the one Mm followed by Mr. ?'arter for the defen?*??, Wats m my times as long. A man of Kirtl. and greal stature, Mr. rarter overtow? ered tha >>ar. oo?r?alooall) emphasising his reasarks with wid?> sweeping ??? B r^* and ? roaring roa ??. Dangers of Circumstantial Evidance. Mr. Carter r-eferred ?>ft?n t?? ti,.-- dirai t pesi Of tin? liiKtnution to the Jurv, ;,|,| .?t the ??m? iusi,?n of ovar, point <-tt?-.i papp instruction or aaothar as dsaling wttb the ?lam;, is ??( . Ir? umstaiitiul STtdaprS or tli? < ?itistru.'tion to he placad <m the i? tlmcny ?t witnesses haaaaalag piada-? ? H.r bias toward the ercuasd man. Ifost Vigorous was Mr. ?*.,rt.i.s in .'active BgBlBSt tha testimony uf Paul Beattie. n?' cltaractarlsod as childish the c Klapses ? >f Paul at tha coroBar'g in and sttampted t?i show that , \.,, the boy's grandfather had tsatlftad as t.? ins pool reputation r.?r truth sad r?*>ra?> its Many were the byt>othatlca1 ojm a ii??ns ti?' praf?oiindad to saaan tha ?a? probaMttt) of th.- mui?der i>> the young husband. "\vii>." in- aakad In rrlaetorlcal rorpriaaj ?'siiouM this Noun?' man. if are aia t<> 1? llave Paul's tdory, have sosbs <.n?? ?-ise, tuiy a sliotKtm hii?1 no about the attack ?m ?lis wife in this hlUladatiag. senseUsi I f shlon? Why could ha not hava rm I ployed a fistol, |?ra? ti< ally an invisible I weapon, and <>n.> t?. al?ch h?? ha.i ?ms\ Iacceasl And does hs i?>.>k t.? \.>u ilk,, the <'.iiii-biouiii'ii brut.? that coaualtted this ? riini V" Ins. r?,.? m Mg ni'lnd by th? s. oie ?vers .it.?I by Mr. Tarter un -*h*-?w? I tng the i.i. .insisten, v of Pauls story. The "lie ."Mil UN ?ti. ?it which he offered fol Paul's coures < I action \vi(n the tgtf tha: | Paul did Bay a BhotSjUB f??r us.' .?n th. t bridge ?h its h? w.rke.l gg ;, watrhinau lau?! Uiii? 4 wUAk nnnU ?as alarm?.'.