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DIX IKS RM OF FRftWLEY BOW U After Conference with Auth Says He Wi'l Send In Message To-day. LEGISLATORS SURPRISE! Doubt Expressed as to Whetr Action Will Be Taken on thu Covernor's Recommenda? tion at This Sessinp. - Pan}, of i ? ? i at I ? that lure a ?a;1?" rj of [??? ,i?a?? rill 1 have l t the O is ?.?> I ? - -.. | ? fi lends - h? on of ?jpn ? >.?? -? it Fra ir it had r ? and if be <?<,iil?l ? kin?; ? ... i . .. - ? - ? ? ? ? - that 1 a> i ? ?? .? ? ? led t ?1 won r ? " ? .... -? m Tin "OKE _OElf.SE FOR GARDE' T ? % ? he pr? n ?orn nisi *? "Put - i ? . ? ?? r?th<? I ? ?Ids f ? - s tiled a ' ? rdini ?munis . spectators ? - the ' n - ?? net? ? rs House, for ? is H?****sse for the ? ommissioi was datad - natter o? making ?? n??w ar> ? i'lSt'in **.h??ri ?h<? ' ? - which his bout*, an ->? ?inuhlv bound. - i 'a r?T"->' ! | ? ? P*n***?rs '??a?"? ord by tbe nX ? (?cmornm ' , - Urn Bgl is te. ommis m*w BROTHERS ASTOR PLACE AND FO? PTM AVENUE IWe'revcr f -ong this Fall on extra sizes in Suits and Overcoats for men of unusually large build. We fit big men perfectly ? with styles and patterns that are becoming to litrge figures. aioner who carried thrmiah th.? fleht on the aiieifed one.\f?ar lassa which Powers bled with the rnwiaul?Inn, ssprssssd him? self a.? thorouKhiv Battened with t b rasait Tha? Ma Sisan Iqoars Alhletl?- <!ub. under the management of l'owam ;?n?l PoUok, I S??l?l| a?? th, rs StTOct, an?l nmductad four of ? it b ?uts, in point of sttendsnee nt h.?been hei?i under the new lew. Their lleenes w??. -, ota ot ths eom ? B. as at that time ,1am??!? F SuUvan aas S ting IS Chali <.f the ronirplesion ?'-pn.a .-?n.i . gainst It. O NM1 ad 1 a?"-"?! at that ti?v<? the aima? arpun h*? bas ker, t poundlns over cine?? - that the alleeed one-- * of the ?lar dei wee Ii ? Id ander the ?TYawley law. - ?antaseananl to the w ni h the Madison la ? . ?ompany f the I a c. i th? big build ? ... ? , , -, : . . . | .4 ? .? r . ? jnll tw?a*n ? the f. ? . ?? A !" ? n ? WATCH FOR THE BLUE CAP Tenement House Inspectors to W^ar Resplendent Headgea \ ? rlni ? - lunted ? ,,. _ Tenen ? The lew I ves hi -.-on ofl a to the as a s th a ? ? a ties ? ?' . mlR-tv Id lit ted tn? nsme ? ? ng decors ? new win REYES SAILS FOR HAVANA Tells De la Barra He Doesn't Wish to Embarra":? Him by Staying in Mexico eral Bernar? dino '? ? , of i rea? i aid be lh hta i ? - ??? In the I-.i ' .... ? n, ? | woul? ' IS 1 irtur *? - om ? y re jtll ? - a tha? '? ay ? n-;?n?? | Sir he ? ? sneh 88881 Ilona To'Jos? Pi lira ? f-ntrai commit?? ? irty. he ? follow?1| a ' ? nil?,?.. i am tnuel a . ??e m with law DEPOSITORS TO GET $94,000 Court Approves 10 Per Cent Paympnt on Borough Bank Claims. Juetics Clark, of the Brooklyn, appn - , ,,ian nf ?ix Sur?? nu m Tu? i for pay lus i' n tli?? ?Jaunt? of ih<? d^r?"? ' Hi. BOTOUfh Hank. Th0 baa11 hesaii - ?.ii April 7. IBIS At that of |i or la-Ha .in ink's I ai.ilif,?-? ,,r. ?K .? I1.1S1.1 1 1. Mr Van Tu;. I bos ?/Il h mu ?. ?4 This Is m<- gum ?ni.h Im leked i?. sion t?> dleli-lnila n- ssld ths bsns pai l'a sred?ers and ?ia.,.??.iu?r8 m fun HARRIMAN UK SIM MAY COME TO-MORROW Men's Demands for Recognition of Federation Rejected, and 35.000 Will Go Out. WAGES ARE NOT INVOLVED Roads Prepared for Trouble, and Long- Delayed Struggle Bids . Fair To Be Bitter- Rio- - iig in Np'.v Orlei .. -? i K, wo?-,; ?,. itrlke, the ft? _] irntnn?? to (rhiel moel mm r.?i<-?n2 ?a,,i to-nitf*) Thrmo otB1<rt*ala ' hav?? ?..??? ? ? ? 'be <ame nfflceri to a great extern termine tu*? ? ti ne. ? newly oraai T' ? ? wmiki hirn r i ? ? ? ? ? .... a ?tri' ? ? Denies Men Have Grievance. " g t :nb. r 1 linen and ' Insurll 8 thoea conditkes n.a?ie from time t?. 11m? In ? ? nit .lab? r "n ? .n... a???' fr????- ,?e|.<|ln?x four <>r five a in de, -mar new i*i4ii?;?a an?i means ... .|e??tr?? - _ ? armonio - ami. mort i ire not auffl.-ient t?> Indura them to r<-.'iiniii in nur employ, and to tnak? ihr-tn reHll7,.? theii dutv to ths >pub i?. , r .1" not hen that we ?un <l" anything; ?ii.?r? tr? ?nnvtn???? them that th??- have no a.I reason to stop w.>rk ? r to prevent i i ? rnlesl s I ? Refer- |ng ? Mr Krutteehnltt's t"i^Kram. i w Kline, h?** of tha Blacksmiths ar.d ||a?||.er,- I ninn. ajald We ha.?- . I ' -i Nfr Kritt ?-r-'.nit t ;i >?! n wa-- not a ?? ?ren ?MRn.l ?.?i their foi ? They w -n m I r? rsds an after consideration. The?.- hit? deniarilinK 'he rlt;hf to deal with the rall ronrl?? . It ' - ? ?? w 111 apr?sd ads in ?he \v?st sa '?< the roads refuse to a?-, ep? ??e f?Meratlon. There ,v < crisis ham-??n iah??r an?! rapltal, ? e to he fnu?lit out. The n t'ie roe?da lake is arbitrary. M irrltea of _.??*l v Hg-- nn.i i lend Id i -r ilon - ? ten*? nf the h.?? - ? He <a;| - | ?of (da ,,,, t I phj a . , ? timi pi i? ?i e.i t, ?-. r? nen with I ?isferred t? to i ? gin their aenl. irs likely I 'r?f.l ? " eg aei The roads withstand * pro tmg : nioa men ?n emplo] fr g n ' ? . ? ? ... ..... .. , : ra - from r the s reli? ai will ? ?ion to e ijnions AFerted Dirictl_. ? ? ? . sinke ordei ..,. ! I lelpera th? !; ?I the ?'nr Men in addition, four silled trades go out. it ? ?!?>n. ? ? r ... . ? .... -,..?. ?i ? ? i The aituatton : ! mill for a I ? Ifiesi ? -at. The S ? .?? .?. M i ? 8 BUILDERS DECLARE LOCKOUT Ultimatum May Throw 50,000 Men Out of Work. In aecoftlantM wi'h th?? rule* of the i BiilMin?? Trad??._ Kn:p|nv??r??' A.?eo?iafion. i ir-? hoard of g?n err.ori?, a? a m??etln?{ lat? I yesterday aftsraooo, declared a n??nerai lockout of all th<? union-, who?? m??mbpr-. . are on -.trik?? In ^vrnpafhy with the vrik ? in?* marhl?? OnmhOTS ut the new t'an?lerhtlr H.-t-l. Th" loi'k'i'it I? to ko Info cffn't > next Monday ;?t 8 a. m. on all btitldln?-. nh??r?- **sesabars of the assiwladon hav? rtmtraets, snless ths strllu ? ? I ? >fT in th? m*an time. The board ?>( l>?i.?in?-.-. a?*??nt? of the Unions ?ill m????f to-day. hut a^-ordlns to anm? mptnh??r!? of tha? body only atr-rre*. ?i?.?? a,-t!.,n will ho tak**n. .*??> th?? men in twe of th? t?1xf??n ? idem, Which ptSMd te h? on utrik?? av??r?? found to havs rsmatnsd at work yesterday. the !?" or?ot will now affe.-t '.nly tour ????.n tra?l?*H, rut a. th* loi k"iit '.? to be, read, involving not only th?? huil'l ?nKs affei-r??d !,y the ?trike of the marblo workers, but every r??i?Mina on v*hl**ta the rnatmibers ot ths F.mpioy-?' Itssoclatton ? ?." ??'?'??? hiilldini? me. hanh's will I* sffSctsd. If th<? loekout !?o weekn or mars ?hour |*MM or ROO more men will h? thrown Int.. In voluntary idlen??s. Amon?? ths trades which will be dii? * ? Lfl ted Will be thoso ? a pi?imha?r??, plasterers, architectural ?ron .. eamffttera i and s Is era Xh<? huii Inga Ived in th? lockout ur,1er Ineluds ''?? Ham '? " k Centre t?,,?, the M v lldfng, th? new Ms .' nuiidinc end th?-- new p?*4?K?*?**l? ? -.Tenue and Bd street The lockout | , >,? ?t,.p ? .-., Broadway, Mth strsot and i, made ne? i ii iry I y itreel wld J. GRANT LYMAN CAUGHT Promoter Escaped from U. S Authorities Week Ago. ? 9 r>r John i r. ft hO " ? * from ? , ?akland on Sept? mb? r -? iisht 1 >r I. : In a high final al. i.. b. n Which ' ? ?sil h ?nott-r su I head? ed ..ff ? ? ta sed .? . I ?r - . . 'MM PRIZEFIGHT ON Mrs. "Gus" Ruhlin Arranges "Votes for Women" Match. LADY WRESTLERS PROMISED Long Acre Club Gets the Bout. and Women Who Pay Will Be Welcome. \jr-a ????n.-- Ruhlln'S benpflt pi ? ??-??(TraRe i?a no loutre? "pulled ore st th? ? ?i*?'!'- ' lob, a)tt street. i,e,r teventh avenue on tvto the ?la- afier the . .?n en' l"n ? Woman Ruftrss* party, which Mrs Rubin iof? he,-ai|?:p of ,-? dlfreren? n over ?the wisdom "f bavins thai ?an?*? prtseflghl ? The datafls o( the beet wer-? nn-in.fl !r>?t pij_ht .if the rltlbmomS, unA al thS ?ams mil the v, ' Leagne, ?ii. ?av? irill shortly rival tiie u fr-i^e ; :)t ? -.- in numbers, iras laun? h?d en ? he trrtri?, 1 he ? ? ? present bestdea Mrs. R?r lie ii ?Stewart, a member "f ths C?a-?epei -...-? ?-.?-'ina . | ???> there tO Ci? e the pm frige ? nd <<ff "It's up to na" ?-aid William yew-man, maraget- of the elub, ? bead of the ata weleoms the cue???. | Here'? [ Mrs Reimont an?i Mrs Mackay snd th? |-eqf . ' ... . 4,1-, ifl - 'the Wnn?|erf< beer ne ?he-q th.? w?fe asloonkeei ? i .ro-??d ?al?i It would dtsgiaca the causs an?i Acarad? ? hood. We':, we're hi them that, xportln' m??i are _r?.,?l. clean i men. well jrr<>?>- - no horns re, an?! I mix In high society I met th? of Englsnd arhen I ? I did." kn?ieke<1 out. chuckled Mr?. Ruhlln'a husband Mr Ruhli. ?. : iportlns himself with ! a aun e<-|,,!i ?,? . . Iljj, ? 18 S prin Kht he merely blinked his beb) did when ?he i ? ?. . Brooklyn, wll ? ? ? annouasB lac tha Idgew.i ?. -|v. - tan last nbrht's meeUng. Ever] ? lb Un and di - ; ? . ro?a I ? - - ? ? wg)] and t?>ok t'irns mak? ing Impromptu ?'rationg "ti vote? for en. At half-pas' S o?-|o? k Mr* R'lhlln called i he m?*etlng to ord??r. "\V< r? ?olng to hare ? ?.??d. < W-an mai'h on ??rtober 27." ah*? 'Well have all th? taleut? Shark??y, Jim ?'orb???t and Terry Mc<lo*/-? ? III ?hi yam.* et-lalmed "Mlk?" ?n. ?h?? <?|,ib ma a?*??r ? ??ray-halrM ? ,- d yam think of havln' thoaa i.a<|- wrestler? that'? nr?kn' su?h a iea**v flOll"*' Fine." responded Mr? P. ll.lln "Mr. ? nake on ref? re? of the I raateh." The hall in which the boxing and wrest !'ni esblhMtaa will tak-- p ac? ?-ata ?lev-t hundred Person?, rom'- i fourteen ? ; leeie in. Ml?. RuhllB experts to have .t crowded. The ti.kem w,|| pa ?' .?er?'? ?nd 11. Women welcome, )>?i? ? ?? ri?an nri*?. ;>t ? i; drita aaDssjagsM _frtj w pim-i, had applied ftST IJgfcSt? ? .?ra? ? Pro(?-e??.|. ? F'.ilitt a1 Leagu? ? | i'erald ?-Vjiiare. an?l Mrs. Ruhlln annf.tince? that :t w, _? r-. ? on e<- ajsa ? . . , n*.e? won t bm, mo?"* than \\ e don't Intend ?*' m ?ike th? An 1 WA ?vont ? a ? e ? . . I ?? ? no?! y ????.. | inm, ihall do pi?. ? ?. ??? e nancea for ?v ? SfltatS Per more ?cijool a oppOB? II . ? - who) ? iff age." SMOKE DARKENS LOWER BAT Blows Over from New Jersey and Greatly Impedes Traffic. Mtfjrday a ?-rc|l wn ??owly from ? -vrv ?i?ft!??d over ?he T.OWer B?'* an.l grr-?a'ly lmpec!??r| "--xte. T'-?* re?.???..;., C*alun er. wfl - h left the Rarrery at ? to raaat i-d?t* was ma ths moka? I ' all ?he 11-fht, I -ad to rrn f'.e blvk I ?. on trreir way , s fr?,m Sandr ! look, pi'-kc- ' rough the pall ?nd iefl ' - ? >'. r at bsa***st ? that th*, ?-tii"k.? had - the WSf ?T*S ?? ? ??: \n g<'. tinnr thi I "'dsa i e It RAILWAY MAGNATE FOR $200. ? Il --h. of i - sog ?,.:..? .?rtlon for ?70 ? ?awton .<? <?"lf Rari | ?? i a.! wsa, "?? ? II e, Kai , . t?, '??? . ?? " ? oad, * ? '.awton A. ? ?' 9 *^m $T>i". First Birthday Today What Year Has Done at Gimbels One rear ago yesterday there was ;i \ ast, unopened building ?'?ere at Broadway and Thirty-third Street, which ?caused much ?speculation in the minds of New Yorkers. This was ?already i stores, and speculation was rife as to whether tfien r another big ston . or i public to support it. ?History shows that many years- usually a . ?ration must be ?devoted to building up a gr?ai commercial * nterprise, from its usual small beginning unless a constituency is in? herited from a predecessor. Here was an entirely new business well known in the trade of course; hut practically unknown t<? the public it sought to serve starting full-fledged, with a vast building and fully equipped organization-, with its constitu? ency to lie made out of clear Hue sky. Toda v the store of GI MB EL B HO T HERS is one of tlip the stores of New York City doinj? the b?rgest relume oi' ?business. eople have ceased to wonder if the new store is ?nms to be a succi ss. Birthdays are very common. Thousands of people are celebrating them every day. ?Each ?late on the calendar recalls many great events. \\> cannot expect that you will even recall that the (Umbel store was opened on September 2i)th. And yet there are many people wondering what the ?result of this FIRST year has been, and they will pardon our feeling a little enthusiastic on this occasion of our FIRST BIRTHDAY" rolume i I which all u r?? has been far greater tha ir l Utic friends in the trade ' *g< '? Vnd v e confess that it up far beyond nur own most ?^ lie e? ' ? ? ? destroy the trade ther ?r^r(^? VVi a such fa lish desire We believrd. rat'it. that we - f all. \n?i we think this n the result?at ? ?n our neighborhoi ?d. We wen mpetitors, and we t>e1 most ird them. ress appreciation of out recer^ctn by the ?Treat N'ew York public, v made the year what it has ?been lume ?and tremendqUa sat i ?.faction t?. the owners anil pr less. It ha? been our endeavor that the ? ?should itand for Service Courtesy Reliability And this store which is really a "CONGRESS OF STORES" inspired by the public ?good-will, and its own spirit of pro^essivetiess, plans to make the coi b ne of far greater achi in public service In our desire to be pl< ered, on this da) whit h is so auspi? cious to n-. w< pn ?pared A Multitude of Special Birthday Offerings representative ol the store's merchandise, which we hope will make thou? sands of ms friends I "'I make *,l R FIRST BIRTHDA\ a granty ti to .ill who honor us with a visit today and tomorrow. We cordially thank you for your Eavora of the past jrear, and bops to more hslh deserve your ii year thai begins today. GIMBEL BROTHERS JROA?WAY 8?*T? A???4UC NEW YORK TWISTY U.*Ottg ST. TWISTY-TWISD9X.