Newspaper Page Text
rri? Vuu LXXL. .N? 23,695. To-.Irt. rlotnl, :,n,l ??rni.r i- mmwtm, r:iin: so? ui?d?. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, OCTOBER I, 1911.-FIVE PART re p^rlRht 1011. kv Th# Tribun? AWMtatlM 1 SIXTY PAGES. * PRICE FIVE CENTS. ITALIANS ATTACK CITIES AND FLEET TURKS' SHIPS SUNK Duc a degli Abruzzi's Squadron: Shells Prcvesa?Details o? Bombardment of Tripoli Lacking. ITALY CAPTURES 167 MEN Prison?' s Made on Board a Ves? sel o:: Pavesa, Manned by G-- ? \ Grew?Destroyers EiCOli Enemy Yacht to Taranto. GIT:T.C? BEGINS MOBILIZING BjuUfttinopk Etporti Arc to the B? fl | That Oxonian Troops Are Be Ifaaged on Thessalian Bor? der, but Official Confirma? tion Is Lacking. i. Tli ? Coi Btanl ? M ?tii " w In >? thai ! in ?in illation there to the ?ffe<t that tho entli ? with : f one cruiser, haa ! ? In It ' T ' ?lips j ' (I-din, Barb? ; ' ' - i. to the ? ? ' ? ? ! through j 1 by the : nt. " ie It - u id? ? ' ? forts at 10:10 ? . it i? reported * warship? dm . I poll at I o'clock ? hi.- i Blnjrle I ?11 Is la sV II Trip 'i\ and is bk* ? ?rah official nn'Hs :?.:- A reliable pri? vate ? ''"m Tripoli, how? blocked? nd a bombardmei : for 1 I iy Th? ? apprfv- rising among I ; ; s are safe. naval] I ;<ort troytng th? ?-? . ? : nment ; h nd slnklni ? s, while at - ten bavi .... . ? , . The Com I ? | ??? -reas is en ? Bept 80.?The Porte dispatch that Italian ? r th.- prot?M tlon of three I boat destroy ? landing at ?5 oclock this out of ranga of the I ti the sinking .;?.--. ?hp Alpagal t dieh off P the Iron. seised here to t ? ; ?h an borttles. ? Toil ? s ?? tni ? Qg eigb II . o ml i- elved to? lo boats at? i M lian warships off Do Turklah port on the g? that war had Impression lutins ? d l,i:?i ? i?- cap'.? ? ... Sd the p- Italian fcu*r? Porte, in ac t .at it ? II In? I i now B Irut a numl i a .-? ni to t ? of the vilayet of Janina, ? lit] !*f?'>ba.. ag. fcoan, .-tpt. #'.?A news diapatch from ?? ?* that a hoarding party fnjm idron ;. - Ion of ? I *? rut at Ti ' 'li. i i'l .,? I ip ? '?*?. f Th<" ' ; iddi that m th' ? nt of th?. b, ''*r ? St ' orr<*l | id *j ? Italian ; I ? that the ? in... ufstsa * lnt' g I . iKy ' T '?' IH tue. D tii" SUSB 'j** ' i and the boml a .iLi-nt rrf '"' ,"'t I a ?"' I mo ?wnt. night re ^l'f U" ' lispatch from ?ape end i "raa i?SSlsaSSl <Mt ?evciilij y??r. WRECK OF BRIDGE \BOVK THE DAM AT ACS DESTRU? TION OF THE T( IX, I . \\ Mic'll BRI >KE VEST AND THE !.< >SS < ?I- FR< M 900 T( I LRDAY, RESULTING 1.000 l.l\ ES. IX [)?: SECOND DAY OF THE WAR. The bombardment of Tripoli was begun. The Turkish town of Prevesa, on the Adriatic, was bombarded and the government house destroyed. A Turkish destroyer and torpedoes were sunk in the Harbor of Prevesa, after which Italian soldiers began landing. One hundred and sixty-two Turkish soldiers and five officers were capt? ured on a steamer- off Prevesa manned by a Greek crew. The Turkish casemate ship Hami dieh and three smaller war vesseh, anchored at Gomenitza. north of Pre? vesa. were shelled by an Italian squadron. England was officially asked by Turkey to intervene; the reply gi*.en evinced disinclination. DECLINES TO INTERVENE England, Approached by the Porte, Says It's a Little Late. Constantinople. Bept. 30. Turkey hau i i .) i :m .it !;iit .;ii to m to pul an i ") i" the Ifl ;.n>\\ i i ? ready m ? I ?. lut ; ?t third would onlj ? lin ;:\ ? ? th( Tripll I . wo i i."i hf ! ? ih" ad van! igt ol T i k?-y. Sir Edward ? r?i ll< d thai t se< m d to him ? little lat<- ! -. ACCUSED WB8T POINTER OUT ReF.ife!iQ Rathei ?. . Pact Court Mar? tial on Drinking Charge. i.\ i ? ; i < ? i - ? <n, m Butl? i. at ? ?1 lo, fr< in ti.- ' 'nlted I A??a?i ? t 1 He left ti i.mi tin f< :?>?;.!. tul., r i. ned ti i M il, ? ' ' -. o-? D ' ' UVte" or ''Spr ? . now ' ii ?? , . . kin ' - : ? I ,"1"-1 ? ' KM Gets an Injunction Preventing Interference at the Aviation Meet To-day. IS RELEASED ON PAROLE Threatens Reprisals on Heirs of Man Who Endowed Cathedral ?5,000 See Grahamc-White and Women Break Records. i Timothy i. Woodruff gol nn InJuno fon : ?? ?? nj lnt< rfei ene? ?1th i (I me? t ,-:t th" Nassa u Bou '? ard Aerodrome to-day, I ? ?? la Ut ti?' < ?< >n i it the aviaton <>r sum?- uf them ar aloft f"r iho delectation of th? mu tit iuatlce Lesb r w. Clark, m the 8u reme Court, Brooklyn, (ranted ? lunction, ?? l?i' h .Mr. Wo ?di tiff ob? tained through Israel Ludlow, aa coun Mil red 1 he courl thai t <t ;i\ \t?i i's a ould not compete fof , ri/'.?, and in liis arfumenl ?? lal "?i n ? I ? ? - "i >!??< Ided educa? tional value li" cil ?I th" law whl'-h for ion i ermll not Ing i I !-ii"<> remain o|>en on Bunday. Jus ? ? ?? after f ii liboraton, to grant the Injunction, re Bhi i iff ' *harl< Motl m Naasau Count] or anj of inn depotiej ffom Intl rf< ring In sn tie Bights, but it dot nol r 11- : * i ? i i im frwn maklni erre ta for violation of the easlM hiw. [1 was served on th? ? ? ? it? i noon Mr. V ? i h< > w.f fond acting to-d ? me. t frei ig he i 'mi' m i ?it. d d ? i ' han abandon it. Mi. f/oodrufi h ? in th? moi nlng from I im in. : ' hargcd ? Uli \ ? | !.!'.' Ill ? . - ' l| IM" IM' Hunda Ho hi Jump? d Into : ? auto mobile mu? in"t.I u ? i i<> Hemp I ?/ht*re ho sum I' < III i, m, mi. ..i th i d tahle. I In ?n Ihi fo < out ni i'il mi ?.111 i i' g< TWO OTHER TOWNS SWEPT Ooitello and Whafton Were in Path of Flood. Pci Oct : l >ne hundr? d and sixty bodii rl I at 1 Co tello : town ha? been . ? ;'' d way with a ? i'l.i nt <?{ i il-- I '? [.a 'i'., a ing < 'ompany. Not ' v. barton, althou aa the val r ? 'ostello ami thai ; > < ? i i j t. A has just arrived "\ ? : th ? ! '? : ii Bj Ivanla from Ke itlng Summit brii ? a fit . i i- of firemen They mpin water from Pre man Run irlng i" ove house? on the : hillsld?_ HIS MOCK MARRIAGE REAL Now Finds Himself in Suit for Divorce. who entered into b ? ? ? \ ? ceremony .ant in ed il I I is wlf? ? ? ? ;? .Ml ? ? ?! a a-! dlv< : | ? . ! '. 1 . ; . . ? i ? . t be n amI'-. how? ever, '. tail . i ? Catholics hi .--iiM* i ? marr]. - ? NURSE SUE;- FOR SLANDER Says Mrg. Carrie Siegel Accused Her of Theft Unjustly. i baa I BOB da Mra ?'.' - and? TI a ? ? ndanl he , i? ' ? ? the pie? ?? ??' il m i PAI?.WAY MEN CHICKEN FARMERS. I l: ? i I- v ? I I ? . -.. . ' i ? , | ? I'levt?! ind inri lx>i >in SENATE KILLS CHARTER; TIGERS M BROKEN Nine Democrats Combine with Republicans tc Defeat Ob? noxious Measure. DIRECT PRIMARY IN DOUBT Passed by Senate, but Held in Assembly Judiciary Commit? tee?Governor Threatens Extra Session. f B Telegraph to Tha Trll :mp i Albany, P?>pt. W.?Tammany ii.ti! ^ coi trol ?>!" th" polltli si-legislative altu? atio - ished to plecea to day In 11 tii boua <t i ' .1 combli ation of R pub !;. an B rats unable to itomach ':?? mi thods of "B'i3-i" Mi.ipay, Th< d charter for New fork t'lty. th>> : ride and hoi ? ? of M t) or Gi - nor and Murphj of the Wigwam, mel an . th in the Cltli ? Comn .it. All Tarn? ill tin? lobb)Ing of il.. M i and ?i't'K'i hoi?'? n. hod nol been strong enough tu drum up ?' : \ \ ^t.-H t'ir it. Del ? Itii the solid bllcan minority agalnm it. Piv? Demoi I v. ould ba t >? atuoh ? ?? >f any prei arc ?r . To add to Tammany'a discomfiture th? combination of Republicana and In? ; l the ' nominations bill, s hieb t1..- organlzatl n Democrats and a fear ? "M ^M ird" Republicans tried go haul last nig i to di feat, I >?. ernlght it had ?. and aa had th" commendation ? nata Hlnman, ? ho handli d the Hughe? dlreci nomtnatlona legislation, MIL ? .? to th< v i rnblj. Determined to Kill Bill. mai i '? ti"" rats, led b) "Al" Smith, and i !? ? ? old guard i:. pub? in M t hi 1111 - ? ider, J. 8. Phillips and Ham i ? ?!? t. i mined t.. kill th?- bill ?it all ha i i d Th< i km a? ti.? i.Id ha ? to, do u ; m.Hi, ? ? ??mull??.i ?.h ahtth ange. 1,000 MAY HAVE PERISHED WHEN BIG DAM BURST Terrific Flood Overwhelms the Li.tie Village of Austin, Penn. FIRE ADDS TO DEVASTATION Men, Women and Children Swept to Death Without Warning?Survivors Homeless and in Grea' Distress. The dam of the Bayless Pulp ami Paper Company, one mile and a ha.f north of Austin. Penn., burst yesterday afternoon and 500,000,0 I gallons of water rushed down upon the town. Between #50 and l.Ooo pers? ns wo;-:' drowned, crushed or burned tn (tenth. Hundreds of others are believed tonave been swept awaj hy the great torrent. Fire followed the bursting of natural gas mains, and scores of per? sons were caught beneath the debris and slowly cremated. More than ?me thousand buildings were wrecked, and flic fen d sup? nly has been swept away. Physicians, nurses and supplies are being rushed to the ene. ( ostello, a town of 500 population, below Austin, was also s i awa}-. and two-thirds of the citizens are believed to have perished At 11 '.30 last night the tire at Austin was reported under control. A company of state constabulary has been sent from Harrisburg an I is dite to arrive at 1 o'clock this morning. There has been some loi ting oi the wrecked houses, and volunteer gnat ? -and vigil over the bodies that have been dragged to the hillside. 11 ? work of rescuing the bodies from the flames and wreckage wad fairly under way at 11:30. The dead were being earned 1" a field OH the hill, where they were laid out in Streel >. Austin Penn., Bapf 3ft -Between 880 . another report, and H seemed ss if I e and i,?NM> persons were drowned *nd whole structun untold numbers were maimed here this "With a cry of alarm I fled to 1 afternoon when the great dam of the ; f.f;t high ground, end persons scattered Bayless Pulp snd Paper Company, hold- ?in every direction, it was spparenl that Ing back more than Uve hundred million all the great body of water beb nd I > gallons of water, went out. dam was going* out. Boms ?? Port) bodies have been recovered, and before I could tell what * hap ?nain of them so maimed thai r.g- penlng the water was tearing down nltlon is Imposai Freeman Run, ? wa i Governor John K. Tener of Pennsyl- sweeping everything before It vanla has been asked for help, and a re? "The sound was doafei but I had lief nain waa sent from Coudersport, little time for that There was a houag I four mllea away. ckm bjr- ?"", ' ]'h'"i "' "'" "3|(''';-"ri" The survivors are In a frensy. There ?nd called Central In ? ?he Is no organisation, the town being dated "?-1 rwl bars much time to telephone by th? u.vr. ?i the calamity, which cam? the ??arm, but I think he did her best. without a moment's warning. r treees Bhe Is dead I have not heard Hundreds ol men, s-omen snd children anything about h-r ??;,?.?. arching througk the ruins of the Av.ful Scenes in Doomed Village. 1 tillage for their familles and friends. "learn? down to Ausl i Broken Gaa Pipea Set Fire. fHHBSible, hut It was an awful sight Th? Th,-- only light is the Riar. frutn bun- water had torn througl th? place, tax areds of 1 ad business buildings, Ing all ths prlnktpa] buildings ami which caught Are from broken gas pipes crushing houses like egg shells, almost before the flood had passed. "Then the lire broke out The timbers chaos reigned from the moment the j and sides of houses were filed up against mighty wall -a water tore through the the railroad shops, and they wei i Mown, and there will be no relief untlljln damt-e. i know there were men In help -"tufs from the BtUTOundlng town Meantime man) bodies lie in the tra? if the Hood. The ?lam was bulll two years a^o was a great structure, .~i30 feet Ion spanning the little valley formed I Freeman Run, and rising to the helgl ol forty-nine feet it ?fas of conci I thirty-two feel aid? at the base, nn ?aid to be constructed after th? most a| proved plans of modern engineerini Th basin behind II had never been fill? with s/atet until this week, and to-da it whs noticed thai ?rater was runnln o ? r the top of the structure. Man persona went oui from th? town, a mil and a half away, to lee the unusui light auad it was while they were watch i rit? the overflowing water that the firs break OCCUfT ?1. Destruction of Costello. The little town of Costello. below thi place, has been annihilated. The poptj lation is between 4<>0 ami BOO pet loni A survivor who r?aoh?d Austin at li o'ciork to-night said that there ara ?hardly a sign of life In Costello i Whether BMMt Of the ClUseni perlshe?1 ! in the flood or fl??l to the hills the mar COUld not MIS', He believes, howev.-r that two-thlrda of the population ar. dead. Practically every building in th? i town "as levelled by the torrent whlca I came from Austin. Definite information was obtained after hi o'clock thai evety member of the family Of State Senator Frank E. Baldwin, except the Senator himself was killed. These Include lira Baldwin, their ?'hililren, Senator Bsldwln'l mother, father and ?later. The Senator was injured. Th?) names are sweeping the entire town at 1<> o'clock, and only the hospital and s? hoolhonse, on a h.ll, ?rill escape il.'stru?tion. Dam Burst Without Warning. h ?as ,i woiideiful sight." siii.i Harn i>a\is, a Buttalo ?& ahaasraeataanM loco? motive engineer, who ?rag in the little kn??t "t i? rsona naai Um dam ? Then ? aa not brag to Indi? at? that t ?? dam was a!>onl to give way, and : ??!.m? had Just remarked about ha strength, when, arlth a sharp report, g hol? appeared In the ?reel ?uni in ? mo menl ?rater poured through, and it was Immediate!) seen thai the hole was n.-t ting larger In a minute II was twenty feet wiiie ami extended kknoal the sa tire heiflhl "f th? dam. Th' n there was the shops, how many r cannot aay, ("it there was no way to help them. The? Were probably burned up. 1 have noC seen any of them since, ? i don't know how the fin started, mil It seemed as though it began In ? so re of placea at once. Th? postoffice caped, but near by was a atore, anil there the flames appeared first Then i looked for the Bank of Austin, but it was gone, ?wept away, i guana necan?? I did not *ee it burning, "But worst ?)t ail were the "tie-- of the women ami children. Tbu see, al? most all the men were at work, at I they were at home alone. They had) h? -ii.l th.' ? .-lii.i, * ie phone girl at least some of th?1 people) ray the tire bell rang, and thought it ?raa a Are, Borne of them rushed to the bui ction and were caught in th.- ?rater, for thai ti.i travelled lik.' a racehorse. Tho ?? nol drowned aere crushed ?n the crumbling build? Ir.L-'s, anil others ?rare ?aught in th? flam? a II Ightful. I < annot begin to t< II it .ill Little Children Caught in Flood. "Little ?liildren playing in y.i:d.-> at hi me ?? ter ai,.i tossei! about on the Rood ok?' things <'attle and i re a?? pt off, and even th.- sidewalks h re torn ? ? i nev r unsgini ? ! th re co m 'a ? ?? h force. And et i r and abovi ? i :i ??? i?' the i the hundreds of poor peopli E don't Know hon an Crushed and bleeding, with both b-e* broken, a child not mon than three months old >?.as carrW I im ? tie i, - o. Harry Davis ?t 10 o'clock. Th? poor llttls suflaier 'i I ? en fo Hei IjIng ?'i the mud. left there bi i ding ?ratera in another ill a mil* sway, its father, an unrecognlsahle mas.? of twiste.i and broken humanity, lay (iyinp. while high along t1 I road leading fr<>m the dam thej pl< i up th.- dead forana of the mother and tw?> other ehlldi Thai is onls one Incident <?( the manv harrowing pictures on.- mai ass in Aus? tin on this ii" it tel Woman Livet with Broken Nack. Another serve? t" show the teirlbty destructive forre of the ti.i. Mrs, Ban i ? no ?">.>i is to non her tlrst but th. il! km ' - th" w iilow of ? aoldlei and a p, naloner of th?- governmeni had |usl left the post olflce when the ?rater cam? She was picked up. loa? <i into the air and thron n free of the water. Her ne< i. tras broken, both legs m re crushed ami her h,. . .v i- Injured 'i ? i at tins hour she p. alive, conscious Of h?>r awful sufferings,