Newspaper Page Text
ElfflN IN MEXICO TAKES P1ACE QUIETLY De la Barra Says Will of the People Has Been Reg? istered. MADERO AND PINO SUAREZ Capital Almost Unanimous for Mad<"-o. Who Says His Vier Presidential Candi? date Wins Tribune v hi* ? -.< with ?-cm the governors an Prest lent ' e cor It Hpproxi ost an en it the ! A ? ? - ? I 1 no adv . I . s . -? . ? ? m^r? * id 'hut ? - ited to ? ? ? rlldate ~- - ? R.r, ISSIH eiset - -- ' e." ? i Ma? in more t? s ? ? ? ? ? Rer I Tould ? ? h t h e - ? . d in - - Tile ' ? ? ? m ? ? ? Result Still m Doubt. - ? h e M . ?? th ? u I ' ? ? . I ?tn his - tora ?a. a e pattd -?"* eut ?H ? HOOK OtTIOI Povs w ? | v 0 I estar* atefcfasi That Purpose i . ' , ? ? I I i - r na and >r-taiung. HAMBURG LINER ASHORE The Koenig Friedrich August Stranded with Passengers. Boulogne <"' ' The steamship gust, oi bars-Amertcati Line, piune: between Curopean and .-..nth American \* .i* d*-|ve? frm the he >ho itranded r?n i ?andv bottom the breakwater The steamer carried nhoard V" unsuccessful attempl ^af mad?, to | efforts ? ' , " .. . | Koenlfl F' edri I ig -? a-minded i -?;? | re and th? 1 v.f.n taken on hoard, wt'h the ejjci ? 125 pj^nopKTs then Tir^H hing In -) tender. These i-?'tim?d ? riant posit | - ? indutfl by. Then -eam ? her moot oca !' Immediately pumi ? I I her Tt ?ns 'he Dutch and Belgian CO re< Up eing rted. ' - "ff thia ha ROYALIST RISING CRUSHED Lisbon Plotters Arrest ed at Night All Well Armori I \i ; l "d out ur Rleeri .<nd * : le upon vn - ;eprec ring plotter -r th" ? tmeroug i o irrest The^ revolTers, dac Res. A la ? ? ? -z?d .. ? . .., royalista i Hon of th< a received I ? . omp ? ' ? . being ? and hi ? i PARNELL* STATUE UNVEILED Memorial ta Irish Leader Raised in Sackville Street, Dut ?tat?? - ' I - . ? - port 'o dmond eedina i l . - ? i ? . ? ? Ur roker brought np ? . He I ng t ? \\ hat ? gas "/here r ? m ARRESTS HER OWN HUSBAND ThrMhei Man Whom She Accuses o? Desertion. 2 her I n a thrash? ing. * a i ? m was I k. i tan sfle ? ? S hr ? th her hue to fren h kept g a ? ? bin* ivenu? ? ? ., g< ' - I ?T QUEENS TUBE OPENED MsssttH Men t.. Hold Ooa/tTSBCa as to Mg?rwaj Tunnel - ? ,g su. i. .. STRK SIEGLE 10? Yestprriay Spent in Preparation for Bitter Contest. MEN FOR STRIKERS* PLACES Illinois Central's President Says He Expects Shops to Open on Time This Morning eag ? Ra ?iinprnen on th*. Harrlnian line- i veterdav to at I r?Titrnifion of th? nana | ? z*r\ fA.Wa ?pent to-day in r ibe src e rrhi. h irfll I I rhe walkout ? I . . . preparations to r*)n the ?hope in I ?^-,? ??aid that in many of -he ?ho|.? practically I men at the hir ? -nona here 'he ijav q ? the street lr rettafl** outcome of the ?tniegie. '? ne;ir th' - 'list more ! than n. htmdred ?trlke breakers war?, I ? .. stockade on train Pro ( the ?hop.? Tvere also made Tw^ k monstratlon, a - - M a ? rident M irkhan f the 'ii "'hlnif had herr, .Jure ?>\ : ? 111* I th? da: "Saturday afternooi Bimda: aid. bul we es to open on ?im? Juli ?"an line? ? it '. eai ?rj Breakers fr ?w l?ar,s a ? . four ii'indr-d persona .it ?frCorab, afin i morning;. Th? it oi .-., ?<?, -.?,-? ?-. .i,,,,, 3r)r) peveril oecti ? ?? . . . * what wa i m ? the enfltn gi i belli thia prerented serlotii '??"?lbie t | r ? Mew Orleans it 10:4s i mon ? asceptli ? menta . ? m th^ gouth ?rere of \\\ >anre From 'ininn irten ? .<?..-? that th? ?; ?? Ralhrosd of! Hate ne?d? r , - Illinois ? , Iroad ? rnlng r?i? ? - 'rol of *he federation from Waterloo Pl'iffs. i Dot ?id t'hero- , ke#, i point T0MKINS0N 11TH AVE. PLAN Disagrees with City Club and Wants Public Discussion. ? H letter -?roriB, z;rd to ? Htt-r of the trai ? ?'???rt from tpe ,,ipq? ? ? or| |f| Therefore, ..- for a public diaeuM clubhouse ? -, n behalf of fh? T'epartmem of ; d ?t riao Hon The Commissioner 1 ?clarea the- ?v?n if ... ? nnstltute a m H? st a . m lor of _ i ' ? . I eat ?tree! onclu* .. ? FISHER ANSWERS MONDELL Bays Alaskan Coal Land Prices Prevent Monopoly i ? the t nltei government ..f p'ihl, ? ? ? , , lestgl l ? elopment Pleher, th. Bt rotary ? ? to*nlflhl made ? rab? i Fra Mondell, o! Wye ? -. ?. ? . ., ' ' | \"d l)> . red the .-oai ... . . rea ted i - im?r from monopol) lut Mr Planar ?ays . ? ?"nop making i thou? ? ? " instant ? arate It la ? . make tnem Ina enougl ?' ? I ? is to ?o ? MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS French and British Squadrons Near Srene o? War i i I g of ? ? w for Alg ???Il The "ther the thil ? ? ? I . : -? ?I ? mort: enemies fop turkey Bulgaria* .SprvH and Monrpnri/-lc Im prove Occasion ? I i .n- ui situ S Hrfl If la ? -?ro r ? Sttll? !' . , . ,, ' ? ' ?I tiei TURKEY MUU GO M i ?nt>niif><t from ftr?t vuf '?> tho palace .md araa ntrtvd bj th* Sultan P\ - torn? limp pn*t l ha'.- li--n de ? entng ti" i "ha? '-..? ttoffi of Rakki Pacha prerentad mv ?to doing. ? ""??' "M??r you t^ <n tana ? put | ??-- that ax? dot re? Immediate rnnvoratton "f parliament 1 m ? great ronnVr ?f hiato*-/," tinued th*? Sultan "bul nevar nava i ?n l ? i age "f ? pt| than thai poiaraitt< When flatting A.drianople nn<i Balonfc i i Inapected the fortin. .Uona T artah ?h?- arhota -mpir- w-u ?"' unfortunatel: Tripoli ha* - .gi(..t..ri owing to tha Indolence v.. ,?? nf iT^kk! and hli ? Two Official Announcements. Official announcement! ?tate thai , ladran r?t!i"npri froi i Beirut ??: inm mit that Ital mdVd ?'? f a .1 tha Cablnat wm li^M to? ? ? ? ..i . ;;ii.. rated, hut i pra? llt th? .a We anav .? ? .r- ton*, Implying .1 peaceful aolui lo 1 I now un< Italy declared x1 1 I ? . ? ? iHit.ii Rilt. 1 nrkey hold, tht ce be avol Tn ? - the ' utoman B' ? ? ??T<rirri?> ta of ' l>np*-n ? Til? I ,or-y |n A ron B r? ? ith in -.? . ? reign 1 for ? - vpi- ?) e inz? of r,:\\ frtei 'h- Si th- amh.'?'J?:iilnr ? tr> int n*iH laol !? tlon. unsuj'P'Tt?wl h> h a v- ?? . 1 In rWprpn-'*? i'"1 r'r III tSi mid mak?? an for mediation, ind alan ral n t initiai ? ? :?? inri Visier, repeating I h ion from th< Bui hut explaining thai 11 ? un ? ? ? w ,,f not h disaei ri'?. bed the ' . Ing apliil of thi laing I fanai lea leigl ?. wireleai the a ? ?1 Han "??ii ?'ink -iff ? potni ? preeumed ? ' Th. ' rlgoroua precautl taken to thwart ' ?"? fl*?<*t in ?h?* areblpelagn Strict '?rd-r.?? oo- .... o.j ? 1 ? ? ? ?fh1 .mso? ^ ... . . ittnekeri " I ffl>e *u . ..? thf Boaphorua "it 1? rumored that Provena haa taken ?->? I id that m Purl poinrp'' pon a ? is nb< - . menta 1 den "ii pain of h< ah ai -?? \i : ad froi ntion h) to the auch Warships Lying Idle. ? - q teal rommenta dolen? a ol Ibe >-.\-' abtn? t la 1 t. ' ?r;i ' Turktab e/arahipa atlll lying Idle in th" w_'den Horn rii?? opinion Ii held ;: not ? ?? tn hold oui for long thia d< flKht tr, the laal i enrolling 'lifrs in man "All around th? frontlara 1* real Turkey*! 1 bronli troufa ? - ?'?? . ..? ???. gha 1 fJai Mik: ih< 1 ?mall sutTi In 1 'if Th?? ' 'tinman P . _ . ? v . . Il M > IIP III ?hat there 1? 1 Therefore, tiv aal 01 1 to v- .Ml.??. Extra pre i ont ? lerdera I hare t< only one ruleei tho Hint ? ? ol tha Tih???Ti diatrl? ta m??ti h toward termine? fei ' 1 . Th?? tu rill pi ?p ton ' ? them Another Port Bombarded. ? iqua rded Pn l th? "line of 11 <ipni"'i ' i* !i= annouw ed fi ' I . inn ?rural irdc ? 1 in thai '< ? I Ulan ih|| ? ? I ? i ging *"'" ?ntarad I to. taking the ? n Ti: Porl arara of in the Red I ? mu Italian a r,4li\> , ? ?ndonlai .iiir i-.,, . . ? SO ' 1 '??'?? ad 1 i miaalon) Fir?? ara ? Ital pon th? ' ' ? - ?n ?.??! 1 s'? :rkiah 1 ? . 1th th? ub Iget, as it ipnaia of niiepaurtnaj for n ststar.' e in the mterto* EVENTS KEPT SECRET Actual Occupation of Tripoli by Italy in Doubt Even Yet. f.->nd"n. Oct. 1 ?Oat of a perf?et maze of renfllcrinfl reports ?nd raneara H la ?itteri" Impossible a' the pr?nent s'a*? tij sift the grains of truth COfJCerttlgJf the Opening da-,s of the Tu: -o- fallan j ?var. It appear* a-an doubtful whet th?"re has haap any a'tual or.'ipition nf I Tripoli, and it ij< pr* ? there fu s been no hi<piherdmpnt bj 'he Ttailan warships 1' seams a'?o ,-er'alP 108' the raportad fleetru tion r?f the Turk;sh fleet is un true it-, Fa ? ? only r-atiit of the thr?* da-?' hostilities which ? an be rOUChsd for |s toe de?trnrt|on of th? Turkish destro\er? by the Puke of th? Abruasi ? shlpa off pt ? ? i rloaelj sealed so that it is -tn He for the outside world to krkjw what, is ?olnjr; on 'hara. ? from t t M-ie.i Ba ; i. ,i., ???... , . \- in r^i tins morning Mj gun n> Ing was hi ? Ian cruis* n iM'ii ? at i the They ard ~ however. At ? . ' hin ihren mllea o,- ? p, ni ? .?-t their m I \\ t_: ::? ? In the afternoon au the' ? ? th refugee! The ?:arr?.?on ig t" lesi ' "iihe iiajra hi ;i '? load? 1 with Mrm? nti'l ammunition, and Th< ? I ling ? - t irklsh fV" -,ra ronflh ting v " itating I ??,.. r eached the nir dune! ? "' r an uneventful lourney from Beirut IfSlil ?? . ? ? . , ? mposed "f thr?e torped re to tl iaued> and ?< and the Ifled NEWS AS ROME HAS IT Semi-OffldsJ Denial of Landing at p-.-pvpsa Issued ? a. i i,r i Up to the rr???r' no ... ,r.- -a. ? - ? let pnrt of the before Tripoli. The ,.. ? -v to < m ?ra *o in to dig I Tui 1 rts. ? raising Turkish waters, for the purpose of pre? iset, or what re mains- ?., effp.-tmc: a descent on Idrist Phi tslta the II and sank | ,'tl the . . Lanellee after a flflbt v pen ajl a- .ota d?.-?nres that I Ian forces 'anded :it Prevea utely fais?, tii? -j ? ? ? i begras from ?in . ircnlar sddressed on Be] I oar -j^ to the Ha'kan '?tat??, which le* that the territorii tal i t?o nnd ? latloi f E opean Turkej ever, ' he base f Iti ? Si] reports of th" landing ? thai ma h- ... lently untrue Sdda the n.'te 'a '-ntiA-ir ? mi f"r T-irkt^h torped boats sfll ?- ?nd "ommere?. ? The ulna to refute tha assert t< thai Poke of the V' ?? ? ,'!? m ittsck upon the Turk mstum ex Tl e tune limit fixed in the d at 2:30 ? The Turkish de?tro pa r ? rnoon, and were a' ? tacked by the squadron under the P'ik.? of the Abrussl one hour and a half later Tin ' with . . . ? mu ? . t: .? -loot1- to escc rt I era nsorship that even me ifi'-ai bulletlna red trans? ? m the ? hooner B> . tiling ? ? ? -,.a, .,. rig Palermo. rade, Oct Clng of 'he Cabb ? ? . " ? ? ? ? ? . ? '? I pasar. . ., . ? Th? ? .? ihr '?reek la mobilising If a ly denied. tUTiark, _ ? Por! - ? rraed UM . ,^i p, ? le riarbor of Brtnd a Adrt* ? ?' or? ? .; ? ' ? ? .? un > | .| ..i i I ? rd ws ... ? throuich u ITALY HAS 36,000 MEN READY Militar:) Expedition Under QengjraJ Canev? Being Organized in Naples . . of the frontier) i ? ? ? . , . ? of ? Red . 'ieneral l idea rfe t,,..k : ? ?11' of ? ? Th? ? ? - m Naples t>" i - ? on win .rps of t ? md men In '? o .h\letona :.. ? . WILE/ TO ATTEND FOOD SHOW Dr ' ertlej of grssteti ?n. gnvsinreeni ? ? i "how thht ' noon, Hnd ha* ' ipeufc The "?hip? ?? 'i " .. .hnr, if'l offl a will flirt them the pnvi leas DEFENDS HIS COMPANY United Shoe Machinery Has Aid ed Manufacturers, Says Winslcw PYom Th? Prw'nr. Hi PreaJdeat ?idne) w .Vinale* ? p-ihllr: I f??i that! Tiap i-'' at?The II he onl ? ? - formed ? Tha company taa lowered man harjt?? a; r-"*B<>a ro.s I ? iterlaia ?i ahrd manufad ir?ra The initial ont o the ma * toe factor' ? ? Third -The a ? ui< i aM by a ?no manufsrt irer f< . . a ?? mai'itai-t uro . ? . - :han ! ? ., - ? ? ? ta p??r pair ? ? ? :d nf th? ? ? on of the Unit? - ? ?? ?? lira of ? - ? ? will a i per pair . . aa to ,.?.... can ? In run of opera ? i t'i? ron a makes near '*"? ?i ar< of WhKI" I ? .; nioMt of whi'-: >r . -. ? -f?r ? om . ma in ahoe ? ' rns nf opnr received hv tn' . [irrt ? ? inufarturer a 1 ?*tr ,n mi lei ? ?H ..... .-.-??. m hah ? B the '?ompanv aa ar? much mor? - ^ns *xl*Hna ? it our b?i ?''"" fartorj .?'??rait? tea P?.ld In ? ?? ?" i mi-v of ?qua faa in Ma??? to ?h? offlnai report Mi ?> ? ;r?H i of Bta h?M flrat p'.a/-? ? >8Mchua?Hta in | ? i ? ? ? ? ? averaga s ? ?xceeda that ol ? | *? h? prosrtalona for ,u.? rr'~~ ? ? em? ir" not ex? and peril 'actor Is The aecr?star? a ?mp!riv?s ?relfa apartment ' the ?.-?,- F?d?ration, in a letter arrit ten June 3. manas-m-n* of 'u- Beverly Factory ?gjnro our aai - employers ? n better tha ? ondltiona nf yei li ?" proving ? if araifare worn ?? qui tins splendid exan a?? ?hall nnd ? ay for emu? it dnin? buatne been fa ire our on m ta* _- -nine It baa ? I a I lelr ;"nerai ia h?en ,...,, tf pa nowledg ... - i I in 1 and ovei a - fact that ( ?? )f i ..... mlerepreaei I I ive giv? Its M - ?.??-. ^???kQ. uni *?? freely l irned ova a r#Cordj 8V''. ,... . .0 our for Tl ?? ompeny ????n advlae of it! tided =oi who have he? i i!-' familiar a*|t . ? h??n nppo???i in -It or -.. .-? altered that we .,.?,? doing and '.',?? - ?* t ? ilftlil? Tw. i I l,e | mti il P ? The prin i' ? mart?? 4M M .--n'i-? ? * *? ? '".i.|. ?.....,.* ?O ..a; - metalll I iti i| ? dvctlnn ?? tns quellt) t m? ' reasma; the cost and to give nanu i niig-ht wish It an ? ? (rom a elr.gie comea reved <on ditiona ? "e? aa he ? naari |n that department o ol?as an i are attach par* -the mai la the ' bottom! . grt e to shoe tntjiufsrturers a similar to that ' : Itera to those who ma I sa ent. I 4 ?no ? ;?n'i of i - ? neth th to the abas . mn.-hiri. ? ? u small, on th? aam< ? - un knot* - ta business ?- wit tig up i ? i a ? .k ? in who perhar? light feel ae? ? . ? a ? ? er SJ Thare are r)ve>- '.'?I |] the t"n!*er] 3ta"?? Fourteenth ' -itar ? --.??? ?yastn % ihoe msnufscOirei -? t'.ries? ihoes are made .-? ... - \~i ? * ? ? ?vp" tlmea facture '>?ira.?s r?-1- le ?ivre, the Mimer the benefit o* the rut rtn ?f profit i- auch pair of ahoea There a true teat es, w* ? nlng b'iyineeu, ie ? f 'quinment Si I art tjve, except < n ? larra -??. its bsat a The atr a ist, . arn-' --??M tn ? aperu> ttvely *rr\ nor, arm, while ?.r.y shoa rna.Tt - ... ??-? -- <vr machiner) in pecpor*' ? nveut? ? f ; -? product " of in* vor.- of the eempuny has ****i rn ???? .---? ?a -if - - g aa ?*? -?a-?r ? , ? _ n the hi i -erat -g rendition. it is and - --' ?' ma romee- earpeuss ? Ifl e? 'orra . ?' < ? vh,0??> =- ind dui tad ke?p In pat"*^" "" dr all ma Phi . . - ?ajiy - - for ? ? - ? ? ? - SUNDAV? NEW" Y0?'< TRI9 f Ma led *ny\*^ere -i khgj United (o,. |2 "0 ? #ea A Constellation of Taient is |athered about the MONEY MOON, the new seria] by JEF FERY FARNOL. the second instalment of which appeals m our next Sunday Magazine. THE MONEY MOON itself grows in interest.-for the Arr.c millionaire, disguised as a vagabond, is becoming moro and more interested in Anthea. the lovely English girl in an old Manor house in Kent. Other strong characters enter the story, including Aunt PnscUla and Sergeant Appleby. Drawings by ARTHUR I. KELLER. John Le Breton Sewell Ford is one of th? new stars to enter our Prize Story Competition. His reputation in England and America will be added to by his vivid ta'e ot military life in Ind'a. "Chaplain to the Catchemahve los." worthy of Kipling at hn Vies? will outdistance Shorty with Torchy if he isnt careful. The wonderful ofrkr boy is "coming strong" m his next exploit, "Showing Teedy the Ditch." What he dotJ to Teedy is a plenty Roy Rolfe Gilson Iry?n s> Cobb il another aspirant for prize story honors. "A Modern Fairy Tale" is a romance sure to appeal to every ?ne. and especially to bachelors, and widows with chil? dren. the humorous writer, tells an in? teresting tale of his reportonal days. The Goebel murder case figures in "A Belated Confession.'* Our Next Illustrated Song "In ?he Gloaming," the moaic of which is by Annie Porttactta Hat and the words by Meta Orred. is illustrated by William D. Steve:.a, James Hiy. Jr . relates more amusing anecdotes n "National Tonh-r and Dr. Ralph St J. Perry informs us about weird names in "W Nuncupation." ALL IN THE NEXT Sunday Magazine OK THE New-York Tribune Any important item of news you overlooked m your daily newspaper will reanpear in the revtew of the week which is a regular feature of the Sunday Tribune. Mailed anywhere in the United States I i year