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Police Believe Father Paid Ran? som to Black Hand. Awakened by the frantic cues of a child early yesterday mornlnR, Prank Buallne vreat to the front door of Ml home, Xo. 211 North f?th str.-. ?. Wintamaburg;4aad found re-year 'Old son John, who had been mi.ssii.f: (ram : oroe ah a September t, try* *ng to p?t into the house. The Bather took the boy to hi? mother, who ha? been striken with grief ever finco lits d:?-ap peara ? Although the pottos have r.o evidence that yoeaR Baallno was kidnapped, they ere now incline,l to believe that members of the ?Black Hand held him for a ransom. T.? ? v think the ransom was paid, though o tirmly denies ! arli g ' ni any osai? i gi artth 1 lead. . not give the police any lanetlon of where he had B< ; t. mber v He .?imply atati I . an ihrlng la "a Mg house Hi waa unable to give a ed kidnappera it wa? . that l had been in the ?to give him Hi : fl and a wound ' lea,l a fall. A phyM'iati told the parenta thai woundmlRht cause blood ; TO STOP INSURING IN MEXICO Mutual Life Will Write No New Busi? ness, Owing to Recent Law. Tb?. ace CoaapanTi M ht arr.e known yeeterday, has ceeaod to write new although It ?win eoottnoo la force Ita prenant poildef ^t country and will 'iiaintain offices la Mexico until Bdei mature. It is understood that the withdrawal of Ihe CtMira**** from Mexico is due to a new law-, became effective on October 13. rt r,.]r? companies to in? vest in Mexican aecurltiea the pf oaedi ef their preailums. except an amount BUnVlent to cover expenses. President Day of the ?quitable Life As? surance Society was unwilling yesterday to Indicate the cours? which the Equitable would probably decide to pursue In view or the new Mexican law, but Mid he might make a Maternant within a few days Aa Horn Vcrk Ufe intimated t_at >?is comparv might withdraw from the "Mexican I -?-? ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS. WaehtaRtOBa October 1".. ORDERS ISSUED.?The following orders ?were lssuei: ARMY. Capta"- VnUlAM ELLIOTT,".?_a-v, fren ? f eonu-ie - to it. Louii Captain WILLIAM S. I'WI.KNER, 2Sd In far.!- , ? *'h Infantrj one ? ut. Captain PALMER E PIERCE; IStli ! from am.? aervice i I >t Learen worth, to Rea gVaaclaeo aailioa January 6 ? Ciptain W1?J LAM M. QOODALE, from Mtfl to is'. Inl ?it II. V. HAM, fro-, 12:h to Tth Inlai . W, BENTEEN, from 7th . medical aa t.. Port ? U ?The 1 irnmenta of fe.-onrl r.ei;'^nants ? i:T '' BRAD'S FHAXK i '.? - 'M. ? I Artlllerv EDWARD I. HUFFMAN. 2d tn 24th Hi fan j?-.? . ai phur toillon, ? i First L>leutei EDGAR Z. Inl try, ?ne month month. VY. Boai ? ?pection Washington V-T, a* U> N,?? v : k i ?. I Puget I Ma ilnlat A. ; R. ] OLLES, e; . * ci ertea r. Appointa* ? MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIP- -The fol? i ?e reported ? ? i '? part? i o ? v- - ! . Al.i ? ? ', '; ? th? ? lue. ' ? ? ? Oct 1 ' ? ? ' '.? ? i nan r ? . BUSINESS TROUBLES. a I , ?. ted Stal rcult Court ?day. i'.L'DO_aii, BUAU and liAROI.T) ' j:Li' a, v. arm of K. Ret. h a .- ? i at No. M ? il S Aicxa ? Mos? b '. S-J5. It . i that they ? i Smith ? ties ; ?? MEYER : XN'-'T. ? ft ? t, in Margobo: there. $ . that - : ??.?.' Li?t ? 11.000 AX :. ".TAL NO POM? PAN Y ? - ... Xo. -v. by lit or?; Hani ? a ; ?ed I inaol* ent red th? Haeua? rmann . nee by ? Holt api ond < i ? . ' . . . j ... ? ? . -? RRY B< HACK, who i om? ?i . \ a ?? ? ?. m? i a: Rothschild t? Newman, *???'? G< rge ll Ro i .?? V. bheiidan, 111 11 ???? \.nt. madj preferential paymente >'f l-.<"> and ? iccount? . Edward R. Iver, wltti bond of *.' ... MORRIS A ? ? \\ BANO \ ITCH who n. i ... (inn of ! , t wal-ta at No tb Btreet, ? ? ? ?i ?:. ?vi?i A I.. \ y, $:.. ? DAV w x wax. t ho com? Ine .?. v.'.i ? t In ' . n Juli Hyman Holi ;, NA'i ' Uablll i ... I at*!.' ' ' ? ? ?.: uvsi ?,f w, i bv him : ' ; I'.vi.'i.l.s TIIOMP- IN, ??? ' ? eut, vu ui ? ? and nominal n.-.-.-t^, $? 825 In i it;, . furnli ir< ? partnei Iri eotton Kot k. A?k and Tu. to Mar? h, 1*11. ''.HIAV STERN, m derh at Cold Burina ?unt> . N. '?.. voluntary. I ? . SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Mailed anywhere in Hie United Statea for %2 30 a yeor. NEW HOUSES IN THE BRONX M] Investor Gets the Five Story Apartment Structure at the South? west Corner of Stebbins Avenue and 170th Street. ANNEX FOR THE HOTEL FLANDERS TO COST $120.000. sai.s of new honaai la The Brans were among the lotereetlng tre__Maotlona in the rani eetmte market yeaterday. The flvi story apartment houae, on a plot asgMg feet, at the southwest corner of Btebbina arenue and 170th street, was sold by th* BeflelWOd Conatructloa Company to Martin J, Cregaa lor Inreetment In part i?a>ment Mr. Cre* Kan gives the opposite aoutbaaat cerner, a r'ot fronting H feet on Btebbina ?ren? a and 118 feet in ITDth atieot The BeBewood Company recently completed taro live ator. atrueturei on the south side of Hath etreet, i etweea Btebbina avenue and l_biatow street on property acriuired about six months aco fren thl Ko h estai-. The flot Just Ob? tained by tu?? company will be bnproved la a similar manner. Leonard w. in has bought from the Dv/y* er & carry ?pnstructlM Company the five ?tory nathouse la coon* of eonstruetlon ?at the northeast corner of Mlnford Plac? ?ami Jeanlng! atraet, ?>n a b?t Sbtltt te* I The ?US and Ht Seventh a.vem* Company ? : .it. i: at Alban., arlth .. capita] ??f $i,000, und the following di? rectora: Charlea Wein, David Herman and I i. Marcua Tho property .?t that location i> own 1 by Mayer B. Auerbaoh. ?? ?? rday Mr. Auerbech d that the company waa formed arlth a view to Improving th.e t-ite with a new structure. The pro] i rty i.-? :? cat ?i 68 feet sonth of SStli street It ine?aurea HnW feet, ar.<\ is nt ?present enonmbered with two atory brici. and fraaM bulldlnga Joseph P. Day, In the am-Uon rooms, Of plot! In Dyokmaii for the .--cate ol a !.. Altmayer, which were bought b. Graham Poster, ?? part) in Interest Th. properttM involved were tho Mock fn twenty-two kit! at Sherman avenu.? and 304th atreet which when first, offered I three parcels brought lids a_--rre_*atin;_ fUS,* DCA It was obtained as a Whole for a bid of Si:?. <v*? by Mr floater. The other was at the southwest corner of 9Mtb -tre^t and renne, containing aeventeen Iota, and brought $58.1""-"-?. Plans have been filed for building a nine atory annex to the Hotel Handera, oi I south aide of Hth street, 365 feet west ol Pix'h avenue, it win bave a frontage ol ?? ? and a d?--pth of '.'.?? feet Fire es? capes wiil be omitted. In lieu of stalr> b - lng fireproof and shut off at every floor, making a complete fire staok. The F we?, ?and Realty Company is the < Ja' k son _fc Ro?<-ncran3 arc t ? archltecl ai | place the coat at tU>,OQ0 LEASES. The I ?os' ??_- Brown Coin,.any ha? fcr tho clement Moore estate the plot of I at Ko. M to 651 100x100 feet, f,ir * long term of years, at an aggregate rental or 1250,000. II will be Improved with a four story fireproof build? ing, to be occupied by the Hopkins Man i facturlng Company, <>f Hanover, Pi ? a carriage factory. James N. Wella'i - were associated as bro La, J. Phillips ?- Co. have l*a Md for th? Westeett estate the cutir?? store Boor In] the btifldlng m rected at th? southwest cum-r of IlOtb atreet and Broadway, with th.? exception of I part i Iready leased to Welabeckera for tl a Manhattan Hi Com? ??; \v. .i. Huston <f? Bon have lea cd for | 1? nard Adair to J. Fleh I 11< n al No. 2712 Eighth avenue for ? t? m ol : t" the Hartford Lunch Company, e store on Broadwa . . th an ' L" to 110th I .0 fI ? I . !:i With A. K. Toussaint ?? atore, 10x40 feet to Je* '. Davis; to b Platek, a store. lOxtO feet, In UOtta atreet, 10 feet weal of B are.. On thi aecond floor they ha.e r offlcea to Dr. R. B. McNutt, Jacob Omovltx? and H? rmlne Qt M. *. I. Hesi havi leased the third loft at Ni : !-'? I'Tin?^ atreet tu j. j I/-"?:n; the ninth loft I I 40 and 121 : Ba i & Jalkul ?the ? \v. al 4th street I - t., KoAer Clothli . am ; ; ? nth loft at No 12 and 11 w eat I2d ? to Jess? Bhuhnan .-? ? o the third' loft at No. 12 v,'- ' l"i to Hydeman g* Last ftrst loft at Ni I way i i oduci i "!!ipun> ; ? the third loft al Nos. 14. and 14 '?'? il ? ? ' ?! merslag, and the '.'?ft at No. 344 East to W tham. . _ ? - dwi street for 1 the four story dw< Hing , - . for ti ? .,, - ... t No ?.? : . t.. a. .1. Bmlth; also, for three . i" Mini:!'- Martin, th? thr? ?? stoi dwi |] ? I is .hu thru .do. te to Mary . ' Si .'? The ' Uorgentlui ?; thai a poiU ?id all of the basement at Nos. ' 141 and 14 ' treet The lease will I run t!'.; Februar: ..? when the the Urban Construe* ? Uon Company, will erect on th? site .-? | building Bias d ??_ Hobbi ba .? r? nted foi B H. Macdonald to John a. Proben, druggist,I - in th>- new hotel abo il to ,- t e .-.. ith< asi corner -.f Am* ! -i'-, t. Mr. ' occupied the Bton In th? ? oi n< r building, now l.einjr ... Frederick T Barr; ? i porta 'lowing leases; No. v?*_.? Lexington t.. th? !.??. William M r No M ' .<bt gftth ?treet, to Prank H Kirmayer; No. 45 East Wth street, t.. Delia Bternberger No 106 Eaal Wth io C. P. Huntington, No. v.'? Lexing? ton menue, t" Dr. * .iii Pflstei. ? No 123 Eaal : Ith ?tre, t, a atore to Mrs. Bchultt; lu No, 169 Madison a? ?nue, a ?tore to Mme. Belma; In No. ('.o Madison avenue, s store to Meyer Brown; In v>" 681 . ton aven ? to the Mel >er mott Dairy I.? ir..? :. Company; In No. 666 Lei Ington avenue, a etore to B, Mannes; In] No. 7"'. Madison avenue, a .-ture t-. John . 1 lonohue; In No i -v> Eat I 80th street tu Marlua Blrolle; In No 717 M ? in entire floor t" Marie !.. _*1sher; th? ! building No. HO Canal atreet, to Emanuel I Wachsman; In No. 13 East C9th street, ?? ?tor.- to the New fork Rug I ". dwelling house No. 108 Lexington ave* ?. Frank, Th? McVlcktr, Qalllard Realt. Company has leased for the estate of Thomas l. A Hall the entire fourth floor, Btrxlll feet at No IM Fifth avenue. The lessees are - ?. i Iray .v Smith, tailors, for msny with the Brm nt \\ i SUBURBAN TRANSACTIONS. i ? .\ I .".?? n nt< d foi Ml ? Mm. Rutherfurd oi?- of her houaei on i. me, Cedarhurst Long ! ? Ik m fur a tei m of '?'.? .. Rafalaby ft Co ?? id I | in, for the i lommei i lal and R i tract ? ompi ising thirty iota in Boatwli k. Bei g< n ?? Jai a on avi d ? itton ?.f the our , w ho Is b well known build? i In 1 .r-. to Improve tl la pi .i with mi , ii ? BROOKLYN SALES. .?,t i on th? ?reel ?. ? d street bv? !...? -. t" ? ..i. ndo it i ..nil, build, i will *re? i twi lv< two family 1 il. m * Pterson A o * j feet t '.ft nd< rhlll avenue .'. f>" t north of Bl John'? Place, t.,r Mrs M Maddn i. i?. I., vv Broi ei R . It? for an el? i atoi ? rfleid id?' ? ' ?'. 1 ! Rf-ALTY NOTES tpea / Bhampea ?re rr^^anrj plans or a ghl gtory arar?m?n? liouet t-, \ erected at the northweet corner of Rodney i.ri'l Booth M Btreeta ?Broohljm, .'"x1^. feet. f?.r the Keep Conatructlon Company. Osdea <fc Clarheon have been appointed ap. ms for Ihe twelve story American Pr?tai Aaaoctatfcffl UnlMIng nt No. 2?. to ttt We?t Mth,.-t. ?Mao for th buUdtng No. 370 Fifth avenue. THE PRIVATE SALES MARKET. MANHATTAN HTH BTRBE1 The H M Wellt one vVehater B Mabl* .?. Co heve ?"'?i f"i Jacob Wa'! !?> M M '?? - iiiii.llni? No UK Weal -J7th ? i plot 28t. is '?? feet. ill?ting baa Ihm r? ???? upl. I )? <?rs by ti.?? iper Pomp T"r?, and Wb? ' M ih' ? i ?-v, oe n?*r I three i tori? TI ? i r opt mi u ??? 178,000 14TH STREET t s D reaa i npat No 902 Weal 14th street, afoul at ?Jwelllnfl en b lot 20x103.3 feet, adjoin In? the ?. i:'.!??'' . ?it ol will ?it. r lli ?.?n; ling ; ? ?tor? ? 111 in STREET 'i i??? Herma . irna i ot Mtaa Flora .i Dppenhelmer No 113 Weal 113th street, a flve i II " -? on a ...i Bil00.11 ;?? ? BEVENTH AVENUE Louis M ?IIbmob hn? i. 710 Seventh a - ' 19 taoti H BTRRE1 1 ha* ?old No 48 ?Iwelllni : . -? Colutnl . ? . Rol In Charles I Brown : th, GRAND ?- ' REE ' Hu lei of Oi . b a lot , 2*>xl00 feet, to Julia , THIRD AVENUE?J. ? ei7i *i :< f"" ., lot ?xtts of 130th ??- ? I48TH BTREE1 W, J Hust s..;.! t... Qeorg? N ? .? ? N". . MO West u?"1 - ?? Bl Nlcholai p. ? t 20x99.11 fe? t '- ?' ?? thi] 1 ? ?8TH ? Pea A Stlimaii In ? - ? - ? Uallhei ? IftxlOO.S feet. Thla Is the ht. ? ? ? in over flfty >r;.ri> THE BRONX. BTEBBINS ?VI.N't 1. Th ? sold the i Bve etory arartment house, on a plot 28x100 I ithweat - ' i ? ' '? 170th to M irtin * , . ?it. i" I lyctenl Mi ? ? tgon - imutheaat '', .i plot Frontina I : Btebbli i a?.enue and 11? f? ? 1.1 170th street. MINFORD M_A< ? " j from thi Dwyer . ?' - C unpany I ti ?? flve si >r? flathouM ? ? n rtbeest ? ?n er ? f Mlnfo d PI I Jtnnlnfls ?street, tn ? loi i."??!'"1 MORRIS AVT0N1 E- Charl? - - Ol ' haa ?ol it ? ii feet, ? Ith two s< h? use. at the nort ! end l?83d street. in th? m : h o* ? IM THE AUCTION MARKET. j The following ? Uona were recorded yeeterday ai tl ?? R< al i itate Et, it ?and 16 V? Btr? ? I ; By J 71 H Wi:. -'.".114 a';.' 2300, n . (lata v Ith ?' 10x100; < . - ? r stale o1 ? ? ?? ? ? SHERMAN a ? B, n w ?or Aa deny tt 100; ? BHERMAN AVE. tl, 1 SOOxl&O; va ant; cxecul i ? aa . ...;..,-. ? ? t. 100X1 i Postor tor 1120,000; > i - . ? ? . , ...?.??? ei 2*tOx20 ??no? ?i ? ' of A P Altm< 5 165TH ST, 170 ? sterdam a?.?*. 10 ?? 102 -? ??!?.?'? it ? plaintiff for 843 ? ? I03D ST, 807, n a. ISO I 100.11: 4 I < .. ., 7BTH IBS ? -. 341 t" - of O-dnmbus a\e. lflxliK. i ? pis .._ ,,,, ;r -, 90s 100 1" I ' ' 1 : ' ? ? Id tO (?I -C H M '. Ore f r 10.000. RECORDED LEASES. ?v. f lessee.i M , ' ,I.I'M.".! .-' A\ '?;. '.?-.' rnotl ? ' 1 >r from Au| I. 1011. 1730 - EDOEl ' iMBE vv- D. 11 tore < ? ? ? 1911 IbOSO; ad - t.; ii A', ;" 842 ? ' I ? ? from 1911; 82.10 '? ? ? I. 1911; 81.OU0 I86th st. 1MB. ' , ?:. av. I, 1900 ? i2 ' ? I? ?77 RECORDED TRANSFERS. ? ? TOBKR 1? MANHATTAN. _.-. y 1 ? ? ? Knslgi ?, ? 1? ? ; ' ". BROADWAT, I I II l'..:V- te V I I ' SAME PROPER . ' ??:?? BllOAD\> ' a i'M ?? all liei ave, Ri hi:? ? \i. ??. ?? . ." 23x120 Waist : ; ? BRO vi?.'. ? 1 ??, Fran) lln I 17 BRI IAD*A ? ?.r., ,...?.? ? , .-- .... [inn ic II for? | ? ?? ? wa ]>.-?'??. i ? . Max ?Schafl 14; 81 it,,! BTON 10..; peter 8 t 1 ' 1100; address, 1217 Ht Mark's a ! M M':.-? ?N IVE, 1072 - ? ; | MER< ER - ' *r f 223 < ?? : 1 *. ? t 671 i;i\ BRS1DE ' ?RIA K ?? - : - ft n t : 81 x I rrefl ; V red e | .' : SPRINO R'_0,OUf>| , , ' t II , ' . v ; a??-, Bl 2D AVE. 434 ?; Doi at t.t 1 ' lune i i - . '? ? ? ? , 100; v 11; ;? I s ? Ul l ROPi '. Catharine ( , ? 14; $1; aOdi SOT H (Veat. Brunie ? , 13; 8108 ' ? ? i - 73TH ? ? S ? ? - ' I of A ? I? ?mtg 8i.*.,i ? ? ' ? n?, -?illl.,1 ?i ni BT, ii ; ? i opi . Uielinei tu lohn W i ? ll.Vlh II (I , , . ,, ..... ?:.?., si s . ?... Ho.oe n..i, , . ? M Hoblltxeli to Anna 1 . ":l agi ! , ..... i M-K 18 110 .. ,. , ?; . um . to Am?, i MeAlHeter; eae-foerth ii; 82.500; address, .'?T'i v.?' Allhrter, |r, pan ? i? t I.'?Kill ?I. kith st i .. in,, f, e ?f Broadway, tta* ?'?'. II-Ights Metropole Construction <'o l? .-Htiii,,, a Bach?; oci 14 (mtg 8830.000); $1. ?"'?"? ta, nog Prosp.. t pu? -, Brooklyn. -, '_?** 'VT- n _ ?"?"? f' ?? at st Kleholaa ave, ? ' ' VMIItain T l-iir.iv to Knaltjti Ilealty .... " I. Bddn -? IM llroadwav. vl" -r.r ffadearortti (??". ti'cif*. i ft ? ? : Klngsbridg? ?"Id line?. ?Ox.V'x lire?; Lina Vom t?, RTahlte \ Benaln <'?> limit i?i>.n.>n?, on 14. $?1.11. Bddteaa 1322 ."-"Util, m Boulevard in;-, nn<?\x. AI'STIV TM.VK. 1 r ,.?r HTM, ?t. 2.-.NI0.I. Appolllna Pfeuffei to Frederick it Heeht Vo; "' ' M (mta 11.000); |1. a,l.!r.-s.?. 174'.? HI? B?**" ST. - . ,;,? f, ? ?f l6m,, ,,_ ?JSXlOO r to Toeley risln; < >? 1 18 tmis f 18.500); $ii.<i; a?ldi..?s. 140 Ars?ne D BAINBRIDOR AVR 8088 'jr.\ 100. irAmbra Construction Co 10 latu??s It KUabeimer, 1r frote 110.000); ? ?rt 11, 81. addreaa, 503 . BOSTON ROAD? I0SI, T1\11T. .lo*e>.viilr,e VVInan? to Hudson Morteaae Co; t. '.'-'. lf?lo; ?1. ?? ?!>. 135 Bi Mdwa . LDWBLL AVE, >,m. 7? ft 1 ef IdSd ft. ?'??? Irrea; HermaB I? Kopk? t?. John 11 Huneke; April II j ' address, .71 I'.ast SOlsl at l'i IT?.?, ? y X. ? , US f, . of ?e,?jil, ,t. 1'.')\I'..\ Irre?; Wahlla? *, sen?in ?'?? t?> 1.1ns. (inifl 838.000); i>.-t 11 8100; ad?1r,*-s 81 ? It ? n I8ftth .?t, GLEBE AVE, ? s. 56 fi a ef Oraea a -, 26x100; Thomas Carney !?? K?,t?, Carney; uct 14; |1; .,.;.: ?.???, r,?i Rui |46th *t. BOMB ST a s er Ho* are, 28x88; wiil ? ? . William Sinnoti Co; < tet 10; ?? I. , ? --. 967 Bast I65i KINOSl i?.n>.;i; ROAXt n - eor KB-fcsie? ? -, ?; ;pc ?'.? ' '?onstru tion Co to in?t( 832 000?; Ocl I?. J1, ad Dt II; P LOT 11 i;,;?)? Beetlee I. Rattiaata ???.tat?, Blocl ?"?" ?; or??! Pf< ud lei to i" :. rick II Hscl t; Od 14; *i ; addn sa lin? ?Plttaon ?t LOTS 238 end tat, taon Bender enate. Tha ; to Theodor? R Vat Weea ?. i,-.. ? ? .?. 1900 ?" ad In sa, l'onl ? r.*. N Y 1LLARD PLAi " ' 1 Of 8d ev* 50x100; toseph Reli Relsa .mtg $4,000), ? ' I, map Mori rourdan Z partsllo; Ocl 14; *iu". address 623 1 Brooklyn. if >i 21 n ?:? 180 loti sai Be 1 M t'?r Oct 14; 81. .'?'.?7 Pulton st, Brool M IRIOK c ! 81 10x100x28 h | I ;^?lan'l 21 17x48, Chai ?- \ Cassssa si ?I ? tonlo H Ca? ? ? ? , 1 ? ? $22 5001 |1 ].' ' MOHEOAN ni;, b ? 111 fl ? of 170th rt, .r? 840a ilds V Black to r..-,?it?a it 1, ? 16; 1100 addrei 1800 Bathgate IM?N AVE, 215th st. ; ixlOO ?'? . \ . tfl 13.0401 Oct 14; I SAME I ;;? iPEH PT; 1 _<.-., Oct 16; 810 addrei 211 ;. UNION AVE. n < If* 166j ln**e ... p c? address, N .' WASHINGTON Avr. 1881 isj.h:. ir-??. ; M< ?'aim 1 ???;?? |100 .-. 2151 Washington a\ !'??' RE81 AVE. 084 BTxlOO; ?Vnna Drses 1 M Hoblttssll ?? itg 110,001.' H 17? West 11S 148TB ST, _est ? 8 1 letai a Croes ? > , ? ? ? ? ? ?. ti . n Idress, ? I43D BT, 740 1 100: ? leppe 1 Oct 11 ; $1 . sas. 38 ? I64TR ' ? ipeet ore, 20xT4 1 .... . ,,, ,?,r ,?' ... (?j,? ?-. Oct 16* I res?, ??99 ? Il ?3T, ? ?. M". fl ? of 3d a-A 75al0fi Raabs; Aug a |100; ? 1 ;:?7 i ? . 1x90; Frederick Stuben ? Man J Raxxuto m tg i';. :. ' ?:>: ?; 1 ... I rl | RECORDED MORTGAGES. 1 of 1 ? ? r., , ? i-, ; ?.? : -. stated, ?OCTOBER :?? MANHATTAN. AMSTERDAM AVE 1 1 ror 156th it, tOxlOO; 1 1914; pit 'V ;?? ? - ?. ? ? ,. in sa '?*?'' Cnlon a%^. , \ii\>' \ v. plot bounded ; ? : ? ? ?-.?ntrn: A . -1 .1 ?;-;,!.' 1 !:? Is; ? let 14: dus aa :? ' 1, 1 1, Hearst to Ells H M $1.080.000; address, Bennington, Vt M ,.\ AT ? ," '-"?? 1-" Broads ay. a a H ? 21x100 ' ? ? 16; Q 1 ra ? '"? '., U'i.i 11 .- iga and an,.. Ham laie, N 1 ' itKMINE ST, 78. 88x00; Ocl 16; Uu-- as r?r . bond; K< Her to Till ? ? tes au?! ...... 17( ? HRl?TOPHER BT, 118, -.?r'l. " ? 16; 8 yrs; ngs Bank; $17 ? OU; .1 Idi ? ?? 36 Bower ? ? v? ?N ST, "?'? - ? 100; Sa ?? 88 ' ?ta ? ? ? ?: 1 s < lark "1 Robert .- 1 ri 0S1, .XV. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, 1 - oar 1>'-1 ?". 7>;v rrs, 6 per .-'nt; Rockl?e?lR? 1 Oil raltar Mortgaa-* ' ' . 11" ""? '. ??-r-g (prior mtg $80.000); Oet 14; Lonli ? Mj |1 , -?.'.',? ISO fl e ??: 94 n.\r 28x04: Sept ... .-, , -r cent : f;.? 12,40 ess, 114 ? IS East. 60x08 1913 ., , ' ' |15,0< J ?? '? ? ? ? ? i Hugo Pi to 0 R Marks ? I ' " ? ' ' ? - '?; 22 ?t, i ! ? '? I ' : '. ..;-?. Oct' !>"?: M., . t Mctilnnla to Harris I2.OC0 . rei 122 West 71 ? ? ' brk, 28x100 1 i!.?i Hi tiiiii, 1 i - Hort Co $2. 11 ith BT West. 5 s rk, 21 (100; 11 I 11 dui Ion t., , . || BT - 1 180 fl a "' Stl 1 ?. 15x90; ? ; ; ; ? ,. . ? ; - ? 1res :??'.. . .. , ' v. 1 ; 191 1 ?'? ;?? ?- ?-? ? ? . Anna I Hobll ? : l^ilTli ST n F, 100 ft ? of A 1 B?S, . . 1 S West 14 IBOTI s. 175 fl ' 11 s ve, lai t 1914; 8 1 ? \ n .... ... , 0 t ? '.'. M M.-,' SI ,,,,, ?? ir??ih M Bl ,1 .' 'I ? du .? THE BRONX. jt'i?. ?j.'A 103; 1, ? . , . , ? ?? 1 ?7u Broad \', r. \ ?. 15.1 rr a ?.' I68?1 s' t | f , ? ? ??;?:. ? .... . , , , $1. ? 918 81 i't i I, 154 ft B of 1681 $4( ?.? ; 1 ; , . . . , t ? ? S?, 11 ?_ ? ;?? ? , to Man ! ? 1.1' I - ' ! 1 ?lue ' .? ' H 1914 6 1- - ? toi < $24.00* ' " miliar ? 1 ; .! 1 March 1? 1012; >? ?,. . r Part ? I . ? _ ; ?, ? . ' M)Tf? 4 and 6 lo K . t,< >T li B. map ' ?? : Pari ng ? 11, $1,00 , ? < 126 | ? . M v?, ru ?',' ' p 173 ?? ..'. lohn i) Hallock l liai? ?-? I. .IV ? IAC1 ;'i. ? ?'.:. ' ' 7.'. f. s ul 11. vv ?? ? ' 1 II c ; <C, lll.l. i ? ' . ; .- \.\'.r. ri;? ?PB . S yrs Hors sis s To tx>k s ; $. tu HI.RN i?' H l ?'.va,: ? -.?.7. Oct 16 l'a.1 ; .1 Hosklaa t" | $00 N. v, 1 ? AVE ; . ; .? . . Henri \ ??..?? address, : . ; ? ? y ? 1 '. ' ?? < ' ? ? I. Il ... ? I ? . . ? Il Il ; S yrs: < p ? 1 a 438 I ? ? |: ' ? ? l.l . ? . . : ? ? I4BTII . I . n I ???'?" f' v, <?; ? 1.p . ,i in.?.- ?I".. . >? t II. .m 1 : ? ? .- pi I M 111 ? ?/ . . 1 M ivs. 78x16 ? ?? . 11 , , Raab. ... 1 ... ? - ? ? e ... 1 .. '.,. ? ? r ?<>r - w . tub ? ? ' 1 1776 " 1 1 . f. 1 ,'j i;.?> t . , (priai m-.| y -. ?i. i h :; r*, g p.- cent: J****** Krtiph ?ld?r o. tleorgln? ?'??unr.. 81.00?; sa? ? i.i.^ i ? ?.% ^ '. .... ."? ?? ??" ,-. ? i. (?ses; Oel I!, IO0T; Jacob Bwker to H K'??i? 1er ?? Ce, ?? corporation; %'?'.'?"?'. addrw *'' Ki .?r?.*.. M! West ?! ? SATISFIED MORTGAGES. (With nata, ?ni addieesad leader'*atteraey.) txrroBBit i?;. MANHATTAN AMSTERDAM \W.. *? ? ">r IMUl a?, SO* |00 r? -I IBll ; l'lai id Ifalt? ... o. M? Pfeiffer ; *'??>. attorn . ?. Arnsteln, L Pfetff? i. 1'-"? Broadw* BRDFORD BT, Hi an! ."? :, n ? < ?r Downing ? ?, 4.-.?!<_;.7; April l?. 1909; Mloheli U Pisanti un.) ?no to Henry .i"ii*?. Indlrld; $*?.. ??' , , Quarante? -i I net Co, i fg Bi oad a .? ? AMBTRRDAM .\\'.. i * 23.3 Il a ..f |g_Mh et ?_ 4 ? : v 1 ? > > ?. Mi' 1 1906; .leiin .' r.odjrer? 10 ?>t i?> L Bttx; 816,000; all u*l \v Wcim, _?*? Whii st. CAXAL BT, t; " B t" 8 11 m ?.f Ludlow st, 21.10x50; April 28, H'"l. Hlrsh Rabino ?rieb to v.iii N'oraeo Trust Co; |6,000; ad* dt ?.-. ;.?'. ... and '?"'? CHRISTOPHER BT. 118, " S 2S.5s91? Oel ?B |Hml l? . .,? gakolsfcl 10 Marin l_ena ex\\f. 12.1 000; tttoi B A -, 30g Broailwa; CLINTON st. %t; mtg es probity ???id I i ? i*->i. ?? BT i<?->. Male* Ian? 21 ISO!; Rj ,| I...:,a-man lo lie |< ? Uo 1 dat? In ; 8800: address it Buffolk a? LEXtKOTON A'.'i:. s ?. M B fl i ef Sd-th a?. 20xT0; April 12 Its?; Mar. A MrC*-.? and Blmon M McCab? to Peter * MoCab?: $':.-. Attorn? r Lee*. <? Conno M ?au a' MADfgON IVKL e a. 17!? fl B Of ?-W' ?t. i?..-.;. ?'?> IB, il?"". Willy Ri.??- t.. Mary TT ?iu?.i>- ?... 500; attorney? Schmitt .. Haas t ii? Kaaaau il WII.IIAM BT, SO -? ?! M ? a. TXSxSS.Tx Ml 1I\;.'T. Pel? 21 ''.?it , Tliomaa P? ?i.i R ?Votf? and v. I CIarli ? r* ? '? . |12 ,50 i; attorn? ?. .1 Mason Knot M Ian ? ' BAM? PROI'BRTl ?-??' 24 1*9! tan i hrtstnpher Wolf? la B***m< ? ':? ; e..r Ba. lusa. Se*!:. ?L't.', Bttorni i, Sir i .. |. r i" Wall St. P Wtr PROPBRT1 . A'itr 21, IBS nan... 865,000; sttorne! uns ai aboi? gn B r ni 81! Il ft ? si 1st a.?. 24 Ix 121 11 \..v 2!, i ? ", Jull II i ?r. f.- ... ' Pranl ? ni hal ? ? ? i ist * ' OOO M/s, \\ oit A- K? 'n: 803 Broad ?; ru st, 511 Baal m?a on n* ? an ? ? ? Mai dri a _dl*>r lo Fn 82 '. .i" tu-?, u Uli *., ? STTH HT. s l 141.6 ft w of 51 r.- B March 7 1010 I I ?? J - in ion to Otto 1 Hoi alls; 815.000 I ?rii? M! Broadway. ::tth ST. ? Weoi '. ! ?.?'i*. .i. ?j, ? 12 1*10; : Mlilvllle It- sit] ?'?' t.. Hu *'" u^?' Tltl? Ousra ind Trust ? o, 170 Broad? 1 ? I0*TH fi r 23 v ? * 20 100 11; Mar ?? t.. 1 'It R< al r?* ??? - -" ltd 1 ' ' THE BROI BEAI MONT (formerl! larkson) ar? 1 . or l?3d il I8.1J 75 S? pi 1 ISO. Emil ?.Ina bur*. 10 Mai y H Weigh! 84.500 M i ?E< 'ATUR IV1 -? 23x100; s?p? : Theod ?- Roehrs 11 i; ??? I rt W Tod!, 229 I INTERV.U.E AVE ws 89.10 ft n of Weet? ?v. being lot 47 map 918 of seb? f ftary P Tlffar.v. part 100 U'ilklr.s PI, e a. T.', f? a of .enntn-ff ?i . ?. April c 1900; Mary Koenl! to luliu* 1 Metsger; M.OOO at* _ 1 198 1 HOPPMaN BT, s a 100 ft n of J*37?h ?t. i"".'.?-, run? P if?''"'. T'-ran Cerra to I l' H.? ward .$-'??? \ 11 M. . r.? ft fl . ? 131? -i Han Ingt Batata, For! '- 1906; M.r Drakard "> P? I Dudley: $060 ittorney, < ? man, 3d a? 1 I ?4? LOTS 1 .mi 5, . late; mn? ?o ?**;?-.< ? MAC! PL m 1. ? '. *.' fl n? of Hawttl I 1 - ? 2 r.'?". John Higgln. ? \' .11 n ?? . ft Lawren 1 ???.. .\ 1 $1 300; ;i"'.rii-. .!!?:?: ? 150 ? ; It. NORTH BT. n s, 1_;<> fl m of Morris .??? 75s i?"?? being par' of lot 390 and *:? of lot MM. map of Mount Xtten tteai Psrmx; !?'? h 7. 1907 r \ to Norti n Bai k of New i'orl I : ? '?' Btlon ? ? tbl " I M..r?an, 33 Llb BIMP8? :.' Bl ??? s, 270.8 ft n of l?3,ld at, IS! 110x42x100.7 Jun? 26, 1911; i*m* to same; 133. BIMPB? IS BT ? 1 228 ?ft n of M8d " ??-"? 110.5; Jun? 26, l-'ll. Podgui Realty Co to N-*? > ork 'i ' urn '... ?"??"? OOO; att? Ick A Snow, 13 Wall .'. iriUCINH PLAI !.. 78 ft ? of J 25.2x94x25x92 May 31, 1911; Blngl. Kealf; 1 ? to James 1 I 1 thi ?? K?mnei 12,000; ?ttor ist Co, 176 Broi ?a a; . WENDOVER ?VE, 891 ? ? B.7 May t, 1909; Louis Jawtu lo Bernard ?3ng-1; I .1 l?lresi 486 la _ <? I3TH st. r 1 280 1* - '-f Avenus T, belni of loti SO and 72. 1 '?i' '-?'. t n|. .1 M 1. 1 to H? ? n P? Hock; 12.000, attorn? I 1 ?avis, .""-.'i 8 i eve lTTit a . E 1 s. J-"? ft n from ti o eor lot P3??. map Wakeflrid 23x111 lulj ?. 1MM: Mart? C F ?o Pr-*d*_rlcl_ Boeberrk; 8080; attorn*! Ar.'lr w It fl ? '? H BT, 620 Esst, 25x109; O-- IS if?"*.. H M ?;. Iberi I Arthur si..:'h, .t.i.iHn. ..? Tltl? Ouarante-3 and Treat ? o. lid Broa.!. 1-OIj ST. n -. IT i f? r et Beaumont a- '-i . ? 1 1008 si ? lo Annl? M IS.'soO; attor trilllamsoo, -,.,;i Alexan tSD BT p ?. 83.4 fl i of R<-a-::r.r.:ir nv?. tT *-.;?. 11 ? * I90B; Kmtl Oil burger ta 13,500 vechslei j ij st n .. '.>: t f? a of Btoomtngdalfl 9.4 lui] 22. I89?; ?r# K Ree*. ?-. ? ?? '?? " r d? P roster, is Wall bi 1? , ? 1 of Katonab are, 25s j _. v 7 ?...?- E 1 ; irton ?o Lui? P In?; $3.500; attr?r 1, . on, 364 AI? ian 1er a ?. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. N"rtl ! ': _ ,._? .il tie 1 j ? ?? ? ' ?-' ' lohn ? ? ?? "?"' ? h Hlmh; *l .-???' .1 - .... ? ' II? : I a:.- ? o; $170.000 Joui " 12,050 1 - Meltaner; $1. John r k $4,150 Phi ip a im L Non .i.... 1 ;: I $100 i; m v . hn E M '.'... . ? $22 ??'*' Sam? 10 Philip ? Mi __ua le $4.00 i ..1 ?. ' :. ?? r ta] $131 "oo. ? 1 Hi ary Hu ? - ! *? 000 Keti 1 ? ?;..;?'' ? .. .<: Dledei n l> ?:??:.'. ? \ ee; $13.1*00 M Knox !?? I ??? Id W II SI Minn? -t' ?? naon .-:. I ano to M 11 iL 'to F Al tul pi. 7 Magdalena l'r.-v tu .t ????'> Riedmuller; $2.200 .lohn .1 Lertora l - 'I III? '.11..' , i...,, B.. m M Powell to \. Il ?on M r ? : 00 Helen R K Da V I Jai ? ? " ?? ' ?? ?1. .... . . ? ?, ? ??? .\i.i-v ii Emery; .*J..'i>" itoo ?1 tan M ? K Mal?n? t ? 600 . ? 140 '-<> leger ; I ?. $4.0 ' ? ., r., \r rit; Ji "n?. MECHANICS' LIENS. 25TH BT. 121 lo l.l Weat; Alfi '. E N'ortoi ? 0 -i?.-' J..:.:. E Ola ronirau toi 124.506 ; n: i:i;ii> a\ '?:. 107 Si 2T \l<c? Henry J 1 ? ? 1 n.-eiiz? <!-' 47 WABHI.S't! Pista Pill . - ? $213 KELLT BT, e b. 1 IS ? fl ? of I67lh it, i??ft-. ? r $ .'.') .?" \v? ?i >sTi:r ? ? 71. and .\ * way. S? - ? I 1 1 ? ? ..I ir \\..r. Hold? .'. ? $11'. |M : SOX AV1 11". si . Iieth -' 100 M Kill Hit Max R ?. :,? 1 . 1.. ti , lor; 81.1*0, 1*1 i.P iN _VE, w s, 173 ft b < 171st lOOi l?ai 1, Igt Bethel I . ? ?. ? ? 1 ?? ; 11 1 : ?. 1. . 17:' ft ? of A? .?? ; V 1 ' :? ?? ? 1..-?n ? rimp lui :?,-,. lerl ? it ? . ? 16,700 24 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. . 98 u- .:.,.;. 1? - . ? ?1 IM] .?' .. -?Mi 1 1:. .1 1.1:1 v Kr.lyn 1 ? .? . -. 1911 ? A ? ma 1 Manufact ?? ? ' " RIVERBIDE DRIVE 133 . , \i , > 1911 $11 ' ' il Til* and . May >? HI; I -'"l " ' ?'? i'iMlit 1 _-i ? "" '' al; auk .tl 1911 ? . . , . uel N Kats 1 It'll, i '. Ml ? ROP1 I ' -' 1911 $237 DO - \Mi 11. iPERTl ..... ' 1 2. 1911 ?.".". ' 'i' PROPER! Ma it tau Roi h I St 1911 $400 ^XMV ' ' > rt .1 hn 1 . ? . ... NEW BUILDING PLANS. M4J?BATTA1 i-iii.-; - .... ... .... , , '* I ' I tt.Und Rsaltj ce, 238 \.:.t TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPq AT THE LOWEST RENT IN MANHATTAN (The reasons two win- the renl quoted below is the) LOWEST RENT IN MANHATTAN are, (1) that the St. Johns Park Realty Co. purchased the entire block, 200x300 fl . bounded by Greenwich, Washing* ton, Morton and Barrow St-, (opposite the U. 5. Appraisers' Stores), at a price which was next door t?.a criminal offen? i.'i 'Ihr contract price for the eight-story buildings cover ing this block', obtained at the right time lasl Winter whci N'ew York's best builders were falling over fach other to ?-mire \\<?rk, especially of a generous size, was ai an infraction of the laws oi the land. But "It's an ill wind blows nobody good" The Washington St. half of the block, 200x100, w m the plans to the mail order firm of Hella-. He-, g who have migrated from Broadway and Prince St., by 91 move tin?, ?save S4.\i XT) per annum in rent. If n wasn't slang we would say thai is "some saving." At an) rat<. moral attached to it. < ?n the Greenwich St. front tu 1 buildings, the northerly corner of which , 1"'- 100, we have just leased. We now offer tl corner, 100x95 ft., northwesl comer Gi -, ? I . at the LOWEST RENT IN MANHATTAN The building is eighl stories and high, dry basement; 100x95 ft., containing aboul 82,000 square feet planned and built : excellent light. firepr? of "a/. \z" fir? ; >\ ith the fire-preventing, insurance-saving, bu iness-protect? mg automatic sprinkler system; floors ha1 ? the unusual rying rapacity of 200 and 300 pounds per ?-quarr foot; three large Otis electric elevators of 4.000 pounds capacity each Outside shipping platform 200 feet long; commodious inte nor and rxterior stairways : underv riter doors and windows steam '.leat, gas, electric light, and power; ideal in every wj-, 1 v.m 1 iiKtit to all North River piers and ferries; the 9th \\e. "?," and Hudson luunc' Station- at Christopher Si 8th Ave., 9th Ave., Houston St, and 8th St. surface Firms not needing all the 82,000 square feet m this building can readily sublet one or more floors, a- did thi Gen 1 '. trie ( "?up.ur . for whom we built and to whom we leased a similar building diagonally opposite, tenants are m ?m- for these floors separately, but we will lease the bu only as a whole. We will consider the assumption of w\c-. pired leases elsewhere of prospective tenant-. Thi rei the building 1- $18,000 net p? r annum, and il i ? the LOWEST RENT IN MANHATTAN I'he building is open for inspection at any time Ml inquiries gladlv answered by FAMES H. CRUIKSHANK, 50 pjne Si , telephone 2271 John, or WILLI VM D. KIL p _TRU ;K, ?it the building, telephone 3409 Spring. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. ?TOT MDi:. THE WiiNONAH 52> Host 112th St. Sew S to i" , of ? - oaets; . S iinil 7 Rooms. I Hi"! : Until? -?77?) to -?i.tofl. Ill ?KIN A ?PBAKEH <<?- 27 Eaal 4?ti? *??. The Prasada ?-** ? tinenta of fl i. 2 *nd 3 I lading . ELIZABETH ? Ol BT, 421 West its rooms erd bstti M t \-|- BIDE. 40 East 62d Street, H.?t?\.??ii MhiIImiii :i"<I Turk tve*. ?.I.V. O-KTOR. FIREPKOOI BCII.DINO. . ? Two Apartment*, .m Kiu-li Floor. 7 Room? $..1.00-S.". .000 PI \-l ..M! IM IN, \uriitv THE CLEVELAND i M lio Ea*4 Mih >'.. _ets. ei 1328 . THE BRONX. 217T1I " ' - 217th i'. uwi ? ? RIOUT OF W A t S< ? ?oi W? Hill:or.1, USO it ? ?_: Morri. . - brk trail ? '?'?? W 63 8x13; X? ? ? ? i i: ? ? & -?' 424 si M.OOO BT MARY'. I ? fl - - ? ? ALTERATIONS. . IAN1I \ I l*AN. _*?rii ? 163 ft e ot ' ai 1 bu? . ? ' $t ? - ? ' ? g and sty I B u ..'1 v. ? ? ' ?? LIS PENDENS 1.1.M i\ ' ' .... : Whs ?3s r -?<. Harrj J B Youni I . I v K>' ?X BT. 61 ? '.?TH ? Har? B Car ARTHI R v I ? , ? ? .... ? mtg,; atl ?? ? .. -. ARTHI R AVE. i I 21x176; Maj UK m ' imlllo 'i r? I_OOAX BT |? ?, ? 100; M ? ?? m a? " i'.' w Kllnsei BOWER. ITS 17 Ml _nna I ..Ii tVE, 1711 | . : . , ? ? if ? 21. map of ; i -1.. -1 '.? |3o f ' ! ? ? R - ? . II ? -a .J ' ?? I -.TII _V1 \l . . for? :. .il _V1 21 Pi. | j nnl ? ? ? ? i- I , ? .! ? IHHlN-.Ttl - ? trrx nt.g -, , ?? ? . . i m ' i ; ?? . ...-.? ??. ? . 100 ,01 ? ?l ?? \, r ?'. in? .? Roll ? on? ORD m ? rt ? of 11 Natbat 1 , -, _?r ?t .' ffori i . i M Hin itch REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO LET I.OMi ISLAM), This Bcautiiu! Six Room House on !4 Acre of Land. Only $150 Cash and SI5 Monthly Pi) ment?. Price. SI.S.S0. ? ?* Vas (?land; ?hurt ? . 4 - CADMAN H. FREDEkICK. '.'."is Bi-Md-r-U?, N??? \?rU ?it?. _ lMll.lll 1,11 OF BBOOIU.?K. PRICE .$4,250 ?' . - >?T ? ? ir ? at ?.ill: < 'iwi ? no f. . i '? i -? j . ? coi Mia I'Koi'i ten. U,L KIN ' "; reUlw .<? _ .... * i ' .. '- - I. T. TAX TO 1 . ' " fS * !... ? ?? ? for ! ipo.X REAL ESTATE. _, If we insure your title, thdt's the end ol your trouble with that. There uro plenty of troubles without anxiety over your title. LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANV CAPITAL- -S4,OOO,O00 SURPLUS - - 6,600,000 1C?> Imimy, \cvr "lork IHN Mont-Kiir Street, MruoWlr? a7.". I'ulluu Mrrrl, Jan.?!??. Geo. II Read & Co. RLAL K8TATK 20 Nassau St. > EmI V?th St^ ri S-~7biMW$ay ? N ?'"'?' Mr" APARTMENT HOTFLS HOTfcL MAJESTIC < ????? ?I Turk \\-'< h? *.'?' ?i I!? ?Id. min' *n?l |rtii?iro? |ll?\ MNslll *?! "? nagtne Q\te**\? - ADVERTISEMENTS AND 81'FSCl *-_ ? . . M. ... . . _ ....I ....?._,-? .%,.-._ ?. >V?V l>\ KHT1SEMKN IS A.>U M n?' ?'','?, fnr Th? Tribun?? r? ?l?f?J i' >'" r ' ?-????"_ JL, 9. 1.^4 U'o?i-?- . ? ' ?. __1 i''.B ?*~ I'll 9 o clock p in.