Newspaper Page Text
^It^nMffBsH^ 5-L ryy ??>_22_25_<%> v_i-^_<it? -o? -o? <& ^> $fr ?y) Our Letter "Boje THE STEVENS REUNION. Datai1 Uttk Men ;?n.i Uttla Women; on ? 11 the a'.li!? !; !.. 14, St. \m.s Insti? ll? ll??t.?'k.n. hail n md Incidental)** celebrated it a anniversary. .i.?i.n Btsvsas, tiir .; the Institute, waa ihe inventor ?in ? ; thlnga tha bit y. i... the first rail* rtaamlrnat. il.? T rail, r,,,? the ariiioi.??! : at ?s ilklng > ? am, n hieb is now - Qtiier ! all, ?<!: t..?., ? . 11??.! at tha Inatituta ?.mi w?lked ?,> to th? I all ?i nd II San ?i elass ? d one ol John Stevens'?. Ibtsb? ? . ' .? Boat ??ti v> iiii.ii s sa il ms it Idokt ?1 many yet ? . .n wlikti was a ihini cassa area dressed iik?? ?.?Inn the Institute w?? first class "f ?" carried a lar?? li . m aron the prise. The reaaed ne Indiana The ' WSI c (Ir-'ss.-.l as ..lit Dut? h . :? s? at?ed ?i. a v*agon, ?a.? printed, "The Bpiril "f Ho? ? aplrll happened t?. I gs of beei Bach member ol I ??arri< little iaiiroed tl?1. ha.I a float, "ii whleli ?ra? ttleshlp, and the atudenti ?.f "i each e/gtklna beam. One stinient roda ? Fashioned in?-''. wheel bicycle, ami ? ? ? anca hlm on it wee s ? - and >.?"? m i the atodenta ar? i ?turnea i-. ? ? olden times, and : inn) ..i! John .-?? ? i ? .1 man, and Ho? ? much fun ELIZABETH II tLSEY (aged ID, ? i si '...NY. A PICKLE FARM. ind Uttla Women: i arrived - iboul July i ? i . kle planta were jusi above i ? '?...,. ,,v. n?<k? ,:v\ ?/rere I i se heavy and thick thai thej covered lha 1 grouiM). Orandpa alMfwed rne two i-n-i? ?f II.1..?.? on thein The big, brtghi jrellow blossom? are called i?i n.i blossoms, tx no pickle? ?'.m?? in their place, and the ?mailer blossoms, which are a ? i..rk? i ral? i.'vv. iir.? called fr'iit blossoms, b?*causo ?? pickle comeo when they >-?" II takes aboul two we? ka for .-i btoaaom to turn Into a full '*,r??wii |,i, kle i it five inches long. ? I ki ' be pickles from i be t In? i ? (far* and ?end? them to the ?altlng house, wii re i f-.iw huge ?wtMdra tanks la which' tin- i .?till Back of these at.I? en tuni<- would hold over two hundred thou? ?and pick - if the pickles were nol picked for ??area daya after having grown to their proper ?izp. thev would comenc? to turn yellow, nmi grandpa would Rave t" tbrot? tbom t?? the pigi On ndps had sn extra patch of pickles grosrliig Just for seed fei next ?ear, an?i some i?f tin ?? se? 'i plckl? ? are about fif leen Inches long and t< n In? hem in drcum ference, ut,?! all an of a dark yellow color. <?ii<? itKi'-nln?, in bepternber, when I awoke, l found Un- vint-? had turned hrown. i H?kiil grandpa why they were brown, and hi- ?aid that frost had killed them all in the night. Picking plckl?'? ivas ovt . so bs k '?.?i l ?rent Yours triti.. JAME.H E. SAl'TKi: mccl 10). \ '''.' Columbus avenu,-, New ?ork. NOISY BLACKBIRDS. 11. ar lalttle Men ami i.itti,? Wotnoji Bv? ry I evenlno about E o'clock before It ?t> I ?the blackbirds gather .in hundreda m lbs ?re - ba??k of ,'iir house and chatter and j mak.? such a noise that it dlsturbi us and ; ?iiir neighbor? verj much, One man t,?t a ? ??i shol at them. II frlghten??d them for ? while, but they soon came ba?*k and wer? ,s noisy as ever. They nariinr in the In the morning also i nd ?\.,i ?? us up ? ,? deal earlier than we would like. sayg they sound like ?teak ?Ixsllng in i .1 frvlm- i ?) Tl about HALLOWEEN PUZZLE. ? sreen ?any in All ti.?? miUs aroui ? ? ! and tha littli livei ! Vf. i will H InokiiiK ii ..... ? \ wat? rbug if ; ? ? i a full fl<-.!i:'-il wat? 1er do? ?bother him a bit ? ?ne bug la insi I ack o iant. i n sad you what he is- doing when you And o name. If you wl l look around II ? plctur? you will Had i numb? r of I? n pul im the . ..i.l. i tbey v\ ni apell I h.nter.i. half ?in bOUT, ?hnttrrln?: noisily. Then tiVy rise up with a greel Mapping of wings and away thty fly Into the tllstsnc? it I Intersatlng to watch thsa if yon cab etan?i the noise. ELflifl P1NCKE (aged 11 I. No IW West avenu? Jenklntosrn, Penn LAST WEEK S PRIZE WINNERS. m .s.i.aii Pitagr?* <??inc to a defect 111 printing, tha ?lots betwssn whlcb ths divid? ing line was t?> ... drawn arara a?l y?ry plain, nuil so it ha? basa decided to accept t?.. sets of anawera it tk In the championship game between t; ? I' ? and Wanptov i, t? am Pira 1 fl IT. The t?.r?e prise ?rinnen snd tl??-ir I prisse ara: Plora r /.aim. aged thirteen ; No. Ill flumner ..\? ni ??? Bi ook j n. s I ?old filiad belt |.in, ,\ Ormond Blskelock, aged ten, N ? ' i rtdo* i treet, IVoodha yen, n v, a gold filled til ? loaf, and Paulina M?d?r, ?g?d fourteen, No. ."i- Fui? t..n street, Elisabeth, N .! . ?< derma? ail? ver paree Thin,-.?- t.? Think About The two pelse winners and tbeli prisea are Margaret ii Halaey, aged fourteen, No. 309 Smith atreet, Peeksklll, N ?., a QenptMi silver purse, and Chrlatopher Nelson, aged twelve, No ? BI Coaunnolpa? avenue? Jera? i i <<f battleship i??..- tcarda i ii.iinr Liai Prise, ?dv? ni un i In Bug? land, ' for brim on hoi or Hal fit ?? I Elisabeth 1'lynn ami Mar?' McBvoy, both living al No, 17] Wrest ii.m atreet, Ne? York, and Retelle Jacobe, Nq. .'.is West , 164th atreet, New York. < >ur Letter H"x {not lettera b; prlga winners.) ' . e HONOR LIST. I, Joseph T. liagell, a*.! -'. Doi. ? Bal John Heiiihard; I, M. Bernhardt: '. Birnbaum; ?i. George .\ (?lar.k. 7, Eleanor Bread; 9, Charlea r Bodine; '?'. , Ruth Burn bar?; >"? itutii Bunitt; n, Janet ! Campbell 12, ?Dayton Clarke; It, Kate c.ini inaky; H ?Sllaabeth Currl?,' Ii, Qraca Dot lereui; H, Gladya f"? Vine; i". kfylei A l.oian. It, Hannah "?tow; It, Jane PY?rd; .'. 1711 I'll, illjlali. L'l I.'l" I'lilik. m% | Agatha Gilbert; D, Lilll?a Golden berg; 24, 11 ? Um i: ? Irani ; 25, Hasel Greenlni. ? Edith Gross; 17, H?rriei <"? Guild; >. Lottie Harper; .:?. P?er?cy s Hart; M Elliott Hai rey; ?U, Vernon Hogan; ;;.'. Martha D Hsm? IIton; x\, Elsie Jackaon; M, Howard Jahn '.'.. Miriam E ?lohnson; ;,;. Holen 7. 11 .nal.! ?; Kimball; H, Ida Km?? ban; :::?. Sam v. Lane; a), isi?i..r Llppman r. it ut ii Llewellyn; 12, Udna McConaghy; ? ? Flor? nce > M? tntosh; M, Btbfl M. ' Mapes; l?, Eleanor McKelvey; M, Frank . McLaury; ?7, Ruth Miller; i?, Jame? Mlrtl 19, Ev? ind ] Laj mond W LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Editor: i a lata te i hank ; o i r? for the m : of little book?, i Btsatli .'. adli i he i lorie? th? ! ii nv Respectful!) j??. i a, IDA ALLISON No '.'. i:i? street, Brook)}n. i??..- r Kdltoi : I wish to thank for !? . i rse i think It la very preti th? t prise I ever ? ?? von ha i i ?t. your little BFPJE A .?. No. H.7 ..ih street, Brooklyn. Dear Editor: Many thanks foi ? mi Ml LLARD 11 BNl ?\\ Goahei I i.ii K lu? r '. . ... th ink Hie ? m \ for fi ? hi.i -? ?it me fill?, PHILIP FLANNEL. No ,.u Volk. Hotv to Win a Prize Contest N" i (Hallewaan Pusalal - i sterUni allvar Tribuna laadge, i Bel of battleship postttrdB, a (?nrtnan oll ?I POTS? vvith chain, un inter, ?t rig DOOk, ed bell I in. g bOB 01 water eOtOt liaints ,r a goli flUea tie Clasp f'?r the .' ? an?! host tin?'?? nnsvvers. ??ont?st No, : tOnr Lattar Hoxt t prisa Af 11 ia given for svtnry lattar prrated under tlil? heading. The letter may contain im?!- . i ?hut.- t:i your ?if??. anec?|nt?>? of pits, novel 1 experlencea, thing? ?oen in travel or , \ rnada-up stortsa The?? storin? mini b? "ik'lnnl an?l mast be Written OH "ti- Stds "f ti i? papar, Lattara MUtted i" tin? prize of 1! are often rrnw?lcd i ut for lack of ?i met In the iv..ok In which the'.- am r?.<?ivr,|, but if auch is the ?ase they alwaya appear in the pas-i? litter. '?.n,!?-?t No. .'. i List) I -"' Of fOUr little bo^ks containing stories of adventura In Bugville 1*4*111 be KlN'etj to every litt!" man ?>r woman WhOM mini" appears five times ?>n the hoiinr list, counting from .lune 11, . ite wh' n mis contest was snnoui cad. ?Watch lb?? honor list, and keep the dates I when your name appear? tVhen you have ; flvo date? ?end them t?i the office of I.lttle ; Men and I.lttle Women, and the hooks will : he forwarded to yon, Some of the little ' BHM an?! little WOB?SB have a?kr?l how to Iget in the honor ll?t. The names of those who fall to win prize?, hut whose work I? ; nevertheless worthy of "honorable men? tion.'' are pla<?e?l In this list In ?ending answers to puzzles It is not j necessary to s?n<l a letter with them 1'se ! If you can paper of the or-llnary letu r size, [ and ?".rite your name, ad?lres?. age an?l ? h"ice of prize in the upp?.r right hand ?orner of the first page If ?ending hny drawing or returning a CUt-OUt, attach It l to the paper bearing your name, etc. Addro<?f< lottern to Utile Men and Mttl? W? men. New? York Tribune, New toril If you addre?m? them simply to The Tribune they will go t?, some ?.ili.r depart men I and may not reaeii the ??fllce ?,f i itiie \|,>n and Uttla Women in lima t-? be ntercd in the contest. Age and n?jntneaa are considered In awarding trtf prize*. The ??onteat ?lorie?? on November 7 Dear Editor: i thank ?... i?; much for the chexk for |1 which you BSVH m-' I am very much pleaded to receive H I enfov wi.rl.lng In the children's depart n. ?? The Tribune rery much, four im? reader, FREDERICK MORGAN DAVENPORT, Jr. ?'Union. N. T. THE OLD WITCH AND HER MAGIC RING. (Patented.) O? the little men and llttl? women have saved the Pumpkin .Valuers whlcl hat ?? appeared In The Ti I -. and no doubt th< ai" waiting aag? i ly f??t tha appoaranc? oi : he " It? h ?? li h whom inc.i Halloween. To-da? ti,.- witch arrives, with her broomstick and Mack i-at and n . B ? too, la vary unpatteal lor her,' Bo vv.- w ill pi?,.1 at f"l the festivities Cut ? lack aklrt ol the witch ind ami past" Bide C i ' i ? era t?, ha? a the bat? i t i \ n all around. ( ' it. out the I * rked A, A. *i !ui th? ? I ?? v. i it.. tin? -: i-.iv. r the I I - d i ?? ' .11 ound a lead pencil, , el moistened with psste. Now slide uff tha lead pencil and apread out the i end- into a dish When dry pasta the disk* over th>^ white i "itlona 'n the :r -- m?i dad <;. ?;. Thua vu i g m form ? | ?if the wit. ii. Cut out the two arms, atrengthsa thorn by pasting note paper over them, ?'ut a .-lit through the banda ai th.- black mark ne?r tHe thumb?, i and paste the parta msrksd n, n Inside th* alssvss, with hands pointing upward, To form tha wit. n'a bead, cul oui the parts No, i and No I and - m .. it the white - r, F, down t?. tba ?lott- ?i line. < 'at the abort a ? ? to aide ?Ide I unj t?- ?the doii?'.i lin?, ii id Ing th? part which runa n? rw?.? the alashsd edge This ?hi make two iharp cones, one for the fa?.-e of ilie witch and the other for lier cap. Bend the slit edg?s out at right angle? with the conos and paste them to each other with the two space? K, I*', op? posite. To make the neck tut out K, cut through the BhOli black lines, cover the back with paste, roll round a lead pencil ?Ike the ??leeves am! spread out the flashed r,||4" to form a ?ollar rie? the head ?ross wise of the neck cylinder, with the F garni ea ?low ti. Paste the frills of th? neck piece on to the ?hin and the back of the cap and push the neck Into the n-.-k open iiiir of the dreas. The old witch win now l.?ih her head back and forth at the tslight ? -' i.,ui h In the oddest manner. Now cut out the broom, run It through tit?-, ?lit? In the hands and pa?te. Cut out the cat an?t ? i paute It to the broom Last of all. cut the ?trip at th? bottom of the cut. and pant? end 6 over end 6 up to the lotted I'm Thil form? the magic ring Now for the waltr drop the ring betWOM the circle of dolls and laste two opposite doll? to It, ar, shown In the ? in the lower rlirht hand corner of the eut, being uure tu keep tho skirts rentin?* evenly on the Soor. As these two are to he th?. era of the dance, It la Important thai Kiev be properly adjusted The other- i. sd not be pasted. Put the witch InsMe th.? itnu and put a. marble or tie.- size Indi? .ite?l in the pre.edlng cuts of the aerie.? benesth the aklrt of one of the dolls, a* ahown In the picture PlH?'e the dampen*, on il.e tray ?.r box cover you bave provided and tilt It In various directions. You will then >? ?? the dolls pirouetting round the ?itch in the drollest manner. Musical Notes and Comment ===== Continued from the Opposite Page R ha-d t Zarathui -, Intermezzi and ??? ? sill aino ? . Lisa \t the at' ' phony .1 the ? T ?a Afteri ? Faun" hmi B humann-Helnk f. ?mi ? '?Samson . with \ ? THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. nie ?Socle! mal . occur at ' gie Hall - Not ? mbi ? I, vv hen - ? phony. : honk Pre f Gli ? lite Berlin Phll - NEW YORK SYm?i?o"?Y~SOCIETY. ?t ? B: m - ? ? Tin- will i,.- the op? ? ription s Th? Mio pe? forii;. i will be Hai old I i p?a i i. asi i i; fiat eon? > rto for fortS amI , an.I als? f.-r piano! - lag to K?.! the ?.t? !.. era M . Tsseo "Mas? ppa" and "Lea ? attention oi ? on? ertgoeri n\ it??i once more t>> the exhibition ol letters, por? and othi i reli? ? <?i Crans Llssl I r.? i n m,- ? ill be offered al the oon, Not embei 5, consist? ' I Kifil. - ei, the L' I Pai Ils!, THEODORE THOMAS ORCHESTRA. Ina pi ri t ol and imitai Icn, Mr, Kai I? ton ? .un. le to ?. ? ? Th? o? I egl? i i . . bvlous that ii. to b? warn? ?1 I ??: m was n? t Intel d??d I iplrii d? eervi ? recoi I and a pan ol Mi Hackett'a pl< asant a ti? ? it .-? ems fitting ev? should ?? '. bange of c?u l .... .n i. e Easl and the Wei win ? ? , h? -u.. s ?n vi ? .!. taking with It in all arl oH?e c/*<lc?#?c of?ojie/ - .... In ti l . to W 1,1 'Il extend fi l ? ? ,,n -,?.'? Id I ? thai, ? Of? tern at .1 kail", id the G iitfd an the At:.m' stated ? ?,,. ? train? to the Pa? ? I? fi f. anothei -- - ? ? this - ? mon of th< oui Ine regia? ? ? t those s list 11 equirini .., i..,, .: liege "i Woodland In, ami ? arlrp to i on it ? ? attempt '''? t a ? han? a ? ?.Ils, il i ' due-to , , . .. . ,i ?i .it m? , "in. I, who Wie ,.cci.ri,|. i'.j'.1 by tin' , ? . lory to filing d hav? ? ?? Tli? h tin? ... led I "H " ?' ? o t" .-'??ii. a ,in"i<? must advagic? lo ?js-baoat arivaa iui.?.ia to rjsrralt tu?, ?.?ttc-r to ?It if ? thi oming esalon of the ? i re th? i.... i bios a II! be d< all to t.? .1 |a? requiring i year's i befor. suit can be 111? d The old s ood? n r? eritrina ahlp P? i ; dut) u( th? <;??.it Island naval aboul outlived h? i usefuln?i a in th? of l be i nu? ?l ???I soon be ? ed o tha i pili \ nu \ a] bo ir?i has ' ? en nam? d t? in.ik. a detailed examination of th? ? ship, and probabl) >.?*. 111 rjKConi.ncnd t?> th? i . pai imei t thai ha a lold n is HI i .. i ?. u i rl ? The National Bis? nil Con ? i !.. i?, \\ estei n con? ei n> !?u tha ? : L'oasl and the ? n lent, it .n?.'in. ed f? I da BgO Iliat the National i ? In ( lakland, ou |d al tu fa? torj f.?i Ita producta 'i here i. - ?Vngel? ? P?i Hand and Oakland half ;? acore of alleged Independent s bit h eeem lo opt rate with ? ? although II haa been ? ..'? thal thei? .?i?? no i ? la i'. . -i i h? ni i 'or aom< time i.?. n . uttlng a little mad? bj ih< National and th.- .i? cisi?n at ?i" loi m .. plant all <*? An mi...i tanl de. .-ion v.a- i. ndeipd <?? Court ? ha h |. . ..i obsta? I? '.. the ? nniinn lion ? n nf Mlb? 'I h< < ? ait h'.'i - i i..? i und? I a lav. I.i ? ? t.. build ih?- ttmneli iflli 'i bl ? I? i- tha w?) foi the construction ol i ayatem ??f aobwaya which will briag the bhsinee district im?. dosa touch with tha sections to ths north an?i west which are now cui off by high i I? ed a contra? i ' a ith Bl? . Mm.I I a il.?? lion ?? |.? It. 4S le. i t.? make a ? ... ?i n.?.- transpoitalion . . II! . - with any purpose ol alnglorlous displa '?? wing full well tl i' || will ? nt' i ii land ? ? itras, ??< i I - :n ' ? ? ? has lr-'-'l close to tl i.!.-4il. holding high the standard; -?? >'? Ish? t" -i II - horizon bj at? i?i?ln '?" ti"- moment oui ??f It* i stural orbl There i- no Intention to pave the a I ? - h tal in .*asl h. foi in Its nal lirai ti thi Wcsl there ; ? t han m can do, and on il resl ? mon ration i? ? on th< ore esti played more t an two hundred and lift i'oncei ts, of v. hi? h I? i an ?. ? ? ni iu Chicago This mean* thai regular serl? I all o? ei the counti froi I'm bui gh In ' h? i..,-! to D< nv? r In tl West, and j f gloi incut Of . uul.l temp! th orch? slra from the work it has to do . r? .i man ? ? hands ol thi Rast, much ol II thoi ougl ?: . ? n spite ,,i ?om I the w ? st< i n? i i- ? -.-? ntially me? k In owevor, t he man of < 'M a ft w ill stick up for, and ti, -1 ,.f th ?--? la th playing "f the Thomas Orchestra \?, witii aiisl ? I? '.m.-.. as i> it i t he only oi nol > e .--??i for the i? .|nit", demo In eves s? use ai orchestra. ? 'hi, ?? .. many bump ? humilll />i* 11; I".' ?I children turn th, -*? i ?n it is with chastened -pint, though wltl ? ? nun. thai we give oui or, h? stn in th? t. :,?!. ?? mercies of the ci Itlcs, ?pro fessional and the more to lie dr? ade, inti LISZT AND PHILHARMONIC An Old Subscriber's First anil Later Impressions. To the Editor of The Tribune sir: l hav? Just fini hed ? idinB Th? T artlcl?.i Usat's music In New rorl und the tt rltei 's < stln ' i onv me i tl c i 11 ! m? mory my Phllhai ni??i?J? men . sactlj that ? ? rlod II old pi ogramnu - liegln Wil and through the beautj -?? I ?: : . ? ? thej an i a? k< i ? waj and i i innol n ?" h them, ?" I muH d? i" ml ?m tie m- n o au old music i '?? i- lit Ina " ? ' i ? i only ;-?-iiifon ?-'I bj yow i.ame? ami ?bit? s if our famll i Blbl? and lbs Phllbi .id? tell true. ..-i, has . iid ni' ii - . born it? th? spring ol 1942; l was ???in on th? log i waa still fifteen when, ? bj I] In ? "? tob? j . i i.? srd f< r the III -t tini" In im Ufe a numb? i v..., i,..- i,.. | Bi i Band ,. ,i',:i >,*' formina Hi? 'An v ii <*i,oi-ij.s ,i the I tails ? I Mora over, for I I : ? ' ' ba i i... i m the ?. unti v win, n? alkti a here there ? I ? ? f Ocea ill had left; i ' 'm lo a full ?.i? h? stra, BBJi , ont ' But Ihe m al aprli 9 our list m April Mi Bergmann I 1. Prflud 1,1th 1 .1 In ' v. hielt to progrei .I w<i 1 d? nti 1 thou ' ? : ? 1 eautlf 1 1 did n"t i-.i on noi car? 1 imai th otto h was th? insii nun niai tone and Hie tun? ? ,1 all ti" m ' i- ' ' .".id 1 el 1 nt? .1 v. 1 r , . , , had recog? i., . ? ?i ? 1.1.1 - ' deaf to th? nod-wlnil ?. tai m? i know, a,?1 waa ushered bj mat Hamo m ' I.. l'|. I d< ' 111t" , goldofl ? 1 chanUBH 1,1 of harm.a bras? ..11 si oncoi h . .1 - ., ^-, rat ? i ??'.? im o, , hu? nor . ? 1, ? ?.. ? a--i. .. ..' v ions; th. - . ? thing 11 m. i-. . , ?! i, . ? . .? "feuchi ?erkl?r 1 1 al? , .- ki iad| ? 1 1. /i that ,is.?ie i.i'i'.ii the ? ms tima 1 ? ?s?\v OOtot \lvi?lly by |MgOg ol ?uaaaiii? M ? | ? ? g ol hia ? : y .. ighl !.. ? real an ? .1 i ki: w i ..\,.- disappointed, but - ' ' WS! 'n' OS n !.. ill . ami th-le strophe? t?. li think- .... ? ? didn't kno ere not i th.. "Hui ? ai ;. M?i la Ni' be, and ail th? mi.' .??>:.? poema ? >?? ng Ii ? hard ?.? "i ?ir. memoi > ?I <> onl hearini ? ?. . bul ? i ; lymphony, nnd than on? ? ? in re?readlng youi artlcl? that I?r D?mro?ch did give It In ' " the' boy ?hoir of old Trinity ? 'hurch ? Ich ing In the Mssl ipeaka i lang I i l don'l min.! him a hen ha i* >i .1 i ? ilbar," i !?? ronl? mlxtui . Bad Boy and Weltmann ; but I ican'l ISII ".\ .ail' winter, i i most aond? i maim.' I of Joael i loftna ? at i Boston Bj m? ...,,..,, ?it It a idow auddenly opened Into ;? gorgeous, un? place, which really existed, ? m t ild aeem real to .; an?! . i m? d t?. s..... rathe). per? a ,! wasn't all pose. Maybe tha world ..r Llesl and Byron w?a real t.? them, In Kplte ol self-consciousness, costuming and gesticulations Anyway, Liest himself was i generoua ami chivalrous man. far above Wagner, yd Wagner waa far, far the i ? ? itlu* a grt al creative . end si Mensch Inflnltely little. I sm wondering sfter reading "Mein Leben" an.i the "Briefe au Mathilde Wesendonek," the two. what he wrote ??t theJ t rl ?t be said of the time, aft? ? him unfold with p. rfe. t aelf?aatla? I faction ? ..i ..'" i.i- own grosenasa and - fit ? way," aa m rince Pep) u f. i didn't pos. ? ills! i am won? nezl time lend I nusi. i must; ng" and "TrUt?n ' do noi ?i one Indh Idyal, . ompo , volume of "Mi n I i dolloi and : \:? eni m ? . polled a Ith Indlgnanl ezpre elani In encll at hia eelflshnes? Ingratitude and ... 'i on toward i.i il and hia utt? rl ' Itfftra ? tu rior to Von I. Hoi "Hud?' , toward I be u ? aendon? k- \n i did you meet s Ith a hum in b* ins so ? ap ibk of petty at Ita and th? i mallesl kind ?? ? And II W?gn< : anuuring ai the hoi ??f those itiona, a liai aboul the othei ..... ould puUlah them? Could ai n.? grotesque n. .n E w i rebuking Richard ii'ound [The correapoadant'a ? emtiry, aa h.? .,. i., i -u made plain In Ihl ? foui nal, Hi.- in il poi forma n.( the ? ? rnphonj Ii writ i L 'i hi | formant*? 1? oh ?"?la? ? on Januar* 10, i?-?i4 K.i ! IT MUSIC STUDIOiS. ? ?? him-. rcital ol n n m ordinary later? si waa kiv. n on . , ? ?. loi?, r \9, b] Pi ??' II. i m | ' ?? I It pianist and' t ol ri n..? rotes and i!???? >i ??. end formerly director o| the Kllndworth*Hchsrwenka ?. r.? i lin Th. sffah tool ki Ni? ?i '\ - al Mth m . i ? m in: a pp.... i. ' ? i ' ? i.<.? usa v.,.- greet? o critical audience Ol must, bin ? and -? -. tottoh iMUMi rflmiMfi ?vmxuuiimjj?: [thai ol i' ' romatk Fantasie" aw hi? Interpretation of the Beethoven "Bonati Appaastonata." a ?.i' ? ? follow? ?! bj -? m- of i ? own ? ?? "i " Itlons, brought forth loud applause In teaching music, si 'I .,il other line? of work, ?Professor Qensi ?? v a i he ... thi person t bus en : mus? be Juclged by resulta As an pie, he presented his pupil, Miss Hasel ?Vood. who ?ana three of her teacher'? .?.?m??, disclosing a voice which those who tl h? r ' "tutu.-ii'. .1 on bOj being of ?ar? quallt) ai the careful training of her teacher Mi Damrosch, who heard her ?ing recent!} In private, was ?o pleased that he obtslned for her an engagent? ni al Ihe Met? "? oiltan Opera it. us?. a hei will h. tie ' 'i this season, singing minor part? Mi?s Wood has also been engaged b the*Oratorio Boeletj ??f New Torn. 1 iiei.-n True Wlnalow, tinging and speak? ing role? . -i \ e ti e second of a Sunday nlghl musit?is ,,n October her i ? ?Id? n? ? studio, No. 170 W ? ' 167th streel She v?a- assisted by lime ? i ?line Martha Belcher, contralto, who ? ,.f h.-r own rompo? ni n?\ The programme Included selections b? I It, Barhour, Herman, Finden, Gaynor, ,,ni and ?"ampra. Henry ri"f and h,s orchestra are begli my i.king 0 Nov? m ? i itanl will take i,-.?, mi ? : ?. dam i a! P ? rille. On th" same date hi? second as? sistai, t wiii take chargi ,?!' the reception loi Mrs. Augusta Robinson On November t Mr. I.?ff win be In charge himself of the reception of the Mozart S'"ietv- at the Hotel Astor, and on November ?J be will be In Morristown, with his orchestra, si the Morris ??olf ? tub for a private affal Mr. Uff's office i? now in the Metropolit? a ? ?r- ?... House building Word is received in m /alpha Maiii?-: Wood that her annual free scholarship ex? amination will take place on November 1 at her stud!.,. Nu 917 ?'arnegl? Hull At,-. one vltl, s good voice and some talent will he eligible. ? ?Ii the same evening her opera class will begin rehearsing '"Cfarmen.'1 The latter clssa .i to singers ol other ai hools Misa Antoinette Ward, teacher of piano end .iifinonv, gara the first of her Thurs evening *gtt?Bla reritala for this seas?)?, la-t Thursday evening. The players were Ml--,-.. Helen Hulemann, Carmelita Pen ist. Marlon Honeek i "onstance l luis mann. Celia Wall and Bdwlna Williams T ej were assisted b) Miss Irene Lupo, soprano, who rang several solos. Theao re? ? Itals take plaoe oa alteraste Thursda; evenings throughout the entire aeason. Mis Ward makei ., speclalt) ol preparing pupil? playing. 'i he h m of Dltaon A ? o . ol Boaton, a III in tha mai fui t.. the latest piano (?pmpoaitloni from tha pan ol Joan Paul Kut.?!iii?i Thej ai.- entitled "Three Moods," ? m 19: (li "Mediti.n": (2) I?l? I"; (?) "A Regrei " Mr, Kiirstelner'a studio I? at the Belnord, Broadway and 99th street, where lie receive? pupils In plino, compota!' lion and th?rory. Pauline llov??-mann haa remov??d bei atudlo to No 7M W esi Bad avenue Miaa Rattle Kaufman, a pupil ol Ml?a Ho? emann a ith success si ? concert given for tl ? i? n? ;.t ol poor Jewish children, on Oeto h? r It In nu u Hall, Elisabeth, N .1 Bl a a ? encon d Baverai time?. The Grand C?*a*iasrvator? ol Musi< wi|i m steal ?m i huradaj evening, n?? ? ml ? t the com I lildlng, No ." W ? ' *?l .ill in'. . tins till h? rendered ?< ores ? m ib? i- an .< nun ?? t ol , - ; a simlv ing piano und? vil ? Bber li.iid, a- w-i , ?i a nt?, who ?re making rapid i" ..: . dm ?ng their n? , lod of studj with lu t Thosi an opportunitj to learn mai have their ning tha Bradford , s? i"".i ol \?. .m.i an! IV esi 91st I ?tree! lame? ?' Hradford. the dlrectoi. , says "Qooa sccompanlsts ara raie, while I the demand foi I hem exceeds the supply." ' Sin.I.m- ,,f Hi,- . hool will have the a,Ivan- i Inge ,.f accompanying professional ?tngei and n I 'l urn i.,-,, -i ,.p. i n poi i Mi- Mai.? I | 1 ? ? of La Ing? I? a tot m? i pupil of Theodor? I uls Irvlna, la aastUtaOag a, atro?s?t as?, (ft jji..,-. ? ?V.Ub? ? ?IXeU?::? ii?a> ip?ci<? of aucceaa .Mis? Ferris dramatised i i "The Rrldge Of the Oods," by Halch- It 'vas presente.1 eight times !.y Miss Ferris j ; at the AaP'tiH mregcni) Centennial, with ? such success thai It is said she has had off? ra from rarloua .-our. ea offering to buy her ro\alt\ Mlm Ferris'.? present plan, j Low. ver, is to Kive an annual production in ? Astoria (?Oregon), t'? which place ahe ex- | pi.t? there ?a ill he pilgrimages made from tarioua parta of the country. Louie Arthur Russell, through the pub? lish*!?, ?v Bolder, of this city, has just revised editions of several of his books, "Modei n Methods of Music Study.'' Among th.? Important works published are a third edition of "The Ksnential I'ractlce Mat?riel for Singers,'' th?- second edition: of "A School of Scales"; "A School of i Arp'-puio? " for pianist? and a third edl? tlon or "Rhythm and Accent in Meiodv." : These 'nooks are all a vital part of the ? M system. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. Walter nocert. on October *\ gato a t-e , cltal of folk son;; at Rosemary Hall, ?Ircen ??.ich. Conn. On November I and 4 he, win ? Klve a re,?tal of folk sone and of the I opera, "HMnsel und Oretel." In Mirllng tOIl. Yt. ' William ?'. Call will nlve a tifteen-min nte orBan re.ital at the Old First Presby? I terlan Church, fifth avenue ami 12th ' street, every Sunday evening, he-' at 7:46 o'clock, preceding the evening -otiif servie?, Dr. ?'aria programme for this Sunday evening will Include Handel? Eighth Organ Conosrto; Pastorale In R lb**, Arthur Foots, and ballad In !> flat ?V William Wolstenholme Among the artists under the manage ment of K. S Brawn, .".ho wiil be heard m i'.ital In New York the < oming season Sre Augusta COttlOW, th.? pianist, ?iarl her I*m?nn, the Wagnerian Interpreter; Paul DufauM, ten?r; Mary Cracrort, the English pianist; Helen Waldo. In her '?'liild Life In Sons'' programme; Royal Dadmun, basso cantante and eololst at the. Maine Fesfhnt; Rosa, contralto, and Nellie Wright, soprano. Florence Hnubiel Rratt Is repeating her popular lecture recital on ??riega musical interpr?t?t:??!! of Ibsen's drama, Peer Qynt," this aftciTooti at ! O'clock at tho Labor Temple. MISS Laretta de l/m*. harpist, now es. tabllshed la her studio at N<?, H Ka*t "Ith street. Will K've a re? Ital in Washington on November M, ami In Wheeling, W. \'a.. .a November 21 Besides harp olos, Mis? de 1,0110 will j?i\e ?1 lecture on th?' han? and a number of "tutrploguee," of which she ir the originator. (ffl^tt?mixits ^?f4Mz/icl The new comniHji.ler of the ?st Bftttallo of Kiehl Artillery, to succeed the late Ma jor David Wilson, will tie ?aptaln Ran? ford F sherry, of Battery a. This com maad was formerly known as the 2d Rat tory, and was undei ?gmntand of Mojo Wilson for many years [irevlous to his he Ing appointed major of field artillery, Ml lor sherry has I.,. n In the national Kuan of the state more than twenty-live y?ar> aml received the brevet rank* of. major. Jan uary IS, 1910, for m. rltorious aer\i?. o twenty-flve yearn, leeond Lieutenant Albert K. Shaw, of Utl .".th Company of the ISth R?giment, ha? inen elected captain, rice Wbltley, appoint ???i ?m th?- Marr ,,f General Eddy, ol the 2. Brigade Captaln??tscl thaw joine?i th? regiment a- a privat?- Mar. ti \ MM, an. reached the grada of second Lieutenant In Iggl The date for the review In BOttOT Ol ?;e:,eral David iv Austen, chief Of Co??! Artillery, in celebration of his for ago? le s.ituniay night, Deeeoabsr *\ There |a xreat satIstsctlon in ?'..nipany K of the 7tli Regim.-nt because First Lieuten? ant Samuel K. Thomas has reconsld? r?-d ills determination to resiga from the ? .?m tony, ?'n acraual <>f business, it is ander? Niiiu.1 that In the near future he will be elected captain to aucoeoo. Da Mille, recent i\ reatgaad? The Mth Reglmenl tfcslrea to honor the last day of Brigadier ??eSeral ???-orge Moore Smith, 1st Brigada? <"? the active llBt. by having him review the reglmenl on Satin - d?) alght, December M The general ?ill i.tii. for kg? the m At ?lay idler General John <? Eddy, ol the 2.1 Rrlgade. has appointed ?'ampbell T. Hamilton, from civil life, an aid on his staff, Wit? the rank of first lieutenant. Colonel rtotchkln, >.f the '-'2.1 Engineers, has settled on Satnrdai night, November it, aa the ?laie m the restew la honor al the lUtl'-ih annlversar> of the ??nlistinetit of Colon?'! John T. ?'amp, retired, in the Bd Regiment. Company 1? of tiie ;i?i itesiment win live n one act farce il the eriaoij t.? i?e followed !? 1? dance, oa Baturdaj night, I'? ? nil? 1 '.'. I ?-?' _',:.__M?, *% IX. ti*4,i?t ?i t-HAg-lwOt \ has offet?Kl a prize for revolver shooting? to he competed for by men of the so,ua?lron who have never ??hot on a troop "r squad? ron team. ?"olonei Feote, of the nth Regiment, an? noun? es that a prize of "d? will he awarded to each company Which obtains twenty-five recruits between October HI i7*M and May ??. 1912. Ka.h re.ruit must enlist for thte?-, ?ears and i crfrtrm M PCI ? ?at Of duty, aji?l each company to be eligible for th.? pi /.. must have n?> f. wer than seventy-five mem? bers on its rolls on Mm t, and ?i .. whole must have performed U per rant of duty. An additional prig? ?>f IM w.ll be given to the company that enlists the greatest num? ber of mea more than twenty?flv< ? * of 8K?' The lat"?.t ? omplamt AsseinMv man ?ovll li?ar has re. elved relative to atr?) ' utleta from the Blauvslt rifle range la dated Oete ber 17, ano la signed bj I. >:. Bishop and i: s Regohnan, of the villa?., of ??ran?i \i?w, .m th.- Hudson, just behind the tang?. Tin? lettel reads: Tbursdai afternoon, October il IML about 4 l. o'clock, ?l'Hing target practice at the Blauvell rifle range, we were ?landing near the corner of South Boulevard an?! Mountain Road, In th.- village of ??rand view, when ?* bull?! whlased over our rteada and atraes a tie.- .? r?ry abort dia tance from us. Bver since the bealimina of target prac Uce ai th.- Blauvell rifle range, iiulleta have been Itrlking our residences Tliu* far our efforts to secure relief from this menace to our lives has? been unavailing. ?un- next ee*rma to bt an appeal I? the courts. in replying t.? tins lettei on October U, Aaeemblyman Cuvllllei said, iu part: I have Riven this matter ??onsldetaM-, and have received a ?r??at many complaints tfboul stray bullets. There in no question in my mind that the range I4 a very CO?tty military blunder to th.? Stat?*> ?>f N.-vv fork, '.ut aim. a dsngeroua placo for citlsena t" reside mai h i* not the. pollcj <>f th? itate govei nmenl lo er? maintain a dangerous nuisance to lire ..? limb ?I its cttiaens, and as chairman <>" th- Militai> Committee I have taken th!? matter up with the Adjutant General'a office, for the purpose of abatlnf- the nui? sance, either perfecting this range, which se? ins impossible, or abaitdoi the ?am and establish a rifle range at I'e.ksklll, ?here th. natural conditions ar?. more p??: t.i' t..1 ? rifle rang. I would suggest that v..u LlUUKNtlatCl*. vvilt, Adjutant ? |< Wrbeck. Albany, N Y . ami lay your coin?? plaint bei?.;., him. before taking legal aot? L va ui Uui v?an."*?*, ?0