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hunal. ?Between I*!?.? and 181)0 fifteen trtfir?? cas??s ?arre henni. Between 1980 a ni ISsti there were, Bfty ?a sos. lu the d^ado between 1SS-- fend 1888 setfe-nty? npht capon were hear?! by the highest court in the land. ?AMTS than were d?? ?ni?d in till the previous years Of our national exiateitee. Btn<*e IWt hundreds of those casos have COBte before the Su 1 remo ?"oini. -ind the number is Increas? ing ?steadily. Power of Congress Unlimited. "In the first ?ase that was brought be? fore the Supreme Court an attempt was made to restrict within narrow bounds th?? nonetItutlonal tights of C?r*ngress. Chief .losti?.- .lohn Marshall reje, tod the appii.?aUon for sueh i*eatricth?n, and do el.trod that the power lo i?gu?ate com merce given to Congress knows n?> limit othrr than the Constitution "A ?'??ii? uriTiit opinion by ?ssoi late . Johnson, which is little known, ?Jeclared that n?>t only th?? articles and siil.j.vts of Interstate commerce may be regulated by Conjji-eoa, but that all the agencies and Carill?es entering into such I .?minen-o are also within the regulation ?K..W . i of Congress.'' TRUST LAW INQUIRY BEGUN Senate Committee Expects Big Business Men to Talk. Ilion* Th?? Trihun? l'.ureau. 1 Washington, Nov. la,?H he, ?une evident to-diy at th" outset of tiie inquiry of Hi?? .?--iirtt?* Committee ,.ti Interstate Commerce Into tiie tru?*! problem tliat M ?lellnit?- plan of l?gislation ?will be proposed until the various; aspects of ih* guesHone ha\. present? ? roportanl witnesses who are M i-O'l? ri to spi ? Th* oommittee held ? hti.'f esecutlvs ' n t..-rl?4>. niter w liicli an open session ?o..* ! c which Seii.ii") N<wlands ??-.i ins hin for an Interstate trade < oninlssiop. Introduced at the la.?t s? ssi?i?i of ? .?ngrcss. He admitted, in response t?> ?n ?nquuy from tenator Yownseiid. that he ?';?; not desire imniedlate a.-tion on the bill, hut pr?t, it? (1 to'wait ilntll wltUSSStS had been heard by the committee before sink? ing further comment on it. Nine members of the committee ?were i .,t the >.i>?-!iing asaetee to-dey? ??enatora ?lapp. ?ran?-. ? 'utnmln.-?, Biande pee, Oliver, Town*"end. New lands. Watson '??nterene. it was apparent thai none of them, ?AitIi the ex'-eption Of Senutor \.w lands, hii'l any legislative acheim tO propone for the cur?- of the trust evil Seil? st oi Clapp took the attitude that th,- com? it?? was morel, conducting an in\est '-?i -.-.ii and that an. one who ha?l any liung to ?ay about corporations or later? atate ''omiii'Ti - \Vii-- welcome to appear and ? nt his i'l? ,?*-. Advocates of a more vigorous enforce? ' of the pr?s, nt Sherman law are to tbetr innings to-morrow, ami ?t the ?as that ar- to follow representatives c buslneaa" an.i leading students of mi? t.r'.hi^m? will tie heard On the opinions developed Will depend the action on the La Follette Mrporatiofl \? ? ?,<:? i- ;.i.i.' . ommlaalon bill ? commltte? bill to be repoi-ied te 'be Senat? To ?ion otv formel Attorn? Otneial ?Trank B. Monett, of Ohio, is attorney for ? h" Anti-Trust i. ? Enforcement L-esgue, and "ti??r repr?sentatives >.? thai organlaa lion, w-ii appear to urge the more ?"igoroue .,r th- Sherman law an ; i . ? ? in? belief I ? nfor? - - u. m ami nd ? then called Include Taj io Vln? ? '-nt. Huntington IV. Va . E ??-?? - '; Hey, % < ? i k . Re,i??rui appraiser In the cus i Bernard Buttler, A:lanta. riapi?, chairman ol the commit? tee, ha | no w....| from J. r. Mor? ? ? i: ii. Oar] ->i? ., irgi W i'? rkina ?Professor *.t\ : Snimiel i ;??m thera have Informed the chair? ? the] w ?ii ?." pi eaei I al ?in. ?>i ?? OBJECTS TO INTERVENTION Wickcrsham Now Opposes Irtde ?ptndfBt Tobacco Interests. \t the direction ?!" attorney General ":ilc- ,nn. the en? erniin?nl'r? ObJOcUoi ..... ndeni tobacco Interesta was Bled rcult Court b? l ieni y .\ Tt'lse, V* Attorney. . ? !: . ?.i?, i foi the National ?Leaf 1 I ?joclatlon, filed .*, petition Benins tot leave to Intervene sad nie ?parties to the action, so as *,?> ng th? matter be? fore 1 . ' ? I...1 : a? i?-W. ? gorei nmenl slmpl* . ...! thai it ob? i ?. i i v. 11houI stating an) ? ? 11 w-.*. learned est erde, l ??? the Ns* ?r. hacco I roteated ?.. Presid? ? ? ? i attitude of th? tttornsj *;?*ri? ?;.i toward I.p'an of thl American o Compel Mr, i.? asid if t is ? ? i I ahOUld -1? ny tiie petition to In? ' eptnd? nta would find other means of orinf-lnc the Totmcco .a*-? again i. ' ? . ourl HARMON AGAINST SUBSIDIES Tells Trans-Mississippi Congress Need Is New Navigation Law. Kansas City, alo., Nov, ..'. a p.. for Impiwieaaent In the splrli end methods of conducting public business by the govern ment *-*.?* made b? Qov*n*n?or Judson Hsr? ?non Of Ohio In an andres? ?..fore the Trsns-Mlsslsatppl ?Oongresa to-night, As? *-? rtiTiR that ' w'i- shall Bot get oar fair share of . omm?in a s i- we bave to .]. peed on foreign carriers," Qovernoi Har? mon ? "We requlra ne aobeidiea 'i": ese could BOt he fairlv ?iistr?-uted any more than other special favors. All lhat is needed * to pive American enterprise ?t felr chance by ehanglag our antiquated t.avi ?jatlon laws, which have driven our com B from ti e sea?" rtohert I, ??wen. a ?United Btetea Senatot 'rom Oklahoma, caused a sensation when lie asserted he had every reason to behove ? Si th** san)?' person? who fought ?Dr. Harvey It*. Wiley, chief of the <?f ChSSSiStry, were furnishing money to op? pose the iDov? nifiit looking to the estab? lishment of B national ?A ;'.?rttm-nt of health. He said that \ast BBSOUBta w?;e >??ing "-pent b] th'.se aiitegositotli i-? the ??le.i. A resolution liidoisins; the more tO form the proposeri depart meal was present,.! and rea?). Action OS the resolution will l.e i.iken later HANGS HIMSELF IN BARN. I'.ui.- - ? v.. 13 Kdwi?, F. Qlb gftyi-elgh. yeara o?d, a r?;??.ii bust? ?? an. ai Brooklyn, who purchased a ? ,?i Fine Plains, Put? ins* County, s age ? found de .?i this mom. ? from a rafter In the ' *>t ri Hunyadi'ol J?nos Natural Laxative Water Quietly Relieves:-** Biliousness, Sick Headache Stomach Disorders, and CQN8TIPAT10 '?' Mil 'S-SISSSSSJMWWBB1 ? PRISON IS ONLY PENALTY IN NEW ?TRUST BILL Democrats Propose to Amend Sherman Law to Eliminate "Rule of Reason." HENRY. OF TEXAS, SPONSOR Specific Definition of Monopoly Given in New Sections-Labor and Agricultural Products Alone Exempted. Washington, NOV. l."V?"Felon." stripes" M a punishment tot "tragt criminals" in th?- United states to end "commercial Ipi/acy under benevolent 'rules of ?ma? son* " nre proposed In a bill amending the Sherman anti-trust law ?drafted by Repie-.cnta.tive Henry, of Texas, to he Introduced in the HouBe on the opening of Congress next month. It? Introdu - tion ?probably will mean its passage -ii the House. The hill spe? ifhally defines just what ?onstitutes a trust, legislates from the present statute the "rule of reason" as interpreted by the Supreme Court in the Standard Oil and Toba? o decisions, and provides as punishment for violation of the law imprisonment of from two toten years. It will be referred t?> the Judi?l ary Committee Representative Henry, who ha? ?bean conferring Wltb Representative Clayton, ; of Alabama, chairman ??f th?' committee, ?and other ?Democratic ?Isaflsrs. completed ' the dralt of the proposed changes In the j much discussed statute to-day. In ex? plaining his bill Repr?sent?t! \ e Henry ' ??aid that actual imprisonment of great ! Industrial offenders was essential to a ?cure for the trust cil, and that a law t?? ?be rigid must of ne? essity detlne a trust to iejne no room for controversy. Nullifies Supreme Court Ruling. "My bill." said Mr. Henry, ''nullifies I the alterations written into the Sherman | antitrust ait by the unwarranted and 'purely legislative decision of the Su preme Court in the Standard Oil and I Tobacco Trust cases of last spring. That 'is. the bill legislates the 'rule of reason' OUI "f the law. and ?t (lelil?es spec?lcalU ?what a trust is. so that there can be ?BO room for controversy, it makes the vio 1; tion ?,f this law a felony with im| ris onment for not less than two years nor ii?- ' < than t??n treat g. "Fines and dissolutions s'-iu to be I child's play for th?* trust magnates. Pelon'g "?'ripes, where the violation is knowing!}' <'r wilfully ?lone, will prove a ?potential remed for these flagrant acte -it commercial outlaws. The Chinese anti-trust law provided; 'Those who In : terrupt commerce arc to be ?beheaded.* Ti ?behead guch offenders in our coun trj would be entirely too extreme, but i?. ' ompromlse with a penitentiary sen? tence ?and a felon's stripeg .?s a punish? ment Ig mild an?) ghOUld he a'lininistere I ? to trust criminals in the United ?States. , .\i> bin justly exempts 'members of I organizations or ?aasodationi nol f"i ; ! i ??lit and without capital stock, and als?? agricultural products <>r llveetock in the i hands ol the ?pit>ducer or raiser. The rtrst exemption as to labr.r was intended In th.? original l-sglslatlon and the ?sec? ond as t?? egrtaultural product? and live st???k is found in some state laws. '?'lies?. .?xemptlong nie right and should i?e made." ' First Three Section? Amended. The proposed bill amende the first tine? s?" tlons of the Sherman ?act, leav? ing as they are g-e^cttans I to 8, inclusive. and adding two new se?Dons. Section 1 i?- amen?!.-d t?. define spe?**UI?**ally a trust, ??? ?I :-e.??is as fcllowg: i;viy contract, combination in i.? r?, :,? I > i' truel or otherwise, or ?conspiracy, in restrain! ol : ade or i'ornmerc- aiuons the ????verni states, ?.-?. with foreign nations, is l,. red?, declared to be Illegal. And that a ? ;? .?? -contract, or conspiracy, or agree? ,,f v hat? ret ? haract? r, by combina ' iion annin-M ?rade or commerce, <?r aldi i?? ' ? i.inni'"'?'. of ?'alitai, skill, or a? is bj tWO I or ?more persona, firms, ?rorporatlons, ?ub? rera of oorporatlona ?i ?saaoclatlona "f per? sons, ??i elthei two "r more ?<f them, for I either gny, ?a all of the following pur ' ?Xlret To create or ?carry oui restrlctlona in t?a?!? or commerce m ?aida to -commerce, or t?? creat? 01 ?irrv mit reetrictlong in the full ami tr?< pursuit of any business au? thorized or permitted by the lavs of the ' i ni?, ?i ?matea of Americs. >? or,?!?'I'?? in- r. as?- or redil?'?? (he price of merchandise, produce <>r eommodltlea ! Third?To previ nt competition In ?manu? facture, making, transportation, sale or purchase of merchandise, produce ?>r com? modities, or i" prevent competition in aida 1?. .(?nitii? n ' Fourth To iix at any standard or ligure, ?thereby Ita ? ?r i * *- to the public shall he in any manner controlled or establish??!, any article ?'> commodity of merchandise, pro Iduca or commerce, Intended !'??:? sale, us? I ?? r coiistimpti<?n in th? I'liiied States of America Prison Penalty Provided. Fifth?To make, or enter into, or exc 1 me. or carry out any contrai t. obliga? tion or sgreement <?f sny kind <ir d-eecrip tion by which they shall bind or ha\e bound themselves nol to sell, dispose of -?1 transport ?ny article or commodity or article <?f trade, us?-, merchandise, ?com? merce or consumption below n common standard llgure, <>r by which they shall agree In any manner to keen the price of such article, commodity or transportation at 1 fixed or graded ?figure, <>r by which thej shall in any niannei establish or settle the price of sny grtlcle or commod? ity or transportation ?between them or themselves ?>i others t<? preclude e free and unrestricted competition among them? selves or others 111 the sale or transpoi tatioti of air. such article or commodity. or by which they shall agree to poo), coni Mae Or unit*' Sny interest the) m.iy iiiiv?' In ?connection with the sale or transporta? tion of sny such article 01 commodity that its price might ?n ?any manner be s - f?-< fed Kveiy person who shall make any auch contract <?r agreement <?r know? ingly enter into or execute guch conepir gcj or combination shall he deemed guilty of a felony, un?! on conviction thereof shall he imprisoned m the penl tentUtr) foi a term of not less than two nor more :!?an ten years Bat tion** - and '.\ of the Shennan act pr-OVidtal against monopolization or con? spira y in restraint of trade within the United States <>r with foreign nations, are nniended to Include the penitentiary pun* ishiiieiit for violation instead of Um pres ? in provisions for a fine of ?f&OOQ Of "imprlaoamsnt not OXCOOdtog one year or both." The added se? tion-s are as follows: ?faction ?>? A11 OClt an?l parts ??f a?i?i 111 .-.?iit with the ait are herel.y re ieai?-i: but thla art shall not affect ru-hi*, pending suits, pioceedlngs an?l liabilities M i.? h uro??', accrue?! or were heguii undei any prevloue lawa, or a?tlons. or proceed? ings, as provide?! f??r by previous a-ts. Se? 1 ion la That nothing In said a? t is Intended, nor ??hall any provision thereof hereafter be enforced, so as t<? apply t<> members of organizations or associations not for profit and without capital, or to ?agricultural ??roduct* or livestock in the haiels of ?thg producer or r_is?-i. DeaSOOfWtid leaders will confer <>n the bill as soon as the members assemble lat this month, and It is their purpose to make lbs nid on?- of the foremost on tii legislative programme for the regu? lar t-ession IS NOT A POSITIVE LAW 1 Contention of Meat Packers Against the Sherman Act. CASE FOR SUPREME COURT Attorneys Say Decision Will Be of Great Interest to All Business Combinations. Clueage?, Nor. i.v Attorney! for tin- la? ! dicteii meal puckers were busy t<>-?hiy pre? I paring HO UM next move In their latest i action to obtain a ruling by the "Jutted States Supreme Court on the vall.lity of I the Sherman anti-trust law which they] coiilend is not now a positiv.? law. I>. !SUS< the "reasonahie restraint" ruling muhet M i Impossible to a- tennln? beforehand whether an net if- legal. The hearing on th,- habeas nirpua ?rit??, j ?granted yesterday hy 1'niteil Stales ?"Ircuit IJudge ?'. ?'. Kohlsaat, will oems ap to? on", wii-ch,-\et- way he ?Jechlea, the ?ase will at once lie gppsalsd to tiie United States Supreme Court, it is said. Meantime, the criminal ??asea again ' the I ten packers will bs halted, be SUSa I he ? ?ess I if now ?nit o" Hi" htrlsdlctton Ot fed.-,;?l I Judge ?'arpenter, the pack?6TS having sur reiiclero.l themselves in Judge KohtSSat'l i court yesterday. Attorney* who ?<,-?in>? studied th.- legal asa of the latPHt action ol the packers I tO-nlghl salii th.H th'- ,|.-<l*ion of the Si. j pren-.e Court In the present case would i probably i?.- of gre?,t interest to :iii bn ??"lni.inations in the country. Th?- m.iin ?-ontention raised by the pack? eis is this: When the Simp-tn.? ? '??un htrid that the re.iM.i ..h!. of th*' restraint ?>f must be determined In ?as**h imii \i?iuai i-ase. tiie pack, if contend the high ?iii-t nUlHfled the Six rnnir ?ACt, he.-.n-?. they say, it took trote the citizen <>r eor ! pnrn'.loii the power 0? "".'.lowing Whether What he did was criminal before- his eaa* Miail I-?.-ii pass id on by a court and Jury, ? anil that precedent was of no value, sin-? i the "whims, prejudices or Judgments'' ol 1 juiies might differ. This question COUld not he raised bj the I attorneys for the tobacco or th<- ?ill com? ' paay, ?because it was In thns? cases that ''r-eesenable r.suaint of trade" rule j was leid down. Kow '.hat the Sherman s.-t. an-oiding t.. ??torneys of the packers, has hern made indefinite, tney question the worth of the law. They say t'iey want a de. Isten I by the highest tribunal l?er??re pro* eedmg I fiirther. Tliey contend that the real rslue i of th?- law must he dedded as a r?-!?;ilt of ? a ? reeent proceeding. ! if suri, a ?le. iMon can be obtained, the I attorneys aay, the ruling win have an ef? fect on all corporations that have been or may i?< prooseuted under the Sherman :>? l j While convicted officers Of th-' Naval Store?, I Company have their ?ase up fo? reriea by the Bupieme Court, It Is -?-?.?? tbnt their suit do? not exactly rc?emble the ?packers' case The Naval Btorea review, it is saht. ?will not get the attention of the Supreme j ? 'onrt i??r M.nie time. The ?present ewe*, boa.:01 '?? I will receive attention aoon, ?and the ruling, it ,-? . ...nt.?nded bj the pechera will prob? ably settle the exact status of ihe la? ;is niiMiifie.i by the Supreme Court's ruling lhai 'treasonable reetraini mu I he ihown. ng th? ci wmi ' hsl may be aft? - ted are the various lumber ? ?irporations, Hie I'nited Btstee Steel corporstlon. tl*e Inter? national Harve?ster Company, the American Buga Refining Company, the Saval Bto?rej Company, the Ameii?san Toba?-.... Campan] he Standard Oil ? 3omp \ s?, i ..mi? Nov. r,.?William Jennings Bryan saya that it arm be Interesting le see hoe the Bupreme Court of the United Btat?*a ????ais with the press?t sctlon of counsel toi the CSUcago pecker*. Ifr. Hi ? mi lo-nlghl I .???I : i in iiirnuni oi m? d?fendent? appealing t., ii.? habeas .?<>? pua art, i he m ? arises a*, to whether th? Btandard ?hi a.."I the 'i oba? i ?? d?ecial?r*ns w< aken or stn ihr law. The ?President has Insisted that the law is strengthened bj them, while others think that they repeal the criminel se? ti.>n The neckers t.ii<r this trie* . WILL URGE CRIMINAL ACTION. \ Wsshington Sor. Il --nVaator l'omet- tn* ?of Ohio, n l'iepariiiK to urge i?"c.)!ii the sdeptton "f hla r.?s,?!nii,.ii calling ")i the Attorney General to begin ??rlminal pro? t-edingi ?agalnal the leadlni Rgprea In the Btandard OH and ".mertcan Tobacco eom? paules. H? said to <?a>- that he would <-;?n iii?. reeolutlon up Immedlatelj after the as? sembimi* of Congre**, it was before the ?S?nati? at the h,rt session, but no action ! wa? ial??*n. -? m ' -JOKERS" IN PRIMARY LAW Bosses Hold Power for Next Presidential Conventions. 1 The Chiaeni Union lastted ? atatement I last night in Which It Mid the new prl- ! mary law. which be ??antes effective to-<ia?, I wa*- full or "jokers." ?The reason for tilia i?? that the un ara* ! p,!S?.-?l ?luv.? before copies had Ix-en j ?printed.'' th.- statemeni reada: "Tie uaual [safeguards were ?o completely disregard?-?) that the oalj guarantee we hare <?f the j ' law as now appearing ? n th? statute book.? ! i being the sam?? law that was passed hy I the Legislature is the general belief that I no one would attempl anytthlng so brazen as t?> change ii after the rote had bai a | taken in the Senat.- and the Asssmbty. ?'One of the (laiiS'ro'is pro..slons i tlon ?:'? whl th provides that in the elty ,.f N,w fork the state commltteemen now sertring ahall ? ontlnue In nffi.-e until th. fall primaries of next year Instead of their suc essors 1 .?ine sleeted In the spring primaries. This will make it possible for ihe present state tsnundtteeiasa to con? Unite in office lili sitter the fandldstea fur j'resident an?i Vtce-Prealdenl have choaen at the national -??invention. The purpose of this ehangc hi the hl'l is ob- i vlous. It will prevent ;my Sttsck !? inn made upon the Tammany ?Mate commit- ! teemen In the spring primaries, .?r at iinv | time until sfter Ihe national . ?>n\ cntim;. "Another joker" insetted in the duel ?iraft in?i-canes tin- number of algnsturea requite?! for p.-lltions ii?initi.itlng independ? ??nt raadldstea for put*4k iMBce. Th.- num. i her of signatures requite.I for Assembly. men I? inci eased from five hundred to tight hundred, ami similar lncreue? s pn reads in the number of signatur-s re ?iulred to nominate candidate? for .-in.. . it\- ami county office??i. "One of the most ouf/ageous provision* Of the new primary law in the "Jok- r' n - gar.lin.. the use ot party funds In the pri? marle?. fun?!-, ere .?.ii.rihut. ! f. ? ihe purpos. ol Mpp***rting tn.- paity*i ran? |dMatee. Under the new i-_w they may be' used In the prliiKirie? against th.- v.-,. fsctlon which may have c.ntiihiit. d these funda for el,,tioti purposes. ** AUTO NOT RESPONSIBLE No Damages for Wife Whose Husband Was Killed in Runaway. '"..Pkill. S. Y , Nov. 1-.-A verdict of paay. rial interest to automobil, OWaSTB MU? ten? dere.i h, th- Supreme Court here to-day. Judge Coebrana laealdlng Anni? Corail alleging that the death <-f bar hushend If? Ma CoreB, who ?*,.?< iJurown ?Ttwm his \ agon last year, was due to his horn? i.,i lug flight at a passing automoHI. owasd b> Aimtm Newreombe, brought ?sctlon to re? cord ?flM* The verdict of the J>n> "No cause of SetiOS ' I TRAIN LOAD OF BANKERS 'First of New York Delegation Off for New Orleans. Sharp on the second, when the ? toadu* t->r. Martin Hol?n, shouted "All aboard!" St IM o'clock last night the "Red ?lection" of the flr-?t of four sp<" ial Iralns. charter-*?! to take ?members of the Anrwrkan Hankers" ?tesodathm t?> the th|rty-?sv<m?*Ji annual convention at BUM Orleans. p?ill?'d out of the Qraad ? tmtral ?Btatton, erlth III bankers from Manhattan. ?Brooklyn an?i other cities ??a ?board. ?Many wen sorompenled by their wives mid daughters. l?r. .1. Q ?Schurmsn. ?presMeni of <'orn<'ii Untventtr, thg only ?guest of Um associa? tion. OCCUpled a stateroom. H? is i;??iiiK t" gddrsss the ?convention on the mon ?tarj sltuatlon. The train, which h cotnpoeei <>f eleven ?brand sea ?Jteel ?rare, just out ?of the ?Pull? man shops, ?s in charge ?of W. V, LUeey, assistent ?general ?Saetern ?jiagaenget eg i Of the New York Central* Th? "oiiiinitt.'c on transportation <>f th-* New York State Hankers' ASSOCiattetl 00 'board was roiaposatl ot Chsrlm DUott Warren ami I?, n. ?Pleceon, of Men fort; 1.*. S. Tefft, of lyrecude; Hiram Et Smith, of Rockville ? V Mir. and II. A. Arnold, of Albany. Ot?hera on thtg Vetan wen W, C. Duncan, prtsldta* of the ?Oreeawlcb Bank, ?and lira, ni?i .Mis. ??Duncan; Ct*mel A. F. ?.'"li'-'-ni.rhorii, secretary of the Am?-rl?-ati Sine;,' ??? mpany, and Mr?. ?9? h ?*me?-horn; U. B. KnOX, controller ?>f the ?BOWOr ?Seringa; ll ii. Applegate g?perln lendenl <>f the H?snover National >B?anh; .iniiies m. Pratt, trice ?preeldenl of ?the Querantee Trust rompan-. s?ad Mis. Pratt RECIPROCITY' ISN'T DEAD j Member of Laurier Cabinet Says ?Rejection Wasn't Overwhelmm?**. The National Poutadere' Aesociatloi its annual dinner laet nlghl si the Hotel Aator. Mor? than three hundred memben were present, .lames ln^?s. of I ??troit. was ?ioastnriaeter, and the ?speakers were Dr. Georg?" '?? Vto?uent, preefctenl ot tba l*ntv?mtty of Mtanssota, ?md Oeort P < : t.,... m of M i?i,i-..i. former mi mb i ol Sir Wllfr'.d LaUri? r's ?'.ihlnt-t. "l'util a few weeks ego." nM Mi ora bam, "i thought i wa- a moulder?a ?moulder of pubtk ?opinion. MM the ?seat weal eoU ?>n me. But there mOy be a ?re? cast and thlugg will bt ell right <?f course, that ig <-? Uttta different kind ??f moulding tbei i ou g? ntlc-nen tn en \ gSged In. "When you formed your Constitution In 17M -on left an ?open door for Canada to come in if she ever wanted to. hut she never baa, sad In my ?prophecy she ?sever w,ll. 1 think it is for the best t lia l We I?.- is remain two ?1 inttiir ; ? ?unt.l?.'. for the ?"???id of both countries. "1 want tO BO? thai I SIS I SfJTOng 1"' llever of r-trip-iwlty between tlw twe o m ni'-s This Bgreement ?a? introduced in p.??.-' faith, We talked Ii and talked it. end Inall) the only thing we could ?lo waa to pio It befOTrj 'he people. You sr?\. 'Why didn't we put M through ParllamentT Why, ... <?,.. di'i no? wanl to be cowardg gnd run away from i' -?(?..?l.-ibiliti-s and still keep "in -Jobs \\e didn't wanl lo ? I it through by eubterfuge. "But there were l.?W0,0M vote?* casi i d reciprocity only ?loot bj 17,000, and two? HUrds of thai in Toronto, ?le you . thai Canada did not i-ej?-?-? the plan ag badly i- gome ?people think." Mr. Qraham t?hen praiaed ?Pre*rtdenl Tafl a'?,i -aiii he Ned ; - n misrepresents by the ?preea "When ?Ptcsldeni Tsfl mid In on? aibii??s<e?i thai Canada ?w> .,' the parting ??t' the ways.' ? read Praeldent Tafts speech ami i know thai be did not mean abat gome of the papera said h<? did Reci? procity ua?? hurt. Annexation eaten falsely Into thai argum?ral -?n-i il ?-.a* all m 1?re presented ' It. Vincent mode ? brief humor? la ???i ?tr-s". in which he define?! the UMterencm ?between th? sport" and u>- sp-ortsman. "When th? sportaman la beaten he take? his whipping like h man," sai?i ihr gpeakei. bul when the ?sport' Ii beaten be baa the ip;?< aran? ?? <>f ? whipped eai ." CANADIAN COMMONS REOFENS. Dominion Parliament to Consider Measures of Far-Rer-ching Importanof. Ottawa. Nov. II. 'I'll- Canadian Part?a ;ii led to-daj. Tii? ? 'ommon a summon? -I to th? S? nate i-ii.tpii?, .? |,v Bll Charlea ntxpatrick, ?is deputy t?? lb? ?Duke of <'onnaught, an?i subeeguentl] cboaa aa Bpeekei Dr. Thomas Bproule, head "i the Orange Older, ll? waa nondnated bi Pre ml? i ?Borden. The orthodox o Parliament takes place to-morrow, when t'?' l?uk?' ol Con naught, aa Oovernor ?General, ?ill fore? sha?doa Ih? nee ?gorernnwnt'e pollc* i- ??h ?.mu ih?- ihrone Tii? v, ill contain no retel ? iti?"i to i eclprodtj o? i" i ir ? .?? ad ai navy, win? h were ??.sues in the rece?? campaign, it will ?recommend the appoint* m?n? ?of an expert to i? ms- the tariff ! FEW ARD FOR STOLEN GEMS Diamond Bracelet Disaopcaicd from i Table During Reception. Montelslr, N. J., Nov. !'-. (Special) A ?reward of 1106 offered to-day by Baunderc? Mfui.i ?s. ? ? lewePers, of N<>. ?;., Nassau ?street, New ?rOrrh < it\. for the return if ; ?bracelet ol thirtj diamonds set In plati? num, was ilie liist intimation Hint .'"?? or ?mon guests at a receptkni given ?bj Mr.I end Mrs Jemee N Ostrvie, on the night of ???i?? , II, bad that ? ?robber) had ? ? i committed in the boas.' thai nlghl ai ? it !? assumed that none <?f the quests ?v. | cogatsa it of til?- theft of th' bracelet, whhh belonged t-- Mrs .ia?\?,-. an-i is val u?-d at |l,S0O. Mrs ?Tan-Is nrore the ir?--i?-t ?an the evening o? th? reception, sal during the the affair sh?- ,w,t i,, h-i roon on ?the ?second ?floor "f the bouei ?and left th.- bracelci on her dressing table. Mi Jsrvie ?i?" id? -I t<> var file bracelet atiout t.n da\.?> after the ?receptton at her home, but when she looked for it n, hei safe she ?'??'lid ti"t lit "I it Then .-he r? membered ?having pia<-eii it un tin? dressing fini" He night of the reception. TI,e |,?as i ?port? ?I t?? the Montelslr ?police? ?and j Chief Qellsgiter ?began an lnv*atlgaUoa He a-? ?a t.uneil that ":? ?thg ul-jflit of the reception about s ?iron <>f gralt-m wie employ? i !?? ih? rateror, and ?mine ??f liad o? caaton te i" on ?he aecood floor "All that ! can sa\ about the los* of the ?bracelet,*" MM Mrs. Jsrvie, "Ig thai it lg pone i have no mason lo suspei t any parson of ths theft" AGAINST FREE WOOD PULP _ ! Home Market Club Adopts Resolutions Also Involving Print Paper. ? Bastea, Nov. 1V Improved rather than I te v. leglalatlen was ths ?xeynotg of tbg j address of I'resi<ient DOWSS, of the Nome Market Club, at the yearly ga?th? ?trlng -if in?- landing high protective ?.m-T ?rgaaisatioa in tht? <tt> t?i-daj. Just i, foi. sdjournmsot Um dub went ?ni racord ??K-iinst the trot Inmertatlou <?f \\o.?I pulp and pri?t pap? ir-un ?aiuula and lu?- lOSMMIIt] ol th?* extension ()f tin. ?policy i?? i, ti. i pep and paper expottlng ? i les. ?lecrotai ?Marvin, aftrr the sdoptien ol ' ? i? sob,tion, pointed out that In UM and | IM9 ?the p.?per piodu'lin; .?luniili-s ?if Ku i"i". led by Norway, Oermany, tin Nethe lands Auettis and ??reat grttaln, had ? surplug f? ?? ?expert saaouatlag ?to tw,i:T,??io, "r searlj t?artea ag owtyt to thg entire paper ami ?a.'. julp ?prodtictloa of the 1 Sl?t< ?I St.itea ?CEL?N'S CHAI. IS DENIER BY CORRIGAN Says Talk of His Issuing War? rant Because of Controversy with Mayor Is Bosh. : WHITMAN ALSO ATTACKED Arrest of Brother for Oppression as Clerk of a Police Court Stirs Civil Service President. Albert Creelinatt, ctarfe of the i-'.ssex : Market p??ii? ?? court was arrestad roo ! t'-nia.v ?m g charge of oppression on ;? : warrant altrned by Magistrate Corripam, who Is *-ittin.' in Eusses Market -'?ii<i pn roled in Ms own ? ustody ?for s hearing Ion Monday. The warrant was i*-*sin?<t .n the re.|?]e*?t ??r Aaatatant District Attor? ney Medalle, who is aasigned t?? ths i> ?ex Market ?oint bj District Attornov , Whitman. The prisoner is a brother of .lam i Creelman, presiden! "f th?? Municipal ICivil ?Service Commission, who ?*? an In? timate friend ??f Mayor Oaynor, r?n?l the srrest eras made the occaalon <?f a greet (leal of talk that ths feud between ?Mayor Qaynor and Magistrate C-orrigan had been renewed with Increnaed bitterness. Hi soon u .lam,"? < 'raelman beard of lh? arrest h?- rushed I" th?- City Hall iiti'l protMted to Hi?' Mayor. "My brother'.?.' arrest." he Mid, before he vvoni inb. the .Mayor's coin. "WSS due to a ?conspiracy, i bavi known for ? .;! days that they have been trying ?" gal him int?? trouble. He has been cleaning oui the ct*ooked crowd ?n the ESsse*. Market court letting rid of the 'runners' behind ths rail, ami that brougbi him into contact with a ? ? i-taln asslstanl district attorn..v. "His arrest is an absolute outrage, and Magistrate Corrigan ought to be removed from the bench. Application should be ?made to th.- Appellat? ?Division for his removal. Also, Governor f>ix should be asked to start an Investigation <>f the District Attorneys office, i understand ; that Hi- charge against mj brother was [refusal t" ?perform a public duty in that Ihe declined t?. accept pennies from a v oman a ho had be? n i?n"<i." McAdoo Defend-, Creelman. in reply to ;? letter from Magistrate Corrigan, advising hin -?f the .-uns; of Mr. Creelman, Magistrate McAdoo wrote: ' Offlcf of the Chief ('It) Maglatrete Kirst Division, city ??r Srew Vork, :"?! M ? i i ? > - : i - S".--.'-. Manhattan, Sea Yorlc. iNov. l-V I?l ' i ? Joseph r. Corrigen, City Magistrate sir: i m.- ? nur letter adrjslng me thai :? "n had i*? tied .i a.?i '???it for the arres! of Alherl ('rediman, clerk of the ; Third i ?Istrlcl ? lourt, on adida? II ' mil tee to } Oil ' | I i... f >i--t? i. I .Ml ..: - Son.- .lu- ni;... 1 ? ; i ? 1111 ? ?_*; that freie vvus ,a conspirar) being hat? led ageinai Mr ; ? "i. ?Iman for doing I Int? I in? between ihe ?rooks and grafters i v ho had '.een doing business i Third ? District Court and I i? p. people In tha. district, i ?lote and aaked him for the fact- in the ..i>-" in reply he arote me ' a full, frank and entirely satisfactory ex? planation, i -hull inke no official action ' whatever m the matter exeepl t?? advise i, .. . i;\ authorities t; at, In mj iidrment. Mr Ct-eelntan Is entitled lo w defended i.v ihr legal department ?if the city, and I shell continue to (five him my confidence iip h p'ihli. official until Mime court of i eoi.ip.-lent jurisdiction has passed upon ] the mal 1er. V'e | resnei'tfully, W 11.1.1AM M'AI'?'. ?. ? 'in? r ? ' ? - Magistrate, it v Si ?said st the bl< f maglsti ate'i igln nut Mr. < 'reetman had hot been : suspend. ?I. but would ?ontintie aa clerk of ih" ?Ssses Market rourt, ?pending hla trial, it was le.'nneit last week, It was ?aid, that .. conspiracy existed against i 'Mr. ?'r.eim;in. and ii);?t Magistrate Cor? rigan snd Assists nt District Attorney I M?edallc had been in ronfercnce about him ?"'"?? t?i tlmea. On Monday Mag? l?tate McAdoo wrote i<> Mr, Creelman about the matter, snd on Tuesday Mr. Creelman'i reply, which eras satisfactory J m every tray, was r? Plved. "They [waited until Judge Corrigan was siitii j In Ksscx Market to SPrin? ?Ukl* thllH WHS Mild. Watson Assigns an Assistant, -t tin- request <>' Magistrate McA-tfc ! Corporation Counsel Watson hag g signad hi? sssistant, Cornelius P. Co 'lins. tO defend Mr. rrcelman. Mr. Oft son explained thai whsn .1 cltj ?emploi was charged s ?tii g ?rinn- in com.?tk with the performance ???* lii"- nrTi?i.' j duties it becamd -Um province of the C?ts ! poration Counsel's "iri'e t?i d?tend tli accused man. 'i'lie charge agslnsl Creolman is tii^ ! when, on ?September IS, Ids Ltotwtagh* I-.viio ?had boda lined ?92 by ?Magistral I Barlow for ??? violation of the ?Sanit?r I Code, offered eight quarters In paymei* ! of the line be r? fus?,-?! lo a? ? ?-|)t th : ?money and demanded bills instead of th sn.aii change. The woman, according t the charge, was ordered back t<> the 1?' j b) ('reclinan until she produi ???! the hill.? ; The ccmplatat i:? supported by affidavit , from th?? woman, her husband and th officer who h-'?i her In charge Magistrate ?Vrrlgaii, after des< rlhlm the charge ?against rreelman, said Ml ?night: "There is no allegation of <ii:' j honesty on Ctveiman's part. The charg* : Ij one Of Oppression. I am thonnighh convinced <-f **-ir. Creelman'g honest] hut when the ?complaint was iai?i beton in?- I hail n<? option except to issue th? warrant. ? The appli? atioi' was made by the rep ?reeentatlve of the Dletrlct Attorney who is the prosecuting ?officer "f th* ?county, it was perfectly regular and [the ?complaint stated (acte thai were a I Clear Violation Of the law. If I had re? fused to issue the warrant the i?istr.?t Attorney conld have gone to any jus tlce of the Supreme Court for a man damns compelling me to Issu?. It. They are welcome to ko to the Appellate 1>? -, I'-io'i for an Investigation of me. From whom am I I ? take my Instructions ?m when lo issu- warrants?Judge McAdoo, Ma.Mii Qaynor, the Appellate Division or the law? "This talk of my ISStTlng the warrant in--aus?, of my controv-srsy with Mayor <:,iji;or Is both. Asalstaal Distrito At torney Medalle crame to me last week when 1 was sitiin?,- in Jefferson Market ?COUri an?l said he had a ?ase of oppres? sion against the ? lerk of one Of the courte. Ho <li?l ti"t even tell me the clerk'g name, but luid the ?'ase ?before me and ?asked my advice, ?as he ?bad s licht t?? ?I??, on whether the case ?'?inst' lutcil oppression. M?*- told nie that h3 Intended to take II ?before ?the grand jury. "After the warrant was issued 1 told Mr, Creolman thai 1 would parole him i i his own custody and set the day for the trial to suit his convenience. He -???\o\ Friday, M> term in Fssoi ?Market Will be Up on Tu?.-da.- ,"n?l if he had thought there was snj animus on my part h?- could have asked for some day alter that 1 toid him 1 thought he oughi to take more time to prepare his and then he chose Monday. 1 ?set the cam down for Monday? and ?.??.<> hi* the choice of ?morning or aft? rnoon. 1 <"?? ? hose the afternoon. The case ?s perfectly plain. 1 could ? i" nothing else than a hat 1 did." When District Attorney Whitman w a ? told that .fame; Croctmsn had s,?i?i that this W8g -? good time t<? have I'ovcrnnr Dix Investigate the District Attorney's office he SSid "I ??.nit?' agree with Mr. Creelmap. I have Inatructed my Assistant idstrict ; Attorneys in the ?police ?Courts to cause. the arrest of sny clerk who refuees to sccept ?payment of flnea In nickel?, quar? ters or whatever denomination of money Ig offered 1 have had ni m?rous uomplalnte from the ?BSses Market and Other ?poll.aits, and lliis Wag I lie reason for Issuing the Instructions." Albert Creelman said last night that 1, - arreei on .? charge ?of refusing to take ?small ?change In payment ??f a Une vas made because nothing eis,? could bel found agalnat him and there was g concerted attempt to get him out of ??Se?es Market court by law.vers and runners with whose business <?f holding up proepectlve -1 i ? ? n ? s he had interfi ? ?? -. ?SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Maiiod anywhere in the United Stites for %? ni a year. I HELP FOR YOU WHEN you sign 8 contrict to buy a home some one must think of many things on your behalf -things that must be considered In advence and " settled before your name is put to paper. *?_ We have done some thinking in half a million real estate transactions and the benefit of this is all yours when we take care of your contract for you. TiTlE GUARANTEE AND TRUST C? ?Capital . . $ 4,375,000 Surplu-siall earned) 10,625,000 176 B'v/ay. N. Y. 175 Rernnen St., Bl.iya. 350 Fulton St., J?males. WEDDING CLOUD DISPELLED Mon8on Morris May Return from Trip Without Facing Arrest. Mine?la. ?Long Lslan?! NO?. ,:. (Sp?cial), Monson Morris, membei of club* .mil ?* ill?.- QoV(mor"g military itaff, v. ho *?,-.? mairied in-day t?> Mis Elisabeth Bryj-j SI??;?", -..ill net l>? arretteA on hi.- retan from M weiihit trip, agnttuA .?gainst h!m for ?.'?'"'?'? ? ibtain-ed by llov.. srd <?;- Co., of Fifth avene, Matihattaa, ?bas I ?in setl|i-'l -in?! thi? ?>n|r?r ,,f eon tempt? not lia.lnt; lie.-n < nterod on ttW docket, will not i? ' ' <-i Thi ? util" trnulil-- - .-in- , I o' ? v.!,?.ii Mr. Morrli i?, ?i rontr?ctel with Howard & ?'<-?. ?between Novt I".. UM, an?! S ;?i. nil,, i .7. 1" . for one. ni?r. i'?r. two bar fino, two dish? i d ? no veet button. <?n the failure of Mr Morris i?# make ?payment? sn ?ctlon waa birought brought af,aii>?t him end j ...r?l"i. Justice h\ udder l?hen iesnsd ;??. onter tc him t" sppeef botare Judge Niemen is supplementary prtMOedlngs on Octo?bi ? This ?sununene eras Ignored? ?and Snakm m inan "iilereil him t?> appear bffore Iiha o-. November M sod g?how eaur why i?* should not be punished for contempt o' court. 'I'lii-. ?SfgRggSOng v\#. ni.-2?? kmftOTOO, aiai thlg scorning Judge Nt-smen ?le?.Ur*<i Mr. Moi ris m contenu t. The Substances used by M. Tecla in making his reconstructed rubies are abso? lutely of the finest selected qual? ity, therefore they are supe? rior to most natural rubies. Tccla's Greatest Success:? PEARLS ?possess the identical lustre, delicate tone and weight of pearls from the Orient. TECLA NEW YORK PARIS "98 Fifth Avmur lORu-de la P-it LONDON NICE 70M Bond Street 16 Ave. M?sse'ng "Half an hour from Cleveland and no one up. The people on this train certainly do sleep." ?Recause they can sleep on the gradelecs, comfortable "Water Level Route'' of the New York Central Lines. That is why the Lake Shore Limited hasbec? ?me the favorite train of business men who travel bet ween New York and Cleveland. EQUIPMENT?Solid steel cars, mahogany interior finish, electric lighted throughout, barber, hath, valet, ladies' maid\ manicure, stock reports, daily papers, periodicals. Lv. (?rand Central Terminal 5.30 p. rrw Ar. Cleveland, 105th St. Station 6.55 a. rrw Ar. Cleveland, Union Station 7.15 a. nv ? New York Central Lines Railroad snd Pttllmafl tickets delivered hi Special IftPJMfM uitl'.?'.i. extra charge. For further information, addresa general Kastern Passenger Agent, 1216 1'Anlwav. Now York 'Phone, 6310 Madiaon Brooklyn 'Phon??, 167 Main NEW YORK > [Central LINES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH