Newspaper Page Text
\ llsvor as well a*? a o**n l??r reputation peculiarly its E-4-ientlally the \?hi-?key tho5c ** Irink for hcal'h snd pleasure. John Jameson Three ? M' jT5**1"' Whiskey PROCLAIMS and establishes ? the real worth of pure ,-. hiski'y in heslth as well as sick ne?*. Taken in moderation, it docs s vast amount of 2nod II \ Taj It * i ?v. ?trnl?. BEATTIE MUST DIE NOV. 24 Governor Mann Refuses to In? terfere in the Case. i ;n th?- ?*?!<-.-it ir ehelr III mit N - nurtser ? ' - ,-?? - The | ? .- ' ? _ ?? com I ' the I ? do j-.i ' - - ... ?1. r* ? ? ? ? <? writ fUl, de ? ? I ' ' ' I * . ' : COM *? ? Re appeals - i . ?' ' ? ? me. -? Lwara 1 .1 fli al de? ni - ed li * -. .... (at her ? ? roki ? - man 3 behalf, **? Um 1 SIa ef - he mas visibly 1 his brol .in. SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Mailed anywHere in the United States hr $2.50 a year. BROTHERS ?V-TO??? P' M E an?> ItHJUTH AVtNLE In our big as? sortment of style?, patterns and col? orings, it's easy to find the Suit or Overcoat that will express your per K sonal taste ? 8 Individuality i? a distinguishing feature of our Men's Clothes. Many of our patterns 3re exclusive with us - half a thousand trom which to select. - . . |18 So ISO v*?"ei???* Over to Its 116 to >42 0 - j*' |i9 to |rs ?STAB OV IP HALF A CENTURY English Plum Pudding \\oulds \xts\ \ ifiet) ^WiSe^ONGER I V? e\ |J2 \\ ?ai 42J St New Vork \ our Photo V v?H'S Studio BROADVA, M 22 STREET Our New Catalogue Holiday Bargains in ?BOOKS ?Will be ready on Nov. I 7th. ' '?pi?? ?*?r?l fre? ?n ?"?pli- ni. ,n Brentanos5? ..X'V? Sc\a Vork City 1 PLAN NOW READY Stockholders Get Notice of Di? vision of Shares. _ ?LAST QUARTERLY DIVIDEND | Colonel Payne Quits Board? Denied That Rockefellers Will Retire Soon. ? rjoartert] dteldeud i" i"- ?paid te " ? >?'< i'1' : - of M - ?Btendartl i II Company r SOW J?n I t ,,f ,,r,-?ent - i-ii-ti mter: .-,,!, yaater?dej - -lividen.i by ti"-' ?Standard t-ii Company at N-'v ?fersej ?'"l ??? "0 per ? dirtd-end j the 8ten4*ard Oil C-**npan) -i," Sea y,?rk. i??,iii naval.lo on ?.. . ?a "'- rapttaHaettoa of ti,- n>? fork ?. mpanj ???tanda i-. that ?>r tin? v?*? jeraei company m the proportion --f S.OC to ?-. ?''<? rto-rkhol.i et the ?latter will receive f"r?>in ? Sen x .? K r?ompaay"g ?? prr cent ?tHvi ei- r?.| 1 .re ,,n thHr -,t,..-U. h tii? i"tai dlrt-dfnd for tii? quarter te I a :-h . ;,ll\ [be *;.,,e,, ? ? '- tofore. ii..? ,1. idead f.,r o,.? in-? quarter ? --i--, i ? ,-:ir? been ? ? ? Th.- ?reetgnatton of Colonel OHrer H. ''***? It ' ?'f tli?? ?atindar 1 r?i'. of Saw .!? -? .,um,np,-t?i. .',|er? i-s? ?mad?" nr the -n ? b of ?h?? thirty-four lutaridiar- eon old-?!** H re t.? l-e m -? ,?,' in ?arrordan? ? th. dedal on of ti'? Suprei i ? of Ihl Distribution to Beam December 1. The ?noch of the ?subsidiar: com? ? _??.. American Oil ?'??mpanv. win b" rrati-- toi dis tribut loi i ?" ehareholden of re.-m-i of the s?^n?iar?1 ? ?ii - '?"? on Heptember I Ra?**ept In SSl I lh? tinglo A roer,-;, n Oil I'otn ? ?liar1 f?>r abai tii?* ' . ? ? ? Standard I \. g .].. ... .?.,,-k re? ? "ni ?aliare of it? h o? m? h ? ? l n in man . *i ill. The ? al ?share ?will I lh" ?? ?impair . M I ? ? ?Wtllg list of lh? -? ' 'ompanj of New Jer sumber ot i whirl I ersej i om ? ? ??? ? ? i ? '?? - 2777 f?S ? . . . . i ? - - -" ? - - . . :.?-?? . i o Ine '?'.?>?"> itAWIni" i ? ? -i ??- ? . _. , ? . - . ? ' ? ? ? ? ,. ? , ... , ?? ? ? -. ... ..-.i :?? 179071 ?-' ? -, ififM gen -?.'.??'? <? ... -i-rox .?-. - - - -.nla rip" ??. Mrdi 2491 Wrlnl :?-. - ' - - '. I Ol - ? " - 14. -...;.- - . " - .1?'?? - - 7H -* ? _?:.' ?- ? Ltd No?.-/ for Fractional Trading. ? ?than ttoa ?trading on the irobab will now bg ?resumed, and ?si i ?many email ?Shareh?t>i?3<jn ! ?ill be glad ? of their ?? ea. If a fair pri?-? ?ghall be . . - ? fr.-i' f each co - i ?? du? m,' cos ' ? ? ?M ng - -? ? ? ? I ?- en afT'??'t.-<] by thg ? Standard O ? ?* i ?? ton in rricaT for? ? The - gecuttee ? 'I. It ? ? ? ?? -ft 1 l.r in I ' Rockefellers Won't Retire. -? ? 'olonel 1 l nit a? ? ' "I ? 'OIIIPMI'V if " ' I Hi ... ' I ; . ? , ? da ? ' " h pan? ?. - - ?!? Ma ' n i ? gen* m ? ? I . ? ? -? tementa I ? ? - ENGLAND HYEBTfl COAI. STRIKE rsil'irc to Order ReSutoanthu? Block? National Movement of Miners. ? g a -.liM-.?* In . ? ? i ? mm. r ?.,. . .,. ? ? - ul-l I? I stlon of v ? .? ti.? - ota m with the ?Brine oww m ??ill ? WHITLOCK S CHEAP CAMPAIGN Mayor of Toledo Didn't Spend a Cent for Election. ?I p|i, - ,? ,i n -i-?- k. ? ho i Bo-n u na m da ? reift?? I ? ? "-*'' " et ? 'SEEKS TO FREE INI I Mysterious Friend of Brush S ters Says They Are Sane. BROTHER NOT CONSULT 'Former Treasurer of Suffi County Asserts Commitmcn, Were Made in Regular Way iTThe Uttle town of HnnU?aaTts*a. Lang |???d. ?was ??xrit-*.?, test ntghl n\?r ihr? p j ?hat Marts wer,- bring ii)H.??- te ?1res "?? " meMet- deters ..r m s. Rraah, ? ' *??*??? ??munltted xo ti,o st^t.- Insane .*i Iusb st Ki? pp ittie e? et ? II. ?i. ?nieh, ?il- :..'.?n'., Isedlag .-itii ehe f.-rnir-rly ?a* irrH?nr??r "f ?Jttfl County, ?.i? r.|Uiii;v aorprleed when f.>rin..| hl.? ?i. t. r?. Ule MlflSM l'lr ? it .1 Ai.a Medlsen Brush, would i?- hr.?n t" Hrookl- n I?.-.If,? ..h a writ ..f hah ? ..ri-ii? Issued bj S'irr-ni? ?'..?irl I'M *-t;i[.|.t,,n I ?'.I knoa ' sttM ine Harklna, of the i-f-tin.iii m watch the * ? Prat ?? ? ? aid Mr. Elrtneh, last irii ! "I cannot iir.fl.-i-.-tan-i |h? action, il la . noneenee to m> tint mi ?a i --? t --? i - - ?arere ir..\..i m tn<* asylum lUegetli ; rommttted bj ;? |ust1< <* ..f the i ? > i romplainl >.f i be - ?era. * hont 11 Inf. il goes n lil? -, "..ui.1 net i | flro.,fr !?? !*,<* iJoiM t.. :!.. || ,?? i. Theft? I i ??slPr** of miiif? hed I- j . rnzv ?Jome time b**fore th-l, . '?,. n<*l?i_n. 1 fain'i? im'! no Kand h mmttmen *!"h? t?\.? iletera ere Ind? 'i'i???' I . ? d until lHKt ? '."..:.. r reer sao, In <? Large houee on th.- M: Huntington: Thej? assoeteted i ; little with their f most protnlnent on Long Islsnd, ?jo ?f H i???in? equal!] prominent Philadelphie, ?-? n<I Baltimore A ? K--r . ire all wealt : mikI highly r*>spected. The sei si stoi Hunting? ? ? ?. hi Ir two brol ?ers?H. s ;)i).i .i. Brush. For generatlc ? er of the family h ! '.i.-i'i i "gt. (.'iiiii.- office. The petition on whl? h the wt I waa grai ? i. ?After ?asserting I ??gaily reinovsd to the? inetltutlo ?sss of law, saj i i impris? ?; Bruatl :i iccordlns to the knowled ? and bellet of tour pel ?1 lonei i | ? ? . ....... . i j ?aid two pen ? tnow iriiK?- nn-l i ? ? . t.nt. ..n ? . -, '?..-*...*.*-l"l. .." ! ']-?? of tal ? orw. a I I Mid t ? m,a\ .?iich . | m their ui : detention. In he ? , I of the ft ? At his Uni ' ? ni*; mitmeai of the two t\ ten iras la bvoi way regular. "I merely ?*wet*e Dr, W. ?'. of this town, snd another - ??in. who made affld i ta 1 it the ti ,< arralgn?Bd i - Jual h Itted to Km.: ? . ? . i ?minent Uses ted ' ? HIS AND HER LETTERS REAI He Was Her "Goosie" arc! Sh His "Perfect Sweetheart.-' Mr- Ire ? A Van i> :-.. ? Ife of .-. ck, .i mei ? ??-. m-.-..??i ? luprsi ? ? here hei ?? I punished f< ? ? oui l for !?? _? ? ?> *??"?? : arr??.. waa imanted pending her ??Uli for .4 J 41. H.H ? i month well? iwyer that he ? The alim?n, pro? ? itack of : which Mrs Vai I ?? ? '.< Introduci d ?? ? ? ed a perli we thee? .i leal j ?> ritten by Mr? Hall, th? in the dl? .?? -?" * . " to Mr V'sn Dyci ? ? tire i-- I.- ? end, Othei ?- ties bj Mi Hell ? ? ! e sddresae ;, ?'<looslip " and in II bin Van Dyck s '-? ml . ..:T-..l '.. I V'en 1 Hell, - ' ?".- h< out s .- ? Ii ? . | . ?? ? ? , ? ' ? - ? i ? tabl i- i .. i ? k i ? ? ? .'???.? ? 1 it. * Mrs. Ha ?? ? ? ? a . ? r uptei '?? ? it ghe would h ? Q | rm Van D to 14 la <j ? ? In t i 1 ?? mer?" -?. . r an th* Of . .. rt ? ?- ? ADMITS Dr.COVTNf? TF.ACHV.n Piral Man Arr??*trrl m Tat Party" C?f?* Mak?*** Conf*!*'sinr ,. -f . ill! In l r-a n ? : ? I i ' i:' : ., hnr'.or. decoyed MU Itarjr ? achool tem er. > ,,. ... H-ii'l * tv r< ? I 0. t , H? " ?"' I "'""i' ! idg? ? at/ ' % ? - ? ? i men l> nrd ha? ' "r-!l ''' '?"' '"' th? ? rt ? ?? f... . ompUcHi In the ' - ? ? . led ft non With lh.- , , || ? . eh <*,! ?', roc M pan in ti t Acoording to Hin Chamberieln led . r the Imm lei tl ?? Pot t.. a ?tei ?? i . ,. t..? rwruli ... . on. _- ? ? FATALITY OPENS DEER SEASON. Bristol, v' N"v ' ' A u w boon utter ralng ot 'i?' ??-?" -?>-?<? Is marl? ? ????'??>?)'?'' ? - ?hot ?and i"""1 ''' ' ''"' ' ' ?,?, mat walkhag behind i . ? ?Bernard ? m intent Edgar W. Mix's Letter to Cap? tain Tells Desire to End Life. | - ? MENTAL DEPRESSION GREAT Sisters in Lynn. Mass., Refuse to Believe Aeronaut Dead and Tell of "Bitter Enemies." rari-!, Nov. i.v No ?inui ? i?j goa enter? Itained that i>!_?:,> <t M:v. the Ameilcaa ?nglneef gad ?aeranaot, ?**am?mltted gutetde by jumping ?from ? mail ?heal ??faring ??"? "m Dtnrer to ?*-*,ia??? en gundg - ' Mr Mix ? IT? llalli i' I ? ?' ' '?'..? gad ?la?l : g ll.'-l In Identifying the hand wilting ->f ? ii.?r addrcaoed te the ?captain of the Its'a The t< g| of the lettei ? ? i se hi Krniln'a Hotel, l.?, don, Vo? I '. "?" riear 8lr; Pitras? ? \- ?i-?- m? foi troubling ha ? the lett? ra In m? --' ? rvoal ,?-><-k.~i i mnounc ??? Interested irties tl ?? facH thai ? < ount .,i my great ?mental tlepreaslon and I thai t am losing m? miad I have nirii|?.,| overt? .,1 ?1 from I I ? i"fi thi Kngllsh ?'?? ?m nndoubl la letter. Pteaae a I ? .,-.,,,,, m ., .,,; ?Ire-n, i ? ,. \.? U |;,.,,|..,. ,,, | .).?. |? laiitir?, yu other haggagi hag ? in?, ke.i through '?? Paria -<n?l <he ?baggage ?i,?, k ??i to m? rerretary, Pierre H;?h it? -? it:, B. w. Mis ti,- i-??, le-ttera ?mentloi - ' b the nol ? - ' posted a? ree\ ??eated, um te, captain ha? ne r*?-*-*n?*-*tlon of ti>?> ? ? ??? H< ? . that ewe a '?''? .,,.'.? a t,, ?i -n t- ti i ?of lawyara In I,??nil<'n. snd in? ??! het lO --?me on. In I ork. It ara ? the gaine was a mere than half w ;t a'-r?. thai ?he ?toatewaln, m ?gotas "' rounds, observed m oiercoat i\inc on the aft? ,. , '???_::-. ola-red i,, such .-? manner a-? to attract .?? , te?? i-" . Oo | ? ? ? < ? Un per? I ? r,ri\ ?o tin St,?'il"-!, he hurried wi'ii tb? t?> the captain, ? be ?? ir I id tin pocket? -'?ni in ?addition?to the tetten men? tioned, ?<?'. -?rui photos a plank ?men eleeely ?jrrutlnlied each p.?-? ii'-ipr as he h ?ut ?no ?ene ; ' otegrapl i neni ?sel T.'.?-p. Ma m N ?v N nvlnced ? ii their brother, Bdgigr >> ?HI?, '?*??'" a "--. ll??nr' R ' tin, Jersl?? Holder, both of ? . . . ?- irla a ih ng for a full itlon ? ? | mro he ? . . - ????-. dde. He -was i ' ?.,?-?11 j->n or the typ? of man who aoutd *>n?i ble life. His bu? ?? uad ?bal? ls for I ran In ?agine nothing ? i ? ? - . unong foielgn aeronauta." -;.?? steten said the-- had i""*n in ?sot rororr':" i I ' Mr. Mix. at I teltevtag I - ith ?Edgar W Mis'? p ? ?b, of Lynn, ?Mr M ?brother-in-law, to-da: ? ? ? ? ?? eat .it ?? ?i of the ? ? ? ? ' lay that ? ? - ;. who committed suicide on ! - l They vol? M thr ojunlon that som<* Impostor liad 1 ?ken tb? ;a*a' - Mi M x'j name for mdme?a*n ?roaeoas, and that the ?aeronaut I If ? - "p up 'There i? * great dml of mystery gbout tll<* ra.?,'.'' ' Wim w ii .' tmeitea, ; ? er ith t I ?? i "? ? ? ?1 , -leti.i^ kn??" snd had '?? .?? :i t . ipact of the ew of had In hi prig .. locui iward of III thins I ? ' ' " ? tea I I ? an f,.r tain lengtl of time. ? If the i ??! to '.?? In "lr Hi i ive sent 1 ? ? ? . '.'. ? ; ? ? ? _ _ ? to obtaii tl ? " ? t ; i*. ? lan pbell '?\ ood ?? : of gO*1 ??m? ? . K r-uiprin Cecilia f;?- ??= in the dispute, We Infori t'ight bj ? ? ? -i be gut hoi ? M '.i . . ? ? FOSS ACCOUNT TO LITTLEFIELD E- Conr-ressman Says He Want*; Tt Purely for Persona! Reason?.. ?? o< , ;.. ernor Pom d imed |Q ?lim I.?. -? - ? . r of ?Si ??' on um ?jtrmii ' ? . no) Buflletentl ej ? rt ; * Ltttte? ef New Ti ? ?? ? ? ,ti I . t?,,; ? ~ member of 11 firoi ng i . I.i?t|, geld, of Main? ? Repub - ' that the - i ri tiirt?.?.! ?from Virginia to-da refui ? . \ ? ' >?*"?? it Ko M f'Ki' c. ?,| ? id hi " ouni ;? t t re in ".\ fi s da ' ? if ? ? ' ?Troven ni ? d Mr i ? "snd X sei f the ? ouni i hat ?? no? ... ? linl] n" ? r .ii'i'?!? ?I for " i m ?abed lo '--ok il the ' ? ?art as I U I .in,I ! ? .: ?., de Wl1 M GERMAN AVIATOR KILLED Herr Plet.-ichker Falls at JohannisthaL breaking H:s Nock. Berlii '.o I i Hen Met? aviator, fell -Ahile making ? t ., '.. Bald ''--i.? ? ?,.? *-i ? looS , ? ? ' ? Berlin ? ? lation n ? '??mi,- i. using mi I ' ' plan? ?n?- developed ? ?peed , Herr Plet Im <?f I H< Hie la nailon II? , aent to b " ?' , ?i ? ?. HEBELS MAY GET C?A I onliniiril 'mm f|rs| nag? ?T?. called upon to un?lf?rtai\e the |on of Chaas? l ?r. ?"?illiort Rasa, a iTominpiit mis? sionary. \ i: jt<*.,| th** \',. ? ptOmp nnti ondsavonsd to Induce inm te pRtot t?i .111 irtm.stji-p. ?;, I'hins. reno lutel) refused to snitartaJa Um idea awd fir?-i-iro?i h?? mu?-i r. main loyal la the Kniprn-r. H., pgtpi ?,-. j??on.l.?l to lead troops ?n th?* roiaptur?! Of Chbl? Klang, .???>.>-?"ii.."v .m.i Bhaashai for Um ? Dr. P.?*i?i Mrs ?Chang*i i>i.h->?1 Is up; thai he is Bred by hfa* sut**ooeaes ?n-i ti nurober of timsr he h.?*i beh? ii?- boaats that ? rth hi twenty thorn devoted soldiers he holds NankJng "i th<? ?palm ?>f his hand n Is sd i Chang is n man nt great courage and ; ibillty, ?Us has abundaint mone) and ?anununltlon snd be boa pomp ilir city r. Ith mines. ("nii-s-. ell ?.n/n?-' fail, the Croat fight of the prerenl revolution elll t;?k<* place at Nanking". The ??it-, is now ? huge mlli ? pneral ? 'hang ? troops are well armed and fairly train.-?l. deter? mined end desperate, and arc mtienclwd ?m p.-di I? ii .m., t - n ?gai 'i ? pregi Utitalde ill- city, within iiit?-?-n miles, Hi?- revolutionaries are gathering Their at tiir present tlm? ot ex i.. -1 ?. ? n, of s iii.'ii only 2.0.ire tram,?.I Tb er receiving ? '.n,? , ?; ? i-, ?in of i ? - ruit*. ;.".l lai*ge supplies of g on .??"I ammunition. The i. ? ..?in ion .ii- ; i ?? but are desper ,it.-l- in earnest. A price ? ( *-.". WO ha? been placed on ?General Chang head The republican n ? numbers ?eventeen ? ? ?- ? well supplied with amnintuti.'ii The warships are pr<> ng up the river to Nanking*. All innlcation i telei iph ia ??nt .ir* beyond ? 'hlnkiang. Rear Admiral Murdock, aboard the expected to n pa h Nanking this morning. On the river be Nanklng \\.? r a etch the pr. pai*atkms All foreigners have lefi tiu* rity. The Am-*rican < Consul, Will ur T ? '.I . .iliniinl ship. Admiral Sah 11 ?Mid to hav? gon t'? the re H< ? Nlng-Po, a enta PekJng, .n.. ? in s ? ? - ? - . ? .T ?,, ctuly ? tuned hi re In with s foreigner, ruas ?Shlb-kal ?sud h?* ir.t??nil??.l t , immediately and endea? ->r to ? ? p sy province ?? i."laible, ellowtns the ??-?malnder to re being [1 srould be his ?a:n back their all ??tan? ? ?ne. Bun Pi"-':.; '..?? \ ;..!??.? .,i" bhan-Tung, wh.? wai electi t.of the republic ?..,1 th-* irdan? ? ?. ? w:rh the people, in the hope of Influ? ? return to l ? e. The pro ; I 1.1 hS ' I lopted i .! ? :;iron* in fa j with \V'i Ting-fang, Secretar. pi Af? I fallt in the pro-. :n?i.?l K ''.frtim'tit of ? ? ' reform? r ,rrani to 1 v " - ??? - ' . _ ? ' d'Aftsirea here . ? . , Um ' section ? I delivei r of a demand -. ation. The ? -??.ally the f TU ment, tween the Im? ?t -.n.l ? "To -' Tour iiiHi:|fp..ii acknowl? ? rii*rini ? d. but th> tuple contl contrary | mind of t: ?? natl? i - ? of In? ? tntiiit'.il iz ?vei ?it?.- nt - .. tor t ., ..f v.r. and if ... . ? ? 11.? p-?opli i re to I ? ' ...,.? t., th? '.? i ? . 9 ? : ? gned - fang, Tam 'v ?n-< hlh, of Kla - I it of the Moar-i ? ; former ad? to the ' ? ? ,1 reridei I ? of the ? - ? ? - ' ?.f ?hi-Li met . | sdopi ' ?if A ? - e of ' I Th r* ' ? , ... ron-j'i n which the ? \ n - eg th? xi,-. emahMd ??jutrl ? ." ? for the North ri?.- Brii ionmout ,b< Bru _ I ? H i j.,i ? ?inland ae Ime ?-'"' " ni ? ' * SEEKS RELIEF FOR CHINE?*-?' New York Colon y ??SM? to Aid fSR?M Fund and Red Cross Ai-Kwoh-H*- el, or c , ihm il , ompoi ? ?i of eh Ii ? . peal ' ? n. ' fon i .,? .i Red I ? ? U-K woh-IIwel ? Man ' t. Th?? of ? n the Chin n, Hankoe ?and othi In pal i ? w , an Ii ,,:-: ' bound ? > ?I n . ? ? . , who ? dlati ? aum .1 ' . in man h< i " " ' ? ? ?rimar I A-n.-t i< .n' frl? u ? et? ?> In - ' a REICHSTAG NOT TO GET PACT Etetita, W ? th.,t . ' ? ong . v.-ii . '.i d? i , in llament i;, presentatl? ea "' th? i on ei itiva and , .,r n,. rommltti need Is tbeti n to i "''', i "' 11 AGAIN ATTACKED That Point and Tobruk Objec? tives of Turkish Movement. i EACH SIDE ACCUSES OTHER Italians Tell of Misshaped Pro? jectiles; Turks of Killing of Non-Combatants. rORTY-ElGHTH DAY OF THE WAR. T.'ie Turkish forces attacked Oerns and Tobruk. but were repulsed. Charge-? that Italinns Had put non combatants to the ?word were offset by charges that the Turks had used bullets wilfully misshaped Trii"?ii. Ni,.-.:*,- a rep-sn from gn Italien it ?Derna irai aita.-k.-.l n- < in.? T'ii lu In ? night, ?but that the ? ? Italian ?satpots ? at Tobrufe tren attack? d time, ' , g un iii" mim '? n :?- overed ? of ItaHaag en la a I ,r?ii?.,i state ?? ? .. ronsequance of wonndi bj l?ull.~t ?June h....vl r !'?"i ?til??'?, j .?:- -1 in dotation of the tuU? of s IS k peni ? L'nlted Statei Renate agalnsl elleg t ?<*u i'V ili<? I'aliHn arm* In Tiipol ? h i..- ptlao High ? 'otnmitl ? for ?AM ??> TripeH, ?al ? ? 'airo. The .., i ;, ? ? * r ?, i ?.? ? 11 ti . i r isidenl ?? ? 'Aito. Noremb. : 1T?, i. ?.,..,: ,:,. -Wasl Ingtun, An? : Tin . High < -.nim?'ri? for Aid '?? Tripoli, j?i??tl> Indignant al in? new? of the ties - ntiii-iiti? -i '?' ?M.' Italian army ; in InofTensiv? ?population ?>f m:?"l n t ?,,l ' h I Id '< ? ,,| ,,t ' : ? i ei - rutlon ?if ?persona alleged to - r-' ii? ir natii protest? ener . 11?- Am? ? ? , ? ?. n - unworthy of a The ? " that cItIII - Kation ? ???? ?aggres Lctlon of i ' ? ' siing up ti eatles , ?ttoman i umpire, wrfII at least Indure her to r* ?:iv. ?-?-?inniiiii ?o 1 all clvill* ?i people, snd I ? ? f-ranc? [ofwhlc ran ?ml] aggravate tb? calamUie? ? Till-: PRK8tDE>"T. " VAQUIS KILL THREE AMERICANS. Mexico ?'it'.. x-'V. 18 Three Am? ? k::'--i In ?Sonera? m the insult - . ? .,! ; ; -i ai - ??? ? ?-"' ?S lii.!..if'i:il" ' ? men were mine ?-?ear ?'arbo. The only American whom ? t wag ?given wss Frank ?Lamer, of ?the Richardeeo Con H< iras killed itton of Be ? ato GOV. HAWLEY ATTACKS TAFT Condemning Robnett Pardon, Calls U. S. Prosecutors Usurpers Boise, Ida H Qovernor ?Jaessg H lia? ? ? cd ..-?-~lrOt ? f*''l t-> Hi?. pe?,p|?> ?>f Idaho t-'-d; v, t-r-ndemning the acUos of Its?*'?-ml Taft to ? rig ,? i ?ardon ????:? rdg ? to da W Rol ? -t? bookkeeper In the '? N'a?Uonal Bank, ti Lewistea, i?iai>?? ?Hob* ted of ?niP.?.'./li' . ?si k, ?sad eras -?-r.??-n? ?-1 in '.?i<- i i ?-.ut? ai Idaho Hprfngs, i iffg un prisonment if?* naeer entered ?spoa aorvkm ?? n ijov- r.i'.r Ua I ,- I Mat?* - i t.-, i that the garden of i.oi-i-??? i- a ..-! t?) the pro? ? ?'? - i '-ut. ? - ? ,,.|i-t ,|iii ing in '.? ft four .,,.ir- ?hil tit- ?p-*><*lal a t|??.i"-? iv tii" . States Attorney ?i^n^r?! ng the fun? tf-un? of ih? united ?tat?*a Attorney . nd his a " t*->*n running 11 ? In xvhir >i in ' I H .--.- -.? ?been lnt??rest-*il with a ?ilgh i,.-:i-i >regardleae of jii.?tlrr ,?- .?.?-.?-? I am o? ? ? irprtsed ??? I la ?perde le tttet no .i ? ever done in conniption T? irn nrt? "f Idaho has ? I ?hist'*"? into u ? ?? ? ??'??1> it--- ourts in ,j.|? |*o ?! .. ? .?? ?n ? '?'-i" imp?t ta i ente i, the i pi????i Sra?^s ?*a Il ?er?-""* the regular protneeutlng offWin hsv# bean retln ? ???i-s'.jrjt i ?o the I >ttorne> ?? la-.- - ? ? full coo* tr"l IVIthoul ?!"? sllghteal .--??.I- ,-? -? i stat'. ?ariri; nothing for our ?people, mm? '" . . ? .? ??" Justice, thro? up??, ?al pro I erutors have done mor-? o inrir.? Tdaho ,'.?1 retard It? development etru ? th?* fall --f IM ?i ? ? r~niblned I The Ii this St 'i"?i ??' President Taft. thout doubl '? ????? spomal < will long rankl? in th? minds -r?d win Inspire 'h"n ?rith a ?>? lioi'-um?? contempl I graceful - ? ? -? b a mm ? Af1 directly for li-l? ti'??pesll ? ahlo afi'in. a? h<? iind-tJUhtedly icted St tie - -hsm rldentl ' had be i i wftfe itea in ?sbarg ? WESTCHESTER FARE REDUCED Albai IS, Aa a ?result ?af i he? ? ? ipsiiats Pi ?Isten. Ihtrd department, tbg ?nT-sstebastsr gtrso* Railroad Compaay ?rill N* r?*?-ju!r<*<i to re ' rit;, ?? ;? fan hotw.-cn Nfatr.aror.eck snd ?White ??Plain? from m to Ihre eeata Th .itii-', ?"i s dedsioa sC Jestfee ?Cadt? ran.?. In sn scUon Inatituted bj the apstats ?Public -Service Cbnuni ??riirtng ?h-? ?ion McGibbon & Co. RELIABLE LINENS Glistening Damasks?the background for the China and Silver of the Thanksgiving table. As wonderful as the fruits of the field are Ihese unsurpassed fruits of the loom and nowhere can they be seen in greater variety. Scotch Table Cloths, 2x2 yd? Moravian " " 2\2 Flemish " u 2x2 French " u 2x2 ?? Irish " " 2x2 ' at 3.00, to 2'J\4 yds. at 16.00 6.75, ? x3 ' 35.00 3.00, 8.00, 9.50, 2 ' -. x ? 4".\4 ?3 kJ 22.00 135.00 38.00 D ? ici Size Napkins to match ?ill cloth.;. BROADWAY AND 19TH STREET Flints Pine Furniture TIMELY OFFERINGS IN DINING ROOM FURNITURE I he difference between Elegance and Ex tiavagance is clearly illustrated in our inexpen? sive Dining Room, Drawing Room and Bed? room Suites, the plainest of which possesses artistic value far in excess of the low price, and that subtic distinction which bespeaks "FLINT QUALITY." Prior to the I hanksgiving and Christmas r lo'.idays, we are offering exceptional values in Dining Room Furniture?notably many repro? ductions of Period Styles in English Oak and Mahogany at PRICES EXCEEDINGLY LOW. Geo. C Flint Co 4V47WftT -W-St ?<4-2? West 24*Sx i h,, .lr.t u**hammnt nt n?? Tribun?? I'.np, aaS CMsm Seeaals moa paMkhsi ts lit? Tribune nf O, iob?r U. Correct Answers in the Towns and Cities Contest 12 r iniiiaii, Kans. 1 ?_'.-) ?Tntii-rhiH. Vi 136 Wheeling, 111. Watch To-morrows Tribun:- for Correct Answers to Trio No 43.