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?HEBE Ai GOULD THEIR APPEAL Appellate Division Orders New Trial in Case Involving Lia? bility of Directors. DECISION OF IMPORTANCE Court Holds Calamitous Con? struction of Law Preventing Big Business Men Acting as Directors. Albany. Nov. 1*.?Th?? broad o,ues1lon of th?? Habtltt*" of dir**ct?o*rs of Iras! ciMnpaalei for los.*es <1??r te their .??lle-'rd npRllsm?-?? i" dl??-?;jsed at Joict: hi an opinion by Wnl trr Lloyd Smith, presiding justice of th?? Appellate Dlvts'on, M Dspartwsnt which to-rfay rSTQleSd tl ? ?I? ?sion of Supreme ?"ourt .)':sti??-4 Van Kirk hotdtll? Tlorl?? it !.. 5-attcr'.?,* nr?I O sargt J. OetlM, of New T?srk, ltabl? for lossss ?-.?.allied bjf the Tr ist Compare of th? Republic, of Which xhev ?ere director*, a?? a result of the com pany's r?rt In nttemptin.. to tlnance the t'nited States Shipbuilding ?ompany. The rourt holds thai any <ot!??tr?i-*ti-?:? of law thai WOAM make it Impossible for men ef large business connections to acospt po? sitions on various b??ards of director? ?with? out e detailed knowledge Of the small ?veryday transaction? of the <*orp??rat!on would N? "Httle le*? than calamitous.' With eleven others the defendant? wer? ?ued by rharles H. Kavanaugh. of WatSt*? ford, a stockholder, who nought to recover for tn-ifi s?i?tBtn-d by th? trust ? -ompany through loans made on sfcnrltles of th? t'nlted States Shlpb'tulMlng Company in tK? rummer of 19.**:, makltiK necessary the r * or ?janl ration of the trun? company, which t? row known as the CeSBSaOBWealtt Tniat <* ompany The case was tried at Saratoga Springs In th? summer of 190?. and differed from other ??????khoide***?' n-alt?. pteviously brought ? gainst director?* of n trust rompanv Off Mnk because the ?rust company had not ??'?<?*>" its doors Kavanaufh. who wa? rep r?*?jente-d by Serator Edtrar t Bracken, of Saratoga, sought to hold the tntPOt direc? tor? Uabl? for loss?** su?talned, on the ground that the losses wo?:!d no? have been '?".curred ?f the directors had attoded meet '"S? of UM t?M?t romriny in th? summer ef me ?Judgments Against Directors. Tu-?'^c Van Ktrk decid'?.--) t;i Kavanaugh's tavor not only as to the losses on loans, bat as to J3t*.,iyj0 which D. Leroy Dr???er. pr?s, 'dect of the trust ??ompanv. took with him *?? hsa he went abroad on business in con ?-.?"?t.ion wit?, ths ahtpbulldln** company. .fi'dgments ranging trotp PStfiH IS HtP.OH *-?<*re found aga'n't ??a*'? of th? trnsi paay directo'?. TV-tv R-itro-it, rharl?? D, Marvin. Jam?* MCJaahoa, Thomas ?rim tnme. ?"'harks W Wetmore. William ?. ?Battwta, Rallar-.! Mc'all. Chen?., v \ ?r. Georg? .' Go i, Blbridge G Snow, Herbert T.. ?Jattsrls*. >:<orK, i Bol Pi'iyvesant Fish, Justice Tan Kirk held seen defendant li? eble for loans mad? at any time while he ??as a director, although the losses, result *-d after the termination of his directorship. *nd found iiidgmcr t against .Mr. OouU tor ?" ami a~a' M Mr. s itti rlas foi \s to Mr Sa"er1ee. It was ?Atorara an the thai h* attended an the lassftngi of 1rs ' 'r* exefpt on?, until he went abroad n I " ths noetlBfi aftat his re turn until h? ? ? signed In rig a ''*? Gould vas that ;. dir ? tOf ftorn \t ? ? , igst, Of th. rilfMton during I i t. \. ? ? ? I H Batterie? ghl up ?Vr? ?n?eetJ*on s?|i r a di? rector ?as liable io; . ' by the i,ffl untrj. Th? s * i oand to attend liai ' ?Me, a:i?i ther he i i not faMI th?? r? dut h h? la H?.*?, ni froi i ... plOVl.l? i 1 . h" i makes up 1 ?. a ?att-T ?pari of Un The other foret? d!r?-et.>-s. ?agatasi ?? t a .i?in?i and who had at? t< nded h greater oi fewer analier of ?asset? laa*S, s<*ttl"d t!.?-lr JudgmsfltS and did not ? ? I . warn ? " ?i Justic? Smith's Decision. In Ins 0;.\' banks in Ktw To ? ? -..'st to the et nunltti ' tard the a ipa of the d?' ' M- ? a e*tr?*?**tora gsneraltjr not .?pon th i . itlve eomi : ?t iupp .?? i to lia i a i? l< ?ail'i o;' il.? ? - ? n which are ) <>? subtnlit".! to t'iftn. ri-i? miatom, howerer, ?Joes no! relievo ? T? generelly oi a?' reaponslbllity If bylews t*eq*iiro monthly tuctings must make dillgsnt effort to h ? ireat. They mus? gira t li?-ir best ? a to advance the Internal of th? oor i?oration, both by sdfflee and counsel ami 1 ?" ac?lve )\r.rk ?i b'-lihlf Oi I ? ?? lion when auch work nur tnei lo ????in if si n.rtr meetings oi o h ? formetioi al ruM com? to th?*rr. of Irr???/'! Coward Shoe ?at? u . ?.' ?f? * A Trim Shoe l:or Women Built on a Coward !-.??<t, with an upper graduated to lit feet that are small tbrougb the w a i s L (iracefullv cut and ex? pertly made. Tits par fectly at all points.givinp a biuooth contour over ygj p?rt of the foot Ask for the Coward Combina? tion Shoe. ."??ade with and without Co war uhxlensionlieel. ?OLD NOWMPRB CLtiP .IAMES S. COWARD 264-274 Greenwich 8t.; N.T. iei au ?va11'E*- ?jresari Ma?! Of der? Filled I 5e?ad lor Csulogaa larlUeg In th?*? proceedings of the ?benfe they ?are bound to ink? steps to ?corred tiioso Irregularities. They are ?bound g?*nerelly to ut?e everv effort that a prudent huelness nian would uso in ?ropsrvislng ?big earn affaire. Bnrtngee men of Hew York are prohahlv the busiest men In th?* world. They haTe large business enternrUt? in which |h?**lr first Interest Met und to which their llrst duty l-elonp?. Most of then? are director; ot more than ??ne corporation mid nom?- of them of many, If they are compelled to superrteg the detail management of each ????rporatlon In which they mo director?, or if they ?re deemed to hnve constructive knowledge of guch facts a?? would be ??' ? ? u-'?i i such supervision, it would he wholly Impossible tor them to accept such . ii?i?t They cannot ?gire th? tlm? ,n wat. h the ?small everyday transaction? Of the corporation, snd If chaiK'-aMe With such ?knowledge a* would he ac<*u?red there from th? risk i* too creat for them to run. They ST? then In effect made ,?n?.??.?ralile for the neglect of th? executive oom.ml1 t... to which Ig given thi? duty of ?super? vision. Plaintiff*? contention 1s that they mUSl not then accept the ?poeitlon sa director *t*he obvioug answer to tbla ?contention I* th ?t ihr corporation cannot afford to low ?them, one of the ?best ?tseetg of ? corpora? tion I? the ?idvi'-e ?"id ?aesiatanc? of men lof buatmtga exp?Mlen<*e and ?>t laD?? "u", r.eeg ?connections ui>on l?? board, Their a?l and aaalatance Is of Inestimable value In all emergencies and in determining th?? 'policies of the corporation and In ?counsel Important questions that I arise, Anj construction nf the lau that would make it Imposalble Tor ?uch men to ? ?positions upon various board*? of ?11 ic,|ors would serlouslv impair hoth tue effect I vene? end ?tablflty of corporations, In ?fact, be little le??? than calamitous Not in Accord with State Law. The court h->ld?- that th.? plaintiffs SgSST UOB that lh?* directors may delegate t<> the exo-CUtlV? committee their work hut ?net responsibility is not In accord Wltfe tb? lea Of this Mats The court draw? a ?distinction between the diligence required ?by a direcior generally and g m?tmber of the executive commit t??e. Si far M Hi'* defendant Could Wat OfMK cerned, the eOUTi says, ns a director pen eralty he was charged neither "actually por constructively with the, know led ire of the n-.akiiiK Ot any of these loan?- OT of the collateral upon which they ?were B Mr. Gould -??isente?" to go ,??? ?lie en no ?iiidersiandinir with President 1 that be ah-auM not he eaii'-d ?on to ?attend any of the nuetings of the hoard, but would ?Imply allow the ore of his name In th? ?*Ut*ectC*rate, This agreement, the court holds, wag clearly beyond ?he authority of 1-re "?F er to ?nuk? Tn the case of tbe d?f-?n?*-int hnierle* the rot;it gaya It wOttM seem that he had been thor? oughly diligent, both before his vacation ana after his return therefrom, and with? out fault In taking that vacation he .-??ni'it Im held to have been guilty ot ?ny n?*gH Efiii?? irhlch ?-^?lM hov? ?caused loe? to ,|"* company, The i35,ooo which President Dross?? dree b?fete he wept sbr?->ad. ?he conr? cay-*, ?weg not submitted to the ??scuttvg eommitte?, and th" hoard of dtre-ctorg had no eelga of It "Whatever irregularities D: essor had he'-n Kiillty of prior to thi? time?" ?a? court, "none of then? tnvolv-ed dishonesty ' The court grant?? a n?*w trial, all eon? "lining ? \cf'i?t .Justice Kellogg. who ? ?--?parate opinion In ?support "f *"an Kirk - declglon, ?with modification' LAND RSVBETI TO THF STATT* Contract Between Cornell and Brook lyn Cooperage Company Invalid. \ihan>. Nov. M The state |g <-? >i I to tmg of land is franklin County, whlcli Cornell Dnlvsrslt" ' o\er to the Brooklyn Coop-ragc Company. The Appellate Division. Third D=j artmen*, to-day affirmed the Judgment - f Suprema ?'o'lrt Justice ?Chester? who held that tbe I ?contract between tbe tmivenity snd tbg cooperas* company i si Invalid, and Issued an or? biting th? company from ? ? ; any more timber from the la-'d in en on the ground that ;* Stag I tU? a?fi within the furest pn Xbi ? ? was conveyed to Cornell Cnl -..i" for expcrimei??:? ; put rv. The ? aperttnant ?t-1 I alleu. I neii (niversltv entered Into g ? [whereby it turned ovei ?? ?md to the I Brooklyn Cooperage Company. Th? ? i , then began ver i : of ?the property -. ^STATE REVENUE INTERESTS DTX ' Governor Will Pay Attention to This Subject in Hie Annual Message. o V'.. IS, The o;' ' r ' .,?ii for Increased revenu? from th? state's natural ??sources Is ?receiving t'ig "on of r,??\irnor Dix, who | ,! ?" to-day ?, ? be would dieras? the subject ): his an? nual message to the Legislature ?>uriy In ? ?. The Got ?*rn< r believes I " - g r ge annual revenu? ? ,ii of water ?power for p ibU i and , ' it- utllltleg at a rate Id rep ,1 :?? authorities My thel era ? water power, part i ?arati ra ol th? cai tl sj .stem. ? tai' ?"i i?* a nominal sun the propoeed mutructton of dam? f?>r i1?. ?-??.?. dation of tie flow of gl ? ' bone] iw< r erOl be | nci ?sas? ?i in i*ensld?*rlng the financial nood? of ?he ? nor hi ? ? ? , Iglon ; i -? ?uhjed ?Milch ?ill ?pro? i liu?'?? additional rev?snua -. ORDER SERVED ON BARNES i Directs Commitment to Jail Unless He Answers Questions Asked by Osbornc. ?Albany, Nov ; Th? order ?of gupr-un? Court J?astl<ee Josspl ?4 g, of Gl?eni Kails, dlrsetttlg William Harn-.??, jr.. chslr? i man of the Republican State ?Committee? to -?answer certain gueatlona relativ? to i,h H UUlSitlon Of Stock in the .lam, s |?. L-on Company, of Albany, and produce ?certain i tiooks of th?? Jotirnal Company, of which he t.? r'r-sid?!,t. was served on Mr. ?Berne? Tbe go-sstl-oug w??ie asked by James W. Oeborno. count?? 1 ??> th-- ?Senat? 'omniittee which is Investigating condi? tions in Albany -~'tv and ? -, 1 ? . "*'"r ?' ? ?? i Dmmltx-tent of Mr. ?Bnrees to th? Ubany count? ?i -.n-v he ?eotapHes with the eonrt'g mandats, but '? Is provided that tho ?Aauant shall'not Issue until eight day.? aftei its ?.-r\ V ?. Mr. li?mes has announ-??l that an . will h-i taken. ? - SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Maiied anywhere ?n the United States for $2.50 a year. GOULD RAILROADS BACK OUT Say Airreement with Trisco Calls for Too Great an Outlay. Th- esreement mad? last ?ay bets tbg Texa? ." Pacific and the m. Lnula, ii*on Mountain * ?Southern read i -, and th. st. ?Louis i Baa Ft.,,,eis,,, by which Us J~rlsoo ?rag t?. hav? trackagi right? over tb? Oould line? from M< and New Orleai - ? ?-?. yooj ^ii] ?.,, ade effecilv-- i r,,,,.r t>... the ?io'.ld roaos weic to mak-? manv Im provemeiits. InclmilnK th? laying of K.pound rails and rock bsUeei snd lh.- bulldli tation ,.' i !.i idgi ? . - - ? ? . . .f th? agreement hav-; iiiff.rii.cU lh? 'Ftlsco thet wiii pot d"iu?'r ?them, Ti:?- ?reaaon for declining to mass ???? ggreemenl bin ??xplalne?! to 1-e that the cost ?of makliu* I-- oontempiatsd Improvement? found to I?-*- larger th in II ? 111? time. Ti It. uii'h.!.-'""i ? " a rtaw nfcTe? iu< nt -, ? ?? 'Frisco win ?bull?] it,. own Is cr-nrit-ct llemphlg ,inij Sam ?Orl?ans it n??w -jantrels thi ..''..., ' hicsKi Kellroad. whi'-h i-xtcuds lr??m nit?? T? m .... , ... Un? may he tuM Otk -l to ? A urltsiis. I Spencer Shrieks When Witness Mentions Electric Chair. LOSES NERVE AT HIS TRIAL Alleged Springfield Murderer Cri?e Out for "Truth" and Judge Orders Recess. Springfield, Haag., sor. il Bhriektag. I "Why ??'..n't \?.'i tell the truth? ' M h" j heard "the electric ehali ' m? ? Honed bj g witness, ?Bertram ?;. Spencer, Spring! . ao?ealle? **g*enileinsn burclar,'' who Is ! being tried for ?M m order of MtM Martha R Hlnek'lone, cr?*nt. I at) . \t,;i.*.n|lrnry scene in th? ooortroom lats to day. Thomns r. Blifb, .? state detective, ?sea on tho Hand, t. ? ? , regard to the r.rr?**'i of Bpencer and the prieoneria ai? le**,*,i confession 10 the police Immediately lliereafter. The witness testified that the prisoner exflnim-.l ?after the oonf? - 'Send me t.? Siberia or saywhere yea gse j tit for life, bul don't ?tend ?ne to the ??lectrlo chair." \t the wonlr of the ?Sitnssa BpeU? rrr ?ep.T-orl to Inpo kit .*?- ll f-rntlt f? ?]. He ?prang slntosl out of the prisoner's ease as he ?'homed. "Why don't yo;i tell th? inrthr More Scouts from Snencer. After ih?' turnke* and othtrr olBcora had d Mm I sek into the cnizr, ;?> ?as completely onn**i*red. Ho trembled from bead to foot and cried and mutter? ? ?to himself, a moment later, In tone?, of anc-T rather than of fear, the accused man ted, "Why don't you tell the truth'.'" Spencer'a outburst startled the entire troom. The ?slieBtsts, who ?ears seated near the ?age, Jumped out or their ehair? at the prisoner's, first shout, ?and then be? gan taking roj?i,,'ic toi.? Judge John C . ?ffOOby rr.l?red a r. -<?-??. and Spencer va? taken fron) the courtroom mite??, i pon hli "--"ii p he appeared ??'"?it''- agiti t? d, snd ?- ????.> * ? the remainder of the days sssslon. The ?**ommonwealUi tested at '?*?? ?i of the testimony of the state detee sad Ute <iefe?ic? onened its cas?-. C 1,. Tonna, ?h" delivered the opening ?address tr, the lury, seid that the defence would be Insanity The sttorney tall d in a loud and t|.|*5 had an unnerving llfsct OS, who erept at time?. \* the end of his attorney'. sM.*eM Bp< DOOt him not to talk f> loud?? the neai time hi j spoke Mr. Young revlew?ad the ?sp?E?Mtry of the prisoner, going ha.-U SI fsi SJ the j grondp-?ront?; on t-.r.tb ridel tttornej Gen i eral Bftifl objectod to thla evidence, hut ?.?allowed by I ' Ht Yo.?? g : a'd thai on botl ' ?we had ? . ? The pro- . . ? ? .*? the |ury ;?n slli ted. eon I ?feesloi " from Hi ? ?. .--i.*,., reprsssnta the ?pri?*oner sa ha,-ing adm'tted that he robbed thr of lira Sarah ' Dos < I I ' tt 1910, an.i shot ?and killed Misa Black The conf? In the form of testimony by Captais lohn H, Boyle, of the Springfield Detective Bu reau. Later other ?ritnessi c?or. j roboratlng testimony regarding It Snencer's Aliened Confession. Accoi-dlng to th? ' f ? ??'? fr ief? home about 7 < the 1 Ight i ' I murder, end shortly ?afterward was in the ?. lcin'.ty of th? Dow home. After removing his outer Clothing snd disguising himself, bs enteied the 1 ' \h Sn inl wln?o?-?'. \'?.r wilkln**- throogh ?jereral tm?9<****u gj tncei ?which four women ?were aeated, and d?? mended money. Hs ssld the *? ?KTeained at.'l lumped ip on? taking hold ?if bun snd anoi hah thought he (*ould hee and f. .? ? ?'.!? '' -tl th? I.??'.. ed. BeltoTlng b? cpul? b) ahoutintf liia way OUt, BponOST dlWW bla revolver snd lh*ed. Ha thei rsa out of the ho isa and ?nade nil wsy I >m< through aids streets. AFTER $400,000.000 LOSS Secretary Fisher Wants $100, 000 to Trace Mine Waste. Waa ? Se I a Bracretary or tie interior, Walter !? Fisher, la <?f th.* ? thai ich of the y . It ia ? ed. Is loe! i an ?n? In ?an mining ai d m< talli ?*gl sal In I II Ids estimate? ?. ? ? n.niitt' d to . ? ] . ? tlgat i,< . spend? d ' His sstlm decrsasaa of V ? for army ar.d nary pensiona sn i of nearly ? ...... for General Lmni Office and Indian service work, and increases of more r ru Lionel p irks, of ?' ?"? ? ... i . lasstflcatlofl i ork, of I ?0 000 l r ga Igfa g str?-um? l.y the I ITVOJ . of ROMS tot ?additional t?*-po*gi*apl?le sur and of US M0 for educational work throughout the i nlted Btatea and a. Among new Items In th? estimai ..... an.i (60,006 for a building foi experta work oi u i y the Bureau of .Mines. LOUIS SHERRY SUES BROKERS j Say* He Lost Money Four Years, and Demands an Accounting. L-oula Bfa rry, the restai i-ateur, hn> three suits against the st?i?-k brol ! firm o* Charles Mlnseshelmer & t'o., In - I tlonary account he had with tl.-? Arm and also demands IB?.????? damagaa beside?, ,, . repi entatli Slv rry ?r-|,. from UN to TW he los? g 7.V?. pr,|d $'..,22fi In in'et-eat and | - | ' '? The suit fur ^V?,-?) ?l?ma.f?. SU based on a traaeactton in i aitei States I h< bo ighl i."*? ' bares of tl. oel of the ? -'rroration, whl? ' to be h?'d on .-all thr?? month,. I? ?down to "TV, a tvenk before the tltn* ex plied, v.1. the brokers sold ?Mm out, ha sild. The defen I ? est? riay to compel ? to rnaks hi? third ac?tt-on a ?.it ? ' I is Ont, which is the one for the aooount? Iusttos Beehnr'j denied the motion. ; HEAVY TRADE GAIN SHOWN Latin-Arneri':an Republics Prosperous, Mr. Barrett Reporte. ?--,? IS.?T1 trad ? .??. \., i*.r? I ' 11,700 i.u Inert u a ol '?- i - cording ? annual I ?> 11 of the Dirt 10 John phu .1 b fors at K ? The total ralm ? ge ol ir.,.?, I the othei .-. i. pub] ? ? . i siso i ?? I from ???. ? ? BUYS CITY BONDS FOR PENSIONS. I yet il ?i i I had laTSStad 0O.9M : ???p?riment , fund i beca of ti,. . . tejea?. j.i \hg Iju?a. BUIS STA?E OFF? Prevented from Saving Carnegie Trust, W. J. Cummins Says. TELLS ABOUT STOCK POOL ? Put Up $1,000,000 for "General Situation," Retaining Only Clothes-Defence Rests. William J. Cmmalne M anxious to let the Jury ?which is trying Mm for the larteny el $140.000 know that he ;?nd his a-s ?vela tes I-would ?have saved tbg Csrnsgle Trust Com?? gad the "geneial situation" If th?* Banking Department bad only let them. "Whatever wo ?bad WO put up for the if tbg ?situation." he ?said en the stand y??aterday, "Everything went but our ? lllll" The mjectlon <?f thli doctrtaf tote the an h- ?made to the queetlong r?|t n-*' "frank Moss, Asslitsal District Attorney, m ? t'oss-evamlnalion begSH to nettle Mr. Moss early in the morning ?gegglon. Me was aak lag Hi? irltnem shout th? llabllltle? o? the I'latt iron Wotun, when Cummlna ?re? li'asV" 1 "i know i sdvsnced sbnesi |l,f?|t,d<H myself to the Iron works." "Fleaae don't ?nake ?pee he?," interrupted Mr. IfOSS, "If you keep on talking that [ ?ray t will have to *sk yon where you got thst minion, end this Irlsl win sevsr be Rnished " ?'uir'ins teetlfled that the stock pool, 'which he has said was created for the i ?benefit ??f the "general situation," was ? tarted by the *i 10,000 lent him and his ?as* ? .-oi-lnt? . ?Cummins, ?'ondon and Moon, ?by tbe Nineteenth Weri Hank?this is the be Ii charged with ?stealing?and with the which the wan Ifeeden ; Trust Contpany loaned them The rest of i (he ?money need ?In the poet, be geld, about )3ftg,000? was raised on the personal notes men in the p""1 ?Sad the note? Of the Met 1 Manufacturers' Re eurltleg Company, and the Tenneggee rack? ing and f' gtty. ? "Did you pet any personal heneflt from th? money raised with the pool stock a" col? lateral? ' flske?l Max D. Steuer, eouns- ' fei i'iimm!ni, in ro-dioeet examination ? ;< cent, ' ?ana s ? r--d ? luromlna i , ,???? gg? gtoeb with it winch you . thought some day weuM be worth ?MM a share, didn't y0U""H ask-d Mr Mogg a Uttls i.?..,r. ? i ?srtalaly hai ?-?onfldsnes in th? stock. , ? i wouldn't ?have Kn* ail my ?ftleude ?o I u? It" ?u,.? iritneea ?-?f^i-red ?to i ?arnssls Trust ?id brought the Came m-? Trust Company ?ft-MMM of cash In the of th?; Bears and Ijang'.ey notes ?by I ? ig fi isn ic the ? 'ansegle Trust ? ? ? ?Just ti ~t* not?s. ti ? i- on? of i ' pocket ? t Of these friends and much th?tj ?? their stock, but t that the ' arnegie ??'-'' ' Company had lent all these ?pi 'heir ?stock, some of tl slag unpaid, . ? No. P. asked th? ??"Uit If Mr. Cummin? 'nicht h? sllowed to i teetify I Mr. Bhoemsker, s director ? of the Nineteenth Ward Bank, had been I aeked to act gg truste? of the ii40.c-.i0 which ?started the Ftcck pool ?Bradley Martin, jr., lenl Of the N'lnefeerth Ward Bank. and chief witnesg for the proeecutkm. had i --d been asked, but declined to ad Mr. Shoemaker was not asked to act ?n trustee of the money," Mr. da?adas es ???.. "I a?k"?1 blm If he would act as the repr?sent?tIv? of us four men who horrowed the money, and dlshurae ?t /or us, but he said he couldn't that he didn't time. Then i turned to Mr. M? H vaina, counsel for the 'Nineteenth Ward Bank snd asked bun if he would under to handle the money for ?as, aaylng en Id have a commll nted I. suit with him shout it. but be declined. th? matter wee left to Mr. Martin, :,? and J <" led on 'Milu In nam " Cummins, in answer to a qu-eetlo? from his ? I be bad informed Bradley ? ^as -i iing sIth ? Aftei ? ahorl examination ?>f Orion n ? inking ?Si perfn? i.-, which brought out that "; ? ?? , ?. fu] sasa I en taken out of ? | ? let Company ?luring the ? im'; ? the def< nee rooted M'ANENY TALKS OF TRANSIT i Reviews Leng Struggle That Proceded Solution o? Problem. y Aneny, president of th? Ho? "f Manhattan, delivered ?i leetun last - n the- rar Id tr insil p?j>oblsm ? ' I ?city before a large a idlencg in the Brook? ? f Music. The lecture was "?i-? in the regular course ?arranged ?by ti ?? Tiro? tut? of Art? and Bciei ' a i??'? lea of ti a a?3tlvlties ? -i mission snd the ? of Setlmat? during the Ion,; struggle that ?preceded UM MlUtton ?>f the subnay m. Mr. Mc-Aneny e:iM his duty wan nanner in which the public riUei ?reoognls??d now principles in ?pending conir.?"?s. ?snd that h? had noth thOUgh th? time was not ? " as to reaffirm s??!iu- thing? that i sd been ssld Mr. McAneny n?ain imphsslssd big COU? ??? "u that la letting the contracts f?.r operation which would finallj ??"'tie th v problem tbe dty was not com* 'lie I lull? st ?bid, ?but could ' award the contracts to the ?bidder WbOO? I p an, in? ludlng connecting line? for a single ? fare, bagtg of division of proilts, and other deration? appeared to the authorities ! to he ti?e most favoraW? ?FINGER PRINTS ONLY EVIDENCE i Others in Bnndary Ca??e Who Wore Gloves Pleaded Guilty. ; | dOOf ?'"" the only ' !? Carrara, of No ?. wh-"? went on ?n tl before I ge Footer ?In t?en?rai Sesatong -1 iterdaj for ?robbing t^.?oti worth <'f human ??oui tie Wanamaker Beauty ?Parier? No. Ml Bread*? aj. on the ?nil ? list 1 Phol . r the ?? ? ? s Ith ?Ungei m intg --,i lu tl nt of Captain ?Hauset, irgs of the Bureau of Tdentlflca i.. ii-1 Aquarian, they corre --f < '.triara .- ! -. was not Rooenthal, luneel, In ? i" lot? wen urati Impreeetona, ' rfs tn th? ? . - \y Carrai ? Lb recent proseeutlon ->n flngerl . - sssf of burglei AN APPF.AL FOR CHARITV. go a a ; - ?? Kb t-.-.,, ?jjtue . i - " .,? i . , ? t an n ?? , , . ? ? . snd new ?thi t the i,,.,,i. - ? k ???? iiiioiit dangi r t-, ? -?l'lreti ?sre ready f??r m ? ??? '- Bei ? ... . Charti Organise? Hon - '?? -i le i ? in bet -.? Ith ind te ?nions :.t her ? lari] during II , , in,i-, n ?may hurt h r evsrslghi ? un ? m t- be "-nt ? ?. 1 i ... itreet, und vwil i? ?tekaowMfif, SAYS BAKERIES ARE DIRTY Fosdick Causes Stir at Factory Investigators' Meeting. MENACE TO HEALTH. HE ADDS Columbia and City College Pro? fessors Heard on Fresh Air and Proper Temperature. RaygSOnd H Fo-dle?-.. ?"ommisstnner of .'.-.-?.ants, created g HSgSattOn at th?? hear Ing of lbs V-l Lgner?8mltb ?Tmctory investi gatlon Commission, in th.- City Hall yester? day, when h" Bald lb; ' out of 145 bak-r'e.' on th.? Cast and \\>?t .?ides of the city. Which ?ere inspected bv men of his staff i rbruaiTi all bul ten of th?m were in auch ,i i- ndition of iiith aa to constitute a serious menees to the p?>bllc health. Tl e Commissioner sad that he? was convinced that no Sdequate .?tan'lard of sanitary in? spection ha?i been r"1 -n,? ,v"v''? ''-?' *llft ?Department of Health. "The ?Board Of Health." said Mr. Fo? dtck, "Should at ..nee adopt B standard of sanitary rauhretnents. It ?J?*?-*?' ?"""t nf,,>'' any more law than It has. I think ten m??n. If they would work and were In earnest Shout it. couM handle the situation per f.cth- and Ke?-p th? bakers, up to the stand? ar.!." Mr FosdlCk, In ?Jeecrtbing mm* of the lil-rj., bjg men had visited, said *lutt In s. vente.11 esSSS they were filthy to the point of oauseation. in a third of them an?? mala were found, and with the e.iceptlo'i Of three or four, all the bakeries were In cellars. The personal appearance of the worker? was most und? .?ni.'", according to the Commissioner. .\?ked ?srhat Ids conel;sion? were as th" result or his InspetHtoa, Mr. Fosdick said that ho bstlered there was practically no Ir.spection at all. and that both the health and labor laws were being violated. Fe -?SUSe of rt technicality in th? state laws, he ,aid. f!ie Department <.f Realth had turned Offer the Inspection of these bakeries t. the Btal I i ?epartm?nt, and the latt-r department did rot have enough men to do the work. After Mr Fosdick had stepped Horrn from ths wit:.??'? chair, Professor S?ager, of the polltteal econontl. ?Iepartntent of Columbia 1 'nlverstty. took up the problem of - p'r In th* manufacturing plants. ?Hs said that, as vie?.chairman of the Stale I"m r lover*' I.lability Commission, he had un? usual opportunities to study the ventilation and freak air problem in Industrial plants, at he found conditions far from satis faetaty throughout ths ?Jtsvte. The pre '. aiiinK number of ?i.-k employe? engaged In factories Is principally due, t>?e witness said. t. the lack of fresh elr in workshops. He ?tnc t'- ?sdffOCated license? and regls B of all plants engaged In th? band? I ling ann manufacturing of foodstuffs i itofessor tVlnnloff/, of the Coilsgs of ths ?City Of New York, took the witness <?-i:.1 'and aald bs believed that, fresh air :in I prone- temperature in faetoriea were of | more Importance than the regulating of cubic ?pace, He gdvocated the Stato Bu r'au Of Labor engaging a board of experts could P' Inl OUt the defocte in fnr t,,r\- contritions snd sugg? -? ?i"1 remedy. RAIDS BAKERIES IN KINGS I.oderle Finds Forty in Unsani? tary Condition. Health CtMnmlaslener LsdOTlS made ?aids ?n bakeshops in Rrooklyn from midnight until 6 :30 o'clock yesterday morning. The ? 'ommlssioner was r.ccompanied by half a d ossn Inspectors of the department, and : bout forty bakerle.. were visited. There was complete surprise at every place, as the Commissioner's trip was unexpected. The Health ?"ommlssioner sai?! the In? j ?pe.'Mon trip had been decided on because h? wanted to se? the conditions prevailing In the Rrooklyn bakeshops. What h? fo'ind In the forty or mop? ?Will Cgng* mOSt Of thai dumber to be rioted grttl In ? taw Dr. l/Cderle "There WOTS BUSneroua unsanitary viola tlooa In many of the baBMrlsg visite!," .-ill tl o Health ?*!??loner. When i>sked If there were animals in the ? reliar ?bakeahope, hs said hs had fotntd none on his eeriy moraing fount, but some of the bread p.-m? WOTS In a reprehensible rendi? tion. ?Wlthoul trlvini? any indb-ation <>f his visit, the Health <'ommissloner ?if "ti'lel on the Brooklyn shops. Many violation? had l*een found in ths last week In New York, and in the laa.are thousand or more com? plain?? aboul bakeshops were look?*.! in?o, tiip ?Commissioner ? ?f t: .. thirty or m?ie bakerws recently ottered elosed in Manhattan by the fom mleeioner the principal senltary violations' d t.. do Wi'h the . onditior; of the bakery '. itena la sa well si the plumbing fadlltisa ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS. Tribune Bureau.1 VTsshington, November IS, ORDERS lJJ! SO Th<? foil?.win), order? ABBTl fa -? .t.-e aenoola ? *?." . course iri tactics, tbenc? to proper station: (?Oto??is JOHN I* ? llAMBKm-AIN. wapector gen ? I ? . BTBPHBN M ?TO?TE, roast ar- I n nu colonel ??m \u Hi SDY, 11th ' ors BKN i llfl i| !* . ATKINS ?N ?? rnfaptry; ? rilOMAS ? DC?. ..** itli Cavalry: JOHN B M'UONAI.D. !?'.". , .vair? , .\..m?>N I. )? VRMBNTF.R. LU?'. Il v ii.u \M I M IRTIN, .'I ii.fn itry; :>K ROSE Y ?' CAUEL1-. 11th Cavalry; HARRY R LBl tnd ADRIAN H h'I. ! : MIN"? ; Ith Fl? i Artillery. Captain EJDWAD s WALTON, 1!?th Inr ??? - ? ? ? i. ? .t ] i. ; tain At-KXAKl ?KR E H ll.f.lAM ?. irtertn i ? , liKh ' ?i tali s wit r.i, m p ci niERFORD ?th Ckvelry, ??tailed in ?ul l?ten? ? .i parti I MAHD IN ASHFORD, mad ?n leave of a ? I For! I? \ ?? ; Firs? LI? i THOMA8 .i LE ?RT, medical 11 n ?*.';.'.? .,. | ' ''>''-' i.-> ???? Wl \\ I'.i.lAM .- SHIELDS, to Colin ks. vice First Lieut? nan) BRNEH i' F. KLATER rtttt \ ? '???n>* ,,, Kurt Bt. I'hlirp; Fli -' !.-? ?o. i anl ROZIEXR ?'. lA . m it ..; i ?.;??? i ??' i ? t?n ml ii[?>M.\s If. l"OLKT, medl .... ' ty. to 1 ?ri M Int, ? plain LUCI?fl f.. H? ?FVi ? .??1?, : ? from Fort M ? ??. t.. geni ral ! o pit il, Presl ? i THOM ? u BROWN. *2Tlb it tant) ?. it.>?i. ? i.r M tier. !'. M UiM LEI thre< pin,.?i?, fron ! ? '? First Ui -i?, nant JOHM i I t \ ? -' - ? ion ths, from - IIBNNIN(I . ? col. .m ai in i N a \ ^ A .,? )VE ,|, ? i had the f'-'Uware, N'o? ember - f'ap'sln .1 l(.???n .l.-.irt?.| th.? RJiode Island. November 1? ?., - mrnand the r?et.-n\are I) II. ]' JON ? i.-l'-.l the Tenn?? \o',,.|n),rr ?so; ?. commend the Rhode MM*. - - J, M llOO\ ER, i w .Th*u Kt.i. retisaation a.-,->|.??.i ' M LYNCH, di tached II ? ?aeval ?Sespttel, Ne? I KOTElfENTfl OF ?FARfRIPf Thafol? louring inorementi of ra - la p?9rtsd '' pel tun nt \ltl:l\ BO IfacDoi ? ???i. si N- ?arp?n ?N" ' -fian. SI Hhsn?hit, frit- - Ihi Brutus, at N u : ?? ?? . lb? N'yrtii ''nr M ?????i-, ai Wdiiti - ?? tIU D tl in from ? K m : ' ,,' ',, ? "?'''. trow Boston fur em!??. '" ?*'''?? Uns, ti?.?)i Cristol. ' ? ' tab, i.i i .i y ,.,,i t, .\>w ton, tot ...-'i???, fron na* i ?-u> I ? ? phi?; th? \ i ' ??'' " ' M ? inland. for Shan? ?? I'.il for ' ? ?I , id.. Sanahan, fro M )? Ibal i "i v-.tu m? mander in rhl? f, talati? r?-ei t?m ? Ul In , lit?f I r?u.-utu b?u?al.*!. CU114S. I [WOULD ENJOIN GRANGERS ?Member Ordered Expelled Gets Grievance Before Court. BIG QUESTIONS INVOLVED Case Grows Out of G. P. Hamp? ton's Controversy with Ex Governor Bachelder. Th-* Orangers throughout tbe countr? are Interested and agitated over the out? come of a proceeding that will be hear?l In the BapieMM Court to-dav to enjoin the ?"larksvllle Orange, N?>. HI, New York, from expelling Q?sergS F. Hampton as a member. The Importance of this proceed? ing (,? the aprlculturlnt") forming l he va rhius cranur'fl snd also the National Granpe Is upon its outi-omo may d?r>en?l th? settlement of the political questions to corns hefore the nstlonal contention In ?'olum liiis. Ohio, next week. Ther? are two politic?! elements In the National Grange, the progressives and tbg ?Stand-patterO, The first clement st? a?l vocates of the initiative, referendum an<1 , recall, and also f? vor reciprocity with ?'an- | ada, whll" the stand-patters are opposed : to all these things. Hampton, who Is j asking for the Injunction against the Clarksvllh? grange. Is secretary of the j I'onferen?'? "f Pro?ires<-I'.o State (?ranxos. | an organization within the National j ?'?ranne, and in which six states are repr?- ' sented, making a membership of ahout twe hundred thousand, according to Hamp- 1 ton, or half of the membership of the | National flriins?'. Hampton says that the purpose of the stand-patters Is to prevent him from taking any fart In the national I convention In ?'olumbus. The trouble began when Hampton, w bo Boot at No. 2 West Mist street, wrote an J opep letter attacking Nahum Joslah Bach ?elder, former Governor of New Hampshire. , national master of the Patrons of Hus j haiidr?', as th? ?'.rangers are officially j known. Hampton saM In th's letter, which be had published In "The Michigan Patriot," I that the executive committee of the na? tional organization had entered Into a con? tract with the concern wholly or partly controlled by Mr. Bachelder. which con- j trac? called for the expenditure of ?*50.0C?V and made It an obtigattoa upon the n?, \ tlonal body. Hampton also crltlvlsed gen- | I eral 1 y the management <?f the affairs of the National Grange. The friends of former 'lovernor Bachel? der came to his support and resented what they called the "false and malicious' statements of Hampton, charging malfea? 1 anee In Um ?".raupe ?harpes were tiled I against Hampton by B. O. Secor. at th? re* ? quest of the National Orange and the New ?York State Orange. Th-SSS < harge? wer? fled with th?> defendants, the ClarkSVflle drang-*. Hampton pleaded -"Justification and pom? *on.?X??> words of testimony were taken at his trial one of his witnesses was Sen :ii"r Otwdtah 'Gardiner, of Maine. Tho de? cision was In tsvor of Hampton. Put ?Secor appealed from this decision ex? culpating Hampton, the appeal going to ?the executive committee of th? gtats Grange. The latter hodv ordered the fitste Grans? to find that Hampton was guilty. H THE PRUDENT INVESTOR does not risk his principal In specs? latlve enterprises bat seeks sn Invest? ment wh ch is unquestionably safe. No Investment is more proritatl?, | in the long run, than our Guaranteed Mortgages. You can put out, at any time, any i amount from $200 up with the pro | tection of our guarantee. No investor has ever lost a dollar ?o^-^OKTaA&E (?UAlUVlfTEE (^ Capital a Surplus' . ? 176 B-wn y. s. T. 175 gems-m St., Bid--?. _350 Fulton .St.. Jamale-. tak?s ex<*#ptlon in this rullnr. ?aylrg thai In a caso of the kind the complainant ha?| no recourse t?> appeal, as It placed the mm under charge? In jeopardy for the time, and besides that the ?tsaeutlvg com. mlttee hail only the pogg?r to order s ne<v triai ?nd not the ?summery ?Jtsmk the man under charges. Baavptsn gags 1n his pet'tIon, on whl-?H ho obtained in tho Supremo Court vaster. ?lav an order that th; i'larksv!!!? ?ir.nfs ?bOW why It should not !?? enjoined from ?xpel!lng him, that big ?zpolatos w? i cause him to lose his j- ? ? -t-y ,-,?? the ?'or.ference of Prog em hhtt? Grange? and the ?salary that g?Ogg wph that job. and ?gigs ho will lose g\\ the be-, ?SfltS that he would enj?iy from his pre?. SneS at the national convrntlon Mr. Bee ?beider ha-? declared that Hampton ?a?, a "profes-lonal promoter," which '?- ?o*-? not den?.. - m ? - GETS HIS INCOME INCREASED J. A. Ghaloner's Share from Estate Now $17.000 a Year. John Armstrong i'haloner obtained p*r mission from .Justice Blschoff yesterday t-> re.-eive an additional |20?X? a year from the (hanler estate, which makes his Income from that, source ?17,?X<? a year. ChSl?S?r has noade his home In Virginia >?-, was declared Incompetent In New fork i"tate. sod th? appll'atlom for the In? creased allowance was mad?i through Thorn*? T. Sherman, who Is the commit'.-?-., "f the person and property of Chalorer. The ?reeeon ?? f?*<rth for the requeu for the additional allowance was th?*. ne-wled the money ?for the In nrovement and upkeep of his farm at Cob? ham. Va., and also for travelling expenses Two pliysldans have advised fhalon?" that 1t wo?ild benefit 'rim to he away fioet his farm at least naif of each month. Dr. lyon'$ PERFECT Tooth Powder \ Used by people of refine i ment in every part of the world where the use of the tooth-brush is known, for Almost Half a Century. A Day "For Remembrance^ Just Fifteen Years Ago The John Wanamaker Store Came to New York i With thirty-five years of learning how to keep store hack of us, we came to this city ?at the time of its con? solidation into Greater Xew York. It was the beginning of "greater things" in business. In these fifteen years the city's population has more than -doubled. Nearly all of the great sky-scraping office and business and apartment buildings have been erected. The Manhattan and Queensboro bridges have reached over to Brooklyn, and with the great subways and the tunnels under the rivers, and the electrified suburban traffic,- have brought ten millions of people into one great community. No Lusitanias or Mauretanias or ( )lympics were dock? ing in our harbor ?even ten years ago. Xo aeroplanes were soaring over the city and circling around our high buildings. \o wireless was zig-zagging through the air saving ships and expanding commerce. In these fifteen years New York has actually made itself over into a city that is now the greatest city in all the world. Has This Store Kept Pace With These Great Advances? Will Xew York kindly use its ten million eyes to see for itself i llore is the new Wanamaker building, which the fast growing business demanded and which gives us a store tripling the original A. T. Stewart equipment. Here are stocks of merchandise and business facilities within these great buildings which were never dreamed of in A. T. Stewart's day. The story perhaps has ?never ?been ?told, but it is a fact, that two months after ?lohn Wanamaker took over this business in New Von it waa put on a profit-making basis. Today it is the largest of its kind in \ow York Citv, and the month just closed ?showed the largest volume of sales and the largest increase in the history of the business. Upon Opening the ?Store November 16, J896, We Said: 'This is not to be ? Department Store,' but an aggregation of stores, each complete of its kind? an evolution of the ideas that made in its day the store of A. T. Stewart the model retail store of the world." This original promise lias been rigorously kept nri't faithfully ?dfeveloped? for Here Are the Great Specialty Stores of New York All Assembled in One Convenient Place- In the Very Heart of Greater New York Without losing the personal sen ice and individuality of each, together these Specialty Stores iorm a co? operative merchandise power that, ?we bdievc, is without ?parallel. John Wanamaker Broadway, Fourth Avenue, Eighth to Tenth Streets