Newspaper Page Text
?tVem-?lorl? ?Urtbune. THURSDAY, NOVEMBEK 10, 1911. 'Huit ne te n paper m t,ttntd cid pn?V ttmheu hy The 'iribunc. Axsnciation. a ftfte York- corporation; Og%Ct and prin? cipal plate of hu-ine.t... Tribune Huibl ton. Bu. 164 Vtnttee ttreet. A?"' York? Opeen MBit, pruet?uut; Opeen w '?'?"?'? itmiuiu; Juuuut M. novrrett. Ueutterer, Ihc addrts? of (he offieer.? is the office o} thi? Hcicspapt r r. t-tMi.-tni? >X i: Mail. '"?'? New T?k: -, I Hunda) . uni- nu mi. .'Al, l'.i . sn?l -Sund i six m ? ? ? * " 1 S >?>m!i. ? .?S .?:??*! ? '.' ;. . ., -?' luntriee ta the ; -'.aer. ?1 Wl'i-IM V ; ?, _ ?v. Ith. S! ".: ? - '??'.51.W bi >x.ol ?'.??-14 '" i:-v OHL? .,.,.,? -,-.ti.>?i ,03 ci ? ?i.-o ? a S i'1--* DAILY ANU SU SU O ??ne month.t ?.?'? On? y*?i . ?H??*" OAU.V ON ? ne month.? .."-? ? ? ??>'?"" BlND ?.-s (?ne month. ....# .70 lO ??' -,s Knterert ?t th? P - forte ?*? TES M WB TEIB MORXIKQ. 1"<?RE1?'N.? Yuan Shih-k.-.i assutn?-?! the Premiership of China, The ?United States government has virtually decided ?to send one "regiment ot noldiers Irom Manila to a port near Tien-Tain to guard the railroad between that point and Peking - - under the dominan ? o' tleneral Chang, the Viceroy, a reign ?t terror for rebels has been institut? 1 ir, Nanking. - - --"- The Turkish forces in Tripoli attacked Dorna and Tobruk, but were repulsed. - ?A ?'anadian Northern expies.1-- wa* wrecked at La-ly smith, between Regina and Winnipeg; several ?paeeengera were injured, none fat?>M\. F.dgar W. Mix, tne Am? r i? an aeronaut who committed suicide ?on Fundar, left letter? telling of his in. n tal depreaaion und O? his fear that li? was losing his mind. A national Btnke of miners in England was tem? porarily averted hy the failure of th?' men's ?delegates to order a referendum. DOMESTIC r.csident Taft went to Frederick. Md., to addreaa th?- A?****?oclated Boards of Trade ol ?Maryland PrfcKM penalties aiono are provided in Democratic amendmonta to the Sherman law to ?be lntrodu?ced in Congieeo; the "rule ?if reason" interpretation also II eliminated. The Senate C-ommlttoe ??n Interstate Commerce began Ita hear? ing* on proposed anti-trust legislation. (Veiiora! Allen, head of the army ?igual ?<>t*if-. deplored the lack of ?le vel'.pmi-nt "f aviation and wireleoa for Msr use hot, The Appellate Di? vision of the Supreme Court Third ?De? partment, at Albany, reversed the <le elFioti of Juattee Van ?Kirk lidding Her hert I?. ?Satterl? ?>rge .1. Gould, of New York, formte directora of tho Truat ?Company ol th? Republic, liai?!-- for loss.s euatalned by the trust companj while they v., .?.?-,; the ?court or? dered a new trial ol the caae which In? volve! the question of liability of dl !e?t?i- of trual oompanlea for loeaee ?in-* ?l negligence. Will lam Harne?. Jr., ? al Albany with th? courl order of Justice Joseph A K? llogg directing hlip to a i by Jainee W i ta?bori a In ti?e Inveatlgation of Albany affairs. The Se.rri.iiv ,,f the Interior, in asking -, i .* i?m.fu?'? t,, |n\ ?en! i--:ai-> ml thai MOO,. \\-'c I? al annually ? ? Governor ? ?, \ || ?mi., i? : ?B? 'I to inter!, i ? ir nrj < '. Beat 11? |r., and the ? ? i .? ? mg ?v Ife murdei ?-r <?i hair waa awept -i \ a \ . I ? ? - ? ????> ,\ ;:c'?i , ?. ,i ,,i i i,.,,?,.mon, Minn ? IT Y ? The ?;a,,.,.??? ?' ? Company gave notice t?? its ? th? pi"i"' tlon "I shnre.? i\ ? ? under t he diaaolution < 'ominisaioner Edwar?! - ? ? - \\?nil?i i?? m normal condition \v?'<i ,. \ maple tr?ee fell In ? 'it.- H,? ?ring three ?people. A fourteen-year-old boy, on trial ?oklyn for burglary, confeea-ed that ?he ?had ?robbed ?So many places he could not t? mem) ? i .ill of ?thorn. The Pennsylvania Rallroad'a needa <>f rapid ira nail to and from Ita etatlon have led to g reopaning of aubway talk, and the Mayor said the queetion was far from eattlod. ? 'ommlsi loner Fosdlck told ? ? factor- lnv?88tlgatlng commlsaion that tils examinara found a largo num ?bei ol b.ik- riea filthy t?. the ?point ?>r nauaeatton. The Stat?- Federation ol Women's Cluba pul ?n a busy dav at its convention: one if the important things dona was the raising of $n.iV>0 for the organisation^ fund for the ?"?duration of gitis. The uncle of the little child whose body wag round in g pile <?f building m.?tori,-,I Tuesday night offered ?: ?reward af ll.l. for the artest ,,r the automohilist who was responsible for the child's death \v. j. cum m lna blamed the State Hanking ?Department !?->r preventing him ?from ?saving tho ?'ai r?gie Trust Company an?! "the general eltuatlon." Important Issues In the National Grange an- Involved in Injunc? tion proceedings ?begun by ? member to prevent his ? gpulalon. THE WRATH I *F< Indications for to? day: Fair. *riio temperature veeterdav Highest, 14 degreee; loweaL 1 VALUABLE SEEViCE. Thf? ?onM.'ir.tly roilpiate?! <oiit?nii..n of anti-conspTTntionims that ?exploratton will not be ?-?mducted nnlssa the whole rotun? for d-lseorery is seem-ad to ?the pxploror, ?n?l that ininrral ?deposita SS? l-eolally would never be fourni and (!?? velojiod under a ?eoBsarrstloa ?poiky, i*. M'mewbat siiiklngly ?ns?,v.-i-?'?l hy il? (ieologi.-al Survey, which huv Jtggt CflSd? jitihiif inform;'tion ?regutllng probable ?deposit?", of oil 11 Illinois. After examin ing a consiih-rabl?' portion of the state In co-operatl<in wnh the Illinois ?Ooolngl? ?al Nurvoy, the lona I Survey has ?-.. mod a bulletin n??t only pointing out localities worthy of ?bsiug l'-le<l fog oil. l?ut also ?unjiiia-i/iii- the hutdviaablUtj ei inr^stinp: l.-n-j.- vnm^ lu boring m ??liier sf-rtioiis, ulii.-h. from tlieir g??ol?i?'i ?al f??rruati?.ti. ?prwtMil little proaped ?'f a return (?ii the (BT-SOtSMBt BstfgriiBg i-? this infoniiiiii.iu. iiie gar ?gf ?tiinoiince- that it? "ti]?" is largely fog th?- of jireventiug random "wOdoattlag" in ?onpro*nlsli)g lerrit'Ory ?iii?1 of jiroiiiotin-_ ?InatOSd "exjiloratiou ?n ?areas whose r-*?k siructur?' ami ?other "geolOfk fa.iois h?il?l out greater prom ' i-?' for th?' o<?(-lil-|eli?e nl' oil ))ools." TkC Bureej ealls attention lo i he ^reat ? Of iiKHK-y w hi? h rasultod Iidln "wUdoStttaf" in the vicinity ?(f Car lyle. III.. :ift?-r I he ?li?tci>veiy of oil then last ?tpriaa*, aad says thai this wasta H **iin golug ?m in sections when tlMTS is STSry ituli? alioii that it ?an result in nothing hut dlaappOlntOMOl and loss. No l?r?'t?'ii'?' is mail?- a goologicfl hiirv?'y will ?liselose tiie ucttinl jiresenf-e of oil or /.'as, ?M it is polatad <?ut Hint such | survey wiil IMblt Hi*' ?'??tititry I.? he assorted int?? favorable ami un f.noral.l?' t?'rrlt??r\'. Kven I hat, as ev?'fy 0M who has had any expcrieiu'?' *,\ith ?wibhiittlng" iiniHt ajtprwlate, will pro? mote a great saving of useless eiu-rgy und ggpcadllan aaf will rosuit, mor?* ??rer, in the d?'ve|o|ti!iont of oil and pas it, -?-'-lions whfr?' its jirosonce i*' oftSfl wholly iinsus|??ct?'d. The fH.-t is flial ni"-' "f th?' ?voi'k ?liiiH'-by the old fashion?-?! pTOSpSCtor ha*' beeii wholly unseientlile. It has been largely (?ambling. Mon possessed '?f some moans wars willing io grnbatakg ? man with very limited Knowledge ?t geology mori'ly as a sporn la i ion. Men ?iH?'ii li?s| their lives in the search for mineral wealth, and a far larger number hei.itue so thoroughly imbued with th?' gamMIng spirit Uni ?hey were fil for nothing gist, Then? an?. Indeed} too) t ?ties in iiu? vicinity ?if th?? Rocky iaoun tSlnS wl'.ii-ll do D??' possess nix? or Dior?' ?1.1 and broken down prospectus, whol? ly Ineapabla of w?pt*k, living chiefly by charity, hoping always to find some one f?. umbstake tliriu and ever drcamim; Of the time when they a\t 11 "strik?' it rich." If tin? <;?'olotri?'al Survey can substitute for iiiis ?random method "f ' |.i..*|i?'?-tii,'u one based on ?identifie knowledge and Intelligent examination !??f surface conditions if will render a I valuable service and incidentally do? ;m?iistrate ihe folly of ??ne of the ariru '' nicnis moot often brongbl against tbe i cotiser* stlon policy. I Hi: si It WAY Ol E8TI0S. Reopening the iubway question is [again talked of. but in a sense it has , never been closed. No bard and IM |conlrari has been made. An operator ' f??r tl??? suliways hein?_r constnictcd will j have t?? he obtained il public gnction. If | negotiations will make them, <>r pan*- ?>f ? ihi'iii. attredlve t?? two bidders. Instead ol one. s.? nui? h flu? better. There ifl DO j I'li.teciioii io keeping tbe subway qnestlon ! ??pen s?? long as Its being kepi ??pen ?jogg i not mean what H formerly meant, delay | and endless dJacuaelon tbal got nowhere. I Bui now. while liie Inter!?..r..i!:_l) Rapid Transit Company i< being lured to tbe : ? ousltleral?.?n of its own advantage, tbe i work that has been agreed opon may be . carried on toward completion. ?Controller rrendcrt?nst is quoted to tbe : effect the! no member of th?' Board of Estimate la Mtisfled tbal tbe lolutlon adopted last summer is tbe beal solution. : m? members would be stupid. Indeed, If : they regarded it us ideal, it was tbe I.? ?i practicable at'that time. If it "an be Improved. ?"> rnncb the better. Everj one ?s' convinced of tbe dcsirahilitv of extending th0 present subway nptheeaai siile gnd down the west *.??h? ..? Manhat lan, F'.nt thecltv must n??i pay too much for its advantages. One waj of paying too much for them was going endlessly without rapid transit facilities while the InterhoronKh company was maklnc up its niiti?!. That <??*-t i*- no longer in the reckoning Tbe city will have a new SObway, and | good ?me. whethci' the In terborougb company ?p?o<saesse8 any senee or not. STRIKES AM) PVRLIC EMPLOY ill. ST. Tbe principle thai striking public em? ploy?e lose their places is fair and just. There is a di*-lit;?'i i??n between all the rircumstances <?f public employment and those of private empli -ymeiM ?liai I leaves the strike w i u < * 11 la ?generally re? garded as Indispensable to workmen In Iprivate employment with no place In public employment. In public employ? Imcul the law Itself protects the work? man's tenure of place. He ;s dependen! [for tbe permanence ?>r his job on no one's whim ami on in? one's capacity to [sneered. Hi*- appointment Is due to merit alone. He doet nol need to know ? some on?? ?m ih?> Inside to ?".?m a job, and ' his employer. n??t being in business for the sake <>f profit, is invariably just. If not, imieeii. general*, workmen in pub \ He employ are generally better i?ai?i and work sbnrter hours than do their fellows ? ?!? private employ. Humanitarian coiisiderationi invariably weigh more with tbe public in its ?a ?parity of employer than with the av?r? ai:?' individual or corporation employing ' labor. And If the public Itself wer?, not extraordinarily conscientious in its treat- j Imen! of its working people legislatures-! keen In all matters where large bodies of voters are concerned, might be trusted t<? provide for their welfare. Pension systems, which are the exception in pri? vate employment, are tbe rule, ai least here, in public employment Thai i- only one ?'iivnmstaix-e Illustrating the differ? ence between pni?ii<- and privat?? employ? ment but it is ?typical. ?Collective bargaining, of which tin strike is the weapon, is essential in tbe dealing of the laborer with tbe private employer. It is a regrettable, ? rude and wasteful necessity, bringingon havoc and Buffering right ami i * ? 11 : ii la as ugly a fad as war. bul it is still a necessity, It is an absurdity In public employment. with it? uncommercial purposes and with the employe himself, as ?\ voter and member of the atete, assisting to make the very terms <?f his employment 7/7/. TREATY MAKING POWER l\ GERM AR Y. it may i><> hoped that tbe latest en? largement <>f parliamentary authority in Germany will be more enduring than another notable "new departure" was not long ago it win be reca1l?Bd ??hat there was a formal and sententious an? uouncemenl thai complete ministerial ?responsibility to the Reichstar*, not ex cepting even the Cnancrilor, had been established, and this was declared i?? Im the greatest constitutional change siiio the foundm?* Of the empire. Thai esti? mate of it ?would have bean correct if tbe ?Change bad stayed mad??, lint it did not. In a few months, or perhaps week*-, i' wa< foigOtten, and BOW iiohoily would venture t.? ?recall it to g?rions attention. Vet we cannot help reaoembering it. now that another such announcement is made that henceforth the ratification of tbe Reichstag wHl i??- sought for all ?treaties \\iii?-h Involve heavy expenditures and affect the vital interests of the nation. The latter change i** Indeed in smne respects more momentous and significant than the former wonhl have been had ?t really heeii effected. It will not he so ftoqnenUy operative, hut when it does com,? ?mo effect it win mark a greater assertion of parliamentary authoritv. For the treaty making power I*? 0Q8 Of the tldngi t?? which ?the - town <?r its min ???try has in?i*-t jealously ClUUg. Th?'i<* ate ?4?ivernineins under which ministcr?. are fully i'esp??nsilile to parliament and y?-t under Which the Crown makes treatteeal win and parllamenl has noth? ing i?? say gbont them. Tiiat is indeed widely regarded In ?Europe as the correct system, and we have frgqoentJy known the American system to bi ?sUfeTOfUbh criticised, on the ??round of the unce, talnty of the fgtg "I treaties which gftel being ina<Ie an?l signed had to run the ??autlet Of the Senat?1. Yet liere is the Qerman government of ail the m?oat Jeah'us gf the prcro-ra lives of the Crown. Voluntarily adoptini the American sys tein in reapget of it- moai Important c??n vcnti'ii.'-. The precise Lnsp}ratlon ??f this raaaari*? ahle Changa is not disclosed. It is oh? \ i<ms. however, that II inn-i have ha?l Its rise viry C?OM to the ini|ierial throne, and there is I plausible suspicion that Hi?* refill |?iirilaiiH'iitnry escapade ot th* crown prince and the cooaaquebl ?pa? tonal rebuka had ?Brach t?? ?i<? with m. 'J'ho prince- ??ertainly ?li?l a?'t In an ex? traordinary way: precisely as ihoiiu'h h ?WON I froc Bad iiule|??'ii?lenl privat?' citi? zen, and not t lio heir to the throne, ?bound j fa*-t h.v non-partisan <?Mi_;ith?iis. lili fal her is. moreover, the las! man i?? ? lit* J world to let such an ? s<spade go inn'?' ?Heed, it is true that be himself, in ids ?lavs as a prime, did no) bealtate t?? ?'is plsy gntaajonlsni t?> the potleleg ??f his father. Hut that waa anot lier slmy. and it all happened I long time ?i ?_'??. The ?pateraal ?rebuke cannot? ?bow-ever, eoneeal the ?significance of the prince's .-M tlon and <?f th?' ?manner ??i which 11 bna been re?-oived by ? large ?pari "f the Ger? man nation, it is ?possible ?bul n??t pros ;.bio that the ?prince would bare done ??s he ?lid if he had n??l knoun thai In- WSI thus firing <'\|tri'ssi<ni to ihe sentiments "f millions <>f Hermans n Is Incon? ceivable thai tin* enthusiastic approral ? ? his iiiiiisi i-clin?! which has followed ?has had its origin in Ihe Issi few ?lays land is not the outbreak of a long-cher I ?Sabed rasenttnenl el what ?Is thoughl i<? be a surrender of Cern?an ambitious to the opposition <'f France snd Enfland. ?Thai resentment may ?be ?groundless, bul that ?t ?exists is undeniable And ii may 11?? thai ihe Emperor snd hi*- minist?**** think it prudenl t<? racognise that fa?:, and. while rebuking th?' prince for thus voicing popular ?sentiment, '?? ?lire very ?popular i< Dtlmenl en opportunity t" in? eti'eetiveiy expressed in lin? Reichstag. Whatever it- ?origin, tbla radical change in the t?-niian constitutional system, if maintained, will ?be an interesting devel? opment, especially as denoting the pr?? ! r?-ss which is being made inward uniform ity of ?governments! method? throughout j the world. What ils effect will be Upon the foreign relations of Germany and upon European diplomacy ia food f?r I speculation. There is reason t? ? expect, however, thai the effect will, on ?.he whole, be ?salutary. The participation ot 11Ir-e parliament may in ?some cases ad as la <iet?'i'i'eiii or an obstacle to treaty making, bnl there ?can benodonbt that it will greatly Increase the force and pres? tige of a convention In hare it ?becked with the gpprovsl ??f the elected repre eentattvee of the ?nation. Ami, of course, it Is logical i hat the nation should ha ye snin?* voice in th?' direction of it-- ?foreign ; relations n*- well as in the cninhni Of ' home affairs, s WHY B7IX8. The ?flnal settlement of the Bo-called ! Gennan potash dispute ??ut <>f court, so to speak, ?s a d<ecided ?triumph for ?sane1 diplomacy. Those who may ?recall 'ho histrionics which attended ?ihe dtocus simi of this question nearly ?9 vear a^o. the ?hysterical demain) for a tariff arar with Germany, the impassioned denun? ciation of Germany an?i the appeals ?o the ?Department <?f -State to wield "the big Stick" ?nay l.e BOrprised to find the annoumrement of a final ?settlement; a?p psrently ntlsfactory i?> all ?ronceriiMd, in j ?a ?brief cablegram ft? in Merlin. Throughout the htssted ??period of ?the < ontr?>\ ersy Th?' Tribune refused to ?be? lieve thai a rate war waa Inevitable or t?i take ai their ?face vain?* the exag- ' gerated ?representations of those who. believing Ibey were lo suffer a ronsld ?rable lorn of proflt, d?eriared that * ;<? .? ; many had been ?guilty of bad faith and sharp practice, ami who rontended that , ?nothing short of ,-i larilT war of the; most Miter character would serve 1.? ; avenge the Injured ?honor of the United States. Certain Americans ?had driven a do-j cidedly shrewd ?bargain with rertaio i German potash producers, and -Getmany, ex<T<i-;,nu ?her unquestionable right t" control tin? exportai Ion ? ?'' her own prod : acts, had sought by legislation to nullify the ?effect "f the bargain. It was not a piensan! situation, inn it was ?obviously one which would yield to diplomacy and ! oven lo spirit of fair play on the I part of those interested which was per? tain t<? follow the heat and anger of! disappointment. Time has proved Ihe Icorrectness of the moderate rlew, The' Department of state refused i<? ?lose Its ?bead. The entire question has been set 'tied. American Interests are not to suf? fer any material injury. The contracts which occasioned the trouble have been cancelled, bnl under rondltlons which mitigate Ihe hardship of the cancella? tion. Tin: WXO 1 w? shout h m h ?>/: (I Sl()\. Pear Is expressed thai the Commerce Court's rejection "f the interstate Com? merce Commission's solution <?f Hi?* long and short haul <|uestion. which has been agitating the Intermountaln ?states and cities, will ?necessitate new togialatlon ami have |he effect of throwing the rail roada into Congresil again. Bui this ?does nut ?seem probable. The Commerce Court's decision upholds Ihe law. The constitutionality of the long end shun haul provision, Which was severely Im? pugned, ?- fully ?sustained, it is only t.? tin? way in which thai elatis?* is ap? plied by th?' Interstate Commerce Com* mission that the court objects. Ti:?? ?langnage of the ?'??urt's ?fle-cisloa makes IN criticism perfectly clear: The ?sedera ?sought t?> be enjoined do not establish absolute rates for either the long or abort haul or pi?astilbs#the extent, in dollars and cents, that the short haul ?rate may exceed the present or some definitely fixed long haul ?rate, but they <i" establiah a ?relation between any long haul rate thai the ?airier may juit Into ?t!? cl ?and the short haul rate, determining that from gone <?ne the Western short haul rat?? shall not exi-e? ?I the long haul rate, and that from lonea two, three and f?nir the Short haul shall not exceed the long haul r*?te by more than 7 per ?cent, IS per ??tit and 21 per ?Sent, re:-p? ?lively. In so far as the com? mission attempts thus i?, determine the relation of th.- long ?and short haul rates, irreepe? ii\'- of abaolute rates, it goes be? yond an'- authority that has been vested In it. That is to say. the ?nommiaetan cannot, ?according t?? the ?COtirt lix rates relati-. .-? ]y and ?declare that one rate must he a i'ortaln per ?Cen? of the other. Inn must fix. each rate absolutely, namely, in dol lan ami ??-iits. not in ?percentages, The ?task is thus made tn??r?' laborious, hut it would not he impossible, or so nearly impossible, as to paawjre amendmeal "t the law 1 01 LI or OR?ES. The increasing Inclination of a large ?sari ??I our population to sympathize with criminals is innlcleotly ?marked t?? ?cause serious eoocern. \\ ?? do t>"t mean merely the lral?-nd/.iiti<>n between the mob ami law-breaking strikers. That is bail enough. I'.ut it |s not tin- WSTBl There is manifest a similar iiiiliiiHli??ii to take Ihe pott ?if almost any ?riiniiials sgainsl th?- police, nn?i always to )?<? <??? ?posed t?? the polks, N??te the Incident of Sunday night In llaih-m. when a mob of two thousand tried to ?reOCtM ?two pii* <.?u<rs and, failing that, lo murder tin policemen. The uflaonaw wen? aot strikers but supposedly. ])i<kp?.?k<'ts It may be Hint they were ?iiii???-i>iit an?l bad been attested ?ander d inisapp?-ehensl??n. inn that did mit matter, rot the m??i? ?I'd not know tbal t !???*? ojopto innocent and had m? reason for Irnarfntafl It The mob supposed thai they wer?- purs ? austoben and ihai Ibejr were being ar? rested tor that crime, ami ll took their ??ni against tbe indice, it eras not a unique oreurren?. ?>? the contrary, it was ;) mere example of what has often happened before, of what is llkdy I?. happen al any liin?1 Bild of what seems to lie Increasingly likely t<> happen. Tne ominous fad Is tlml i" some way tliere has been del ?loped i? this community an eitenalve ?nit ??f criminality, or of sympathy with ?-rime, at lea-? ihe police attempt to enforce tbe law. In some parts ?if th" city ii ht one <?f tbe easiest things to raise a hue ami ay against a policeman. ?ven 1.1 ihe extent of murderous vi<> ?en? e. It may n??t I?' so mm Ii direct approval of clime as it is disapproval <?f p(,iii'o snppresaion of crime, but thai amounts to about the same thug. Tbe origin <>f this pernicious < -1 ? 11 is more or leas oborure, and is probably complex, (if its evil and mena??' there ?an he no qitestloU. (itlicers of the law ougfal t?* i?e instinctively regarded as the friends ami ts i as tbe enemies of Ibe people, if they are not, there Is rouie thing radically wrong, which enormously I embarrasses the administration <?f law and the maintenant ?? ?if order ami dl? icctiv encourages ?rime, a state of .?r falrs is Indicated which demands the m? *i serious attention ?if the police and the criminal cusirte, and also <?f all who are practically roni*et~ned in tue social welfare of tbe community. THE T \LK <>t' Till: l)\ ). \ vis:i t.. Spw Torito Bureau .?r Nat? uralisation i- slwaya productive of ?i ~. oi smile, i:.ntly a man e?lUi .? name aome thing ii!??? Zebrttakowylltla toi.i in- frienda ii<? liad been in ? country long enough to Warrant him in t.,kini; mit his ?iti/.cn si ?;. papei*-. "Sign your name for me." mid a friend v*. ho ?pretended t.. have Influence with th?? powers thai be <*n.?ii>*ii lo expedito matters "and in s..- that : ou're pushed In." . Th?? mat) ?>f tii.? long name ??.r?.!? ?t ti|???ii n pie? o of papen and prefixed it ?Imply v.iu. the inltlata "A. B." "Writs nut your f'lll name," aaid his friend. "Thai II Is,** asid the foreigner arho would \ntf?. "No; 1 turan BpeO ??uf vont- given nain?* " "A B. Is all th.??- la ??f it Voa should know tin? hoya they nil me \i?.v." ??sur??, hut that s abort for Abraham." said ths friend. "No." he Insisted; "it a?-.- my f ;ii name Just th<--rn letters." "Aw," butt?***] m a man atandteg near, ".-ill iii<? letters of the alptiabsl era need ? p in hi? lest name, and you ought t?> know then aren't any left m mak?. up a given im me!" Hook Gussler asya Im do?ssn'.l belleva la drowning bla ?jorros in th<- (lowing bowl Sye \... nothing lesa than a hosaheed would do for 0?*i*aner Philadelphia P..-?-??r.i. "The pgopla Who had 111?? i?)\,t..! privi? lege of the rtage' m ths ?lavs <>f our par? anta used m tell about tin? chorus women killing time between 'relis' w i 111 knitting snd ??'wmir They would open tieir .-..s aids if they could cet a poop behind th? tcenet In one of the great ?raodevills h? us.-? ?if London to-day." says a letter fiom that cltv. "wh.-rf the mullas;???? have provided f.?.- i'no ?pars tima of ths enter? tainers. There era tea r?oo?ma for ths aomen where eomfortahn furniture sad rags take the p?seos ?r the ?riekety ?hair? ami bare ti. or.*? >.f ion;: ago. Sot the- men there are club roo?ms irhere between 'turna' one iiiav ?<?? artists' in all th<? various blanches of the profeaalon at bllllarda j.?.?>i, bridge <?i cheaa A trained nuras and a physician era stways within rail ami tin? manegement provides .? achtool where tha stsgs children are educated irhlle mamma ?ances an?) slab's ami papa does his ahare i? ?aid the entertainment." wiiii? i?i?i bsby corns from heav? a, nurse? Nurse V.- d? .?i u lllle Fool kM! ii- didn't know when hi waa well ..ft Boston Transcript. *i'iiK BISE IN PRICBfl i:i:i.h:k AT BOTH ENDS, 1 bo ?"- ' of i ? \ i i : ? ' f* going up, It's higher evei y da] . 'I'n set i decent bttfc snd sup ? 'a nou i be i ?? uce t?? p* y With on? "Almbjhtj Dollar," s?-? in?? little ? mi i"* bought. And .--<-h?nos in ?jave a little ?a^h Have coot a lot of thought But I've evolved a tust rate plan To dodge the tradeemen'a gieed, And, nrlthout running Into debt, To >-?' ; a d?. ? nt hs? d. with hrais..i ialvss' heeds and oxtail My dlnnei I .-onu'i? le; And so i win. both beads and tails, n? making both endi meat. ?; B M Uioth? r of oui i? ? locutions impelled b) model n progress To "?go up in smoke" nie) nos merelj r.i.i- to an .?viator msh im: :.n ascent in ?Pitt burgh Boston Tran? script November sres kept na the J? d Mnrt!-" in I'.,ii- and all the cemeteries v\?rr? * ? ? i ?*-?*-1 by tr lendS ?and relaUvea of tbe dead, arl ? ?' ssMa th. da) ?aspeetallj for ?saying tribut? to their lost nn.-s. "There ? ii ihe Ils ?Jos ?Ravageurs, between A - r i i ?* t ? - and Cltctiy, Which, though it contains no humaa rsaoalns," aays a i*orreepondent ..f "The L?ondon r.i." 'was eltdted b] many, ami ??.? c Ivr?| Its shan- Of Wieetha ami tear? This i* ths riecropolta for satinais, Is which ii< lulled VIT" ,\i,A'. '??'?'', cats. 10 parrots, ? ! mi, -h .i liens, i ??dgeons, ! goats, a i???n a penther, a calf snd ,i goosi La I rear m i.'-nino. the ?Prefect ??f Police, rented a i.:<?t In tins Island an purpose f?>r ins ?police dogs, .o.i the Hist one already haa Ms i. mi. there, with the in.*><Tipti?.n: 'Leo, s ?police dog, killed In ths sxecuUon of his duty, N??v.-ml? r, 1'*10." " Hsrduppe- if Wigwag honest? Borrowed w.u. ha came around t.? my house the other day snd *?t?.i.- sn umbrella I had borrowed from him Philadelphia Record. THE TERM "STRIKE BREAKER" Correspondent Thinks the Mayor's Point of Diction Well Taken. To tin? Editor of Tin* ?Tribune. .?Mr: You ladnlga in s litti,? plsassntrj to-day over ?Mayar Oairnor'a pretest atfaitiHt the popular inlsnse of the Words ".strik. breaker." Having ssads poot inn?, jnk. and oonsldsring ths ?matter asrlousty, do ? ?.H not think that you ought to support the in reeantlna Out alunit upon tmr laiujroage, as ?un? as hi r?ssiating other .ru? ns upan the pubUel a "strik,." in the ??iHim-'-t.o?! referred to. is a eanosrted osaaatJoa of ?nart <?f ? bod) uf ?mplows. Th?- strike ?an !??? ' to ?ik? ri" ?inly by the psUttSS Who ? tfhsted it that ?s bj aii <.i Mim?- ?if them ?ret?arnlng i?> the alian?l?iii,-d ,-iuplo.v in-nt if other p. a. ?. pt the work which the atrlaera ?ii ?anl..I. they do not "l.i'.tk tha strik.- " Ths strlks rssnslns as ??'? H<t<?>ipiiHh?-?i f.,. t. ?although Its only effect neei ii???' i??-?-n t?? put tha striken <"'t ??f a j??i? This Is more tlmn a ,mention ?>f ?am ; Th, i. im "etrlks brasser," a? (?ommoni* , [alas meaning mid mis is bnpHi atlenSi it ?Joss not dsscribs tiuthfully the j.? i--..?n to whom It In* applied, fand it carrion on Implication of aggresalon , -Which Ig false and unjust, its implication!! ' ?are ?sdarhletrous, for th?*y eaeourage tee\ i?u;s of ros.-ntmi'iit ami ?aggreeetvemsa in ! ib- minds .?r th?- ?atrihara feehnga which I ?!?> nut n?'?'(l any artificial Htlmulus. Inac !' language and misuse of terms are ? -? -is'ti.-Hil- for Brash cloudy thinking and ?faiae reasoning. Such thinking and taason I In;: BIS I Srtll-ularly unhapi?> ? h- n appl??<l , i?i labor trouble?-. ! 'ii-.o ?ahnoalsua w?ord sb<>ui<i bo outlawed. S. II. TIIAYKIt. Viniko.?, N. V . Nov. 11. 1911. A CITIZENS' TICKET - Advocates Fusion Movement That Would Obliterate Party Lines. To the Kdltor of Tho Tribune. ?Sir; Replying to th?* proofs ?>f "The Sun' that fusiiui bar proved a fail ???'<*. > OS ' ,i-K "What is tho moral? Two anti Tammany tlcksta, a dt-vMad sntl-Tam niiiny ?oto and a walkover for Tain many'.' " By as means The obvious moral la the abolition ?.f partisanship. Instead of its accentuation by a deliberate psrcelllng ?nit of offlie between Incongruous ele ; menta Than is ?ao \a.i?i reason f?rmala?' ? taming naiiotial and stute party lines in municipal ?politics, ?and the various clU?** I which have abandoned the old-faahioned ? method have, OS the whole, shown better j results with regard te goo?l government I than those la which ?the welfare of the I cltj hSS been .subordinated to < on-idei a tlona ? f the ?n suit in the next slate or na lionai election of the triumph or ?failure ot tins or that ?party. i. ?i Tsmmany be f?aced by a < ItlsenS" ' chet, the ?assies oit arhlch shall be ss? lected solely with regard t?i personal fit nesa, without reference t" r?cognition o* conciliation of ?tbla or ?thai faction. If there is not enough Civic spirit in NOW V?ul; H? a? compila h su? h an ?'?id we ?BlUSt endure Tammanj miarule until we learn to i are m. for ?good ?government than for party success k ?genuine cttlxena' ' tii kot would never have made the fatal mistake of nominating Clarence Shearn. : merely lo please Mr. Hesrst, and of re? fusing ??ii mere partis.m ground? th? ob ?v i ? > > i ? ?iiii v ot renomlnating Burrogate Fowler, The near aucccso under th-aee handicaps proves thai complote success would nave attended a whol<e*liearted non pa rttsan movement, which would nomi? nate "iii\ ttiose capable of inspiring <??ti? plete confident <? and i "'< t into n<? bar? gains capable of putting s damper on wholesome enthuofteem. Will the lesson do heeded? JAMKfl K. MORTON, JU. Vea V??rk, Nov. It, Itll. UNDER THE COMMON LAW. T?? the ?Editor ?>f Tlio Tribune. Sir: in in-? aiidross of welcome t?> the delegates t?> the ?convenUos "f th?* State Ft ?i> ration of Women's Clubs y-esterday Mayor Oaynor s?id he feared tin* niffra cists wanted tu disrupt the Ideal condition that esisted between hueband sad wir. umb r tin .iiiiimiiii law. When th.-v WOTS pne ?spiritually, mentally and physically; when they owned the ?property la com* mon, nti'i the one who breathed th?' last? i ? . ii?.? ?i th- longest, got it ail. Under the cosunon law ? woman's prop? ?it\ upon ?her marriage was confls-catod b\ her husband; her v?sry last hairpin ?became hie property; ho ?could ?spend or give away or will away her ?personal property niul th<? inCOflM from her realty belonged to him. Mol one ?penny could ?She call her own after marriage. At no time ?h?i they own propert?, In common. The?, were one? but he was tbe on?-. Th-* law also Ea\e hi m the legal right to hfai her. and when the lawmakers ?became ?ini*?* polite thov limited tie sti?'k to the si/.? of ida thumb. Ami this is the "ideal con? dition" that Mayor Oaynor ?egret?: Ideal for men, perhaps, but hardly for women. SI'KKIIAiilST. Ne? '? ?ark, Nov. ::., Itll. ___ ? COMMENDS FIGHT ON TOBACCO. To the Editor of The Tribune Sir: I want t?i commend, through the ? ol umna of your psper, t?he stand taken by John Wanautaker againal drinking Intox? icating liquon and smoking tobacco. Koth are destroctlvf of tii-- best Interests of the ?race, which is now suc?cumblng rapidly t?> the ?poison i-> which II bus >juhfect<Bd itself. facts and figures maki th.? alarming ? kow? ing. which has bo.-n so ably sot f??rth in the recently published paper by J. it. Kellogg, .\i i r, ?if tbe Michigan suto Hoard of 1 bal ft. Aaotber thing for win? h i le-^it?? to com? mend John YVaiiani.iker Is the ?lean ehar acter "f bis ?advertlsenieBta ?Right think? mir people siiiiui?! make their dlaapproval of the needlesa and want-in ?display o* to bai ??" and us aoceoeorlea ?ia advertising ?tapie articles, In ?the moat ?effective way, Tbe youth .?r ?un- land are being dragged doira Into the tin i',?^t enough without cer. tain bou?es going out <?f their way to ? ng? garni the habit by auch, n ?""eprehenalble , h,ii,i, tor of edl ??rti-in~ <'ll\> ?: PBA8B, M. I?. New Y?>tk, Nov. II. l'i! i COURAGE AT THE POLLS. To H??- Editor ?if The Tribune su .\n editorial In ?Saturday's Tribune ? \ Kentueks man has jus) ??ist hU firs? vole it th? agi Of sixty yean The cir ? iiinsiain < is explained by the fact that it was S I ? tin" v.itic vote. It took him all thus.- yean to ?screw his ?courage up to the sticking point at which ho could ?lo so ?i? si>. rate a -lo? d. Forty years age, when thai man waa - "d enough lo caat his Drei voie, it |,,,|< ;, i?iam?ri sit-in more nerve for a man to ?eren his ?oosrage up t?> voto tin? Repub I ??in ticket than It ili?l th?- I >? mo? ?? atic. The Demoeratlc ?majoritj l?ben eraa ?some? thing "v?-r ?sixty thousand, and it was ?,,i extremely militant ?majority. The so.-r.-t ballot waa not thee In operation, either, and when a voter itepped up and ?mid he ?-.anted to vote the Republican ti-!<<?? th?* chan?tee were tkat he srouM have t" dodge ?something or get ??? knock on hia block or w< r?is to Hin ? IT? it ? ?< ?i.? )X EL \. s fork, Nov. 11, i*?n CHINDA BIDS ADIEU TO KAISER. ?Berlin, Mov II ?S?arofl ?Chinda? Japanese ? Ambaaaador to Germany, srho is t?? suc ,,??i Yi-.-iimi Uchlde ,??? Ambaaaador to ?' ?? I "ml- ?1 Si ?I, - waa " ?Ived in a t..i i ? i a i?\ ?Smi eror ?William t?> ?lay. Th?- formal nonilnatloa of the baron t,? the Washington pool has not been ?made, but will bo. It Is ? xp. ? t.-tl. upon h.s ar ri'.il in Tokio. VlecOUnl IVhiila has 1.t. I made Mlnlater <?f Foreign Affairs in in?- | lapane -- < 'ablnet BISHOP O'CONNELL SEES POPE. ?Rome, Nov. iv The ?Pope received a ?private audience to-daj the Right Rev. Donate ,i ?r?'?11111111. auxiliary Blahep <>f s.iii i-' who ?maeirad his expres? sion "f the ?mtlsfa? tion felt in America ovar the appototment <>f three ?saw eardl? nais fr,.m thai , ?iiintiy. The I'ontlIT -lur iiu,' a envi i -nation recalled with evident pleasure the last visit t<? Rome <?f Areh> hl-liop Rlordan Of San Francis? o. AERO CLUB'S NEW OFFICERS. The board ?>f goeeraora <>f ?the Asro Club ? >f A ?merles srlll meet Wedaeaday to ?i?-?t the oonunlttoee f?>r tb<- easwlna fear, At ? sieetlng en Toeaday, tbe first al which the sew preetdent, Hubert J ???iii-i. ?pre? s??i??t. Charleo ?Jerome Bdwarde w-is elected treasurer anil ,? new oBk ?? was e\ ated i?> t;tk<- ?,.,me ??f the Increasing burdos <?r w,,ik from the sbouMsTS ??f the atary. it ?.???? design itad at toert tai * ?" ib? board "' t'?\- liiots, and ?:. F Campbell Wood, in?- ?former aecretary? a/as l"'"ii"i??l lo HI) |(. ('liarles Walsll waa PUt in Weed'! "l'i place. People and Social Incident** AT THE WHITE HOUSE. ii-'inni 'ii,.- Trii.i.iif. Purees. 1 Washington. Nov. iS.-The President ha?l j a long taik to-day with William 1-oel?. jr.. , Mr. I.oel) would not diacuas the < ?nfcrence ! when leaving the White House. A. P. Thorn, attorney for the ???i.ithcrn ? Beltway; a ii. nnnis, attorney for the j New York ?entrai; Krank Trvimhull, attOT? ! nev for the Delaware, l*ncka.vnnna * W.*t j erti, ami Walter I). Fitnes, attorney for the ; Delaware ?? Hudson, called to present their views on the report of the ?t?cks and bonds | commission. The President told them that | inasmuch sa it whs to he kept confidential j until mads puhllc by Congres?? he could not discuss the report with them at this time. ?Ss-ltepresentatlve Lewis, who is a ess? Ititdata for tho Senate from Illinois, asked , the President to-ilay to appoint a Democrat t? one of Um five district Judgesbipa in j that state. The I'rcslilent ?accepted an invitation to 1 attend the i'rldlton Club dinner on De.em j her I, The colle? torship of the internal reve j nue dlstriet con-prising: Maryland, Deln I ware ainl the District of i'olumhla has been mads vacant by ths slecttoa of | Phillips Lea QoMsborough as Qovsrnor of Maryland. Maryland and lielawsrii are I AgbUng hard over tin? appointment. ?3ov? .-iiK.r-ii?. t OoMaborough: John B. ?Haana, I Bepuhllcen ijts-ta chairman of Maryland land a ?andida;,? for the place; R?ept latlvs ?Parran snd Dr. Brie? O?oldsb?orough I preeented ?Maryland's claim to-day. Es? j ?Representative Ball is Delaware's candi? i date. The Marylaml deloj?ation also ?JlgH the tranefer of .lohn \y. OarreX, at press?t I Minister t.? Vennuela, to ths Argentina j Bepubtlc. Ptestdsnt Taft ?went to ?Frederick, Md., this sftsrnoon to deliver an ?saMress before the leeond annual convcntioa of lbs dated Hoards of TlUdS "I" Maryland, ami on his way beck Io W.ishmcton piscad a wieath ..f flowen ?m the grave ot ?Trancla IScott Key, author of "The star gpeagted Marnier. " Among the tVhlte House callers were ' Bepn ?sentatlvsa Delsell, Hilt. Bobei*ta ?and I Hsmlin snd Dr. DavM .1 rilll, ?>f New ? York. j The Prnldrel and Mrs. Taft had forty or i i ? i ? ftienda with th-m in the i:a**t Boom (of the While House tin- ?\?ninK to hear I th?? Mormon Tsbernacls ?hoir. ISvsns i gtevena, direct ?r, snd Professor John ?) M?-'"iiiiaii sccompanhrt, had chsrgs <?f tee elsborate prognmmo, Mrs. Taft wili go to I'.nii Mam on Krl Iday :'??! a abort \ i ?-it with lrtei*rde. IN THE CABINET. t am The Tribu? ? Bui ? i Washington, Nov. IS. While Mrs. Knos snd the other wiomen ot tho Cabinet refrain from a formai <!ay at homo until the open? ni of Congress, and aometimn until New ?fear's, asveral dlplonnata paid their re lepects an?i left cards al ths lunns <?f ths ! Sonet.-.i?- <>f state to-day. Other Cabinet ! homes received like attention from Official ? an?i reel lent aociety. Mr.- Wi.-ketshain ?.?-ill open the h.'iii?* of i ?the Attorney ??curial On Frida v for a luncheon in compliment to L-ady Gregory. Mrs. Wickenhsm ha? just obtatnad the _>er<vtces of Mis; Laura ?Harlan, elder daughter of the into eaaociats Justice of the Supreme ?'ourt an?1 Mrs. .lohn M. ! Harlan, as social ?secretary for th" sea:-..n. THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS. I Kn-.iii Thi Tribune Bui ?Washington, Nov. IS. The Italian Am bssaedor and Marehees Cusanl snd Donna ?Beatrin Cuaknl have ?one t.? New fors ff.r ii short visir. The l.erman A mhpssador and CounteM ? ..ii Hernstoi ff arrived in WMhhUtton St |?Jt o'clock this aftrino..n and were niet at ihe station bj ?Aeverel mcwiben Of the ?.staff, who escorted them to the embassy, ViSCOUnl .!<? Al'". Who represented t':e idtort?rnnient of ?Portugal un?oer ths late j Imonarehyi and who was mad* provisional I I minister during the troubles Of -'ate In i ' that country, v\ifi present his credenUale to the President as the Portugueee ?*e?pre eentattve under the republic within a few j ?lays. l>r. I'avila, r,.ntly appointed Minister I from Honduras to succeed Dr. Alberto Mentbreno, has also snired in Washing? ton and swsita the President's ?*onvenl**nca t.? present his credentials, as does also Mr, Havenlth, Mlnlatei fi?xn Belgium. As sonn as the Pi'. aident 'a plans will admit h.- will r? ? ? iva the m ?a diplomat??. The ?Trench military attach? and Coun? tesa de Chambrun have returned to town for the winter snd nave opened their le'use in pith street. The ronntees ?was hostess al a small tea in compliment to I Mrs. William .? '. Il'inm. Bl8ter-ln-laW .?f j Mi-, T.i.i. the rlrsl of the week. IN WASHINGTON SOCIETY. ! K ?be Tribun? B Washington, Nov. i.v Mr. end Mm William C. Herron, brothw and aister-tn lau of Mr* Taft, havs arrived in Wash Ington snd hare taken ths house, No IMli ?i sti.i'i. formerly occupied by Captain I ? Archlhald Hutt. Mr. Herr?n haa r????Btly besa -ipi-ointed to a position in the D?, ' part ment of Justice. ! Mrs. Ixmgworth has closed her ho-nje -. | the north shore above Boston, and has Kon" to c:n?innati. where Mr. and Mra , Nicholas I.ongworth are her guest*. 8h? [will visit her daughter. CeUBtSSS de i^ham jhrun. early In the season, and Mr. and I.Mrs l^jnuworth will return to the capital I f??r the op'-ning ?.f Congress. NEW YORK SOCIETY. Among those due to arrive in New York to-night on hoard the Mauretanla uie I/*r4 an?l Lady Dedea, Mrs James Henry Smith Mra. Anthony .1. Drexel, William Rhli,el land-r Stewart. Jr. Mrs. William B. lAbpR and Frederick Townsend Martin. Mrs. Henry ?'. Kmmet will give a small dann this evening at her house, So. ft Baal M street. Mis William Hamilton Harris gave 4 luncheon at Hm-try's yesterday for h?r I granddaughter. Miss Hazel Symington, th? J ?let.otante daughter of Mr. and Mrs Alhert I Symington The guests nuinh?red forty ! and Included Miss A?lellne M. T'iwrisead, I Miss .Iuspii. Ingersoll. Miss Augusta P. Dixon, Misa \11niettl Proctor. M ** ?or ti'lla Chap?n, MMa Nathalie SI?. :,ui, Mis? ?Eleanor S ?Pt-sntlea, Miss Dorothy J. Manii.c, MISS Sarah EL Manir? and M:|| Frances H. Wv?t!i. Mr. ainl Mrs. Kamuay Turiihiil returned I to the ?ity yeeterday from their ?.ountry Pia?-i .it Hcrnardsville. N. J., ami are at ! their home, No. M Fast 40th street, for the ; winter. Mrs K. Henry Harrimati has returned to town for the s ?nt< r. Mrs. Cornettus C. Cuyler has taken pos : session of h?r house. N"- ?>>' r'-At' '.I'll g fc '? for the winter. Mr. end Mia. Alosan* r M Butlwrfori, j who Wen maiii'-d in this City la-l noi.ih. ? 1. ft poii, ..-t. r?lav for rf*?n Fian..?-o. ?Since their roturn from their boneymooa 1 trip ihe) had i ??< n ihe ?guests of Mrs. Ruth? erford's parents, Mr. ami Mra Sidm-y L-a. ? nier Bmyth. IN THE BERKSHIRES. . ,? to The 1 rPnmt \ Lenox, If? 1 II The ?'urns Motel was ,:,,.,,! : ?:..? tot ? ? Brat ihne In llfti sett, an a laice additi?.n will be baanj Including i.fw kitchen* Mi. and Mra. William K Silvertl-.orne. y note ?Mai say, Mr. and Mrs. c t, McMurre? ami Mlaa Helen ?McMurrar, ?*????? ? were at the Curtl it"'-', hare gs I < . K< w y?? k Walter Nrttleton, who has bato la Ksw I York, has i.-t??? i.? ?1 to his country pi.o ?? ::i : Btockbridge. Miss Adele Kne? land, who ha?, been in Hartford, vvill open Fair Lawn n?v tor the early atetar. /.pas Mart-hall Crane started to?dey for 1 New Brunawick, where he will bunt [Off moose. Mrs. u kiliam .! Brj 1 s am k. ? p bt1 ne|.i villa at Lake ??nota opea all ?arlater. Mr and Mi- ?Samuel Irrothlnghaia, v*,h?i ai.- entertaining Dr. Henry c. Hares Miss Qertrude P.?ism**, gavs ?* ?linnet en t. rtelnment to-night, Tie Mi..-:, s laabeL ?Man and Rlnor Shot ter bave g?'iie t.? New Vmk Imiter In the month they will go to Savannah Dr. and Mr- Chartes McBurney < lose.1 cherry Pana. Lu ?nocMwidge, and have Bone to N<?>\ York. Dr. McB will return later to s?-?n?l the winter St Roadal I?- COttege. His health has lm proved during the season. Mum Jene Bedgwlck, who has Mr and Mr- Alexandre s???igwi?k. at ' ? Mansion, in BtockMdge, has gone to N> v v.el a iK-nce she will sail for Italy. M Im I". W. Tornluill. of ?BaKlmor? arrived t.. visit ?Mlaa Caroline T. i*iw: In Btockbridge. Mra. Benjamin C Porter has closed the Judge BUhop lions? an.', returned to N York. Miss l*-al.r| II. Pip hau.- has taken :. St the Boot villa f..r the early s - ter. Mrs Jomph C. l.o**e?sttig, of Beaton, Is 1 guest of Mis. .1. Frederick S. h?-hck. Mrs. .I-..-.i.ii s. Whlsttor bas gons t.. Vmk. Mr- Joseph W. ?Burden Is ?riritlng Dr. and Mrs Henry P. Jaquee, ??t Home farm, Mr. ?n?i Mis. Cortlandt Pield Bishop will "i? ii th?- Maples 'he last of the month. Harlsy T, Procter and P. B. Koffmai return. .1 to New York to-day. Mr. and Mis. 17. Floyd-J ?lies, of |:> <?. \ line, have arrived at the Bed Lion inn. in Btockbi SOCIAL NOTES FROM NEWPORT. in -. - _? , km ? | Newport, Nov. 11. Mn William vei.or ami famii? hav.- returned to for th?? Wim? r. Mis. Fien, h VanderMH has i.-turn?'. I N'.vv York. Mr end Mi* ?Stdnej Jonea Coitord, r, hav,.? returned from Nee York pecinal?! c. \'an?!eihlli will SHtd tO New York t..-ni-irr..'.v the boTSM which he 1? to exhibit o? the NstJonel Horse ?Ihow, CARNEGIE GIVES MILLION Is First Instalment of $5,000, 000 He Offered to Foundation. Andrea Ca?rnegte is ?still ?giving money j ?away. ?On tine ?heela of bis us.Ooe,eoo gift to . tiio ?earnest? Corporation ?las! week h< banded ov< r ?H,* "?" " yeei i ?'.?.< to I ? Ca I negte Foundation, tho firm InatalnMnt of ?*?,.????',i.?a which he offered to ti??* foun '< ?,? March, Ml The money is t?< i?<- turned over as needed, and "Mr Caraegto thoughl th?? demanda ?>f the laal fiscal year made i , ?seed apparent Th? ?ift waa made in r, ?per ceal United ?Statea fiteel ?Corpo 1 I' Tin- annual in? ?mi" Ot tita fut"?, which no? amounts to |1&1S,?9W, of will-h $11. . ha* been ?given t? Mr. Carntrgie, waa ... anil ?if this .T''?'.."" was i ,o I in i?. usions io :'.:?? profeeaora and prof? ! widows i-'ortv-eici'.t names were added and fifteen ?iselplenta died d irtng the ?/eat Th-' Unlv-tratty ??f Virginia wrsa sdded t?> the list ?if ?seventy-two Institutions pur-, in Ipatlng m the benefits, White the foundation waa ratabllshed far pensioning loih-go proteeaera, n alao makes and pub llahee st?udlee ?if the ?standards in Amerl? an ? , lieges Snd universities ?Between th.- annual meetings the routine i unlneee i - conducted bj ? a com? i. ittee, ronalatlng of Presid I'litciu-it ?and six other tru ild-ent iiaiih-y of fall snd Prealdent Bchurman of ?Cornell were ?re-elected trustees yeotei ?Confidential ?bafts ??r the snn'isl report aere handed t?< the trustees, win? win suk- i tee) ?poeslbl? changes before H is ?made ?pub h? Ann,m,- it^ features artll be papera en i. odn in--, law awl theology. After tin- meeting, which was held st No ?*.?. Fifth svenue? and was attended ?for the I ttst tinii* hi ?wen one "f tin- trustees? Mi. ??int Mrs ?Carnegie gave ? reception to thai trustees and their wives :it tb-- Carnegie j home, at Fifth avenue find '.?ist street. BRYCE TO SPEAK IN BROOKLYN. James Bryee, tin- ?British Ambaaaador, win sp.-au in the ?Brooklyn Acadomj ,?t Music !<>-?.row ?veiling on "?boat Itrii ain aad tl ?? ?United States." The ambas? sador app?eis ?ander ihm anapl>e<ss <>f the Brooklyn Institute ?During ids titst visit to tils oauntry, thirty years ?ago, when he atudled social and Industrial co-ndlttoas, ?he i Brooklyn ?n roihpan) with Alfred T White, arhoea mode) tenement houaea have been admirad by Mr Bryee ?for many >rai? OUR ARMY IS FAR BEHIND Gen. Alien Bitter About Aviatioi and Wireless Work. Washington, Nov II.?With ?? lerlj Ing note ol i i?t> i n? ???-, ?;. ?, r.ii Jamce Al Ion. ?hi? i' sb-'iial officer ? f th? m iiis ?anneal report? that. aith?i i d .-'tai? a waa t be ?Irai natJea ? _.../.,? the ,<? roptai o t,?r miitt*. and carried out the first ??tibial t ? ol that :.iv.-nti-ni al i*?'"t Myar Ig I ??? ' p?rogn - ?he* been made abroad t ?? thie counti ?sen left ?tar behind h ng ??? K.tli ,' ? ?? itpm? ' ? an?i '?-?i ?isnl Kation for ii? ? ?is?- ??f ?i ?s !? ii .inn? t ;?. wai i .?. o. ?? i.i.d the ? ' ? eft m in trained a- aviatoi ? sad lack of ?funda are Bald ?? f irni-'i t <? expl situation <;? n--r.?i aii> m milita? - natitle has i?., lahc l ! \ I" ? I'.iimativ ?ml England The !?' -??,- : ha\e i?er.?- ???? ' ?' ?particular!) efteotiv? leronaut? i? ? ,i.? . ahlch >?..?- tkorourghly tried wtth tv entj ? ? ? ? a- mj mo? no?! iv res. \ ?? ? ? ? ,it' ted m the repart t?> tin? raun--- of the Senate i<> ?confirm tbe adher ? i?-- ol ?the United Btatee t<> the Berlin wlrelecs triegraph ? on . ? nti??i-, ?and oat the ?fad that it !?> only through ?our tesy o? by acme private arrangement that Am.-ihan ships can ?rommtintcate with nirelesa ?stations In foielgn conntrten ?'.?"? ? id Ail- n ils?? refer* to th? great osota? slon that exists .In the iMiinii^inii >f ?airel-eaa im - age on the meat <-f th<* United Btatee, ?serloasty ?laterfertag with eoiiinmnii atiiui between varteua coast Be? t'U'-s an?) ships at ---a. SI -. - ??' UP? ceeslt) tot legislation ?providing adesjsate ?rontrol of all airelem telegraph onera tlOasBi With ?special regulations for war ,'On dlt lona a? ? SEA YIELDS STRANGE SKELETON. Charlattetowa, P i. 1. Nov. 10.--The rkcieton of ?i sti m?.-? animal, found ??n Qrsad Tracadli ?sea rh. la te ??w-nMag to th? r?-..i,ienis that it will ?he placed in Um banda "f a s? lent is? for Identification. Some scl ?aatlata who ?have ases the animal, which is eighteen feet in length, belh-vu it may !>? the remahM ?'f I sea sen?ent and may prove "! ?grSal interest. JUDAEANS WILL NOT MEET. I be tneeiing of the .In?beans, which was ??ailed tir Hunda) In hoo?o?r of th* ?safest*** tilth blrthda) <?f Blmon Wolf, will not iaK.? place l-ecausa ??f tht* sudden Illness o? t-o guest of honor.