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\Jl i. Daughter of Mrs. Nelson H. Henry Bride of Monson Morris. DAY O MANY MARRIAGES Apezteguia-Wolfe, Prentice-Col? lins and Helme -Marston Nuptials in Long List. ftbn ' , 73ivAfh Rryan Sloan. daughtOI of y,. N?ison II. Henry, was married in the h r,f the Aaoaaeton yesterday after j,r?o-i t" Mon?SOn Morris. The cerem-mv w is perfor^.e^ by the Rev. I?r. Percy Sthkncy Grant, and a r?-?eption followed at the . of General and Mrs Henry, in Went 1th ftreet Th? bride wl ? was ??ven nwa> by her ????p?a'*'? '?? N'l-.n H. Henry, Surveyor of the Pert. STOW a ?gOSTS of soft white corded Mtin. wl*h a tulle tucker ami a veil of old fp,?. point lace fasiened with orange blOS atOnt I ' rled S bouquet of white orrhi'ts ati?l were a brooch of diamonds ami ?jm-naHW the brMeen*oom*o ein. \| -- \ Sloan was ber sister's maid of ?lo-ne' flOCh was of p?a? tit loom tatln, veiled with old ivory chiffon, el with bugles She wo;e a large ; [ura bat Of pin'*:, trimmed with a willow nk tulle. She carrle.l pink (St?santhemumi Mrs. Nelson R. ?Burr, a ,!c"*i<?om, a:.?l Mrs. Francis p. Garlan were tbe matrons of honor, and Henry, Miss Frances T?unn and ",is Marian Dennleon wem th" brides irirtif?' *smakls wore ?owns similar to ! of l-.onor and ?.arrled pink Mrs Purr and Mrs. ,- in ??iik chiffon ovr yellow ?alao carried pink chrysan ? Whltehouse? who cam* from ak'e, acted as best man tla ? . ?-s were RoVrt !.. Gerry, Wlnthrop, Nelson P.. Purr. X\- Del incej RountSO, Andrew C. ?'?ray. of ?? I ?-menant Prank A. Sloan. p | \ | ?brother n' the bride; Colonel BdWtn Marvin, of Albany, gru it- ? *?*? H. ArrasPaad, ?f Mosteo. ?r- h'.s bride will spend their fcunejainnn In Mexico, where Mr. Arm of the ushers, will give g large them at his estate near the f Mesl? o Amone those seen at the church was ?.Irs tAx, the Uovrnor'B wife. wh<> was ?itt?>n?-1e?l by Lieutenant Commander Belt Bri '" de K iv A ?lel?-f*8tlon from l'ou? pm v 11 '.- Ro| ??'??nt. N ?;. N. Y., of which Mr Morris is captain, was also j-.-'M. and others Invited to the wedding ?>. were Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson - *M Dwlght ?'oilier, Mr. and ' Dougall Hawses, Mrs. French Van : Mra II',ward Henry. Mr. I tn?1 .Mrs T. J. Oakley Rbinelander. Mrs. -?is Wlnthrop and Mrs. Robert L fiel . ,. pr.-senis re? el ved were one Of o',d Morris silver, tn ; silver tray which was pi< ? Mr. Morris's ?great-uncle tbe lit" ?Reben 11. Morris, when Mayor of NOW -11 <~>n it are enprave?! Tam ':f*ers and a view of City Hall ?Th" Growlers/1 composed of friends of Mr M ? ? ? r i s. among whom are Alfred <?. ? Robert I. Gerr**, W. DeLsacoy ? it ?Regan Wlnthrop, Bradlsh 0. Frederic Kernochan, Ernest lin William Woodward. J. Searle Parclav, ?ytederlch M ?Darlee and Williams P. Rur ? silver lovtnR cup. 91 Jerome's ? hurch yesterday after i?s?acea "urrjr, daucnter <? apd Mra lameo Francis curry, was ti to Lieutenant Thomas i?,slie I, i S. A. lo compliment to the bridegroom? who belongs to the infantry, ? orattone and cowns of the brldea - In the colors of that division. Mu- nn?i ?gold. Miaa Or?ace t:. crystal a? mairl of honor and the hi Idea? . -?ere Mi*? LoulsS J. Rrowne ami !.u''\ T. Young. There a ? ? t- ?girl, Miaa ?.race Henderson, ?. ?of th? Rev. and Mi - Ira Hen Howard Cryatal was bis brother's tan and the ushers were Lieutenant - , irry, broth? ? <?f the bride; i.t?-u Merrin E. BpaMtng, ?Lieutenant -.k and ?Lieutenant Jam^ ',-- ? Lieutenant Crystal is the eon i Mr. ami Mra Tbomaa .i. Cryotel ?and from West ?Point In '?K ?>ny, which s sa ?performed at t o, lock by ? ?Stet George F, ?Don? , small reception f.?r ula \ intimate fri? n?ls at th?! - ? urry, No. SM Alex? Madia? renu? Presbyt i h was tie aft-ernoos I Idtng ??i MIm Adelaide 'J'aylor I ?granddaughter of William n ?mi chai! Baldwin. a- ng 'he ?bride wet? her cousin, Miss Martin: Mise Helen Cauldwell. Parrel, Miss Anita Dominica, ?Sri Ith, Miaa Harriet ?Mi - ? ia McLaughlin The v mi n. p. Bymmee, Ji . wer? ? 'ii ?t l? s L : i:???ierick Buchanan, -Gustave : ? Michaile The ?Rev. ? ? 'fitbii officiated. The re I ? . ?? monj was h- d of the brlde'e am-.t. Miss Jen ' '..tii stn ? ? n .i . Not, i'. Mis? ?Flor ' of Mr. ,m?i Mrs. P Winter, of ??ran??-, was married ew's ?'burch b-1- to N-l.-iiii. of Liverpool, l-"ni,'land. the Rc\. Todd, lector ?>f the church sttended by ?her ?s-lster-ls ?-1 M. Winter, as mation of maid "f honor was her lodrklge, <>f '?laiiK?-. Liverpool, was the de Apezt? ghtei ol S at mai - .n to John Wolfe. ? i Wolfe, of Tuxedo. "" ??km - the ?home "f the l'i and in It v loo? ni, ?and i lie ? eremony b : ?? I a? cut i?i the pres ' ' ids few intimate tered the drawing ? : -i John i. ? ?-.i a?.t> b) ber *"'' llei gowa was satin. ? s -?i? a Spanish ?veil and u< t ??i lili? . alley. | Apeateguia was her sis- i and onl) attendant i i m cream ?- et pinb , n -'?.?'? Mi best i r*"- mai i led ?roupie trill s-ei on Batu?rday, ?to ?remala ta ! Mr. Wolfe -will ? n.?,. ?a the Bcol? ?dea Beaux? Ariv Prantlos, -aught? ?i ?Paehei Prentice, ? to Stephen With te ?'.?iiins. tard s ?Collins ? :?ftei letitis, ft lath street ?Qui] ?.-lali.? s ? remony, whli i f<"n?eii by ih? ' ? i?i Oeorg? ride ware ?? gows <<i' white '" w,d ? ? ? ii-. ,,!,!? .m?ndanta wem nee Umhin an 1 '"'"i ' W ill!. :n wl o a. t? I as ?' -?? i- ?i .?: ?heat man. and ? beber? were Richard Colliaa, Mlnturn MKS J. BRECKENRIDOa BAYNF Wh&ss wi.'r?i.t; vcsteniay in Washington was s brilliant affair. ?i yrlfht by Marceau.) Post Collins, Bars P. and Paul C. Pr?n tlce. CI,arles Tatham and Albert P. Hyde. ?m their return from their wedding trip J Mr. Collins and hi/* I.ride will live at X". 17.1 But 74th street. Another wedding vesterday was that of Miss Margare! Buckelew Helm?, daughter Of Mr. ami Mrs. '.eorfie A. Helme. In St. Thomas's Church) t?> Edgar Jean Marat?n. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bdgar L. Marat?n. The ceremony *rss performed by MIsJiop Scarhoroiigh. of New Jersey, assisted by the rector, the ?{ev. Dr. Krnes' M Stires. and a leeeptlOS followed at the '?..use of the bride's parents, No. X, West ,'Sth street. Both the house and the ?'liurch were deco? rated with autumn foliage, chrysanthe? mum.?,, palms and ferns, and an ??rchestra played during the reception. The bride, who was given awnv hy her father, wore a gown of white brocade and 1*000 point lace, a tulle veil, fast, tied with . ange boseoms. ami carried a bouquet of white orchids and lilies-of-the-valley. Miss Gertrude Adeline, Herbert was the maid of l.'.nor. and she was dressed In pink chiffon, wore a pink hat and carried pink r?..-???? Miss Jennie Frances Marston, who acted SS flower girl was in white over pink, and she carried a large hat filled with roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Kveiyn <'ar icl.-on BtOddei-d, Miss Clare Louise Brett. I Miss Mary Tier ButphOB and Miss Virginia I Campbell Townsend. They were sll drcssod ' ??like. In pink chiffon over blue satin, With j .hi? h they wore large hlftck hats. They i carried arm bouquets of pink rOSM Hunter Marst'.n was his brother's best man, find the ushers were Harry Smith, Brentwood Smitii. Rudolph Kunhardt, Jr., ami Qeorge W. Helme, all of New York; Albert Poland, <t Providence, and Harold Rarker, of I Stamford. Mr. and M?s MarsttM will spend their honeymoon abroad, and on their return , will live at No. Ill Fast Bth street. The marriage of Miss Agnes R Wilson, of New York, end Hunter K.ekert. of Read iig. Penn.. took place last night at the ! erne of the bride's brother, ??eorge T. Wilson. No. IH West Mth street. In the ? e nf members of the familles and Intimate friends. The Rev. Dr. Wilton Me-ie Smith performed the ceremony. The 1 riile was given away hy her brother, and was attended by 'he Misses MSIT Kck?'r'. Eiste Wilson and Dcdi*? Henderson. There were two little ribbon children. Kstelle Wilson and Oliver Westfall. K.Kvard M. M< llvaln acted as best man. BAYNE?ROOSEVELT Washington and New York So? ciety Folk Attend Wedding. Prlbone ?Suivi a? ' Wsshlngton, Nov. is. - Washington's Social WOlid ll*d many ?JOCtOty persons from New York attended th.e brilliant we<| ?ling this afternoon of Mi?-s Olga Roosevelt, ?Jaughter of Colonel Bolxerl p. Boosovelt, and Dr. J. Breckenrldge Payne, which took placo at St. Thomas's ?Church. The wediltng party was a large one. the brilles sttendanta Including Miss Kath? erine Shaw, daughter ?>f Mr, ami Mr.*-. Thoanas P. Shaw, or New York, as maid of h<>n?n ; little i.ill!,? Hameraloy Roosevelt SS flower girl, and MISS Mildred Poor, Misa BUBO (..??lew ?and Miss Mary I-adenhurg, of Nee York, and Miss Dorothy ?Christian, ..i' Rlchmoad, sa brldeawislds. Dr. Hayne bed as his best man Ehsha Thsall, of New York, and the UShera were Dr. I^iuis I.ehr. -,fi. i Hopkins, Dr. Ivor, Dr. A. v P. Qarnett, Antony Addlson, Murray ?'oho j and David T? nnaiit, all of Washington, I an'l Lawrence Puller, of Philadelphia. The bli'le's gOWn was of soft white satin, wiih a tram fallinc from the waistline, and a profusion ?if rose point Lacs on both bodice and skirt. She wore a short tulle ..;i with a border of roas point which was ; worn by i"i- mother at her wedding, and over it fell a sweeping roll <.f lulls wore ,? itb (?range bloasoma ! The bridtBSmalda wore chiffon frocks in two anadea of pi"k. the knee deep tunica bordered with garlands of small i-'ren, ?, end the pink picture hats bearing ! the sam?' Sowers a- .-? trimming, The) sll carried h"? imuqtwis ?>f pink rose.*. Ths Ismail half-sister of the bride, who Imme? ?liately preceded her and her father to the .altar, wore a f i o? k of pink under Irish ' lei ?. an i.l.l-t.-istiioned poke bonnet of pink. With plni )..s.S. and carried a basket of' tea roses. The Rev. .lohn PrescOtt, of ?Jay? ?ville, I_ong Island, rector of Bt Ann's Church an?i godfather ??f the bride, of? flciated, assists by Canon D? Vries, <.f \\a ihingtoa A rei-eption at the home ?if Mr. and Mrs. ? ; : j*..>velt, ?.n Meaaachuoetts sve liiic. was attended b> aeverel hundred. Among those ?rom N< v\ Vork were Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery RooseveH, i.ouis Ham? craley. Mr. ?n.i Mra. Thomsa P. ?Jhaw, .M.S. AdNdph l.adenhiirg, Mrs. I*. 11 \- Wail. M?.*--. Samuel Sloan Auchlncloss, Hi?- Misses Duty?"-. Mr ? od Mra Ijoronao 17 Wood? ? ?hartes W.Ihoui <? ?2d? in !.. Diii Inghsm, Mr. snd Mrs. ?Xdwln Beers Met rttt Mr. and Mis w. ft Clark. Miss Clark, Mr. and Mra. Henry lUwvoort Kann, Mr and Mrs. I? t^TSalmlr de Ooppet, Mr. and sirs J. Harvey i*-?d?-w sad ?lark Potter. iir and Mis ?Bayas will make their horns m Wsshlngton, following " short wedding Journey. GOV. DIX ABANDONS MOTOR TRIP. mi.,!.. Nov. IS??"?Oovetmor Dix ahaa* dosai bis phws ??? Btotot to New York t? .,.,.. ami will keire by train t?. -I..OIIO.V ??on to attend IN annual dinner <?f ths .. s v.,ik Chambor ol C?rmtmerca In lbs evening. The Oova?rnor bas derided sol t., make s spi ??? b. DR. RAINSFORD GOES ABROAD. Dr. William ft ?JMdiwford, former rector or m ,;? ,.- s Piotestunt Kiaecopai Church, ?.f this city, ?Mll?sd for Uvsn.: rda? ? .i ihe While Star liner Baltic, on bis ws le tii si --?bed ?? ' reiatlvs ? ? ni Mrs Ralnsford will follow h. r busband uitrnn * ???'?*?? and baUt wOl r? .,, Ne? ? '?'? i" Rot sprlns? UM SHOWS MENACE Great Moral Danger to Children in Large Cities, Report Shows. 700 RESORTS IN NEW YORK Court Records Tell Terrible Tale of Ruined Maidenhood and Blighted Lives. Anbnrii, N. Y. Nov. h\ A shiip atU ' on moviiiK ?picture sh'iws in their Influence on children eras a (feature ?>f to-night ? ?sesea n of ?the New fork ?State Convention o? Societies for ?he Prevention of ?Tuclty to Children and Anima1-, ?being ?held her The sul.jet i came 11 r ? In a report of the commit!??' on ni'-vlm,' phtnres. Which, in? stan? in? a re.eut stin'-y of the ?subject In New v??ik City, said: "The report of the ?District Attorney for eases broucht at the instan??- .?f th? ?BO ciet> for th?- ?Prevention ??; ?Cruelty i?> Children in the boroughs ot Manhattan end Tbe i'i ?'?ix for tii? la ; <i?.\, n month .?-bows th?- following i-rimes traced dlrecU) or iii'iinctiv to moving picture sourc**.' ?Unmentionable ?rim?.-, ::. aggravated ? multa, :;': attempted ?assaults, ?;: abduc tlone, :: Indeceni ass, h-, ?:. impairing the morale, II .< total of n caaes .on which there wir. in contdctlons and ?;. offenders ?committed t?? states ?prison." Th?- committee's report follow- in put: Your committee finds that the i I is productive <?i fi ??ter moral danger t? ? children in cltiee ami large centres <?f i?opiiiati"ti than in tii- smaller communl ti's. and n i- therefore with the evils existing in tin? former that this ?report will principally ?leal. New "fork City alone has seven hundred moving picture resorts, belonging to two danses, namely, <ii those licensed?? by the Police ' ??-pal i men I. where the entertain? ment consists m' million pictures, coupled ?itii raudevllle acte, .uni for which -? license fee of *."-?'' a year i- charged; and (L'i those licensed bj the Mayor as "com? mon shows," when the entertainment ?con? fist?? of motion plctun and recita? tions. not rendered mi a stage, I'm this letter -har?,-ter of t?rense a fee <?f I2S a year t- charged. ?Both forms "f license aro Issued under th?- authorit? of the sreatfr New York charter These moving ?picture houees have ?? conimodaiion- for daily audienc? of t,-.,' hundred and fifty thouaand people, an?l it Is estim?t?.I that the cinematograph has created Afteen million ne* theatre-go? the ?United siat<s during the last years in th" ?greater dty of New fort there nre 1,n7r,,OK) children renst? red in th- pub? lic and ?parochial s< h?.<iis Tin- ?majority of these children are on the streets al o'clock every 'lav in the absence <?f suffi? cienl public playgrounds, the city child must Und its ?.?n amusement. Innocent Street Ranas kcej, children out of nuirai danger, and the natural tendency i> t?? i?ur sue clean pastimes. Witness the ?great cess ?if tii?- public school athletic associa? tions. This hos* ef ?it.. boys ami girls are. however, ?surrounded with moving picture shows in every tenement section, anil it is in thes?- set tions that the '-vils are continually developing. It is nut a rare Bight '" S?re buys an?l f::ils f-nizaeed in mimic "hold-upe" on the Hreet, followinp ?11 of th- details of th<* picture shows, and the president of this cenvention, in his capacity ?>f iusi?c?- <?f the IChildren's Court, has had to deal with chll ? ?iren ?harged with offences Inspired by the i pictures. Amateur burglars have robbed ?lieuses exactly as ?portrayed by the ?ptct hirifi. No ??ne ?-an reckon the amount of '?-vil ?lon<- susceptible children throucrh mo?'k representations ??f bl?oodehed and ?rime. Rut bad as all tills is. it is bv no means the worst phase "f ?he moving picture evil A list uf criminal prosecutions ?Ml? dncted by the Distrlcl Attorney of New Vork County at the Instance <?f the Bo? I ety for the ?Prevention ?>f Cruelty to ?*'ntl dren, all of which arose, directly or indi? rectly, from the Illegal admission of young children to the-.- resorts, and the ?asaoclationi thus formed, tells s terrible tale of ruined maidenl.1 and bliphte?! lives If is small ("Omfort thai in ?-onse quence of prOSiBCUtlOnS t hilt y-1 w?< men were ^??iit to state prison ani re? formatories for lone terms dining the pe? riod indicated. Ft'- nn amendment to S??f"ti 11 I "f the renal ?'ode (enacted in INI, largely throuch the infl'iem-e of this convention), It was made a misdemeanor, punishable by Imprisonment not exceeding on?' ytsar, or a tine not ex?-eedinc ?.',"'. or both, l?i admit to a klnetOS-COpe or moving picture performance any chid under t: .- ?age of sixteen rears unbss accompanied I parents or ?uardian The stern and via? oroua enforcenient /if. this statue and the Infliction of ?substantial prison sentences upon the proprietors and employes who are convicted of violating it will, in the judgment of your committee do mure than anything else tu pul an snd t" tins phaae (if the evil. The targe moving picture estahl ments in good neighborhoods are often ao generously patronised by reputable adults that th?? law?- against the admli -i"n ?'f unaccompanied children are fairly well en? forced, and s??mo of theee plac-ss are well managed and offer comparative!? slight opportunities for wrongdoing, it la n the smaller places, which depend almost en? tirely "ti luvenile ?patronage, that tin- vice ami tie- ?lim?- with which ? ?? are trying to COpe haw- their birth. All tliuse !o which uns eompanled children are admitted in violation "f ii"- p'-iial law an- Improper resmts There is no way of regulating the latter ?lass except " I" ' ecutlng their proprietors or their employes and bringing about their adequate puniahment imough th?- ? rimlnal ?'omt*. The convention adopted the following ?resolutions: To ??insider more stringent laws gov? emlng children employed on the ^tan? Tu oppoae ;? piI'l'iisid change in the penal law amending the requirement! children under sixteen maj n??t enter mov? ing picture, shows without parent or gua i dian. T?? ?secure a las making twelve years the minimum age of children engaged in streel trades, making I p m. tin- limit f??i night work, and applying tin- present newsbbyl law t" clttei <>: the third class, To ?all ihe attention -if Governor l?l\ i,? the n-?-?; --i' Immediate additions to many state Institutions for in?' accommo? dation of juvenile delinquents .?mi ?i?-n cienl children To name a special committee to confer with the Governor ;??id the state Peder?? ti??ii ?,f Labor t" obtain a law bj win h m?h- prisoners ?be employed, so that after t?ense of maintenance is deducted th?. salan ?? i?- devoted to the support <?r th'-ir minor children. STATEN ISLAND EDITOR ILL. i ? ide n w orrell, edl.I "TI ? Etat? n Islander." ami one of the besl i:nown hum In -Richmond County, Is seriously ill v/lth pneumonie at hi.- home in Pay street, Tompkii viilo. WHAT IS GOING ON TO DAY. ?Tree admtseloe '" ihe AmerlMi M .-? ?un of Natural Hlstorj and th? " at Mu a Ot All conven?. ?f the Sea Tort Stat? red ratio*? ??( v.i.m. n's ?'lui?-. H'?'' i Aster, 10 a m and s I?. In M,-, tin? "f ' ? ?? 'ni- et? and Marin? Engineers, Ko SS Wtat .'?"."i, ? lu a. 111. Meeting ,,i Hi" I -IVI- ' 'I n?, II ill A.-'' i | M. . I,:.. mi ?I,ll'. II Informal ?ddr? ?i. \,> on a:, ; v, Qman'i ?Progr-i-M bj Mn m . 11 . -. .i ii ,, ,. Waldorf Astoria. :: p m ?Public meetlni and convention ??f th r i . : of th? Presbytery ?if New i,.ik, ?Ma A\? an? i resbj. i- n,?n ? ii.ii? !.. 1:10 p m. pinn? i ol ? m i harnb?1 ??f Commt i, -. w , Astoria, ? vealni . i... Dr. Jama? Bwlni ou n. an,i Ihe II? ?'? -?I I'' ?fessum, ?i Hi? ii of th? New Tori? A? s?l? mj of M edl Ii it a ? m im i-1" ? ' s ??" i &* Pabilo lectures ol th? H srd ol Blut atlon, * IS ,, ,.,. Manltattan Publl? : i.i ?fj ,?, ?,,,. east of 1 hlrd ?venui. uni , , lui? " RlMUWll W, I.?,?'? Publl? N,, 4 IS Wl -I Mih ?tn , ;, m ,,f Mu i 'aril i- ?ti ?-'? i," '?? ora? v II I-.|< s, hool !?'?? b''"1 av< nu? . "Sword? ?? m p ? raen I ubll ?,;ii, fti? ? i I '???.. a,. Mason; ?Public s? ?"?? i at. Il? h and NortolH ?-"? ??'*?? "The Moon M;t.,i , m, i> Publl ml , , |, . ?irael ?ssl -?f ?**? "?"' '?? ' '-?'?v? ? I, mix Arnold, Ph i- . I'ubll? |,?, I.MI, ?'!.?? ' .? I ";'' ' .,1 II,, ' ?,?1 H ? ' I"*?' ??,???. ?et? ,, |, . . , n. Sea V??rt Publl? I A FAMILY OF ROMANCE Brother of Youth Who Eloped Also Secretly Takes Bride. in-, neagreoe. to the trtaeae.1 plainllield. N. J.. Nov. la? Announce ?,..?( was made f.-diiy thai MISS ?.rotta AniM TremMev. daughter of Mrs. Mary Trembley, ?<f West 4th street, ?and i?i<'h srd D. Taylor, gon of ?lames Taylor, of Qranl avenue. w?-re marled in St. Clem? snt's ?Episcopal Church, Preokiyn. on Oe tober II by ""' Ror. ftoy? Appletoa Both briiie and bildegroom will be sigh? I teen yeara old next m???nth. Miss Jo *-? phlne Murphy anil Fred Zwlofel. of this ? Ity, w ?ere attendants. Mr. Taylor Is I brother of Ralph Tay? lor, whose romantic marriage to MlSB Helen Smaiiey. daughter of Mayor Bmalley ??f this city, occurred on Mo? 'vember 4. while the bride's parents were tat the I'rincetoii-Harvarrl football game. ' Mrs. Tavlor until ventoplav alt?indod the Flalnfleld High ??cbooL The b?rid?agroofn ! is employed In a NOW Tort bUsilMSS bouse. -? IRVING PLACE THEATRE "Die Lustige Wittwe." There have been many productions h??re I of Krens ?Letter's must auecessful operetta, v. hose clever book ami happy airs will he j long in going stale, so easily <!?? they lend I themselves to the talents of singers sad a ton of even moderate ?capacity. lAtni ninlil New York saw "The Merry Widow'' for the first time In r?-al Viennese ?tress. and the espeiimce ?Was most exhilarating. Ths spiilt of the operetta SSSBBSd to be a little better piesstlSil an?l its humor a little better conveyed ?by pe? fumara famil? iar >.?.iih the types whom LSOS ami Stein drew, and the verisimilitude of tin ritua? H"li Aas made a little m?..?- apparent. i te Meyer waa a ?delightful widow j iron? the Palkan swine range*-, singing Charmingly ami exercising effe? lively all ihe attractions cosudstant ?aith the pan. V ch ?redit is due tu Mr. Murauer for Ilia linpf rs.inaii.iii ?.f i mini T ?:? n: 1< >. Il<- was restrain. ?I. natural and i.i'.-l ,-.?nv in? ing, failing mi?? ihe over?sentimentality of Hi- a,era::- sing, r of tin*- rola Mr. Be k, r and Mr. Lamber? were unCtUOUaly huniorous. ami Miss Conti, as usual, grs???? tul ami engaging. Ti-.?- performance vas received with genu? ine rathustssm ami wen deserved it i''t 9ooA who have a warm spot m their hearts . for -The Merry ?WldOW" OUghl not to 1" S i the opportunity to s. e her cavort ami sparkle el the Irving Place Theatre. The cast was: Mirko Z< le, pMtevedrlnle <e . . ii. m ki i-ii H.. ktr ' ?'l'-''' ? Fran. . I la-.ilem \ 11 in.. ? anil Oraf i llowlifM-h, ?;. landtschafts -? -ki'-i..! .Ifrrr I. .Marinier rarl .Fraulein ?'rete M? r?r t'amll ? .,, [?fen s, ? Vlcomt? ? : . .Herr !. Ilaoul de St. Hi I... ii..Herr Home now itsch, Konsul .. H? rr Weidmann i*J lv lai ?. sein? I- ? m ,, Fr?ulein Jacobe Kromow . ? ;? undtschafts-Ral.Hei r sell ' ''?? .. m Im Krau .Frau Home PrltiK-hltz, Mim., uta. bi.h. rr Uruenau I Pmakawla -?eine Frau. Fr?ulein Richter , NJeeua . l?aandtacbsfta?Kanaltal. Herr Lamber^ "ROMEO AND JULIET" GIVEN. In spite ,,r the fa? t thai the Inati uctors and studenta of the Hemnaond High ?School i ? i' Chicago hairs denounced ?Shakespeare as "immoral and full of cheap grandstand plays." Mr. Botheru and Miss ?Marlowe tersd to revive "Roineo and Juliet" at the 'Manhattan Open ?HottSS la t night and -i large audience, risking the ion of pres? tige that t?i? ?r display of bad taste in ? volved, gathered to enjoy the old ?Jtory ?ir Itmiaaee and the familiar language of |OVa ?which It tells. Mr, Soi hern olayd Romeo and Mis* Marl?.we Juliet, and both players , M DIO Well received. THEATRICAL NOTES. Th-? repertory of the Drsms Players for the comlmj week will le: Mopdav night. "The I.adv from the S.a": Tuesday nlghl and Wednesday matinee, 'The __eet*ned Ladlee"; IVedneeday nlghl and for th?> remainder of the week, "The Thundetrholt.'1 The cast for "The Th.und? rholt" will In? ? lude Donald Robert**on, Bffle Shannon. Hei -it Kelcey, Hedwig ?Reicher, Bdwaid 1 Etnery, Charlotte Oraarille, ?Sliaklon Lornta, Helen Convene, Ehtgenle Woodward, ?\ir :?.iine Oden, Prank Hardin, Jsnsea Cooley, I'i'd Kile, I.i..n. | R.-lmor?. A. Hvlton AI? lien, Haiph Bradley, Barbara Hall, Olivo losrnette and Alice Cobourn. , AI ths tooth j.- rfot man re of "The ICisa Wait/.." which tak? i place si ths Cssino Thestre next W evening, Novem? the ladles In Ihe audience will re? "Kli w sits" h tndbaga tu ?jouvi nira ?m this ?jeeaston the pie) win i. newl COStl m. .1 ?Seglnsld i ?e Koven'i new opera bouffe, "Tb< Wedding Trip." will have Its Brat pi? tlon at \. ?. Ha ? ? ? i ?.i Monday evening. The boob is by Mme ?le <;? ami Harrj ?"? Smith, in the rast ar. Dor? othy Jsrdon, Christine Nlelson. J. J., Mc? Closkey, Charles Angelo, Arthur Cunning? ham, Edward Martini. 1. Joeepfa Phillips. George Medlson, Owen Dubary, Perle Bar? ti. Dorothy Morton. John ?Itegers, Martin do Leney, Erwin Emmer, Pritsl Von ?Bu? sing, William Brandt. Prank Barlow and Charles Busbey. After a short ton "The Wedding Trip" vvtll come to N'1 ?'? York. ?ni Bklnnei and rontpsny ?ill ?begin re? heeraala oi "Kismet?' on the New Amster? dam Theatre roof neal Monda,] morning. Ida Btanhope, who %\?,.-? the original <???< ni in "The Prince ol Pilsen." will be ssen In Mew York In Ruperi Hughes'a farce, "H?xcuse He," which retr.rns In a few weeks. This season Chaunce* ??i.oii will pia Ida annual New York engsgement si ths Grand Opera House. He v-.-ni present "Ma cushla," Bids Johnson foung'a n? m i i m.., for ihr e up K.-. Mis? Viols Ali.-n ami th- entlr.mpany ..f Th.- l.ady Of ?'<.v?nlr. ' will attend Momias performance of I be ? ?.?i ?J? n "I Allah." at the ? '? ntiir> 'i n. ?tre. All?-?- John, who ici.-m!?- m.,.s aeen In ? Tbv Neigh bor'a Wife," will return to the cast of "The ?Seven Bisten." si Teilers Bruadws) Theatre, Brooklyn, on Monday night hi her originel rois ?>f Kattnka, the eldest alster. The lirat app?Barance here ?' .lean Murdock, who ha* come from Chice? ; .. the robs ? I Mid, v.ill take place ..,. Monde) night Meint I ? I? sth, ?v ho ere el Hen atein Victoria Theatre this w. k. era ra? ng ?. new sketch celled "Waiting at n . ? i .m, b," v. huh will b - ? ? ? for th? p- i Urne ne tl Mondsy si th - I sal NEW YORK FROM THE SUBURBS. Il r M - I., i. a,I ..f ll'.e u II 1 l Tripoli i.*t-.?'i ?.' ' ' VNi<??iiiii(c ?, n i - . ' On n .^- ? v ?? ?nil i j i nal f the A M it A .... i .. |a i. ? Well, ? I Iw?tda, n.? i meat ?? selrs the r > ? n ii- , t.. tak? la aa II k baaa .i ih-m i ? ? ! ., ? n . i ;? r-1 t \ in g? a v i ? ten ?i Mi**1 Hess.t te |, .,,? : ll lilt. I" OCh I- ? "I. M.I.-riiK II,- .,.,? -o..t ..piippln-- N. ? V ,rl i ?| |,e i ' M.?I? |(1 If] .ni ii. i? ii ? ?,. \, * .?i. rat? n i im , . .1 ...'-Il ,( ll .,1 Ihr ?.,. i laat n.- n ? ii.., pell a foe ? bas Uaaa and ageta <imanalra**i "" aaVlaorj i? nt aut?. i . a aal SIMETS PUNS VETOED Park Architect Advises Against Bowling Green at Battery. LAY DEFENDS HIS ATTITUDE Expediency Should Have No Weight, He Writes to Head of Parks and Playgrounds. '?ii receipt of a communication from F.ti rrene PhltMn, president ?of the Parks an?*? Playgrounds Aeaoflsihm askina him what bai become of Park Commissioner Bbveet't ?plan t?? put n running track and bowling ?reen in ?Battery Park, Charles D. I?ay, landscape architect of the Park Board, In tormed Mr. ?PhlIMn ?thai ?he ?had advised against both. Mr ?Lay told Mr. Philbln that he had In a ?letter to the Park COBft miaslnner BdTlsed the latter that "the run? ning track ami ?bowling green will be lnade i suata la Usaaselree and will to a great ox I mnt destroy \vhat?-ver unity of design the park ha.-." Park ('ommlsfloner Stover, however, was I just as certain as ever that he wmild have . h's bowling green, and he showed a letter from a body ?>f citizens wh?> w? r?- anslo'?'* I b> begin at once the old game of "bowls." What do you thljik of the stand of the landeeape architect?" he was ask?d. "We will have the bowling green all right," said the Comtnlaeton-sf with a ?smile. lie ?added that be had advlHed Mr. Lay to go ali?-ad with his plant of redesigning the park. "Mr. Lay will also have to con? sider the new ?Mlhway station to go there," said the Park ? otnmissloner, "as well as lib?- ?Barge OfBoe and the new Aquarium building" Mr. i'hllbiiis letter said that In fOnnST years ?hie OlgSllllStlOll had been inform?-?1 ??f an?, park change by Samuel Paraune? Jr.? 'Mr. !_'.-. s predecessor. To this letter Mr. ! Lay nirtde reply? which was in part as fol? lows; 'ih?? ploo o: expediency, which Is ?always raiacd when such an attack on a ?park is contemplate, should have no weight in thla came. Ken ITork ?needs ?both parKs and playgrounds snd is amply able t?. tax it? s-it foi it posterity for them ?both. The willingness to make provlal ?n tor the prae enl ?Mid the future and the puMIe convic? tion thai sii?h prorialon is worth It- cost must in- brought about i :? a general ? duca li'ii <?f tin- people by public spirited clti II I?-I. New Fork la not ?alone In her ability to keep cleerly m mind the ?fad that public op?-n spans, when careful!) d<**sign?Mi for a particular purpose, are more economically ? -, .1 for thai purpose than for Mme other different Mr. Lay also indnsed In- letter to Park i mnnuasloner Btover, which rea?is as foi l?.ws: The bi'Htii> of ?Battery Pari, is, as every one knows, much spoiled by tic elevated railwa* structure, bul that can lie planted "ut with a TOW "f Lom.-aiily ?poplar! or Oriental plains. The park as a whole should, I think, be rcdeslgrned, iMeauae it la a typical example <>? the style of ?many years ago, when ?aimless walks laid out with twisty curves were considered plctur < sipie. To-day more formal treatment ?seems desirable. I ask you, therefore. If it would not be tetter t<? ?give up for the present the Ides ol building a ?running ti.-ick and bowling ?green In n<? <?f the park lawns and to gf t ni? ? new scheme for th?> park. In which lius.? features can be given more space with less in jury to the park0 in a ?rearrangement of the nark the space tow wasted r.orth of th-- elevated structure I might conceivably ?be pul to ?good u- Tho ! running tra?-k and bowllna green now pro i ? osed will be Inadequate In themarives Mid will to a great degree destroy whatever ? ? f design the park ?has. TAFT VISITS FREDERICK. MD. i Urges Peace Treaties Before Boards of Trade. Predertcfc, Md.. Nov. 17 President Taft came Into the Frederick Valley to-day to SdvOCate bis arbitration treaties in S speech before the Associated P?*ards of Trade of Maryland anil to lay a wreath on the tomb of Fran -la ?Bootl Key, author of "The star Bpanglsd Banner." I? eras the grastest ?lav this little town ha* had since ?Barbara Prietchle waved her flag at ?Stonewall Jackson's men. The house where ?Barbara Prtatchle lived, long ;it?i torn down, had stood by a bridge, over Which the l*i- ?1?1. tit ?pSSSfld The site was pointed ?"it t?? him, snd the motor csr i paused for an instant while the Presiden! , look? d The President's address ws inbstanttally ' the ame ?advocacy "f the treaties which he maile in speeches on th?- (iftciii-t lu lusahd Imlle trip Jual finished. The ?PreeMenl had la bad cold, which alT?-,ted his throat. an?l he ?lid ti"t speak at length. His sudlence ?aras a sympath?etic one, however. The loaiin-. to Key's tomb was made In llUng twilight, ami it was ?lark when th? proceeston turned tbe ronnstory ?gate. ?i., i i ?vrpet of ?tallen leaves the Presi? dent ?Jed the procession snd, ?baring his head, hud a s,' .nil at the base of the monument He al o placed another wreath ; brought by the ? 'itlsena of Frederick. NO ART PRIZES FOR AMERICA Unequalled Exhibits from This Side Barred from Rewards at Rome. Rome, N"\. l& Tbe craiid Jury at the In? ternational Art Exposition, t?. which Is In? trusted the final award of prises, decided ten grand ?prises for paintings ami ?sculpt? ures, eight ?grand ?prises for workers in black and white ami ?many ?second prises to-day, 'i here are -leven juroi t, ? i ol whom must agree In ?each award. Pour of : the members are ita;;.. All ?if tLie juror- expressed i grel that I the American ?artists were deprived of tin* ?recognition due them, Tbey were excluded f**om Ihe competition because of the clos? ing ??i" tin- American pavilion bj Harrison s. Itorrie, the American Commissioner ?Gen? ? rai, "n ? "toi?? r 11? wht n the Insuranre was ?permitted to lapee, be not being will? ing to exposa the ?IMM-M worth ->r exhibits t?? pOsalble ilaim? r fro??i lose? b] lire it is agreed thai If the American works had bees Judged John Stager largenl iroold i--? ? Ived .? ?grand ?prise ami ?hat ti?> "la' k and white exhlNtS of .b-ssi. Willen* i Smith, ?Bliaabeth Bhlppon Oreen ?and Jules Querin snd tbe McOtaughen and Webeter exhibit* ??r etchings wen the ?best shown. The Jurors ?admitted they were unequalled. I Joseph Pennell, who le a member of hi?* Jury, was much diet recaed that n?> prises ? ould ^?? t?? Am? rl? a, bul ?be ?said tb In-j we ?an | -?-_ INDIAN TAU FROM VANISHED Edwtrd B. Curtis Tells Story of th? Rate. Helped by Moving Pictures. "Tin? Itory "i tb?' Vanlshini R ice" >?. i-. I..I.i at Carnegie Hall laal nighl t-?. speech ami moving 11< lure, lantern slide and music, ifidward ?I, Curtis, who has span! more than twenty yeon ??i ins nr.? ?among t?,? eborigln**a "t thla ?country, much ?>f it ? an h woi k for .1 l'i? i potit .\| . was ?responsible for the Irai three modes and the mUSlC v.. -, th? ?v??i k ??f |(,,[u . f Qllbert, inspired b* phonographic raeorda of Indian ?songs ami chanta Though Mi Curt?a .sp??k.- of tb? Indiana raalahlng neo, ids ?snthwdasm de :?,? t- ?I If , -n M I race thai Was far from I vanlahsd He reminded an that , all Riled the avdltorlum thai . oae of tii?' n??- i sale rao i bmu kin.i. thai thej spoke fifty Itaguistle etc k< ai ,i thai in ? aiii.-i m.i atone thoy so foui times i - many linguistic etoeks a.-, aii Sont a ?in?- ,,i Hi. main reas?,?,:. |, SdVSaOed for tb.ii pri s. ut declining oondltlon s i^ the ' ?ni?..;; ,,n ..f ti"tir ?greaU t food supply. |he i.iirr.tio herds of ihe Western prairies, bj civilisation, ? national itagraea, he nld, ?lily BSOQSjd lo the treatment of :?.. Indl-B I bin ?.elf. I HARDY JALES STAGED Wcssex Stories Dramatized and Played in Dorchester. [Rv Table to The Tribun*. 1 London. Nov. 1?.?The Wessex of Thomas Hardy's early boyhood, with its Qtialntf crtiHted characters In ohl-faHh lon??d attire and mellow vocal tones, was recalled vividly In the Dorchester Corn Kxchange last night, when amateurs of the local Debating ami Dramatic Society presented Mr. Hardy's own dramatic version of "The Thru- Strangers," the version being styled "The Threo Way? farers." and then Alfred Evans's adap? tation of that other V.'essex tale, "The Distracted Trencher." There was a crowded and keenly ap? preciative audience. Including Mr. Hardy himself. ?? WIRELESS FROM CARDINAL Monsignor Farley Sends Thanks for Cordial Farewell. A wireless messa+re of thanks from Ca: ? dlnal-dcslgnate Farley to all concerned In the liemonutration Tuesday attending his departure for Rome was received at St. Patrick's Cathedral last night. The mes? sage is dated on ?board the ?famer Kron? prinzessin ?"ecllle, on which ("ardlnals rl. sign?t'? Farley and Faleonio are cross? ing the Atlantic, and reads as follows: Mons'.gnor Moonej*. Vl?ar General, <"ath0 ?Iral, New York: Sincere thankij to mv children, people, frlenda and clergy for magnificent demon? stration yeaterday. Party well. rARLBT. m POPE NOT TO NAME CANALI Vatican Denies Under Secretary Is to Succeed Monsignor Faleonio. Rome, Nov. l.i.--Monsignor -"'anall, under secretary of state at the Vatican, will not he appointed Apostolic Delegate, at Wash? ington to succeed Monsignor Faleonio, as lias been reported. It was positively as? serted at the Vatican to-day that Monsig? nor ?'anali \'on|,| pot be transferre'l from his present position, nor dhl tl.e papal sec r.tarv of state, ? 'arilinal Merry del Val. erleb him to sbandon the office he now hold?. It Is likeh- that the appointment of the new Hpostoli. delegate will he delayed un? til aft-'f the c'inslstory. Among the can? didates now mentioned, .Consignor A'-ius, i apostolic delegate at Manila, Is most fa i varad. . a TO HONOR JOHN WANAMAKF.R : Merchants of the United States Will Give Luncheon for Him To-day. John Wnnamaker will he honored at a luncheon t<? be given this afternoon at 1 O'clock at Sherry's. Fifth avenue rind 4 Ith street, by a committee rcigrOSSnllng the ; merchants of the t*nit??.i states. The occa | ??on was ?planned in celebration of his , fifty years In business life and the fifteenth anniversary of hi? coming to Xew- York. John Daniel!, jr., of this city. Is chalr ! man of the committee, an?! Patrick Francis Murphy will be the toastmaster. Mar? chants from other (?ties came here last evening t<? attend the luncheon, and a large ,delegation fmm the commercial and finan | ?ial circles of Philadelphia Is expected this morning. Although the ralabratton ?was organised by men-hunts as g tribute to one of their number who Is regarded as the ? r?'ator of th?' modern Amerl-an department store, other Intereeta wilt al?o he represented. Mr. Wenamaker ?was on??e consul for asv? eral foreign nations, and many members of the consular corps of this city will greet him. The merchants will present a loving cup ?o Mr, Wanamaker. i AUTOS IN MAIL SERVICE Trial in Washington Shows Important Saving in Time Possible. Wsshlngton, Nov II.- A special auto mobile delivery mall servies was inaugu? rated In Washington to-day. Which, it is expected, Will be extended by Postmaster ?e lierai Hitchcock to ??flier cities. Letter carriers with bags tilled with mail were taken in the mot. r cars from the general pOOtofllCS to their raiiOua routes, and de? livered the mail from fifteen minutes to half an hOUr earlier. Tie collection of mail by the csrrisra iras similarly expo? ?life,i Gasolene msll cars will leave Bsltlmora to morrow afternoon on en experimental run to Philadelphia snd are expected to arrive there ?.n ?Friday. The purpose >.f Ott demonstration i** a general delivery of newspspera snd mail matter en route. OBITUARY. MRS. JACKSON S. SCHULTZ. Aller an illness <?f m...-.- than a year, .Mis M.irj Fay gchults, widow of Jscksoii S gchults, ? leather merehenl of thla die?i yeaterday at her home, Mo. m War burton avenue, Tonkera. she was born in Poughkeepeie In UM, daughter ?.f the Rev. Rllphss Cay. In 1179 ?she was married t.. Mr. Schultz ghortly afterward sh<- came tu New ?jfork, where her husband died In !???? Tbe funeral will be private end tiie hurlai win be in the femll) plot at Rough? j keep? is OBITUARY NOTES. ??ii |8 KLKINPELTBR, one of ?he moot nent cltlsena of Richmond Hill, Queens, dl< d si ins home In thai , I ice lato I on Tuesds) night after a long Illness, .?t the sge o? aeventy-one reara He waa the I father-in? lae of ?Borough Presl?ent I I of >3rooklyn, who mstrled Miss Laura I Klelnfelter. Mr. Klelnfelter wa for over [ fifty ??? fed m the maaufariure of ! brooms In Brooklyn. THEJ REV. JOHN J. gl l.i'.lVAN. i ihurch of the Be? i ?-.i I ii ?art, ;'? >:i. ?lii-.i resterday n..i>i pneumonie ;li gt. Cathertite'a hioHpital, Wllliat*t*ebunr< He waa thirty-nine eai .-'-i snd ? sa born m Ken fork City Kather Bullii an :?!?. for i' ?? prleathood In I j of the Ketheti of Mercy al ?Ytneland, S. .)., ai'il Ial- r Was . at Bt Mar-. .; Si-mir ary. Ball ???.? i ordain* d on 11 . mix ? IS, i?'". KRANK n MOFg-ATT, a real ? rtate .?? - orator, died si hla home In New Brlshton ? H,. wa orgsnlsl of ths Broarnell Btmri i . Church, Btspletor, *- < WIDOW GETS BULK OF ESTATE. The will dlspoeing of th? ? of William Renaselaer Smith wss til?-?! for i,, : ? of| ?> Bui rogab Ket? ham ou Tu.-s,I iv. Tu 1.1 ? i . . ;? angl Smith. brother of the tealator, is left **_.?. ?? ? - ??. and .:,, ?.un i;.?.* i?. a nephew, Howaird 0 , law \ er. who ||\. | at )30**OUgb i.,,k tip ..?.i ; ,. i of iht ? state i? ?rilled to the widow. Roxy M. Smith. The entire estate Is aid I.seist ??f personal proptwty MRS. WILLETTS ALMOST WELL. \t th.- i'- n? h Hospital, ; ?sat, it . ? iniit-i w niotts ??' Bi Ighi on Real) n, Long Irland, who s is t.,k. ?, there a wei k an-? for -ii operation for sppendlciti?, I ,,i almo i sntlr? Ij n i oven .i fron Cocts ??'>?? wouM be allowed la depart in a .. ... ,i,. Mrs w ni :i ... ?n.- un,, of ths ? it,- opei itor snd aportantes of that ,i?! ,.tii, m al >>" ? n .ni ?< SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Mailed anywhere in the United State?, for $2.50 a year. | The First German Opera of the Season. When that happy time is reached In our fashionable operatic lnatltutlon in which th*? lyrical drama shall be enjoyed for ita own sake, when, so It he worthy of the place, the artists and the public, there shall be more thought of the song than of the alr.aer, when n drama bears ? mov? ing meeaago am tu Its **?>r?1-.. Us Picture.-), and all of theae el ??men! ?s are floated not only Into the ears of the listen? ers, but Into their hearts as well, to the warming of their emotions and the uplift? ing of their emotions by the music, such a performance a?* that Riven to Humper dlnrk's "KonlKsklnder" at the Metropolitan Opera House last night will be set down at a high value, regardleas of the fart that the audience was kept wondering nearly all evening why Mise Farrar'a contrlbutl?-* was confined to her charming appear a nee and action and added ?0 little to the mu ?Ical charm of the work. Last year brought no lovelier manifestation of finely con? ceived and finely wrought out lyrtco-dra matlc art than her impersonation of the Ooose CJIrl In the German opera whloh Slgnor <;atti-?'aaai7.a brought forward aa a companion piece to the lRtest work of the Italian I'm clnl. over which ao much ado waa mad? to no purpose whatever. Much of the charm of the work waa dissipated last night by Misa Farrar'a listleas alnglng, hut there was compensation In the circum? stance forced upon the attention of every? body that the chief and all-auffldent charm of the play and Its music lies In th? play gad th- music, and not In tho work of any one performer. Humpe.rdlnck'a muslo, which grows In expressive charm with every h^arlne. sang Its way Into the hearts of the audience under the affectionate and Inspiring guidance of Mr. Hertz, who has a. convincing way of showing the love wh1?*h he feels for a work, end all tbe performer? compelled attention to the varied dramatic ch-**rization and poetical a!l<*?*ory with whl-'h librettist and eompoeer have imbued th?* work. There was little that was new to call for particular mention, and the language of praise?that Is all that la allowable short of hyperbole?has already been spoken of Mr. Jadtowfcer, Mr Gorltz. ?Mr. Dtdur. Mr. Reissand Miss Mattfeld for their intelligent, zealous and affectionate work In earlier representations; but a word of commenda? tion < annot l>e amiss for Miss Wickham (sa the witch) and the little lady who enacted the part of the child. Despite the fa.ct that It was a second night and the opera a German one, the , SUdtenOS was large, ai;<l there were few vacant seats. The applause, while not great in volume, was sincere, and the audience followed the progress of the i.ctlon with close Interest. H. E. K. MISS DUNHAM GIVES RECITAL. Miss Edna Dunham, soprano, assisted by Bruno Huhn at the piano, gave a nong re? cital yeaterday afternoon in Carnegie Ly? ceum. Miss D'inham's programme was a varied on??, no USS than sixteen composers being represented. The singer's clear, well OOatroUed voice was especially pleasing In the first group of songs, notably in He press's "Flor dt deteesss" and la am Ho Far? Hi's "Adorava l'Aprll." The latter song, by one of the former minor conduc? tors of the Manhattan Opera Company, was a delightful little bit. equally mob-din? and expressive. A'l In all. the recital was a. most pleasing one, for If the singer showed no great dramatic gifts her voice was pire in quality and ?generally well produce?!. Tne audience 'was of moderate site. ? MARRIED, g Baldwin BtTHANAN?On Wedg?eisr, N" vc-mber 15, 1011. at New fork City, by ?I*?? Re?. Ifeniy S ' oiTln, Adelaida Tay,?*! Ru hauen lo ?Charlea '-e?!rtg Baldwin. ?COLLINS rHKNTf'K ?Os Ufedneeday. Se? vember 15, IS11, at l?o o w-?ii i?*-th ?? by th? Rev, ?ii'orze Alexander, D l?. ? Hope, dmictitT et Mr. ?mil Mr, William Parkei* T i-eiitl? ?. to ?t?*piv'n Wllleta <*oll1,i?. "?.I.MKXPOI'I-* - KLMKNDOKF November 15, 1911, at ?lie Chun Ii of the Hol) ?.'?i'iimuni?*ii. b th? t?.?? in Henry Mottet. Katharina lllmendnrf, dauRhl-r of ?lie 1h?h NlrOU I',.- 1 Elmeadorf, t?> ir. Ten i*>,k Elnwndorf Ketteee of nnrnn,. und tli-a'i', in nut be i, ?ompnnied by full name end addreM. DIED. ?Bet? n, v>? Ja? ob, H?mrj M r-1, s i- .)? \. Johnsen, I Clarke, Wmifre-I. I..tin- " . Condon ' '? ??" - i' ?harrow, lleno !" Moaeni ? ?? -',.ta a. T m in,, I'll in?. \l If. Gilbert, Snrah W. P. s, hultx, Mary F. Hance, Rev. William W. Whitman, Jeta. BATES \ ????? "?r.ii'-i- 15, Itll, William Bate?, aged 77 yean >n [?'??s hi Un- Methodist Bpla i Ho ? . : ?at reel and Atnatifflem a * io o'clock Relatives, hienda - I ? ri of the ?'hnrch of the Pavlo'ir ar" In vlted. t.ENNETT ??t? November IS. toil. 5arefe I Funeral ter lee? st - r??ri -i, W.Ihavcn, ?on ?Thursday. N-e M mil? r l'i, at s i?, in. CLARKE "i Motaay, NevMtaer t;;. It??, Winifred, be-Jbved wife of Michael < iniin?. at -.., 361 \ o? Buren al , Brooklyn Funeral Tliiiredf \ fr ??' St. Jol n tba K?;'tlet. Wl lough! ' eves., b? s a CONDON i. ' f,> of Kranalin ? < i' l'on, ?m Wi Ineada: . No? ? mbei IB an. DARROW Suddenly, on Tue-sda ISil, llenr) F. Darrow. ?beloved lmaban-1 of ?arah D?srrow. ?Funeral ?'ni???? ?111 lake No MO Ken? a. e , lyn, ?n -Saturday, Noreabw '?. Itll, at - i : \\ ?\. November 14 ISIt, ?Ctarles M |n ' la 3d v --.?r i'uiirtal ?r? , ? ,--i |. ti, ? . No, ?'? Jfa?*on it, Brookbn. en ? lenlng, th? IStfe t?.?? ..??*? GILBERT- emtIdenly, a? her home. No 1 (?* ?R tat 58th st. ?Sarah w. Wwn, widow ef <t-r iat? Kdward <l ?iilbert. of Trnv. N. Y. Funeral at i,,,. ., o?<?i.i\. No vein I er 15 ,- 4 p. m. interment -m Thursday, in Tier. N. T. HANCE On o., t 14 1011 at \ *, . ti..- R< v ?William White Hance, ??Ideal tor ,?f the late >-,e,it..< ?? ?mi i White Hance, In IM ?leih "??? ol hit \eam ?i Trinity Church. Wool | .' . \"\?? mtar 17. eti ,tr ..r train leavtn?t \ia p???iiis\l?.anla Rall road at i 35 :' m. Kindly emu gewera ja?'<?b \? Bt?mford. ? ??un. on Wedaeeety? November 15, itll. H?anry Usaos. i"*n of Bar? tholomew snd l.rdla Brown JecoS, as?i 3 . in and ?> months. Funeral ?riiate. JOHNSON "n X??\???nil? 'i 11. n< th?* realden, a \i? ?< William m Narrte, \ i . Ann ? Johneon, ? i?-i.>* ,-f Edwui-?1 Johneon. In the "-tat feme of her Funeral i?: LAM80N *?? his r?fald?i>n?re, Larcbmctat, X. T.. \ I 1911 ?if ptieiinmiiM. Rog-r |?amaon. Kuneml '? hla late I, o,-i.ii oi h ireday nw i? leaving New tort at I ?>-t h. m. l!?i?ton pn| "i" ? MOFFATT ??n Tuesday. Kovemfce? l?t. at hie \.. ; - - ? ? ave Tompktnei II?, \ ^ . ii ,i,i. m ?--?n -.f the late it Than is ? m , i'iii ? ? at hla let? r?-??.. ,1 ? ?i ,:,, |. No\ ? ??-? i 17. ai 1" ';?? .i. m. MOfBNTHAl, v . ' , ? .,..?. 31, r.?n al VI? S'-r\l?e will f?e - th St., "ii Thurada?. No ? -.?i ., a | ?on M'in.-ii?.- ?if fanill ,, gars tomb* t IS, Uaey loved ?if- ? i Joalab II Feat I a ?i her Iat? *?? Baal ITiti i. ., ; p. m, Thuntd?>. Ntma? i 11 St'HI'I.TX On ,>^??. '. Sovember 15, b*?11. ai i t home, X?' am War burton a?.,-. Yonktnrs? N Y . Mrr '.' - hull I ?hi iv tit ??a - :? S Scbulla, of New York ?'Ity. .?! l'i'. P D illk?-.-l'?l?, \ y i ? ?- - - ? ? pleasa eepi WHITMAN Ins. X vemtier 14, ISIt, at hi? realdenr*. No l??t 1'intaatc a\? . v .1. Jobn Whitman, la hi? u*?th 1 ti ?sel i will I?- ti?-l'1 at 12 n?v??i. ? November l?t. at St. Juhn'a Epla 'liuir.'i. I'aaaalr, X. J. ( ?KU h I KRIKS IHK WOODLAWN < KMKTKRY. 23 .,1 Ml By Ha ? I? FroUef, isd si. x v. I MH.ltl VhKIIS. I'R.WI. 1 t -?Ml'llll.l. ?t I WMt -1 St ? ? apela. Prit it? Rooms. Private Amhulancea. Tel 1524 Chi I ?III i? FA. 154 Kasaati -.treet. l'l*TOWN OFFI? B No. I U'.t Broad wi . or ? ?ftn-e M MM.I.M ?n ii? \..- N.? 157 East I'JSth street, X. tea 125th ?Streol an.l No. lit Weat 150th aireot. WASHINGTON 111 HKAL? Wratory Bultdl"**