o? taifa Gii
Harvard Regulars Driven Hi
in Long Practice.
Plays Right End Well and Gi\
a Good Account of Him?
self in Kicking.
|B) Tel-?Sr?ph |e Th?? Trlhun?)
Cambridge, Mass. Nov. 17, On a slip?
? i UUs .iftern....n th? Harvard 'rat
ann th.- ?jubstitutea played hard f??..t
for forty-tive minut?e it wa*.
<iri\m_: fbotball that th.- regular team
?-??in Ran;. ?
f..i x'-t tvv.lve minutes they wen- agai
the Indians. Th" r. Cela'-, s.?or,?<! on
?substitutes only twice, however, while
ssoond atiini men tallied a touchdown
t heniseh ' *
? ?f chiei Interest t<*-dai wee the ret
of s-?m Pelton t i n.? pie
latently ?. ready to go :,_? - i Dai 00
?aHhougb it is doubtful whether he will
k?-pt in the ilne-up for the entli
Hla ong punt- ?drove the aubetltutea f
ther down II
at end a?s??. S'?.-.
s ? k at rici.t ta> k\, w excellent on
t k. and defensively i?, la as ?rtroiif ..s
waa et centn i ?arment? ? s
fa. tor\ to-day. Fill - for the ri
lllng pla ? not . ? t
red ?r ?uracy In I pass?e hack to
kl' k?r =
Litti? .
t ? \ered with m ?
'v ai ? touchdown ? sriy In i
?s?criinaaage, rovering twenty-five j
Une pli?* fter Reynolda had run bacl
ki?k from the middle of the ti?-ld. S?
afte?- t1 is Jencks recovered s kick on
'varsity s h'-yard line for the subs, a
I then rushed Si
second touchdown that ore?i
ths varsity this fall by rushing.
Fief,,re th.. s, rtinmage ended the -vars
?^ oied again, ?racolvlng the ball on the SI
SritUteS1 Tin-yard line, and then gainj
Steadily until the goal line was cro.-*s
Th? Harvard freshmen are trying to j
range to have their -amo with the Y.
freshmen on Saturday played in the moi
ing Inland of at thS same time in I
afternoon that the varsity will play l?a
Cornell Plays in Snow.
Ithaca. N. Y ? Nov. II Two inches
???now obliterated all signs of the chf
marks on Alumni Kleid this ?afternoon, r
despite ?Um p.ior condition of th<- grhlir
i ? egulan went through the las' he
practice before leaving f.?r ?'hieapo i
with ? net sri "f slgnali and sevei
new plays, the scrub team Hned up agslt
the rit' in th? afternoon n
for about two hours p**oviiie,i ??articulai
good training for the 'varsity The ?vsrsl
was not f.. ?n i wamtlng In offenelve w? i
ami Whyi Com or followed e w
?judged Inti rf< stiel Kali
The fret wen railed late in th.- se
i - |mn sge, In w-hich tl
'varsity took the defei alve tack, tl
jrow . '" of the ba
, ont tut Tl e lui.- eontlriip s to mal?
tain i . atiengtS Whi h It has apparent!
been qul?/lng <>f late it is thought thi
t'hei '? up to th.? stau,
f.r.i bv gaturilay, and in tins case h>- is
\*ahiable addition le the right sMe et tt
line. ?Frits is ?jurpesalng expectations, f<
efclll with whi-h he directs his attai*
l t., Ules counterbalance h
Chicaqo Hard at Work.
?"hi,- go, Nov 18 \ v ?rare th
another Strenuous work-.u
-, et for ll ?
next Satuidsy. The chlceg
? - ? ? aiderably he ? 1er In the < !or
? time thl
? rd, an i me
th ?'..rnell In that ens'
i .-n shift??'L- of ?grrabj t" guard ?aril
, ? ? n. i. el end. staue
it Is said, will rol) principally on tries play
for : ' ell, M the ?Chl?cag
line has not I
to w.'ii rant any < pla? ed n
|l for lire plongea
Williams Coaches Busy.
Wilitan-istowti, Mass.. Nov. U William
in j ut?'nc ..n the tinai touchea for the gam
with Amtierst, which closes the P
son "'i m \t gaturday. Past ;
? ween th
two New- ?England collei
_.ssist??l thle week by num-.-rous form?
"Williams stars On Monda? Captain 0"Nel
el the '"i eleven, sad coach of the tr-.t*ti
: ? following ? ?i. ra on hand, as w.i
? - Bust? ;" Brown, 'OS. These men gavi
the team a s stgnal drill ander th
a? nerai supervision <?f Captain bimiir, a
J laly w;.s mu of town
One or two changes in the llne-u
noticed. Walker was ba-K at hie old Iks;
* ? right guard, for a ahort th*n?. but ht
has not yet completely recover.?! fr?im hi)
?e, erit Inltiry. an?! soon gave ?Way t.. <,.u
field, ?lakes also seems to be returning t?
Ma normal p' vsical condition, and t...,k lef
guard on the 'varsity, repta? mu M i
Cadeta Work on Tanbark.
West I'r.int. Non ! 7. With a sn..w no
rred gridiron the A:- I w..ul?l tak.
ro rhan.esi of adding to th? Ir injured s'pia?'
I.y risking n scrims - | The n,-w
riding hall is large etIOUgh to lav out a
gridiron, and the ?practice was held on th?
tanbark There was no scrimmage, but all
the. plays that will bs used Is lbs Baal
?gages wt -?? v? i.-tK. .i
Mh'I tonabl. upon whom the Army relic
ts start tl. game, should be in condition,
lut is still on Hi?* elck Hat. Cook an?i
i ?Hispi? are back.
New Navy Backfield.
Annaj-olis Nov. 14.?The bach ?
?.vas used at th.- Nava) Academy this after?
noon Is the sam?-. with i tion, as
that which ?aill irolabh be used ii-.iir?-,*
j'.?n? ej Btah ?teturday and
agah i Wept i'.um s we.k later. Qtlchriat
auet ar quarterback, Captais DaJton
and Nichols are t>;<- halve?-, end Collins, a
fourth 'lass ma::, is p!a> ipg fullback,
?'.ilchrlst Is d'.ing ?jatJafSvctory work an?!
rvtrioptng lato s ?rartels ground gamer
for sh'.rl ?lista
Quakers Off ?for Michigan.
? hin. N..V <d M by
ii,r,e thousand undergraduates, ?+,?
of ] nna i/lvania fo< tl all equad
I n hen at 12:91 o'clock to-day (<?r Ann
on Saturday the team srill
? | n In ths -iii
hual onal Kri?llr??n bettle
led by a brass band,
i heir waj Phila?
delphia t? the nending T<*-rmlnel, where
blocked traffic while they cheered the
? dent of th?
]:> sdiag, was an lat? S fr?.m
I is office window
footl all pla)era will fo ?
Detroit Country dub, whei a ?ill re?
main until gmturda? ?**MH*nlni when they
Will go '?n to Ann Arbor.
Dartmouth Works in Gym.
|g T? ?evr.,pll i.i ?The i ?n, n.- |
Hanover, V. ?H.< Nov. II A touch ?,f
-, ?i \.w Kngland winter visited
. in the f?,rrn of six inches
am i,.i s. nmmage was thereforeI
).. id m the v mnai lum 1 or ths I
Ihla ... . freshman s? or*-d upon the j
?... . , latter bad mole two |
to. Li.-o.vuo. The varsity took the ball |
. r. ths 10-yard line, the middle ?>f the
Re?d, for offensive work, and si?
?/rorked ;t down t?.<- Bold for two t??
downs Then for practice In d? f< n
work the fraahmen received the bail.
lr, the first play, a toi ward pass from ?
t i,' Rogers, the youngster netted f?
.?ids, twinging the ball to t:;t
ird lin-- Two
and ?'urtis carried the ovsl a
Temporary goal p?.sts were ere. ted.
. re kicked I a g
A large crowd of students watt bed
scrimmage from the gallerl
nal dr;? preceded the scrimmagi
The Uni up to day Le ft end, l ???
? | ; ni. W Itm
centre, Glbeon; right guard, Beer; ri
tackle, Ei gU I orn; right end, I ?ana; .|i
;,, Llewellyn; Ii ft halfhack, Dud
right halfback, Moray; fullback. Snow
Hard Practice for N. Y. U.
Herman P. Oleott. coach of the New Y
University football team, an?! Reliley,
. nt the ?r|n:,d throng!
rice yesi rday afl
noon ..n ? hlo ?Field Tin- programme
the afternoon Included an hour's punt
: ??. hlch the lincm- n w< I
on running down punts, and a long, hi
scrimmage between t1'? 'varsity and
.??? .-?.iid team.
in tin- first part of t:,e scrim
?:-- w, re able t.> plough throu
the |in< ?I f? ??m t
t . iv.. my yarda At the : yard line, ho
ever, ib. second team ?braced and recall
ill on flowne it worked three <
side kh'ks in aucceaslon, bringing 'be b
down to tl..- 'i/aially's :.' .? ?io I H<
in turn, th? \ irslty held it for downa a
team wai ? ? to gi
ill again. The 'vi
.... to i v '?'
sev? ral of tl cession, taking t
i all ovi r th?
Will Not Play Captain Piokerir
in Wisconsin Game.
Mtnneap II Minn. Nov IG The ITi
?- athletic authorttl
decided - fternoon t?. withdraw Capta
Karle Pickering, the fullback, from Batt
da with Wia
though 'n : ? they said thai th
had n'.t even Investigated Wb
complali t thai ' p?as d pi
f, ei lona ! baseball.
A motion to cancel the game waa d
feeted The Minnesota statement ...
talned sn Intimation thai the ellgihlllty
four Wisconsin playera Moll, Tsndber
Mackmilier and Hofl leatloned.
According to l?r. William-, the prote
from Wisconsin may mean the hi caking i
athletic relatlona between the two untve
Minor Leagues Handln Ove
$2,000,000 for Players.
San Antonio Tea., ?Nov 18 ?President w
ll. Kavanaugh, of the ?3outhei*n ?Leagu?
l.rougbt about t; <? tint debate in t:.. |]
convention of the National Association ?
Professi<onal Baseball Leaguei here t??-?la
when be proposed that the national agrcr
m A A i.?- estai
Hshed s.? a*- to allow pi .sent ('lass .
bagues ii- ..-nie privileges a*-' '?? ?Iraftin
from nil,-" h taue clubs enjoyed by th
maior leoguea The auggeetlon <?f Mi
Kavanaugh that ?> ruiV - committee b
i ame.l eras sdo] ?
The convention eld Ita fir*-t buelnea
?in-salon tins afti-rnoon Thlrty*two mine
i v.. -. r? presented :,t the openini
?t of .lohn n. Parrel], the secre
? r,?- followina tlgurea :
Port > -siven organisations, embradns H
an?! towns ..:' Am. rlCS and Canada
?puiiitv-ii for membership m ?U. Playera
?.?ntracis i?i ti?- number of I'i.m;.' w?era re
ceived, recorded mid promulgated. Termt
pted to th?- number of I.M v.. t.- <\
sained ami promulgstod. Options) sgrae
ments spprov?ed were 111; exercised, IB
'-:-? auapended i I play
??? reinstated Playei ?:?.?fted by th?
National I,?agin?. 71; bv th?- A?
?. i v the National Aeeociatton
l'jv Total ?amounts ?.; drafts, I
Am?.unt paid f.?) relees? by purchese, ll".?.
'I'..tal amount received turough th?
secretary'i office for drafted players, op?
tional agreement players ami released by
purchased playi ? During th.- ten
?.f Hi, N ?joclatton 1j."i?i.l.'in
Mad been handled iiiniu-.ii ?deals in tdayers.
A? the annual meeting <.f the Motor Boai
Club of America, held lest eight ,?t the
Automobile ?'lui. ..I Aim lea, at wlii. h
Con-unodora n n Mrirille presided, the
following offlcera ?? t for IMS:
Co?minodore n n Melville; ?rice commo?
dore, '-' K Burnham; rear commodore,
i g. arl ? etary, F S. Mor?
ley; t r? ISSUTI i, ? 'barb s 1*1 IDClS
Albert !?: smith, .i m Bhaw, ?Trank .1.
Oould, H. 1 '. August Hot lu
M m Wblteker, T i ?y s -m
u.-l- < i H. Ho idl) .i d W. il.
Tb- - tar> , tr< a
and th? v.: . . ,| i,,i
they shoo tie- club t.. be in a gonrtshlns
. i.nditl?. i ,
The I . .. i| . ! .,...-? n. :
mentery meet Ided thai I
dinn?r of the ? lub a i'l tak?- p ?? ?
Automobil. ? lui. ..r America on th?- Bret
| Thursday or Pride) <-f Lkhihwi-,
Yale and Tigers Working
Hard for Coming Battle
Final Choice of Blue Backs
May Be Left to Last
[By Telegraph tn Th' TribUM 1
Nea ?Haven? No? Ii As tbe Princeton
game approaches the rale ?roaches -<r
ins mon- snd more stress upon Individual
fault.?, ?and by close personal supervision
?seeking t<? eradicate these, it i- be
lieved here that team work II largel) I
matter of Individual playing under the
neu rules, In to-day's practice e
took one of the 'vareity players and gave
him ,i long ?and thori-ii-?li drill.
I'nults notice,| were railed sharp!?. 1"
sttention This work took forty-live min
utes The 'varsity and freshmen followed
i* up with a scrimmage ?>f fifteen minutes,
In which time the regulars marin.'
two touchdowna The work wen I
smoothly, anil there was no esp?--ial effort
to run up a yeore, the emphasis being laid
on a proper working out of th- playa. The
BUbStltutee Sad ?Scrub followed with the
same amount of -srrlmmaKe whrk. There
were no loner runs, but iMinti and Camp
m erei for r?e regulara,
The make up ??f the 'varaltj for the
l'rinreton game is still uneettled, accord?
ing to lack Field, the hoari coach There
i.- ? ?posstbllltj of more men iretting their
"Vs" this year in a elngle game than in
several seasons. Th?- men selected to bear
? ? hi un? of the big games ?sill ?be the
men arhoae playing Is ?best --wit,,! t,, t ,
opponent's type of play, and Fale
nun ber ,,r good ba? ks t<? 11 \ out
? ?e was a rumor current to day that
Relllj would *? r - ? 11 the Princeton game as
?ne of the ?backs, hut it cou Id nut ?be ??? ? ;
fled, li? may and he may not. Ga
v as used at ?tackle ? rten ."?i in nia. '?
ol Paul, who auatained a slight cut
? ? ? ? ? leid w?- plaj ?'i a hard, fast
and exrept for his ?broken flngei -
earlier In t ,? season would to-day ?be
ranked a--' ?one "f tbe suns ?.f the Vale
He is a peralatent ?lighter, and his
slv? ness has ?caught tii? ? * ? ??t Tom
Bhevlln. OaJlauer will undoubted!
used .fains; ?Princeton. Tali
problem ??f defeating Princeton a thoutI
using all ?she has. either In ?the in.?' of
plays or full lighting strength Some j
thing mual be reserved for Harvard, if
possible Tale ??111 use many eub tltutei
and not many plays ?.ii Baturday.
'i' ?? ? hanL-e of playing Warren al guard
? i (?f tackle was made to-day. in
woik bas pol lieen th?oroughl) satisfs?
?tory, ?bul ?he ?Is powerful, rangy and ?ag?
ira and th" i-oar!.,-s ?desire t?? make
- --f blm somewhei ?
Wet Field Hampers Tigers.
[Bj Tribun? I
Prln-caton, S. .1.. Nov. IS. A light snow
Storm last night. In ?addition to the h?-av>
frosts of Bundaj ?and Monday, has con
i th?- Prin?oeton 'varsity football cri?i
ii'?n Into a in'i'l ?pond, with ?the result that
iih- Tigen were forced to bold their prac
tlee this aften.n "ti the freehman Held,
which, in turn, was treacherous and slip?
? i.; a satlafactoi y ?pract h ? Inn
I ble.
i " pite ": - dran b ?? k ir.?i the fes
? ? players, ? hard ?wrimmage
of over half an i our waa held, in addition
to the u .'.'?i iiriii-? In punting and ?catching
t Contrary to expectations, ?both
i "itr and Wllaon mra In th?- 'varsity Uni
:. -i i, ?i i?i ? he .-?? tuai s? rlm
mag*e -,,i ;? abort time. Ke-ene Fltspatri? k
to t ave both of t?hem In k?>'"1 trim
by B n .ni;?'.
Captain Hart, ?De Witt ami White? ?played
only about half of ?he ?scrimmage? and
Baker didn't play at stl. Vaughn was In
ghoul *'?? practice, While Andrews
? u -,i for i >?? Will ?sad Sawyer for
?Bak? r
i ? ??.-..?? mmage
at quai -t- rl ??? k snd will undoubtedl) ?start
?there ? I i Chrystie, who to??k ?his
place late In ?the practico, mu the ?learn In
t.i ^m |e and arltl lots of ep? ? ?i
The 'varaltj ?la n?ow t"-<-tt-,- well aettled
? "> ai. g une, tl I in? tii?'
.I In the li.nk
t, i.i. Pi diet on will plaj quarter, Baker
an.i i'.- witi ? i t/aughn f?ll?
end Andrews ?have
shorn i ; , ? iii i ? ?. prac?
n nd will igire the ? oe< ha
pient: rial t" fall back upon if one
of the regular imks houiii i>, Injured.
M'.tt again had in opportunity to ?show
? ?n,i , -i the '?? ai ?sit}. ?and after i>ui'
lop left th? game Waller also received s
ti ;?l ,ai end 1?? Witt and Andrews hoto
<ii-l s loi ??f kicking, the latter showing
thai he .Id mi ?De Witt's place aith
? n i i ? ;.lary.
'I'll' ? is follows: L? ft end,
White, Motl, I? ri ?tackle, Hart, M? la u
left guard, Wilson, McCormlck; centre,
Bl n thi nthal; righi rd, I luff, Brown;
?tackle, Phillips; right end, Dunlop,
Wallei . qua* terback, Pendl? ton, <-l
left halfback. Sawyer; rlghl halfback,
!??? \\ lit. Andrews; full back? V? ighn.
Connecticut Sailors Win Football
Title of Atlantic Fleet.
Newport, R. i . Nov. IS. a decialve
fouclit for an hour ?here to-day, resulted in
th- surrender of the football eleven ??f ti?
battleship Idaho, <'f the se&ntnd ?squadron,
t<? th.- ?flagship ?'onn.'eiv'.t, ??f ?the tirai
Iron, The ?score arae I to '?'?. ani the
Connecticut esraed the foothall ehamplon
ship of th.- Atlantic beet ?and ? silver in?
phj offered by State s.-nator-.-l.-?-; n. L
lletknian, of this city.
Three thousand sailors and marin?
an equal ntuntxw "f landsmen watched the
conflict from a safe ?listan?-' and -'
loudl* ? tu a i ?advantage gaiixed b
either warship. Log-S ai.?l Other I
?gima of th?- Connectlcul repeatedlj
tanti tbe outer ?platos of tin- Ma-bo's ?arma?
ment? bul only once, in tin- third -. ?
(1i?l a nii--1l?' pierce a vital Kp?'t. TM
?rhen Logan, win? did the masl ?brllllsnl
tsrork ?>f the daj, n overed a ?puni
... Idaho's ?nal line, carried the ?ball
,,?,.1 -:ii?i th.-n completed hie attack by
kicking the ?goal
The Idaho men ?had tbe advanl ige <
battle In the ?second period, when D
manning the t<>ri>?-?io tube with ?
th? M yard llw. a st the leather ?
ectll? ?aoarlag ?hetweea the ?goal i.
Captain ?King, of tii?- l?iabo taam
wounded In the nena early in the play, bui
continued throughout t??-' ?game
no other oaaualtlaa
?', nu-?il? it <?D I'esllliin.
Plank i? ' ""
Lagan .I- '<".
, ;,..., .I., ?i. I '
Malee'.'. . ? . I
Lang . e. i. .
on .I: T. I
Mellan . b. 11 .
Rl? i, irdaon 't B .
1 II I! . ;
R. H. 1
Ullllinih ... I !'
.- ih -, it? r-,1 Ida h . Ofhnei tot I
.?,,,1 from '
i. . Uoal n. n? Id DavMu ? ?? . ?
?Ign VVIIlii i?i I? KlIdutT. It- f? I'?
ll |>. mi i Kleld ludge U? ut? ????' I
I-,, i. |nt - ,- M . '.; ? in I.' ?'? Battl?
: pi riodi rut-? a mlnuU - ?saca
a ?souple ?f hours before ?all ?bandi ?reni
;, hon to the f?twtball game the ?rowing
rhamptonsblp f? cutti re for the ft] i
?, 1.1. .1 in half S | ? . I
?rind ??nil ., rough m ? ?sad the ?Lo i
t,,??k ih? ? up, i,., m? rlj held ?by tita
?sad srlgtoallj "t!'""1 !
? f T. Oarretaon af this ? H
i f the rat -, which aras ov? r a i .?.,,.
mile "nut.?, v.?u> 21 iiiiriut?.-? - ??? "i?'i
West Side Tennis Club After Big?
gest Field \?i World.
Lawn tennis undertaklnss, ehlch promles
lo bave a rational aignlfli . ..,,,,..,
'" ?"? i,;" ?n operation bj the U'.-st Bide
Tel ? Club it Its ii.-l.i. astli str-et and
Broadwaj Tl ?? bum <?f the preeeni lb Id ..f
?deven ?" res la to be nearly doubled, the
"'? |!,-'i sad . nlarged, and
probably the limit on ths membership Hat
Ivanced. Altogether, irith
Ihe i dne snd Impr? refhenl -, the
Club plant will approximate 'i..,,.,,,.,
Aa i - da < tub standi el presi nt
It i the ? ? ?
In this .-Hy. The Held at pre? nt Includ? ?
snout thirty courts, a tiurd of which are
laid on turf. in.i?-- ths new anangement
? ropoeed the eluo will extend Its grounds
slong Reries I ? to Broadway, thus
i he propert) bounded by Broad.
Sh ttrt. t it is istimatcd that
?i,i* will double the number <.f courts snd
i nip.
Th? re baa been coi lera :.? pressure
erahlp ii-t ?buini it,.- i., i
only becauoe <?f the growing
popularity ol th? game, but through the
feet that ? two of the other amaller
?lui.s hav been compelled to give up their
?i building operati? n*-.
it la slao within the scope of the plsne
.I block .?r Other suitable j-iir
i.i? ? to all?? ..r winter pi ij.
? In h ?ist, Long |, Ujttai, . nd
ai a iniiii!'. r Of prominent ?English clubl
The \ ? ;d. i.-.i thla
tgo, bul i., cauae ? ( lack ol
loom v\. i- nriabl. tfl ilTJ iff....
The detalla of Ihb sleborate pian, which
win give to ihis city the graateel laws
tennis elub In Ihe world, win be
? \ ths annual meeting of th<- . tub, t.,
,| ,,,, I >.-. eiiib. r .:. at i),, liar, a,,|
t'lUb, No 77 V\ ? I Mih sir. ? t
All I- harm..ii?- within the '?,_-,,-,, .
which la ??howlng renverkaMe progress, and
only one ticket for offlcera for the en
year la In the geld. The nominees are:
Pit vid.nt. Uheri t ?Shaw; ri?*?e*>p-*a i.i. nt
Dr John H B : H -. h secretar* and
.:.-)-. l.vb i: Manan, ?api.un, cal?
i fragil I ?? nondi it? d for the
' ' "I? H i . ?
ter, i i.d- rich P ?Tuller, ?2d? u*d t Moen,
\rtbui .1 ? ' .mi <?? ??. T i Tomllnson,
Julian - ' I ' . H"V\.?r?l llll.it and ? ,v . ?
M Boetwlck.
McGraw Hopes to Take Measure
of Tropical Nines.
New York Manager Says Expe?
rience Gained Will Help Team
in Fight Next Season.
Peurteen rtrong, th.? ?Otante left the
r naylvanls station shortly afier 12
o'clock yestorday bound for Cuba in s??ar?-h
of in ,re baaeball honor-. With Frank ?'.
u.iii?T"ft. s? Cretan of th<> Cincinnati Reds
as ?guide; McOraw, Uathawa a, tVlltse,
?'r.in-i.iii. ?Becker, Paulette, ?Doyle, Fletch?
er, H?r7.??c, Murray, ?Devore, Wilson, Hart?
ley .?n?i ?Devlin ?started for th?? Pearl ->f the
Antilles?. .Vin?* of tii?. players were s?*com
panled i>\ thelt wivs. snd a ??peels! car
w.i i engaged f"r their use
The ees r??u?e to Havana ?held out no
Inducements t,> the men? ?because of the
? mi.i lim- ?taken up ?and the ?coincident mal
de mir?' which might take away some of
th.- pteaeure <?f the irip. Bj v'.hk by rail
an ?opportunity i-- afford?td to pick up .?
little money from exhibition ?games in Mor
??i?, thus enabling 'he team to ?gel Into
condition t-- meet the ? unana Bancroft has
arranged a ?series of gamea, th?' flral ,,!
?.?.hi? h ??ill i-? played -?t Jacksonville, i-'ia .
on ?frlday. Miami win ?be the i,, i itop,
?i after i game at Kej Weal the pia*-??rs
wi'l tak? th.- boot to Havana. The Mrsf
?game In Cu?be ??'?ill ?be ?played un November
B, wi'h Hi?- Altii'-ndari-s at Havana. The
team will speiui six weeks on the island,
?playing two gst-nee .< week, ?and ?will re
tui n about ? "m i -t mas.
McGsaW ?s anxloue that the ?liants give
a ?good accotinl ??f themselves He is plan?
ning to drive tin- t-am at top ?speed, and
insists that there shall he no hi] podroming.
There is an Incentive to ?h. ?well in th?
fad tint; tin- Detroit Tigers, th.- Ath?
let:? s. the Cincinnati Reds tnd the l'hll
Uea have made trips to Cuba, ami ,?n ?as
?sept th?- Tigers have been soundly wal?
lop, ?1 McOraw will take nol ?? little pleas?
ure in ?bringing tin- ? liants through with ,1
??-"?i average "f vtctortM f"i" the twelve
games played. W Tille th.- team he has with
him would ?probably not win a National
?League championship? nevertheless it is ?i
strong one. Th?- Infield is Intact, with the
exception of Iferkle, sad Becker? bj tak?
ing Bnodgraas's place in th?- outfield, tsiU
make that ?combination just about as ?strong
as it was in th? big race. With Wilson to
?atch and Matty. Wilt se and Cran'Iall to
pitch, an ?-ven break on the ?trip ought to
?be assure?!.
"We are goinK down there lo win all the
games we can.'' ?said McOraw, just b-fore
the nain pulled out yesterday. 'This is no
pina eure trip, and tin- Cubana are not to
he snecsed at. The Ahnendaree have a
?pitcher in Mendei who is a wonder. Many
consider him th?- ?-final of Walter .bilin
s-in, as far as spe.-d and CUrVCS "'?? ?'on
cerned. Ptating him ?still be n<> child's
play, ?bul we ?are ?going to ti\ to <io it.
"1 expect that the trip will be v : v bene
Acial t?. th?- t?am Most of th?- men are
young, and they need all th<- experience
that they can grt, and I am glad of the
opportunity t?? plaj th.? Cubans They have
Sum?- pood t'-anis ?lown there, and the men
are sure to profli by taking them on. We
?rill arrive home In time to gel a n
six ?reeks befon ?starting for Martin
BfH n .
"i expert to hav* ih- ?Slants in top form
to --tart f?ff the ?lesson with a rush. The
?combination ?that entered ?the world's
played together only shoot '.ait' tho season.
Fletch.-r and HerSOg breaking up the ?,|?l
Infield, That is 'oo short a. time to develop
a ?dependable machine, nut ?aexl seaeon it
OUghl to be -lifferelit."
Englishman No Match for Shifty
American Champion.
?Outclassed ?from everj angle ?>f the i>,, it.
"Young" Cohen, the ?Bnglleh f?satherweight,
made a cam?* Stand agall s? Ale AtteM, .?f
San Franctaco, the featherweight cham?
in,?n of tii?- world, at th.? Houston Athletic
?'lui? ia-t night. Cohen had a slight shade
the better of "he ?round, ? '?. .-??, ,,?1,1, but
In all Other Sessions h- took 1 terrific
AH.II Showed well againsl his rival, but
there were many In the ?audience who
freely predicted defeat for him when he
me? ' - Kllbane in that battl? for tie title
1 i, ?,, mi ?i to ha?.e lost ihe o,-\ punch, and
while he ?landed almost at v.ill. Cohen was
ahl" to protect himself at all ti?;
The boya loot no time In preliminary apar?
ring. Attell took the lead at once, ?and shot
over a fast lefl iat? t?i the face, hooked s
i< 11 t?. the Jaw and ducked Inalde a bard
right, Cohen drove home s hard left and
stepped In with s ?nasty ?'hop t<> the bod] as
Attell miss?.1 a right cross. 'I'h,- American
blocked a eollej of lefts and jabbed his
lefl t?? th?- face, coining to close quarters to
joli ins man ??n th?- hod?.. 'Cohen ?landed
?several lefl ?hand jabs t?> the face, but
Attell countered his leade and had an
?adge ??n the ?round.
The ?crowd Importuned Atteii to ?snd the
i,oui in the sixth ?round, when he had ins
man all In and weak Cohen landed, but
the blows lacked steam, and his defeat
aeemed only ? question of momenta ,:??x
Ing al long range, Attell fairly Minded him
with a never-ceasing volley ?>f lefl hooks,
while at times h?? switched the righl t?? the
S"lar plexus, l-'lnsh on the jaw ami right
to the pit of ti?'- atomacfa the punches
sh.it, but ?either they lacked power or Cohen
Iron, for, ?although weary ami weak?
h,. refuaed t<? ?be knocked ?down. Blowly
retreating, ?he ?tried t.? stand Attell <?ff with
;i 1, it |ab i?? ti.? face, but th.- latter tipped
his ?leads and countorod heavllj with both
t., th.- body.
Johnn* 1. ti :,?"? ? 1 no m ?tin t??i 1!
Th'itiias. tie ICngllsh featherweight, in .-#
t? n-round 1.t al the Bhai k ? Athletic
Club last nicht. i.?re held hi- man even In
the fifth snd eighth ound . ?bul In thi
?periods b'- was a marl, foi th.- fast left
h ni?i |a?bs v ii?1? Thomas ahoi ihr? ugh
..???. sngle Th.- Briton vas clever snd
?flash] in hla work, snd lus apeed hsd Lor?
n?, i,, at times, while
owerrd him a Ith h? .?,?.< ounters
with buib hand
joe Coater, the B?rooklyn featherweight,
bad .' Hui? ?the ?batter of Tommy Houck, of
Phi lad? iphla in ' ' - ten-round bout
at th" New St i? Athletic ?'bib last nicht
o ?? waa '.lever for the Quaker City
bog, ?and used hi - u- 1 ? i" offset
the Infighting ability of th?' latter. H.k
toie in at all times, .""i a IUI< ?" 1 lo ?
? ingi uaed hla ?hort appel uta t" u.1 a?l
\ ani.ig... bul ? '"-ti 1 1 ?salla? ? \ le
tory ia> in long distance work and followed
his lead to ultimate suce?
Burns and Wagner to Meet at
National Sporting Club.
Th< econd out of the rl? ol ellmi
t, in??.ut- - ta In 1 ? b intamwel 1 it ? 11.-.
b) w m, ?t the ?boxing pro totere hope to
lind a i.nv who maj climb t" the top, will
: 1 al the Nation ii B?porting ? .tub ??t
America to-night, when Kr?nkle Burns, of
Jerse- City, ind b.mu' tflTagaet meel
?? ten n?,uni- Burns im" twice ?secured
1 ,i ?i?-, isiou "? er Johnn) <'oulon m
nd i ? ? ? 1 - ? ? a Hi SV's gnsi 1
tii'-ii m \.ii!; io ?get il"- Chlcego ?bay into
? ? ??. W'.ikm n Allenhursl arltl
Round" il"?: m. Burns iras i-, orne
? 1. , .1 t?..m svi 1 ?sad Is bitting
. W bo may b? elected president of the Ama
t.ur Athletic Union Si Its animal meeting
I on Monday
University Club Players Un?
daunted by Conditions.
Hart, of Yale, Leads the Field,
While Sullivan, of Amherst,
Wins Gross Honors.
.la?-k ?Frost mads hi.? first visit to the
links In tlie metropolitan district yesterday,
thereby interfering with the plans of the
University Club golfers who gathered at
th.? BaltttSro] ?3olf ?'lub for their suj.ple
mentary handicap. An original entry of
: ? r -.-veti had been received, but when the
news spr. ad about that several Inches of
anOW had fallen overnight the faint-hearted
remained away. Even so no less than
thirty-five college grad?te? teed up.
Conditions were so bad in the earlv hours
as to make it neceasry to play umier snow
tul-.-:, but sfter luncheon these were strick?
en ?nit. Ths siiovv rules read as follows:
1 \ lost ball shall he played as out of
:' ?m fair green hall may he lifted, teed
and ?-'.-aneo, and teed within club's length.
1. <?n putting green ball may be cleaned.
?Several SttractlVS pr'zes were offered, in?
cluding net trophies for tin? main competi?
tion, a thirty -six hole medal play handicap:
a special for the best net at eighteen holes
and a medal for the low gross at thirty
six ho!.
i: I! Mart, of Yale, whose home ?-ourse
Is at Wykagyl, lied tl..- 'bid with a card
t" 7i \3 >,_, r/hlle the pros-- honors easily
w.-nt t.. C. .1. Sullivan, an Amherst grad
Uate, who of late years has don? most of
1 la ploying, and for that matter, sjeeplng,
;,t Baltusrol I'-splt.? the slushy going Sul?
livan returned an fc.1 in the morning after
missing three.puts of not more than a yard.
?Later on he took w for his second round.
whi? ,i gave a total of Ms. He was one of
the ? retch plsyere, the other being ?leorge
T Brokaw, ?>f ?Trinoeton, who tnok las.
Sullivan's <-:ird was as follows:
c .i Sullivan. Arab? I
?nit.?'. rt .! | 7. B T 4 + 45
Ii.I B 4 4 4 4 7> a .3 8* M
?t I I I i 4 M Hi
In .7, + 4 7. S 7 ? .'? 4 IB M l?ft
?Because of the snow, rod balls were m
great demand ?luring the early hours, and
Los ? ?? club'a professional, ?lid a
rushing business Playing the home hole
in the ni..i nil?. \\ . f). Yanderpnnl, of
Princeton, drove ? tine ball straight down
the course, bul the rubber con was never
fo .in!. \'and> ? pool did Ix'tter in the after
noon, and with a h*g for the day came in
for one of the n?st pilaee. \v. p.. Whitney,
of Amherst, with -II -in- 171. was a)iother
winner. rl*r*'a morning card read si ?>?7s.
The acorea were a.* follows:
II. Ilsrl fait . 174
.1 rtulllVSn, Amherst.Hi'.?
w. i?. Vanderpool, Ftlnceton.., 177
, K. Whitney, Amherst. 'Jli
F v. lioorc, M. t r. IM
u. R, -i hurston, Williams .. IM
. Mal...n. Kirn, ri. IM
vv. Plerson, rale. 30t
<;. T. Brokaw, I'l-iu.-i.?!,. i?.~.
A. B, Walla,It. Y ?it.- .??SI
vv iu ,,i, Harvard .ss.:
i: M. Tsrleton, Johns Hopkins..SO*
.v. i. i :? e , i?. Trlnlt ?. ti '.uni > -joi
.i vv Rird, i'.-in. ?ton . -.'l?i
Randolph Hurry. ? 'olumbla..... 3 0
.1 T. lilltesple, Yale .Si
r. it Prati vu tu-r?? . -j:--'.
al. i:. Hevll ind. Cornell . 2M
.? m Ho iah, Dartmouth. 810
il v. Jam? i, v al?.J'*.
.1. n. Hasen, N?s fort t ntv... 2S3
i: i, Harriaon. New Y?>rk L'nlv.?ft?!
ii Melville, Dartmouth.Lim
ItVap. Ne?
l'j l?CJ
o IM
Women golfers of the metropolitan ?lis
tri.t were to have competed in a one-dey
tournament over tlie links of the North
Country Club yesterday. A ret? ol
the more rourageoua ?ii?i put in an appear?
i, ? . only to (in.I tlie COUiee literally buried
under aeveral Inches of snow, with aol a
green In sight. Thus.? Who visited the links
were Ifra. M. D. Pete?*eon, pr?sident of the
Women's Metropolitan Golf assoirlstlon;
Mrs \\\ .1. l'aith. Of Wykagyl; Miss Q
i'i? klianlt and Miss Kleanor Freeman. It
was tben decided to poet pone ths affair
until n?'\t Monday. On their way hack to
i. -.vu the quintet of players atoppsd ?iff at
tlie l-'nglew.1 Country <'luh, where all
treces of anon bad renlehed, and played
: : p.- . Ighteen-hole circuit.
Twenty-five to Try Skill Across
Water at Exhibition.
With twenty-live horses entered for the
v.at.r |Utnp at tin? horse show which
..p. ii*? at Madison gquars ?ianb'n on Satur
<l.i'., int. r.-st In tiii*- ?lass is Increasing and
the advance aale of aeats for next Tuesday
night, when tins contrat win be held, has
eevy. AH of the horses sntsrsd era
militar) mounta, the armies <?f four nations
being represented, and ths riders win bs In
rm, making the juni|i one of the ni"st
apectacuhu of the exhibition,
which lasts eeven da)a
gig ?? n- ? ??! entered by ofllcere
of the English army, ala by Canadians,, two
i\ Belgian ofttrars and eleven by numbers
nf the United Stat,-*? Army. Among the
are Minerva and Poppy, which win
I,.- ridden bv Lieutenant Isaac ?& Martin.
14th United gtatcs Cavalry; lenta Claus
an.) .lustino b] l.i, in? n.int Arthur \V
Holderness, r?tb United Stat.*? Cavalry;
Jecquln and Coratwaa by Colanel C <;
Trent, '.'l United stat. ? Field arttllsry;
Captor i.\ lieutenant ?'arl ?Sciyd, M United
stat.- Cavalry; Bertie and _Jon by mem?
bora ??t' th.- i"tb United ?States ?Cavalry, ?and
Mount .i.ok ami MePhereen i>v inemben <?f
th,- nth United stat,*. Cavalry ami 3,1
United stat.s Cavalry, raspectiveli
Frankie Burns vs. Young Wagner
l'riie? at, PA, ?3. Bo*. Beats, ti.
Joe Pendleton Against Rule That
Puts Premium on Luck.
Well Known Footb.ili Official
Suggests Way to Avoid
Freak Field Goah.
Joe rendition, one <?f ? '.otra
and most rapahle football " ... th#
COUntry. freely acknOWle,|?e,| \c?teragm
thai if lie i "l been m B?il> i??>tgf??W|
ah oes at Prln?*eton on >'??' woui*
i ave i tiled t! ?? ,
freak drop kick, when I ?-'M-j4
along tue ground au?! :"?;;?Il hounded ?
the erOSSber, t?? ?give I rlray
-,\er Dartmouth He ? -.^ ,,
a? knowledge that t ? . j?oal?
from the fiebi needed amending lo ??r?.
i eut ;i I oundtng hall , ir?d,
a**l f.-ii?". that In his opinion I) would t?
I Kood ?point to have th? , tRI?
, oache < ??f oppoalng ?? , ? ta?
Interpretation in oth< ?mon
before ihe struggles liegan He ad???.*
? ?? he would put the qu? ?* th?
?Pennsylvania-Michigan ?an <? at Ann Ar?
bor on Saturday and before . ,. fennajrU
ranla-Cornell same at :.i os
Thanksgiving Day, In ????* ' which h
?Wlll a? t as referee
In die? uealng the point M P ndlttag
'The question of a bou || not
B new one t-i offl? Ii Ity of
just sui h n^ ??- ' ropped up n
ihe Princeton-Dartmouth and ? v.in.
? er-Kxeter gen i me ta
my attention two 'ears ago, -.
ereejne; a game the ball on a hig
short drop ?kick struck In the tiel.l of pUjr
and bounded juut to the right of oi '
ihe goal posts, i wondere?! thei ?rhsl
the proper 11,ling would be if it had s?-*
over the croaabar, and discussed the sub?
je? t with several ??faVials We agreed thai
under the wording of the rule It wool?!
have to ?--.iint as a goal, although r? y Idea
always has been that a goal ahould re?
sult only from a drop or piare kl?
the ball travelled through ?the ?
"I am in favor of the ru!<> ????ing
rhanged to prevent a bounding ball count?
ing a" goal as being unfair and putting a
premium on lurk m I do n t
think, however, that a ball that is par?
tially blocked or touched by an o|
Should be ruled out. ;, ? ? V,J j[,
The Tribune this morning by Julian <'ur
"If the opponents have the option of
blocking or .spoiling a well ?directed ?lro*>
kirk, the ?attacking Side (?hoi'ld not be
robbed of a goal from a good play if the
ball Is not ?deflected enough to prevent ?t
golng over the < rosshar, of ?ourse, ,-,n the
?Oeorge Poster Banford, one of ? e Yale
coaches and s keen etudent of footl i. is
another authority ??n the game wl ? ??
plores the condition that ?made Lang
ford's ru'ing on ?Saturds ?. He
says It's not leal foot
?'aptain Palton. of ll:e \
leads all other players this )'< I |
number of touchdowns scored wit tea
Wendell, of Harvard, follows with
and then follow three Iy n? eton
Sawyer and Haker, with six each, and
Pendleton, with five.
Captain Howe, of Vale, and Kd<1'? But?
ler, of Cornell, are far In the Irai ot all
others with flel?i goals from B drop kielt,
each bTvlng made seven Keyee, of the
Army, comes next, with three. Counting
goals from drop and n'a?-e V
Tborpe, of the ?CsrttStS Indians, stands en
fop, with eight, four of which W'ei
in beating Harvard last ?Saturd
doe Pendleton sa *. s that in sll ex
perien? e as ? football official '
lv. if ever, handled s game ,- ,? -At
?leaner or In Which there w.-t~ ?
feeling between t!;e 0| ?" t,
than the ?Tale-Brown struggle
The National ??Baseball Commit*??!
creed yesterday that Beeton, a '
ti'.e Portland, Ore., club, was i ?? to
the draft of t is Philad? i -nl<
and that he COUld I S Obtains lb? ' e ? iy
nient <?f the draft price. John F ?'?
formerly of the St. Louis V ?JTSS
?ie? lared a free agent In ?referring l
Gllligan ? .?s?- the commission -
"Tin* looae methods ol the Si I
club In barter in; this pla>er'. r-!- !.-? ? in
i -?i go unrebuked by I ?? ?sommlssloi It|
title t'i him <io??.s not ?'.'?! that ' pre*
scribed by the commission to i
clube and playera from collusion "
It Is reporte,) that Charles W
owner Of the Cleveland ? luh ? I
i, .in League, has acquit*? d thi
?Pr?sident W. ?".. Armour in '
Ami'i'iian Association club. Mr. ?Se
refuses to confirm or deny the runiel it
Is siid further that ?Qeorge Stova
ager of tl ?? Naps this year, will % is
Al Burch, t e outfielder, will no
be seen with tin? Sup?-rb.ts H? - ? I
sold by Brooklyn St private t?
Louisville tiub of tre American Asso 'a?
Zbyssko, the l'oiish champion a
an-l J?OSef Smrjkal. Ihe powerful
who receatly arrived ta thla com ?
agreed t?. m'et on the mat within 'w
eith-r in this ? ity or ?'hi I
cont??st util ?arouse much Interact, as t>otk
m??n bave a ?big foUdsrlag.
providence Nov. IS Harrj r-tt,.*. ?bi
?. graduated t'i. Broa ?> m the ?
'in;, was appoint, d today ?".I'll ??f ?ti?;
Urown baseball team i"i" tin? ,
?on, He srlll su? ? ? ?? i Kred \v. \v? ??? h,
who bas ooad ed the t? im for t ?.?.<,
?Pattee lias played prof? --?? n il b
sine?- bis graduation
A?tor < ?um. i'ii Weat Atta at
telephone 2172 Hurra} Hill._
IOS te 111 Beat 14th St Tel.. M?w Sftij ???????*?
rAMOl'S i.t-.iotw i;i ??? *?t it *?.**? T.
A I. \ CARTE 1 Ml!?!?: IVHOTK
Mualc by The Vli'.W \ \!:i '1ST Olb'IIESTB*.
Plltener Gsnossenschafts-Brauerei
4,K\M> l'ltl\ Brua
?.lii-lltl-.li. ht<raka hiuI ? hot?? ? ?pm *
h__4 1.11.... ? lilii.-?.- K? ?iKiiiiint ">l< * * ?
Port Artnur m -.?s.
Herald Square Hotel ?^in_VK
great ?Hew feek*" lUnsatrated), in*'.
Beautiful drlv-as "rom town i.-,otniv.,?n.i>?
-Travellers' Co. *.etor Court. 20 -Weat ?'th "*?
Telephon? 2?T2 M?irr?v Mill _