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SHEMTAY PMB?M ?IEW Pennsylvania Railroad's Needs Cause Reopening of Question. Cin HEADS REA'S GUESTS Prendergast Denies That He Has "Changed Front"?Far from Settled, Says the Mayor. ?-ontroller PTender-ra-rt denied lest night ?hat ho hsd "changed front" on the ?olu tion of the transit problem, the result of j which mlUr-t be an entire reopertr.g of the : ?ubwsy controversy. "Tt ts tr*:e." said Controller Prendergset. 'that all the m?mbers of the Board of ?ate feit that the solution that was reached last enasassr was not as good as It would have b????n hart the Interborough n^n ?rilling to com-? In and take its part nt th? ?>?*?? as outlined In the McAneny- ! vfe felt so then, and we I now Ther? Is nothing new In that." - . - - .?aid that he had not the j illfhtest : UMt the Interborouffh ?a.? now wltUng to com? with a r?w offer j that would ho acceptable to ihe city He '? rtid he had accepted ar. invitation to dine I with gamuel Rea. vice-president of ths ? -Iva:-..a R "? orner to Ulli ?rfr re* ' vn facilities for the Penn- , Nothing was suggested j tvih- - ?, however, which would ; >a?i '?? '- ni ?"?'", of lh*" Prob??m- further ] --??enees ?Will be held. Others at the dinner wore the Mayor. : ' 'Heb**! ?f the Bo?vrd of Alder- | -os of the Public Ser and Beth Low, who has la the solution of the , s of the Interborough waa ; not ai tl e 'Inner He said yesterday, how- ? >re. .?-;-_: ? e talked with Mr. Rea several ' He was asked If the Interborough had tak-: any step toward putting in a ! .tlon. No New InterborougK Pian. :.T?'*." soT" ??I am afraid I am ?not ?nou*_*h o<* n proph- | .- v- a.** s wer t jr. was suggested unofficially yesterday tue? perba -? I of transit facilities te ar.-l trSM the Pennsylvania ?MatMfi et hy a modification of the plan ? iklyn Rapid Transit Company ay. The present plans, which ?rere drawn solely tot the Broadway-Lex .- tracKs ay from Vpsey street to 14th j The B'ooklj-n Rapid Trans'.* only to run a line sy as far as 59th street and ; teem 1 way ol the -boro Bridge, but al* a line. District of Brooklyn md 14th street. To accom Etal Unes it would be ad --nal tracke ; ;,adway :- ?uggested yesterday was that ; ::na! tra-ks idway, four traks be run up from . Vessy streets along the routs - >r ths West Side line, which ; . the Broadway line at Seventh avenue and 42d street. Some I expresaea from Brooklyn could^ be -, Broadway and eome up the West , - proba!*!:' would not suit Mr. .-.owever, as he wants a'lon the upper I bl Manhattan. Mayor at Rea Conference. Mayor Gaynor denied yesterday e story that he had called the ~ -*?r?nce with Mr Res. - et to the conference and | diseuse aubwa- ma'ters." he said, j "T hav? many such ?lonferencea and |y will hav? Mara." fST added th?? ijptniofl thai I * ??stlor. wa- | -settled and bars to "swaM ll ? onsld- j ne ??henght the B. R. T. ought j ?-? be willing to gl?'? transfers to it?, pro- j Bri-aiwi. luhway from It? surface \ ; as from its e!?vat<?d lines m Brook did not see much n-M of tne pro- ; l ? ens. as they w?*-r? pi o tanna Ar r operating the proposed routes. ?"hairmar. f OS ' Um r..t>ilc Set-vice ?ild probably he retira v. in K ? ' |wa '^exlngton avenue line error ? - bids airer ' und-r a SETH LOW SELLS BUILDING, -??ton have ??old fsff -y building at Nob. 602 end 604 Broadway, with en extension to Crosby etreet. IRON AND STEEL CONDITIONS. "The Iron Ago" eays: ?-?^??med. UP' the I*teet developmenta in finished eteel products are these; A larger business in some of the heavier lines, a continuance of the better buying by the railroads, lower prices where there has D-ien any change, and more offers from con? sumers to i>la-?e lo.ig time contracta at present level? This last is the most sig? nificant feature of the situation. There are also offers to take and pay for. a? soon as the mills ?:an ship, rolled ate?) In vnrloue forma sufficient to last the would-be buyers for months While some mills are resisting the efforts to carry present prices far into next year, there is i evidently an increase In forward selling. The whole price situation turns on the 'amount of*backlog accumulated under this ! movement. Attention Is ?till focussed on the rail? roads. <"ar buying last week made a ! la^er week's total than in months, and other good sized orders are yet to he given out In the Pittsburgh district the plate h'.i ?tructural business resultin? from car orders plac-rt with local builders amounts to fi0,0?7)0 tons, and Chicago district mills have ?violved 40.000 ton* of plate? an'l shape? for Western car nhops. Th<?r>? la larger liuylng of ?*te?l bars and .Inly l. 1912, is. as u. rule, the limit of contracts. Foundry | i ?g iron buying has Increased somewhat In ? all districts. In basic iron several j large lots have been closed. At St. Louis j over iS..?00 tons was taken by Chicago , i and Central Western furnaces. A i N.-rthern Ohio steel plant bought 10.IM | it a new low price for this year, r?- j ported at gl2 35 at Valley Furnao?. The Irc-n Trade Review" says. The stimulating effects of continued J heavy buying by the railroads are being j felt by manv mills, especially those In the j Pittsburgh district, where recent ear orders ? an- res; o'isl;',. for more than 8.000 tons of' 1 late? and ?"uch mo?e material being or? ?n spite of the encouraging signs it Is not well to speak v.-lth too much en istn of the Improvement which has taken place. In the East there Is no change for the better, and In some cases mill SO? Uvttiee are not as great as a few weeks airo Prices of finished material generally : continue low. SECURITIES AT AUCTION. The following securities were sofd yester? day at auction at the ?x*hange salesroom by Adrian H. M?ller & ?Son: By ord?sr of th? trust?? In bankruptcy <?* MS Central Foundry Com 2.'"00 shr-xe?* Oaattrel Ra :.ator Company ot Vto-w jeney ??? ?i.?joo? By order of *BMN?nkM*l All rlgbt ?tie and interest in three promissory J notes, e?*ch mad? by p.. B Hicks to the order of Branson Murray, u follows: 1100 d*1? ??> vember 5. IMt; $100. due November 6. Iw*?: $11120. due - as at 6. 1970. M By order of adrr.'.n'.stratrlx. 9.000 District of ?*"*olumbla 8-*?-l(>0 p*t ? du? 11,24: courons February and Au- : ?barged ? ? xoo ad Company 4 per cent prior , ? ?- g - ????? l?itW: coupon? January an* te be ehargsd . "~H Missouri. Kar.=as A Texas Rai way Com nanv first mortgage 4 per cent bonis, du? 101*": December. *?t***r*Md interest i to be rharged . ??> 1 "?abash Railroad Company fir?', mort-ras? ? bonds, due 1MS9; coupon? May and , n ?" er sccruad lnt^vst to he charged 10? ? 4 * Hud?on Rl-, er Ral. ?-cad int '?or.cls. due IMT: : .?oupor.B Januk-v and .Tuiy. a .... te - . .88?? .i foutbsn? Railway Company (new ? issu?) Brat ntotlgagt 8 :er cent bonds, due aeereel ln ? ?turfed . .102 ? Railway Company 4 art cent : ? laivd ?rrar s lanua:-' \nril. .Tu'y .- -, Kr. cbarmd 100 12 ?TOO ?*3hIeaeo, Milwaukee & I '.-.ilway - du? 1914: coupons Jar. )ary an.. July; accrued ? 'S'2 ; I?V) share? Citizen?' .'entrai National Banlc ,?iS8 .. 46 - -es Royal Baking Powder Ccn*.?.er. ferr??* 42 ?hares alai "on Nations. Bank. 27.' 10 sha ??- ? Cempar.'.'pr?ter--? 1. Jen??- ' J. For account of whom It may ooncerr.. IS shares New York Mutual Gaslight Corcpanv. itta tt ?hare? York Rolling Proce?? Compan--- . l-r Realty Coiv.pai.y I'.C tu.z~t Maj-fair Realty '""ompariy : per share. fY) eenta 1?DC share? American Coal Company of Allegany so $4Ci\ VanderbUt Realt- Improvement Cor per ee.-.i 80-year profit sharing gold bo: ? . 52.'. B.g Tntst first mo-'?-??-? r?nt ? pit I.BOO si h^'-s Double Va.ue Vending Compar.y - m King Development ron.parv, rea Copper ? it rll ?is, 1.480 shar?s Slnn.-mahonlng phare? -?-?..- ?-.., i es Guerrero Mir.*? Con pie's 'lar 7 ."fain ."> p.-r cent honds. tt n MANHASSET BAY PLOT SOLD. The Hhleids Company has sold for An? drew J. ?"or? to Herbert S. Houston I * ? :o"atfd near th? ?Jbort Utahsasat Bay. Mr. Houston will lmprov? wtth a larrre bom*? of Colonia! d?sli*r.. BUYS NEWPORT FARM. - <1 Farm, Um "ountry p! i ? purchased hy M. A. Van Buren, of Ka tan. I* comprises ?rout ?!ehty-s!x acres. I or.e of the ?AttSSt e?';it?s lr. th? ?-?c SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Mailed anywhere in the United S'ates ? for $2.50 a year. Contracta are about to be signed In a trade Involving a larg?. loft building and an apartment house, valued at a total of $625. 000. The bualneaa building la the twelve atory and loft structure at Nos. 153 to 157 Wart 23d street, ?occupying a plot An-xr,(> 3 feet, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. Thla bulldinu was sold under foreclosure last week and was atmck down on a bid of $350.000 to Henry I. Goodrlcb, represent? ing tbe Brown Realty Company. Thie com? pany has now aold the property at a re? ported valuation of about $41'5.000 to the County Holdln?? rnmpany, which ?fftves In part payment the Victoria apartment house, at the southeast corner of Lenox avenue and 138th street The Victoria le a -seven story etructure on a plot 9?*.10x100 *-?et. It Is aald to figure In the preaent transaction at a valuation of about $200,000. The Tucker estate has aold the triangular block bounded by West Farms road, Bae avenue and 167th itreet, containing about seven lots, and having frontages of 272. 22S and 14S feet, respectively. The buyers are a firm of operators who are reported to have resuld the property to builders for Im? mediate Improvement - A new eighteen-story loft and office build? ing Is planned for the property heretofore occupied by The Mauser Manufacturing Company at No. 298 Fifth avenue, at the southwest corner of 81st street. This plot contains 4.100 square feet, having* thirty feet of frontage In Fifth avenue and one hundred teat on 31st atreet with an "L," adjoining the Hotel Wolcott The operation la said to be flnancsd by a large furniture manu? facturing company, **'ho mill occupy the atore and aeveral floors for their business. At the office of Ernestus Gullok Company, which has charrje of the property, it was said that the negotiations ere not yet com? pleted. Davis, MoOrath & Klessllng axe tie architecte. e REALTY NOTES. Maurice Fajnkle Is the buyer of the dwell? ing house No. SOS Weat lOSth atreet. aold recent!?.' by Matlida W. Brower. J. Irving Walsh and T. Ward W ass or. have been e?ected members of the I-teai Eatate Board of Brokers, The Levin & Levin Contracting Company has been awarded the contract for erecting the stores and loft building at No. ?J West 37th ?strest ?ft? the Htdvnie Realty Com panr BIG COUNTRY ESTATE SOLD. Frank J. Welton has aold his coun***v place at Haines Falls. Greene ?bounty The place contains about one hundred acres, with a large houae. Mr. Welton Is under? stood to have taken In exchange THE PRIVATE SALES MARKET. MANHATTAN LEXIN'GTON AVENU*??The L-xarue est?t* has io:* No "".'? lAnbagtm avenue, a *? ?trrv bu.Mlng. en a lot CitxftS feet x. Irre?. ir. between 67:h and katk ?Streets 121ST STREET? Shaw A Co. have soli th? three ttorv and basement dwe !nj houie N'c 160 West 121s- ?treat, on a loi 17x100.11 ttmu to a client tor ?ac ? William M ?E-Mi title. EI-EVEN'TH STREET?Dartel Ro-enbaum Is ?-ported to have sold I 223 West ?'??".. two three at 17 buildings, on a jlot ?H?x*.00 feet, near Wsvsrty Place. COLOIBVS AVENTE?The Cnilkiharik Com rar.y and John Meobaa kam? sold for Blsabotb Mtehan No 1a avenus, Motbsai nor if lOCth street. 1 On ?ton Batbsaea M a lot 2.', ?WT.! teat THE BRONX. FRAN'KLIN A VENTE?Kurs 4 Eren have m-ild for J J Marv.n the ?amth?JSSt com?r of n avenue and l6Tth atroot a ?iwelMr.g house, on a * Benennen Reaitv Company. 1S5TH STREET?Karr. A Uren have ?old for H17 Ea..t UStfe atmet tew law house, on a riot 4?ix'.od hob a VENUE-?Tbe 'Vest Farms ........ . ? ' ? ? ?? ' or . ITlns -r.tna of ?JTZ 228 ard 1?*- fee?, r-?t - of operator? ran ar?* reportr- to !-,ave ?iulldera for lm ? IN THE AUCTION MARKET. at the Real Eetats NOS '-' a' 1 IG Vese Ott SPRING FT, 27. n a cor Mot? tt. 2? ,, .... ..... . ??, the ?platal - t >r ? 4. -.L-n s R . of Mark?- a:. ' - - ?he plain alto laOTH >". o2i Eaat. i. g 22<i r, f- t n' f\aaa ."x"O0 U; A ?1 " ' ? ? v - -/E 374. e n. 73 ft i - ? r .I ? . w a, 153.3 ft n i U. S, l^e pertinent ol Agriculture, WfATHER BUBE A U. ?ZXPU.NATORY NOTES OmtnrmVm? t-Jtf? al?. a.TiS ?T**--1?asB Swa. AS I/***' ?mu? -td?ceo lo tes level Y ____________________ m m?a?ti poma of t**-? ta I ito?*it-mf dottf**) liTies. ru?*? riifoug*? DUiiiU d **<*u<l ttsi ? ree. . ?. arc '-?? ???_'*??? ) )*--rtiy C*?uu?y 9 C.f if? R P?i" S -no?? M fttpon mttsmg Arrow? fiy ?ith the ?nnd ?/Vm?teure? -rvdiasir i?rmt?pr-nure:5*cona ?4-iour prt?c*ip tmon m r,i nc?i o, irore tor ?A fuwrt enuing * p ri ?**?> ? ?? *h?n '.? r mort miMrs p?, haut THIB MAP 3A8C; OU Mt(g<UXX0M TAQS AT 8 P. M. U3T ?ni!?. N-*?? ? ?..*4 Kgtmi...*I8 In 183*> lea-S**? -i7 tn ?883 Locml r rerii. lu Mo? Data 'rr Th ? Moath. Numal ?''.+4 lnohsa ?-.:-,i-4? 9.HS la 1389 Lern 0.75 In 1308 ~T WEATHER REPORT. b*Wt :^uo* Tuesday eight t.a? passed Marl'.lm? Province?, and during th? | ' ,ur hours wa? * ?now ' rassal ? asaiaatsa, . ? ?. .-.c? ths? wa? over th* of Um ? ?rea?, L-akns and th? upper rain and snow in th? north a aouth Atlantic states , :rt,ance. ?. ?ron, baa caused ram? la th? Pacific | ata. and ra,n and j ltxjcxy | -??oiuii.i ???aerases ?sseealw ? t .?-rature hat rtttP thr'-ugho-i? t.? . ??Mura ano and ts no* "?Sa - porotal In the latter diatr.ri | - the upper la?? ! ??- lake ' <? the ?aatk-.: snows A ebenem to lower temperatirt* wl.? ? v-rti.rejio the Ohio Vallej T-nne.- ? ? mlodle Allan: I.- and Stm Lr.niar.d suites ? lile a chain-- ' ? weather I rn.r?!d 'or th? Northweetem States Thursday and . the upwr MlSStSSll , raZkn Frl?**?? Moderate len. tnd the real? - , tj Mountain? during ?the next forty- ? wdSds aloBg Um Saw island mast will j erste ?-it t" aortbwmat south Atlantic and, 2 Oulf cos.-?, neb' variable; want Quit roast. .'J tartabte, ?nOHtly south on th? lakes ..iode-- "PP" Uk*-' ???< " ???.?.day for Mess ?e brisk westerly wind? a, ? r.l-. Ill '?r >vc\a\ Io?"_IHie^ Fxa New Enrland, fair snd ooldsr to-day. Erlday fair, moderate to brMk west win?!*. Tor ?Saetera Keif Tork. fair to-day. pi , ?urn in north portion? I fair, m, 'risk northwest . K?r Faet?n- Hennsvlvai.ia New J? ? ? irglnu. ea ta.r. north ?es? wll .. ' lg . ?.ri?Us. i Tor T?*??** Virgin's, fair and colder to-day? FrMay fair. _ Ofllclal observations of [letted i-tate?. weather bureau? taken at A p. m. ?eatenla. full.)-*-. Terapeirvir? ? ? ?r Atlantic Cttr. j . Buffalo . '7,ou?ly . is . ??-leans. . Wiuhlngton. l.rn'tl OOlriat Rerord.?The follow.:-*: .ffl. Ial v\ einher r re the ?n???-* ta the ?enipnraiur-? ft UM l.,?i I |-,1?? 1911 ' III! I , |S II ? P m je M SS m 12 m " ? ? l I BP. ? lllrhes? leniperatiirt vest. ; ' ... .. ... i ?'i wer '.?-day; ' HK LOFT atm ?B'l TRADE Contracts About To Be Signed in $625.000 Transaction for Large 23d Street Structure and Lenox Avenue Apartment House. TUCKER ESTATE SELLS TRIANGULAR BLOCK IN BRONX st 18.PxI17.fl; t ety ?T. aold to th? pial for f ? ' At The Bronx excharge: By Joseph P. Day. WASHINGTON AVE. 10M. m S, 9fl fl ft !*fl'.h st. 2 J'y dwj, 24 ti"*?, so.d to the p1 ! WALTON AVE, 23?} w a, 120 ft ft n of I dwg, le.lOxtW.'l; ?old to the plaintiff t WALTON AVE, 2391. w s. 149.7 ft n of 1 st .1 sty ?1 vs. 19.10x04.0; ?old to the -?ialnti-f * RECORD? D~~LEASES. TT1?h name and addres? of lessee.! NOVEMBER 15. I A'.'E. Ml laeatS ?tore a ? ' Morris Weln?t??rt lo Aaron yrs an,*, .'. - ?>s fr rn Dec 1, IMS; W ' ' I a\e. -..'. ?es ft. M (all); a les n a c< ?t a;, exr?*. ?o David La? - rom Jai |. a-idress. 1?! East -12:3 st ?? a '.'?;. ?JUl la? tdl st.-- " part geiler! Elizabeth Heger.nch st a! to J banner, 4 yrs and fl non y. ttOO; tAArame, UUO Leatagl n ave. LENOX AVE, ton '?even rseess. ?jp on? fllf nstructlon Co to William J E:r and ano. 3 yrs Iron-, Oct 18, 101". MOO ?Sddl MS Lenox a-.?. ? ~, 4fto (aouth ?stars ?- : ?.an piona to israe ttoldfrahen; 3 ?sad :?'--? It ll-jli. taJtUt; address. aie. PARK PLA?C_, U te II ft); Ka Resiaurant (a corpora"?'"-1 ?, Chavim A II r and fl mos iron July i'.'ll. * I I I, 821 Howard ave. Staplet Island. FAUM ROW. 101 (alii; Eversey Chid to . S Co, 21 vrs and 4 r.ioj from Jan 1311- 1*7.000; adilree?. 54 Cast 123J at 47H AVE, s w cor 2tJth i: ?MalSO ia!1); ?^x Hesa 3ul?*.. I ? s", ireas. on premises. . nag, i. e cor ISOU ?St 22x7* ?a Adels K ? H?*-? Ropl? 5 yrs f: ?May l. ISIS $.i i?.*), .i. ?trees, ?1 Bai ??7H AVE. 499 ?sture, et:), Ernest Robtr ?blsni rs .'rom :?! ? ? VE. US (a ? Char e? J Api Knopp and Dennis H It -? ard. ?4TH ?ST .'.,: Wast -4 M ,- I ?,e?a 8:e mann lo Ler | . rs from ( |] MO ? ::.'?*-?. 4? West G2d ?t HUST ST. 117 EaM tall); Libbts I - - ?' a., exrs, to Jos--, l from Apri. l. i?ii. $: 00; addraas ;'.?:?? a 3T. 244 and 3?'T East <s'or?> - sepp-s O?SBO M a. to " ??nai A obre . from Sept 1, 1911; |7>'j, &d:.--*s?. RECORDED TRANSFERS. ?"With name and address of purchaser t NO\T" Manhattan. I .. ? I. ? s ad rasa 143 At aat : ? Mary C Macorr.t W Hayden. 4 , vest; I 4Ttn st COL?3 - ? ? ISStli st 2S-". fioo, a.. it ano n. SLIP. I? . et al to James . . jv il, | add. ess 2t*2 canrel M ME ?.11 - I dress, &?i canal st. ' ' ? Jacob Gc U; ti .'. 12x'", blk. Na? to Jacot dres?. 31 CI Islon ?t. OREEN"?' l'_H ST ? ISO. MM I ?. tlUe; It; adores?. : i .. ..'. E. w a. 41 ft n of IST) ? 'rayer Real I . - ? ? Saw h ? Altlertsl Deck .. 0; a? "X ?t ?MADISON aVE. r e cor of 133d ?t, 1JKS strucUoa O? fo Tnme?i of ? - --*?,, : MADISON AVtt, 1-ttM I Jiv- 000) 1100; h '. ;l 1 PL ? Nov 11 ? ? xl24. (mtg <? ? - j- addresa, 411 ? - - ?. ar./s.-r 'rasa, I 1100; a ' ? ' ' ? ? I ? ? ' ' ? - ' ? ' ' A Reir?n and a- > " - 8? and tt ? ? ' 14T' - ? ta a- ' a\e. ? ? ? ? I ' i.f-T AM man ?Lacea ? - ? ? 10: 110 ' ? ?address, 1? it ?t -? ... 2 ?*??.-? - ' ' bin? ,' m | tOxltt Mra-rar B t SO: I TATXOa ave. es lin ? i if McOraw st?, ' ? ? |1 ? address, ?Ml ? ? | - -? m ave. -' ? ? - RECORDED MORTGAGES. ?ss of ?rantee ? ?' ' p? ' ' ?f- Owe IS; Annl-, ' I ano. 1 ? ? i. ft per ' I - is ' . ? | ! " '--. Km? lo Inn'irin? | IS ?and i: . w .?.-- ? . ? - cent. ??? ???????__?___ Patrick SleCarthv to Bank for Savl address, 2H0 4fh av?. ?TH ST, 812 Bust. 20x?-)8, Not 1?; lnst I p. r cent, Itichm?nd Naehson Realty C Sophia Rlchim.r-d. 11.000 addrasa. <U l?t ??Til ST. 2-11 East. 20x101; Nov 13; 0 na to Mary 8 Crowell; til. addr-ia. Atlantlo Highlands, N .1. . I BT. n a. ft?? ft ? of Pleasant ??? 100 'prior m'g ?25.0OD); Jun? 3. 2 yra. 8 I aaete? - 1.? rale? to Selig Ro??nbi and ano, $1,000. ad.?reaa. 48 West IM ?< THE BF, B?-tTANT AVE. n w cor _"roeman et, 48* B Trd. 0 p?r cent: C1ov?r Const tlon Co to Realty Co; $2.o?)0; j drtot. .'.on Willis ave. i AVE. w ?. 98 ft n 14; du? es per b< ?? tlon Co to Margare 111.500, addraea. 4?)0 Riverside Di AVE. n ? cor 180th ?t, ISS' rs: io <""or??t ruction 'V, to e-i),?*?;???; address. 3??t Clinton : USO PLACE. ? i 271 ft r. ? ol 10. t yr, 9 per cent; Pi? Ce to Anna R*lss, $7.>?75. Hi rant ave. LOT -7 Iota Hunt'? Point ?sti Ho-vard Parke? to I'll ?. ?? j ? Irasa iOt Broadway. ?uii ?0, map 54 iota, at Tremr ? d'i- p.? per I.<*n.l. K'i'hartn? Fran; ?.? ? - 17 map ?nibdlvtsion eai I ; er a ? Fiar.a ' addrasa, 441 West 25th st. 4). map lots Stems ?sti lot? Dally estate; Item-end Park: Oct 1.1 -.-?s. i. De Can lo to Fn aildresa, 3X18 West-?!-. N -IM 'prior tatg $2." - - - ? . .,!. I1.S00; address, 4-1 West 'J?Ith si WTLStlNS PI ACE. ? ? cor Jennings st. Dflx hra rtalla, ? at. .'?s? \ter; $2.00?'; ad.'.-*, la'on st. ?VE w a, n of lflSth it, ?2 is Pt?zel ta Mary ? ? Long Island. "E. s e cor 14"*** ??. ?Jtsl . - ? - ? ad E,izat.*th V 1 Quarante** and Trust ? Bi ? SD AVE. w a. 452 R n of l?9th at, ' fta; HO 'Tonatruotlon Co ' Edgar 5 Appals? ?*??i ano; f25..)00; addr< ? : ? ? v a. .*.? ft n *?* of Perry a I to P'-rrv av-? it s w 27'2-i ti ? ? . - - ' rrs, 8 per cent; John a Pleines to Mary Desk - i Wiajudi, U US ft w of ErT.tscltff P'.a nt; Emi I f nrinck; $4000; addre - ? e 100 ft ? of Kepler av-, ? Install! <* per eset; Peores in tc Tr.?rr. 'oan .vsi j a.e. sat?sfiedTm?rtgages. -am? and aSdrai at ^??r.ler's i" ? a*P mm u, M AN H ATTAS' TEN 0 ft s of St!? ' Grtm Sarg to Loi m A Manhel ? ? - y PBOPEHTY; Dec 27. 190.1 I.oa1s M< | riaon I -?-ein. admrx; $10.500. - 25x?^>x Irr?-?: Sept 10, 101 ' 04- a;torn, ? v . - - M8th ?t. 25 8x1 -.? emigrant 1 addrasa, W _, a - ton ?t. 25 irlaa I and T?a Fre?dTii ? a".i T-ist Co; $<7" ? 'and 1 - and i, ??? ' IttSi I<la Ft!? ?. had: 100 - -- ". '.?-KW- Ahr ham ' atton. - ?, 1?5 Broad**.-?-,'. ? ? nt) D Schelce-g ? irse s 7":a'je I'M. 60 ft n of I2**lt?? ? un?: ?-i.500 08IDI AVE. W2, 28 lxTS: March - 24.9x78- aair.e ? . . 54 rt * '.Ox r 55 Sx ' ? UM ?Ml 10 Dec : - r -"owle ' (tanning M . - pa--? ?.ml Lena Puller; $23.0<> gar, 231 Broadway. - AV1-7, e ? cor 179th ?t. 1? - ?. , -, !h fa id . Henr ? * i ? ), 178 Broadway ' 7?W. ??Ton ?1 Ai ml of - 1004 Rarr - IT. IS.lxl ' lOO?: Jam? ?-?-an Mortgai st. -St. 24.8xl'> -? son to F I ??ny. - ill st. t e ol iva.Pt w ? H '"'?i-ha.n i - , , -..? ?ii-nel'.a ? - . . ' ? I * '* same ? ? ? a I -' ::.'. 2 2; Jan 1 sling i ..: iris Len A A I 'le Dr1v? . ? ? I . . - ?of ' 190? - ? i '?-.-. '?? - ? : st. ? -?gs estate, 23x211.5; M ? - J **-?l;>: - "?n?*: san-.?? r? ? ? Ina Flood ? . ' . -' " ' ? .. Law ' ' I St), n a, i' ma w i25x a . - ? H und Id ? ? ' Ison, N J ' Brunar eatat?. i * ?um? io ?ame, f' ? ? ?. - - - M ? ' - - ? ? " ? ? Hem i ? ? ? ?? ? . erty t.> Knlckerhock-sr Trurt Co; $20,000; attortvrya. Da? vl?e. Auertach ? Cornell. 34 Nassau st WILKJ3NS PL. i , cor of Jsnnlngs ?t. Wxftfls 50.3xl<>0. 113th ?t, 210 to 214. s S. ?t?sl??.ll; Nov 2ft 1'tiO Joseph A and Elisabeth P Richter to loon Kohsfer; *3.000; attorney. Henry W Bciiutt, ."..'i Liberty ?l. 227TH 8T, s s, US ft ? of White Plains rd. belt? lot ,'?30. ? '?? of msp Wskeflsld. 2ftxlH; Melro-s? Resit- Co to Arden Realty I | '.-K/O; attorney. X Di It Mare, 14?) Nassau st. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. Stats Trust Co to Het'y H R Or-Mn. la txuat for syl.ta A B Oreen. S?O.OUO Eliwcr-i Harow to Title Ouarantse and Truat Co; ta r*w>ers Mortfaga Co to House of Merey; I : L Kaltsh to Adaltns Cohsn; $1. and Realty Co to Lawyers Mor*.?a*re Co: . ? Outfreund to E:sa Msnk?; 1100. E Ortffen and ano, exrs, to Usnry B Gr'.fren and ano, trustee?, an internst of $10.500. . - M?nus to <'uar-.nty Trust Co (2 sa?is>. I I to fella S Quintana; $1.?X)0. ? .-' H to Arlen Realty and Mortgage I Co. si. ?Law;-?' Mortgage Co to Mutual tifa Insur? ance ' Vsn Norden Trust Co to W f Havemysr. a; $1. gn Bank to Uaao J Bernh-atro ??. al. Mrs- %'. B-r-i:.- Behelbel, indtr and ?rtrx. to Flor* Groaner. $7..Vm> Wm C Oestlug Co to Louis D Rlggls st ei: ' I. an Morris to ?Thas C Peters; $t. Co to Fannls Berliner; $5.000. Is Wacht to Ialdor Biutnenkrohn. $100. Wm A Halbe, exr, to Sophia Halbe; $1. John V [??.-.-'n to Harah J Anlerson. 13.000. Sophia Richmond to Guttle Monsenstsrn; $100. la R Appieton and ano to Edna E " I Empire Morr-rt-ja Co to Eiiz M Phll'.ips: $2.??0. -nal Rank of New York ? nsteln, admr. $1. ?man to J Roosevelt Roosevelt; $1. Samuel Rosenst? . Kornbl'j'h: $1. tr- in* Satdngs Insultu'ion to Charles Reedl | -ives et al, trustees, to Bond and Mortgage Quarantee Co; 1s*? 000. ?Sam 1*1 Unman to Leen Tuchmsnn; $100. Law Ina F Mee, MECHANICS7 LIENS. ?-TH AVE, n w cor of 17th st. 28x108; Hot:?** talln-f m Wittpen act Csthsrtne D Coffer. Co.fey RsaltjF ?Co and Juna M Of?ey, owner. Emil Mueller, esatraeter; $59S. 177TH ST. n n. 9.*, ft w of Anthoa-e avs. 23? 100; Heni*? ;- a?*rt Alexander Ander? son, owner; Oscar John?on A Co. contrs-wrs; $??34 02, ? aat M? ?S-aaaeay ? Me_*n'.?-*-t it? of G-orf? H Dressier, owner; Frank c Schemer, ?eoatraetar* MOM DEC , a cor of 190th st, lOSxflO; joh: rod ?*" ?1 ?*"t Plrk R-al:; ?~o. owner and .' 16TH ST. 114 snd llfl East: Thomas J Byrne Bd Manhattan OfRce Building Co, Bliss A GrUEths, eor."?,ctors (renewal); 11104 O. rVb B, S3; SsmusI Silver art Ruso Rea ??? "> owner; Taitas M Schwarts. toa tractor. $120. AVENUE B. 24 same s?-. Molly Strausx. owner. Julias M Behwarts, contractor; $23. SD ave, iOOl end ?-MM; teaman a ?msas?a ? mer Lanz't. owner; Phtttp E He??rtele | s? and John Borowit?, t.-.-actor?; ttt 0. 3D kUB S*W0- sa?-? agx Edward Hanlon, ! ?awner; Philip E Rsndrtek, Louis S a varea? and Jor.n Berewtu? contractors, $17 7<). WTLJ L360: rcspian A Bregman art ? - ? owner and contractor; F"edsr ? - iisa ?STH AVE. 260 ar.l 2?)', ; Ct;s Elevator Co aat H Dreealsr Batata. swaar; Gsorg? II ? I "i1 areet; Max Ballk a?rt Jacob N Picket c:ntrao tor; $; .. ? w cor 30th st, ll&.'xlOMO: "? Co agt Loew Amu?sment Co, Loula B'.aclt ic Bro, contractor; $373 50. Magtea av?, Bgt Owl Construe i. .. -.* ?? ?di?an and A te? ner D - ?* Le Monta con lati Drolsen & Cohen ngt Wrn C -er and cor.:ractor: $42 50 ? lEHE PL. s s. 3C0 ft w of Marmlon av?, e Co act street Rea.ty ? ral); $200. S AVE. ?33 and ?38; John C Cornal! ?? Co. owner snd : ? ANDREWS AVE. 22?2, Braur.faU * Bro ?ft ? i .' BliSSL A I Qrlifitaa, contractor ?renewal); $59-38. SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. 43D ST. 108 to llfl West. P F Kenny Co ait , ^odaja No ! Benevolent proteo'!?,-? ; ? lg c0, Uli; $22.371? 79. 8a.v: rr; pKk Bros A Co aft same. Oct 14 ? M !AM" raOPfeRTTi Patrick J Keogan a?-t , same; AJg SO. Mil; $11.800 42. 33D 6 7, 22 E?ast; William B rs.llcln?burj ast I Benjamin W Levitan et ?ai. July 18. toil. $277 ?.'.'. - NEW BUILDING PLANS. MANHATTAN ?3TTT ST. r ?. 204 f: ? of 1st are, for a 2 Btr sundry fAUsU; Car's**rocke Realty Co. 113 Lroa'-? . tezy. UM Madison a. e. a- ' ? '-- KtS 39T! - ?Eaet; ?tar a a stv toft 2" Ens' ttt at,; O M 1 Vh ave, archlta?t. $12.000. ".'HE BRONX. DECATT'R AVE. n e cor of Oliver p!; 1 ntj Themas A Olison, Inc. on pr-.-n?.:se?. owners, 9 F Bowsa A Co, Inc. 30 ?Church it. c." Uta ts? SSSt, $13?) ?SIMPSON OT, w s, 312 ?> ft n of 103d st; A ?. Podgur Pea ?y h?n * l ?irai Co, l.t."?0 Wllklns a-.-, architect; cost, $1?X1, N3EPHAM AV?:, n s, 126 ft e of F'.sh av?; 2 ?ty frarr.-i i ?. g. 21 '? a, MIS Need tarr. - ? -?.e.--. 223d s: and White - ? ? Dt'TVIL PARKWAT. n w cor of 2 4. Isabel C i'vnera; ?t, architect; ? VILLA AVE. n w ?-or of 204th ?it; 1 sty frtm ? .Ha; sie!!. 318 Esia? ?1 Balnbridi? .way, ?r-'hl - ALTERATIONS. MANHATTAN. 5TII 'o a I ?Sty store and offices, ? 5th av?. owner. H 1. I - ? 13.000. r. j. 150 ft ? of 5th ave; to a 4 sty Miss A Ivl-e.tas. 37 9t Mark's ???O .".th av?. ? s IT'3 ? ?fl e of Amsterdam ?t?; ?t ?t aciiwartz Pli ? mer; L i I LIS PENDENS. w s. 100 ft n of Lafayette m agt Weit Mount i et al " ?.'sure of nt| - ft e cd Carrie? ?ve. 23x114: ??--?. H-nr'.etta L 11 ?gins s of n ? f - C-jnke; ^ ist: Joseph Zimlt s-rt Hermta ? Of :- ?* ,-ton?, . 3 A .'" "- ' ' ? Ernst ' r - sure of .. . Metano N'uovo sat i to forados? mecha ? AVE. - - 17.1 ft n of Em st, 23t ? i i.Uzo ?t al ? - J . T-nnl-.-js Igt R?ssel .s .:??> '.f Tarifer at tax -rson. BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. ?? * -? ?B?sese ave, 40xio<>: * -tatlon loans REAL ESTATE. Our policy of Title Insurance !s the greatest protection to Real Estate against loss or liti? gation. LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY CAPITAL - - $4,000,000 SURPLUS- - 5,500,000 l?jo Broad-ray. ?w York. ISs Me-lage?e Street, rironkly**.. BTI Fultoo .??trret, Jamaica. Geo. I Bead & Go. RKAL L.STAT.: ? - ? m i i ? REAL ?"STATE POH SALE OR TO LET ? ? ? m ami vn iN ? ? ? ' ?**o. ? ?ft?>. ?-**t** ESTATE FOB SALE OR TO LIT MW JfcKxKl PEKM?NENT CCUNThY HCME 45 MINUTES FROM NEW YOR1C OX THE D.. L. A W. R. R fKW FEET A tTOff NO MOSQUITO.?'?. . IM SUMMER. DELIOHTFT.L IN ?STINTSR. 8LPERB SCENERY. SPLENDID NEIGHBORHOOD. AC l ?JAL WATr.R KIUHT5 HOCKS HAS $ ROOMS AND BATH. AM. MODERN CONVENIENCES. r A''RE SHADED LAND. PL. I WILL OFFER t~ IONAL TERM?) TO R?tfPON CHASER AD?KEM-i OWNER, p. o box 5t7. i r crrT. blll.olt.U ?II ?.r.t-l'fxi._> IF YOC PAY $?<? OR MORE RENT. KINO'S Lawn for "*n Beach or Smith at. to Rin-ts Highwa.*. .**?*. Property Ava. Q and Ocean ParVtwu-.-. PI -HARD C. X>C<7> GBTT. ownar and b ii.d.-r. ? .on?. ISLAND. SPEC IAL? S T 9 IN -unrilBVN PROPERTY. PEASE ?V: CM M AN. .40 M ? Tel 8.'00 Bryan? UNFURNISHED APAWTMEWT-jT" M r -1 MIJE. BACHELOR APARTMENTS One. two and thr?<? rooms with bath? furnish*<1 or unfurnished: exciptlotjal aervlce, meals; vaWlng. Supt at THE WESTERLY, 103 WEST 54TH ST. or FREDERICK B. LEWIS :t E Agent of Building. T?l. 3282 G r? marc??. 2? B. :?a ?-- .'? ?>.?>< unnwrcr, _, lT?~RWERSI DE DRIVE ?JT CORNER 83D R. ?. and Rlversid? Driva; ir>!?'*dld larg? Apart* raeel * -v'.th :;ver vlaw: clrei:'.?*** ' drawing room ar?n chamber??, two bathei perfect appointment?. Apply on prem'.M?. n* W?'U.I VM r. ?-HKRinXN, Ag?Mt, - niVERSIDE DRrVE, Corner 127*.?- at._'Phone, *.u?Morning?lite. i' DIN. N. E. COR BROADWAY A.?7T> ---. bu lias ?oa.pp??J wit?* ever o-r.en!-n?e. finest woodwork tad ap? po.n'min'i. e-.ery room large and light; st?4ire dry?r. parquet f.oora decorated In mo?t re? fined ta???. EIOHT ROOMS rH'MBERS KJS ' Apply on premteee. or WILLIAM P. ? BHEKIDAN. Agen? !V4? Rtrer?Ide Dr?**?, ce*< - at Phon?, 434?Mir-lngiid?._| SUNNY, DAIMY, REFINED 7- raa room?, _^th__340 Waat 120th ft. EAST HOBT .Wife ^ eTst %. ^ 91st street ^ LOVELY SUITES FOR REFINED TENANT? J OS" MODERATE MEANS TASTEFUL DE<"r>*-*! RATION*?. POUTE -.TT?NDANTS UNFURNISHED 1PINO APARTMENTS TO LET. IMMEDIATE P-SSESSIC** 2 of 2 Ro<.m- and tato.180 ?TW? a of ? Rooma and ?th. $30 00 4 M3 ??>* MAGNIFICENT ROOF GaRDLN. -:pp.oof builX'INvj. two otis passenger ele^ a.t0rs and any aervic?. MEALS B IN HANDSOME DININO ROOM IF PREFERRED. lilt. ?YlAiJiVwN SQUARE 37 MADISON AVE. Hotel apartment?, furnished ana Booklet and r-jr-her n'ormatlon mfumlahad, a requeau THE CLEVELAND 120-130 E*?t 24th St. ? rtr'TT*?**-? of rt room?, ample e'oaeta. ?t? POR?LLOSUR? SALES. -:: PREME COURT. COL'NTT OF NEW YORK. ?Emma Kami ner. plaintiff, aga.nar Leopold? Barrent rb?a a( a... ? lanca of ar. inter.ocutory judiTn?nt fi>r "ia. lad ino sa.c thereof, ais lo Ina abov? entitled action, and . ig date the 26th day of October. l?U. and ? a of the C- " ... ., ?;;?*-. '.'?11. I. thri undersi cr.e-i - In aald Jucgment i ? ? ?> Ex ?*-16 Vesey Str;*'., lrj rou.?I, of ".i.?r.".ir?,in. Clt; ,jr New Tork. -, ;ur.. at 12 .? * tuet Jay. bi Joaaph P. Day. auctioneer, ti.? pi Ma said judgment to t>? ao.d, nr* 'herein deocrtbed a? fallow?: ? \ thai -rtrtin at plate or aereal of land, ?r.u?'e. . in? aaptl beinir :a the Sli'?enth Wari -'ate o? N.?* '. y tas ?trfft number u;fl (one ar.d sixty-?:?;) West Twenty-a?*-cori4 i . ?eacrlbed ?a foilowa: Beginning at a point a* the aouthariy ?Me of " od Street at a polr.t disant slxtj-r.ln? f 'icrn th? ?o-jtheaa'.arlr . M ?nd T??n- -e??-cni r-.nnln?; thane? ?on'herly. and parallal ffb the ?*?ntre r.x tnchea; ? -aeo? ?-?., alfhteen t??t and six Inchen, t?enoS ?:?. Av?a.Li% entra of a t*r-y ?all. etjv.r? I ?lx Inrhea ta tie aouthariy alia at ?' ?. Street; and then?-? weaterlf? i out f'" ' *' * ? " ?T'v-a?cond ST??t feet six In.? ? ? ? - "?? m ala*? of "?t. with tha ? Hi. 1011. . R. OLNET. y Rafar-M. J BERNARD J DOCRAS. rary tor P'a:r.*:*f. No. IQ Hr:adway. Bor'.'gh <*f Maahattan. W. T?ie following ta a disgrtm of tha *?-?*}p?rtj ?.ta atraat ?sastee i*> ias waat ' m '4 WEST ZZm9 ST. The .?.pprorlniate "?motmt of th? taxca. aa - other llena, ?hich tig to be allowad to Um tMrcAaaar out cf th? va.-?? chase raon-y. or paid by the r??er*x?. la MlS.ial If] 1 act to a laaae *r lat. 1912. but '?rmlnefcl? on nl*i??5i ? November *M. Igu. PET2R B. OLNET. _ Ref?r?e. , Co., iOOKS. -. B DtOM S*v?* la; rerson haung a ?:.a!-n to it la -ron to ;r?a?nt the having aaiaV ???ued; _ BANKBOOK No 939.777 ot he i.r.ton Dim? ??a?* Bank u n paraoa bat^g e Iliad :pon \) prtxie-.t 'l*.e \ -,g i ? -"--.*-? \nv t??raon ha\'.?..? e ? ? n to pr???ent rHas ' f ??vid rvck Sa<-^ - - -a.-.? a <*ia..m-i aaet tha ?tha ?aid ? i and -?x-ini'ilahaA ?? ? ? -.k 'i>~Ha*ri l'a>met?s ?nk. < for \orit Paytrieni SLrROGATE'S NOTICES IN ?lov. I *-.ll-?oj-?.?? . , ? ?ist Sa mue K ex ut New York ifceate?. - * "? ' -? .i-uvhers th.-reo' . ??.? r-;s.r.eaa, . Borougn oi' Man-a:tan. la or before th? ?Jrh day of March next loge?t, i:?il, v NDER. Executor. ALEXANDER A OREl-rv. ?? "-n-?y? E ' Rroadwajy liorouah of Mai'1 ? ?. " ? ? vf. of?OPCS'LS._ v ?l.m-r?on. i -?mbar i. li.1l. -s-il?d propoaala will b? raceiV' ? it D'l? off P M O" the 14th daj? '.. ?id then oi^ued. for the i Including Diu-.ibing. ?f ?>?n. ita'tn N?'4 YorS T t \? ?rk consista of th? cot'.itr.i * ? ' C id area cf ? 1.*>?? square fa?l '-?? ?*n? ?iru,?tm< me entire ln?erior bat?.**. ing *n,f a.tdirit a fourth story to a po .n (hereof Prn?4i"-rs and ap?ctfl'-at)ona majr h? ? frn-?i the Cualndlan of th? halldtne, or at thl? offlc?, a *.e Su/er*. viales 'i 'AYl>>?a Supervl?:.*if ? _,