Newspaper Page Text
URGE S? LEGISLATION Naval Architects Discuss Means of Building Up Merchant Marine. FOR SMALLER BATTLESHIPS Sir William White, of England, Says Passenger Steamers Have Reached Limit of Speed. The need of legislation favorable to the American merchant marine in order to build up the commercial sea power of the country vas urged hy Stevenson Taylor, president of the Society of Nnval Archi? tect'- am! Marine Engineers, at the first y- o vesterdny of the nineteenth general ???Meeting Ol the society in the Engineering BalMLtng nt No. ? ?.Vest 3f'th rtr?-?t Referrtnc t?, this mhjeet in hls opc-niiig addieoa he said: We sei ni t?? ' i no nearer the establish? i of such service between this and for? eign than we were n year ago, en?', we will be n.> Marer so long as the friend? ?.f auch enterprise have so many remedies for (.he situation. Hut I still be? lieve thai nome lime ihe many views now held by those Who would advance the pros? ? >( our merchani marine will l>c? nodi? fled I;; su ti :i ?;iv that finally ther-' will h? ,i concentration <>n one l?lea so SUP? p. rt?-.l I y public ?.pinion that tlie deslr?.! r*?-??It wii! 1? attained. It Is time that some action should be taken on the part of the fnlted Btat? govei*ninent in favor of leg? islation Which will be favorable to the American merchant marine. The queation rf ?"ich .???delation should enter largely Into or pol?tica and be made a permanent Issue. So healthier ?politlcaj asitatton could come to this country, and result in greater bene ft io thi ". <>pl ? ol the t'nited States. Sir William White, former naval OOOr MractOT in chief of the British Empire. r. ni s paper on "The Maximum I?imen ot Ships." in which he said that a mere moderate type of battleship should replace the giant tloatlng fortresses ot tbe nt, i?'??i thai the fast express pas Bteaanera had reached tbe probable limit ??f apt. ?i because of the great cost of ?enanco and o*>eratlon. . Slower and : ships, with greater cargo capacity, as will as for passengers, he believes, ?rill he Die type of merchant vessel of the tutute for transatlantic trade, because of the greater earnings to relative expenses. Bear Admiral Francis T. Bowles, retired. form? r Chief constructor "f the United Own* W. Taylor and !.. S. Adams, nnval constrii'tors, and Lewis NUon. forme, naval constructor, were pres? et the mee? i k Mr Nixon read a ? on the "Panama fanal and Amcrl which created consider? able discussion amon. the membera of the There appeared to b?> more poli? tics than Bdence in Mr. Nixon's discourse. Nixon a-lv?.. atad a return to the earlkf p'.ii? .*?? of ?'is Tlminating duties and t? anagS tOMi - Pt S means of reviving the merchant marine in the foreign trad?. His :.l tic as to the probable i- to be derived, under present con? ditions, ?rom the 1'anama Canal. He said he could let aoo the advantages of the I as ?i war measure and as nr. .iltruisi '? ?raterprlse la which charity t.- aald: ? ?iir veaarla paseing through our own waterwa) ehould pasa through free. But ?again a treaty forbids, our manifest duty nation with the tor light t.< do a* it will with its own i.< ?give notice thai In this reaped the treaty ?does not Mad us. an?! if this is the tr..?ty. Bargains ? match privilege against piivt r,?l it is not expected nor is it i?p;i ihut they should be or.?- aided. A re ?? ? . ? ?; v. tsela would be a cow ?? '?'his canal is a thor our territory, and should . ss.Is. W. ?Deputy Commissioner ?if pi pe r on the ' il dock fa?-lilt!? s and suggested Improve gementa In thai din I of a more technical m tin ? . i by uieint-i-rs i tha so ? etlng '-ill I??* continued to-day, . rs will be read The aes | ?aith a dinner to-niKiit at ' the John Frit/ ? ? I in naval ? r.t--.I to Sir Will ' hit". FOR 5-CENT FARE TO CONEY j Service Board Hears Witnesses and Tivkes Adjournment. Alter sev. - - liad ?river: testimony 1 lommlaslon yss? *;e.| r- duetion of ? \ uioiis trolley and rapid tran? sit linea t.. i'..ii<y [Stand during certain rroll '?marked ? needful t?> an e i witnesses to say that a B*i*s I thine The one not it would he r*ompantea t.? reduce tie | The ? ' '" put in tc-r.ti mon* aluatlon ?>f tii<- pr<>;> ? ? ? ? es, ni'iiiding all addi? tion - - : ? ? liiiK. lie re rn i. '?.- d I men1 tiad been tak?n ?o I ?? thai ha ?lid not think ?? gf-eal ?etmy in hrinelng th?' pi to ad ? nd. filled when ; ? .1 A Bag? ns'l to th? commis-j alon. ?raid thai ?1 ?rin-t August more than 1,738.001 bad heen paid, and he ? i ' t thai . ? a i lew to the > ?land ten-cent fares. f counsel to the oom ?i. th? lin?' of r-?ies'!<?ning which Mi "n the llgurea ? I ? ng tl f ptO 'ding Com - remarked that he thought ? ottbla < lid 1rs saved by moving ? ?ii to th? <>c?\in. At this ? m STOpS HURDLING IN PARK. ri'U"- i T? ? ? Park '?-mmls- I Stover win inform :\ aomher ? . ? -t for auch aa his by a iiiimii. r of I ? of the bi Id! ?path. ok? . Into lb matt-er thorough- i ; -*-..- . r. ? and con- j sup..; ? a nber ol Ihi older ride ? who ? m Ii. They s:*iy such i an ii i Um ne ?ns of '. tas ay bones haps som? pire hurd- j ling bosses on || '? great ma- ! jontv of ti - In use are not j nd would i trout-!' many children and .-ven cl?!..- parsons '.v.-u'd not attempt to go over thi OCTOBER BUILDING REPORT. Th* ?jBOathly report of Um Mai Bureau >f I an o?it by Build- ! lng ?Supsrlatsndeni Rudolph P Miller yes? terday t-h'? . f nine in the number of hdlldlnga for which plans were] flled last ?/bob! i, ss i| rnoath j laci year, an) costing J! ? than those for whi? h plans won filed In fhrtobsr I of last The, . | "Ti wa.? in ?Jtof?S and i lldlnga, i' ? plans tile?! for s in Ocrtobtt of | this year, costing .?'.. ??.or?,,, as -_gatnst thir? teen the name month in.-* . i. ? ostlng M,iis,eee. SUNDAYS NEW-YCRK TRIDUNE Mailed anywhere in the United S'a'.ej ?-*??* 12.50 a year. ARMY AND NAVY NOTES New Battleships to Have Three 14-Inch Guns in a Turret. {From Th? Tribuns Bur?au.] Wa?hlngton, November U. Washington. Nov. K> -Three 14-Inch ?gum will appear in each of two turret? on the? ginnt battleships Oklahoma and Nevada, bids for the construction of which ara to he received by the Navy Department next month. Tlil? innovation la exciting con? siderable Interest in naval clrclea. No ship now afloat haa mor? than two big gun? In a turret, and while Italy and Russia are building ?av?rai vesaela with this feat? ure they will use l?-inch rlflee. It Is explained that the primary purpose of concentrating guns In fewer turrets la to reduce tonnage. On the Oklahoma and the Nevada the weight of one great tur? ret will be eliminated, as, under the new arrangement, only four t?rrete will be re qulred for the main battery of ten 14-Inch rifles. The New York and the Texas, now tinder construction, and which, when com? missioned, will be the only craft In the world with 1?-ineh main batterlea, are de signivl along the old line*, with their big ? guns placed t-ifo In each of five turrets. With the completion of the New York end the Texas the United States will wrest from Great Britain the distinction of having the world'B heaviest armed war? ship. At present England's 135-Inch gun ships hold this place, tha American dread? noughts In commission carrying? only 12 lneh rifle?. Peculiar inter?>st attaches to the result of the three-gun turret experiment because J of the bearing It may have upon the site | of main latteries In the future. Hereto? fore It has been held that the l*-inch rifle used In coast defence batteries never would be practicable aboard a battleship because of the tremendoua recoil. It Is now bo lleved. however, that a turret platform that would stand th?:? strain from the re? coil of three 14-Inch guns certainly would sustain the firing of two 16-Inchcrs. OSTERHACS THANKKD.-The first and second squadrons of the Atlantic fleet, com? prising sixteen battleships, will ?et mat next Thursday from Newport and Hampton Roads to play at the game of war Bome j where on the Atlantic Ocean between the j two porte. For four or five days the eight I battleships of one squadron will look on , the eight battleships of the other aa a ? hostile fleet, and the officers and men of ! the one will seek to outpoint the officers i and men of the other In the complex game I of war In all Its phases, except the actual j firing of guns. The game, Involving a strategical situation and a search problem, i has been arranged by the commander In chief of the fleet, Rear Admiral Osterhaus. When It has been played the flrst squadron will continue on its way southward to Hampton Roads, and the second will go to Newport, both arriving about Novem? ber 23. Tho Secretary of the Navy has made public a letter to Rear Admiral Osterhaus congratulating the officers and men under his command on the recent mobllliatlon ? and review at New York. "The arrange : ments and management were perfect." ha said In the communication, "and carried out with precision. The handling of the vessels under difficult conditions was ad? mirably done. The whole review was a complete success, and the President was particularly pleased with what he saw of the efficiency of the fleet." ORDERS ISSt'ED.? The following order? have been Issued: AHM? LientaasBl ?Toleael jambs b. norsTON, o>p Uty paymaster general, to Chicago, at chief 1>h\ niaat?-r. vl?e Lieutenant ''olon-tl THOM ?48 ?'. ilooI'MA.N, to Atlanta, vl?-? Major HERCHEft B. RAY. paymaster, f r *n Atlanta 1,, New York Oitv. captain RICHARD C. MOORE. fx?rp? of engi? neer?, from ihitv tinder Lieutenant Colonel HENRI C. NEWCOMER, corps of engi? neer?, i t'liut'aiiooga, Tenn ?aptain WILLIAM D. CH1TTT, quartermaster, to tr,ins|,i?it l'lx, with station at Seattle, re? lieving Captain PERCY M. COCHRAN, ????uart- mux:,-! ?'upialn CHAMLKS C ?FPUS, 2* Field Artillery. t?> <'hl?ag<>. na Inspect r Instructor of organ? ized militia. Captain HARRY s. Rowland, nuartermaiter, t,i San Francisco as assistant depot quarter msmir. ?First Meot-nant A .1 M'BRIDE Jr , field artil? lery, <;,?,i?,'l.i Notional Guarl. l*??rt McPh"r n g Retirement of Firm Lieutenant OBOROS OAR ITY. M ?"avalry. anmmnced. First Lieutenant JAM?? 11. HBXRY. Jr.. lith Cavalry, detailed general recruiting service-, to Fort Hiocum December I. Resignation of First Meutengpt ROBERT H. HKTERIOK. m*d1?al reserve corp?. ?c ? ? }?t?-il. Fltfit Lieutenant JAMES P. CA8TLEMAN, Wtta ??avnlry. fr.m Walter Reed f>nernl H?pital tf? ;,roper station t.-.??-.?? ,,f atM-anc?: Second lieutenant STAN? LEY II. RFMnni'OH. Cavalry, three ?ninth?; Ii?-nt?l Surgeon JOHN I?. MII.I.I MBN, two in,.nth*. NAVY. ?aptain A. 1' .SIMLA? K, detached, Rue? ?os ATTM ArK-?n?lnB and Santiago. Chile. I ?eoeniluT 1; naval attach.*, Merlin, ?iermany, and The Hagu. Lieut, nants ?Junior gralei W. C. NIXON, H. T. DTKR, W. O ?'HlLD. R. S KIWAR?iS, J. R IIOWELL, P, H HAMMOXP and C. A. .?ONES. Par*?!?* Apsintar.t Surgeon H. H. LANE, commlfslonefl. Medical Inspect?-: fX I*. STONE, from naval h?)S|>ital. Man- Island, to naval hosplttl, New York Chief Hoatswain T S'I'LLIVAN. placed on re? tired list DectQbf 1, detached M?fc*achu netta: to home Chief rioat?"*nln W. A. MACDONALD, navy yard, Norfolk Hereafter mall addre?? Navy Yard. Mare latan?!, will t?c Navy Yard, Mart Ialand. Vallejo. cal M?lVEMKNTR OF WAR VE8BEI?B-The following movements of war vessel* have been reported to the Navy Department. ARRIVED Mo IB The Roe ot Hampton Road?, th? Tn coma at Philadelphia, the Wheeling at Port Lira?n. Nov 1<V The Oregon ?t Ventura, <"al SAILED. N v M TI)? Roe from Norfolk for Hampton Roads, the Mohawk fr?>tn Washington for Necfolk; the California, the Maryland and th? South Dakota from San Diego for San Francisco. M IS The Oregon from Ventura for San Eran claco. - ? REVENUE FLEET LIKE NAVY i Operation of Cutters Under New Plan Will Resemble That of Warships. Washington, Nov 16- The revenue cutter' "? ?? ' is being completely reorganized along lines somewhat similar to those of the ! naval establishment. The vessels will be ' assembled Into five division-*, two on the '. Pselfle and thr*-e on the Atlantic coast. I ? ich In command of a senior captain ??f the service, i'nder the old system each revenue cutter w._? a unit In itself, report rectly to the captain commandant at : Washington. The New York division, with Senior Cap? tain Howard Emery c? mmandln*. was or- ; ganlzed to-day with the following vessels: The Seneca, the Mohawk, the Manhattan, th>- ?alumet. the Hudson and the Oulde. The headquarters of the two other Atlantic ? divisions will h? 1'oston and Charleston, i S e. The North Facinr division will be in | charge of genior captain F. M Dunwoody, ? wlih headquarters at Port Townsend, ' Wash. The South Pacific division will be under Senior Captain John F. Wild, at San Fl anclsco. ? WARSHIPS BOUND FOR TRISCO. ! ?aa Diego. C'a! . Nov 1? - The first dlvt- j slon of the Pacific fleet, consisting of the , California, flagship of Rear Admiral i Thomas, and the South Dakota and Mary? land, has sailed for Ban Francisco. Ad? miral Thomas said he expected the united fl? ? t to leave San Francisco hy November 22. so ?SB I?? arrive at Honolulu befor? Thanksgiving Day. S FOR CHEAPER FOODSTUFFS. Th* New York Produce Etchsnge will tackle the high coat of living problem on Monday afternoon at the close of business at a conference to which the president? of I ti?! railroads Into the city and big I shippers of flout and food?tufT? ha?, e tr-ven i invited. PARCEL IN FIFTH AVENUE SECTION SOLD _? Lawrence L. Gillespie Buys Vacant Plot in East 89th Street, and Is to Erect Costly Mouse on Site. NEW OWNER FOR APARTMENT NEAR AMSTERDAM AVE. The real estate market showed much tlvlty yesterday. Seme Interesting s were among the transaction? reported, the Fifth avenue ?action the Dougl?a f lnson-Charles B, Brown Company sold the estate of Laura Manley the vacant No. 11 Bast 99th street, just ?south of Carnegie homestead. The property haa been acquired by I. rence L. Qllleaple. formerly vlce-presU of the Equitable Trint Company, wh? now In the hanking firm of J. fi. Mach Co., for Immediate Improvement with a f atory American basement dwelling h?* with a marble front. The houae Is b* designed by Arthur C. Jackson, and occupy an area 25.8x100.8 feet. Mr. Oil pie recently contracted to buy the Brlti erhoff estate dwelling house, No. 19 ? 80th street, hut the transaction was concluded because he did not csre to act certain restrictions which the property \ encumbered with. The new slx-storv elevator apartm house, known as the Canterbury, on ?outh ?Ide of 108th street, 10? feet west Amsterdam avenue, was sold by the Irv Judl* Building and ?'onstructlon Compi to the Douglas Realty Company. The h ers give In exchange No. 83 Heekn street, a five-story loft building on i 80.lxlfl7.llx irre^Iar, nenr Cliff street, i also No 96 Bank street, a four-story bul lng on lot 18.8x54 feet, near (?reenw Mreet. The 108th street plot was ?icqui by the idlers from the Henne**)- Rea Company about sixteen months ago. 1 structure was erected from plans by Or? enberg & Leuchtag. M. & L Hes* ha\e sold for Jennie Blddulph. Wellington Oermond, Herb Oermond and Mary Palmer to the Rea Holding Company Nos. 151-153-155 W 30th street, a plot 75x98.9 feet. This p is seventy-five feet east of Seventh aven Its situation is such a* to Insure perman? side light. The plot will undoubtedly resold to a builder with a loan for the en tlon of a twelve-story and basement mi cantlle building. Pierre M. Clear .1 Co. sold for the est? of Simon and Amelia Herrman to Iyiw? feld A Prager the southwest corner of Bo ery and Hester street, a six-story and bai ment building, occupied as a lodging hou The property covers a plot 50x100 feet a has been owned by the sellers since 181 It is one block north of the new Manhatt Bridge approach at the Bowery and Car street. Plans have been file?! for the constni? ti of a seml-flreproof bank and office bulldlr three stories high, on the west side of Lu low street, fifty feet north of Canal strei for Max Kohre. Benjamin W. I?evitan, architect, has estimated the cost at $50,0* a AMSTERDAM AVENUE LEAS Parcel at 75th Street Come Rented for $250,000. The Walton estate has leased the pro] erty at the northwest cerner of Amsterda avenue and 75th street for a term ? twenty-one years at an aggregate rental ? about $2;V0,0"O It consists of a flve-stor structure on plot fronting 102.2 feet on An sterdam avenue and 10O feet In 7?th stree It was occupied for a number of years t the American Cab Company. Directly opposite are the old Duk?.t stables, occupying the southerly bloc front on 70th street, between Broadway an Amsterdam avenue. The buildings ar being torn down nnd n tall apartmer house 1* to be erected on the site by Fran Bradley, the owner. Drhzer Brothers have lensed for the Mei ropolltan Street Hallway t?> Denzer ? Nathan, cotton converters, for a term a years the store and 8,500 square feet n basement space In the Cable Building. B the northwest corner of Broadway an Houston street. The Store front? 128 fee on Broadway and 20?) feet on Housto street and contains ?S.fiOO squnre feet. Th store was formerly occupied by Wllliai Vogel A Sons. Carstein A Llnnekln bars leased fo Klein A Jackson the entire fourth loft I the building Si the southwest corner o Fourth avenue and 20th street to BsJlej ??reen & Figer; al?so a suite of offices li the Fifth Avenue Building to the Rocheste Stamping Company. Pease & Rlliman have leased for th Postal Life Insurance Company In thi building ot the pouthwest corner of Nassui and Liberty streets the entire basemen for n term of year* at an aggregate renta of ?JiOO.iKO. The Modern Restaurant Com PUUy, the lessee, will make extensive al t?ratlonB. Davis A Robinson have leased for Lloy? Warren, of Warren tic Wetmore. architects his house nt No. 1041 Fifth avenue, next tc the corner of Kith street. 44x102 feet, tt Oeorge Rose for the winter months. Th? asking price was $14.000. M. A L Hes* have leased the ninth lofi In the building Nos. 114 and 116 Fifth ave? nue, southwest corner of 17th street, con? taining 16,000 feet, to Pternberger & Ka Usher; the first loft In the building No. 1? Fifth avenue, containing lO.OKi feet, to W, Brand A Co.; for A B. Ashforth i Co.. na agents, the sixth loft In the building Nos. 12 and 14 West 37th street, to Muss & War? ner, and the tenth loft In ihe building No*. 143 and 145 West 29th street, to J. Levin & Ce. 8. Osgood Pell A Co. have rented for the Manhattan Centr?. Company for a term of year* to Flaven, modiste, th. first floor ab'ive the street in the new building to be erected and ready for occupancy about F?bruary 1, 1912, at No. 10 East 46th street, l-'rederlck Fox & Co. have leased for the A. & 8. Construction Company the second, sixth and top loft, containing abom 15,500 squan- feet of spice. In :h?' new buihlmg now nearlng completion at Nos. 142 and 144 West 2?th street, to Samuel Himoff, J. Shaff A S Wiener A Co.: for the Wel? sen A Goldstein Realty Company, 12,??X) square feet Of space at No. 151 lo Inf. Wast 2"?th street, to I. Sternlierfc; for Samuel Slmoff the third loft at No 34 West 17th street, to A Sllvermnn. und for M. A L. Mess the tenth Lift nt No 39 Fast 20th street, to Mack Kanncr The Cross A Brown Cnmpam has based for William Crawford the h.ili of the eighth floot In the Lincoln Bulld.'nK. No 1 I'nion Square, lo the Sainui-1 Suppl?e Com? pany, for a term of years. SUBURBAN HOUSE LEASED. Pease A Flllman have rented for Mrs. c. W. Cutter her dwelling house, at Field Point Road and WoOt Elm street, ??reen wich, conn., to John K. Berry. ? s BROOKLYN SALES. De Poix * Von Glahn sold for A. P. Wll son the four-story apartment house No 1041 Bergen street. F Shnrum sold to a client No. .'?OS Central ?venue, Brooklyn, a threc-story trl?k tenement hou?e on a plot 26.6x1ro feet, twenty fret norm of Schaefer street. The FUk Rubber Company, of Chliopee lulls. Mass, I? to ??tabllsh a brsnch In Brooklyn and has based for a term of years, through John K. Henry. Jr., the building at the southeast corner of Bedford avenue an I Hamork street a ? , REALTY NOTE8. A J Carpenter Is the purchaser of No. 715 I.? xlngton avenue, the ?ale of wlftch by the I?Hzams e-tnt? was reported in yester? day ? Tribune. James Kyle A Sons wer? th? brokers. The Douglas Robinson Charle? t?. Brown Company negotiated the sale of the block containing ?-even lota, bounded by Weit Farms road. Hoe avenue and 107th atreet. for Benjamin M. Tucker to Lowenfeld ft Prager, reported Wednesday. Penxer Brothers negotiated the lease for Henry Ive Foreet to David A. Schulte of the flve-ltory bull.llng at the aouthweat corner of 23d street and Lexington avenue, exclusively reported Tuesday Van VHet ft Piare were the brokers In the sale of Nos. 223-225 West 11th street for Hanle| Rosenbaum, reported Wednes? day. On the plot reported sold by Mooyer ft Maraten for Seth I?w In yesterday's Trib? une are one five and one six-story busl nesa building at Nob. 502 and fi04 Broad? way and Not. 4 4 to 52 Crosby street, con? taining 1?,000 squaro feet, with a frontage of 4M feet in Broa?iway and extending 200 feet to Crosby street, with a frontage of 120 feet on the latter street. The prop? erty Is ?assess???! at $445.000. THE PRIVATE 8ALE8 MARKET. MANHATTAN. 10HTH STREET The Irvln? Judli Rulldin*. iind Construction < ompany, his told to the i r>oiielan Realtv rompan? the new six tt.-rv ele : vator apartment h?ni?e, known ?? the Canter ! bur., on the south title of l?jfth ?treet. 100 feet weit of Amsterdam avenu?-. Th? buyers give In exi'*!- No M Rcekman ?treet. ? five ?tory loft buHdln*. on a plot 30 1x107 11 tooi x Irr??; I ular. near ?'lifT itreet. and alto No 0? Hank ?treet. a f'.ur ?tory bulldlr.?-. on a lot is t!x.'i4 I feet, near Oreenwieh street. 118TH STREET- Joaenhlne Rleler has ?old the two ?Ix ttory apartment house?, with ?tore?, at I No. 227 to 2*?*. WeSt 110th street, ea?*h on a plot ?jeeMS.11 tett, between Seventh an?! Bight h avenue?. HOCTII g : ".ET -The Charlea F Noy? Com? pany ha? ?v, I f r Edward H Kellv No M ??viuth ???**-? . a five ?torr hull llnr, ?overlng a plot .12x?*,.". leet The purchaser i? an Inveitor ItOWFRY I'Icrr?? M. Clear <S- On bar* ?old for Simon and Amelia Herrman to Lowenftld * ! Prsiter the ?Ix ?tor? loft huill?n-;, on a pint IBB | 100 fj_-et. at th? routtvweat corner of the Bowery and He?ter ?ir*et. The pr?p<-rtj wa? hei?* at ? HftO.nnn, and ha? not rh-inj-ed hand? ?tn?-e ?OH I 30TH STREET?M. * !.. He?? have told for Jennie O Blddu'ph, Wellln?ton and Herbert ?lermond snd Marv Palmer to the Realty Hold In-r I'-mpmir No Ml to IM Writ ?tOth ttreet, a ? plot 76ttUO fee?, on which there I? now a two ttory bulldlna. | S0TH STREET The Douglas Robimon-Chirle? i S Brown <*ompanv ha? ?old for the e.tate of ? Laura Manley the vacant plot. 25 ?x100.SU te?t. i No 11 F;a?t ?8th ?tree!, between Madlion and I Klfth avenue*. The buyer It Lawrence; L Oll ( letple THE BRONX. INWOOD AVENIE?Charle? E. ?"athle hat ?old for Louis Lowenateln. of Pearl River. N. V . the plot on th? w*it tide of Inwood rvenue. .12 feet touth of Belmont ttreet, i\Ax Ifl.'ix Irregular. Mr. T>?w-*nsteln ha? owned the properly for ?wenty-flve year?. FRANKTTN AVENTE?Kurr A 1'ren have, retold for the Benenaon Realty Company the asrtbeael comer of Eranklln avenue snd 107th ?treet. a on* family dwelling ho'Jte, on lot 2fix100 lest, to an Invettor. 1?'i2D STREET?Kurs A Cren havt cold for the Benenton Realty Company No. 4.11 Eatt H*l2d ?treet. a frame dwellln?? house, on plot .1*ix10o fee?. JFBOMF AVFMK?Shaw A C*C have ?old for Mnraaret J. Elite to an Investor the three ?tory flntho.iae and ?tore No. 2147 Jerome ? venue. 18 feet north of North ?treet. on lot 1 fix SO fee?. COCBTIANDT AVENTE?Emit ?r Cahn end J. J. Plttman have sold No. 027 Court landt avenue, a five atorv tenement houto on lot 25x140 feed, to John J. Rchweltter. RATHGATE AVENTE ?Manuel Per?i has ?old to Ida Rogolowltx No. 1600 Bath-rat? avenue, a three ?tort buddln?;, on lot 27.7x HI fett, for $.V.*.<Hi WFSTCHFSTFR AVENCE?F. M. Wei?? .*? Co have ?old for Bettle Oalnahcrg to Bern hard J Farrell ?outhwett corner of Wettehet t'T avenue and Mahan avenue. IN THE AUCTION MARKET. The following transactions- were record? d yesterday nt the Real r>ti?te Baohangs ypSalesroom. Nos. 14 and 16 vtesf street: Bv Joiep'i P. Un\. 7TH AVE. AfiCil and 2,i0C. n w ?or 14.*ith et: two 0 ?t>" fiathotue? with ?torea. 40x100 e?cl> <-xeciitni-'e ?ale; ettate of Elite Zam plo'l, d'-ceased; adjourned to Nov 23. 11 ?TH ST. 12. ? t. 201 ft w of .?.th ave. 1<??c HWi.11: ,'i sty tenmt and floret; adlotirnetl tin? die 171ST ST. '.10. ? ?. M ft e of Auduhon ave, 4.1.11x1?.',; 5 ?Jty flathouae; adjourned to Ni.v 21 DSLAN'CST ST. l!?2'v. n ?. 41 10 ft m r.t Itlilge ?t. tSxSI.IS: ". ?Jty tenmt tnd ?tores; roui i? D j Oeldetela for $23 soo LAWHEN? F ST 21 and 3??, ? ?. BS1.I ft e of Apiste?-lam nv.-. ?10x 100 Tx.VixlOO: two 2 ti- t.-ntuis; s.1.1 to th.- plaintiff for $12,000. 14IITH ST. .102. ? ?. Ill?) fl cv of ?th ave. 23x00 11: .-, ?tv tenmt. ?ol?l to th.- plaintiff for ..Id,.KiO Ki.'TM ST. 217 and 21'?, n a. 17l?2 ft ? of ?Id iv.-, -Iii.1(ix1ii0|l; it ?t. tenmt and ?tor-?. sold to the plaintiff for 140 Ooo PARK A VF 170? and 1710. w- ?. |gj ft ? of 120tti pi. S0.&XSO; twa ."> ?tv tenmt? and ?t?re?; adjourned ?Ine die. 117TH 8T, ?<>?V h ?. 47 0 ft e of Park ave, 1.-..10x'l'.11 ; .1 ?tv ili?.*: adjourned line die. By Hugh D. Smyth. OftAKD ST. r.70; n ? cor of Ooerok it. 90* 7.*. I'. Raehei lase, i and I ?tv tenmt ami ?tore?; ncijourne.l to December 7. ?if* A NT? ST. ITS, n I. 2*. ft e at Goerek It. 2*ix7i. t?. Rachel lane. .1 ?ty front aad t*Wt tenml ; Jd.'ournerl to r?erember 7. Hronx Rxchan???. No. .1156 Third avenue: II? Htrl.ert A. Sherman. II'NKLIX AVE. 1100. |..^tlon of lBflth it. 10i'x."1 Oxioo 1x11 0, .". ?tv (lalhoute. to!,| t.i ?he'ntllT for iL'fl.Ono llv ?'hurle? A. Berr**!! an ave m t 240 ft ? of i?id ?t. .10x120. \arnnt. ?old te UM pliilr.tif? f. r |4..'1?ki Bv Jo?.-ph P Da> ORV.N'T AVE. 10.-.O. i- ?. 107.S ft n flf m.liji it. 2*ixl02. .1 ttv dwi*-; *<?ld to th?- plaintiff for $7..V.O. RECORDED LEASES. (With name and ad?lr?t? at leeSre ? NOVEMBER 10 RROAinVAY. .1H4I. ?tore, ate: Joachim S Ann H.fuel t?. William Llppc, .*. vr? from Oct 1, 1011. ???40. addre?4. e.'-O Fa?t lfllt't it. FttOKt ST n ,- ri-ir He l'?viter ?t. all. N?tl,?n I Barewtta and ar.o to Drtyfaa Export Co; 3 vr? from Kaj? 1. II1I2. ?2.MX?, a-icire?... 1.17 Eroni It ?il'.ANn RT. 2iM-.. ail: Samuel Zlrlntkv to Jo Btph .oi.ato; ?. 51? from Dec 1. lfll, leVMO; ad dres?. 1?1 Mott ?t HOMK ST, 7?if.. ?tore? and h?teni.?nt. Harry RoMn',vas?er a'd an?? to J-.IIu? J ( ohn il yr? fror* c ict 1, IHM. f-1.!?.'?; a-idre?-,. i'jj? Ea?t ICCth it. I'iTT ST, :ill, tern at I and third floor?; M.iril? Bcbmor le ntfigrentiaa Tifarrth? Aehim At.4 -!i- Pei?*st?*?rg I <n from Julv 1, 1011; $1<J0; ' iiditrrt?. 3?! Pitt ?t I'ITT ,?T 34. n" P-.lo-?ion Lev Ir.e aiH ano to Mone? i.efer; 3 v r? ?rtitr, Not 1, 1011; (.1 4.Vl: , 1 '.ir.'??. 177 Norfolk ?i i'MIK A\R fiOl. ahm?, ?X : RernS'd C Ork?n ?m,i ano, tniet?.-.. to i?.?i<-r Rfaen; a vr? from1 May I, 1!m"?. $1 .".?'?.. :id..rex?. 0_>1 I'm'. .1 . 2T> AVE. -i r tOt SMI ?t. ?| etc I.01I? ' !'? r'? 1.?In and sn.? to ?Samuel Retlln 4 \n it *\at from Ni.v 1. lull. (Sell .-iddift?. t'4l 2d tv?. : 31? AVE. :443. all Thoipct C?.nn?-i t? Marie En-relbreeht B ? rs froir. Nov 1, 1011. *2?VX); ad- I ?l'en. 12'.'1 Simpson tt. 14TH KT -.24 E*??t. ?-ement. ele; lohn A Mo?? te fit?nl?;.r.? I alnir.wek ; J vr? fr .111 May I. 10?0: |7'J" .???r-?. 124 ?~*r-?. j? t 14th ?t. 34TH ST. 2in and '.'-P W-,i, ?J hdui; Ii.infoid Ptalty ? ? i . Adah* Bamt: 4 \r? 2 atea rrers X', , I 101O $1.0<K?. odlr?-?.?. HO Woi 14th at. :?4TH ST. ttWeet, ???-r.? %*d part Ittsemat; A Sulka & Co to Thoma? '* Plant Co 10 . | torn from Nov '. mil J''.??>0; atl*re?t. r? i'..,' incv.iod i e. B?eaav, '.?1ST ST. '.'?? We?!, all: Amelia [?a?, is t . y, ed er|ri( O Welnjtarter. it yr* .'rom Or! 1, 10] ?, II ?JOS; ?ci'Ire.? IM W'?t !'l?t ?? taSTH S'r. TH* Ea?t ?i?lri> .,?-.1 ha?em*n? T?.ii? ?'.loidan.i to ?ail Xcik?; 1 m from N? 1 It'll $120 a*dre?t. 7?'?> K**i i?'?th ?:. RECORDED TRANSFERS '^'lih mm? and iiddre?? of pur htie- i NOVEMnFR 10 MANHATTAN. AMSTERDAM A'.'E. ?VW. VixKI NOs P>. ft yr? M?r??ret A M??Ora?h to Ern??t O W Woeri, $27 000. ??Ir.??. 1 E-,?' ?S4 it. liRiMDWAY Ml" Jf'\20?i to Mercer at: S Pun'?, od Mviik.n. ttttret, f> AlfreiJ c Baeh rnan, Nov If., |lfi2,TM. s\Ml" PROPERTY. Truiieei of Columbia Col le?e to ?ame, Nov 13, fl; add res?. 174 liroad n ay SAMK pROPKRTT; Alfr-d C Harhman to Jo ?*ph H Wrlfht ?int? ?OO.OO'i. N..4 1?. $100. ad dre.t. lf/,7 Tlroadwa? ?TH A VF. 2442. ?ftxi?'. Mar-raret Nititiin to Irwin Realty ?o imta t'Ji.t-o i. Sat IS; $100. addrci? 07 Na??au ?t. 4211 ST. 22? \\e?t ?.'.'?xIlO Nov 14. 3 yrt: Sperrv a- Hulrhln.on io Rotiert flrave? m al. truatee?. $??.?,.ncio. tddiet?. 7 Writ Mit It '??.Til ST. 442 Witt 0 ?lv brk, ?JtsMOj Will | inn. Iltntil, executor, to Rartley Lui.-h (mta $11 ?????. oct 2?, $12.000. addr???. 4^*1 *A*4>?t nflth ?treet ?UM HT, 4? to .Ml West. IfiSalrtl Nov 1?; due a? per lv>nd. Hltmottt* I lea II r Co to Han o 'i Manufacturing Co, $200.,?'0. arf'raa?, 4? Wall it HiU ?T. 312 Eatt, ? it) Ht, 17x101. Iaq Q I 9A. nieberUh to Alice M O'Brien ?n?l ?no; Oct W. tl. ad-Ire.? 203 We*t l?VM St. WD ST. s a. 129 rt e of limad way. ?7* Irr?? Nov ir. (prior mtg $156,000): 3 yr?. ? ^.r?c'?V Wlnsinn Holding Co to tfBawell M?Sel<*. $13.0"' addreat. ?tin ?fd m. Hrooklyn. 03TH ST. AM Bast, A stv brk. 30*100^ L?-'"" Olngold to Bruns Investing <*o ""'S *"*"?* '' Nov 14. fiOO; ?d'rera. 00 N?????? M 114TH BT. SI? ICast. 88*100; ??*?? "nJ- W*,,. ment?, fl per c?nt; Angelo Par?dl?o to Id* ??"" man; 1701 ST; address. l.W Bn?t 112th at. 107TH ST. 5J Fast. 5 at-, brk. *??*};, MS Waaserman to Philip Oold-Jteln ?mtg f????2', Nov 1?; $100, ?d-reta. 10* South Jd St, Brocklyn THE BRONX BELMONT AVE. w a. ill ft n of BJWh ?'. **0, Fllomen? DAurl? to Oluaeppa Benno, p?? 18; fl; aldre??, 4284 8d ?v?. CROT?NA AVB, B ?. 400 ft S S* '?^^J:,,.,* 1*9; Edw?rd P Dnwllng, ref. to Frsnk y"""""* Nov 15; $7.A20; aAAieat. 1870 White Plain? *"?? SAMM PROPERTY; F""?nk WbioMO *?*? **-*n O'Deary; Nov 15 (mtg $6.000?; $1; addr*??, w? East iflTth at. CAtl.DWFU. AV?, w ?. 27? ft n of 165th St. ~t~ (prior mtg $22.000); Nov ifc t ^?if cent; Von CoH?j?r R??lty Co to 8?dl? 8 mm?. $i,-*"Oo; oddre??. 296 B??t 102?! ?t. FRANKLIN AVE. n a cor of kthUM, 100* ar>: .limn I M?rtm to <r*>?-?ri^_ J r?**?-*?h"?-f W?0 ??l.tWOi; Nov 14: II: ?ddre??, 142 West 4?th ??. BAUE PROPERTY, Ch?rl?? J *?"!}** ?t1? ArthuT J McSorley. See 14 tmtg W.?*?*?); ??'? a?"dre*?, 1248 flay ave. ORAND BOlTEVARD. ? B at W ? ?*,?IH ?ve. ?*t?x48? Irreg; Theodor? Roehr? to ?Tv-.r *?? V Gabriel; Nov 15; $100. addre??. Plymoutn, Penn KtNOflBRIPOE RD. ? ? cor of Oignay Efc lot a\ msp Section B nt ??nwald; Ral** ???? lette. rSf. to Huaan Adl ; Nov 15; $4,*?: ??"dresj. 4114 Rvron ?ve. I/)TS 111 ?nd lia, m?p Tremont Height?; Nov 15; 3 yr?, Thomas Penteeoot to N?th?n Lam? port, $2.4?X>; ?ddr????. 1891 M?dl?on Bare SAME PROPERTY; Nov lfl; 3 yr?; ?am? t? A?ron I bUattf; WOO; ?ddre??. 2B4 Orsnd ?t. t/iT 88. map BO lot?; Anthony ??tat?; Nov 18; 8 yr?, 5?* per cent; Henry L V Reco-lon to Title Inaurnnre Co; $4.280; ?ddre??, 133 Broad? way. LOT 3.M to SflO, m?p Mo?t Haven, ".00*227. Nov 10; 3 yr?, AH per cent: Mary M Kelly to H?nn?h R Hawiey, $12,000; addras?. 121 ? <*?t l?ath st MAITLAND AVfc, n e ?-or of old rd. 8^x132: He? 15; 2 >r?; Bartholdt M?i.uf?cturlng ?c?M Henry .1 Serry ?nd ?no. $2,000. ??lire??, 60 ??H ?t M??RR!S AVE. I??,", 22*08 (prior mtg $4.000); Nov U; ?lue aa per bond; Jam*? H MeOulra to J?>hn M Wagler; $?00; addreaa. 853 Hast l?*9th at. MAPLE AVE. n w cor of I>ogan at, ?*?"?* I*"1' Maria A D* Anglo to Samuel Oreaaon (mtg $10, 000?; Sov 15: $100; addre??. 521 10th ?ve. BiBOM AVU w i, a? fl i o? Jefter-wn ave. 25xl?*0; Charles Jaeaer to Slgnhlld HanmBn; Nov 15; $100; address, 4?11 ?Junther ave. lim ST. HIT Baal, 40*100 (prior mtf $25,0001; 3 yr?, ?I per cent; Nov 15; Ban-tnaon Realty <-? lo Arthur J MrSorley; $?,500; addrea?. 124? Clay ave. l?-,L?n ST, n a. part lot? 44 to 48, map North Mo1r.-*e, Renjamln Benenaon to Jame? J Martin, Nov 15; tW?, addrea?. ,"?M Eaat Klngabrld?? rd. RECORDED MORTGAGES. (With name and ?ddre?? of grant??) Interest I per cut, unlea? otherwi?? ?tated. MANHATTAN. NOVEMBER 16. AVE C, ? n. 20 ft a of 8th ?t. SSx83; M?y 4; due No- IS, 1015. fl per cent. Wolf Oraen berg to Samuel L? Grecnberg; $11,000, ad drraa, 271 Madison ?t. AMSTERDAM AVE. 213. 37*10*?; Nov IS; 2 yia, 0 per rent; Jacon Polatachek to Fanny I M Letts? $1,000; addrea?. 223 Weat 140th at. BROAOWAY. Bt>7; 20*200 to Mercer at; Nov 15; ? vr?. 41? per cent; Alfred C Baehman to LawnaeB .facob, $00,00?:>; addre??, Diamond Tolnt. N V. nlttiAHWAY, s e cor of lfl4th ?t, 99*100; Medford' Realtv ?'o to Oer?rd J Barry; Nov 1 , ii, t k *l".*?.o?'?i. $1; addraas. 2529 Orand ave. BROADWAY, n ?, ?dj land conveyed by Putnam <i Varlon ?nd ano, Sept, 18S5. 25jr 180; Kln(r?bridge: M?rv Byrn? to Ann E Burna. Nov 15; $100; addre??. 254? Grand ave. ?0OLCMBUI AVE. a w cor of 90th at, 108x30 iprlor mtg $80,000); Nov 5; due aa per bond: Charles Qahren and Jacob Malatxkv to Ed? mund O'Shea; $.'. ?i?'?,?. ?ddre??, 31 Weil 88th ?t. ORAND RT. aw?, lfl ft n ?f from n e cor ???ato Edward 11 t,al?hr. 17? Irre?; William H Morae ?t al to Oeorge Bartholomew; Nov 9; $10O; ?dilreg?, 85 Waahln-iton pl?ce. INTERIOR ?trip. 138 ft w of Am?ter?J?m ?ve vHL'xloS, run? w ?0* n 87 to 1 old Clen dennnur land x flO.vfl to beg; the Clendennlng Co to Alexonder Flnnlte; Nov 16; $1; addre?*, 3 Scnmmel ?t. I.EXIN(?TON AVE. MA. IPxIli; Sept 30: du? a? pvr bond; Stiale M Fau?t to Title Guarantee an.l Tru?t Co; $20,000; addrea?, 17? Bro?dw?y. | MADD'ON AVE. n w cor of 70th ?t. 100x21; Oct 27. 3 yi?; Sarah C Benedict to New York l.if- Inaur.mce Co; $45,000. addrea?. 346 Broadway. ?StnrVOLK ST. ? a. 125 ft n of Stanton ?t, I 2:W100: Jacon Ooldfurb ?o I?rnet Koeng?b?rg; N<?v il imtK $28.500?; $100; addrea?. A3 Pitt st. "Tir AVE. 2442. 24x7?: R?n?rd Building and i'onatriK'tlon ?"o to Nathan Tromm; 8?pt 29: $25. uiMf-a?, 1061 Profpect ave. STa SI. 71U and 721 Ea?t. 50x02; Nomen Realty Co to Hyrni.n A Broily: Nov 15? (mtgj f?'.0.<?00). $100: ailUnsa. 61 West 118th ?t. tUTM ST. :i3t Enat. S aty brk. 25x9?; John | J MrnrP'e. ref. to Julia Hoffmann; Nov 10; " 3.708; aairaaa, 407 Ka?t l.'ldth ?t. 2GTH ST. 2?!2 West. 5 atv brk. 4?.)x irreg; Ellen Kennedy to Caroline Hatch; Nov I; it; addr????, 264 W.-at 20th rt 26TII ST. n a, 187 ft w of 7th ?ve, I09x?8; Metropolitan Print lag < '<? to U S lithograph Co; Sept 1; $1: ??'.r-'?,, 14U5 Rr)a'lwa.\. 34TH ST, 210 an?! 212 West, 4 ?ty brk; Nov 16; Instalments, without Interest; .Viele Ro??l to lu-n.-l.ct I Vitale, $500; a?l?lresa. 33 Park Row. ?"MTB ST. 412 Weat, 25x100, I aty brk; Nov 15; I yra. 4'-, p?ir rent. Hartley W ?ynrh to A?? MM-latlon fir the Relief of Respektable A?ed ln i'lKt-nt ?Teraelaa In <*lt> of New York; $12,000; ail.liips. hi? Ainat.-iiian? ave. ?3D ST, 13!? and 141 W*nt, 3 aty brk. 33x100; Standard Bol,ling Co to Thomaa B??rkely ?mtg $27.fix;? Sot IS; $100, aildresi. 52? West 53d st. ?'???'I'll ST. n ?, 2H.1 ft e of Columbus ave, Six 1?K?; Rft?-hel Roaenbliim to Jaeob ?loch <mt? f.'?7?H??i,; Nov 10; ai??, addre??. 5' F?i<t 122?! nt. 77TH ST. n a. 230 ft w of 2d ?ve. 28*102; II? rr anl J Well to Fanny ?lru?-n, Nov 15; $100; a-ldrea?, 401 Eaat 524 at MiTII ST. tM Eaat, 4 aty brk, 18*100; Henry I"i ?II er*.-r to Baivey V ITlce (mtg $1,000); N??v 18, $1; address. 200 West Ulth St D2I) ST. 152 Eant. .'? ?ty l.rk, 20x100; Nov 14; 1 vr, 4 per rent. J?ntiia rfelftenachnel.ler to Peter W ??JUaiM; $2,5w), addrea?, 320 Oartleld fiare, Brook1>n. 10TTB ST. 52 Eaat. 17x75, 5 aty brk; Nnv IB; 5 yr?; Philip Ooldatetn to Ro?a Waaaerman; I $2.(?0?i; .i?!dre?s, 22-.' West 122d ?t Ht? ?M ST. .luis v\>st, 10x100. I aty brk; Matilda \V Hrower to Runkel Realtv and Construction Co ?rot? $22.000), Nov 13; $100; addrea?, 149 liroadway. BAMS PROPERTY. Runkel Realty and Con? stru? tn.n Co to l"l<lachmann Rroe to ?mtg $22, 00?i). Nov 15; $100. ?ddrea?, 307 6th ?ve. I21ST ST. 218 Weat. 3 aty brk. 15x100; Minnie T Havers to Har-iet Realty Co ?mtg $-?,500); Nov in. $1, address, 103 E??t 125th ?t. 140TH ST. 24 Weat, ? ?ty brk. 41x99: Revenu? Re?!tv <*o to Jennie Kureaky ?mtg $.12.00?h; Nov IS; $i<0; address, 759 Jennlng? ?t. SAME PP.OIKP.TY; Jennie Kuretaky to Man-: rife Cohen. Nov 15. $100; addn?M. Cre?twood. I Yonker?. N Y MOTH ST. 24 Weal, 21xt>9 (prior mtg $32.00?')); . Nov 15; 3 yr?. 6 per cent; Jennie Kuretakv to ; Jesse Oppenheim; $l?,00<t. addreaa, 44b Central ; lurk Weat MOTH ST. 5.-N West; fl atv brk. 41x00. Thoma? ?Berkeley t?? st??n,',r! Holding Co (mtg $46,000); I Nov 15; |1; addre??. 1??8 Broadway. Iflf-TH PT. 82?? ?n.l 522 Weat. 50x99 (prior mtg I ???o.OOOi; Nnv 15; due tea* 20. RM?. ? per cent; j I.atK-air.nor P.ralty Co to J?coh Sheenakl; $12,- j niKi ?'tdri-si.. 1?)27 Southern Boulevard. 147TH ST. a ?, 280 ?ft w ?,f Ann-f-rdam ?ve. I r^?\?.''?. Faahlon Ri-n!tv Co to Oeorge Tlernan, all llt-n? ?mi? 111800); Nov 1(1; 1100; andres?. 2??1 : W-st 12Sd a' THE BRONX. BOSTON ROAD, n ?, lot 133. man of Uat ! rl-ii.i.i ;??.",. 170 ? leiarl 1 Harr, et al *? Vid ' for", Renn Co o, t ?A; ?W; adiliesa. ?;??1 W,-.?.? llltli ?: BCL.MON1 >^1 ? ? ?'?.'?T M ? v? ??i* iviiiani ! ?ve, fllxfoO; No? m. 8 yra; i-noi k nuion to] Eiiigrant Imln-t i lai -ilr??? Hank, addre??. 51 chambers st BRI ?iK AVK. a <> . r 171?! ?t 10"-?.4.', I|; ?$30.000): Niv 1i' | ms. ?I per rent; 17l?t j .?"??et-, aoil Br?v>k wenne Co to Kate C Alton; | ?13.0U9 Hddreis?. Ml Weat Sf.rh at. BELMONT AVE. w s. 121 ft n of l?*0th ?t. MsJO; S v l?>. Instalment?, ? per cent; Oluaeppe ? Ti-r? ??> P?a?iuale D'Aur.a 8? 0??0. addreaa, ?!7?? taat i?*?>?h at CR-OTONA v\k. e ?. 41 o r, -i ?f t?3d ?l. ?Jta 100 Set 18 I ?r?. C ?>ei ?ni Frank Wlllets I Ihomas B Hilden; $8,00?) Hlddanhurst. i N Y ? OCR! I..WPT AVE. w a 150 ft n f l?2d st SBsltl lo land of New Y.!rk a Har'em R R ? ,, 25?lflx irreR; Harr? ?ahn et ?I to John J Schweitzer ImlS $22.?>-K't Nov I?; $t?il, ad?lre.??, AlexenirM, M Y ri.i>.\iiErn w K n ?-. ;;nr? f? m Ot Main st. ' ?;;.*?? ion ? It? l?nd: Harnei r.r*\o m m Minnie ?a em ??nig $2?'.l'i????. Non Irt. $1???. ?ddre?, ?, Stl we?! l?l?i st rRANKUN \-.'t:. n I ?or 1?l7ih M, lor?i?28. *?: 1? 2 ? r?. ? pe?- ,-#r,, , iMri'i A Forah'w to r\ni,i?? i M*'hai?. $2.V?, ?ddte??, ?07 We?t 1?7rh ?t RUOff-S \yP). g . its fi n nf t?f?th at; two lot? enrr. 80\1f>? orne -t- #?c|, tnfAOt; Nov 18; 3 vr?. ft per cent, clelanri Realtv Co to Herr- cieland $ll.<*"Ort ?ddre??. 1?'0 Anthony ? ??? JPROMr. \vr? 2*187. 17x7? Margaret I Kill? ?o l.ewl? H Wool? (mtg $9 800). Nov A. $100; artdr??? 2404 Orand ?v?. K ENMARE ST. n ?. 21 ft e of Mulherry ?t. 78* Irreg; Lin? Well to Mo?e? J W?lf; Oet Jf); $100. ?ddre??, DU M?dl?on ?v?. SAME PROPERTY. Mee? J Wolf to Ro?t ? Sujaweln ?nd ?n?>; cet 27, $100; addre??, ?BO Eaat l.'th ?t KINOSIIRID?'.!: Rp ? e cor of Dlgney ?ve. *?. Kdenw?l?t Nov |fl; S yr?. ? per cent: Susan kit t? In, lasse; $4,0o0: addreaa. 880 S?uth 8th a\e. Mount Vernon. N Y. KIN'ISIIRIIHIK nn. e a. lot 110. m?p of ?port of Anthony ?-?.t?te Nov 12 imlg Bft.OSOi. Nov 12: :< yr?. Vbtor K) Sorapure to Fordham Unlv?r?Ity; $2 .?loo, ?ddres?. 3d ?v? and 190th at LOT 113. map l.ooa. 0f Tremont Height? (mtg $'*00>, Nov 18; L-amport Realty Co to Thoma? Peulocoat, $100 \SIT 114. ??me map; Aron J Blnaky to Nov 1? (mtg tUXn. $in*t ^^^^^ I.OTS lift ?nd 11?. mama map; Solomon C l_mpo-t i? um,, Nov 18 (mtg $1 20?l). $1; a?l drraa, ?5 I^import ave. MARION 8T, w ?. 172 ft ? of Kouuth ?0%, I 137x146. Nov 16; due ai per X?md. SnO? " Dougherty to Ka?e a l!i-e?t??n; $4.???; addie?-. IftT East rih st. . M APES AVE. ? e ,, TA ft n e of Trem-u't ave. ?flxlfiO; Jame? ? i .migan and ????> ??> ?**. trude y '?lenii'i*. Hot ir?. IM?', a.ldt'i?. ?t.n* Mapea avt. NEWELL AVE, v. . 100 fl ? of Jullann? ?t. 25x?10 to Bronx Rivai x MsZISa t* ?"??? ,'",l_lJ" Klraehaefer to Richard Motrlson; Oct ?; SI?*' addrett. 10 Planton ?t. It ?PUR HT. t ?, ?x* ft w of Main ?t. al* 114; Nov 14; due a? per tn-nd; M J ? Inllon te Ella L Mart?; |5.(jno. addrtss. 706 ?'>?" lit?" ?treat. OLD RD. n ? cor of Maltland ave 61x132 Watt ?"?heater: Henry J and Mary A /ter y to Bartholdl Manufacturing Co, Nov II; flw; ?'* dren, 185 Broadway. OPDYKE AVE. n ?. 22., ft w . f Onalda av?. 205xl48x Irret; Van Curlear Reelfv Ce ta ?am* A llwne <mtjr $4,0?)Oi, Nov IB; $100; address, 205 East l'CI st. VYSE AVE. ? w cor of 160th it. .?????j*: i Fulten Realty Co to Una Butt ?mtg $.*\ow?. Nov 14; $1S0: address, 200 We*t 128th it WHITE PLAIN? Ri? w t. 12'. ft n of Morrl? Park ava, ?xl?X?, Adolph Weiaermann to Bertris, Butcliaitk?, .Nov 9; fl; ?ddrcs?. North Peach. Tor? Island WALTON AVE. w ?. 12* ft n of lMth ?t 19x to; Kogar A Piyor, refare?, to Bell A Dir-vol. Nov 1?. $6.000. WALTON AVE, w t. 140 ft p of 184th it. -.Ot? to; tame to same; Nov 1?; $?1.000; addres?, 18 Irving pi, Brooklyn. 185TH ST. ?17 Eatt, 40x100; Arthur J Mc fiorley to Bananton Realty Co; Nov 15 (mtg |'-*B.?*if*0) ; ftOO; address. 407 East 158d tt. 1IWTH HT, 7?5 Ea?l. ?**x48; Emma MS Met tanlz to Siymour Realty to. Nov .1, $H?>; on .Ire?*-. 25 Broad ft. 178TH ST. n t. 1*1 ft w rf Grand Boulevard and CoBeours?; Anna H Bedford to John ? Arthur; Nov 16 (mtg $4,?000), fl, addrest, Ocean O rove. N J. SATISFIED MORTGAGES. (With r.ime and addreit of lender's attorney.? NOVEMBER M MANHATTAN. BEDFORD ST, ?3, n w t of lot conveyed by Cornelius and Nlcholaa I.ow to David B Byeri, runa n e 83*x n w 12x t * 73.2 to Bedford and along tarn? 22 to beg, gent IS, HMO; Annla C Reeder to Louisa L Kant?. $1.500; attorney, IaiuIi B Eppiteln. 150 Nat tau at. 8T NICHOLAS AVE. 1220-1222; mtg M fixture!, etc; Nov 1?, 1010; Michael J Ryan to Jttnrt Everard*? Breweries, a corporation; $0.000; attorney, David M Neuberger. 302 Broadway. SAME PROPERTY; May 9, 1010: Thomaa .1 Carew and Michael J Brennan to lam?; f?1,0(*0; attorney, tame at above. ORAND ST, 74; mtg on fixture?, machin? ery, etc: May 4. 1011; Max Danger to Clara Sol?; $1,000; addrcta. 74 Grand it. IRVING PLACE. 20, 20.7x10; March 17, 100?; Alex I' W and Charlotte O M Klnnan to Alex O Burnham; $8,000; attorney, A P W Klnnan. :..I Weat ,1.1.1 at. LENUX AVE. 107: on?-half Intereit In leaie, ete; Jan 31. 1911; Hoie Schwartz to l.ouli L Kane; fl.r.OO; addret?. 107 Lenox ave. MANHATTAN AVE. w ?. 27.? ft n of 101? it, 27x00.11; Sapt I. 1010, Herman Rixmann to Sam Lederer; $2.000 PIKE ST, n w cor Henry it, 67.6x85 0; Jun.? 17, 1007; Jullui Tlahman to Tourneur Realty Co; f8,o00; attorney!, Manlwlm A Manhelm, 302 Broadway. WARREN ST. 37 and 30, 50x100: Sept 10, 100S, Joaaph I B Jonoi to Union Trutt Co of New York; $110,000; attorney?. Miller, King, Lane A Trafford. 80 Broadway. . 8D AVE. ? s, 02.11 ft i of 07th ?it, 17.0x100; July 12, 1006; Joseph and Paulina Bornsieln ft al to Itldora H Ely and ano, admr?. $41,000; attorney. Title Inturance Co, 135 Broadway. 2?TTH ST, 142 West, 25x08 9: May 10, 1011: A and i ??onttiuctlon Co to N??' York Mort? gage and Security Co; $?4,2S0; attorney!, Hoadle.?-. Tauterbach ? Johnson. 22 Will? iam ?t 48TH ST. n t. 100 ft e of Madlion ava, 16 8x100 5, Rapt 3. 100P; Harry and Edythe W Parker to Frank B French; $2,500; attor? ney, Lawyers Title Insurance and Truit Co, IM Broadway. 48TH ST, s s. 103.4 ft w of 2d ava, 18 8x 100..*.: March 25. 1004; Bella Croall Forbes to Nasiou Countv Mortgage Co; fl.000; attorney. L A Wyman, 56 Pine at. 70TH ST. 261 Weat, 175 ft e of Weat End ave, in.ix10O.ri: Jan l.*>. 1O0I: Charlea C and Florencia M B Ruthrauff to Cnlon Dime Sav? ing! Bank, f 15,000; attornoyt, Woodford, Bo vee A Butcher, 1 Madison av?. 107TH ST, 52 East. 10x75?; April 14, 1000; Mollle Brooks to Leon Waaterman; $2,000; attorney, N Cohen, 217 Eatt Broadway. 114TH ST, 816 Eatt, 25x100.11; May 15, 1011; Angflot Caterina Paradlio to Ida Welsman; $500; attorney, George H Ittieman, 60 Graham ave, Brooklyn. 140TH ST. 24 to 28 Weit, rum B 00 1U ta 125 x n 00.8x n e 0.4 to s t tt x e 124 0 to beg: Fe>> I, 1011; Revenue Realty Co to Jacques Loebel, $3,000; attorney, Charlea L Borek. 38 Park Row. 134TH ST, n ?. 2?30 ft a of Lenox av?, 25x0?. 11; Oct 26. 1010; Margaret Fl Napier to Jacques Loe bel; $2,500, attorney, Charles L Borek, 38 Park Row. THE BRONX. CAMHRELLBNG AVE, ses, 657 8 ft s w of Cnion tPelham) ave. 61x100; July 12, l'?04; Pat? rick and Johanna Dillon to Thomas Murphy; $".,000; attorney, John J Brady, 03 Nassau st. i'LINTON AVE, n ? cor of 180th ?t, 135.4x.11; Jun? 7, 1011, th? Kovaca Construction Co to New York Trust Co; 135,000; attorney, F A Snow, 13 Wall it CLINTON AVE, n e cor of 180th ?t. 133 2x.11; April 20, 1011. tame to tame; $??,,000. I/>T .132. map Laconla Park. 25x114; Oct 21. ItOB; BsSaa S Austin to Marv A Davis, exttx; $400; attorneyt, Saiter A Steinkamp. 140 Na?. aau ?t. MAYFI-OWER (formtrly Mape?) AVE. e ?. .li? ft n of Zulett ave, 50x101); April 4, 1007; fur nella A Fergeraon to Odell C Butler and the Puughkeepile Trust c*o, trut; $:i,500; attorney, C W H Arnold, 54 Market ?t, Poughkeepile, N Y. TRINITY AVB. 1064. 3712 ft n of it,, May 12. 10U6; Margaret McKeon to Addle A Sullivan. $2.000; attorney. M J Sulli? van. Wllll? ave and 14Sth tt. .11) AVE, w ?. 452 4 ft n .?f 100th ?t. 4-S.7xll2.0 x4X 7x114; Der IB, 11*04; l?aac ?*?akol?kl to Title Iniuiance Co; tP?.not), addre??. I'lii Broadway. ItiMTH KT, ? ?, 1??1 ft e of Fulton ave, r.4.4x 100.11x4.1.11x101.5; Nov 23, 1WU*.; Barbara S Herdt, Indlv and aa extrx, t(, Title ?luarante? and Tru?t Co; $6,000; addrett, 1T6 Broadway. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. William C Arnold, admr, to Julia A Ford; Samuel D Greneherg to Augu?ta I-*vy; $100. Raymond Ruhin to Harri? Mandelhaiim $1. Dry Doek Saving? institution to Title' Intur? ance Co; $45,000. Title Guarantee and Trutt Co to New-burg Sav? ing? Hank. $00,000. Joseph S Marcui to Guaranty Trust Co $1 Jamet Devlin to United Stat??? Title Guaranty ft* $8,?joi?. Alol? L Ern?t to Haute Freeman; $1.200 Irving Saving? Inatltutlon to Mocei Goodman 3 list?; W.-sHJ Frederick Aver to Alfred Fe.hheimer; $15,(V00 Hyman Rubin to Harri? Mandelbaum and ano; $1. Alfred Fechhelmer to Title Inaurance Co $16 - 000. Title Iaturanc? Co to New York Llf? Intur anee Co; $60,000. Mutual Life Imuranc? Co to Title Guarantee and Trutt Co, $1. Same to ?ame, 2 astt?. f450.000 Alanton Y Weller and ano. trustees to Alfred E Weu?r; 2 aistt; $8.171 New York Trust Co to Metropolitan Paving? Bank; $33.000. Hanover Mortgage Co to Title? Guarantee and Iruil Co; $2?10.00O. Maxwell Matted to Abraham D.Weiniteln $1 Abraham D V?',-lnnteln to Lincoln Mortgage Co $15,000. Lliton G Ketehum to Susan A Sned<?ker $4 - 00?) John H Wherrv to Lillian Sp.ingenberg: ?43.500 Kate A Brennan to Clara L ?'aroiin; f2.000 Clara L Carolin to Sarah E J Ho.iilre?; $600 Alice M 8n??deker to Harrv RlnatiV. $100 Bank for Saving? In the City of New York to Paul H Falrchlld; $*-O,0?'O Mary E B7>-?ett ta Mary r, Richardson nan . 000. ' ?*"?* Ralph Jenkln?, ? x- to Adeli? .1 Megd?,*.. .. .",00. '? ???? Wilil?m V e. rham to Amy n Oseta *.w?a Mme to ?am?. %:,,COO ' I_?v.-yers Morii/.ij/-- ' -, ? .,-.. ?.3 000 V.'alflold Nelson t? Jerome A I"<k M ?yin ??ara L ?Carolin to ?Sarah E -I S?iuir?a tl -ma I Lawiera Title Insurance ?nd Tru?t i ,, to |_? -r* Mortgax'- ?'..: *7.<?00 w* Same t., nil, $:? I Maria If Baltz lo Samuel i>V\ : tc.i-nn Title Guarantee ?nd TruiM ? . ?o Mane ?_?_ fiel. 815.800. "if"* Francia L Wandelt and ?no e%r*. to Msru n $4.900 ry ? MECHANICS' LIENS. NOVEMBER 1? TREMONT AVE. n ?. ?4 f? w ?if Anthonv ?v?, 23*100; I> J M??ney Co ?gt Ale*?nder Arder! ?'n, owner ?n?l tontractor; HaggeS" A ?Lauretta. contractor; $2,34?. ^ 5TII AVE Hl! M '.??:..i S C? nnoliy (?? ?ft Harrison O Djar ?nd P-rle N Knopf, owner? John M ?n-1 Oblige Martin, lessees. E!i|?or, <-?,n'. ?trurtl'in ? ?>. entractor; $520. IH'OHRS AVE. 2159; Jo?cph S Wlrslng ?n Mr? Well, ow-i.r and contract?*. $2113!) ITI'TH ??>".". "-2.'. West. Rudolf Oeremann act o H M Realty ?o and the Eight Twenty To* vCru 170th s?ree? Holding Co. own-TV Zlpkea Con atru'-tlon <*o. contract-.r; ?fliX) PEARL ST. 434. I-oul? T?v;n ?gt August* Schick. Elisabeth Dnn?lng and Auguat? bun ?Ing, owner?. Morris Zimmerman, auWontra'-inr $165 ' AVE B. ?3; Morrl? A Friedman ?gt Hugo Realty Co, owner; Julius M Schw?rt*, cn'rac tor; {?0. CATHERIN?) ST, 7?; Isidor Ooldm?n ?gt Ml*. nie Oarone, owner. Fredertck Garort*. corarte tor; $250. 122D ST. IM to 422 We?f; J'mnpb Roderick ?gt I,ewi? Krulewltch. owner; Hurry Kni1?*witeiu ?yr.?r?ct-?r, $382.14. 8ATI8FIED MECHANICS' LIEN8. 5TH AVE. n w cor 26lh at. John Orlgn?M? ngt ?'harle? H Pe--kworth et ?1. No? A, inn far bond?), $1.37??. ?ATH ST. 201 East; Jennie Hi' In ?gt >iany_t Ulaas et ?I. Juno 1. 1011; $1??*? 2*. 8TH AVE, 2442. Orlffln Roofing Co agt Jot? I*>oe et al, July 1?. HU*, $68 AMSTERDAM AVE. s w cor 178th at, Natha? Charnlack et ai agt Lent* Realty Co et al; Ha* 13. 1011; $2.1<X? NEW BUILDING PLANS. MANHATTAN. LCDLUW ST. w ?, :,0 ft n of Canal at ; top a .1 ?ty h?nk and loft?, 25x70.6: M Kohre, 4l Canal ?t, owner; B W Invitan, 381 Oth ?v?, architect; $50,000. ALTERATIONS. MANHATTAN. 1ST AVE. 771 and 773; to a 5 ?tv factory! Teg?tme|rer A Rlepe, premise?, owner; J Jg Baker, I^ong Island ?'?ty, architect; $?i.0<X) LIS PENDEN8. ?3D ST. 177 East: Jacob Baaheln ?t ?I agt Ro??nna Roaenf?ld et al ?forecloaure of mtg); attorney. D J Gladstone. WHITE ST. 112 and 114; Walker st. 103 to If?, and Centre at. 133 to 140 City Flreprooflnr Co agt Olman & Rothateln line) agt Abingd n Construction Co et al (counter clalmi, attorneys, Phillip? & Avery. 120TH ST. 120 East: Katherln? Ella? agt Lout? H Kopp et al (forecloaure of mtg). attorney, I L Br? adwln. 25TH ST. n s, 177? ft w of ?th ave, 22 ?x 88 9; John Reynolds agt ?"hartes B Fraie? ?ac? tion to determine claim), attome>. J A S?ldm?n 102D ST. 310 East; Augusta Levy agt Ma? Roaen et al (forecloaure of mtg). ?ttorney, H Cohen. HOE ST (or avei, w s, 37 3 ft s of Home st. 30-ctVi S; Hoe st (or ?ve). w ?. 67 8 ft s of Home 'st. 30x?8. Public B?nk of New York agt Kithan Pasam?n et al (foreclosure of mtg); attorney. ?.' L Marcus. PARK AVE. ltil.H. Charles C Sands ?t al ?gt Main Realty Co et al (forecksura of mtg); at? torney. M 1 Borland. BROADWAY, w s. 181.1 fl ? of ?2d ?t. 4?z S3 K?* irreg; Phlilo Livingston agt Samuel M - Mtllan (action to remove encroa hinenti. attor? ney, H Swain. LENOX AVE. ? e cor 143d st. 24 11?*?; Amer 1? an Mortgage Co agt Christian C Moller et al (foreclosure of mtg). attorneys, Bowers A Sands BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. NOVEMBER 1? COSTER ST. w ? 328 ft s of Spofford av?. l-?2 11x43 2*111.3. triangular plot, t'ttllty Reslty ?o loans Howard Parkes $2,000. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO LET NEW JERSEY. ? PERMANENT COUNTRY HOME 45 MINTTE? FROM NEW YORK. ON THE D.. L A W. R R 900 FEET ELEVATION. NO MOSQl'ITf'ES COOL IN SIMMER. DELIGHTFUL IN WINTER. SL'FERB OGMMaVkt. SPLENDID NEIGHBORHOOD. ACTUAL WATHR RltiHTS HOCSE HAS ? ROOMS AND BATH. ALL MODERN" CONVENIENCES. HALF ACRE SHADED LAND. PRICE ?HUM * ILL OFFER EX? CEPTIONAL TERMS T?J RESPON? SIBLE PURCHASER ADDRESS OWNER, r. O. BOX 327. N. Y. CITY. " RlTHERIORl). N. J.. D-V4 Mile. oot. The Ia?t one of the Montros? Height? houses; heat coi.atrui'Uon, ?-very < oiivenlen?--. warm in winter, cool In ?ummer, near ?tatlon; eight nom? and bath; $5.'iio. $0?><> ruh; I?a1an<?<* ||k? rent VAN MATER, Shaf?r Building. Rutherford._ llllltill i.ll OF MANHATTAN. 144 EAST~?9TH ST., (oniuliiing 4 living rooms, hath, kitchen and st,.i?' room. larg? stullo on top floor ex? ? - leal north light, house electric lighted ?nd ste?m her.tedJLhrougti.iiit AGENT, 132 E?st 19th st._ BO KO M. H OF UKOO?_l\N. IF YOl* PAY $40 OR MORE RENT. KINGS lawn for you. Brighton Beach or Smith a?. trolley to King? Highway, .'.,'. Property, v. ?. Q and (ican I'.irkway. RICHARD (". DOO C.ETT, owner and l??iild??r LOM-i ISLAND. SPECIALISTS IN Hl BIRBAN PROPERTY. PEASE & ELL1MAN. 340 Ma-lls-n Ave Tel. rt'.'PO Bryant REAL ESTATE." MASON ?nd PLASTERING. ..very description; alio whitewashing: American: low estimait rnrn'shed M. t EIVI. -t.M Weat :?0th at._ ' _.. -t UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. EAST HIDE. THE MADISON SQUARE 37 MADISON AVE Hotel apartments, furnished and unfurnished. Booklet and further Information on re<jue?t. THE CLEVELAND 1'?11.m Fa-t 24th St. -Vpartme-its -if 0 rooms, ample closets, et FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LIT. IITH ?ST.. M WEST--NEWLY FURNISHED Uve room apartment; wo?it?l sell complete at ss critic?. .?MAMS __ _ ?55 ST. 20 East ?Madison S?,u?re South!; milt?, two rooms; bathroom, by month ttaei Large sod Small To Let Offices Single or en Suite in the TRIBUNE BUILDING 134 Nassan Street Oppooite City Ball Pork The Centre of Transit tor the Metropolitan District "L" Stations Entrance to Brooklyn Bridge Subway All within a Step Absolutely Safe Fast-Running ELEVATORS (Plunger Type) Electric Light and Janitor Servie OPEN EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR APPLY FOR TERMS TO THE RENTING AGENT. ROOM 6!