OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 03, 1912, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1912-01-03/ed-1/seq-9/

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?B SU R F?
To Head Edmond Blanc's Stud in
Place of Flying Fox.
-jnn of Hermence Raced with
Distinction Here, Winning
Many Rich Fixtures.
ond Blanc, ?me of the foremost ?
?-l?der? aid tiirtmen o? ?Trance, ha.- pur-|
Lhased the American sire Hermls from
*-"n -*:(iis of the sal?
*?evr' . iade publie, but the son of
?*??. Kety of the West was pur
pr ? Flying Fox at the head
?: gt id, end it if known
was paid. Id. Plane
r:?? ing Fox. snd. -while It
? ',,?, that Hennis brought any
surr? tie1""- " '? BUr# that Mr" Zoii:,*r
??a, no mistake when he took Tlermls to
1t,e'ml.-*' ?Me of the Atlantic.
.. f when Mr.
-jjjjjj ? Hire for either racing
" Is country, that he seat
II r?as nor bis Inteh
bul he received many offers
frr hi- ' ? Kl""4? finally the one from M
BUn- was ?o flattering and the stud
|hanc< would be afforded wen
was prevailed upon to sell
Hermls was bred by Hlrari Kerry, and
Isty of the West, his dam. \ s the prop?
erty of H \ Hngemaii. He was foaled In
lS9f>. Mr. /?"gier bought llerml? a? a two
mar-old. "? discovered him In the West
aftrr ? little red horse" had twice de
at thai time considered
th?. beet In the Zeigler barn. tThatisa
Hugh? ,N training foi Mr. Zeigler.
.it li-nnis Fast In 1!*?; and sold him
M Louis V Bell, at Saratoga, for *_*?,*?*?
? Milder at the
.! Healey advised the pur*
? little chestnut, hut Mr. Wilson
to take Mexican Instead.
Racing ks of Mr. Ball, and
"ormlck, wi.o for som
seasons i toresnoet trainer In
I won eich* or ten straight
In ?he fill of !?*-, At the finish of
that was sold to Alexand, r
I ???. and the following spring
to K R Thomas for |
nlng for the Brooklyn Handles;?
Sf d Hermls bowed a tendon, '?it the late
Alexander Shields, who handle., bl?n for
Mi Ti ontaa, patch*d bim up artfully, aid
Jir won ?lie Brookdsli, Buburbaa and Test
bandicai i ? finish of the IS
i not thought that ! ?? would be seen at
the i-ace* again, but he wa? back in 19?iS.
In that year he took up _B pounds and
ron the li ap, covering th?- mile
and a ftn *!at.
e individual. Kngllsh on one side, and
Stoutly An . He: mis was
the almost Ideal ra?eborse. He held bis
owt, si ?ngs and three-quarters ?>{
a mile with the most fleet footed sprinters,
snd he won over big distances from the
stoutest heurt'd route travellers. He was
sn incomparable weight carrier and was
?nu.i!'! and willing. His best season was
: race the Suburban
BeCd! when ha eat-ily took the measure
of such famous performers as The Pieket.
Irish Ls I. Proper, Major Dalngerfleid aid
ti ? : ? si race Ht ?mi? won Ii
?am- year In which be was winner of the
and Citizens' Handicap, tli?
Cup I'r? llminary and the Brighton Cup,
iot appear in his regular list of fix?
ture.-', it was an overnight race at I
and a furlong over th?. With??"s course at
Morris Park, In which Hermls took up 13t
poun'is and defeated River Prate under '.?'
w h? n Hermls was winner of the T?-st
Handicap he d? feat?-d the peerles Beldame.
Wbl h carried lli pounds. In this race ha
ran the last quarter on three legs, one of
th? rendons in front giving way Just t.s he
mad- ? -to the atretch.
?-.?? ? ? the t?---' fifty-five times.
11. wei time.- a winner, eight
times third, and bis
i ?a, hed t?H.l?'i
After hi? retirement Mr. Thomas sent
Hennis to the Ho_ndel Farm, where he
was bred to a few marcs, but he never
*-*?*_? : ad a stud < liance in this country.
At tb? - ? leraal of ?he horses at Hohnde!
Mr. leigler, who always contended that
Hermis wai the greatest horse in the coun?
try. ? i Im back tor *?x>?
some dlfferenoe from Ute ??w,?T? that Mr.
Thomas had paid for him.
York A. C. Proposes Reduc
. ? Under Certain Conditions.
Of Hi?' Hem York Athletic Club
i notification resterday thai th?:
! of governors had drafted certain
?lendments, which will be voted
? the annual meeting of the club
Is . Id on Tuesday, January '?> The
10 provide for a class membership
known as "associate members," lo
? may be eligible young men between
of ? Inot?es and twenty-eeven
This class will be admitted to the
privileges of the club on payment of $7,i as
Part payment of the initiation fee Of 1-".
The balance of th< initiation f?*e must be
paid when the member rese?es his twenty
? | birthday. I? is also proposed te
s athletic numbers of five years'
s who 'nave won at least a Junior
national championship to become regular
? mbers upon the payment of an
b-tlatlon fee of ?
it was pointed <-;>t that Ute number of
en loining the club had dwindled
rably during the last few years.
m for an associate membership was
calculated to remedy this. A number of
the members who were asea yesterday ex.
their disapprobation ?>f the scheme.
They . lev? that it w?>uld 1>- favor
?> icted upon.
There will ejeo le SS-SUdS-SatS to pro
Vi'le iiiai Un- regular fiscal year end on
Nove-:i,e, :-,, and not ??n P?-?-ember 31, as
the constitution now provides. There Is
Sis?) to ... ?i,< orpoiatc'l a dear i ?nti"n of
? utes a resldenl an? im-rsat
?lent i
At the clubhouse yesterday it was re
likely to be a con
of the officer? nominate,)
aid ?hat < 'oloti.-l Roe
*??'! M Iii.imps-,n weald ln-a-1 both tickOtS
1 Ion, but that the ethers sa ?i?u
*l *,> ? ??iii i,, differ? m
Kolehmainen Leads Field in
Powderhall Marathon Run.
Bdliiburgh, Jan 2 Kolekmainea, a ns
y ?'inland, area tkS professional
Herat hot. run of M miles. ?._ yar?ls and
? nshlp of the world at the Pow
derhaii Athletic Orounds hers to-day. His
I"'?? wi.s 2 hours *b minutes _>_ saefl
Holmer, tb? reptre_e_t_-tve of Iks
ho won the race laut year
?I Hme of 2 hours ? minutes
id ten yard* bebjhd.
competitors, Includ
'" l^?it?i.o:.t, ti,,- Indian runner, who
? ??" of the race at Iks sixteenth
h ..oing i,y .''.???? rarda.
f Aitllu ral -.1. ,.
*a? thi
" William .1 Wright Hlioe ?on,
at Ho. I.'? We?|
Ml III ??III, Il I
?Aright of ihe I*?
ooli lo ,)l
'?riftht t.- ,e retai ? ?
Hard to Keep Baltuarol Enthu?
siasts Off the Links.
Raltuarol'n lateat ?erle* f,f polf fixture?,
extended from the old year Dear into the
new. Despite the ?now which practl.-?llv
covered the courte, the usual baud of en?
thusiasm turned out and In the last De
cemher competition for the secretary'* run,
L. W. ?'alian, aided by R five-stroke handi?
cap, led the, field, thereby ?sinning three
point?. He finished 4 down. \V. N Sin?
clair, handicap 5. and C. J. Spencer, handl
cap 11. both finished 5 down, and were
awarded IK point? each. In the medal
Play handicap for the Artie cup a tripla
?le resulted between ('nllan. 84-tV-79; Sin
clair. M?I?79, a ?id a. B. Arrea, 10-11 79,
srlth the result that al] vera credited with
I point? apiece,
The frnnl December match round for the
preaident'a cup resulted In Dr. Cnllnn (I)
defeating H. c. Cornwall 041 by 7 up and
I to ploy. D. "vv. Oranberry lends in the
selected acora handle,-,,, with a card of n.
as follows
n ,.
8 ?'. 8 I ? .-. 4 4?3o_ei
Other leaders In this event include J. R
Bggera, fiS; Spencer. ?54: F N, Cowperthwnlt
and J. S. "Woodward 2d. fi?; raxton Brown.
? tyres and Callan. ?7; Sinclair. *"?; Corn
w.iii. 17; Paul Btaurett, H; 11 Adam?, jr.,
and w. Oreen, ?.
A resume of the Picttiher competitions
shows that Pr. t'nllan leads for both the
secretary's and the Artie cup?, with V&
and fi points, respectively. Th? ?ame player
has also won the president'? eup. Gran- |
berry, ?artth hla H, leads for the noowbtrd'a
??up. w hile Callan und Granberry are ?led.
witi. six lingera each, in the birdie event
In the blizzard, or one-cluh affair, Sin. lair
leads, with a BOOTS of ft
Competitions for the secretary's and Artie
cups ?>n Sent Year's Day ? a new
?el of point winner*, us follows;
W , Ireen . H U down
.1 p Woo Iward, 3d ?*? H down
H .- ;> I" down
Alt'"1'!." e ?!??'
, 11
.1 Womlward. 2d 88
Hrcmi _ 108 1* :'-'
Other Arrangements Satisfac?
tory for Johnson-Flynn Fight.
Chicago, .''in ! II appeared I
th'ie might ' ' t the arti?
cles of agreement for a fight bet
Johnson and Jim Flynn
Both Johnson and Jack Curler, who la
? prceunting Flynn, aald the 08,800 1
provision for th- training eapeoaea
and a third Interest In the moi
contract srere mutally agreeable Curley,
However, declared that the staging </ the
bout, which Is acheduled for June or .1 ily
at Windward. Net . was aomewhal con?
tingent on - teal - v. ! I- I
is now arranging for the next two month?
(Furnlahad I
l'l ?'
UM AfUeu
' AH' * Pn.'O...
i Alh & V? ... ?".2 73
: AII?Kl* A W "..:'-? 14'1
.\ i'.. 78 80
i Au* A Fav. .10!? 10?
At & C A T.. IT'- -
A O & M M . 81 78
lie- cii Oeak. Ott 09
Bo?t A A.b.220 22.1
Bost A Uow.214 ?
Bo?t * Prov.gM 8?"')
T. A T'h \v 1*0
Kklvn ?City..MO 1?
CtBCo .1."'? 148)
l'acsl'. s ? 7-1
Cul lai pf.. m
do M pt. .111
Cay A Boa. .386 220
c Cm?loue ? ??o
Chat A Q. 1"2 10K
C ft E M ff? H 89J
do 6414....110 ISO
do ctfs pr.ioa 110
CS4C et..m ?
Clrfleld * M. 130 ?
rjiov a pttu i'-: 109
do ?pi bet. 9fl 1(?0
Col A X... 20? ?
?-one ?C M . 130 183
Cons A f.. 110 ?
r a P n prias ?
conn m ?r.,na
C Rv A L... 73 7?
do pr?t_ *?> M
Dayton * M *"> M
do paid_1-0 180
r? A IM Brk.188 lie".
Det 11 a -.. ?a t?t
! l'cr.n.. .128 135
KlRhth At?.?80
Ehnlra A W.100
do pref ... 1-42
t> a Rai .200
grt? a pitta. ?aa 142
Fttebl k pt .118 1-7
r w a- .t pf.UB 181
42?? BtOOST.200 830
Franklin T.. 80 4.'.
t; h HA?'..'?* VI :? '
Q A S'k T.. 110 111
Vf .112 US
H?rt & C W 40 4
III i 1, I. 884 !?' .
111 & sUes T
D 'I" '.' ' 1'-?
J?rk L A S N ?*2 W?
.l'.llet A ?"h '"?'' MB
K ?t- A C P. 1.0 140
Mp . ? V. ?.I
Ki Rtl?OC pt H" Ig
Loch ?w ii.. 96 01
Utile Miami 208
L s A M Be.821 ato
L i M R pf 110 l?o
A C 11" 120
R pf 1??> 11"
an 7:."
.-. \ .
- H
Mobile A K pf 80
v ? t . fa f-n
Mor C I
>io pr?t . 180
?Morrli a Fx.l?7
? etn . i?4
| Nj?h A I?. e in
. '
I N-u 1... . N 301?
I N Y a 11 - ?
V. I... M H pt 108
N Y Mut Tel. ?'"
I V Y 1. A v.
, N'Intb Av? ...140
Car 1?.'!
? North CS H?.Mo
I N'oiilh (N J
! Nonti pe ?
Nnrthw T
Sort a W pt
Old Polony.. .'.?S
8 -
?Pac ? 't
Fnt A ?I P
Pat A ?
l Valley.m
Peo ? B V ITS
Phil? c; a
P R A I. I
i ref ... r. ?
P 1 i vv .-.
il., ?pe? U
?PIM? A !. i: 170
?P MeX a- Y .118
II' Y A A pi
il'r'.v A Woi 270
ISO lf.0
Etlai K.1 1 2? ?** ?'
Rome A '". l?
I 11 m A Wl
R Wat lOl M 7
Igato A Bell..180
. A ? 1'? 11
?Stiaros i:v m 'm
??f?th Ave |1J0
Al Tel . 80
?Southw of a '""
.- I. B I?' '
d', 2
8t 3 A I
mrtt i""
iBjrr B A N' r.275
T A C. R A?. .100
Tun of st L
! N.? RR A ?
I l'rper c?-.?,?,
? CAP Vy..l40
P C A B.K,
Vy of N Y... 117
VI A Mas?... 100
Warrra ISS
1 ??
i 11
?Maturing 1811-21 )
i ?d hy Bwanwou? ? Appenaellar, .*,?, 44
Pille stt..
Nam? M*'
Allaiitl"- rv>H?t Une 4 r r. ?U1-17 ...
E-ifr R? 4 -4?! p C, 1?1?- 27..
Cent of na 4'i-? P c. 1M1 17.
Central of N .1 4 p c. 1911- 17.
-? r> c, n?ii 17,.
A Alton 4-4H-6 p c. Ulli A').
Ch A Kant DI 4'i S P c. V.'ll 17.
en R T A P 4'4-a P e. if" 1^
Cln Hani A Da v ton 4'i B p c, l?ll-"20
l>e1 A Hud?on 4H P r. 1022.
Krie 4 4Vi^ p c, IW-'XI.......y.....
Hockln? Valley 4-4 4 n r, 1311 1*
Hud?on A Manhattan ft p c, 1011-19..
K C Ft B & M 4H p e. lf?ll ir..
Kan f'itv ?Jouthern 4't P c, 1811-1s...
LtiilRh Valle? 4-4i? p c ia?r;?6.
Minoarl raclflc Ope, 1!?11 16
Mocil? A Ohio 4-? p r. 1011 - * 1?.
.,- Lin-? ?'. p c. I?ll-'22.
Norfolk A Weit 4 p r, 1911 '1?.
l'enni-ylvanla 3'4?-4 p c. 1!?11-"17.
b? I. a S F 4-44-5 p c, 1911-17 .
<lo guar A C A F o p r, 1911 "17
??aboard Air Une 4H-I p c. 1911-17.
i 41- p r, 1911-'21...
Virginian n'y t p c, 1911-19.
Wat*a?h Rallroa?! 44 5 p c, 19U-21
Wheel ALB 44-5 I? c. 191!-"22...
4 *
i -,
4 .
4 '4
<J ,
4 4
y tait).
4 1
4 I
4 ?
4 1
4 4
4 4
4 4
4 4
(FurnlKhed t.y IS? ??tw out A Appenzellar, No. 44
l'Int I I
Appi ts
1 A?k-ei. Jie'el.
Amal e-.,p ;. f. e, April, IBU ...1004 l??'1.- 4 c
Ann Arl-e.r .'? IC, May, 1918 88 . IB 8-20
Bilt A Ohio 44 P C June, 19ta.li??) 1004 4 "'.5
Beth St?-?'t rorp 6 p ?-. Nov, 1814 90% l???!i 6.80
4% p .. Jun?, IBU. I?' i. Ki.? 4 7".
Cble Ble? Rvs 5i-, Jui;.. 11.11 :-; , !>?
Chic- A AI? I p r. M'-h II, 1018.. DB 4 0OU
?? H A D 4 P ?-. July. 191.1. !?? 9?4 4 M
da il ?SpU In 9 ' ? -l": 1822 101 KH '
,1? a- M ?"? p ' April. I!?!4 804 I""
Bmp Dm K *? r c. M?:, IBI2... 004 1""Ji
f?i ? M"
,1ht 4 4
p . , Apill S, 1014.I??" -4 UM
?.-t. 1014 . W4 00%
1? 1. 1018 . ;.* 084
en Robber 44 P c. July. lui.*.. OU IHi'a
1, p c, P- b, 1013. ..08*4
-t*el 5 P c. M h. 1011. ... 91 !?2
MiSlLtp c. Ffh. 1913.
Mo K A T ?'. p <: Hajr, ISIS..., :>s4
M? i'a. im. IHM . as
I0U 4
?; i?t
.'. 20
Il 4-J
B M>
>> IM?
.-. 7.'?
7 ?Kl
N Y c-..iiiri?i 41:- p e, Mer?, 1014.100 NOM 4 40
.. \ ??. ntral Un?-? <'!u?|, I p 1-,
N,,v. 1912 '-'2 ???? ' mSH*? 1
,i? 4', p B, Jnn. 1912 'th.., I 1 , -.'ba?!?
N V N II A- 1? *"4i f '". I?'"-'. S ? t iMUli?
M I. A
.. I?
M . r.-l? .. BM4 ir>
Bouthern "l'y ?> P <? Feh. 1613. .?.?? tOSU
. , , c., ?pe, Jone, It? Kl 1014 10
?' -,,? ? :, p e, Jan IS 1813 BOOi ????-?
Waat la M ?'? P <? A"?- 1910..MH? I014
:, K
:; 7n
4 ?:.
4 (se>
-I .
?.c].A??<ed-| 111,) A'vcecl.
?Ring O ft?.. 0%
?<? 1 <'? 9e. 1"2
?Et) lit ? ft?. 103
lnd O,??. -
?Jaik c! ft? . ?1
?K C O 6?. ???
?M(W) l?t ??.PH
N r (in? 0?. 90
?:. . I kP. ft?. 104
?t>0 I Mutual .1?..
1??:?4 l'ai * P a... 80
106 ?!? C Q 5s_ -
22 Standard _00
do lit 6*. ..104
100 Ft P CJa? Si.. 89
100 -FtPO com fl? 104
101 ?)ia Q lit 5*. 1014 1024
108 B U A P 6?.. 804 81
l:?4 A.,k4
Bid Aii-edl
BkWrt F M?..' s* ?"411"" I
?jv?iii-? .?,-?.? s*' I do bond?...
E?r ?.TO::
*i f-K5>. 50 ?0 ',
1911 MM n?"
UK en.? I?' 80.I1O.S1B.T92 814.429.50?; 811
Jan. i
^ News oFinterest *l_M!
Cutting Vobttn the Food "Bt'lU
By a Judicious Use of Gravy the Butter Bill Can
Be Substantially Reduced.
By Martha McCulloch William,.
Man cannot M??- t-. bread alone. Ren?
carnivorous, not to as* .1 cantankeroi
animal, he demand.?? wherewithal to co
hi-* brrad down. Henee, the lordly dali
man, with hit golden preducl rock, tl
skyward. Women of the household, !t
up to \o ; to cet lnisy and reduce the lor
lv dairvman; make him look il not Ilk?
'.' rents
? an do il bj gra s Underater
please. that this l? not profanity, alb. It
ini told t! al *By gravy" Is at times a
in plac? I 1 swi ?i ?? "i ?1.
Then are gravie.1 and -?--ivi??. Pom?
' <? ieen would rlghtlj make strong m
... 1 in glee Buch
si,ail not s?-t fo?th. not even b
fearful example
If grnvy Is to le a liai II S , h ? o -,
least until the price of butter ?irops n
I-rt-ctnbly. \ ou had (better keep on liai
ereil I ?owned flour, not In 'be lea
scorched, but a full, dead leaf !>? >?
be sure yo 1 keep n dry. Then, supposli
you have a pan ?,f bacon fat, eontalnln
say, t ?onfuls ??' clear greet
sprinkle Into It a heaping tabWpoonful
th-? browned flour, a pinch of salt and
i.ia? k pepper; stir ?eii through ti
warm fa?, eel ti,? mixture over gentle hen
?Hi iii.if a minute longer it murt b vei
1 m oth ? er half s cupful
? ?mato pulp or two spoonfuls ??' t
mato catsup, ai.l a very little onion julc
? *ook together f.,1 two minutes, then a?
either a scant ?, ilf cupful of boiling wat,
-?r hot mil?- .*- ? w? II, coi K
longer, snd 1
Yon csn i" Ihe 1
only water or milk and ? da?h ?>i tVorce
Of course. If th? -;- ? ? -
tor children, ail high seasoning I? bett?
left out. Th? ? ? ? ?ig 1 1.
the guaso and browned Hour ??-?;! togeth?
ami Un 11 thin ?? itl, ? , of 11'pu,
Rightly mole ? . 1 not ),?
er t.. rich and ?
1 . ? tilt he, llgt
brown, take them out, and !
f fal good ?ail apples, ?"red but tu
1 ?ei. .1. and ? .t In ; ? - cross's i-<- Tut
.,11.1 fr.v ijinckly 01: I
lay II BprtnklS
: ?-! fleur, unaalted, h Ihe pan, stir
t. add ?? st oonf ii <?? good mi
<>r syrup, ii.lv !: %?.-!' through the -
then put in ?? tablespoonful ? >' bollln
water Cook together at a brisk boll f?
two ??r ihr e m|l it? I ? ? '.? fr?e
es, i.??- t!.? crisp poi k <>??? 1 p, an?! set?.
very hoi
If the'e are C1?SS I ?-. t,? cor
slder. drain the apples on paper after fr>
!:.g. spriimle t!?-m very lightly with suga
? lie on a hoi ?!. ',. ?nth the pork la!
? !;.
no ! ..?? I
Work together until smooth a hi
tabltstspoonful -.r good 1?./ diippl 1
the ??ame amount of flour. Put In a pa
over gentle heal snd stir constantly ?.
th? flour ic slightly brown, 'i ?
Mrs. Spiegelberg, Inventor, Ex
plains Busy Bee Cart.
The I - ? ','Oing to drive ? ?
I ill ?!?? It 1
New York City a?ipi oprlates n
next summer to h r- enough Busj I
gather up the girb.-iire. which breed t
Busy li?es, ii 11 1 1 ne esclslmed, are :
rsrlety of covered
- i ?,?? lira. 1 ' N?? ?
Rlversld? Drive, end model 0
?,'. v it II ti,
aid of needle and ti.road und ?? pastetMser?
b??x. was shown b?- her .'?t ? meeting o
the Woman's Health ?Protect!VI
Academy of Medicine rest? rday afiet
no?.!, t,.-. 'I'll
i: Bees would be bandcarta, I I
showed a model of ? > covered ?au???
^ foi ? oik
garbs l arrangement ?,
lid?1 on top and a device below i?>i dumpini
?.? I ? ud model ?as for ;
metal box, with ?. I t?> be pi." ed al ?i? -
? - , 1,. 1 ? and t-, hold tin- ? US am
keep Ihe flies from t'u in.
All these Inventions. Mn BplegelheTfl
said, she e'ould be delighted t?> present t?i
ti,.- city, an,1 sic- dldn 1 care how mo? '?
monev the ii?-.- made oui of them If li
would only u e them.
Mi.- _pl< >-? ii? ?.- ? travelled sll
through Europe Itivestigatltig m? thod ol
collecting garbegi I links Mew
Tork's methods ?rat la lbs world.
Plie spool ? m.u nlng in Henry
? and Rlvlngton street, she ssld an 1
ehlldn 1 ? ? ?"" reeking b_U
?r ??.ith g
?ti e renditions on ' ? Bas! Bide are u??
during the strike," she Mid 'Why, ?hile
- standing talking lo a
?nan on the tin:,I floor <?i a tenet ? 1 ?
house threw down a bundl? oi ; rbage that
bonm ' add seal
on tlie ground at m? !??? '
MrK. Sp4< ; gar?
bag?- and sshei in the sun,, receptacle,
which would make IhS ?o|lect?on both sani?
tary an?! duatless, as the garbage would
dampen the a-lica and the he an?l 1
III th'- Hslie? WOUkJ I
for ' be ;-ai bsa?
"This mix?"?! collection een be nade very
profitable," she adde<|, "for the stuff I* a
Splendid fertilizer. tJasd lo fill In DOW
ground, it will mow bountiful CTOpa Tinte
ai ?. tO >. h? "? ? a ?I? !? the niiT.-d .-ol
lection can be turned in'?? fuel, The dty
ought to '"? making part of the expel
th?- street Cleaning Department out of its
ictus?-. Instead ''f, SS now. paving the Saii
itnry UttUsatten Compenj **??.'..???> .?
fi-.r removing the garbage from th? scows
to its reduction plant, st Barren island.
and i epper te? ta?te a little onion Juice If
liked, hik! g bare rprinkle of finely pow?
der?-. 1 swnet herbs?this, of course, h?lng
? pt! ?n.il Stir welt through the mixture,
then P"iir into it very gradually half a
j'lnt of hot milk, ?tlrrlng it well ?II the
time. i,?t k com" bsrelv to th? boll, then
|im;r over crisp iltces of toa t arranged
on a hot platter, an?! serve at Miee.
For bfOOd crumb graw, mix equal o,uan
titie? of jroo'l b"?f dripping? with fine bread
crumbs toasted brown; cook the mixture
veil toother, seasoning ?t to tn?te, end
then add hot ?tock. strong and hleh
flavored. In the proportion of half a pint
to en, h ?poonful of fat. Stir and co*k a*
directed god pout either upon tone?
or biscuits, spilt and laid In the platter,
?'old biscuits, ?freshened Inside a paper bag.
answer wrii f?-r thla use Tomato catsup
I such gravy b<autlfully, and ?o do.'i?
plain tomato pulp, flsaaonlng ta so largely
a ni;itt?r of Individual tssts that the gravy
maker should ?inrtr-rr?a?id there |? the larg
. st lii.erty ?>> ??id or take aaray.
1 ream iravy sound? extravagant, and. In
a way, it is and It Isn't For Smdays or
high days one ma}- better afford it than
butter itralght; It aill go mu< h further
unc? be -iifue filling; Ta Bake it. put half
n pint of ?ingle ?ream In a. douhl? boiler.
With B light seasoning Of Celery ?alt. hlae'll
pepper, paprika and a grate (1f nutmeg.
When the water bolls, drop In a walnut
of butter, well rolled in dry flour, stir hard
until the liuttsr baa m.-lled and 1? well
n i\'-ii through tii.- crean . th? n add snother
II iirei wslnut Pf butter and stir as be?
ll r? . Repeat twice; yon ahould aas about
. tnc. - -I butter in ail Cook for five
minutes after the last lump I??? melted,
stirring conatantly. Bsrrs in a hot tireen,
?,,? | our upon toast ?.r oser biscuit
Of poultry ehould Blvra ?
be boiled, long and ?lowly, in waterenough
M 'hem. m.,I th?> BtOCfc, after :t I-1
? I and flavored ulth celery >>t onion,
?till fui -r reduced When cold it should
i? .? Jelly, with ???nie fat on top S.-rape
off the fat. add a little mor? fat to It. mix
with ita "?n hulk et browned ?Sour, season
?Uli ??all and Sepper, end ook
?tlrrti .' ? i tl? until m-x?-d rtry ?month
Add to It the Jellied ?to.'k, in proportion
Of half B pli t ??> each tablOOBOOBM Of
flour, putting It In gradually, and BttrrlUf
II well through a? it melts. When It is
mixed In smooth, add a tablsspoeaful of
bol lias water, rook f'?t aeveral minut?e
?i ...th and thi k, take- from
the fir?, a.hi .-Ither the Juico ?>f :? lemon or
I m?dium wlncclaasfnl of ?herry. ?tir hard
fot ;. minute, and aeree in a hot boat
Bach end svsry ?me of these uravie? can
most Itiruiltely varied, hut one? you
vvav . f making them you will
them \?'iy preN.nt help? toward
solving the probten? ??f Ko?d living In thl?
.' blah pr ? illy that part of
? ; which ha-, ?o deal with butter,
?csndalously high price a po mi
I'll?. t'V ?he A???. |?:e.t I.lteiary i'le-a ,
i : Lag? la used tv thla cam?
pany to make ??lap fat ?e have the press?t
? peratiou of g.irboge and
a"heie "
Mr? Hpl-cniberg doesn't a-*? ?ny need for
the night collection of garbage
i., i the d int-> tiatti ta
.1-1. "and let there I** a Bpsdlod time
(??r the cli i? h ?li.-ttn i i>'t
I'eti.iliiei or janitor understand that
he is to put hi* garbees out only at the be?
ginning of the collection time for hi? Oat*
trl't and l?t III- taken In ?M s,,o?;
? ???! I.et BUK] I'..-? he. kept gOtUg
all the aim? t., ?father up all str?-?-t refuse
iii.-l put It m lar?-? can? at the ?treet cor?
ners, ?tending andar metal boxea like thl?
Most Important of all, let
be lin?***, covered tnc>!??r truck? or
tv\o horse wagons. In charge Of two men
it, dust-colored uniforms, to carry th?
? >ur pi?sent ?art?, with
their reeking, geesa-eoeered ?aih-ioth osar
St of date. They are too ?mall,
moreover, and too high for one man to lift
: pty Into thssa barrel? weighing two
hundred atkl three hundred pound-"
- leget berg ha? a plan for using ail
? iff bosse, harr.-i- and furnltnre
Th? ? Ity ?ugh? not to burn up
when ?hero I? to mii.-h poverty."
I ?be -aid "I/t the ?'liarltv- Organization
? l.? gtvsn the i-rivll.R'- of turning
them Into kln-llitii; wood ..!,.i K?-lhng thl?
i to ihe i"?.! t.,. a nominal i urn '
Equal Franchise Society Gets Parlor
Floor in Eut 37th Street,
\ii-l now the KcjiihI I'ran? hire? Ho.-ietv i?
coming down to th?i ground It ha? leased
i lot floor in th.- large bOUSS at No. 6
?Saal :oth ?fleet, Which Us?d to he occupied
by tleorga ?' BeMt, profstietor of the Wal?
Mr. Holdt h.-d ?hi- floor mad? over'Into a
huge ballroom, srlth h small room behind.
The hallrooin will be nssd by th? league
for the ssgfrsgs library it i? going to ??
Th., publie enw browse si will in
the library, provided the publie behar??
Its.-if, but the ?mall apartmonl behind win
be a lounging room for member? only.
There i? a huge shoe srlndow, put in by
sojii? later occupant than Mr. Holdt, and
upon thl?, In gold letter-, will be the name
of th" hague and appropriate euffrag? ?<?n
ttmenl -
? ?
Mr- ifllmot st >n:on Mal ?h, pr?sident o?
th?? Woman's 1'olltical Union, leave? town
thl? morning for Albany to* look In on the
Opening of the legislature The ?mended
auffras*e hill of la?t year 1? the one that
?111 b? pushed by the co-operative commlt
' tee, i on-astlng ?>f ?he heads of New York'?
large suffrage ?ocletle?.
Seen in the Shops
Chair fes t s stuffed with hair and "
with a goo?l finality of niorni-co grained
artificial leather are made In ? number of
difieren! shapes nnd h?zcs. vi it ti a device
tor stacking tbsns. practleally without
labor Id Shall thai need reseating. The
?eats are tuft?'?i on -lain, and the prices
range from 46 cents to ?1 cents.
A glass lar "f (!,iart si/'c' ?"'??0!**", '" a"
altnilnuio ease SS constru.ted as t?> be a
?on-con.lu.t.u" of beet, ?an Ss us.-d for
?,,.,, v ? c__C-Sd lea m ?he sick room
o, for keeping food bet The ?hap- of the
jar is such thai N eaa bs washed without
the least trouble B-d M BBS S Uttls SpOUt
for conv.-ni?:??-' Ut pouring
\ tiny l.?u?l' that burns solid al
i... bought for U saata. and a tin ?an
of alcohol SSdMS to be used In it for the
game amount.
,-,.,,?n rolles st? ?aa-rara ?"" ????" '1,,! '
?nek ?' ?' "
?nly win ?wies lawa. Boas? Heeea that
aro par.icu.i, lv .banning arc In ?roIOTS,
.llnk ?, pate blue, with s bsrder .....*??>?
t_f stt-n-l atripaa ofrwWts, ran *Ub
BOe coran, and ef wMU dotted with
, ,,H..h thai el tb? ?.?? i
f-l:?i,. There era ssM la ?i"-- kmt
M<n. ,,f the a?e <"iton -"?as-ai kern m*M
bs*c*_ers "f eyelet and various other lovely
styles of embroidery. The prices of these
materials are from $1 to $7", a yard.
Foulards of good quality in allower pat?
terns are selling at ?,:, cent?, $1 and $1.25.
Their width Is 24 lnche?.
\\'?,ml? i fully beautiful both in texture
sad 'oloring are the new spring silks.
Any one who has seen them must have
been convinced that there Is no reason to
look for the early decline of bordered ma?
t-rials, for once more they have appeared
In designs so novel that they still hPve
th?- same jNnver to p?cate that they had
at their Brat coming. In exipiisitely soft
crepe foulards and pong?"* crepe? spleridMly
? olored patterns are seen Ixirdcring n
or .inerald green, coronation or wine red,
Kuhany rose, old gold -?nd diff?rent
-had.s of blue. An extreme novely la a
Meek and white ""trisad < r?pe foular?!
bsrdsrsd with u stripe of rfsh Idas i-?
tweea two stripes of atanga. The bia?-k
and white stripes arc narrow, but th,, .
forming the border ai?- about six Inches
in width. These gorge-ius fahrt?-? . .
? for fi?.m $'. t<> ** v> " yai.l.
? I j,n|.> wln-r-- Sri Irle? ??,. ni|,u,a,|
, ^. ??-re s*-?? "-I hi ?.-ii.I
u,S a nampe.l and srtdret#e?l en??Mope t?. -'?.-n
It, n,. -.. ., Vi? Trl'iti'i?- To ln?,ir. ?
I r..m pi reiyiy ibs dai? ?*' P??,,''<-et?en should be
New=York Tribune's
$15,450 in Prizes
NO. 61.
NO. 62.
Contestants are rce?uired to write their answers upon the coupon which is
printed on Fage 2 of The Tribune every day during the Contest. An?
swers must not be sent in until the last two pictures are published.
Did You Enter the Bookreaders' Contest
with the Beginning of the New Year?
The Opportunity for Rich Rewards,
Amusement and Recreation
Is Still Before You.
DON'T allow your New Year's enthusiasm to
cool off even if it is wintertime, and don't
hesitate to make your start in The Trib?
une's great Bookreaders* Contest.
The opportunity is still before you.
And NOW is the ideal time to engage in this
intellectual exercise. Only thirty instalments of
the Bookreaders' pictures have appeared to date.
Korty-three more are yet to be published.
The competition is not yet half over, and with
?uch a stretch of the contest and long winter days
beiore you there is sufficient time to get into the
game, enjoy the fun and strive to share in the list
ol rewards.
Begin by solving to-day's pictures. Then keep
right on solving them every day. The entertain?
ment that you will derive will make you glad that
you started.
Perhaps in a few months, if you succeed in an?
swering the most of the illustrations nearest cor?
rectly, you will be skimming around in that $3,200
automobile or the $2,200 White Steamer.
Or you may be enjoying the delightful strains
of a player piano, or admiring and cherishing a
set of beautiful dining room furniture, or wearing
a diamond; or adding one of the many cash prizes
to your bank account.
The prisse .ne going m he iron, and you may Bo?
ot th.-m as well Bs anybody?if you will
but begin and moke I ? ?
The two automobil"*? ate- famous the world over
for their tmYlen? v. durability snd stylish appear?
ance? The winners ?re Kotnc to be pro id of them.
\iiil so lire the winner- of the pianos, the furni
ture, diamond? and more than k thousand other fine
and well mle?te.| reward? that come'a little further
dos n the list
Everything has been arranged to make entry to
i onteat the Simplest tiling in UlS world. The
numbers of ths picture? that have appeared to
.late are nil thsi I? necessary, and all of them may
? it The Tribune once or by mail, as ex?
plains?] at the foot of this announcement
The e-.irit.--i is ?Imple, und you can't make work
out of it even if you try, for the solving -
Illustrations should be a matter or only s few mo?
ments' consideration escb dsy.
Now snd then y??u may run scross a. i?
i* to bs 8 "sticker." hut in such ? case you
v. ill only need to take enoogfa time to study it care?
In Km h canes you v>ill find the possession of a
ropj of Th? Tribune.? (itflclal Bookxesders' Tontest
Catalogue eery useful For it t-ontalns all of the
names or tltlsa of the honks that will be ahown dur?
ing Hi" competition. The price of the catalogue Is
- nta at the oruYe of The Trlhu. e, or 30 cents by
mail, and they are obtainable only from The Tribune.
place your order for the back Bombera and ? ?
logue now and ?et started at ones. That will make
w.ti a contestant In full standine and place you un
i he hiviiroa.i to winning a reword
explanation of The NevvYork Tribune's
Bookreaders* Contest.
Bvsry day for Seventy'-three (7J) ?jajra fher? win
eppear In The New-York Trlbane (Daily and Sunday
Edition?? Two (S) Illustrations, Cartoon? or other
representations of the names of hooks. The Tribune
w'il award t?*n hundred and sixt*.-seven prlzea to
Ti ?bune readers ?en?llng In the nearest correct
anawara to the entire series of ?look illuatrationa
The first two official illustrations appeared on Mon?
da} . I ???? einher 4.
The correct names or hooks to he illustrated and to
?erve aa a ba*la of awards are being ?elected by the
?"onteat Department end will be included in the
New-York Tribune s Bookreaders Contest Catalogue,
Tribune's Bookreaders' Catalogue
Great Aid to Contestants
The Official Bookreaders' Contest Catalogue
of The New-York Tribune, containing a largo
list of book titles, among which are included
all of the correct titles to be used in the illus?
trations throughout the Bookreaders' Contest,
will be a great aid to contestants m arriving
at the correct names of the books and their
proper spelling. The price is 25 cents at the
office of The Tribune, or a copy will be mailed
to any address upon receipt of 30 cents in
1-cent or 2-cent postage stamps. If cata?
logues are ordered by mail, contestants should
Bookreaders' Contest Department,
New-York Tribune, New York City.
I tlv or household, and only on? <lj ?et of answers will b?
accepted fioiti any individual contestant. Participation la
I any other content now tell.* ruu will not debar aay ou? trota
i entering the competition.
A All answers must be held until the ?ntlr? series ?I
book Illuatrationa have been printed In tfta Tribun?, and
i e\?.ry set of coupons upor. which answers are written must
, be arrar.ged In numerical order, fastened securely together
I and delivered or m lilM lu a flat package, not folded or
rolled, plainly addressed ?o the NEW YORK TRIBUNE*"?
BUILDING. .NEW YORK CITY, wliuia lha tim? specified
In Rule 7.
7. The t'me for rereisIng answers will hav? no effect
rj-on t:.e awarding of prizes, with ?hi? exception. All
is must n-- .leli'.er.'d ot the CONTEST DEPART?
MENT of THE TRIBUNE, or bear postmark; of mailing ?I
not IMer than mldnlgut. ?Saturday. March 9, 1912.
8. Prises will bs ?warded to the contestants. In order,
according ?o th" number ?>f correct answers sent In to th?
entire series of book Illustrations
First Prize?Steams Touring Car. to ?he ronlsttast
sending In the lancest number of correct answers.
S.-rond Prize?White Automobile, to the contestant
I In tiie second largest number, and ao on until all
the prizes have been awarded.
In the event of a tie between two (2) or mor? par?
sons, the contestant sending In the largest number at
correct answers with the smallest number ot duplcat?
answera (not coupons) will be declared th? winner. Whar?
two (2) or mere contestants auhm.t th? same number of
correct answers and un equal number of duplicate answers,
the one uslw? the least number of coupons will be de?
clared the winner.
For example- "A" ord "B" ?re two (2) contestants
and send in th? following number of correct answer?.
?duplicate answera and coupons:
Correct Ans. Duplican Am Coupons used,
A . 130 186 241
B. ISO 188 240
"A" win? the pr.se heran??. .Itheu?h he ?i?ed one (1?
more coupon than "B." he sent in only 18a duplicate
answers to "B.'a" 188, or 2 les?;, ?nd displayed greater skill.
In case two (2) or more person? siromt? the same num?
ber of collect answers and the same number of duplicate
answers for tho entire terie.i of pictures, together ?rtth
the same number of coupons, the value of the pria? ai
tied for will be divided equally airtong those tletng.
0. A Board of Three (3) Judge? will be selected by
The Tribune from disinterested c-lttzens, wt/, will take
charge of the answers and ?ward th? prize? strictly la
ac-ordance with the correct construction of the titles Illus?
trated and as given in The Tribune's Book re*e* era* Contest
10. When? a ??t of answers Is securely fastened to?
gether, the contestant will be permitted to n'amp wtth
riilier stamp or abbreviate his or her name upon the
allotted for name, and omit the full nama aad
address from the majority of coupons, provided that such
foil n<me and full address are plainly written upon th?
last ?ix 18) coupons of the act. where space for sama will
be provided In due cours?.
In sending in the answer? at th? close of th? contest
I? Is Important that conte?t?nt? ??al "II nacksge? coa
lalnlng sets of answer? and see to It that postage thereon
t? fully prepaid at th? rate of two cent? (2 coat?) aa
ounce or fraction thereof Tell your Postmaster that your
package ef answers contain? written matter and mut bo
mailed at the first cla?s rate.
All communications or letter? ef Inquiry eonesrnlag
?he Bookreaders" Contest n:ust be addressed to the CON?
Street. New York Clt?.
.,- Trihiine-a 'H?iokreaders' Contest Catalogue,
i-I - <r.V riifferent persons will furni i tho Idea? and
i'.l??r.n Srt?-M&a will .haw the hook illustrations.
Tne cartoonist?? will not even know tho answera to
the Puzzle pictures they draw.
. The Bookreu.l? rs' Contest U open to all re?de-?
#f the Da ly ami Sunday Tr.buns. excepting ?Aployes and
member? of^hel^ ^aim ^^ the ?a?n?a 0f the book? rep?
ica bv ihe Illustration? upon the coupon provided
Ther?ror ?nd which will appeal on Pago 2 of Th?
VrtHune (Dallr "n<1 Sunday) every day during the period
2? tha competltloi*. An.wer. may b? written with pen.
..?.?il or be typewritten.'
*"nj Fuel picture represent? the name of only one (I)
h?i ,,,d" contestants will not be required to -jlv? the
booK. ?"" author, ?.nly the title or name of th? book
**% fiat will b-' re<Julred. Waere contestants are no?
" *ii? ?if th? correct name tnoy will be permitted to
l? ai ?va ?V) answers to each book picture. If the cor
? , answer la given, incorrect answers will not coun:
r ?inst the contestant.
*'" only two t2) nnswersmay be writtent-pon ? single
r? i
? 'Differ??t member? of a family may compete In th? .
Contest, but only one prize will be awarded to any one faro- a
l?< .?.??hi Flve-1'asscnger Siesrn? Aotoiso
bile. The F. B. Stosnu Company.
Broadway and 87th St.
t?82,'ieiO White Touring Car. Tho White
Company, Broadway and 52d St.
t- 4?8?.IO0 Hoe. k?r Art Player Pianos. 81.858
each. E. Boerker. 26 W est 3?th St.
8?8900 Francis Bacon Art Ptano. Baoas
Piano Co., US Fast t?*?l? St.
8?880? Anderson Player Piano. The Ander?
son Piano Company. 370 Fulton Ht?
7?8758 Francis Bacon Ployer Plane.
??9?81.200- Two Wing Pianos. $?0O each.
Wing * Son, Ninth Ave. and 13th St.
10?11? M.otio. i no Boecker Art Pianos. 8608
and 8100. respectively.
12?8350 ntning Room Salte. Le?aos St
I ompany, 151 Fast 23d St.
IS?8100 ?ash.
14??ion solitaire Diamond Ring.
15?16? 8110 Muster Diamond Princess Ring?,
$?0 anil ?."><>. respectively. L. W. Sweet
A ?o.. 1*0 Broadway.
17?850 ? .-'?
1 ??13?Jts*(l Milkier IU?mnnri Princesa Rings, 848
each. I_ W. Sweet ? (?i.
to?29?8400. Owen Kodav Leather Beds, 848
en, h. I? 1. Owen Company. 34 East
23d St.
??n?SI?gr,0 rash. 8**.*? each.
::?'? 35?840 .ash. $10 each.
|?j?65?8300. Men's or liedles* Gold Watches,
810 ea?h.
66?67?$10 cash. 85 each.
18?167?8300. American Thermos, 83 each.
A-mrrirau Thermos Company, 243 Went
17th St.
ie8?267?8300. Ladies' or Gentlemen's Silk Um?
brellas. ?3 each. M. Steinschneider. 87
Maiden I.ane.
?68?567?8750. Waterman'? Ideal Fountain Pans,
%". 50 each. I,. E. Waterman Company,
173 Broa?l tray.
(68?1067??* >0. Twelve month?' subscript loa to
"Pcamon'a Magazine," $1 50 a year. The
Pearson Publishing Company, 413 East
S4th St,
Place an order with your nearest newsdealer to begin serving you with a
copy of The Tribune every day and enter the Contest at once.
Bark numbers of the B
Tribune. No. 151 Nassau ?tre _
iiallv and 6 cents for the ?Mm..?.. ...arwiiere ins price is z cents ror ,
u"here back numbers ere ordered by mall 1 -ent additional for o'?-'?
re. ta?e All of ?he back numbers from December 4 will be m?*,>l *.j
upon receipt cf :,; -en??. Outside greater New Tork and Jera'y <AtJ m\
Bookreaders' Contest Pictures and coupons ?. - ' oe had at the ofOce of Ths
reet. The price In New York City, Jersey Uly ind Hoboken i? 1 cent for th?
day. Elsewhere the price is 2 cents for ,h- r????- ?"?* K --????- *? ?-?-? m~~??
?non"receipt ? ??? ?*,?">? vu.a.u. ??cnier new jora ana jerwj \.i', upon receipt or it cent*. In orderini
nutnticrs coiitvatants are cautioned to order only by ?'.?.' ti*..nber which appears at top of th? coupon.
. Oaily and 5 cents for the Sunday.
i0 numbera must be remitted for
. any address in greater New Tork
upon receipt of 7? ?ent- In ordering

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