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Jfcw^mic ??ribtnu. TUESDAY. .TANTAI!Y 0. 1912. Tht? newspaper i? oicncd and pub? lished ft*/ The, Tribune A?*m< iii'imi, a yew York corporation ; offiec and prin? cipal place, of business. Tribune ?intid? ing, x>. irA tJggtmm strct. Sen York; Ogden Mil!*, prtsidnit; Ogdcn .... Ret?, secretary; Jume* M. ltairett, treasurer. The address of the officers is the office of this tie m pa per. Sl'BKfRirTION RATS-.?By Mail, ro-t -Ke Paid. o_t?i("? ef <-,r-al.r New TOT-* Dally and Suiiflny. ana month.*VIa Daily ?nil Sunday, ?lx m'mthi. 4 00 Dally and BssSay, mi? yOOt. - <r>" Dally only, on? mont-. ge Dally only, mx month*. MO Dally only. ,,ne yenr. 0 00 Sunday only, ?lx month?. *??? .iinday onl.. one year . _?8S Foreign ?ut-ae: Iptloaa I? all countries In ?ha Universal Postal Union, itirluding poaiage. DAILY AND BUND \Y: One month.$1 80 One >'<ar.$17.1*0 RIM'AY ONL.T: Six month?.871.OT One year.$?Vt4 daily only: One month ... .$1 03 ; One y?-ar.$l_.-6 CANAIiIAN BATB-? DAILY AM? SI.M'AY: On? month.8 .80 ' One year.81009 DAILY ?-.SLY: One, month.8 *>o On? year.86.00 SCNLAY ONLT: One month.8 .TO] Oaa year.$4 58 Entered at the postolTH-a at Sett York aa Second ?'lass Mall Matt? r. THE SEWS THIS MORNING. FOREIGN.?Russia demande?. the withdrawal of all Chinese from th.* se? ceded Chinase province of Outer Mon? golia, the. abandonment of all Chin*?ia garrisons there and the discontinuance of Chinea? colonization; ?he al: pressed a ?iesire to "assist" in the inter nal administration of China; the Peking government ?iid not reply. The armistice between ?'hine.-e Imperlaltata and Republicans ?ame to an end and some military operations were reported -___-. Seven United States lorpeda boai tieatroyers were reported safe In ?be Ber? mudas and one at Norfolk. Va., after Sunday's atorm; two were unaneunted for, the Mayrant and the M'?*ull. Fighting occurred between the govern? ment forces and the revolutionists in Ecuador; Ee?iadoreans were warned to deeist from destroying American prop? erty. ;=__. Four peasants were killed and twenty wer? wounded by ?-old 1er? in an uprising in Portugal. _=_: = It was de? cided at Dunfermline. the birthplace of Andraw Carnegie, to erect a statue 1n the latter's honor. ,"?* * Captain Horatio M?*Kay. former commodore of the Cunard Line, died in Liverpool. DOMESTIC. William Jennings Bryan | made his light in ?he Democratic Na- I tional Committee meeting at Washing- ! ton and lost; he made ?-'?'lonel James Si. i QuSey, member of ?he committee from | Pennsylvania, the issue, and the com- \ tnlttee declined to un-?-??! Colonel Quf- | fey by a vote r.f i'?> m IK, Mr. Bryan on?? appealed from a decision Of ?"halrman Ma?-k and was defeated. 33 to 13 i A Jackson Day dinner was held in I "Washington, at which William .1. Bryan, Governor Woodrow Wilson. Sneaker Champ Clark and other Democratic leaders spoke. ??___- The plea of guiPv ot the Hev. ?'. V. T. Ri? U? son whs de? ferred until to-day; It was said Governor Fobs and the Executive Council proba? bly would be ask??d to commute the ex? pected sentence of death <>rtie E. McManfgal arrived at Indianapolis and testified before the federal grand Jury. Jerome H. Pratt testified at tin trial of the Chicago packer? that meet? ings to tlx the prices of meats were held _t homes of members after Judge Oroos cup bad ordered the packers' pool dis solve.l CITY.?Stocks closed generally lower. ______ Justice Lehman denied the motion i. Charles H. Hyde for a change of .aims, declaring the defendant c??uld have a fuir trial in this county, and say? ing the newspapers had not oreetod an atmosphere <?! pn-judi? e which might in Buenca jurors. Mayor Qaynor said he did n..t aspiro to the Presidency and that ho srould give a i_'io<l ?leal to be * let alone" In his present ??fhVe. ______ The paying teller of a Lank who had taken $2,200 when lie stopped stealing ten months ago. went t<> Pettca Head? quarters and surrendered. ______ The Singer will contest began, court being ?-??lil in a hospital long enough to take the testimony <>f <>ne of the with. An English suffragette, praising ; Asquith s firmness, said ?romea WON do* Belling the Pankhurst purty in England of its unnecessary violence. John Mo.Naniara, alias "Australia Mac," was arrested here on account of the theft of 937&,O00 fr?>m a Canadian bank last Se.ptember. ?? Louis Mar? tin, the restaurant man, was held for trial in Special Sessions for conducting professional dances at his place of busi? ness without a license. THE WEATHER?Indications for to day: Clear and colder. The tempera? ture yestorday: Highest, 42 degrees; lowest, 11. THE FORTY-SEC EST H STATE. New Mexico has beaten Arizona into the Union. It is to rank as the forty? seventh state, and from the historical point of view it Is entirely appropriate that it should take preceden?-?- ?nor Arl aona, since New Mexico bears th?. name given to the ancient Spanish province acquired by the United States from Mexico, from which Arizona was struck jpff in l*->?i3 for greater administrative convenience. Its territorial form of gov? ernment is ten years older than \ii iona's. its population has always boon larger aud Its application for lulmlssion to 8tateh<"tod came neat* being honored by Congress as far hack as 1K7.V7??, when ?Colorado was ushered Into the Union. New Mexl?v> also had a narrow escape fr??m coming in as a slate in I!*??', en? larged by the reabaorpHon of Arizona . New Mexico will enjoy in its first year of stat?'h?x?d a larger representation In ?Congress than will bo allotted to it from and after March p\ 11.13. It elected two Representatives last. November to serve in Ihe ?S?d ('?ingress, but in the lower branch <>f the 6M Congress it will Juive only one vote. This reverses the expe? rience of niftst DOW states. Oklahoma had to be ?-??ntent with five Representa? tives ?m admission in 1907, but on the ?rst apportionment it gaino:l thr?-v acata, and no newly created state in our time except New Mexico has seen Its representation contract ?hI after ,t brief exercise of larger power. 'I'll?- Tribun?' said tarty last year that the tale of th?' in??une tax amendment lo fl:e federal Constitution DrffM be <let?'r tiiiti?-?! by the votes of New Mexico and Arix.oii.-i. The legislalnres of th?- two new commonwealths will 1??* in session this winter and both are likely t<> MMM ?hi ihe amendment. Their admission will raise the three-fourths majority ri-quln* from 85 f<? .'.f., and if bot? vats for th?? StneiKlmeiit the number <?f states ratify? ing will l?e increase?! fr?>ui thirty-one to thirty-three. The I? _islatur?'s of Massa <-hii??t)s, Uh'Nle Islaii'l. New J?-rsey, Vir? ginia. I/iuisi.-iiiH ami Vermont will liiiv" an oppofttntlty to tak?> furtlier lulion on the amendment lills year. Rut they are all dtstix-lined to ratify, and it wil! probably lie found, if the amendment Is finally adopted, that Its success wag made poasible through the approvals reg If.ered l,\ Arizona and Now Mexico. If New Mexico sHould decliue to ratify, Arizona's vote would be merely offset, and the status quo existing before fhe puE.age i,i the du?? Ftatehooii act would remain unchanged. Like Nevada In IMS, the two new states will have an exceptional ?opportunity to make their ?power fell in their teething year. 77/7: DOCTOR IND Tilt QOVBRSOR. Mr. Jolina tfrfA iiis opinion tlmi "??''? '?WiNon. of l'riiii ?-ton. was ?right and thai "Governor Wilson of Sew Jersey la ?wi'oii?-'." The distinction i?. one to hi kf-pi in mind. The Tribune ?rontenda th.n Col.l Bryan win s??e It as plainly ua does Mr. .i?>iini>. it is inrposslble t?> s.'.v just what ?Colonel ?Bryan thought of l?r. Wiisnii. of l-tlnceton. Perbap? he Derer thought of him at all. for the un? obtrusive pedagogue nnHt have seemed hardly woriii classifying. If ?he '1?<1 foin, an opinion it will hardly be altered hy th?? knowledge ilia: the mild reacti ?n? dry <?f (?M Nassau BtBt once In entire agreement with the views on miir<?i?l .incstioiis of Mr. Jolina, not unfavorably known in Wall Street, and Utteied a de vmit wish to make an end of ?Colonel Bryan. To suppose that Colonel Bryan will re? sent the expression of those views i> 10 endow Coioiu'i Bryan with th?? capacity f??r feeling r?*sentmont ?toward 9 non? entity. i'.?r Dr. Wilson, of Princeton, is no more, ??overnor Wilson of New Jar? s?-y has In a mannet "ut on?"e dignified and effective" knocke?! him into n COCfced hut. (*v ii?an authority. We learn from advance sheets of "The National Monthly," furnished by ils editor, th?' H??n. Norman F. Mack, that tit?* ?Democratic majority in the Houae of Representatives has not only developed a model policy for improving tin? nary hut has discovered a master mind capable <>f carrying that policy into rffe? t. An extract from an article t?. he eniitU'd A Democratic Naeal Policy" ?Maures the country that the House majority intends to make the navj "practical instead <?f spectacular It is going to nit down on the condtrtu tion ??f "palatial Boating sraeoala." meaning ?battleships, and to expand In the direction of colliers. destroyers, ten tiers, submarines and ammunition ?hipe The extract continue The stupendous task of correcting, in M far as is pnj?.sih|e, the errors of Repub? lican ?policy, and to make the. navv efn rient, is the work of ?Thalrman Pa?)8:ett in the present ?'opgress. , No man in the House is better qualified t" i' tempt this undertaking and to mould the Oeniocrntlc naval policy than is i'hair man Padgett, "for there Is no man In the House who has given the navy and its needs greater or more careful study than has he. lmring the ten years Uiat he Sen a member of the House he has 1 upon the ?"..nimittee on Naval Af? fairs, nnd although coming from a dis? trict which lkjs hundreds of miles from th? sea hon fd he lias applied himself as? siduously to the mastery of everything which pertains to the great naval estab? lishment. Kditor Mack als?? furnishes the In? formation that the article from wlibh the foregoinc extract is taken was writ? ten hv the Hon. Lemuel P. Padgett, ?if Tennessee, whom "The Congressional Directory" readily identifies with ?Chair ! man Padgett of the House Committee on Naval Affairs. ?Certainly no onp {ought to he more competent to testify to the skill and energy with which the majority's naval pro-gramme Is going to !??? unfolded than the unfolder himself Whatever may be thought of the ration? ality of the programme of reducing the number of fighting units and multlply ? infr the auxiliaries and accessories whose I only military mission is to serve sinh i units, there <*an he no doubt that it I? in appropriate and friendly hunda. On the testimony of the incumbent him? self, the chairmanship of the Commltte? on Naval Affairs sought out the one per? fect man in a way thai a great * ? f Ti * ** rarely does. The ??ftico mus? have used a divining rod. Our only wonder Is how it managed i" dodge the Hon. Adam Rrown I.ittlepage. of West Virginia, In Its strenuous pursuit of Mr. Padgett, for Mr. I.ittlepage Is also ?something of a genius when ?t comes to advertising his innate capacity for public servie?? and his competency to ?stand in the Immi? nent breach and meef the supreme de? mands of any fate. CLOBfXQ F?LTOV MA It K E T. When the traflie to Brooklyn ceased to pass by its doors tin? decay of Fulton Market as a popular ??stabllsbmenf was assured. In fact. Its d?*cllne began earlier, when Brooklyn opened markets of Its own and Ivong Island farmers ??eased to carry th?'ir produce acroas the Fast Hiver. It is not surprlsine. then, to learn ??hat its stalls are in the hands of a few tradesmen, who supply hotels and steam? ship lines rather than housewives, aial that its maintenance has long been un? profitable to the city. Its abolition and sale appear natural and Inevitable The Fulton strei-r car line has ceased to run. The fcr,i"i??s to Brooklyn In that neigh? borhood are not profitable. The tendency is against that particular quarter as a place of retail trade. Fulton Market trae the?joeeetrar?tf an old Doten market ??ailed the Fly Market. Will it have itself | successor somewhere else when? one Is more needed? Much is heard of the opening of markets In other eitlen and of the benefits they confer upon the consumer. and?pvery -little while the public is a&siirod that the only way to deal with the high cost, of living here i? through the opening of more pub? lic markets In this city. Put the habit of market hit; has died out among New Yorkers a<custome?l to have tin- butchers' and griM-ers' boys call for orders. It Ik unlikely that it COttld lie generally re? vived by i he opening of public markets in convenient quarters. Perhaps such markets in parts of the town ??ectipled Chiefly by aliens who bring with them the foreign habit of trafficking might benefit such CtWtOtnera by eliminating on?- set of middlemen and their profits. FBRSIA I \7' some I'lEtniES Before Persia is entirely reuueed to the tributary statua of ?Khiva ami ?Soft? ban it will b<? worth while, for tin? sake of the record if nothing mor?, lo recall sonic of the forma] nnd solemn under? takings concerning her thai hav.? been made by the very powers wldch are now the ,.ne pro?**H-iiliig to and the other con ?anting to her spoliation. Tbei? ha\.? been no fewer than fnc of thes,. mad? by Q-real Britain and Russia Wtrutu the last eighty Xante, in is.'u t?.<? t\>.? pow ?us agreed to maintain the Integrity ami lath petition?-?? of Persia Thl" agnmneul was ren.?weil four years hitei, and again in 1*7:1 and 19BS. In the lsst nain.-d yeai Lord Salisbury nni!onin-"d that the engagementa ?between Great ?JMtala end Russia to reaped gad promote th?' im.-g rlty and independence of th" Person kingdom hail b?v?n renewed and ?<..i firm???!. In 1!?i7 n n?'W agreement WW whl?"h was supposed to be more ?fferiiv for the purpose in view than It? preue It said: Neither of the hvn pow'era seeks any? thing f-om Persia. . . This rnn\.-n tlon. based aa it la on a guarantee ,.f her independence and Integrity. __n only serve to furthei anc\ promote c?-. -lan interests. . . . "]-h- object m tne two powers in making this ?is-rcincn?. Il pol in any way to attack, but i?tb**r to assure f?crever th?- Independen?-?: er Persia. Not only ,\i, thev n<.? t?< have a* liand aay excuse for Interven fi< n. bol their "*bje?Ct was not t?. al'?.w one another to intervene on th? pre t,.xt of safeguarding their own iniere-?t8 It is nut easy t?. imagine | mote <'"*n plete violation and repudiation of o pledge than thai which ?s imw being made. Rusais is attacUiig tlio Later riiy and Independencr <?f Persia In the most ??i??'ii tod arrogant manner, on th*? pretext of Mfaguarding her awn luter ?>-l?. and Grant Britain, instead of not permitting lier i<> d<? ?o. i* aetnally sup porting her In the worn. The thing w il probably be done, sin,-,-, mere |e no power t?. slop It: but the contrast between pledges and performance is instructive. Till: HYhE^fRT?iTHF.RF. It jraa prepf.sterous for the lawyer who bad obtained the acquittal of the Triangle waist Company- proprietors to come before the court ami say that ?i (air trial of Hyde was Imponible in this ,.nunt' Justice Lehman has exhibited common sense in denying a change of venue Now let the Hyde ?lefrrioe moot the Issue without any further expedients of delay. H lias been doilarine all al??ng its eagernesa for a prompt trial. Now Is its opportunity. An unprejudiced Jury will 1,.- readily obtained. f?'i* the public knows little <?r nothing about the olTeni-o with which Hyde i- charged and has had m? nu-ans <?t' reaching an opinion as to Ills guilt ??r innocence. The newspaper criticism ??f Hyde had m-.thing to do with the present charge against him. It was. moreover. Justified on tlie ground that he was a public of? ficiai. Its purpose was to make Hyde nn?| Mayor <;ayn?>r nee the impropriety of his conduct in the ofti''o of City Cham? berlain. Il was based upon his neglect of his duties, his absence from the city when ho was wanted, and knew* lie was to he wanted, ss a witm^ss in an impor tant legislative Investigation, his choic?? of unsafe depositories for the city fumls and the borrowings of his friends from hank* in which the city funds were de? posited The "attacks" upon Hyde wore well m?rite?!. Sharp criticism is ihe only defence the public has against careless and negligent officials. The propriety of such criticism ha? h?*en rocognlrod over and over again hv the courts and might reasonably have been in this case had It b?*en necessary for the judge to go info that phase of the lubject. PRS8IDENT si \ President Sun must he seriously re?*k oned with since the determination of th?? revolutionists in China not to be guided further by the conference? af Shanghnl n?r to ?aibniit the future ?.overmuent of the empire to a plebls? it urn. bat to In? sist upon the eat?hUahment of a repub? lic, with Dr Sun as its chief magistrate Whether the republic wins or lose??. th_re win la all probability be a perlons stru_ gle. with r.'sults <?f Inestimable moment I'mier these cltVntn-tniices the peno__>] ity of this rival to the "Son <?f Heaven" b^'ooiiies of infer?*st. and it will be fi.?ind to possess soin?? significant traits. It is. for example, noteworthy that the would-be President of a country which has been bo averse to fondgners mid often so hostile to Christianity should himself be of foreign training If not actually of foreign birth, and I Christian by Inheritance <>f creeil. There seems to bo some doubt ns t?> irtMtber luv Sun was born ?t Canton or at Honolulu, with the weight <?f authority favoring the lat tor. It is certain that he was the ?<>n of a Christian missionary and that be was educated In non-Chineas institution? at Hong K??ng ami Macao. Early In bia career he practised medicino in Canton and was one ?>f seventeen Young ?bina conspirators there. The other sixteen arete arrested and beheaded, but be < Capad. Thereafter in- spent his lim?1 chiefly lu England, Prance? Germany, Holland. Belgium and the United States, studying their forms of government ami coming I?? tlie ?'?iiu-lnsi'if. that of them all the American system was in-st suite?l t> China. Tin-so circumstances indicate what tin Character Of his administration would be In some Important respects if the repub? lican movement should be autteeaful II?' would seek to abolish the last trai*es of anti foreign exoluslveues? and make the empire hospitable to visitors and lettlera from all the world. We may as? sume also that In- woiihl show all possi? ble favors t.. tin- propaganda of chris tlanity. In doing ?these things he would have the sympathy of Europe and Amer? ica. To what extent be could command the support of the Chinese IbemselveO awaits demonstration. It is alghlflcanl and auspicious, however, that lie is a scholar and not a soldier. There w.uilil be little bope ??f tlie nation following a military leader, in view of Its immemo? rial la.k .,:' esteem for such persons. Hut the traditional altitude of the Chi n<*se is one of profound reverence for scholars, am] Dr. Sun Is one of the learni'd men of tin- empire. There Is a possibility that iuM because of his ex ceptlonal scholarship he may lie gener? ally aivepfed hy Hie Chinese as their chief of otate. Bul arhetber he can simi? larly impress the outlying provine?** of Mongolia and Tibet is n ?-piostion of du? bious aspect. Th?- perfect -polit!, Ian is on? who never ? rites letters. Mr. Hyde should at least consider it a compliment that he Is Judicially pro? nounced t?? b?> Issa unpopular than he had believed and hoped -? The Rev. J'.hr. Haynea Holmes Is at work bringing the Commandments down to date in ord? r to make them more ap? plicable to shirtwaist factories, trusts, StOCh watering and social ambitions. No doubl their (-pint should domina t. human conduct In its relation to modern conditions? BUI will any up-to-date re? vision more completely transcend their letter, which forMda or commands spe? cific acta, and better enforce their vital principle under all conditions, than doeo the old summation: "Thou ehalt love "the ly.rd thy ???.d with all thy heart, "and with all th) soul, and with all thy ?mind. This is the first and great com* "inandment. Ami th.- second is like unto "it; Thou ?halt luve thy n.-lghbor as "thyself. On these two commandments "hang all th.- law and the prophets.'' Tlie Democratic caucus oi the House cl Representatives is going to make pub? lic a Journal of its proceed i nus. Let us hop.- that this pub'h-atlon will turn out to be a mor?- veracious and less, imagina? tiv?- chronicle ..V what Is actually mid than "The <" Record," with its l?-ave-t??-print license to midnight oil contributors. Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, the eminent Chicago educator, may be admired for her courage In publicly using personal pronouns of common gender, but ?he can scarcely claim entire orl-zinality in so ?loin?. The need of precis? IV ?Kb words has not only long !>? en felt, but ha? formed the subject of inn?mera ble ad^ ea and publications, and the identl cal forms which Mrs. Young propoaei have been suggested. Winter is making up for b?st time. Tilden might now collect ??vidente of the iavorable regard In which Hyde Is h. Id by the community for use In prov? ing ? haracter at th.? coming trial. The greatest |nter?*st tvday ol lbs ???? tlonal comtnlttecmen ?es over the two con? tests Involving the sens of It. I- Mount ?castle, et Tanmaaaa. and Colonel Jatasau. Iniffev. or Pennsylvania, i'oloiiel puney without the -lightest doubt, .i?copltng to th?* information. Is to retain his ?eat, for It Ih tb? almost universal statement that th?? contestant. Repr?sentative A. Mil? hell Palmer, hasn't a leg on which to stand.?Washington dispatch to the New V. rk Pun. How hollow, after all. is tente! What ?b.c? it profit ? man to have sat In Dem o< rath* councils for years and years and to have b.-en singled out for extraordi? nary discipline in a Democratic national convention if he can't even be recognized when he "comes back" fmm B brief pen? itential rustication? O is the uncrnsha ble and unquenchable leader of the Penn? sylvania Democracy visiting Washington at this perilous crisis under the precau? tionary incognito of Colonel 'Tuiffey"? A laundries Investigation next. That will l.e washing dirty linen. A current item of news fr>>m Washlng ton tells of the Impending destruction of "the old Francis Scott Key mansion. In "Which Key wrote 'The Star Spangled "Banner.' " The house In question is pre sumably that in which Key lived when he was District Attornev of the District of Columbia, but it surely was not the place In which th? national anthem was written. Key wrote ?he first draft of the song aboard th'1 vessel from \\hl?*h he i bad watched the bombardment <?f Fort McHenrjr, and revise.] and eompl?sted It a few hours lat?er In Ratflmore. The house in Washington has Interesting his tor!? ?I associations, but they are not those of the writing "f "The ?star Span? gle?l Fanner " THE TALK OF THE DAY. An International conference on people's baths and school baths will be hell at Schevenlngen, The Mague, the last week of August The preliminary circular. iBSUed bv the committee on organization, savs that the chief purrose of the meeting 1? the promotion of public Interest in bathing, and that It Is Intended to afford an opportunity to all tho.?e interested In ?he foihj. I to ??omitiir? note* regarding the hert manner of arranging and operating public and srliool baths, and regarding the results ob? tained bv existing establishment* from a hygienic point of view M'ltil? Ipal author! tbs and civl<- improvement societies In all cantiles will b? tnvli.-d to r-end delegafen tO attend the conference Among thou?. ,.n the general committee I? fir William lVil Oerhard, a sanllary engineer, of Krookhn Wntermim ?shaking hl.-t fountain pen) ? To i have no idea how ear-lly these pens run' Hin t -dghbor ?applying a blotter to hit trousers? Oh. I have an 'nkllns' Harvard I-ampoon Credulous people ?hn have put their money in vitrious s.-hemea for extracting gold from sea water will be Interested in som? st'item'-nta hy Henry R Blackmore, In th? current "C*a*?ler's Maaailne " Mr Hlackmor? says he "collected som?? data several year* ago. during which lime some li.'tai waa expanded by iiim, and whist re ?ttite.i in securing aome 12 in gold from the ?liter? of Long island Sound off New Ro? chelle, .V Y . Rtid some $10 In gold from the mud ot East ?'bester ?'reek, near Pelham Baj Mew Tork, there about p.ytz ex p. nd- ?1 on the sea water Ion and ?V""**! on the mud "" Theatre Manager -You ?ay \ou obje.-t to having r< tl food on the table In the banquet acene, Mr Qr-Maepavnt? Why. the rest of the ??ompany ar?? delighted at It! Mr Or?ese pa ynt?Yea; but my part re? in. 1.. in.? fr..m Hie table after a ? oiipb- of motitiifuls and aay, "I ? .it,not eat to-night a strange dr?ad comas over me. I will s?-??k the ?inlet of >..n?l??r apartment for a tltne '-Md'alls Magazine. Judge McDonald, of the Supreme Tourt in ?Chicago, say* that "If all the divorce petit lona Bled in i'ook County were ln vestiaated not more thin fia per cent of the deoress now enterad woui.i be granted." Now be is leading a movement to ask for legislation authorising the appointment of a proctor to investigate and rer.imtncnd a finding In every divorce case In t'ook County. In support of the plan for n proc? tor. Judge MaDonald Bays: "Too much collusion exists the ?parties to di? vorce suits. I believe the Judges llSVS hesn Imposed upon continually, na they have not the time nor the importunity to Invest?galo thoroughly " Btobbs?Now, that Highflyer has lost his fortune. I guesl he's glad his Wife has beerg frugal enough to put something by BlObbS Y? s. I understand ahe has saved enough to pay for a divorce ?Philadelphia Record. a calendar published hv a manufacturer gf 1 ventilating novelty hears In conspic? uous type under every ??at?- tha words: "Oond air the best doctor-costa nothing." For every day there Is also a short hint on the volume of good air Among th?- little essays are these: "Once upon a time hot poultices and tightly closed rooms 1 ured (?) pne-umoida now it's fresst air." "in ltu consumptive., died In stuffy rooms; In 1912 they live In fresh air" "Ten full Inhala? tions of good air before dinner do more good than the best cocktail." "Fre-h air in your bedroom will make yon cheerful at breakfast." "A ?lo?-t?.r for mind and body? slwayi on caii never sands 1 Mil fn-sh air." Klytner what la the ?jeers! ?>f succ?s? in business? Selling the p'oplc what they want ! Munloburn N'o, not exactly, educating them Int.. wanting the things yon have to sell?Chicago Tribune HOW HE PASSED CHRISTMAS. Delightful Results of the Stranger's Appeal Through The Tribune. To the Kdltor of The Trlhune. Sir: Will y.iti permit me once again to traspasa upon your valuable space'' Kilt I in.?st enrnestlv des're to thank your tnaiiv anonymous readers for all the kind wishes I have received aa the result of my first letter to you. On Christmas I my I received quite a budget, very few of which \ could reply to, except through your columns, and sincerely trust you will publish this letter of appreciation. It ?night also lnt??rei?l sonic ?,f your read? er? to barn that I paused one of th?? most enjoyable- Christmas?'* I ?JVSr had. I must acknowledge my delicien? y of moral cour? age in taking out those two children I ninn fmJAt Is Und 11 poor girl, ?Jdxtssg yaara "i?i, who kindly took my pla? I -, ami gat per? fectly confident lh?v had a far better time under her tare than would have !..mjg pOH. slble under mine, for J ???uld n?>t ImagfcM mys.-|f thoroughly enjovlng a Pt-.-ent plct lure show or letting them blow trumpets during their Christmas dinner Hut If I did not permit the trumpet blowing they '??'"ild he firmly convinced th?-v wer- having ? very mill time and thai I w\1H nothing but a "apoll aport" The three, of them called early Chrtattnaa morning for funds, again tn the afternoon, and then again at 6 o'clock for more funds, land am glad to Inform you that they tell me they had the best time in their lives, I and have mifflclent left over out of what I gave them to supply candy ?or is It chewing gum?) for a few months to come. After my courage falling me with regard to the children. 1 was only too Riad to accept the kind Invitation of a certain lady to dinner, and passed the afternoon making candy. I wont with the tlrm determination of having a (oily ??md time, and I not only thoroughly enjoyed this lady's society, hut w?n made to feel perfectly at home. I must confess, I pssSSd one of the happiest <'hrlstmases l ever had, an?l one I .?hal! ever remember. I received many Invitations t<? dlnn.'r, both for Christmas and th? New Year, and on Christmas morning I received ?pilte a budget of anonymous letters and cards of good wishes. I have passed Christmas In many parts of the globe, hut nowhere? not even in an English colony?have I ever experienced such spontaneous kindness as has been shewn m?: in Msw York City, and I some? times wonder If every stranger within your gat?-? hat? such hospitality shown him. It has been quite a revelation to tue. 1 shall at least r. turn to England with the knowl? edge that the American people are the kindest and must hospital,le people In the world. DOL?LAS D. BLaVCK. Htm York, Jan. 6, 1912. FIRE PREVENTION. To the Fditor <-f The Tribune. Sir: Tie letter of "J, (*. II." in to-day's Tribune, on "Eire Prevention." expresses the right Idea. Most tires can he traced to carelessnes:-, and If carelessness In this connection ?We . all*d by Its rlnht name crlmlnal negligence?and a heavy penalty attached thereto the number of (1res would vndergo an astonishing decrease. A meas? ure such a;- this, however? would doubtleet he scorned In a community that ?lotes on shooting show girls, wealthy murderous paranotaea and nrnprietora of wholesale human Incinerators. E. L. New Tort, Jan. W 1912. ? THE NATION'S LAWMAKERS, To the Editor of The Trlhime Sir: I have travelled extensively and have seen a great deal of 'he world's prog? ress on both continent? during th? last thlrty-tive fears? and I must , on fes? never to have t,een a more remarkable ?xhlhltloi of HtVlencv and activity than gr??t?d ppy eyes a few w?ekn ngo In the ?Capitol, the two large and Imposing struct lurss ka?Wfl SS 'he Renate ,-?nd Hour? butld IngS Uncle Sam Is a good but strict em Iployer He has the mies? and best equipped establishment of Its kind, built on RMM* ?beautiful and well kept Grounds, and con? ducted in ?tie most syataanatlc, practical and modern business WSy, In the world. Our national representatives ar? kepi busy all th? time, and an? doing effective work whllS COUgresa la In session A largo number ?if OUT Senators and Congressmen worked hard al ?heir desks in Washington ? luring th* l4s? atmuner and autumn, white th?lr cons?ltuen?s en loved their summer va? cations In the m?"inta)ns. n? the seashore or on the ocean. We have every reason to he proud of eiir repr?sentatives In both branch?e >>f the national legislature. PELA TOKAJl. New York, Jan 8, UU. ? i S COLUMBIA ACCEPTS GIFTS Trustees Also Announce Plans for Another Year. Th" tm?te?s of Columbia Cnlverslty met yesterday and disponed of an unusual amount of routine business. Including a? -eptance of gift? totalling about *.14*.?'"?\ ???? reorganization of th? board, the ap? pointment of new profensois and the an : o.inrement of plans for the various de? partments for 1?13. It wet snnounced ?hat plans for the School of Journalism would ha submitted to the ad\l?ory board, which his b??en railed to m-?t at the university on Jan? uary It. ?'hlef among the step? taken yesterday was the action of th? board In raining the standard of the Schools of Mines. Engin? eering and ?"hemlstry to ?he plane of In? struction In law and medb'ln?. In other words, ?he effect of th? propose! < hang* Is to make the work at folumbla In applied Bdence of substantially graduate character. although students will have th" privilege of following a combined eolteglatC and pro? fessional cours? In engineering, as thpy now have this opportunity In law, medl.-lne and teaching gtodeats will he admitted under the new plan In September next. A plan proposed by the university coun ,11 for th?- utganlastton in the university, und.-r the Immediate charge Of the trustees of Teachers' College, of a School of PrSO? HSSl Art?, was approved, with the proviso that the work of ?uch school should not duplicate In any way tho other work of the university. Upon the election of otlicers <>f the board, the following result was announced, to? gether ?Ith the filling of vacancies on the standing committees: chairman, Oeorge L, RtVOS; i-lerk. John It. Pine, to ft Ihracsactss on the standing committees; on SdScattOB, Um Bev. !??? Bdward B Coo; on hnence, Osoige i. Illvea; on bulldlnga and grounds, \V. rellowea Morgan; on honora. B. Aymar S.ihIh, and on the library, John It Pin?-. On the nomination of th? University of Paris, professor Henri Pergson was ap polnted visiting ?"Tench professor for the seedeoBk rear i!>i2-'i3. Th- gifts in-ludel one of |7.000 from J. P. Chamherlln. of New Y,?rk; CMM from I >r. nml Mrs ?'harlet? Walsteln, of i'am brldge. England, to establish lectures on the forelen policy of the United States, ?JMM from Mrs Albort Eisberg, of New York, and $2,1"? from ?h* committee on the Richard Watsoa ?illdcr memorial fund. TO ERECT CARNEGIE STATUE Birthplace. Will Portray Him in Doc? tor's Robes and Holding a Book. London, Jan I K statue of Andrew ?'ar negle Is to he erected In I'tmfermlin?? In recognition of tlie Ironmastrr'a benefac? tions to his natal i-lty. Th? dedeloa was reache-1 a? t" day's meeting ,.f the town i-ouneil of DunfarmtllM and tho proposal was greeted with mach sathuetssm. Th* Igad form of the statu- lias rot lern dr? illed upon, but the town conn,III,,im sp penred to be In favor of a staidlng ligure Amlr.-w Carnegie wearing hi? dot tor's robes and with ons of his hands set* StretObed hm,I holding a book. The Kite proposed for Ihe statue is Plt ten.rlefT filen, wlihh, with the park, was purchased by Mr ?'anieble in 1!?*I7, for t'uo.i?iio and presented to the cltjr. together with an endowment of $2,.r.(??),????ii to be ad? ministered pjr tin- sduoatltmsl. social and ?moral bsasM <?f the dtlssna j PARKHUR8T TO LECTURE AT YALE. New Haven, Jan. ??The Rev. Dr. Charles II. Parkhuist, of New York City. ha-? accepted the invitation of the pruden? tial commute,- <?f the Yale i ?orponiilon t,, be the layman I tee, her lecturer for the year 191.-TI. A Maurice Low, the American eorrespoadeat <?f "Th.- Umdon ?Morning Post," Will _8 the Hromley leotur.-i 00 JeuraaHaaa for th.. pressai rear: Itofasoor Qllherl Murray, of Oxford 1'iitvrrslty. will ie<?ture ?m the 'farms of ?b.ei, Tragedy,' ami prsfessof Wiiiy Kukenthal, of the Inlverirtty of Breslau, will gh, s tsCtUTS on "The Evolution of Whales " FRENCH REPUBLICAN GAINS. Paris. Jan. 8. The eomplste ?elurns of the triennial ele.-ti,,n ?i ,?,,. hundred Bent* tors. held yesterday, when a third ,.f the total number of Senators had t.. present themselves for re-election, ptlOW a net ?aln of eight ?eats for th? fupuhltciins and two for the Hepuhltran.8oclallt.t8. while the Reactionaries loat two seats, the Pro gresslvea four and the Soclallst-Radlcal. four. People and Social Incidents -? AT THE WHITE HOUSE. i I Prom The Tribun?- r. | Washington. Jan. S.-Th.? President has ; i decldetl to appoint Chief Justice p0|?,, for- | tn.-rly of the territorial Supreme ?"ourt. I 1 T'nlted States District Judge of N>w Mex- i [ico. No 1'nlted States Attorney has been j laelected, but Stephen B. Davis, formerly Assistant Attorney of the territory, has' been rscommsndsd? I "Oklahoma w-lll send a delegation In Htructed for Taft." sahl Representative M? ? "ulre at the White Hovag to-day. '"Our state convention will meet early, probably In March, and the sentiment for Taft will be unanimous." Senator Bradley assured the President he would have the solid backing of Kentucky, both at the convention and next November, and ex-Kcprenentntlvo Bonyngo told the president that there is practically no op? position to his renomlnatlon In Colorado. Frederick W. Cpham, of ?"*h!cago, who called with several frtsnda to pay respects, told tho President that his chances of re? election were brightening every day. Tennessee will Bend an Instructed delega? tion to the convention and will support the President at the polls next November, was the assurance given the President by Newell ! Sanders, Republican state chairman. I James W. Wadsworlh. Jr., of New York, and F.ugetie T>orton. of Oklahoma, were luncheon gUSStS at the White House. Senator Oliver and Senator Brlggn urged the President to appoint Chief Justice Swayze of New Jersey to the Supreme j Court. Among the White House callers were i Representatives Rothermel, Pray, Hum phrey, Stevens, Heald. Knowla.nd, Jackson, : Bartholdt, Falrrhlld, Austin. Towner. Wil I Us. Driscoll, Blngham and Iaangley, ?x ' Senators Turner and Dick, Father Duarts, of tho Holy Cross Academy, at Worcester, Mass ; Chancellor McCormtck of th? t'nl verslty of Pittaburg, and John R. tlanna. of Baltimore. The President and Mrs. Taft occupied a box at the Colutnhia Th-atre to-night, hav? ing with them Misa Han let andirean. the niece of Mrs Taft: faailSS Taft and Major Butt. Charles Taft will finish hlB holiday to-morrow and return t?> school. THE CABINET. [From The Tribun? R'ir-S'1 ] Washington. Jan S- The Secretarv of 8?afe and Mrs Knox will be guests of honor at one of the l-*rgest dinner parties to be given here this wlnt?r. The Com? mittee on Foreign Affairs will be hosts, and their wives will he with them. Their other guests will be ambassadora and ministers and their wives. The Secretary of Commerce and Labor ' and Mrs. Naeel entertained at dinner to. ? night Misa Taft. Representative and Mrs. ! Andrew Peters, Mis-? Marlon Oliver. Miss i Mabel Johnson. Miss Wlnslow. Miss Sophy I Johnston. Miss Martha Rowers. Miss Hilde. I gard?? Nagel, Alfred Mitchell Innes, British j counsellor; Mr. do Morgenatlerne, Norwe? gian secretary; Representative Theron F. f'atlln, Benjamin Cable, Assistant Secre? tary of ?'ommerce, and Lahor; IJeutenant Commander Courtney*. Henry du Pont and Charles F. Wilson. Secretary Nagel returned to Washington to-day from a trip to Chicago. 9 THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS. [Prom The TrINine Bureau ) Washington. Jan. ??The British Ambas? sador and Mrs Bryce entertained at dln I ner to-night the Postmaster General, the Belgian Minister and Mme. H&venlth, the Chilian Minister and Sefiora Dona Leonor Orrego de Huarez, Senator and Mrs. M?* Lean. Mme. Hange, Mr and Mrs. C ?' Glov?r Lady Jedd, of Kngland; Dr. and Mrs Wllmer, Mr. and Mrs. Chandler An? derson, the Rev. and Mrs. Charlea Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Todd Lincoln, the British second secretary and Mrs. Esmond Ovey, and Captain Sowerby. British naval attache. The Swiss Minister has arrlv?*i In Waah lngton. Henri Martin, secretary of lega tl?in. haa been <*hargf? d'Affairea la tho ab? sence of ?the minister. The French counsellor, M. I-efevre-Pon talis. will sail from New York on Saturday ! for France. Mme. Lefevre-Pontalla haa t-een abroad for some time Cotmt ?I?* ?hatnbriin. French military at? tach?, will bave here for Mexico on Satur? day to attend to the military affairs of the embassy there, to which ht is also acored lted. Countess de t'hamhrun will accom? pany him, leaving their children with their grandmother, Mrs. I*nngworth, in Cincin? nati. IN WASHINGTON SOCIETY. fFn.m The Trihue? llureaii | Washington, Jan. a.?The charity ball given at th.? He? Willard to-night for tho 1? nelH of the Children's Hospital was a brilliant affair, on which tho President and ?afra, Taft looksd for POTOS time, occupying a flag-tlrape.i box. Mrs I 'bar?es C. Glover received the guests, assisted by Mrs. Hor? ace WciUcott, Mrs. ciai'ii' - Wilson, Mi*? Ah??? Meyer, daesjMsr <>f the Secretary of tho Naw, and Miss Marlon Oliver. Among the hoiholdsra wer? Colon.-1 and Mrs. Roh? eit M. Thompson ami Rear Admiral and Mrs. Broarttson, both >f whom antsrtained largo parties. Among th.- patroness?? were Mrs Tait, Mrs I'hiland.-r ?'. Knox, Mrs. Georg?* von I.. Meyer,, Mrs. Nsgot. Mrs. Oliver Wendell Holme?, Mrs, .Beekman Wlnthrop, Mrs. Nicholas Anderson, Mm Leiter, Mrs. Hughes, Mis. W.tinore. Mm-. Jusserand, Mrs. Bryc.-,- Countess von Bern storff and Mm?-. Loeeronthal-Ltnau. .\ |o?ai l'sT '" dinner parlies pre? .?del the ball at th.- New Willard, among the host?! being Senator and Mrs. Brigs*, who had twenty guests; Miss Anna Irwin, Mlsr Katherine ?-"ratio. Mr. and Mrs. Willig? r? Hennis arid Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wllklng colonel and ?Mrs. Thompson had among their guests at dinner Rear Admiral and Mrs. Walnwright, R.-ar Admiral and Mrs McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kirk Porter ami Miss Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Bradley, who ?Miter? talned at dinner and then occupied a box at th?- ball, had among their guegti Major General and Mrs. Iyonard Wood. Mrs. Hi.r. bert Shipman. Miss Marian Bourne and Miss Jeannette Mann, of New York; Gov? ernor Ma goon and Major Herwsrth. The American Ambassad?>r to ?beat hrlt* sin and Mrs. Whitelaw Reld arrived \p Washington this evening for a visit of some day?. Tliey are the guesta of Ur. and Mrs. William J. Boardman. Mrs. I.. 7.. Delter haa as guesta for some ttrr.e Mrs. Pretyman and Misa Pretymaa, of IaOnd'in. her niece and great-niece. Mrs. ! Ja.-k Gardner. <?f Boston, will arrive to I morrow to I*? Mrs. laclter's guest, and ther will attend the dinner which she will ?rive on Wednesday in honor of Ambassador i_4 I .Mr?. Reld. NEW YORK SOCIETY. Mrs. Arthur Iselln gnve a ?lance ayt night at Sherry s, the nallroom being de.-orat?d In green and white. Her guests, ntimber? Ing about 125, came on from dinner? wltll Mis. Austen ?Tray. Mrs. I-ewls Is.-I'n. Misa Sybil Douglas, .Miss Beatrice Flagg and other?. The dancing was general, and shortly before 1 ??"?-lock supper was "--Tved, followed by more dancing, and later there was a se, mid supper or early breikfas? The guests Include?, ?.'olonel and Mrs. William Jay, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald C. Vanderbllt, Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbllt. jr., Mr and Mrs. Rob?rt ?Joelet, Mrs W ??eorge Cavendleh'Beatlnch, Mr. and Mrs Og'ien Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Payne Whltnc- Mr. and Mrs (?gden I.lvlnaston Mills. Mr. and lira J. OordOB Douglas?. Mr. and Mra. Harry Payne Whitney, Mrs. William K. Vanderbllt, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Whltnev War? ren, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Iselln. Mr and Mrs. Henry Clears, Mr. aad Mrs i.?wis ls?l!n. Mr and Mrs. W. Pavn? Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. James E D f.inier, Mr. and Mis V. Cray QrtSWutd, Miss I.a'ira and Mlas Mary Canfleld. Mr. and Mrs Archibald I Stevens A:exander, Mr. and Mrs. Richard j Stevens. Mr and Mrs. CourMandr Dixoa j Barnes, Mr and Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson, i Miss Edith Mortimer, Miss Louise Iselln, Mor., nr? Robinson and Stanley Mortimer Another dance of last night was that Mrs. John Duncan Emmet gave at her house, \o. 1<**7* Madison avenue, for her niece, Miss Lucy Drexel Dahlaren, the debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs Eric B. Dahlgren It was preceded by a dinner, served at small tablea In the dining room and conservatory. The guesta included Miss Eleanor Prentice, Misa Marjory and Miss Florence Blair, Misa ?'ora Hennen Mo-ns. Miss Justine Ingersoll. Miss Eliza? beth Turnur?, Miss Winifred rhlsolm. Mlae J?an Morris, Misa Frar.-es W>eth. Misa Adelin? Townsend and Miss F.U_*betS Thompson. ? Mme. Tetrazzlnl and Misa Kathleen Par* I low the artists at Albert Morris Bag? bVs musical yesterday morntns et th? sTal* ; dorf-Astorla. Th? ballroom, as usual, waa | crowded, and among those seen wer? Mra. j R. Fulton Cutting, Mrs Warren Delano, I Mra John Clinton ?Tray. Mrs. Fred*rh k H. Betts. Mrs. William Klngsland, Mrs. Will I lam Douglas Sloane. Mrs. Edwin ?lould. i Mr?, c.eorgo ?'obb Wilde, Mrs. ?touverneur ! Kortrlght, Mra. Bayard ?*. Hoppin, Mm ? Stephen H. P. Pell, Mrs. Snowden Eahn. j stock, Mra. William Floyd Jones, Mrs. < ence C. Pel!, the Duchess de Chaulne?, the I Duke of N'ewcaatle and cieneral Hon? - Porter. Richard Lo?inabery will sail to-morrow ! for a trtp around the world, which will keep I him away two year?. Walter Rlchap! town on Sunday for San Franclaoo, whence he will sail for Japan, and later will Join Mr. IiOunsbery. Mrs. Henry M. Tllford will give a Urg? ?llnner dance at Sherry'? this evening for her daughters, Mrs. David WsgBtsfl and Mrs. Stanley O. Mortimer. Mra John R. Drexel give? her third dln i ner dance of the season this evening at ! her house. In East t?-d street. Mrs. Chauncey M. Depew has a dinner thl? evening at her house. In West 51th ?treet. Mis? Catherine S. Burton will give a luncheon at her houre. In East 5t>lti street. Mks Nina Delafleld. daughter of the late H. P. Delafleld, will be married to-day to Arthur I^-ipsley at the house of her ur_n. tnother, Mrs. Daniel E. Moran, la Part ; avenue. Mr and Mrs. George Folsflm. Miss Ethel I an I Miss ?'on.tance Folsom and Mr. and 1 Mrs ?"lark G. Vorhees are booked to-day for Naasaii. I - Mrs William Plerson Hamilton will give a dinner on Thursday at her house, in Bast :*-th street. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rrooks hav?- IS* turned from Alken, S C. and Sir at th? Hotel ??otham, where they will stay for the rest of the season Ml?. William Deugtea Slo.ine will give a dance on January BJ at her house. In Baal , ?.d street. TO REPORTAN COURT SITES Special Committee of Board of Estimate Said to Have Three. lb . omiiicii.latioits of the special commit i?o of the ?Board of Est?mala on th. i ?action ?>f a ?dts for th?? n?'w oourtbouss were being drawn In the office of Borough i?, ideal McAneay, ??ne of th? metnbera yesterday. n<* will go over it to-day ?jrlth Controller Prend?irgast. soother member of the committee, and It la ??.?pel th.v will ba abb* to K'-f It in shape t?> present to the i?...,ifi at Its msstlni on Thursday, Presi? dent Mit. lid of the Board of Alds?nsii, th.? other member Of the committee, is III. Moth the I'ontroller an?! the Boiourh President yesterda) preserved the utmost y in regard to the site ov sites they would recommend, it is understood three -it.- win be ii'i-ntione.!. running in ?salus trum three 10 six million dollars They are all north of th-> new- Municipal Build? ing and Bouth ?if the criminal courts Building and MulbefTy ?Bend It Is under? stood th.? report will show the \.limitions oi th.- valions paresia raconuniin'lad. and will show both the minimum thai might b? taken for the building and indicate what might U- .Ion??, iron, gg artistic p.'int of view-, by purchsslni mo't? property and piecing th.? building In a park spae??. The fit o that il Is understood la most ?col.-.i by the membera of the committee runs north from th.? Municipal Building, at I'lian?- street, is ttouaded bij Oeatrt street' ..h th.? ?m?- side and CSty Hal Plecs on the .?Ih.r. Thin sit. OOUM 1"? astSadSd back toward Columbus Park. ftirni.-rly kn?awn as Mulberry Pen,I Park. ?According to tlv? meats' thai th.- city bad lo sapead. An? other proposed s.t... It is understood, la in the ti-tanglo ?tartlng at Centre and,La? fayette streets, Just northwest of lbs Mu? nicipal ?BuOdlni GOVERNOR CANCELS ENGAGEMENT Albanv, Jan. s BSSaUM el "?" pressure of business In connection with the l/eglrlat? nre Governor Dix has cancelled hi.? en? gagement to speak to-morrow before the second State Conferenc on Taxation, at Buffalo. He haa arranged to. have hia *\i?ttr-h read. ESTATE SUES BENEDICT Wants $15,256 66 as Result ot Abandonmont of Yacht Virgin!*. A suit in admiralty for WJKo. ?as brought yesterday against l? C Hennlle^ the banker aad yachtsman, on claims r* SUltlag from the stranding and abandon? ment of the -team yacht ?Virginia, char* tered last summer by Mr Benedict froi the estate of Isaac Stern. The ?omplalut ?aid Mr. Benedict ?liar? tered the >acht for sixty ?lays at a CSgl of $ir..ii?u>. with the iiiuler.-taiidlng that the Vngiiiia was to. be returned to her SWaers <>u June 4. and in ?-aae of a delay he would pay a demurrage < f |gid a day Through faulty navigation, 'he complain? ants allexe, the yacht \?as run upon a reel at Havana. <*uba, on Mav II .ind wtt ahandoaed a few days later by Mr. Bene? dict und hl? p.-trtv The Virginia, badly ?trained, ?n? sub aaqusptiy Boetsd fron reef and ?sae brought t.? tiii.s p,n t .m ,sbm j? The sa? pesjOS of saving the .vacl-t and hrtnglng her here and the demurrage charg?e, amounting in all tu f 15.256 88, are now sought by the Isaac Stern estate frota My. Benedict. SEINE STILL RISING Water Will Be Three Feet Higher , Within Next 48 Hours. Puts. Jan. 8.?The River Seine, which waa already much swollen by the continu? ous heavy luiim of the last week. Is again rising, although there la no immediate dan? ger of a repetition of the great ll?>i?l P\ January, 19U?, when an enormous amount ?if damage was ?lone. The hydrom-trlc service to-day announces that there will be a further rise of thre feet In the level of the water during the next forty-eight hour?. The freight ateainer S between Parla an?l London via ?Men haa beer? suspended, as th? vessels cannot pa.s t-ene.ith the bridges. ABOUT THIS TIME. From The Wm h ins* on **?"" The Oral tn?pertl..n of Ken Year r<-?olu with a ?lew to a-certalnlns anv netd ot 1? about ????? .lut.?-*