Newspaper Page Text
V" TAXI . V 23,805. To-dav. rain and colder. To-morrow, fair. North???? ?inn?. XEM--YOHK. IIMDAY. JANUARY 1?. 19?2.-FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE ON1-; PlJlVrf In (It.v of New , ork. Jeraer ? Ity and Hoboken. V Fj^y I 1-XSKvUIFHE TWO CENTS. PANIC AS BIS TUG Passengers of the Astoria Grab Life Preservers After Crash in the East River ' Near Hell Gate. TWO BOATS JAMMED TIGHT Smaller Vessel Ploughs a Wide Path Into Passenger Carrier, and Sticks There?Slow Work Reaching Man? hattan Shore. Hoff sharp steel prow fixed fust in the deck of th.? ferryboal Steinway, ili<* ? going tug Asher J. Hudson pushed the ?'lumsler craft i<> shore after s head on rolllrdon betwsjen th? two in the rac? ing tide of Hell ?int.- last night while rerryboat's frightened pasoengera ?vorcl ?nit foarfull) over ili?> ?lark river. \ putting poll? ?? boal st.l close bj. j while .-Hier craft moved slowly along? ns the two boats crept In i?> the ' Manhattan side. No one was hurt, al? though the captain of Mu? ferryboal and .\ u ? r? hard put t" prevent the panicstrlcken travellers from jumping overboard Afterward it was found th;?' I the two boats were faatened so tightly j together thai s wrecking frcw was on t.? pull the Hudson away from ? the unwiei.iy Steinway. The Steinway runs between ?ssl i'-d ?trret and Astoria, and was maklni for the Brooklyn bank when the collision -red. Hell 'hit.* Is always a treach? erous pla? e. aii'i the tide is hard t ?, fight, so the ferryboat goes north four ..r five blocko, and then swings south .?earn as she nears the other shore Bh'e had iust turned southeast, and was off Mill Ro. k The Hudson, whi? h I* '-' g" '" ?h?1 Hudson Transportation Company, ol Norfolk. Va- was going up th? East River, i" ?nd for Ne? Bedford, she. too, i.a.I to MkIh Hi?- lide. and her skipper, Captain Kobert Moon, had swung her ..ver to port a fen points. VVemen Aboard Ferryboat. Th???? Both ?'? . Moon ?nd ? 'aptairi Maxwi n Kaim. i hlame it all on the tide, The :- nifelike ? utwater of th? i % tiK -lit Into two front deck i l'h? Ir ? way, and the limb? and i-plintercd ai the Hudson bun \? ay on in. Th? oard the Bteinway, perhaps half of them women, si-d they ran about the ; like v .id people th<t Huds ?n Jammed her bo*fl ?ay. lln ;"? d up n?i bgck until h< r front derks were thi?*e feet Above water, and her rear flot k ? roam. Drivers .lumped to th? heads of the teams standing In th? ud h? Id fasl ??? Um plunging ,\ < hauffeur threw a heavj block ..f ?fio under the wheel ?^f his car an?! ? Pot h skippers .town their entines and yanked their whistle cords. The shaii?. pier? ing shrieks brought i raft from all points, as the gteinwaj settled to ,m even keel. Two ferryboats tried to to t! ke the passengers off, i"it ? kept them (?ff They were afraid I ? gO tOO > 1. -e lest they bang into the side of the crip? rai and break her awaj from the Hudson. No one knew whether or not the Steinwas was cut to pieces below the wat. rune. Captain Kahn had shouted t.. his crew from the pilot house as BOOH as the Hud SOtl hit his boat, an?l sent the men run? ning to the poosengers, who ware al? ready crazed with flight. Half a dozen women were hysterical, and three fnucht just as they mounted th?? guard? ? leap into the river. Finally they were calmed just as a liiti-- black p boat shot into the Sllv< r glare of a f-eir'hlif?ht ihat flooded the river off the Hudson's starboard Low. Police Boat to the Rescue. ??ntrnlnan Stewart, who was in charge of the patrol which belongs to Harbor "!'," and Is station, d at Fvtsf 2ath street, looked carefully over the Hudson and the Steinway. sending his nimble littl? ship noalns In and about like a busy little wator rat Then he decided it would be too dangerous to have th. Hudson hack oui from the Bteinway, Captain Kahn ran? for half speed on his engines, and with th?- Hudson moving at the .?anie rat?, the two crept slowly toward the Manhattan bank. It took skilful manoeuvring even then, for the Steinway wkb bulky and hard to keep handled. Harbor ?Squad p<?li,?.???.? stood on the de.-k of the Steinway among UM Pas? sengers, many ?,f whom were not vet i. oooured, and still held fast to ti..- life preservers they had take,, down and faatened around the!, bodies. The Bouwery Hay. a sister boat to the stefn way, sent a big hawser aboard the other ferryboat and helped the Hudson ?get the Crippled ?raft to an abandon?'d dock at Bool ?93d street. The river was full of floating red. green and white lights other boats wait in?; to s.-e what would happen t?i the Steinw.-.y when the ]*,??_ s??n let go Hut the powerful OCOOngoIng tug coi,|,| hot let g... Th.? Si.?lriway's passengers were tended on a rude pUnk gangway the tug triad to back out. But despite her high powered emdn.s, ?,.,. could do nothing. Her steel st.n, W?j Jamm.d last hi the l.-rr, boat. A wreck? ing craw had to be <ai!,,|, but at mid HOght-three hours ?xfter the collision the boats were still lockod tog?-ther. The Hudson had ???me holes In her ?ate*-! plates above the water line. ar,d J?r damage was estimated at about WJOO. ?he carried a crew ??f ten men. THREE MONTHS' BRIDE A SUICIDE. h ? t"1*, Cr**k' M,rh" Jttn "--Because her nustiand ,ou,,, ,?,. H,.,.ure employm.,,, month? ' Kt"?*,> * brM" ?f thr<* ?ha. yesterday ?ommltted suicide ,,y .?-....., ? ?iiii.iiii ir.i ?un m? f,y li? an8i.rtn???'; of ?trychnlne. Paul Kell0gK man aiShta V * HH,i(i JhkU ""' ' reoon.-iiii roster father were never Whka?r ?"u" "'" f<"-int*i''s marriage, -?Ka JJr. Kellogg did not approve. Uncle Sam's Boys "Havea Hard Row to Hoe" in China Experiences awaiting troops that have just gone from Manila to the Celestial Empire will be described in Next Sundays Tribune GOLD MEDAL FOR DR. DOTY Louis Livingston Seaman Trophy Awarded to Health Officer. The Louis Livingston Seaman gold r)H?i;ii for achievement In the promotion of hygiene ?md sanitation and th?* miti? gation "f occupatioiwl dieease was swarded last nlghl to ?Dr. Alvah H. ?Doty, Health Offlcer of the ?Port, by the Amer? ican Museum ?.f Safety si its annual meeting In the i'nito.1 Engineering Bo pieties' [funding. The ?ward cum?? as h ? ? ?rii-.l?-t? pris??. .is l)r. !>,.(> s name did not appeal ?m the programme, although thus?' .>i ri. Ipients i ' other in?'?lals did. Prof) ssor ?i i. k R Hutton, rhalrman of the .iwr\ of award, announced that the medal had heen votai to Dr. Doty, "who has been i?.i man* years the watchful fer? nem at the door of the port ! ?i Doty was not present A telegram ft?.m him requested tl).?t Dr. John W*. Bran nan, president of Hoiievuo and Al? lied Hospitals, rttrelve th?? medal for hitn. "What th.- outcome at Albany will ho i? not known," said I >r Brannan. "Borne of you may think it all settled, but 1 think it possible that wiser rounael may prevail and that w< will have more op? portunity to be under further obligation t?> Dr. Doty foi protecting our htniM, our wlv**s .nid children agalnsl other ln : epidemir from across th" peas HUNDRED ?EADJIN WRECKS! Gale Off British Coast Severe? i 53 Drown in One Ship. London, Jan. Is The gale which still ; ?nu? s m some parts ??f th?? ITnlted ? i Kingdom has been most severe. Almost ? one hundred lives have been sacrificed bj shipwrecks ami accidents, and it ?s I i liai i he tale of disaster la not ?/?et i omplete. off th?? Aberdeen roasl th?* weather h ? I? en particularly wild. A large steamer was seen to disappear to-day. Ii maj have put out to sea, bul it Is feared that it has been wrecked. Two n recks are rei ort? d along th'it ?. i ?>f which no details can he obtain? d Another vessel was seen to founder ? lay, and it la supposed t<> have ??????n th?- i--*i?-.i?-ri?'k Rnowden, an Aber d< en ? oilier, with fourteen hands. Nothing has been heard of the steam shlp which ?as teen la distress off th?? Yorkshire coaat s flay ?.r two ?-?, and a i.?.,it washed ashore at Ramsay, Isle ? f Man. appstflVtb Indicate th?- wre^k -?f a large trawler. The British steamer BpiiSby, fr?-?m Bat? fin??? for Rotterdam, signalled when ng Portland Bill to-day that had had a rough passage acroas the Al? and that one of th<- mates and a ir, ha ! been I? I Aberdeen, ?Scotland, Jan 14 Fifty three ,,f the crew ?.f the British steamer VYIstow Hall were drowned this morn? ing when the ateamer foundered on the Bullers of Buchan, ?.ff the coast of ?Xherdeenshlre Only Captain* Stoddart and tin?"- of the crew reached shore. Captain Btoddart, who was resusci? tated after long unconsciousness, relates a story of extremely tempestuous er from the time of leaving the Tyne on Monday, The tiros were ex? tinguished and th?- vessel was at th?? mercy of th?- sea. The seas ware s?> heavj thai it was Impossible t<? launch a )if?.h<?at. The lifeboat crew of the village of Bullera triad several times t.. pul tu sea, bul their craft uas hurled hack on to the The Wlstow Hall was a vessel ?if 2,139 tuns and was built at Greenock, Scotland, in lift). She was owned by the Hall Line, of Liverpool. MISS EDMANDS IN HOSPITAL Richeson's Fiancee Patient in a Philadelphia Institution. Philadelphia, .Ian. is.?Miss Violet Ed? mands, win? was to have \>een married to tho Rev <'lar>n?e \*. T Klelieson, of Cam bridge, now Under sentence of ?loath for tho niurd?'r of his former sweetheart, Avis nell, '?f Hyannls, ha? been an inmate <?f the Oyn?BOean Hospital, on North ISth street here, for nearly three Weeks. At the hospital it Is denied that Mi- Ed? mands in an Inrnat?-. Tin- fame Information is k?v?'ii regarding any other patient, the stand being taken that It Is s private insti? tution, women patients being taken there by their relatives or friend?, an?l that the ?persons nuking arrangements for the rooms are the ?miy ??nos entitl'-.i to Information. it has been acknowledged by >>>io physi? cian In the city that Miss K'linatuls Is at the hospital, which essentially is an insti? tution where warnen are treated for nervous ilisoas?!? of all kinds. When MIhh ICdmaods arrived la the city she was met hy frisada through whom she hU'l made arrangements to go t<? I lie hos? pital, si??- looked well an.i apparently was not suffering from any DSTVOUS ailment it In said that she was taken to the hospital Immediately? hut that ?he has not t><??m ?, Strictly confined patient and ihat six has been In the shopping district several times. J.ynchhurg, Va., Jan. l&.-Thomas V. lUcliSSOn father of the Rev, Clarence lUtllSSOn denied to-day the report fi ?nit I.osi on that he had or ever would desert his ?on- "Although he la dlHgra?o?l ttnd d? grad?d," ?aid the eldeily man, 'ho is at ill my son." a SLANDER VERDICT $10,000 New Jersey School Teacher Wins Suit Against Member of Board. I Hy Teleirxaph to Th?' Tribun?. | M.irrlstown, N. J-, Jan. 18.?A Jur> gave S verdi? t of flO.OOO damages this afternoon In the ault for slander brought by Miss Lucy llullxit against Willis ?;. Arnold. The ?oinplainant alleged that Mr. Arnold had told several persons stories reflecting apsa nor character. Arm-Urn ?l.f'-nce was thai lu-, a- g ,lltni 1.1 of the township Hohool Hoard, had a?t??l In his "ttlcial ??padty In an eti?l,Hvor t? have it"' f****t ****** r?li. v.,| ,,s a teacher of the Washington Valley g.hool. The suit '.f Hfrri i. 'ihn-,. ?. -king tor damaaes from Arnold lor almll.,, ,., mmona .?? MI-.S Hulbert's. ?as, begun b-for... judge 'Mm IN PEKING nra rat Legations Fear Result of Confer? ence About Abdication and Take Precautions. YUAN NOT TO ATTEND TALK I Premier Again Accused of Dou? ble Dealing and Bomb Out? rage Is Laid to the Pnnces. Peking, Jan. IH. The foreign legations are preparing f??r trouble In Peking to? morrow The question of the abdication of the throne Will be discussed by the I Km presa Dowager and the primes, nut it is though! that Yuan Shih-kai will t ot , lake pari In the conference. a rising m ih" capital has i.n looked f'.i many times In the last few months, and precautions have h.-? n taken in hi- . I lei pat Inn of it. needlessly, however, and' the outbreak ma* not occur to-morrow. Mut it has l.i: !.>tifc expected that the Mafi'hii irre.i.ncil.ibli s would unite in a massacre when all hopes for the admit' Istration had v nnished \ placard post. 1 to-night Indicates that th.- Man ? . I,u threats may be fulfilled. It ?'alls on j all lova1 Man. bus and Chinese to resist | the abdication of the Bmperor t>> "he ? death. Yuan Ha?. Guard of 3.500. The street near the office of th.- ?'hl neoe Foreign Board, >?t which Yuan Shih-kai r?silies, Is htwivlly guarded 1 y thu Premier's own men, <>f whom it 's sa .1 there were 3.5001 Many ('hi?ese wh?i have not yet le serted the clt) are preparing for nicht to-morrow, and prominent followers ??f Yuan Shih-kai ar<- taking refug? outside their 0W4I homes to-night, hoping that in the event "f .1 massai re the; will n?*l he found Th.- charges thai Yuan Shih-kai has been disloyal t<? the Man? bus, although pretendins to sui |..>rt H em, Bre attract? ing ih?- attention <<( foreigners ss well as the Msnchufl and Chinese s.?m.? of ih.? revolutionaries have Ions, been Ing that he waa Working f?.' Mi?' throw. not th- .-?ab ai Ion "f ' ? ty. But t bas been thoughl that this ?hart:.- was designed t?? discredit the I Premier with the Man? bus charge Yuan Hhlh kal with working for his ?.un Interests, and thai he Intend???! t?, become dl< tator, if he did i?"t as sunn? th?- ? The Impel him. point oui (hat I.?- has i ? rslst? ntlj v?. ?th drawn sh the trained imperialist ir"?.ps ??.old easily dlapflfM the untraln-d reoel volunteers l' said that the withdrawal of the ?rmy from Nanking ??s ??I Yuan Shi h kal'/* orders 1 ? lent money fr?>m Ihe Empress} l">\?.MK??r ami the prim ? ' palgn an I aft?r a request l?v th?- general? that they be 1 rmiteid p. fight Pr, yuan continue? m wlthdran his forcea. Lopkinq Toward Dictstorship? Th.? proposition ?hi? h he Is no? msk 1 Ing 10 Wh Ting fang, 1 he- republican Mmi.--t.-r 1 .1 . ? . 1 , thought t.? I.?? tantamount t?. a dictatorship, it is un derstod tl a bdloatlon if tin- i.-..-, ernmeni hi* band- until a i r?.j?.-rI\ elected Na? tional Assembly shall de? Ide th.? form ..f government. Home ?i Yuan shih kai's right hand men are t'antonaae and other southerners from provin<*es which an- recognlx? ?? .. - rebel, und se. ei ?? .i his Immediate supporters do not at? tempt t.? lud.- their antl-Manchu Ing*. Whether th.- suspicions n gains) i,,. Preml? r ir< false ..r true, 1 h* y r? sufficient rreden? >? t?. .aus. th.- organisa? tion "t anti-abdication bodies, against which Yuan Bhlh kal lias been compelled t.. take meaaurei of defence, and it is authoritatively stated that the dynamite l.oini. outrai,'.- against his life was the work of a Man? h 1 faction s.. 1 omplex, Indeed, is tin- sltuatl in that th? foreign ministers no longer at? tempt to ?baillai.- ii loi- their govern? ment* Bevi h of th?- Mongol princes peraiat In their determination t.. oppose abdication and stand (Irmly against the Idea ?.f a republic. Th.- I nit.-d State?, troops from Manila nr.- expected t>? arrive on board the transport ?ogan at Chin Wang-tao *.? morrow morning. 'aptain .1. H. Reeves, military at? ta. h?' of th.- United states !.. gatlon, ha* gone to 1'hin Wang-tao t.. meat th-em H?- win conduct th.- main body ..f the 15th infantry and othei details to Tien? Tain on a special train. On their ar? rival at Tien-Tain the men win i?. quar? tered in a large rentad by the rnite?! States ?'onsul. A detachment >.f I8U igen will pr... sad directly from ?'bin Wang-tao t?. take up their duties as guards along th.- Ameri? can section <?f th.- Peking Railroad from Tang-Shan t?> Lanctiow, which has hith'-rto b.-en patrolled by British trout?* Fhanghai, China, .Ian ih pour tnins p.,riH. convoying tour thousand republican 11.. "!?*-. elderly Infantn and artillery, sailed from, wbera the soldlera em harked, this mornlm* for Chl-Fu. Several Otlter transport?! are lying at WiMwattpg prepared to ?b-part for the name deotlna ti?n with further ib-ta.'hni? nrs. This is th.- beginning <.f the pian r,r cain-. padgn drawn up by Usa republloan <???m manden* for an OdVOnos on Pelrfng, Th.? plan i? ii1?1 ahr* rolumns shall odvoa a Hlmultaneously from ?"hl-Fii. tlUOOgh Shan Tung. through Ho-Naii. through llu Pah and thlOUgll Sh.-n-Si and Shan SI, all eOO? t/arglng OH the cai?llal. ROGERS'S MIND AGAIN FLEES He Finds Himself ih Seattle. Only to Lose Himself in New Bedford. ?>f#?j< H.'dford. Mass, .Jan I? A lettOT found I?' ?'"* ?"lolhliiK ..f h patient at the j.;,,?.ri;iii<y Hospital hora iilentill.d him ?.?. <, ('handler KoKtr?,. the New York man who underwent a BUTgleaJ operation in Seattle ,l" ,,ram affection recently, and lal.r foiui'l himself a stianu.r 111 a Strange IhikI. arlthWIO ? '-? <>ll. ? lion of What ha?! ? ? (Hired In las. last fourteen \<?ais The niMii < ..HaP*'?*"' while in ih?- public library build? yesterday. an?l for thirty-six hours has !,,,,,, 1 in a aemi-comatotsr. ??ondHlon a; the iMssplinl ii- Is opatartsatly unable iu Ulk int?-llli?ibl?. '"m. mm a fine old mm That Is Governor Wilson's Only ? Comment on Editor's Statement Regarding Harvey Row. ?HE IS THINKING IT OVER I And May Reply After He Has Thoroughly Digested It, He Tells Detroit Reporters anr1 Politicians. I R> T.i. erapti to Thr Tribun?-. 1 Detroit, .Ian l*? 'Colonel Watterson i- :. iin>- old gentleman," ?.is the only common! Governor \\-.??lr?i\v Wilson he Induced to make on the Louis? \ ill.IItor's statement regarding the breach between r 11 - - Governor and Polonol lleorrfe Harvey, of "Harper's Weekl) 1 h. ;..\'.i.r s train was five hours lal ? and noarl' ever) inlltical a'rtter i't town a at ih*? station to get his \ lea s on tin Incld? ? Governor WI|?on \<\ It lie understood ii...' he had read the statement an?l -iti11 thinking it over, an?l ths might mak? ? repl> to it after h? ha?l thoroughl* digeste I it But although newspaper neu ?ere calling on him coi llnuously, except when he was making his i in .'? puhll? addr? ? de? lin.'.l t C (,,? . I Mill .| \ host of Democratic politicians from le reinforced those of l)otr?.it. who called t.. ''id Governor Wilson a-elcome lo the ? ? g? . ? . re outspoken In his defence imong them the national < urnmltt? eman, R. i > w .....i. and the former C?ingr***sman from the t??-tr??it district, Alfred Lurking. The) said Wil? son acted ??nly as nn honorable man . ould act 'it itr ..n.- ??in read egactlj what f'olonel Wntterson says." said Mr Luck Ii ??:. "he ?? ?ll nee at on? ?? th?-r?. is nothing m what occurred lo reflect on Governor W ; ?on He was asked the direct ques - hcther ii ? ipporl of 'Har l-i \\ was Injurious l?> hlS .an? dida. \. What . rtulil .: truthful man SI!) ' m??sl si ? ' aboul ? '.??? . Wll n i- that he tells the truth He answered whit everybody knew t.? i ? . ?lonel w atteraon ad ? ? ? fai t I '?. .in a polltl . ,i poll t ,,t ? i,.,. the In? Ideiil w III help .. illda? \ .-i . ?ov? 111 ? ? t \\ ii nn, be ? ? 111.. t H a i ..-? ? . r| to] .1 i". iront Moi - M a lone, Governor \\ travelling ?-ompanlon. in ??? spee?-h ,it i polltii al meeting said The ? - of the lasl fea ?.-.-ks show whi m f the | ?"pi.ti-i?l?-i d i l.. not ?bother -?. un ?'??> nee It I? worth while And any man who d*ir->n *?? attempt perso attach and l'srhir. h a character no ? t|??n na thnt of ?;.. ?-tnor Wil? son will be repiiiMi to with the Ignominy end . ontempt a hi? h su? h sn ?ii?. k A+oen ??? " ..??' Wils-rn will leave here ? t.. moi r ??.?. f..r .\ nn ?\rboi snJ ? Irand Rapt? Additional news of the Wilton ? Harve/ controversy on psqe 2. TEACHERS HURT COASTING Sled Crashrd Into Trop at Foot of Yonkcrs Hill. KIg young ?mu. n? teacher? in Public H? h... | ? efe h ,it|y h.irt in istlng n ' Ident last iii.;ht Th? v ling ?I..? n a t?*ep pit? i ' Hill avenue "?i a i Ig boh iled n hi. h Mis Short, of siani. \ :i\? nu. ?.?as te? Rhe !?? ' . ??' n..i ..t the sled and it . ii im?, .i i,. ? neai th? fool of the hill M lei .-hu vi i- udered uncoil? bj a ni.i,' on the head. ..I i . Gin'i n.-. j. ol Win < loi il.n .P . avenue, and Miss Whltn? . ol Htanli i avenue, -ach hau a leg broken. A Mis Hoffman sustain, ?i a sprain-*?] ankle The other teach'*"*"" were bruised, bm not isl' hui l. M las < luernse) and M Willi/" '. i - '.?k? n t.. Bl John's Rivet - side Hospital. The others were removed tu their homes or boarding pis ? ? GERMANS _ALARM ENGLISH Naval Activity in West Indies Unprecedented. | II?- Cabla i?. Tli. I ril.un?. I London, Jan It. ?Somewhat startling r? j?? ?rt.- of German activity In the Mriiish Weal I'xii.'s have Just been received In London, Ac? ordtng to s correspondent ..i' the Wesl Indis Committee In the Isl? and of ?Barbados, that Island recentl* has been overrun by Germans from the cruis? er Hertha, who have made surveys and taken soundings at Un- site for the pro? pose?! coaling station The Trinidad correapondent of the committee reports that German vessels have bean pnuHlslng night fii-in-? in the ?;nif of ?Parta, and doing target shooting ii Kingston Harbor These reports show that s numbei of German warships ??r?' al present cruising in tho Caribbean ?Sea, but with whal . iij.-ct is not known publicly. HUB SNIFFS AT BROOKLYN Boston's Mayor Doesn't Like Her Garbage Disposal Methods. I Hy TH*-?*)??!??> lo AS Trlhune.) ?BtWton, .1.?n IN?Mayor Plt/.Kerald re? lui n? il t.. ?lay fnnii New V?)rk. wlmro h?. Invaatigatad the garbage disposai plants in ?Brooklyn of t?* h..stun Devalopinanl and simitaiv Campan/, )? contract with ?hi? h ? on? ern Is n??w before tfeg Mav.?i fot approval or rejection. The Mayor found fault with the manner In which UM ?ompany'H plants are ??inducted In Krooklyn, where f?BUf station? are oper? ated lie said. Four of the depots >.f tlM Boatoa Devel? opment and Sanitary Company, which are ?.|.?r?i?d In Brooklyn tinder another cor? na.ite name were vlxlted I found the. efficiency In the conduct of the ?talions v.i? good but the (liants themselves srsra conduct-Mi In a aeneral manmr that would hardly pr<?\?- ?latlafactory in ?Boston. The water dump *** aaooverad, this condition treating ? nuisance by havliiK the air illl.-.l with axh du?>t and h->oaua<- of the ??? apimf o?ors parii?-?ilarly in certain ?easpi)i of tn ><sr 1 under?!*)?!, however, that under ih,- plan proposed for Hosten by this ?com? pany thli. station 1? to oo all covstfa?? MR. AM) MRS. CHARLES W. MORSE The forme, New York hanker who was reUased hut not pardoned, by President TaffS order yesterday, and bis Wife, who has worked day and night In h's behal. HIDE $6,000 IN COAL PILE Utica Bank Teller and Messenger Confess $9,000 Theft. ru? a. \ y Jan. is Arrested this morning, Lynn C. Watklna, note teller. and Jchn it Dowllng, mesaenger of th?? Piral Nati?.nal Hank. ibis afternoon signed h written confession of forgery and robber*. The amount Involved is something over K0.<sHl. ? ?f this amount .??">.itiM? was found in the ?*oal pile in the bank this morning, where it had been bidd.-n by the mcii ? ?ti Saturday s deposit of .*.t..''<Ni was mad.? after ths rault had been i losad an.I th? time lock sel for Motida' morn? ing. The money was pla? .-.i In a drawer In the book vault. On Monda', it | v'as discovered that the drawer had been i fore? ?I and $?.000 taken The forger; was ,,f two indorsements ? on a note i?v whli h Watkins had bor i..w.?l Jtl.niMI Mom the bank Me re ? i.* to take effect on Monda j, .?.? I notinclnsj he w.mi.i engage In business, and Dowllng forged the signature? of t w ?? ? n isens of it I? .. i FORCING AMERICANS OUT Persian Cabinet Insulting Mr. Shnster's Men. T? her? I ' Since the deparl ? ?f th? f?i mer treasurer general, W. lei i he ? ' ihlnel - i ommunl? ? hi-" ? \ m? ? ?? nfrlcials spp? ir to luv ?? i .-. imp ii i ? islngi* pr??v... a ll believed thai th? tent ion o| the fahl I I Induce the - \ oluntarll) ?.> ah indon their conti ? ? the Frltlsh and Ru ? desire theli ? ontlnu Ben i? ? sod Persia pe? lion m . a??e of ;.ICh Ol ?|i,. i? Mil ter ha lent s s?*ath i-: ? 'ah ns. who tern poraril '? ??' Mr Hhuster In the Treosur* i"? irtment, ?'?-i entering Into direct communication with the British, | nions re inl? ine previ'.us government communies Th? \ ?? ? the i ile fot sign ill in p. rsl . a hose goi emmenl i i n.?t . vp. *? ?I i" support their lut? other than ihelr persons rights Th. English, Belgien, Boredlsh snd Italian offj i ils are dli ? ? t -. supported !?? their K .-.. rnments, the Belgian ernm? i I ' ?ample, strong!) pressing the appointment ol M Mornard as Ir? asi i ? i ?:? neral ? ?ii nccounl "f t us distinction, Pe? alan objection has lasen taken to Mr .Cairns, appealing, to the Am.-rie.m gov ! ernment The Persian governmenl has ?main .1? ni. .1 that it threatened to punish the Americans and fiirnlehea h copy .?f the lettei shown bj M Mornard t?. Mr, ?'aims, which refers t.. the suhje.-?. 'l'ii ,. ii?-i. d cop? however, bears s dlf ferenl signature from the original, differs m other important respjfeta | HELD PRISONER BY FISH Man Rescued as He Was About to Drown in Rising Tide. I ny Telegraf?* ??. The,?. i Rodondo Be?ch, Cal., Jan. IK Held prisoner In s cramped position fifty yards from shore by a large black aba i. ii.-, Ro) Hotnnwoy, of the ? "it> Engt Heel's Office, stood in the o< ea II two bonis t.. .lav and .alb??! for help in vain, while th.- tide rose until the waves swept over his head. He was seen by chance and rescued. He would have been drowned In a few minutes. llathaw ty, with <"it\ Engineer Ralph Hanson and several others, w.-nt to the beach for ?? walk. Hathawgy clambered ? ii the rocks to look for sheliflah, and others ??f ih?? part) travelled on s quar? ter of a mile to fish. In foaling int.. a crevice Hathaway's rieht hand came Into contact with the abalone, which closed down on two of bis Rngors, hold? ing him Ilk?1 i vis?-. Buffering intense pain and watching ii??- water cseep up inch by Inch, the young man had gtven up all hop?- when companions ?anie back and .saw his head and ?hollin?is between the waves Th -v pried the abal?os ??ff with an iron bar TO HOLD COURT IN HIS HOME | Justice Oerard, Sitting in Special Term, Crowded Out of Covrthouse. The crowded condition Of the i'.iiim:, i'ourtlouse has driven one part ?if ?he court out of the building, and with every room In us?'. ? v? n t h<- library, .Justice Ger? ald win tin?i it naceasarj to sit in special term to-tlay at his home, No. 7^'? Kifth avenue. juHtii'c Gerard, In sataldtoklng hi? oouri n.itside of tha wurthouoo, t<>?>k odvaatgga ??f Section 37 of the ?'?ule of ?"Ivil l'i.. oodgra, arhick ?**?. "Ths parti.? to an action or special proosoding pending in a court of record may. with the cons, nt of ths fadgS who IS I" "V <"' ?'?'???' It without i a Jury, sUpUlatS in writing UimI il ?hall 11 'tricl Of heard aii'l *rtl i min? ?I elsewhere ; than at ths courthouse." ! Ask for AVI'l.IHI-rVIAN; \\'M IHK l'.Y. land begin to snjoi l. addahojr. Luyties 1 uros., ?Saw York-Advl. HOWARD GOULD'S AUTO IN FATAL COLLISION Boy Killed and Another Badly Hurt When Coasting Sled Hits Machine. SERVANTS OCCUPY THE CAR Port Washington Lads Unable to Stop on Long Hill That Crosses Old Hicks ville Road. Port w ? ?Long Island, .tun. IH Howard Gould's automobile, which it the time \? ??? being driven b> William Holland, the rhntiffeur, killed > twelve ? ? r?ld ho this afternoon snd s.> badl \?.iii||.i!.'il HnolhSI lint lie is not e\;. I i?, ii\ ?? The ta.. lads s ere ? oestlng down ?? hill through Use w?**ods, snd as thej aped across the Old Hlckavllle Road the Gould machine, occupied by several ' ?ti;- on their ???':?> '" the railroad n, . i me s long, The sled struck the automobile be t?\?-en t||p front and rear wheels, und .?h*? ?\v. t?ojrs were hurled ?from the ?led. . them eras thrown under the heavy ?rear ?h?.'! S ltd wo? Instantly Rilled. The fother t...\ Wl >* ???moved to f)r Pook's itorlum, suffering from rnncusslon ?.f ? th" brain and Internal Injui I Tl.. I ] twelve rs ?>ld. ?\hrv,. father is in engineer. I The Injured h.?\ is John 1 >. Mar twelve >";ir?? old, son of a local merchant Coroner Weeks Immedlatelj after th? ,? lnv< itlgation, which iys i ..MVMici-l him th ?t Hoil ind was in no way responslbl? foi th? ? rident, ? . anse his irr? St. The roroner, however, will hold an Inquest The two I ids, ' i ? ' iftei school a'ss over, hurt i .1 t.. th.- hill in th" woods, ?a ni, ? number nf oth? i boys ti t. . "|. ?. th.. i .. , ting. The lull is an i.i. ,i |,'.,, for i- l?h ? ? The two boys had one ' I between tl em ? >'i the fatal nil? Run?*iis was lying flat on th : and \ ?.in ; I ??? \l .? was "ii top of him, i |: this manner thej . am.- ..n down th.' ?steep hill up ?i* the turnpike, intending t., continue on : i rues that road and down to the .; if the hill. Tlv trees and hushes through which ' th.- path went prevented the two lads | from Oculd automobile com? ling, an.l the -).h truction kept Hol? land ir. m seeing th? two boys on the sled. Jus! as the sled reached the road Mi?, automobile wns passing, and th.- bo i were unabl?? to do anything to stop the apead of the sl?**d, and they era*hc*d Into the >* ? i running board ??f the automo? bile, Runen'* h>; ?I ?.truck it s?, hard that his skull was fractured, and he was per? haps kiii.'ii Instantly, but he "as hurled from >""' s'e<? end und? r the rear wheel of th? automobil?., which passed over I htm. The other boy, rendered un?ronsclous by [th.Illslon. rolled ? i- ?r of th?- automo i hile wheel and was not run over, hut ' when he' w:>s ? Icked up and hiirrle?! to tin. sanatorium it was found that he was Isuffering from concussion <d the brain and Internal injuries, and practically no hope was hold out for hi* recovery. The employes ??i Howard ?;..ui?i who were In the automobile did everything poaalbl? for the boys They notified the authorities, and Holland :o?ik the Injured lad to the sanatorium ? LITTLE COASTER KILLED Boy Crashes Into Snow Wall in Riverside Park. About thirty <>r f??rt> little i?<?>s. from eluht to twelve years old, Wei* COaStlRg I yesterday afternoon ?>n the steep lull that ! runs down ?Nth street to Riverside Park. ? Ons of i hem tras 'Tommy'' < i'Hare, the ten year-Old son Of Patrick ??Marc, ?if No. HI . Amsterdam avi-nue. The little O'Hare boy i u.iN H ins OB his nlod and rucin** down the ? hill With two other hoys, Huddcnly one ot the I other sleds swerved, strueh his, and O'Hare and his gjrar oraanad Into ?? ?tone wall. As 'Tummy" f?'H th?. other hoys ran U> him ! an,i tried i?? ;?sk him hoa it luppensd, hut the ?hH?i was uaeoastslous aad ?n.i not : s?swec. ?y*rlghtened, thr (reunggters put 1 him on his Sled >n?l t h- ti ran awa>. Sonic lime lat?'i tw?? women passing by i noticed ths tomt t>tu?: ???i tt>." sled, a tlay stream of l)lo???l was trickling down ?.he lad'l faca? The women i ailed Patrolman Flood, ?if the West inth street statte, who (?Teases' H lau'Htsg car Into service, and with the hoy in Ids las told the chauffeur I?> put on full speed f.?r the Red ('-.?ms Hospital, at 100th street ami ??entrai Paik West. Hr. Hahlwln said at the hospital thai Tommy's frontal hone was fractured, ami th?- .hiii'" parants wars swaunatsei. The doctors ?onId do Utile. an?l the l,?,y ?lie?l st 8:11 p. ui. No ai rests were ma?le. GREAT BEAR SPRINp WATER. ,?)?? per vase of 6 glasb-?ituppered bottles. -Advt. BUT NOT PARDONED President, Hearing Prisoner Is Near Death, Commutes His Sentence, to Expire at Once. CIVIL RIGHTS STILL LOST Mr. Tafts Action Based on At? torney General Wickersham't Recommendation and Sur? geon General Torney's Report. I ?Tran The Tribune ] Washington. Jan. is.-On the recom? mendation .?r the Attorney ?General, hased on a report from the surgeon general of the nnn:. the President late this after 'iooti commuted the sentence of ?'liarles \V. .Morse, to expire at once. The New York hanker, who was sentenced to Im? prisonment for fifteen years for mlsap lli.atioi, of th.- funds of the Nation?! Hank ->f North America, is therefore ?i free man, but his physical ???ndlttnn if sueh th;.t it la doubtful whether he will survive more than a few month?. The commutation, unlike a pardon, do-*s not restore Morse's civil rights. The White House statement cran tine; free?),,m t.. Morse follows: The president this afternoon ? .?m milted the seilten? e of Charles \\ . Morse, to expire at once. This action was take.i upiin the recommendation Of the Attor? ney tleneral, based upon the following report >i Surgeon ?General Tornejr: \ > nro'?? review of reports makeg It clear to my mind that be I? i f. ring from a combination -?f diseases, ?lue t.. degenera? ing?s, a lu. h are Incurable ai d pro The reports show thai both the conditions of the kidneys and I ? hear! ar? growing worse, i ?.??jar?! the attack or cardiac dyapn?-ee, ?ir h?--Hit !ii...-k. from widen ! lie stiff er??l on the morning: <?f the I'.th ln?l . as an ominous ?xwurrence. in my opinion I the pris?.| r- duration of life will he in I rail protahllttj less than one month If k^pt iflnement, and In the event of hi? re? lesas under commutation of It is i not probable that lie will II ig ?" six months. Mrs. Morse Takes Commutation Papers. i>esiKnated as a special messenger try the Attorney Oeneral's office. Mrs Met M left Washington to-nlghl f.?r Atlanta, | bearing h??r husband's commutation pa* pers "i thank Qod." ah.. mid, |ust hefore she hoarded the train. "I could have lived louper under the strain. My h?ait \?.a< brisaklng. Mr. Morse's llf? ?in? ended No human '?eing- >an know the su(T?'iiiiir I ha\? endured - my husband's Imprisonment. ' ti ad every means to bring about his rel< President Tail's s?2l was ol {rustic-' if mv husband did ans srmng h? lias more than t-aid the penalt?, llf. has been f'otf.-if.. I. I a I I . ?believed, and always will believe he was an Innocent man th* i< spegoat I of otht I h?\?- ii.? hope that m\ husband .III liv?* more than ta o month we cai K??t him to Cai Isbad will hi\>' the bttnefll of the battu 1 h i\ ?? im to make agatnst one. I know all the ofln ... ? t? ' .online t.? a ???-tise of dut' But it 18 hard, h i?-1 to think that my I in.? has been taken from him and thai b? is paying the forfeit of his life. The judge never Intended t.. I him In d? Ith " Th? ".ttorney General. Immediately following th?' President's action, tel*? i t ? \v it.ien Mover ..f the Al? lants penitentiary, who was technically I In charge of Morse slthough he I ?d been removed t" the Forl McPheraon Hoapltal, t?) release th?* pli?.. The army siirc??<>n-. at Fort McPhsr son received the name. Instructkrna, rl made tin ?\ anil)' Morae could not be paroled until he had ?erved Hve years Under the ommu tation ho will be allow?**d to lent army hoapltal St Fort M.-Pherson. neat- Atlanta, at on' e. The release of the convl? ted banker, ROW lindel- the .shadow .?f ?loath, has been s question la which the President has repeatedly given 111 ? - cloaest con? ?(deration. Every point In th? over thoroughly ai ? fro)ii all sides. On May -i the appeal for elemene) In behalf of Morse was da nieii i.e. .ms?' of the gravit) of his .?' f? tic? ?nit permission was granted to ra? nea the appeal on January I, Ist?! In th?? m. an time his condition h? such thai he was removed t<? t!-.?> army hoapltal .tt Fort M. iPherson, and r?. from th? sturgeons have kepi th. Presi? dent ami the Attorney General Informa?! Of the Progress of his malady ?1 AM GLAD," SAYS MORSE Formally Released, but Ma*-; Never Leave Georgia Alive. Atlanta. Jan. ix?"i am f*i.??i t<> heat the news' was the ?ml? ? ?miment mol-? by ?'liarles W. Morse Whan iiu??rme?l hy the poet surgeon at Fotl MePhagsatn that President Tafl had eomssutad his sen? tence, it was uttered In s wreak v??i.-?, ?.?.lu. h carried little or m elation. Ce* K* realised ?*-i n?> mortal aiith?>iiiy Could relias?' him from the clutchas of incur* aide ?lis?.?:??-. Warden Moyer, who has been Morse a jailer at the federal prison sime Jasas* arj o. IMG hurried i<? the post hospital as soon as he receive.! ??Ill? ??I notii'e of the President's action, and formally re leaaad Mana, H vas soon after dusk when Morse heard the g????l news, with no member ?>f his family ?**reeaaat, hul his sister, Miss Jennie Morae, arrived a tone num-tats afterward. From Washington CMM ? . .? (joyous viegrams from Mrs Haras, end UM Sich llnancier brightened ponvptih!?. Mors.? v ill 9* removed from the post hospital ** s?x>n as he Is able to stand an amhUlan. ? Journey to an Infirmary In th? City. He h.??l another bad night with hi? heart, and was not so well to? day, but his physMaa was hopeful to? night that liis r?l?ase might have a fa vorable cffeit ?>n Ma physical condition. Slioul?! h?? gntn Htnuigth Morse probablv will be removed to a sanatorium In Flor? ida, and he hopes eventually to go t.? Nauheim, ?Jermany, where the batlu ??? ? ? for s complete pardon ma\ mine, and onder the laar