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LOrJKl?G FOR BOX STA Eyes of Baseball Astronom Fixed on Young Pitchers. LAST YEAR PROVED FERTI Many Recruits Made Goo( Heavy Batters Drawn fron the Minor Leagues. Speculation .?? rife amont?' the "fans' to th-- .rop of young *tar pitchers that he raised in the season of 1 *>*2. A gal of beauties was deve|oj>?-d last year, an Is doubtful whether the coming camp w,ll bs abl? to Introduce such a large n I c\.ept|nrially brilliant twirlers. ! ?ral of those win. came Into promin? _ Ihs last race did not have an opi I unit * to build up ., sparkling rec, i: lud* Many O'Toote, of the Pirn Danforth, of the Athletic*, and O'Brien the Boston Red Sox. They showed enoi however, to lead the most ?inobservan! ? t they win ba near the top w the curtain falls next ??ctoN-r. and t may form the nucleus of tbe next contri Hon of mound a Th? last season vvas more fertile t ?hat of mo. when King 'ole. of the C\ and Russ Ford, >.f the Yankees, .?tan the baseball world, and 1!?12 will have to a "hummer" to show .-oniethiiiR- bet Grover ?leveland Alexander and Geo ?"lislmer?, o? th. PhlUiea; Vean Gregg. ?he ?"l?veland Sno*. and Roy ?>aldwel1. th? Yankees, no? to mention Bill Steel, the Cardinal?, and Bobble Keefc. of ?'?neinnatl Reds, bti a mark for their fl ye-mr In fa?t company which In the agg gat*, is llk.-iy to stand the assaults of tl without falling. Buhe Marmiard's na may properly he added to the list, though he came to the Giants In 1908, did not hit his stride until last season a may b? regarded .is one of the deveh ment? of ML (?th?r pitchers who got ?tart last year and showed signs of prom arm Rube Beaton, of the Cincinnati Re and George Tyler, of the Roston Braves Although the work of Marquard ?a about the most spectacular of the seas? since he helped the ?itants to win a pe ?ant, yet his previous service in the leagi although somewhat limited, precludes h from be;ng ?ailed the find of the year. Tl honor is about equally divided betwe . Alexander and Gregg. The Clevela twirler had a better TOOOTt\ than Alexand. winning: 2S gaines and losinc 7, which w nearlv identical With Marquard's, whl 2i --?on and 7 lost Hut Rube was twii 1np for a pennant winner, while ?^?regg w ?.n ? team which tinistied with an av era of .KB, therefore the palm must be awar cd to Vean. Alexander won titra mo game? thsn Gregg and suffered six mo defeats, being the fourth In the list leading twirlers. Alexander came to tl Phillies with Chalmers from the New Yoi State league. The latter was the star ?hat organization, and Grover was tak? along as worth a trial. 'When Pooin pitt? him aealn.-t the At hi.-tics in the ante-se; son series. h< ?liscovered that he had a re twirler In tow Almost any one would a * e at this derision aft? i seeing Conn Macks crew consistently beaten by twirler. Alexander therefore promptly a tia.-ted more attention than Chalmers Tl iatt?r was troubled try a lame arm for sreater part of the season, but be won urines out of 21 and is looked upon to 1 as effective as Ahxander this year. Catdwetl Of the Yankees, while his recoi ti same? won and lost was not exception; still displayed a flue assortment of curve which earned th?- respect Of all the playe tn the lliSf.H0 Rill Steel, of the ?"ardi?al *ei| up Harmon and Sallce in keepit St. Louis in the pennant race for a tim w ritte Bobbi. Keefe pitched great hall fi tii? Reds, being particularly effect b ran tho Qlaota Tyler, of the Bo?t? 'raves, showed the earmarks of a goc southpaw, winning seven out of hevente? pames with a tail-end nine behind him. i i Toole. Ben?on and O'Brien did vei little work last v.;,r. just managing I break into fast company and show the worth. O'Toole. the fff&OM wonder of tl Pirates, won three games and lost two. II was troubled with a lame arm and was n? at his best. O'Brien joined the Red So '?Ate In the ?eason. winning four games ot of five start?. He earned the distinction r being one of four pitchers to shut oui th Athletic? la?t season, and his work will fa watched with interest this y?-at. Danfortl another promising youngster, Joined th Athletics In geptembei and won thre tames out of lour, doing his t? st work a a relief pitcher. KVapp. of th?- Naps, wa wild, hut reva-alftd marked ability. Outside of the pitching department, iher mere a number of finds in 1911. Joe Ja? k son, of the Cleveland Naps, was easily th biggest of the year, hut 'Stuffy" Mclhnli of the Athletics, was a d?-v ?-lopment of las season. Gainor. of the I ??troit Tigers ? arey, of the PlttShUrg Pirates; Ping P....11, of th? Chleago White sox; Qeocge Jack son, Jay Kirke and Bcotf*f lngerton, of th Boston Bravea, all wun laurels. aVnOthe auch Invasion of star talent this year wil crowd some of th? vet? rans Into the mino leagues. Ratting champions >f the miii..i league? attracted considerable attention from th? big league scouts la*u year, and as a r.? il many of them have been signed op to b. tiied out this spring. The Giants corrallei ?wo champion? in Hues, of the ern league, and .Johnson, of the Three I League. Cleveland got Ryan, the st.u hitter of the Pacific Coast league, whik Cravatb, the lea dim: hatt.-t of the Ain-ii can Association, will wear the uniform o! th? rinllies. Smith, of Nashville, and Pratt, of Montgfuii-i Wart practically U?-?j for the hutting tumor? of the Southern lyague. Brooklyn captured Smith, whllai the st bernia Hiovvi's got Pratt. Holy ?'toss, of the Centtal Association, was ?,cn*vd hy the Whit-- Sex, while the COrdl? nals got Block, of the Virginia League. As far as champion pitchers go, Cleve? land captui.-d two, in St.-en, of ?he Pad tic .'oast ly-ague, and Swindell, from the jwn naiit winning nine of the Carolina nssorlg tif.n. The Browns gat 1*.? ici In Wolfgang, who le?l the twill-r of th. New England Lsngna, Ttts New York Tankeee corralled the star of the lot In M?-< 'onti.-ll. of rhe International league, while Hovlik. the Three 1 League s?ar wonder, has already heen tried out hy the Win-- Box The Na ? <iid t ?.! fare rery well In -..Tin-- in champion twirlers. The Chi? ?'ui.s took Northrop, <>f the Tri-Siai? ly-agu?-: Dresaen. ?>f the Union Ass..-. and Sla? ni-!?.- *V|s**Oiu?n-Illlnols atouthern I - w n i-iav v-ith th?- Boston Bravea and Boyd, <?f the Central A--o.-ati.-ii. arlth the I: Charsle Murphy's attach ...i the National ?'oinmissii.ii ha.? Orawn forth ? statement from Pop' Anson. the former Rrst hass man ?<f the ChtongM ?libs. At son thinks niiiu- baseball ha? straasssred under n fon-.i of g?>vernm?-iit, still OliOM* . .--.i.i o? " n. il?- s ifjgeets a cromo . member?-, t.i handle the situation This i oiiin.issloii would Include u?. nrnmifi' dents ot the two big leagues, one rtiu ? uiailve from ?h> NaUoiml AaSQiiallua f.f .Mimo- l>-aBU?f, OM r.-prcaentatlv <: from tho ???ajo? league "?layers and om reore (?entatlve from ?h?- Pa.aeliall Writer \ ?aviation i commission ?' (Ms kind ?h.ul.l b*- r-pr-s.DtatJv? of all the r.->?tl of th- I tena*** be above ?nsfuclon It would remove n,- <.<,.,,,-??, ,,f the game from baseball po!.' thinl Trie South Atlantk league has promul? gated the most remarkable ?ct of rules THE ONLY KIND OF A BASEBALL WAB IN SIGHT. RALLY 'ROUND I FLAG Amateur Billiard Players Hear Call to Arms and Unite. POGGENBURG IM THE LEAD Climbs on Association Band Wagon and Withdraws Resignation. Amateur billiard playera haw rallie) to the I rapport of their favorite ?-???.in?? In no uncer? tain manner, and. I'd liy Wilson IV Foao, firmer national champion, t!i?'v proved yea. terday tliat the Koverninp body was \o be upheld. Th?? rriticNm focussed upon the Na? tionai Association ot Amateur miliard Play? ers because of its determined stand to pro? tect the smateur playera ac?inst masquti? rading profra-atonal? re?. crisis last vcok. it wa* the test of th? amateur or? ganization, bees use open thi-esta of disrup? tion were nrafk Pom, hoarever, csme out boldly for supreme smateui government, and so did Arthur l\. T?wnsend. A? a i? Mt-Jlt the entry list for the nstional ama? teur ?lass A l?..:' balklin?- Ulllard ? hampioi ship to'irnam.-nt closed y*-sterdaj with nine aspirants for the honors?a large r number than In any previous year Because of the unusual condition? thnt prevail?'! Hi? list was nol 'mail*' eloped until yesterdey afternoon by Morris D. Brown, of the Hamilton Club, chairman of the committee. Hnd Harry P Mollen I chairman <>f the committee of the Hanovei Club. Brooklyn, where ihe tournament will i op- i Monday night, .latinar.- 2f> Pour former champions, Wilson P. Koss. of; Haveretraw; i Perdinand Poggenburg, ol the Llederkrsns; Arthur IV Town s end. of I Brooklyn, and Chart? P ConkHn of Chi? cago hesd the list. Poggenburg reconsidered hie hasty action ol Isst Tue-Ma; m withdrawing from N'ational Association of Amate-ir Billiard Player? and from the tournaments It fluential frlenfls pointed out to him ?what a break with the amateui governing body meant It did no' t.ik? long for tlie former champion and president of the ?sso ciation to realize his error of Judgment, and Ids resignation and Withdrawal were im? mediately recall? d. H-sides the four champion* are Included' Percy Collins, on?- of the younger marvels' who has recently com?, forward In Chlcaan and who promises to be anotlxr Cslvin Demarest; Joseph Mayer, the Philadelphia champion: Dr. Walter [?* fffenhelmer, also ni Philadelphia; Dr. Walter Q, Douglas, ?>f the Amateur Billiard Club, of New York, and Moni? D. Brosm, of tlie Hamilton ?'lub. Brooklyn, in no previous year has such an extraordinary list of playera been asscmhl.-d for the i>r*-rni?? r arnut- in cbam pionsbii? of the Doited Btatea Them w l! be a meeting to-morrow night, January 8,1 at tlie Hanover Club, at which .Morris D, Brown and Harry Ifoll-rnhauer, respective ly the chttlrini-n of th. tournament and club committees, and WHHam ii. Ki.-nk.-. the pi.sid.-nt Of th.? a ?social Ion. will Conf? to means by which the thirty-six game? required by such an entry list with the in? ternational championship, ecbedul-ed fur early next month al the Uederkrana It was said by an ofli.-er of the associa? tion y-sterday that the t?Ml had been made over the ?omlnK national championship as to whether or not the National Association was to control the amateur billiard player?. He said that, despite a storm >?f vitupera Uve criticism from those outside of the association, the sentiment of the sa tion hail l?een, practically unanimous as to the proper cours?- to be pursued, anil that, while tilings ha<l been tempestuous for a brief time, the tact that such men as Wil? son P. POM and Arthur R Townsend. who had practically retired from championship competition, were willing to sgain take their places beside th?- table ???s ample and suffi? but proof that ih.- championships ' 'v conducted In th? past were not to be easily wrecked. The plan t<? hold ? national throe-cushion billiard Championship tournament, probably late in Apii. has created more enthusiasm than i! was ??en?'rall\ ?opposed would be the ?as?-. Wbib- not on th? ?-?.mmitt?-?-. Poggenburg has came out etrongly for this tournament, and stated yesterday that >' would unquestionably briai to the front S considerable numbet of neat players, wii" wouiii i??- weeeoowd to the amateur ranks Poggenburg haa bet n of ?teal ssststano to th.- committee, and under his guidso-se ef? forts are belog made to local? the tourna? ment tot its initial year In on? ? f th.- cittee of ihe Ill-Mi? West. Th.- committee has nu?i mom favorable carrespoodeoce with two ?if the prominent athletic clobs in that section of the countr>. a member of th.- conunlttM said yesterday it was more thuti likely thai s?ftlone <?f the tournametil would be distnibuted through at least als ?1I.-I mi-ills mad.- so that th? ?winner? in Mch division would meet in the final?. an?i that the legitimate Iravollhus SXpcnae? Of theM winners would Ix- pui.l and eoeursd from ih?- receipts ?>i Un- di? vision tournaments. The commute? In ihar?e of tbi: tournasMol locludi Jos? , pater Doelger, Ir.. D P. 1 Praok Aiy an?' Wlliam Schickel go .imu?s it- ?eat year'? aeasJM In the history Ol ba:'"l?all. In the tlrM placo, "he league tak--?- n stand against "has beeta-f aid rui.-s that no piayei oih* hae pi.?yd twenty gam? In i league of high? ctasaiflcatlon t-t eiif-ibi- t? ptoi la thS *>'allv" leHCu- In th? .-as.? of a pit. hrr or teteher, none who has pi,?y-?i len sames in a lesg'ie hi?<h?r tip is eMglbie Then, sgalo, no plsyer who played In that Isagae t*a% season an?l ?Irew more than Jiyi a month will be allowed to pla*.. LARiMED SPIKES A RUMOR Says Conditions for Davis Cup Matches Are Fixed. Auckland, New Zealand Jan ??. William a. Laamed. the American ia><ii tennii player, d? i lared that he did not b Harr) VValdner, tecreXmr} of the i Western Lawn Tennl AssoHatlow, had! made th? statement cabled here from ?h? l nlted States, thet th? AnMrtcan players would nol r?mpete for the l?avis Cup un? less the Australian players*?came to Am? i ? -;? ( i 'l th? n n oph). The conditions of the contest for the Davli Cup, said .Mr. learned are definitely I livd and the American team here i? Bti ongly i.pj.n.. ,i m any alteration WELSH GOES TO HOSPITAL English Lightweight Suffers from Muscular Contraction. Laos Angel? lai 0 Freddie Wei? I *? Knalls*. Hal ? ? i ,-,. duk -! to tight Bobb) Waugti twent] rou -i- a' Ver non to-day, ? is taken to ? hoapital at Ventee this morning [t -< a stated ? he iii 1 Shane i ? ns < f hi? n? ? k and back last night that he could n- i keep in- ? |nn ? ngagetn? i I PI J si ed to stt nd v\ i Ish ?le-1 clared h? ?a? iffcrinsj from muscular con* traction. Welsh's neclt Is stiff, slmost rigid, snd ti > doc toi ?aid It ".if ?. que?, whether he would ever he able ;?? fish I again. MASON GAVE LAND TO YALE New Yorker Will Not Finance Stadium. However. Ken liav n. Jai ? ;- orge i. Ma ol New fork City, .i -n. inb.-i of the Vale alumni athletic committee on n?-vv sthletl? ground?, is tlie glv.-r of a considerable part of the land recently obtained f-.r extensions j of the athletic Held Mr. Mast.n is one of the :?? ?ii>. ? i gav? li'.i.??!. tur a rntfchnnlcsl en- ? gtneertng II ?orator) foi the Sh?-fii--id la . i,- i? School A n port that h? would ' nanci ?< itad um upon th.- new at; grounds is authorltatlvi denied her? such i. stadium li It is eoMtructed, uill pre ibly be financed by the ?hole body of fata alumni. COURTNEY BACK AT WORK Cornell Crew Coach Recovering" from Severe Cold. I Bj Ti ?. rai h to Tl Ithaca, N "> ? The nine?... of ' Charles K Courtney, coach ?>f the Cornell ? rew, compelled him lo direct tn? practice of tic- men t-.?... from ?> chair. On relia? ble authorlt) l stated that Mr Courtney bad never before conducted ? practica \n ' ?i iltttng posture The novelty li the result of .i severe cold which kepi Mi Courtnej In bed f.-r uw. weeka While at n<> tim<- It was ronsid ?red serious!) tli<- physlcan in attendanc? i that he doubt? ?i if his path nl would be aid.- t>. o.,ntliiiic his work before the i egtanlng of tl ?? ti i m Mr. Courtney's condition at present is en .ouraglng. for, While the effects of the SO-I i rere strain are still present, he i?> quite well ;. . am |CHICAGO MAY QUIT DIAMOND ! *~ University, Not Cubs or White Sox, Be It Understood. Chicago,' Jan. 10 Baseball :,u sn Inter? collegiate sport ma) be "Stropped b) the University <>f Chicago In eaae the "Big Eight' conferen? rii.-s In favor .if allow? b*ag itndenti le plaj the game In the sum? l m?-r time. ; \ \. sui;k Is said lo have suggested the I i?i?-a in letters i?> the athletic board ot con? trol r.ceiitlv. -and 11 Is admitted li? will get a free hand lo acl as he sees fit .?t the meeting Sttidentn believe that Interclust (tames '.>iii take th? ; .f the conference game? ibis spring if the summer plaj rule is not defeated The plan vvin not i.e placed before the conference as a threat ss this it is ad mitted would be unsportsmanlike it is said thai Wisconsin and Purdue are ready I., f->l|,.A |hc lead >.f > 'M'-aKO. MONTCLAIR WINS AT SQUASH Englewood Players Beaten by a Narrow Margin. ! Squash playeta of the Montclali Athletic . inb defeated th?' U im of ihe Rnglewood Club yesterday at llontclalr i-. the series ' for tit? New .I?is. y League clminplonahlp Prank Kldde, the leading player foi Mont ?lair. W. D. Mill. jr.. and II. P, Smith all scored for the athletic club'i team, while li r Duryae snd B. Hari il orne taUk ?i .m Knglewood. it was a .-ios. contest. it th?- points fell i.: io ii?; ah th? match, s wi< vv.n in straight s? i un.- of ?h?- besl eontsati en th.arts I vviis tivit in which n P. South, .i formel Harvard laara tennis star. ?i?s? (>f ?shep n..mans, Princeton foothal] player, In strnlghl Mia to the scots ?t \ \? n. ic ft- Homan? fmassoed plant] of , i but h? ?si shy "f direction ii, - ? ?i rtali. the l . Smith, Whose anility and timely ,,.-:? . at ?" 'i i>i>" through te run ? ,?r>. Frank KM?. one si the \i. ntclaii I champions, played In kurrtcaae fa?hi..? against s " '?" *"?? Th" fwlety which Kldds put Into hi? gasae oonstantly thre? : i> off The tally ?a.- i;, r-, -*> .? ! The -rummai*, follows vi..iii-.?ii viii.-ti- Chib \i t:iis?r,\,N?i , lh Ki-l-l Mantelet. ?.?*., ortrmte? A II i.-.-v.'M. i-'i-li. 15 *? IS lu w |, tjm n . Mo. i. un A > , defeated n p , ,,_,,.;? Rnglewood i"- :>. i- 9 " P imttli llontclalr A. r . aefraiea ?iberp^i-? itoman. i:,u . '.*. il. 15 v I- ??? Dorre?. Knti..,?,, ..,' f'-cfd '. I, Marvin, Moatcia'r v ,- ? -, ,0 IB ? C ll:,rt?h.,n-e. l<*jigle''?viv?. ?WeatM y t! Meat? Uli A. 1 . !-*? I U 11 Daly Calls Amateur ^Rule in aBilliarduS Vn-American Sutton Playing Well ir Practice for MaJch with Hoppe. Mauri' ?? p-il- i- up m arma Sgalnsl th amateur rule adopted lu th? KatiOOSl As - mon of Amateijr Biui-ird Playera It commenting on it yMterday, be Mid: "it is not only un-American but nM'ird Under a .-trirt construction II makes every rrodj ?I n woik- about nr.' rooms, whethei ho know boa t.- bandit a cue or not, ? professional, and the limit of absurditx i< reached ?h'n it put?. In a Ilk?- .lass every .lerk. ?tenographer snd typewriter, mai* and female, In the employ of the Bruns? wirk-Balke-Colleitdei Company. That def inltlon n.e,is revlsl?Mi it may t?e proper in Rn?land, but || is not adapt'd to tlila i u'lntrv * Preparing for hi? match with Willie Hoppe for the -?r.iid? championship at 1*.; '?.?Ik lln.? billiard'- at Ihe Hotel Aster mi Pebrnsry '. ('eorno Button h .s been -, ing ereil Private advice? from Chicago My iliat m s?ven li?mes of IM points each, hi* ? ?'?-i average wai H and id? best te Run? of 2'.:. .17 ai,d 271 wee features of ihre?, of tn. K?me? Sutton will arrive her-? op Monday and will pla* at Mau.rl.-e Daly I room -every sfterr.oon and ?-.venins there? after until the ?Jate of th. match Moppe haa been practising by himeelf morning during the last w.-ek He ?111 begin two we,Us ol hard woik li' Ni?. with Albert 0 Cull? a? an op. pon<nt Instead of the boy he whs when ame champion. Hoppe is now a solid. well built young man, weighing IT" pound? Su,?-, he won the throe-eushlon earrom championship from Alfredo i??- oro. Joseph1 Carney has received ? hallet,ges to play ft bis stakes from Thomas Hueston, now 1 Cincinnati; i.iov.i levna of salt Law ?it and Marrv, polnmou. <>f 1'ortiand. Or< Hueston wished to plav for BJMI a si,I Jevne and Solcmon ea.-h stipulated 11."" The only regular challenge for the ch.-m pionshlp, however, waa that of John Pa'3 of this city. will, h was siipp >rted by forfeit of t\(fi and was addressed to th winner of the?U?srgao-Carney ram?, to b played it I?cnv??r about Atar'!. M Maurice Paly ss?s th??t a challenge fror Calvin Demarest to the winner of th Hoppe-Button 1V2 match la assured, in r?cent pr??tiee game f i?v?n points as-.iii - Pted (v.nkiin. after havinr begun poorl: I?.?mar?-st finished well and made I (?rani averatcre of tt t?-Sl. That performance, Dal; contends, ?hot s that Demarest I? -,-ettlm back 10 tlie form he displayed befor? Koini Into vaudeville an?i applying himself ex elusive!] to difficult ?hot- for ipecta-cula effe? ? Nothing definite ha? boctl done with re spect tu the projected professional tourna Rient nt po.-ket l?IIIiards to establish a BOO .. amntonship. PhlladeTphis and Pitts burgh are negotiating for the tournament hut It la llke|v to be played In this city. That It will not be assign???! to any billiard room I? the only declfdOO reached. Wher ? ' -1 It 'al;?-? pitee, )t will he he|.| |n * publi? hall Willie II?>ip- contempla to* I'oldmg s three-cushkMi tournament vitii j? ?in .1 Mc <:?. ??? Mik ? ponlin. Mal ?"hase. Christy UathOWSOn and other baseball star? as <on ??-?.ets. It will have to be ended by Keh ruaiv it. w h-n HcOran ami ilathewson Will depart for Marlln. Tex. MoOfaw ?ay.-: "I'm in condition rlitlit now. an?l can mak? that ??ne not In th?' bo"k. FAST ON BOARD COURTS Lawn Tennis Players Show Skill in Indoor Tournament. ' \v?-ii |iia\??i matchM In the el gh tjou i-s brought playera int.. the tinai> ol the Indoor Uvn lenniH tournament on the .ird courta of the 7th Regiment Armory. Nth itreet and Pnrh avenue, yesterday A. ?'. Poetlay, displaying ? skilfully handled driving and placing same, won hi the B handicap eingfee Oeorge O. Moore.I ir. the former ColumMs L'alv-arMt) i>is\?r. ; witii <; s Hauch, woo In tbel double? after tin. ?? lively ?el i? had been expected that the etnglea >M?nl?l In- 'uii-hi! and it WM ? iilv when .. handicapped at idus half %t\ t???>k the court against .1. .1 Koen. plus It Prom th<- biKginnlni Poatley proved his supe? 1 im it) n-- w ;.: not ??? dsshing end ISCUlST M Koen, but he made up f,,r that by uoerrlos ateadlncsa Koen'? attack? at the n< t provided the enlivening p.-it.?is of the mat? h. i'" ii.y was nlml i<- "f font end I Intercepted many of his opponent's volley shots Occasionally Koen Whipped a shot 'past Poetlay, but ids lattei :?>.iy held up ins game, winning ai I?t, I : Postley I awaits th?. wlonei of the Parc) M Haiti and QSOrgS C, Moore, Jr. match to com !.. t.- toi ill.- final. Hauch and Moore, at minus half to, bad tO K?> the limit ot three Sets III th? doUhh-H I before defeating il 1. NalmwaM end <;. ii. Leigh, handicapped at minus half It, by th?- scot?- of .t ?,. . i. s ?, Tlie winning pair was additionally handi?capped us Hauch limped badly beca um ?>f 1 epralned ankle and he w is often ftMigt-d to allow I h? hull to go past him. as it was Impossible fur iilin In lump Into position. Hain k and Moor.- bd at :. r; in Hi" last set, ?mh in hsve Nalsawsld work in some stuf drive? tut he ? M 1 ' rs and carry the gamM i<> .'. all. At 0 all. however, llau-k and Moor?? ? 1. .. nil and scor d th? match. \ocordlng t?> th?- schedule laeued by Harry Polletl the tlnal of the doubles win positively lie Wednes? day, iiauck aid Moore meeting J .1 Koen and A, C, Postley, hanolcapped at minus 1:,. for lb?- trophy m ih?- .lour 1,-s. Vale's team i? echeduled for th.- regi 111, courta next SaturdS) for th< an? nual dual match. Ths s-tU-s will '.uisist of linn ?Ingtaa ami three doObl-ts, plaj be? ginning at 1 o'clock. A. A Vsnderpool win [sad ih<- Val?- forcea which win comprise ?\?u or eight players. The Tth's team will Include William H. Cragin, Ir.; Wallet Merrill Hall. Qeorge <; Moore, jr ; CalhnUn Cragin, Kina smith. Morris Clark, Robert Bryan and posslblt Valentin? ?i,. .,1 u EASY VICTORY FOR CADETS Georgetown Loses One-Sided Game of Basketball. I g] Tclegt.Mih i<> Th? Tili.i M'est Point, K. V.. Jan M.?Ths Army bask.ti.aii tea m defeated th. Georgetown five in a very one-sided eootssi bore to iiav The mom tnu ? polnu to \:\. The ,\ii?,- h.-iii the lend from the beginning and had ?'..OIK. town oil th- ?lof.-ti dvs HI ail The Army team pl.n-| ,,s a unit and each man sided in ths note, got ?; orgetowu tchlMser *m<i Culedower ?howed the ?,-st all around work Th. line-Op follows: vrtin r.**.i 1 -uion O-aergatown <t::. Van Vllei .n. f .Ulhhon ?'??MI?ll . '? I" Kurv U'.i.. ri^ ,.... . .?*. SenkMser leaptafni .VimoM ?.?plain..H. O .Culeflowei S'il'.m . . ...1*0 Hummer?: r,oa\? froi?i Held Ann?. Van Vllet Il M.Taggart. ttoh-rt? ?.".?. -mt,,i || . ,,,n y* ?lesls fren? foul- t. r?"?!.I. i,<-,.r^ 'halen. l-vh|o?ser ?*?.. cuie*!??-? ?r \% o?*?et? rom foul Fury ffe, ????hlo?*"'r Sub?tltut|ons C.,h 1 l|e?<|l f..r Mit ton ? |,,|?n for iih.nn ? ?m- tul: Mr Tlior->. Columbia IJ?,j ?i.ant Anders.??, W'ht Point. FERRY GEIS HIS STROKE Beats Jaeger Readily in Class C Billiard Tournament. Me ? ivrlng ''.e Ivor) si 1" i!' non c \. T? rrj ? or Pallsuh P r . N i ?aon ib-- ninth am? <>f the nationall amateur Class C is: b.-ttklln? Miltardcham-j pi.-t ?hii- yesterday in 'he MorMnfartade academy, i*?*?tti ?treet and laenos avenue, tmis'ie.i his ?iiinn of M points with an average <>f ! i"-?>i and l. I ar i ? runs of S, II ., .1 is. ;ie left 11? opponent .1 T i.?? Ker. with only IM buttons on halt ?string, an j aver.?a;- of i 12-01 and t ms of ij and i". Terr? did not I? l 1,luv-If out until near' th?- . I..-.- of bis string. Then in put ?.> t.iii.-i .- put- in of Is, gathered ??iouk th- end nil Pour Innings later Ten> turned "ff II nicely manoeuvred cnrtoms In the towel corner He followed with 14, 4 a sere snd tt, v. in-h nave Mm a total of fd for ?he tive consecutive Innings Thli was easll) the besi effort tbut has been dis ? so i.n in ?be tournament rerrj -itiituliv controlled the baila, ami the ma. jmity "f ?in- counts were at doss carroms, tonally he worked the d.-ad ball drive, so ttiat he aitoK'tiier outclassed Jaeger, practically discounting bim two to one. The tournament win probabl) - t-> .. , in .? in th? course of the coming week. Two matches win be .1.-?M? ?i each day, bo that ti..- match f??r the championship may i..- played next Saturday. 'I'lu- summary follow?: . I? la>rr> i. ft 0. O 2. O 7. 4. .". (? :i. I. *.. I " o P.?. 2. ?I 4, 0. I?, 2. 2. ??. T. II. <>. 2 <>. ?', -.' .. o. ... i .'.. o. o i. lo. i, i?, o, ni, i. o o. IS, 14 4 ?I. ?.'.'.. ??. 2 4. 1, 0, 0. |. <> Tatal, 2-?> point?; average, n ir ?il. High run?, -.'.'. in and If?. J. T .im.*.i ?, ??. 8 s, ??, ft. i. i. 2. :i. 4. i. o.. 0. ,t. i. n ?>. .; ?. ?".. 4. 2. o. o. r?, 2, i, a. o, p.- ,t 1. 0. 2 ", ?-'. 4. <?. I", 1. 1. I. 1. 3. I. 2 o. .'.. I, ft, fi, I I. o. ?-'. o. 2. ft <?, IV Total. 10.1 point? : ?ver? .aate. I 42 ??1 Ulatl runs. 12 ?:i?J 10 Referee I' C R.I_ FAST HOCKEY BY HARSTROM Stamford Lads "Wallop" Irving Seven?All Saints Team Wins. , The visiting hockey ??-am of ihs iiar str-ir School, ot Stamford, and the ?\H even, <>t Baysfds. T,on^' i?iand, i found the ? of Irving Bchool and Stevens Prep, easy to beat vest**rds) ;<t the | SI 1*1? bola- Hink. . The Ha rat rom School boys trounced the i Irving i.-an. by ? at*0re of s t., o displayin ? I s blah mad.- ?f h , toy. The su-- ens seven, . ' Hoboken, put ui> a sturd) defense I agalnet the au Saints' combination, bul ? itefealed by .< score <>t 2 t.. o The llii?--iips foll?n : Hsrstrom (St, Poaltt*s Irvine School (0) i'-.!"'- ' 0 Lowsuerd H.-rK'-i. Schwans.,. .V. Burke ' "'?""??.''? I* Rah? II i old? i: . . ,., dm, Holland? i I I.Inn.?'. U (?raval Otis. . . . i. W.Mayer Beoli. It \v. Hslste??] Qoels i'ir?t half; B**eg, 5:32; Man, x.iz. ito.ik ttecond i><if <>n?. 4 2:;. Itevnolds. c. "-<;. Rook 13 I:; Una. 4 ?>2; | ftaajrnolii?, ll 4?. fteteree S, vv alurt-l.t. rule. 'I li... -if ll.'llv-K l-'ifle-n minute? vn-saints rj? Pesltien, SteveasPrep. <?>>. i ? i --.i..i? . . Brain? Rtory.P.... Vain (?leva ; I.' ?' I' .Halloek | Andrews. . .R. MeCrod.lea Henderson.?'. ??rev ! Robertson. I.. W.S.-hiiaky I M-.I-. a? Ft. |.?,. - .ib. l-'mt bslf Men lemon. 7 l.'i; An '<l-.-\?. \t:S* Referee ,i. i..-, guv-ens, Time of h ?;. ? ? Ktft? -n rainai - MORE INDOOR LAWN TENNIS. Lawn lennls players who Qualify under , the i-eaimettal regJUlatfong of the ffth He??-. I ment a?-?.?, latlon will begin th* match*? in the ann al i-hamplonship tournament in men's rlntles and double- next Saturday in the armor). '-V't ?tree? and LevlliRtO'l ave? lina?. Tlu emi-flnnl.? and final* Wfti bs the besi three OUI of five jets, ?? bll- the other I rounds **^ lit h.- the he?t i.e.o out of three ?H Ti.e entry Hut will eios? ?*??? Friday ??ih Or Rosen baum, No 121 West l'ltn ?leet TIMELY BI? OF SPORT Boxing Commission to Investi? gate Attell-Brown Bout. MAJOR DIXON NOT PLEASED Bridgeport Club, of Connecticut League, Now on the Base? ball Market. The State Athletic Commission, which controls and regulates boxing in this state. will investigate the Abe Attell-'KnockoUt" Brown bout at the National Sporting Club of America on Thursday evening. Major John J. Dlxon. who. with Frank O'N'eil. makes up the hobtall commission, was au? thority for the statement yesterday that seme questions would he asked at the next meeting, on Wednesday. Major Pixon said further that he saw the bout himself and was not favorably Impressed. Brown defeated Attell on points, but many of those present did not hesitate to say that the featherweight champion was far from his best and appeared to take lesa Interest In the outcome than was ex psctod. Pome affirmed that h* was "stall? ing. ' and so much unfavorable criticism was aroused that Major Dlxon feels that some action must be taken. He would not say alone what lines the Investigation would b* conducted, but It It? I'llte likely that a number of witnesses will be called. Fugen? McGMtfl announced yesterday that the Bridgeport baseball club of the Connecticut I ?cague will be placed on the market. bSCfMM of the Intention of George J. ?"orbett. secretary and treasurer, and Tohn H. Freeman? president, part owners, to retire from the game. McCann, the other owner, says he will continue tn run the club until other arrangements are mad*, and will eiart the Connecticut LM-ftM season on time. Kauff. an OUtflsldOT of the Bridgeport te?m of the Connecticut League, sent In his signed contrsct with the Yankee? yes? terday. He had a batting average of .294 for III game? last season, with a fielding average of .NT. "tVnlverton has decided to give Zarh Krbardt. the former lnflelder of tlie High School of Oonuneree team, an? other trial. He was with the Yankee? last fall and played in several exhibition games. He ha? been signed to go to Atlanta with the recruits. Erhardt Is now studying at ? olumbla University. ?"*onnie Mack, tlie astute manager of th? Philadelphia Athletics, world's champions for two years, thinks the Yankees under the direction of Harry Wolverton are to he feared in th<* American l?eague pennant mi? Which begins on April 11. He says: "Wolv*>rton has a fin? personality and a way peculiarly his own of Retting along with ball players. If a man doesn't hustle you can depend on it that TVnlverton will . -?nie down on him a* hard as any man? ager, hut he Isn't a bulldozer, by any means. He has enough executive ability to make him a first-class manager. He was a tiptop player and knows every angle of the game Me has fine material to begin with, and his aggressiveness will help a lot." Nevada la ti"t to be outdone in bidding for the Johnson-Klynn fight next July. Word ca?e from Heno last night that the laehridge ? ommer??lal Club had offered 1100,000 for the bout. The National Baseball <"ommlssion. In a (lading ha'vied down yesterday, ruled that the transfer of Lavender to tlie Montreal club by the Chicago National League flub ??a- Illegal and that the parchMQ agree, ment was null and void. The ruling re mande?] ImOVenAet ha'-k to Chicago, which elub ?rill not l.e allowed to dispose of him to a minor league club for one year, or until lie is offered to the Providence ?*luh of the International Trague, from which he wrt- obtained by the Cuba Augu-f Herrmann, chairman of the Na? tional Commission, de. Unes to discuss the by Fu-esident Powers of the new Co? lumbian Bss? ball League anent a suit un? der the Sherman anti-trust law, but lnvlt??s all Independent major leagues into com? petitions He says: * The more the mer? rier." Organized baseball is strong. Mfred Bhrubb, like Tennvson's brook, is likely to go on forever. The great distance runner of England, who has made his home in this country for a number of years, was nil but broken down ' twelve months ago. or so at least it was said, but he defeated Billy ?Jueal in a ten-mile race at Water town. N T., ?mi lYlday night. ?Jueal is rated with the best, too Shrobb carried ths American champion, so called, off his feel In the third mile and gained a lap, S hich he h? Id to th.? en?l. ('resident Liehtenheim. of the Montreal ?lib of the International league. Who is after I MS manager for his team, has two strings to hi? bow in H'lly Lu?h. the Vale baseball coach for a number of years, an?i I i.-d Tenriey, who has beep succeed*! as manager <>f th* Boston Terriers by .lohhny Kling- Teim-y Is waiting for his release to talk business, while i.ush has made a proposition which is being considered. ToraatJ Ryan ha- sinned an agreement to ; set as ?rainer for .Mm l-'lynn preparatory to ' his Agin with .luck .lohns.i: tor the heavy? weight championship of the world. when Klynn knocked out Williams in .. bout at Toronto last week l>e weighed IK pound? Colonel Robert M Thompson.-president o? ihe American Olympic Committee, has of fsred a prise for til.? twelve-pound shot-put at ih.? Pastime gantas an February ZL This 1 event will be de? i?le<i in a novel way. The .?testants will put the shot with both I hands, the best put with each hand being added together. This l-i tit? first opportu ! nlty the athletes ->\ill have of competing in the style ?hich will obtain at the Olympic | lam? s In Bweden this year, THOUSANDS OF BOYS JUMP ?Public School 9 Carries Off Hon? ors with Good Average. The athletes of the eighth J ear class of i Public School No. !?, of Brooklyn, made the , lust performance In the annual broad jump ! lng competition of the Public Schools Ath I letl?- league, whl.-h, after many months <>f strife, eras completed several days ago. Th?- graduating class did such splendid , work M t<> have an average of 7 feet 'l.OT?.i ' Inches. Rv?try elementary school in the re I ?pectlve boroughs was judg.?<l separately, it being estimated that thousands of boy? lo.ik part. MANHATTAN Fifth imi ?; fe.-i 0.072 Inches; Public 2: Mi\th year, ?i tant ?*>.? In, In ?, I?, H. .; i*v?ntb >*??r, ?i feet T.S03**! Inches, i'. s 02. '?hui year, ',' tuet 0.1721 nil..-?, i* n ?i'. BRONX l'ifii' ar, :. f-ei 10.S34S Inch? I*. s. 3; sixth yu, r, it feet :t.K:!;'..*i Inchiw, P s 13; m vent h yeor, ; feet 10.3194 lachee, 9 s 5; ? un*h .?.,', '? feet 11 ;'H Inches, ?'? 8, :: BROOKLYN fifth rear, :? feet 7.441 inches P. S IM ?'vlh wir, ?l feet 4 |n?-hra, P. s 9; K. ?emu \.-\. ?; i-,t ?;.7H47 Inches. P, i it' ?Ifiilh v. ur. T Ce. ". ?i77.-. lu. lie?. P, S. t. Qt'KB.\H I if.ii yunr. B fe-?l O Inche? p s ?7 sixth r?ar, ?"? fe?! Il.tUSS Inches, p. s -;; ?n'uni year, ?1 .'???? 1.0410 Incb-M, p. s i' eighth ye.,1. 7 fee. I ;sSJ |i,,??,??-.. P. J,. g7 RICHMOND Klfth year. 5 feet B.MSJ Incher, P. 8. 23; ki&tli y*-?r. ?I feet -?.j?-".,-, Indien, P. H, it. itventh \?ar, 6 feet 7.?T.-,'; Irieh??, P. s. I; eighth year. ?J feet goga* in? he?, P. S. 23, ? JAMAICA HIGH BEATS FLUSHING The J?malos High School basketball team defeated ?he Fin hing High School !,, ? hard fought tournament game h- tto? M Regiment Armory. Flushing, yesterday by a ?core of H to 18. '?mal?-?. l2*'i. Position. Flushing ||gj l******.I.. K. \. Fv>nohue '?imiiilngs .R. K.C. Konohue *??? .?' . M-srrtson fjeemsn .i. ??. Peri? Rrennan .R. ?;. Ne ?-?on desk from i*iel<-| -.-.'?man ?4?, Morri?n (3i Camming? ??;>. I**,-? lor ?.osls from foul? \\. i*l*eu Mt? > ?imntlng* i?>. Refere?? .!. .tohii?on rnp?|, -?,.?-i|?? A. t. t mplr? R Pl?r?-f, :i,lr,u,' >'? h<?,-.|?, a i. Time -.f h?iv-s -fifteen minuter, Isgeh. F Plan To Be Considered by New Jersey Association. WOULD AVOID CONGESTION Atlantic City Anxious to Hold tin Championship Tournament This Year. The advisability of changing th? yea, gramme for It? next championship toixtga. ment will be considered at the eotniji meeting of the New Jersey gtat? Oolf x?. ? r-fsetatton. According to Fred H. Themas i It? president, the meeting will be neto a? No. Tl Broadway next Tuesday after**?*? j The reason for the proposed changa u condition? 1? because of the unwieldy faia, that congested the courses on the first diy of the last two tournaments. At Kng?ewood s year ago ?he*?? wen 1U starters In the qualifying round, with th? recuit that the committee found It trap.),, iible to start the first match round thru ?ame ?fternoon, except In th* ehampio-jah?,, ?et. That m?ar.t that In all other divUior^ the final rounds on the last day had to t? limited to eighteen bolea. Word has also been rea?a?t\#?a* that the Country Club of Atlant!?* Hty tn *u-*??ajajj to handle the tournament this season. Thro far it has always b??en th? Judgment at tl.? New Jersey officials that if. would ha better to keep the tournament nearer tee York. It is a matter of record, howe*/.? ?hat when golfers make up their mlMg to take a f?w days off for a competition they seem Ju?t as willing to travel ?w* hundred And fifty mile? as fifty. There ar? at present twenty-three clubs belonging (s the New Jersey State ?"Jolf Association. The latest challenge in the proiea?;or4i golf world to cause considerable talk it that of the two Britishers, Georpre Dun**at. and Tom Bal!. The challeng- of thee? brilliant exponents of the younger school it made world-wide end is for a four-ball mateh. Relstlve to this anaoiinrerrKrtit "The laondon Field" makes th? folio"Jur| comment: "Their recordr show that they hav? ,.| dorn played In public without springing i surpris^ of on*? sort or another on ?fo ?apeotators. and In a match of the tort specified the capacity tc spring surprUe* ?s almost an valuable a.? steudines.v The rules of golf ?t?te ?hat the gam is pi wed by two parties, each playing hi? own haA. Therefore, those who maintain tl at mulM. ball affairs are not golf In the ?trl?*ta**t sens?? of th?* word are correct. If they ;?} further, and say that such games are never worth playing, they are wrong. Kor golf, er? of the highest ?.kill the four-ball matea it?. It may be surmlsaxl. dull. "Before the ball Is struck from any t*e the probability Is that the hole abou? to be played will be halved, for it is unlike*/ that both the partners composing the *(<]? ?ill break down in driving or approtLcrusg. The ?ole effect produced by the worn -of errors in the longer shots is ?hat at th? holing one side ha? two chano?* 0f fft. ting down a put. tha other only .>n?? ?;o|f being, as ha? been shrewdly rema.-Ked. s game of risks, it follows that it? .,.??? Is entirely altered when serlou? risx do??, not occur until the balls have been playa?! on to the putting green. The probability Is that the greater the ?im total of tin tigures attached In the club's han?1:cap list to tbe names of the parties engage.] ir. ? four-ball match, the more enjoyable doei It become and the greater the importan?*? of ?he result. We do not suggest that ex? periments should be widely made t? demonstrate the truth or falsity of this surmise. The consequent blocking of green is a prospect not to be faced with eq' * nlmity. Oae thing i? undoubtedly trie, It is ?hat a young player seriously jeopardi**! his chance of becoming a champion If he continue? to play four-ball matches reg? ularly after he has reached a certain stag? of proficiency. At that period he ought to he training- himself to face responsibility ?? ? th? support of a partner and rug ball. "The fact that the challenge Issued by Duncan and Ball has not been taken up ?hows In which direction the truth KOt It may be, as -some hold, altogether im? mortal ?o s?ake money on th*. issue of any game. But it Is certainly true that a n*ngaf has a wonderful ?acuity for revealing fact? and exposing fallsciss It is. in a SSBSe, an easily accessible court of app? ?I I * pre?.?nt position shows tha' Braid ami Vardon. to name the strongest opponent? ??f the challengers, reallxe ih?-y ha\a much to lose by defeat and tittle to gam by victory. If the challen*;?- had been to a foursume. it I? mo>t unHket] that tt would have remained ut,a?veptrd Th* professionals who have n*oo ehowirt**n? ?hlPS have never displayed any umrllllng* ne?, to fa?"?* a fair and ?QUOTS issue, ant v.e ?Jo them no more than justice w : en **? say that the prospect of ? g.?.??l rame M golf Is wcllnlgh as attra? rtlva to them m f t cha?es of pocketing a robetsatJal stake. " C.\DY HEAD OF WESTERN 0*01/. i'hica?o. .Ian H.?John I? <\'i>. ?' ? V.ock Island Arsenal t'.olf ? "lub. wa.? ? lect-'-S presiden; of the Western Golf Ass *f*U*ASM at the annual meeting here to-rnvht The Western SOSatSUr championship tou; nameni was awarded to tne Denver Conn? trj i lub, while the 'open" will b- ?flageo' Over the link? oi the Idlewild Club, of Ollc.lgO. a ?? INDOOR TITLE PLAY PLANS ?Lawn Tennis Players to Pay In? creased Entrance Fees. !...wn tennis players recetve*] orti-iai noti? fication ve.?t.-i-da? of ?he twelfth annual ' holding: of th?* national indoor > bampion ??hip tournanu-nt in DM ?douMsa Il ?HI begin on Saturday, Fibre* wry 10, ??n th?- board court* of the Tih itefi j mem ?iiniory. The tournament w i! ?.on ?tinue thtouKh the followlns week, olti 1 - ?itiii-etitlons aoMtag ?he cunt.? in the rr*a*at***Jng and afternoon <>f Lincoln '?a Birth* ?hay. Monda-.. Februar* It A nee iroahg ] for the |-?i.unt.ioii?hlp. desinnat.-i as UM i ;th Issglinnni Cuts, Is sHered fot ? '?? IslnaTles. as Theodore I'ooM-velt I'ell look ti* I .up outright la* year by his third ilct-wy. ! I'ell registered as champion In i and ISU. PeM also reaistered .?? ***** ??hampion last y-.-ar. having as piirtner Kred . rich B. Alexander, the former naneOil ? hanipion on uui of ?i<??>r ttOOTta By an arrangema-nt with the reglm atal athletie asstx-lailon the players entering tot the championship this >.-ar will have St entire week In which to practise on lM armor) .-our?.?. There is to b- a radical departure thla year, however. In ch. sn entrance fee of 13 roi each compel??* In the ?liiKle?. the same tee as I? exacted for the all-comer? national championship at Newport. Tbe fee for the doubles h?? been increased from 0 U> M. H ?as ex ! plain??! that the Increased entry fee, it I? h.,p..l would deter novice players from competing and prevent the ?welling of the Hm to eighty ?spirants for tbe honor'. ?V? ?A*., the .-ase last seaaon. The committee in.charge ?>f the tourna ment Includes: William B. Oagln. jr.. referee and chairman; Harry L. *"t>1M"' Robert F. Pulnnm. l-ouglas ?'. Uesi'srd. F. J. Kesney. William ?"unningham. A. n. I Tlenieirr and Valentine Trcii ROCHESTER FIVE BEATS UNION. K. T. Jan 10 ?f*"'" da.fe;i?ed Union in ho-ike?ball her? i*?1 ^afternoon by * ?core of :? to W.